Форум Новости Космонавтики

Тематические разделы => Межпланетные станции и научные аппараты => Тема начата: pkl от 03.05.2012 19:57:31

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 03.05.2012 19:57:31
Пока по теме сказать особо нечего. Так что лишь пожелаю, чтобы проект закончился реальным запуском реальной АМС в срок, а не очередным пшиком. :roll:

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 03.05.2012 19:10:10
за 10 лет любую станцию можно запустить))  да, пкл, увидишь ганимед перед пенсией)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Shwed от 03.05.2012 19:16:06
Да этой теме жить лет 20
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:15:15
JUICE Science Requirement Matrix

Publication date: 02 May 2012

Page: 37 pages
Year: 2012

Copyright: ESA

This document lists the JUICE mission's science objectives and the corresponding investigations, plus the necessary measurements (and instruments) to achieve these objectives.

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:18:42
ЦитироватьПока по теме сказать особо нечего.
Ээээ, а многостраничные пдфки это что? :D Я для кого ссылки собираю?

ЦитироватьТак что лишь пожелаю, чтобы проект закончился реальным запуском реальной АМС в срок, а не очередным пшиком. :roll:
Заимейте побольше оптимизму.

ЦитироватьДВЕ ТЫСЯЧИ ДВАДЦАТЬ ВТОРОЙ ГОД. От сегодня - ДЕСЯТЬ ЛЕТ. Эх :!:  :(
Спасибо, кэп 8)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:22:22
ЦитироватьJUICE assessment study report (Yellow Book)[/size]

Publication date: 13 Jan 2012

Page: 1-133
Year: 2012

Copyright: ESA
Reference: ESA/SRE(2011)18

The JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) concept results from the reformulation of the EJSM-Laplace mission into a European-led mission.

This report, the so-called Yellow Book, contains the results of ESA's assessment study (Phase 0/A) of the candidate L-class Cosmic Vision mission JUICE.


pdf, 38 мегабайт


ЦитироватьJUICE technical and programmatic review report
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:22:58
ЦитироватьJUICE is Europe's next large science mission

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/24475.jpg) (http://www.esa.int/images/JuiceC.jpg)
2 May 2012
ЦитироватьPR 13 2012 - Jupiter's icy moons are the focus of Europe's next large science mission, ESA announced today.
The Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE – was selected over two other candidates: NGO, the New Gravitational wave Observatory, to hunt for gravitational waves, and ATHENA, the Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics.

JUICE is the first Large-class mission chosen as part of ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme.

It will be launched in 2022 from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, on an Ariane 5, arriving at Jupiter in 2030 to spend at least three years making detailed observations.

Jupiter's diverse Galilean moons – volcanic Io, icy Europa and rock-ice Ganymede and Callisto – make the jovian system a miniature Solar System in its own right.

With Europa, Ganymede and Callisto all thought to host internal oceans, the mission will study the moons as potential habitats for life, addressing two key themes of Cosmic Vision: what are the conditions for planet formation and the emergence of life, and how does the Solar System work?

JUICE will continuously observe Jupiter's atmosphere and magnetosphere, and the interaction of the Galilean moons with the gas giant planet.

It will visit Callisto, the most heavily cratered object in the Solar System, and will twice fly by Europa. JUICE will make the first measurements of the thickness of Europa's icy crust and will identify candidate sites for future in situ exploration.

The spacecraft will finally enter orbit around Ganymede in 2032, where it will study the icy surface and internal structure of the moon, including its subsurface ocean.

Ganymede is the only moon in the Solar System known to generate its own magnetic field, and JUICE will observe the unique magnetic and plasma interactions with Jupiter's magnetosphere in detail.

"Jupiter is the archetype for the giant planets of the Solar System and for many giant planets being found around other stars," says Prof. Alvaro Gim
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:23:47
РИА, текст довольно корявый ИМХО.

ЦитироватьЕКА намерено отправить зонд к крупнейшему спутнику Юпитера

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:28:20
ЦитироватьESA Panel Endorses Jupiter-bound Juice Mission
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:36:02
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: testest от 03.05.2012 20:36:55
А почему он 8 лет до Юпитера полетит, с 2022 до 2030? На гужевой тяге что ли?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.05.2012 21:39:22
ЦитироватьА почему он 8 лет до Юпитера полетит, с 2022 до 2030? На гужевой тяге что ли?
Предложите ЕКА схему лучше для выхода сначала на орбиту Юпитера потом на орбиту Ганимеда.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: testest от 03.05.2012 20:43:20
ЦитироватьА почему он 8 лет до Юпитера полетит, с 2022 до 2030? На гужевой тяге что ли?
Предложите ЕКА схему лучше для выхода сначала на орбиту Юпитера потом на орбиту Ганимеда.
Ааа, верно. Я что-то про переход на орбиту Ганимеда не подумал. Просто до Юпитера прикинул.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 03.05.2012 21:57:43
почитал. инструментарий серьёзный. круче чем у галилео.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: smokan от 04.05.2012 00:33:19
Пока 2022, но насколько помнится, все сложные и дорогостоящие миссии откладывали.
В основном из-за нехватки денег. Даже если и запланированные деньги были, то оказывалось что нужно еще ии еще деньжат.
А вот на MSL, денег хватоло, но, если не ошибаюсь, отстрочили запуск с 2009 на 2011 попросту потому что не успели.
Еще вспомнилось тот же европейский  ...ну или европейско-японский Bepi Colombo. Он уже по плану где то сейчас должен был бы стартовать к Меркурию , но потом 2013, 2014 и теперь 2015.
Так что, судя по этому всему, что то сомнительно что миссия стартанет вовремя, так что ждать может придется и чуть ли не до 2040 пока мы не увидем Ганимед и Европу.
Вот такой "оптимизм".  :?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 19:37:07
ЦитироватьЕвропа выбрала полёт к Европе[/size]

03 мая 2012 года, 21:20 | Текст: Александр Березин

Европейское космическое агентство (ЕКА) объявило вчера о выборе миссии JUICE («Исследователь ледяных лун Юпитера») в качестве следующей крупной задачи европейской космонавтики, отвергнув проект поиска гравитационных волн NGO и отказав (пока) в финансировании космическому телескопу ATHENA.

А раз JUICE — отныне всё внимание континентальной космонауки и техники будет направлено на Европу, Ганимед и Каллисто.

Слева направо: Каллисто, Ганимед и Европа. Вот они, основные цели новейшей космической миссии JUICE. Спорим, в их подлёдных океанах найдётся жизнь? (Иллюстрация Википедии.)

Хотя обе отвергнутые инициативы будут дорабатываться, время их реализации перенесено на период «после JUICE». Ну а сама миссия JUICE в 2022 году отправит к Юпитеру автоматическую межпланетную станцию (АМС), нацелив её на посещение орбиты Каллисто, пару сближений с Европой, главной целью проекта, и выход на постоянную орбиту вокруг Ганимеда, имея в виду в том числе изучение следов существования его подлёдного океана.

АМС JUICE отправится на земную орбиту с космодрома Куру в Гвиане при помощи ракеты-носителя «Ариан–5». Энергообеспечение основного полёта возложено на солнечные батареи; движение обеспечат ионные двигатели. На путешествие отводится 8 лет, на активную работу в системе спутников Юпитера — ещё три года. Таким образом, на информационную отдачу от миссии можно надеяться лишь в 2030–2033 годах.

Стоимость JUICE составит всего €850 млн — в значительной степени за счёт того, что все 11 инструментов проекта, включая средства измерения толщины льда Каллисто, Европы и Ганимеда, не входят в эту сумму и должны изготавливаться странами-поставщиками за свой счёт. Деталей пока очень мало, но точно можно сказать, что НАСА среди концессионеров не будет.

Больше всего ясности с научными целями экспедиции. Луны Ганимед и Каллисто должны представить земному гостю характеристики своей жидкой воды и подлёдных океанов, обеспечить топографическое и геологическое исследование поверхности, помочь с анализом толщины и состава ледяного покрова, с оценкой распределения массы в различных слоях. Кроме того, будет изучено магнитное поле Ганимеда — единственного спутника в Солнечной систем с магнитосферой. Наконец, изучению подвергнется взаимодействие этой луны с магнитным полем Юпитера.

И о Европе. Основной упор здесь будет сделан на обнаружении химических следов органики (возможных выбросов при криоизвержениях из подлёдного океана), а также измерении толщины льда над различными участками поверхности — там, где подозревается криовулканизм, и там, где такой активности нет.

Миссия должна дать науке сравнительную картину условий на трёх лунах Юпитера, в особенности условий для возникновения на них жизни, возможно, прячущейся в их океанах, глубина которых может доходить до 200 км. Цель, бесспорно, куда более правильная и амбициозная, нежели любая задача, ставившаяся до сих пор перед ЕКА-аппаратами.

Подготовлено по материалам ЕКА.

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Shwed от 04.05.2012 19:10:26
А JUNO спутники юпитера исследовать не сможет?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 20:20:44
ЦитироватьПока по теме сказать особо нечего.
Ээээ, а многостраничные пдфки это что? :D Я для кого ссылки собираю?

Ой, ну я сейчас всё прочитать не успеваю! Тем более, что он в самом начале, всё ещё может поменяться, и не раз.

ЦитироватьТак что лишь пожелаю, чтобы проект закончился реальным запуском реальной АМС в срок, а не очередным пшиком. :roll:
Заимейте побольше оптимизму.

Сроки!!! Сроки убивают!
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 20:26:00
ЦитироватьА JUNO спутники юпитера исследовать не сможет?

