Форум Новости Космонавтики

Тематические разделы => Пилотируемые полеты => Тема начата: Космос-3794 от 12.10.2011 11:16:02

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Космос-3794 от 12.10.2011 11:16:02
Boeing завершает цикл аэродинамических испытаний уменьшенной модели (1:14) капсулы CST-100, проводимых с 17 сентября в центре Эймса (NASA).




Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 31.12.2011 19:04:15
Кстати говоря. На последних переговорах между РККЭ и Боингом (которые кстати были про сортир) Боинг предложил делать ТЗП его аппарата в новом автоклаве РККЭ.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 31.12.2011 20:57:37
Ооо, поздравляю! Соглашайтесь. :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 31.12.2011 20:16:13
ЦитироватьОоо, поздравляю! Соглашайтесь. :)
Не вопрос. Единственный нюанс - должна быть свободная площадь чтоб не делать ТЗП ПТКНП
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 31.12.2011 21:30:44
А так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 31.12.2011 20:47:55
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 31.12.2011 21:54:52
А не всё ли равно, на чём деньги зарабатывать? :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 31.12.2011 21:02:49
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Можно конечно. Но тогда вопрос - если мы делаем свое у себя и дешево то пусть конкурент делает на стороне и дорого.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 31.12.2011 21:05:43
ЦитироватьА не всё ли равно, на чём деньги зарабатывать? :wink:
Это кому как. Мне например не все равно. Про других - не скажу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 31.12.2011 22:15:17
Опасаетесь конкуренции "Союзам"? Но смотрите: космические корабли они делать будут в любом случае. И, однозначно, будут отказываться от наших услуг по доставке экипажей на МКС. Так что, суя им палки в колёса, мы не выиграем - они же могут и сами заказать в Германии такой же автоклав. А так, хотя размен и не равноценный, всё равно, какая-никакая, а денежка.

А я ещё хочу спросить: а как там с блоком ДМ для "Атласа", подвижки какие есть?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 31.12.2011 21:38:38
ЦитироватьА не всё ли равно, на чём деньги зарабатывать? :wink:
Видете ли ...
РККЭ - немного не та площадка где работавют те кому похер.
Собсно я. Вместо того чтобы иметь ежемесячно полтинник на РККЭ имел бы  стольник-двухсотку в банке.
Так что сложный вопрос.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 31.12.2011 22:36:30
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Можно конечно. Но тогда вопрос - если мы делаем свое у себя и дешево то пусть конкурент делает на стороне и дорого.
Лев, за конкурента - не беспокойтесь.

Только вот почему вы не можете делать себе по себестоимости, а конкуренту - по рыночно оправданной цене? Тогда часть своих денег конкурент будет платить вам.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 31.12.2011 22:39:13
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Потому что иначе они сами её сделают (найдут у кого), и примерно в те же сроки. А разница в цене относительно общего уровня затрат в любом случае погоды не делает.

А так есть возможность получить доход и опыт, не исключено что заодно и новые знания (или возможности).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Agent от 01.01.2012 14:26:39
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Потому что иначе они сами её сделают (найдут у кого), и примерно в те же сроки. А разница в цене относительно общего уровня затрат в любом случае погоды не делает.

А так есть возможность получить доход и опыт, не исключено что заодно и новые знания (или возможности).
Боинг просто пытается минимизовать расходы.
Своих автоклавов (многие из которых 9и метровые) у него завались. Но все заняты выпеканием Дримлайнеров.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 01.01.2012 06:09:18
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Потому что иначе они сами её сделают (найдут у кого), и примерно в те же сроки. А разница в цене относительно общего уровня затрат в любом случае погоды не делает.

А так есть возможность получить доход и опыт, не исключено что заодно и новые знания (или возможности).
Боинг просто пытается минимизовать расходы.
Своих автоклавов (многие из которых 9и метровые) у него завались. Но все заняты выпеканием Дримлайнеров.
Ясное дело что Боинг пытается минимизировать свои расходы и что своих автоклавов у Боинга есть по самое немогу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 01.01.2012 07:01:48
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Можно конечно. Но тогда вопрос - если мы делаем свое у себя и дешево то пусть конкурент делает на стороне и дорого.
Лев, за конкурента - не беспокойтесь.

Только вот почему вы не можете делать себе по себестоимости, а конкуренту - по рыночно оправданной цене? Тогда часть своих денег конкурент будет платить вам.
А вот и удод валерич нарисовался. Знаешь удод -вали отсель пока тебе не дали в рыло причем конкретно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 01.01.2012 07:02:56
И запомни одну простую штуку. Ты - не конкурент. Ты - удод.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: avmich от 01.01.2012 17:50:49
ЦитироватьА вот и удод валерич нарисовался. Знаешь удод -вали отсель пока тебе не дали в рыло причем конкретно.

Ох, Лев, как хорошо на форуме было без таких Ваших реплик. Вы бы поменяли, что ли, тон? Вполне можно общаться без оскорблений даже без согласия с собеседником по всем вопросам. А то форум НК выглядит из-за такого языка как помойка.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 01.01.2012 14:38:35
ЦитироватьА вот и удод валерич нарисовался. Знаешь удод -вали отсель пока тебе не дали в рыло причем конкретно.

Ох, Лев, как хорошо на форуме было без таких Ваших реплик. Вы бы поменяли, что ли, тон? Вполне можно общаться без оскорблений даже без согласия с собеседником по всем вопросам. А то форум НК выглядит из-за такого языка как помойка.
Ок уважаемый avmich.
Все понял проникся и уже стою в очереди на запись в уважаемые ангелы.
Однако очередь в ангелы длинновата. Боюсь не достою и схожу за пивом.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 02.01.2012 02:04:21
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Потому что иначе они сами её сделают (найдут у кого), и примерно в те же сроки. А разница в цене относительно общего уровня затрат в любом случае погоды не делает.

А так есть возможность получить доход и опыт, не исключено что заодно и новые знания (или возможности).

Вот! И я на это намекаю. Флагман дополнительную денежку заработает, а у Родины повысится доля высокотехнологичной продукции в экспорте. А то уже задрала оппозиция - всё тычет, что мы только нефть и газ продаём. А тут - ещё и композиты. :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 02.01.2012 05:01:26
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Потому что иначе они сами её сделают (найдут у кого), и примерно в те же сроки. А разница в цене относительно общего уровня затрат в любом случае погоды не делает.

А так есть возможность получить доход и опыт, не исключено что заодно и новые знания (или возможности).
Боинг просто пытается минимизовать расходы.
Своих автоклавов (многие из которых 9и метровые) у него завались. Но все заняты выпеканием Дримлайнеров.
Ясное дело что Боинг пытается минимизировать свои расходы и что своих автоклавов у Боинга есть по самое немогу.
Вот учитывая все это, отказ от заказа Боинга очень подходит под поговорку: "Назло бабушке отморожу уши".

Да, Боинг, безусловно, минимизирует свои расходы. Но мы заинтересованы в увеличении высокотехнологичной продукции, в том числе и на экспорт, так что это пример взаимовыгодной сделки. И этого вопроса для любой рыночной фирмы просто не существует.

Кстати. это отличный пример коммерциализации космической промышленности.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 02.01.2012 06:23:13
http://twitter.com/#!/elonmusk 30 dec
ЦитироватьSpaceX has Boeing, Lockheed, Europe (Ariane) and Russia (Proton/Soyuz) near checkmate in rocket technology. End game is all about China.
Все, Боинг может сворачивать свою косм.программу  :lol: Элон сказал "на следующем ходу шах и мат" :lol:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 02.01.2012 09:59:38
Ну если он про полеты астронавтов, то насчет нас он прав, вылетаем при появлении 1го национального корабля, пофиг чьего.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: avmich от 02.01.2012 20:02:17
Цитироватьhttp://twitter.com/#!/elonmusk 30 dec
ЦитироватьSpaceX has Boeing, Lockheed, Europe (Ariane) and Russia (Proton/Soyuz) near checkmate in rocket technology. End game is all about China.
Все, Боинг может сворачивать свою косм.программу  :lol: Элон сказал "на следующем ходу шах и мат" :lol:

Мне кажется, Элон Маск - что-то вроде современной версии мини-фон Брауна - или Королёва - в США, в том смысле, что он не стесняется в выражении амбиций, и подкрепляет их результатами, которых давненько не видели старожилы. Выглядит забавно - а учитывая положительный эффект СпейсЭкс на космополитику, это всё вызывает в Штатах реакцию поощрения - свой, мол, парень, ставим на него, он уже показал и продолжает показывать некоторые успехи - так что, может, покажет и ещё.

Доказывать - как принято делать в российском классическом космосообществе - что технически Элон пока проигрывает, скажем, даигателям Протона 60-х годов - плюс модернизации, конечно - или экономически - Р-7 50-х годов, опять, конечно, плюс модернизации - дело, в общем, даже и не очень нужное. С одной стороны, реальные результаты у Элона есть. С другой, удастся ли ему - в современных терминах - раскачать лодку достаточно, чтобы возникли новые классы ПН, новые традиции ценообразования и работы с заказчиками, новые методы разработки РН как стандартные и т.п. - пока что надо посмотреть. Конструктивная критика СпейсЭкс - в дополнение к постоянным заявлениям Маска "мы превосходим Китай - и всех остальных - по дешевизне запусков" - вполне имеется.

Несомненно - при всех бравых заявлениях Маска - желаю ему творческих успехов в новом году на ниве технико-экономического совершенствования РН и ПН :) .
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Лютич от 02.01.2012 14:27:54
Общался с англичанами - они очень радовались, что европейцы заставили их слезть с Фалкона. Иначе плакала бы их частотная заявка.

Текущие манеры Маска по части переносов пусков несовместимы с правилами бизнеса в области телекома.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Wild Cat от 02.01.2012 15:30:49
ЦитироватьТекущие манеры Маска по части переносов пусков несовместимы с правилами бизнеса в области телекома.

Обсуждать манеры Маска можно пока:
1. Он не станет первым американским "извозчиком" по доставке грузов на МКС после Шаттлов
2. Он не станет первым американским "извозчиком" по доставке людей на МКС после Шаттлов
3. Не полетит Falcon Heavy альтернатив которой по грузоподъемности на рынке (пока) нет и неизвестно когда они появятся.

А с Falcon Heavy вообще интересная картина получается... Притом что испытания - в следующем году (зная расписание Маска может и на 13 год съехать, но тем не менее - ни у кого ничего подобного нет). Хотя и не в ту тему.
А в тему - CST-100 может и будет летать к МКС только изза того, что делает это все Боинг и, по сути, это - гос.контора (поддерживаемая НАСА). Все остальные - хорошо "если", а вот пилотируемый Dragon и CST-100 будут по-любому IMHO
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 02.01.2012 16:29:01
ЦитироватьТекущие манеры Маска по части переносов пусков несовместимы с правилами бизнеса в области телекома.

Обсуждать манеры Маска можно пока:
1. Он не станет первым американским "извозчиком" по доставке грузов на МКС после Шаттлов
2. Он не станет первым американским "извозчиком" по доставке людей на МКС после Шаттлов
3. Не полетит Falcon Heavy альтернатив которой по грузоподъемности на рынке (пока) нет и неизвестно когда они появятся.

С таким подходом Маск "слона не продаст". Переносы испытаний Дрэгона вполне понятны - все же пилотируемая система. Но что же мешает проводить запуски коммерческих КА? Все эти бесконечные отсрочки вкупе с монотонным ростом цен наводят на мысли, что у Маска элементарно не хватает производственных мощностей для изготовления нужного количества ракет. И чтобы расшить это "узкое место" ему непременно придется делать большие капвложения, что еще больше повысит стоимость предлагаемых им услуг.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 02.01.2012 18:10:16
Однако странно - он вобще ракеты то производит? Сколько он изготовил ракет после крайнего пуска?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 02.01.2012 17:13:02
ЦитироватьОднако странно - он вобще ракеты то производит? Сколько он изготовил ракет после крайнего пуска?

Да уж год с лишком с крайнего пуска прошел. Наверное, весь склад ракетами забит :wink:  :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 02.01.2012 18:18:54
ЦитироватьОднако странно - он вобще ракеты то производит? Сколько он изготовил ракет после крайнего пуска?

Да уж год с лишком с крайнего пуска прошел. Наверное, весь склад ракетами забит :wink:  :D
Это все русские виноваты со своим металлоломом... :evil:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 03.01.2012 05:54:04
ЦитироватьОднако странно - он вобще ракеты то производит? Сколько он изготовил ракет после крайнего пуска?
Нет поточного производства, людей бросают с аврала на аврал. Заложили пять Драгонов, собирают. Наверное два доделают, три задвинут в угол полусобранными и ломанутся обратно, делать Фальконы. Я об этом догадываюсь на основании заявлений Элона а том как он "приказал начать изготовление того, приказал начать изготовление сего", а о том как свернули программу Falcon 1.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 02.01.2012 20:58:29
ЦитироватьОднако странно - он вобще ракеты то производит? Сколько он изготовил ракет после крайнего пуска?
Нет поточного производства, людей бросают с аврала на аврал. Заложили пять Драгонов, собирают. Наверное два доделают, три задвинут в угол полусобранными и ломанутся обратно, делать Фальконы. Я об этом догадываюсь на основании заявлений Элона а том как он "приказал начать изготовление того, приказал начать изготовление сего", а о том как свернули программу Falcon 1.
О, знакомая картина... SpaseX становится нормальной космической фирмой... :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 02.01.2012 21:59:30
ЦитироватьНет поточного производства.....
Да, пока очевидно, что это так. Думаю, что серийное производство Фальконов у Маска начнется в этом году, после начала полетов к МКС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 02.01.2012 22:03:37
ЦитироватьНет поточного производства.....
Да, пока очевидно, что это так. Думаю, что серийное производство Фальконов у Маска начнется в этом году, после начала полетов к МКС.
2 полета в год.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 02.01.2012 21:27:42
Все так боятся Маска, что готовы обсуждать его даже в топике про CST-100  :twisted:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 02.01.2012 22:42:04
ЦитироватьВсе так боятся Маска, что готовы обсуждать его даже в топике про CST-100  :twisted:
Кстати - а почему с Орбиталом все намного спокойнее?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 02.01.2012 19:51:37
ЦитироватьВсе так боятся Маска, что готовы обсуждать его даже в топике про CST-100  :twisted:
Кстати - а почему с Орбиталом все намного спокойнее?
Потому что на Лебеде в принципе невозможно возить людей  :lol:
Хотя про CST-100 тоже нет громких новостей  :roll: кроме обещания одноходового шаха и мата
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 02.01.2012 22:59:58
ЦитироватьВсе так боятся Маска, что готовы обсуждать его даже в топике про CST-100  :twisted:
Кстати - а почему с Орбиталом все намного спокойнее?
Потому что на Лебеде в принципе невозможно возить людей  :lol:
Хотя про CST-100 тоже нет громких новостей  :roll: кроме обещания одноходового шаха и мата
Так и с Драконом никто ничего ранее 2017 ничего даже не обещает.
Или котируется именно потенциальная возможность ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 02.01.2012 20:10:57
Впечатление от статьи в Попмеханике. Про капсулы и шаттлики пишут:
"Dream Chaser and Boeing's CST ".  А про полет в 12г Лебедя на Антаресе нет.
Для пипла главное чтобы КА был похож на Аполло (или шаттл).
Американскому народу неинтересно читать про доставку еды, салфеток и белья, если грузы возят не на капсуле.  :lol:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 03.01.2012 10:00:44
Не, "пишут" говорить мало. Кто пишет? Рэнд? Я с ним можно сказать почти что лично знаком, ввиду того, как он один раз меня обозвал "moron" по поводу моего предпочтения автомобилей с автоматикой (и все равно у меня теперь джип с ручными зеркалами, стеклоподъемниками и замками, но с коробкой 42RLE). По-моему, лучше было бы сказать "Рэнд пишет". Чтобы была ясна позициональность.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 03.01.2012 01:03:19
Меня у Боинга смущает один нюанс. Там одна РН стоит в 10 раз дороже.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дм. Журко от 03.01.2012 21:13:11
ЦитироватьНу если он про полеты астронавтов, то насчет нас он прав, вылетаем при появлении 1го национального корабля, пофиг чьего.

Так просто эту недомолвку не понять. Где Протон, ARIAN, китайцы, а где астронавты.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 03.01.2012 21:19:33
ЦитироватьНу если он про полеты астронавтов, то насчет нас он прав, вылетаем при появлении 1го национального корабля, пофиг чьего.

Так просто эту недомолвку не понять. Где Протон, ARIAN, китайцы, а где астронавты.
А это не имеет значения. Но Вы - урод Жирко ничего не знаете. Если Боинг и полетит - то в четком графике помежду других кораблей. Но урод Жирко про это ничего не узнает потому как его выкинут намного раньше.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дм. Журко от 03.01.2012 21:31:36
Какие всё-таки кадры тут. Заглядение. Хочется обратить внимание очарованного Виницкого.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Зловредный от 07.01.2012 11:57:08
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Чтобы привязать его к себе, чтобы он от вас зависел. Нет?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 07.01.2012 20:43:38
Можно и так. Но я лишь предлагал денежку подзаработать. Разумеется, не в ущерб собственным программам.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 07.01.2012 20:33:06
ЦитироватьА так, чтобы делать ТЗП и для "пятака", и для боинговской поделки - нельзя?
Теоретически можно. Но вопрос - а зачем параллельно с ТЗП ПТКНП делать ТЗП конкуренту?
Чтобы привязать его к себе, чтобы он от вас зависел. Нет?
Вот как раз это оочень вряд ли.
Боинг же тоже не вчера родился, и партнёрские отношения выстроит так, чтобы исключить даже малейшие поползновения в эту сторону.
У него возможностей хватает, это не СНГ...
Потому я такую идею даже не упоминал. Хотя именно это первым пришло в голову.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Зловредный от 07.01.2012 23:17:28
Я вполне могу ошибаться. Но, мне кажется, ракетно-космическая отрасль России в последние годы вполне успешно это делает. Не торопясь, тихой сапой... :)
И я не имею в виду привязать так, чтобы этой привязью потом шантажировать. Просто быть выгодным и удобным партнёром. Без которого в принципе можно бы и обойтись... Но вот только это будет чуть менее удобно... А значит, с этим партнёром в чём-то будет нужно считаться... :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 10.01.2012 20:17:09

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 11.01.2012 06:02:01
Обалдеть, смотрят вперед без перископа. Впрочем им легко без БО.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 10.01.2012 21:52:15
Подписываюсь под четверых. Будет мньше - я в пролете
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 10.01.2012 19:07:27
Поменялись баки ДУ,  СУС, Пилотский иллюминатор
Февраль (http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/7331/febr2011.th.jpg) (http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/7331/febr2011.jpg) и август (http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/1509/august2011.th.jpg) (http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/1509/august2011.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 10.01.2012 22:13:32
Это чудо хочет садиться на сушу
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: RemArk от 10.01.2012 23:31:41
ЦитироватьОбалдеть, смотрят вперед без перископа. Впрочем им легко без БО.

Так и Аполлон прекрасно без перископа обходился и Джемени и на ТКС его не планировалось.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 10.01.2012 21:02:34
ЦитироватьОбалдеть, смотрят вперед без перископа. Впрочем им легко без БО.

Так и Аполлон прекрасно без перископа обходился и Джемени и на ТКС его не планировалось.
Край окна находится прямо около боковой стенки - пользоваться им будет очень неудобно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 10.01.2012 21:38:05
Сравнительные размеры КК
(http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/6148/1235r.th.jpg) (http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/6148/1235r.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 11.01.2012 00:39:47
ЦитироватьТак и Аполлон прекрасно без перископа обходился и Джемени и на ТКС его не планировалось.
И даже Шаттлы! :)
 В итоге с перископом один Союз.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 11.01.2012 00:42:35
Зато Союз, всегда имел фору при неудачной стыковке в виде БО :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 11.01.2012 00:48:54
ЦитироватьЗато Союз, всегда имел фору при неудачной стыковке в виде БО :)
Эт точно. Три метра жизни. :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 11.01.2012 06:30:43
Продолжая тему сельдей в банке: (февральский вариант)
(http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/2774/cst100feb2011.jpg) (http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/6067/cst100feb2011b.jpg)
Если поставить Казбеки - будет просторнее...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 11.01.2012 09:08:59
Получается что Боинг вслед за АTV создает КК с дыркой в ПАО  :roll:
Можно использовать как trunk, или вставить туннель с СУ...
(http://i026.radikal.ru/1201/60/e592893ded4et.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/i026.radikal.ru/1201/60/e592893ded4e.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i508/1201/e5/cc51384a1768t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i508/1201/e5/cc51384a1768.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i524/1201/31/c79de5d5eb84t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i524/1201/31/c79de5d5eb84.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i526/1201/57/7f821289fd57t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i526/1201/57/7f821289fd57.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i521/1201/21/6fdaec99487dt.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i521/1201/21/6fdaec99487d.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i518/1201/fd/f2dc9311e59et.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i518/1201/fd/f2dc9311e59e.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Большой от 11.01.2012 11:21:27
такие бы картинки по ПТК НП :P
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 12.01.2012 06:19:29
ЦитироватьЕсли поставить Казбеки - будет просторнее...
Забавно, я тоже об этом подумал. Но нет, не хотят.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 17.01.2012 15:18:54
ЦитироватьMon, 16 January, 2012
Michael Leinbach, Director of Human Spaceflight Operations, United Launch Alliance
By Irene Klotz

After nearly three decades with NASA, including the past 11 years as space shuttle launch director at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Fla., Michael Leinbach said goodbye to what was left of his team and turned in his badge Nov. 30, four months after Atlantis returned fr om the shuttle program's 135th and final flight.

"What they had lined up for me after shuttle was not going to be exciting work for me," says Leinbach, who was asked by NASA to join a newly created ground processing directorate at KSC that will support a variety of launch systems.

Instead, Leinbach, 58, begins a new job Jan. 16 overseeing human space operations for United Launch Alliance (ULA), the Lockheed Martin-Boeing joint venture that builds and flies Atlas 5 and Delta 4 rockets, primarily for the U.S. government.

ULA has some new partners in the wings. It is the designated launch provider for Boeing, Sierra Nevada Corp. and other companies developing space taxis for NASA and commercial customers.

Leinbach spoke with Space News correspondent Irene Klotz in Titusville, Fla.

What is your new job?

I will be ULA's director of human spaceflight operations based at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, working to provide the commercial crew access providers with safe and reliable launch vehicles — Atlas principally, maybe Delta. It's a great job for an ops guy like me.

Are you going to have to wear a tie?

I hope not.

Are you excited about this?

Oh yeah. It's real good stuff. I've always wished the commercial providers good luck and hope they succeed. I have an opportunity to help — at least I think I can help. My big thing has always been the lack of redundancy in crew access to space when we shut shuttle down. It was never anything against the commercial guys at all.

What did you learn at NASA that you want to bring to ULA's operation?

The psyche that goes with launch day, just making sure everything is right and that it's not a purely technical go/no-go decision to launch. There's an aspect to it that is almost emotional. You have to have that feeling that we're good to go that day. You don't get that unless you've been in that business for a while. My job will be to try to instill that gut check whether we're ready to go for launch of a human being or not.

What will you be doing?

It's a combination. I'll be overseeing their policies and plans development for human spaceflight, launch pad upgrades — we're going to have to put in an egress system — and working with the team that is going to be man-rating the rockets. It's getting the human launch background into their operations because it's so different than cargo launches.

Are you confident ULA will be a player in NASA's commercial crew program?

The Atlas vehicle has one of the highest — if not the highest — success rates in the country and in the world. Fr om a ULA perspective, they feel confident that they're going to be in the running to be the launcher for whoever gets the commercial crew contracts. SpaceX, of course, has their own launcher, but all the other ones don't, and so they have to ride on something. ULA feels confident they're going to provide those rides.

So ULA seems like it is in good position no matter what happens. Would you agree?

I think so. If the administration changes policy again that could throw everything into a loop. If the administration decides they only want one commercial crew provider from the United States and that's SpaceX, then that would be different. But here again, we as a country ought to have redundancy, as well as backing up the Russians. In my mind, it's not just the two countries being redundant to each other, it's having redundancy on the American side too.

How has life been after NASA?

It's different. I miss the people a lot. I miss the shuttle launch work a lot, but shuttle is over. The work out there nowadays is just not as much fun; it's just not as exciting. It's just a fact. I need a challenge. I need to go out and do stuff.

Do you think there will be people launching from the United States again?

Oh, absolutely. I don't think the country will give that up. I think it ought to come to a national debate and that hasn't happened. The policy involving NASA has always been kind of behind-the-scenes. NASA had become almost like a political toy, a pawn to play with. I think there needs to be a national debate about space policy. I've always been an advocate of having a national space policy and sticking to it, one that has some longevity. These systems, these programs we put together are so long-term and expensive and complex that you can't keep changing them or you find yourselves in the situation that we have.

You mean a policy that supersedes the cycles of politics and elections?

Yes. We need to figure out what we want to do, and if the answer, by the way, is that we don't want to, or that we cannot afford to, put Americans on orbit on American rockets, I wouldn't like that answer, but I would accept that answer because it would be the result of the debate. I don't think it would go that way, but if it did, then we would all have to say, "OK, we've had the debate. This is wh ere we're headed."

What would be your vision?

Leinbach speaking, we need to set, as a long-, long-, long-term strategy, colonization because eventually we're going to need to get off this planet. The population is growing, pollution is growing, all those things are real and eventually we are going to get to the point wh ere our planet will be really, really taxed to support another however many billions of people who will be here. We've seen the population double in our lifetime, maybe triple. It's going to happen again in the not-too-distant future. I don't know that the Earth is sustainable at twice the number of people. How do you deal with that? One way is go colonize.

How would you do that?

There are steppingstones. One of them is to remain on orbit, learn how to do that for real, and we're doing that well with the space station. I believe the next logical step is a colony on the Moon, start small obviously. Learn how to live off the Moon. Go to those craters that have the ice and turn the ice into water and fuels. Do all those things you have to do when you're away from home forever, but do it on the Moon because you're only three days away. I believe Mars is a logical step later.

So do you think the people who go will be speaking English?

That's part of the national debate. Do we want them to be or not? We go to the Olympics as a country. We don't go to come in second place. We go to win. Do we want to win the space race? Do we want to be number one or not? If you ask me, I'll say obviously yes, but if we have the debate and the answer is no, OK.

Do you think the model would be more like the international space station partnership?

If we do this colonization, it isn't going to be just Americans. This is the world, the planet deciding, with hopefully American leadership, but the planet deciding that, "Hey man, we've got to go think seriously about this." Then the practical kicks in, the finances of it. International cooperation — that's the way it's going to be. I don't see any one country doing anything like this by itself, for gosh sakes.

Do you think NASA's best days are over?

No, I don't think so. When I hired into NASA 27 years ago, I was the bright-eyed, enthusiastic 31-year-old and when I left there were people hiring in and you talk to them and they were all excited and had the big smile and they say, "Yay, I work for NASA." You still get that enthusiasm, and with that comes great things. It's a change in the direction of NASA. It's going from an operations organization with the shuttle and station to more of a research and development agency, coming back to the roots of NASA. You're going to see great things come out of NASA, but it won't be the operations agency that it turned into.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 27.01.2012 15:44:06
Из темы про Дракон
ЦитироватьТем не менее, МКС с повестки дня не снята
ЦитироватьAbout the Orion MPCV
Capability to be a backup system for International Space Station cargo and crew delivery
ЦитироватьСлово "Возможность" нужно переводить так "А если Дракон не будет готов, можно будет летать на Орионе" :lol:
cst-100 для полетов к мкс тоже выглядит лучше ориона.
Потому что cst-100 точно будет дешевле Ориона :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Boo от 27.01.2012 19:57:08
ЦитироватьПотому что cst-100 точно будет дешевле Ориона
И, конечно, надёжнее при входе в атмосферу на второй космической?  :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 27.01.2012 19:58:18
ЦитироватьПотому что cst-100 точно будет дешевле Ориона :wink:

что угодно будет дешевле ориона. (шепотом - наверно даже шаттл) :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 27.01.2012 19:59:48
ЦитироватьПотому что cst-100 точно будет дешевле Ориона
И, конечно, надёжнее при входе в атмосферу на второй космической?  :wink:

Цитироватьcst-100 для полетов к мкс тоже выглядит лучше ориона.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Boo от 27.01.2012 21:09:35
Отож и не сравнивайте карандаш сами знаете с чем.
"Орион" изначально позиционируется для дальнего космоса, МКС для него - это так, мимоходом.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 27.01.2012 18:29:16
Обсуждалось вот это:
ЦитироватьAbout the Orion MPCV
Capability to be a backup system for International Space Station cargo and crew delivery
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 27.01.2012 21:37:32
ЦитироватьПотому что cst-100 точно будет дешевле Ориона
И, конечно, надёжнее при входе в атмосферу на второй космической?  :wink:
а что, при возвращении с МКС обязательна вторая космическая?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 27.01.2012 21:43:45
ЦитироватьПотому что cst-100 точно будет дешевле Ориона
И, конечно, надёжнее при входе в атмосферу на второй космической?  :wink:
а что, при возвращении с МКС обязательна вторая космическая?

так орион может отчалить от мкс, забраться повыше и бульк... а cst-100 так слабо? :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 27.01.2012 22:45:37
Цитироватьа что, при возвращении с МКС обязательна вторая космическая?
так орион может отчалить от мкс, забраться повыше и бульк... а cst-100 так слабо? :)
Может. Для испытательного полета - вполне оправдано, но тогда зачем МКС? Для обычного полета - возможна, но тогда опять таки, зачем МКС?

Кстати, Маск собирался испытывать Дракон (возможно специальной модификации) на возможность возвращения со второй космической. Не сразу, но в перспективе - для полетов к Луне.
Хотя сама Лунная Программа его не волновала.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Потусторонний от 27.01.2012 19:55:41
(http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/5430/elmowithboeingcst100moc.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/elmowithboeingcst100moc.jpg/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 27.01.2012 22:59:43
ЦитироватьХотя сама Лунная Программа его не волновала.

Цитировать"Getting to the moon in 10 years is definitely doable," says SpaceX vice president Chris Thompson.


А вообще, доставка на Луну человека, была целью, заявленной при создании SpaceX.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 28.01.2012 00:42:16
ЦитироватьА вообще, доставка на Луну человека, была целью, заявленной при создании SpaceX.
Ответ здесь: http://www.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=880590#880590
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sharicoff от 23.02.2012 01:47:01

Лори Гарвер: In the Boeing CST-100 capsule with Chris Ferguson
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 10.03.2012 12:23:07
The Difference Between Boeing And SpaceX[/size]

by michael belfiore

At a Southern California YPO meeting in February, I moderated a discussion between Virgin Galactic's Will Pomerantz and Boeing's John Schindler.

As Director of Program Integration for Boeing's Commercial Crew Program, Schindler is one of the managers in charge of Boeing's spaceship-in-development, the CST-100.

The ship is one of those competing to replace the retired Space Shuttle for getting crew and cargo to the International Space Station. Schindler characterized the ship as a no-frills, get-up-and-get-down vehicle using proven technologies.

"When we looked at the requirement set from our customer [NASA], and they said 'Well, we want something that's safe and affordable, cost-effective, reliable,' we knew these technologies already existed. We already knew the blunt capsule that we saw on Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, that the Russians use, are proven technologies. So we went with that to provide them what they want. They didn't want a Cadillac, they really just wanted a minivan to get back and forth."
The company certainly has the wherewithal to build and launch this system, but it is utterly dependent on NASA to make progress, and there's the rub. "We're in a design phase right now," Schindler admitted. SpaceX, on the other hand, is now in flight test, with its first docking with the Space Station planned for April.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: NSF от 10.03.2012 09:30:41
Цитировать"We've designed a space capsule that looks very similar to what the old capsules looked like. It actually can carry seven people. It kind of looks like a minivan—you got three [astronauts] on top and four on bottom. We have a pilot and a copilot, but it will fly autonomously. It will have an autonomous docking to the space station. We'll put it on top of a rocket. Right now for our test program we've chosen a very reliable rocket. It's never launched humans into space, but it's flown over 100 times successfully, and that's an Atlas V."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 10.03.2012 12:48:44
Цитироватьit's flown over 100 times successfully, and that's an Atlas V.
:) ню-ню...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: NSF от 10.03.2012 10:13:42
guess "over 100% successfully" :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 14.03.2012 18:18:06
Сегодня CST-100 прошел т.н. Preliminary Design Review, т.е. примерно защиту эскизного проекта, пожалуй. Теперь все, начинается детальное проектирование. Заметим, что это не мешает уже отрабатывать агрегаты, только вчера был очередной прожиг репрезентативного двигателя САС.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: sychbird от 14.03.2012 09:58:42
ЦитироватьСегодня CST-100 прошел т.н. Preliminary Design Review, т.е. примерно защиту эскизного проекта, пожалуй. Теперь все, начинается детальное проектирование. Заметим, что это не мешает уже отрабатывать агрегаты, только вчера был очередной прожиг репрезентативного двигателя САС.

Я что-то не въехал в использование термина "репрезентативного" двигателя. Вроде в исходнике такого не нашел?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 14.03.2012 07:14:53
ЦитироватьСегодня CST-100 прошел т.н. Preliminary Design Review, т.е. примерно защиту эскизного проекта, пожалуй. Теперь все, начинается детальное проектирование. Заметим, что это не мешает уже отрабатывать агрегаты, только вчера был очередной прожиг репрезентативного двигателя САС.

Я что-то не въехал в использование термина "репрезентативного" двигателя. Вроде в исходнике такого не нашел?
ЦитироватьThe PDR included representatives from Boeing, NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration and independent consultants. They examined all milestones accomplished in the development of the integrated system design since the Delta System Definition review that was conducted in May 2011, under NASA's Commercial Crew Development Space Act Agreement.
В PDR "репрезентативно" все.  :wink: И люди и кони
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 14.03.2012 13:33:41
ЦитироватьPWR Analyzing CST-100 Abort Engine Tests

Mar 13, 2012

By Guy Norris

LOS ANGELES — Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) is analyzing data from the first hot-fire tests of a development launch abort engine (LAE) for Boeing's CST-100 commercial crew vehicle.

The engine is a lighter, higher-performance evolution of the Bantam demonstration engine tested in March 2011 for the "pusher" launch abort system, a critical component of the planned transport. Unlike the tower-mounted tractor abort system used by Apollo and other programs, a pusher system propels a spacecraft toward safety if an abort occurs. Tractor systems are ejected after launch, but pusher systems remain with the vehicle to orbit, and the unused propellant can go toward other portions of the mission, developers say.

The initial hot-fire tests, conducted at the Polaris-operated Mojave Test Range north of Edwards AFB, Calif. on March 8-9, were completed with a 5.5-sec. run on March 9. Fueled by pressure-fed nitrogen tetroxide/monomethyl hydrazine, the LAE is treated with ablative materials in the nozzle, throat and injector. "The original Bantam had film-cooling, so that decreased performance. With ablatives, we don't have that," says Terry Lorier, PWR launch abort program manager.

The LAE's heritage goes back to the 1990s when it was originally launched as part of NASA's search for a super lightweight engine under the Fastrac program. A derivative of the Bantam was later developed by Rocketdyne as the RS-88 for use on Lockheed Martin's Pad Abort Demonstration vehicle. Powered by four RS-88s, this was designed as the abort system for NASA's Orbital Space Plane planned as part of the Space Launch Initiative Cycle 2 TA-10 program.

Although the RS-88 ran a series of 14 successful hot-fire tests, the program was later canceled. "When Boeing approached us on CST-100, we looked at our heritage programs to see what would be the most logical bridge program and had the lowest risk. We pulled the Bantam engine out of storage at NASA Marshall," Lorier says.

The Bantam engine was "heavyweight and not optimized for performance, but rather for cost. So to adopt it to this application we need to improve performance a little and reduce the weight. So this is an incremental test along the way," Lorier adds. "We'll take the data from these tests and the next step will be a flight-weight engine."

PWR was selected by Boeing to help design the CST-100 service module and integrated launch abort propulsion system under Boeing's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) Space Act Agreement with NASA. As well as the four main LAE engines, the system includes orbital maneuvering/attitude control engines and reaction control thrusters. A preliminary design review (PDR) for the service module was passed in January and Boeing completed the overall CST-100 PDR in February.

Companies pursuing NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability initiative, the follow-up to the current CCDev 2 phase, are expected to submit bids by March 23.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 14.03.2012 09:50:39
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 17.03.2012 22:47:12
Ещё фото (правда, давнее):

Оттуда же:
Цитировать. . .
RS-88 development rocket engine is being test fired at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, in support of the Pad Abort Demonstration (PAD) test flights for NASA's Orbital Space Plane (OSP).
The tests could be instrumental in developing the first crew launch escape system in almost 30 years. Paving the way for a series of integrated PAD test flights, the engine tests support development of a system that could pull a crew safely away from danger during liftoff. A series of 16 hot fire tests of a 50,000-pound thrust RS-88 rocket engine were conducted, resulting in a total of 55 seconds of successful engine operation. The engine is being developed by the Rocketdyne Propulsion and Power unit of the Boeing Company.
 . . .
Date   1 December 2003
Грубый подсчёт говорит, что планируемая на CST-100 четвёрка таких движков съест тонну топлива быстрее, чем за 3 секунды.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 18.03.2012 13:42:19
ЦитироватьЯ что-то не въехал в использование термина "репрезентативного" двигателя. Вроде в исходнике такого не нашел?
Да, виноват, это я наврал на основе того, что это не старый Бантам, который они тестировали до этого, а новый двигатель на его основе. Тут я и обрадовался. Но оказалось, что и он не репрезентативен (т.е. будут еще изменения).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 19.03.2012 17:52:52
Концепт для CEV 2005 года.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 19.03.2012 23:49:32
ЦитироватьКонцепт для CEV 2005 года.

А почему Союзовско и без люка в ТЗП?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 20.03.2012 09:06:21
Еще и выводить под ГО, и САС мощнее надо...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 20.03.2012 05:36:24
ЦитироватьЕще и выводить под ГО, и САС мощнее надо...
Констелешн однако :wink: www.astronautix.com/fam/cev.htm
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 20.03.2012 11:26:40
Спасибо, такую картинку ещё не видел. Конкурс CEV занимателен тем, что в нём принимало много участников.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 01.04.2012 00:17:57
Как на CST-100 будет реализована САС?

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 01.04.2012 01:02:19
Нижняя жидкостная.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 01.04.2012 03:20:31
ЦитироватьКак на CST-100 будет реализована САС?
Там внизу четыре "петушка" для довыведения, маневрирования и торможения, заодно и LAS.
ЦитироватьГрубый подсчёт говорит, что планируемая на CST-100 четвёрка таких движков съест тонну топлива быстрее, чем за 3 секунды.

А где нибудь озвучена глубина дросселирования Bantamов?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 01.04.2012 14:29:46
Теперь понятно, хотя я так и подозревал. Оригинальное решение, позволит сэкономить деньги и время не создавая дополнительную классическую САС. А то, что при аварии двигатели прожорливы уже и не важно, топливо ведь все равно уже не пригодится, и не попадёт в воду.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 04.04.2012 08:55:47
У нас тут некий Крис Фергюсон твитнул, что был успешный сброс. Фамилия что-то знакомая...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 00:11:47
ЦитироватьТеперь понятно, хотя я так и подозревал. Оригинальное решение, позволит сэкономить деньги и время не создавая дополнительную классическую САС. А то, что при аварии двигатели прожорливы уже и не важно, топливо ведь все равно уже не пригодится, и не попадёт в воду.
Интересно, а если вообще не делать САС и положиться на то, что капсула не сгорит при падении ракеты на старт и не будет разрушена обломками ракеты.

 Наихудший случай это авария сразу после старта когда капсула не успеет раскрыть парашюты, но это относительно небольшой участок полёта, секунд 40-50 наверно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.04.2012 00:33:09
Давайте снимем катапультные кресла со всех реактивных истребителей!
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 04.04.2012 00:36:00
ЦитироватьКак на CST-100 будет реализована САС?

Что-то мне подсказывает что в итоге после многих метаний сделают таки классический твердотопливный столб.
У ПТКНП тоже проектно игрались с "нижней" САС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 04.04.2012 09:39:56
ЦитироватьДавайте снимем катапультные кресла со всех реактивных истребителей!
Дурацкая аналогия. Не раз уже было подсчитано, что например у Аполлона вероятность гибели экипажа на старте была ничтожной по сравнению с таковой за период всего полета. Шаттл летал без САС и процент потерь у него меньше, чем у Союза несмотря на 2 катастрофы. Ну и что тут сравнивать с истребителями? И кстати я лично летаю на самолете без катапультного сиденья, и даже с одним мотором. И что теперь? Рациональнее надо оценивать риски, и делать ракеты с парированием отказов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 04.04.2012 09:42:28
ЦитироватьЧто-то мне подсказывает что в итоге после многих метаний сделают таки классический твердотопливный столб.
У ПТКНП тоже проектно игрались с "нижней" САС.
Жидкостые двигатели компенсируют потерю по массе. Если бы гриффинский MLAS был жидкий, он бы победил. Да он даже победил бы и так, если бы не острый дефицит массы на Ares-I. Оттуда и все метания.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 00:46:24
ЦитироватьДавайте снимем катапультные кресла со всех реактивных истребителей!
Реактивные истребители нужны для дела, а полёты людей в космос это область экстремальных затратных технологий.
 Обучение лётчика стоит дорого, его психологический комфорт это важная составная часть выполнения боевой задачи, а космонавты стоят дешевле даже ракеты на которой они летят, не говоря уже про космический корабль, и в космос летят по причине престижности этого занятия, которое хорошо оплачивается и обеспечивает карьерный рост в дальнейшем.

 Если бы гибель космонавтов не вызывала политического резонанса никто бы не возился с такими вещами как САС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 04.04.2012 00:47:34
ЦитироватьЧто-то мне подсказывает что в итоге после многих метаний сделают таки классический твердотопливный столб.
У ПТКНП тоже проектно игрались с "нижней" САС.
Жидкостые двигатели компенсируют потерю по массе. Если бы гриффинский MLAS был жидкий, он бы победил. Да он даже победил бы и так, если бы не острый дефицит массы на Ares-I. Оттуда и все метания.
Может я и устарел но когда мне говорят про жидкостную САС мне хочется ответить что-то типа "пилите но не на жизнях космонавтов"
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 00:54:59
ЦитироватьМожет я и устарел но когда мне говорят про жидкостную САС мне хочется ответить что-то типа "пилите но не на жизнях космонавтов"
Вы понимаете, что САС парирует редкую ситуацию, - если бы она не была редкой, то не шло бы речи о пилотируемых полётах на этой ракете.
 Почему также вы считаете, что твердотопливная САС абсолютно надёжна и не взорвётся вместо того, чтобы увести корабль от аварийного носителя?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 04.04.2012 01:02:57
ЦитироватьМожет я и устарел но когда мне говорят про жидкостную САС мне хочется ответить что-то типа "пилите но не на жизнях космонавтов"
Вы понимаете, что САС парирует редкую ситуацию, - если бы она не была редкой, то не шло бы речи о пилотируемых полётах на этой ракете.
 Почему также вы считаете, что твердотопливная САС абсолютно надёжна и не взорвётся вместо того, чтобы увести корабль от аварийного носителя?
Ну так я оговорил: "Может я и устарел ".
Давайте считать что САС - просто формальность и по факту не нужна. Долой САС, да здравствуют обугленные части тел героев в случае чего.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 01:09:35
ЦитироватьНу так я оговорил: "Может я и устарел ".
Давайте считать что САС - просто формальность и по факту не нужна. Долой САС, да здравствуют обугленные части тел героев в случае чего.
Нет, я не считаю, что вы устарели, поскольку современные космические ракеты делаются на основе тех же технологических принципов, что и раньше.
 По-хорошему от САС можно было бы отказаться если бы перед тем как сажать людей ракета и космический корабль в штатной комплектации для пилотируемого полёта совершили бы несколько десятков, а может быть и сотен испытательных полётов.

 Но это такие затраты на которые никто не пойдёт, - по этой причине я считаю что САС сейчас нужна исходя из психологических и политических причин связанных с организацией космических полётов.
 Это сфера высоких затрат и повышенного внимания общества и правительственных организаций.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Ангри! от 04.04.2012 01:12:40
ЦитироватьНу так я оговорил: "Может я и устарел ".
Давайте считать что САС - просто формальность и по факту не нужна. Долой САС, да здравствуют обугленные части тел героев в случае чего.
Вот именно! В "случае чего"...
Вас не смущают "обугленные части тел героев" водителей-дальнобойщиков? Они за 20-40 тонн за спиной рискуют, и гибнут ежедневно.
Всё дело в том, что дальнобойщик бесплатный, а космонат подороже!
/за цинизм - приношу извинения/
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 04.04.2012 01:13:31
Ничего, у нас к идиотам привыкли.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 04.04.2012 01:14:19
ЦитироватьНу так я оговорил: "Может я и устарел ".
Давайте считать что САС - просто формальность и по факту не нужна. Долой САС, да здравствуют обугленные части тел героев в случае чего.
Нет, я не считаю, что вы устарели, поскольку современные космические ракеты делаются на основе тех же технологических принципов, что и раньше.
 По-хорошему от САС можно было бы отказаться если бы перед тем как сажать людей ракета и космический корабль в штатной комплектации для пилотируемого полёта совершили бы несколько десятков, а может быть и сотен испытательных полётов.

 Но это такие затраты на которые никто не пойдёт, - по этой причине я считаю что САС сейчас нужна исходя из психологических и политических причин связанных с организацией космических полётов.
 Это сфера высоких затрат и повышенного внимания общества и правительственных организаций.
Да не вопрос - выкидываем САС так как мы самые крутые. Что это меняет?
Да ничего не меняет в смысле увеличения масс выводимых в космос.
Неравноценный обмен.
Копеечная выгода в обмен на конкретное попадалово в случае чего.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.04.2012 01:56:39
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:

Давайте снимем катапультные кресла со всех реактивных истребителей!
zaitcev пишет:

Дурацкая аналогия.
Снимите эйрбэги и привязные ремни со своей машины, если катапульта Вам не нравится. Представляете какая экономия по всему миру.
Цитироватьzaitcev пишет:

Не раз уже было подсчитано, что например у Аполлона вероятность гибели экипажа на старте была ничтожной по сравнению с таковой за период всего полета. Шаттл летал без САС и процент потерь у него меньше, чем у Союза несмотря на 2 катастрофы.
Можно подробнее про гибель экипажей Союзов при выводе на орбиту?
Ваш пример дурацкий или нет?
Цитироватьzaitcev пишет:

Ну и что тут сравнивать с истребителями? И кстати я лично летаю на самолете без катапультного сиденья, и даже с одним мотором.
Это реактивный истребитель?
Цитироватьzaitcev пишет:

И что теперь?
И парашют в полёт не берёте?
Цитироватьzaitcev пишет:

Рациональнее надо оценивать риски, и делать ракеты с парированием отказов.
Как можно парировать взрыв ДУ ракеты? Вы Господь Бог?

Надо взять на вооружение Вашу методологию и парировать авиакатастрофы и автомобильные аварии. Сколько можно сэкономить на эйрбэгах, привязных ремнях, парашютах, катапультах, надувных трапах и т.д., и т.п.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 04.04.2012 10:57:53
ЦитироватьПочему также вы считаете, что твердотопливная САС абсолютно надёжна и не взорвётся вместо того, чтобы увести корабль от аварийного носителя?
Я вижу вы со Львом чуть ниже увели разговор в другую сторону, про нужность САС, а ведь это ключевой вопрос. Я ничего против не имею, сам приводил примеры Шаттла с Аполлоном. Ну а все-таки, что плохого в жидкостной системе?

Как я понял слабость жидкостной системы (на самовоспламеняющихся компонентах, разумеется) состоит в:
 1) Новизна. Это к комментарию Льва по поводу опробирования на живых космонавтах. Пока она не сработает хоть раз вживую, мы не знает
 1.1) И наоборот, у ТТУ огромный опыт
 2) Яд, в случае утечки нужно спасаться. Хотя вон с Фрегатом люди работают на МБО и заправочных станциях
 3) Медленное срабатывание, особенно с ТНА. TWR обещал Боингу 150 мс, а не врут? И этого хватит? Кстати сколько у Элона?
 4) Плохая надежность - ну тут понятно. Не смертельно, наверное, но нужно будет испытывать, испытывать, и испытывать, что стоит денег.

Посему получается, что овчинка дорогая. Боинг и SpaceX решили, что она того стоит ввиду компоновочных соображений и в случае Элона особенно - его идеи-фикс с переиспользованием и реактивной посадкой черти куда.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.04.2012 02:03:16
А где там ТНА?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 04.04.2012 02:04:14
ЦитироватьПочему также вы считаете, что твердотопливная САС абсолютно надёжна и не взорвётся вместо того, чтобы увести корабль от аварийного носителя?
Я вижу вы со Львом чуть ниже увели разговор в другую сторону, про нужность САС, а ведь это ключевой вопрос. Я ничего против не имею, сам приводил примеры Шаттла с Аполлоном. Ну а все-таки, что плохого в жидкостной системе?

Как я понял слабость жидкостной системы (на самовоспламеняющихся компонентах, разумеется) состоит в:
 1) Новизна. Это к комментарию Льва по поводу опробирования на живых космонавтах. Пока она не сработает хоть раз вживую, мы не знает
 1.1) И наоборот, у ТТУ огромный опыт
 2) Яд, в случае утечки нужно спасаться. Хотя вон с Фрегатом люди работают на МБО и заправочных станциях
 3) Медленное срабатывание, особенно с ТНА. TWR обещал Боингу 150 мс, а не врут? И этого хватит? Кстати сколько у Элона?
 4) Плохая надежность - ну тут понятно. Не смертельно, наверное, но нужно будет испытывать, испытывать, и испытывать, что стоит денег.

Посему получается, что овчинка дорогая. Боинг и SpaceX решили, что она того стоит ввиду компоновочных соображений и в случае Элона особенно - его идеи-фикс с переиспользованием и реактивной посадкой черти куда.
zaitcev - Вы хорошо обрисовали комплекс причин - "за" и "против"
Далее ждем возможной конструктивной реализации с учетом вышесказанного Вами.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 04.04.2012 11:26:43
ЦитироватьА где там ТНА?
Я и не знаю толком. Ни на каких фотографиях тестов ТНА нет. Но на сайте Barber-Nichols он был когда-то, а потом пропал (поисковики находят).

Единственный случай переделки на вытеснение, который мне известен, это т.н. Atlas Vernier Engine, который очень любят всякие любители. Его часто на аукционах продают.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.04.2012 02:36:10
А зачем нужен ТНА при трёхсекундной продолжительности работы в режиме САС?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 03:38:07
ЦитироватьКак можно парировать взрыв ДУ ракеты? Вы Господь Бог?
А что будет при нештатном срабатывании самой САС? ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 03:44:12
ЦитироватьДа не вопрос - выкидываем САС так как мы самые крутые. Что это меняет?
Да ничего не меняет в смысле увеличения масс выводимых в космос.
Неравноценный обмен.
Копеечная выгода в обмен на конкретное попадалово в случае чего.
Что вы по сути делаете?

 Вы делаете ракету за надёжность которой не уверены и для спасения с этой ракеты на определённом участке вы ставите ещё одну ракету, которая считается ну очень надёжной, правда статистики реальных случаев её использования вообще нет, но так считается.

 А что бы ещё третью не поставить? :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 03:47:17
ЦитироватьНадо взять на вооружение Вашу методологию и парировать авиакатастрофы и автомобильные аварии. Сколько можно сэкономить на эйрбэгах, привязных ремнях, парашютах, катапультах, надувных трапах и т.д., и т.п.
Если ракета будет летать в столь же непредсказуемых условиях, в которых совершает движение автомобиль и летает самолёт, то у вас будет куча трупов несмотря на САС.

 Ремни безопасности и подушки безопасности на автомобиле стоят не потому, что у него плохие тормоза, а САС стоит потому, что ракета может взорваться при штатных условиях движения.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegN от 04.04.2012 05:20:27
ЦитироватьНадо взять на вооружение Вашу методологию и парировать авиакатастрофы и автомобильные аварии. Сколько можно сэкономить на эйрбэгах, привязных ремнях, парашютах, катапультах, надувных трапах и т.д., и т.п.
Если ракета будет летать в столь же непредсказуемых условиях, в которых совершает движение автомобиль и летает самолёт, то у вас будет куча трупов несмотря на САС.

 Ремни безопасности и подушки безопасности на автомобиле стоят не потому, что у него плохие тормоза, а САС стоит потому, что ракета может взорваться при штатных условиях движения.
Истребитель тоже летает " штатно ", но никто от кресел  что-то не отказывается(причём бьются ,как ни странно,в основном в мирное время(сейчас)) (и..о Боже - на Ка-52 ни разу не спасало(3 катастрофы), и что? снять К-37 -нафига нужны?) ... Тема вроде вышла опять на тезис -САС нужна. ( или нет?)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.04.2012 05:51:07
ЦитироватьТема вроде вышла опять на тезис -САС нужна. ( или нет?)
Кому? Автомобилистам?
CST-100 нужна, без вопросов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 10:09:10
ЦитироватьТема вроде вышла опять на тезис -САС нужна. ( или нет?)
Кому? Автомобилистам?
CST-100 нужна, без вопросов.
САС нужна. но нужна по политическим соображениям, - летали и без САС когда сочли это возможным.
 Потому если жидкостная САС будет сертифицирована, то может быть и жидкостная САС, рассуждать о том, что она не сработает в одной из сотни аварий когда требуется работа САС бессмысленно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegN от 04.04.2012 06:10:29
ЦитироватьКак можно парировать взрыв ДУ ракеты? Вы Господь Бог?
А что будет при нештатном срабатывании самой САС? ;)
(сейчас на бан нарвусь,ну и ладно)    - А что вы будете делать , если нечаянно пукнули? (На Приёме,допустим)(Ответов минимум 3)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegN от 04.04.2012 06:18:34
ЦитироватьТема вроде вышла опять на тезис -САС нужна. ( или нет?)
Кому? Автомобилистам?
CST-100 нужна, без вопросов.
САС нужна. но нужна по политическим соображениям, - летали и без САС когда сочли это возможным.
 Потому если жидкостная САС будет сертифицирована, то может быть и жидкостная САС, рассуждать о том, что она не сработает в одной из сотни аварий когда требуется работа САС бессмысленно.
Вы опять не правы.
Нужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!! :) (смефуёчек к заядлым опровергателям,Упокойтесь,Как САС была- Так и Будет!Никто без неё больше не полетит (Шаттлы в отставке))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 10:21:21
ЦитироватьКак можно парировать взрыв ДУ ракеты? Вы Господь Бог?
А что будет при нештатном срабатывании самой САС? ;)
(сейчас на бан нарвусь,ну и ладно)    - А что вы будете делать , если нечаянно пукнули? (На Приёме,допустим)(Ответов минимум 3)
Понятно, вы покупаете огнетушитель и вас не интересует то, что вы можете погибнуть от самого огнетушителя. :)
 Система безопасности всегда сама является источником опасности, чтобы вы знали.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 04.04.2012 11:21:51
ЦитироватьНужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Такая САС никому не нужна.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 10:22:33
ЦитироватьВы опять не правы.
Нужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Надёжность САС будет 1%? :lol:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.04.2012 10:23:41
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:

Как можно парировать взрыв ДУ ракеты? Вы Господь Бог?
Lamort пишет:

А что будет при нештатном срабатывании самой САС? [Шутливо]
Будет лучше, чем при нештатном срабатывании эйрбэгов у Вас в автомобиле. [Здорово]
В этом случае экипаж выживет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegN от 04.04.2012 06:25:11
ЦитироватьВы опять не правы.
Нужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Надёжность САС будет 1%? :lol:
Offtop уже пошёл . И что? Вам так не Важна Жизнь хотя-бы одного Человека?(или 0% - всех сразу?)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 10:30:21
ЦитироватьКак можно парировать взрыв ДУ ракеты? Вы Господь Бог?
А что будет при нештатном срабатывании самой САС? ;)
Будет лучше, чем при нештатном срабатывании эйрбэгов у Вас в автомобиле. 8)
В этом случае экипаж выживет.
Это вопрос, выживет или нет, - в зависимости от того когда и как нештатно сработает САС, но вы привели хороший пример.
 Я временами подумываю, - что будет если эти подушки безопасности сработают сами по себе в неподходящий момент. :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 10:33:36
ЦитироватьВы опять не правы.
Нужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Надёжность САС будет 1%? :lol:
Offtop уже пошёл . И что? Вам так не Важна Жизнь хотя-бы одного Человека?(или 0% - всех сразу?)
Во-первых, вы неправильно сформулировали, - САС с надёжностью 1% действительно никому не нужна.
 Во-вторых, эта сотня аварий никогда не произойдёт, это само по себе маловероятное событие.

 Действительно, Offtop, это всё "нижняя САС". :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegN от 04.04.2012 06:35:34
ЦитироватьНужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Такая САС никому не нужна.
Повторяю - САС на Самолётах не Гарантирует выживание.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 04.04.2012 10:50:15
ЦитироватьНужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Такая САС никому не нужна.
Повторяю - САС на Самолётах не Гарантирует выживание.
На самолётах нет САС, там есть катапультируемое кресло, САС уводит корабль на значительное расстояние где он может совершить посадку штатными средствами посадки.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.04.2012 07:13:55
ЦитироватьСАС нужна. но нужна по политическим соображениям, - летали и без САС когда сочли это возможным.
2 раза - и прикрыли.
ДУ САС у CST-100 есть уже. Флудить "нужна ли она CST-100 или вообще не нужна" можно в темах http://www.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12116&start=0 Катапультируемые кресла или ДУ САС? http://www.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12126&start=0 http://www.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=12126&start=0 Что безопаснее Союз без крыла или Шаттл без парашюта?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 04.04.2012 10:28:18
ЦитироватьНа самолётах нет САС, там есть катапультируемое кресло, САС уводит корабль на значительное расстояние где он может совершить посадку штатными средствами посадки.

На боевых самолетах такая же САС как на Востоке и Джемини - на основе КК :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegN от 04.04.2012 07:32:18
ЦитироватьНужно Так -что она СРАБОТАЕТ в одной из сотни аварий.И это Уже Хорошо!!!
Такая САС никому не нужна.
Повторяю - САС на Самолётах не Гарантирует выживание.
На самолётах нет САС, там есть катапультируемое кресло, САС уводит корабль на значительное расстояние где он может совершить посадку штатными средствами посадки.
САС самолёта - это и есть катапультируемое кресло,которое уводит экипаж на значительное расстояние от объекта и обеспечивает посадку(штатными средствами,+ НЗ и всякие "штучки") а в капсуле, или без оной- значения не имеет.   (оффтоп заканчиваем!)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.04.2012 07:41:18
(http://i026.radikal.ru/1201/60/e592893ded4et.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/i026.radikal.ru/1201/60/e592893ded4e.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i508/1201/e5/cc51384a1768t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i508/1201/e5/cc51384a1768.jpg) (http://s018.radikal.ru/i526/1201/57/7f821289fd57t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s018.radikal.ru/i526/1201/57/7f821289fd57.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 04.04.2012 11:44:45
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.04.2012 08:02:32
On April 3, Boeing successfully completed a parachute drop test of the company's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 spacecraft at the Delmar Dry Lake Bed near Alamo, Nev.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 04.04.2012 14:04:09
ЦитироватьOn April 3, Boeing successfully completed a parachute drop test of the company's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 spacecraft at the Delmar Dry Lake Bed near Alamo, Nev.
http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1204/03cst100drop/ :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 04.04.2012 21:07:59
04.04.2012 / 09:11   Состоялись испытания парашюта для корабля CST-100
ЦитироватьПресс-служба компании Boeing сообщила об успешном проведении 3 апреля испытаний парашютной системы для транспортного корабля CST-100. Испытания прошли в районе высохшего соляного озера близ города Аламо в штате Невада. Прототип корабля был поднят вертолетом на высоту 3,5 км и сброшен вниз. По сообщению специалистов Boeing, все элементы парашютной системы сработали штатно и аппарат плавно опустился под тремя куполами на землю.

     - К.И.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.04.2012 10:42:15
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 05.04.2012 15:10:54
Сбрасывали CST вроде бы, с того же вертолёта, что и Dragon.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.04.2012 13:03:48
ЦитироватьСбрасывали CST вроде бы, с того же вертолёта, что и Dragon.
Совсем того же? Или такого же?  Erickson Sky Crane или Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 05.04.2012 17:15:06
У Боинга черным по белому написано:
ЦитироватьAn Erickson Sky Crane helicopter lifted the CST-100 test article to about 11,000 feet and released it.

Спейсекс же меленько и серым по белому:
ЦитироватьDuring the August 12th test, an Erikson S-64F Air-Crane helicopter dropped a test article of the Dragon spacecraft from a height of 14,000 feet, roughly nine miles off the coast of Morro Bay, California.
Чем они отличаются, можно посмотреть на сайте производителя (http://www.ericksonaircrane.com/)  :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 06.04.2012 02:23:23
ЦитироватьСбрасывали CST вроде бы, с того же вертолёта, что и Dragon.

Совсем того же? Или такого же?  Erickson Sky Crane или Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
Коллега Yutani торопится с выводами. Это мог быть Skycrane рег. N179AC, мог быть другой. Я пока не видел подтверждения, что знаменитый Элвис сбрасывал. Кстати:
Статья не упоминает, что Элвис сбросил Драгон. Википедия, что хотеть.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.04.2012 13:28:28
ЦитироватьКоллега Yutani торопится с выводами. Это мог быть Skycrane рег. N179AC, мог быть другой. Я пока не видел подтверждения, что знаменитый Элвис сбрасывал. Кстати:
Статья не упоминает, что Элвис сбросил Драгон. Википедия, что хотеть.
Erickson всем Sky Crane дает собственные имена. Я знаю про Элвис и Ольгу. Поэтому "тот-же" приобретает новый смысл.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 05.04.2012 17:31:08
ЦитироватьСбрасывали CST вроде бы, с того же вертолёта, что и Dragon.

Совсем того же? Или такого же?  Erickson Sky Crane или Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
Коллега Yutani торопится с выводами. Это мог быть Skycrane рег. N179AC, мог быть другой. Я пока не видел подтверждения, что знаменитый Элвис сбрасывал. Кстати:
Статья не упоминает, что Элвис сбросил Драгон. Википедия, что хотеть.
AirCrane. У Skycrane буквы HT в номере, ЕМНИП.
На каком-то из сайтов под фотографией, подписанной Skycrane, видел комментарий, что на самом деле это Hulk, разница небольшая, но типа справедливости ради ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 05.04.2012 17:36:37
ЦитироватьСбрасывали CST вроде бы, с того же вертолёта, что и Dragon.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.04.2012 15:00:43
Возник вопрос про вертолет выполняющий дроп тесты
Dragon сбрасывал Erickson AirCrane
(http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3686/00225t.th.jpg) (http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3686/00225t.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Луноход от 05.04.2012 20:45:57
ЦитироватьВозник вопрос про вертолет выполняющий дроп тесты
Dragon сбрасывал Erickson AirCrane
(http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3686/00225t.th.jpg) (http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3686/00225t.jpg)
Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 05.04.2012 23:41:35
Erickson AirCrane - просто тюнинг машины Сикорского
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 06.04.2012 12:54:33
ЦитироватьНа каком-то из сайтов под фотографией, подписанной Skycrane, видел комментарий, что на самом деле это Hulk, разница небольшая, но типа справедливости ради ;)
"Hulk" - это название конкретного вертолета, так же как Ту-160 "Александр Невский".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 09.04.2012 12:09:42
Краткое видео парашютного теста.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 10.04.2012 20:06:53
ЦитироватьНа каком-то из сайтов под фотографией, подписанной Skycrane, видел комментарий, что на самом деле это Hulk, разница небольшая, но типа справедливости ради ;)
"Hulk" - это название конкретного вертолета, так же как Ту-160 "Александр Невский".
Я к тому, что это AirCrane, так же как и Elvis ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 10.04.2012 21:14:22
Вполне допустимое название. Оригинальная машина так и называется Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 10.04.2012 17:20:36
Boeing CST-100 Drop-Test 8x slow motion
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 12.04.2012 14:28:26
Боинг планирует испытать CST-100 в орбитальном полете в 2016 и заодно просит побольше денег.

Boeing anticipates CST-100 orbital flight tests in 2016
ЦитироватьBoeing expects to finish the design of its CST-100 capsule by early 2014, but officials say the commercial crew taxi may not be ready for orbital flights until 2016, assuming the company receives the anticipated funding from NASA in an award due by August.

Last summer, Boeing's CST-100 schedule called for test flights of the reusable capsule in 2015.

According to John Mulholland, vice president and general manager of Boeing commercial programs, the schedule for CST-100 orbital flight tests and the craft's entry into service will depend on how much money Boeing receives in the CCiCap award and the subsequent certification phase.

Mulholland said in an April 6 interview the CST-100 program should reach its critical design review by early 2014. The review is a major milestone at the close of the project's design phase.

That is contingent upon NASA awarding funding to Boeing in the next round of the agency's commercial crew program. NASA plans to announce winners of the commercial crew integrated capability, or CCiCap, stage of the program in August, distributing between $300 million and $500 million in funding to at least companies.

The CST-100 spacecraft, designed to ferry up to seven astronauts to and from low Earth orbit, is Boeing's proposal for NASA to acquire commercial crew transportation for the International Space Station.

Boeing, Sierra Nevada Corp., SpaceX and Blue Origin are currently receiving NASA funding under agreements set to expire this summer.

After the retirement of the space shuttle last year, NASA must purchase seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft until a domestic vehicle is operational.

Congress cut NASA's fiscal 2012 commercial crew budget request by more than half, appropriating $406 million to the program for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. The budget forced NASA to abandon its procurement strategy in the next phase of the program and return to Space Act Agreements, a more flexible, less rigid mechanism to partner with commercial providers.

The appropriation forced NASA to revise its forecast for the beginning of operational commercial crew missions from 2016 to 2017. The start of commercial crew service would come after a series of test flights by the spacecraft's private operators.

Even a $500 million award likely would delay Boeing's flight test program beyond 2015, according to Mulholland.

"With appropriate funding, we still can support a 2015 entry into service. I would say, and I can't be real specific on it, to hold the 2015 date, we would need, it appears, slightly more than the $300 million to $500 million in the base period," Mulholland said.

The CCiCap Space Act Agreements will cover a 21-month base period, but NASA requested proposals lay out a series of optional milestones beyond the base period leading up to crewed test flights.

"We'll be running through qualification tests on all of the engines," Mulholland said. "We'll be doing more drop tests and landing tests. Pretty much every system on the vehicle will be going through some level of demonstration and qualification testing during that 21-month period."

After the 21-month base period ends in May 2014, Boeing's schedule calls for the completion of a structural test article and qualification testing.

"The other large-scale test will be a service module hotfire test," Mulholland said. "We'll have a complete service module with flight computer systems running. We'll have that test outside the 21-month period of performance, same with our qualification test vehicle. We'll be subjecting that to all the different environments we need to be certified for. And then we run into our three larger scale tests. The first one would be a pad abort test at the While Sands Missile Range. That will be done on the same stand that was used on the Orion pad abort test."

The CST-100 capsule, which measures nearly 15 feet in diameter, will initially launch into orbit on United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets from Cape Canaveral, Fla.

Mulholland said Boeing plans to sign a firm contract for two Atlas 5 rockets soon after it hopes to receive a CCiCap award from NASA in August. The Atlas boosters will launch an uncrewed orbital flight test of the CST-100 capsule and a full-up demonstration mission with two Boeing astronauts on-board.

An ascent abort demonstration originally planned using a third Atlas 5 rocket has been removed from the Boeing test manifest, according to Mulholland.

After the test program is complete, NASA will certify the spacecraft to fly to the International Space Station with NASA astronauts.

While planning more ambitious tests in the future, Boeing engineers currently are navigating through a series of basic tests to verify the design of critical CST-100 systems such as parachutes, landing airbags, thrusters, propellant tanks and software.

Boeing completed a drop test of a boilerplate CST-100 capsule April 3.

John Elbon, vice president and program manager of Boeing's space exploration division, said engineers are analyzing data "relative to G loading" when the craft touched down in the Nevada desert.

"Overall, the drop test was very successful and we're very happy with the results," Elbon said.

Mulholland said another CST-100 drop in Nevada is scheduled for early May to test the capsule's drogue parachutes, which were not part of the April 3 test. Other milestones left in Boeing's current development agreement with NASA include a June hotfire of the CST-100's orbital maneuvering engine at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, a test of the capsule's landing airbags, and a software preliminary design review.

A cold flow test of the service module propulsion system is also on tap for June, along with a test of a service module propellant tank.

The CST-100's systems-level preliminary design review finished in early March.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 28.04.2012 18:59:04
ЦитироватьJSC To Support Training, Early Flight Ops For Boeing CST-100
By Mark Carreau
Source: Aerospace Daily & Defense Report

April 26 , 2012

HOUSTON — Boeing is turning to the Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) at NASA's Johnson Space Center to support the training for and early flight operations of the company's seven-person CST-100 entrant in NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) initiative.

Under the terms of a recent addition to their April 2011 CCDev-2 Space Act Agreement, Boeing intends to reach a larger pact with MOD later this year to provide launch-to-landing operations from the Mission Control Center (MCC) at Johnson for its first several flights. Boeing will reimburse NASA for the training and flight control services.

"Adding MOD to our team leverages NASA's experience in crewed space operation to ensure mission success for our CST-100 spacecraft," said Chris Ferguson, director of Crew and Mission Operations for Boeing's Commercial Crew Program and a former shuttle commander, in a statement. "As we continue to mature our spacecraft design, MOD technical support will ensure the CST-100 is built with the operators in mind." NASA's MCC here has overseen all of the agency's human spaceflight missions since the Gemini era.

Boeing is among four U.S. companies awarded a portion of $270 million in NASA CCDev-2 funding in April 2011. The capsule-shaped CST-100 is in competition for continued development support under a third round of Space Act Agreement funding. NASA plans to announce the participants in the Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap), the third phase of the commercial crew initiative, in the July/August time frame.

NASA intends to nurture the development of at least two companies that can transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station by 2017, if the agency's budget permits. The initiative is managed from NASA's Kennedy Space Center with support from Johnson.

If successful in its pursuit of CCiCap funding, Boeing will continue with its development of a flight training program and provide the instruction plan to MOD for training Boeing customers, which will primarily be NASA-led space station crews. Boeing would provide the overall supervision and retain responsibility for final training certification, according to a company spokeswoman.

NASA personnel would staff the Johnson MCC during the CST-100 launch-to-space station docking and undocking-to-landing phases of flight.

In addition, the company will establish a Boeing Mission Control Center at Kennedy and staff it with company personnel.

"While this facility can act in the capacity of a Mission Control Center for human spaceflight, Boeing will use the MOD/Houston MCC as the controlling entity for its first several flights," the company says.

The reusable CST-100 is designed to carry a combination of passengers and cargo to multiple low-Earth-orbit destinations, including the planned Bigelow Aerospace orbital complex.

Boeing has targeted 2015 for the first test flight, with the United Launch Alliance Atlas V serving as the launch vehicle.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 04.05.2012 10:52:06
NASA's Commercial Crew Partner Boeing Completes Parachute Test
ЦитироватьThe Boeing Company successfully completed the second parachute drop test for its Crew Space Transportation (CST) spacecraft Wednesday, part of its effort to develop commercial crew transportation capabilities that could ferry U.S. astronauts to and from low-Earth orbit (LEO) and the International Space Station.

A helicopter lifted the CST-100 crew capsule to about 10,000 feet above the Delmar Dry Lake Bed near Alamo, Nev. A drogue parachute deployment sequence was initiated, followed by deployment of the main parachute. The capsule descended to a smooth ground landing, cushioned by six inflated air bags. The test demonstrated the performance of the entire landing system.

"Boeing's parachute demonstrations are a clear sign NASA is moving in the right direction of enabling the American aerospace transportation industry to flourish under this partnership," NASA's Commercial Crew Program Manager Ed Mango said. "The investments we're making now are enabling this new path forward of getting our crews to LEO and potentially the space station as soon as possible."

Boeing's CST system is designed to be a reusable, capsule-shaped spacecraft capable of taking up to seven people, or a combination of people and cargo, to and from low-Earth orbit, including the space station. HDT Airborne Systems of Solon, Ohio, designed, fabricated and integrated the parachute system, including the two drogue parachutes. ILC Dover of Frederica, Del., designed and fabricated the landing air bag system.

The first test, on April 3, validated the architecture and deployment of the parachute system, characterized pyrotechnic shock loads, confirmed parachute size and design, and identified potential forward compartment packaging and deployment issues. The company inspected and re-packed the full parachute system for this second test.

"This second parachute drop test validates Boeing's innovative system architecture and deployment plan," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing Commercial Programs. "Boeing's completion of this milestone reaffirms our commitment to provide safe, reliable and affordable crewed access to space."

The company has scheduled additional tests to be performed in 2012 that will provide more data on elements of the spacecraft's design.

Boeing's spacecraft was designed to be compatible with a variety of expendable launch vehicles. The company selected United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rocket for initial CST-100 test flights.

All of NASA's industry partners, including Boeing, continue to meet their established milestones in developing commercial crew transportation capabilities.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 04.05.2012 10:52:41



Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 04.05.2012 12:01:53
Интересно, как мешки отработали...
видео бы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 04.05.2012 13:29:07
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mefisto_x от 04.05.2012 10:17:54
удар приличный  :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.05.2012 10:38:30
Новый вброс информации перед 30 апреля, а сейчас перед 7мая - Боинг напоминает, что он тоже работает над мультипланетностью человечества )))
(http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/9683/123qu.jpg) (http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/9007/123vcw.jpg) (клик на полный рост)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.05.2012 10:44:59
Цитироватьудар приличный  :D
По первому осмотру незаметно))
(http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/3861/1232v.jpg) (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/5619/1232hm.jpg)кликабельно
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 04.05.2012 19:58:28
Красавцы! Респект! Не в воду сбросили однако... :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mefisto_x от 04.05.2012 16:02:07
с другой стороны бы еще посмотреть, все ли баллоны целые а то мне показалось, что при приземлении капсула наклонена налево на верхнем снимке  :roll:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.05.2012 16:04:32
ИМХО это уже отскок. нужно видео посмотреть (выше я постил ссылку на 8кратно замедленное)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Reader от 04.05.2012 20:13:18
Помню лет несколько назад Орион твёрдо планировали сажать на сушу. Где-то в планируемом районе посадки было поселение под именем White Grave. Вспомнилась тогда Акмола (Акмолинск, Целиноград, ныне Астана) - Белая могила :D
P.S. Запамятовал, не Белая могила - а Graves Valley, Калифорния:
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/65999.jpg) (http://ifotki.info/10/ecd092976cacb57efd765a0ed7b92d725fddb4118808586.jpg.html)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.05.2012 16:27:20
Есть фото с другой стороны. Вертолет, аккуратно сложенные баллоны. Похоже что перед сбросом.
Вверху логотип Боинг, в нижнем ряду Бигелоу.

ЦитироватьBoeing plans on more tests this year including multiple air bag landing evaluations, an orbital maneuvering engine test and a test that will include a forward heat shield jettison on the capsule. The company is hoping the first flights of the spacecraft will happen in 2015-16.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tseytlin genrich от 04.05.2012 21:55:05
Складывется впечатление,что CTS-100 отправится в пилотируемый полёт гораздо раньше, чем Dragon
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 05.05.2012 01:05:35
ЦитироватьСкладывется впечатление,что STS-100 отправится в пилотируемый полёт гораздо раньше, чем Dragon
Я скажу больше - STS-100 в полет уже отправлялся :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 05.05.2012 00:24:31
ЦитироватьСкладывется впечатление,что STS-100 отправится в пилотируемый полёт гораздо раньше, чем Dragon
Я скажу больше - STS-100 в полет уже отправлялся :wink:
А как же ПО?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 05.05.2012 09:55:29
ЦитироватьСкладывется впечатление,что STS-100 отправится в пилотируемый полёт гораздо раньше, чем Dragon
Я скажу больше - STS-100 в полет уже отправлялся :wink:
А как же ПО?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2012 10:44:32
Сброс выполнял Erickson Air-Crane N171AC (Sikorsky S-64B, c/n 64-090) ник неизвестен
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2012 15:15:29
(http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/7352/70912575693f8d3fd128z.jpg) (http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3508/7091257569bff37289cco.jpg)
Мортирка выстрелила тормозными парашютами.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 05.05.2012 20:01:30
А Литл Джо-3 будет?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2012 16:14:06
ввод основных
(http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/9096/6947596570609501b170z.jpg) (http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/5395/6947596570ce8fe77304o.jpg)
в этом году второй дроп тест, сбросы с крана дл проверки подушек, тесты сброса ТЗП и тесты Бантама.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2012 17:54:12
Майкл Форман осматривает парашют после теста.
(http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/2576/694841500674e88ed7f0z.jpg) (http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/7665/694841500698f2228662o.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 06.05.2012 14:12:55
Цитироватьввод основных
Надо же, как его мотает. Нет, нельзя летать на тряпках.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 06.05.2012 06:19:46
ЦитироватьНадо же, как его мотает. Нет, нельзя летать на тряпках.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/24595.jpg) (http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6070/69475965746671d420afo.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 07.05.2012 02:31:01
Цитироватьввод основных
Надо же, как его мотает..

Это потому что пустой :wink:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 09.05.2012 14:15:08
ЦитироватьCurrently, Boeing is executing the Commercial Crew Development Phase 2 (CCDev2) Space Act Agreement of $112.9M and will run from April 2011 - July 2012. Some of the Phase 2 milestones include Airbag drop tests, wind tunnel tests, and taking the integrated system to a Preliminary Design Review.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 09.05.2012 14:30:06
Цитироватьввод основных
Надо же, как его мотает. Нет, нельзя летать на тряпках.
Корабль такой формы, - конус с балансировочным углом основанием вперёд, неустойчив в полёте в принципе.
 Чем он более приплюснутый, тем он более неустойчив.

 После гашения скорости его, в принципе, с помощью довольно несложных стабилизаторов можно сделать устойчивым, но эти штуковины уменьшат полезную нагрузку на орбите.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 09.05.2012 14:36:30
ЦитироватьНадо же, как его мотает. Нет, нельзя летать на тряпках.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/24595.jpg) (http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6070/69475965746671d420afo.jpg)
Ленточные парашюты прозрачны насквозь, - красиво получается. :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: m-s Gelezniak от 09.05.2012 14:38:22
Цитироватьввод основных
Надо же, как его мотает..

Это потому что пустой :wink:
Толку тогда от этого теста :wink: .
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.05.2012 15:24:37
ЦитироватьТолку тогда от этого теста :wink: .
количество стальных тросов подсказывает что не пустой и толк должен быть ))
 Аир-кран 20000 фунтов в воздух поднимает )
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/24692.jpg) (http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5079/6947596544_d323c4fe00_o.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: m-s Gelezniak от 09.05.2012 20:45:06
ЦитироватьТолку тогда от этого теста :wink: .
количество стальных тросов подсказывает что не пустой и толк должен быть ))
 Аир-кран 20000 фунтов в воздух поднимает )
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/24692.jpg) (http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5079/6947596544_d323c4fe00_o.jpg)
Я о том же.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 26.05.2012 14:31:26
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- The Boeing Company has successfully completed a new milestone in the development of software that will operate its Crew Space Transportation (CST) spacecraft. The company is one of NASA's partners developing commercial crew transportation capabilities to ferry U.S. astronauts to and from low Earth orbit and the International Space Station.

With the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) of its software on May 18, the company now has completed more than 40 milestones under partnerships supporting NASA's Commercial Crew Program (CCP).

"When it comes to designing a spacecraft safe enough to transport humans, software is as important as the hardware," said Ed Mango, CCP manager. "Boeing has made an excellent effort to take safety into consideration while developing critical software components of its spacecraft."

Boeing's CST-100 is designed to be a reusable, capsule-shaped spacecraft, capable of transporting up to seven people or a combination of people and cargo. It is compatible with a variety of expendable launch vehicles. Boeing has selected United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rocket for initial CST-100 test flights.

Software is essential to all operational aspects of the spacecraft, including launch, orbital maneuvering, docking with and separating from the space station, re-entry and landing. The testing is part of a NASA-funded Space Act Agreement under the second round of the agency's commercial crew development (CCDev2) activities, which could eventually lead toward human spaceflight certification of the CST-100.

The Boeing team is on schedule to complete its remaining CCDev2 milestones in the next few months, including an orbital maneuvering/attitude control engine hot fire test that will provide additional data on significant elements of the spacecraft design.

All of NASA's industry partners, including Boeing, continue to meet their established milestones in developing commercial crew transportation capabilities.

For more information about NASA's Commercial Crew Program, visit:

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 20.06.2012 17:47:12
Чем Боинг хуже СпэйсЭкса?  :wink:
Видео испытания движка http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?media_id=146725741
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 27.06.2012 10:38:30


Цитировать(http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/images/medium/2012-3495-m.jpg) (http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/images/large/2012-3495.jpg)

LAS CRUCES, N.M. -- Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne tests a thruster destined for Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft. The thruster was fired in a vacuum chamber that simulated a space-like environment of 100,000 feet at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, N.M., to verify its durability in extreme heat, evaluate the opening and closing of its valves and confirm continuous combustion and performance. Twenty-four thrusters will be part of the spacecraft's orbital maneuvering and attitude control system OMAC, giving the CST-100 the ability to maneuver in space and during re-entry. The thrusters also will allow the spacecraft to separate from its launch vehicle if an abort becomes necessary during launch or ascent. In 2011, NASA selected Boeing of Houston during Commercial Crew Development Round 2 CCDev2) activities to mature the design and development of a crew transportation system with the overall goal of accelerating a United States-led capability to the International Space Station. The goal of CCP is to drive down the cost of space travel as well as open up space to more people than ever before by balancing industry's own innovative capabilities with NASA's 50 years of human spaceflight experience. Six other aerospace companies also are maturing launch vehicle and spacecraft designs under CCDev2, including Alliant Techsystems Inc. ATK, Blue Origin, Excalibur Almaz Inc., Sierra Nevada Corp., Space Exploration Technologies SpaceX, and United Launch Alliance ULA. For more information, visit www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew . Image credit: Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 27.06.2012 11:30:18
Thruster Tests Completed for Boeing's CST-100
ЦитироватьPratt and Whitney Rocketdyne has successfully completed a series of tests on a thruster destined for Boeing's Commercial Space Transportation spacecraft, designated CST-100.