Не сможет. Да и сабж совсем не то, что я бы хотел.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 04.05.2012 19:31:58
если б хотя бы 7-8 пролётов европы, я был бы доволен. 2 - катастрофически мало... но инструментарий хорош... за 1 млрд тяжело придумать что то лучше.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 20:44:40
Но два пролёта... Что там можно наисследовать? Тем более, что если солнечные батареи, то быструю передачу организовать не получится. Будет, как с "Галилео" - в час по чайной ложке.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 04.05.2012 20:47:46
ЦитироватьНо два пролёта... Что там можно наисследовать? Тем более, что если солнечные батареи, то быструю передачу организовать не получится. Будет, как с "Галилео" - в час по чайной ложке.
Поменьше ламерских мнений, плиз. Скорость сброса данных 1,4 Гбит в сутки.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 04.05.2012 19:50:29
любопытно, а сойти с орбиты ганимеда для продолжения исследований европы он сможет? сейчас АМС живучи. 3 года исследований это не срок.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 20:55:00
ЦитироватьНо два пролёта... Что там можно наисследовать? Тем более, что если солнечные батареи, то быструю передачу организовать не получится. Будет, как с "Галилео" - в час по чайной ложке.
Поменьше ламерских мнений, плиз. Скорость сброса данных 1,4 Гбит в сутки.

Я сейчас посчитал, у меня получилось 16203 бит/с.

 :|  :?:
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 20:56:42
Цитироватьлюбопытно, а сойти с орбиты ганимеда для продолжения исследований европы он сможет? сейчас АМС живучи. 3 года исследований это не срок.

А топлива хватит? Сначала - у Юпитера тормозиться. Затем - выходить на орбиту Ганимеда. Кстати, а насколько устойчивы орбиты у Ганимеда? Не нужно ли постоянно включать движки, как на ИСЛ?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 04.05.2012 20:03:54
Цитироватьлюбопытно, а сойти с орбиты ганимеда для продолжения исследований европы он сможет? сейчас АМС живучи. 3 года исследований это не срок.

А топлива хватит? Сначала - у Юпитера тормозиться. Затем - выходить на орбиту Ганимеда. Кстати, а насколько устойчивы орбиты у Ганимеда? Не нужно ли постоянно включать движки, как на ИСЛ?

у него ж ионники... может и хватит... неплохо было бы...
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 04.05.2012 23:52:28
А откуда они энергию ТАМ возьмут для этих ионников?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 04.05.2012 23:58:16
ЦитироватьА откуда они энергию ТАМ возьмут для этих ионников?
Оттуда :twisted: Ионники к JUICE "приделала" компьюлента 8)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 05.05.2012 00:14:52
http://sci.esa.int/juice попробуйте найти что-нибудь про ионники :)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 05.05.2012 00:20:01
Т.е. разгонять будут верхней ступенью "Ариана"? Я думал, честно говоря, что разгон на ионниках, а торможение - ЖРД. Это мне кажется самым логичным решением в данном случае. :roll:
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 05.05.2012 00:37:38
ЦитироватьТ.е. разгонять будут верхней ступенью "Ариана"? Я думал, честно говоря, что разгон на ионниках, а торможение - ЖРД. Это мне кажется самым логичным решением в данном случае. :roll:
Как все запущено :)

EVEE GA :wink:
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 06.05.2012 01:17:14
Ой-ой-ой! :roll: Чтобы погасить скорость у Юпитера и выйти на орбиту Ганимеда, х.с. должна быть не маленькая. А в самой системе Юпитера гравити ассисты будут?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 06.05.2012 00:39:08
будут - у каллисто и дважды у европы.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: ronatu от 08.05.2012 09:55:53
VALKYRIE: робот для исследования спутника Юпитера


Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Антикосмит от 08.05.2012 03:03:34
Как-то обсуждали здесь концепцию робота для Европы. Там подвижки льда и вообще ка бель того и гляди примерзнет к стенке канала или просто вмерзнет в лед. Надо вместе с реактором под лед отправлять.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 08.05.2012 16:23:10
То, что вмёрзнет - это не страшно. А вот то, что лёд может быть подвижным... это да. :(
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Эрик Картман от 08.05.2012 22:07:19
А это таперича Россия и на Ганимед лендер делает или просто журнолизды ошиблись???
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 08.05.2012 23:50:43
ЦитироватьА это таперича Россия и на Ганимед лендер делает или просто журнолизды ошиблись???
Ну типа да, делает, хотя реально еще даже не родился тот конь которому надо бы там поваляться.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 09.05.2012 00:21:05
Хм... может, они опыт по Луне намерены использовать? :roll:
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: refractory от 08.05.2012 23:52:02
ЦитироватьХм... может, они опыт по Луне намерены использовать? :roll:
Ага. По Луне-9! :D
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 09.05.2012 02:32:44
Может, всё-таки, по тем девайсам, что сейчас НПОЛ ваяет?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 09.05.2012 02:40:15
ну как, есть уточнение о графике полёта JUICE? будут ли гравманёры и сколько таки пролётов будет до выхода на орбиту Ганимеда?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 09.05.2012 11:24:01
Цитироватьну как, есть уточнение о графике полёта JUICE? будут ли гравманёры и сколько таки пролётов будет до выхода на орбиту Ганимеда?
Дык вроде за последние месяц-два ничего не поменялось. Любой пролет около крупного спутника можно считать грав. маневром, так что планируется их много :)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 16.06.2012 10:05:30
NASA Plans Contribution to European Jupiter Mission
ЦитироватьWASHINGTON — NASA plans to make a $100 million science contribution to the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) program, a large-scale science mission planned by the European Space Agency (ESA) that will launch in 2022 to observe the gas giant and its moons.

U.S. science teams may propose studies as either principal investigators supplying instruments or instrument components, or as co-investigators on European science teams that provide their own instruments, said Jim Green, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division. NASA intends to formally solicit proposals June 28, and intends to spend $100 million over the lifetime of the program.NASA announced its intention to participate in Juice June 15 in a presolicitation notice posted online. The U.S. space agency was expected to make some kind of contribution to the project, which was officially selected as ESA's next large-scale science mission May 2. ESA has capped its financial contribution to Juice at 870 million euros ($1 billion).

Teams must notify NASA of their intent to submit a proposal by Aug. 2. Finished proposals are due Sept. 20, according to NASA's June 15 notice.

NASA will award funding "some time in fiscal year 2013," Green said. "Late in 2013 we'll have funding available to start the contracts and start the process."

ESA is seeking a Proton rocket from Russia to send the Juice mission on its way to the jovian system, where it would arrive in 2030. Juice's primary mission would last three years, much of which will be spent observing Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede.

"It has fly-bys of Callisto and Europa, but it's really a mission to Ganymede," Green said.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 21.06.2012 18:36:51
Forthcoming Announcement of Opportunity for Scientific Instrumentation onboard the JUICE spacecraft

30 May 2012
ЦитироватьThe European Space Agency (ESA) intends to release in June 2012 an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) inviting the broad scientific community to propose instruments to be flown onboard the Jupiter Icy moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft.

5 June 2012 - Documentation now available
A set of reference documents has been added online. The documents can be downloaded in a single zip file (23 MB) from the right-hand menu, under "documentation".

The purpose of this pre-announcement is to inform the community of the impending AO and to provide some preliminary information. A provisional schedule is also provided.

Overview of the opportunity

JUICE has been selected by ESA's SPC in May 2012 as the "L1" mission in the Cosmic Vision plan, with a foreseen launch date of 2022.

The JUICE spacecraft is designed to visit the Jupiter system concentrating on the characterization of Ganymede, Europa and Callisto as planetary objects and potential habitats and on the exploration of the Jupiter system, considered as an archetype for gas giants in the solar system and elsewhere. The focus of the JUICE spacecraft is to characterize the conditions that may have led to the emergence of habitable environments among the Jovian icy satellites, with special emphasis on the three ocean-bearing worlds, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto. The mission will also focus on characterizing the diversity of processes in the Jupiter system which may be required in order to provide a stable environment at Ganymede, Europa and Callisto on geologic time scales, including gravitational coupling between the Galilean satellites and their long term tidal influence on the system as a whole.

The JUICE spacecraft constitutes the European element of a coordinated program to Jupiter and its icy moons, which also foresees a Russian Ganymede lander, to be operated by Russia in coordination with JUICE. The joint program would allow a complete characterization of Ganymede, above and beyond what could be achieved with either element alone.

The JUICE spacecraft is planned for launch in 2022 and is foreseen to perform a 7.5 yr cruise toward Jupiter based on Earth-Venus-Earth-Earth gravitational assists. The Jupiter orbit insertion will be performed in January 2030, and will be followed by a tour of the Jupiter system, comprising a transfer to Callisto, a phase studying Europa and Callisto with flybys, and a "Jupiter high-latitude phase" that includes raising orbit inclination by Callisto flybys and the transfer to Ganymede. In September 2032 the spacecraft will be inserted into orbit around Ganymede, starting with elliptical and high altitude circular orbits, followed by a phase in a medium altitude circular orbit, and by a final phase in low altitude circular orbit. The end of the nominal mission is foreseen in June 2033.

A full description of the scientific objectives, model payload and mission profile for the JUICE spacecraft can be found in the JUICE Assessment Study Report (Yellow Book), that contains the results of ESA's Assessment Study (Phase 0/A). For this document and other information on the mission see: http://sci.esa.int/juice . Some technical reference documents that will be part of the AO package are already available on this website.

The mission's management and responsibilities are organised along an approach similar to other ESA planetary missions, with the Agency providing the S/C, launch and mission operations, and nationally-funded consortia providing the payload suite. Science operations will be a shared responsibility, with an ESA Science Operation Centre complemented by nationally-funded Principal Investigator teams.

The AO for the provision of the instrumentation onboard the JUICE spacecraft will be open to European and non-European scientists, and to other scientific communities with which reciprocity or specific agreements exist or will be set (such as USA, Russia, Japan). An agreement has already been established with NASA as a minor payload contributor. An agreement with Russia concerning payload provision for JUICE spacecraft and the Russian Ganymede lander is being negotiated.

Provisional schedule
The following schedule describes the anticipated major milestones of the AO for provision of scientific payload onboard the JUICE spacecraft. These dates can be subject to modifications.
Date    Event
28 June 2012    Release of AO for scientific instruments onboard the JUICE spacecraft
13 July 2012    Deadline for submission of Letter of Intent
19 July 2012 (TBC)    Briefing meeting
1 October 2012    Proposals due
October - November, 2012    Proposal evaluation
January, 2013    SSEWG and SSAC recommendations
February, 2013    SPC selection

The AO is in currently being prepared. By issuing this announcement to prospective investigators at this time (prior to release), the Agency is under no obligation to issue the AO and solicit proposals. Any costs incurred by prospective investigators in preparing submissions in response to this announcement are at the submitter's own risk. This AO anticipated here may contain provisions that differ from this notice, in which case those in the AO will take precedence.


A set of draft documents may be provided in advance of the AO release (they will be accessible from the "documentation" section in the right-hand menu).

Questions or comments about this announcement regarding the AO for provision of scientific payload onboard the JUICE spacecraft may be addressed to

L. Colangeli
P.O. Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Email: Luigi.Colangeli@esa.int

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 05.07.2012 12:07:45
4-8 March 2013

Ganymede Lander: Scientific Goals and Experiments, Moscow, Russia

A study of Jupiter system is an important part of international efforts to understand the origin of Galilean satellites and more generally the origin of the Solar System. Few years ago Russian Academy of Sciences and Roscosmos proposed to include a Lander for investigation of one of the moons of Jupiter, namely Europa or possibly Ganymede, as an additional element of EJSM/Laplace international mission to Jupiter system. This is considered as a very important component of Roscosmos's long-term strategic plan for reinforced cooperation with ESA and NASA. Ganymede – the third of Galilean satellites is becoming now the final destination point of the European JUICE mission. Its concept results from the reformulation of the EJSM/Laplace mission into a European-led mission. On the other hand Russia is working now on a lander concept for Ganymede. Russian GL (Ganymede Lander) will be a partner mission for JUICE. The main scientific object of GL will be a search of possible present and past signatures of life and 'in situ' studies of the environment from the surface by remote and contact methods. In addition to coordination of scientific tasks, certain number of practical problems (e.g. navigation, data transfer, types of surface topography information for landing etc.) are planned to be discussed during these Colloquia. Russian GL mission is presently aimed for launch in 2023-2024, though this schedule might be revised in the future and aligned with JUICE. Science payload of the mission is being considered, and international participation is welcomed.

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Salo от 11.07.2012 21:28:23
ЦитироватьBy that time, the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, is expected to have signed an agreement providing a Proton launch of ESA's Juice mission to Jupiter's moons in 2022. ESA hopes to funnel much of the savings to ExoMars.[/size]
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 25.09.2012 15:23:08
Можно сразу в Охумору :cry:  :cry:

Вода в "полыньях" на спутнике Юпитера быстро замерзает, заявили ученые
ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 25 сен - РИА Новости. Области с относительно тонким ледовым щитом на Европе, спутнике Юпитера, оказались достаточно редким и кратковременным явлением - они исчезают примерно за десятки тысяч лет после их появления, заявили планетологи на Европейском планетологическом конгрессе EPSC в Мадриде во вторник.

"Жидкий океан на Европе, скорее всего, существует, но он находится на относительно большой глубине, где-то 25-50 километров от поверхности планеты. Возможно, что на Европе существуют участки, где вода достаточно близко походит к поверхности - толщина льда составит около пяти километров. Правда, они существуют лишь десятки тысяч лет до начала (замерзания) и миграции воды "вниз", - пояснила руководитель группы ученых Клара Калусова (Klara Kalousova) из Карлова университета в Праге (Чехия).

Калусова и ее коллеги изучали процессы, которые происходят на Европе и других планетах, где существует океан из воды или других жидкостей под толстым слоем льда.

Для этого ученые построили математическую модель, которая описывала взаимодействие жидкой воды и льда на границе между ледовым щитом и океаном. Авторы статьи использовали ее для изучения процессов, которые протекают на планете, аналогичной по своим свойствам Европе, и проверили, возможно ли формирование "полыней" в ее ледовом щите.

Оказалось, что такие структуры могут появляться внутри льдов Европы, однако их существование будет крайне недолгим. По расчетам Калусовой и ее коллег, полынья просуществует около 50-100 тысяч лет до того, как она зарастет льдом.

Как объясняют планетологи, участки с тонким ледовым щитом состоят из двух компонентов - небольшого озера с жидкой водой у поверхности ледового щита и толстого слоя частично растаявшего льда между океаном и озером. Благодаря разной плотности и вязкости льда и воды, последняя будет постепенно просачиваться через подтаявший лед обратно в океан. Освободившееся пространство будет зарастать льдом, в результате чего полынья полностью исчезнет через несколько десятков тысяч лет.

Это открытие может осложнить миссию европейского аппарата JUICE, одной из задач которого станет изучение воды в таких "полыньях". Руководителям миссии придется тщательнее выбирать место посадки зонда, чтобы избежать приземления на уже закрывшуюся полынью, следы существования которой не исчезнут с поверхности планеты после восстановления ледового покрова.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 21.02.2013 18:53:22

21 February 2013  The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer mission, JUICE, will carry a total of 11 scientific experiments to study the gas giant planet and its large ocean-bearing moons, ESA announced today.
 JUICE is the first Large-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015–2025 programme. Planned for launch in 2022 and arrival at Jupiter in 2030, it will spend at least three years making detailed observations of the biggest planet in the Solar System and three of its largest moons, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa.
 These moons are thought to harbour vast water oceans beneath their icy surfaces and JUICE will map their surfaces, sound their interiors and assess their potential for hosting life in their oceans.
 Today, ESA's Science Programme Committee approved a complement of instruments that includes cameras and spectrometers, a laser altimeter and an ice-penetrating radar. The mission will also carry a magnetometer, plasma and particle monitors, and radio science hardware.
 The instruments will be developed by scientific teams fr om 15 European countries, the US and Japan, through corresponding national funding.


 "The selection of JUICE's instruments is a key milestone in ESA's flagship mission to the outer Solar System, which represents an unprecedented opportunity to showcase leading European technological and scientific expertise," says Alvaro Giménez Cañete, ESA's Director of Science and Robotic Exploration.
 "The suite of instruments addresses all of the mission's science goals, from in-situ measurements of Jupiter's vast magnetic field and plasma environment, to remote observations of the surfaces and interiors of the three icy moons," adds Luigi Colangeli, coordinator of ESA's Solar System Missions.
 Throughout its mission, JUICE will observe Jupiter's atmosphere and magnetosphere, and the interaction of all four Galilean satellites – the three icy moons plus Io – with the gas giant planet.
 The spacecraft will perform a dozen flybys of Callisto, the most heavily cratered object in the Solar System, and will fly past Europa twice in order to make the first measurements of the thickness of its icy crust.
 JUICE will end up in orbit around Ganymede, wh ere it will study the moon's icy surface and internal structure, including its subsurface ocean.
 The largest moon in the Solar System, Ganymede is the only one known to generate its own magnetic field, and JUICE will observe the unique magnetic and plasma interactions with Jupiter's magnetosphere in detail.
 "Jupiter and its icy moons constitute a kind of mini-Solar System in their own right, offering European scientists and our international partners the chance to learn more about the formation of potentially habitable worlds around other stars," says Dmitrij Titov, ESA's JUICE Study Scientist.
 The selection of the instruments today helps to ensure that JUICE remains on schedule for launch in 2022.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 21.02.2013 18:58:51
ЕКА выбрало "снаряжение" зонда, который в 2022 г отправится к Юпитеру

МОСКВА, 21 фев — РИА Новости. Европейское космическое агентство (ЕКА) утвердило список из 11 научных приборов и инструментов нового зонда JUICE, который будет исследовать Юпитер и его спутники, говорится в сообщении агентства.
Миссия JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) стоимостью около 1 миллиарда евро была официально одобрена в мае 2012 года. Она предполагает запуск орбитального зонда для изучения самой большой планеты Солнечной системы и трех ее крупнейших спутников — Ганимеда, Каллисто и Европы. Планируется, что европейский аппарат стартует в 2022 году и достигнет Юпитера в 2030 году.
Инструменты зонда предоставят научные группы из 15 европейских государств, США и Японии. В их числе, в частности, несколько спектрометров и камер, магнетометр, лазерный высотомер и радар для изучения ледового покрова спутников. Планируется, что JUICE соберет данные об атмосфере и магнитосфере Юпитера, выполнит несколько сближений с Каллисто и дважды пройдет мимо Европы, чтобы впервые в истории измерить толщину ее ледовой коры. Затем аппарат выйдет на орбиту вокруг Ганимеда — крупнейшего спутника в Солнечной системе, у которого есть собственное магнитное поле.
Научный руководитель проекта в ЕКА Дмитрий Титов сообщил РИА Новости, что в создании научных приборов российского участия нет, однако выразил надежду на то, что российские ученые будут вовлечены в обработку данных и планирование миссии.
"Пока ведутся разговоры, что Россия будет делать модуль для посадки на Ганимед, но это пока разговоры в научной среде, пока никаких конкретных планов агентств на эту тему нет. Пока европейское агентство идет своим путем... Россия и Европа рассматривают эти миссии как взаимодополняющие компоненты с точки зрения науки", — сказал Титов.

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 21.02.2013 19:03:37
Notes for Editors

Eleven instrument suites will be developed by scientific teams from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, US and Japan, through corresponding national funding.