Boeing is one of several companies working to develop crew transportation capabilities under the Commercial Crew Development Round 2 agreement with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. The goal of the program is to help spur innovation and development of safe, reliable and cost-effective spacecraft and launch vehicles capable of transporting astronauts to low Earth orbit and the International Space Station.

Twenty-four thrusters will be part of the spacecraft's orbital maneuvering and attitude control system (OMAC), giving the CST-100 the ability to maneuver in space and during re-entry. The thrusters also will allow the spacecraft to separate from its launch vehicle if an abort becomes necessary during launch or ascent.

"Boeing and Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne know what it takes to develop safe systems and subsystems," said NASA Commercial Crew Program Manager Ed Mango. "They're building on the successes of their past, while pushing the envelope with next-generation ideas to create a spacecraft for low Earth orbit transportation."

During tests conducted at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, N.M., an OMAC thruster was fired in a vacuum chamber that simulated a space-like environment of 100,000 feet. The tests verified the durability of the thrusters in extreme heat, evaluated the opening and closing of its valves and confirmed continuous combustion and performance.

"We're excited about the performance of the engine during the testing and confident the OMAC thrusters will affordably meet operational needs for safe, reliable human spaceflight," said Terry Lorier, Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne's Commercial Crew Development program manager.

All of NASA's industry partners, including Boeing, continue to meet their established milestones in developing commercial crew transportation capabilities.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 28.06.2012 00:58:36
Кто-то мне говорил что полет семерых на CST-100 - это экзотика которую Боинг вообще не рассматривает всерьез. А вообще - 2-3
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 28.06.2012 10:49:58
2 ???  :shock:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 28.06.2012 12:26:53
К Луне?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 28.06.2012 16:57:53
Чтот я не слыхал ни разу, чтобы первичной задачей для CST-100 называли что-либо, кроме низкой околоземной орбиты...

А для неё новый корабль вместимостью менее четырёх человек почти никому не интересен.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 29.06.2012 01:00:08
Впервые услышал от первоисточника что 7 челов на CST-100 - это экзотика а так планируется 2-3 чела
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 29.06.2012 13:24:23
Я бы, честно говоря, не стал верить этому "первоисточнику".

Не исключено, конечно, что в первых испытательных полётах действительно будет только 2-3 ч-ка, но это не та вместимость, для которой Боинг стал бы делать подобный КК.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 29.06.2012 19:31:15
ЦитироватьВпервые услышал от первоисточника что 7 челов на CST-100 - это экзотика а так планируется 2-3 чела
LG, по-моему вы как утопающий за соломинку цепляетесь за мысль о том, что американцы в ближайшее время не сделают корабль с вместимостью больше корабля "Союз". :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 29.06.2012 19:44:44
ЦитироватьВпервые услышал от первоисточника что 7 челов на CST-100 - это экзотика а так планируется 2-3 чела
LG, по-моему вы как утопающий за соломинку цепляетесь за мысль о том, что американцы в ближайшее время не сделают корабль с вместимостью больше корабля "Союз". :)
Вы не поняли. Я просто получил еще одно подтверждение моему ИМХО что 7 челов на Боинге или Драконе - не более чем презентационная экзотика а реальная  их вместимость будет намного меньше.
И кстати вместимость - не главный вопрос. Главный вопрос - стоимость кресла.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 29.06.2012 21:05:52

Лев, когда тапок покажете? :roll:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 29.06.2012 20:25:55

Лев, когда тапок покажете? :roll:
Согласитесь, что самостоятельно и на свии деньги и без госзаказа РККЭ тапок сделать не может да это и не надо. Так что все вопросы к заказчику который платит или не платит и которому тапок нужен или не нужен.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 30.06.2012 11:11:56
ЦитироватьИ кстати вместимость - не главный вопрос. Главный вопрос - стоимость кресла.
Во-во. И CST-100 тут КК "Союз" не побить, пока он летает на "Атласе". Там один пуск - 180 миллионов. Нужно по 10 человек запихивать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 30.06.2012 10:51:43
ЦитироватьИ кстати вместимость - не главный вопрос. Главный вопрос - стоимость кресла.
Во-во. И CST-100 тут КК "Союз" не побить, пока он летает на "Атласе". Там один пуск - 180 миллионов. Нужно по 10 человек запихивать.
Почему по 10 ? Разве NASA платит за кресло на "Союзах" по 18-20 M$ ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 30.06.2012 18:04:21
ЦитироватьЯ бы, честно говоря, не стал верить этому "первоисточнику".

Не исключено, конечно, что в первых испытательных полётах действительно будет только 2-3 ч-ка, но это не та вместимость, для которой Боинг стал бы делать подобный КК.
Зам президента РККЭ который лично сиживал в корабле Боинга и мой непосредственный начальник - ИМХО надежный "первоисточник". В отличии от неназванных которые несут всякую пургу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 30.06.2012 15:34:17
Думаю это эффект глухого телефона.  Может первое время, или период испытаний. Или еще что нибудь подобное.
Иначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
 4 - по массе и размерам достижимо  :roll:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 30.06.2012 19:43:37
ЦитироватьДумаю это эффект глухого телефона.  Может первое время, или период испытаний. Или еще что нибудь подобное.
Иначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
 4 - по массе и размерам достижимо  :roll:
НАСА хочет не менее трех. :D
ИМХО трое и будут.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 30.06.2012 19:46:51
ЦитироватьДумаю это эффект глухого телефона.  Может первое время, или период испытаний. Или еще что нибудь подобное.
Иначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
 4 - по массе и размерам достижимо  :roll:
Когда специалистов Боинга спросили- как полетите всемером, они ответили - не факт конечно что полетим всемеом но полетим как Вы - в 3 витка по быстой схеме.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 30.06.2012 18:47:52
ЦитироватьДумаю это эффект глухого телефона.  Может первое время, или период испытаний. Или еще что нибудь подобное.
Иначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
 4 - по массе и размерам достижимо  :roll:
НАСА хочет не менее трех. :D
ИМХО трое и будут.
да больше и не надо
а вся эта болтовня про 6 человек - по сути не более, чем необоснованные фантазии на тему туризма.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LG от 30.06.2012 19:53:27
Причем - два из трех будут пилоты-проффессионалы... :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 01.07.2012 07:13:27
ЦитироватьИначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
Есть фирма, которая этим занимается, по типу Ала Дуры и его ТКС. И тоже собрались новый приборный отсек конструировать. Раньше они назывались "America In Space", потом переименовались как-то.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 30.06.2012 22:15:36
ЦитироватьДумаю это эффект глухого телефона.  Может первое время, или период испытаний. Или еще что нибудь подобное.
Иначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
 4 - по массе и размерам достижимо  :roll:
НАСА хочет не менее трех. :D
ИМХО трое и будут.
да больше и не надо
а вся эта болтовня про 6 человек - по сути не более, чем необоснованные фантазии на тему туризма.
Как раз обоснованные - вспомните финансовую ситуацию после проигрыша конкурса по Ориону Лок-Марту и роль Bigelow Aerospace в дальнейшем развитии работ по CST-100. (хотя, учитывая нынешнюю их ситуацию, до турполётов к станции Бигелоу может и не дойти...)

Мой здравый смысл подсказывает, что экипаж будет 4-6, но не менее 4 ч-к. Давайте проверим. ))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 01.07.2012 11:22:23
Возить будут столько, сколько помещается в один ряд - т.е. четверых.
Семеро - это рекламный трюк, хотя может разок-другой и слетают.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lamort от 01.07.2012 12:45:32
ЦитироватьВозить будут столько, сколько помещается в один ряд - т.е. четверых.
Семеро - это рекламный трюк, хотя может разок-другой и слетают.
Летать будут столько людей сколько позволит ресурс МКС, но, скорее всего, не "под завязку".

 Семь человек может потребоваться в случае эвакуации всего экипажа со станции.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 01.07.2012 17:19:33
ЦитироватьЛетать будут столько людей сколько позволит ресурс МКС, но, скорее всего, не "под завязку".
Ресурс МКС вполне может позволить и семерых. Если трое-четверо из них на неделю-две.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 01.07.2012 16:28:25
ЦитироватьИначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
Есть фирма, которая этим занимается, по типу Ала Дуры и его ТКС. И тоже собрались новый приборный отсек конструировать. Раньше они назывались "America In Space", потом переименовались как-то.
Это про интерстеллар модуле?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 01.07.2012 21:12:08
ЦитироватьРесурс МКС вполне может позволить и семерых. Если трое-четверо из них на неделю-две.
Если убрать оттуда троих русских...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 01.07.2012 17:22:16
ЦитироватьРесурс МКС вполне может позволить и семерых. Если трое-четверо из них на неделю-две.
От коммерческих пока требуют отвезти какое-то-количество-челов(4-7) на станцию-корабль на НОО. Быстро и дешево.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 01.07.2012 21:27:25
ЦитироватьРесурс МКС вполне может позволить и семерых. Если трое-четверо из них на неделю-две.
Если убрать оттуда троих русских...
А зачем их убирать? Они сами мечтают о "суверенной" ОС.
Приглядитесь к тому, что пишет Лев.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 02.07.2012 16:48:26
Лев так же выражает надежды, что Япония и Европа не захотят пропадать из ПК и приделают к будущей станции свои модули.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 03.07.2012 10:07:47
ЦитироватьРесурс МКС вполне может позволить и семерых. Если трое-четверо из них на неделю-две.
Если убрать оттуда троих русских...
А зачем их убирать? Они сами мечтают о "суверенной" ОС.
Приглядитесь к тому, что пишет Лев.

ЦитироватьНо однажды все ребята
Подошли к нему гурьбой,
Подошли к нему ребята
И спросили:- Что с тобой?

Почему ты видишь тучи
Даже в солнечные дни?
Ты очки протри получше -
Может, грязные они?
Может, кто-нибудь назло
Дал неверное стекло?

- Прочь!- сказал Иван Петрович.
Я сейчас вас проучу!
Я,- сказал Иван Петрович,-
Вижу то, что я хочу.

Отошли подальше дети:
- Ой, сосед какой чудак!
Очень плохо жить на свете,
Если видеть все не так.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 03.07.2012 11:32:50
ЦитироватьИначе НАСА резко охладеет к духместному кораблю и попросит сделать Джемини.))))
Есть фирма, которая этим занимается, по типу Ала Дуры и его ТКС. И тоже собрались новый приборный отсек конструировать. Раньше они назывались "America In Space", потом переименовались как-то.
Это про интерстеллар модуле?

Цитировать А действительно - сколько их?

на вскидку:

1. SpaceX
2. Orbital
3. CST-100
4. Orion Havy
5. Orion Light
6. Dearm Chaser Orbital
7. Excalibur Almaz
8. ПТК лунный
9. ПТК околоземный
11.Blue Origin
12.ATK composite

16.Space Operations

Цитировать....Space Operations, Inc. (SpaceOps) has formed a team of highly motivated aerospace companies for this purpose.

The three companies involved with the effort are WestWind Technologies, Inc., Advanced Solutions, Inc., and Southern Aerospace Company.  SpaceOps, will use the technology developed on the Gemini Program to be the basis for the 21st century, two-seat, ECLIPSE spacecraft.

"Since this is an existing and proven design we could begin construction six to eight weeks after funding and complete a flying prototype ten to thirteen months later," said WestWind President Bill Jolly.

U.S. built rocket boosters are currently available and could launch the ECLIPSE plus a significant amount of cargo into orbit.....


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.07.2012 19:08:09
Вот это номер! :shock:

ЦитироватьReport: Boeing, Lockheed Martin Looking to Outsource CST-100, Orion Work to Energia
Posted by Doug Messier
on July 3, 2012, at 4:54 pm

Parabolic Arc Managing Editor

Russia's Izvestia newspaper reported on Tuesday that Boeing and Lockheed Martin have been in talks for RSC Energia to supply docking and thermal protection technologies for the CST-100 and Orion spacecraft. Below is an excerpt of the story via Google Translate:

Russian companies could take part in creating the future of American manned spacecraft Orion and CST-100, which develop by Lockheed Martin and Boeing. A report issued late last week, the annual report of the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia says that in 2011 "held a lot of work to identify opportunities for participation of Energia in the creation of U.S. manned spacecraft CST-100 and Orion."

Energia President Vitaly Lopota confirmed to Izvestia the desire to of the corporation to participate in the American project to build spaceships.

"We are in negotiations, Boeing and Lockheed appealed to us so that our development and have a single interface. In principle they are ready to consider various possibilities, including giving us some of the components that we could make," he said.

Results, according to Lopota, are in the process of negotiations have been reached. As an example of possible interaction points of the chapter "Energia" brought the equipment to connect nodes and return capsule heat shield.

Neither Boeing nor Lockheed Martin would comment to Izvestia for the story.

Lockheed Martin is developing the Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle under contract to NASA. It is also contracted to provide a composite version of the same vehicle for ATK's Liberty entry in NASA's commercial crew competition. ATK has an unfunded Space Act Agreement with NASA.

Boeing is developing CST-100 spacecraft under a funded Space Act agreement under the commercial crew program.

NASA is set to announce the next round of commercial crew contracts in about two weeks. The space agency will announce full funding for two projects and half funding for a third one.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.07.2012 19:10:17
Цитировать3 июля 2012, 00:05 | Наука | Иван Чеберко
Россия поможет Lockheed и Boeing построить пилотируемые космические корабли

Корпус корабля Orion. Фото: nasa.gov

Российские компании могут принять участие в создании перспективных американских пилотируемых космических кораблей Orion и CST-100, которые разрабатывают корпорации Lockheed Martin и Boeing. В опубликованном в конце прошлой недели годовом отчете Ракетно-космической корпорации «Энергия» говорится, что в 2011 году «проведен большой объем работ по определению возможности участия «Энергии» в создании американских пилотируемых кораблей CST-100 и Orion».

Президент «Энергии» Виталий Лопота подтвердил «Известиям» желание корпорации принять участие в американских проектах по созданию космических кораблей.

— Мы ведем переговоры, Boeing и Lockheed обращались к нам, с тем чтобы наши и их разработки имели единые интерфейсы. В принципе они готовы рассматривать различные возможности, в том числе отдавать нам часть компонентов, которые мы могли бы изготавливать, — рассказал он.

Конкретных результатов, по словам Лопоты, в процессе переговоров пока достигнуто не было. В качестве примера точек возможного взаимодействия глава «Энергии» привел оборудование стыковочных узлов и теплозащиту возвращаемых капсул.

Семиместный космический корабль CST-100 разрабатывается корпорацией Boeing для непродолжительных полетов на низкую околоземную орбиту — к Международной космической станции и проектируемому туристическому орбитальному комплексу компании Bigelow Aerospace. Boeing планирует осуществить первый старт в 2015 году.

Перед кораблем Orion ставятся гораздо более сложные задачи — он создается в расчете на более сложные и длительные миссии, такие как полет на Луну, к астероидам, а в перспективе и к Марсу. Lokheed Martin периодически сообщает о трудностях с финансированием (общая смета проекта — более $8 млрд), из-за чего дата первого старта Orio точно не определена. Сейчас речь идет о 2018 годе как дате его испытательного полета в космос.

В Lokheed Martin и Boeing оперативных комментариев по теме возможного сотрудничества с РКК «Энергия» предоставить не смогли.

Российские эксперты констатируют, что у России есть технологии, которые могут заинтересовать создателей американских космических кораблей.

— По стыковочным узлам наши наработки вполне конкурентоспособны, — говорит директор по развитию кластера космических технологий и телекоммуникаций фонда Сколково Дмитрий Пайсон. — Но есть технический нюанс. В стыковке к американскому сегменту МКС и российскому сегменту заложена разная идеология. К российскому сегменту космические аппараты пристыковываются самостоятельно: стыковочные узлы на российском сегменте рассчитаны на аппарат, который сам подлетает, используя двигатели малой тяги, стыкуется и фиксируется. На американском сегменте нет таких стыковочных узлов, у них вся технология рассчитана на то, что аппарат подходит близко к станции, подхватывается манипулятором с борта и аккуратно насаживается на стыковочный узел. Поэтому если бы Boeing, к примеру, решилась делать стыковочный узел на своем корабле по российской модели, рассчитанной на активные манипуляции самого корабля, то логично бы было прибегнуть к российскому опыту.

Пайсон отмечает, что у американцев давно не было опыта использования теплозащиты на конических одноразовых капсулах и здесь также мы могли бы поделиться своей экспертизой.

— С этой точки зрения предложение выглядит логичным. Хотя не факт, что американцы его примут — перед ними стоит задача не только сделать корабль, но и наработать свою компетенцию в данном вопросе, отмечает эксперт.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Луноход от 04.07.2012 19:13:05
ЦитироватьВот это номер! :shock:
Я правильно понял, что на CST-100 будет устанавливаться стыковочный узел и теплозащита производства РКК Энергия?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.07.2012 19:14:36
Пока всё вилами по воде. :?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Атака Гризли от 04.07.2012 19:41:11
Цитировать3 июля 2012, 00:05   |   Наука   |   Иван Чеберко
Россия поможет Lockheed и Boeing построить пилотируемые космические корабли[/size]

Корпус корабля Orion. Фото: nasa.gov

Российские компании могут принять участие в создании перспективных американских пилотируемых космических кораблей Orion и CST-100, которые разрабатывают корпорации Lockheed Martin и Boeing. В опубликованном в конце прошлой недели годовом отчете Ракетно-космической корпорации «Энергия» говорится, что в 2011 году «проведен большой объем работ по определению возможности участия «Энергии» в создании американских пилотируемых кораблей CST-100 и Orion».

Президент «Энергии» Виталий Лопота подтвердил «Известиям» желание корпорации принять участие в американских проектах по созданию космических кораблей.

— Мы ведем переговоры, Boeing и Lockheed обращались к нам, с тем чтобы наши и их разработки имели единые интерфейсы. В принципе они готовы рассматривать различные возможности, в том числе отдавать нам часть компонентов, которые мы могли бы изготавливать, — рассказал он.

Конкретных результатов, по словам Лопоты, в процессе переговоров пока достигнуто не было. В качестве примера точек возможного взаимодействия глава «Энергии» привел оборудование стыковочных узлов и теплозащиту возвращаемых капсул.

Семиместный космический корабль CST-100 разрабатывается корпорацией Boeing для непродолжительных полетов на низкую околоземную орбиту — к Международной космической станции и проектируемому туристическому орбитальному комплексу компании Bigelow Aerospace. Boeing планирует осуществить первый старт в 2015 году.

Перед кораблем Orion ставятся гораздо более сложные задачи — он создается в расчете на более сложные и длительные миссии, такие как полет на Луну, к астероидам, а в перспективе и к Марсу. Lokheed Martin периодически сообщает о трудностях с финансированием (общая смета проекта — более $8 млрд), из-за чего дата первого старта Orio точно не определена. Сейчас речь идет о 2018 годе как дате его испытательного полета в космос.

В Lokheed Martin и Boeing оперативных комментариев по теме возможного сотрудничества с РКК «Энергия» предоставить не смогли.

Российские эксперты констатируют, что у России есть технологии, которые могут заинтересовать создателей американских космических кораблей.

— По стыковочным узлам наши наработки вполне конкурентоспособны, — говорит директор по развитию кластера космических технологий и телекоммуникаций фонда Сколково Дмитрий Пайсон. — Но есть технический нюанс. В стыковке к американскому сегменту МКС и российскому сегменту заложена разная идеология. К российскому сегменту космические аппараты пристыковываются самостоятельно: стыковочные узлы на российском сегменте рассчитаны на аппарат, который сам подлетает, используя двигатели малой тяги, стыкуется и фиксируется. На американском сегменте нет таких стыковочных узлов, у них вся технология рассчитана на то, что аппарат подходит близко к станции, подхватывается манипулятором с борта и аккуратно насаживается на стыковочный узел. Поэтому если бы Boeing, к примеру, решилась делать стыковочный узел на своем корабле по российской модели, рассчитанной на активные манипуляции самого корабля, то логично бы было прибегнуть к российскому опыту.

Пайсон отмечает, что у американцев давно не было опыта использования теплозащиты на конических одноразовых капсулах и здесь также мы могли бы поделиться своей экспертизой.

— С этой точки зрения предложение выглядит логичным. Хотя не факт, что американцы его примут — перед ними стоит задача не только сделать корабль, но и наработать свою компетенцию в данном вопросе, отмечает эксперт.[/size]
Опять заголовок не соотвествует тексту.
В заголовке "поможет", в тексте "может помочь"...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 04.07.2012 19:43:54
Цитировать3 июля 2012, 00:05   |   Наука   |   Иван Чеберко
Россия поможет Lockheed и Boeing построить пилотируемые космические корабли[/size]

Так вот ты какой... ПТК НП  :lol:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 05.08.2012 12:30:34
ЦитироватьBoeing Statement on NASA Commercial Crew Award[/size]
Posted by Doug Messier on August 3, 2012, at 6:37 am

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Aug. 3, 2012 (Boeing PR) – Boeing has received notification that NASA will invest $460 million for further development of the Boeing Commercial Crew Transportation System in the third round of the Commercial Crew Program: Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap). Boeing will complete development milestones to further mature the integrated system — including the CST-100 spacecraft, launch services and ground systems — to prepare for certification and operations.

"This award will enable us to build on the successes achieved in our Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) and CCDev-2 work for effective development through Critical Design Review, as we progress toward human rating and certification," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing Commercial Programs. "We look forward to providing a complete end-to-end transportation service to support NASA crew transportation to and from the International Space Station (ISS), and fostering a growing market for commercial transportation to other low Earth orbit destinations."

The CCiCap award addresses development milestones to be completed in a 21-month base period, with the potential for additional milestones in a subsequent options period. Under CCDev and CCDev-2, Boeing has successfully completed tests on engines, abort systems, propulsion, heat shield jettison, attitude control systems and landing to provide full data on functional elements of the spacecraft's design.

"Today's award demonstrates NASA's confidence in Boeing's approach to provide commercial crew transportation services for the ISS," said John Elbon, Boeing vice president and general manager of Space Exploration. "It is essential for the ISS and the nation that we have adequate funding to move at a rapid pace toward operations so the United States does not continue its dependence on a single system for human access to the ISS."

Boeing's safe, reliable Commercial Crew Transportation System draws on practices, expertise and resources from across the Boeing enterprise and five decades of experience in human spaceflight. It is supported by professional personnel and flight-demonstrated systems and technologies. Boeing is preparing for its initial test flight with a United Launch Alliance Atlas V launch vehicle as early as 2016.

Boeing's online press kit at www.boeing.com/bds/mediakit/2012/commercialcrew/ contains program backgrounders, biographies and a link to high-resolution photos.

Visit www.beyondearth.com for more information about the future of human space exploration.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.08.2012 21:42:32
ЦитироватьA Closer Look at Boeing's CCiCAP Milestones
Posted by Doug Messier
on August 13, 2012, at 7:22 am




Company: Boeing
Spacecraft: CST-100
Type: Capsule with service module
Crew Capacity: 7
Launch Vehicle: Atlas V (United Launch Alliance)
CCiCAP Funding: $460 million
CCiCAP Term: 21 months
Previous CCDev Funding (including optional milestones): $130.9 million (Boeing), $6.7 million (ULA)
Total CCDev and CCiCAP Funding (if all milestones met): $590.6 million (Boeing), $6.7 million (ULA)

CCiCAP Milestones

Boeing has 19 milestones to meet during the 21-month CCiCAP program, more than SpaceX (14) and Sierra Nevada (10). The g0al is to take the CST-100 capsule and its ULA-supplied Atlas V rocket through a critical design review in April 2014. If B0eing completes all milestones, NASA will pay it $460 million.

The company has 35 optional milestone in its plan that could earn Boeing additional awards if the company completes them and NASA has funding available. During the CCDev 2 funding round, the company earned an additional $20.6 million on top of the $92.3 million Boeing was awarded for making its base milestones.

A full listing of the 19 milestones is shown below, with redacted areas noted. The 35 optional milestones have been redacted for competitive reasons, so they are not shown here.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 14.08.2012 06:57:55
Эта новомодная манера выводить в потоке приводит к тому, что КК стряхивает туеву хучу заглушек и крышычек, причем часть может отделяться только при первом срабатывании ДПО, добавляя к опасному космическому мусору.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: avmich от 14.08.2012 08:35:35
ЦитироватьЭта новомодная манера выводить в потоке приводит к тому, что КК стряхивает туеву хучу заглушек и крышычек, причем часть может отделяться только при первом срабатывании ДПО, добавляя к опасному космическому мусору.

А нельзя сбрасывать на низкой орбите, где эти лёгкие предметы продержатся с неделю?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 14.08.2012 08:08:12
ЦитироватьА нельзя сбрасывать на низкой орбите, где эти лёгкие предметы продержатся с неделю?
Скорее всего так и получится, но хотелось бы знать точно. Носовой конус сбрасывается еще до того, как достигнута замкнутая орбита, с этим проблем не будет. Я про мелочевку, в особенности заглушки на передних двигателях "собачих будок".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 30.08.2012 03:53:24
ЦитироватьА нельзя сбрасывать на низкой орбите, где эти лёгкие предметы продержатся с неделю?
Скорее всего так и получится, но хотелось бы знать точно. Носовой конус сбрасывается еще до того, как достигнута замкнутая орбита, с этим проблем не будет. Я про мелочевку, в особенности заглушки на передних двигателях "собачих будок".
В принципе несложно сделать так, чтобы они сбрасывались по падению давления. Внутрь немножко легкокипучей жидкости - и тогда при выходе из атмосферы все крышки улетят...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SpaceR от 31.08.2012 01:41:00
ЦитироватьА нельзя сбрасывать на низкой орбите, где эти лёгкие предметы продержатся с неделю?
Скорее всего так и получится, но хотелось бы знать точно. Носовой конус сбрасывается еще до того, как достигнута замкнутая орбита, с этим проблем не будет. Я про мелочевку, в особенности заглушки на передних двигателях "собачих будок".
Это легко решается - выбором опорной орбиты и размеров/массы крышек (определяющих их баллистич.коэф-нт). Думаю, если материал близок к пенопластам, а опорная орбита имеет перигей ~185 км, то эта мелочевка не продержится в космосе и 5 дней.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 02.09.2012 16:23:12
Boeing Tests CST-100 Parachute Protector
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.09.2012 11:05:45

Flight not guaranteed for Boeing's commercial crew capsule

By: Zach Rosenberg Los Angeles
06:00 17 Sep 2012

Boeing may yet shelve future development of its CST-100 capsule, despite a recent award of more than $460 million from NASA's programme to transport astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS).

"Our base business case is based on transportation to ISS through 2020," says John Elbon, Boeing's vice-president of space exploration. Though not formalised, the company requires at least two flights per year from NASA to make the project viable.

"That's just for the ISS. That's kind of the basement," adds Elbon. More flights than those to the ISS are required he says, and Boeing is cautious about over-committing itself while future revenue streams are unclear.

NASA has funding for two full awards and one partial award in the commercial crew integrated capability (CCiCap) programme, to be doled out gradually according to established technical milestones. The two full grants were awarded to Boeing and SpaceX, while Sierra Nevada Corporation won the partial award.

Attached to each space act agreement, as the contracts are known, is an extensive list of optional milestones that takes the companies into flight testing.

While Boeing stands to gain at least $460 million by completing all 19 milestones during the 21-month base period, which would bring the CST-100 through the critical design review stage, an undisclosed, but significant, amount of additional funding may be gained through accomplishing 33 optional milestones.

But the base-period investment alone may not be enough for Boeing to justify continued funding, which may bring CST-100 development to an end.

While the cut-off point "wouldn't be at the end of this base period", says Elbon, it may be in the following option period.

"It's more important to have a definite market there. Obviously Boeing has significant resources, and if there's a business caseit's important that it's clear NASA is committed to the commercial crew programme going forward, that they're going to use it for flights to the ISS, and that we can grow some markets around that."

Boeing is working closely with space station manufacturer Bigelow Aerospace and orbital tourism company Space Adventures in an attempt to secure non-NASA revenue. While Bigelow and Space Adventures have racked up tangible success, neither has yet demonstrated a requirement for regular passenger trips into orbit.

The CCiCap contenders' business cases were among the criteria by which NASA evaluated their proposals. In a NASA justification document released after the selection announcement, Boeing's business case was described in "neutral" terms. It says: "Proposed corporate investment during the CCiCap period does not provide significant industry financial investment and there is an increased risk of having insufficient funding in the base period."

Boeing programme manager John Mulholland said it was difficult to compare the contributions made by companies. He said: "We are only counting things that are direct monetary contributions as an investment, we have a very conservative guideline that we use for what we call true investment. There is a lot of additional contributions we are making to the programme beyond that cash infusion."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 30.12.2012 13:04:08
HOUSTON, Texas. — Boeing and NASA recently established the firm baseline configuration for the company's Commercial Crew Transportation System, achieving the first performance milestone in NASA's Commercial Crew integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative.
During the Integrated Systems Review, Boeing's approaches to the spacecraft, launch system and ground operations were evaluated for compliance with NASA's requirements, including safety and mission assurance, avionics and software, International Space Station (ISS) integration, and crew and mission operations. Boeing also presented results from current development data from tests with its Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 vehicle.
"The rigor of our design and development process, along with resources from across the Boeing enterprise and our outstanding team of suppliers, will position the CST-100 spacecraft as the next crew transportation vehicle to the ISS and other low Earth orbit destinations," said John Mulholland, Commercial Programs vice president and program manager for Boeing.
"Our industry partners are gearing up to push their human spaceflight technologies further than ever before so America can have its own crew transportation system around the middle of the decade," said Ed Mango, Commercial Crew program manager for NASA. "This review was just the first of many exciting and valuable milestones Boeing is expected to complete during its funded partnership with NASA."
The CCiCap phase of the Commercial Crew program addresses development milestones to be completed in a 21-month base period, with the potential for additional milestones in a subsequent options period. Having completed more than 50 milestones in the previous two phases of the program, Boeing is continuing to mature the development of its Commercial Crew Transportation System to provide safe, reliable and affordable access to the ISS.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.01.2013 13:10:25
http://www.astronautical.org/node/191 (http://www.astronautical.org/node/191)
Von Braun 2012 Presentations:
John Elbon, Vice President and General Manager, Space Exploration, The  (http://www.astronautical.org/sites/default/files/attachment/elbon%20-%2011am.pdf)Boeing  Company (http://www.astronautical.org/sites/default/files/attachment/elbon%20-%2011am.pdf)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 12:24:19
ЦитироватьFAA Conf. Wed Afternoon, pt. 2 - notes
February 6 2013 09:57:16 PM[/B] | by Clark Lindsey, Managing Editor
      Mark Sirangelo introduces panel for commercial crew and cargo. (Phil McAlister of NASA had flight problems)
    Chris Ferguson (Boeing) - update on commercial crew
  •       Describes CST-100 system
  •       Will fly up to 10 flights
  •       Crew module and service module
  •       Return onto land with chutes and airbags
  •       Abort survival throughout launch
  •       Pusher abort system used for in-orbit propulsion
  •       Typical mission could have four crew and some cargo
  •       Atlas V launcher
  •       Wide cross range
  •       Looking for optional landing sites
  •       Describes landing drop tests
  •       CCiCap progress
  •       Integrating systems
  •       Building towards critical design review in spring 2014
  •       Modifying OPF-3 at KSC for building the vehicle
  •       Shows video of highlights of testing in the past year or so
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 19.02.2013 15:29:05
ЦитироватьBoeing, NASA Close in on CST-100 Launch Vehicle Adapter Design
Posted by Doug Messier on February 18, 2013, at 10:29 am in News
This is an artist's conception of Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft separating from the first stage of its launch vehicle, a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, following liftoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. (Credit: Boeing)

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FLA. (NASA PR) – NASA's Commercial Crew Program and The Boeing Company are focusing on the Launch Vehicle Adapter design as they close in on plans for the component that will connect the company's CST-100 capsule to the United Launch Alliance Atlas V booster which will lift it into orbit. NASA's Partner Integration Team, also called a PIT crew, is working with Boeing to successfully complete a preliminary design review for the adapter at the end of this month.

The CST-100, short for Crew Space Transportation-100, is designed to carry astronauts to the International Space Station. Boeing is working closely with NASA on the development of its integrated crew transportation system under a Space Act Agreement, while certification efforts are taking place under a contract.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 19.03.2013 14:25:33

Progress continues with Boeing's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 spacecraft as the team completed a three-day interior layout evaluation  at Boeing's Houston Product Support Center (HPSC) mockup facility. This test marks another step closer to meeting the requirements for NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) Space Act Agreement. During the evaluation, NASA astronauts provided comments on the interior layout and evaluated the reach and visibility of the controls and displays.
"We were excited to have the opportunity to participate in Boeing's Cockpit Layout Evaluation of the CST-100," said NASA Astronaut Michael Foreman. "Hopefully, our comments and suggestions will help them in their design and we look forward to further collaborations throughout this iterative process."
The astronauts also provided valuable comments on the design of the crew seats, interior lighting, and how to improve the layout for Crew Resource Management to ensure that the Boeing product satisfies all potential customers.
"Incorporating the opinion of veteran spacecraft operators is essential to ensuring our design is appealing to our NASA customer," said Christopher Ferguson, director of Crew and Mission Operations for the CST-100. "NASA's excellent comments will be incorporated into the cockpit design to help make the Boeing vehicle intuitive and easy to operate."  

The CST-100 team has met additional CCiCap milestones including the Software Integrated Engineering Release 2.0 and the Landing & Recovery Ground Communications Design Review. The CCiCap period of performance culminates in the spring of 2014 with the Critical Design Review Board.  Boeing is preparing for its initial test flight with a United Launch Alliance Atlas V launch vehicle as early as 2016.


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 19.03.2013 14:46:33
короткий перевод с помощью гуггл:

Команда CST-100 завершает оценку компоновки кокпита

Команда CST-100 завершила трехдневную оценку интерьера макета в Хьюстоне. Этот тест знаменует собой еще один шаг на пути к выполнению требований для коммерческих экипажей НАСА для CCiCap. Во время оценки, астронавты НАСА сделали замечания по внутренней планировке и оценили досягаемость и видимость индикаторов управления.
"Мы были взволнованы иметь возможность участвовать в оценке кабины CST-100", сказал астронавт НАСА Майкл Форман. «Надеюсь, наши замечания и предложения, помогут им в их разработке, и мы надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество в этом процессе".
Астронавты также дали ценные замечания по конструкции кресел, внутреннему освещению, и по улучшению макета для управления ресурсами экипажа, чтобы убедиться, что продукт Boeing удовлетворяет всем потенциальным клиентам.
"Мнение ветерана оператора космических аппаратов является привлекательным для NASA", сказал Кристофер Фергюсон. "Отличные замечания NASA будут использованы в кабине дизайна, чтобы помочь сделать корабль Boeing интуитивно понятный и простой в эксплуатации".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 20.03.2013 10:24:53
Этой фотографии в июле исполнится 2 года. На 4 странице темы есть очень похожая  ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 20.03.2013 10:26:23
Вот актуальное фото

13 января 2013г
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Yutani от 20.03.2013 18:24:58
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Вот актуальное фото
13 января 2013г
Эта фотка была в вышеуказанной статье, только в маленьком разрешении, не стал искать большое, и загрузил, которое было под рукой.  :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 22.03.2013 17:15:16
ЦитироватьCST-100 reviews road to mission operations

The Boeing Company's plans for its CST-100 spacecraft continue to firm up as the aerospace company works with NASA's Commercial Crew Program (CCP) to establish what will be needed to communicate with the spacecraft and recover it when it returns from a mission.
The capsule-shaped spacecraft is on track to launch to low-Earth orbit atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Florida's Space Coast around the middle of the decade. It is designed to hold enough crew members to allow the spaceship to operate as a taxi and lifeboat on missions to the International Space Station.
The company, one of three NASA is working with to establish a commercial industry to ferry astronauts to and from the orbiting laboratory, recently completed its fifth performance milestone and two in-depth reviews as part of the CST-100's development.
The latest review milestone under the funded Space Act Agreement with NASA during the Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCi-Cap) initiative at Boeing's facility in Titusville, Fla., established the baseline plan for the equipment and infrastructure needed to run spacecraft ground communications, and landing and recovery operations.
The company also completed back-to-back production design and "phase 1" safety reviews in November, which allowed agency managers and engineers to analyze safety and support systems being designed for the CST, short for Crew Space Transportation.
"The safety review showed some ways Boeing is mitigating and controlling hazards in the preliminary design review level of the integrated design," said Gennaro Caliendo of CCP's Partner Integration Office.
"Boeing has a great deal of experience in the human spaceflight business and has been integral in helping develop future spacecraft for our national capability."
The third review covered Boeing's progress in developing the By Bob Granath Spaceport News ground portions of mission operations software.
"It gave us an opportunity to look at how they are moving ahead and to provide input to their roducts," Caliendo said. "Innovation and ingenuity of commercial companies will be important, but since NASA will be purchasing a transportation service to the space station, we have requirements that companies eventually will have to meet if they plan on competing for services in the future."
The design of the CST-100 resembles NASA's legacy Apollo command and service modules. However, the CST-100 crew module is larger with a greater habitable interior with the capacity to carry up to seven astronauts or four astronauts and cargo, compared to the three sent on the lunar missions of the 1960s and '70s. It also is designed for reusability for up to ten missions.
The service module is considerably smaller than Apollo because it doesn't need a propulsion engine capable of getting it back from the moon. That also reduces the amount of equipment and consumables necessary for exclusively low-Earth orbit missions.
Recent analyses of landing systems have taken place in Delamar Dry Lake in Nevada, proving the CST-100 can return to Earth with three parachutes, as was the case with Apollo. Just prior to landing, air bags will deploy on the bottom of the spacecraft allowing a safe touchdown on the ground. To add flexibility, the CST-100 also can return for a water landing.
Boeing currently is on schedule to complete a total of 19 milestones during the base period of its CCiCap agreement. The company will be designing both flight and ground systems hardware, writing and testing code for flight software, developing ground communications systems, and performing wind tunnel tests. All of the work leads up to a Critical Design Review scheduled for April 2014 prior to optional qualification and flight demonstration milestones.
"The CDR will be an integrated systems review," Caliendo said. "We'll be looking at how the spacecraft is integrated with the launch vehicle, ground systems, and everything needed to manufacture, process, launch, fly and return the CST-100."
Bill Lane, deputy partner manager in CCP's Partner Integration Office, said the recent reviews are ensuring that NASA's new initiative remains on track.
"These reviews provided the foundation of capsule production, processing and flight operations," Lane said. "The teams have worked very hard to identify hardware, software and mission operations requirements that will be necessary to ensure flight safety starting from the initial production and continuing through the full life-cycle of the capsule."
NASA's new CCiCap agreements follow two previous commercial endeavors by the agency to spur the development of crew transportation systems and subsystems. Work by NASA's industry partners during CCiCap will set the stage for a crewed orbital demonstration mission around the middle of the decade.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 06.04.2013 18:03:16
ЦитироватьNASA Commercial Crew Partner Boeing Completes Launch Vehicle Adapter Review
Posted by Doug Messier
on April 5, 2013, at 2:43 pm

An artist concept of Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft atop its integrated launch vehicle, United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rocket. (Credit: Boeing)

An artist concept of Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft atop its integrated launch vehicle, United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rocket. (Credit: Boeing)

HOUSTON (NASA PR) – The Boeing Company of Houston, a NASA Commercial Crew Program (CCP) partner, has successfully completed a preliminary design review (PDR) of the component that would connect the company's new crew capsule to its rocket.

The review is one of six performance milestones Boeing has completed for NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative, which is intended to make available commercial human spaceflight services for government and commercial customers. The company is on track to complete all 19 of its milestones during CCiCap.

Boeing is one of three U.S. companies NASA is working with during CCiCap to set the stage for a crewed orbital demonstration mission around the middle of the decade. Future development and certification initiatives eventually will lead to the availability of human spaceflight services for NASA to send its astronauts to the International Space Station.

The component that was reviewed is called the Launch Vehicle Adapter. The critical structure is being designed by United Launch Alliance (ULA) to join Boeing's Crew Space Transportation-100 (CST-100) spacecraft to ULA's Atlas V rocket, just above the rocket's second stage.

"Solid systems engineering integration is critical to the design of a safe system," said Ed Mango, NASA's CCP manager. "Boeing and all of NASA's partner companies are working to build in proper systems integration into their designs. This review with Boeing and their partner ULA was a good review of the current state of these important design interfaces."

In recent weeks, teams from NASA, Boeing and ULA met at ULA's headquarters in Denver, Colo., to assess requirements and capabilities to safely launch people into low-Earth orbit from U.S. soil once again. The PDR was a culmination of early development and preliminary analysis to demonstrate the design is ready to proceed with detailed engineering.

"The PDR was an outstanding integrated effort by the Boeing, ULA and NASA teams," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing Commercial Programs. "The ULA design leverages the heritage hardware of the Atlas V to integrate with the CST-100, setting the baseline for us to proceed to wind tunnel testing and the Launch Segment-level PDR in June."

In addition to the Launch Vehicle Adapter PDR, Boeing recently completed two additional CCiCap milestones, including the Engineering Release (ER) 2.0 software release and the Landing and Recovery Ground Systems and Ground Communications design review.

The ER 2.0 software release was completed Jan. 25 in Boeing's Avionics and Software Integration Facility Lab in Houston. This test laid the foundation for the software structure to control and fly the spacecraft, as well as communicate with pilots and ground systems.

The landing and recovery ground systems and ground communications design review Jan. 16 to 18 in Titusville, Fla., established the baseline plan for equipment and infrastructure needed for CST-100 spacecraft ground communications and landing and recovery operations.

For more information about NASA's Commercial Crew Program and its aerospace industry partners, visit:


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 09.04.2013 09:12:23
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: frigate от 09.04.2013 03:14:55
Boeing Crew Capsule Review Clears Way For Wind Tunnel Testing

Boeingis set to begin detailed wind tunnel tests of its Crew Space Transportation (CST-100) spacecraft following a 
successful preliminary design review of the launch vehicle adapter structure.
The CST-100 is designed to carry crews to the International Space Station as well as take space tourists to the Bigelow Aerospace orbital space complex, and could make its first test flight as early as 2016.
Completion of the review marks a key milestone for Boeing, which is developing the CST-100 under a Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) agreement with NASA. Boeing, along with competitors SpaceX and Sierra Nevada, was awarded a contract for this follow-on phase to the Commercial Crew Development 2 (CCDev-2) program last August.
The Launch Vehicle Adapter is being designed by United Launch Alliance (ULA), maker ofthe Atlas V rocket that will deliver CST-100 to orbit. Boeing says detailed engineering of the adapter can now begin as it continues to progress toward the first of two planned test flights of the CST-100.
John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing Commercial Crew Programs, says the review also "sets the baseline for us to proceed to wind tunnel testing and the launch segment review in June."
Boeing says that two additional CCiCap milestones were also completed earlier this year. These included the engineering 2.0 software release, which "lays the groundwork for spacecraft control and communications," the company says.
The second was the Landing and Recovery Ground Systems and Ground Communications design review, which
establishes a plan for the equipment and infrastructure needed for ground communications and landing and recovery operations. - Guy Norris (guy_norris@aviationweek.com)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.04.2013 07:41:46
5 мест на этой картинке, вероятно, попытка открестится от прошлогодней 4х местной конфигурации
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.04.2013 07:45:53
Двойные баллоны - при ударе в наружних выбивает крышки-пробки. А потом капсула прыгает на внутренних ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 04.05.2013 19:15:21
Еще одна фотка "внутреннего убранства" капсулы. На этот раз сделана через люк.
Источник - статья о Роберте Бигелоу http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-05-02/robert-bigelow-plans-a-real-estate-empire-in-space
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.05.2013 16:21:27
Куколки астронавтов по коробочкам, повтор 2009года. Давно уже Боингу платит не Роберт Бигелоу, а НАСА  ;)   Потому и дело идет

Вот еще куколки
Posted 08.14.2009 at 1:15 pm
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 04.05.2013 20:28:59
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Давно уже Боингу платит не Роберт Бигелоу, а НАСА  ;)  Потому и дело идет
А какая разница, тем более, что свое Бигелоу уже заплатил, а НАСА по этому договору не будет компенсировать более 50% стоимости проекта? Получается, что платят Боинг и Бигелоу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 04.05.2013 16:33:55
Торжество свободного предпринимательства блин. На двухк конях скакать седалища не хватит. Пусть пузырями занимается. Ему еще трем фирмам платить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 04.05.2013 21:57:48
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
На двухк конях скакать седалища не хватит.
А, если подумать, то Бигелоу для его "отеля" необходимы не менее двух "такси", так что его сотрудничество с двумя конкурирующими фирмами вполне оправдано. Не говоря уже о том, что таким образом он в какой-то мере страхует себя от убийственного для егобизнеса повышения цен на услуги "такси".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2013 03:57:47
Скока Бигелоу платит Боингу за CST-100? Любую цифру с источником плз. ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 05.05.2013 08:59:28
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Скока Бигелоу платит Боингу за CST-100? Любую цифру с источником плз.  ;)  
Без разницы. Мог даже не заплатить, а сшить аэробэги. Важно, что это устроило Боинг. Зато цену полета на свою станцию на его корабле Бигелоу уже озвучил.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2013 06:02:55
Нету цифры. Q.E.D.

Мне значительно более интересны "штаны" для сопел MLAS в переходнике.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 06.05.2013 03:03:51
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Нету цифры. Q.E.D.

Мне значительно более интересны "штаны" для сопел MLAS в переходнике.
Чеи они интересны? И зачем они нужны? Разделение с работающими двигателями?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 05.05.2013 16:07:30
Они в состыкованном виде работают только как ДУ САС. Напротив "штанов" должны быть люки, направляющие факел в сторону от верхней ступени. на рисунке чтото такое видно. ИМХО
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 01.06.2013 14:35:13







Название: CST-100
Отправлено: instml от 01.06.2013 14:38:29
Boeing Completes New Spacecraft, Rocket Milestones

Image above: Shown is the integrated model at NASA's Ames Research Center. The model is a 7 percent model of the Boeing CST-100 spacecraft, launch vehicle adaptor and launch vehicle.
Image credit: Boeing
 › View Larger Image (http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/752744main_windtunnel.jpg)

 The Boeing Company of Houston, a NASA Commercial Crew Program (CCP) partner, recently performed wind tunnel testing of its CST-100 spacecraft and integrated launch vehicle, the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket. The testing is part of NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative, intended to make commercial human spaceflight services available for government and commercial customers.

 Boeing and ULA also worked together to test a newly developed component of the Atlas V's Centaur upper stage. Boeing now has completed two of eight performance milestones under CCiCap and is on track to have completed all 19 of its milestones around mid-2014.

 "The Centaur has a long and storied past of launching the agency's most successful spacecraft to other worlds," said Ed Mango, NASA's CCP manager at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. "Because it has never been used for human spaceflight before, these tests are critical to ensuring a smooth and safe performance for the crew members who will be riding atop the human-rated Atlas V."

 The wind tunnel testing, which began in March and wrapped up in May at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., were the first interface tests of Boeing's spacecraft, launch vehicle adaptor and launch vehicle. A scale model of the integrated spacecraft and rocket was placed in Ames' 11-foot diameter transonic wind tunnel. The data gathered provides Boeing with critical information it needs to ensure its system is safe for launching crews to low-Earth orbit.

 The Centaur liquid oxygen-feed duct line was tested in March in Murrieta, Calif., to characterize how liquid oxygen moves fr om the stage's oxygen tank to its two engines wh ere the propellant will be mixed with liquid hydrogen to create thrust. The Centaur, which takes over after the Atlas V first stage runs low on propellants, will push the spacecraft to its intended orbit. The Centaur has an extensive and successful history of delivering spacecraft to their destinations, including carrying NASA's Curiosity science rover to Mars.

 "The CST-100 and Atlas V, connected with the launch vehicle adaptor, performed exactly as expected and confirmed our expectations of how they will perform together in flight," said John Mulholland, Boeing vice president and program manager for Commercial Programs.

 Boeing is one of three U.S. companies NASA is working with during CCiCap to set the stage for a crewed orbital demonstration mission around the middle of the decade. Future development and certification initiatives eventually will lead to the availability of human spaceflight services for NASA to send astronauts to the International Space Station from the United States.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 17.07.2013 11:21:09
ЦитироватьNASA Partner Boeing Invites Media to View CST-100 Spacecraft Mockup 
 HOUSTON -- The Boeing Company of Houston is inviting media to view a full-size test version of its CST-100 spacecraft as NASA astronauts conduct evaluations inside it.
The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. CDT Monday, July 22, at the company's Houston Product Support Center at 13100 Space Center Boulevard.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: bavv от 20.07.2013 04:13:46
ЦитироватьBoeing CST-100 spacecraft model passes water-recovery tests (http://boeing.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=13&item=2299)

HOUSTON, July 19, 2013 – Boeing [NYSE: BA] recently demonstrated that astronauts in its Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 capsule will be able to safely exit the spacecraft during an emergency water landing.

Although the CST-100 is designed to land on the ground, Boeing engineers worked with NASA and Department of Defense search-and-recovery personnel to test several emergency water-extraction scenarios.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 22.07.2013 23:48:12
ЦитироватьNASA Astronauts Test Out Boeing's CST-100 Spacecraft (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2013/07/22/nasa-astronauts-test-out-boeings-cst-100-spacecraft/)
  Posted by Doug Messier (http://www.parabolicarc.com/author/doug/) on July 22, 2013, at 9:28 am in News (http://www.parabolicarc.com/category/news/)
(http://a5812dc8bd9140d242e5-6a6d461ce122a15fb2cf3be7c57b2f08.r88.cf2.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/CST-100-Test-Serena-Aunon.jpg) (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2013/07/22/nasa-astronauts-test-out-boeings-cst-100-spacecraft/cst-100-test-serena-aunon/)
NASA astronaut climbs aboard a mock-up CST-100 spacecraft July 22 at The Boeing Company's Houston Product Support Center. (Credit: NASA)

 NASA astronaut Serena Aunon put on her iconic orange launch-and-entry suit and climbed aboard The Boeing Company's CST-100 mock-up to perform fit checks of the spacecraft's interior. Aunon is one of two astronauts who will spend a few hours inside the capsule to test maneuverability while Boeing engineers monitor communications equipment, ergonomics and crew interfaces.
Boeing is one of three aerospace industry partners working with NASA's Commercial Crew Program (CCP) during its Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative, which is intended to make commercial human spaceflight services available for government and commercial customers. Stay tuned this afternoon to the CCP website for the first look at the interior of the CST-100.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 22.07.2013 23:53:04
ЦитироватьArs hops in Boeing's "commercial space" spaceship, the CST-100
We got some cockpit time in the full-size demonstrator spacecraft in Houston.
           by Lee Hutchinson (http://arstechnica.com/author/lee-hutchinson/) - July 23 2013, 1:00am      
 Boeing took the curtain off its proposed commercial spacecraft this morning, allowing a limited number of press and media into one of its Houston facilities to crawl around inside a high-fidelity mockup. The spacecraft, designated the CST-100 (for "Crew Space Transportation" ), is a large capsule, resembling a scaled-up version of the iconic Apollo command module.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87640.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-capsule.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-capsule.jpg) / The CST-100 mockup on display at Boeing's Houston Product Support Center in Clear Lake, TX.
 Lee Hutchinson

 The CST-100 seats up to seven astronauts and will primarily be used to transport people to and fr om destinations in Low Earth Orbit ("LEO" ), such as the International Space Station. CST-100 is designed specifically as a LEO transport, but Low Earth Orbit is only one of a much larger set of potential destinations that Boeing and other commercial space flight companies hope to target, extending all the way out to interplanetary space. According to Boeing Space Exploration Vice President and General Manager John Elbon, each destination has its own set of requirements and challenges. So CST-100 is Boeing's attempt at creating a spacecraft specifically designed to be a LEO workhorse.
The capsule itself sits bedecked with ladders and cameras elevated on a stand in the high bay of Boeing's Houston Product Support center. When the press first approached the spacecraft, astronaut Serena Auñón (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serena_Aunon) was still strapped into one of the mockup's two seats, performing an evaluation of how her bright orange ACES (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Crew_Escape_Suit) flight suit worked with the spacecraft's internal layout. The press quickly mobbed her when she emerged from the craft and stepped down the ladder. When asked, Auñón reported that she was pleased with the cockpit and the work done so far.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87641.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-aunon.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-aunon.jpg) / NASA astronaut Serena Auñón emerges from testing the orange ACER suit inside of the CST-100 mockup.
 Lee Hutchinson
The ship

 CST-100 isn't the only capsule-shaped spacecraft attempting to make its way into orbit these days. NASA's official successor to the space shuttle is the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_%28spacecraft%29), designed and manufactured for NASA by Lockheed Martin. The Orion MPCV itself evolved from the 2006 "bake-off" Crew Exploration Vehicle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crew_exploration_vehicle) competition between Lockheed Martin and Boeing; Lockheed Martin ultimately beat Boeing and won the contract.
Some amount of Boeing's CEV capsule design work evolved into today's CST-100, but the new vehicle shares no common hardware with the CEV concept—it was developed separately under NASA's Commercial Crew integrated Capability (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCiCap#Commercial_Crew_integrated_Capability) program (or "CCiCAP," as it's called). Boeing's CST-100 is one of three spacecraft being developed for the program, with the other two being Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Chaser) lifting body craft and SpaceX's Dragon (http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/03/spacex-dragon-returns-officially-completing-a-second-iss-resupply-trip/) capsule (which has already successfully flown to space and docked with the ISS, albeit in an unmanned configuration).
CST-100 eschews the space shuttle's tile-based thermal protection system, instead using for its heat shield a phenolic resin-based structure that burns away ("ablates" ) during re-entry. This approach is also used by the Orion MPCV and avoids the tremendous touch-labor expense that the space shuttle's tiles incurred prior to every launch. The craft is reusable too. After a mission it is designed to be refurbished and refitted and relaunched up to 10 times. This makes it more flexible and cost-efficient than the original capsules of the 1960s, and at the same time it avoids incurring the huge total refit costs that the space shuttle brought with it.
In the cockpit

 I slipped on the required blue paper surgical booties and scrambled up the ladder ahead of the rest of the journalists, since unlike most of them, I hadn't brought along a film crew and tons of equipment. The hatch was a narrow affair, and I quickly found myself puzzled at how Auñón wiggled into the spacecraft in her bulky ACES suit—I was having a hard enough time in slacks and a dress shirt. Once inside, the space was extremely tight, and I found myself wishing I'd brought a wider lens; I tried to picture cramming seven astronauts and their suits and gear into the space. Microgravity would make it a lot easier, of course, but it would definitely be a crowded ride.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87642.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-inside.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-inside.jpg) / The interior of CST-100, seen from the hatch. This space is intended to hold up to seven astronauts—though in microgravity, it'll seem a lot bigger.
 Lee Hutchinson

 Most of the items in the mockup's interior are themselves mockups; the control panel was present but mostly made up of nonfunctioning switches and colored cardboard and paper buttons. I gamely slid my way into the commander's seat and posed for pictures, then squirmed out and made way for the other journalists. The interior was dominated by struts and stowage bags, though there were convenient blue-colored hand-holds placed throughout that we all had to use to drag our way over each other, with many mumbled "excuse mes" and "sorrys."
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87643.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-cockpit.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-cockpit.jpg) / I squeezed into the lower deck and snapped this shot aiming up at the two seats. There was not a lot of space to move around inside the mockup.
 Lee Hutchinson

 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87644.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-brb.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-brb.jpg) / BRB GOING TO SPACE
 Lee Hutchinson
Cheaper and off the shelf

 Cost savings is one of the largest driving forces behind the spacecraft's design—second only to safety. As much as possible, the CST-100 capsule uses "COTS" components (a popular aerospace acronym standing for "Commercial, Off-the-Shelf" ), even in its avionics. Boeing Space Exploration vice president (and former astronaut (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Ferguson)) Chris Ferguson spoke in detail about the control consoles and instrumentation Boeing is planning on using for the CST-100. The plan is to equip astronauts with an "electronic flight bag," much in the same way that commercial airline pilots these days are being equipped with iPads and other consumer tablet hardware for all of their checklists and documentation.
Ferguson explained, in fact, that Boeing plans to use the same type of commercial touchscreen hardware—iPads, or Microsoft Surface tablets, or Android tablets—whichever company is willing to work with Boeing on the design. "If Apple comes to us and says 'Hey, we want you to use our product, and we're willing to do this and this and this,' well, hey, a tablet's a tablet, really!" he said. One of the big factors, though, is matching existing systems on the International Space Station and also upcoming flight systems in the Orion MPCV. Boeing wants there to be as much commonality as possible, so crews will be able to switch between spacecraft and space station without needing huge amounts of additional training. But as far as looking like previous spacecraft, like the space shuttle, CST-100 will be very, very different.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87645.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-ferguson.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-ferguson.jpg) / Boeing VP (and former astronaut) Chris Ferguson.
 Lee Hutchinson

 "All the hardware switches you see in there are backup and are never intended to be used normally," Ferguson went on. The cockpit contains hardware switches for all critical systems—opening and closing valves, for example—but the intent is for the crew to be able to fly the spacecraft and do all of its operating tasks through touchscreens. Or to not have the crew do those tasks at all—CST-100 is being designed with the capability to operate totally autonomously, unlike the space shuttle. The latter lacked the ability to be fully operated remotely (though that capability was added in 2006 with the addition of a special cable (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STS-3xx)).
I asked Ferguson about the practicality of operating touchscreens in gloves, since the crew would likely spend their launches and landings in the same orange ACES suits being used by Serena Auñón. He replied that Boeing is investigating including a capacitive mesh layer in the fingers of the suits, sort of along the same lines as the "iPad gloves" (http://www.fivepointgloves.com/) folks in northern climates can buy to keep their fingers warm while they poke at their gadgets (though, obviously, much more air-tight and spacesuit-y).
Getting there and back

 Boeing plans to have the CST-100 hitch its initial rides into orbit on the Atlas V (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_V) rocket, coupled with a Centaur upper stage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centaur_%28rocket_stage%29). The combination has an excellent safety record, and Boeing (with assistance from its United Launch Alliance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Launch_Alliance) joint venture) will be taking the extra steps necessary to "man-rate" the rocket—that is, prove by NASA's stringent guidelines that the rocket is safe enough to carry humans, rather than the cargo it's currently used for.
Atlas V isn't the only rocket with which CST-100 will be compatible; Boeing is designing the capsule to work with a wide variety of launch systems, including rival SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_9). It's even possible that the CST-100 could be lofted by NASA's ultra-heavy-lift Space Launch System (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Launch_System) when or if it becomes available, though using that large a rocket to lift the CST-100 capsule would be overkill.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/87646.jpg) (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-training.jpg)
Enlarge (http://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/cst-training.jpg) / Watching astronaut Auñón on the monitors placed outside the mockup.
 Lee Hutchinson

 It's also necessary for Boeing to construct an escape system for the CST-100, so that the vehicle can keep its crew safe in the event of a launch abort. Early NASA capsules used Launch Escape Systems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_%28spacecraft%29#Launch_Escape_System_.28LES.29)—a smaller rocket perched on the capsule's nose that could drag the capsule away from the rocket if something went wrong. The space shuttle lacked any notable external abort system, relying instead on fancy flying (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_abort_modes) in the event of an emergency. CST-100 will have a "pusher escape system," using four rockets in the CST-100's service module to haul the capsule off and away from the launch vehicle. This design has the added benefit of also bringing some extra usable propellant to orbit; tower-based Launch Escape Systems are typically jettisoned after a certain point in the launch, but CST-100's abort engines and their propellant are also intended to be used for on-orbit maneuvering.
The commercial future

 One of the odd facts about the "commercial space flight" push is that manned space flight has always been a "commercial" endeavor. Companies like Boeing have built every rocket and spacecraft that NASA has ever flown. The new efforts of Boeing, SpaceX, and others would be better characterized as commercially available or commercially funded (though even that isn't quite accurate, since NASA is splitting more than a billion dollars between Boeing, SpaceX, and Sierra Nevada Corporation for them to develop their CCiCap craft). Boeing is an old hand at the spaceship game—but being that old hand brings with it complications. When compared with a nimble, young company like SpaceX, Boeing can seem stodgy—even moribund, bound up in processes and meetings over even tiny details.
John Mulholland, Boeing's Vice President and Program Manager of Commercial Operations, acknowledged the difficulty Boeing faces with its approach. Still, he remained hopeful. "The nice thing is that we're coming into this from a position of experience," he said. "We understand the processes and what was done on previous human spaceflight designs, and having that knowledge, we can look at areas wh ere we can drive efficiency, without sacrificing reliability or safety." He spoke further on a renewed focus within Boeing on both "decision velocity" and "decision stability"—making correct decisions quickly and sticking with things that work.
"I think we're doing a great job of it," continued John Elbon, who heads Boeing's entire Space Exploration group. "We aren't as vocal and out there as maybe some others, but Mulholland has put together a relatively small team to do this, and the effectiveness we're seeing relative to how much it's costing us to do this and how many hours it's taking is amazing."
The CST-100 is currently winging its way through the design review process. Boeing is hopeful that the capsule will fly in 2015 or 2016.      
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 23.07.2013 11:22:01
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 23.07.2013 11:25:50
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 23.07.2013 11:34:33
http://youtu.be/VdQfdKkr46U (http://youtu.be/VdQfdKkr46U)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 25.07.2013 10:07:45
Статья на русском о презентации этого макета

http://compulenta.computerra.ru/universe/explore/10008064/ (http://compulenta.computerra.ru/universe/explore/10008064/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 25.07.2013 06:39:17
Интересно, они к бигеловскому макету нормальную дверку приделали или он весь новый с иголочки?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.07.2013 13:03:05
ЦитироватьBoeing Refines CST-100 Commercial Crew Capsule Approach
By Mark Carreau
Source: Aerospace Daily & Defense Report

July 24, 2013

HOUSTON — A mockup of Boeing's CST-100 entry in NASA's Commercial Crew Program (CCP) is undergoing internal evaluation by astronauts this week amid renewed optimism over how the initiative to regain a U.S. capability to transport crews to and from the International Space Station by 2017 is faring in Washington.
The Apollo-shaped capsule has met eight of 19 milestones outlined under Boeing's $460 million NASA Commercial Crew Integrated Capability agreement, as the company aims for a critical design review (CDR) in the spring of 2014 and an unpiloted flight test in 2016. In parallel, Boeing is working under a $10 million first-phase contract to certify the spacecraft's safety and performance for a piloted demonstration mission to the ISS in 2017.
Last week, the House Appropriations committees approved $500 million and Senate appropriators $775 million for commercial crew development as part of NASA's 2014 budget. The first figure is well below the Obama administration's $821 million request, a figure NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has characterized as essential to meet the 2017 objective. Nonetheless, agency and company managers believe legislators are losing their skepticism over a program that has so far committed $1.4 billion to competing vehicle designs from SpaceX, Sierra Nevada, Boeing and others.
"We have to stay focused on execution," said Kathy Lueders, NASA's deputy CCP manager. "We have a program, and it is executing. I think Congress can recognize that and fund it appropriately."
"It's still a draft in work," echoed John Mulholland, Boeing program manager for commercial programs, speaking about the House and Senate appropriations marks. "I think they will come up with a number that NASA can use."
The two CCP officials spoke July 22 as a second round of internal capsule evaluations by astronauts got under way, the first in a new, full-sized mockup of the CST-100, which is designed to carry up to seven astronauts, or combinations of crew and cargo to the ISS. Boeing unveiled the mockup at the company's Houston Products Support Center.
The evaluations collected this week could lead to modifications that would undergo a final round of astronaut assessments prior to the CDR, said Chris Ferguson, Boeing's director of crew and mission operations and a former shuttle commander.
Boeing has leaned hard on a half-century of prior spaceflight experience and borrowed from its success with commercial airline production to tame CST-100 development costs. The capsule's outer mold line, for instance, closely resembles that of Boeing's losing design in the competition with Lockheed Martin for NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle.
While the CST-100 control panel layout is considered proprietary, pilot astronauts will board with electronic flight bags — tablet computers that serve as electronic instrument management devices that eliminate the paper-based reference materials of the space shuttle era. Any switches, or knobs, serve a backup control function, Ferguson said.
The soft blue tones of internal illumination come from the Boeing Sky Interior light-emitting diode scheme introduced on later models of the 737.
While Boeing is comfortable with the ACES as a flight pressure suit for crewmembers, the company has agreed to listen to competing proposals before selecting a vendor.
Boeing is working toward the "rent-a-car" rather than the "taxi" model for commercial crew operations, meaning that NASA personnel, rather than company astronauts, would fly the CST-100. A United Launch Alliance Atlas V with a dual-engine Centaur upper stage will propel astronauts into orbit from Cape Canaveral on initial missions, though Boeing's design will accommodate other launch vehicles that demonstrate equal reliability, according to Mulholland.
Flight crews will likely spend about 2 1/2 hr. in the Boeing spacecraft prior to liftoff, comparable to shuttle operations. Boeing is planning a flight day one rendezvous and docking capability with the space station, rather than the shuttle's day-three berthing. Russia introduced a day-one, four-orbit, rendezvous-and-docking profile earlier this year.
The CST-100 is designed to remain docked to the ISS for up to 210 days.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 16.01.2014 10:51:45
ЦитироватьВоронежский завод поможет Boeing в создании космического транспорта

ВОРОНЕЖ, 15 янв — РИА Новости, Алексей Андреев. Воронежское предприятие будет разрабатывать для американской компании Boeing преобразователи энергии космического транспортного корабля, сообщает правительство региона.

Делегация корпорации Boeing прибыла в Воронеж с визитом в понедельник. Основная цель приезда — знакомство с потенциалом местного ЗАО "Орбита". Это воронежское предприятие стало победителем конкурса на разработку и изготовление электротехнического оборудования для нового американского космического корабля, который придет на смену программе Space Shuttle.

Как рассказал на состоявшейся в среду встрече представителей Boeing и руководства Воронежской области директор разработки систем электроэнергии авиационной радиоэлектроники и исследования космоса компании Эрик Гиетл, "Орбита" выиграла конкурс по четырем критериям: техническая составляющая, менеджмент, стоимость выполнения работ и история завода.

"Генеральный директор — главный конструктор ЗАО "Орбита" Олег Романов и менеджер по контрактам с поставщиками департамента исследования космоса корпорации Boeing Наталья Григорьева подписали контракт, согласно которому воронежский завод обязуется разработать и запустить в производство преобразователи энергии для обеспечения функционирования систем электроснабжения американского космического аппарата", — говорится в сообщении.

"Орбита" — единственное российское предприятие, получившее возможность принять участие в конкурсе. Проект Boeing предполагает создание инновационной транспортной системы, которая будет использоваться для доставки на орбиту как экипажей, так и грузов. Предусматривается возможность стыковки корабля с Международной космической станцией и совместной работы с ней в едином научно-энергетическом комплексе.

Космическое подразделение корпорации Boeing выполняет функции главного подрядчика, ответственного за проектирование, разработку, производство и эксплуатацию летательных аппаратов в рамках реализации важнейших космических программ США.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 16.01.2014 10:53:27
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 16.01.2014 06:59:57
Это они делали преобразователи для ФГБ?

ДА http://orbitaenvo.ru/products-space.html
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 27.02.2014 18:58:24
ЦитироватьBoeing Commercial Crew Вехи Статус
Posted by Doug Messier on February 27, 2014, at 5:31 am in News
This is an interior view of The Boeing Company's CST-100 spacecraft, which features LED lighting and tablet technology. (Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz)
Boeing's Commercial Crew Milestones Status
Award Period: August 2012 – August 2014
Milestones: 20
Milestones Completed: 15
Milestones Remaining: 5
Total Possible Award: $480 Million
Total Award to Date: $404.5 Million
Total Award Pending: $75.5 Million
Вот этапы, которые осталось пройти:
Как и у конкурентов, видно, что некоторые сроки ползут в право. Но величина этого сползания заметно меньше.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 03.03.2014 05:12:13
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 03.03.2014 14:23:52
Цитироватьronatu пишет:
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Они в состыкованном виде работают только как ДУ САС. Напротив "штанов" должны быть люки, направляющие факел в сторону от верхней ступени. на рисунке чтото такое видно. ИМХО
Они на большем диаметре.
Движки САС-довыведения-торможения тоже ведь не в центре стоят.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 07.03.2014 00:56:11
ЦитироватьVideo: Boeing Completes Pilot-in-the-Loop Commercial Crew Milestone
Posted by Doug Messier on March 5, 2014, at 5:24 am in News.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odh08oKhpjk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odh08oKhpjk)
Боинг достиг семнадцатой контрольной точки, и планирует ликвидировать свое отставание от графика работ по разработке пилотируемого корабля для доставки астронавтов на МКС, хотя для этого ему придется хорошо потрудиться. Если вы хотите посмотреть сообщение целиком, то пройдите по ссылке.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 09.03.2014 11:08:47
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 09.03.2014 12:18:13
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
А Orion не раньше?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 09.03.2014 12:19:21
ЦитироватьАлександр Ч. пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
А Orion не раньше?
Пилотируемый? Это вряд-ли.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.03.2014 09:07:07
У НАСА запланировано 2017 декабрь первый полет на МКС. Еще где-то за полгода должен быть хотя бы один пилотируемый Демо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 09.03.2014 13:54:50
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
ЦитироватьАлександр Ч. пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
А Orion не раньше?
Пилотируемый? Это вряд-ли.
Я о том, что EFT-1 запланирован на этот год. Непилотируемый, но космический. Два бустера уже прибыли.
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
У НАСА запланировано 2017 декабрь первый полет на МКС. Еще где-то за полгода должен быть хотя бы один пилотируемый Демо.
Ага, несмотря на то, что Боинг говорил о своей готовности выполнить пилотируемый полет в 2015г. Сейчас они говорят о 2016г.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 10.03.2014 04:45:04
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: m-s Gelezniak от 09.03.2014 21:35:13
Цитироватьronatu пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
Я за SpaceX!
 A чего тaк?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 09.03.2014 22:37:07
Да, блин, жадность может сгубить Боинга. :(
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 10.03.2014 14:42:45
Цитироватьronatu пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
Я за SpaceX!
Грузовой Dragon летает уже 4-й год. Логично было бы ожидать, что первый пилотируемый полет свершит он. Но, судя по темпам достижения "майлстоунов", Боинг вырвался вперед.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 10.03.2014 17:52:42
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Цитироватьronatu пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Интересно, что полетит быстрее: CST-100 или пилотируемый Dragon?
Я за SpaceX!
Грузовой Dragon летает уже 4-й год. Логично было бы ожидать, что первый пилотируемый полет свершит он. Но, судя по темпам достижения "майлстоунов", Боинг вырвался вперед.
Грузовой Дракон садится в море, так же садится и Орион, так же планировался и "легкий Дракон". Пилотируемый Дракон должен садиться на сушу.
ИМХО, много времени ушло, как и у ПТК НП на попытки сделать Дракон с посадкой на двигателях. В конечном счете первые пилотируемые Драконы будут садиться на парашютах, так проще и привычнее.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 10.03.2014 14:00:48
Хорошо. А герой темы CST-100 как будет садиться в конечном счете?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 10.03.2014 18:05:34
На сушу, на аэробэгах (надувных амортизаторах). Естественно, с парашютом.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 10.03.2014 14:35:04
симулятор виртуального полета
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/329991.jpg) (http://fastpic.ru/)
пульт как на ладони
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Valerij от 02.04.2014 16:10:48
ЦитироватьBoeing Commercial Crew Milestones Status
Posted by Doug Messier on April 1, 2014, at 5:26 pm in News.
NASA astronaut climbs aboard a mock-up CST-100 spacecraft July 22 at The Boeing Company's Houston Product Support Center. (Credit: NASA)

Боинг прошел семнадцатую отметку на маршруте, но несколько потерял темп, и теперь, хотя ему осталось преодолеть всего три этапа гонки, запланированные сроки двух последних этапов сползли на третий квартал текущего года.....

Полностью статья по ссылке.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: igorvs от 30.04.2014 23:09:38
Будущий интерьер корабля

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 01.05.2014 09:53:50
По всем признакам это компьютерная версия макета, который будет делать Бигелов для иллюстрации полетов к ВА330 ;)
Boeing and partner Bigelow Aerospace highlighted the future commercial interior of the capsule
называется Version of CST-100 capsule for non-government space customers, продемонстрирована  в Северном Лас-Вегасе, Невада
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: frigate от 07.05.2014 10:55:02
Aviation week & Space Technology, 5 May 2014, page 12
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 17.05.2014 05:49:09
Цитироватьfrigate пишет:
Aviation week & Space Technology, 5 May 2014, page 12
Неожиданно широкий иллюминатор в левом верхнем углу подвиг меня на поиски других изображений. И точно, Боинг показал не одну, а целых две картинки.  ;)  

наконец стало понятно куда пилот будет девать ноги. ;)  огромный панорамный иллюминатор создает для туриков иллюзию участия в процессе.  ;)  или это изогнутый экран телевизора от ЛЖ?
кстати, в статейке написано что ап то десять. кто больше?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 23.05.2014 20:30:03
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 13.06.2014 13:43:07
Авиаторы порадовали новыми картинками футуристического интерьера  ;)  
на ней есть целых пять настоящих "авиалайнерных" иллюминаторов
Креслица, вероятно, кожаные, но имеют только 4х-точечные ремни ). отстает Боинг от веяний моды  ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 08.07.2014 19:28:22
United Launch Alliance Successfully Completes Critical Design Review for Boeing Commercial Crew Accommodations at Launch Pad

ЦитироватьCentennial, Colo., (July 7, 2014) – United Launch Alliance (ULA) recently completed a Critical Design Review (CDR) of the launch site accommodations that will support commercial crew launches of Boeing's Crew Space Transportation (CST) -100 at Space Launch Complex 41 (SLC-41) in Florida.

The CDR, supported by Boeing, NASA, and the Air Force, approved the design for the Crew Access Tower, Crew Access Arm as well as the White Room that will allow the flight crews the ability to safely ingress and egress Boeing's CST-100 crew module for launch. In addition, the team reviewed the conceptual design of the emergency egress system which is similar in design to the space shuttle basket escape system.

"This was a critical milestone to ensure all elements are in place to begin the construction as early as this fall to support the Boeing team and crewed launches of CST-100 from SLC-41," said Ellen Plese, director, ULA Human Launch Services. "As ULA was creating the innovative new design elements for the pad, human safety factors were the primary consideration."

"We have made great strides with ULA in the development of the CST-100 emergency detection system, the launch vehicle adaptor and now the crew access tower," added John Mulholland, Boeing vice president of Commercial Programs and Commercial Crew Program manager. "Our focus is on human safety, and meeting these goals ahead of schedule puts us in a good position as we look forward to the next phase of the Commercial Crew Program."

Once the work begins at SLC-41, the construction of the new elements to support human spaceflight will take approximately 18 months and will not impact any scheduled launches at the pad.  

"The beauty of the plan is the integrated fashion in which the construction will be handled," said Plese. "We will be constructing each segment of the new tower and access arm at an off-site location and performing assembly at the pad between launches. This allows ULA to continue its full manifest of launches from SLC-41 while preparing the pad for future commercial crew missions."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.07.2014 05:16:28
Цитироватьche wi пишет:
United Launch Alliance Successfully Completes Critical Design Review for Boeing Commercial Crew Accommodations at Launch Pad
Как то так
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: frigate от 09.07.2014 03:22:10
"Прювет уЧАСТНИКАМ капиталистического соревнования!" 
CCiCap milestone completion status: 
Boeing, 18 of 20; 
SpaceX, 13 of 17; 
Sierra Nevada Corporation, 10 of 13
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 09.07.2014 10:35:53
Уже Атлас 422?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 09.07.2014 11:47:03
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
Уже Атлас 422?

отсюда (http://www.thespacereview.com/article/2538/1):
ЦитироватьTwo solid rocket boosters will then be mounted to the core stage.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bizonich от 09.07.2014 13:20:34
Цитироватьfrigate пишет:
CCiCap milestone completion status:
Boeing, 18 of 20;
SpaceX, 13 of 17;
Sierra Nevada Corporation, 10 of 13
Чуть поправлю. SpaceX 13 из 18.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 17.09.2014 00:56:28
American Companies Sel ected to Return Astronaut Launches to American Soil

ЦитироватьToday, with the selection of Boeing and SpaceX to be the first American companies to launch our astronauts to the International Space Station, NASA has set the stage for what promises to be the most ambitious and exciting chapter in the history of human space flight.

From day one, the Obama Administration has made it clear that the greatest nation on Earth should not be dependent on other nations to get into space. Thanks to the leadership of President Obama and the hard work of our NASA and industry teams, today we are one step closer to launching our astronauts from U.S. soil on American spacecraft and ending the nation's sole reliance on Russia by 2017. Turning over low-Earth orbit transportation to private industry also will allow NASA to focus on an even more ambitious mission – sending humans to Mars.

We have already fulfilled part of the President's vision. For the past two years, two companies, SpaceX and Orbital Sciences, have been making regular cargo deliveries to the International Space Station. The contracts we are announcing today are designed to complete the NASA certification for human space transportation systems capable of carrying people into orbit. Once certification is complete, NASA plans to use these systems to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station and return them safely to Earth. Again, this will fulfill the commitment President Obama made to return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil and end our sole reliance on the Russians.

As a former space shuttle commander, I know that the goal of every mission is to do something different from the flights that have gone before. Alan Shepard earned the title first American in space, John Glenn the first American to orbit Earth. And with all due respect to the late Michael Jackson, Neil and Buzz were the first moonwalkers.

Today, we don't know who is going to get to command the first mission to carry humans into low-Earth orbit on a spacecraft built by an American private company, but we know it will be a seminal moment in NASA history and a major achievement for our nation. We now know, however, who will build it.

The Boeing Company (Boeing) and Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) have each presented to us designs that will allow us to fly crews to the International Space Station in just a few years. Respectively, the vehicles are Boeing's CST-100 and SpaceX's Dragon. The total potential contract value is $4.2 billion for Boeing and $2.6 billion for SpaceX. The spacecraft will launch from Kennedy Space Center – Cape Canaveral complex.

Our specialist teams have watched the development of these new spacecraft during earlier development phases, and are confident they will meet the demands of these important missions. We also are confident they will be safe for NASA astronauts – to achieve NASA certification in 2017, they must meet the same rigorous safety standards we had for the Space Shuttle Program.

It was not an easy choice, but it is the best choice for NASA and the nation. We received numerous proposals fr om companies throughout the aerospace industry. Highly qualified, American companies – united in their desire to return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil – competed to serve this nation and end our reliance on Russia. I applaud them all for their innovations, their hard work and their patriotism.

The partnership with Boeing and SpaceX promises to give more people in America and around the world the opportunity to experience the wonder and exhilaration of spaceflight – to realize the dream of leaving Earth for even a short time to float above our planet Earth in microgravity and to see the stars and the majestic tapestry of the Milky Way unobstructed by the artificial lights and dust of our atmosphere. Space travelers also will be able to imagine and realize new benefits that can be brought back to Earth.

While Boeing and SpaceX handle the task of taking our astronauts to the space station, the scientists on Earth and astronauts on the orbiting ISS National Laboratory will continue the groundbreaking research that has been taking place there for almost 14 years now without interruption. They will be able to add to that portfolio with an expanded crew made possible by the arrival of these new spacecraft.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 17.09.2014 01:17:15
НАСА объявит подробности программы возобновления пилотируемых полетов (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/news/24202/)
слушаем и трепещем :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 17.09.2014 07:15:57
Boeing, SpaceX share $6.8 billion crew contract
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 17.09.2014 07:48:01
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
наконец стало понятно куда пилот будет девать ноги.  ;)  или это изогнутый экран телевизора от ЛЖ?
Это гламур.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quoondо от 17.09.2014 12:32:44
вообщем с 2020 года америкосы пойдут по совершенно отдельной пилотиремой программе. Конец МКС и сотрудничеству с Россией. Дальше планов больше и самостоятельная высадка на астероид. ВОзможно отдельная станция
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 17.09.2014 14:30:02
на текущий момент, кто знает что будет в международных взаимоотношениях, если они еще ухудшатся.

Есть не только американская и российская программа, пилотируемая программа американцев взаимосвязана с пилотируемыми программами европейцев, канадцев, японцев (от НАСА что-то про астронавтов арабской Азии и Южной Америки не слышно, их только на шаттлах возили)
2020 год это только по заявлениям Рогозина, НАСА продлило международную эксплуатацию станции.
Это Россия пойдет по отдельной пилотируемой программе
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 17.09.2014 14:30:56
ЦитироватьSalo пишет: 
Boeing, SpaceX share $6.8 billion crew contract
Птичку жалко...  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjOsrx4vKVI)  :cry:   

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 17.09.2014 15:19:51
ЦитироватьИскандер пишет:
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Boeing, SpaceX share $6.8 billion crew contract
Птичку жалко...  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjOsrx4vKVI)  :cry:  

SpaceX и Boeing получат контракты НАСА по доставке астронавтов на МКС.

Сегодня ночью на специальной пресс-конференции американское космическое агентство подвело итоги третьего этапа программы CCDev (Commercial Crew Development). Целью этой программы является создание частных пилотируемых кораблей.
 Компании SpaceX, Boeing и Sierra Nevada, прошедшие отбор на предыдущих этапах, под контролем космического агентства разрабатывали собственные транспортные средства для доставки экипажей на МКС. По мере достижения определенных ключевых шагов НАСА выдавало им безвозмездные субсидии. Текущий третий этап программы должен был завершиться в сентябре 2014 года, однако ранее НАСА продлило его до марта 2015 года, поскольку только Boeing успешно справилась с заявленной программой разработки в срок.

Две компании, выбранные сегодня НАСА, получат заказ на доставку американских астронавтов на МКС. Суммарная стоимость контрактов, которые включают в себя обязательство осуществить помимо испытательного полета от двух до шести регулярных полетов четырехместного корабля к космической станции, составит 6,8 млрд долларов (2,6 млрд SpaceX, 4,2 млрд Boeing). Предполагается, что регулярные полеты к станции начнутся в конце 2017 года. SpaceX, считавшаяся фаворитом гонки, разрабатывает капсульный корабль Dragon и собственную ракету-носитель Falcon 9. Капсульный корабль компании Boeing предполагается выводить на орбиту на ракете-носителе Atlas V разработки United Launch Alliance (ULA) – совместного предприятия Boeing и Lockheed Martin. Сейчас ULA испытывает проблемы из-за охлаждения отношений между Россией и США. Хотя поставка двигателей РД-180 для первых ступеней ракет Atlas V продолжается буквально в дни, в США было принято политическое решение найти замену российским двигателям. На днях Boeing заключила союз с аризонской компанией Blue Origin, которая в прошлом претендовала на участие в гонке за «пилотируемый» контракт НАСА, однако сильно отстала от конкурентов. Теперь Blue Origin должна будет на основе своих технологий создать новый двигатель – по слухам, метаново-кислородный – на замену РД-180. Ранее эта компания самостоятельно работала над водородным двигателем.

Третья компания, упомянутая выше Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), не получила контракт НАСА. SNC занимается разработкой мини-шаттла Dream Chaser – многоразового космического корабля с планерной системой посадки. Для его вывода в космос планируется использовать все ту же ракету Atlas V разработки ULA. Ранее компания SNC уже заявляла, что потеря контракта НАСА не будет означать прекращение работы над проектом. Существовали слухи, что для того, чтобы дополнительно поддержать проигравшую компанию, космическое агентство подготовило для нее «утешительный приз» - дополнительный небольшой контракт. В сегодняшней пресс-конференции администратор НАСА Чарльз Болден поблагодарил все компании, участвовавшие в программе CCDev, но ничего не сказал о дополнительных контрактах.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: us2-star от 18.09.2014 01:31:30
Птички птичками, а я ставлю на то, что именно эта штука повезёт астронавтов на ISS году в 18-м 8)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 19.09.2014 08:24:52
Цитироватьus2-star пишет:
Птички птичками, а я ставлю на то, что именно эта штука повезёт астронавтов на ISS году в 18-м  8)  
(затаив дыхание)  В 18? На Атлас-5? С РД-180?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 19.09.2014 03:00:48
ЦитироватьSam Grey пишет:
Цитироватьus2-star пишет:
Птички птичками, а я ставлю на то, что именно эта штука повезёт астронавтов на ISS году в 18-м  8)  
(затаив дыхание) В 18? На Атлас-5? С РД-180?
с ними родимыми, или американцы всерьёз решили отвалить Боингу 6,8 млрд баксов, при том что  Спэйсэксу досталось всего лишь 2,6 тех же самых млрдов, только для того чтоб на ветер деньги пустить, с учётом натянутых отношений с Россией, России так же выгодно засылать "партнёрских астронов на МКС так же как и продавать за бугор свои движки, Маск уже пытался пролоббировать закон на запрет закупок РД-180, и остался с носом, буквально несколько дней назад был запущен Атлас-5 с секретной ПН
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 19.09.2014 10:47:10
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет:
ЦитироватьSam Grey пишет:
Цитироватьus2-star пишет:
Птички птичками, а я ставлю на то, что именно эта штука повезёт астронавтов на ISS году в 18-м  8)  
(затаив дыхание) В 18? На Атлас-5? С РД-180?
с ними родимыми, или американцы всерьёз решили отвалить Боингу 6,8 млрд баксов, при том что Спэйсэксу досталось всего лишь 2,6 тех же самых млрдов, только для того чтоб на ветер деньги пустить, с учётом натянутых отношений с Россией, России так же выгодно засылать "партнёрских астронов на МКС так же как и продавать за бугор свои движки, Маск уже пытался пролоббировать закон на запрет закупок РД-180, и остался с носом, буквально несколько дней назад был запущен Атлас-5 с секретной ПН
Ага...  И много они так налетают на РД-180? У ULA все движки наперед уже расписаны, под военку и "шпионов". Или будем заказ движков Амроссу увеличивать, на радость конгрессу и общественности?  

А если без шуток, похоже что Пушк Falcon - это наше всё. А Falcon Heavy - наше остальное всё.

Боинг с ULA будут потохонечку допиливать Атлас с безовским Бе-4, Дельта будет помогать с военными грузами, а с остальным - к SpaceX. 

И пусть NASA молится, чтобы следующая после Обамы администрация SLS не прикрыла.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 19.09.2014 04:40:45
ЦитироватьSam Grey пишет:
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет:
ЦитироватьSam Grey пишет:
Цитироватьus2-star пишет:
Птички птичками, а я ставлю на то, что именно эта штука повезёт астронавтов на ISS году в 18-м  8)  
(затаив дыхание) В 18? На Атлас-5? С РД-180?
с ними родимыми, или американцы всерьёз решили отвалить Боингу 6,8 млрд баксов, при том что Спэйсэксу досталось всего лишь 2,6 тех же самых млрдов, только для того чтоб на ветер деньги пустить, с учётом натянутых отношений с Россией, России так же выгодно засылать "партнёрских астронов на МКС так же как и продавать за бугор свои движки, Маск уже пытался пролоббировать закон на запрет закупок РД-180, и остался с носом, буквально несколько дней назад был запущен Атлас-5 с секретной ПН
Ага... И много они так налетают на РД-180? У ULA все движки наперед уже расписаны, под военку и "шпионов". Или будем заказ движков Амроссу увеличивать, на радость конгрессу и общественности?

А если без шуток, похоже что Пушк Falcon - это наше всё. А Falcon Heavy - наше остальное всё.

Боинг с ULA будут потохонечку допиливать Атлас с безовским Бе-4, Дельта будет помогать с военными грузами, а с остальным - к SpaceX.

И пусть NASA молится, чтобы следующая после Обамы администрация SLS не прикрыла.
время, вещь крайне труднопрогнозируемая  ;)  , поживём увидим, загадывать не стоит, а то может ещё один астероид настолько близко пролететь, что планы останутся исключительно таковыми!  :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Петр Зайцев от 19.09.2014 16:24:05
ЦитироватьSam Grey пишет:

И пусть NASA молится, чтобы следующая после Обамы администрация SLS не прикрыла.
Еще раз поясняю для тех, кто не силен в американской политике: Обама прикрыл Constellation, после чего продажные сенаторы (такие как Ричард Шелби, Барбара Микульски, и пр.) протолкнули специальный закон, в котором ясно сказано: строить попил-ракету с использованием компонентов Шаттла. И точка. Обаме пришлось сдуться. В США верховная власть принадлежит Конгрессу, а президент исполняет его волю. А Болден тут вообще мелкая сошка.

Так что сотрудникам Центра имени Маршалла нужно молиться не чтобы следующая админстрация не прикрыла их игрушки, а чтобы Шелби не отдал богу душу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 27.01.2015 10:08:30
ЦитироватьBoeing, SpaceX on track for commercial crew flights to station in 2017       
Posted on January 27, 2015 by William Harwood (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/bill-harwood/)

STORY WRITTEN FOR CBS NEWS "SPACE PLACE" (http://www.cbsnews.com/network/news/space/home/spacenews/spacenews1.html) & USED WITH PERMISSION
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154516.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154516.jpg)
File photo of the International Space Station as seen by a space shuttle crew in 2010. Credit: NASA
NASA expects to spend some $5 billion underwriting development of commercial spacecraft built by Boeing and SpaceX to carry astronauts to and fr om the International Space Station, officials said Monday, ending sole reliance on the Russians for crew ferry flights and eventually lowering the average cost per seat to around $58 million.
Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, said her company's upgraded Dragon V2 ferry craft should be ready for an initial unpiloted flight to the space station in late 2016 with the first crewed flight, likely carrying a SpaceX test pilot and a NASA astronaut, in early 2017.
John Elbon, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space Exploration, said his company's CST-100 spacecraft is expected to be ready for an uncrewed test flight in April 2017, followed by a crewed flight, with a Boeing pilot and a NASA astronaut, in the July 2017 timeframe.
Both companies must complete the crewed and uncrewed test flights before NASA certification, which will pave the way for the start of operational crew rotation and cargo delivery flights to the International Space Station later in 2017. Until then, NASA will continue to rely on Russia's Soyuz spacecraft to carry U.S. and partner crew members to and from the lab complex.
"Commercial crew is incredibly important to the space station, it's important to reduce the cost of transportation to low-Earth orbit so that NASA has within its budget the capability to develop means to explore beyond low-Earth orbit," Elbon said during a news conference at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. "And importantly, I think, it's beginning a whole new industry. ... We're making great progress on the program."
Said Shotwell: "Our crew Dragon leverages the cargo capability that we've been flying successfully to the International Space Station. However, we understand, and we've been told, that crew is clearly different. So there are a number of upgrades that we've been working for the past few years to assure that this crew version of Dragon is as reliable as it can possibly be. Ultimately, we plan for it to be the most reliable spaceship flying crew ever."
In the wake of the space shuttle's retirement, NASA started a competition to build a commercial crewed spacecraft, with the first in a series of contracts intended to encourage innovative designs for reliable, affordable transportation to and from low-Earth orbit.
Last September, NASA announced that Boeing had won a $4.2 billion Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCAP) contract to continue development of the company's CST-100 capsule while SpaceX would receive $2.6 billion to press ahead with work to perfect its futuristic Dragon crew craft.
A third competitor, Sierra Nevada, was left out, and the company filed a protest with the General Accountability Office, arguing its Dream Chaser spaceplane was unfairly passed over. But the GAO ruled earlier this month that NASA's selection of Boeing and SpaceX was justified, clearing the space agency to proceed with the CCtCAP contracts.
SpaceX and Boeing hold contracts covering two test flights and two operational missions per company with options for additional operational missions between them.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154472.png) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154472.png)
Artist's concept of Boeing's CST-100 crew capsule separating from the Centaur upper stage of the Atlas 5 launcher. Credit: Boeing
Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft is a state-of-the-art, reusable capsule incorporating weld-less fabrication, flight proven navigation software, powerful "pusher" escape rockets to propel the capsule away from a malfunctioning booster and a parachute-and-airbag landing system.
For NASA flights, the spacecraft will be used to carry four astronauts at a time to the space station, along with critical cargo. It will be launched atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket, one of the most reliable boosters in the U.S. inventory.
Elbon said construction has started on a launch pad crew access tower and work platforms needed to service CST-100s in a former shuttle processing hangar. A simulator will be installed at the Johnson Space Center in the same building that once housed shuttle flight simulators and Boeing is working out procedures to use NASA's mission control center for ascent, rendezvous and re-entry.
"The flight software will be delivered later this summer, we'll have the simulator running with the flight software and flight computers and 26 of the 34 flight displays," Elbon said. "So there will be a real opportunity for the crew to interface with that software and understand how the vehicle's going to operate."
Boeing plans a launch pad abort test in February 2017 "where we'll fully check out the abort system" before staging the first unpiloted test flight to the space station the following April. Elbon said Boeing should be ready for the first crewed test flight in July 2017. Assuming the test flights go well and NASA certifies the CST-100, Boeing expects to be ready for its first operational mission in December 2017.
SpaceX already flies to the space station under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA for a dozen uncrewed cargo flights using the company's Dragon capsule and Falcon 9 rockets.
The crewed version of the spacecraft will be able to carry up to seven astronauts — typically four for station missions — and features futuristic pull-down flat-screen displays, a powerful escape rocket system and sophisticated computer control. As with the automated cargo ships, the crew capsules will be launched atop Falcon 9 boosters.
Shotwell said SpaceX is gearing up for a pad abort test in the next month or so when a Dragon spacecraft will be shot off the launch pad using its escape rockets to demonstrate the ability to pull a crew away from a catastrophic low-altitude booster malfunction. A second abort test will be carried out later this year to demonstrate escape during the most aerodynamically stressful regions of powered flight.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154473.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154473.jpg)
Artist's concept of the Crew Dragon spacecraft. Credit: SpaceX
"The Integrated launch abort system is critically important to us, we think it gives incredible safety features for a full abort all the way through ascent," Shotwell said. SpaceX founder and chief designer Elon Musk hopes to eventually use the abort system for rocket-powered landings at the end of a mission, but initial flights will splash down in the ocean much like Dragon cargo missions.
While SpaceX is a relative newcomer to the rocket industry, Shotwell said the company will have launched more than 50 Falcon 9 rockets by the time astronauts strap into a Dragon V2 for the first piloted test flight. She said SpaceX will install a simulator at the Johnson Space Center for crew training, but likely will monitor ascent, rendezvous and re-entry from the company's Hawthorne, Calif., rocket plant wh ere Dragon supply flights are managed.
"We anticipate doing our uncrewed mission to the International Space Station on this upgraded crew vehicle later in '16, shortly followed thereafter with our crewed flight in early 2017, as shortly as we can make it and still maintain reliability and safety," she said. "We certainly understand the incredible responsibility we've been given to build the systems necessary and capable of flying crew."
Along with ferrying astronauts to and from the space station, the Boeing and SpaceX capsules also will be able to serve as lifeboats for station crew members, remaining attached to the station for more than 200 days at a stretch to give U.S. and partner astronauts a way home in an emergency.
The new spacecraft will be the first American vehicles to carry astronauts on NASA-sanctioned flights since the space shuttle's last mission in 2011 and the first built under more commercially structured contracts intended to lower costs.
The CST-100 and upgraded Dragon also will end America's reliance on Russian Soyuz spacecraft for access to the International Space Station. Under NASA's latest contract with Roscosmos, the Russian federal space agency, U.S. seats cost around $70 million each. Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's commercial crew program, said the agency eventually will save, on average, more than $10 million a seat using U.S. spacecraft.
"Overall, when we go through the whole development activity ... we'll have invested about $5 billion," she said. "In addition, when you look at pricing for the missions across the five years we have pricing for, we're able to get an average seat cost of about $58 million per seat."
But NASA's use of Soyuz spacecraft will not end with the advent of U.S. space taxis.
Mike Suffredini, manager of the space station program at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, said in a Jan. 15 interview with CBS News that NASA still plans to use one seat per Soyuz for the duration of the station program. The Russians, likewise, will be able to launch a cosmonaut on each U.S.-sponsored flight.
Assuming both parties ultimately agree, "the Russians will fly twice a year, or whatever rate they need to do their job, and we will have a crew member on each of their flights," Suffredini said. "We will fly ours at whatever rate we think we need to do our job and they will put a single crew member on it."
During the news conference Monday, NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said "I don't ever want to have to write another check to (the Russian federal space agency) Roscosmos after 2017, hopefully. That's why I'm looking to John and Gwynne to deliver. You've heard both of them say they think they'll be flying by 2017. If we can make that date, I'm a happy camper."
But NASA has to be prepared for contingencies and the commercial crew schedule is optimistic. Space station planners do not yet know for sure when a commercial ferry craft will begin operational missions and orders for Soyuz seats must be placed three years in advance.
"So I'm about to tell (Roscosmos) whether I want seats in 2018 right now, and we don't have any more insights (into commercial crew progress) really than the proposals," Suffredini said. "So we've got to go get some seats."
Longer term, he said NASA plans to continue flying on Soyuz after Boeing and SpaceX begin operational missions, but under a barter arrangement of some sort.
"We're assuming two Russian seats a year and we're assuming two Russians will fly in our seats per year," Suffredini said. "And it'll just be a quid pro quo, we won't ask for compensation."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 28.01.2015 08:31:24
ЦитироватьBoeing expected to win first operational space taxi order       
Posted on January 27, 2015 by Stephen Clark (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154469.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154469.jpg)
NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik participates in a fit check in a mock-up of Boeing's CST-100 capsule. Credit: Boeing
Boeing is poised to win NASA's first order for operational commercial missions to send up astronauts to the International Space Station, a NASA official said Monday.
The aerospace giant is one of two companies NASA sel ected to build commercial space taxis to transport crews to and from the space station. SpaceX, a newcomer to human spaceflight, cinched a separate contract with NASA.
NASA announced Boeing and SpaceX as the winners of deals worth a maximum combined value of $6.8 billion. The contracts guarantee each company at least two full-up crew rotation missions to the space station — plus options for up to six flights — through 2019.
The operational missions will launch after Boeing's CST-100 capsule and SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft are certified by NASA to carry human passengers. Each craft will fly on unpiloted and crewed test flights to the space station before NASA approves normal missions for takeoff.
The contracts allow NASA to submit task orders as needed for each operator to fly crew transport missions.
Kathy Lueders, head of NASA's commercial crew program at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, said Monday that Boeing is likely to receive the space agency's first order for a commercially-operated operational human-rated spacecraft. Officials said Boeing could be asked for two flights, meeting the company's minimum contractual quota.
She said a decision to award Boeing NASA's first order for human spaceflight services is a function of giving the company time to get in line on the United Launch Alliance mission manifest. Boeing's CST-100 capsule will blast off on ULA's Atlas 5 rocket, which is nearly fully booked with a mix of U.S. military payloads, NASA science missions, and a few commercial satellites over the next few years.
"We need to give them enough lead time to be able to get the rocket fr om ULA, and then be able to support processing," Lueders told reporters Monday at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Although Boeing is expected to get the first task order — a milestone called authority to proceed by NASA — it is not guaranteed to be the first to fly astronauts to the space station.
"The first mission that we will be looking at 'ATPing' is actually — right now — a Boeing mission, just because of the differences in lead time, and the need to start having services in the late 2017 or 2018 timeframe," Lueders said. "We know that we are going to have to begin the process to ATP our missions."
Boeing and SpaceX say they will be certified for regular astronaut transportation by December 2017, when NASA's agreement with Russia for crew launches expires. The latest deal with Russia, finalized in April 2014, ensures U.S. astronauts have a ride to the space station through the end of 2017, with provisions for landings into 2018.
Boeing plans a crewed demonstration mission with two astronauts to the International Space Station in July 2017.
John Elbon, vice president and general manager of Boeing's space exploration division, said the CST-100 is already reserved for slots in ULA's manifest for an unmanned test flight in February 2017 and the piloted mission in July 2017.
SpaceX president and chief operating officer Gwynne Shotwell said the Crew Dragon spacecraft is scheduled for its first unmanned flight in late 2016, followed by shakedown mission with a crew in early 2017. The Dragon capsule will launch on SpaceX's own Falcon 9 booster.
"If you listen to their schedule ... SpaceX is saying they're going to fly first, but we'll see," Lueders said. "We'll work with them, and we both know that they still have a ways to go working through their certification schedule.
"We don't want to be pushing on just the schedule because the most important thing is for them to develop their systems in a careful (way), and we need to give them enough time to deliver their system as safely as possible," Lueders said.

Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1 (http://www.twitter.com/stephenclark1/).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 28.01.2015 19:58:32
Atlas 5 launch pad being prepared for astronaut crews (http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/01/28/atlas-5-launch-pad-being-prepared-for-astronaut-crews/)
ЦитироватьWork on Boeing's CST-100 commercial crew capsule will ramp up at the program's new home base in Florida this year, with construction of a crew access tower at the Atlas 5 rocket's launch pad underway and assembly of a spacecraft test article due to begin in a converted space shuttle hangar.

"We started construction on the crew access tower on the Atlas 5 launch pad," said John Elbon said, vice president and general manager for Boeing's space exploration division. "That will be assembled in between the launches that happen on Atlas 5."

A formal groundbreaking ceremony is planned for February, but construction workers have already taken core samples to prepare for pouring of the tower's foundation, Boeing officials said Monday.

It will take about 18 months to complete construction of the tower, which will be installed a few feet to the west of the Atlas 5's launch pad at Cape Canaveral.

When the structure is finished, astronauts will use it to board the CST-100 capsule mounted atop United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 rocket. The commercial spaceship will launch on a version of the workhorse booster with two solid rocket boosters and two RL10 upper stage engines.

The CST-100's first two space missions — an unpiloted test flight and a demo mission with a two-person crew — are set for April and July 2017.

"The 52nd Atlas 5 mission flew a week or so ago," Elbon said Monday. "Our orbital flight test, which is the uncrewed flight to the station, will be the 74th Atlas 5 mission, and the crewed flight test will be the 80th Atlas 5 mission. We've got those flights on the manifest, which is exciting."

Boeing won a contract worth up to $4.2 billion to complete development of the CST-100 spacecraft and fly at least six operational missions to rotate astronaut crews on the International Space Station. The capsule will remain attached to the complex for up to 210 days, serving as a lifeboat back to Earth in case of an emergency.

SpaceX is working on a separate spacecraft dubbed the Crew Dragon, which will blast off on a Falcon 9 rocket from Kennedy Space Center's Apollo- and shuttle-era launch pad 39A — now undergoing its own modifications.

One of the most visible changes in store at Cape Canaveral will be the build-up of a new structure at the Atlas 5's launch facility.

The launch complex was originally designed as a "clean pad" without permanent service towers. The Atlas 5 rocket is stacked in the Vertical Integration Facility about 1,800 feet south of the launch pad. The rocket rolls to the launch pad on the eve of liftoff on top of a mobile launch table, which locks into place over the flame trench to connect the rocket with propellant plumbing and electrical power.

Engineers will assemble a crew access tower standing more than 20 stories tall, topped with a retractable arm with a white room through which astronauts will enter the CST-100 spacecraft. Engineers also designed a crew escape system designed to whisk astronauts safely away from the rocket in case of a dangerous countdown mishap.

The tower, which will sit on a 20-foot by 20-foot ground footprint, will be about a car width away from the mounting point for the Atlas 5 rocket's mobile umbilical tower and launch platform.

ULA officials told reporters in a briefing last year the construction project would take about 18 months to complete. One of the first steps in construction will be to excavate about 30 feet of concrete, then drive 30-inch diameter pillars 105 feet into Florida bedrock.

Workers will prepare seven segments comprising the main structure of the crew access tower at a nearby staging point before transporting the steel sections to the launch pad between Atlas 5 launches for hoisting by a crane.

Once construction teams add the crew access arm and steel cladding, ULA plans to hook up hydraulics and instrumentation while testing the system with a CST-100 mockup at the launch pad.

The Atlas 5's busy manifest, filled with missions for the U.S. military, NASA and commercial customers, will continue unabated during the launch pad rework.

Up to 14 Atlas 5 launches are planned from the launch pad during the 18-month construction phase.

Orlando, Florida-based Hensel Phelps Construction Co. is leading the contractor team working on the Atlas 5 launch pad modifications.

ULA is also working on an emergency detection system to be bolted to Atlas 5 rockets on crewed missions. The avionics box will monitor the health of the launch vehicle and trigger an in-flight abort if it detects a major anomaly.

While construction crews work on the Atlas 5 launch pad, Boeing expects the first CST-100 capsule components to arrive at the spacecraft's manufacturing facility at Kennedy Space Center in February, Elbon said.

The components will be integrated into the CST-100's structural test article, a ground version of the capsule designed for testing.

"We build that up and we load it to make sure that the design matches the load paths," Elbon said. "This fall, the pieces that will make up the qualification test vehicle, which then gets refurbished to become the crew flight test vehicle, will be arriving."

Boeing's CST-100 factory is inside the space shuttle program's Orbiter Processing Facility No. 3, which NASA used to work on shuttles between flights. Boeing has renamed the building — to the northwest of the huge Vehicle Assembly Building — the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility, or C3PF.

Most of Boeing's CST-100 team will relocate to Florida this year. The capsule's critical design review is scheduled for March, Elbon said, completing the program's design phase and clearing the spacecraft to begin manufacturing.

Some of the program's offices responsible for crew training and mission operations will remain in Houston. The same mission control and crew training team — composed of NASA civil servant and contractors — that oversees daily activities on the space station and prepares astronauts for spaceflight have been subcontracted to work on Boeing's commercial space capsule.

"Our design activity has happened here in Houston," Elbon told reporters at JSC. "We've got 400 to 500 people working here today. We've teamed with the NASA flight operations directorate to do our mission planning, training and flying, mainly to leverage that expertise. That organization is world-class, and they've been doing that for a long time. That will be done here.

"The crew will be trained in Houston, the mission planning will be done in Houston, and mission control will be out of the Mission Control Center," Elbon said. "Having said that, all the manufacturing, the program office and the engineering will eventually migrate to Florida. We're building up the team in Florida as we finish the design in Houston."

Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 31.01.2015 21:32:48
Про все 3 корабля:ВИДЕО (http://youtu.be/W0i1pdHJmzM)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Grus от 02.02.2015 21:45:18
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет: с ними родимыми, или американцы всерьёз решили отвалить Боингу 6,8 млрд баксов, при том что Спэйсэксу досталось всего лишь 2,6 тех же самых млрдов, только для того чтоб на ветер деньги пустить, с учётом натянутых отношений с Россией, России так же выгодно засылать "партнёрских астронов на МКС так же как и продавать за бугор свои движки, Маск уже пытался пролоббировать закон на запрет закупок РД-180, и остался с носом, буквально несколько дней назад был запущен Атлас-5 с секретной ПН
Читайте внимательно, Boeing - 4,2 миллиарда. И Маск не остался с носом, а добился, что его в начале этого года окончательно сертифицируют для запуска нагрузок ВВС и он будет участвовать в тендерах. Этого он и добивался.

Еще вы не знаете значения слова "лоббировать". Он подал иск и получил судебный запрет. Запрет отменили, но приняли закон. Так это делается у них. Но закон касается заключения контрактов, а не исполнения.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Gaetanomarano от 05.02.2015 07:25:17
Astronauts to fly on an Atlas in 2017 ... 55 years after John Glenn's first flight on the Atlas booster/vehicle family.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 07.02.2015 08:27:47
ЦитироватьGrus пишет:
Читайте внимательно, Boeing - 4,2 миллиарда. И Маск не остался с носом, а добился, что его в начале этого года окончательно сертифицируют для запуска нагрузок ВВС и он будет участвовать в тендерах. Этого он и добивался.

Еще вы не знаете значения слова "лоббировать". Он подал иск и получил судебный запрет. Запрет отменили, но приняли закон. Так это делается у них. Но закон касается заключения контрактов, а не исполнения.
ну да, про Boeing я допустил описку, а что касаемо остального - после того как в РФ запретили поставлять в Штаты, РД-180 на Атлас-5 для военных ПН, и подал иск в Конгресс США? насколько мне помнится, именно Конгресс наложил запрет тогда в целом, на закупки РД-180, и именно это я имел ввиду  ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 21.02.2015 15:36:00
Atlas V CST-100: Space Launch Complex-41 Pad Modifications

ЦитироватьThe Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 spacecraft, which will launch atop ULA's Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral's Space Launch Complex (SLC)-41, is under development by Boeing. CST-100 will be certified to fly crews to and from the International Space Station. The team's innovative designs for a Crew Access Tower and Crew Access Arm allow flight crews to safely ingress and egress the CST-100 capsule. Each segment of the new tower and arm will be built at an off-site location and assembled at the pad between launches. The tower and other elements will take approximately 18 months and will not impact any scheduled launches at the pad.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgsKNv4HAbk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgsKNv4HAbk)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.02.2015 12:41:30
http://youtu.be/zbQ6R1FGKrU (http://youtu.be/zbQ6R1FGKrU)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.02.2015 12:46:20
ЦитироватьLaunch America getting new access gantry for astronauts       
Posted on February 20, 2015 by Justin Ray (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/justin-sfn-ray/)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154556.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/artwork.jpg)
 CAPE CANAVERAL — A groundbreaking Friday ceremonially commenced construction of an astronaut access tower at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad in Florida, a 200-foot-tall gantry that will add to the future of U.S. human spaceflight.
Atlas 5 rockets will launch Boeing's Crew Space Transportation-100 capsules starting in mid-2017, leading to NASA astronaut taxi missions to the International Space Station beginning at the end of 2017.
The CST-100 and the SpaceX crewed Dragon spacecraft are the near-term answer to returning launches of people to the U.S. since retirement of the space shuttle orbiters in 2011. The commercial providers will service the low-Earth orbit destination for NASA astronauts under the space policy spelled out by President Obama, leaving the space agency to focus on deep-space with its Orion vehicles.
"Today is a very important date in space history. It was 53 years ago today that John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth, launching on an Atlas rocket just a few miles from here," said Jim Sponnick, vice president of Atlas and Delta Programs at ULA.
"We're thrilled to be collaborating with The Boeing Co. and NASA to be continuing that legacy and returning America to launching astronauts to the space station."
The CST-100's first two space missions will see an unpiloted test flight in April 2017 and a demo mission with a two-person crew in July 2017.
The Atlas 5, having flown 52 times since its debut August 2002 in unmanned satellite-deployment missions, has carried out 19 flights dedicated to the Defense Department, 11 for NASA, 11 with spy satellites for the National Reconnaissance Office and 11 commercial missions with communications and Earth-observing spacecraft.
"The Atlas 5, with unrivaled technical and schedule reliability, is the obvious choice for a commercial crew launch vehicle. We've had 52 successful launches, 100 percent mission success, and we're really excited that Flight No. 73 is going to have a CST-100 capsule," said John Mulholland, vice president of Boeing commercial programs.
The new crew access tower, positioned in the northwest corner of the launch pad, is being built in sections off-site and moved to Complex 41 in between ongoing Atlas launch activities for stacking. It will take 18 months to complete.
"It's really unique the way ULA is conducting all of the pad modifications here in the middle of one of the busiest manifests at any pad," Mulholland said.
Once built, the tower will stand 200 feet tall and feature an elevator to take personnel from the ground to the top, a slide-wire basket evacuation system for emergencies and a 42-foot-long swing arm at the 172-foot-level that will be the threshold to enter the capsules.
The CST-100 is designed to transport up to seven passengers or a mix of crew and cargo to low-Earth orbit destinations such as the International Space Station and Bigelow's planned commercial station. The capsules are designed to be reused up to 10 times.
The vehicles, with a crew compartment and a service module, will be operated from a hub at Kennedy Space Center, using the former space shuttle processing hangar No. 3 to build and ready the capsules for flight.
Atlas 5s will be assembled in the Vertical Integration Facility and then rolled out to the launch pad, spending minimal time in the "clean pad" concept of operations used by ULA at Complex 41.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154574.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Fueling-SM-GPTU-36x22.jpg)
 The rocket will fly in the man-rated 422 configuration, which is a two-stage launcher with a Common Core Booster powered by an RD-180 main engine, two strap-on Aerojet Rocketdyne solid-fuel boosters and a Centaur upper stage with dual RL10 engines also made by Aerojet Rocketdyne.
NASA says it will soon pick a cadre of astronauts to begin training on both the Boeing and SpaceX vehicles. The actual first crewmwembers to fly them will come from the group.
The remodeling of the KSC hangar is progressing ahead of arrival for the structural test article hardware and later this year the hardware for crewed flight test for assembly.
Boeing engineers are finishing the design in preparation for the Critical Design Review in March that locks in the systems' architecture and allows manufacturing to begin in earnest.
Later this summer, the flight software will be completed and will power flight displays in the simulator for astronauts to practice. Eventual training simulators include a mission spacecraft for mock flight, an ingress/egress trainer and a water egress trainer at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
"It's important that the spacecraft have manual controls. It's designedly largely to be autonomous, but the pilot will always be there to back up the autonomy in case something happens. It's sort of like a belt and suspenders for a spacecraft," said Chris Ferguson, the final shuttle crew commander and now Boeing's crew and mission operations director.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154558.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/bresnik.jpg)
 A launch pad abort test is planned for February 2017, followed in April by an uncrewed CST-100 flight to the International Space Station. The first crewed mission — featuring one Boeing test pilot and one NASA astronaut — is planned for July 2017. The first taxi services mission for NASA to the space station by Boeing is planned for December 2017.
"I don't ever want to write another check to Roscosmos after 2017, hopefully, that's why I'm looking to (Boeing) and (SpaceX) to deliver. You heard both of them say they'll be flying by 2017. If we can make that date, I'm a happy camper," said NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden.
"We are planning for a first day rendezvous. The capsule will then stay connected to station for six months as a lifeboat, then leave station and land within five-to-six hours. It's a very similar profile to Soyuz," said John Elbon, vice president and general manager for Boeing's space exploration division.
"The CST-100 capsule is designed to be used 10 times. So we will recover it, refurbish it in the facility at KSC and fly it again," said Elbon.
"Commercial crew is incredibly important to the space station, it's important to reduce the cost of transportation to low-Earth orbit so that NASA has within its budget the capability to develop means to explore beyond low-Earth orbit," Elbon said. "And importantly, I think, it's beginning a whole new industry. ... We're making great progress on the program."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154559.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/capsule.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 17.03.2015 18:20:31
ЦитироватьВ состав экипажа нового американского корабля может войти российский космонавт
17 марта 2015, 11:36
Фото: nasa.gov

В состав экипажа американского коммерческого корабля, который отправится к МКС в конце 2017 – начале 2018 года, предложено включить российского космонавта, сообщил источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

«Американская сторона в рамках двухсторонних договоренностей предложила включить в состав корабля CST-100 одного российского космонавта», – сообщил источник ТАСС (http://tass.ru/).
По его словам, кандидатов на полет несколько, включая Олега Котова, Александра Калери, Федора Юрчихина и Олега Артемьева. «Российская сторона определится с кандидатом в ноябре – декабре этого года», –  уточнил источник.
Boeing уже не первый год работает над созданием пилотируемого корабля, получившего название CST-100. В корабле четыре места – три из них займут американские астронавты.
В прошлом году в НАСА решили выделить Boeing 4,2 млрд долларов на достраивание корабля.
Космическое агентство США рассчитывает, что новый корабль сможет совершить свой первый испытательный полет в 2017 году. Директор НАСА Чарльз Болден заявил, что это позволит Соединенным Штатам «отказаться от зависимости от России в отправке астронавтов на МКС». В настоящее время международные экипажи добираются до орбитального комплекса только на российских «Союзах».
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 17.03.2015 20:02:39
Россиянин может попасть на первый рейс нового американского космического корабля

МОСКВА, 17 марта. /ТАСС/. Российский космонавт может войти в состав экипажа американского коммерческого корабля CST-100, который отправится к МКС в конце 2017 - начале 2018 года, сообщил сегодня ТАСС источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

"Американская сторона в рамках двухсторонних договоренностей предложила включить в состав корабля CST-100 одного российского космонавта", - сказал собеседник агентства.
По его словам, кандидатов на полет несколько, включая Олега Котова, Александра Калери, Федора Юрчихина и Олега Артемьева. "Российская сторона определится с кандидатом в ноябре-декабре этого года", - уточнил источник.
Официальный комментарий Роскосмоса и Центра подготовки космонавтов ТАСС получить пока не удалось.
Планируется, что полет CST-100 к Международной космической станции может состояться в период с декабря 2017 по май 2018 года. Корабль, разрабатываемый компанией Boeing, будет четырехместным - еще три места займут американские астронавты.

Полеты по взаимозачету
Полеты российских космонавтов на МКС на американских кораблях будут проводиться по взаимозачету за полеты американцев на кораблях серии "Союз", сообщил ТАСС директор программ пилотируемых космических полетов НАСА в России Шон Фуллер.
"Мы будем взаимно обмениваться местами на наших кораблях", - пояснил он.
"Мы предполагаем, что на "Союзе", где три места, будут летать два русских космонавта и один американский астронавт, а на коммерческом американском корабле будут три американских астронавта и один русский космонавт, поскольку там четыре места", - уточнил Фуллер.
Таким образом он прокомментировал данные о том, что российских космонавт может войти в состав экипажа американского корабля CST-100 от Boeing, который, как ожидается, отправится к МКС в конце 2017 - начале 2018 года.
"Мы ожидаем, что в конце 2017 года будут осуществляться полеты этих кораблей, и они будут доставлять четырех членов экипажа на космическую станцию", - сказал собеседник агентства.
Таким образом, подчеркнул он, доставлять космонавтов на МКС смогут российские "Союзы", а также американские корабли разработки Boeing и SpaceX. Сегодня для доставки экипажей на станции используются только "Союзы". Осенью НАСА планирует подписать с Роскосмосом очередной контракт по доставке астронавтов на МКС, рассчитанный на 2018 год.
На первый рейс они кажется погорячились в жарком заголовке.
Да и насчет трех американских астронавтов на американском корабле кажется пишут неправильно - европейцы, японцы на чем летать будут?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 17.03.2015 21:46:23
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
В состав экипажа нового американского корабля может войти российский космонавт
Заложника хотя взять на случай отказа РД-180 :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 18.03.2015 05:22:22
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
ЦитироватьВ состав экипажа нового американского корабля может войти российский космонавт
А если без шуток, то - нафига?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 18.03.2015 01:34:30
ЦитироватьДмитрий Инфан пишет:
А если без шуток, то - нафига?
Для того, чтобы в Союзе тоже сидел один варяг.
Таким образом при любом развитии событий обеспечивается присутствие на МКС хотя бы одного человека ответственного за свой сегмент.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: sychbird от 19.03.2015 08:32:32
Интересно, а то что речь зашла именно о СST -100, а не о Dragone имеет какое-то значение в смысле прогнозов НАСА о времени первого полета к МКС нового поколения американских пилотируемых кораблей :?:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 19.03.2015 10:42:14
Цитироватьsychbird пишет:
имеет какое-то значение в смысле прогнозов НАСА
Писали несколько месяцев назад, что в документах НАСА фигурирует именно CST-100 как первый корабль, который отправится к МКС с плановым (не испытательным) рейсом. А вот в планах испытаний, которые компании составляют самостоятельно, Dragon с астронавтами должен посетить МКС на три месяца раньше CST-100.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Grumant от 19.03.2015 08:16:06
Союзы долго наращивали свой ресурс, прежде чем отпала необходимость в замене кораблей на орбите. Американские капсулы сразу по полгода летать будут?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: fredddy от 19.03.2015 10:00:41
ЦитироватьGrumant пишет:
Союзы долго наращивали свой ресурс, прежде чем отпала необходимость в замене кораблей на орбите. Американские капсулы сразу по полгода летать будут?
Конечно же не сразу. Тоже будут наращивать ресурс.
Вот например x37 так наращивал - 225 дней, 468, 674 дня.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Grumant от 19.03.2015 09:55:26
X37 беспилотно наростил свой ресурс. Посмотрим на возможности пилотируемых иксов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Grus от 19.03.2015 14:53:53
Цитироватьsychbird пишет:
Интересно, а то что речь зашла именно о СST -100, а не о Dragone имеет какое-то значение в смысле прогнозов НАСА о времени первого полета к МКС нового поколения американских пилотируемых кораблей  :?:

Носитель CST-100 сертифицирован, сам CST-100 прошел бросковые испытания. В отличии.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Настоящий Искандер от 20.03.2015 04:30:25
значит уже выбрали
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 22.03.2015 03:08:42
ЦитироватьGrus пишет:
Цитироватьsychbird пишет:
Интересно, а то что речь зашла именно о СST -100, а не о Dragone имеет какое-то значение в смысле прогнозов НАСА о времени первого полета к МКС нового поколения американских пилотируемых кораблей  :?:  

Носитель CST-100 сертифицирован, сам CST-100 прошел бросковые испытания. В отличии.
Ну, а САС?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Антон от 22.03.2015 04:01:49
ЦитироватьGrus пишет:
Цитироватьsychbird пишет:
Интересно, а то что речь зашла именно о СST -100, а не о Dragone имеет какое-то значение в смысле прогнозов НАСА о времени первого полета к МКС нового поколения американских пилотируемых кораблей  :?:  

Носитель CST-100 сертифицирован, сам CST-100 прошел бросковые испытания. В отличии.
Зато основа пилотируемого дракона уже успешно в космос летает, в отличии
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 22.03.2015 18:57:38
ЦитироватьАнтон пишет:
ЦитироватьGrus пишет:

Носитель CST-100 сертифицирован, сам CST-100 прошел бросковые испытания. В отличии.
Зато основа пилотируемого дракона уже успешно в космос летает, в отличии
Успешно летать в космос для Боинга проблемой не является, а значит и надобности запускать функционально ограниченные кастрюли нет, в отличии.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Veganin от 22.03.2015 09:04:16
ЦитироватьАнтон пишет:
Зато основа пилотируемого дракона уже успешно в космос летает, в отличии
Если говорить точно, то в космос летает совершенно другая машина, другое изделие.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 23.03.2015 22:55:34
ЦитироватьRockets for Commercial Crew launches begin to come together   
Boeing's Chris Ferguson said the first two Atlas V's to launch the CST-100 will have a parking spot on United Launch Alliance's factory floor in Decatur soon. Photo Credit: ULA         
March 23rd, 2015          
The codes AV-073 and AV-080 may not mean much to many, but they mean a whole lot to former astronaut Chris Ferguson and the team of engineers and technicians who will assemble the first Atlas V rocket to launch a crew to the International Space Station. That test and a precursor flight without crew are part of the final development work Boeing is completing with NASA's Commercial Crew Program to certify a new crew transportation system for low-Earth orbit.
On its factory floor in Decatur, Alabama, United Launch Alliance, or ULA, is beginning to fabricate parts for the two rockets that are to launch Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft in 2017.
As Boeing's director of Crew and Mission Systems for the company's commercial crew division, Ferguson toured ULA's assembly factory this week to watch the rockets begin to take shape. Ferguson's last spacecraft, NASA's space shuttle Atlantis, already was built and had achieved veteran spaceflight status years before "Fergie," as he is known, climbed into the commander's seat for the last of the shuttle missions in 2011. Beginning later this year, the CST-100 spacecraft that will launch atop the Atlases will be assembled at another place familiar to Ferguson, a former space shuttle hangar at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.
"The last time we were at this stage of development for a human spacecraft was in the 1970s when we were building the shuttle," Ferguson said. "I have Apollo manuals on my desk — not to copy designs but to understand how they did it and to validate the decisions we've made with regard to provisions for the crew, what kind of spacesuits they wear, what kind of seats they sit in, and why they sit that way. Engineers put an enormous amount of thought into many low-level designs decades ago, but now we're trying to recreate the "why" behind all that. It's a little intimidating, but it's fun. You learn why the space program took the shape it is today over five decades ago."
Just like airplanes, rockets have unique tail numbers, or codes, that distinguish them from one another. AV-073 is the 73rd Atlas V that will be built, and AV-080 is the 80th in the line of boosters. Both have another distinguishing characteristic from other Atlas V launch vehicles, as well – since no previous Atlas V has carried people into space, these will be the first to be certified to launch humans. Up until this point, the rockets have been used to lift more than 60 critical missions without people: satellites, robotic probes and even the Mars rovers.
"To have Chris come in and talk to the team really put a face to the program," said Fred Hernandez, production operations chief engineer for ULA. "We're so used to launching things, and so to get to see the people involved in the launching of humans means we're that much closer to our goal."
The factory is building pieces of the rocket unique to the CST-100/Atlas V stack that will be used in the testing regimen. The adapter connecting the top of the rocket's upper stage to the spacecraft, for example, is a new piece that has been meticulously designed and must be built with equal care.
"There are a lot of different major structures for the flight test vehicles that are going through the factory now," Hernandez said.
Manufacturing also has begun for the fuel and oxygen tanks of the Centaur upper stage that will provide the final push to get the CST-100 and its crews into Earth obit.
"They begin constructing the rocket about 18 months in advance, so it's still a little early, but a lot of the parts that will go into our first vehicle are here," Ferguson said. "So component-level assembly's going on. We don't have a parking spot out here yet, but it comes very soon. And by the end of the year we will have an actual slot.  It'll become very, very real when that happens."
Chris Ferguson, a former astronaut, talks to engineers and technicians who will assemble the first Atlas V rockets to launch crews aboard Boeing's CST-100 to the International Space Station for NASA's Commercial Crew flight tests.
 Photo Credit: ULA
NASA's Commercial Crew Program relied on years of human spaceflight experience to develop the requirements needed to ensure transportation systems are qualified to fly astronauts. Through a Commercial Crew Transportation Capability, or CCtCap, contract, NASA will work with Boeing to ensure its rocket, spacecraft and associated ground and mission systems are safe and reliable.
For starters, each Atlas V will carry an extensive suite of sensors and fly with a robust computer that together will be able to detect a problem in the booster as it launches and ascends into space. Although unlikely to occur, a problem severe enough to risk the mission would trigger an abort sequence for the rocket that would automatically eject the spacecraft and carry its astronaut crew back to Earth safely. Additionally, the boosters for the CST-100 flights will use a Centaur upper stage fitted with two RL10 engines, instead of the usual single engine, to provide added performance.
"We fortunately don't see a lot of surprises in manufacturing," Hernandez said. "The Atlas line builds 10 or 11 rockets a year, and that rhythm alone helps to minimize a lot of the issues that we could have."
AV-073 will be outfitted as though it is carrying a crew but will fly the CST-100 without astronauts in an orbital flight test, a significant step on Boeing's path to certification.
AV-080 is the rocket that will carry the first people inside a CST-100 for a flight into space. Still a flight test, the objective is to launch the Atlas V from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and place the CST-100 on a path to the station. Crew members will fly to the orbiting laboratory and stay there for a few days while the spacecraft's systems are evaluated for their performance. The flight test crew would then use the vehicle to return home to the United States, completing the test.
Although still about two years away, the flight tests are close enough to prompt excitement and ramp up anticipation almost daily at the Atlas V assembly hall.
"We're obviously very proud of our success rate, and we're sort of taking the approach that we have a recipe for mission success, and we have to continue to execute on that," Hernandez said. "If we keep that focus, that will transition over into the crew vehicles as well."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.03.2015 07:38:01
ЦитироватьUS Human Path Back to Space Rising This Summer at ULA Launch Pad and Rocket Factory       
By Ken Kremer
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222517.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222517.jpg)
Launch Complex 41 gets a radical new look and use soon!
 Artist's concept of Boeing's CST-100 space taxi ready for liftoff atop a man rated ULA Atlas-V rocket showing new crew access tower and arm at Space Launch Complex 41, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fl. Credit: ULA
CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL – America's human path (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=73981) back to space fr om U.S. soil starts rising rapidly this summer, as construction of the new crew access tower for ULA's Atlas V  (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=62533)"space taxi" rocket moves into high gear at Cape Canaveral, Fla., while the newly human-rated booster launching from it and carrying Boeing's (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=73105) CST-100 crew capsule (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=74306) to orbit and the International Space Station  (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=78642)(ISS) simultaneously starts assembly at ULA's rocket factory in Decatur, Ala.
The entirely new 200-foot-tall "tower structure goes up rather quickly this summer [2015] at launch pad 41," Howard Biegler, ULA's (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=78789) Human Launch Services Lead, told AmericaSpace during an exclusive interview detailing pad modifications and construction at the Atlas V Launch Complex 41 facility at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
"The entire tower will be erected over six weeks in the summer. It's like an erector set!"
Space Launch Complex-41 (SLC-41) is being significantly modified to accommodate astronaut launches (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=67537) now that NASA has officially sel ected the two firms—Boeing (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=68911) and SpaceX (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=73778)—to build the world's first privately developed crewed spaceships for blastoff to the ISS (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=78500).
"Construction by the Hensel Phelps team effectively started in January 2015 and we are in the process of making this a reality," Biegler said.
Meanwhile, ULA has begun fabricating long lead time parts of the pair of 20-story-tall Atlas V rockets that are to launch the CST-100 spacecraft on its first uncrewed and crewed test flights in 2017 from the newly upgraded pad 41.
Those two Atlas V rockets are dubbed with unique, distinguishing tail numbers—AV-073 and AV-080—and will be the first of that family to be certified by ULA and NASA to launch humans to the ISS.
Chris Ferguson (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=61840), commander of NASA's final shuttle flight and now director of Boeing's CST-100 Crew and Mission Operations, recently toured the 1.6 million square foot Decatur facility and met with the engineering teams manufacturing the Atlas Vs for the historic 2017 liftoffs. Read the exclusive interview with Ferguson here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=61840) and here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=61328).
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222521.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222521.jpg)
Boeing's Chris Ferguson said the first two Atlas V's to launch the CST-100 will have a parking spot on United Launch Alliance's factory floor in Decatur soon. Credit: ULA
To accomplish all that, the Cape Canaveral skyline will change rapidly and dramatically, starting in July with visibly tangible progress toward restoring America's manned access to space that was totally lost following the forced retirement of the shuttles after touchdown of Ferguson's crew on the STS-135 mission in 2011 at the Kennedy Space Center's shuttle landing facility (SLF).
On Sept. 16, 2014, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden announced at KSC that Boeing and SpaceX were both awarded contracts under NASA's Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) program and Launch America initiative to finalize the design and develop their CST-100 and Dragon V2 crewed spaceships respectively, aimed at returning human spaceflight launches to the United States by 2017 and end our sole source reliance on Russia.
The metal latticework for ULA's 20-story-high Atlas tower was designed to be modular for ease of construction, and literally ascends skyward as crews stack the structural steel components atop one another piece by piece with cranes.
Since pad 41 is one of the most active launch pads in the world, and ULA can't afford to halt launches on its packed manifest, construction of the crew access tower has been carefully planned to take place in between the lucrative launches for a variety of clients, including civilian and military entities from the government and commercial customers.
"The tower is comprised of 7 major tier segments," Biegler told AmericaSpace. "Each is about 20 foot square and 28 feet tall.''
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222509.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222509.jpg)
ULA and Boeing executives posing atop Atlas V launch pad at Space Launch Complex 41 which will be modified to launch Boeing CST-100 spaceship to ISS – including Howard Biegler, ULA Human Spaceflight lead, 3rd from left, Dan Collins, ULA COO, John Elbon, Boeing VP Space Exploration, and Frank DelBello, Space Florida. Credit: Ken Kremer – kenkremer.com
The ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony to start tower construction was held Feb. 20, 2015.
The crew access tower is the first of its kind to be built in decades on the Florida Space coast and will enable astronauts and support personnel access to a rocket awaiting blastoff to space.
"The first truss segment will be transported out to the pad and installed in the July time frame," Biegler elaborated. "That will be an above ground segment."
"The rest happens quick over the course of a six or seven week period. So the remaining pieces of the tower goes up rather quickly."
"We plan to have the entire tower erected over six weeks in the summer. It's like an erector set! Its built off site in its entirety. Then it's just a matter of bolting the pieces together."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222511.jpg) (http://www.americaspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ULA-CST-100.jpg)
"It's the longest work window we have this summer. So, barring unforeseen delays, the plan is for the major structure to be completed in one mod window, this summer," Biegler told AmericaSpace.
Piece parts for the truss segments are built off site and then trucked to a construction lot on the Cape by the ASOC, or Atlas Space Operations Center.
"We will start mobilizing the iron workers to start fabrication of the tower pieces later this month and in early April," Beigler stated.
Then the parts undergo final assembly into the individual major tier segments of the crew access tower by the ASOC.
"The first complete tier segment will be done by mid to late April."
The segments will then be trucked to pad 41 and stacked this summer.
"The goal is to have the major tower structure built and complete over the summer."
But before any tower assembly can take place, an area of concrete on the pad surface structure had to be demolished and hammered away. The work started right around the launch of MUOS-3 in January, and the site is now being excavated down to a depth of some 13 feet.
"Currently at the pad we have drilled and poured ten 42-inch-diameter piers, during what is known as the 3rd defined mod [construction] window. They are each 105 feet deep," Biegler explained.
"Altogether there are 15 mod, or work windows which are defined periods of time when there is no launch vehicle at the pad."
"Leading up to the last launch, which was MMS [Magnetospheric Multiscale mission for NASA (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=60403) on March 12], we did some concrete demolition, enough to accommodate the ten piers. We also installed the sheet piles [like a retainer wall] on the north and south sides and pond liner to catch wastewater from launches."
"Construction was demobilized briefly to accommodate the MMS (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=78176) launch." (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=78355)
Work in this work window will continue until the next Atlas launch in May, "starting with a mass excavation down to about 13.5 feet. The old MST tracks from the Titan Centaur days will also be cut out and removed. Then the dowels will be installed to secure the crew access tower."
"Right now we are working no issues with the construction effort. We are actually a little bit ahead of schedule, despite the delays in NASA awarding the commercial crew contracts from the summer until September and then the SNC protest. (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=68911)"
"We will enter our fourth 'mod window' after the Atlas launch in May."
After the tower is erected comes all the remaining steel, electrical, plumbing, staircase, structure, testing, and calibration work over the next year.
"After the tower buildup comes the extensive work to outfit the tower with over 400 pieces of outboard steel that have to be installed. That takes much longer and will be done over the course of the next two mod windows," Biegler said.
"In parallel with that is the arm buildup."
"The completely integrated and tested crew access arm and walkway should be brought out to the launch site around May 2016 roughly."
"The arm will be fully tested with the torque tube to make sure it meets all the line requirements."
After the crew tower is installed, the look of the SLC-41 will change drastically from the current "clean pad" design, which features only the reinforced concrete hard stand and four lightning towers.
Only very minor changes are planned for the Vertical Integration Facility, a building about 1,800 feet to the south wh ere the Atlas V rocket is assembled.
"The plan is to finish all the site construction, testing [and certification] done by September 2016," Biegler explained.
The arm installation, plumbing, and hydraulic drive system installation will take about a month, followed by all the validation testing by the contractor.
"Then it's turned over to my team to do all the acceptance testing," Biegler stated.
"The work will wrap up in September 2016."
Indeed, if the funding was available to get Boeing's space taxi capsule ready sooner, the first crew could launch on the first CST-100 test flight as soon as the tower is declared operational in September 2016.
"We could launch after completion in September 2016. Earlier in the [CCP] program we had to plan for launches as early as December 2016. And we have never slipped off of our September 2016 completion date."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222510.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/222510.jpg)
ULA is building a new crew access tower and access arm that will lead to the hatch opening to Boeing's commercial CST-100 crew transporter. Credit: Ken Kremer – kenkremer.com
"But the team has been instructed that we don't want to do anything that presents risk!"
The currently planned launch date for the first unmanned CST-100 test flight is roughly around February 2017 and subject to manifest changes.
The actual launch date hinges on the NASA budgets approved by the Obama Administration and U.S. Congress.
Since the retirement of the shuttle, American astronauts have been totally dependent on the Russian Soyuz capsule for rides to the ISS and back, at a cost now exceeding $70 million per seat.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has said that he doesn't want to write any more checks to Roscosmos and that any cut in CCP funding from the Obama Administration's FY 2016 budget request will delay the program and first launch.
See video below detailing construction of ULA's commercial crew access tower at pad 41:
https://youtu.be/ukyeCnrWvGs (https://youtu.be/ukyeCnrWvGs)
Video caption: New Commercial Crew Access Tower Going Up. Boeing and United Launch Alliance will add to the Space Coast skyline with the 200-foot-tall tower. It will be assembled over 18 months at Space Launch Complex 41 and is designed to meet the needs of test pilots, astronauts and support personnel who will access Boeing's CST-100 before it launches atop an Atlas V. Credit: NASA
No humans have ever launched to space fr om SLC-41. And it's been over 50 years since astronauts launched on an Atlas rocket. Among them was Mercury astronaut John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, back on Feb. 20, 1962.
For further details, be sure to read the prior articles outlining the CST-100 in an exclusive interview with Chris Ferguson, commander of NASA's final shuttle flight and now director of Boeing's Crew and Mission Operations, here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=61840) and here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=61328).
Meanwhile, NASA simultaneously continues pushing forward with its deep space pillar of human spaceflight (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=74701) involving Orion and SLS. Read the latest updates here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=67537) and here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=75351) and here (http://www.americaspace.com/?p=69435).
Stay tuned here for continuing updates.

Ken Kremer (http://www.kenkremer.com)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 05.06.2015 16:49:26
Цитировать http://sen.com/news/nasa-orders-first-station-crew-flight-from-boeing
NASA orders first station crew flight from Boeing
//Irene%20Klotz,Spaceflight Correspondent
May 28, 2015, 14:37 UTC
NASA has issued its first order for a U.S. spaceflight to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station to Boeing and expects to make a similar buy from SpaceX later this year. 
The price of the flight, slated for late 2017, was not disclosed "due to potential future competitions for missions," said NASA spokeswoman Stephanie Martin. 
NASA placed the order after Boeing successfully completed a series of preliminary milestones, including a recent critical design review of its CST-100 capsule.....
"We're not releasing what NASA will pay per flight," said Boeing spokeswoman Kelly Kaplan. 
"The price for the service missions is wrapped into the original award. " In a press release, NASA said that just because Boeing was awarded the first flight order doesn't mean that it will fly before SpaceX.......
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 06.06.2015 06:07:42
А на чем они сейчас летать собираются? Или РД-180 только пентагону запретили?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 06.06.2015 14:25:18
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
А на чем они сейчас летать собираются? Или РД-180 только пентагону запретили?
по ссылке к новости выше
ЦитироватьThe same number of flights is part of a second contract NASA has with SpaceX, though the total value of that award is $2.6 billion. SpaceX is developing a passenger version of its Dragon cargo ship. It will launch on the company's Falcon 9 rocket. Boeing is flying on a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5.
Пока про американские движки на Атлас 5 в 2017-2018 году не было слышно. А слышно про работы по сертификации РД-180 к пилотируемым полетам. 
а тут пишут по попытки по замене РД-180 для ВВС к 2019 году http://spacenews.com/u-s-air-force-isses-rfp-aimed-at-ending-reliance-on-russian-rocket-engine/
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 06.06.2015 22:15:30
в новостях на этой странице нету 
Цитировать http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/05/nasa-evaluating-commercial-loss-crew-mishap/
NASA evaluating CCP Loss Of Crew and Mishap procedures
May 30, 2015 by Chris Bergin
.....For Boeing, its CST-100 will first launch on an uncrewed test flight to the Station via the "Boe-OFT" mission in Apr, 2017 – on a 30 days mission, ending with a parachute assisted return.  (http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/05/boeings-cst-100-successful-full-landing-system-test/)
Should all go to plan, the second mission will involve a crew – yet to be selected – on a mission designated "Boe-CFT", launching in July, 2017, on a 14 day mission to the ISS.....
и тоже с большим текстом http://www.americaspace.com/?p=82504
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge от 09.06.2015 02:17:50
Цитироватьfredddy пишет:
ЦитироватьGrumant пишет:
Союзы долго наращивали свой ресурс, прежде чем отпала необходимость в замене кораблей на орбите. Американские капсулы сразу по полгода летать будут?
Конечно же не сразу. Тоже будут наращивать ресурс.
Вот например x37 так наращивал - 225 дней, 468, 674 дня.
А спутники и АМС вообще зачастую десятилетиями летают... , но при чем тут пилотируемая космонавтика ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Floppy Disk от 22.06.2015 11:35:14
НАСА тестирует бронетранспортер для спасения астронавтов со стартовой площадки и готовится к запуску Boeing CST-100 (http://geektimes.ru/post/252284/)
Видео теста (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUMXCZVmL0Q)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 29.07.2015 20:56:01
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark ‏@StephenClark1  (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1)  
Hardware for CST-100 structural test article now at KSC for assembly. Work on Atlas 5 access tower also started.

 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/158470.png) (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/626090152285220865/photo/1)

  11:01 - 28 июля 2015 г.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Oleg от 30.07.2015 18:22:51
когда первый запуск планируют?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 31.07.2015 10:59:14
ЦитироватьOleg пишет:
когда первый запуск планируют?
Апрель 2017. Но это если проблемы с финансированием не приведут к переносу сроков.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 31.07.2015 08:24:38
ага. или РД-180 останутся  :)  RS-68 же не human rated?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 31.07.2015 11:48:15
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
ага. или РД-180 останутся  :)  RS-68 же не human rated?
Всерьез такая возможность не рассматривается. Куда они денутся.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 01.08.2015 13:16:35
кто куда денется? лоббистов юлы не хватило, вулкан будет черт знает когда, выведение на дельтах будет золотым, даже если смогут как-то сертифицировать. Маск их пошлет скорее всего, или сдерет с них последние трусы. И поделом
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 01.08.2015 16:59:29
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
кто куда денется? лоббистов юлы не хватило
На что?
Цитироватьвулкан будет черт знает когда
Так он вообще не для CST-100
Цитироватьвыведение на дельтах будет золотым
С чего бы?
Цитироватьдаже если смогут как-то сертифицировать
А может быть хотя бы призрак сомнений?
ЦитироватьМаск их пошлет скорее всего, или сдерет с них последние трусы
С чего им вообще идти к конкуренту? У них есть Атлас, который не падал ни разу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 01.08.2015 18:49:31
А НАСА может покупать двигатели к атласу или запрет касается только пентагона?
"С чего бы? " станут ли они тратится на это, с учетом выхода дельты на пенсию
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 01.08.2015 21:56:38
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
А НАСА может покупать двигатели к атласу или запрет касается только пентагона?
"С чего бы? " станут ли они тратится на это, с учетом выхода дельты на пенсию
Нет вообще никакого запрета.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 04.09.2015 16:33:05
ЦитироватьStephen Clark ‏@StephenClark1  (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 3 мин.3 минуты назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/639793738458529792)
Boeing has moved in to former shuttle hangar at KSC. Grand opening ceremony for CST-100 factory today.

Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 9 мин.9 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/639792102306676736)Florida, USA (https://twitter.com/search?q=place%3A4ec01c9dbc693497)
Boeing got their Commercial Crew & Cargo Processing Facility mural done.

Chris B - NSF ‏@NASASpaceflight  (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 9 мин.9 минут назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/639792083302227968)
Really surprised the new name for CST-100 hasn't sneaked out there by now! (No, I don't know. Boeing folk are well drilled  :D  )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 04.09.2015 17:56:23
ЦитироватьJeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 2 мин.2 минуты назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/639815033627656192)
CST-100's new name is... Starliner.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Сергей Пиденко от 04.09.2015 17:06:36
Пышно... :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 04.09.2015 18:08:40
Пышно то пышно, но вот по что в ролике куски с Драконом были?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 04.09.2015 18:49:15
статья у НАСА
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 04.09.2015 18:55:13
pnetmon,там про заключение контракта на доставку к МКС?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 04.09.2015 20:11:51
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет:
pnetmon ,там про заключение контракта на доставку к МКС?
там про Обретении нового имени
ЦитироватьBoeing Revamps Production Facility for Starliner Flights
Sep. 4, 2015
Meet the CST-100 Starliner, the newly unveiled name of Boeing's commercial crew transportation spacecraft. It's been designed with a focus on automated flight, reliable operation and frequent flights carrying NASA astronauts to the space station. It also may take paying customers to the awe-inspiring heights of low-Earth orbit and the unique sensation of sustained weightlessness.

NASA last year awarded contracts to Boeing and SpaceX to each develop systems that will safely and cost effectively transport astronauts to the International Space Station from the United States.....
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 4 сентября. /Корр. ТАСС Игорь Борисенко/. Новый космический корабль, который создает корпорация Boeing, будет называться Starliner ("Звездный лайнер" )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 04.09.2015 20:26:12
Тори шутит:
ЦитироватьTory Bruno ‏@torybruno  (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 36 мин.36 минут назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/639844063114600448)
.@dslsynth (https://twitter.com/dslsynth) I like it. Lobbied for Star-Lord or even Groot, but Starliner is definitely better
Тем временем:
ЦитироватьChris B - NSF ‏@NASASpaceflight  (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 2 ч.2 часа назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/639818748707381248)
Meanwhile, over in Hawthorne....
Народ уже дошел до сравнения звуков в роликах Дракона и Старлайнера.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 04.09.2015 20:45:46
...The Starliner name puts the CST-100 in company with the Model 307 Stratoliner and 787 Dreamliner, Boeing products which ushered in new eras in passenger transport....
An uncrewed test flight of the CST-100 Starliner capsule is planned for May 2017 to the space station, followed by a test of the craft's emergency launch abort system in August 2017 and a piloted demonstration mission in September 2017, according to John Mulholland, vice president of commercial programs at Boeing.
Boeing's contract, like SpaceX's, has options for NASA to order up to six "post-certification" crew rotation flights to the space station after the demo mission in September 2017. The space agency has ordered its first post-certification commercial crew flight from Boeing, a launch Mulholland said is expected in December 2017
Офтопик. Самолеты которые приведены в статье
Model 307 Stratoliner

Имя Starliner ранее имел L-1649 Starliner (http://www.airwar.ru/enc/aliner/l1649.html)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 05.09.2015 07:45:18
...Starliner missions will carry four astronauts to the space station, and potentially cargo, on each trip. A fifth seat may be available for paying space tourists, Mulholland told reporters...
Starliner при миссиях на космическую станцию в каждом запуске будет нести четыре астронавта, и потенциально груз. Пятое место может быть доступно для платных космических туристов, сказал Малхолланд журналистам.

О пятом месте для платного туриста заявляли в сентябре 2014 года при заключений контракта с НАСА   http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/17/us-boeing-space-idUSKBN0HC2K020140917

Полный текст
Цитировать http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/09/04/boeing-names-its-commercial-spaceship-the-starliner/
Enter the Starliner: Boeing names its commercial spaceship
Posted on September 4, 2015 by Stephen Clark (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?anno=2&depth=1&hl=ru&rurl=translate.google.ru&sl=en&tl=ru&u=http://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/&usg=ALkJrhhlhalEIV_3wJOrxY-Cd5-dtn0MKA)
Boeing's commercial human-rated spaceship designed to ferry NASA astronauts to and from the International Space Station will be named the CST-100 Starliner, extending the company's naming theme to the final frontier, officials announced Friday.
The Boeing-operated crew capsule was known as simply the CST-100 before Friday, and managers said the craft will be ready to launch with human passengers by the end of 2017.
"Please welcome the CST-100 Starliner," announced Chris Ferguson, former NASA astronaut and Boeing's deputy manager of the CST-100 program.
The Starliner name puts the CST-100 in company with the Model 307 Stratoliner and 787 Dreamliner, Boeing products which ushered in new eras in passenger transport.
Boeing and SpaceX won contracts worth a combined $6.8 billion last year to develop commercially-owned spacecraft to take astronauts to orbit, ending NASA's sole reliance on Russia to rotate crews on the massive orbiting research complex.
"Boeing's innovation and dedication have brought us to the cusp of the next great victory in our commercial space program," said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. "This is the time and place for which we've all been working long and hard ... It speaks especially to Boeing's energy, excitement and belief in the new system that they have been perfecting to take our astronauts, and really our hopes and dreams for the future, into space."
Boeing officials revealed the new name in a ceremony at the Kennedy Space Center.Technicians are assembling a structural test article for the Starliner spacecraft inside a former space shuttle hangar at the Florida spaceport, and construction of flight-ready versions of the capsule will begin next year.
"There's nothing that we do that's more insipring to the next generation of scientists, engineers and aerospace workers than what we do in human spaceflight," said Dennis Muilenburg, Boeing's president and CEO. "It is arguably the most challenging thing we do as well."
An uncrewed test flight of the CST-100 Starliner capsule is planned for May 2017 to the space station, followed by a test of the craft's emergency launch abort system in August 2017 and a piloted demonstration mission in September 2017, according to John Mulholland, vice president of commercial programs at Boeing.
Boeing's contract, like SpaceX's, has options for NASA to order up to six "post-certification" crew rotation flights to the space station after the demo mission in September 2017. The space agency has ordered its first post-certification commercial crew flight from Boeing, a launch Mulholland said is expected in December 2017.
NASA officials said it gave the green light to purchase the operational crew flight after Boeing completed the Starliner spacecraft's critical design review earlier this year. SpaceX has a similar design milestone planned at the end of 2015.
"I know we have a bright future ahead, and I can't wait to see our astronauts boarding a Boeing spacecraft bound for space," Bolden said.
The 2017 goal for commercial crew missions depends on how much funding NASA receives for the commercial spaceflight initiative in fiscal year 2016, which begins Oct. 1. Agency managers say they need more than $1.2 billion for the program to meet its financial commitments to Boeing and SpaceX next year.
But draft budgets passed by the Senate and the House would provide $900 million or $1 billion to the program, funding levels NASA says would create inevitable delays and put the 2017 schedule in jeopardy. A final budget bill has not been passed by both chambers, and lawmakers could vote on a temporary spending bill while they negotiate a budget plan for the rest of 2016.
"Right now, we've got a fight in Congress over funding," said Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Florida."We'll get the money that it needs to make sure that we can get our American astronauts flying on American vehicles, and that's what we come together today to celebrate."
Boeing has relocated the CST-100 Starliner program office to KSC from Houston, bringing up to 550 jobs to Florida's Space Coast when the spacecraft ramps up to flight operations in 2017.
Engineers will put together Starliner crew capsules inside the former Orbiter Processing Facility bay No. 3 at the space center. The shuttle hangar, located to the northwest of KSC's iconic Vehicle Assembly Building, is now named the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility.
Space Florida lured Boeing to put its program headquarters and factory at KSC with a state-backed incentives package. Florida Gov. Rick Scott touted the deal in remarks at Friday's ceremony.
Starliner missions will carry four astronauts to the space station, and potentially cargo, on each trip. A fifth seat may be available for paying space tourists, Mulholland told reporters.
United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 rocket launched from Cape Canaveral will haul the capsules into orbit on the way to the space station.
"You get a sense that at this point we are witnessing something we're all going to remember decades from now," Muilenburg said. "This is a point in history that reflects a new era in human spaceflight, and I'm excited about that."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 05.09.2015 07:52:55
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Starliner при миссиях на космическую станцию в каждом запуске будет нести четыре астронавта, и потенциально груз.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр Ч. от 05.09.2015 07:58:51
https://youtu.be/m1pno_CKpAw (https://youtu.be/m1pno_CKpAw)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Олег Шляпин от 05.09.2015 09:11:09
Вопрос -  CST-100 Starliner можно в перспективе использовать в  лунных или марсианских программах?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 05.09.2015 09:47:34
ЦитироватьОлег Шляпин пишет:
Вопрос - CST-100 Starliner можно в перспективе использовать в лунных или марсианских программах?
Без солнечных батарей? Нет, он задуман как чисто низкоорбитальное такси.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Олег Шляпин от 05.09.2015 09:49:40
Цитироватьtestest пишет:
Без солнечных батарей? Нет, он задуман как чисто низкоорбитальное такси.
Ну его же можно модернизировать?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 05.09.2015 10:23:25
может и старый рендеринг
Boeing Unveils Starliner Processing Facility
Опубликовано: 4 сент. 2015 г.
https://youtu.be/hh5WaiZTK0k (https://youtu.be/hh5WaiZTK0k)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 05.09.2015 21:52:01
времени еще много, еще и перенесут, но какая красная дата календаря - 1 Мая....
Цитировать http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/missions/commercial/boeing-renames-cst-100-the-starliner/
... Boeing's Bill Mulholland noted that the spacecraft was coming together on site for a planned flight currently slated for the 2017–2018 time frame. Starliner's upper and lower dome, tunnel, hatch, and service module were in a room adjacent to the presentation. If everything goes according to plan, the first Starliner will be powered up on May 1......
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: NK от 07.09.2015 10:35:52
как автобус значит :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 08.09.2015 21:02:03
что-то непонятно с 5 местом если корабль летает раз в год, а другой экипаж привозит 4-х местный Дракон а нет, через несколько дней в новой презентации Дракон тоже стал с 5-тю креслами.
ЦитироватьШамс пишет:
Сейчас обсуждается такой вариант. С 2019 и далее каждый год – 2 Союза и 2 американских корабля. На всех кораблях прямая ротация, т.е. меняемый корабль садится после прихода на МКС следующего.
про 5 место еще есть тут
корабль летает в автоматическом режиме, пилот как бы не обязателен... максимум лета до станции 48 часов. Планируется 6-8 часов до станции и шесть от стыковки до приземления.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 08.09.2015 17:13:20
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
что-то непонятно с 5 местом
они сделали раму на 5 кресел. пассажирские можно поменять на полезный груз. Летать будут 4 чела + груз вместо пятого.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 08.09.2015 21:41:13
Джентльмены, извиняюсь за невежество, но я так и не понял: зачем американские пилотируемые корабли стыковать "по союзовски"? Почему нельзя как до сих пор - манипулятором?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 08.09.2015 21:52:01
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
что-то непонятно с 5 местом
они сделали раму на 5 кресел. пассажирские можно поменять на полезный груз. Летать будут 4 чела + груз вместо пятого.
в приведенном тексте пишут о возможности на 7 человек, идею понял.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: uncle_jew от 08.09.2015 23:14:36
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Джентльмены, извиняюсь за невежество, но я так и не понял: зачем американские пилотируемые корабли стыковать "по союзовски"? Почему нельзя как до сих пор - манипулятором?
Безопаснее же (плюс можно пристыковаться даже к пустой станции, на которой нет экипажа). Иначе при поломке манипулятора америка потеряет доступ к МКС.

С манипулятором появляются дополнительные возможные отказы - например, что делать, если манипулятор сдохнет, когда на нём "висит" корабль с людьми? Ни пристыковаться, ни приземлиться...

Для грузовиков от манипулятора есть дополнительное преимущество - возможность возить крупногабаритные грузы за счёт огромного сечения люка CBM. Для людей - одни минусы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: G_old_Truman от 08.09.2015 20:18:08
Ловить людей "багром"??
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 08.09.2015 22:19:07
ЦитироватьG_old_Truman пишет:
Ловить людей "багром"??
Багор вроде такой медленный что не сможет даже поцарапать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 08.09.2015 22:26:08
Цитироватьuncle_jew пишет: 
Безопаснее же (плюс можно пристыковаться даже к пустой станции, на которой нет экипажа). Иначе при поломке манипулятора америка потеряет доступ к МКС.
Убедительно. Спасибо. 

ЦитироватьС манипулятором появляются дополнительные возможные отказы - например, что делать, если манипулятор сдохнет, когда на нём "висит" корабль с людьми? Ни пристыковаться, ни приземлиться...
Ну это ерунда. Отстрелить захват корабля и домой. 

ЦитироватьДля грузовиков от манипулятора есть дополнительное преимущество - возможность возить крупногабаритные грузы за счёт огромного сечения люка CBM. Для людей - одни минусы.
А если манипулятор сломается и грузовики не смогут стыковаться - Америка не потеряет МКС? Хотя вероятно в этом случае есть запас времени чтобы его починить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: uncle_jew от 09.09.2015 06:13:14
ЦитироватьА если манипулятор сломается и грузовики не смогут стыковаться - Америка не потеряет МКС? 
Я думаю, грузы для жизнеобеспечения при надобности можно возить и на пилотируемых кораблях - вроде, там нет ничего крупногабаритного, что не пролезало бы в люк.

Правда, если манипулятор сломается и для его ремонта понадобится не пролезающая в люк запчасть - будет проблема  :)  Но эта проблема существует и сегодня.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 09.09.2015 06:43:28
Цитироватьuncle_jew пишет: 
Безопаснее же (плюс можно пристыковаться даже к пустой станции, на которой нет экипажа). Иначе при поломке манипулятора америка потеряет доступ к МКС.
Надо иметь два манипулятора.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.09.2015 02:55:03
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
что-то непонятно с 5 местом
они сделали раму на 5 кресел. пассажирские можно поменять на полезный груз. Летать будут 4 чела + груз вместо пятого.
в приведенном тексте пишут о возможности на 7 человек, идею понял.
для 7 человек кресла приделывают к амортизирующей раме на  консолях вместо стандартного груза. ИМХО сама рама под креслами (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/57249)имеет проемы. Кресло можно снять и поставить туда компактный груз.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 09.09.2015 07:59:29
ЦитироватьSFN пишет:
ИМХО сама рама под креслами имеет проемы. Кресло можно снять и поставить туда компактный груз.
Если кому интересно - фото 2013 года  (http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=32438.40) 
или (http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=32438.msg1423049#msg1423049)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 09.09.2015 04:18:05
Да, не балует Боинг презенташками  ;)  
Вот из презенташки про подготовку КК.
Нижняя скорлупка с голой амортизирующей рамой. видны "рога"для кресел №6-7.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 09.09.2015 08:51:49
совместил  ;)  


а пятое место это какое?

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 13.09.2015 11:54:25
CST-100 все время не везет. В популярных СМИ он не признан частным КК и мест у него все время 4, а никак не 7. ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 14.09.2015 20:31:27
Эти презентации уже в печёнках сидят. PowerPoint-космонавтика.  :evil:

Если верить презенташкам 10-летней давности, уже Orion должен был летать к МКС...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 14.09.2015 16:49:07
Зачем презентации 10летней давности? В свеженьких такой цирроз.
Создается впечатление, что все издания принадлежат одному человеку.  :| Хотя можно просто экспертов-обозревателей по-рыбацки прикормить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 14.09.2015 16:54:09
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
совместил  ;)  


а пятое место это какое?
Скорее всего, самое дальнее от бокового люка
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 16.09.2015 12:03:11
ЦитироватьBuild-up of crew access tower begins at Atlas 5 pad       
Posted on September 15, 2015 by Stephen Clark (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)    
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154749.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154749.jpg)
The first tier of the Atlas 5's crew access tower was transferred to the launch pad Sept. 9 and hoisted into position Tuesday. Credit: NASA/Dmitrios Gerondidakis
A new fixture on the Cape Canaveral skyline began rising Tuesday, with the placement of the first of seven segments for a 200-foot-tall crew access tower at the Atlas 5 rocket's seaside launch pad for astronauts boarding Boeing's new commercial CST-100 Starliner spaceship.
The first two tiers of the tower transferred to the Atlas 5 rocket's Complex 41 launch pad Sept. 9, and a giant crane at the launch site positioned the first segment over the structure's concrete foundation Tuesday, according to a United Launch Alliance spokesperson.
Construction crews assembled the seven tiers at a nearby worksite beginning earlier this year, and now attention turns to stacking the tower at Complex 41.
Astronauts flying into space aboard the CST-100 Starliner crew capsule will ride an elevator up the tower and then crawl into the spacecraft through a climate-controlled enclosure called a white room.
Boeing is developing the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft under contract to NASA, which awarded the aerospace giant an agreement worth up to $4.2 billion to finish certification of the crew capsule and fly up to six full-up crew ferry flights between Earth and the International Space Station.
NASA signed a similar contract SpaceX worth up to $2.6 billion for the Crew Dragon spaceship outfitted for humans. SpaceX's crewed flights will take off on Falcon 9 rockets a decommissioned space shuttle launch pad currently being modified for the purpose.
The commercial crew program will end U.S. reliance on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to carry crews to the space station.
Engineers are using down time in the Atlas 5 rocket's busy launch manifest to build up the crew access tower at Complex 41, according to Howard Biegler, head of human launch services at ULA, the Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture which builds and operates the Atlas 5.
"All seven tiers, which make up the center core of the crew access tower, are fully constructed," Biegler said in an interview with Spaceflight Now. "The towers are fully outfitted. We've got stairwells, all the piping, fire extinguishers, elevator shafts, you name it."
Construction crews at the launch pad, situated a half-mile fr om the Atlantic shoreline, have built up a crane to lift the tower segments.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154748.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154748.jpg)
Artist's concept of the Atlas 5 rocket, CST-100 Starliner and the crew access tower. Credit: NASA
The launch pad will not have a permanent tower until the crew access structure is erected. The Atlas 5 rocket is built up on a mobile platform inside a nearby vertical integration facility, then rolled out to the launch pad the day before liftoff.
Biegler said the plan calls for all seven segments to be hoisted by the time of the Atlas 5's scheduled launch of a new GPS navigation satellite Oct. 30. Some of the tiers will go up before the Atlas 5's next mission, which is set for Oct. 2 with a Mexican communications satellite, and ground teams will add the rest before the Oct. 30 launch.
"After our GPS launch at the end of October, all of our outboard steel which makes the top part of the tower for storing the crew access arm, emergency egress and other equipment will be added," Biegler said.
The stacking of the crew access tower comes after teams poured 300 cubic yards of concrete for the structure's foundation just to the northwest of where the Atlas 5's mobile launch platform parks over the launch pad's flame trench, according to John Mulholland, vice president and program manager for Boeing's commercial crew program.
While workers poured the foundation, a team nearby constructed the seven 28-foot-tall 20-by-20 foot sections for the crew access tower.
Biegler said the structure will be completed by January.
"Then we'll start running cables and outfitting it," he said.
A 42-foot-long crew access arm is taking shape at a construction yard in nearby Oak Hill, Florida. The appendage will connect the tower to the CST-100 Starliner mounted atop the Atlas 5 rocket, allowing astronauts to board the capsule in the final hours of the countdown.
Located about 172 feet up the 20-story tower, the arm will swing away after ground teams close the Starliner hatch, clearing the way for liftoff.
"We've got the torque tube, the structural arm, the white room and the environmental seal, and the drive system, which we call the hydraulic drive system, will be integrated on a test stand and we'll run it through its paces," Biegler said. "That's a critical path item. When we bring it out to Complex 41 in the June timeframe of next year, we want to know exactly wh ere it's got to be positioned on the tower, and know that everything works and the timing works perfectly."
ULA and Boeing managers are working out the details of how to load the astronauts into the CST-100 Starliner.
Engineers evaluated Apollo- and shuttle-era white rooms, including artifacts on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, when designing the Starliner access arm.
"We've got an environmental seal on the end of it that is 7 feet by 5 feet by 5 feet on the end of (the white room)," Biegler said. "If you take that into consideration, we're actually bigger than shuttle (white room), but for the most part, it's comparable."
A closeout crew similar to the team that strapped astronauts into the space shuttle will be at the launch pad to help crew members into the CST-100 Starliner. The ground team will likely be a mix of ULA, Boeing and NASA personnel, but the exact makeup has not been finalized, according to Biegler.
"We're going to have as few people out there as we need to make it efficent because we want to be able to get this done in a quick manner, and get them out," Biegler said.
"It's also pretty hazardous," said Tony Taliancich, director of ULA's east coast operations. "We don't want to take any more risks than we need to take. We'll have a fully loaded vehicle with hydrogen and oxygen, and be ready to launch at that point."
The Atlas 5 launch team will fuel the rocket with propellants before the astronauts arrive at the pad. A built-in hold at T-minus 4 minutes, which usually lasts a few minutes, will be extended up to three hours to give the crew time to get into the capsule.
"In our normal process, we're within four minutes of launching at that point, so we're just waiting for the astronauts to get on-board," Taliancich said.
The CST-100 Starliner can carry up to seven astronauts, but the capsule's standard mission will likely include a crew of four plus supplies for the space station.
Another feature of the crew access tower will be a slidewire escape system similar to the emergency egress baskets used at the space shuttle launch pads.
Boeing's capsule will fly on a version of the Atlas 5 with two solid rocket boosters, a dual-engine Centaur upper stage, and an emergency detection system to detect faults in flight and trigger an abort, if necessary.
Officials said all of the crew access tower construction should be completed by late 2016, in time for the first uncrewed CST-100 Starliner test flight scheduled for May 2017, and the first human demonstration mission in September 2017.