List of selected experiments:
JANUS:         Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator, camera system
MAJIS:         Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer
UVS:         UV Imaging Spectrograph
SWI:         Sub-millimetre Wave Instrument
GALA:         Ganymede Laser Altimeter
RIME:         Radar for Icy Moons Exploration
J-MAG:         Magnetometer for JUICE
PEP:         Particle Environment Package
RPWI:         Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation
3GM:         Gravity & Geophysics of Jupiter and Galilean Moons
PRIDE:         Planetary Radio Interferometer & Doppler Experiment
(note this does not include spacecraft hardware but will exploit VLBI – Very Large Base Interferometry – to conduct radio science)

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 22.02.2013 20:54:34
NASA and JPL Contribute to European Jupiter Mission

February 21, 2013
 NASA has sel ected key contributions to a 2022 European Space Agency (ESA) mission that will study Jupiter and three of its largest moons in unprecedented detail. The moons are thought to harbor vast water oceans beneath their icy surfaces.

 NASA's contribution will consist of one U.S.-led science instrument and hardware for two European instruments to fly on ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission. Jeffrey Plaut of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., will be the U.S. lead for the Radar for Icy Moon Exploration experiment. The radar experiment's principal investigator is Lorenzo Bruzzone of Universita degli Studi di Trento in Italy.

 Under the lead of Bruzzone and the Italian Space Agency, JPL will provide the transmitter and receiver hardware for a radar sounder designed to penetrate the icy crust of Jupiter's moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto to a depth of about 5 miles (9 kilometers). This will allow scientists to see for the first time the underground structure of these tectonically complex and unique icy worlds.

 JUICE will carry 11 experiments developed by scientific teams from 15 European countries, the United States and Japan.

 The spacecraft will orbit Jupiter for three years and travel past Callisto and Europa multiple times, then orbit Ganymede, a moon larger than the planet Mercury. JUICE will conduct the first thorough exploration of Jupiter since NASA's Galileo mission fr om 1989-2003.

 By studying the Jupiter system, JUICE will look to learn more about the formation and evolution of potentially habitable worlds in our solar system and beyond.

 "NASA is thrilled to collaborate with ESA on this exciting mission to explore Jupiter and its icy moons," said John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administrator for science in Washington. "Working together with ESA and our other international partners is key to enabling future scientific progress in our quest to understand the cosmos."

 The solar-powered spacecraft will carry cameras and spectrometers, a laser altimeter and an ice-penetrating radar instrument. The mission also will carry a magnetometer, plasma and particle monitors, and radio science hardware. The spacecraft is scheduled to arrive at the Jupiter system in 2030.

 "The selection of JUICE's instruments is a key milestone in ESA's flagship mission to the outer solar system, which represents an unprecedented opportunity to showcase leading European technological and scientific expertise," said Alvaro Gimenez Canete, ESA's director of science and robotic exploration.

 NASA invited researchers in 2012 to submit proposals for NASA-provided instruments for the mission. Nine were reviewed, with one selected to fly. NASA agreed to provide critical hardware for two of the 10 selected European-led instruments. NASA's total contribution to the JUICE mission is $100 million for design, development and operation of the instruments through 2033.

 In addition to the radar team and instrument, the NASA contributions are:

 -- Ultraviolet Spectrometer: The principal investigator is Randy Gladstone of Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. This spectrometer will acquire images to explore the surfaces and atmospheres of Jupiter's icy moons and how they interact with the Jupiter environment. The instrument also will determine how Jupiter's upper atmosphere interacts with its lower atmosphere below, and the ionosphere and magnetosphere above. The instrument will provide images of the aurora on Jupiter and Ganymede.

 -- Particle Environment Package: The principal investigator is Stas Barabash of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics. The U.S. lead is Pontus Brandt of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md. Under the lead of Barabash and the Swedish National Space Board, APL will provide instruments to this suite to measure the neutral material and plasma that are accelerated and heated to extreme levels in Jupiter's fierce and complex magnetic environment.

 NASA's Science Mission Directorate conducts a wide variety of research and scientific exploration programs for Earth studies, space weather, the solar system and the universe. The New Frontiers Program Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., will manage the NASA contributions. JUICE is the first large-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Program.

 For more information on NASA planetary programs, visit: http://www.nasa.gov (http://www.nasa.gov/) .

 For more information about the JUICE mission, visit: http://sci.esa.int/juice (http://sci.esa.int/juice) .

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 26.02.2013 18:38:37
аааааааааааа! спамеры!  :)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 05.03.2013 19:54:11
Россия в 2023 году намерена отправить два зонда к Ганимеду
Финансирование миссии по исследованию Ганимеда начнется в 2014 г
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 11.03.2013 01:20:05
APL Particle Camera and Spectrometer Sel ected to Reveal
 the Jupiter System in a New Light


NASA has sel ected The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., to build an innovative particle camera and instrument for flight aboard the JUpiter ICy moon Explorer (JUICE), a European Space Agency mission to be launched in 2022 to study the Jupiter system and three of its largest moons in unprecedented detail. APL is one of 15 scientific teams from Europe, Japan and the United States selected to develop the 11 experiments that will be conducted as part of the mission.

Under the direction of Pontus Brandt, the APL instruments — the Jupiter Energetic Neutrals and Ions (JENI) and the Jovian Energetic Electrons (JoEE) — will be flown as a part of the mission's largest investigation, the Particle Environment Package (PEP). JENI advances a technique that APL has also used at Saturn and Earth, to image the otherwise invisible vast cloud of plasma and gas that surrounds Jupiter. The JoEE spectrometer will be used to understand the processes that make Jupiter the biggest particle accelerator in the solar system.

"Jupiter is a mini solar system once formed fr om a plasma and gas nebula by processes similar to those forming our own solar system," explains Brandt. "If Jupiter's 'nebula' were visible it would be the largest object in the night sky, much larger than the full moon. JENI's unique images will provide movies of this huge, dynamic system like we've never seen before. JoEE's superior measurement capabilities will be critical in resolving the mystery of how Jupiter's surrounding plasma is heated to temperatures that make the solar corona appear lukewarm in comparison. Surprises are guaranteed."

The spacecraft is scheduled to reach the Jupiter system in 2030 and conduct the first thorough exploration of that satellite system since NASA's Galileo mission, which ran fr om 1989 to 2003. It follows the more focused study of aspects of Jupiter by NASA's Juno mission, which will be operating at Jupiter in the 2016–2017 time frame. JUICE will orbit the planet for three years and travel past its moons, Callisto and Europa, multiple times, before orbiting Ganymede, a moon larger than Mercury.

Before JUICE arrives at Jupiter, JENI will collect images of the gas torus — or ring — that surrounds the planet, courtesy of Europa and the volcanically active moon Io. "It is a mystery how such a seemingly inert icy moon like Europa can produce such an enormous gas torus," says APL's Chris Paranicas, the deputy lead of JENI and JoEE. "JENI's global images of how that gas is distributed and evolves in relation to Europa will remove a bottleneck in our understanding of its atmospheric release mechanisms."

Twelve countries will work together to develop the six sophisticated instruments for the comprehensive PEP suite under the lead of Stas Barabash of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Kiruna. In addition to the JENI and JoEE investigations, PEP will investigate the three-dimensional structure of Jupiter's stellar-like plasma disk; map how the intense plasma flow bombards the surfaces of the moons; and, for the first time, sample the moons' tenuous atmospheres to understand how materials on and just below the surface are released.

"The Jovian system should really be viewed as our own solar system's astrophysical object," notes Barabash. "Its sheer size required us to take a novel approach by combining high-resolution in-situ measurements, neutral gas mass spectroscopy and powerful global imaging."

"The selection of JENI and JoEE is an exciting prospect for uncovering many mysteries of the enormous Jovian system, in particular by obtaining images similar to those provided by APL's Ion and Neutral Camera of the MIMI investigation on the Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn," says APL's Stamatios (Tom) Krimigis, who leads APL-designed particle experiments on Cassini as well as the Voyager mission. "We couldn't do this at Jupiter with the Voyagers in the late '70s or with Galileo in the early '90s because we did not have the technology. It is gratifying to see a younger generation of scientists advancing the state of the art."

For a simulated movie of what JENI may unravel at Jupiter, visit: http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/JUICE . For more information about the JUICE mission, go online to http://sci.esa.int/juice .

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Salo от 01.04.2013 20:31:18
ЦитироватьLin пишет:
Дни Ганимеда в ИКИ.
Приборы JUICE, Europa Clipper от NASA и нелегкая судьба отечественного проекта посадки теперь уже на Ганимед.
Растаскивайте по темам:
 http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/linlin82/album/319993/ (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/linlin82/album/319993/)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Shwed от 01.04.2013 22:23:15
Они  экзомарсовский лэндер лучше хотя б нарисовали.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 02.04.2013 00:41:45
Вот что меня реально напрягает в этой схеме, так это крепление антенны? "Бошка" при посадке не отвалится?  :D

Хотя идея, безусловно, привлекательная. И после реализации лунных программ вполне реалистичная.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Anatoly Zak от 04.04.2013 02:50:14
Цитироватьpkl пишет:
Вот что меня реально напрягает в этой схеме, так это крепление антенны? "Бошка" при посадке не отвалится?
...и насколько ограниченным будет наведение антенны при таком расположении?  :o
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 03.04.2013 20:17:01
"Веселые картинки"
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: pkl от 03.04.2013 20:35:48
ЦитироватьAnatoly Zak пишет:
Цитироватьpkl пишет:
Вот что меня реально напрягает в этой схеме, так это крепление антенны? "Бошка" при посадке не отвалится?
...и насколько ограниченным будет наведение антенны при таком расположении?  :o
Ну, можно сделать и выдвижное устройство, которое после посадки приподымет антенну с механизмом наведения.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 16.05.2013 20:03:50
The JUICE spacecraft will carry the most powerful remote sensing, geophysical, and in situ payload complement ever flown to the outer Solar System.

The payload consists of 10 state-of-the-art instruments plus one experiment that uses the spacecraft telecommunication system with ground-based instruments. This payload is capable of addressing all of the mission's science goals, from in situ measurements of Jupiter's atmosphere and plasma environment, to remote observations of the surface and interior of the three icy moons, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto.

A remote sensing package includes imaging (JANUS) and spectral-imaging capabilities from the ultraviolet to the sub-millimetre wavelengths (MAJIS, UVS, SWI). A geophysical package consists of a laser altimeter (GALA) and a radar sounder (RIME) for exploring the surface and subsurface of the moons, and a radio science experiment (3GM) to probe the atmospheres of Jupiter and its satellites and to perform measurements of the gravity fields. An in situ package comprises a powerful package to study the particle environment (PEP), a magnetometer (J-MAG) and a radio and plasma wave instrument (RPWI), including electric fields sensors and a Langmuir probe. An experiment (PRIDE) using ground-based very-long-baseline interferometry will provide precise determination of the spacecraft position and velocity.

The table below lists the JUICE experiments, their primary science contribution and key characteristics.
JUICE Payload
JANUS - Camera system
An optical camera to study global, regional and local morphology and processes on the moons, and to perform mapping of the clouds on Jupiter.
JANUS will have 13 filters, a 1.3 degree field of view, and spatial resolution up to 2.4 m on Ganymede and about 10 km at Jupiter.
Principal Investigator:    P. Palumbo, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy
Lead Funding Agency:    ASI, Italy
MAJIS - Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer
A hyper-spectral imaging spectrometer for observing tropospheric cloud features and minor species on Jupiter and for the characterisation of ices and minerals on the surfaces of icy moons.
MAJIS will cover the visible and infrared wavelengths from 0.4 to 5.7 microns, with spectral resolution of 3-7 nm. The spatial resolution will be up to 25 m on Ganymede and about 100 km on Jupiter.
Principal Investigator:    Y. Langevin, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France
Lead Funding Agency:    CNES, France
UVS - UV imaging Spectrograph
A UV spectrometer to characterise the composition and dynamics of the exospheres of the icy moons, to study the Jovian aurorae, and to investigate the composition and structure of the upper atmosphere. The instrument will perform both nadir observations and solar and stellar occultation sounding.
UVS will cover the wavelength range 55-210 nm with spectral resolution of <0.6 nm. Spatial resolution will reach 0.5 km at Ganymede and up to 250 km at Jupiter.
Principal Investigator:    R. Gladstone, Southwest Research Institute, USA
Lead Funding Agency:    NASA, USA
SWI - Sub-millimeter Wave Instrument
A sub-millimeter wave instrument to investigate the temperature structure, composition and dynamics of Jupiter's stratosphere and troposphere, and the exospheres and surfaces of the icy moons.
SWI is a heterodyne spectrometer using a 30 cm antenna and working in two spectral ranges 1080-1275 GHz and 530-601 GHz with spectral resolving power of ~107.
Principal Investigator:    P. Hartogh, Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Germany
Lead Funding Agency:    DLR, Germany
GALA - GAnymede Laser Altimeter
A laser altimeter for studying the tidal deformation of Ganymede and the morphology and topography of the surfaces of the icy moons.
GALA will have a 20 m spot size and 0.1 m vertical resolution at 200 km.
Principal Investigator:    H. Hussmann, DLR, Institut für Planetenforschung, Germany
Lead Funding Agency:    DLR, Germany
RIME - Radar for Icy Moons Exploration
An ice penetrating radar to study the subsurface structure of the icy moons down to 9 km depth with vertical resolution of up to 30 m in ice.
RIME will work at a central frequency of 9 MHz (1 and 3 MHz bandwidth) and will use a 16 m antenna.
Principal Investigator:    L. Bruzzone, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
Lead Funding Agency:    ASI, Italy
J-MAG - A magnetometer for JUICE
A magnetometer to characterise the Jovian magnetic field, its interaction with the internal magnetic field of Ganymede, and to study subsurface oceans of the icy moons.
The instrument will use fluxgates (inbound and outbound) sensors mounted on a boom.
Principal Investigator:    M. Dougherty, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Lead Funding Agency:    UKSA, United Kingdom
PEP - Particle Environment Package
A plasma package with sensors to characterise the plasma environment in the Jovian system.
PEP will measure density and fluxes of positive and negative ions, electrons, exospheric neutral gas, thermal plasma and energetic neutral atoms in the energy range from <0.001 eV to >1 MeV with full angular coverage. The composition of the moons' exospheres will be measured with a resolving power of more than 1000.
Principal Investigator:    S. Barabash, Swedish Institute of Space Physics (Institutet för rymdfysik, IRF), Kiruna, Sweden
Lead Funding Agency:    SNSB, Sweden
RPWI - Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation
A radio plasma wave instrument to characterise the radio emission and plasma environment of Jupiter and its icy moons.
RPWI will be based on four experiments, GANDALF, MIME, FRODO, and JENRAGE. It will use a set of sensors, including two Langmuir probes to measure DC electric field vectors up to a frequency of 1.6 MHz and to characterize thermal plasma and medium- and high-frequency receivers, and antennas to measure electric and magnetic fields in radio emission in the frequency range 80 kHz- 45 MHz.
Principal Investigator:    J.-E. Wahlund, Swedish Institute of Space Physics (Institutet för rymdfysik, IRF), Uppsala, Sweden
Lead Funding Agency:    SNSB, Sweden
3GM - Gravity & Geophysics of Jupiter and Galilean Moons
A radio science package comprising a Ka transponder and an ultrastable oscillator.
3GM will be used to study the gravity field - up to degree 10 - at Ganymede and the extent of internal oceans on the icy moons, and to investigate the structure of the neutral atmospheres and ionospheres of Jupiter (0.1 - 800 mbar) and its moons.
Principal Investigator:    L. Iess, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Lead Funding Agency:    ASI, Italy
PRIDE - Planetary Radio Interferometer & Doppler Experiment
PRIDE will use the standard telecommunication system of the JUICE spacecraft and VLBI - Very Long Baseline Interferometry - to perform precise measurements of the spacecraft position and velocity to investigate the gravity fields of Jupiter and the icy moons.
Principal Investigator:    L. Gurvits, Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, The Netherlands
Lead Funding Agency:    NWO and NSO, The Netherlands

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: sojo от 19.05.2013 23:00:42

Presentations from Ganymede Lander Colloquium.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Georgij от 20.05.2013 02:15:42
плохо что планируется всего 2 пролета Европы.... хотя бы 6-7...
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Andrey Samoilov от 26.02.2014 14:48:16
26.02.2014 - Один из элементов научного инструмента SWI – cубмиллимитрового спектрометра для аппарата JUICE, а именно, терагерцовый гетеродинный детектор будет создан в недавно открывшейся в МФТИ Лаборатории терагерцовой спектроскопии под руководством Бориса Горшунова в сотрудничестве с «мегагрантовской» Лабораторией инфракрасной спектроскопии  Владимира Краснопольского.
Сейчас миссия JUICE находится в так называемой definition phase – фазе эскизных проектов инструментов, аппарата и принятия окончательного решения по миссии, которое ожидается к следующему году. Впрочем, по словам Кораблева, на такой стадии такие крупные проекты в ЕКА уже не отменяют. С 2015 года должен начаться этап опытно-конструкторских работ и к концу 2018 года все подрядчики должны уже поставить приборы в Европейское космическое агентство для непосредственной сборки аппарата.  http://mipt.ru/news/fiztekh-natselilsya-na-yupiter
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 26.02.2014 16:52:39
и на риа.ру об этом детекторе

Первый российский прибор для изучения планет-гигантов создадут в МФТИ

ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 26 фев — РИА Новости. Детектор для изучения свойств атмосферы Юпитера и состава океанов его спутников будет создан в Московском физико-техническом институте (МФТИ), он войдет в состав миссии JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) Европейского космического агентства, став первым в истории российский научным прибором, который отправится к планетам-гигантам, сообщает пресс-служба МФТИ.

Речь идет о терагерцовом гетеродинном детекторе, который станет одним из элементов cубмиллимитрового спектрометра SWI на борту космического аппарата JUICE. С помощью детектора будет возможно напрямую определить скорости потоков ветра в разных слоях атмосферы Юпитера. Кроме того, детектор поможет узнать состав океанов спутников Юпитера Европы и Ганимеда, не проникая под многокилометровую толщу льда на их поверхности, а изучая проникшие через разломы в ледяной коре в космос летучие вещества, предельно малые концентрации которых способен отслеживать прибор.

Детектор будет создан в недавно открывшейся в МФТИ лаборатории терагерцовой спектроскопии в сотрудничестве с созданной в рамках программы мегагрантов правительства РФ лабораторией инфракрасной спектроскопии, отмечается в сообщении.

Российские и европейские ученые собираются в начале 2020-х годов отправить автоматы для исследования системы Юпитера — это станет первой и для России, и для Европы попыткой проникнуть на дальние окраины Солнечной системы, где до сих пор бывали только американские станции и европейский зонд "Гюйгенс".

Европейская миссия JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) стоимостью около 1 миллиарда евро была официально одобрена в мае 2012 года. Она предполагает запуск орбитального зонда для изучения самой большой планеты Солнечной системы и трех ее крупнейших спутников — Ганимеда, Каллисто и Европы. Планируется, что это аппарат достигнет Юпитера в 2030 году.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 30.11.2014 20:59:32
JUICE mission gets green light for next stage of development

Цитировать27 November 2014

The European Space Agency's JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission has been given the green light to proceed to the next stage of development. This approval is a milestone for the mission, which aims to launch in 2022 to explore Jupiter and its potentially habitable icy moons.

JUICE gained approval for its implementation phase from ESA's Science Programme Committee during a meeting at the European Space Astronomy Centre near Madrid, Spain, on 19 and 20 November 2014.