Email (mailto:sclark@spaceflightnow.com) the author.
Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1 (http://www.twitter.com/stephenclark1/).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 16.09.2015 09:39:18
а разве у пилотирумого атласа будут ТТУ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 16.09.2015 12:58:39
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
а разве у пилотирумого атласа будут ТТУ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 16.09.2015 15:30:16
я почему-то решил, что они ТТУ не будут использовать. А дельта для него в хэви варианте или тоже с ТТУ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Grus от 16.09.2015 19:47:02
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
я почему-то решил, что они ТТУ не будут использовать. А дельта для него в хэви варианте или тоже с ТТУ?
Масса CST-100 более 13 т - Delta Medium+ 5.4 - четыре боковика.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 16.09.2015 17:05:50
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 22.10.2015 15:42:57
ЦитироватьBoeing Defense ‏@BoeingDefense  (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) Oct 20 (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense/status/656492785806127104)

New @InsideKSC (https://twitter.com/InsideKSC) skyline: #CST100 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CST100?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) access tower complete w/7 tiers stacked.
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/58389) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/58388) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/58390)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 22.10.2015 22:15:33
Строят башню для американских Героев? Это сугубо. Значит полетит.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.11.2015 11:46:03
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29890.jpg) NASA Commercial Crew ‏@Commercial_Crew  (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew)  
See what it took for @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) and @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) to build a tower for crew:http://go.nasa.gov/1Q9ILXN  (https://t.co/JBZlPaqIaG) #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hash)
  14:03 - 3 нояб. 2015 г.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.11.2015 11:50:46
ЦитироватьNov. 3, 2015
New Crew Access Tower Construction Progresses in Cape Canaveral  
By Steven Siceloff,
 NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

It took only 35 days to build the main column of a new fixture to the skyline along the Florida Space Coast. The 200-foot-tall Crew Access Tower at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida will meet the unique needs of astronauts and ground crews at Space Launch Complex 41, or SLC-41, where Boeing will launch its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on Atlas V rockets operated by United Launch Alliance, also known as ULA.
"We spent a lot of time with conceptual designs and with the human elements, which is very important for a project of this nature," said Howard Biegler, ULA's Launch Operations lead for Human Launch Services. "Building a structure is one thing, but building it so that it's useful, that it provides a safe environment for the people who are going to be called to use this system is the hard part."
The structure features wider, more open areas than NASA's previous crew access towers, providing more room and comfort for astronauts who will walk around the area in pressure suits and possibly wearing helmets, and in emergency cases, walk through walls of water fr om fire suppression sprinklers. An escape system for the ground support teams and flight crews will be added to quickly move people from the top of the tower to the safety of an evacuation vehicle in less than a minute.
The tower location is unique, as well. Since 1968, all astronauts launched from the United States have flown exclusively from Launch Pads 39A and B at NASA's adjacent Kennedy Space Center.
Construction at the pad began in September when the first of seven steel tiers was trucked from four miles away wh ere it was built and then placed atop a strengthened concrete foundation at SLC-41.
Built with many of the features already in place such as stairways, cable trays and blast shielding, each tier was designed to fit atop the other perfectly to reduce construction time at the pad. That's because ULA kept the pad operational so it could continue to launch Atlas V missions in between stages of tower construction.
"We have certainly changed the landscape out here," Biegler said. "The day the first tier physically made contact with the concrete and was bolted up brought a new level of reality to the project."
More work is ahead to complete the tower, but the main column stands in place as a herald for the next generation of human spaceflight in America. Steel sections branching off the main column will be in place by mid-January then the tower will be fitted with elevators, data lines and other elements. The tower's steel frame will weigh about 966,000 pounds when it's completed in fall 2016.
In late October, the structure's crew access arm was connected to the White Room, which will serve as the final corridor astronauts will pass through as they enter the Starliner spacecraft standing atop the Atlas V. The two components will be tested together extensively off-site before they are trucked to the launch complex and installed next summer.
Boeing anticipates launching the first flight test of its Starliner spacecraft carrying astronauts in 2017, but will use the tower before that time in the preparation for an earlier flight test without a crew aboard. 
"It takes a lot of people working hard together to get any spacecraft into orbit successfully, and that's doubly true for a new spacecraft being built for humans," said Mike Burghardt, director of Launch Segment Integration for Boeing's Commercial Crew Program. "The Starliner will feature modern, high reliability components to significantly increase crew safety and we back that up with robust launch system, including this Crew Access Tower."
All the work is adding to the feeling that a new dawn of spaceflight is nearing as NASA's Commercial Crew Program and its partners Boeing and SpaceX continue development on systems that will carry up to four astronauts at a time to the International Space Station. With commercial spacecraft transportation, NASA plans to add an additional crew member to the station, effectively doubling the crew time dedicated to research on the orbiting laboratory.
While Boeing and SpaceX focus on transportation opportunities in low-Earth orbit, NASA is moving ahead with its Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft that will take off from Kennedy's Launch Pad 39B to carry out deep-space exploration missions that will advance the agency's journey to Mars.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231545.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ksc-315d-0431_0020.jpg)
Workers guide the roof element to the top of the Crew Access Tower main column.
Credits: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Workers at a construction yard lift and connect the White Room to the end of the Crew Access Arm that will be installed next year on the Crew Access Tower.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231522.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/2015-2757.jpg)
An artists concept of Space Launch Complex 41 on launch day showing the Crew Access Tower in place beside a Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft and United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.
Credits: Courtesy Boeing

 https://youtu.be/hr1XTLC9uqw (https://youtu.be/hr1XTLC9uqw)
Watch the main column of the Crew Access Tower rise at SLC-41.
Credits: NASA
Last Updated: Nov. 4, 2015
Editor: Steven Siceloff
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 11.11.2015 13:14:38
 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/58973) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/58972) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/58971)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Oleg от 11.11.2015 17:00:20
RD-180 Engine - 1 шт )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 02.12.2015 13:09:13
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/59466) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/59467) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/59468)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 02.12.2015 12:17:32
Во. Дело идет. Из чего же корпус? Люминий? )))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 02.12.2015 18:27:36
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 03.12.2015 13:21:21
ЦитироватьOleg пишет:
RD-180 Engine - 1 шт )
а скока?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 03.12.2015 13:28:14
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет:
Во. Дело идет. Из чего же корпус? Люминий? )))
aluminium and lithium alloy
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.12.2015 02:09:13
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154858.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Scriptunas-7961.jpg)
Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154859.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Scriptunas-7983.jpg)
Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154860.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Scriptunas-7986.jpg)
Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154847.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00001.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154848.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00002.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154849.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00003.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154850.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00004.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154851.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00005.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154852.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00007.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154853.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00008.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154854.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00010.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154855.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00012.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154856.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00013.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154857.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OA-4_Remote_00015.jpg)
Credit: Alex Polimeni / Spaceflight Now
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 04.12.2015 07:26:22
Наверное тему перепутали...
Хотя на Атлас посмотрели ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 04.12.2015 09:18:42
Башню же хорошо видно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 06.12.2015 10:41:58
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Наверное тему перепутали...
Хотя на Атлас посмотрели  ;)
Lanista пишет:
Башню же хорошо видно.
С разных ракурсов.;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 14.12.2015 18:11:51
ЦитироватьThe White Room and Crew Access Arm built for use at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station stands at a construction yard where it will undergo testing before attachment to the Crew Access Tower already in place at SLC-41.

ЦитироватьCommercial Crew astronauts Suni Williams, Doug Hurley, Bob Behnken and Eric Boe listen to a detailed briefing about the White Room and Crew Access Arm structure they are standing in during a tour of the construction yard near Kennedy Space Center.

ЦитироватьCommercial Crew astronaut Suni Williams signs a 15-foot-long, 650-pound beam before it was lifted to the top of the Crew Access Tower during a "topping off" ceremony Dec. 10, 2015, at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

ЦитироватьA crane lifts a 15-foot-long, 650-pound beam to the top of the Crew Access Tower during a "topping off" ceremony Dec. 10, 2015, at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 20.12.2015 21:24:16
Цитировать https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-orders-second-boeing-crew-mission-to-international-space-station
Dec. 19, 2015
NASA Orders Second Boeing Crew Mission to International Space Station

NASA took an important step Friday to establish regular crew missions that will launch from the United States to the International Space Station with the order of its second post-certification mission from Boeing Space Exploration of Houston.

"Once certified by NASA, the Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon each will be capable of two crew launches to the station per year," said Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. "Placing orders for those missions now really sets us up for a sustainable future aboard the International Space Station."

This is the third in a series of four guaranteed orders NASA will make under the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contracts. Boeing and SpaceX received their first orders in May (http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/commercial-crew-milestones-met-partners-on-track-for-missions-in-2017) and November (http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-orders-spacex-crew-mission-to-international-space-station), respectively, and have started planning for, building and procuring the necessary hardware and assets to carry out their first missions for the agency. NASA will identify at a later time which company will fly a mission to the station first.

Boeing met the criteria for NASA to award the company its second mission with the successful completion of interim developmental milestones and internal design reviews for its Starliner spacecraft, United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket and associated ground system.

Boeing's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/grand-opening-of-the-c3pf) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida is seeing the buildup of the Starliner structural test article, and nearby, the main column of the crew access tower (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2015/12/10/astronauts-celebrate-with-builders-topping-of-crew-access-tower/) is in place at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex 41. Flight trainers are nearing completion in Boeing's St. Louis facility and rocket parts are starting to come together in Huntsville, Alabama.  

"As our company begins its second century, our Starliner program continues Boeing's tradition of space industry innovation with commercial service to the space station," said John Mulholland, vice president and manager of Boeing's commercial crew program. "We value NASA's confidence in the Starliner system to keep their crews safe."

Commercial crew missions to the space station will restore America's human spaceflight capabilities and increase the amount of time dedicated to scientific research off the Earth, for the Earth and beyond. A standard commercial crew mission to the station will carry up to four NASA or NASA-sponsored crew members and about 220 pounds of pressurized cargo. The spacecraft will remain at the station for up to 210 days, available as an emergency lifeboat during that time.

"With the commercial crew vehicles from Boeing and SpaceX, we will soon add a seventh crew member to International Space Station missions, which will significantly increase the amount of crew time to conduct research," said Kirk Shireman, manager for the International Space Station Program. "This will enable NASA and our partners to ramp up the important research being done every day for the benefit of all humanity."

Orders under the CCtCap contracts are made two to three years prior to actual mission dates in order to provide time for each company to manufacture and assemble the launch vehicle and spacecraft. Each company also must successfully complete a certification process before NASA will give the final approval for flight. Each provider's contract includes a minimum of two and a maximum potential of six missions.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program manages the CCtCap contracts and is working with each company to ensure commercial transportation system designs and post-certification missions will meet the agency's safety requirements. Activities that follow the award of missions include a series of mission-related reviews and approvals leading to launch. The program also will be involved in all operational phases of missions to ensure crew safety.
"советские газеты"...
Цитировать http://ria.ru/science/20151219/1344922826.html
НАСА разместило заявку на вторую пилотируемую миссию Boeing к МКС
07:02 19.12.2015
ВАШИНГТОН, 19 дек – РИА Новости. НАСА в пятницу разместило заявку на совершение второго пилотируемого полета к Международной космической станции (МКС) американской компанией Boeing, сообщило ведомство.
"После получения сертификатов НАСА, каждый из кораблей Boeing CST-100 Starliner и Crew Dragon должен будет совершить два запуска к станции в год. Размещение сейчас заявки на эти миссии является для нас курсом на устойчивое будущее на борту космической станции", — заявила менеджер пилотируемой программы НАСА Кати Лейдерс.
В НАСА размещение заявки на вторую пилотируемую миссию Boeing к МКС, после получения необходимых сертификатов, считают "важным шагом".
Аналогичный шаг в отношении компании Boeing был предпринят ранее в мае, затем в ноябре НАСА разместило заказ на выполнение первого пилотируемого полета компанией SpaceX. Даты предстоящих полетов и то, какая из компаний совершит пилотируемую миссию первой, будет определено позднее.
По контракту с НАСА Boeing ведет строительство корабля CST-100 Starliner, SpaceX разрабатывает пилотируемый корабль на основе грузовой капсулы Dragon.
Согласно условиям контракта, заказ на совершение миссии должен быть размещен НАСА "за два-три года" до фактического полета, чтобы у каждой из компании был достаточный запас времени для производства и сборки как ракеты-носителя, так и самого корабля.
Первый тестовый полет нового корабля, который должен вернуть США возможность собственных запусков экипажей на МКС, должен состояться в конце 2017 года. Каждая из компаний обязалась выполнить до шести пилотируемых полетов.
ЦитироватьBoeing Defense ретвитнул(а)
 NASA ‏@NASA 18 дек.
We ordered 2nd @BoeingDefense mission to fly astronauts to @Space_Station: http://go.nasa.gov/22eBhrI @Commercial_Crew
ЦитироватьBoeing Defense ретвитнул(а)
 NASA Commercial Crew ‏@Commercial_Crew 18 дек.
2nd @BoeingDefense mission ordered, now 7 @Commercial_crew flights in flow! #LaunchAmerica http://go.nasa.gov/1IZhxSH
NASA Orders Second Operational Mission for Boeing's Starliner
Posted on December 18, 2015 at 4:11 pm by Steven Siceloff.
NASA's Commercial Crew Program placed an order for the second operational mission to carry astronauts to the International Space Station aboard Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. The order means that seven vehicles are now in different levels of planning for Commercial Crew flight tests and operational missions by Boeing and by SpaceX, which also is developing the Crew Dragon spacecraft for human-rated missions to the space station. The seven missions in process are:

2 uncrewed flight tests, one for each company,
2 crewed flight tests, one each,
3 operational missions ordered to date.

The order was placed now because of the long lead time to build a spacecraft, test it and process it for launch.

"Once certified by NASA, the Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon each will be capable of at least two crew launches to the station per year," said Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. "Placing orders for those missions now really sets us up for a sustainable future aboard the International Space Station."

This is the third in a series of four guaranteed orders NASA will make under the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability contracts known as CCtCap. Boeing and SpaceX received their first orders in May and November, respectively, and have started planning for, building and procuring the necessary hardware and assets to carry out their first missions for the agency. NASA will identify at a later time which company will fly a mission to the station first. There are many more details to this story and you can read them at http://go.nasa.gov/1IZhxSH
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 20.12.2015 18:34:23
а тетка-то у них вполне себе серьезная
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 31.12.2015 18:59:34
Компания «Боинг» строит первый экземпляр новой космической капсулы (http://astronews.ru/cgi-bin/mng.cgi?page=news&news=8080)
ЦитироватьСтроительство первого экземпляра космического корабля CST-100 Starliner компании «Боинг» идет полным ходом в ангаре под названием Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF) компании – новом помещении для сборки космических аппаратов, расположенном в Космическом центре Кеннеди НАСА.

Космические корабли Boeing Starliners должны менее чем за два года решить проблему доставки астронавтов НАСА на низкую околоземную орбиту и к Международной космической станции, при их совместном с использовании с ракетами-носителями «Атлас V», запуски которых планируется производить с атлантического побережья штата Флорида, США.

Эта пробная версия космического корабля Starliner будет использована для тестирования структуры и сыграет ключевую роль при оценке пригодности используемых методов производства и обработки материалов и деталей для всех последующих рабочих экземпляров этих космических кораблей – которые в конечном счете доставят команду из четырех астронавтов на борт космической станции в 2017 г.

Сборку этого пробного экземпляра (structural test article, STA) космического корабля Starliner в настоящее время производят внутри ангара C3PF компании с использованием тех же методов и производственных процессов, которые будут использованы при создании рабочих экземпляров капсулы. К настоящему времени завершена сборка двух куполов, которые будут составлять основу космической капсулы, к этим куполам бессварочными методами прикреплен туннель для входа экипажа на борт корабля.

После того как сборка STA будет завершена, этот экземпляр корабля отправится в Калифорнию для проведения испытаний на критические напряжения, которые должны подтвердить основные возможности космического аппарата.

В сентябре 2014 г. НАСА и компания «Боинг» заключили контракт на сумму 4,2 миллиарда USD, по которому эта авиакосмическая компания обязуется построить «космическое такси» CST-100 Starliner в рамках программы Commercial Crew Transportation Capability американского космического агентства.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 01.01.2016 23:37:42
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
а тетка-то у них вполне себе серьезная
угу. прям дядька
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 02.01.2016 02:29:35
Мне вот интересно какие перспективы у CT-100 после 2020-го года. Ну будут они вместе с Драконом летать на МКС после 2020-го года или даже до 2030-го (если продлят эксплуатацию станции). А что потом?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Михаил Вандерер от 02.01.2016 04:14:49
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Мне вот интересно какие перспективы у CT-100 после 2020-го года.
ИМХО конечно. Возможно наса объявит очередной коммерческий конкурс после 2020года на создание орбитальной пилотируемой станции, будут "частники" строить и эксплуатировать. Соответственно будет работа пилотируемым кораблям и грузовикам.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Nilk от 02.01.2016 05:40:38
А чего там строить? Запустят бочку а-ля Цигнус и будут к ней стыковаться, ну может Бигелоу с боку надувашку приделает ещё, ну и всё.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 02.01.2016 11:42:50
ЦитироватьВандерер пишет:
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Мне вот интересно какие перспективы у CT-100 после 2020-го года.
ИМХО конечно. Возможно наса объявит очередной коммерческий конкурс после 2020года на создание орбитальной пилотируемой станции, будут "частники" строить и эксплуатировать. Соответственно будет работа пилотируемым кораблям и грузовикам.
лично я вижу перспективы только с точки зрения туризма. В остальном просто не понимаю куда и как часто они будут на СТ-100 летать. Но для туризма нужно создавать орбитальную туристическую станцию после 2020-го года. А вот если кризис и бюджетные расходы урежут, а частники не пойдут дальше в космос, что тогда делать?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 02.01.2016 12:04:48
На китайскую станцию могут раз у них оттепель в космическом сотрудничестве и китайцы приглашают другие страны.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 02.01.2016 13:19:17
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
На китайскую станцию могут раз у них оттепель в космическом сотрудничестве и китайцы приглашают другие страны.
Если китайцы и будут летать типа как Интеркосмос, а они скорее всего будут, то с Нигерией, АСЕАН и другими развивающимися странами. ВОзможно конечно будет кооперация между крупными частными американскими компаниями по созданию совместной новой станции между Боингом, Бигелоу, Орбиталом и другими. Будут туда туристов возить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 02.01.2016 15:11:48
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Если китайцы и будут летать типа как Интеркосмос, а они скорее всего будут, то с Нигерией, АСЕАН и другими развивающимися странами
В опровержении этих слов писали про ЕКА и Китай....
И кажется Китай рассматривает возможность полетов к их станции кораблей других стран, а это уже не Интеркосмос, а уровень Мир-Шаттл, МКС.

Хотя куда и как часто будут летать вопрос хороший. Могут запускать Дримлайнер по контракту с НАСА и два раза в год. Ведь нужен национальный корабль...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 02.01.2016 18:45:29
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
В опровержении этих слов писали про ЕКА и Китай....
И кажется Китай рассматривает возможность полетов к их станции кораблей других стран, а это уже не Интеркосмос, а уровень Мир-Шаттл, МКС.

Хотя куда и как часто будут летать вопрос хороший. Могут запускать Дримлайнер по контракту с НАСА и два раза в год. Ведь нужен национальный корабль...
У китайцев это чисто политический проект как Интеркосмос. Хотя в космонавтике вообще много всего политического. Китайцы будут летать с теми развивающимися странами, кто еще не был в космосе. Это Нигерия Индонезия, Филиппины, Бангладеш, и другие. Могут активно использовать наработки русских и привлечь их. Американцам это не интересно, так как с данной программы Китая они получить ничего не смогут, а вот китайцам свой опыт передавать особенно не хочеться. Запускать 2 раза в год по контракту с НАСА могут, но нужно не забывать что есть еще как минимум Дракон (конкурент), а есть еще Орион, (хоть и для дальнего космоса). Слишком много конкурентов. Предположим что до 2024-го года он будет летать так же как Дракон 2 раза в год, и возможно даже после. Но что будет после 2030-го если не будет новой станции? К томуже стоит не забывать, что НАСА может сделать приоритет в пользу одного из двух кораблей - Дракон и СТ-100. К томуже все функции с успехом мог бы осуществлять Орион. Одновременно 3 аппарата с жиру бесятся.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 02.01.2016 22:36:23
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Но что будет после 2030-го если не будет новой станции? К томуже стоит не забывать, что НАСА может сделать приоритет в пользу одного из двух кораблей - Дракон и СТ-100. К томуже все функции с успехом мог бы осуществлять Орион. Одновременно 3 аппарата с жиру бесятся.
До 2030 года надо еще дожить, лет через 10 будет понятно, куда можно летать.
Смешивать в одну кучу Орион и Дрэгон со Стралайнером не стоит. Первый делается под различные, пока не совсем ясные задачи (Лагранж, астероиды...). Вторые - под сугубо утилитарную задачу. Избавить НАСА от зависимости от РФ в вопросах доставки астронавтов на/с МКС. Выделяет НАСА деньги именно под это, надеяь, после отказа от сотрудничества с РФ, получить политическую (несомненно) и финансовую (вероятно) выгоду. В этой связи НАСА не особо волнует судьба этих кораблей после завершения программы МКС. Но если будет политический заказ на новую, чисто американскую, или американо-европейскую, станцию - одной головной болью у НАСА будет меньше. Готовые и обкатанные пилотируемые корабли к тому времени иже будут.
Насчет "с жиру бесятся" - отнюдь. К НОО будут летать всего 2 корабля. Разных производителей, на разных РН. То есть проблема с компонентами (сам корабль, ракета-носитель и т.д.) не вызовут больших проблем, так как останется второй производитель со своим набором. Правильное решение. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 02.01.2016 23:41:13
Я считаю, что все задачи мог бы выполнять один корабль - Орион. Старлайнер и Дрэгон с жиру бесятся. Думаю что в районе 2020-го выберут какой-нибудь один.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 03.01.2016 01:26:18
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Я считаю, что все задачи мог бы выполнять один корабль - Орион. Старлайнер и Дрэгон с жиру бесятся. Думаю что в районе 2020-го выберут какой-нибудь один.
В теории, и с дополнительными опциями - мог бы. Орион мог бы летать к МКС. Два остальных выше НОО - вряд ли. Но зачем это НАСА, если проще иметь несколько кораблей?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 03.01.2016 02:42:13
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Но зачем это НАСА, если проще иметь несколько кораблей?
Я не понимаю чем проще? Все операции мог бы выполнять один Орион и это было бы полюбому дешевле чем 2 корабля. А здесь их три.  Полагаю, что в будущем или от Драгона или от Старлайнера придется отказаться. За счет 2-ух кораблей возрастают общие эксплуатационные расходы и это становится совершенно не дешевле. Кто то из них двоих должен проиграть. А возможно после МКС Боинг применит Старлайнер под свои нужды а Маск Драгон под свои и они медленно разойдутся
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 03.01.2016 09:42:50
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Я считаю, что все задачи мог бы выполнять один корабль - Орион. Старлайнер и Дрэгон с жиру бесятся. Думаю что в районе 2020-го выберут какой-нибудь один.
Ну предлагайте РН для этого Ориона, посмотрим что будет дешевле. И для Старлайнера...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 03.01.2016 10:12:09
Один корабль - это монополизм, задирание цен бесконтрольное. Конкуренция удешевляет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 03.01.2016 12:30:45
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Я не понимаю чем проще? Все операции мог бы выполнять один Орион и это было бы полюбому дешевле чем 2 корабля. А здесь их три. Полагаю, что в будущем или от Драгона или от Старлайнера придется отказаться. За счет 2-ух кораблей возрастают общие эксплуатационные расходы и это становится совершенно не дешевле. Кто то из них двоих должен проиграть. А возможно после МКС Боинг применит Старлайнер под свои нужды а Маск Драгон под свои и они медленно разойдутся
Проще тем, что наличие двух кораблей для НОО, к тому же не производимыми напрямую НАСА, а покупаемыми под конктреные задачи, развязывает руки и облегчает планирование. НАСА будет платить за полеты на этих кораблях (покупать полет корабля) только до тех пор, прока считает это нужным. В принципе, как сейчас происходит с "Союзом" - только с иными политическими последствиями и без финансовой поддержки "наименее возможного союзника". Деньги будут оставаться в США. Что будет с кораблями и производством после завершения потребности НАСА в них - головная боль Боинга и СпейсХ. Наличие сразу двух "извозчиков" снижает риски как в случае аварии одного из кораблей, так и в случае финансовых проблем у одного из производителей. Всегда остается второй. При этом да, и накручивать цену особо не получится.
Путать же с этими кораблями "Орион" не стоит. На сегодня он разрабатывается очень неспешно (в том числе для экономии средств). И разрабатывается одновременно с РН именно для дальних полетов. Если вы не забыли, первый пилотируемый полет намечен на 2021 год, и, возможно, еще не раз сдвинется. То есть назначение этих кораблей, сроки создания, источники финансирования - совершенно разные.
Если все пойдет хорошо, в начале 20-х годов у США будут не 3 корабля, а два типа кораблей: для дальних полетов ("Орион") и для НОО ("Дрэгон" и "Старлайнер"). А возможно и СпейсХ доведет до реализацию свою идею "Дальнего Дрэгона" в помощб "Ориону", а там и Бероз "сваяет" что-либо для орбиратльных полетов.
И выполнять разные задачи разными кораблями будет дешевле - меньше переделок, и меньше рисков.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 03.01.2016 11:58:56
Тут можно ещё заметить, что дракон и старлайнер вместе стоят в разы дешевле Ориона.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 03.01.2016 13:21:48
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Проще тем, что наличие двух кораблей для НОО, к тому же не производимыми напрямую НАСА, а покупаемыми под конктреные задачи, развязывает руки и облегчает планирование. НАСА будет платить за полеты на этих кораблях (покупать полет корабля) только до тех пор, прока считает это нужным.
Одновременно увеличивает бюджетные расходы и создают конкуренцию по доступу к бюджетным деньгам от Спейсх и Боинга. Деньги нужны на поддержание одновремнно двух программ что полюбому увеличивает расходы чем одной.
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Что будет с кораблями и производством после завершения потребности НАСА в них - головная боль Боинга и СпейсХ
ВОт об этом то и речь. Регулярно они начнут возить не раньше 2020-го года. НАСА уже проплатило деньги Роскосмосу за 2018 г и скорее будут платить дальше до 2020го. Это сейчас обсуждается.
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
При этом да, и накручивать цену особо не получится.
Возможно. Но издержки будут полюбому выше.
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Путать же с этими кораблями "Орион" не стоит. На сегодня он разрабатывается очень неспешно (в том числе для экономии средств). И разрабатывается одновременно с РН именно для дальних полетов. Если вы не забыли, первый пилотируемый полет намечен на 2021 год, и, возможно, еще не раз сдвинется
Уже 23-й если ничего не путаю.Для Ориона будут служебный европейский модуль и после 2018 г., будет создан так называемый "штормовой отсек". Идеология Ориона не совсем ясна. Она для дальнего космоса но не понятно какого дальнего космоса. При том уровне технологий что есть дальше Луны летать вряд ли придется и про Марс можно забыть. Вся эта концепция с SLS стоит безумно дорого. Если чисто запускать Орион к МКС на атласе или Дельте это будет стоить в 3-5 раз дешевле.

Я все-таки считаю что с жиру бесятся. В случае финансовых сложностей в американской экономике, а они полюбому будут есть шанс не доведения ни одного проекта до логичного конца и только одного частично.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: hlynin от 03.01.2016 14:14:49
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
В случае финансовых сложностей в американской экономике, а они полюбому будут
Интересно, постоянно говорят об возможных трудностях, сложностях и неприятностях. В нашей ли, в другой ли экономике. И даже "полюбому будут". То есть, что делать, если экономика даст дуба. Никогда не встречал выражений, а что делать, если экономика даст козла. Между тем никаких сложностей в американской экономике я не вижу. Как бы наоборот.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest2 от 03.01.2016 14:25:50
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Одновременно увеличивает бюджетные расходы и создают конкуренцию по доступу к бюджетным деньгам от Спейсх и Боинга. Деньги нужны на поддержание одновремнно двух программ что полюбому увеличивает расходы чем одной.
Какое дело НАСА до расходов частных компаний? Даже с наценками первого этапа НАСА платит SpaceX за одно место меньше, чем нам. При этом рассуждать о стоимости поддержания систем вы можете сколько угодно.
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
ВОт об этом то и речь. Регулярно они начнут возить не раньше 2020-го года. НАСА уже проплатило деньги Роскосмосу за 2018 г и скорее будут платить дальше до 2020го. Это сейчас обсуждается.
Нет, сейчас продление контракта с нами не обсуждается. Кроме того, тестовые полеты начнутся в 2017 году. По плану даже первый регулярный полет в конце 2017 года.
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Вся эта концепция с SLS стоит безумно дорого. Если чисто запускать Орион к МКС на атласе или Дельте это будет стоить в 3-5 раз дешевле.
ну а если с таким подходом совсем не запускать никуда - еще дешевле.
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
будет создан так называемый "штормовой отсек"
Не будет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 03.01.2016 14:45:44
Покупают у России потому что договариваться о покупке мест нужно за несколько лет, а не так что захотел, а через полгода Роскосмос выделяет два места в трехместном корабле.
Разговор что Роскосмос будет возить после начала полетов с американской земли кажется есть, но там по взаимозачетам между агентствами.
О каких регулярно возить после 2020 года? Уже сейчас объявлено о желаемом графике запусков кораблей.
Атласа наверное после 21 года уже не будет, т.к. российские движки. Имеющаяся Дельта дорога и требует сертификации.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 04.01.2016 00:16:00


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 04.01.2016 12:46:41
Поживем увидим. Основная проблема перспективы Старлайнера также как Драгона - это что с ними делать после МКС. Летать они массово начнут все равно после 2020-го года даже несмотря на то что на 2017 г предварительно запланированы пилотируемые миссии. МКС работает до 2025 г, возможно работу станции продлят после 2025 г, но вот что делать после 2030-го большой вопрос. Еще раз в случае бюджетного дефицита возникнут вопросы в применимости 2-ух кораблей. И Боингу и СпэйсХ так же как им подобным (Сьера Невада, Орбиталу и другим) хорошо бы иметь отдельную станцию, иначе их слишком много для одной МКС.  Хотя могу признать что сам по себе Старлайнер будут очень эффективным КК.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 06.01.2016 00:09:57
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет: Летать они массово начнут все равно после 2020-го года даже несмотря на то что на 2017 г предварительно запланированы пилотируемые миссии. 
Они не будут летать массово, это даже не обсуждается. 2 полета в год каждого корабля - то есть суммарно 4 полета. Никакой массовости не планируется. О чем вы вообще?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 05.01.2016 23:58:18
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Они не будут летать массово, это даже не обсуждается. 2 полета в год каждого корабля - то есть суммарно 4 полета.
Возможно, но в планах (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum14/topic9573/message1454565/#message1454565) 2018, 2019 ежегодно по два пилотируемых американских пуска - Май и Ноябрь....
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 06.01.2016 12:42:42
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Возможно, но в планах (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum14/topic9573/message1454565/#message1454565)  2018, 2019 ежегодно по два пилотируемых американских пуска - Май и Ноябрь....
Вы думаете эти 2 + 2 полета и имеются в виду под массовостью???
Насчет сроков - на сегодня все планы 2016+ - писаны на воде вилами. Есть некоторая ясность с первым беспилотным полетом Дрэгона - не раньше декабря. Все остальное - под вопросом. То есть сначала должны пройти пилотируемые испытательные полеты, и лишь потом - "операционные". Никакого "планого разгона" не планируется (то есть сначала по одному полету, потом по два). Когда будет ясность с реальным началом полетов - тогда будет смысл смотреть на таблицу полетов. Сейчас сомое сложный период у НАСА - нужно постоянно отслеживать работу подрядчиков (в реальности), чтобы быть готовым к покупке еще дополнительных мест на "Союзах". Причем постараться не сделать это раньше необходимого.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 06.01.2016 15:32:41
Первый пилотируемый полет СТ-100 в 2017 г также как Драгона. Реальная эксплуатация при самых оптимистичнных и быстрых перспективах по доставке астронавтов на МКС начнется после 2018 г. Именно поэтому НАСА рассматривает дальнейшую возможность по отправке астронавтов на МКС с помощью Союзов после 2018 г. Скорее всего так и будет, поскольку в ходе летных испытаний и эксплуатации возникает масса непредвиденных сложностей и аварий которые тормозят ход. Надеюсь, что с СТ-100 будет не так но все-таки опыт подсказывает что все растягивается минимум на 2-3 года вправо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 06.01.2016 16:24:06
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Возможно, но в планах (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum14/topic9573/message1454565/#message1454565) 2018, 2019 ежегодно по два пилотируемых американских пуска - Май и Ноябрь....
Вы думаете эти 2 + 2 полета и имеются в виду под массовостью???
Я только подправил 4 полета с американской земли в год, на 2 в год по расписанию в 2018, 2019 году.
А кто завел про массовостью и сколько это в год?
Может быть со временем у них будут краткосрочные миссии посещения МКС, но с другой стороны зачем эти миссии..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 06.01.2016 17:42:56
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Я только подправил 4 полета с американской земли в год, на 2 в год по расписанию в 2018, 2019 году.
А кто завел про массовостью и сколько это в год?
Может быть со временем у них будут краткосрочные миссии посещения МКС, но с другой стороны зачем эти миссии..
Я понял, просто в нынешней ситуации это пока не определено точно. Экипажи не назначались, корабли пока в разработке. Надеюсь, что сроки выдержат, но сползание вполне возможно. 
Про массовость завел Quооndo: "Летать они массово начнут все равно после 2020-го года". Что он под этим понимает, он пока не ответил.

Краткосрочные миссии - экспедиции посещения. В теории это возможно, но вроде как я понял, Боинг пока планирует сделать всего три экземпляра корабля, из которых только два летных (расчитанных на 10 полетов каждый, то есть элемент многоразовости). При условии, что они будут (каждый) летать по разу в год на МКС, то ни на какие дополнительные миссии времени не остается.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 06.01.2016 17:27:35
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Экипажи не назначались, корабли пока в разработке.
Экипажи для тестовых полетов уже готовы, Даг Херли Сунита Вильямс и другие. Такие экипажи да, пока не назначались, но и рано еще. В 2017-ом только предварительно тестовые полеты.
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Про массовость завел Quооndo: "Летать они массово начнут все равно после 2020-го года". Что он под этим понимает, он пока не ответил.
Под этим я просто тупо подразумевал регулярную эксплуатацию по отправке экипажей 2 раза в год или чаше в случае изменения планов. Может найдут новые ниши после 2020-го года построят какую-нибудь частную ОС и будут туда летать более чем 2 раза в год, и построят на 3 а 5 кораблей или больше. Вот это я имел в виду. Пока же проект в стадии реализации и еще очень рано говорить про регулярные полеты и массовость. Я думаю, что если развивать проект он будут дешевле и эффективней и Боингу стоит задуматься чтобы пойти в ширь.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 06.01.2016 18:30:25
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
В теории это возможно, но вроде как я понял, Боинг пока планирует сделать всего три экземпляра корабля, из которых только два летных (расчитанных на 10 полетов каждый, то есть элемент многоразовости)
а какой ваш источник таких утверждений, т.к. я понял из найденного 
Цитировать https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-orders-second-boeing-crew-mission-to-international-space-station
...NASA took an important step Friday to establish regular crew missions that will launch from the United States to the International Space Station with the order of its second post-certification mission from Boeing Space Exploration of Houston....This is the third in a series of four guaranteed orders NASA will make under the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contracts. Boeing and SpaceX received their first orders in May and November, respectively, and have started planning for, building and procuring the necessary hardware and assets to carry out their first missions for the agency. NASA will identify at a later time which company will fly a mission to the station first.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program placed an order for the second operational mission to carry astronauts to the International Space Station aboard Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft.
Что в декабре заказан 4-тый корабль от Боинга.
2017 May - CST-100 Starliner (unmanned test) (Boe-OFT) - Atlas V 422 (AV-073) - Canaveral SLC-41
2017 September - CST-100 Starliner (manned test) (Boe-CFT) - Atlas V 422 (AV-080) - Canaveral SLC-41
2017 December - CST-100 Starliner - Atlas V 422 - Canaveral SLC-41
и или в мае или в ноябре, или в обе даты запускает Боинг
2018 May 30 - CST-100 Starliner/Dragon v2 - Atlas V 422 / Falcon 9 FT - Canaveral SLC-41/Kennedy LC-39A
2018 November 30 - CST-100 Starliner/Dragon v2 - Atlas V 422 / Falcon 9 FT - Canaveral SLC-41/Kennedy LC-39A

Как понял первый в рамках операционной деятельности (запуск в декабе 2017) заказали в Мае 2015 (http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/commercial-crew-milestones-met-partners-on-track-for-missions-in-2017)

Что-то при текущем контракте с НАСА массовости запусков ожидать не приходится: минимум два , максимум шесть от одного производителя.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 06.01.2016 20:19:48
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
а какой ваш источник таких утверждений, т.к. я понял из найденного

Что-то при текущем контракте с НАСА массовости запусков ожидать не приходится: минимум два , максимум шесть от одного производителя.
Ничего инсайдерского, в основном блог НАСА про коммерческие корабли Commercial Crew Program (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/) и лента новостей PARABOLIC ARC (http://www.parabolicarc.com/). В одной из новостей было цифра - 4 полета в год с "американской земли".

Как я понимаю, на сегодня размещены заявки не 4, а 3 полета: 2 с Боингом, 1 со СпейсХ. Вторая со СпейсХ будет скоро, если я не пропустил. Первая в ноябре была.

По числу полетов тут нюанс. Как и с доставкой грузов на ограниченное число полетов, по программе 
Commercial Crew Transportation предусматривается заранее определнное число полетов, что ничуть не мешает её продлению. Либо через отдельное соглашение с одним из "провайдеров", либо через расширение числа полетов в рамках программы, либо новый конкурс. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 07.01.2016 14:46:23
Мне бы очень хотелось чтобы Боинг построил не 3-4 СТ-100 а 10 Старлайнеров. Чтобы они летали не 3-4 раза в год на МКС а 10 раз в год. Чтобы в 2020-х Боинг договорился бы с Бигелоу и они вместе построили бы ОС для туристов. Чтобы Стралайнер возил не 2-3 человека, а 6-7 за раз из которых 4-5 будут туристами. Чтобы Старлайнеры летали бы через 10 лет не 2-3 раза в год а каждый месяц, и поднимали на орбиту по 50-100 человек в год. Чтобы космический туризм стал бы точно такой же естественной вещью как обычный. Но ситуация такова что все эти надежды очень незначительны, а Старлайнер будут скорее всего реально летать 2-3 раза в год даже через 10 лет. И если число построенных челноков не превысит 5, то количество миссий по большому счету ограничено продолжительностью работы МКС. При конкуренции с Драгоном один из них точно сойдет с дистанции за контракты для НАСА.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 07.01.2016 15:31:49
лет 30 назад такой же молодой человек, как Quооndo (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/user/43036/), в Америке мечтал про 20-30 пусков Шаттла в год, про свою крупную орбитальную станцию. но реальность оказалась другая...
однако ж не стОит становиться пессимистами.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 07.01.2016 16:28:47
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 07.01.2016 17:48:44
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Чтобы Стралайнер возил не 2-3 человека
Кроме первого пилотируемого полета экипаж в дальнейшем никак не 2-3 человека....

Откуда пишущие в теме берут что НАСА будет брать б/у.... какие англоязычные официальные источники? кроме как заявлений что корабль частично многоразовый
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 07.01.2016 19:49:40
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Откуда пишущие в теме берут что НАСА будет брать б/у.... какие англоязычные официальные источники? кроме как заявлений что корабль частично многоразовый
John Elbon об этом говорил в конце января прошлого года. На 4 полета (один беспилотный, один испытательный, и два операционных) строится всего два корабля. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 07.01.2016 18:59:36
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
Кроме первого пилотируемого полета экипаж в дальнейшем никак не 2-3 человека....
Будет четыре.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 07.01.2016 20:25:10
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
John Elbon об этом говорил в конце января прошлого года. На 4 полета (один беспилотный, один испытательный, и два операционных) строится всего два корабля.
а можно ссылку на источник т.к. не нашел с разбега. На форуме тоже не нашел что строится два корабля, это более похоже на два запуска по контракту в рамках операционной деятельности. На англоязычной вики тоже нету.
Цитировать http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/01/28/atlas-5-launch-pad-being-prepared-for-astronaut-crews/
"We build that up and we load it to make sure that the design matches the load paths," Elbon said. "This fall, the pieces that will make up the qualification test vehicle, which then gets refurbished to become the crew flight test vehicle, will be arriving."
Цитировать http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/02/20/launch-america-getting-new-access-gantry-for-astronauts-2/
"The CST-100 capsule is designed to be used 10 times. So we will recover it, refurbish it in the facility at KSC and fly it again," said Elbon.
Кто-то надеятся что пятое место будет использоваться не по контракту с НАСА
"What is the crew size that can fly aboard CST-100?"
"The crew size will be five. We can go to seven if we have to. But NASA only wants four. Their requirement says four. We sell NASA the seats," said Ferguson.
Цитировать http://www.boeing.com/space/crew-space-transportation-100-vehicle/
(что-то Боинг не пишет на странице в вехах истории про купленный второй полет, про первый писали)

Статья от 29 декабря 2015 с фотографиями
Цитировать http://www.universetoday.com/120760/buildup-first-boeing-starliner-crew-vehicle-ramps-kennedy-space-center/
 29 Dec , 2015 by Ken Kremer (http://www.universetoday.com/author/ken-kremer/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Бальзам Космический от 07.01.2016 20:57:33
странно, НАСА Маску отказало в повторном использовании "Драконов" при полётах на МКС, а Боингу разрешило, в чём же причина, у них корабли что не в солёные Атлантический или Тихий океаны будут приводнятся, а к примеру в пресное озеро Мичиган, или Боингу удалось создать системы корабля на которые не воздействует солёная вода?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Бальзам Космический от 07.01.2016 21:59:01
тут ещё момент у Маска с многоразовостью Falcon 9, НАСА вряд ли ему позволит сажать пилотируемый Дракон на уже отлетавшую 1 ступень, вероятно для Дракона будут использовать новую, а её уже отлетавшую для других ПН
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 07.01.2016 23:16:30
ЦитироватьКоля Наумов пишет:
у них корабли что не в солёные Атлантический или Тихий океаны будут приводнятся, а к примеру в пресное озеро Мичиган, или Боингу удалось создать системы корабля на которые не воздействует солёная вода?
кажется ответ звучал ранее
ЦитироватьValerij пишет:
На сушу, на аэробэгах (надувных амортизаторах). Естественно, с парашютом.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Бальзам Космический от 08.01.2016 01:25:49
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
ЦитироватьКоля Наумов пишет:
у них корабли что не в солёные Атлантический или Тихий океаны будут приводнятся, а к примеру в пресное озеро Мичиган, или Боингу удалось создать системы корабля на которые не воздействует солёная вода?
кажется ответ звучал ранее
ЦитироватьValerij пишет:
На сушу, на аэробэгах (надувных амортизаторах). Естественно, с парашютом.
неужто они смогут смягчить удар, при приземлении? так чтоб не пострадали астронавты и СА, это же не версия многоразового Дракона с его управляемым спуском при использовании двигателей САС/ДМП, который должен будет приземляться в определённой площадке, а Старлайнер планируют сажать в пустыне?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: pkl от 08.01.2016 02:27:58
Коля, Вам же сказали - посадка на надувных амортизаторах /вроде тех, что в автомашинах/. Вполне смягчают удар.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Бальзам Космический от 08.01.2016 01:47:49
Цитироватьpkl пишет:
Коля, Вам же сказали - посадка на надувных амортизаторах /вроде тех, что в автомашинах/. Вполне смягчают удар.
да всё понятно, спасибо, просто странно что никто кроме Боинга не использовал и не планирует (насколько мне известно)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: N от 08.01.2016 10:18:57
Много автоматов использовало пневматические бамперы.
Мало пилотируемых капсул было в разработке. Пилотируемые американские капсулы садились на воду. Советские амортизировались ДМП еще со времен Восхода. Китайцы повторили советские образцы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Бальзам Космический от 08.01.2016 16:36:33
ЦитироватьN пишет:
Много автоматов использовало пневматические бамперы.
Мало пилотируемых капсул было в разработке. Пилотируемые американские капсулы садились на воду. Советские амортизировались ДМП еще со времен Восхода. Китайцы повторили советские образцы.
про посадку пилотируемых всё известно... летавших и летающих. а про автоматы, какие из них садились на Землю на надувных амортизаторах? такая посадка была у аппаратов Е-6, и марсианских АМС, и то по большей части советских
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KL от 18.01.2016 17:11:20
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
ЦитироватьPaleopulo пишет:
Экипажи не назначались, корабли пока в разработке.
Экипажи для тестовых полетов уже готовы, Даг Херли Сунита Вильямс и другие. Такие экипажи да, пока не назначались, но и рано еще. В 2017-ом только предварительно тестовые полеты.
Бенкен и Боу, похоже, специализируются на CST-100 (в сообщении от 7 января 2016). Хотя, может быть, в кадр попала только их тренировка


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 20.01.2016 01:08:06
ЦитироватьBridging the past and future on the shoulders of the Atlas rocket       
Posted on January 19, 2016 by Justin Ray (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/justin-sfn-ray/)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154883.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/humanatlas.jpg)
Two generations of manned Atlas rockets. Launch of John Glenn (left) and concept of Starliner (right). Credit: NASA and Boeing
CAPE CANAVERAL — On top of an Atlas rocket, the place where orbital spaceflight for American astronauts began, will sit Boeing's Starliner spacecraft to launch humans into space starting next year.
It was Feb. 20, 1962 when an Atlas D booster blasted off with Project Mercury's Friendship 7 capsule and John Glenn to become the nation's first person to orbit the Earth.
More than a half-century later, a bold new era of commercial travel to and from space is about to start, and Atlas rockets will again play a pivotal role.
The domestic access to space for U.S. astronauts has been stymied since the winged shuttle orbiters were retired from service in 2011, leaving NASA to purchase seats aboard Russian Soyuz crew capsules flying up and down from the International Space Station.
The Soyuz, a reliable ship for sure, launches and lands in Kazakhstan, away from the limelight and national pride of Americans who once flocked to Florida's Space Coast for a glimpse of man departing the Earth atop a rocket's brilliant glare.
But next year, after enduring budget-related delays, NASA's Commercial Crew Program is poised to launch its first astronauts from U.S. soil.
"I remember when I launched from Kennedy the first time on a U.S. space shuttle and it was pretty amazing. So I can only imagine what it's going to be like after this long period of time to get back on a spacecraft at Kennedy and have family and friends and people from all over the country watching. That's going to be pretty special," said Suni Williams, one of the astronauts now training to fly on a Commercial Crew spacecraft.
"I think we have lost a little bit of that in the last couple of years because we were launching from so far away in Kazakhstan with the Russian space program. So bringing that back home to everybody here, it will be a pretty exciting moment."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154866.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154866.jpg)
Crowds flock to the Space Coast to see the final shuttle launch in 2011. Credit: NASA
NASA has assigned a four-person cadre of astronauts that will fly the initial test flights of the Starliner and Dragon spacecraft. They put a human face on the vehicles and are integral to building the partnerships between NASA and the commercial providers.
All are veteran space shuttle astronauts and military test pilots:
* Air Force Col. Bob Behnken, a two-time space shuttle mission specialist and former chief astronaut. After graduating Air Force Test Pilot School, he was a flight test engineer for the F-22.
* Ret. Air Force Col. Eric Boe, a two-time shuttle pilot including Discovery's final mission. He graduated Air Force Test Pilot School and was assigned as the director of test for Air-to-Air Missile Test Division flying the F-15 and UH-1N.
* Ret. Marine Col. Doug Hurley, a two-time shuttle pilot including the final flight in 2011. He graduated from Naval Test Pilot School and was assigned to the Naval Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, becoming the first Marine pilot to fly the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet.
* Navy Capt. Suni Williams, a veteran of 322 days in space, launching aboard Discovery on her way to serving as a flight engineer aboard the space station's Expedition 14-15 crew, then later flying aboard a Soyuz to be commander of Expedition 33. After graduation from the Naval Test Pilot School, she was assigned to the Rotary Wing Aircraft Test Directorate as an H-46 project officer and later returned to the school as an instructor.
"It's really been the dream of all of us to participate in the test of a new vehicle, and a vehicle like a spacecraft is the gem of a career for folks," Behnken said.
"I would have been embarrassed as a Test Pilot School graduate to not jump at the opportunity, if it was offered to me, to fly a new spacecraft."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154869.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/23577821151_85ea762f42_k.jpg)
Behnken, Williams, Boe and Hurley survey the Atlas crew access arm. Credit: NASA
Engineers and technicians, diligently working today in factories across the country, are building new spacecraft and the rockets to launch them, a commercial endeavor by The Boeing Co., United Launch Alliance and Space Exploration Technologies Corp. for NASA and the nation.
The firms will share the role of taxi service for crew members going to low-Earth orbit, with Boeing's Starliner craft being launched atop United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets and the SpaceX capsules flying on the company's Falcon 9 booster.
"We are excited to be back in manned flight again. There's a lot of experience that we bring to the table regarding manned flight and we are thrilled to pieces to have our partners to work with to get some smoke and fire back on the launch pad," said Steve Payne, who orchestrated space shuttle countdowns and now serves in the Commercial Crew Program at Kennedy Space Center.
"But it is their show. This is the beginning of a whole new industry of commercial spaceflight. Someday you'll be able to go buy a ticket and fly as well."
Manufacturing of the Starliners is underway at Kennedy Space Center's former shuttle hangar now occupied by Boeing. ULA begins building the first man-rated Atlas 5 rockets this spring at its sprawling plant in Decatur, Alabama.
Starliner, originally dubbed the Crew Space Transportation (CST) -100 spacecraft, can accommodate up to seven passengers or a mix of crew and cargo to low-Earth orbit. It features an automated docking system and a parachute and air bag system for soft land landings.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154878.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/atlas5_cst100b.jpg)
Atlas and Starliner clear the tower. Credit: NASA/ULA
Boeing's Orbital Flight Test, or OFT, is targeted for next summer aboard Atlas 5 tail number AV-076. It will be an unmanned checkout mission for the Starliner spacecraft, flying up the International Space Station and docking for a brief stay before returning to Earth for landing.
Then comes the Crewed Flight Test, or CFT, next October, if all goes well, to take a Boeing test pilot and a NASA astronaut to the space station for a full-up demonstration of the commercial ferry service. It will launch atop Atlas AV-079.
"Shuttle was a very complicated system and it had some drawbacks because of the tiles, the fragility, and the foam on the tank. These are simpler systems with fewer moving parts," Payne said.
"The capsules are newer with all of the design issues that we discovered in the past that we didn't want to do again worked out. So we have a lot of clever, new design ideas incorporated.
"As far as the launch vehicle goes, the Atlas 5 is a tried and tested vehicle that has been doing this for many years and has many successful launches behind it."
Once the system is completely checked out, NASA will send its first full crew to the station aboard either Starliner or Dragon, likely in early 2018.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154886.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154886.jpg)
An illustration of the Starliner atop Atlas at Complex 41. Credit: Boeing
The Atlas 5 rocket has flown 60 times, all successfully, since 2002, launching a variety of satellites for the U.S. military, intelligence community, NASA and commercial operators.
"It's really starting to get very exciting," said Gary Wentz, United Launch Alliance's vice president of Human Launch Services.
"It's really transforming the ULA business towards NASA and space station as a prominent part."
Heaving the hefty Starliners into low-Earth orbit will require the Centaur upper stage be outfitted with two Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10 engines instead of one. Dual-engine Centaurs have flown for decades, but never on an Atlas 5 rocket.
"It really opens up our capability to carry this larger payload," Wentz said.
Boeing has not publicly released the exact mass of Starliner.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154888.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154888.jpg)
Illustrations of the Starliner spacecraft. Credit: Boeing
There's also the rigorous process to ensure the launch vehicle is safe for its human riders.
"It is really about testing and certifying the systems to a different set of reliability and margin requirements that are appropriate when we are actually going to put human beings there. So far, so good," Tory Bruno, ULA's president and CEO, said on The Space Show program earlier this month.
"We work closely, very hand in glove, with NASA to make sure that these unique requirements for human certification are met and all of their experts are coming along step by step with my people to make sure there is complete transparency and that we are all confident that it is safe to put people on top of that giant rocket when the time comes. We have a plan that we've agreed upon and we are marching through that with NASA."
Construction of a crew access tower is nearing completion at the Atlas 5 rocket's Cape launch pad. The new gantry, positioned in the northwest corner of the pad, was built in sections off-site and moved to Complex 41 in between ongoing Atlas launch activities for stacking.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154889.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/whiteroom.jpg)
An artist's concept of the White Room next to Starliner. Credit: NASA
"It was a great challenge and I'm very proud of how both the ULA and construction teams worked together in unison to work around our busy launch manifest last year," said Wentz.
"It was a very well choreographed activity and the team at the Cape did an exceptional job putting that together."
The tower stands 200 feet tall and features an elevator to take personnel from the ground to the top and a 42-foot-long swing arm that will be the threshold to enter the capsules.
The arm, which is undergoing testing of its retraction mechanism off-site, will be installed on the pad this summer.
"The team is out there right now working on the tower, focusing on the mechanical, electrical, plumbing connections, outfitting the elevator and putting on some final skins to protect the tower," Wentz said.
Also still to come will be implementing an emergency evacuation system for pad personnel and the flight crews.
"We have looked at several different systems. We are in the final phase right now of selecting that emergency egress system and hope to sel ect that within the next month or so," Wentz said.
The whole tower system should be operational by this fall.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154885.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oa4.jpg)
The most recent Atlas 5 launch with the crew access tower. Credit: ULA
"I'm going to be really excited when we get to put people on spacecraft at Kennedy Space Center. It is going to be pretty amazing for our whole country, for the whole world, when you think of the implications of this advanced technology in a spacecraft," Williams said.
The first chance to get astronauts inside a Starliner at the launch pad, likely, will be several weeks before the first flight to simulate crew activities and for the launch team to exercise the day-of-launch communications plan. ULA also intends to conduct a wet dress rehearsal to go through a realistic countdown before that initial mission, Wentz said.
The Atlas rocket stages will be stacked aboard a mobile launch platform, the solids affixed to the vehicle and Starliner hoisted atop the Centaur at the Vertical Integration Facility. The fully assembled launcher will be transported on rail tracks some 1,800 feet to the pad the day before liftoff, keeping with standard Atlas 5 practices, for follow on Starliner missions.
Today's Atlas launch countdown lasts for about seven hours to power up the rocket, run through the testing protocols and then load cryogenic liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen into the vehicle during the last two hours. A hold occurs at T-minus 4 minutes, usually lasting 15 minutes, to perform the final readiness polls and grant approval for entering the last phase of the count.
But the manned Atlas countdowns will see the timeline expanded by four hours to a total duration of 11 hours. Activities will follow today's script to T-minus 4 minutes, with the cryogenic tanks entering stable replenish mode, before diverging to the new era.
That's when a four-hour hold will occur as the astronauts depart the crew quarters and travel to the launch pad, board the capsule and run through communications checks with mission control.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154865.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154865.jpg)
File photo of the final shuttle crew boarding Atlantis. Credit: NASA
A closeout team of less than 10 people representing Boeing, NASA and ULA will assist the crew into the spacecraft and get strapped in, Wentz said.
The Atlas 5 rocket's first experience taking aim at the International Space Station last month with a commercial Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo freighter had a 30-minute launch window. But that won't be the case with Starliner launches.
"It will be an instantaneous launch window because of the mass of the vehicle and the trajectory," Wentz said.
It took five minutes of propulsion by the one-and-a-half-stage Atlas D rocket, with a liftoff thrust of 360,000 pounds from the booster engine package and sustainer engine, to put John Glenn's 3,000-pound, single-occupant capsule into orbit for a five-hour, three-revolution trek for the free world.
The modern Atlas 5 will unleash 1.5 million pounds of thrust from its kerosene-fueled RD-180 main engine and two strap-on solid rocket boosters to begin the journey to space with Starliner.
The Centaur upper stage, fueled with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, then performs a 7.5-minute burn to propel the capsule, deploying it roughly 15 minutes and 42 seconds after liftoff.
It's officially known as the 422 variant of the Atlas 5 rocket, standing 172 feet tall. In comparison, John Glenn's launcher was a mere 95 feet tall.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154879.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154879.jpg)
John Glenn's Atlas rocket (left) compared side-by-side to Atlas 5. Credit: NASA and Boeing
Throughout the ascent, the Starliner spacecraft will have the ability to declare an abort and separate fr om a malfunctioning rocket, through its liquid-propelled pusher abort system, to immediately return to Earth and save the crew.
"We have a chance to build upon a new launch capability for America," said Hurley.
"It's kind of like climbing a mountain, going up hill is only half the trip. So we have to make sure we get everyone back safely as well, and then build a reliable vehicle that can continue to take our crews to the space station."
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154877.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/atlas5_cst100a.jpg)
An artist's of a Starliner spacecraft launching atop an Atlas 5 rocket. Credit: NASA/ULA
 SFN's lead ULA writer

Justin Ray has been a reporter with Spaceflight Now since the website's inception in November 1999. The online news service, based at Cape Canaveral, has documented U.S. and international space news with a specialty of live launch coverage.
Prior to that, Justin worked for two years as an aerospace reporter at the Florida Today newspaper and its pioneering Space Online website. He began his career as an intern at Patrick Air Force Base's public affairs office in 1996 and wrote for the Missileer base newspaper.
The Ohio native has covered 139 Delta rocket launches, 108 Atlas flights, 65 space shuttle missions and construction of the International Space Station, plus scientific spacecraft such as the Mars rovers and Cassini.
He attended college at the University of Central Florida and now resides in Satellite Beach, Florida.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 18.02.2016 17:43:24
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA Подлинная учетная запись ‏@ulalaunch  (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch)
.@Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) astronauts getting to know #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash), which will launch @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense)'s #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hash)
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA Подлинная учетная запись ‏@ulalaunch  (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch)  
Hosted @Astro_Boe (https://twitter.com/Astro_Boe) @Astro_Suni (https://twitter.com/Astro_Suni) @AstroBehnken (https://twitter.com/AstroBehnken) & @Astro_Doug (https://twitter.com/Astro_Doug) at our Decatur AL factory today! #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hash)  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 20.02.2016 18:33:35
незнаю было или нет про двигатели
Posted on February 16, 2016 at 10:46 am by Steven Siceloff.

Starliner Testing: White Sands, New Mexico
Boeing's Chris Ferguson highlighted (https://twitter.com/astro_ferg) the area at White Sands, New Mexico, where the company will perform a pad abort test of its CST-100 Starliner in 2017. White Sands has been the site of numerous systems tests for a wide variety of spacecraft systems for years. The Starliner is designed with four large engines in its service module that can fire quickly to lift the spacecraft and astronauts aboard out of danger, whether that be away from the launch pad or during ascent into orbit.
Starliner Performs Well in Airbag Testing
Posted on February 17, 2016 at 5:54 pm by Stephanie Martin.

The Boeing CST-100 Starliner airbag system, which will provide a safe landing for the spacecraft during any phase of flight, was put to the test over the 20-foot-deep Hydro Impact Basin at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, on Feb. 9. The Starliner is one of two commercial spacecraft in development to launch astronauts from the U.S. to the International Space Station via NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Six landing airbags, designed and manufactured by ILC Dover in Frederica, Delaware, were inflated before the full-size Starliner test article was hoisted up by a crane and then dropped from a height and angle that mimicked what the spacecraft might encounter as it pushes off an Atlas V rocket during a launch or ascent emergency. The goal for Boeing's landing and recovery team is to achieve flight qualification status of the Starliner's airbag and up-righting systems through a series of tests at Langley's Hydro Impact Basin.

While the Starliner is designed for land-based returns, it is important for engineers to understand how the spacecraft and its systems would perform in all landing scenarios.
https://youtu.be/4Sk4sYFHhjA (https://youtu.be/4Sk4sYFHhjA) https://youtu.be/4Sk4sYFHhjA

Administrator Bolden Sees Starliner Before Testing
Posted on February 9, 2016 at 4:41 pm by Steven Siceloff.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden took a close look today at the airbag system for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, before a contingency water landing test with a full-size spacecraft mock-up.

Although it's designed to land on land, Boeing is testing the Starliner at Langley's Hydro Impact Basin to evaluate its tendencies in case it has to land in the water in the event of, for example, an unlikely launch or ascent emergency that calls for the spacecraft to separate from its rocket and parachute itself and the astronauts inside to safety. Starliner is being developed in partnership with NASA to carry up to four astronauts at a time to the International Space Station. An additional crew member will allow science time on the orbiting laboratory to double for NASA's Journey to Mars and research that will benefit everyone on Earth.

Bolden visited Langley to deliver his annual "State of NASA" address during which he detailed aspects of the agency's budget request.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 03.03.2016 01:19:40
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  
Phil McAlister showed this chart of CCtCap (comm'l crew) milestones; more have been completed since last update.
  11:06 - 2 марта 2016 г.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 22.03.2016 12:13:46
ЦитироватьJon Shaban ‏@Jon_Shaban  (https://twitter.com/Jon_Shaban) 12 ч.12 часов назад (https://twitter.com/Jon_Shaban/status/712027201361874944) (21 марта 2016)
Getting a look at the Crew Access Arm and White Room for @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) #CST100Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CST100Starliner?src=hash) #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) 

ЦитироватьРетвитнуто NASA Social
 (https://twitter.com/NASASocial)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg)ULA ‏@ulalaunch  (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 14 ч.14 часов назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/711991483260407808)
Hello @NASASocial (https://twitter.com/NASASocial)! Check out the Crew Access Arm astronauts will use to board @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense)'s #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #AtlasV
 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/158194.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 31.03.2016 18:01:40

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 12.04.2016 23:09:59
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  
Elbon: crewed test flight of CST-100 planned for December 2017; would then be ready to start regular service in 2018. #32SS (https://twitter.com/hashtag/32SS?src=hash)
  7:38 - 12 апр. 2016 г.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 12.04.2016 23:23:00
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 6 ч.6 часов назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/719893743457816576)
At Boeing #32SS (https://twitter.com/hashtag/32SS?src=hash) briefing, John Elbon says CST-100 remains on schedule, working through mass and aeroacouistics challenges.
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  6 ч.6 часов назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/719900846889132032)  
Elbon: CST-100 has 7-seat capacity, but will be configured for 5. Four for ISS crew; fifth seat could be used for cargo or tourists. #32SS (https://twitter.com/hashtag/32SS?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 19.04.2016 12:25:10
ULA's Role in the Commercial Crew Program
https://youtu.be/8qzM1aXnf64 (https://youtu.be/8qzM1aXnf64)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 20.04.2016 12:08:08
вопрос, а двухмоторную дельта аппер стейдж делать не будут?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 20.04.2016 20:14:13
Дельта уже почти отлеталась. А ACES может и четырехмоторный будет, если RL-10 или XCOR выберут.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 11.05.2016 15:30:00
ЦитироватьAstronaut Visits Starliner Component Makers in California
Posted on May 10, 2016 at 3:28 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/05/10/astronaut-visits-starliner-component-makers-in-california/) by Steven Siceloff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/ssicelof/).
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101327.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/05/10/astronaut-visits-starliner-component-makers-in-california/meganmcarthurchrisfergcomputertech/)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101329.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/05/10/astronaut-visits-starliner-component-makers-in-california/meganmcarthur-solosuit/)
Veteran astronaut Megan McArthur toured two of the companies building components for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft recently and met with some of the employees who are designing and making sensors and circuit boards the spacecraft and its crews will rely on to steer precisely to the International Space Station. She was joined by Chris Ferguson, a former space shuttle commander who is now Boeing's director of Crew and Mission Operations for Commercial Crew. Boeing is one of two companies under contract with NASA's Commercial Crew Program to develop spacecraft systems to take astronauts to the space station. The missions will enhance research by increasing the number of crew members aboard the orbiting laboratory.
McArthur, who flew as a mission specialist on STS-125 and captured the Hubble Space Telescope with the shuttle's robotic arm, visited Advanced Scientific Concepts in Santa Barbara, California, on April 7 where she surveyed the 3D Flash Light Detection and Ranging sensors the company is making. The LIDAR gear will let Starliner crews see the station in all conditions in space during a mission. The next day, McArthur visited Qual-Pro Corp in Gardena, California, where engineers are making the circuit boards that will allow Starliner systems to communicate with each other.
"It's never about the individual or just the crew members who are in space," McArthur said. "It's always about the team of folks who are getting us ready to fly, who are getting the hardware ready to fly and keeping us safe while we're up there. It's not something we can ever succeed at by ourselves." 
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101328.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/05/10/astronaut-visits-starliner-component-makers-in-california/meganmcarthurchrisferguson/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.05.2016 00:17:31
ЦитироватьBoeing's Starliner schedule for sending astronauts into orbit slips to 2018
by Alan Boyle (http://www.geekwire.com/author/alanboyle/) on May 11, 2016 at 4:18 pm
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/227904.jpg) (http://www.geekwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/160511-starliner1.jpg)
The hull of a CST-100 Starliner structural test vehicle is assembled inside Boeing's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (Credit: NASA)

A top Boeing executive said today that the company plans to start sending crews into orbit aboard its CST-100 Starliner space taxi in 2018, which represents a slight delay in NASA's previous development schedule.
"We're working toward our first unmanned flight in 2017, followed by a manned astronaut flight in 2018," Leanne Caret, who is Boeing's executive vice president as well as president and chief executive officer of Boeing's defense, space and security division, said at a briefing for investors.
Previously, Boeing said both test flights, uncrewed and crewed, were scheduled for 2017. Just this week, Aviation Week reported that Boeing was sticking to the 2017 schedule (http://aviationweek.com/space/boeing-handling-setbacks-it-completes-commercial-crew-vehicle), even though it's been working through challenges related to the mass of the spacecraft and aeroacoustic issues related to integration with its United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 launch vehicle.
In a follow-up to Caret's comments, Boeing spokeswoman Rebecca Regan told GeekWire that those factors contributed to the schedule slip. In addition, NASA software updates have added more work for developers.
https://youtu.be/qs_a_cd61-8 (https://youtu.be/qs_a_cd61-8)

Boeing and SpaceX are building spacecraft to transport astronauts to and from the space station for NASA, under the terms of $6.8 billion in contracts that were awarded in 2014. Boeing was allotted $4.2 billion to work on the Starliner, while SpaceX is getting $2.6 billion to upgrade its Dragon cargo capsule to carry astronauts.
Each space taxi is designed to carry up to seven astronauts plus cargo, at a cost that's less than the $81 million per seat that the Russians are charging (http://spacenews.com/nasa-blaming-commercial-crew-cuts-extends-soyuz-contract/) for trips on Soyuz capsules. A smaller crew is expected to fly on the initial missions.
SpaceX conducted a pad abort test of its Crew Dragon (http://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/spacexs-pad-abort-test-its-dragon-spaceship-real-blast-n354551) (a.k.a. Dragon V2) a year ago. An uncrewed test flight is planned during the first half of 2017, followed by an in-flight abort test and a crewed Dragon flight to the space station later in the year.
This month, Boeing's team bolted together a structural test version of the Starliner (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/05/11/starliner-test-article-joined-to-complete-first-hull/), which will be used to make sure the spacecraft can stand up to the rigors of spaceflight. Astronauts are already training on Starliner flight simulators (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/04/26/astronauts-fly-starliner-simulators-during-st-louis-trip/), and components for the first flight vehicle will soon be put together inside Boeing's processing facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
https://youtu.be/MHV1AuZDSbE (https://youtu.be/MHV1AuZDSbE)

For Boeing to shift its crewed test flight from 2017 to 2018 isn't as much of a slip as it might sound: The company's earlier schedule had called for the visit to the space station to take place in mid-December.
However, if both companies stick to their stated schedules, SpaceX would become the first U.S. commercial venture to send astronauts to the space station – and as a result would take possession of a highly prized trophy: a U.S. flag that was left aboard the station (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2014/07/10/throwback-thursday-a-flag-awaits/) by the last space shuttle crew in 2011.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.05.2016 00:19:32
ЦитироватьBoeing's first crewed Starliner space launch slips to 2018  
The delay means only SpaceX can wean NASA off Russian transportation by next year.  
  Eric Berger (http://arstechnica.co.uk/author/ericberger)
 5/12/2016, 12:42 PM
 Boeing Defense
NASA has pinpointed next year as the time when its dependence upon Russia to fly its astronauts to the International Space Station will finally end. However, one of the two companies now slated to provide that service, Boeing, has said it will not be able to launch a crewed mission of its Starliner spacecraft until 2018 at the earliest.
In a report that first appeared (http://www.geekwire.com/2016/boeing-starliner-schedule-astronauts-slips-2018/) in GeekWire, chief executive officer of Boeing's defense, space and security division, Leanne Caret, told investors: "We're working toward our first unmanned flight in 2017, followed by a manned astronaut flight in 2018." The company has been struggling to limit the mass of the spacecraft and acoustic issues related to its launch vehicle, a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket.
After an intense competition with other providers, Boeing received $4.2 billion in 2014 to finalize development of the Starliner capsule, and SpaceX received $2.6 billion to finish development of its Dragon capsule. A spokesman for SpaceX told Ars Wednesday night that the company remains on track for crewed missions in 2017.
NASA has had to rely on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to deliver its astronauts to the space station since the summer of 2011, when the space shuttle retired. The space agency's administrator, Charles Bolden, has criticized Congress for consistently under-funding its commercial crew program since the shuttle stopped flying. This has already delayed the launch of Boeing and SpaceX vehicles from 2015 to 2017.
The Russians have been reliable partners to NASA in the space station program, but they have steadily increased the price of a seat, from less than $50 million several years ago to more than $81.7 million in future years. As a hedge against the possibility of delays, NASA signed a $490-million deal with Russia last year, which would procure six more seats in 2018 and early 2019.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 13.05.2016 10:40:39

ЦитироватьBoeing delays first crewed CST-100 flight to 2018

by Jeff Foust (http://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — May 12, 2016


Artist's concept of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner capsule approaching the International Space Station. Credit: NASA/Boeing

WASHINGTON — Boeing has delayed the first crewed flight of its CST-100 Starliner commercial crew vehicle until early 2018, later than NASA's original deadline, because of a series of technical issues and new requirements that the company argues are typical for an aerospace development program.
The current development schedule, Boeing spokeswoman Rebecca Regan said May 12, calls for a pad abort test of the spacecraft's launch abort system in October 2017. That will be followed by an uncrewed orbital test flight of the spacecraft in December 2017. A crewed flight, carrying one NASA astronaut and one Boeing test pilot to the International Space Station, is now scheduled for February 2018.
Those milestones are several months later than what Boeing and NASA previously planned. A NASA chart listing milestones for its Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contracts, dated November 2015 and presented at a March 2 meeting of the NASA Advisory Council's human exploration and operations committee, had the uncrewed CST-100 test flight scheduled for June 2017 and the crewed test flight in October 2017.
Regan said that several factors contributed to the new schedule, which Boeing recently presented to NASA. One issue was reducing the spacecraft's mass. "It's typical of any development program," she said of that work, adding that the mass was now "in the box."
A second issue is aerodynamics issues during launch and ascent of the CST-100 on an Atlas 5. Regan said Boeing has developed a "really viable option" for dealing with pressure on the spacecraft and launch vehicle, and plans to test it in a wind tunnel soon.
A final factor, she said, was that NASA gave Boeing additional software requirements for the spacecraft, which requires about three months of work to complete. "A combination of those things contributed to the revised schedule," she said.
The revised schedule, including the slip of the first crewed mission to 2018, came to light in comments by Leanne Caret, Boeing executive vice president and head of the company's defense, space and security division, at a company investor conference May 11 in Seattle. "We're working towards our first unmanned flight in 2017 followed by a manned astronaut flight in 2018," she said. Previously, Boeing had indicated it planned to carry out that initial crewed flight before the end of 2017, although she made no explicit mention of a delay.
Caret added that even with the revised schedule, Boeing still hoped to be the first company to fly its commercial crew vehicle. "It is our vision that the CST-100 will be the first of the new American capsules to take astronauts to space," she said.
However, even before the latest delay, Boeing's schedule was behind that of the other company with a CCtCap contract, SpaceX. The same milestone chart presented at the March NASA Advisory Council committee meeting listed an uncrewed flight of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft in December 2016, followed by a crewed flight test in April 2017.
NASA spokeswoman Stephanie Martin said May 12 that NASA had not yet updated the schedule of CCtCap milestones for the two companies since the one presented in March. Boeing, she said, has completed 13 milestones to date, and SpaceX has completed 8. SpaceX did not respond to a May 12 request for an update about that schedule.
Regan said it was an "aspiration" for Boeing to be the first U.S. company to fly a crewed spacecraft to the ISS, in part because the company is the prime contractor for the station. "There's a lot of pride at Boeing to do that," she said, but added the company prioritized safety over schedule.
Although the CST-100 flight test schedule is delayed, Boeing is emphasizing the progress it is making on the overall program. The company announced May 11 it had mated the two parts of a structural test article of the spacecraft. That test article will soon be shipped to a Boeing facility in California for environmental and other tests.
The revised schedule means Boeing won't meet NASA's goal of being certified by the end of 2017. That certification, which allows the company to perform crew transportation missions to and fr om the station, requires a final review after the crewed test flight to the station. In the scheduled NASA presented in March, that certification review for Boeing was scheduled for late November 2016.
That delay could raise new questions from Congress about the commercial crew program. In contrast to previous years, wh ere it was a hot topic in congressional hearings, the program rarely came up during House and Senate hearings about NASA's fiscal year 2017 budget request. A spending bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee April 21 provided the program with $1.18 billion, the amount requested by NASA.
The report accompanying the bill, though, indicated some skepticism about schedules even before this latest delay. "Both companies now anticipate completing contracted milestones on a delayed schedule, closer to the anticipated launch dates, compressing already aggressive and optimistic schedules," the report stated. "This leaves little margin for either provider to maintain schedule as unanticipated challenges emerge during vehicle production and testing."
Не смотря на сдвиг первого пилотируемого полета на февраль 2018 в Боинг считают, что они будут первыми.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 13.05.2016 14:45:27
С одной стороны жаль конечно. С другой стороны нельзя не порадоваться за наш Союз, продолжающий и дальше таскать на орбиту американских и европейских астронавтов. Скорее всего это приведет к дальнейшим контрактам НАСА с Роскосмосом на перевозку астронавтов до 2019-20 гг. А с учетом того, что Боинг считает, что будет первым, данные задержки не избежит и Маск. Таким образом можно сказать, что Союз практически десятилетие таскает космонавтов на орбиту в одиночку начиная с 2011 г. и практически половину срока службы станции делает это только он один. А если даже в 2018 г. и состоятся тестовые полеты с астронавтами у Боинга и Маска - это не означает, что американцы начнут регулярные экспедиции к МКС в 2019 г.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Валерий Жилинский от 15.05.2016 08:37:56
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
Не смотря на сдвиг первого пилотируемого полета на февраль 2018 в Боинг считают, что они будут первыми.
Пусть считает.
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
А с учетом того, что Боинг считает, что будет первым, данные задержки не избежит и Маск.
Поживём - увидим.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Андрей Иванов от 15.05.2016 10:51:03
Чему надо срочно учится у американцев это качеству подачи информации о своих возможных планах и мечтах...
Особенно в рисование красочных компьютерных мультфильмов о том как быстро и далеко они полетят в космос.
В виртуальный век, красочно разрисованные планы растиражированные в интернете, приносят порой пользы не меньше, чем реальные успехи.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 15.05.2016 07:26:19
ЦитироватьАндрей Иванов пишет:
В виртуальный век, красочно разрисованные планы растиражированные в интернете, приносят порой пользы не меньше, чем реальные успехи
Пропаганда тогда работает когда базируется на правде (хотя бы частично) и прошлых успехах.
Например планы про базу на луне в 2015 никакой пользы не принесли, ибо кроме контуженных ура-патриотов никто в эти бредни не верил.
Урок номер раз - правдоподобие.
Репутация и прошлые успехи - когда нам говорят наше все это марс, нет луна, нет не луна. То в этой чехарде планов и их отмен репутация пустых трепачей. И любые красивые картинки от этих людей кроме ржача не вызывают, и расходятся на демотиваторы "ну тупые".
Урок номер два - репутация.
У Боинга с CST-100 все вроде не плохо, есть ощущение реальности сроков +пару лет задержки, есть репутация крупного производителя спутников, РН Дельта чей вариант на пока самая мощный из летающих. По этому их картинки имеют эффект. А картинки от создателей Фобос-в-грунт и групповых запусков глонассов подводу не особо. Как это полечить ? Легко 1) реальные пусть и не большие успехи. 2) реальность обещания +-лапоть 3) последовательность обещаний.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 15.05.2016 11:42:43
ЦитироватьАндрей Иванов пишет:
Чему надо срочно учится у американцев это качеству подачи информации о своих возможных планах и мечтах...
Особенно в рисование красочных компьютерных мультфильмов о том как быстро и далеко они полетят в космос.
В виртуальный век, красочно разрисованные планы растиражированные в интернете, приносят порой пользы не меньше, чем реальные успехи.
учится надо "качеству подачи информации" по реальным событиям.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 15.05.2016 08:05:07
pnetmon,  интернет бойцы свои бои с дивана ведут в виртуальном пространстве слил-не-слил. Из за этого у них повреждается мозг и они начинают оценивать победы в реальном мире по "троллингу" "сливам" "демотиваторам".

Как пример как они радовали речам свиномордого про батут -"ыыыы уел ненавистных пиндосов"
А в реальной жизни что ?
Мы как продавали так и продаем "ненавистным пиндосам" РД-180 и они свое спутники слежения за нами запускают.
В США у сторонников SpX появились козыри, а ВВС и УЛА оказались в луже.
Была резко ускорена программа двигателезамещения.
Но у идиотов радости полные штаны "как наш то знатно потролил !".

Вот они и мечтают о всеобщей победе в виртуальности путем правильного рендеренга роликов на пиндоский ютуб как ракеты от роскосмоса покоряют вселенную.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 15.05.2016 08:10:47
Вы бы  ругаться подзаборно перестали бы. Все же не в кабаке а в приличном месте.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 16.05.2016 06:37:48
с 1 июня я смогу высказать про CTS-100 все что думаю. пока нельзя
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 16.05.2016 10:03:33
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
с 1 июня я смогу высказать про CTS-100 все что думаю. пока нельзя
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 16.05.2016 12:36:17
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
с 1 июня я смогу высказать про CTS-100 все что думаю. пока нельзя
Контракт заканчивается? Ну подождем, недолго осталось...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 16.05.2016 11:59:52
ЦитироватьВасилий Ратников пишет:
А картинки от создателей Фобос-в-грунт и групповых запусков глонассов подводу не особо. Как это полечить ?
Картинки от создателей  Astro-H Вам нравятся больше? Запуски OCO и Glory были не под воду? В лечении они не нуждаются?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 17.05.2016 11:25:19
НУ вот что и требовалось доказать http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/news/31194/
Боинг в пролете, очевидно СПэйс Икс тоже. Реальная эксплуатация начнется только после 2020-го года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 17.05.2016 22:59:58
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
НУ вот что и требовалось доказать
Да ничего это не доказывает. Перестраховываются просто на случай чего. Деньги-то по этому контракту все равно будут по факту платиться, не будут летать - не будут платить...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: napalm от 18.05.2016 00:36:04
Из новости не очень понятно - это сумма за шестерых или за каждого?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 18.05.2016 02:57:55
Цитироватьnapalm пишет:
Из новости не очень понятно - это сумма за шестерых или за каждого?
Сумма-то 87-88 миллионов долларов всего лишь... Если это за всех - то выходит, что цена упала резче чем на Протон...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: napalm от 18.05.2016 16:33:45
Тааак-с, новость уже поменяли. Теперь речь о сумме, которую ОРКК заплатит "Энергии"..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 19.05.2016 10:06:27
Цитироватьnapalm пишет:
Тааак-с, новость уже поменяли. Теперь речь о сумме, которую ОРКК заплатит "Энергии"..
Теперь вообще не понятно, за что эти деньги...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 23.05.2016 19:08:44
Цитировать https://www.nasa.gov/feature/simulators-give-astronauts-glimpse-of-future-flights
Simulators Give Astronauts Glimpse of Future Flights
April 27, 2016

Astronauts Suni WIlliams and Eric Boe evaluate part-task trainers for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner at the company's St. Louis facility.
NASA selected Bob Behnken, Doug Hurley, Boe and Williams in July to train for test flights aboard the Starliner ‎and SpaceX Crew Dragon to the International Space Station. The flight assignments have not been set, so all four of the astronauts are rehearsing for the Starliner and Crew Dragon test flights to the space station.
Later, a simulator the size of a Starliner flight deck will be finished and used in Houston to train the full-flight crew.
A training engineer evaluates part of the simulator system for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner as astronaut Suni Williams performs mission profiles in crew section.
Astronaut Eric Boe runs mission scenarios in a Boeing part-task trainer that simulates CST-100 Starliner missions like those that will be flown for NASA's Commercial Crew Program.
https://youtu.be/uIsn-EGs1p4 (https://youtu.be/uIsn-EGs1p4) https://youtu.be/uIsn-EGs1p4
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 23.05.2016 15:14:54
Ну очень glass cockpit ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 23.05.2016 19:15:25
Это эмуляция - тумблера и кнопки будут   :D  

p.s. ранее тренажеры мелькнули тут http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic12270/message1460616/#message1460616
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.05.2016 20:56:54
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  4 ч.4 часа назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/735110713119768576)  
Lisa Colloredo, CCP associate manager at KSC, touts program's cost effectiveness.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: SFN от 24.05.2016 17:02:31
цена для американцев с учетом пошлин ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.05.2016 21:23:54
В основном преимущество четырёхчленного экипажа перед трёхчленным.
И остаётся вопрос включены ли в стоимость у американцев поисково-спасательные операции.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.05.2016 21:33:05
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean) 3 ч.3 часа назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/735124195525464064)
Former NASA astronaut Scott Altman asks if rockets have any abort black zones during ascent. Boeing, SpaceX both say no. #SpaceCongress2016 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceCongress2016?src=hash)
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  4 ч.4 часа назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/735115282792878081)  
Boeing's presentation in Commercial Crew panel includes no target dates. #SpaceCongress2016 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceCongress2016?src=hash)

  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  5 ч.5 часов назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/735099777734479875)  
Cabana: Hope Boeing, SpaceX flying test flights in 2017, contracted flights 2018. [Boeing has already said '18] #SpaceCongress2016 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceCongress2016?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 24.05.2016 23:30:46
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
В основном преимущество четырёхчленного экипажа перед трёхчленным.
4места*58М$ ~=3 места*81М$. На US кораблях просто 4й летит бесплатно.

ЦитироватьИ остаётся вопрос включены ли в стоимость у американцев поисково-спасательные операции.
Хороший вопрос.
Но исходя из мысли "а нужны ли им  поисково-спасательные операции" для конкурентной цены - может получиться отрицательный ответ. Вероятно это за доп.плату.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.05.2016 23:50:06
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  3 ч.3 часа назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/735168287676497920)  
ULA's Tony Taliancich says crew access arm will be installed this summer on tower at LC41. #SpaceCongress2016 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceCongress2016?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 16.06.2016 12:25:18
ЦитироватьJune 15, 2016
 2016 Advances Mark Commercial Crew's Path to Flight
By Steven Siceloff ,
NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Hundreds of engineers and technicians with NASA, Boeing, and SpaceX have ramped up to complete the final designs, manufacturing, and testing as they continue the vital, but meticulous work to prepare to launch astronauts to the International Space Station.
Halfway through the pivotal 2016 year, the companies building the next generation of human-rated spacecraft and launch vehicles are testing systems in more demanding, flight-like environments. Boeing and SpaceX are manufacturing the systems that will return America's human launch capability, while they simultaneously build and modify launch facilities, and complete mission simulators. All while continuing to test and refine their designs, and analyze the results to ensure they are meeting NASA's requirements.
"We knew 2016 would be a critical year as Boeing and SpaceX build qualification and flight hardware, and test the integrated systems to ensure the rockets and spacecraft function as designed," said Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. "Their careful design, analysis and early prototype testing during the last several years has put us on the right course, and now we are excited to see flight hardware coming together. The companies are excited, too, but we know there are many steps ahead to successfully and safely complete these flight tests and begin operational missions to the International Space Station."
Boeing is building the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, which will launch fr om Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on United Launch Alliance's Atlas V rockets.
"Our spacecraft design is in firm configuration, teams are conducting about one component qualification test per week and Starliner crew and service modules are coming together in Florida," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing's Commercial Programs. "It's an exciting time to be a part of American human spaceflight and we're looking forward to our first flight in 2017."
SpaceX is independently building its Crew Dragon to launch on the company's Falcon 9 rockets fr om Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
"There's a lot of work to do, and we're making great progress," said Benjamin Reed, director of Commercial Crew Mission Management at SpaceX. "We're excited to return America's crew carrying capability and are on track to complete a number of important milestones on the path to flying astronauts next year."
The systems that will go into each spacecraft – such as avionics, flight computers, life support, communications and numerous others – are being tested individually and in complex networks to make sure they don't interfere with each other.
A pool at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia was the site for simulated contingency water landings for Boeing's Starliner. The testing enabled Boeing and NASA engineers to evaluate the capsule's six perimeter airbags and uprighting capabilities. Starliner missions will normally land on land, so the same Starliner mockup will be dropped at another Langley facility to qualify the vehicle for land landings.
Later this year, Boeing will test parachute components to be used on Starliner flights, in a series of progressively more flight-like drop tests, including high-altitude boilerplate releases fr om balloons.
SpaceX has begun a campaign of parachute tests in which weight simulators with Crew Dragon parachutes and connectors are dropped fr om airplanes to determine their deployment behavior. Engineers use the results to feed computer models that can evaluate different deployment conditions and indicate whether the hardware will work as designed in a host of flight conditions, including aborts. The tests will continue throughout this year and next, growing more complex and verifying the safety and reliability of the system.
Boeing's reaction control system thrusters – the small jets that maneuver the spacecraft in orbit – and the launch abort engines that would push a Starliner and its crew out of danger in an emergency also are being prepped for qualification tests before the systems are installed for flights. Simultaneously, a 12-foot-long, 600-plus-pound Starliner/Atlas V wind tunnel model equipped with hundreds of sensors is providing engineers with high-fidelity dynamic and static pressure data the vehicle will experience during ascent.
Once the 2016 work has been completed, NASA and its partners will stand on the verge of conducting the first human-rated spaceflights to launch fr om American soil in six years. The teams at NASA, Boeing and SpaceX understand that the finish line for development is near, but they are keeping a close eye on every detailed step along the way.
Momentum Gains in Manufacturing, Launch Facilities
Manufacturing facilities are in operation on the east and west coasts to build the next generation of spacecraft to return human launch capability to American soil. Over the past six months, Boeing and SpaceX – the companies partnered with NASA to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station – each have begun producing the first in a series of spacecraft.
Rather than building one Boeing CST-100 Starliner or SpaceX Crew Dragon at a time, each company set out to produce several spacecraft in an assembly-line fashion while maintaining the careful attention to detail and inspections required of any spacecraft, particularly those that will carry astronauts into orbit.
NASA's Commercial Crew Program partners are building and testing components across the United States as prototype spacecraft and flight test vehicles are carefully assembled. Subsystems for the operational missions are coming together, as spacecraft and rocket assembly lines gear up for production.
In Florida, wh ere Boeing is constructing Starliners, engineers have assembled the crew module of the Structural Test Article that will be shipped to Huntington Beach, California, wh ere it will join the previously delivered service module for extensive testing under a host of exhaustive conditions. The two main elements of the first flight-like Starliner - the upper and lower pressure domes - inside the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida are undergoing early check outs and assembly before they are joined together for environmental qualification tests and the pad abort test.
SpaceX is welding the pressure vessels for four Crew Dragons, two test articles and two flight vehicles in the company's Hawthorne, California, factory. The next six months are expected to see each of the pressure vessels built up to different stages for structural and subsystem testing followed by uncrewed and crew flight tests known as Demo 1 and Demo 2 for "Demonstration Mission."
The launch facilities for both companies are deep into their modifications and construction. The Crew Access Tower on Space Launch Complex 41, at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, is in place and the Crew Access Arm astronauts will use to cross from the tower to the Starliner hatch will be transported to the pad for placement on the tower this summer. Additionally, about 25,000 lines of software code have been written for the rocket and launch site to communicate with all the new crew-specific hardware. All the work has been completed while still allowing launches of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V from the launch pad.
At historic Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy, wh ere Apollo and space shuttle missions began, SpaceX is taking down the rotating service structure designed to handle shuttle payloads. They've also removed more than 500,000 pounds of steel from the fixed service structure and are building shielding around the tower to protect from the blast of the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets. Its Crew Access Arm also is under construction and is slated to be installed on the tower later this year.
Numerous readiness reviews, which assemble engineers from NASA and the respective company, will be held throughout development before the launch sites are used for the first time to launch astronauts.
Astronauts Contribute Vital Feedback in Spacecraft Designs
NASA astronauts are working closely with commercial partners Boeing and SpaceX to analyze designs, try out spacecraft simulators and prepare for missions to the International Space Station. Bob Behnken, Eric Boe, Doug Hurley and Suni Williams, the four astronauts sel ected to train for Commercial Crew Program flight tests, routinely visit both companies' facilities across the country to examine progress up-close (http://www.nasa.gov/feature/simulators-give-astronauts-glimpse-of-future-flights) and practice all aspects of a mission to the station.
The commercial crew astronauts work side-by-side with Boeing and SpaceX engineers to evaluate their systems and trainers as they each prepare to return launches to the International Space Station from American soil. They have performed fit checks in mockup spacecraft, assessed the spacecraft's display panel and controls among numerous other systems.
Behnken and Boe joined flight director Richard Jones and his NASA/Boeing flight control team June 7 in the first Mission Control Center on-console simulation of a Starliner launch, climb to orbit and post-orbital insertion timeline. The ascent simulation included a training team inserting problems remotely from a nearby building, which allowed the control team to follow checklists and procedures to solve issues that could arise during a dynamic, real-flight situation.
Other astronauts not assigned to train for Commercial Crew flight tests also work with the teams of engineers on everything fr om simulators and spacesuits to component designs. With two new spacecraft in development, there are plenty of evaluations served by astronauts' expertise. Anne McClain, for example, joined a team of astronauts and engineers to practice exiting the SpaceX Crew Dragon mockup through the top hatch as well as using the side hatch. The work is common in assessing spacecraft design.
Boeing completed a set of trainers in late April that will be a cornerstone of astronaut and crew training throughout the CST-100 Starliner's life. Paired with instructor stations, the trainers are complex simulators outfitted with controls like those on real Starliners and designed to perform for the astronauts just as the spacecraft will in flight. The trainers will be housed in Building 5 at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. The company also is constructing a full-size mission simulator identical to a Starliner flight deck. It also will be fully integrated with NASA's Mission Control Center simulators at Johnson, Boeing's Space Training, Analysis, and Review Facility in Houston, also known as STAR, and International Space Station simulator to allow full mission practices for the astronauts, as well as launch and mission instructors and flight controllers.
SpaceX expects its spacesuit design to go through qualification testing this year and be ready for use in 2017. Just as with the spacecraft, the numerous components for the suits will be tested separately and then as a complete unit to make sure they will work as needed during a mission, potentially saving an astronaut in an unlikely emergency scenario. 
Although launch systems and orbital operations get a substantial amount of review and oversight, the landing phases of the missions and abort scenarios also undergo intense scrutiny.
While the development work focuses on the spacecraft, rockets, and ground systems, there also are important steps being taken in space wh ere astronauts continue to live and work daily on the space station. The space station advances scientific knowledge in Earth, space, physical and biological sciences for the benefits of people living on our home planet. These new spacecraft will be able to carry up-to four astronauts to the station, bringing the crew size to seven. This will allow the crew to double the amount of time they have to conduct microgravity research.
Working outside the station during spacewalks, astronauts have routed more than 800 feet of cable along the station complex to provide power and data to the commercial crew spacecraft when they are docked at the orbiting laboratory. Next month, a cargo resupply mission is scheduled to deliver an International Docking Adapter, built by Boeing and launched by SpaceX, to the space station wh ere it will be connected to a port so both Starliners or Crew Dragons can dock with the orbiting laboratory. The connection of the docking adapter will require at least one more spacewalk this summer. A second adapter will be delivered and connected to the station on a future SpaceX cargo resupply mission.
The station crew also activated one of the two radios they will use to talk to the astronauts inside the Commercial Crew spacecraft as they near the orbiting laboratory. The communications will be vital to tracking the progress of rendezvous and docking operations along with the flight of the two spacecraft when they are near each other.
The astronauts who fly into orbit aboard commercial crew spacecraft will do so in the seats of the most automated ships built for crew thus far. But even with those expectations, the teams of engineers and potential crew members are working hard to operate the systems efficiently and be able to take over effectively if manual control is needed.

https://youtu.be/tIZxZMP7vNk (https://youtu.be/tIZxZMP7vNk)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231530.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/24301320609_60e23aed75_o_0.jpg)
The SpaceX parachute system for its Crew Dragon spacecraft is evaluated in drop tests.
Credits: SpaceX
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231541.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/img_9979.jpg)
Astronaut Suni Williams evaluates Starliner control systems using a part-task trainer that simulates aspects of flight for the Boeing-made spacecraft.
Credits: NASA/Dimitri Gerondidakis
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231543.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/jsc2016e073337.jpg)
Astronauts Bob Behnken and Eric Boe work with Mission Control teams in a simulation of mission operations for a Starliner flight.
Credits: NASA
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231544.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ksc-20160519-ph_dng0001_0081.jpg)
SpaceX is modifying Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center to transform the former shuttle launch pad for use by Crew Dragon spacecraft that will launch into orbit on Falcon 9 rockets.
Credits: NASa/Dimitri Gerondidakis
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231531.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/24418066692_7476e4fa94_o.jpg)
Boeing and United Launch Alliance constructed a Crew Access Tower at Space Launch Complex 41 to give astronauts access to the Starliner spacecraft as it stands atop an Atlas V rocket for liftoff.
Credits: NASA/Charles Bake
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231529.jpg) (http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/24044083054_c50b351ed0_o_0.jpg)
A mockup of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner splashes into a water tank at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia during landing system testing.
Credits: NASA Langley
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Александр от 16.06.2016 14:21:21
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
с 1 июня я смогу высказать про CTS-100 все что думаю. пока нельзя
ну и?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 16.06.2016 17:08:38
ну как бы я не удивлюсь, если они еще какие-то сроки продинамят или сорвут вообще все к чертям. старые фирмы уже не годны ни на что
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.06.2016 06:06:17
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67585.jpg) Eric Berger Подлинная учетная запись ‏@SciGuySpace  (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace)  
The consoles of Starliner (left) and Dragon v2 seem to reflect the digital divide between traditional and new space.
  14:39 - 22 июн. 2016 г.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 24.06.2016 08:32:32
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Eric Berger Подлинная учетная запись ‏@ SciGuySpace
Ну зачем эту каку сюда тащить. У спайсов другой пульт и уже давно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Валерий Жилинский от 02.07.2016 14:48:48
Воинг открыл свой центр подготовки астронавтов для полётов на Старлайнере.

Boeing Opens Starliner Training Center (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/06/30/boeing-opens-starliner-training-center/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.07.2016 21:45:29
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  
Updated timeline of major commercial crew milestones. SpaceX certification review Oct 2017; Boeing in May 2018.
  7:10 - 25 июл. 2016 г.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 26.07.2016 17:16:47
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  1 ч.1 час назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/757922475988713472)  
Inside former OPF-3 at KSC, now Boeing's "C3PF" for CST-100 Starliner commercial crew capsule assembly.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 26.07.2016 19:54:41
Boeing Debuts Modernized High Bay at Kennedy
Posted on [url=https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/07/26/boeing-debuts-modernized-high-bay-at-kennedy/]July 26, 2016 at 12:06 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/07/26/boeing-debuts-modernized-high-bay-at-kennedy/%5B/url) by Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/).(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101330.jpg)
Boeing on Tuesday unveiled its clean-floor facility that serves as the hub for its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft as they are manufactured and prepared for flight to and fr om the International Space Station, and wh ere they'll refurbished between missions. The high bay in the company's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility, formerly known as Orbiter Processing Facility 3, is now modernized and ready to support the Starliner program.

It was once filled with about 1,000 tons of steel work platforms that enshrouded the space shuttle orbiters as they were refurbished and prepared for flight. Today, the facility contains several pieces of hardware and a mock-up that are key to Boeing's and NASA's efforts to launch astronauts from Florida's Space Coast through the Commercial Crew Program.

(Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 31.07.2016 10:56:45
ЦитироватьStarliner spacecraft engines successfully hot-fire tested
Tomasz Nowakowski
July 27th, 2016
One of three Reaction Control System engines for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner recently completed hot-fire testing at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. Photo Credit: Aerojet Rocketdyne
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is one step closer to carrying astronauts to space from American soil as its engines have recently undergone a series of hot-fire development tests. The tests were carried out by Aerojet Rocketdyne (http://rocket.com/) at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico.
The three Reaction Control System (RCS) engines successfully hot-fired are part of the spacecraft's service module propulsion system, being currently developed by Aerojet Rocketdyne. The Sacramento, California-based rocket propulsion manufacturer announced on Monday, July 25 (http://rocket.com/article/aerojet-rocketdyne-successfully-completes-hot-fire-tests-engines-designed-support-new-era), each RCS engine was tested up to 4,000 pulses and 1,600 seconds. According to the company, it was the longest accumulated time ever conducted on a lightweight thruster with a composite chamber.
Artist depiction of CST-100 Starliner in orbit above Earth. Image Credit: Boeing
"The successful RCS engine tests demonstrated durability and long operational life capabilities meeting the Starliner requirements for composite thrust chambers, which are crucial to mission success and astronaut safety," Aerojet Rocketdyne CEO and President Eileen Drake said in a press release (http://rocket.com/article/aerojet-rocketdyne-successfully-completes-hot-fire-tests-engines-designed-support-new-era). "We look forward to qualifying the engines and continuing our nation's legacy of delivering humans into space."
The RCS engines are designed to provide on-orbit maneuvering functions, as well as re-boost capabilities for the space station. Under its Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) subcontract to Boeing, Aerojet Rocketdyne is responsible for the design, development, qualification, certification and initial production of the Starliner's service module propulsion system, including the development and testing of 28 100-pound thrust class RCS engines.
The spacecraft's service module propulsion system will be necessary for Starliner's activities during a nominal flight to the International Space Station (ISS). It will provide all propulsion needs required for launch vehicle separation, docking and undocking from the ISS, as well as separation of the crew and service modules during the re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. The system will also provide integrated launch abort capability on the pad and during ascent.
"Aerojet Rocketdyne is leveraging adaptations of proven hardware and technologies to deliver an affordable reliable propulsion system that can be counted on to perform throughout the spacecraft's mission and ensure the safety of the astronauts and success of the mission," Terry Lorier, Aerojet Rocketdyne's CST-100 service module propulsion system program manager, said in November 2015 (http://www.rocket.com/article/aerojet-rocketdyne-signs-contract-support-new-era-human-spaceflight-america).
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is 16.5 feet (5.03 meters) long and 15 feet (4.56 meters) in diameter. It can carry up to seven passengers, or a mix of crew and cargo to ISS. The spacecraft is designed to remain on-orbit for up to seven months with reusability of up to ten missions.
First uncrewed orbital test flight of the Starliner spacecraft is currently scheduled for December 2017. The capsule will carry its first two astronauts to ISS in February 2018.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 03.08.2016 00:42:02
ЦитироватьBoeing nears fix for CST-100 Starliner design hitch             
 August 2, 2016 (http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/) Stephen Clark (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155060.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155060.jpg)
The pressure hull for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner structural test article sits inside a repurposed space shuttle hangar at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida in this July 25 photo. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Boeing says engineers are resolving concerns with the mass and aerodynamic shape of the company's CST-100 Starliner commercial crew carrier, and officials are optimistic the spaceship will be ready to deliver astronauts to the International Space Station in early 2018.
"If everything goes well, we'll meet schedule," said Chris Ferguson, a former space shuttle astronaut and deputy program manager for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, in a recent interview with Spaceflight Now. "It's the unknown unknowns (we're concerned about), but we're optimistic."
According to Ferguson, Boeing engineers are wrapping up analyses of two design concerns that combined to trigger a delay in the first CST-100 crewed test flight fr om late 2017 until February 2018.
One issue involved the mass of the crew capsule, which outgrew the lift capability of the United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket sel ected to put it into orbit.
The CST-100 Starliner will ride an Atlas 5 rocket with two solid rocket boosters and a dual-engine Centaur upper stage, and although Boeing and ULA engineers considered adding a third strap-on motor to compensate for the capsule's extra weight, managers now have the spacecraft back under its mass allowance, Ferguson said.
"There's a certain percentage below the lift capability of the Atlas 5 we were aiming for, and then there are natural margins with mass growth allowances that you always put in, just in case you get some surprises at the last minute," Ferguson said.
"We've identified all the necessary items that will get us back below the line for mass," Ferguson said. "Of course, when you go do that kind of work you have to go back and revisit some of the drawings and some of the designs. I'd say about half of it came pretty easy. The other half was a challenge. but we've got an engineering solution for all the fixes needed to get us back underneath the line."
Ferguson said Boeing has a model of the Atlas 5 rocket and CST-100 Starliner in a wind tunnel to verify a change to capsule's outer shape devised to overcome higher-than-expected aerodynamic launch loads discovered in testing.
"They had one issue, a non-linear aerodynamic loads issue, where they were getting some high acoustic loads right behind the spacecraft," said Phil McAlister, head of NASA's commercial spaceflight development office in Washington.
Atlas 5 rockets carrying the Boeing crew ship will encounter different aerodynamic and acoustic environments than on normal satellite launches. The CST-100 Starliner will not fly inside a nose shroud on top of the Atlas 5, as other payloads do.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155075.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155075.jpg)
Artist's concept of a CST-100 Starliner capsule on top of an Atlas 5 rocket. Credit: Boeing

"They're in the final phase of some wind tunnel testing," McAlister told members of the NASA Advisory Council's human spaceflight subcommittee last week. "They think they've got a good solution by putting on an extended skirt behind the capsule. We think that's a pretty good solution, too, but we really want to see some of that final wind tunnel test data come through."
Nevertheless, Ferguson said he was happy to have a solution for the mass and aerodynamic issues.
"I think we've got them under control," Ferguson told Spaceflight Now. "The good news is there are no additional large problems that have arisen in the last six months, so maybe we're at the point wh ere we've investigated everything, and we finally have a design we're confident in."
Inside the CST-100 assembly facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, technicians are finishing work on a structural test article of the craft's weld-less crew module and readying it for shipment across the country to a Boeing site in Huntington Beach, California.
Engineers there will add the spacecraft's outer skin and heat shield.
"It's really going to start looking like a spaceship when it gets out there," Ferguson said. "It will be out there until late this year going through a series of shock and vibration (tests)."
Meanwhile, components of the first flight-worthy CST-100 spaceship are arriving at KSC for assembly of a capsule destined to fly on a pad abort test next year. That capsule is dubbed the qualification test vehicle, and it will be the first Starliner unit to include the avionics, computers and many of the other systems needed for flight.
The qualification capsule will not have the environmental control and life support systems required to support human passengers, Ferguson said.
"The avionics, the items that have to go through qualification, the pumps and fans, they start showing up here in late summer, and then we'll integrate them into the first spacecraft that we fire up and see how it performs as an integrated system," Ferguson said.
The first power-up of a CST-100 spaceship on the ground is expected late this year, with tests continuing into 2017.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155058.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155058.jpg)
Chris Ferguson, director of CST-100 crew and mission operations, talks with NASA sstronaut Megan McArthur during a visit to Advanced Scientific Concepts in Santa Barbara, California, which is building 3D Flash Light Detection and Ranging sensors for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. Credit: Boeing

"Hopefully, if everything goes well, it's just a matter of following the instructions that we set forth to assemble the remaining two which will become the Orbital Flight Test and Crewed Flight Test vehicles," Ferguson said, referring to the spaceships that will launch on Boeing's unpiloted and piloted demo flights.
The CST-100 qualification unit is not expected to fly into space, but Ferguson said Boeing has the ability to upgrade it for orbital missions if required.
Qualifying each CST-100 component, both individually and at the full spacecraft level, is one of the big jobs on the Boeing team's docket, and that work does not get the attention of a flight test.
"We've got about 200 avionics boxes that need to go through their own level of qualification," Ferguson said. "That qualification is done at the vendor. What we do is we being all the systems together, so they all sing, and then we say, 'Hey, I'm happy with the way this subsystem works — the electrical system or the environment system.'"
Officials from SpaceX, NASA's other commercial crew transportation provider, have been less public about the problems, if any, it has encountered in the Crew Dragon program, but NASA officials said they are happy with both contractors.
A Crew Dragon test article has been subjected to structural loads tests this summer to ensure it can withstand the stresses of spaceflight.
The Crew Dragon's second "delta critical design review," a major milestone to clean up lingering design issues, is due to wrap up in late August or early September, McAlister said.
Other major SpaceX milestones coming soon include a full-up test of the Crew Dragon's life support system, activation of KSC's launch pad 39A for Falcon rocket flights, and qualification of the capsule's unique four-parachute landing system.
McAlister said schedules proposed by Boeing and SpaceX, the two companies tapped by the agency end U.S. reliance on Russia's Soyuz spacecraft, are "optimistic but achievable."
SpaceX currently targets August 2017 for the first piloted test flight of its Crew Dragon capsule, according to internal NASA schedule documents, while Boeing's similar demo mission with two astronauts is set for February 2018.
NASA plans to conduct a major review of the test flights a few months after each mission — in October 2017 for SpaceX and May 2018 for Boeing — before formally certifying the spacecraft for regular crew rotation sorties to the International Space Station.
One of NASA's concerns with SpaceX's crew program has been the introduction of an upgraded, higher-thrust version of the Falcon 9 rocket. The new configuration burns a super-chilled mixture of rocket-grade kerosene and liquid oxygen.
Stored at colder temperatures than normal, the modified propellant mix allows more fuel and oxidizer to fit into the Falcon 9 and gives its Merlin engines more thrust, boosting the rocket's lift capacity.
But the cryogenic propellant must be loaded aboard the rocket in the final half-hour of the countdown to keep it from heating up in the warm ambient temperatures of Central Florida. Rockets are normally fueled several hours before launch.
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155059.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155059.jpg)
In this June photo, the first test article of a SpaceX Crew Dragon undergoes structural load testing to demonstrate the spacecraft's ability to withstand the tremendous forces it's exposed to during spaceflight. The backbone of Crew Dragon is a metallic welded pressure vessel. SpaceX has completed manufacturing of the first two pressure vessels to be used for ground testing, and is currently manufacturing two Crew Dragon flight articles. Credit: SpaceX

The change means astronauts will board the Crew Dragon capsule on top of the Falcon 9 rocket before fueling, and the SpaceX launch team will pump propellants into the two-stage launcher once the crew members are strapped in their seats.
NASA officials were at first uncomfortable with SpaceX's proposal to load fuel with the astronauts on-board — Soyuz and shuttle crews strapped in once the rockets were already fueled — but McAlister said managers are getting accustomed to the plan.
SpaceX had trouble with handling the super-chilled propellants on the first couple of flights of the upgraded Falcon 9, prompting a series of aborts and scrubs during attempts to launch a commercial SES television broadcasting satellite in February.
"We're getting better data about that, and quite frankly SpaceX is getting better about how to handle that," McAlister said. "I think we are getting more comfortable with it, but we're not ready to say we're good. We're still working through that."
McAlister said Boeing and SpaceX, which signed crew transportation contracts with NASA in 2014 worth $4.2 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively, are "grinding" through their development steps.
"This is the real tough work," McAlister said. "I think, with commercial crew in the early years, most of the focus was on the policy. I believe most of those discussions have been concluded, and now we're in the blocking and tackling phase of the program."
Interactions between NASA and contractor teams have been fruitful, said Bill Gerstenmaier, head of NASA's human exploration and operations mission directorate.
"There's good push and pull both ways," Gerstenmaier said, as NASA, Boeing and SpaceX sift through paperwork to ensure both capsules conform with the space agency's stringent human-rating standards.
Despite SpaceX's schedule, which could allow for operational crew flights by the end of 2017 if achieved, NASA says it will not count on the new commercial spacecraft being ready to send up residents to the space station until some time in 2018.
"We're probably about halfway through, maybe a little bit more than halfway through, the development and hope to be completing both partners in the early part of '18," McAlister said.
NASA has purchased seats for U.S., European, Japanese and Canadian astronauts to launch on Russian Soyuz capsules through 2018, with return trips continuing into mid-2019.
McAlister said that the agency is cognizant of the uncertainty in the commercial crew schedule, and when NASA needs to sign an agreement to purchase more Soyuz seats if required.
Members of the committee raised concerns about the urgency of a decision by NASA to buy more Soyuz seats. Wayne Hale, interim chairman of the advisory council's human exploration and operations subcommittee, suggested NASA had to decide by the end of the year whether to procure Soyuz rides for its astronauts in 2019.
McAlister said he is aware of the dilemma.
NASA has ordered four full-up crew rotation flights — two each fr om Boeing and SpaceX — but has not set target launch dates or determined which company will fly station crews first. Each mission is baselined to fly with four passengers, ferrying them to the space station and then returning them to Earth about a half-year later.
"The future availability of Soyuz is not certain, so we're going to continue to monitor that," McAlister told the subcommittee July 26. "I think we've got some (schedule) margin today, so our partners are not feeling a lot of schedule pressure, (but) we want to make them schedule-aware.
"We like having that Soyuz backup, but how we introduce the Soyuz vehicle into that flow is something we're going to have to be very careful about," McAlister said.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 08.08.2016 15:50:04
ЦитироватьВ США начали сборку частного пилотируемого космического корабля Starliner

13:03 08.08.2016
© Flickr/ NASA HQ PHOTO (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasahqphoto/23351024062)
МОСКВА, 8 авг — РИА Новости. Американское космическое агентство НАСА и авиаконцерн Boeing начали сборку первого пилотируемого космического корабля Starliner в космическом центре имени Кеннеди в США, сообщает специализированное издание Universe Today (http://www.universetoday.com/129356/boeing-starts-assembly-of-1st-flightworthy-starliner-crew-taxi-vehicle-at-kennedy-spaceport/).
"Вы можете видеть начало сборки первого космического аппарата. Все необходимые для постройки элементы конструкции уже здесь", — приводятся в сообщении слова вице-президента и руководителя программы Boeing Commercial Джона Малхолланда.
Он отметил, что начало строительства второго корабля серии намечено на осень. Приступить к сборке третьего корабля специалисты Boeing должны в начале 2017 года.
 Испытания системы аварийного прекращения предстартовых операций космического корабля намечены на октябрь. Первый непилотируемый испытательный орбитальный полет Starliner должен состояться в декабре 2017 года, пилотируемый орбитальный полет – в феврале 2018 года.
Boeing CST 100 Starliner вместе с космическим аппаратом Dragon компании SpaceX является одним из двух частных пилотируемых космических кораблей, которые разрабатываются в рамках договора коммерческого партнерства с НАСА.
После завершения программы космических челноков НАСА в 2011 году США используют российские "Союзы" для доставки астронавтов на МКС. Контракт на разработку нового пилотируемого космического корабля на сумму в 4,2 миллиарда долларов Boeing получил в 2014 году.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 12.08.2016 06:27:12

ЦитироватьA heavy-lift transport truck, carrying the Crew Access Arm for Space Launch Complex 41, travels along the road toward Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The arm will be installed on the Complex 41 Crew Access Tower. It will be used as a bridge by astronauts to board Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft as it stands on the launch pad atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.08.2016 13:39:45
ЦитироватьVideo: Gantry swing arm arrives at Atlas 5 pad for astronauts to board Starliners             
 August 13, 2016 (http://spaceflightnow.com/2016/08/) Justin Ray (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/justin-sfn-ray/)
Constructing the launch pad infrastructure for astronauts to board Boeing's Starliner crew capsules atop United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets, workers delivered the Crew Access Arm with its White Room to Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 on Thursday, Aug. 11.
It was built in Oak Hill, just north of the Kennedy Space Center.
The 42-foot-long swing arm will be hoisted onto the new 200-foot-tall crew tower and attached next week. Work to build the crew accommodations have been underway for just over a year, occurring around the busy Atlas 5 launch schedule.
Starliner is scheduled to make its first crewed test flight to the International Space Station in early 2018.
Video courtesy of NASA-KSC
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155061.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/28303432354_04ec35a42a_k.jpg)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155064.jpg) (http://spaceflightnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/28816191642_fc9c647d46_k.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 15.08.2016 19:18:21
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 15.08.2016 23:32:51
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185652.jpg) Howard Biegler ‏@Howard_Biegler  (https://twitter.com/Howard_Biegler)
Today marks a major milestone for the Commercial Crew Program. The Crew Access Arm is fully mated to the CAT.
  11:54 - 15 авг. 2016 г.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 15.08.2016 23:50:00
Быстро строят. Только что везли и уже установлена.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Leonar от 16.08.2016 06:01:16
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Быстро строят. Только что везли и уже установлена.
Это павильон для обеспечения пилотируемых миссий?
 а нашим нужно целую отдельную передвижную башню...с двумя уровнями :cry:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 16.08.2016 07:21:48
ЦитироватьLeonar пишет: 
 а нашим нужно целую отдельную передвижную башню...с двумя уровнями  :cry:
У этих тоже башня есть, только стационарная. А передвижной - стартовый стол с ракетой.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.08.2016 13:27:45
ЦитироватьStarliner Tested for Ground-Landing Conditions
Posted on August 24, 2016 at 3:35 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/08/24/starliner-tested-for-ground-landing-conditions/) by Steven Siceloff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/ssicelof/).
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101331.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/08/24/starliner-tested-for-ground-landing-conditions/boeing-starliner-drop-test-campaign-2/)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101332.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/08/24/starliner-tested-for-ground-landing-conditions/boeing-starliner-drop-test-campaign-3/)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101333.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/08/24/starliner-tested-for-ground-landing-conditions/boeing-starliner-drop-test-campaign-5/)
Boeing engineers recently evaluated the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft's ability to withstand the shocks and other challenges of landing on the ground with a series of drop tests at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia. Hoisted using a gantry at Langley that's tested everything fr om private planes to the lunar lander of Apollo, a Starliner mockup with a full-size airbag system in place was released from about 30 feet to see how it behaved when contacting the Earth. The airbags have been designed to absorb much of the impact. A nominal Starliner mission, such as those planned to take NASA astronauts to the International Space Station during Commercial Crew Program flights, is to end with the spacecraft touching down on land in the American southwest wh ere ground support teams can more easily reach the spacecraft and crew than if they splashed down in water.
The Starliner was already tested in water-landing scenarios in the same gantry. All the results will be used by Boeing to confirm the designs of the landing systems and by NASA to certify the systems for use during upcoming flight tests without and then with a crew aboard. Rad many more details about the Starliner testing at http://go.nasa.gov/2bFMZZk
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 02.09.2016 10:05:42
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 05.09.2016 01:19:01
Boeing Commercial Crew Milestone Status (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/09/03/boeing-commercial-crew-milestone-status/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 05.09.2016 01:20:36
ЦитироватьBoeing's Starliner Challenges: Weight, Vibrations, Software & Landings (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/09/04/boeings-starliner-challenges-weight-vibrations-software-landings/)
Posted by Doug Messier (http://www.parabolicarc.com/author/doug/) on September 4, 2016, at 8:30 am
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/232319.jpg) (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/07/27/boeing-debuts-modernized-high-bay-kennedy-space-center/nasa-boeing-mentor-protege-program-announcement-and-c3pf-high-ba/)
Boeing CST-100 Starliner high bay (Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett)
Excerpted from, "NASA's Commercial Crew Program: Update on Development and Certification Efforts (https://oig.nasa.gov/audits/reports/FY16/IG-16-028.pdf)," NASA Office of Inspector General, Report No. IG-16-028, September 1, 2016
Boeing's CCtCap contract initially included 23 milestones ranging from the establishment of an original requirements baseline to the final vehicle certification. Within the first 2 years of the contract, Boeing and NASA modified the contract to separate three of the milestones into multiple segments, replace one milestone, and add seven milestones related to NASA-imposed software upgrades, landing qualification tests, and hardware modifications.18 These modifications increased the number of milestones to 34 and the total contract value by approximately $46 million.
As of June 2016, Boeing had completed 15 of the 34 milestones (44 percent) necessary to achieve certification and was scheduled to receive up to $1.067 billion (25 percent) of the total contract value in payment.
Of the 23 Boeing milestones, seven related to specific NASA program requirements:
  • Certification Baseline Review,
  • ISS Design Certification Review,
  • Orbital Flight Test Readiness Review,
  • Crewed Flight Test Design Review,
  • Crewed Flight Test Readiness Review,
  • Operations Readiness Review, and
  • Certification Review.19
These milestones address development of the transportation system design, definition of the plan and schedule to obtain certification, and demonstration that the system meets all NASA requirements for uncrewed and first crewed flight tests leading up to final certification for operational flights to the ISS (for more information about these reviews, click here (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/09/03/boeing-commercial-crew-milestone-status/)). The dates for NASA required milestones, as well as the Critical Design Review, were extended, which in turn pushed out the dates for Boeing's test flights and the first certified crewed flight.
As of July 2016, Boeing has completed four significant milestones:
  • Certification Baseline Review. For this review, baseline requirements were confirmed to be inline with NASA guidance; the plan and schedule for completing design, development, test, and evaluation and certification for the system was defined; and top safety, technical, cost, and schedule risks were defined. Boeing completed this milestone in November 2014 after a1-month delay.
  • Ground Segment Critical Design Review. For this review, the ground segment design was determined sufficiently mature to support proceeding to full-scale fabrication, assembly,integration, and testing. Boeing completed this milestone in December 2014 after a 2-month delay.
  • Delta Integrated Critical Design Review and Launch Segment Critical Design Review. For this review, the maturity of the design across the launch segment, spacecraft segment, and ground segment was determined appropriate to proceed to assembly, integration, and test activities.Boeing separated the review into two parts, with the Delta Integrated Critical Design Review completed in May 2015 after a 4-month delay and the Launch Segment Critical Design Review completed in July 2015 after a 2-month delay.  Despite receiving formal approval to proceed from NASA, Boeing had numerous follow-up items to complete after these reviews, including increasing the level of technical expertise at reviews to maintain healthy checks and balances; assessing final launch parameters, including loads and temperatures; and determining the likelihood that Russian rocket engines may be unavailable and identifying other rocket engine options.
  • Structural Test Article Test Readiness Review Part 1. This review was designed to ensure development of the primary structure of the capsule and launch vehicle adapter was progressing adequately. Boeing completed this milestone in December 2015 after an 8-month delay.
Boeing officials attributed the delays in achieving these milestones to
  • a 2-month delay (July 2014 to September 2014) in NASA awarding the contract;
  • the need to rearrange the order of some tasks to improve the efficiency of work flow; and
  • various technical challenges that arose after the contract was awarded.
For example, Boeing has had to resolve issues relating to the effects of vibrations generated during launch, which can vary in a manner difficult to predict and can be strong enough to damage the vehicle and impact crew safety. These issues delayed the start of the Structural Test Article Test Readiness Review and Qualification Test Vehicle testing. In addition, Boeing experienced challenges with vehicle mass that affected its spacecraft design.
Boeing officials told us that in retrospect its original schedule may have been too ambitious for some milestones. Given the technical challenges and contract modifications, Boeing has postponed a number of milestones planned for 2016 until 2017, including a pad abort test.
Looking forward, Boeing is scheduled to complete the final segment of Critical Design Review in November 2016. Following the Launch Segment Critical Design Review, in July 2015, NASA had provided Boeing with the approval to generally proceed with its design. However, in April 2016, one final milestone to the Critical Design Review Process was added as a result of new, NASA-imposed requirements related to hardware and software modifications.
Boeing has also scheduled additional testing and certification milestones for the ISS Design Certification Review planned for February 2017 (originally scheduled for November 2016), during which the contractor will verify its capsule is capable of safely approaching, docking, mating, and departing from the Station.
Thereafter, Boeing is scheduled to conduct the Orbital Flight Test Readiness Review in August 2017 (originally scheduled for January 2017); the Crewed Flight Test Design Certification Review in November 2017 (originally scheduled for March 2017); and the Operational Readiness Review in January 2018 (originally scheduled for July 2017).
Boeing's final crew transportation vehicle certification review is scheduled for January 2018, 5 months later than originally planned. However, that date is in doubt given that Boeing's crewed test flight is not projected to occur until the end of 2017. The contractor must complete the test flight and NASA must review the results of that flight before it grants certification.
Commercial Crew Program officials told us they agreed that Boeing's original schedule was aggressive as well as with the reasons it offered for the delays. In addition, they said that the qualification testing in late August 2016 may identify hardware concerns that will require redesign and therefore could lead to additional schedule delays.
In particular, NASA is developing hardware that will enable the Boeing spacecraft to dock with the Station. But because of a tight testing and production schedule, NASA will have started producing this hardware prior to the qualification testing. As a result, any problems that come to light during the testing may require adjustments to hardware that is already in production. As such, further schedule slippages are anticipated, likely pushing the first certified crewed flight until late 2018.
18 Because the contractor receives payment only when it completes a milestone, dividing milestones into subcomponents enables the contractor to receive partial payments while development is ongoing.
19 The number of milestones based on NASA requirements for Boeing differs from SpaceX because Boeing has two separate Design Certification Reviews and two Flight Test Readiness Reviews.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: us2-star от 05.09.2016 00:40:30
Если я правильно понял суть:
1) По состоянию на июнь 2016 года, "Боинг" завершил 15 из 34 этапов (44 процента), необходимых для достижения сертификации и планируется получать до 1.067 млрд. долларов США (25 процентов) от общей стоимости контракта в счет оплаты.
2) "Боинг" планирует провести орбитальный испытательный полет в августе 2017 года (первоначально было запланировано на январь 2017 года); с экипажем ноябре 2017 года (первоначально был намечен на март 2017 года); и окончательная готовность (к использованию?) в январе 2018 года (первоначально было запланировано на июль 2017 года).
3) реально ожидают первый эксплуатационный полёт до конца 2018.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 12.09.2016 18:22:26
Видео месячной давности
Timelapse Of Boeing CST-100 Crew Access Arm Lift And Installation
https://youtu.be/a2a6Kf3WSYI (https://youtu.be/a2a6Kf3WSYI) https://youtu.be/a2a6Kf3WSYI
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 15.09.2016 00:40:32
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  8 мин.8 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/776172270548946944)
Ferguson: we determined other testing was sufficient for in-flight aborts, so don't need to do actual in-flight abort test. #AIAASpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIAASpace?src=hash)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 38 мин.38 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/776163729457029120)
Ferguson says that under current schedule, CST-100 will be ready for commercial services for NASA in mid-2018. #AIAASpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIAASpace?src=hash)
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 40 мин.40 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/776163371146096640)
Ferguson: pad abort test a big deal; fingers and toes crossed for it. Planned for end of next year. #AIAASpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIAASpace?src=hash)
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 48 мин.48 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/776161159707697152)
Ferguson: five landing sites for CST-100: Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, 2 at White Sands, 1 in Ariz., and Edwards AFB in Calif. #AIAASpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIAASpace?src=hash)
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 52 мин.52 минуты назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/776160379273482241)
Chris Ferguson, Boeing: plan to start CST-100 parachute tests, dropping test article from balloon at 40,000 ft, in about week. #AIAASpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIAASpace?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 17.09.2016 13:31:47
https://youtu.be/cLKNzBzGiL4 (https://youtu.be/cLKNzBzGiL4)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 17.09.2016 13:36:00
http://spacenews.com/commercial-crew-companies-emphasize-safety-over-schedule (http://spacenews.com/commercial-crew-companies-emphasize-safety-over-schedule/#sthash.NDozi0l1.dpuf)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 17.09.2016 13:56:46
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
У Боинга шансы конечно повыше и еще есть вероятность что полетит в 2018 г. Но в любом случае очень сильные задержки. Когда все эти идеи с новыми программами начинались планировалось что уже к 2014-15 гг эти корабли начнут активно регулярно летать. Изначально планировались еще более ранние сроки. А сейчас абсолютно ясно что раньше 2019 г регулярных полетов не предвидиться. Фактически наш Союз в одиночку вытягивает всю мировую пилотируемую космонавтику а 50% срока службы МКС экипажи летают только на одних Союзах
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 20.09.2016 00:25:26
Цитировать— Согласно наиболее свежему расписанию, первый беспилотный полет космического корабля Dragon в его пилотируемой версии — SpaceX Crew Dragon — намечен на май 2017 года, а полет корабля с экипажем назначен на август 2017 года, — заявила «Известиям» официальный представитель Центра Кеннеди NASA Табата Томпсон. — Первый беспилотный полет корабля Boeing's CST-100 Starliner намечен на декабрь 2017 года, а полет с экипажем — на февраль 2018 года. Даты дальнейших полетов новых кораблей пока не определены.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 23.09.2016 13:21:11
Я вот не догоняю на хрена сертифицировать под СТ-100 Атлас% если после 2020-го года Вулкан будет? Или после 2020го даже несмотря на Вулкан Атласы будут продолжать летать?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 23.09.2016 13:26:59
посмотри на Ангару и Фалкон - сколько времени нужно для пилотируемых запусков с первого пуска этого РН
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 24.09.2016 21:45:26
Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
посмотри на Ангару и Фалкон - сколько времени нужно для пилотируемых запусков с первого пуска этого РН
На Сатурне-1В полетели в пятом полёте, на Сатурне-5 - в третьем, на Шаттле - в первом.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 24.09.2016 22:37:54
Вот только Сатурн, Шаттл разрабатывались для пилотируемых полетов, а Ангара, Фалкон, Вулкан по большей части эксплуатироваться будут для вывода спутников.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 24.09.2016 22:42:53
Дык это ж скорее плюс чем минус.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 26.09.2016 01:45:03
Вобщем я так понимаю Атласу еще летать и летать
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 05.10.2016 13:23:48
ЦитироватьКомпания Boeing заявила о намерении завоевать рынок космического туризма
5 октября, 3:15 UTC+3
 Глава корпорации выразил уверенность, что космический туризм станет крайне популярной и востребованной услугой в ближайшие несколько десятилетий
 Деннис Муиленберг  © AP Photo/Ted S. Warren  
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 5 октября. /Корр. ТАСС Кирилл Волков/. Корпорация Boeing намерена опередить компанию SpaceX в том, что касается осуществления первого полета человека на Марс. Об этом заявил президент и исполнительный директор Boeing Деннис Муиленберг, выступая на конференции по инновациям в американском Чикаго (штат Иллинойс).
"Я убежден, что первый человек, который прибудет на Марс, сделает это на ракете компании Boeing", - сказал он. Муиленберг отметил, что Boeing, как и ее конкурент SpaceX, нацелена на коммерциализацию космических полетов. Глава корпорации также выразил уверенность, что космический туризм станет крайне популярной и востребованной услугой в ближайшие несколько десятилетий.
Эта сфера превратится в "жизнеспособный коммерческий рынок", прогнозирует он. Говоря о перспективах такого туризма, Муиленберг, в частности, предположил, что через какое-то время на низкой околоземной орбите рядом с Международной космической станцией могут даже появиться "гостиницы" для космических туристов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 06.10.2016 01:54:53
политическое заявление приуроченное к 100-летию компании, но в целом он прав - за космическим туризмом будущее и действительно есть перспективы
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 12.10.2016 23:03:51
По новому плану, опубликованном 10 октября в  Aviation Week (http://aviationweek.com/space/boeing-delays-cst-100-still-targets-2018-iss-mission), новый график запусков выгляди так:

беспилотный полет - июнь 2018
пилотируемый полет (тестовый) - август 2018
эксплуатационный полет НАСА - декабрь 2018

Если других подвижек не будет - то не плохо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 13.10.2016 06:43:32
Тут еще про один шаг к полетам
ЦитироватьOlaf пишет:
ЦитироватьUnder the revised schedule, a pad abort test of the CST-100, previously scheduled for October 2017, is now planned for January 2018.

An uncrewed CST-100 flight, called the Orbital Flight Test, has shifted from December 2017 to June 2018.

A crewed flight test of the CST-100 to the International Space Station, carrying a NASA astronaut and Boeing test pilot, has been delayed from February to August 2018.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 13.10.2016 03:26:28
Интересно, с чем связан перенос?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Kap от 13.10.2016 04:07:55
ЦитироватьMax Andriyahov пишет:
Интересно, с чем связан перенос?
Ну так у Маска сроки из-за аварии должны поплыть - зачем тогда торопиться?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 13.10.2016 04:35:15
ЦитироватьНу так у Маска сроки из-за аварии должны поплыть - зачем тогда торопиться?

а как разработка КК связана с расследованием аварии РН? Общие ресурсы?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 13.10.2016 04:36:07
ну и
Цитироватьзачем тогда торопиться?
- чтобы освоить 6 полетов к МКС, вполне себе стимул, нет?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Kap от 13.10.2016 05:02:35
ЦитироватьMax Andriyahov пишет:
а как разработка КК связана с расследованием аварии РН?
Наличием стимула дорабатывать.
ЦитироватьMax Andriyahov пишет:
- чтобы освоить 6 полетов к МКС, вполне себе стимул, нет?
Так они уже на разработку освоили. В пределах 500 миллионов, но зато не надо предъявлять запуски.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 13.10.2016 10:34:20
ЦитироватьMax Andriyahov пишет:
Интересно, с чем связан перенос?

По словам вице-президента и руководителя космических программ Боинга, по трем причинам:
- проблемы со "смежниками" (supply chain);
- проблема с отработкой не основных компонентов системы (minor components);
- проблема с вторым экземпляром корабля, который предназначен для первого пилотируемого полета. Там на стенде произошла поломка нижнего "конуса" герметичного отсека корабля.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 13.10.2016 05:49:24
Paleopulo, спасибо
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 13.10.2016 16:21:59
То, что и у Боинга и у SpaceX плохая готовность к пилотируемым полетам, НАСА поняло еще летом 2016, т.е. ДО аварии 1 сентября.
Но и Боинг и SpaceX молчали, т.к. не хотели первыми говорить о переносе раньше времени.
И тут такой подарок от SpaceX.
Боинг посмотрел как развиваются события, как долго идет расследование, наверное уже имеют более подробную инфу о том что произошло и к чему это приведет и поняв, что SpaceX однозначно улетают вправо заявили  официально о том, о чем и так было понятно НАСА.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.10.2016 17:06:38
Цитировать United Launch Alliance and the Boeing Company Unveil the Atlas V Configuration for the CST-100 Starliner Crew Capsule
ULA's Atlas V will Provide Safe and Reliable Transportation for Starliner to the International Space Station

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. (Oct. 13, 2016) – United Launch Alliance (ULA) and The Boeing Company today unveiled an updated aerodynamic configuration of the Atlas V that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner capsule for NASA after encountering unique challenges with aerodynamic stability and loads.

This new configuration incorporates an aeroskirt aft of the spacecraft, extending the Starliner Service Module cylindrical surface to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the integrated launch configuration and bring loads margins back to acceptable flight levels.

"Through incredible coordination and continued innovative thinking, the collective team of NASA, Boeing and United Launch Alliance completed three wind tunnel tests in six months to investigate the aerodynamic stability of various configurations and to anchor our analytical predictions. Based on that information, we updated the configuration for the Atlas V Starliner integrated vehicle stack," said Gary Wentz, ULA vice president of Human and Commercial Services. "This configuration is unique because it combines the Atlas V launch vehicle without a payload fairing with Boeing's Starliner capsule, resulting in different aerodynamic interactions."  

The aeroskirt is a metallic orthogrid structure designed to be jettisoned for improved performance. In the unlikely event that an emergency occurs during boost phase of flight, the aeroskirt has venting provisions to control over-pressurization if the Starliner's abort engines are fired. Fabrication of the aeroskirt is scheduled to begin this month at ULA's factory in Decatur, Alabama, following completion of a Production Readiness Review.

"Our testing indicates the solution we chose will sufficiently smooth the air flow around the vehicle during ascent, ensuring crew safety and mission success," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing's Commercial Crew Program.

The ULA team completed the aeroskirt Preliminary Design Review earlier this month. The Atlas V with Starliner has a planned uncrewed flight test in 2018 with operational missions to follow.

"We look forward to our continued partnership with Boeing and NASA to ensure mission success and safety for American astronauts flying from U.S. soil on the Atlas V Starliner," said Wentz.

With more than a century of combined heritage, United Launch Alliance is the nation's most experienced and reliable launch service provider. ULA has successfully delivered more than 110 satellites to orbit that provide critical capabilities for troops in the field, aid meteorologists in tracking severe weather, enable personal device-based GPS navigation and unlock the mysteries of our solar system.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 13.10.2016 17:33:45
Нехилая такая юбочка...

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 14.10.2016 14:21:52
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  14 ч.14 часов назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/786677861600157697)  
Mulholland: gone through lot of hurdles in tech development of CST-100; updated schedule with 1st operational flight Dec 2018. #ISPCS2016 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ISPCS2016?src=hash)
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  14 ч.14 часов назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/786676290631839744)  
John Mulholland, Boeing: "minimal damage" to OPF-3 at KSC, used for CST-100 work, from hurricane; back up in production. #ISPCS2016 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ISPCS2016?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Quооndo от 14.10.2016 14:35:06
Когда уже о покупке новых мест на Союзах объявят  :?:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 17.10.2016 21:49:55
Из альбома https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasakennedy/sets/72157647244171004

https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasakennedy/30207937712/ там еще оригинал большего размера (9Мб)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 17.10.2016 23:03:48
ЦитироватьQuооndo пишет:
Когда уже о покупке новых мест на Союзах объявят :?:
Никогда наверное...
ЦитироватьМосква. 16 октября. INTERFAX.RU - НАСА не планирует продлевать контракт с "Роскосмосом" на доставку астронавтов к Международной космической станции (МКС) после 2018 года, сообщил журналистам в субботу замглавы американского космического агентства по пилотируемым программам Уильям Герстенмайер.
"Нет, не планируем", - сказал он, отвечая на вопрос журналиста о продлении контракта на Байконуре.
Герстенмайер также отметил, что американский пилотируемый корабль, на котором НАСА планирует доставлять своих астронавтов к МКС, будет подготовлен в запланированный срок.
В США сразу три компании Lockheed, SpaceX и Boeing одновременно занимаются разработками пилотируемых кораблей. Ожидается, что первый пилотируемый полет на собственном новом корабле астронавты смогут осуществить в 2017 году.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 18.10.2016 06:11:36
чисто теоретически - орион может стыковаться с мкс или нет?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 18.10.2016 05:22:26
Цитироватьчисто теоретически - орион может стыковаться с мкс или нет?

стыковочный модуль ИДА изначально был под Орион и был сделан
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 19.10.2016 18:21:29
Starliner Propulsion Hardware Arrives, Testing Begins
Posted on October 18, 2016 at 8:35 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/10/18/starliner-propulsion-hardware-arrives-testing-begins/) by Stephanie Martin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/samarti9/).
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101334.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101334.jpg)
Boeing and Aerojet Rocketdyne have begun a series of developmental hot-fires tests with two launch abort engines similar to the ones that will be part of Boeing's Starliner service module. The engines, designed to maximize thrust build-up, while minimizing overshoot during start up, will be fired between half a second and 3 seconds each during the test campaign. If the Starliner's four launch abort engines were used during an abort scenario, they would fire between 3 and 5.5 seconds, with enough thrust to get the spacecraft and its crew away from the rocket, before splashing down in the ocean under parachutes.
Recently, Aerojet Rocketdyne also completed delivery of the first set of hardware for Starliner's service module propulsion system.
The Starliner is under development in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program for crew missions to the International Space Station.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 24.10.2016 22:56:52
NASA's Commercial Crew Program By the Numbers (http://www.parabolicarc.com/2016/10/24/nasas-84-billion-commercial-crew-program/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 01.11.2016 22:45:24
ЦитироватьLaunch Abort Engines Tested in California

Posted on October 31, 2016 at 3:44 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/10/31/launch-abort-engines-tested-in-california/) by Steven Siceloff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/ssicelof/).
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101335.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/10/31/launch-abort-engines-tested-in-california/laetest-oct2016-1/) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/101336.jpg) (http://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/10/31/launch-abort-engines-tested-in-california/laetest-oct2016-2/)
Recently, Aerojet Rocketdyne conducted a series of hot-fire tests with two launch abort engines in the Mojave Desert in California. The launch abort engines will be part of Boeing's Starliner service module propulsion system, which provides launch abort capability on the pad and during ascent. Starliner's four 40,000-pound thrust launch abort engines will only be used in abort. Watch video from the tests here. (https://www.facebook.com/NASACommercialCrew/videos/1118963008200556/)
This entry was posted in NASA (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/nasa/) on October 31, 2016 (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2016/10/31/launch-abort-engines-tested-in-california/) by Steven Siceloff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/ssicelof/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 14.11.2016 21:50:23
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  3 ч.3 часа назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/798193820525531136)  
Williams: schedules for comm'l crew "remain optimistic": currently calls for certification for SpaceX Feb 18, Boeing May 18.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 14.11.2016 23:32:10
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  27 мин.27 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/798253175572557825)  
Lueders notes that the dates for the SpaceX missions have not been updated since the last quarterly meeting in July (pre F9 accident).
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  39 мин.39 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/798250223298609152)  
Schedules for Boeing and SpaceX's commercial crew efforts, from Kathy Lueders' presentation at NAC HEO committee meeting:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 01.12.2016 01:02:39
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185456.jpg) Parabolicarc.com ‏@spacecom  (https://twitter.com/spacecom) 2 ч.2 часа назад (https://twitter.com/spacecom/status/804040679294783488)  California, USA  (https://twitter.com/search?q=place%3Afbd6d2f5a4e4a15e)
Bolden: commercial crew flight tests scheduled for "as early as" end of 2017 Not sure about that. Boeing definitely not. SpaceX probably not
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.01.2017 03:34:04
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF ‏@NASASpaceflight  (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight)  3 ч.3 часа назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/816401558162305024)  
Chris B - NSF Ретвитнул(а) NASA Commercial Crew
It's all going on right now. Good news for Starliner and Dragon 2:
Chris B - NSF добавил(а),
Цитировать  (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew/status/816396824491790337)  
 NASA Commercial Crew  @Commercial_Crew  
Regular crew rotation flights with @BoeingDefense and @SpaceX to and from the @Space_Station are secured to 2024. http://go.nasa.gov/2iACB7k  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.01.2017 20:54:22
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  1 ч.1 час назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/824295796912910336)
Boeing's Ferguson on cost of Starliner seat: "less than" $82M NASA paying for ride on Russian Soyuz.
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185659.jpg) James Dean ‏@flatoday_jdean  (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean)  2 ч.2 часа назад (https://twitter.com/flatoday_jdean/status/824288889993105408)  
Boeing "reveal" of CST-100 Starliner suit designed by David Clark Co.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.01.2017 20:59:57
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185399.jpg) Christian Davenport ‏@wapodavenport  (https://twitter.com/wapodavenport)  2 ч.2 часа назад (https://twitter.com/wapodavenport/status/824287984761663488)  
Helmet on!
  (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185399.jpg) Christian Davenport ‏@wapodavenport  (https://twitter.com/wapodavenport)  2 ч.2 часа назад (https://twitter.com/wapodavenport/status/824287593055535105)  
Boeing's Chris Ferguson discusses the company's new space suit on wapo's facebook live.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.01.2017 21:10:04
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185335.png) Boeing Defense Подлинная учетная запись ‏@BoeingDefense  (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense)
Thanks for joining us! See more and check out the spacesuit features on #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash)'s expanded spaceflight page. http://www.boeing.com/features/2017/01/space-suit-01-17.page ... (https://t.co/2Ieu0M8x6F)
ЦитироватьSuit Up The Starliner spacesuit is revealed publically for the first time
January 25, 2017 in Space, Defense

Future passengers on the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft now know what they'll be wearing as they travel to and from low-Earth orbit destinations, like the International Space Station. The new "Boeing Blue" spacesuits were designed to provide crew members with functionality, comfort and protection.
The Starliner spacesuit provides greater pressurized mobility and is about 40 percent lighter than previous suits. Its innovative layers will keep astronauts cooler as well. The touchscreen-friendly gloves allow astronauts to interact with the capsule's tablets while the boots are breathable and slip resistant. Zippers in the torso area will make it easier for astronauts to comfortably transition from sitting to standing. In addition to protecting astronauts during launch and the return to Earth, the suit also helps connect astronauts to ground and space crews through the communications headset within the helmet. The suit's hood-like soft helmet sports a wide polycarbonate visor to give Starliner passengers better peripheral vision throughout their ride to and from space.
"Spacesuits have come in different sizes and shapes and designs, and I think this fits the Boeing model, fits the Boeing vehicle," said Chris Ferguson, Boeing director of Starliner Crew and Mission Systems and a former NASA astronaut.
For more pictures and videos go to the Starliner page (http://www.boeing.com/space/starliner/).
Chris Ferguson wears the brand new spacesuit from Boeing and David Clark.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 26.01.2017 06:16:30
наружу вылазить можно?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 26.01.2017 10:38:49
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
наружу вылазить можно?
Вряд ли - это спасательный скафандр, типа нашего "Сокола", только посовременнее...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 26.01.2017 05:47:10
Цитироватьнаружу вылазить можно?
на Земле - пожалуйста.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: PIN от 26.01.2017 12:19:07
Цитироватьsilentpom пишет:
наружу вылазить можно?
На турбо-солярий быстро переходящий в барбекю. Для верности нужно еще потемнее ткань снаружи сделать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 27.01.2017 22:24:30
Фото внутри макета при освещении нового скафандра


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Floppy Disk от 28.01.2017 12:21:27
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7tyJGC0n4M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7tyJGC0n4M)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7tyJGC0n4M
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 28.01.2017 12:09:47
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 02.02.2017 09:35:04
ЦитироватьAstronauts will ride on Starliner capsules in 'Boeing Blue' spacesuits             
 February 1, 2017 (http://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/) Stephen Clark (http://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)
Boeing has unveiled a new lightweight spacesuit, fitted with zippers, breathable stitching and plenty of Velcro, to protect NASA astronauts on trips to the International Space Station aboard the company's CST-100 Starliner capsule.
The "Boeing Blue" garment will shield astronauts as they ride inside the CST-100 spacecraft during launch and landing. The environment inside the capsule will be pressurized and climate-controlled, so crews will take off the spacesuits during quieter parts of the ride to and from the space station.
But following the practice during space shuttle missions, pilots and passengers will wear the suits during more hazardous parts of the trip, according to Chris Ferguson, director of Starliner crew and mission systems at Boeing.
Ferguson, a former astronaut, dubbed it the "get us home suit" because it is not designed for spacewalks.
"We needed a suit that's air tight, could withstand the pressure differential, could get the crew down from an extreme situation, whether it was a fire or a cabin leak," Ferguson said.
Boeing revealed the spacesuit, designed by David Clark Company of Massachusetts, during a Facebook Live event last week in partnership with the Washington Post.
The 12-pound (5-kilogram) Starliner pressure suit is lighter than the space shuttle's 30-pound (14-kilogram) launch and entry suit. Ferguson said the new suit is also cooler for astronauts wearing it.
"This is a lighter-weight fabric, it's breathable," Ferguson said. "You can actually stand very comfortably, even in a hot room, and not get overheated quickly."
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155243.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155243.jpg)
NASA astronaut Suni Williams tries on the CST-100 Starliner spacesuit. Williams is one of four astronauts sel ected by NASA to train for the first missions on Boeing and SpaceX commercial crew craft. Credit: Boeing

Astronauts that flew on the space shuttle wore bright orange "pumpkin" suits, also supplied by David Clark Company, while Boeing is going with blue suits. NASA introduced pressure suits for shuttle crews in the aftermath of the Challenger accident, and astronauts originally trained with blue models, before eventually flying with orange suits when the shuttle launched again in 1988.
"It feels good to be walking around in Boeing Blue," Ferguson said. "Spacesuits have come in different sizes, shapes and designs, and I think this fits the Boeing model, fits the Boeing vehicle."
Changes from the space shuttle's launch and entry suit include the replacement of a metallic neck ring and rigid helmet with a zipper and a hood-like helmet. The gloves will allow astronauts to use touchscreen tablets in flight and easily flip switches inside the CST-100 cockpit.
Engineers designed the suit's communications cap with a built-in cranial helmet with padding to protect against impacts, Ferguson said.
The suit's polycarbonate visor maintains its shape regardless of pressure, improving crews' peripheral vision, and seams underneath the suit's shoulder covers ensures ease of mobility, according to Boeing.
Built-in boots on the Starliner suits are also less bulky than the flight boots used by shuttle astronauts.
"Believe it or not, I'm actually very comfortable," said Monica Hopkins, a Boeing propulsion engineer who tried on the Starliner spacesuit during last week's Facebook Live event. "My visual of everything is very good, and I have good mobility with anything that I would need to do."
NASA awarded contracts to Boeing and SpaceX in 2014 to complete development of commercial spaceships to ferry astronauts to and fr om the space station. Boeing's CST-100 Starliner will lift off on United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets and return to parachute-assisted, airbag-cushioned landings on the Western United States.
Boeing plans a pad abort test of a CST-100 capsule at White Sands, New Mexico, next January. An unpiloted test flight in Earth orbit should follow in June 2018, then a Boeing test pilot and a NASA astronaut will strap into a CST-100 Starliner spaceship for an orbital demonstration flight in August 2018.
Regular crew rotation services should begin in December 2018.
The Washington Post asked Ferguson, whose last mission was as commander of the final shuttle mission in 2011, if he will fly on the CST-100 Starliner, a subject of speculation among industry insiders and space enthusiasts.
"There are no plans for that now, but if Boeing asked, it would be hard to say no," Ferguson said, adding that he still has a desire to fly in space again.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 03.02.2017 19:34:33
ЦитироватьЧасть деталей космического корабля для МКС распечатают на 3D-принтере
РИА Новости. Часть деталей перспективных космических кораблей Boeing CST-100 Starliner, полеты на которых к МКС планируется начать в 2018 году, будет изготовлена на 3D-принтерах, сообщает компания-производитель Oxford Performance Materials (OPM).
"OPM была выбрана компанией Boeing для производства элементов конструкции космического корабля Boeing CST-100 Starliner с применением технологий 3D-печати. Компания начала поставку деталей для установки", — говорится в сообщении на сайте OPM.

Контракт НАСА на строительство пилотируемых космических кораблей получили компании Boeing и SpaceX в 2014 году. Ранее планировалось, что обе компании начнут испытания в пилотируемом режиме до конца 2017 года, по последним данным, они состоятся не раньше середины 2018 года. В январе сообщалось, что НАСА может зарезервировать три места в российском пилотируемом космическом корабле "Союз" в 2019 году для обеспечения запусков к МКС в случае задержки отправки своего корабля, но официального подтверждения этому еще не было.

Boeing будет собирать корабли CST-100 Starliner на заводе во Флориде и готовить к полетам в ангаре, который раньше использовал для подготовки своих шаттлов НАСА. Корабль Starliner может вместить экипаж из семи человек.

Ранее сообщалось о том, что НАСА профинансирует тестовый полет корабля и до шести космических миссий к МКС. Затраты на это составят до 4,2 миллиарда долларов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 03.02.2017 21:05:43
Цитировать http://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-space-exclusive-idUSKBN15I1HW

Exclusive: Boeing's space taxis to use more than 600 3D-printed parts

Boeing Co has hired a small company to make about 600 3D-printed parts for its Starliner space taxis, meaning key components in the United States manned space program are being built with additive manufacturing.
"What really makes it valuable to NASA and Boeing is this material is as strong as aluminum at significantly less weight," he said. Boeing said the weight savings on Oxford's parts is about 60 percent compared with traditional manufacturing.

Boeing is building three Starliner capsules under a $4.2 billion NASA contract. Entrepreneur Elon Musk's SpaceX is building a competing capsule under a $2.6 billion NASA contract.

Oxford has already shipped parts for the Starliner. The plastic it uses, known as PEKK, also resists fire and radiation, according to Oxford. Boeing declined to say how much of the capsule Oxford's parts represent.
... (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/68467)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: vadimspb от 08.02.2017 18:16:50
Вот непростой вопрос.В отличие от "Федерации", которая несëт на своëм корпусе: антенны радиосвязи,антенны Курса,датчики ИКВ и.т.д , на CST-100 ничего подобного не видно.  Что "Боингом" найдены новые методы стыковки с МКС?.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 08.02.2017 20:11:18
ЦитироватьAlbert пишет:
Вот непростой вопрос.В отличие от "Федерации", которая несëт на своëм корпусе: антенны радиосвязи,антенны Курса,датчики ИКВ и.т.д , на CST-100 ничего подобного не видно.
А вы где-то видите CST-100  в сборе? Может фотографией тогда поделитесь?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: vadimspb от 08.02.2017 19:52:27
лучше,вообще не отвечать ,чем вопросом на вопрос.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 08.02.2017 20:53:45
ЦитироватьAlbert пишет:
лучше,вообще не отвечать ,чем вопросом на вопрос.
Это еще почему?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 12.02.2017 19:03:20
ЦитироватьAlbert пишет:
Вот непростой вопрос.В отличие от "Федерации", которая несëт на своëм корпусе: антенны радиосвязи,антенны Курса,датчики ИКВ и.т.д , на CST-100 ничего подобного не видно. Что "Боингом" найдены новые методы стыковки с МКС?.
На Starliner установлена лидарная аппаратура, по аналогии с Dragon (Crew Dragon), Cygnus, Dream Chaser. Отрабатывалась в некоторых миссиях  шатллов на МКС. Упоминание было на blogs.nasa.gov May 10, 2016: "...McArthur, who flew as a mission specialist on STS-125 and captured the Hubble Space Telescope with the shuttle's robotic arm, visited Advanced Scientific Concepts in Santa Barbara, California, on April 7 where she surveyed the 3D Flash Light Detection and Ranging sensors the company is making. The LIDAR gear will let Starliner crews see the station in all conditions in space during a mission. The next day, McArthur visited Qual-Pro Corp in Gardena, California, where engineers are making the circuit boards that will allow Starliner systems to communicate with each other..."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: vadimspb от 12.02.2017 20:29:20
спасибо за ответ.LIDAR это наверное только на финишной прямой.?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 13.02.2017 21:36:36
ЦитироватьAlbert пишет:
спасибо за ответ.LIDAR это наверное только на финишной прямой.?
Да. Участок дальнего сближения по GPS (Absolute Nav); ближний участок с помощью радара, лидара и RGPS; 250-300 метров по радару и лидару; 50-250 метров с помощью оптики, лидара и УКВ; 0-50 метров с помощью оптики и лидара. В инете много инфы на тему применения лидаров для сближения и стыковки с МКС, начиная с 2007 года и по н.в.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 18.02.2017 00:50:35
ЦитироватьBoeing's CST-100 Starliner is currently scheduled to have its certification review in the fourth quarter of 2018, after an uncrewed flight test in June 2018 and a crewed flight test in August 2018. That review is at least 14 months behind the original schedule in Boeing's contract.
While both companies state they are making good progress on their vehicles after encountering a range of technical issues, NASA is less confident in their ability to remain on their revised schedule. "The Commercial Crew Program is tracking risks that both contractors could experience additional schedule delays and its own analysis indicates that certification is likely to slip into 2019," the GAO report stated.
Boeing's top risks, according to the GAO report, include obtaining adequate information about the capsule's parachute system and getting data on the design of Russian-built RD-180 engines used by the CST-100's launch vehicle, the Atlas 5. The engine data is needed by NASA to verify the engine meets human certification requirements, but access to the data is restricted.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 23.02.2017 22:42:28
ЦитироватьStephen Clark‏@StephenClark1  (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 1m ago (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/834850621488500736)

ASAP's John Frost, discussing commercial crew risks, says one of the top risks in Boeing CST-100 program is certification of RD-180 engine.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 26.02.2017 23:28:47
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.03.2017 00:51:33
Parachute Campaign Tests Designs to Provide Astronauts a Soft Landing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJzpIZV0Kcw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJzpIZV0Kcw)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.03.2017 01:00:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29890.jpg) NASA Commercial Crew‏Подлинная учетная запись @Commercial_Crew  (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) 42 мин назад (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew/status/840308637608357888)
See a preview of how @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) returns to Earth for @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) missions to @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station): http://go.nasa.gov/2n8qLq5  (https://t.co/rszLe18gto)
ЦитироватьMarch 10, 2017
 Campaign Tests Parachutes Designed to Provide Astronauts a Soft Landing
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208102.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/starliner-parachutetestdeploy.jpg)
A high-altitude balloon lifts off in White Sands, New Mexico, carrying a boilerplate of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner to perform a drop test of the spacecraft's parachute system. The spacecraft was taken to 38,000 feet and released, picking up the same speed as it will have coming back from orbit, before opening its parachutes.
Credits: Boeing
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208692.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/starliner-parachutetestopening.jpg)
Seen from the top hatch of the Starliner boilerplate, parachutes deploy as planned to land the boilerplate safely during a test of the parachute system.
Credits: Boeing
 By Joshua Finch,
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida

A flight-sized boilerplate of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner touched down gently under parachutes against the backdrop of the San Andres Mountains in late February, providing a preview of how the spacecraft will return to Earth in upcoming NASA missions. Boeing is developing the Starliner to take astronauts to and from the International Space Station in partnership with NASA's Commercial Crew Program (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew).

The parachute test is one in a series that will allow the vehicle to pick up the same velocity as the actual spacecraft when returning to Earth in the southwest region of the United States from the International Space Station. The goal of the test series is to prove the design of the Starliner's parachutes.

"Completion of this test campaign will bring Boeing and NASA one step closer to launching astronauts on an American vehicle and bringing them home safely," said Mark Biesack, spacecraft systems lead for the agency's Commercial Crew Program.
The test began at the Spaceport America facility near the Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. During the test, the Starliner was lifted about 40,000 feet in the air, the flying altitude of a typical commercial airline flight, by a Near Space Corp. helium balloon and then released over the White Sands Missile Range.

Given the flight-like characteristics and the large size of the capsule, Boeing was not able to fit the Starliner test article into the hold of a C-130 or C-17 aircraft. Their solution, a 1.3-million-cubic-foot balloon, which is able to lift the capsule to its intended altitude.

"This parachute test, as well as the subsequent tests in Boeing's qualification test campaign, provides valuable data, because the test article has the same mass, outer mold line, and center of gravity as the flight vehicle," said Biesack. "The high-fidelity data they receive from these tests will anchor predicted models of realistic parachute deployment."

Attached underneath the Starliner boilerplate was a large, yellow stabilization weight used to orient the test vehicle's angle of attack and speed of descent. As the Starliner descended to the desert at speeds of 300 miles per hour, a series of dynamic events slowed the spacecraft. Shortly after the Starliner was released from the balloon, the spacecraft deployed two drogue parachutes at 28,000 feet to stabilize the spacecraft, then its pilot parachutes at 12,000 feet. The main parachutes followed at 8,000 feet above the ground prior to the jettison of the spacecraft's base heat shield at 4,500 feet. Finally, the spacecraft touched the ground lightly, kicking up the desert sand.

During missions to the station, the Starliner will be equipped with large air bags that will cushion the impact during landing. The Boeing design calls for the spacecraft to be reused up to ten times, and a land-landing will aid with reusability. In the event of an emergency, the spacecraft also can splash down in the ocean.

The Starliner spacecraft will launch on an Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. NASA also is partnering with SpaceX to develop a crew transportation system all in an effort to return to U.S. human spaceflight launches from American soil. SpaceX will launch its Crew Dragon spacecraft on the company's Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJzpIZV0Kcw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJzpIZV0Kcw)
Last Updated: March 10, 2017
Editor: Steven Siceloff

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 11.03.2017 12:49:10
От Боинга с лучшим качеством
https://youtu.be/WWFgfUyqIxU (https://youtu.be/WWFgfUyqIxU) https://youtu.be/WWFgfUyqIxU

Прям какая-то гонка тестирования возвращения. Старлайнер, Орион... обещают DreamChaser
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.03.2017 17:31:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185820.png) SPACE.com‏Подлинная учетная запись @SPACEdotcom  (https://twitter.com/SPACEdotcom) 30 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SPACEdotcom/status/841287943524294656)

Flight-Sized Boeing Capsule Dropped From Balloon - On-Board Camera Video http://dlvr.it/NcWj5g  (https://t.co/ZEJCofxRRs)
ТыТруба подоспела (2:08)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHxkQ8PIanE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHxkQ8PIanE)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 13.03.2017 17:40:13
Chute tests for Starliner as ASAP worry about RD-180 certification (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/03/chute-tests-starliner-asap-worry-rd-180-certification/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 13.03.2017 18:23:17
ЦитироватьThe current schedule shows the Boe-OFT flight, which will be an uncrewed test of the Boeing CST-100 spacecraft (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/02/commercial-rotation-us-segment-crew-increase-early/), will occur throughout June 2018.
A roughly two-week crewed test flight of CST-100 will then occur in August 2018, ready for the start of limited operational commercial crew flights starting in late September 2018.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 28.03.2017 23:20:25
 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)  Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust)  50 мин.50 минут назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/846805093001449473)  
Updated commercial crew milestone chart from NASA's Kathy Lueders:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.03.2017 22:17:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29890.jpg) NASA Commercial Crew‏Подлинная учетная запись @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) 20 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew/status/847155921549774850)

Updated Collector Cards and Bookmarks Available Now! Download and Print yours! https://go.nasa.gov/2nBa9Gv  (https://t.co/uladNyVr8y)
ccp-upadtedboeingbookmark.pdf (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/ccp-upadtedboeingbookmark.pdf)
collectorcard2017-boeing.pdf (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/)
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/69731) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/69732)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 29.03.2017 19:22:34
а без бустеров 401й не справится?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 29.03.2017 19:26:06
других комментариев нет, честное слово
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2017 16:59:57
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 38 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/848884507411456002)

ARTICLE: SLC-41 completes EES installation ahead of Starliner missions - (plus SLS EES upd ate) - https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/04/slc-41-completes-ees-starliner-missions/ ... (https://t.co/ypXqXiFN1R)
ЦитироватьSLC-41 completes EES installation ahead of Starliner missions
April 3, 2017 by Chris Bergin

An Emergency Egress System (EES) has completed its installation into the Crew Access Tower (CAT) at Space Launch Complex -41 (SLC-41) in preparation for Atlas V launches with Boeing's Starliner spacecraft. The EES is a vital element for all crew launch vehicles, with the SLC-41 EES working with the traditional "slide wire" concept.
 SLC-41 EES:

The requirement to have an Emergency Egress System (EES) is not just for the astronauts se t to ride uphill fr om the launch pad, but also for the engineering teams who's role includes working up close and personal with the rocket in the final days of the pad flow.


ULA began evaluating options for SLC-41 during a period Atlas V was catering for two crew-capable vehicles options, namely Starliner (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/starliner/) – or CST-100 as it was known – and Sierra Nevada Corporation's (SNC) and their Dream Chaser (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=SNC) spacecraft.

"Different options for emergency egress. Detailed hazard analysis of the launch operations is a key determinant," noted the since-retired Dr. George Sowers, ULA VP for Human Launch Services, during a Q&A session with NASASpaceFlight.com members (http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=29751.0) in 2012. "We have the option of implementing a shuttle-like slide wire system if required."

Although Atlas V is still hoping to launch Dream Chaser missions, the spacecraft's role has been refocused on cargo missions (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Dream). The EES option will still be employed for pad crews tending to the spacecraft. However, the highlighted role will be for astronauts riding on the Starliner.
The historical heritage of the EES hardware has mainly been based around utilizing a fairly simple, gravity-powered systems with a requirement to be passive/unpowered, in case the emergency cut power to the pad. However, each option had a different take on a similar theme.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231616.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231616.jpg)

The first EES for the Saturn V used the existing launch tower elevators to evacuate crew and/or engineers to the base of the Mobile Launch Platform, before transferring to a "slide tube" that led in an underground rubber room/sealed blast room – which remains in a preserved condition at Complex 39. (Large photo collection available on L2 – LINK (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=16024.0)).

A second system was added a few years later, adding the option of a single cab on a slide wire that egressed the astronauts outside of the pad perimeter – known as the Blast Danger Area (BDA) – 2,400 feet away fr om the pad. From there, they would enter a sealed bunker and await rescue.

This slide wire system was expanded by the time the Space Shuttle began its service for NASA, with extra emphasis on the pad EES, not least because a pad abort was not possible via the vehicle, due to the lack of a LAS (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/las/).

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231617.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231617.jpg)

Engineers installed five slide wires to the launch tower – later expanded to seven – with baskets that could hold up to four people each.

These slidewires ended at the same Apollo bunkers outside the BDA, wh ere personnel could wait out the disaster or transfer to an armored vehicle (M-113) and drive to a triage site wh ere they could be met by rescue personnel.

The slide wire option remained relatively unchanged throughout its career with the Space Shuttle Program (SSP) and was thankfully never required or used in anger.

It was used – mostly uncrewed – during emergency drills carried out on occasions such as the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2011/06/sts-135-atlantis-tcdt-external-tank-death-camera-ready/) (TCDT), allowing the crew to practice their evacuation plans.


With ULA working on SLC-41 (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/08/pad-changes-new-era-space-coast/) during regular Atlas V missions (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/atlas-v/), this week's announcement that a final test of the pad's EES has been conducted is another step towards seeing US astronauts launching from the Cape.

"ULA is absolutely focused on the safety of the crews we will be supporting and although we hope to never use it, we are excited to announce the Emergency Egress System is fully operational," said Gary Wentz, Vice President of Human & Commercial Services.

"Through our partnership with Terra-Nova, a company that designs and builds zip lines for recreational use, a modified, off-the-shelf product has been designed and constructed to meet our needs and reduce costs, while maintaining reliability and safety."