Chosen by ESA in May 2012 to be the first large mission within the Cosmic Vision Programme, JUICE is planned to be launched in 2022 and to reach Jupiter in 2030. The mission will tour the giant planet to explore its atmosphere, magnetosphere and tenuous set of rings and will characterise the icy moons Ganymede, Europa and Callisto. Detailed investigations of Ganymede will be performed when JUICE enters into orbit around it – the first time any icy moon has been orbited by a spacecraft. During its lifetime, the mission will give us an unrivalled and in-depth understanding of the Jovian system and of these moons.

The scientific goals of the mission are enabled by its instrument suite. This includes cameras, spectrometers, a radar, an altimeter, radio science experiments and sensors used to monitor the plasma environment in the Jovian system. In February 2013, the SPC approved the payload that will be developed by scientific teams from 16 European countries, the USA and Japan, through corresponding national funding.

At the November 2014 meeting of the SPC, the multilateral agreement for JUICE was also approved. This agreement provides the legal framework for provision of payload equipment and ongoing mission support between funding agencies. The parties to the agreement are the European Space Agency and the funding agencies of the European countries leading the instrument developments in the JUICE mission: the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy); the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (France); the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany); the Swedish National Space Board, and the United Kingdom Space Agency. Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, and Switzerland participate via the PRODEX programme.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Vi1 от 01.12.2014 09:36:52
Запуск - 2022 год, семь лет осталось. Через 2 года Юнона должна выйти на орбиту ИСЮ.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Quoondо от 01.12.2014 13:07:50
ЦитироватьVi1 пишет:
Запуск - 2022 год, семь лет осталось. Через 2 года Юнона должна выйти на орбиту ИСЮ.
Юнона хотя бы до 2025-27 гг. продержится?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Vi1 от 01.12.2014 16:42:47
ЦитироватьQuoondо пишет: 
Юнона хотя бы до 2025-27 гг. продержится?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Quoondо от 01.12.2014 19:45:01
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: smokan от 01.12.2014 21:18:54
ой, если планируют миссию через 7 лет, по почти наверняка ее придется отложить в основном по нехватке денег, тем более в ESA, тем более в такое тяжелое время.
Так что помоему 2017 это очень .... скажем предварительная дата запуска
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Vi1 от 01.12.2014 23:41:13
Цитироватьsmokan пишет:
Так что помоему 2017 это очень .... скажем предварительная дата запуска
2022, см.выше
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Quoondо от 02.12.2014 01:13:43
Ужасно что самая ранняя возможная дата выхода АМС на орбиту Юпитера 2030 г. Это страшно ведь кроме Юноны у людей там больше ничего не будет. И это при том что на Марсе 7 АМС, скоро будет больше. пашут 2 марсохода и готовятся еще 4.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Vi1 от 02.12.2014 15:32:50
Что же ужасного в том, что у Юпитера появляется искусственный спутник раз в 15 лет? А вы как хотели бы?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Quoondо от 02.12.2014 17:19:08
ЦитироватьVi1 пишет:
Что же ужасного в том, что у Юпитера появляется искусственный спутник раз в 15 лет? А вы как хотели бы?
С учетом того что АМС уже почти 60 лет летают и летают пол века на Марс и Венеру то можно было бы как-то быстрей осуществлять научный прогресс. 40 лет пионерам и почти столько Вояджерам можно было бы уже организовать постоянное присутствие АМС на орбите Юпитера. Если бы после Галилео хотя бы раз в 5 лет отправлялись бы туда станции, сейчас бы уже было 2-3-4 действующих ИСЮ и на лунах возможно были бы свои Гюгенсы...
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Vi1 от 02.12.2014 21:20:35
Жирно не будет - постоянное присутствие на орбите Юпитера. А постоянного присутствия на орбите Сатурна хотелось бы ?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Quoondо от 03.12.2014 03:46:41
ЦитироватьVi1 пишет:
Жирно не будет - постоянное присутствие на орбите Юпитера. А постоянного присутствия на орбите Сатурна хотелось бы ?
естественно.. чем больше тем лучше... много АМС не бывает, их всегда мало
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Boo от 03.12.2014 09:57:55
А ещё бы орбитеры к Урану, к Нептуну и губозакаточную машинку..
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Alex_II от 03.12.2014 13:14:41
ЦитироватьBoo пишет:
губозакаточную машинку..
А эту куда запускать будем?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 03.12.2014 12:36:04
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
ЦитироватьBoo пишет:
губозакаточную машинку..
А эту куда запускать будем?
Это наземная часть... :)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Salo от 15.03.2015 22:18:04
ЦитироватьHubble observations reveal ocean on Ganymede       
Posted on March 13, 2015 by Stephen Clark (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154637.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154637.jpg)
In this artist's concept, the moon Ganymede orbits the giant planet Jupiter. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope observed aurorae on the moon controlled by Ganymede's magnetic fields. This field is embedded in Jupiter's own immense magnetosphere (yellow field lines). A saline ocean under the moon's icy crust reduces shifting in the auroral belts as measured by Hubble. Credit: NASA/ESA
Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have found the best evidence yet of a salty ocean of liquid water lurking beneath the surface of Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede, ripening the icy world's allure as mission planners design probes for more detailed exploration.
Long thought to possess an underground ocean, Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system and measures bigger than Mercury.
Researchers studied the oscillation of auroral belts near Ganymede's north and south poles with Hubble to conclude a substantial reservoir of liquid water must exist beneath the moon's icy crust.
"Our new HST observations provide the best evidence to date for the existence of an ocean on Ganymede," said Joachim Saur, professor of geophysics at the University of Cologne in Germany.
Ganymede is the only only moon in the solar system with its own magnetic field, triggering belts of polar aurorae similar to the northern and southern lights on Earth.
"If someone could be standing on Ganymede looking up into the night sky, it would appear as red aurora to you, and it would be visible even with the naked eye," Saur said Thursday in a teleconference with reporters.
The magnetic field of Ganymede also interacts with Jupiter's powerful magnetism, causing the belts to shift in latitude. Saur's science team won prized observing time with Hubble to measure how much the auroral belts oscillate over time.
"This is a really great example of using a remote sensing technique — using a telescope in orbit around the Earth — to study a moon that's in orbit around Jupiter and yet be able to make inferences about the interior of that moon just by looking at it from the outside," said Heidi Hammel, executive vice president of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. "We aren't at Jupiter. Hubble is at the Earth, and yet it can probe the internal structure of this moon remotely. That's a really powerful tool."
It turns out the volume of water persisting beneath Ganymede's surface has an influence on the aurorae, counteracting the tug from Jupiter that would cause the belts to "rock" up to 6 degrees back and forth every 10 hours.
"However, when there is a salty, and thus electrically-conducting ocean present, this ocean counterbalances Jupiter's magnetic field influence and reduces the rocking of the aurora to only 2 degrees," Saur said.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154614.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154614.jpg)
NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of Ganymede's auroral belts (colored blue in this illustration) are overlaid on a Galileo orbiter image of the moon. The amount of rocking of the moon's magnetic field provided evidence that the moon has a subsurface saltwater ocean. Credit: NASA/ESA
"We used HST (and) looked at Ganymede for more than five hours, and monitored the aurorae and saw that the aurorae barely moved during that five hours — only rocking by 2 degrees — exactly like (we) predicted when there is an ocean present," Saur said. "This confirms the existence of an ocean and simultaneously it rules out the absence of an ocean."
Scientists believe Ganymede's buried ocean has more water than all the water on Earth's surface, perhaps measuring as much as 60 miles thick underneath a 95-mile crust of mostly ice, according to a NASA press release.
"This discovery marks a significant milestone, highlighting what only Hubble can accomplish," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA's science mission directorate. "In its 25 years in orbit, Hubble has made many scientific discoveries in our own solar system. A deep ocean under the icy crust of Ganymede opens up further exciting possibilities for life beyond Earth."
According to Saur, the team based in Cologne used Hubble on two occasions in 2010 and 2011 to monitor the movement of aurorae in ultraviolet light, simultaneously observing Ganymede's northern and southern belts.
"We have four independent measurements, and all four measurements show that the aurorae in all these cases moved by 2 degrees only, and this gives us confidence in the measurement," Saur said.
NASA will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hubble's launch in April, and officials are confident the storied observatory will continue operating into the 2020s after repairs by astronauts on a series of space shuttle missions, most recently in 2009.
"Hubble is the only observatory right now that can do these kind of observations in ultraviolet light, and be able to precisely resolve and disinctly detect these features on Ganymede," said Jennifer Wiseman, NASA Hubble senior project scientist.
NASA's Galileo spacecraft orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003, flying by the giant planet's moons to snap photos, study their geology and measure their composition. Galileo conducted six flybys of Ganymede, finding evidence that part of the moon's surface had been flooded from water eruptions through ice volcanoes.
"Based on the geology, we believe there was a time when the ocean may have communicated with the surface in the distant past," said Jim Green, director of NASA's planetary science division.
"Since the 1970s, there was speculation and models that Ganymede could possess an ocean," Saur said. "However, there was only one (piece of) observational evidence, and that comes from the Galileo orbiter. Galileo had six close flybys of Ganymede, but these flybys lasted only 20 minutes each. That's too short to resolve the effects of the ocean without ambiguity ... The new trick with the Hubble observation is that we have seven hours of data, and then we do not have this ambiguity any more."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154639.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154639.jpg)
Artist's concept of ESA's JUICE spacecraft. Credit: ESA
The European Space Agency plans to launch a probe to Jupiter in June 2022 for the most in-depth study of Ganymede yet.
Arriving at the gas giant in January 2030, the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer will zip past Jupiter's moons Europa and Callisto, each believed to contain subterranean oceans, multiple times before settling into orbit around Ganymede for nearly 10 months.
NASA is working on a separate mission for launch in the 2020s to focus on Europa, and the space agencies could partner to build instruments and secondary payloads to accompany each spacecraft on the journey.
ESA's JUICE mission and NASA's Europa flyby probe — successors to the Galileo orbiter — could be flying through the Jupiter system at the same time in the 2030s.
"When the JUICE mission ultimately goes into orbit around Ganymede, it will have a very, very rich and exciting science mission," Hammel said.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 17.07.2015 19:03:37
Airbus To Build ESA's Jupiter-bound Juice Orbiter

ЦитироватьPARIS — The European Space Agency on July 16 sel ected Airbus Defence and Space to build Europe's Juice orbiter, to be launched in 2022 aboard a European Ariane 5 rocket and to arrive at the Jupiter system in 2030.