The egress cables are situated on level 12 of the Crew Access Tower (CAT), 172 feet above the Space Launch Complex 41 pad deck and will allow the crew to evacuate the CAT quickly to a landing zone more than 1,340 feet from the launch vehicle.

The EES can accommodate up to 20 personnel, including ground crew and flight crew.

ULA noted that Terra-Nova, LLC (makers of the ZipRider Hybrid) offered a commercially developed EES based on their "off-the-shelf," patented designs.

The ZipRider was easily adaptable to ULA's specific needs while offering an unmatched safety record, and providing the best overall value.


With Boeing's Chris Ferguson – a former Shuttle commander (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=ferguson) – enjoying a test ride on the system ahead of its installation at SLC-41, it takes just 30 seconds for the rider to reach a top speed of 40 mph. The riders control their speed by releasing pressure on the handles, with the ability to glide to a gentle stop at the landing zone.

There are 30 feet of springs on each cable located in the landing area to gradually slow a rider down if they forget to brake. Terra-Nova will install a training system located north of the CAT for riders to practice on before final training on the operational EES.

"Crew safety is paramount, and the ULA emergency egress system hits the mark for an effective yet simple system that is adapted from other commercial applications," said Commander Ferguson, Boeing director of Starliner Crew and Mission Systems.
"We look forward to spaceflight operations next year knowing that every measure to protect the flight and ground crew has been employed."

There's also been internal movement on the EES that will be employed for the Space Launch System (SLS) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/sls/) on Pad 39B (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/39B/), years after a trade study began to evaluate the best EES option for safely evacuating crew and engineers from the dizzy heights of the Mobile Launcher (ML) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/ML/). Teams have been told to accelerate options in light of the recent study into changing Exploration Mission -1 (EM-1) into a crewed mission (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/02/investigating-potential-crew-sls-maiden-flight/).


Currently, only one patchy render of the system has been acquired (L2) (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=42529.0) – showing the use of a massive crane.

"Members of the Operations Integration and Analysis team developed, modeled, and created images of an Emergency Egress System concept in support of the Crewed SLS EM-1 Mission Study," noted a memo via L2 (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=42529.0).

"The orange frame depicts the fixture with the four baskets lifted by a mobile crane and attached to the west side of the Mobile Launcher. The ground distance from the tower to the end of the slide wire is over 1100 feet, and the wire would be approximately 1300ft long. These images were used in the crewed EM-1 impact briefing to NASA Headquarters."

The use of a massive crane will be far cheaper than the recommended option from the 2006 study for the since-cancelled Ares I launch vehicle EES (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2006/11/nasa-will-build-rollercoaster-for-ares-i-escape/), once again pitching several very different designs against each other – including a slide wire system.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231615.jpg) (http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2007/10/major-redesign-to-ares-i-roller-coaster-previous-concept-scrapped/)

The winner of the 2006 study was the spectacular Roller Coaster EES – a giant structure that would have been a permanent fixture out at Pad 39B, rising into the Florida skyline ready to be hooked up to the ML once it had rolled out to the pad with the vehicle.

The Roller Coaster EES included a multi-car high-speed rail system and used gravity to get personnel to a safe haven. It was deemed to be very accommodating to incapacitated crew members as well as limited 3G forces on the people riding the cars with a passive electromagnetic braking system.

It underwent a few redesigns during the life of the Constellation Program, including options to extend the rails to an area outside the BDA directly into a triage site.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231618.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231618.jpg)

For this system, NASA relied on many different areas of expertise: Safety, Medical, Operations Personnel, and the Astronaut Office. Engineers involved in Disney's roller coaster systems were also part of the design project.

The 2006 trade study – (available on L2 LINK (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=29415.msg942668#msg942668)) – helped explain the requirements of the future EES, of which there are numerous considerations. These considerations will be playing into the SLS trade study discussions.

"The EES starts at the crew hatch of the Orion and terminates at the designated safe area. Once the crew access arm is extended, a maximum of 2 minutes for 15 able bodied personnel (six crew members, three closeout crew members, and six fire/rescue members) is allowed to move from the hatch to inside the safe area during vehicle processing at the pad up to T-0.


"The EES shall provide a safe area built to withstand possible blast, fire, and flying debris within the 5,000-ft blast danger area of the tower. The EES shall accommodate the following hazards at the pad: fire, propellant spills, tank overpressure, radioactive-material release, and toxic atmosphere.

"The EES shall provide a clear route from Orion hatch to the egress vehicles with provision for 0.25 gpm/sq ft of water spray and fire detection for the EES before entering the vehicles."

The list continued for two pages, and despite being by far the most expensive, the Roller Coaster EES scored the highest in nearly all of the requirement categories.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231619.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/231619.jpg)

The 2006 study design was refined again in 2008 (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2008/07/ares-i-rollercoaster-ees-continues-to-evolve/), mainly relating to the initial drop from the ML, in turn providing a CGI view from both onboard the coaster and viewing it drop from various viewpoints (L2 Link to Video (http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=10075.0)).

However, the Constellation Program was then canceled.

Pad 39A's EES (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/39A/) will be mainly focused around the needs of the pad engineers, given astronauts onboard the Dragon 2 (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/tag/dragon-v2/) will find their spacecraft will be the fastest way of egressing the pad in the event of an emergency ahead of launch.

Dragon 2 will fire her SuperDraco thrusters in the event of a pad abort scenario, as has already been tested (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/05/dragon-2-pad-abort-leap-key-spacex-test/).

(Images: Via Boeing, ULA and L2's specific sections. To join L2, click here: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/l2/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2017 17:27:57
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 14 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/848696623886733312)

Boeing's Chris Ferguson sits in the zip line chair that will be used for the pad egress system for Starliner launches from Pad 41.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2017 17:29:17
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 14 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/848697749780475904)

This was fr om a Boeing/ULA event at Royal Gorge, Colo., wh ere Boeing also showed off its Starliner spacesuit.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 03.04.2017 17:56:03
По ссылке видео:
 Boeing DefenseПодлинная учетная запись @BoeingDefense
Zip line to lifeline: @ULALaunch + #Starliner emergency egress system covers 1,300+ feet, reaches 40 mph in 30 seconds #SS33 #BoeingSpace
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2017 18:02:55
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 16 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/848666632347992066)

ULA worked w/Terra-Nova, which designs & creates rec zip lines, to modify ZipRider to meet our needs for the EES #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)

 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 16 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/848666138267471872)

Completing Emergency Egress System testing is another step complete as we prepare to launch crew in @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) atop #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash)

 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 17 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/848659462797840384)

Zip line to safety: ULA completes final testing on its Emergency Egress System. #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) http://bit.ly/2oquaBb  (https://t.co/uQmxVijXlD)
ЦитироватьUnited Launch Alliance Completes Crew Emergency Egress System

ULA and Terra-Nova Zipline provide NASA and commercial astronauts with safe, new generation egress option

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., (April 2, 2017) – The final test of the Emergency Egress System (EES) was conducted recently, signifying the completion of another United Launch Alliance (ULA) milestone supporting NASA's Commercial Crew Program. The EES was developed in support of Boeing's Starliner crew capsule and is a means of rapid egress for astronauts in case of an anomaly.

"ULA is absolutely focused on the safety of the crews we will be supporting, and, although we hope to never use it, we are excited to announce the Emergency Egress System is fully operational," said Gary Wentz, vice president of Human & Commercial Services. "Through our partnership with Terra-Nova, a company that designs and builds zip lines for recreational use, a modified, off-the-shelf product has been designed and constructed to meet our needs and reduce costs, while maintaining reliability and safety."

The egress cables are situated on level 12 of the Crew Access Tower (CAT), 172 feet above the Space Launch Complex 41 pad deck at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and will allow the crew to evacuate the CAT quickly to a landing zone more than 1,340 feet from the launch vehicle. The EES can accommodate up to 20 personnel, including ground crew and flight crew.

Terra-Nova, LLC (makers of the ZipRider® Hybrid) offered a commercially developed EES based on their "off-the-shelf," patented designs. The ZipRider was easily adaptable to ULA's specific needs, while offering an unmatched safety record, and providing the best overall value.

In just 30 seconds, the rider reaches top speeds of 40 mph. The riders control their speed by releasing pressure on the handles, with the ability to glide to a gentle stop at the landing zone. There are 30 feet of springs on each cable located in the landing area to gradually slow a rider down if they forget to brake. Terra-Nova will install a training system located north of the CAT for riders to practice on before final training on the operational EES.

The Boeing Company is developing Starliner and sel ected ULA's Atlas V rocket for human-rated spaceflight to the International Space Station. ULA's Atlas V has launched more than 70 times with a 100 percent mission success rate.

"Crew safety is paramount, and the ULA Emergency Egress System hits the mark for an effective yet simple system that is adapted fr om other commercial applications," said Chris Ferguson, Boeing director of Starliner Crew and Mission Systems and a former NASA astronaut. "We look forward to spaceflight operations next year knowing that every measure to protect the flight and ground crew has been employed."

With more than a century of combined heritage, United Launch Alliance is the nation's most experienced and reliable launch service provider. ULA has successfully delivered more than 115 satellites to orbit that aid meteorologists in tracking severe weather, unlock the mysteries of our solar system, provide critical capabilities for troops in the field and enable personal device-based GPS navigation.

For more information on ULA, visit the ULA website at www.ulalaunch.com, or call the ULA Launch Hotline at 1-877-ULA-4321 (852-4321). Join the conversation at www.facebook.com/ulalaunch (https://www.facebook.com/ulalaunch), twitter.com/ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) and instagram.com/ulalaunch (https://instagram.com/ulalaunch).          
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2017 19:38:40
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/848929369573785602)

Final qualification, loads analyses. Flight design. Final assembly. Preparing to launch #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) in 2018.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLlZJLWEm9E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLlZJLWEm9E)
ЦитироватьAtlas V Starliner 2017: Preparing to Launch Astronauts to the Space Station

United Launch Alliance is thrilled to be working with Boeing to launch astronauts aboard Boeing's Starliner atop ULA's #AtlasV rocket. Here's what's in store for 2017 as we prepare to launch astronauts to the Space Station beginning in 2018.

youtube.com (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLlZJLWEm9E)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2017 20:06:18
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185600.png) SpaceFlight Insider‏ @SpaceflightIns (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightIns) 17 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightIns/status/848935619480965121)

Returning astronauts safely: Starliner test provides crucial re-entry data
ЦитироватьReturning astronauts safely: Starliner test provides crucial re-entry data
April 3rd, 2017
by Tomasz Nowakowski
A high-altitude balloon lifts off in White Sands, New Mexico, carrying a boilerplate of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner to perform a drop test of the spacecraft's parachute system. Photo Credit: Boeing
Boeing is currently in the midst of parachute drop tests for its CST-100 Starliner (http://www.boeing.com/space/starliner/) spacecraft, which are being carried out to ensure future astronauts a safe return from space. The latest test, conducted March 10, 2017 (http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/boeing-cst-100-starliner-parachute-system-test-launch-lifts-off-successfully-from-spaceport-america-in-new-mexico-300422075.html), at Spaceport America in New Mexico, provided a wealth of data essential for the safety of crews during re-entry into the atmosphere.

During the test, a giant helium-filled balloon lifted off from Spaceport America, carrying a flight-sized boilerplate Starliner spacecraft up to about 40,000 feet (12,200 meters). It floated east across the San Andres Mountains for a parachute landing on the other side at White Sands Missile Range.
"What the balloon launch and release enabled us to do is to test the highest-fidelity Starliner capsule possible in terms of size, shape and weight," Rebecca Regan of Boeing's Defense, Space and Security (BDS (http://www.boeing.com/company/about-bds/)) division told SpaceFlight Insider, "Performing this in New Mexico enabled us to take the vehicle up to about 40,000 feet before releasing it."
Seen from the top hatch of the Starliner boilerplate, parachutes deploy as planned to land the vehicle safely during a test of the parachute system. Photo Credit: Boeing

 After the capsule was released from the balloon, it deployed two drogue parachutes designed to stabilize the spacecraft at 28,000 feet (8,530 meters). Next, at approximately 12,000 feet (3,650 meters) above the surface, Starliner opened its pilot parachutes, while its main parachutes were deployed at 8,000 feet (2,440 meters), before the spacecraft's base heat shield was jettisoned.

"We placed sensors onboard the boilerplate spacecraft that collected data real-time, and we're able to provide that to NASA as insight into how we'll be giving astronauts a safe return from space," Regan said.

Engineers will use the data collected during the test to verify parachute inflation characteristics and landing system performance, as well as the altitude and descent rate of the Starliner spacecraft at touchdown. Analyses of the data will tell if the parachute system can stabilize and decelerate the capsule to a nominal terminal descent velocity, what is necessary in order to achieve a safe landing.

The parachute drop tests campaign is part of the final development and certification effort under way for the CST-100 Starliner in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html).

"These qualification tests are more comprehensive than our initial drop tests, which were meant to prove out concepts, capture data and influence the final design," Regan said. "We are now testing all of the subsystems and systems together and replicating the environment the spacecraft would encounter on an entry from orbit, including the parachutes, the avionics systems, the pyros and the deployment sequence."

While the test conducted in late February simulated a nominal return from space, Boeing now plans to introduce anomalies into future tests to see how the vehicle recovers from something like a drogue failure or a main parachute failure.

Starliner's next parachute drop tests in the New Mexico area are planned to be carried out over the next few months.

The CST-100 Starliner spacecraft was designed to accommodate seven passengers, or a mix of crew and cargo, for missions to low-Earth orbit. For NASA service missions to ISS, it will carry up to four NASA-sponsored crew members and time-critical scientific research.

Regan confirmed that Starliner is on track for an uncrewed orbital flight test in June 2018 and a crewed flight test to ISS with one NASA and one Boeing astronaut onboard in August 2018.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWFgfUyqIxU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWFgfUyqIxU)
Video courtesy of Boeing
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2017 02:00:07
Atlas V Starliner 2017: Preparing to Launch Astronauts to the Space Station
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLlZJLWEm9E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLlZJLWEm9E) (2:32)
ЦитироватьОпубликовано: 3 апр. 2017 г.

United Launch Alliance is thrilled to be working with Boeing to launch astronauts aboard Boeing's Starliner atop ULA's #AtlasV (https://www.youtube.com/results?q=%23AtlasV) rocket. Here's what's in store for 2017 as we prepare to launch astronauts to the Space Station beginning in 2018.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.04.2017 23:22:39
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29890.jpg) NASA Commercial Crew‏Подлинная учетная запись @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew/status/850046243854311425)

Boeing powered up its #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) spacecraft in its Florida facility in major step toward flights to @space_station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station): https://go.nasa.gov/2o6XJWW  (https://t.co/SsrCmFOeht)
ЦитироватьBoeing Powers On Starliner Spacecraft For First Time
Posted on April 6, 2017 at 1:59 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/04/06/boeing-powers-on-starliner-spacecraft-for-first-time/) by Steven Siceloff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/ssicelof/).

Engineers for the first time powered up the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft that will fly Boeing's inaugural flight test of the next-generation spacecraft. Working inside Boeing's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the test team activated the flight avionics system for the Starliner known as Spacecraft 1. The system is the same astronauts will use for all Starliner missions.

The avionics is the complex suite of equipment and software that work together to maneuver the spacecraft in orbit, conduct the rendezvous and docking with the International Space Station and communicating with Mission Control on the ground. Whether under manual control by the crew or in automatic mode, the flight computers have to work seamlessly with the thrusters, guidance and navigation system and other subsystems to perform the mission and then return back to Earth safely.

The Starliner is being built as an upper half and lower half that will be bolted together following successful systems testing. Once completed, Spacecraft 1 will be launched without a crew on a flight test to demonstrate its capability to abort a mission from the launch pad in the unlikely event of an emergency. Later flight tests will demonstrate Starliners in orbital missions to the station without a crew, and then with astronauts aboard. The flight tests will preview the crew rotation missions future Starliners will perform as they take up to four astronauts at a time to the orbiting laboratory in order to enhance the research taking place there. Photo credits: Boeing

This entry was posted in NASA (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/nasa/) on April 6, 2017 (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/04/06/boeing-powers-on-starliner-spacecraft-for-first-time/) by Steven Siceloff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/ssicelof/).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2017 01:51:51
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185645.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 34 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/850108673259163649)

Step onto the launch pad & climb aboard @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense)'s #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) atop ULA's #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) for a #ULA360 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ULA360?src=hash) trip to the ISS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvnPiuRiwl0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvnPiuRiwl0)
ЦитироватьRocket Launch 360: Atlas V Starliner

3,2,1...liftoff! Take a trip to the International Space Station aboard Boeing's...

youtube.com (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvnPiuRiwl0)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.04.2017 01:25:07
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 18 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/850465597766983684)

FEATURE ARTICLE: Commercial Crew on tight but achievable timeline for crewed flights in 2018 - https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/04/commercial-crew-tight-achievable-timeline-2018/ ... (https://t.co/NLIjUoi3MQ) - by @CwG_NSF (https://twitter.com/CwG_NSF)
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew on tight but achievable timeline for crewed flights in 2018
April 7, 2017 by Chris Gebhardt


The long and arduous process of achieving commercial crew transportation services to space is closing in on an important milestone. At a recent update to the NASA Advisory Council, NASA's commercial crew transportation services program manager discussed numerous aspects to SpaceX and Boeing's progress over the last few months and revealed that, while the timeline is tight, the two companies are on track for their scheduled crew demo flights of Dragon and Starliner in 2018.

Boeing – Starliner's progress:
According to the accompanying presentation for CCP to the NAC, Boeing has completed the Critical Design Reviews for both their ascent and entry suit systems for the crew as well as the base heat shield for the CST-100 Starliner (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Starliner) vehicle.


Since the last NAC update, Boeing has completed wind tunnel testing of the launch vehicle adapter skirt, conducted International Docking Adapter and NASA Docking System testing at the Johnson Space Center, successfully dropped tested the parachutes and tested their deployment sequence, hot fired the launch Abort Engines with their new propellant valves, completed acceptance testing and RL-10 hot fire of the CFT engines, and performed quality testing at the Langley Research Center for the landing airbag system.

Moreover, the version 8.0 software release has been completed, gaining specific note fr om Ms. Lueders who praised Boeing, saying that "It's one of the few programs I've seen where the software is actually running ahead of the hardware."


In terms of hardware, the Starliner Structural Test Article is at Huntington Beach, California, wh ere proof pressure testing was completed last December.

At the C3PF, the former OPF-3, at the Kennedy Space Center (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/09/cst-100-starliner-boeing-processing-facility-kennedy/), Spacecraft 1's Crew Module upper and lower dome outfitting work is on track to support power on testing this year.

The Spacecraft 1 Service Module's structural panels have also arrived at the space center.

Moreover, Spacecraft 2's upper and lower dome outfitting has begun in C3PF, and Spacecraft 3 is "progressing across the supply base," notes the CCP presentation to the NAC.

"So there's a lot of hardware in flow," stated Ms. Lueders. "But we need a lot of hardware in flow to be able to meet our schedule."

At present, Boeing's uncrewed demonstration flight is slated for June 2018 ahead of the crewed demo flight in August 2018.

(Images: NASA and L2 artist Nathan Koga – The full gallery of Nathan's (SpaceX Dragon to MCT, SLS, Commercial Crew and more) L2 images can be *found here (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=38476.0)*))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.04.2017 21:40:58
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185615.jpg) Trevor Kilpatrick‏ @ularocketman (https://twitter.com/ularocketman) 12 апр. (https://twitter.com/ularocketman/status/852197019829522432)

Newest mission patch for @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch)'s #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) launching @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing)'s #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) capsule! #welaunchedthat (https://twitter.com/hashtag/welaunchedthat?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 13.04.2017 17:48:11
Шесть звездочек - надеются выиграть шесть пусков из восьми?)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Oleg от 14.04.2017 10:40:53
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 14.04.2017 11:50:24
5 выиграть и один взорвать об землю
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 16.04.2017 05:59:07
silentpom, О - оптимизм)))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 16.04.2017 18:20:04
я что ли один взрыв нарисовал???
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 16.04.2017 21:02:06
А где у Старлайнера САС?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 17.04.2017 07:07:44
у него RS-88 для этой цели. оригинальный двигатель был на спирту, то тут поменяли на вонючку
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 23.04.2017 08:42:20
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет:
А где у Старлайнера САС?

В сервисном модуле.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 23.04.2017 23:35:59
Launch Abort System
Странное однако решение поставить движки под служебным модулем, лишний груз таскать
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 24.04.2017 09:14:21
А топливо где брать?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Lanista от 24.04.2017 12:28:46
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет:
Странное однако решение поставить движки под служебным модулем, лишний груз таскать
То ли дело у Союза, и СА и БО и ГО...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Garixon от 24.04.2017 18:52:59
ЦитироватьLanista пишет:
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет:
Странное однако решение поставить движки под служебным модулем, лишний груз таскать
То ли дело у Союза, и СА и БО и ГО...
ну может быть для "Союза" это оптимальный вариант, с его характеристиками :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 26.04.2017 16:23:04
Despite delays, Boeing's Starliner moving steadily toward the launch pad
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: che wi от 03.05.2017 00:11:37
Aerojet Rocketdyne Successfully Completes Qualification Tests on Reusable Engine to Support Next Era of Human Spaceflight from the United States (http://www.rocket.com/article/aerojet-rocketdyne-successfully-completes-qualification-tests-reusable-engine-support-next)

ЦитироватьSACRAMENTO, Calif., April 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc., a subsidiary of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AJRD), has successfully completed hot-fire qualification tests of an engine that demonstrates the ability to meet reusability requirements for Boeing's Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100 Starliner crew module propulsion system. The tests were conducted on Aerojet Rocketdyne's MR-104J hydrazine monopropellant engine in Redmond, Washington. For NASA service missions to the International Space Station, Boeing's Starliner spacecraft will carry up to four astronauts and time-critical scientific research.

"Our engineers have incorporated a unique design that will allow the MR-104 engine to be used on multiple missions, providing the reliability, cost-efficiency and reusability our customer needs to be competitive in the current commercial space environment," said Aerojet Rocketdyne CEO and President Eileen Drake. "We look forward to delivering the engines for the crew module and continuing our proud heritage of enabling astronauts to fly to the International Space Station from U.S. soil."

The Starliner crew module propulsion system will use 12 MR-104J engines for reaction control to orient the vehicle during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. Prior to re-entry, attitude control is provided by the Service Module Engines, also provided by Aerojet Rocketdyne.

The MR-104J, designed by Aerojet Rocketdyne, was developed and tested under the company's Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) subcontract to Boeing. Similar to other reaction control system engines, the MR-104J includes additional features to increase redundancy that meet critical requirements and improved strength to withstand multiple shocks at operating temperatures. The engine upgrades also provide reusability for Boeing as it certifies Starliner crew modules for multiple missions.

Under the CCtCap subcontract to Boeing, Aerojet Rocketdyne will provide propulsion system hardware that includes Crew Module Reaction Control engines; Launch Abort Engines, Orbital Maneuvering and Attitude Control thrusters, and Service Module Reaction Control System thrusters. Boeing will assemble propulsion hardware into the Starliner spacecraft at its Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.05.2017 15:47:55
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg) Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 21 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/861615045729439744)

Hardware! Structural test article for #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #Atlas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Atlas?src=hash) LV adapter
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 25.05.2017 22:36:30
ЦитироватьTest Dummies Provide Valuable Data for Starliner's Seat Design
Posted on May 25, 2017 at 12:23 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/05/25/test-dummies-provide-valuable-data-for-starliners-seat-design/) by Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/).
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130595.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2017/05/KSC-20170221-PH_BOE01_0002.jpg)
Above and below right: Engineers working with Boeing's CST-100 Starliner test the spacecraft's seat design in Mesa, Arizona, focusing on how the spacecraft seats would protect an astronaut's head, neck and spine during the 240-mile descent from the International Space Station. Credit: Boeing
Every aspect of NASA's Commercial Crew Program spacecraft are being tested for the journey to and from the International Space Station to meet the agency's mission and safety requirements. Testing from Boeing and SpaceX demonstrates how the systems perform in flight-like scenarios. Engineers working with Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft recently lab tested their seat design focusing on how the spacecraft seats protect the head, neck and spine of the astronauts for the 240-mile descent from space.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130594.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2017/05/KSC-20170221-PH_BOE01_0001.jpg)

The company incorporated test dummies for a detailed analysis of impacts on a crew returning to Earth. The human-sized dummies were secured in their crew module seats for 30 drop tests at varying heights, angles, velocities and seat orientations, all in an effort to mimic actual landing conditions. To simulate the return, the seats were suspended inside a metal frame and dropped to land on honeycomb-like panels at the base of the test stand meant to function similarly to the Starliner's landing airbags. The dummies were equipped with sensitive instrumentation to measure the impacts and high-speed cameras were used to capture the footage for further analysis. When the Starliner returns to Earth from the International Space Station, the spacecraft will be slowed by using a choreographed parachute system and will then land on large airbags to further soften the landing in the western region of the United States. The company also will test a full-scale mock-up of the Starliner spacecraft using male and female test dummies at NASA's Langley Research Facility.
The Starliner spacecraft is being developed in partnership with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. NASA is investing in private industry with a goal of resuming human spaceflight to and from low-Earth orbit from the United States. Starliner will launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at Space Launch Complex 41 to fly up to four astronauts to the space station for NASA missions. NASA also has partnered with SpaceX to develop the Crew Dragon spacecraft and the company's Falcon 9 rocket. The SpaceX design calls for the Crew Dragon to return with a splashdown in the ocean. Both companies will launch from Florida's Space Coast. Together, the private companies will provide regular and reliable crew transportation to and from the microgravity outpost for NASA.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Виктор Левашов от 05.06.2017 16:32:40
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет:
Launch Abort System
Странное однако решение поставить движки под служебным модулем, лишний груз таскать
По-моему: странное решение, что КК запросто кувырнуться может, если что, и носом - в землю. И парашюты не помогут.
Вот вам и САС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 05.06.2017 22:53:15
ЦитироватьGarixon пишет:
Странное однако решение поставить движки под служебным модулем, лишний груз таскать
Единственный недостаток по сравнению с САС на башне сверху от СА в том. что сами баки и двигатели САС теоретически могут быть повреждены  в результате аварии ещё до того, как успеют сработать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Кубик от 05.06.2017 23:11:04
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет: Единственный недостаток по сравнению с САС на башне сверху от СА в том. что сами баки и двигатели САС теоретически могут быть повреждены в результате аварии ещё
до того, как успеют сработать.
Такого недостатка достаточно.. ;)  А тянущая САС более логична, чем толкающая..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Алексей от 06.06.2017 09:33:56
ЦитироватьКубик пишет:
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет: Единственный недостаток по сравнению с САС на башне сверху от СА в том. что сами баки и двигатели САС теоретически могут быть повреждены в результате аварии ещё
до того, как успеют сработать.
Такого недостатка достаточно..  ;)  А тянущая САС более логична, чем толкающая..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Leonar от 05.06.2017 23:40:06
Тянущая сас не сможет довывести кк если чтототам случится на этом этапе
Эта сможет...
Если конечно решены проблемы со скоростью реакции описанных выше и более часто происходимых в практике
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 05.06.2017 23:30:23
У Драгона между САС и ракетой стоит багажник. Так что вероятность повреждния САС мизерна. Кроме того, САС спрятана в корпусе капсулы и под ней теплозащитный щит. Что сводит все рассуждения про неправильную САС к нулю.
 Так что Маск переиграл тут Боинг.)))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Кубик от 06.06.2017 02:30:50
ЦитироватьLeonar пишет: Тянущая сас не сможет довывести кк если чтототам случится на этом этапе
Эта сможет...
Разные задачи - спасти корабль или спасти миссию. Если довыведение на САС - это уже фактически РБ, дополнительно к основе РН.. Раз это включили в состав ПН, как систему двойного назначения - это вопрос к тем, кто считал шансы и выгоду. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 10.06.2017 17:22:57
А недостаток традиционной САС - что она сбрасывается задолго до окончания вывода.
И в случае взрыва верхней ступени - велика вероятность повреждения корабля, который просто нечем оттащить от неё.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 10.06.2017 16:53:11
ЦитироватьДем пишет:
И в случае взрыва верхней ступени - велика вероятность повреждения корабля, который просто нечем оттащить от неё.
Потому что тогда уже смысла нет оттаскивать :)
Логика работы САС на начальном этапе выведения - в случае катастрофического отказа БОЛЬШИХ НИЖНИХ ступеней увести КК подальше, на случай развития взрывного разрушения ближних к нему верхних ступеней. А если что-то такое случится с последней ступенью, то либо уводить уже будет некого (расстояние маленькое, скорость развития НШС большая, автоматика не успеет сработать на упреждение), либо КК не будет поврежден и необходимости увода не будет (размер верхней ступени наименьший из всех, "тротиловый эквивалент" невелик).
Так что тут не никакого недостатка, это не баг, это фича.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 10.06.2017 21:18:15
Ну вот последние аварии с "Прогрессом" - взрыва как такового не было, но кораблю прилетело верхней частью ступени.
В результате чего он ушёл в закрутку с большой скоростью - и будь там "Союз" не факт что смог бы сесть. САС даже если бы не увела на достаточную дистанцию то по крайней мере сохранила бы ориентацию.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Михаил Иродов от 10.06.2017 20:35:25
ЦитироватьДем пишет:
САС даже если бы не увела на достаточную дистанцию то по крайней мере сохранила бы ориентацию.
С чего бы вдруг?   :o
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 10.06.2017 20:38:56
ЦитироватьДем пишет:
В результате чего он ушёл в закрутку с большой скоростью - и будь там "Союз" не факт что смог бы сесть. САС даже если бы не увела на достаточную дистанцию то по крайней мере сохранила бы ориентацию.
Сохранило бы ориентацию при срабатывании САС ПОСЛЕ закрутки? Ой ли...
А вот штатными средствами СА после разделения КК как раз можно было бы выправить ориентацию.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 11.06.2017 12:10:34
ЦитироватьBell пишет:
Сохранило бы ориентацию при срабатывании САС ПОСЛЕ закрутки? Ой ли...
А вот штатными средствами СА после разделения КК как раз можно было бы выправить ориентацию.
САС аля Дрыгун-2 обладает достаточным моментом, чтобы выправить ситуацию.
А штатные средства вряд ли смогут преодолеть гироскопический эффект - и капсула будет тормозится не щитом а произвольной стороной.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 11.06.2017 11:53:41
ЦитироватьДем пишет:
САС аля Дрыгун-2 обладает достаточным моментом, чтобы выправить ситуацию.
А штатные средства вряд ли смогут преодолеть гироскопический эффект - и капсула будет тормозится не щитом а произвольной стороной.
Потому что тянущая схема более устойчива, чем толкающая?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дем от 12.06.2017 17:26:05
рассчёты показывают, что при жёстком креплении тяги, как в САС Союза, тянущая нифига не устойчивее.
Устойчивее управляемая.
А у отдельно взятой капсулы Союза вообще рулить нечем.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 12.06.2017 18:22:30
ЦитироватьДем пишет:
рассчёты показывают, что при жёстком креплении тяги, как в САС Союза, тянущая нифига не устойчивее.
Это был вопрос с подвохом  :)
Для устойчивости ракеты не имеет никакого значения - тянущая или толкающая. Такие вещи надо бы знать...

ЦитироватьДем пишет:
А у отдельно взятой капсулы Союза вообще рулить нечем.
Здрасьте, приплыли...
У СА Союза есть штатная система ориентации, которая изменяет положение капсулы при входе в плотные слои атмосферы и во время торможения.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 12.06.2017 22:28:21
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg)  Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno)  17 мин17 минут назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/874342792994201601)
Nice day in FL. Going to ride the Atlas/Starliner EES escape system tomorrow. Should be an E-Ticket ride... ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.06.2017 22:30:36
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg) Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/874342792994201601)

Nice day in FL. Going to ride the Atlas/Starliner EES escape system tomorrow. Should be an E-Ticket ride...  ;)  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.06.2017 01:52:17
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg) Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 22 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/874755135485947904)

Best ride in Florida. #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 14.06.2017 01:29:10
А если при взрыве тот конец троса оборвется?  :oops:
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 14.06.2017 06:29:20
это будет не лучший райд по флориде
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 14.06.2017 10:18:37
Так атракцион ещё пять лет для Ориона испытвали.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 18.06.2017 14:29:53
От 30 мая
Цитироватьhttps://youtu.be/Wqfvpei0VaM (https://youtu.be/Wqfvpei0VaM) https://youtu.be/Wqfvpei0VaM
Published on May 30, 2017
As Boeing continues to work toward launches of the CST-100 Starliner in 2018, teams tested the spacecrafts seats in a lab to ensure astronauts will land safely on dry land after the Starliner returns to Earth.
p.s. говорят в настоящем - первый американский капсульный корабль приземляющийся на землю.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2017 00:09:43
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew providers making "significant progress" toward first flights
June 27, 2017 by Chris Gebhardt


As the mid-way point of 2017 arrives, both of NASA's Commercial Crew Program service providers are making significant progress toward the first uncrewed test flights of their Dragon and Starliner capsules.

At their second quarter 2017 meeting, the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel noted this progress while also discussing outstanding concerns regarding the program and vehicles as well as the positive steps being taken to address these matters.

Commercial Crew progress:
During last month's NASA Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=ASAP) second quarter meeting in Huntsville, Alabama, the panel noted the "significant progress" both Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=CCtCap) providers are making toward their first uncrewed demo flights.



Regardless, SpX Demo-1 will be followed – under the current plan – by Boeing's (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Boeing) uncrewed OFT (Orbital Flight Test) in mid-2018.

Notwithstanding the ultimate commencement of the Commercial Crew Program (CCP) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=CCP) flight operations, the ASAP noted its concern and recommendations regarding CCP provider System Engineering & Integration (SE&I) process and controls.

A large portion of this section, unsurprisingly, focused on the LOC (Loss Of Crew) gap between what Dragon and Starliner are independently capable of providing v. what the CCtCap contracts require of them (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/05/nasa-evaluating-commercial-loss-crew-mishap/).

As previously reported by NASASpaceflight.com, the CCtCap contracts establish a minimum baseline requirement that Dragon and Starliner each meet a LOC criteria of 1 in 270 (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/04/commercial-crew-tight-achievable-timeline-2018/) – meaning for every 270 flights, only one would result in an LOC event.


Currently, there is a gap in what the data analysis shows both Starliner and Dragon (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=crew+dragon) are capable of providing and that 1 in 270 requirement.


At the NAC meeting in March, Ms. Lueders stated that SpaceX and Boeing were "still updating MMOD protection and a few other critical areas including looking at operational controls, and when we get through all that we'll be in a better place to talk about our final LOC projection."


The ASAP at large concurred with this finding and noted their pleasure at the progress made in closing the LOC gap for both Dragon and Starliner.


Importantly, though, the ASAP meeting wasn't just focused on the panel's concerns. Considerable time was dedicated to a discussion and review of the progress both providers continue to make and where each provider is in terms of schedule milestones for their first uncrewed demo flights.

Presently, Boeing is moving through software release for Starliner, and the Starliner (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Starliner) STA (Structural Test Article) is progressing through its test regime.

Meanwhile, the first Starliner spacecraft – the one that will fly the OFT mission next year – has undergone initial power activation, and the builds for Starliner spacecrafts two and three are progressing inside Boeing's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/09/cst-100-starliner-boeing-processing-facility-kennedy/).


Finally, the ASAP noted that "Both providers have completed parachute testing for landings and are moving into production and qualification."

Moreover, SpaceX and Boeing have implemented solutions to several issues flagged by NASA toward the end of last year, and very few new issues have been identified to date.

(Images: NASA, L2 Shuttle and L2 artist Nathan Koga – The full gallery of Nathan's (SpaceX Dragon to MCT, SLS, Commercial Crew and more) L2 images can be *found here (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=38476.0)*)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.07.2017 20:40:55
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/883011584917999616)

Dragon, Orion and Starliner on stage. I'd love a speech from those three.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.07.2017 21:24:27
Starliner meets milestones as ULA switches Atlas booster for maiden flight (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/07/starliner-milestones-ula-switches-atlas-booster-maiden-flight/)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.07.2017 18:05:49
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg) Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/887289806455160833)

Decatur has completed #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) PCM-1's Forward Truss Ring. Another step closer to sending Astronauts to space from American soil.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.07.2017 15:23:40
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program Target Flight Dates
Posted on July 20, 2017 at 7:00 am (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/07/20/nasas-commercial-crew-program-target-flight-dates/) by Stephanie Martin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/samarti9/).

The next generation of American spacecraft and rockets that will launch astronauts to the International Space Station are nearing the final stages of development and evaluation. NASA's Commercial Crew Program will return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil, providing reliable and cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit on systems that meet our safety and mission requirements. To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate that their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station. Two of those demonstrations are uncrewed flight tests, known as Orbital Flight Test for Boeing, and Demonstration Mission 1 for SpaceX. After the uncrewed flight tests, both companies will execute a flight test with crew prior to being certified by NASA for crew rotation mission. The following schedule reflects the most recent publicly-releasable dates for both providers.

Targeted Test Flight Dates:
 Boeing Orbital Flight Test: June 2018
 Boeing Crew Flight Test: August 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1: February 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 (crewed): June 2018

This entry was posted in Boeing (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/boeing/), CCtCap (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/cctcap/), Commercial Spaceflight (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/commercial-spaceflight/), International Space Station (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/international-space-station/), Kennedy Space Center (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/kennedy-space-center-2/), SpaceX (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/spacex/) and tagged Boeing Commercial Crew (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/tag/boeing-commercial-crew/), Commercial Crew (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/tag/commercial-crew/), SpaceX (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/tag/spacex-2/) on July 20, 2017 (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/07/20/nasas-commercial-crew-program-target-flight-dates/) by Stephanie Martin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/samarti9/).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.07.2017 17:24:47
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/888038509646274561)

Chris Ferguson's chart on CST-100 program notes test flights planned for "June-December 2018". #ISSRDC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ISSRDC?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.07.2017 18:22:15
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/888049279314436096)

Ferguson: CST-100 designed to be reflow up to 10 times; that's the wave of the future and important for lowering costs. #ISSRDC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ISSRDC?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.07.2017 18:30:25
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185389.jpg) ISS National Lab‏Подлинная учетная запись @ISS_CASIS (https://twitter.com/ISS_CASIS) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ISS_CASIS/status/888039248628031489)

Christopher Ferguson, @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) provides overview of the capabilities of CST-100 Starliner at #ISSRDC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ISSRDC?src=hash)

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/888039248628031489)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.07.2017 23:27:16
ЦитироватьNASA and companies express growing confidence in commercial crew schedules
by Jeff Foust (http://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — July 21, 2017

NASA, SpaceX and Boeing expect test flights of their Crew Dragon and CST-100 Starliner vehicles to take place next year after extensive delays. Credit: SpaceX artist's concept and Boeing

WASHINGTON — Both NASA and the two companies developing commercial crew vehicles say those efforts remain on schedule for test flights that are in some cases less than a year away.

NASA published July 20 what it called "the most recent publicly-releasable dates" of the test flights of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon vehicles. Each company, under terms of Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contracts awarded in September 2014, are required to first fly an uncrewed test flight of their spacecraft, followed by one with astronauts on board.

The latest SpaceX schedule calls for an uncrewed test flight in February 2018, followed by a crewed test flight in June 2018. Boeing's schedule anticipates an uncrewed test flight in June 2018 and a crewed test flight in August 2018.

Those scheduled have slipped considerably fr om the original CCtCap announcement. At that time, NASA expected both vehicles to have completed their test flights and be certified for regular crew transportation missions to the International Space Station by the end of 2017. Both companies have suffered technical problems that have pushed back those flights, in some cases by more than a year.

A leading NASA official, though, sounded more confident about the companies' efforts towards those 2018 test flights. "Commercial crew is making great progress," said Kirk Shireman, ISS program manager, in a July 18 speech at the ISS Research and Development Conference here.

"By the next ISS R&D Conference, I expect to have flown the first Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon flight," he said. The 2018 conference is scheduled for late July in San Francisco.


Boeing is also confident in its ability to maintain its schedule. "We are in the middle of a very aggressive test program," said Chris Ferguson, director of Starliner crew and mission systems at Boeing, during a July 20 panel session at the conference. Prior to the flight tests, he said, is a pad abort test planned for early 2018 at White Sands, New Mexico, as well as ongoing parachute and drop tests.
Ferguson, in his presentation, said the flight test program would run from June through December of 2018, followed by NASA certification, and in an interview earlier in the day said those launches would take place in the "latter part of next year." He clarified, though, that the schedule of June and August test flights remains in place.

"Our schedule hasn't changed from June," he said in the interview. "That said, we've got challenges we've got to deal with and we'll let the schedule fall out wh ere it will."

Boeing may offer more clarity about that test flight schedule in the near future. Ferguson said that United Launch Alliance, who will launch the CST-100 on Atlas 5 rockets, requires a "non-handshake type of agreement" about 12 months before launch. "If there's going to be movement, of which there's been nothing planned yet, it's going have to occur soon just to keep it consistent with what ULA wants," he said.

Another upcoming milestone is the selection of a NASA astronaut to fly on the crewed flight test along with a Boeing test pilot. "Traditionally it's been about [launch] minus 12 months," he said of prior crew selections. "I think what they would like to do is have some schedule assurance before they go ahead and assign crews. Once they feel comfortable that they're about 12 months out from a crewed flight launch, I think you can see an assignment come out."

Ferguson said the first operational, or post-certification mission (PCM) for the CST-100 could fly as soon as next December, but that schedule is dependent on both the vehicle's development as well as ISS needs. "I think the next crewed mission to be assigned would launch in May of 2019," he said. "We're keeping a close eye on that. NASA has a void they'd like to fill there. We'd like to be there to fill it for them."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2017 21:49:26
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/889553109973966853)

NASA's Steve Stich calls Boeing's comm'l crew test schedule in 2018 a "fairly aggressive time frame"; quarterly meeting later this week.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.08.2017 20:47:27
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185335.png) Boeing Defense‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) 3 авг. (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense/status/893162102709506053)

Ground control to major console: #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) dashboard delivered for crew flight test vehicle. http://bit.ly/2v2Vczd  (https://t.co/HsnXv3amJ9) #BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BoeingSpace?src=hash)
ЦитироватьGround control to major console: Mesa completes space dashboard

When two test pilot astronauts head into space aboard Boeing's CST-100 Starliner (http://beyondearth.com/space-exploration/starliner/) spacecraft, they won't just be looking out the windows to catch an array of breathtaking views.
It will be all business as they focus on the data coming off a console originally imagined and designed by a team in Houston, and later refined and built by a small team in Mesa, Ariz. The dashboard of displays, instruments and controls will be within arm's reach of the spacecraft's commander and pilot, much like the flight deck of a 747 aircraft or the cockpit in an Apache helicopter.

Operating on a rigorous timeline and working through challenges unique to human spaceflight, members of Mesa's Metals Center of Excellence, Electrical Center of Excellence and engineering organization came together to complete the design and manufacture in just less than a year. This innovation shows the power of pulling ingenuity fr om across the Boeing network.

The Mesa team also built a console that is hooked up to the Florida Systems Integration Lab, wh ere engineers are running through mission simulations and testing flight software. Building will begin soon on the third and final console for the spacecraft that is slated to fly the uncrewed orbital demonstration mission before it turns around for multiple NASA missions to the space station.

Starliner's first crew flight test to the International Space Station (http://beyondearth.com/space-exploration/international-space-station/) in 2018 will be Boeing's first commercial flight transporting humans to space.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.08.2017 23:21:39
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 52 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/896086083204595712)

FEATURE ARTICLE: SpaceX and Boeing in home stretch for Commercial Crew readiness - https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/08/spacex-boeing-home-stretch-commercial-crew-readiness/ ... (https://t.co/5tUDOHrc7H) - by @CwG_NSF (https://twitter.com/CwG_NSF) Renders @kogavfx (https://twitter.com/kogavfx)
ЦитироватьSpaceX and Boeing in home stretch for Commercial Crew readiness
August 11, 2017 by Chris Gebhardt


With just one year to go until the scheduled completion of all uncrewed and crewed test flights for SpaceX and Boeing's commercial crew transportation services, the NASA Advisory Council recently held a routine review of the technical, hardware, software, and training progress the two companies are making toward the goal of returning the capability to launch people into space fr om the United States.

General Commercial Crew update:
At the end of July, the NASA Advisory Council (NAC) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=NASA+Advisory+Council) held a standard, two-day series of meetings with various NASA Directorates, gaining input and insight into the agency's continued work across a variety of fields.


In specific regard to Commercial Crew (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Commercial+Crew), NASA's Deputy Manager for Commercial Crew, Steve Stitch, updated NAC members on the general progress of SpaceX and Boeing toward next year's inaugural crew flights of their respective vehicles.

In terms of significant pre-flight milestones still on the books for both SpaceX (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=SpaceX) and Boeing are the in-flight abort test for SpaceX and the pad abort test for Boeing.

Mr. Stitch noted that Boeing's pad abort test is slated for February 2018 with SpaceX's in-flight abort test scheduled for April 2018.

This would place the notional schedule of events for Commercial Crew next year as follows:
 February – Boeing: pad abort test
 February – SpaceX: Demo 1 (uncrewed) test flight of Dragon 2
 April – SpaceX: in-flight abort test
 June – Boeing: Orbital Flight Test (OFT – uncrewed) of Starliner
 June – SpaceX: Demo 2 (crewed) test flight of Dragon 2
 August – Boeing: Crewed Flight Test (CFT) of Starliner


Additionally, with all 12 (six for each provider) of the Post Certification Missions (PCMs) for the six month crew rotations now awarded, Mr. Stitch noted that Boeing's first two PCMs are in work and that all of the milestones are completed for PCM 1 and half for PCM 2.

Mr. Stitch did not provide an update on where PCM planning stood with SpaceX.

Nonetheless, there is still a lot of work to do before the commencement of commercial crew transportation to the International Space Station (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Space+Station).

As Mr. Stitch noted to the NAC, "In terms of overall progress, we've made a lot of headway in delivering water recovery trainers for both partners, and both providers continue to work through a lot of critical testing of hardware.
"We are really in the middle of qualification of both spacecraft and also for the Falcon 9 Block 5 launch vehicle.  And so we're really in that hard part of development where you start to see lots of problems, but the contractors are showing a lot of promise working through those."

Mr. Stitch also noted that teams are busy working to clear items fr om the hazards list for the overall commercial crew program – including but not limited to the issue of closing the LOC (Loss Of Crew) gap with both providers (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/04/commercial-crew-tight-achievable-timeline-2018/).

"Inability to meet the LOC gap continues to be a concern, and we continue to work with the partners on how to reduce that.  Had a discussion with the ASAP recently with the LOC strategy and the numbers there (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/06/commercial-crew-providers-significant-progress-flights/)," stated Mr. Stitch.


Notably, given the NAC's involvement and review beyond these regularly scheduled public meetings, there was no follow-on discussion or questions regarding the LOC gap posed by members of the NAC – indicating that work to close and/or disposition the LOC gap is proceeding to the NAC's recommendations and NASA's safety standards.

Additionally, Mr. Stitch went into great detail regarding Search & Rescue (S&R) in the event of a pad or in-flight abort.

"Search-and-rescue posture has been one of our top risks, and we've worked on that very hard for the last six months.  We now have the recovery trainers in place, and we're starting to work with the various rescue jumpers on how they're going to do that training."

A key element here is the budget allocated to S&R, as NASA is responsible for the coordination and cost of such efforts with the 88th Rescue Squadron while SpaceX and Boeing (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Boeing) participate to some degree.


"We have delivered the rescue trainers, and we've completed a rescue trainer test with SpaceX in the Banana River. We had the 88th Rescue Squadron, and they were doing basic procedures of how they would approach a capsule and how they would have people get inside and how to get flotation power established," noted Mr. Stitch.

"This was a training to develop the procedures for how to go do all of that."

Moreover, Mr. Stitch noted that while a large portion of the risk for this had been the delivery of the trainers for both Dragon and Starliner capsules (a risk eliminated by the delivery of those trainers), there is an ongoing disagreement about the number of calendar months required to properly train rescue forces for each vehicle.

"We're still converging on [the training timeline]," stated Mr. Stitch.  "I think now that we have the trainers in place, we've actually taken a risk asset out and done some training.  And we can bring the schedule together to do some more training as early as August.

"We are still tracking this in our risk system, but we're making progress."
Boeing – CST-100 Starliner:
Under the list of recent accomplishments for Boeing, a slew of hardware deliveries to NASA and various test centers around the country all mark promising milestones for the overall OFT and CFT launch schedules.


A new article for parachute testing has been delivered to NASA that will be part of a parachute drop test (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/03/chute-tests-starliner-asap-worry-rd-180-certification/) in September to study off nominal chute deployment and landing operations as well as serve as the first time heat shield deployment will be tested in a flight environment.

Moreover, Boeing has delivered a mock-up trainer of Starliner to building 9 at the Johnson Space Center (JSC), and testing of Starliner's Structural Test Article (STA) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2016/01/atlas-v-starliner-to-dry-tests-ahead-launch/) has made significant progress in Huntington Beach, California.

For the STA, Mr. Stitch noted that forward heat shield shock test has been completed.  The forward heat shield must jettison fr om Starliner so the drogue and main parachutes can deploy.

Both the jettisoning of the forward heat shield and deployment of the chutes create a shock as mortars fire to carry out both sequences; thus, the STA has been invaluable in concretely defining the shock environment's effect on the overall Starliner structure.


Moreover, testing of the Starliner Service Module (SM) and Crew Module (CM) separation system to better understand how the complicated mechanism that has to sever lines and split the two spacecraft apart operates in various temperature extremes is also underway at Huntington.

On the other coast, Starliner spacecraft production is proceeding.  Spacecraft 1, which will be used for the pad abort test next year, is ready for upper and lower dome mate and leak checks.

The Service Module Hot Fire Test article (SMHFT) has been powered up in the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF) at the Kennedy Space Center (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/09/opf-3s-conversion-boeings-c3pf-september-10/). The SMHFT will soon be shipped to White Sands for thruster testing and validation of the SM's propulsion systems.


"In terms of production and qualification, a lot of work is transpiring at the C3PF," noted Mr. Stitch. "They have three full spacecraft in flow, but they'be spent a lot of time with the SMHFT article and assembling that test article.

"A lot of emphasis has been put on that because it needs to go to White Sands (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/07/starliner-milestones-ula-switches-atlas-booster-maiden-flight/). There are also two other service modules that need to get built up.  And many of the components for both of those are actually at KSC now."

Some testing of the SMHFT article has already occurred at Kennedy, notably leak checks of the SMHFT article's propulsion system. Those tests have taken place behind the C3PF, where Boeing has built their hazardous processing facility.

"That area is wh ere a lot of testing has been occurring for the SMHFT article," noted Mr. Stitch.  "They are in the process of doing a lot of checks and have been working through those in the last month and also testing all of the avionics and flight harnesses for the test article."


In addition to serving as a test area for the SMHFT article, the hazardous processing facility is wh ere Boeing plans to load and offload reactants into and out of the Service Module and the Crew Module for flight operations.

But that's not the only major event that has recently taken place at the C3PF.

Spacecraft 1 recently underwent a software test wh ere the craft was powered up and data flowed from the craft at KSC to JSC in Houston, Texas.

"We've been working a lot trying to connect the avionics lab out at Sonny Carter with the Boeing facility at the C3PF," noted Mr. Stitch. "We have done several tests of the fiber optic connections, the idea [being] that you don't have to move the hardware back and forth [every time you want to] see how the spacecraft talks to the ISS flight computers."

Additionally, Boeing and NASA have completed the first single string software docked "talk" test between Starliner and ISS.

The test was positive, and a second test later this summer will use all three strings of the software system to ensure full communication between the two crafts once they're docked.


Additionally, Boeing has also delivered the Starliner mission simulator to Building 5 at JSC and has completed several simulations for various phases of flight as they move toward wringing out the final bugs from Starliner's software.

The simulator "uses a real fight software, so it's a good way to start to understand the procedure development, how the crew displays will work, and really wring out the flight software and understand that," stated Mr. Stitch.  "About every week there is some kind of run that our joint testing has been supporting along with the crew over in Building 5."

In terms of Starliner's ride, ULA (United Launch Alliance) (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=United+Launch+Alliance) and Boeing have conducted an Emergency Detection System (EDS) integrated abort test.


"[The EDS] is probably one of the newest things on the Atlas vehicle for Boeing (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/?s=Emergency+Detection+System)," noted Mr. Stitch. "This is the system that looks at rates and pressures on the vehicle to determine when an abort should occur during ascent if needed."

Moreover, build of the Atlas V core booster, AV-80, and the dual engine Centaur upper stage for the OFT mission in June next year have begun at ULA's Decatur, Alabama, facility near Huntsville.

Also in terms of the Atlas V, the new aeroskirt design has completed its CDR (Critical Design Review) and has one more wind tunnel test slated for later this year.

The CDR was "a very big milestone," noted Mr. Stitch.  "Once we had the aerodynamic issues solved, we had to get into the design and how we would lay out the skirt and how there are a few panels that will blow out to allow the launch abort engines to fire."

(Images: SpaceX, Boeing, L2 imagery, Brady Kennison (http://www.bradykenniston.com/) for NASASpaceFlight.com, and L2 artist Nathan Koga – The full gallery of Nathan's (Falcon Heavy to Dragon to Starliner, MCT, SLS, Commercial Crew and more) L2 images can be *found here (http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=38476.0)*)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.09.2017 18:34:15
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185335.png) Boeing Defense‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) 18 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense/status/905538620555227137)

#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) made the trek to @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) White Sands Test Facility, ready to start 'hot fire' engine tests! Beyond Earth >http://bit.ly/2gLft9k  (https://t.co/fBNCsbroDK)
ЦитироватьStarliner to Start "Hot Fire" Engine Tests in New Mexico

A test version of the CST-100 Starliner — Boeing's Crew Space Transportation vehicle — will soon begin a series of "hot fire" tests at NASA's White Sand Facility in New Mexico. Boeing is building the Starliner for NASA to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station, with a first crewed flight test scheduled for next year.
The Starliner houses a single propulsion system that supports all the spacecraft's propulsion needs from ascent until deorbit burn after its departure from the space station. System capabilities will include maneuvering in space, or contingency abort scenarios, a feature that distinguishes Starliner from its Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and space shuttle predecessors.

The testing campaign will consist of simulated propellant flow rates for all mission scenarios; a fuel-loading demonstration; and hot fire tests that will include orbital maneuvers like docking with the space station, abort scenarios, and re-entering Earth's atmosphere.

The test module is one of three Starliner qualification test vehicles, including the structural test article, which is undergoing lab tests in Huntington Beach, Calif., and Spacecraft 1, which will be ground-tested before flying a simulated abort from a launch pad over the New Mexico desert.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 26.09.2017 09:17:00
Commercial Crew Program from @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing) for full orbit flight - 6 spaces: 5 @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) crew + possibility for 1 paying passenger. #IAC2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2017?src=hash)

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner will launch on an Atlas V. It's designed to carry 7 people or a mix of crew and cargo. #IAC2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2017?src=hash)

Starliner @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing) @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) #astronauts (https://twitter.com/hashtag/astronauts?src=hash) to ISS -seven pax or mix cargo #IAC2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2017?src=hash) autonomous but pilotable -airbag cushion 4 final landing

Boeing want to do a Starliner test flight in 2018 - certainly uncrewed, ideally crewed test also, says Chris Ferguson. #IAC2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2017?src=hash)

CST-100 is autonomous - can fly and dock with ISS, but the astronauts have to be able to takeover and fly it also. #IAC2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2017?src=hash) @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing)
Пилотируемый Возможно в 2018 году.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.09.2017 10:36:08
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/912534994211368960)

Chris Ferguson, Boeing: on track do at least uncrewed CST-100 test flight next year and "ideally" crewed test flight as well. #IAC2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2017?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 27.09.2017 14:38:17
Цитировать https://twitter.com/Astro_Joao/status/912982251004100609
I got to fly a @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing) Starliner and dock it (successfully) to the ISS. Exciting! #iac2017 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/iac2017?src=hash)

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP
Цитировать https://twitter.com/cpyne/status/912943550433595392
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 27.09.2017 14:41:06
А что это за красная круглая ручка на переднем плане?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 27.09.2017 16:10:26
Рычажков, кнопок и ручек достаточно. Интересно сравнить пульт управления с "с самым эргономичным" пультом Федерации.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 27.09.2017 16:37:03
Пишут что возить будут и не только НАСА
Цитировать https://www.newsmaker.com.au/news/341985/seats-for-sale-as-boeing-launches-star-liner-spacecraft-iac2017#.Wct32Gi0M-V
Boeing representative, Mr Tony Castilleja details the background to the new spacecraft. "The space shuttle cockpit had over 1,700 switches" he said. "Star Liner has about 60-70 switches". Mr Castilleja said that this was the minimum number of switches necessary for 'safeing' the vehicle. Safeing refers to an emergency situation where an astronaut takes control of the vehicle for a manual docking. "We do that for just in case" said Castilleja. "There is no need for human interaction with the vehicle. Our baseline design is that the vehicle flies itself".

The Starliner series of spacecraft have been designed with a commercial aspect in mind. Four of the five seats on the vehicle will be reserved for NASA astronauts. The fifth is up for grabs. "The fifth seat is open for sale to institutions, universities and other countries" Mr Castilleja said.  "I cannot reveal the price at this time" he said with a smile. "But currently the United States pays Russia 80 million dollars per seat to transport NASA astronauts to the ISS. Star Liner will be less than that and the commercial space market will drive the price down even further".
Хотя как только за несколько дней не писали 7, 6 сейчас 5 местный.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Denis Voronin от 27.09.2017 15:43:25
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
А что это за красная круглая ручка на переднем плане?
WASD, что ещё то это может быть?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 27.09.2017 17:02:51
Crewed Starliner test flight could slip to 2019
by Jeff Foust (http://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — September 27, 2017
"We're in the thick of testing right now, with the intent of flying at least our uncrewed test flight next year, and ideally both our uncrewed and our crewed test flight," he said.

In an interview at the conference, Ferguson said that the company's current schedule calls for a pad abort test at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico in the second quarter of 2018. That would be followed by an uncrewed orbital test flight of the vehicle, launched on an Atlas 5, in the third quarter of 2018.

"If the results of that are very favorable," he said of the uncrewed flight test, "our crewed flight test is fourth quarter — perhaps, depending on the outcome, maybe the first quarter of the following year."

Ferguson said that the company plans to work with NASA to sel ect a crew for that crewed test flight about a year before its launch, or "L-12 months," but wants a greater degree of confidence in the schedule before doing so.

"Every day we're met with new challenges. We'll do our best to stick with that L-12 month target. Obviously, since it's based on a launch date, we'll have to flex accordingly," he said. "If we maintain our fourth quarter target for next year, you could probably see a crew announcement some time in the latter part of this year."

Once the Starliner completes the flight test program and is certified by NASA, Boeing has a contract for six flights to transport NASA astronauts to and fr om the International Space Station. Ferguson said the company is also marketing the vehicle for potential non-NASA customers.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.09.2017 00:11:09
ЦитироватьDrop Tests at NASA Langley Help Boeing's Starliner Prepare to Land Astronauts
Posted on September 28, 2017 at 3:52 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/09/28/drop-tests-at-nasa-langley-help-boeings-starliner-prepare-to-land-astronauts/) by Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/).

At NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, a mock-up of the Boeing Starliner spacecraft has endured a series of land landing qualification tests to simulate what the actual spacecraft and crew members may experience while returning to Earth from space.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130599.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2017/09/LRC-2017-H1_P_boeing-072609.jpg)
At NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, a mock-up of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft goes through a series of land landing qualification tests to simulate what the actual spacecraft and crew members may experience while returning to Earth from space. The Starliner is being developed in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Along with SpaceX's Crew Dragon, the spacecraft is part of the agency's effort to return America's capability to launch astronauts from the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the International Space Station. Photo credit: NASA Langley/David C. Bowman

The Starliner is being developed in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Along with SpaceX's Crew Dragon, the spacecraft is part of the agency's effort to return America's capability to launch astronauts from Florida's Space Coast to the International Space Station, or ISS.

The team recently kicked off a new series of land landing tests, which is designed to measure the vehicle's airbag systems and how the crew responds to land landing scenarios.

"The accommodations inside the test article have become incrementally more flight-like throughout our test campaign," said Boeing test engineer Preston Ferguson. "And the test dummies simulating crew members are very sophisticated, allowing us to identify responses through instrumentation on the head, neck and lumbar areas."

The capsule – designed for landing on land, making it reusable up to ten times with a six-month turnaround time between launches – can accommodate up to five passengers to and from the space station. For NASA missions to station, the Starliner will carry up to four astronauts and about 220 pounds of cargo."

"The first test series verified that the vehicle would be stable in all landing conditions," said Richard Boitnott, Langley project test engineer. "We are constantly reaching higher levels of fidelity with our testing, and have flight-representative parts in critical locations."

Read the full story here (https://www.nasa.gov/langley/feature/drop-tests-at-nasa-langley-help-boeing-starliner-prepare-to-land-astronauts).

This entry was posted in Boeing (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/boeing/), Commercial Spaceflight (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/category/commercial-spaceflight/) on September 28, 2017 (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/09/28/drop-tests-at-nasa-langley-help-boeings-starliner-prepare-to-land-astronauts/) by Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.09.2017 01:12:20
ЦитироватьSept. 26, 2017

Drop Tests at NASA Langley Help Boeing's Starliner Prepare to Land Astronauts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP0uqC0HZCU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP0uqC0HZCU)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP0uqC0HZCU 0:10)
Boeing Starliner Landing Test
Credits: Boeing

At NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, a mock-up of the Boeing Starliner spacecraft has endured a series of land landing qualification tests to simulate what the actual spacecraft and crew members may experience while returning to Earth from space.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208511.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/lrc-2017-h1_p_boeing-072602.jpg)
The Boeing Starliner spacecraft is undergoing testing at NASA's Langley Research Center at its Landing and Impact Research Facility.
Credits: NASA / Dave Bowman

The Starliner is being developed in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Along with SpaceX's Crew Dragon, the spacecraft is part of the agency's effort to return America's capability to launch astronauts from Florida's Space Coast to the International Space Station, or ISS.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208512.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/lrc-2017-h1_p_boeing-072609.jpg)
The Boeing Starliner program has performed more than 20 landing tests to determine how the vehicle would fare on land.
Credits: NASA / Dave Bowman

The team recently kicked off a new series of land landing tests, which is designed to measure the vehicle's airbag systems and how the crew responds to land landing scenarios.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208513.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/lrc-2017-h1_p_boeing-072616.jpg)
Testing crewmembers at NASA Langley give a thumbs up after a test of the Boeing Starliner spacecraft.
Credits: NASA / Dave Bowman

"The accommodations inside the test article have become incrementally more flight-like throughout our test campaign," said Boeing test engineer Preston Ferguson. "And the test dummies simulating crew members are very sophisticated, allowing us to identify responses through instrumentation on the head, neck and lumbar areas."

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208514.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/lrc-2017-h1_p_boeing-072617.jpg)
The Boeing Starliner spacecraft team recently kicked off a new series of land landing tests, which is designed to measure the vehicle's airbag systems and how the crew responds to land landing scenarios.
Credits: NASA / Dave Bowman

The capsule – designed for landing on land, making it reusable up to ten times with a six-month turnaround time between launches – can accommodate up to five passengers to and from the space station. For NASA missions to station, the Starliner will carry up to four astronauts and about 220 pounds of cargo."

"The first test series verified that the vehicle would be stable in all landing conditions," said Richard Boitnott, Langley project test engineer. "We are constantly reaching higher levels of fidelity with our testing, and have flight-representative parts in critical locations."

The Starliner program has performed more than 20 landing tests to determine how the vehicle would fare on land at NASA Langley's Landing and Impact Research Facility and in water at the Hydro Impact Basin under different conditions. These scenarios simulated landing velocities and angles the capsule could encounter during a typical land landing or an unlikely emergency water landing (https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/commercial-crew-partner-boeing-tests-starliner-spacecraft).

"All of the tests were defined through the analysis of worst-case situations," said Jim Gaspar, Langley project test engineer.

"We perform landing tests at the edge of the envelope to anchor analysis models and enhance crew safety for all potential flight scenarios," Ferguson said.

In addition to testing the Starliner when it contains a simulated crew, the airbags used for landing were put through its paces as well.

The airbags, which contain a mixture of compressed nitrogen and oxygen gas, might appear to the untrained eye like larger versions of automobile airbags. However, these airbags have key differences in how they handle occupant loads.

"The Starliner airbags have to be very robust compared to an automotive airbag to meet the requirements for landing and have an active venting system," Ferguson said

"An automotive airbag would just need to worry about the safety of its occupants. The airbags on the Starliner are tasked to protect the crew and the vehicle itself," Boitnott said. "You're dissipating thousands of pounds instead of just the mass of the occupant in a car."

The Starliner comes equipped with six outer landing airbags, which have inner airbags. There is a seventh airbag in spacecraft's center, but it would only be used in a water-landing scenario.

"The outer bag vents at impact. Then, the inner bag absorbs the impact and stays inflated," Gaspar said.

The airbags and other systems verified throughout the land landing test series will help ensure a soft return for the astronauts aboard.

Eric Gillard
NASA Langley Research Center
Last Updated: Sept. 28, 2017
Editor: Eric Vitug
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 29.09.2017 07:23:11
http://tass.ru/kosmos/4601938 (http://tass.ru/kosmos/4601938)
ЦитироватьСМИ: Boeing хочет выполнить первый пилотируемый полет корабля Starliner в конце 2018 года
МОСКВА, 29 сентября. /ТАСС/. Первый пилотируемый полет космического корабля CST-100 Starliner запланирован на III квартал 2018 года, но, возможно, будет перенесен на начало 2019 года. Как сообщил в четверг портал Space.com (https://www.space.com/38293-crewed-starliner-test-flight-could-slip-to-2019.html), об этом заявил на проходящем в Аделаиде 68-м Международном астронавтическом конгрессе руководитель программы создания Starliner в корпорации Boeing Крис Фергюсон.
"У нас сейчас - самый разгар испытаний систем корабля и мы намерены осуществить испытательный полет - по крайней мере непилотируемый - в будущем году, - отметил он. - Наиболее удачным вариантом было бы проведение и непилотируемого, и пилотируемого испытательных полетов".
По словам Фергюсона, нынешний график работ предусматривает проведение испытаний по аварийному прекращению процедуры запуска корабля на полигоне Уайт-Сэнд в штате Нью-Мексико во II квартале будущего года. После этого в III квартале 2018 года намечен непилотируемый испытательный полет. "Если непилотируемый полет будет удачным, то пилотируемый полет состоится в IV квартале или, в зависимости от результата, в I квартале следующего года", - заявил он.
Boeing разрабатывает корабль Starliner в соответствии с Программой коммерческих пилотируемых кораблей, финансируемой NASA. После того, как испытания корабля будут завершены, Boeing приступит к выполнению контракта с NASA по осуществлению шести полетов к Международной космической стации для доставки экипажей и грузов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 29.09.2017 08:26:38
Цитироватьzandr пишет:
ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 29 сентября. /ТАСС/. Первый пилотируемый полет космического корабля CST-100 Starliner запланирован на III квартал 2018 года, но, возможно, будет перенесен на начало 2019 года. Как сообщил в четверг портал Space.com (https://www.space.com/38293-crewed-starliner-test-flight-could-slip-to-2019.html) , об этом заявил на проходящем в Аделаиде 68-м Международном астронавтическом конгрессе руководитель программы создания Starliner в корпорации Boeing Крис Фергюсон.
По словам Фергюсона, нынешний график работ предусматривает проведение испытаний по аварийному прекращению процедуры запуска корабля на полигоне Уайт-Сэнд в штате Нью-Мексико во II квартале будущего года. После этого в III квартале 2018 года намечен непилотируемый испытательный полет. "Если непилотируемый полет будет удачным, то пилотируемый полет состоится в IV квартале или, в зависимости от результата, в I квартале следующего года", - заявил он.
Одна статья, один Фергюсон, но ТАСС запутался при перепечатывании отсюда http://spacenews.com/crewed-starliner-test-flight-could-slip-to-2019/
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 06.10.2017 00:34:03
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program Target Test Flight Dates
Posted on October 5, 2017 at 4:20 pm (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2017/10/05/nasas-commercial-crew-program-target-test-flight-dates/) by Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/).
The next generation of American spacecraft and rockets that will launch astronauts to the International Space Station are nearing the final stages of development and evaluation. NASA's Commercial Crew Program will return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil, providing reliable and cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit on systems that meet our safety and mission requirements. To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate that their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station. Two of those demonstrations are uncrewed flight tests, known as Orbital Flight Test for Boeing, and Demonstration Mission 1 for SpaceX. After the uncrewed flight tests, both companies will execute a flight test with crew prior to being certified by NASA for crew rotation missions. The following schedule reflects the most recent publicly releasable dates for both providers.

Targeted Test Flight Dates:
 Boeing Orbital Flight Test: August 2018
 Boeing Crew Flight Test: November 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1: April 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 (crewed): August 2018
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.10.2017 13:05:52
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg) Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/918416260819329025)

Very exciting! Mighty #Atlas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Atlas?src=hash) Booster for OFT, the first #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) test flight, (uncrewed). @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hash) #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.10.2017 03:07:02


ЦитироватьRocket Coming Together for Boeing's First Commercial Crew Flight Test
Posted on October 25, 2017 at 11:26 am (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/2017/10/25/atlas-v-coming-together-for-uncrewed-orbital-flight-test/) by Bob Granath (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/author/rgranath/).

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130885.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/wp-content/uploads/sites/246/2017/10/KSC-20171024-PH_ULA01_0001.jpg)
The Atlas V rocket that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test for NASA's Commercial Crew Program is coming together inside a United Launch Alliance facility in Decatur, Alabama. The flight test is intended to prove the design of the integrated space system prior to the Crew Flight Test. These events are part of NASA's required certification process as the company works to regularly fly astronauts to and from the International Space Station. Boeing's Starliner will launch on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
Photo credit: United Launch Alliance

The Atlas V rocket that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft for the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test for NASA's Commercial Crew Program is coming together inside a United Launch Alliance facility in Decatur, Alabama.
The uncrewed Orbital Flight Test is intended to prove the design of the integrated space system prior to the Crew Flight Test. These events are part of NASA's required certification process as the company works to regularly fly astronauts to and from the International Space Station. Boeing and United Launch Alliance have begun conducting integrated reviews of components, software and systems along with decades of Atlas data to ensure integrated vehicle test simulations are similar to real-life conditions during missions. Starliners for the uncrewed and crew test flights, including for the pad abort test, are in various stages of production and testing.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with private companies, Boeing and SpaceX, as they each develop unique systems to fly astronauts for the agency to and from the space station. SpaceX is developing the Crew Dragon, or Dragon 2, spacecraft to launch on a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Boeing's Starliner will liftoff on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/category/uncategorized/) on October 25, 2017 (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/2017/10/25/atlas-v-coming-together-for-uncrewed-orbital-flight-test/) by Bob Granath (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/author/rgranath/).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 03.11.2017 11:47:29
An Assessment of Cost Improvements in the NASA COTS/CRS Program and Implications for Future NASA Missions 



Название: CST-100
Отправлено: sychbird от 03.11.2017 11:24:34
А резюме собственное в одной фразе не помешало бы. 
Лениво на планшет вытаскивать английскую пдэфку и шариться в ней.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: silentpom от 03.11.2017 10:00:52
в общем все в шоколаде, чтобы сравниться со стоимостью 1 кг для шаттла (попасть между спейсом и атк) надо делать 6 рейсов шаттлом, а реальные грузы есть только для двух. получаем экономию в 3-4 раза. 

(осталось раскурить какие у шаттла были 4.5 млрд  затраты в год на содержание)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 03.11.2017 14:20:02
Цитироватьsychbird пишет:
А резюме собственное в одной фразе не помешало бы.
Так в чем дело? Прочитайте и напишите.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.11.2017 20:45:31
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 52 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/935201463390883840)

ARTICLE: Boeing Starliner trio preparing for test flights - https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/11/boeing-starliner-trio-test-flights/ ... (https://t.co/fkZRs5QCoM)

Includes more cool renders from @kogavfx (https://twitter.com/kogavfx)
Boeing Starliner trio preparing for test flights (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/11/boeing-starliner-trio-test-flights/)

November 27, 2017 by Chris Bergin
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 29.11.2017 23:19:42
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.11.2017 23:22:38
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/935961112461434880)

From NASA's Lisa Colloredo, schedule of commercial crew demo missions for Boeing and SpaceX in 2018:

14 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/935962287969636352)

Milestone schedules for Boeing (top) and SpaceX commercial crew vehicles.

8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/935963803304460288)

Colloredo: very difficult loss-of-crew (LOC) requirement to meet for commercial crew, but made a lot of progress. Helped address the top drivers for LOC.

2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/935965495240675330)

Colloredo: in the end, pretty likely Boeing and SpaceX will present data to argue they meet LOC requirement or come close. Will be up to NASA to do due diligence to confirm that.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.11.2017 03:43:57
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185286.jpg) Christopher Ferguson‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) 53 мин назад (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg/status/936018967180738563)

So what does a fleet of spacecraft under construction look like? #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) - coming soon to a Galaxy near you.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.12.2017 19:40:29
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/940258455872516097)

Shireman: not unexpected Boeing and SpaceX commercial crew test dates slipped to the right; planning for those dates to slip further. No talks with Russia about buying additional Soyuz seats, though.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 04.01.2018 00:53:14
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.01.2018 21:52:40
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/948938918325518338)

DCR = Design Certification Review, if you're curious (I was.) It "completes the design phase of the program, paving the way to operations," according to a ULA manager.
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/948938243621441536)

One step closer! Successful #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) Launch Segment DCR complete as we prepare to launch astronauts to the @space_station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station) aboard @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense)'s #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)! On track for uncrewed Orbital Flight test in August! #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hash) http://bit.ly/2lVgdbr  (https://t.co/VkGxCLX7Ap)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.01.2018 21:54:00
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/948938870854438918)

The successful DCR completes the program's design phase. Final qual tests of hardware and software are underway + a major integrated test series, including structural loads. #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.01.2018 23:49:05
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 59 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/949001955296399362)

ARTICLE: Atlas V flies through DCR ahead of Starliner debut - https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/01/atlas-v-flies-dcr-ahead-starliner-debut/ ... (https://t.co/HXbfJK4ioM)

Includes (a lot of) amazing renders by NSF/L2 artist Nathan Koga (@kogavfx (https://twitter.com/kogavfx))

2 мин назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/949016039534276610)

PS No one should read too much into the "both on the same August window?" That's how planning documents work. Right now, officially, SpaceX Dragon 2 in second quarter, then Starliner in August. Planning docs are like rocket pilgrims...always planning for potential slips. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125479.png)
Atlas V flies through DCR ahead of Starliner debut (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/01/atlas-v-flies-dcr-ahead-starliner-debut/)

written by Chris Bergin and Danny Lentz | January 4, 2018
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.01.2018 06:25:10
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg) ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 8 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/948998743319343104)

These are the booster fuel tanks for the Orbital Flight Test of the  :?:  #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) in August. The booster is now in final assembly, and the OFT Centaur has completed pressure testing. #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hash) @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) http://bit.ly/2lVgdbr  (https://t.co/VkGxCLX7Ap)
ЦитироватьUnited Launch Alliance Completes Key Milestone for Launch of Boeing's Starliner and Return of U.S.-based Human Spaceflight

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., Jan. 4, 2018 – United Launch Alliance (ULA) successfully completed an Atlas V Launch Segment Design Certification Review (DCR) recently in preparation for the launch of astronauts to the International Space Station from U.S. soil in The Boeing Company's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. ULA's Atlas V DCR supported the Boeing International Space Station (ISS) DCR that was held with NASA at Kennedy Space Center in early December.
"Design Certification Review is a significant milestone that completes the design phase of the program, paving the way to operations," said Barb Egan, ULA Commercial Crew program manager. "Hardware and software final qualification tests are underway, as well as a major integrated test series, including structural loads. Future tests will involve launch vehicle hardware, such as jettison tests, acoustic tests, and, finally, a pad abort test in White Sands, New Mexico."

Launch vehicle production is currently on track for an uncrewed August 2018 Orbital Flight Test (OFT). The OFT booster for the uncrewed flight is in final assembly at the factory in Decatur, Ala., and the OFT Centaur upper stage has completed pressure testing. Other hardware such as the launch vehicle adapter and aeroskirt production are on schedule to support test articles and flight.

"ULA is progressing into the operational phase to launch the OFT and Crew Flight Test in 2018, and we are pleased with the progress we're making toward a successful launch of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner on the Atlas V," said Gary Wentz, ULA Human and Commercial Systems vice president. "We cannot overstate the importance of all the steps that go into this process as there is more than just a mission or hardware at stake, but the lives of our brave astronauts."

The Boeing Company selected ULA's Atlas V rocket for human-rated spaceflight to the ISS. ULA's Atlas V has launched more than 70 times with a 100 percent mission success rate.

With more than a century of combined heritage, ULA is the nation's most experienced and reliable launch service provider. ULA has successfully delivered more than 120 satellites to orbit that aid meteorologists in tracking severe weather, unlock the mysteries of our solar system, provide critical capabilities for troops in the field and enable personal device-based GPS navigation. ...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.01.2018 06:51:10
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185335.png) Boeing Defense‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) 9 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense/status/948993016978726915)

Check out the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) Pad Abort Test and Orbital Flight Test vehicles under construction! Now @ULALaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) has the green light for production + ops for the rocket that will boost OFT uncrewed #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) flight to @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station) Fall 2018! (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125619.png) Go Atlas! Go Starliner! (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125619.png)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.01.2018 07:07:52
NASA Commercial Crew Program Mission in Sight for 2018 (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-commercial-crew-program-mission-in-sight-for-2018)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.01.2018 07:38:35
Краткая версия "NASA Commercial Crew Program Mission in Sight for 2018 (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-commercial-crew-program-mission-in-sight-for-2018)"

ЦитироватьPosted Jan 4, 2018 at 4:00 pm on Commercial Crew Program (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew)

ЦитироватьPosted Jan 4, 2018 at 4:01 pm on Kennedy Space Center (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy)
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew 2018 Preview
Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130600.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/01/ccpCombo.jpg)

NASA and industry partners, Boeing and SpaceX, are targeting the return of human spaceflight from Florida's Space Coast in 2018. Both companies are scheduled to begin flight tests to prove the space systems meet NASA's requirements for certification in the coming year.
Since NASA awarded contracts to Boeing and SpaceX, the companies have matured space system designs and now have substantial spacecraft and launch vehicle hardware in development and testing in preparation for the test flights. The goal of the Commercial Crew Program is safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation to and from the International Space Station from the United States through a public-private approach. NASA, Boeing and SpaceX have significant testing underway, which will ultimately lead to test missions when the systems are ready and meet safety requirements.

Boeing's Starliner will launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 and SpaceX's Crew Dragon will launch on the company's Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A.

After completion of each company's uncrewed and crewed flight tests, NASA will review the flight data to verify the systems meet the requirements for certification. Upon NASA certification, the companies are each slated to fly six crew missions to the International Space Station beginning in 2019 and continuing through 2024.

Here's a look at (some of) what's ahead in 2018:


Spacecraft: In 2018, Boeing will continue with the production and outfitting of three crew modules and multiple service modules inside the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Boeing already has a structural version of its spacecraft going through loads, shock and separation test events in Huntington Beach, California. It will conduct a series of service module hot-fire tests in White Sands, New Mexico, as well as environmental testing to include thermal, vacuum and electromagnetic frequency in El Segundo, California.

Spacesuit: Boeing's spacesuit will continue to undergo integrated system verification tests. These include environmental control and life support system testing, immersing the suit in water, egress demos with the aid of virtual reality, suited launch and landing cabin operations, prelaunch emergency exit with ground crews, ascent simulations with mission operations teams and post-landing egress.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 11.01.2018 23:00:05
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program Target Test Flight Dates
Anna Heiney
Posted on January 11, 2018
The next generation of American spacecraft and rockets that will launch astronauts to the International Space Station are nearing the final stages of development and evaluation. NASA's Commercial Crew Program will return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil, providing reliable and cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit on systems that meet our safety and mission requirements. To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate that their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station. Two of those demonstrations are uncrewed flight tests, known as Orbital Flight Test for Boeing, and Demonstration Mission 1 for SpaceX. After the uncrewed flight tests, both companies will execute a flight test with crew prior to being certified by NASA for crew rotation missions. The following schedule reflects the most recent publicly releasable dates for both providers.

Targeted Test Flight Dates:
 Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): August 2018
 Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): November 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1 (uncrewed): August 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 (crewed): December 2018
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 12.01.2018 22:09:26
ЦитироватьFox: NASA отложило пилотируемые полеты кораблей SpaceX и Boeing до весны 2019 года
12 января, 19:11 UTC+3
 По данным телеканала, решение приняли из-за высокого риска внештатных ситуаций и аварий при эксплуатации этих коммерческих кораблей
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 12 января. /ТАСС/. Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) США отложило до весны 2019 года начало регулярных пилотируемых полетов космических кораблей, разработанных американской компанией SpaceX и корпорацией Boeing. Решение обусловлено слишком высоким риском внештатных ситуаций и аварий при эксплуатации этих коммерческих кораблей, сообщил в пятницу телеканал Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/).
До этого предполагалось, что первый подобный полет мог быть выполнен уже в этом году.
Американцы для доставки грузов на Международную космическую станцию используют корабли Cygnus компании Orbital ATK и Dragon производства SpaceX.