The contract, for 350.8 million euros ($389 million) was approved by ESA's Industrial Policy Committee and will be signed by ESA and Airbus in September. The Ariane 5 launch will be contracted separately by ESA.

Airbus bested a team composed of Thales Alenia Space of France and Italy and OHB SE of Germany, a frequent pairing for ESA competitions because it fills a hole in each company's production-site premises.

ESA science missions are funded by mandatory contributions from the agency's 22 member states, based on national gross domestic product. ESA's geographic return rules mean work-share distribution must closely match each nation's financial input, meaning Germany, France, Britain and Italy, as ESA's biggest members, must be guarantee major pro rata roles for their domestic industry.

Airbus has major operations in France, Germany, Britain and Spain. Thales Alenia Space is focused on France and Italy, and OHB's main facilities are in Germany.

With some exceptions, ESA's member states finance science missions on their own, often with contributions from nations outside ESA. Juice will carry 10 instruments coming from 16 ESA members, and also fr om the United States and Japan.

The trajectory to Jupiter will include gravity-assist flybys of the Callisto and Ganymede moons, and two close-in flybys of the Europa moon. At the end of the mission, Juice is expected to spend eight months dedicated to the study of Ganymede.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: ZOOR от 28.07.2015 07:29:54
Ну, и то же по-русски
 Выбран генподрядчик на строительство зонда для полета на Юпитер (http://sdnnet.ru/n/16687/)

ЦитироватьСогласно официальному сообщению представителей ЕКА журналистам The Independent, генеральным подрядчиком на строительстве зонда станет компания Airbus Defence and Space, являющаяся подразделением Airbus Group, известной, прежде всего, своими самолетами. Сообщается, что подрядчик должен будет заняться строительством космического аппарата уже через несколько дней.

Спутники Юпитера, такие, как Европа, являются одними из наиболее вероятных мест в Солнечной системе, где может находиться внеземная жизнь. Именно для того, чтобы ответить на данный вопрос и постараться найти следы существования живых организмов на Европе, Каллисто и Ганимеде и создается зонд JUpiter ICy moons Explorer или просто JUICE.

Автоматическая исследовательская станция должна будет стартовать по направлению к Юпитеру, и в 2030 году достигнет спутников крупнейшей планеты Солнечной системы. Целью исследований Европы, Ганимеда и Каллисто, по словам представителей ЕКА, будет попытка выявить существование жизни в их подледных океанах.

Крупнейший из спутников, который будет исследовать зонд JUICE, Ганимед, как и спутник Сатурна Титан превосходит по своим размерам планету Меркурий. Как считают некоторые ученые, под ледяными поверхностями данных галилеевых спутников могут скрываться колоссальные по объемам воды океаны.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 24.10.2015 09:31:48
Unlocking the secrets of the Jupiter's Icy Moons

ЦитироватьIn this edition of Space we set a course for Jupiter, destination of the next European Space Agency mission.

The aim of JUICE (JUpiter ICy moon Explorer) is to provide the most comprehensive exploration of the giant planet and, in particular, of its moons; supposedly hiding habitable zones under their icy crusts.

Jupiter is more than eleven times larger than Earth but is mainly made of gas. During its three and a half year mission, which blasts off in 2022, JUICE will travel around the giant planet, studying its atmosphere and three of its planet-sized satellites: Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkF5beDh10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrkF5beDh10)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 24.10.2015 10:41:52
Видео на русском:

Изучением Юпитера и его спутников займется JUICE

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: instml от 24.10.2015 13:16:43
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 09.12.2015 21:48:53
Jupiter mission contract ceremony

ЦитироватьESA and Airbus Defence & Space today marked the signing of the contract for building Juice, the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer.

The mission was sel ected in May 2012 as the first Large-class mission within ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015–25 programme, and is planned for launch in 2022 to arrive at the giant planet in 2030.

For three and a half years, Juice will sweep around Jupiter, exploring its turbulent atmosphere, enormous magnetosphere and tenuous set of dark rings, as well as studying the icy moons Ganymede, Europa and Callisto. It will eventually go into orbit around Ganymede, a first in Solar System exploration.

All three of these planet-sized satellites are thought to have oceans of liquid water beneath their icy crusts and should provide clues on the potential for such moons to offer habitable environments.

Airbus Defence & Space SAS in France was announced as the prime contractor in July when ESA approved the €350 million contract.

The contract covers the design, development, integration, test, launch campaign and in-space commissioning of the spacecraft. The Ariane 5 launch is not included and will be procured later fr om Arianespace.

The 10 state-of-the-art instruments (http://sci.esa.int/juice/50073-science-payload/) were approved by ESA in February 2013 and are being developed by teams spanning 16 European countries, the USA and Japan, under national funding.

The spacecraft will be assembled at Airbus Defence and Space GmbH in Friedrichshafen, Germany.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 20.08.2016 10:17:29
PDF-презентация миссии

(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/64897) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/64898)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 20.08.2016 10:18:36
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/64899) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/64900)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: Quооndo от 20.08.2016 16:09:08
Запускается Арианом-6?
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: vogel от 20.08.2016 16:37:57
В пдф указана Ariane 5.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: che wi от 16.03.2017 18:24:36
ESA's Jupiter mission moves off the drawing board (http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/ESA_s_Jupiter_mission_moves_off_the_drawing_board)

ЦитироватьDemanding electric, magnetic and power requirements, harsh radiation, and strict planetary protection rules are some of the critical issues that had to be tackled in order to move ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer – Juice – from the drawing board and into construction.

Scheduled for launch in 2022, with arrival in the Jovian system in 2029, Juice will spend three-and-a-half years examining the giant planet's turbulent atmosphere, enormous magnetosphere, its set of tenuous dark rings and its satellites.

It will study the large icy moons Ganymede, Europa and Callisto, which are thought to have oceans of liquid water beneath their icy crusts – perhaps even harbouring habitable environments.

The mission will culminate in a dedicated, eight-month tour around Ganymede, the first time any moon beyond our own has been orbited by a spacecraft.

Juice will be equipped with 10 state-of-the-art instruments, including cameras, an ice-penetrating radar, an altimeter, radio-science experiments, and sensors to monitor the magnetic fields and charged particles in the Jovian system.

In order to ensure it can address these goals in the challenging Jovian environment, the spacecraft's design has to meet stringent requirements.
An important milestone was reached earlier this month, when the preliminary design of Juice and its interfaces with the scientific instruments and the ground stations were fixed, which will now allow a prototype spacecraft to be built for rigorous testing.

The review also confirmed that the 5.3 tonne spacecraft will be compatible with its Ariane 5 launcher.

Operating in the outer Solar System, far from the Sun, means that Juice needs a large solar array: two wings of five panels each are foreseen, which will cover a total surface area of nearly 100 sq m, capable of providing 820 W at Jupiter by the end of the mission.

After launch, Juice will make five gravity-assist flybys in total: one each at Mars and Venus, and three at Earth, to set it on course for Jupiter. Its solar panels will have to cope with a range of temperatures such that when it is flying closer to the Sun during the Venus flyby, the solar wings will be tilted to avoid excessive temperatures damaging the solar cells.

The spacecraft's main engine will be used to enter orbit around the giant planet, and later around Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede. As such, the engine design has also been critically reviewed at this stage.

Special measures will allow Juice to cope with the extremely harsh radiation that it must endure for several years around Jupiter. This means careful selection of components and materials, as well as radiation shielding.
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: triage от 14.04.2017 19:24:22
Японский сайт от ISAS, JAXA посвещенный проекту https://juice.stp.isas.jaxa.jp/
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.02.2019 16:18:36
ЦитироватьJuice's Jovian odyssey

European Space Agency, ESA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A)

Опубликовано: 6 февр. 2019 г.

Juice, ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, is set to embark on a seven-year cruise to Jupiter starting May 2022. The mission will investigate the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants and the Jupiter system as an archetype for the numerous giant planets now known to orbit other stars.

This animation depicts the journey to Jupiter and the highlights from its foreseen tour of the giant planet and its large ocean-bearing moons.
An Ariane 5 will lift Juice into space from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou. A series of gravity-assist flybys at Earth (3), Venus (1) and Mars (1) will set the spacecraft on course for its October 2029 rendezvous in the Jovian system.

It is expected that a number of instruments will be activated during the gravity assists (indicated by the different coloured beams scanning across the planets) and measurements will be taken for calibration and to check the health of the instruments. The visualisations of the Earth flybys show the closest approaches over the planet according to current planning – over the South Pacific Ocean, Argentina and Peru, respectively. Throughout the animation, the instrument beam colours correspond to example observations by JANUS (green), MAJIS (red), UVS (purple), Gala (Blue) and RIME (grey), which are cameras, spectrometers, laser altimeter and radar.

During the Venus flyby, limited observations can be made because the spacecraft will be oriented to protect it from the heat of the Sun experienced in the inner Solar System. The Mars flyby will see Juice fly over the planet's south pole to make scientific observations.