Эксперты не рекомендуют
Телеканал ссылается на насчитывающий 38 страниц доклад девяти экспертов NASA в области обеспечения безопасности космических полетов. В нем перечислены изъяны в конструкции кораблей этих компаний, представляющие риск при доставке людей на орбиту Земли. Среди них - нетрадиционные системы заправки ракетным топливом, пагубные последствия бомбардировки космических капсул фрагментами метеоров, комет или космического мусора.
Как напоминает телеканал, NASA давно постановило, что статистический предел гибели астронавтов во время миссий не должен превышать одного случая на каждые 270 полетов. Эксперты космического ведомства США заключили, что корабли SpaceX и Boeing, несмотря на годы испытаний и многочисленные успешные миссии, не будут соответствовать этому параметру в случае начала транспортировки людей на орбиту или Луну.
В частности, беспокойство выражено по поводу способа заправки горючим ракеты-носителя Falcon 9 производства SpaceX и конструкции ее внешних топливных баков. NASA и подчиненные главы компании Илона Маска провели консультации на этот счет, однако ряд вопросов все еще остаются без ответа, что не позволяет получить "добро" космического ведомства на начало доставки астронавтов на орбиту.

Планы корректируются
По данным телеканала, SpaceX перенесла первый пилотируемый пуск с лета этого года на декабрь. Boeing рассчитывала отправить корабль с астронавтами на борту в предстоящем ноябре, хотя и допускал прежде, что это станет возможным только в 2019 году.
Как сообщалось ранее, в минувший понедельник SpaceX запустила Falcon 9, который должен был вывести на орбиту секретный спутник США под кодовым обозначением Zuma. О судьбе спутника до сих пор официальных данных нет. Компания Маска настаивает на том, что ее ракета сработала в штатном режиме и не несет ответственности за случившееся с аппаратом.
В четверг SpaceX второй раз отложила огневые испытания сверхтяжелого носителя Falcon Heavy на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида). В тот же день американская компания United Launch Alliance (ULA) отложила на сутки запуск ракеты-носителя Delta IV со спутником NROL-47 Национального управления военно-космической разведки со стартового комплекса базы ВВС США Ванденберг в Калифорнии. ULA является совместным предприятием авиационных гигантов Boeing и Lockheed Martin.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 12.01.2018 22:43:43
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Targeted Test Flight Dates:
 Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): August 2018
 Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): November 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1 (uncrewed): August 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 (crewed): December 2018
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
до весны 2019 года начало регулярных пилотируемых полетов космических кораблей
А далее там отсюда замечания, но там даты на ноябрь 2017 года  ;)  
Годовой отчет по безопасности 

И лучше читать его чем ".В нем перечислены изъяны в конструкции кораблей этих компаний, представляющие риск при доставке людей на орбиту Земли.....  Эксперты космического ведомства США заключили, что корабли SpaceX и Boeing, несмотря на годы испытаний и многочисленные успешные миссии, не будут соответствовать этому параметру в случае начала транспортировки людей на орбиту или Луну. "
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 12.01.2018 23:24:08
А если по методике ASAP оценить вероятность LOC для Союза?
Интересно сколько будет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.01.2018 08:00:23
ЦитироватьMixed Reality Technology Helps NASA Astronauts Prepare for Starliner Returns from the Space Station

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
Posted Jan 18, 2018

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130602.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/01/KSC-20171219-PH_BOE01_0003.jpg)
NASA's Commercial Crew Program astronauts, wearing spacesuits and augmented reality headsets, rehearse returning to Earth from the International Space Station during recent testing at Boeing's Extended Reality Laboratory in Philadelphia. The astronauts are seated upside down so they can practice releasing their seat harness and moving to the side hatch of the Starliner without assistance. The astronauts wearing the mixed reality gear see a digital version of the interior of the Starliner as it would look in the real-life scenario while interacting with the environment around them. Photo credit: Boeing

NASA's Commercial Crew Program astronauts training to fly test missions to and from the International Space Station are practicing returning to Earth from the microgravity laboratory. Recent testing at Boeing's Extended Reality Laboratory in Philadelphia combines mixed reality simulations with astronauts wearing spacesuits and augmented reality headsets, and secured in mock-up Starliner seats – the spacecraft being developed by Boeing. The testing allows astronauts to perform an exit from their seats in uncommon landing conditions. The astronauts are seated upside down so they can practice releasing their seat harness and moving to the side hatch of the Starliner without assistance. The astronauts wearing the mixed reality gear see a digital version of the interior of the Starliner as it would look in the real-life scenario while interacting with the environment around them.
In total, 30 practice runs were completed, some to familiarize the crew with the exit procedures and some additional timed runs. The Starliner is designed to land in the Western United States under parachutes and touch down on airbags located on the bottom of the spacecraft. In the event that the capsule does not land upright, testing in extreme conditions helps prepare astronauts for any situation, including an inverted position.

Boeing already has completed a series of parachute drop tests and full-scale landing qualification tests to understand a wide range of spacecraft conditions when returning to earth. The company also has used test dummies in stand-alone seat tests and incorporated the dummies into landing drop tests to understand impacts to crew members.

Both Boeing and SpaceX have been working with the astronauts training to fly the test missions to the International Space Station. The two commercial providers have been developing unique systems to meet the goal of returning crew launches to the United States. Boeing's Starliner will launch on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. SpaceX is developing the Crew Dragon, or Dragon 2, spacecraft to launch on the company's Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A. Both companies will begin their journeys from Florida's Space Coast. Boeing plans to return on land, while SpaceX will splash down in the Atlantic Ocean. Recent SpaceX testing for return to Earth has included rescue and recovery training in the Atlantic with spacesuit-clad astronauts and personnel who will assist upon return to Earth.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.02.2018 15:11:41
ЦитироватьNASA's Continued Focus on Returning U.S. Human Spaceflight Launches

Stephanie Martin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/samarti9/)
Posted Feb 8, 2018 at 9:47 pm


NASA's Commercial Crew Program and private industry partners, Boeing and SpaceX, continue to develop the systems that will return human spaceflight to the United States. Both commercial partners are undertaking considerable amounts of testing in 2018 (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-commercial-crew-program-mission-in-sight-for-2018) to prove space system designs and the ability to meet NASA's mission and safety requirement for regular crew flights to the International Space Station.

"The work Boeing and SpaceX are doing is incredible. They are manufacturing spaceflight hardware, performing really complicated testing and proving their systems to make sure we get it right." said Kathy Lueders, program manager NASA Commercial Crew Program. "Getting it right is the most important thing."
Both Boeing and SpaceX plan to fly test missions without crew to the space station prior to test flights with a crew onboard this year. After each company's test flights, NASA will work to certify the systems and begin post-certification crew rotation missions. The current flight schedules for commercial crew systems provide about six months of margin to begin regular, post-certification crew rotation missions to the International Space Station before contracted flights on Soyuz flights end in fall 2019.

As part of the agency's normal contingency planning, NASA is exploring multiple scenarios as the agency protects for potential schedule adjustments to ensure continued U.S. access to the space station. One option under consideration would extend the duration of upcoming flight tests with crew targeted for the end of 2018 on the Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon. The flights could be extended longer than the current two weeks planned for test flights, and likely less than a six-month full-duration mission. The agency also is assessing whether there is a need to add another NASA crew member on the flight tests.

This would not the first time NASA has expanded the scope of test flights. NASA had SpaceX carry cargo on its commercial demonstration flight to the International Space Station in 2012, which was not part of the original agreement. This decision allowed NASA to ensure the crew aboard the space station had the equipment, food and other supplies needed on the station after the end of the agency's Space Shuttle Program.

As with all contingency plans, the options will receive a thorough review by the agency, including safety and engineering reviews. NASA will make a decision on these options within the next few months to begin training crews.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.03.2018 10:58:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186343.jpg)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 8 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/974069552484143105)

Interesting. Bob Cabana, @NASAKennedy (https://twitter.com/NASAKennedy) Center Director, says current schedule is SpaceX/Boeing uncrewed test flights in August. #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash) crew flight in November. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) crew flight in December this year. #CommercialCrew (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CommercialCrew?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 15.03.2018 17:56:07
От он какой северный олень

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.03.2018 18:54:15
https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/974268180872028162/pu/vid/1280x720/fL3mZc5Yd79SFzxt.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/974268180872028162/pu/vid/1280x720/fL3mZc5Yd79SFzxt.mp4) (2:08 )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.03.2018 19:19:25
ЦитироватьLook inside Boeing's race against SpaceX to launch the next generation of human spaceflight

Michael Sheetz (https://www.cnbc.com/michael-sheetz/) | @thesheetztweetz (https://twitter.com/thesheetztweetz)
Published 2 Hours Ago | Updated 2 Hours Ago

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/974268180872028162/pu/vid/1280x720/fL3mZc5Yd79SFzxt.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/974268180872028162/pu/vid/1280x720/fL3mZc5Yd79SFzxt.mp4)
(video (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/974268180872028162/pu/vid/1280x720/fL3mZc5Yd79SFzxt.mp4) 2:08 )

On July 21, 2011, astronaut Chris Ferguson guided the Atlantis back to Earth to conclude the final space shuttle mission. It was the end of an era for launching humans to space fr om American soil — one he says brought tumbleweeds and empty parking lots to NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

"But then the gates opened in 2014 and tumbleweeds stopped blowing across the road and the cars started showing up in the parking lot," Ferguson, who is now Boeing's director of Starliner crew and mission systems, told CNBC.

Boeing (https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/?symbol=BA) and SpaceX are competing — the former with its Starliner capsules and the latter its Dragon capsules — to fulfill contracts for NASA's Commercial Crew (https://www.nasa.gov/content/commercial-crew-overview) program to ferry astronauts to and fr om the International Space Station. Both companies are on track to test uncrewed variations in August, according to the most recent NASA announcements, with crewed tests no earlier than November for Boeing and December for SpaceX.

With Starliner nearing its first launch, Boeing took CNBC for a look inside the company's assembly plant at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Three Starliner capsules in progress

An interior look at one of the capsule's service modules.

Boeing has three spacecraft in progress – Starliners 1, 2 and 3. The first is a launch-abort test module to be used to certify crew escape systems in the event of an emergency. The second is for the crew test and will actually fly after the third, which is being used for the uncrewed test.

"You make sure that you have failure capability that you can degrade gracefully to where you're never in a spot where you can't get the humans home safely," Ferguson said.

That level of safety is not a worry for current U.S. launches of unmanned satellites. But Starliner requires "building a level of redundancy into a vehicle that, no matter how bad of a day, we can always get them home safely," Ferguson said.

Sharing innovations within Boeing

Boeing engineers work on the Starliner capsule's frame.

As a company with three multibillion-dollar divisions, Boeing is known for its work as an airplane manufacturer and a defense contractor before its space businesses. But the company says Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg is trying to change that with his "One Boeing" initiative, so the company shares resources and talent from within.

One example of Boeing applying Muilenburg's principle is when the company brought in engineers from the commercial airplanes division to teach those in the Starliner program how to use a "shimming tool." In essence, the specialized tool was capable of drilling and installing the black seams (seen below) in a few hours. When done by hand, each seam would have taken about a month to install.

A close-up of one of the capsule's service modules.

Investments made to refurbish shuttle-era infrastructure

The Starliner facility's Space Shuttle-era hangar doors, wh ere the underlying infrastructure is visible under the new Boeing remodeling.

Ferguson says that when Boeing got the Starliner contract in 2014, "the money began to flow and we were able to make this big infrastructure investment to pursue spaceflight."

Starliner's plant was repurposed from the space shuttle days after investment from Space Florida and Boeing. The outline of the shuttle is still visible in the hangar doors, wh ere one can see a cut high in the wall for its tail.

"But as you can see, from that white line on down, this is a new facility. All of the services are new," Ferguson said.

The Starliner facility's underlying Space Shuttle-era infrastructure is visible under the Boeing remodeling.

Learning from the space shuttle

Boeing engineers in "bunny suits" work on a Starliner capsule in a clean room.

Many Starliner employees took part in building and refurbishing shuttles, Ferguson said. While the shuttles were never quite what NASA dreamed they would be, Starliner is built from lessons learned from that program.

The difference is in "how we've exploited the technology we developed for other programs and repurposed it to use here," Ferguson said.

Taking something as simple as a small handle used to break the windows of the shuttle to escape, Ferguson explained that the shuttle had a "nifty handle they made just for that explicit purpose."

"We have our own version of that handle but it's a repurposed F-15 [fighter jet] ordinance selection handle. So we didn't have to make a one-off," Ferguson said. You'd be hard-pressed to find "one-off parts with this vehicle."

"The space shuttle had 1,100 switches, things you could touch. I retired and I still don't think I knew what every switch in that shuttle did," Ferguson said.

Starliner has "on the order of 40," he said, making it a lot more akin to a modern commercial airline cockpit.

The future of commercial space

A Boeing Starliner capsule near completion.

"The space shuttle, in 2010 dollars, cost between $35 [billion] and $40 billion to develop," Ferguson said.

Beyond the development cost, he noted, it cost $3 billion per year to operate, all for about a half-dozen launches each year.

By comparison, Starliner's contract is worth $4.2 billion for Boeing to build three spacecraft. The company contracted United Launch Alliance to deliver two test flights and six service flights.

Ferguson thinks NASA has "the right approach" to the modern era of the space industry.

"They're underwriting the development of commercial capabilities with the hope that, if they kick-start this, then commercial companies [can] go find other sustaining businesses that can keep them going so that they become entities in and of themselves," Ferguson said.

And from there, "NASA can buy services off of them," Ferguson added, bringing costs for below what has ever been seen before.

A Starliner capsule near completion, with its heat shield underbelly visible in the foreground.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 15.03.2018 19:53:41
Че то готовность не впечатляет. Еще пахать и пахать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 19.03.2018 16:30:38
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Boeing has three spacecraft in progress – Starliners 1, 2 and 3. The first is a launch-abort test module to be used to certify crew escape systems in the event of an emergency. The second is for the crew test and will actually fly after the third, which is being used for the uncrewed test.

Цитировать https://youtu.be/YquBmaJo1So
https://youtu.be/YquBmaJo1So (https://youtu.be/YquBmaJo1So)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.03.2018 20:35:10
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000149454500/c2e974df2f92ce57b2c8db329f5da805_bigger.png)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 32 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/976141104591630336)

Updated commercial crew slide from KSC Director Cabana's presentation today; appears to be as expected. Uncrewed Boeing and SpaceX flights in August, crewed in November and December, respectively. More details in photo.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 26.03.2018 23:42:40
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67585.jpg)  Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace)
Commercial crew milestones as of the end of 2017.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.03.2018 00:41:50
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/978331612109787146)

Update slide on commercial crew from NASA's Kathy Lueders. No change in dates yet for either company, but dates "constantly under review."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.03.2018 00:51:20
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/978336973625724928)

Boeing CST-100 Starliner development update.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.03.2018 01:13:13
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67585.jpg)Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace) 7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/978294899010408448)

Update (as of January) on commercial crew tasks completed, and remaining.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 27.03.2018 01:52:49
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67585.jpg)  Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace)
Update on Boeing's first Starliner flight vehicle (which won't carry crew). Rocket coming along too.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 27.03.2018 08:10:08
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2018 21:07:14
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185560.png)Ed Van Cise‏Подлинная учетная запись @Carbon_Flight (https://twitter.com/Carbon_Flight) 46 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Carbon_Flight/status/981219564909457410)

Boeing Mission Operations (MO) continues to prepare to fly the first #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) test flight later this year for @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense). As part of our prep, we've created our MO patch for that Orbital Flight Test (OFT) mission.

Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185560.png)Ed Van Cise‏Подлинная учетная запись @Carbon_Flight (https://twitter.com/Carbon_Flight) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Carbon_Flight/status/981219956372074496)

That patch artwork was created by @KSCartist (https://twitter.com/KSCartist) and Jorge Cartes, experts in numerous Shuttle and Station crew patch designs.

21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Carbon_Flight/status/981237689960644608)

Since folks have asked - the 4 stars are: KSC (launch/Starliner processing), Houston (Mission Ops, Boeing Engineering), White Sands area (landing sites), Denver (home of @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.04.2018 02:52:42
ЦитироватьApril 6, 2018

NASA, Boeing May Evolve Flight Test Strategy

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207670.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/boeing_starliner_dock_to_iss_co.jpg)
An artist image of the Boeing Starliner spacecraft docking to the International Space Station. Image credit: Boeing

NASA has updated its Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contract with Boeing, which provides flexibility in its commercial flight tests. Boeing, one of the agency's two commercial crew partners (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew), approached NASA last year and proposed adding a third crew member on its Crew Flight Test (CFT) to the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station).

The change includes the ability to extend Boeing's CFT from roughly two weeks to up to six months as well as the training and mission support for a third crew member. Cargo capabilities for the uncrewed and crewed flight tests were also identified.

Exact details of how to best take advantage of the contract modification are under evaluation, but the changes could allow for additional microgravity research, maintenance, and other activities while Starliner is docked to station. Adding a third crew member on Boeing's flight test could offer NASA an additional opportunity to ensure continued U.S. access to the orbital laboratory.
"This contract modification provides NASA with additional schedule margin if needed," said William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator, Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "We appreciate Boeing's willingness to evolve its flight to ensure we have continued access to space for our astronauts. Commercial space transportation to low-Earth orbit from U.S. soil is critical for the agency and the nation."

The current commercial crew flight schedules provide about six months of margin to begin regular, post-certification crew rotation missions to the International Space Station before NASA's contracted flights on Soyuz flights end in fall 2019.

"Turning a test flight into more of an operational mission needs careful review by the technical community," said Gerstenmaier. "For example, the spacecraft capability to support the additional time still needs to be reviewed. Modifying the contract now allows NASA and Boeing an opportunity to tailor the duration to balance the mission needs with vehicle and crew capabilities."

This would not be the first time NASA has expanded the scope of test flights (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2018/02/08/nasas-continued-focus-on-returning-u-s-human-spaceflight-launches/). NASA had SpaceX carry cargo on its commercial cargo demonstration flight to the International Space Station under the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) initiative in 2012, which was not part of the original agreement. As part of its normal operations planning, NASA has assessed multiple scenarios to ensure continued U.S. access to the space station. The agency is working closely with its commercial partners and is preparing for potential schedule adjustments normally experienced during spacecraft development.

"Our partners have made significant progress on the development of their spacecraft, launch vehicle, and ground systems," said Kathy Lueders, NASA's Commercial Crew Program manager at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. "Their rigorous testing and analysis are verifying each system performs and reacts as planned as they prepare to safely carry our astronauts to and from the station."

Boeing and SpaceX plan to fly test missions (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2018/01/11/nasas-commercial-crew-program-target-test-flight-dates-2/) without crew to the space station this year prior to test flights with a crew onboard. After each company's test flights, NASA will evaluate the in-flight performance in order to certify the systems and begin regular post-certification crew rotation missions.
Last Updated: April 6, 2018
Editor: Linda Herridge
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.04.2018 14:38:27
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185286.jpg)Christopher Ferguson‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) 9 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg/status/983174846006906880)

And the two become one....Launch Pad Abort Test is next
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.04.2018 13:07:41
ЦитироватьBoeing proposes extending test flight of commercial crew capsule
April 9, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Artist's illustration of a CST-100 Starliner spacecraft docked at the International Space Station. Credit: Boeing

NASA has agreed to consider a Boeing proposal to extend the first piloted test flight of its commercial CST-100 Starliner crew capsule fr om two weeks to up to six months with an extra crew member for the International Space Station, hedging against potential delays that could jeopardize U.S. crew access to the orbiting outpost, officials said last week.

The U.S. space agency said Thursday it recently updated its contract with Boeing to enable the first test flight of the company's CST-100 Starliner crew ferry ship to remain at the space station for up to six months. The original plan called for a two-week test flight to the space station and back to Earth.

In addition, the updated contract would allow NASA and Boeing to fly a third crew member on the CST-100 spacecraft's Crew Flight Test. Officials previously planned for the Crew Flight Test to carry a Boeing test pilot and a NASA astronaut.
"Exact details of how to best take advantage of the contract modification are under evaluation, but the changes could allow for additional microgravity research, maintenance, and other activities while Starliner is docked to station," NASA said in a statement. "Adding a third crew member on Boeing's flight test could offer NASA an additional opportunity to ensure continued U.S. access to the orbital laboratory."

Boeing could also carry cargo to the space station abroad the CST-100 Starliner test flights under the terms of the updated contract.

If exercised, the options for a longer-duration Crew Flight Test with an extra crew member could blunt the impact of delays in the readiness of Boeing and SpaceX capsules to begin regular crew rotation flights to and from the space station.

The U.S.-built commercial crew craft will end NASA's reliance on Russian Soyuz spaceships to deliver astronauts to the space station and return them to Earth. NASA has secured Soyuz seats for U.S. astronauts and crew members from other station partners through 2019, but officials do not plan further Soyuz seat purchases.

That puts the onus on Boeing and SpaceX to deliver.

"This contract modification provides NASA with additional schedule margin if needed," said William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator of NASA's human exploration and operations mission directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "We appreciate Boeing's willingness to evolve its flight to ensure we have continued access to space for our astronauts. Commercial space transportation to low-Earth orbit from U.S. soil is critical for the agency and the nation."

NASA said it will consider a similar contract update with SpaceX, should the company propose one.

The flight sequence currently planned by NASA, Boeing and SpaceX includes unpiloted test flights of the CST-100 Starliner and Crew Dragon spacecraft to dock with the space station, followed by demonstration flights with two-person crews. Each company plans one unpiloted test flight and one demo mission with an on-board crew.

The latest schedule released by NASA indicates Boeing and SpaceX plan to launch their initial crew capsule test flights into orbit as soon as August — without a crew. Astronauts would strap into the CST-100 Starliner for its Crew Flight Test in November, followed by the first Crew Dragon test flight with humans on-board in December.

But those mission schedules are optimistic, and they assume Boeing and SpaceX quicken their development pace in the coming months. In addition to the test flights to the space station, Boeing is finishing up structural testing and plans a pad abort test to verify the CST-100's escape rockets can safely get a crew away from an exploding rocket on the launch pad. SpaceX's upcoming work includes a vacuum test of the Crew Dragon spacecraft, final qualification of its parachutes and an in-flight abort test, designed to check the capsule's ability to get away from a launch failure after liftoff.

"I would say the schedule the contractors have laid out is aggressive," said Steve Stich, deputy manager of NASA's commercial crew program, in a briefing with reporters April 2. "What we have seen from both Boeing and SpaceX is when we get to a point wh ere maybe the dates are no longer supportable with what testing they have to do, then those dates get adjusted. The reason those dates get adjusted is the fact that there's work to complete to ensure those spacecraft are safe."

After the successful completion of the crew demonstration flights, Boeing and SpaceX will be formally certified by NASA to begin regular crew rotation missions, carrying four astronauts at a time to and from the space station. The spacecraft will stay docked to the complex for up to seven months, serving as a lifeboat for the crew to escape in case of an emergency.

NASA has a contract with Boeing worth up to $4.2 billion to complete development of the CST-100 crew capsule, conduct the two test flights to the space station, and fly up to six subsequent crew rotations. NASA's contract with SpaceX, covering Crew Dragon development, test flights and up to six crew rotations, is valued at up to $2.6 billion.

Officials did not disclose how the updates to the Boeing contract could change the deal's monetary value.

NASA says the cost-per-seat on the CST-100 and Crew Dragon capsules will average out at about $58 million. The Russian government charged NASA as much as $81 million per round-trip Soyuz ticket.

Boeing's crew capsule will lift off on a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad, while SpaceX will launch its piloted missions on the company's own Falcon 9 booster from pad 39A, the former Apollo and space shuttle launch site at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

The CST-100 will return to Earth under parachutes for an airbag-cushioned landing at a site in New Mexico, Utah, California, or Arizona. The Crew Dragon will splash down in the Atlantic Ocean off of Florida's coast.

"Turning a test flight into more of an operational mission needs careful review by the technical community," Gerstenmaier said in a statement. "For example, the spacecraft capability to support the additional time still needs to be reviewed. Modifying the contract now allows NASA and Boeing an opportunity to tailor the duration to balance the mission needs with vehicle and crew capabilities."

NASA said the current schedules, which project the Boeing and SpaceX crew ferry craft will be available for operational crew rotations in the spring of 2019, have about six months of margin before NASA's contract for Soyuz seats expires in the fall of 2019.

But a review by the Government Accountability Office earlier this year said the certification schedules for both commercial crew vehicles was likely to fall well behind NASA's current timeline.

Boeing and SpaceX aimed to fly their first human-rated spacecraft to the International Space Station in late 2016 and early 2017, with a goal of having both vehicles ready for operational missions by the end of 2017. But budget shortfalls from Congress, combined with technical hurdles encountered by both companies, delayed the test flights.
"In fact, final certification dates have slipped to the first quarter of calendar year 2019 and we found that the program's own analysis indicates that certification is likely to slip into December 2019 for SpaceX and February 2020 for Boeing," said Cristina Chaplain, a senior manager at the Government Accountability Office, during a congressional hearing in January.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.04.2018 15:15:00
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185335.png)Boeing Defense‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingDefense (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense) 15 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingDefense/status/983819515602636800)

Things are really (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125308.png) coming together (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125308.png) for the #BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BoeingSpace?src=hash) team! Coming up, we'll test fire (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125444.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125444.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125444.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125444.png) this vehicle's @AerojetRdyne (https://twitter.com/AerojetRdyne) engines with partner @ULALaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) to prove #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) can swiftly carry astronauts to safety in the unlikely event of a launch vehicle emergency.

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/983819515602636800) 0:58
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.04.2018 16:03:44
ЦитироватьNASA may extend space station missions to address potential commercial crew delays
by Jeff Foust (http://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — April 13, 2018

NASA Acting Administrator Robert Lightfoot said April 12 that extending durations of crews on the International Space Station could help deal with any future delays in the development of commercial crew vehicles. Credit: NASA

WASHINGTON — NASA is in discussions with its Russian counterparts about extending some upcoming space station missions as a way to buy more time for development of commercial crew vehicles.

During an April 12 hearing by the commerce, justice and science subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee on the agency's fiscal year 2019 budget proposal, NASA Acting Administrator Robert Lightfoot said longer "increments" of crews on the ISS could be one way to provide more schedule margin in the event of additional delays by Boeing and SpaceX in the development of their crewed spacecraft.

"Right now we don't show a gap" in U.S. access to the International Space Station, Lightfoot said in response to a question posed by subcommittee chairman Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas). "But we're looking at options at what can we do to not have a gap."

"We're working with our partners, our Russian partners, on if we can have longer increments for crew members that go up," he said.
He revisited that later in the hearing. "One thing we have is a great relationship with our Russians partners, and we're looking at other alternatives about potentially extending mission duration for the current missions that are there so that we don't gap the ability to get there," he said.

NASA's current agreement with flying astronauts on Soyuz vehicles expires next year, after the agency purchased three seats on Soyuz flights launching in the spring of 2019 and returning in the fall. It's not clear what would be involved in extending ISS mission durations, such as any technical issues regarding how long a Soyuz spacecraft can remain docked to the ISS.

NASA announced April 5 it had updated its existing commercial crew contract with Boeing to study modifications to the crewed test flight for the company's CST-100 Starliner. Those modifications would include adding a third astronaut and extending the spacecraft's stay at the ISS from two weeks to as long as six months. Those changes, Lightfoot noted at the hearing, were another way to mitigate the effects of additional development delays.

At the hearing, Lightfoot said there was still schedule margin for the development of Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon to be ready by the fall of 2019. Schedules last updated in January call for both companies to make uncrewed test flights of their vehicles in August. Boeing would then make a crewed test flight in November, followed by SpaceX in December.

Lightfoot, though, hinted that those schedules would be delayed again. "We still expect to see the first test flights at the end of this year," he said, later elaborating that these were the uncrewed test flights for both companies.

Culberson asked when the crewed test flights would take place, and Lightfoot said he would take that for the record. "I'm focused on the uncrewed one right now," he said.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.04.2018 22:50:41
ЦитироватьNASA could extend space station stays as hedge against commercial crew delays
April 16, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/04/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

File photo of acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot. Credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

NASA is working with the Russian space agency to potentially extend crew stays on the International Space Station, the agency's acting administrator said last week, as a cushion against expected delays in the development of commercial crew capsules by Boeing and SpaceX.

Robert Lightfoot, who has led the U.S. space agency on an interim basis since January 2017, told lawmakers Thursday that NASA is looking for ways to ensure U.S. astronauts can fly to the space station in case commercial spaceships designed by Boeing and SpaceX are not operational by the time a transportation contract with Russia expires in late 2019.
One option already under study is potentially extending the first piloted test flights of the commercial crew ships fr om two days up to six months. NASA recently updated its commercial crew contract with Boeing, giving officials the option to lengthen the first piloted test flight of the company's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from two weeks to six months, along with the possible addition of a third crew member.

The space agency said it would consider a similar arrangement with SpaceX if the company proposes it.

Lightfoot, who is retiring at the end of April, told a House appropriations subcommittee Thursday that NASA does not expect a gap in crew access to the space station between the end of Soyuz missions under contract with U.S. astronauts and the start of regular space station crew rotation flights by Boeing and SpaceX.

But the Government Accountability Office in January reported that the schedules are likely to fall behind NASA's current projection, which anticipates Boeing and SpaceX's vehicles completing their uncrewed and crewed demonstration missions by the spring of 2019.

The GAO's report said certification of SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule for operational crew rotation missions is likely to slip until December 2019, with Boeing's final certification likely to occur in February 2020.

Lightfoot said NASA is taking further steps to minimize the impact of further commercial crew delays, including the possibility of lengthening the time astronauts live and work on the space station.

"We're working with all our partners and working all the options, but right now we know we still show margin," Lightfoot said.

"One thing we have is a great relationship with our Russian partners, and we're looking at other alternatives about potentially extending the mission durations for the current missions that are there," he said.

File photo of NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold boarding a Soyuz spacecraft during testing at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Victor Zelentsov

Space station crews typically spend around six months in orbit, but some crew members have stayed longer. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko spent 340 days on the space station in 2015 and 2016. Astronaut Peggy Whitson returned from an extended 288-day mission in September.

Scientists are eager for more astronauts to stay on the space station for longer missions. The long-duration missions give researchers important data about how extended exposure to microgravity and radiation affects the human body.

Joel Montalbano, NASA's deputy space station program manager, said April 1 that scientists have asked station officials to find 10 to 12 slots for year-long crew members. There are no firm plans to send a crew to the station for a year, but NASA continues to look for an opportunity, Montalbano said.

"We're looking at ways to ... extend stays that we have currently on the station with the seats that we do have left through the Soyuz program," Lightfoot said Thursday.

NASA is not planning to buy more Soyuz seats from Russia, but officials have previously said that once the commercial crew spacecraft are operational, the station partners plan to accommodate at least one U.S. astronaut and one Russian cosmonaut on each launch. The in-kind arrangement has been negotiated without the exchange of funds between NASA and Roscosmos, the Russian space agency.

Lightfoot said Boeing and SpaceX are "making great progress" on their commercial crew capsules. But like NASA's Space Launch System and Orion programs — part of the agency's deep space exploration plans — the commercial crew vehicles are running into difficulties as engineers build the first flight-ready models of each spacecraft.

The most recent public schedule released by NASA indicate the first test flights by the Crew Dragon and CST-100 Starliner could occur in August, but industry and government officials expect that schedule to slip. Plans to conduct the first Crew Dragon test flight with a two-person crew in November, and fly two test pilots on a CST-100 Starliner spaceship in December, are also widely considered "aggressive" by space program officials.

Lightfoot said Thursday that NASA still expects both companies to complete their unpiloted demonstration flights to Earth orbit by the end of the year. He declined to state a schedule for the crewed test flights.

"We still expect to see the first test flights at the end of this year, from both providers," he said. "These would be the uncrewed flights. We're working through that now."

The unpiloted and crewed test missions will dock with the International Space Station.

The Crew Dragon capsule will blast off on SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, then parachute into the Atlantic Ocean at the end of its mission. Boeing's CST-100 Starliner will lift off on the Atlas 5 rocket, built and operated by Boeing subsidiary United Launch Alliance, then return to a parachute-assisted and airbag-cushioned touchdown at one of five landing zones in the Western United States, likely in New Mexico.

The U.S.-built ships will normally carry a crew of four to the space station, wh ere the capsules will remain docked for up to 210 days before returning the astronauts to Earth. Russian Soyuz spacecraft carry three-person crews.

"Regardless of what is going on in the rest of the world, our space cooperation with the Russians has been very good," Lightfoot said. "It's a good team. We're ready to get our flights from U.S. soil though. We're ready to get back to that."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 19.04.2018 20:16:55
http://www.interfax.ru/world/609267 (http://www.interfax.ru/world/609267)
ЦитироватьИспытательный полет к МКС корабля Boeing Starliner перенесен на три месяца
Москва. 19 апреля. INTERFAX.RU - Новый американский пилотируемый корабль Boeing Starliner отправится без экипажа в испытательный полет к Международной космической станции (МКС) на три месяца позже запланированного. Об этом сообщил в четверг "Интерфаксу" источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.
"Испытательный беспилотный полет пилотируемого корабля Starliner перенесен с августа на 27 ноября", - сказал собеседник агентства.
В то же время аналогичный испытательный беспилотный полет пилотируемого корабля Dragon по-прежнему планируется в августе.
"Интерфакс" не располагает официальным подтверждением данной информации от NASA.
Ранее ряд СМИ сообщили, что NASA воспользовалось опционом на полет трех американских астронавтов в российских кораблях "Союз" к Международной космической станции в 2019 году.
Также сообщалось, что NASA приобрело у компании Boeing два места в кораблях "Союз" в 2017 и 2018 годах.
Высказывались предположения, что потребность в дополнительных местах на российских кораблях могла понадобиться американской стороне на случай, если разрабатываемые корабли Boeing CST-100 Starliner не будут готовы осуществлять доставку экипажей на МКС к этому времени.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 20.04.2018 09:25:38
На американских форумах про перенос ничего нету. 
Там бы вой в стиле "прросрали все полимеры" в первую очередь  поднялся бы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 20.04.2018 11:29:07
https://youtu.be/dWwHT3-f0e4 (https://youtu.be/dWwHT3-f0e4) https://youtu.be/dWwHT3-f0e4
Take a 360 Tour inside Boeing's Starliner Factory

Boeing (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IEkprr46ScglWU79HF5qQ)

Published on Apr 19, 2018

One, two, three Boeing CST-100 Starliners are coming together inside this historic spacecraft factory at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The goal of the commercially developed and operating spacecraft is to return crew launch capabilities to NASA and the United States.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: axxenm от 30.04.2018 14:43:56
История "торможения" Boeing Starliner: 
В 2010 году предполагалось, что CST-100 может быть введён в эксплуатацию в 2014 году

В августе 2011 года компания Boeing сообщила, что CST-100 впервые отправится в космос в 2015 году — как в беспилотном, так и в пилотируемом варианте. Всего на 2015 год было запланировано три полёта CST-100 (первый беспилотный; второй —— испытание систему спасения экипажа; третий — пилотируемая стыковка с МКС).

В мае 2014 года было заявлено о первом беспилотном испытательном запуске CST-100 в январе 2017 года. На середину 2017 года был запланирован первый орбитальный полет пилотируемого корабля с двумя астронавтами.

В августе 2016 года началась сборка корабля.

В конце 2016 года дату первого запуска CST-100 вновь отложили, на декабрь 2018 года.
И этот срок не выполнят..не полетит позорна бочка от боинга в 2018 году.

Предлагаю ставку на событие: 
"попытка запуска  CST-100 ( ишак научится толковать коран) 
 в период с 30 апреля 2018 года до 11 января 2019 года" 
я - такого не будет .. 2 к 1. 
сумма 100р . 
так как я великодушен и щедр - то дал запас в 11 суток на выполнение в срок, 

Тем кто верит в эти пошлые наглые насовские обещалки предлагаю заработать на вере в пилотируюмую программу NASA.. 
2 к 1 это хороший гандикап 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Евгений Кравченко от 03.05.2018 21:14:12
Цитироватьтак как я великодушен и щедр - то дал запас в 11 суток на выполнение в срок,
Тем кто верит в эти пошлые наглые насовские обещалки предлагаю заработать на вере в пилотируюмую программу NASA..
Как же ты достал своими ставками...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 04.05.2018 02:57:08
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
И этот срок не выполнят..не полетит позорна бочка от боинга в 2018 году.
может и не полетит в 2018 и даже 2019 и даже есть вариант что никогда или в полете убьет экипаж
всякое бывает.

а почему позорна бочка ?
формально по ТТХ нормальный КК, если в 2019 начнет летать, то очень даже для боинга все хорошо получилось.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: lev_g от 04.05.2018 11:24:35
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
Предлагаю ставку на событие:
"попытка запускаCST-100 ( ишак научится толковать коран)
 в период с 30 апреля 2018 года до 11 января 2019 года"
я - такого не будет .. 2 к 1.
сумма 100р .
Ну во-первых сумма какая-то нищенская - 100р, если вы нуждаетесь, могу выслать вам 100р без всякого пари. Во-вторых 11 дней для события, которое планируется через 7 месяцев (допустимая ошибка планирования менее 5%) - попадает не в категорию "я великодушен и щедр, а в категорию "я жаден и мелочен".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: axxenm от 05.05.2018 12:24:22
Цитироватьlev_g пишет:
сумма какая-то нищенская - 100р
Поскольку цель не обогатиться, а доказать на деле свою точку зрения , 
предсказанием событий основанным на ней . 
Заодно убедиться самому и показать все читателям, 
что участник спора готов признать свою неправоту на деле - 
- отправив символическую сумму в 100р. 
А не отправить - просто позорище. 

Если хотите выиграть больше 100 р - предлагайте какие-нибудь еще предметы спора. 
С удовольствием поучаствую, если тема будет мне интересна, и по ней будут какие то разногласия. 
В данном споре - главный предмет рассмотрения это перспективы CST-100. 
Могу поучаствовать также в предсказаниях перспектив других РН И КК.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 06.05.2018 08:43:06
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
В данном споре - главный предмет рассмотрения это перспективы CST-100.
Могу поучаствовать также в предсказаниях перспектив других РН И КК.
Состоится ли беспилотный полет CST-100 в 2018 году?

Состоится ли беспилотный полет Dragon-2 в 2018 году?

Состоится ли пилотируемый полет CST-100 в 2019 году?

Состоится ли пилотируемый полет Dragon-2 в 2018/2019 году?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: lev_g от 06.05.2018 14:16:34
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Состоится ли беспилотный полет CST-100 в 2018 году?
1. Маловероятно. У Боинга нет особых причин торопиться - нужно пристроить оставшиеся места на Союзах. Скорее всего состоится до конца Q1 2019 – готов поставить на это $50
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Состоится ли беспилотный полет Dragon-2 в 2018 году?
2. Почти наверняка. Готов поставить $100
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Состоится ли пилотируемый полет CST-100 в 2019 году?
3. Да. Ставка $100
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Состоится ли пилотируемый полет Dragon-2 в 2018/2019 году?
4. В восемнадцатом - маловероятно. Для этого нужно а) успешный беспилотный полет б) успешный flight abort test в) необходимое количество (5? так не помню, а рыться неохота) полетов Block 5. Даже если они все это успеют и все отработает безукоризненно и SpeceX и в особенности НАСА потребуется время  для изучения данных. Однако поскольку мне хочется, чтобы это случилось - готов поставить $10 :)

5. В 19-м - да, ставка $150 до конца Q4 или $50 до конца Q2. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 09.05.2018 08:30:39
1. С Вашим прогнозом согласен

2. С Вашим прогнозом согласен

3. С Вашим прогнозом согласен

В восемнадцатом - маловероятно. Для этого нужно а) успешный беспилотный полет б) успешный flight abort test  
в) необходимое количество (5? так не помню, а рыться неохота) полетов Block 5.  
Даже если они все это успеют и все отработает безукоризненно и SpeceX и в особенности НАСА потребуется
 время для изучения данных. Однако поскольку мне хочется, чтобы это случилось - готов поставить $10
Пари принимается.Ставлю $10, что в 2018 не полетит

.По поводу этого:

Цитировать $50 до конца Q2.
Давайте еще раз обсудим после тестового беспилотного  ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 09.05.2018 08:58:04
Мля, что вы тут устроили? 
Заведите в ЧД тему и играйте сколько хотите.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 09.05.2018 09:29:52
ЦитироватьИскандер пишет:
Мля, что вы тут устроили?
Заведите в ЧД тему и играйте сколько хотите.
Сходи на парад победы. Извинись перед ветеранами, бандеровец.
А мы тут без тебя разберемся )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 09.05.2018 17:02:55
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Сходи на парад победы. Извинись перед ветеранами, бандеровец.
А мы тут без тебя разберемся )
Экое ты всё же тупорылое хамло...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 09.05.2018 17:13:15
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Сходи на парад победы. Извинись перед ветеранами, бандеровец.
А мы тут без тебя разберемся )
Экое ты всё же тупорылое хамло...
Ну, у Искандер (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/user/17369/)а хотя бы есть шанс попросить прощения.
А вот тебе прощения не будет, "дорогой" ты наш доморощенный предатель  8)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.05.2018 06:35:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186429.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 25 мая (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/999998554352553985)

Astronauts haven't trained on an American spacecraft since @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) landed the final space shuttle in 2011. He and the #BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BoeingSpace?src=hash) team are changing that, prepping @NASA_Astronauts (https://twitter.com/NASA_Astronauts) to fly the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)!

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.06.2018 20:47:47
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186429.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 8 июн. (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1005121783836696578)

Simulated spaceship, real results. #BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BoeingSpace?src=hash), @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) and @USArmy (https://twitter.com/USArmy) teams aced their first #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) landing and recovery drills this week at @WSMissileRange (https://twitter.com/WSMissileRange). We're getting ready to bring @NASA_Astronauts (https://twitter.com/NASA_Astronauts) home safely from @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station)!

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 15.06.2018 20:56:45
http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html (http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html)
ЦитироватьThen, a two-SRB Atlas 5 is scheduled to launch on the first uncrewed test flight of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft to the ISS on late Fall 2018 at the earliest.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 15.06.2018 21:39:29
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
ЦитироватьИскандер пишет:
Мля, что вы тут устроили?
Заведите в ЧД тему и играйте сколько хотите.
Сходи на парад победы. Извинись перед ветеранами, бандеровец.
А мы тут без тебя разберемся )
Я такой же бандеровец, как ты Эйнштейн.
Только тебе этого не понять.
И это хорошо. )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 15.06.2018 21:41:19
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
ЦитироватьLRV_75 пишет:
Сходи на парад победы. Извинись перед ветеранами, бандеровец.
А мы тут без тебя разберемся )
Экое ты всё же тупорылое хамло...
Ну, у Искандер (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/user/17369/) а хотя бы есть шанс попросить прощения.
А вот тебе прощения не будет, "дорогой" ты наш доморощенный предатель  8)  
Мне твоё прощения до известного места.
На тупое быдло обижаться - себя не уважать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 18.06.2018 20:53:56
На 6 месяцев вправо http://aviationweek.com/space/nasa-s-grand-commercial-space-taxi-experiment-heads-home-stretch

ЦитироватьThis month, Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Spacecraft 1, a partly reusable capsule designed to ferry people to and fr om low Earth orbit (LEO), will ship out from a refurbished space shuttle processing hangar the company leases at  Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and head to White Sands, New Mexico, for a key test of the spacecraft's ability to lift off from a failing rocket and parachute to safety.

Later this summer, Starliner Spacecraft 2 hits the road for El Segundo, California, wh ere it will be put into a Boeing environmental chamber for thermal, vacuum, acoustic and radio-interference/compatibility testing.

But it is Starliner Spacecraft 3 that sets Boeing's countdown clock ticking. The spacecraft, comprising a reusable pressurized crew compartment and disposable service module, is due to launch aboard a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V for an unmanned test run to the International Space Station (ISS). Officially, the milestone remains on NASA's calendar for August, but the flight more likely is six months away.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.07.2018 23:27:00
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg)Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/1013861120061239296)

The two engine Centaur is getting ready and excited for #StarLiner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/StarLiner?src=hash).


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 38 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1013871622162468864)

The #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) dual engine Centaur for @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) flight is in the final stage of production and checkout and will be shipping to the Cape soon! @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 12.07.2018 17:29:09
ЦитироватьNASA может лишиться возможности доставлять на МКС своих астронавтов в конце 2019 года
12 июля, 14:17 UTC+3
 У ведомства отсутствует план обеспечения беспрерывного доступа на станцию
ВАШИНГТОН, 12 июля. /Корр. ТАСС Александр Пахомов/. У американского космического ведомства - NASA - нет плана обеспечения беспрерывного доступа на Международную космическую станцию (МКС).
Это отметили в обнародованном в среду докладе аудиторы главного контрольно-ревизионного органа Конгресса США - Управления по подотчетности правительства.
По их словам, две частные компании - Boeing и SpaceX - могут не успеть получить разрешение на использование создаваемых ими кораблей для пилотируемых полетов на МКС к ноябрю 2019 года, когда у NASA истечет срок контракта с "Роскосмосом" на доставку на станцию и возвращение оттуда астронавтов на борту российских "Союзов". "Согласно проведенному нами анализу, не исключается возможность того, что ни одна из этих компаний не будет готова [предоставить свой корабль для безопасного полета] до августа 2020 года, и в таком случае у NASA не будет доступа на станцию в течение по меньшей мере 9 месяцев", - указали аудиторы.
NASA заключило с Boeing и SpaceX контракты на разработку пилотируемых кораблей еще в 2014 году, заплатив им $4,2 млрд и $2,6 млрд, соответственно. "Они достигли прогресса в конструкторских работах и создании компонентов модулей, но обе продолжают откладывать сроки сертификации своих пилотируемых транспортных систем", - говорится в докладе.
Изначально SpaceX должна была представить корабль для сертификации во втором квартале прошлого года, а Boeing - в третьем. Однако после ряда срывов графика работ обе компании теперь планируют провести испытательные полеты своих модулей без экипажей лишь в августе-сентябре 2018 года. С экипажем Boeing намеревается отправить корабль на орбиту в ноябре-декабре этого года, а SpaceX - в декабре 2018 года - январе 2019 года. Поэтому с учетом новых возможных задержек сертификация обоих кораблей была перенесена экспертами NASA на январь-февраль 2019 года.
Аудиторы же считают, что реальнее говорить о декабре 2019 года для модуля Boeing и январе 2020 года для корабля SpaceX. Это в лучшем случае. "Поэтому NASA нужно разработать запасной план действий, предусматривающий возможность доставки астронавтов на МКС после ноября 2019 года", - подчеркивается в докладе.

История вопроса

После прекращения полетов шаттлов в 2011 году у NASA остался только один вариант для доставки на МКС и возвращения оттуда своих астронавтов - с помощью российских "Союзов". В феврале прошлого года американское космическое ведомство заключило соглашение с Boeing, позволяющее получить дополнительно пять мест на "Союзах" в 2017-2019 годах. Общая стоимость контракта составила $373,5 млн. Boeing приобрела эти места у РКК "Энергия" в рамках урегулирования судебной тяжбы по поводу совместного проекта "Морской старт".
И последнее место, как сейчас предполагается, будет использовано в ноябре 2019 года для возвращения американского астронавта со станции.
По словам аудиторов, NASA "уже задумалось над тем, как быть в том случае, если сертификация кораблей Boeing и SpaceX будет перенесена на 2020 год". В частности, рассматривается идея попробовать договориться с "Роскосмосом" о возвращении астронавта на "Союзе" не в ноябре 2019 года, а в январе 2020 года, что "даст два дополнительных месяца для начала полетов на коммерческих пилотируемых кораблях".
"На настоящий момент, как объяснили официальные лица NASA, возможность закупки дополнительных мест на "Союзах" представляется маловероятной, так как процесс строительства корабля и подписания соответствующего контракта обычно занимает три года - это означает, что эти места могут появиться не ранее 2021 года", - отметили аудиторы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Salo от 12.07.2018 17:33:31
Первоисточник https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/693035.pdf
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: us2-star от 22.07.2018 02:55:07
У Boeing задержки с подготовкой к первому полёту пилотируемой капсулы Starliner (https://vk.com/thealphacentauri?w=wall-54183124_23838)
У Boeing задержки с подготовкой к первому полёту пилотируемой капсулы Starliner 

В конце июня компания проводила огневые испытания двигательной установки САС (системы аварийного спасения) на приборно-агрегатном отсеке корабля. Испытания были бы успешными, если бы в самом конце при отключении двигателей не случилась утечка топлива. Boeing провели расследование случившегося вместе с NASA и заверяют, что нашли корень проблемы и уже занимаются её устранением. «Как раз для безопасности полёта и снижения рисков мы и проводим такие тщательные испытания, и аномалии — нормальное явление любой программы испытаний», — говорится в заявлении компании. 

Пока неясно, как это отразится на сроках первых запусков Starliner — возможно, беспилотный полёт состоится до конца года или в начале следующего; или же сдвинут может быть только пилотируемый запуск, а беспилотный будет по плану этой осенью. Первый беспилотный полёт корабля SpaceX Crew Dragon также ожидается этой осенью, но точные даты пока не установлены — всё зависит не только от компании, но и от графика работ на Международной космической станции. 

Впрочем, скоро мы узнаем больше подробностей о программе полётов: 3 августа космический центр им. Кеннеди посетит вице-президент и глава национального космического совета США Майк Пенс. СМИ пишут, что Пенс подтвердит даты первых пилотируемых полётов, а также назовёт астронавтов, которые впервые отправятся к МКС на новых космических кораблях.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: axxenm от 22.07.2018 00:03:46
Цитироватьus2-star пишет:
У Boeing задержки ...
Цитировать Испытания были бы успешными, если бы в самом конце при отключении двигателей не случилась утечка топлива.
Гениальный слог...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.07.2018 20:37:50
ЦитироватьBoeing's Starliner launch abort engine suffers problem during testing
by Jeff Foust (https://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — July 22, 2018

A launch abort engine, developed by Aerojet Rocketdyne for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, fires during a 2016 test. A static-fire test of the complete launch abort system suffered a propellant leak at the end of the test. Credit: Aerojet Rocketdyne

WASHINGTON — Boeing confirmed July 21 that there was an "anomaly" during a recent test of the launch abort engines for its CST-100 Starliner commercial crew vehicle that could delay a key milestone needed for the vehicle to be able carry astronauts.

The incident happened during a hot-fire test of the engines used by Starliner's abort system, integrated into a spacecraft service module. The static test, which took place in June at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico, was a prelude to a pad abort test of the system planned for later this summer.

"The engines successfully ignited and ran for the full duration," the company said in a statement. "During engine shutdown an anomaly occurred that resulted in a propellant leak."
Starliner uses a "pusher" escape system, with four launch abort engines mounted on the service module that can propel the spacecraft away from its Atlas 5 launch vehicle in the event of an emergency on the pad or during ascent. The engines, which use hypergolic propellants and generate 40,000 pounds-force of thrust each, are provided by Aerojet Rocketdyne.

Boeing didn't elaborate on the nature of the problem, but other sources, including social media postings several days before the official statement, claimed that a hydrazine valve in the propulsion system failed to close properly at the end of the test, causing the propellant to leak. Boeing didn't issue the statement until after the first published report about the anomaly (https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/07/boeing-may-have-suffered-a-setback-with-starliners-pad-abort-test/) by Ars Technica.

Aerojet, in an October 2016 release about an earlier set of hot-fire tests of the thruster (http://www.rocket.com/article/aerojet-rocketdyne-successfully-completes-launch-abort-engine-hot-fire-tests-support-next), touted the use of "innovative" valves in the launch abort engines. Those valves, said company president and chief executive Eileen Drake, "demonstrate precise timing, peak thrust control and steady-state thrust necessary during a mission abort."

"We have been conducting a thorough investigation with assistance from our NASA and industry partners," Boeing added in the statement. "We are confident we found the cause and are moving forward with corrective action."

It's unclear what effect this testing problem will have on the development schedule for Starliner, including the uncrewed and crewed orbital test flights of the spacecraft. Boeing said in its statement that it did not have any schedule updates for the test program, including for the pad abort test.

Updates on commercial crew test schedules for both Boeing and SpaceX are expected to be released as soon as next week. An Aug. 3 announcement, possibly featuring Vice President Mike Pence, had been planned for the Kennedy Space Center, timed to a previously scheduled Aug. 4 launch of NASA's Parker Solar Probe spacecraft. That announcement may go ahead even though the launch has been rescheduled for Aug. 6.

Even before this latest incident, the launch dates for both companies' uncrewed and crewed tests were widely expected to slip, perhaps well into 2019. A July 11 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office cited internal NASA estimates that concluded that the companies would not likely win certification for transporting astronauts to and from the International Space Station until at least late 2019 or early 2020 (https://spacenews.com/commercial-crew-delays-threaten-access-to-iss-gao-warns/), and possibly not until late 2020.

The Aug. 3 announcement may include the assignment of NASA astronauts to the two companies' crewed test flights. Four NASA astronauts have been preparing for those flights since 2015, but for now have been training on both Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon.

In an interview last September (https://spacenews.com/crewed-starliner-test-flight-could-slip-to-2019/), Chris Ferguson, a former NASA astronaut who is now director of Starliner crew and mission systems at Boeing, said he expected those assignments to be made for the crewed Starliner test flight about a year before the actual flight.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2018 02:38:27
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1021467059727806464)

The #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) booster that will launch #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) on its Orbital Flight Test! Just 1 year ago, this was raw sheets of aluminum. Now we're in the final stretch of checkout prior to shipping to Cape Canaveral

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.07.2018 20:57:31
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1022534491926159361)

Nield: Boeing has asked for more time to understand impacts of abort hot-fire test anomaly. Expect some uncertainty in their near-term schedule while they go through that.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67585.jpg)Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1022534584301486080)

ASAP's George Nield on recent Boeing anomaly during hot-fire test of abort engines. "We need to better understand it in terms of its potential impact on design, operations and schedule. Boeing has asked for some additional time" to study the issue.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.07.2018 01:20:39
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186383.jpg)Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex‏Подлинная учетная запись @ExploreSpaceKSC (https://twitter.com/ExploreSpaceKSC) 24 июл. (https://twitter.com/ExploreSpaceKSC/status/1021815328907644928)

Have you seen the new @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) CST-100 Starliner patches yet? You can find them in our recently renovated Space Shop! (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125410.png)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.07.2018 23:07:28
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186343.jpg)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1024005279388786694)

#NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash)'s Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) reviews #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)'s positive progress (#CrewDragon (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CrewDragon?src=hash)) &critical #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash) failure (#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)) before 1st #CommercialCrew (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CommercialCrew?src=hash) flights, warns that Boeing's flight schedule is not well understood & in flux. ((https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125427.png): @kogavfx (https://twitter.com/kogavfx))

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/07/asap-boeing-failure-positive-spacex-crew-announcement/ ... (https://t.co/L3EHx0QlUH)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.07.2018 02:30:30
ЦитироватьSafety panel warns schedule for commercial crew test flights still uncertain
by Jeff Foust (https://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — July 30, 2018

A safety panel said that while a "realistic timeframe" for uncrewed test flights of the Crew Dragon and CST-100 Starliner vehicles can now be projected, schedules for later crewed test flights are still uncertain. Credit: SpaceX artist's concept and Boeing

WASHINGTON — As NASA prepares to announce the astronauts who will fly the first commercial crew missions, an independent safety board is cautioning that it is still too soon to set dates for those flights.

NASA said in a statement last week that it will name the astronauts who will fly the crewed demo flights by Boeing and SpaceX during an event Aug. 3 at the Johnson Space Center. The event will also announce the crews for the first post-certification missions by each company, which will mark the start of routine transportation of astronauts to and from the station by Boeing's CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon.

The NASA statement did not explicitly state if the agency will also update the schedule for those flights. The latest public schedules, released by NASA early this year, call for uncrewed test flights by both companies in August, followed by crewed test flights by Boeing in November and SpaceX in December. However, delays of at least several months are widely expected for both companies' test flights.

Members of NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) appeared to caution against flying at least the crewed demonstration flights in the near future. "We see both continued progress and a large volume of work ahead" for the commercial crew program, said Patricia Sanders, chair of ASAP, at a July 26 meeting at NASA Headquarters. "It should be possible to project a realistic timeframe for at least the uncrewed test flights."

However, she said that did not extend to the later crewed flights. "Depending on the results of the uncrewed flights as well as the resolution of some outstanding technical issues, firm dates for the crewed flight tests are still uncertain," she said.

One of the outstanding technical issues is what Boeing called an "anomaly" during a recent hot-fire test of the abort engine system that will be used by Starliner. That anomaly, announced by the company earlier this month (https://spacenews.com/boeings-starliner-launch-abort-engine-suffers-problem-during-testing/), is expected to delay a pad abort test of the vehicle as well as its upcoming demonstration flights, but the company has not said by how much.

"There was an anomaly on that test that we need to better understand in terms of its potential impact on the design and the operations and the schedule," said ASAP member George Nield at the meeting. "Boeing has asked for some additional time to step back and understand that a little bit better, so we can expect some uncertainty in the near-term schedules."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.08.2018 23:46:43
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000149454500/c2e974df2f92ce57b2c8db329f5da805_bigger.png)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1024756863332704261)

Boeing update on Starliner anomaly: Happened during simulated low-altitude abort burn. All four engines were nominal until shutdown 1.5 seconds later; several valves failed to close, causing the leak. Boeing's Mulholland confident confident in corrective actions.

4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1024757341307199496)

Boeing's Mulholland with latest on Starliner mission timeline:

– Uncrewed flight now planned for late 2018 or early 2019

– Crewed flight is now expected mid-2019
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2018 14:11:33
ЦитироватьBoeing delays crew capsule test flights after abort engine problem
August 1, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

The upper and lower domes of the CST-100 Starliner which will carry the vehicle's first crew into orbit were mated June 19 inside Boeing's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This vehicle is known as Spacecraft 2 in Boeing's fleet. Credit: Boeing

Boeing has reshuffled a sequence of test flights planned for the company's CST-100 Starliner capsule after stuck valves inside a test version of the ship's service module caused a fuel spill in June, delaying the commercial spacecraft's first unpiloted orbital demo mission until late this year or early 2019, and moving back the first crew launch to mid-2019, a company official said Wednesday.

The upd ated schedule announced Wednesday also calls for a pad abort test next spring in New Mexico to test the spaceship's ability to escape a catastrophic launch vehicle failure and save its crew.
Boeing has a $4.2 billion contract with NASA to develop the reusable crew capsule, which will launch aboard United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets fr om Cape Canaveral, dock with the International Space Station for stays of up seven months, and return to Earth for landings in the Western United States with the aid of parachutes and airbags.

NASA has also partnered with SpaceX, which is developing the Crew Dragon spacecraft for launch on the company's own Falcon 9 rockets.

The two commercial crew contractors will end NASA's sole reliance on Russian Soyuz vehicles to ferry astronauts to and fr om the space station.

John Mulholland, Boeing's vice president and program manager for the CST-100 Starliner program, told reporters Monday that the propellant leak on a test stand at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico was caused by several faulty valves inside the abort propulsion system on a service module testbed.

"That test was designed to verify all of the service module propulsion capabilities, and those include the abort, the on-orbit and the de-orbit propulsion events," Mulholland said in a media roundtable. "It was a robust test program designed to screen out any potential design weaknesses."

The test anomaly, first reported last week by Ars Technica, occurred as engineers test-fired four abort engines at the base of the service module. The CST-100 Starliner spacecraft will fly with a reusable crew module, which comes back to Earth with passengers on-board, and a disposable service module housing the ship's primary propulsion system, solar panels and radiators.

Boeing built a flight-like service module for hotfire testing at White Sands, before managers planned the CST-100 Starliner's pad abort test this summer.

"The initial test that we were performing on that (service module) test article was a low-altitude abort burn," Mulholland said. "That test is designed to simulate a pad abort or a low-altitude abort. In that, we fire the four launch abort engines on the bottom of the spacecraft that will provide the propulsion capability that we need to get away from an impending launch vehicle failure."

Each CST-100 service module carries four launch abort engines, built by Aerojet Rocketdyne. The engines would only fire in flight in the event of a launch emergency, igniting with 40,000 pounds of thrust each for a few seconds to propel the capsule away from its rocket.

The four launch abort engines are joined by 48 smaller thrusters on the CST-100 service module, including a se t of 1,500-pound-thrust orbital maneuvering and attitude control engines used for pointing during a launch abort and for large orbital maneuvers, and pods of 100-pound reaction control thrusters, all manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne.

"During the start-up of that test, all engines responded nominally," Mulholland said. "At approximately one-and-a-half seconds, we issued shutdown commands to the engines, and several of the abort engine valves failed to fully close."

A launch abort engine for the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft during a test-firing in 2016. Credit: NASA

According to a report published by Aviation Week and Space Technology, four of eight valves regulating the flow of propellants into the launch abort engines were stuck open after the shutdown command.

"The result of that was leakage of hypergolic propellant, which was contained at the test site, and there was no damage to the test article, and no personnel injuries," Mulholland said.

The service module's rocket engines consume a hypergolic mixture of hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants, which combust upon contact with one another. During a real launch escape, the CST-100's launch abort engines would fire for around 4.5 seconds, guzzling huge quantities of propellant to push the capsule away from a failing booster.

The high-pressure flow of propellant into the abort engines requires the use of dedicated valves, Mulholland told Spaceflight Now in an interview last year. Each engine includes a fuel and oxidizer valve.

Boeing and Aerojet Rocketdyne previously completed a series of hotfire tests of individual CST-100 abort engines. In a 2016 press release, Aerojet Rocketdyne said the testing "confirmed the ability for the new valves to modulate propellant flow and control peak LAE (launch abort engine) thrust in the event of a launch abort."

Eileen Drake, Aerojet Rocketdyne's president and CEO, said the 2016 statement that the valves "enabled the engine to demonstrate precise timing, peak thrust control and steady-state thrust necessary during a mission abort."

Mulholland said Wednesday that managers launched a joint investigation involving NASA and industry engineers to probe the June 2 test anomaly.

"We are confident that we identified the root cause and are implementing correcting actions now," he said, without elaborating on the investigation's findings.

"Our team is off fixing those problems, and the result of that test series is that we will have a better and safer spacecraft," Mulholland said.

The dual-engine Centaur upper stages for the CST-100 Starliner's crew flight test (left) and uncrewed orbital flight test (right) inside United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 factory in Decatur, Alabama. Credit: United Launch Alliance

Mulholland said the investigators identified several corrective actions, such as "a potential combination of operational changes and minor design changes that we believe will allow those valves to fully close with significant margin in all potential operational scenarios."

The propulsion problem caused Boeing to reschedule the pad abort test, during which a CST-100 spacecraft will fire off a launch mount at White Sands to simulate an escape from a launch pad emergency, from this summer to next spring, Mulholland said.

"If you looked at our original sequence prior to the service module hotfire test anomaly, we were going to perform a pad abort test first, followed by an uncrewed flight test and then the crew flight test," Mulholland said. "One of the things that is not required for the uncrewed flight test is the abort capability. The abort capability will not be enabled on the uncrewed flight test, so the optimal sequence then changed to performing the uncrewed flight test first, and then the pad abort test, which we will need to perform before the crew flight test."

The updated schedule outlined by Mulholland on Wednesday calls for the uncrewed test flight to launch on an Atlas 5 rocket at the end of this year or in early 2019 from Cape Canaveral. The CST-100 capsule will make an automated docking to the space station for a short stay, then return to Earth.

After the pad abort test in New Mexico, the crew flight test will be readied for takeoff in mid-2019 on another Atlas 5 flight from Florida's Space Coast, likely with two or three crew members on-board.

Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson, who commanded the last space shuttle mission in 2011 before retiring from NASA, will helm the crew test flight. One or two NASA astronauts will accompany Ferguson, and their identities will be revealed in a ceremony Friday at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

The space agency plans to announce Friday which astronauts will ride on the initial Boeing and SpaceX crew missions.

NASA and Boeing have agreed to potentially use the CST-100 Starliner's crewed test flight, which originally was supposed to launch with a Boeing test pilot and a NASA astronaut, to carry a passenger who would stay aboard the space station for a long-duration months-long stay. If NASA chooses to exercise that option, the extra crew member could help ensure the station has a U.S. astronaut on-board after the space agency's agreement with the Russian government for Soyuz crew seats expires.

The Russian space agency — Roscosmos — and NASA have agreed to extend the length of upcoming space station expeditions to more than six months. That will allow NASA's contract for astronauts seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to cover crew returns through at least January 2020, several months later than originally planned.

These measures are aimed at reducing the risk of a gap in U.S. crew access to the space station, a focus of a Government Accountability Office report released last month.

The GAO said a NASA schedule analysis suggested Boeing and SpaceX may not be certified for regular crew rotation missions to the station — a milestone achieved after CST-100 and Crew Dragon crew flight tests — until late 2019 or early 2020, and perhaps months later in a worst-case scenario.

The base heat shield for Spacecraft 1, the CST-100 capsule which will fly on the pad abort test, was installed on the spacecraft earlier this year at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: Boeing

Boeing is building three flight-worthy CST-100 crew modules at its manufacturing site at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, housed in a former space shuttle processing hangar.

Spacecraft 1, the first of the line, will be used on the pad abort test in New Mexico. Spacecraft 2, which is nearing completion, will soon be shipped cross-country to Boeing's test site in El Segundo, California, for a battery of tests to subject it to the extreme temperatures, vacuum conditions and acoustic environment it will encounter in flight.

Spacecraft 2 will return to Florida for the crew flight test, while Spacecraft 3 is scheduled to be completed at KSC later this year, when it will immediately proceed into launch preparations for the uncrewed orbital test flight.

According to Mulholland, the Atlas 5 rocket assigned to the CST-100's uncrewed test flight — known by the tail number AV-080 — is complete and ready for transport from ULA's factory in Decatur, Alabama, to Cape Canaveral. The launcher for the crew flight test is "very close to completing also," he said.

The Atlas 5 rocket configuration which will launch CST-100 crews will fly with two strap-on solid rocket boosters and a Centaur upper stage powered by two RL10 engines, not the single-engine Centaur stages flown on all Atlas 5 missions to date. ULA has finished around 90 percent of the qualification required to human-rate the Atlas 5, Mulholland said.

Boeing's previous target dates for the uncrewed and crew flight tests called for launches in August and November, respectively. Any realistic expectation to achieve that schedule had eroded months ago.

The schedule for SpaceX's Crew Dragon test flights is also expected to be delayed, but the company has not announced a new timeframe for the demo missions.

In a July 26 meeting, members of NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel said technical concerns with both Boeing and SpaceX, and a series of certification reviews required by NASA, continue to create uncertainty in the commercial crew program's schedule.

"The providers have made sufficient headway that there is light at the end of the tunnel," said Patricia Sanders, chair of the safety advisory panel. "It should be possible to project a realistic timeframe for at least the uncrewed test flights."

"We're reaching the point wh ere the program is rapidly approaching the launch of those demos," said Sandy Magnus, an ASAP member and former astronaut. "The momentum of activities is going to continue to build, but there's a lot left to accomplish.

"Having the hardware ready to go is, of course, an important piece, but we still have to get through the certification, understand the risk posture ... The uncrewed demos are an important milestone, and it will be great, I think, for the community to see that, and a very good morale boost."

George Nield, a veteran aerospace engineer and former head of the Federal Aviation Administration's commercial space office, said NASA and contractor officials are on the lookout for the burdens of schedule pressure.

"It's important to point out that the ASAP has not seen any evidence of negative safety impacts based on schedule pressure," Nield said during the July 26 meeting. "I think people are looking for that. They're aware of the danger there."

Nield said the safety panel should "expect some uncertainty in the near-term schedule, particularly for the Boeing provider," as the company works through the launch abort engine anomaly.

When NASA awarded Boeing and SpaceX their commercial crew contracts in late 2016, agency and contractor officials expected to have the new vehicles certified for regular crew rotation missions to and from the International Space Station by the end of 2017.

But technical hurdles and several redesigns of the spacecraft have delayed Boeing and SpaceX's first unscrewed orbital test flights until later this year, at the earliest.

"These development programs are hard, especially for human spaceflight vehicles, wh ere you really work to drive in robustness, redundancy, and optimize mass and volume," Mulholland said Wednesday. "We laid out a very challenging and aggressive schedule, and we have had several slips in that plan based on the challenges that hit us in a number of these integrated tests, and through the design and development process.

"That said, our commitment hasn't wavered to make sure that we do everything that we laid out to do in our plan, which will ensure that when we fly we're going fly with the utmost safety and mission success," he said.

"Every time we lay out a schedule, we believe it's realistic," he said. "There certainly are potential risks in front of us. As we move through the remaining test program, there is always, by its nature, the risk of discovery."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2018 17:45:50
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184843.jpg)AstroHardin ♱‏ @AstroHardin (https://twitter.com/AstroHardin) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AstroHardin/status/1024995884319293441)

MRAPs sit ready to receive astronauts and ground crews during a Boeing / United Launch Alliance emergency egress demonstration at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Launch Complex 41 in Florida. Boeing's CST-100 Starliner will launch on a ULA Atlas V rocket. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2018 18:54:48
ЦитироватьNASA's last shuttle commander to helm test flight of Boeing crew capsule
August 2, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson is helped into his spacesuit ahead of emergency egress training at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad at Cape Canaveral in June. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

NASA's last space shuttle commander — former U.S. Navy fighter pilot Chris Ferguson — will fly Boeing's CST-100 Starliner crew capsule on its first piloted test mission to the International Space Station next year.

Now a Boeing employee, Ferguson will make his fourth trip into space after logging more than 40 days in orbit on three space shuttle missions. The Washington Post first reported Ferguson's assignment to the mission last week, and Boeing has confirmed he will fly on the CST-100 Starliner's first crew test flight scheduled for mid-2019.

Ferguson, 56, will likely be joined by two NASA astronauts on the mission. Their identities will be announced Friday in a ceremony at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, headquarters for agency's astronaut corps.
NASA is also expected to announce crews for the first flight of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft with astronauts on-board, plus which astronauts will fly on the first "post-certification" missions by both commercially-developed vehicles on operational crew rotation flights to the International Space Station.

Boeing and SpaceX are developing the CST-100 Starliner and Crew Dragon spacecraft under multibillion-dollar contracts with NASA.

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner, featuring a reusable crew module, will launch on United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets and return to landings in the Western United States with the aid of parachutes and airbags. SpaceX's Crew Dragon will launch on the company's own Falcon 9 boosters, and splash down in the ocean under parachutes at the end of each mission.

Chris Ferguson aboard the shuttle Atlantis' flight deck during the STS-135 mission in July 2011. Credit: NASA

"We are really excited that on Friday we'll be out in Houston for the upcoming astronaut announcement," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner.

Ferguson flew F-14 Tomcat airplanes off aircraft carriers in the Navy, and graduated fr om the service's Top Gun school for fighter pilots before his selection as a NASA astronaut in 1998.

He piloted the STS-115 mission by the shuttle Atlantis to the International Space Station in September 2006, then commanded two more spaceflights — aboard the shuttle Endeavour in November 2008 on the STS-126 mission, and the final flight of the storied 30-year program aboard Atlantis's STS-135 mission in July 2011.

Ferguson retired from the space agency several months after guiding Atlantis back to Earth on its last flight.

"On the last day (of Atlantis's STS-135 mission), I tried to make it a point to say goodbye to every shift (in mission control) because I knew when they left the control center it was never going to be the same for them, so we tried to make it special for them," Ferguson said in a 2016 interview with Spaceflight Now. "After the last goodbye, I thought, you know what? I have no idea wh ere I'm going to be in a month. I knew we had all the post-flight stuff to do, but I had no idea what my future held. Am I going to go teach at college? What am I going to do?"

He found a job at Boeing, which announced in 2010 it was developing the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft in partnership with NASA's commercial crew program, aimed at ending U.S. reliance on Russian Soyuz vehicles for crew access to the space station in the post-shuttle era.

"Now I find myself right back in the fight again, right back in the fight as a stakeholder in making sure that we're successful," Ferguson said in 2016.

The fighter pilot-turned-astronaut-turned-manager will have a renaissance of his flying career on the CST-100 Starliner's crew test flight, which is now scheduled for mid-2019 after an unpiloted demo mission late this year or early next year.

Ferguson's shuttle crew in 2011 left a U.S. flag on the space station for the next astronauts launched from U.S. soil to bring home.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Ferguson said the competition between Boeing and SpaceX is "sort of grown-up capture the flag ... It probably has a lot more significance to me than it does to, say, somebody from our competition."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2018 19:31:17
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000149454500/c2e974df2f92ce57b2c8db329f5da805_bigger.png)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1025052504982269952)

Shiny new renderings of SpaceX's Dragon and Boeing's Starliner released by @NASAKennedy (https://twitter.com/NASAKennedy) show some pretty incredible details.

Full res: https://bit.ly/2Km2m7I  (https://t.co/xJPeirdqq1) | https://bit.ly/2LNlalJ  (https://t.co/c07SaPA18P)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/167376.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/167377.jpg)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2018 21:22:38
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program Target Test Flight Dates

Stephanie Martin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/samarti9/)
Posted Aug 2, 2018 at 2:00 pm

The next generation of American spacecraft and rockets that will launch astronauts to the International Space Station are nearing the final stages of development and evaluation. NASA's Commercial Crew Program will return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil, providing safe, reliable and cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit on systems that meet our safety and mission requirements. To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate that their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station. Two of those demonstrations are uncrewed flight tests, known as Orbital Flight Test for Boeing, and Demo-1 for SpaceX. After the uncrewed flight tests, both companies will execute a flight test with crew prior to being certified by NASA for crew rotation missions. The following schedule reflects the most recent publicly releasable dates for both providers.

Targeted Test Flight Dates:
Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): late 2018 / early 2019
Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): mid-2019
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 01:49:25
ЦитироватьPhotos: Astronauts trained in emergency procedures at Atlas 5 launch pad
August 2, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Several NASA astronauts, plus Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson, recently participated in a training session at Cape Canaveral, practicing how they would evacuate fr om the Atlas 5 rocket's launch pad in the event of a countdown emergency.
Strapped into patented harnesses, the astronauts rode zip lines leading from the 172-foot-level (52-meter) of the Crew Access Tower at Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad to a point around 1,300 feet (400 meters) away, wh ere an armored Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle waited to carry them away from the pad.

The commercial off-the-shelf zip line evacuation system was installed by Boeing and United Launch Alliance for astronauts and pad workers to escape a dangerous emergency during final countdown procedures ahead of launches of Atlas 5 rockets carrying CST-100 Starliner crew capsules.

The function of the zip lines is similar to the purpose of slidewire baskets used on NASA's former shuttle launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center. In the case of a countdown emergency before a shuttle launch, crews would ride the slidewire baskets to an M113 armored personnel carrier, which they would drive to safety.

Astronauts riding the zip lines from the Complex 41 launch pad can reach top speeds of up to 40 mph (64 kilometers per hour).

Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson is helped into his spacesuit ahead of emergency egress training at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad at Cape Canaveral in June. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

NASA astronaut Nicole Mann is helped into her spacesuit ahead of emergency egress training at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad at Cape Canaveral in June. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad is the launch site for United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 rocket. Credit: NASA/Cory Huston

NASA astronaut Suni Willams puts on her spacesuit ahead of emergency egress training at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad at Cape Canaveral in June. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken (left) and Suni Williams (right) put on their spacesuits ahead of emergency egress training at Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Two Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, or MRAPs, wait for astronauts to conduct emergency egress training at Cape Canaveral's Complex 40 launch pad. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Astronauts ride zip lines from the Crew Access Tower at Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Astronauts Chris Ferguson and Suni Williams arrive at an emergency evacuation point after riding zip lines from the Crew Access Tower. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

An astronaut climbs into a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Astronauts ride zip lines from the Crew Access Tower during emergency egress training. Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

Astronauts Bob Behnken and Nicole Mann participate in emergency egress training at Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Astronauts ride zip lines from the Crew Access Tower during emergency egress training. Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles drive away from Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad. Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

A commercial crew astronaut participates in emergency training. Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

A commercial crew astronaut participates in emergency training. Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 17:56:52
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 18:08:57
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 18:10:16
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/86495) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/86496)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 18:13:49
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 18:31:13
1-й экипаж CST-100
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 18:50:48
2-й экипаж CST-100
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 18:58:57
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 19:05:34
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 19:11:22
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 19:12:41
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 19:18:34
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program: "Our Destiny Lies Above Us"

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Дата загрузки: 3 авг. 2018 г.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is poised to return America's capability to launch U.S. astronauts from our nation's soil to the International Space Station.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z-0M3h_saiA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z-0M3h_saiA)https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z-0M3h_saiA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z-0M3h_saiA) (2:48 )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 19:27:34
ЦитироватьMeet the Astronauts Flying Boeing's Crew Flight Test

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Aug 3, 2018 at 11:18 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130608.png) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/08/Boeing-crew-flight-test-resized-for-blog.png)
Fr om left: Eric Boe, Nicole Mann, Chris Ferguson

Targeted to launch in mid-2019 aboard a Starliner spacecraft atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

The crew:

Eric Boe  (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/eric-a-boe/biography)was born in Miami but grew up in Atlanta. He came to NASA from the Air Force, wh ere he was a fighter pilot and test pilot and rose to the rank of Colonel. He was sel ected as an astronaut in 2000, and piloted space shuttle Endeavour for the STS-126 mission, and Discovery on its final flight, STS-133.

Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf) is a native of Philadelphia. He is a retired Navy captain, who piloted space shuttle Atlantis for STS-115, and commanded shuttles Endeavour and Atlantis on STS-126 and STS-135 – the final flight of the space shuttle program. He retired fr om NASA in 2011, and has been an integral part of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner program.

Nicole Aunapu Mann  (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann)is a California native and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps.  She is an F/A-18 test pilot with more than 2,500 flight hours in over 25 aircraft. She was selected as an astronaut in 2013, and this will be her first trip to space.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 20:14:22
ЦитироватьMeet the Astronauts Assigned to Boeing's First Mission

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Aug 3, 2018 at 11:22 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130609.png) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/08/Boeing-PCM-resized-for-blog.png)
Fr om left: Josh Cassada, Suni Williams

These two NASA astronauts will launch to the International Space Station for a long-duration mission aboard Boeing's CST-100 Statliner atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

The crew:

Josh Cassada (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/josh-a-cassada/biography) grew up in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. He is a Navy Commander and test pilot with more than 3,500 flight hours in more than 40 aircraft. He was sel ected as an astronaut in 2013. This will be his first spaceflight.

Suni Williams (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/sunita-l-williams/biography) was born in Euclid, Ohio, but her hometown is Needham, Massachusetts. Suni came to NASA fr om the Navy, wh ere she was a test pilot and rose to the rank of Captain. Since being selected as an astronaut in 1998, she has spent 322 days in space, commanded the International Space Station and performed seven spacewalks.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 20:34:53
ЦитироватьNASA reveals crews for first flights of commercial spaceships
August 3, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/08/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

NASA introduces the astronauts assigned to the first flights of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft. Credit: NASA TV/Spaceflight Now

NASA announced Friday a mix of spaceflight veterans and rookie astronauts who will launch on the first flights of new Boeing and SpaceX commercial spaceships starting as soon as next spring, several months later than previously scheduled.

In a ceremony at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, the space agency revealed nine astronauts assigned to the first four crewed flights of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsules.
"For the first time since 2011, we are on the brink of launching American astronauts on American rockets fr om American soil," said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine.

Former shuttle commander Chris Ferguson, who helmed the final flight of the shuttle Atlantis in 2011, will lead a three-person crew on the first piloted mission of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner capsule. Ferguson, now a Boeing employee, will be joined by veteran shuttle pilot Eric Boe and rookie astronaut Nicole Mann on the CST-100's Crew Test Flight, scheduled for liftoff in May 2019.

Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson is helped into his spacesuit ahead of emergency egress training at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad at Cape Canaveral in June. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

A two-man team of NASA astronauts will ride SpaceX's Crew Dragon into orbit on its first crewed test flight, targeted for launch in April 2019. NASA astronaut Bob Behnken, an experienced spacewalker who flew on two shuttle missions, will strap into the Crew Dragon alongside former shuttle pilot Doug Hurley.

Both capsules will fly to the International Space Station on their first crewed test flights, blazing a trail for future crews to ride to and from the orbiting research complex on operational crew rotation missions, ending NASA's sole reliance on Russian Soyuz spacecraft for the job.

NASA also unveiled part of the crews who will ride the CST-100 and Crew Dragon's first regular crew rotation flights, called "post-certification" missions by the space agency and its contractors.

On Boeing's first post-certification mission, NASA astronaut Suni Williams, who has flown on the space station two times already, will fly to the outpost again with first-time space flier Josh Cassada.

From left to right: Suni Williams, Josh Cassada, Eric Boe, Nicole Mann, Chris Ferguson, Doug Hurley, Bob Behnken, Mike Hopkins, and Victor Glover. Credit: NASA

Veteran station flight engineer Mike Hopkins will be accompanied by rookie astronaut Victor Glover on the Crew Dragon's first operational flight to the station.

NASA's partners on the International Space Station program — the Russian space agency Roscosmos, the European Space Agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency — are expected to assign members of their own astronaut corps to the CST-100 and Crew Dragon crew rotation flights.

The space agency says each post-certification flight by the CST-100 Starliner and Crew Dragon spacecraft will carry four passengers on half-year expeditions to the space station. Boeing and Space Adventures, the U.S. company that arranged space tourist flights on Russian Soyuz spacecraft, have a partnership that could allow paying passengers to ride in a fifth seat on CST-100 missions for shorter-duration missions.

Under the Obama administration, NASA decided to turn over responsibility for carrying astronauts to and from low Earth orbit to the private sector after the retirement of the space shuttle in 2011. The agency sel ected Boeing and SpaceX for the task in 2014, awarding contracts to each company valued at $4.2 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively.

Originally designed in the 1970s, with upgrades added through the following three decades, the space shuttle was part-crew carrier, part-cargo truck. The new-generation commercial vehicles supporting the space station come in two versions, with SpaceX and Northrop Grumman providing cargo services, and SpaceX and Boeing carrying astronauts.

"The space shuttle, I think what we've really discovered, at least in my part over the last three or four years working in commercial crew, was that vehicle was really capable, and it's super-hard to dupicate it in the short period of time we've had," Behnken said Friday. "It had decades to kind of mature to wh ere it was when we got our chance to fly it.

"It's hard to kind of create a vehicle that accomplishes what that vehicle did so wonderfully and so majestically," Behnken said.

While they lack the size and lift capacity of the shuttle, but the new commercial ships benefit from numerous advancements in technology, and they are both designed to be safer — and less expensive — than the shuttle.

"With 40 years difference in avionics and technology development, we have squeezed a lot more into a smaller ship, you see a lot of that, a lot more capability in terms what the vehicles can do," Ferguson said. "I think what we really see now is a much greater emphasis on safety. We're returning to a full capability ascent abort system to keep astronauts safe all the way throgh the profile, and that's something that the shuttle didn't have."

Boeing's capsules will launch aboard United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rockets from Cape Canaveral, dock with the International Space Station for stays of up seven months, and return to Earth for landings in the Western United States with the aid of parachutes and airbags.

NASA astronaut Nicole Mann is helped into her spacesuit ahead of emergency egress training at United Launch Alliance's Atlas 5 launch pad at Cape Canaveral in June. Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Built to the same basic NASA requirements, SpaceX's Crew Dragon vehicles will launch from pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center, a former shuttle launch facility, on the company's own Falcon 9 rockets, then return to parachute-assisted splashdowns at sea.

Mann, a F/A-18 test pilot in the Marine Corps before joining NASA, said the launch of space crews fr om U.S. soil will be "a proud moment for America."

"I'm just grateful to be able to help usher in this new era of American spaceflight," Mann said. "As a test pilot, it doesn't get any better than this."

Hurley, also Marine Corps fighter pilot-turned-astronaut, said test pilots dream of taking a new vehicle into the sky for the first time.

"The first flight is something you dream about as a test pilot, and you don't think it's ever going to happen to you," he said. "But it looks like it might."

"Announcing the crews today is an important milestone in our journey of exploration," said Bob Cabana, a former astronaut and director at KSC. "The only way I think it could be better is if I was on one of these assigned crews."

He congratulated the commercial crew astronauts: "Thanks for your efforts as you narrow your focus to a specific spacecraft and apply your test pilot and development skills on the specific vehicles that you're going to be flying in space."

NASA announced updated schedules for the first CST-100 Starliner and Crew Dragon test flights Thursday.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft is now expected to make its first unpiloted test flight in Earth orbit in November, followed by the crewed test flight in April 2019. The CST-100 Starliner's first demo mission is scheduled for early 2019, likely in January, followed four or five months later by the crewed demo flight.

NASA and Boeing have agreed to potentially use the CST-100 Starliner's crewed test flight, which originally was supposed to launch with a Boeing test pilot and a NASA astronaut, to carry a passenger who would stay aboard the space station for a long-duration months-long stay. If NASA chooses to exercise that option, the extra crew member — NASA astronaut Nicole Mann — could help ensure the station has a U.S. astronaut on-board after the space agency's agreement with the Russian government for Soyuz crew seats expires.

NASA astronaut Suni Williams inside a training version of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft. Credit: SpaceX

The Russian space agency — Roscosmos — and NASA have agreed to extend the length of upcoming space station expeditions to more than six months. That will allow NASA's contract for astronauts seats on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to cover crew returns through at least January 2020, several months later than originally planned.

These measures are aimed at reducing the risk of a gap in U.S. crew access to the space station after NASA's contract with Roscosmos for Soyuz crew seats expires.

Once the U.S.-built commercial capsules are flying, all Crew Dragon and CST-100 missions will fly with a Russian cosmonaut and all Soyuz flights will launch with a NASA flight engineer, ensuring critical U.S. and Russian systems on the space station can always be operated by a proficient crew member.

The "in-kind" agreement between NASA and Roscosmos will not involve any exchange of funds.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 20:40:33
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186343.jpg)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1025419211907256321)

#NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash) announces @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) who will fly #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) & #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash) test flights & both companies' 1st long-duration missions to @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station), an announcement that drives home NASA's commitment to expansion of crew launch capability to commercial sector.

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/commercial-crew-nasa-goal-human-transport/ ... (https://t.co/xVuXNMURbs)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 21:11:37
ЦитироватьNASA Announces Astronaut Crews for First Commercial Vehicle Flights
NASA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ)

Опубликовано: 3 авг. 2018 г.

NASA announces the men and women who will be on board the first flights of the new spaceships built by Boeing and SpaceX when Americans are once again launched into space from the USA.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu13IPVFGp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu13IPVFGp0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu13IPVFGp0) (2:38 )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 21:27:27
ЦитироватьAug. 3, 2018
RELEASE 18-067

NASA Assigns Crews to First Test Flights, Missions on Commercial Spacecraft

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207754.png) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/group_photo.png)
NASA introduced to the world on Aug. 3, 2018, the first U.S. astronauts who will fly on American-made, commercial spacecraft to and fr om the International Space Station – an endeavor that will return astronaut launches to U.S. soil for the first time since the space shuttle's retirement in 2011. The agency assigned nine astronauts to crew the first test flight and mission of both Boeing's CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon. The astronauts are, fr om left to right: Sunita Williams, Josh Cassada, Eric Boe, Nicole Mann, Christopher Ferguson, Douglas Hurley, Robert Behnken, Michael Hopkins and Victor Glover.
Credits: NASA

NASA introduced to the world on Friday the first U.S. astronauts who will fly on American-made, commercial spacecraft to and from the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station) – an endeavor that will return astronaut launches to U.S. soil for the first time since the space shuttle's retirement in 2011.

"Today, our country's dreams of greater achievements in space are within our grasp," said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. "This accomplished group of American astronauts, flying on new spacecraft developed by our commercial partners Boeing and SpaceX, will launch a new era of human spaceflight. Today's announcement advances our great American vision and strengthens the nation's leadership in space."

The agency assigned nine astronauts to crew the first test flight and mission of both Boeing's CST-100 Starliner (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/boeing_starliner_dock_to_iss_co.jpg) and SpaceX's Crew Dragon (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/edu_sos_ll-dragon.jpg). NASA has worked closely with the companies throughout design, development and testing to ensure the systems meet NASA's safety and performance requirements. 

"The men and women we assign to these first flights are at the forefront of this exciting new time for human spaceflight," said Mark Geyer, director of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. "It will be thrilling to see our astronauts lift off from American soil, and we can't wait to see them aboard the International Space Station." 

Starliner Test Flight Astronauts

Eric Boe (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/eric-a-boe) was born in Miami and grew up in Atlanta. He came to NASA from the Air Force, wh ere he was a fighter pilot and test pilot and rose to the rank of colonel. He was sel ected as an astronaut in 2000 and piloted space shuttle Endeavour for the STS-126 mission and Discovery on its final flight, STS-133.

Christopher Ferguson (http://www.boeing.com/starliner) is a native of Philadelphia. He is a retired Navy captain, who piloted space shuttle Atlantis for STS-115, and commanded shuttle Endeavour on STS-126 and Atlantis for the final flight of the Space Shuttle Program, STS-135. He retired from NASA in 2011 and has been an integral part of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner program.

Nicole Aunapu Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann) is a California native and a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps. She is an F/A-18 test pilot with more than 2,500 flight hours in more than 25 aircraft. Mann was sel ected as an astronaut in 2013. This will be her first trip to space.

Boeing's Starliner will launch aboard a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.


Starliner First Mission Astronauts

Josh Cassada (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/josh-a-cassada) grew up in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. He is a Navy commander and test pilot with more than 3,500 flight hours in more than 40 aircraft. He was selected as an astronaut in 2013. This will be his first spaceflight.

Sunita Williams (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/sunita-l-williams) was born in Euclid, Ohio, but considers Needham, Massachusetts, her hometown. Williams came to NASA fr om the Navy, wh ere she was a test pilot and rose to the rank of captain before retiring. Since her selection as an astronaut in 1998, she has spent 322 days aboard the International Space Station for Expeditions 14/15 and Expeditions 32/33, commanded the space station and performed seven spacewalks.


Additional crew members will be assigned by NASA's international partners at a later date.
NASA's continuous presence on the space station for almost 18 years has enabled technology demonstrations and research in biology and biotechnology, Earth and space science, human health, physical sciences. This research has led to dramatic improvements in technology, infrastructure and medicine, and thousands of spinoff technologies that have improved quality of life here on Earth.

The new spaceflight capability provided by Boeing and SpaceX will allow NASA to maintain a crew of seven astronauts on the space station, thereby maximizing scientific research (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/overview.html) that leads to breakthroughs and also aids in understanding and mitigating the challenges of long-duration spaceflight.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is facilitating the development of a U.S. commercial crew space transportation capability with the goal of achieving safe, reliable and cost-effective access to and fr om the International Space Station and low-Earth orbit. The public-private partnerships fostered by the program will stimulate growth in a robust commercial space industry and spark life-changing innovations for future generations.
Last Updated: Aug. 3, 2018
Editor: Sean Potter
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.08.2018 01:31:38
ЦитироватьНазваны астронавты, которые первыми полетят на кораблях Starliner и Dragon

Космос (http://tass.ru/kosmos) 3 августа, 18:52 дата обновления:3 августа, 19:10 UTC+3

Виктор Гловер, Майкл Хопкинс, Боб Брекен, Дуг Херли, Николь Амапу-Манн, Крис Фергюсон, Эрик Боу, Джон Кассада и Сунита Уильямс (слева направо)
© AP Photo/David J. Phillip

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 3 августа. /ТАСС/. Имена астронавтов, которые первыми совершат полеты на космических кораблях Dragon и CTS-100 Starliner, названы в пятницу на пресс-конференции в Центре космических полетов имени Джонсона в Хьюстоне (штат Техас). Трансляция шла на сайте национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованиям космического пространства (NASA).

Как сообщил директор NASA Джим Брайденстайн, создаваемый корпорацией Boeing корабль Starliner будут пилотировать Эрик Боу и Крис Фергюсон, ранее уже совершавшие полеты на кораблях Space Shuttle, а также Николь Амапу-Манн, для которой предстоящий полет будет первым. ...

Первый регулярный полет к МКС на корабле Starliner совершат Джон Кассада и Сунита Уильямс, а на Dragon - Майкл Хопкинс и Виктор Гловер.

"Впервые с 2011 года американские астронавты совершат полеты на американских космических кораблях, запущенных с территории США", - подчеркнул директор NASA. До сих пор американские астронавты совершали полеты на Международную космическую станцию на борту российских космических кораблей.
Первый непилотируемый полет космического корабля Starliner, как ожидается, состоится не ранее конца нынешнего или начала будущего года в связи с проблемами, выявленными в ходе испытаний двигателей для аварийного прекращения полета. Как сообщил в минувший четверг интернет-портал Space.com со ссылкой на высказывания вице-президнта компании Boeing Джона Малхолланда, пилотируемый полет может состояться в середине 2019 года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.08.2018 01:43:14
ЦитироватьNASA представило астронавтов, которые первыми совершат полет на Starliner

19:04 03.08.2018

© Flickr / NASA HQ PHOTO (https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasahqphoto/23351024062)

ВАШИНГТОН, 3 авг – РИА Новости. Девять астронавтов — семь мужчин и две женщины — войдут в число первых экипажей строящихся американских пилотируемых кораблей CTC–100 Starliner и Crew Dragon.

Глава НАСА Джим Брайденстайн представил астронавтов на торжественной церемонии, которая прошла в космическом центре имени Джонсона в Техасе.

"Впервые с 2011 года мы на грани того, чтобы запустить американского астронавта на американском корабле с американской земли", — сказал глава космического ведомства США.

В первый тестовый полет на корабле CTC–100 Starliner отправятся ветераны комических полетов Эрик Боу, Крис Фергюсон, а также 41-летняя Николь Анапу Мэнн, для которой это будет первым полетом в космос.
После того, как оба корабля пройдут сертификацию для доставки экипажей на МКС. В пилотируемые полеты на МКС на корабле CTC–100 Starliner отправятся ветеран полетов 52-летняя Сани Уильямс, а также дебютанты космических полетов Джон Кассада...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.08.2018 03:15:41
Запись трансляции НАСА
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew Program Crew Assignment Announcement - August 3, 2018

NASA Video (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aP7p621ATY_yAa8jMqUVA)

Опубликовано: 3 авг. 2018 г.

NASA introduced to the world on Friday the first U.S. astronauts who will fly on American-made, commercial spacecraft to and from the International Space Station – an endeavor that will return astronaut launches to U.S. soil for the first time since the space shuttle's retirement in 2011.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTga5hvLjGshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTga5hvLjGs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTga5hvLjGs) (45:57)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.08.2018 07:58:33
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/33899.jpg)Christopher Ferguson‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg/status/1026305746059677697)

Well done to our Huntington Beach, CA structural testing team. This is how we test the separation of the crew and service module on Earth. This normally happens just after the re-entry burn....about an hour before landing. The safety straps "catch" the SM preventing damage.

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/Dj4qbSYUYAAxxnV.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/Dj4qbSYUYAAxxnV.mp4)
(video (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/Dj4qbSYUYAAxxnV.mp4) 0:03)
Прим. Могу ошибаться, тогда это испытания Ориона...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.08.2018 21:18:37
ЦитироватьLive Interviews with Starliner and Crew Dragon Astronauts 8.3.18 1

NASA Johnson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmheCYT4HlbFi943lpH009Q)

Опубликовано: 5 авг. 2018 г.

Commercial Crew Program Astronauts Robert Behnken, Doug Hurley, Eric Boe, Chris Ferguson, and Nicole Aunapu Mann conduct a series of interviews with media on NASA-TV. (Part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SYlObhyDqIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SYlObhyDqI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SYlObhyDqI) (2:00:00)


NASA Johnson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmheCYT4HlbFi943lpH009Q)

Опубликовано: 4 авг. 2018 г.

Commercial Crew Program Astronauts Robert Behnken, Doug Hurley, Eric Boe, Chris Ferguson, and Nicole Aunapu Mann conduct a series of interviews with media on NASA-TV. (Part 2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38UygZMc0ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38UygZMc0o (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38UygZMc0o) (8:09)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.08.2018 16:25:52
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1027543392245432320)

Honored to host the @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) astronauts at the launch pad today.


6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1027544518005022725)

Headed to the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) Crew Access Tower @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.08.2018 09:55:31
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000149454500/c2e974df2f92ce57b2c8db329f5da805_bigger.png)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 10 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1027652419319156737)

Chatting with @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)'s Starliner astronauts Chris Ferguson, Eric Boe and Nicole Mann at KSC's C3PF. As you would expect, they're excited to be here and interact with Starliners in this former shuttle facility.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.08.2018 09:57:02
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000149454500/c2e974df2f92ce57b2c8db329f5da805_bigger.png)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 10 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1027663724386168832)

Astronauts Suni Williams and Josh Cassada stand in front of Starliner III, which will eventually take them to @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station) after the uncrewed demo flight. These two are genuinely super cool. – C3PF (ommercial Crew & Cargo Processing Facility) (https://twitter.com/search?q=place%3A0b9287c420546000)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.08.2018 00:28:19
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: Meet the Flight Test Crews

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Опубликовано: 13 авг. 2018 г.

On Aug. 3, 2018, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced to the world the first astronauts to fly commercial spacecraft from Boeing and SpaceX, as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Meet the astronauts who will be the first to launch from American soil since 2011.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU6QkU8w60chttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU6QkU8w60c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU6QkU8w60c) (2:13)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.08.2018 23:30:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1031612392633978880)

Boeing's Ferguson on Starliner - no touch screens, but far simpler than Shuttle -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/boeing-starliner-crew-spacecraft/ ... (https://t.co/B5kiEXt2fy)

- By Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF))

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.08.2018 13:29:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/33899.jpg)Christopher Ferguson‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) 21 авг. (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg/status/1031712201382486016)

Soft landing needed....Shortly before landing, the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) drops the heat shield that protected us from re-entry heating. This exposes airbags which inflate to cushion the final touchdown. This is how we drop-test it. Our @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) engineers are awesome!

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DlFfjlsU4AAng-m.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DlFfjlsU4AAng-m.mp4)
(video (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DlFfjlsU4AAng-m.mp4) 0:04)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.08.2018 13:33:52
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 14 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1031996033008652288)

The #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) Starliner builds on our solid history of success and incorporates new technologies designed for crew safety. Unique to #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) are the dual-engine Centaur, launch vehicle adapter and aeroskirt, and emergency detection system @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)
#teamstarliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/teamstarliner?src=hash)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.08.2018 06:06:32
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: The Spacecraft

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Опубликовано: 23 авг. 2018 г.

Look inside Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon, the commercial spacecraft that will fly astronauts from the U.S. to the International Space Station for the first time since 2011.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrBTu389aqYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrBTu389aqY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrBTu389aqY) (1:39)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.08.2018 23:48:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30808.jpg)Johnson Space Center‏Подлинная учетная запись @NASA_Johnson (https://twitter.com/NASA_Johnson) 22 авг. (https://twitter.com/NASA_Johnson/status/1032316172161757185)

.@Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) astronaut training is in full swing! @astro_josh (https://twitter.com/astro_josh) and @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) undergo water survival training at our Neutral Buoyancy Lab.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.08.2018 00:22:48
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 16 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1034184470541295616)

Kathy Lueders: will make the call next summer about turning Boeing Starliner crewed flight test into a longer-duration crew rotation mission. Chris Ferguson has started ISS crew training to prepare for that option.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.08.2018 23:45:14
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1034539789951873024)

ARTICLE: NAC provides Starliner, Dragon 2 update – Commercial Crew preps entering final leg to launch -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/08/nac-starliner-dragon-2-preps-final-leg-launch/ ... (https://t.co/VFiwdldt2g)

- By Michael Baylor (@nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight)) (Includes renders by Nathan Koga (@kogavfx (https://twitter.com/kogavfx)) for NSF)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.08.2018 19:57:17
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: The Flight Test
Доступ по ссылке

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Дата загрузки: 30 авг. 2018 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoU5P2SSChohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoU5P2SSCho (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoU5P2SSCho) (2:06)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.09.2018 10:48:40
Цитировать4 СЕН, 08:36

О конкуренте

Ранее NASA назвало имена астронавтов, которые первыми совершат полеты на космических кораблях Dragon и CTS-100 Starliner. Как сообщил директор ведомства Джим Брайденстайн, создаваемый корпорацией Boeing CTS-100 Starliner будут первыми пилотировать Эрик Боу и Крис Фергюсон, ранее уже совершавшие полеты на кораблях Space Shuttle, а также Николь Амапу-Манн, для которой предстоящий полет будет первым. Первый регулярный полет к МКС на корабле Starliner совершат Джон Кассада и Сунита Уильямс, а на Dragon - Майкл Хопкинс и Виктор Гловер.

Первый непилотируемый полет космического корабля производства Boeing, как ожидается, состоится не ранее конца нынешнего или начала будущего года в связи с проблемами, выявленными в ходе испытаний двигателей для аварийного прекращения полета. Как сообщал интернет-портал Space.com (https://www.space.com/) со ссылкой на вице-президента корпорации Джона Малхолланда, пилотируемый полет может состояться в середине 2019 года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.09.2018 21:50:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg)Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/1037758679016034304)

The OFT CST-100 #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) Booster is nearing completion and will be headed to the Cape soon!
@Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) ⁦@BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)⁩

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.09.2018 20:29:49
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: Astronaut Flight Prep

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Опубликовано: 13 сент. 2018 г.

From trying on spacesuits to preparing for potential emergencies, see how astronauts are getting ready to fly on the test flights and first missions of Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpouNl1sgqAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpouNl1sgqA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpouNl1sgqA) (1:51)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.09.2018 19:38:22
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: Supporting Critical Research

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Опубликовано: 26 сент. 2018 г.

Boeing and SpaceX are getting ready to launch astronauts from U.S. soil, but getting off the ground is just the beginning. Once they arrive at the International Space Station, astronauts will be working on research to improve life on Earth, and help us send humans into deep space—farther than ever before.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCVJWNbhb14https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCVJWNbhb14 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCVJWNbhb14) (2:05)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.10.2018 09:36:36
ЦитироватьFirst SpaceX commercial crew test flight could slip to 2019
by Jeff Foust (https://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — October 3, 2018

BREMEN, Germany — A SpaceX executive said Oct. 3 that the company's first commercial crew test flight could be delayed until early 2019 because of paperwork issues.

In a speech at the 69th International Astronautical Congress here, Hans Koenigsmann, vice president of build and flight reliability for SpaceX, said launching an uncrewed test flight before the end of the year will be a "close call" even though the hardware itself should be ready.

"We're working hard to get this done this year," he said. "The hardware might be ready, but we might still have to do some paperwork on the certification side of it. It's going to be a close call whether we fly this year or not."

When NASA announced revised commercial crew test flight schedules in early August, SpaceX planned to launch an uncrewed flight of its Crew Dragon vehicle in November, followed by a crewed test flight in April 2019. Those dates represented the latest in a series of delays experienced by both SpaceX and Boeing, the other company with a NASA commercial crew contract, in recent years.

However, during a Sept. 17 presentation about SpaceX's plans to fly its much larger Big Falcon Rocket on a trip around the moon, company founder and chief executive Elon Musk suggested that the schedule has already slipped again.

"We're hoping to do a test flight of Dragon 2 in December, and then a crewed flight next year, hopefully in the second quarter of next year," he said. Company officials declined to comment at the time on that schedule, other than to say that SpaceX is "working closely with NASA to find the right dates."
The revised Boeing schedule announced in early August called for an uncrewed flight of its CST-100 Starliner late this year or early next year followed by a crewed test flight in the middle of 2019. "That's exactly where we are," said Chris Ferguson, crew and mission operations director for the Starliner program at Boeing, during an Oct. 2 briefing here.

He declined, though, to say when Boeing would provide more specific dates for those missions, noting he has been in flight training. NASA announced Aug. 3 that Ferguson, a former NASA astronaut, would be on the crewed Starliner test flight, along with NASA astronauts Eric Boe and Nicole Aunapu Mann.

That training, he said later, has included both that related to flying the Starliner spacecraft as well as training related to the International Space Station. The latter is needed should NASA decide to extend the crewed flight test from its original duration of about two weeks to as long as six months, as a contingency in the event further commercial crew delays jeopardize access to the ISS, as NASA's use of Soyuz seats will end in early 2020.

"The lion's share of what we're doing right now is preparing some of the non-perishable training, putting some of that under our belts," he said. That includes medical and "light ISS systems work" as well as, for Boe and Mann, spacewalk training.

Ferguson said he expects NASA to make a decision on extending the Starliner crewed test flight by next spring. "We're certainly on track to fly mid-next year if called upon," he said. "I think NASA would like to make a short-/long-term decision sometime around March of next year on how long we will actually end up staying."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.10.2018 23:31:38
ЦитироватьOct. 4, 2018

Launch Dates to be Updated More Regularly as Commercial Crew Flights Draw Nearer

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207676.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ccp-countdown-header.jpg)

As NASA's Commercial Crew partners Boeing and SpaceX crew transportation systems are within months of being ready for the first test flights of their spacecraft that will carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) from U.S. soil, the scheduling of launch dates enters a new phase. 

This near-term scheduling balances the commercial partners' readiness with NASA and the International Space Station's schedule and the availability of the Eastern Range to establish a target launch date. NASA plans to provide up-to-date launch planning dates on the Commercial Crew blog (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew), which will be updated approximately monthly, with near-term launches also appearing on NASA's launches and landing (https://www.nasa.gov/launchschedule/) schedule.

"As we get closer to launching human spacecraft from the U.S., we can be more precise in our schedules," said Phil McAlister, director of Commercial Spaceflight Development at NASA Headquarters. "This allows our technical teams to work efficiently toward the most up-to-date schedules, while allowing us to provide regular updates publicly on the progress of our commercial crew partners."

SpaceX and the Commercial Crew Program are working together to have the hardware and associated activities ready for its first test flight – Demo-1 – in December 2018, but the launch will occur in January to accommodate docking opportunities at the orbiting laboratory. Boeing's targeted readiness for its Orbital Flight Test is March 2019. Both test flights will be uncrewed missions.

NASA astronauts Bob Behnken (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/robert-l-behnken/biography) and Doug Hurley (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/douglas-g-hurley/biography) are training to fly on SpaceX's Crew Dragon Demo-2 mission, with a planning date of June 2019. NASA astronauts Eric Boe (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/eric-a-boe/biography) and Nicole Aunapu Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann) and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf) are slated for Boeing's Crew Flight Test targeted for August 2019.

As with all human spaceflight development, learning from each test and adjusting as necessary to reduce risk to the crew may override targeted launch dates.

"This new process for reporting our schedule is better; nevertheless, launch dates will still have some uncertainty, and we anticipate they may change as we get closer to launch," McAlister said. "These are new spacecraft, and the engineering teams have a lot of work to do before the systems will be ready to fly."

Following the test flights, NASA will review the performance data and resolve issues as necessary to certify the systems for operational missions. The readiness date for the first long-duration Expedition crew mission is targeted for August 2019 and a second mission is targeted in December 2019, with the specific spacecraft yet to be determined.

Boeing and SpaceX have made significant strides in the development and operation of a new generation of spacecraft and launch systems in partnership with NASA's Commercial Crew Program (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew). This public-private partnership marks the beginning of a new era of human spaceflight to design, develop, and test their systems to ensure safe, reliable and cost-effective commercial transportation for astronauts to low-Earth orbit. The success of these human spaceflight systems will be an unprecedented achievement for the commercial space industry and will enable NASA to focus on deep space exploration with NASA's Orion spacecraft (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/systems/orion/index.html) and Space Launch System (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/systems/sls/index.html), as we return humans to the Moon and on to Mars.

Last Updated: Oct. 4, 2018
Editor: Anna Heiney
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: axxenm от 04.10.2018 19:45:02
очередные обещалки по тестовому беспилотному пуску
крюша январь 2019
стс-100 - март 2019
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 10.10.2018 12:23:26

360 Video: Inside Boeing's Starliner Capsule | Mach | NBC News
NBC News (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeY0bbntWzzVIaj2z3QigXg) Опубликовано: 28 сент. 2018 г.
Step inside a mockup of the spacecraft that will ferry astronauts to the International Space Station.

https://youtu.be/ye2TKplLqp0 (https://youtu.be/ye2TKplLqp0) https://youtu.be/ye2TKplLqp0
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.10.2018 19:14:14
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: Dawn of a New Space Age

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Опубликовано: 10 окт. 2018 г.

One day, space travel won't be just for government astronauts. NASA is nurturing private industry to usher in a new era of commercial space, where exponential growth is poised to take flight.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qrUVh-Xev8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qrUVh-Xev8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qrUVh-Xev8) (1:51)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.10.2018 20:05:13
Цитировать12 ОКТ, 19:13
СМИ: график пусков новых американских кораблей к МКС может быть скорректирован

По информации портала Space News, члены консультативной группы NASA выразили сомнения в том, что SpaceX и Boeing смогут выдержать нынешний график создания коммерческих транспортных систем

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 12 октября. /ТАСС/. График полетов новых американских космических кораблей к Международной космической станции (МКС) может быть скорректирован с учетом усиления требований к безопасности после аварии российской ракеты-носителя "Союз-ФГ". Об этом сообщил в пятницу интернет-портал Space News (https://spacenews.com/) со ссылкой на участников заседания Консультативной группы NASA по вопросам безопасности полетов.

Заседание состоялось в четверг в Центре космических полетов имени Джонсона в Хьюстоне через несколько часов после того, как стало известно об аварийном спуске пилотируемого корабля "Союз МС-10" с космонавтом Роскосмоса Алексеем Овчининым и астронавтом NASA Ником Хейгом.
Комментируя планы компаний SpaceX и Boeing провести в начале будущего года первые полеты новых кораблей, председатель консультативной группы NASA Патрисия Сандерс отметила, что обозначенные ими сроки "непилотируемых и пилотируемых испытательных полетов чреваты значительным риском и, похоже, недостижимы". "Члены группы считают, что чрезвычайно напряженный график, продиктованный реальными или надуманными опасениями касаемо возможного перерыва в полетах астронавтов к МКС, которые усилились в связи с произошедшими [в четверг] утром событиями, создает опасность того, что разумные инженерные решения могут быть отвергнуты, а критически важные компоненты программ создания кораблей могут быть отложены или отменены, в результате чего могут быть приняты решения на основании недостаточно проверенной информации", - отметила она.

Как отметил портал Space News, Патрисия Сандерс и другие члены консультативной группы NASA выразили сомнения в том, что SpaceX и Boeing смогут выдержать нынешний график создания коммерческих транспортных систем, не говоря уже о том, чтобы ускорить процесс в целях избежания проблем с доставкой астронавтов на МКС, связанных с аварией ракеты-носителя "Союз-ФГ".

Компания SpaceX планирует провести демонстрационный полет своего корабля в январе 2019 года, а в марте должен состояться полет корабля CST-100 Starliner компании Boeing. Как отметило в этой связи информационное агентство Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/europe), NASA хочет, чтобы на борту МКС находился экипаж для того, чтобы следить за сближением новых американских кораблей со станцией.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.10.2018 22:06:08
ЦитироватьSafety panel says much work left to do before commercial crew ships fly
October 13, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

A test model of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft descends under four main parachutes over Naval Air Facility El Centro in Southern California during a drop test earlier this year. The Crew Dragon will normally return to splash down at sea, but this test gathered data on the parachutes' performance during an abort that would force a return over land. Credit: NASA/SpaceX

NASA safety advisors on Thursday lauded hardware milestones on Boeing and SpaceX commercial crew capsules, but said multiple technical issues, including problems with parachutes, must be resolved before the human-rated ships are ready to carry astronauts, adding that both companies continue to pursue schedules that appear to be unachievable.

Members of the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel said engineers at both companies, which work under contract to NASA, are examining their parachute designs after encountering failures during testing.

The chair of the safety panel also said Thursday that Boeing and SpaceX's most recent schedules for orbital test flights of their commercial space taxis remain overly-ambitious. She added that, so far, safety remains a priority in NASA's commercial crew program, but cautioned that schedule pressures could be exasperated by Thursday's emergency landing of two-man crew heading to the station on a Soyuz rocket, which threw the schedule for future Soyuz crew launches into question.

"We have not seen the (commercial crew) program make decisions detrimental to safety, but currently projected schedules for uncrewed and crewed test flights for both providers have considerable risk and do not appear achievable," said Patricia Sanders, the safety board's chair and former executive director of the Missile Defense Agency.
SpaceX plans to launch its first Crew Dragon spacecraft on an unpiloted mission to the International Space Station as soon as January. Boeing plans a similar orbital test flight, without astronauts, no earlier than March.

Assuming the flights go well, those fully autonomous demo missions will be followed by crew flight tests — in June for SpaceX's Crew Dragon and in August for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner — according to a schedule update published by NASA last week.

The failure of a Soyuz rocket Thursday during the launch of a two-man crew bound for the space station raised questions about whether crews can remain on the space station if Russia's investigation into the accident keeps future astronaut launches grounded.

Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin and NASA flight engineer Nick Hague safely landed downrange in Kazakhstan inside their Soyuz MS-10 descent module, which carried them away from the rocket failure around two minutes after liftoff.

Russian investigations into rocket failures typically go faster than inquiries into launch accidents in the United States, and NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said Friday he saw no reason to think the next Soyuz crew launch in Decmeber — with Russian, U.S. and Canadian crew members — will be postponed in the wake of Thursday's emergency landing.

A prototype of SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule completed a pad abort test at Cape Canaveral in May 2015. Credit: SpaceX

While Russian engineers may close out their investigation into Thursday's launch failure in time to keep upcoming crew launches on track, NASA's agreement with the Russian space agency to pay for U.S. astronaut seats on Soyuz launches expires next year, with the final landing under the NASA-Roscosmos contract scheduled in January 2020.

If SpaceX or Boeing is not ready to launch astronauts by then, there could a gap in U.S. presence on the station. NASA and Roscosmos have already agreed to extend the length of upcoming space station expeditions to six months or longer, pushing out the final landing under the Soyuz seat contract from 2019 to January 2020.

NASA and Boeing have agreed that the first crew test flight of the CST-100 Starliner, originally conceived to last a few weeks, could be converted into a long-duration stay at the space station, ensuring a U.S. astronaut presence on the orbiting outpost.

A similar deal could be executed between NASA and SpaceX.

Once the commercial crew contractors are flying operationally, NASA and Roscosmos have an "in-kind" agreement to fly a Russian cosmonaut on each U.S. crew launch and a U.S. or partner astronaut on each Soyuz mission to ensure the space station always has at least one crew member capable of managing the U.S. and Russian segments of the research complex.

In remarks at the opening of Thursday's ASAP meeting, Sanders expressed concerns that NASA's efforts to ensure continuous U.S. presence on the space station should not come at the cost of safety.

"The panel believes that an over-constrained schedule driven by any real or perceived potential gap in astronaut transport to the ISS, possibly exasperated by this morning's events, poses a danger that sound engineering design solutions could be superseded, critical program content could be delayed or deleted, and decisions of 'good enough' (could) be made based on insufficient data," Sanders said in Thursday's previously-scheduled meeting, which convened hours after the Soyuz launch failure.

Panel members said NASA should make sure SpaceX and Boeing's unpiloted test flights include demonstrations of all the critical spacecraft systems necessary for human spaceflight, ensuring each component has been tested before astronauts fly on the commercial spaceships.


Under the terms of the SpaceX and Boeing commercial crew contracts with NASA — valued at $2.6 billion and $4.2 billion, respectively — the companies are required to submit data on test results, design details and other parameters to the space agency. NASA engineers are responsible for reviewing the information and certifying that each design can accomplish the mission of carrying astronauts to and from the space station, and do it within NASA's safety requirements.

"The NASA engineers then have some period of time in which to review that data — it could be test data, it could be analysis, it could be any number of things, and it depends on the parameter in question — review that data and validate that, indeed, the contractor has showed that that certification condition, whatever it may be, has been met, and then, and only then, does that engineer sign off that on this issue the design is adequate.

"That does have to be complete before crew flights on these systems, and it is essentially extremely important and should not be thought of as some sort of bureaucratic time delay," McErlean said. "I wanted to bring that up, and it's as true for the other partner as well."

Boeing must also tackle several technical "long poles" before its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is ready to fly in space, according to Chris Saindon, who updated NASA's safety advisory board on Boeing's status.

NASA shuttle veteran Eric Boe, rookie astronaut Nicole Mann and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, who commanded the last space shuttle mission, will fly on the CST-100 Starliner's first crewed test flight next year. Credit: NASA

"Parachute testing is one of them, launch abort engine propulsion system anomalies ... also some fractures in a pyro initiator assembly that was designed to separate modules," Saindon said.

Boeing's testing of a CST-100 structural test article is nearing completion, Saindon said, but, like SpaceX, Boeing is trying to resolve parachute issues discovered during drop tests.

"During one of the qualification tests, the last one that was done, parachute qualification test No. 3, the system didn't function quite as expected, so there needs to be some analysis done on that," Saindon said. "There is a root cause investigation underway."

Without going into details, Saindon said the parachute test had an "unexpected outcome," and parachute testing is on hold until Boeing completes the investigation into the problem.

"Then they've got to reinitiate the test program, and it's not an easy test program with parachutes," Saindon said. "It requires a high-altitude balloon, and it requires the right weather."

Two more parachute qualification tests remain in Boeing's test program, followed by six "reliability tests," Saindon said.

Boeing has also studied parachute concerns related to launch abort scenarios if a problem occurred during the capsule's climb into orbit on a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket, according to Saindon, but test results indicate that issue has been addressed.

Saindon also briefed the safety panel on the CST-100 Starliner's launch abort engine anomaly, which occurred during a hotfire test of the escape engines in June.

At the end of a short firing of the craft's four launch abort engines, which are designed to push the capsule away from a failing rocket, several of the engine valves failed to fully close, causing a propellant spill.

Saindon described the problem, which was not observed during test firings of single launch abort engines and only when four engines were fired together, as caused by a "harmonic resonance across the entire system."

Boeing says its engineers have identified the problem, and will repeat the hotfire test before proceeding with a full-scale pad abort test to demonstrate the Starliner's capability to safely carry astronauts away from an emergency on the launch pad.

"We have settled on one hardware fix and one software fix that will mitigate the problem that we saw with the hotfire earlier this year," said Chris Ferguson, a former space shuttle commander-turned-Boeing astronaut who will fly on the CST-100 Starliner's Crew Flight Test next year, in a briefing with reporters at the IAC earlier this month. "They will be rolled into the next hotfire test because we'll have to repeat an element of what we did not prove to ourselves back in the first test, and that will likely take place in the March/April timeframe."

"(There's) one engineering hardware change, a small one, and a software change that will be rolled into the main fuel valves that will be mitigate the problem," Ferguson said.

Saindon continued his briefing by discussing "unexpected failures" in the pyrotechnic system used to separate the CST-100 Starliner crew module from its service module before re-entry. The crew module, carrying the astronauts, will parachute to a an airbag-cushioned landing in the Western United States, while the service module will burn up on re-entry into the atmosphere.

"During qualification testing ... there were some material failures on those pyrotechnic initiators," Saindon said, who added that engineers from NASA and Boeing believe they have settled on an "interim solution" to the problem.

"Despite the fact that they failed, they seemed to perform the function as designed, which is to separate the crew module from the service module, but nevertheless, there's a FOD (foreign object debris) hazard there if that initiator fractures, and that needs to be addressed."
Echoing McErlean's comments, Saindon, a former U.S. Navy pilot and former director of aviation safety programs at the U.S. Naval Safety Center, said the "validation and certification process is not paperwork, and there's a lot to do."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.10.2018 19:28:26
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29925.jpg)Michael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) 9:00 (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1052952634636857345) - 18 окт. 2018 г.

The rocket for the Starliner OFT (Orbital Flight Test) is about to arrive at the Cape. An exciting milestone for Commercial Crew!
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29931.jpg)Tory Bruno‏Подлинная учетная запись @torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) 8:52 (https://twitter.com/torybruno/status/1052950559920074753) - 18 окт. 2018 г.

Yes. We are transporting hardware related to the Starliner missions
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29925.jpg)Michael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) 9:05 (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1052953851400245248) - 18 окт. 2018 г.

According to the NAC hearing last summer, this should be the contents of the shipment.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.10.2018 23:47:09

Oct. 19, 2018 -- The dual-engine Centaur upper stage that will launch Boeing's first Starliner spacecraft on its uncrewed Orbital Flight Test to the International Space Station has arrived at Cape Canaveral for final processing by United Launch Alliance technicians.

The Centaur is prepared to exit the Mariner. Photo by NASA

The stage arrived Oct. 19 aboard the Mariner cargo ship, the ocean-going vessel that ULA uses to transport rocket stages fr om the manufacturing plant in Decatur, Alabama to the launch sites.
Wrapped in a protective covering for the transit, the Centaur was offloaded at the Port Canaveral wharf and driven on a specialized trailer to ULA's Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center for initial arrival checks.

Later, it will move to the Delta Operations Center to be raised vertically, mounted onto the interstage structure and fitted with the adapter that will support Starliner atop the rocket. That combined stack will then be ready for mating to the Atlas V first stage at the Vertical Integration Facility next year.

The Centaur heads for ULA's Cape Canaveral facilities. Photo by NASA

Mariner left Decatur on Oct. 10 for the journey of nearly 2,000 miles.

The venerable Centaur will resume flights in a dual-engine configuration -- which was once commonplace -- for this inaugural launch of Starliner. The last Centaur stage to utilize two engines was an Atlas IIAS rocket launch in 2004.

The Atlas V has needed only single-engine Centaurs to perform all of its launches to date to deliver payloads to their intended destinations, but the Starliner mass along with the need to shape the trajectory to lim it astronaut accelerations and optimize ascent abort performance in case of a vehicle failure necessitates the thrust of two engines.

The Centaur enters the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center. Photo by NASA 

For the OFT launch, the Centaur will be powered by a pair of Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10-4-2 cryogenic engines, burning liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen to generate nearly 45,000 pounds of thrust.

Centaur flew for the 250th time on Oct. 17 in launching the Air Force's AEHF-4 protected communications satellite. Two-thirds of those previous launches were dual-engine configurations.

The high-energy stage has launched spacecraft to every planet in our solar system, plus the moon, Pluto and solar observatories, and critical national security, communications and weather satellites.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.10.2018 23:52:46
ЦитироватьRocket Segment Arrives in Florida

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Oct 19, 2018 at 4:28 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130616.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/10/KSC-20181019-PH_CDC01_0015.jpg)
The ULA Atlas V Dual Engine Centaur for Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Orbital Flight Test arrives at Cape Canaveral, Fla.

The dual-engine Centaur upper stage that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on its uncrewed Orbital Flight Test to the International Space Station has arrived at Cape Canaveral, Fla. for final processing by United Launch Alliance technicians.

The stage arrived Oct. 19 aboard the Mariner cargo ship, the ocean-going vessel that ULA uses to transport rocket stages from the manufacturing plant in Decatur, Alabama to the launch sites.

Wrapped in a protective covering for the transit, the Centaur was offloaded at the Port Canaveral wharf and driven on a specialized trailer to ULA's Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center for initial arrival checks.

Later, it will move to the Delta Operations Center to be raised vertically, mounted onto the interstage structure and fitted with the adapter that will support Starliner atop the rocket. That combined stack will then be ready for mating to the Atlas V first stage at the Vertical Integration Facility early next year.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.10.2018 18:21:26
ЦитироватьAtlas 5 rocket begins arriving in Florida for commercial crew test flight
October 24, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/10/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

The dual-engine Centaur upper stage assigned to the first launch of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is transported fr om ULA's Mariner vessel to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Friday. Credit: NASA/Chris Chamberland

The Centaur upper stage destined to send Boeing's CST-100 Starliner crew capsule into orbit on its first unpiloted test flight next year has arrived at Cape Canaveral after a sea journey aboard United Launch Alliance's Mariner transport ship.

Fitted with two Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10 engines, the stage arrived at Cape Canaveral on Friday, when a truck offloaded the Centaur, wrapped in a protective covering, from the Mariner ship docked at Port Canaveral. The Centaur was transported to the Atlas Space Operations Center, wh ere crews planned checks to verify the stage weathered the journey by river and sea from ULA's rocket factory in Decatur, Alabama.

The Centaur will later move to the nearby Delta Operations Center, raised vertically and mounted onto an interstage structure and fitted with the adapter designed to connect the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft atop the Atlas 5 rocket, ULA said in a blog post announcing the stage's shipment to Florida.

The Atlas 5's first stage will arrive in Florida on a later Mariner shipment expected around the end of this year.
ULA's Mariner rocket transport vessel docked at Port Canaveral. Credit: NASA/Chris Chamberland

Liftoff of the CST-100 Starliner's first unpiloted test flight, named the Orbital Flight Test, is scheduled from Cape Canaveral's Complex 41 launch pad no earlier than March. The Atlas 5 set to loft the commercial crew capsule into space for the first time is designated AV-080.

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is one of two commercial vehicles under development to restore U.S. human spaceflight capability after the retirement of the space shuttle. NASA contracted with Boeing and SpaceX in 2014 for the work, and SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft is scheduled for its first orbital test flight in January, with a launch aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from the Kennedy Space Center.

Assuming the unpiloted missions go well, and on schedule, the Crew Dragon could be ready to carry a two-man team of NASA astronauts to the International Space Station by June 2019. A three-person crew is assigned to Starliner's first demo mission with astronauts in August 2019.

Like the crewed test flights, the maiden Crew Dragon and Starliner missions without astronauts aboard will target dockings with the space station.

Regular crew rotation missions with Crew Dragon and Starliner spacecraft could begin by the end of 2019, ending U.S. reliance on Russian Soyuz spaceships for crew transportation to low Earth orbit and back, according to NASA. But officials are concerned that schedule could be delayed if engineers encounter problems during key ground and flight tests.

The dual-engine Centaur stage assigned to the CST-100 Starliner's first Orbital Flight Test is pictured inside ULA's factory in Decatur, Alabama, earlier this year. Credit: United Launch Alliance

The Centaur set to deliver Starliner to orbit will be the first dual-engine version of the venerable upper stage to fly on an Atlas 5 rocket. The upper stage will be powered by two RL10 engines, instead of one, producing nearly 45,000 pounds of thrust.

Dual-engine Centaur stages have flown more than 160 times before on previous Atlas rocket versions, most recently in 2004 on an Atlas 2AS rocket. But all Atlas 5 missions to date have required just the single-engine configuration.

Future Starliner crew missions, along with cargo deliveries using Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser spaceplane, will use Atlas 5 rockets featuring the dual-engine version of the Centaur upper stage.

In addition to the extra thrust, the dual-engine Centaur will allow the rocket to follow a less steep, flattened trajectory into orbit, providing more safe landing options for the crew in case of an abort.

The Atlas 5's human-rated configuration will also fly with an Emergency Detection System, an on-board computer designed to automatically detect a failure and trigger an abort.

The Atlas 5's configuration for Starliner launches. Credit: United Launch Alliance

And unlike satellite launches, the CST-100 Starliner does not require an aerodynamic fairing to cover the spacecraft, which will be a attached to the Centaur upper stage with a metallic ring. A 70-inch-long (1.8-meter) aeroskirt extension will be installed to the bottom of the Starliner spacecraft, a design change added in 2016 to resolve transonic aerodynamic problems discovered during wind tunnel testing.

Starliner's Orbital Flight Test is currently scheduled to lift off on the next Atlas 5 mission, after a gap in launch activity spanning several months following the most recent Atlas 5 launch from Cape Canaveral on Oct. 17 with a U.S. Air Force communications satellite. The launch last week marked the 250th flight of a Centaur upper stage since its first variant debuted in May 1962.
The launch of Boeing's first Starliner spacecraft will be the 80th flight of an Atlas 5 rocket, which has amassed a flawless success record since its inaugural mission in August 2002.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.11.2018 21:45:02
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 28 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1062046463008550913)

The adapter and aeroskirt structures for @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)'s Orbital Flight Test arrived at the Cape today! Mission critical hardware--the next pieces of the #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) configuration!

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.11.2018 20:33:47
ЦитироватьLaunch Gear Arrives for Boeing's Uncrewed Flight Test

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 13, 2018 at 12:12 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130633.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/Mariner_111118-002.jpg)
Mariner sailed into Port Canaveral carrying the Launch Vehicle Adapter. Photo credit: United Launch Alliance

The Launch Vehicle Adapter (LVA) that will attach Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to an Atlas V rocket for an uncrewed flight test to the International Space Station arrived at Cape Canaveral, Fla. Nov. 12, after traveling by ship nearly 2,000 miles from the United Launch Alliance (ULA) factory in Decatur, Ala.

Technicians unloaded the elements and they were transported for the LVA to begin integrated operations with the rocket's Centaur upper stage.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130632.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/LVA-transport.jpg)
The crated LVA rolls off Mariner. Photo credit: United Launch Alliance

The LVA is the specially-designed structure that will be fitted to the top of Centaur. It will soon be attached to the Centaur during pre-launch stacking operations and eventually support the Starliner spacecraft during launch of Boeing's Orbital Flight Test (OFT), targeted for March 2019.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130631.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/LVA.jpg)
The LVA is seen here readied for shipping from Decatur. Photo credit: United Launch Alliance

Also part of the LVA is the aeroskirt, which ULA designed in collaboration with Boeing and NASA for added aerodynamic stability during flight. This metallic orthogrid structure will smooth the air flow over the Starliner-Atlas V vehicle, and will separate from the vehicle after the first stage of flight during normal operations. The aeroskirt also has provisions for venting in the unlikely event the Starliner abort engines are fired.

OFT is part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program to return human spaceflight launch capability to the U.S. Following the uncrewed flight test, Boeing will launch its Crew Flight Test, which will carry two NASA astronauts and one Boeing astronaut to the International Space Station.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.11.2018 21:02:54
ЦитироватьAstronauts Tour Boeing Spacecraft Test Facilities

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 14, 2018 at 10:59 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130636.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/SEF18-03633-009.jpg)
Commercial crew astronauts Nicole Mann, Eric Boe and Chris Feguson in El Segundo, Calif.

Astronauts slated to fly on Boeing's CST-100 Starliner for its upcoming Crew Flight Test recently toured two spacecraft testing facilities in southern California. NASA astronauts Eric Boe and Nicole Mann, and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, met with employees who conduct the structural and environmental testing on the spacecraft built to ferry them to the International Space Station from U.S. soil.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130618.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/0035-Boe.jpg)
NASA astronaut Eric Boe in Huntington Beach, Calif.

Upcoming environmental qualification testing is a major milestone on the road to launch. Performed at the El Segundo, Calif. test facility, it ensures that the CST-100 Starliner, designed and built in Florida, can withstand the extreme environments of space. Likewise, structural testing conducted in Huntington Beach verifies that the vehicle hardware is adequately built to withstand the pressures and load dynamics during flight.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130617.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/0005-STA.jpg)
Commercial crew astronauts Eric Boe, Chris Ferguson and Nicole Mann in Huntington Beach, Calif.

Boeing test teams will put the spacecraft through several assessments including thermal vacuum testing which simulates hot and cold temperature swings the vehicle experiences on orbit. They'll also perform acoustic testing, meant to safely shake the capsule to ensure it's been properly built, and electromagnetic testing to see whether the frequencies expected in space would cause any dangerous interference.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130619.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/0085-Selfie.jpg)
Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson takes a selfie with a Boeing employee in Huntington Beach, Calif.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.11.2018 18:50:30
ЦитироватьLaunch Teams Simulate Boeing Uncrewed Flight Test Prelaunch Procedures

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 15, 2018 at 10:37 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130626.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/BMCC1.jpg)
Inside the Boeing Mission Control Center at Kennedy Space Center, Fla., launch control teams for the CST-100 Starliner rehearse a fully integrated prelaunch simulation of the spacecraft's upcoming Orbital Flight Test. Boeing Spacecraft Launch Conductor Louis Atchison speaks on console to the Mission Management Team as the countdown in the launch simulation progresses.

Boeing, United Launch Alliance (ULA) and NASA completed an integrated rehearsal of prelaunch procedures for Boeing's first uncrewed test flight of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft aboard an Atlas V rocket for commercial crew missions to the International Space Station. The simulation, conducted on Nov. 7, focused on launch procedures beginning at five hours before launch, and continuing through a simulated scrub before liftoff.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130634.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/OFT-sim-MCC.jpg)
Inside the White Flight Control Room in the Mission Control Center at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Boeing's Flight Control Team rehearses prelaunch procedures for the company's Orbital Flight Test of Starliner.

The rehearsal consisted of launch teams participating fr om Boeing and NASA facilities at Kennedy Space Center in Florida and Johnson Space Center in Houston. It incorporated voice communications, pad closeout events, polling for tanking, or fueling, readiness, and discussions about conditions, including flight hardware and weather.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130635.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/P1010007.jpg)
Boeing's Pad Team Lead, Melanie Weber, performs simulated prelaunch operations inside the Boeing Mockup Trainer for the Starliner located in Houston. As launch control teams from NASA, Boeing and ULA participate in a prelaunch rehearsal for the Starliner's upcoming Orbital Flight Test, Weber practices her launch day pad operations from inside the trainer.

Prelaunch anomalies were introduced into the rehearsal to provide opportunities for the teams to execute their resolution process. A scrub was called during the countdown rehearsal, allowing participants to test procedures for a delay and a decision to de-tank and prepare for a launch attempt the next day.

Boeing's first uncrewed test flight, known as Orbital Flight Test (OFT), is slated for launch aboard an Atlas V rocket in March 2019. This will be the first flight of the Starliner, and it is a major step toward demonstrating that the spacecraft is ready to begin carrying astronauts to the space station.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130629.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/IMG_2018-11-07_13-43-35.jpeg)
Members of NASA's launch support team gather in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. to rehearse prelaunch operations for the Orbital Flight Test of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft. The EOC is wh ere directors for medical triage and launch rescue will execute real-time responses in the unlikely event of an emergency on launch day.

Boeing is manufacturing three Starliner spacecraft in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Starliner is designed to be reused up to 10 times.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2018 00:53:43
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program Target Test Flight Dates

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 21, 2018 at 10:00 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130612.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/08/Docking.jpg)

The next generation of American spacecraft and rockets that will launch astronauts to the International Space Station are nearing the final stages of development and evaluation. NASA's Commercial Crew Program will return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil, providing safe, reliable and cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit on systems that meet our safety and mission requirements.

To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate that their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station. Two of those demonstrations are uncrewed flight tests, known as Orbital Flight Test for Boeing, and Demo-1 for SpaceX. After the uncrewed flight tests, both companies will carry out spacecraft abort tests to demonstrate their crew escape capability during an actual on-pad, or ascent emergency. The final test flights for each company will be crew flight tests to the space station prior to being certified by NASA for crew rotation missions. The following target dates reflect the current schedule as of Tuesday, Nov. 20.

Test Flight Planning Dates:
Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): March 2019
Boeing Pad Abort Test: Between OFT and CFT
Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): August 2019
SpaceX Demo-1 (uncrewed): January 7, 2019
SpaceX In-Flight Abort Test: Between Demo-1 and Demo-2
SpaceX Demo-2 (crewed): June 2019

SpaceX also completed a pad abort test (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/spacex-demonstrates-astronaut-escape-system-for-crew-dragon-spacecraft) in 2015. Following the test flights, NASA will review the performance data and resolve issues as necessary to certify the systems for operational missions.  Boeing, SpaceX and the Commercial Crew Program are actively working to be ready for the operational missions; however, as with all human spaceflight development, learning from each test and adjusting as necessary to reduce risk to the crew may override planning dates.

Anticipated Readiness Dates for Operational Missions:
First operational mission: August 2019
Second operational mission: December 2019
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.11.2018 19:04:07
ЦитироватьBoeing's First Flight-Worthy #Starliner (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Starliner): Meet the Team!

Boeing (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IEkprr46ScglWU79HF5qQ)

Опубликовано: 21 нояб. 2018 г.

Boeing's Commercial Crew team at Kennedy Space Center recently completed their first Starliner. This vehicle will take Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson and his two NASA crewmates - Eric Boe and Nicole Mann - to the International Space Station on its first crewed flight next year. First, this Starliner will go to Boeing's satellite test facilities El Segundo, California that can simulate the space and launch environments it will face during its mission.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQGDl867vZUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQGDl867vZU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQGDl867vZU) (3:01)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.11.2018 20:29:31
ЦитироватьFirst Starliner to Launch Crew Ready for Environmental Testing

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 27, 2018 at 11:59 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130630.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/K31618P060_CM.jpg)
Boeing technicians carefully close Starliner's shipping container at the company's Florida factory ahead of its trip to El Segundo, Calif.

The Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft destined to fly astronauts to the International Space Station for Boeing's Crew Flight Test (CFT) as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program is ready to undergo a series of flight-like simulations similar to the actual environments the spacecraft will experience during different stages of flight.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130620.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/123_1.jpg)
Boeing's first crewed Starliner finished initial production at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. and is readied for its cross-country trip.

The spacecraft recently arrived at the company's facilities in El Segundo, California for the series of tests. In order to ship the spacecraft, technicians painstakingly prepared and secured Starliner inside its shipping container on Nov. 12, before the spacecraft completed its 10-day, cross-country trip.

Now, Starliner will begin the test campaign wherein acoustic and vibration testing will simulate the environment during launch and ascent, thermal vacuum testing will expose Starliner to the extreme heat and cold it will experience in orbit, and electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility testing will make sure that those signals or radiation do not interfere with operations on Starliner or with sensitive equipment on station. The series of tests are expected to last about three months.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130628.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/DSC_6017_edit.jpg)
Starliner is unboxed inside Boeing's satellite test facilities in California to prepare for environmental qualification testing.

The company's CFT is targeted for August 2019, and will be Starliner's first flight with crew onboard. Following the CFT, Boeing will refurbish the spacecraft for regular crewed missions to the space station.

During these environmental tests, Boeing also expects to complete production in its Florida factory on the Starliner to be flown in the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test, targeted for March 2019.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130627.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/11/DSC_5962a_edit.jpg)
The shipping container with Starliner's crew module arrives at Boeing's facilities in El Segundo, Calif.

Boeing is developing the Starliner spacecraft as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. The spacecraft will launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.11.2018 14:14:13
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 8:56 (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1068186998668754944) - 29 нояб. 2018 г.

One step closer to launch! The OVI stack is complete! The three-piece combination includes the ISA, dual-engine Centaur, and the LVA. The stack is vertical and ready for processing.
#AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) http://bit.ly/AVStarlinerUpdates ... (https://t.co/02I7b4DtlG)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.12.2018 00:09:35
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 12:21 (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1072587147532754944) - 11 дек. 2018 г.

All of the critical hardware for the @boeingspace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) CST-100 Starliner Orbital Flight Test is at the Cape! The booster was the final piece of hardware for the #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash). Proud to be part of #TeamStarliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/TeamStarliner?src=hash)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.12.2018 03:58:33
ЦитироватьFinal Rocket Segment Arrives in Florida

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Dec 11, 2018 at 3:39 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130640.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/12/KSC-20181207-PH_CSH01_0058.jpg)

The first stage of the rocket that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station on the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test has arrived in Cape Canaveral, Florida, completing delivery of all hardware for the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket.
The Atlas V first stage booster rolled off of the Mariner cargo vessel on Dec. 7 at the Cape Canaveral wharf for the short drive to the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center for receiving inspections and checkout.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130638.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/12/KSC-20181207-PH_CSH01_0021.jpg)

Mariner is the ship that ULA uses to transport rocket segments, or stages, from the company's manufacturing plant in Decatur, Alabama to the launch site in Florida. The Atlas V stage departed the factory Nov. 28 for the journey of nearly 2,000 miles.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130639.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/12/KSC-20181207-PH_CSH01_0025.jpg)

Early in 2019, the stage will move further north to the Vertical Integration Facility to be raised on the mobile launch platform. The twin solid rocket boosters will be mounted to the bottom of the first stage. Then, the top of the rocket stack, which consists of the interstage, Centaur upper stage and payload adapter, will be hoisted into position.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130641.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2018/12/KSC-20181207-PH_CSH01_0075.jpg)
This delivery means all of the hardware that ULA needs to launch the first Boeing Starliner has been received at the launch site for final integration.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with Boeing and SpaceX to return human spaceflight launch capability to the United States. Following Boeing's Orbital Flight Test in March 2019, the Starliner will launch on the Atlas V rocket with astronauts aboard for a Crew Flight Test to the space station targeting August 2019. Boeing also will fly a pad abort test in between the uncrewed and crew test missions.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.12.2018 16:21:38
Цитировать12 ДЕК, 03:55
Ступень ракеты Atlas V доставили на мыс Канаверал для подготовки первого полета Starliner

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 12 декабря. /ТАСС/. Первая ступень ракеты-носителя Atlas V доставлена на космодром на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида) в рамках подготовки к первому испытательному полету космического корабля CTS-100 Starliner. Об этом сообщила во вторник американская компания-разработчик корабля United Launch Alliance (ULA).

По ее данным, для транспортировки ступени носителя использовалось специальное судно Mariner. Оно с грузом отправилось в путь от побережья штата Алабама 28 ноября и, преодолев 3,2 тыс. км, достигло мыса Канаверал 7 декабря. Затем ступень на грузовике довезли до центра космических полетов, предназначенного специально для управления полетами Atlas V.

Компания ULA планирует в начале 2019 года установить первую ступень на передвижную пусковую платформу. Затем состоится монтаж боковых стартовых твердотопливных ускорителей и второй ступени, состоящей из разгонного блока Centaur и переходника к отсеку полезной нагрузки.

Atlas V - двухступенчатая ракета-носитель среднего или тяжелого класса (в зависимости от конфигурации). Максимальная длина - 62,11 м (400-я серия) или 75,77 м (500-я), диаметр - 3,8 м, стартовая масса - от 334,5 т до 546,7 т. Максимальная грузоподъемность (на низкую околоземную орбиту) - 15,26 т (400-я серии) или 18,85 т (500-я). Первая ступень оснащена российским кислородно-керосиновым ракетным двигателем РД-180 разработки НПО "Энергомаш" им. академика В. П. Глушко.

ULA намерена провести испытания корабля без экипажа перед его пилотируемым полетом. Ранее NASA назвало имена астронавтов, которые первыми совершат полеты на космических кораблях Dragon и Starliner. Starliner производства корпорации Boeing будут первыми пилотировать Эрик Боу и Крис Фергюсон, ранее уже совершавшие полеты на кораблях Space Shuttle, а также Николь Амапу-Манн, для которой предстоящий полет будет первым. Первый регулярный полет к МКС на корабле Starliner совершат Джон Кассада и Сунита Уильямс, а на Dragon - Майкл Хопкинс и Виктор Гловер.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.12.2018 00:58:21
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew: Prepare For Launch

NASAKennedy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

Опубликовано: 21 дек. 2018 г.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program and private industry partners, Boeing and SpaceX, will make history in 2019 with the return of human spaceflight launches to the International Space Station from U.S. soil. Get ready for the rocket rumble!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pyd_ZfpxsAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pyd_ZfpxsA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pyd_ZfpxsA) (1:49)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.01.2019 09:47:40
ЦитироватьИсточник: первый корабль Starliner компании Boeing полетит к МКС 28 марта

МОСКВА, 17 янв - РИА Новости. Первый запуск к МКС американского космического корабля Starliner, создаваемого компанией Boeing по заказу НАСА, в беспилотном режиме планируется в конце марта, в пилотируемом - в конце августа, сообщил РИА Новости в четверг источник в российской ракетно-космической отрасли.

"В рамках летных испытаний корабль Starliner полетит к МКС в беспилотном режиме 28 марта, в пилотируемом - 27 августа", - сказал собеседник агентства.
Ранее НАСА сообщало, что запуск корабля Starliner к МКС в беспилотном режиме намечается на март 2019 года, в пилотируемом - на август 2019 года. Пилотировать корабль будут астронавты НАСА Эрик Боу и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.

Другой космический корабль Dragon-2, спроектированный компанией SpaceX, отправится к МКС в беспилотном режиме 9 февраля, в пилотируемом - в июле. Пилотировать корабль будут астронавты НАСА Роберт Бенкен и Дуглас Херли.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.01.2019 23:37:09
ЦитироватьJan. 22, 2019

NASA Announces Updated Crew Assignment for Boeing Flight Test

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208464.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/jsc2011e050736.jpg)
NASA astronaut Mike Fincke has been added to the crew of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner's Crew Flight Test. He previously served as an International Space Station flight engineer and science officer on Expedition 9, and commanded the station on Expedition 18.
Credits: NASA

NASA astronaut E. Michael "Mike" Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-michael-fincke) has been added to the crew of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner's Crew Flight Test, scheduled to launch later this year.

Fincke takes the place of astronaut Eric Boe, originally assigned to the mission in August 2018. Boe is unable to fly due to medical reasons; he will replace Fincke as the assistant to the chief for commercial crew in the astronaut office at NASA's Johnson Space Center.

This will be Fincke's fourth trip to space since joining the astronaut corps in 1996. He previously served as an International Space Station flight engineer and science officer on Expedition 9, and commanded the station on Expedition 18. He returned as a mission specialist for the STS-134 crew on space shuttle Endeavour's final mission. So far, the Pennsylvania native has spent 382 days in space and performed nine spacewalks.

In addition, Fincke, who is a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, has served as assistant to the chief for commercial crew in the astronaut office since 2013. In that role, he has worked closely with both Boeing and SpaceX, and with the astronauts assigned to their vehicles on the development and testing of the new spacecraft.

Fincke will begin training immediately alongside NASA's Nicole Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann) and Boeing's Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf), who were both assigned to the mission in August 2018 (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-assigns-first-crews-to-fly-commercial-spacecraft).

The Starliner's Crew Flight Test will be the first time that the new spacecraft, which is being developed and built by Boeing as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html), is launched into space with humans on board. An uncrewed flight test of the Starliner will test the spacecraft's critical systems prior to Fincke, Ferguson and Mann's launch.

Follow Fincke on Twitter at @astroironmike (http://www.twitter.com/astroironmike).

Last Updated: Jan. 22, 2019
Editor: Bob Granath
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.01.2019 01:44:42
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186343.jpg)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1087839827289141248)

Eric Boe has been removed from #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) test flight for medical reasons; but that doesn't mean his flight career is over. Many examples of astros flying later missions.

Read some of that history in @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight)'s piece here:

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/01/nasa-test-flight-crew-change-boeings-starliner/ ... (https://t.co/ryutp7GVeZ)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KL от 23.01.2019 16:37:59
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
ЦитироватьJan. 22, 2019

 NASA Announces Updated Crew Assignment for Boeing Flight Test 

NASA astronaut E. Michael "Mike" Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-michael-fincke) has been added to the crew of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner's Crew Flight Test, scheduled to launch later this year.

И это при всём том, что 3 августа 2018 года пресс-служба Центра Джонсона объявила, что дублёром для этого и следующего запуска Starliner является Уилмор. Зачем тогда нужен дублёр?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Moyis от 27.01.2019 00:17:44
ЦитироватьKLantratov пишет:
Зачем тогда нужен дублёр?
Дублёр нужен, чтобы заменить основного в любой момент, вплоть то старта. Но он, кроме того, готовится к своей не менее важной миссии. Поэтому, если позволяет время, меняют на другого, способного успеть подготовиться. Это позволяет не создавать эффект домино и не ломать последующие экипажи.Значит до старта ещё есть время. А Финк очень способный астронавт.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.02.2019 02:29:41
ЦитироватьNASA, Partners Update Commercial Crew Launch Dates

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
Posted Feb 6, 2019 at 11:00 am

NASA and its Commercial Crew Program providers Boeing and SpaceX have agreed to move the target launch dates for the upcoming inaugural test flights of their next generation American spacecraft and rockets that will launch astronauts to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html).

The agency now is targeting March 2 for launch of SpaceX's Crew Dragon on its uncrewed Demo-1 test flight. Boeing's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test is targeted for launch no earlier than April.

These adjustments allow for completion of necessary hardware testing, data verification, remaining NASA and provider reviews, as well as training of flight controllers and mission managers.

The uncrewed test flights will be the first time commercially-built and operated American spacecraft designed for humans will dock to the space station. The first flights are dress rehearsals for missions with astronauts aboard the vehicles. Commercial crew has continued working toward these historic missions throughout the month of January.

"The uncrewed flight tests are a great dry run for not only our hardware, but for our team to get ready for our crewed flight tests," said Kathy Lueders, Commercial Crew Program manager. "NASA has been working together with SpaceX and Boeing to make sure we are ready to conduct these test flights and get ready to learn critical information that will further help us to fly our crews safely. We always learn from tests."

In January, SpaceX successfully completed a static fire test of its Falcon 9 with Crew Dragon atop the rocket at Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex 39A in Florida, in preparation for Demo-1.

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner continues to undergo testing in preparation for its Orbital Flight Test, and United Launch Alliance is conducting final processing of the Atlas V rocket that will launch Starliner from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

"There still are many critical steps to complete before launch and while we eagerly are anticipating these launches, we will step through our test flight preparations and readiness reviews," said Lueders. "We are excited about seeing the hardware we have followed through development, integration, and ground testing move into flight."

NASA's Commercial Crew Program will return human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil, providing safe, reliable and cost-effective access to low-Earth orbit and the space station on systems that meet safety and performance requirements.

To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station. After the uncrewed flight tests, Boeing and SpaceX will complete a flight test with crew prior to being certified by NASA for crew rotation missions. The following planning dates reflect inputs by the Commercial Crew Program and the two companies and are current as of Feb. 4, 2019.

Test Flight Planning Dates:
SpaceX Demo-1 (uncrewed): March 2, 2019
Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): NET April 2019
Boeing Pad Abort Test: NET May 2019
SpaceX In-Flight Abort Test: June 2019
SpaceX Demo-2 (crewed): July 2019
Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): NET August 2019

SpaceX also completed a pad abort test (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/spacex-demonstrates-astronaut-escape-system-for-crew-dragon-spacecraft) in 2015. Following the test flights, NASA will review performance data and resolve any necessary issues to certify the systems for operational missions. Boeing, SpaceX and the Commercial Crew Program are actively working to be ready for the operational missions. As with all human spaceflight vehicle development, learning from each test and adjusting as necessary to reduce risk to the crew may override planning dates.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: поц от 11.02.2019 20:55:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 50 мин.50 минут назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1095034844663422977)

Structural testing on #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) is complete! Check out behind-the-scenes test footage that shows how we only plan to 'fly like we test.'

https://twitter.com/i/status/1095034844663422977 (https://twitter.com/i/status/1095034844663422977)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.02.2019 23:38:26
ЦитироватьLaunch Teams Simulate Boeing Uncrewed Flight Test Countdown

Stephanie Martin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/samarti9/)
Posted Feb 20, 2019 at 12:37 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130648.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/02/KSC-20190212-PH_FWM01_0109.jpg)
NASA astronaut Mike Fincke monitors Boeing's Orbital Flight Test (OFT) launch simulation. Fincke is assigned to Boeing's Crew Flight Test, the first crewed flight of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner following OFT.

In preparation for Boeing's uncrewed test flight of its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, designed to carry astronauts to the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station), NASA, United Launch Alliance (ULA), Boeing and Department of Defense personnel conducted a successful integrated crew exercise on Feb. 12.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130647.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/02/KSC-20190212-PH_FWM01_0082.jpg)
NASA Operations Integration Manager Michael Hess

Boeing's Orbital Flight Test (OFT) of Starliner will launch on a ULA Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The joint team executed a mock countdown that practiced fueling the Atlas V and operating the unique launch day timeline that features a four-hour built-in hold to allow launch teams to work any technical issues that arise in the countdown. The hold is lifted four minutes prior to launch.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130649.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/02/KSC-20190212-PH_FWM01_0125.jpg)
NASA OFT Mission Manager Eugene "Trip" Healey

The team was presented with simulated issues with hardware and downrange assets to exercise troubleshooting, problem resolution procedures and the coordination that goes into adjusting the countdown as necessary. There were even simulated challenges from the weather, forcing officials to react to changing weather conditions at the pad. The exercise culminated with a successful liftoff and climb into space.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130651.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/02/KSC-20190212-PH_FWM01_0170.jpg)
Boeing Spacecraft Launch Conductor Louis Atchison

Formal rehearsals like this one allow launch teams in geographic locations across the country to function as one well-coordinated team.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130650.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/02/KSC-20190212-PH_FWM01_0156.jpg)
Steve Payne, Launch Integration Manager for NASA's Commercial Crew Program

OFT will be the uncrewed test of Starliner as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, during which Starliner will fly to the International Space Station for an automated rendezvous and docking, complete a short stay and then return to Earth; the mission is the precursor to Boeing's flight test with crew.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.03.2019 17:19:54
ЦитироватьCrew Dragon, Starliner and Soyuz to be used by astronauts and cosmonauts

SciNews (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjU6ZwoTQtKWfz1urL7XcbA)

Опубликовано: 15 мар. 2019 г.

William H. Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA, and Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities, talked about the future use of SpaceX's Crew Dragon, Boeing's Starliner and Soyuz during the Soyuz MS-12 post-docking news conference held in Baikonur on 15 March 2019.
Credit: NASA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeUaRZvFby8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeUaRZvFby8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeUaRZvFby8) (2:54)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.03.2019 17:22:53
ЦитироватьИсточник: беспилотный корабль Starliner запустят к МКС в конце апреля

МОСКВА, 15 мар - РИА Новости. Американский беспилотный корабль Starliner разработки компании Boeing намечается отправить на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) через полтора месяца, сообщил РИА Новости в пятницу источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

В марте на МКС слетал американский беспилотный корабль Dragon-2 разработки компании SpaceX Илона Маска.

"Американская сторона довела до российской информацию о дате запуска беспилотного корабля Starliner - 29 апреля. Через сутки после старта корабль должен причалить к МКС. Планируется, что 7 мая Starliner покинет станцию и возвратится на Землю", - сказал собеседник агентства.

Однако, по его словам, не исключен перенос запуска Starliner на май.

Ранее другой источник в отрасли сообщил РИА Новости, что запуск беспилотного корабля Starliner, планировавшийся на 28 марта, перенесен на первую половину мая.
Ранее сообщалось, что запуск к МКС корабля Starliner в пилотируемом режиме намечается на 27 августа. На нем будет находиться экипаж из астронавтов НАСА Майкла Финка и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавта Boeing Кристофера Фергюсона. После испытательных беспилотного и пилотируемого полетов корабль Starliner будет сертифицирован НАСА для штатных полетов на МКС.

В то же время старт к МКС корабля Dragon-2 в пилотируемом режиме предполагается в июле. На нем полетят астронавты НАСА Роберт Бенкен и Дуглас Херли. Затем НАСА сертифицирует корабль Dragon-2 для штатных полетов на МКС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 15.03.2019 16:38:55
Мда Боинг уже не торт. Резину тянут по максимому. Что со Старлайнером, что с СЛС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ХВ. от 18.03.2019 11:54:44
Подскажите, пожалуйста, кто разрабатывал и изготавливал для Боинга (Старлайнер) систему стыковки: СУ и стыковочный узел. Насколько она унифицирована с системой стыковки Драгон-2?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 18.03.2019 14:19:25
ЦитироватьХВ. пишет:
Подскажите, пожалуйста, кто разрабатывал и изготавливал для Боинга (Старлайнер) систему стыковки: СУ и стыковочный узел. Насколько она унифицирована с системой стыковки Драгон-2?
Так они, ЕМНИП, на один стыковочный узел должны стыковаться...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 18.03.2019 14:08:45
Цитироватьtnt22 (РИА Новости) пишут: 
"Американская сторона довела до российской информацию о дате запуска беспилотного корабля Starliner - 29 апреля.
Однако, по его словам, не исключен перенос запуска Starliner на май.
апрель, май....   Есть сомнения!
Eric Berger @SciGuySpace (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace)        12:27 - 15 мар. 2019 г. (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1106637988979712000)
Not sure if this is official yet, but multiple sources say the NET date for Starliner's OFT (uncrewed test flight) is now August. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as the Starliner that flies is likely to be very close to the final design for a crewed mission.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ХВ. от 20.03.2019 10:56:34
Боинг,  действительно, расслабился после полёта Драгона-2, так же, как расслабился СССР после полёта Аполлона-11.
Цитироватьhttps://news.yandex.ru/story/Zapusk_bespilotnika_kompanii_Boeing_na_MKS_otlozhen_iz-za_nepoladok--fde30c0d09e70b23fc303ab0b2eefec2?lr=20571&lang=ru&stid=1KjjN3c2&rubric=personal_feed&from=story (https://news.yandex.ru/story/Zapusk_bespilotnika_kompanii_Boeing_na_MKS_otlozhen_iz-za_nepoladok--fde30c0d09e70b23fc303ab0b2eefec2?lr=20571&lang=ru&stid=1KjjN3c2&rubric=personal_feed&from=story)
Запуск кораблей Boeing Starliner к МКС отложен из-за проблем
20 марта 2019, 14:57
Текст: Сергей Гурьянов
Старт американского беспилотного корабля Starliner разработки компании Boeing к Международной космической станции (МКС) перенесен с апреля на август, причиной оказались проблемы при его наземных испытаниях, сообщил источник в российской ракетно-космической отрасли.
«Американская сторона уведомила российскую, что запуск беспилотного корабля Starliner отложен на 17 августа из-за проблем, возникших при наземных испытаниях корабля», – передает его слова РИА «Новости» (http://ria.ru/).
По его словам, пилотируемый запуск корабля Starliner также перенесен с августа на более поздний срок.
Американская бюрократия больших компаний в действии.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ХВ. от 20.03.2019 14:36:03
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
Так они, ЕМНИП, на один стыковочный узел должны стыковаться...
Стыковка к одному и тому же узлу не требует, чтобы стыковочные узлы и система управления на разных КК изготавливались одним исполнителем.
Возможно, так оно и есть - каждый компания для своего корабля (Драгон-2, Старлайнер, Орион) конструирует свою систему стыковку, которая должна стыковаться к единому для всех причалу.
А возможно для всех них всё делала наша РКК "Энергия".
А возможно, - напополам - что-то Энергия, а что-то американцы. И опять же, это что-то у американцев может изготавливать одна компания для всех, а возможно - каждая для себя.

Вопрос остаётся: кто изготавливает стыковочные узлы и систему управления стыковкой для американских КК?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 21.03.2019 07:52:08
Рейтерс написало позднее чем российские СМИ....

MARCH 21, 2019 / 1:23 AM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO

Boeing delays flight test to International Space Station by 3 months -sources

SEATTLE, March 20 (Reuters) - Boeing Co has delayed by three months its first uncrewed flight to the International Space Station under NASA's human spaceflight program, and pushed its crewed flight until November, industry sources said on Wednesday.

Reuters reported last month that NASA has warned Boeing and rival contractor SpaceX of design and safety concerns the companies need to address before flying humans to space. (Reporting by Eric M. Johnson in Seattle and Joey Roulette in Orlando, Florida; editing by Grant McCool)

MARCH 21, 2019 / 1:28 AM / UPDATED 6 HOURS AGO

Boeing delays by months test flights for U.S. human space program: sources
Eric M. Johnson

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Boeing Co has delayed by at least three months its first uncrewed flight to the International Space Station under NASA's human spaceflight program, and pushed its crewed flight until November, industry sources said on Wednesday.
Boeing's first test flight was slated for April but it has been pushed to August, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter. The new schedule means that Boeing's crewed mission, initially scheduled for August, will be delayed until November.

A Boeing spokesman declined to comment.

A NASA spokesman declined to comment but said a new update to the launch schedule would be posted next week.
The initial April launch was ahead of a United Launch Alliance mission for the Department of Defense in June from the Cape Canaveral launch pad in Florida, so Boeing would have needed to clear the launch pad by the first week in May, one of the sources said, describing the pressure not just on technical issues but also launch schedules at Cape Canaveral.
То есть возможен перенос на май, но дальше их военные гонят, и поэтому срок переноса 3 месяца

ЦитироватьEarlier this month an unmanned capsule from Elon Musk's SpaceX completed a six-day round-trip mission to the International Space Station. Its astronaut flight is planned for July.


21 МАР, 02:24

Reuters: Boeing отложила на три месяца запуски нового корабля к МКС

Речь идет о беспилотном и пилотируемом пусках CST-100 Starliner, сообщает агентство

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 21 марта. /ТАСС/. Американская компания Boeing отложила на три месяца беспилотный запуск корабля CST-100 Starliner к Международной космической станции (МКС). Как сообщило в среду агентство Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/) со ссылкой на источники, на такой же срок сдвинут и пуск корабля с экипажем.

Ранее сроки первого беспилотного запуска корабля CST-100 Starliner были изменены с марта на апрель текущего года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.03.2019 07:50:40
Цитировать21 МАР, 23:16
Объявление о сроках запуска корабля Starliner будет сделано в ближайшее время

Ранее агентство Reuters сообщило, что планировавшийся на апрель испытательный запуск корабля в беспилотном режиме к МКС не состоится

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 21 марта. /ТАСС/. Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) уже в ближайшем будущем назовет сроки первого запуска нового космического корабля CST-100 Starliner. Об этом сообщил в четверг ТАСС представитель отдела внешних связей корпорации Boeing Джерри Дреллинг.

"Как мы ожидаем, официальное объявление NASA о графике последует в ближайшее время", - отметил он.

Ранее в четверг информационное агентство Reuters со ссылкой на источники сообщило, что планировавшийся на апрель испытательный запуск корабля в беспилотном режиме к Международной космической станции не состоится и, вероятно, сроки запуска перенесены на август. Ранее первый беспилотный запуск корабля CST-100 Starliner был перенесен с марта на апрель.
С 2011 года к Международной космической станции из пилотируемых кораблей летали только российские корабли "Союз". Они доставляют российских, американских и других членов экипажа МКС. В США новые космические корабли для пилотируемых полетов разработали компании SpaceX и Boeing. Корабль Crew Dragon компании SpaceX впервые был запущен к МКС 2 марта и пристыковался к станции 3 марта.

Его отстыковка состоялась 8 марта. Корабль после спуска на парашюте приводнился в Атлантическом океане. В июле может состояться запуск корабля с пилотами Бобом Бенкеном и Дугом Хэрли на борту, после чего NASA примет решение о сертификации корабля для регулярных полетов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2019 12:43:28
ЦитироватьBoeing delays first Starliner test flight to August, NASA extends duration of first crew mission
April 2, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Upd ated April 3 with NASA's confirmation of an extension to the duration of the Crew Flight Test and SpaceX statement on Crew Dragon schedule.

This image shows one of three Boeing CST-100 Starliner crew capsules during an environmental test campaign in El Segundo, California, that exposed the spacecraft to the thermal, acoustic and electromagnetic environments it will experience in flight. Credit: Boeing

Boeing said Tuesday the first orbital test flight of its commercial crew capsule, named the Starliner, will be delayed until August "in order to avoid unnecessary schedule pressure" and give priority on the Atlas 5 rocket's manifest to a U.S. Air Force communications satellite. NASA confirmed Wednesday that officials have approved an extension of the Starliner's first crewed mission to last up to several months.

A statement issued by Boeing on Tuesday confirmed previous reports that the company's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, designed and built under a $4.2 billion contract fr om NASA, would miss its previous target launch date for an unpiloted test flight to the International Space Station in April. NASA and industry sources have said for months that an April launch date was not feasible, but NASA and Boeing had not officially published a revised schedule since early February.

The first Starliner test flight with astronauts on-board was previously scheduled for August. In Boeing's schedule upd ate released Tuesday, the company only said it expects the Crew Flight Test to occur "later this year," but sources said the Starliner could fly with astronauts in November, at the earliest.

NASA said Wednesday that the Crew Flight Test's duration has been extended, as officials previously said was possible. The Starliner's first test flight with astronauts was originally supposed to last no more than a couple of weeks, but the crew could now remain aboard the space station for months. The exact duration of the Crew Flight Test will be determined at a later date, NASA said.

"NASA's assessment of extending the mission was found to be technically achievable without compromising the safety of the crew," said Phil McAlister