Juice will start its science mission about six months prior to arriving in orbit around the gas giant, making observations as it approaches its destination. Once in the Jovian system, a gravity-assist flyby of Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede – the largest moon in the Solar System – helps Juice enter orbit around the gas giant 7.5 hours later.

While in Jupiter orbit, the spacecraft will study the Jovian system as an archetype for gas giants, making observations of its atmosphere, the magnetosphere, its rings and satellites.

During the tour, Juice will make two flybys of Europa, which has strong evidence for an ocean of liquid water under its icy shell. Juice will look at the moon's active zones, its surface composition and geology, search for pockets of liquid water under the surface and study the plasma environment around Europa.

A sequence of Callisto flybys will not only be used to study this ancient, cratered world that may too harbor a subsurface ocean, but it will change the angle of Juice's orbit with respect to Jupiter's equator, making it possible to investigate the polar regions and environment at higher latitudes.

During the tour there will also be unique periods to observe events such as moon transits. The example in this animation shows Europa and Io passing in front of Jupiter on 27 January 2032. This type of event is rare, with less than 10 expected to occur during Juice's tour of the Jovian system.

A sequence of Ganymede and Callisto flybys will adjust the orbit of Juice to enable it to enter orbit around Ganymede, marking it the first spacecraft to orbit another planet's moon (aside from our own). The elliptical orbit will be followed by a 5000 km altitude cicular orbit, and later a 500 km circular orbit.

Ganymede is unique in the Solar System in that it is the only moon to have a magnetosphere. Juice will investigate this phenomenon and the moon's internal magnetic field, and the interaction of its plasma environment with that of Jupiter. Juice will also study the moon's atmosphere, surface, subsurface, interior and its internal ocean, investigating the moon as a planetary object and possible habitat.

Over time the 500 km orbit will naturally decay – eventually there will not be enough propellant to maintain it – and it will make a grazing impact on the surface. The animation concludes with an example of what the approach to impact could look like.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGkW__sEDHAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGkW__sEDHA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGkW__sEDHA) (9:27)
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.06.2019 20:00:59
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186237.jpg)ESA Space Transportation‏ @esa_sts (https://twitter.com/esa_sts) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/esa_sts/status/1140638338472382465)

Next stop... Jupiter! (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125535.png) During the #ParisAirShow (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ParisAirShow?src=hash) at @salondubourget (https://twitter.com/salondubourget) today, @esa (https://twitter.com/esa) and @Arianespace (https://twitter.com/Arianespace) signed the Ariane launch contract of @esascience (https://twitter.com/esascience) mission #JUICE (https://twitter.com/hashtag/JUICE?src=hash) (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer), scheduled for 2022.
Read more: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Arianespace_and_ESA_announce_Jupiter_Icy_Moons_Explorer_launch_contract ... (https://t.co/8ORqJhyQTU) #PAS2019 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PAS2019?src=hash)

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.06.2019 20:09:33
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/225259.jpg) (http://www.esa.int/)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/225421.jpg) (http://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2017/07/Exploring_Jupiter)
Exploring Jupiter


17 June 2019
The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Juice, will ride into space on an Ariane launch vehicle, Arianespace and ESA confirmed today at the International Paris Air Show.

Juice is the first large-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015–2025 programme. Its mission is devoted to complete a unique tour of the Jupiter system.

Juice will spend at least three years making detailed observations of the giant gaseous planet Jupiter and in-depth studies of three of its largest moons and potentially ocean-bearing satellites, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto.

The launch period for Juice will start in mid-2022 aboard an Ariane 5 or an Ariane 64 launch vehicle – depending on the final launch slot from from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana, South America.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGkW__sEDHA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGkW__sEDHA)
Juice's Jovian odyssey
Access the video (http://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2019/01/Juice_s_Jovian_odyssey)

The satellite will have a mass at liftoff of approximately six tonnes and will be placed in an Earth escape orbit in a direction to Jupiter starting a journey of 600 million kilometres. After a 7.5-year cruise, which includes gravitational assists from Earth, Venus and Mars, the spacecraft will enter orbit around the giant planet in October 2029.

The Jupiter tour includes several flybys of each planet-sized world, and ends with orbit insertion around Ganymede, the largest moon in the Solar System.

Juice will carry the most powerful scientific payload ever flown to the outer Solar System. It consists of 10 state-of-the-art instruments plus one science experiment that uses the spacecraft telecommunication system with ground-based radio telescopes.

Juice's instruments will enable scientists to compare each of these icy satellites and to investigate the potential for such bodies to harbour habitable environments such as subsurface oceans. They will also carry out observations of Jupiter, its atmosphere, magnetosphere, other satellites and rings.

Airbus Defense and Space is developing and building the Juice spacecraft. As prime contractor for design, development, production, and testing of the satellite, Airbus will lead a consortium of more than 80 companies covering more than 110 contracts.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/225635.jpg) (http://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2019/06/Juice_launcher_contract_signed)
Juice launcher contract signed

"Juice is the first 'large-class' mission in our Cosmic Vision programme and of prime importance for investigating the habitability potential of ocean-worlds beyond our own," said G ünther Hasinger, ESA's Director of Science. "We're delighted to confirm it will have a flying start with an Ariane launch vehicle, setting it on course to fulfil its scientific goals in the Jupiter system."

Stéphane Israël, Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace, added: "Arianespace is honored to be awarded this new scientific mission from ESA, which will advance our understanding of the Universe. Less than a year after the launch of BepiColombo to Mercury, we have won the launch contract for the Juice mission to Jupiter's moons, further confirmation of Arianespace's ability to ensure Europe's independent access to space for all types of missions. We are once again marshaling all of our strengths and capabilities to support Europe's spaceborne ventures, with a launch services offering based on Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 so we can deliver the availability and flexibility needed by ESA for its latest emblematic mission."
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.06.2019 01:08:50
ЦитироватьCorporate (http://www.arianespace.com/press-releases/?taxonomy%5Bpress-release-category%5D=corporate) | June 17, 2019
Arianespace and ESA announce the JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) launch contract

Arianespace and the European Space Agency (ESA) today announced the signature of a launch services contract with an Ariane launch vehicle for JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer).

JUICE the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer – is the first large-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme. Its mission is devoted to complete a unique tour of the Jupiter system.

JUICE will spend at least three years making detailed observations of the giant gaseous planet Jupiter and in-depth studies of three of its largest moons as well as the potentially ocean-bearing satellites, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto.

The JUICE mission will utilize an Ariane 5 or an Ariane 64 launch vehicle, with the launch period starting in mid-2022 – depending of the final launch slot from the Guiana Space Center, Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana (South America). With the currently-nominal launch window in May 2022 the mission would end in June 2033.

The satellite will have a mass at liftoff of approximately six tons and will be placed in an Earth escape orbit toward Jupiter initiating a journey of 600 million kilometers.

After a 7.5-year cruise toward Jupiter – which includes gravitational assists from Earth, Venus and Mars – the spacecraft will enter orbit around the giant planet in October 2029.

The Jupiter tour includes several flybys of each planet-sized world, and it ends with orbit insertion around Ganymede, the largest moon in the Solar System.

JUICE will carry the most powerful scientific payload ever flown to the outer Solar System. It consists of 10 state-of-the-art instruments plus one science experiment that uses the spacecraft telecommunication system with ground-based radio telescopes.

JUICE's instruments will enable scientists to compare each of these icy satellites and to investigate the potential for such bodies to harbor habitable environments such as subsurface oceans. They will also carry out observations of Jupiter, its atmosphere, magnetosphere, satellites and rings.

Airbus Defence and Space is developing and building the JUICE spacecraft. As prime contractor, for design, development, production, and testing of the satellite, Airbus will lead a consortium of more than 80 companies covering more than 110 contracts.

Following the contract signature, Günther Hasinger, Director of Science Programs at ESA, said: "JUICE is the first 'large-class' mission in our Cosmic Vision program and of prime importance for investigating the habitability potential of ocean-worlds beyond our own. We're delighted to confirm it will have a flying start with an Ariane launch vehicle, setting it on course to fulfil its scientific goals in the Jupiter system."

Stéphane Israël, Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace, added: "Arianespace is honored to be awarded this new scientific mission from ESA, which will advance our understanding of the Universe. Less than a year after the launch of BepiColombo to Mercury, we have won the launch contract for the JUICE mission to Jupiter's moons, further confirmation of Arianespace's ability to ensure Europe's independent access to space for all types of missions. We are once again marshaling all of our strengths and capabilities to support Europe's spaceborne ventures, with a launch services offering based on Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 so we can deliver the availability and flexibility needed by ESA for its latest emblematic mission."
Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.07.2019 11:14:51
https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2019/07/juice-starts-its-journey-on-earth.html (https://www.airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2019/07/juice-starts-its-journey-on-earth.html)

EN-Airbus-SpS-Photo-Release-JUICE-starts-its-journey-on-Earth.pdf (https://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/publications/press-release/EN-Airbus-SpS-Photo-Release-JUICE-starts-its-journey-on-Earth.pdf) - 281.6 KB, 2 стр, 2019-07-25 12:27:42 UTC

Название: Jupiter Icy moons Explorer – JUICE
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.04.2020 13:20:25
http://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Jupiter_explorer_Juice_arrives_for_final_integration#.XqFdUxCCVS8.twitter (http://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Jupiter_explorer_Juice_arrives_for_final_integration#.XqFdUxCCVS8.twitter)
ЦитироватьJupiter explorer Juice arrives for final integration

ESA's upcoming JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft arrives at the satellite integration centre of the project's prime contractor Airbus in Friedrichshafen, Germany, in April 2020, to undergo final integration.

ESA's Jupiter explorer Juice arrives for final integration at Airbus'facilities in Friedrichshafen, Germany:


ESA's Jupiter explorer Juice at Airbus' facilities in Friedrichshafen, Germany, ready for final integration: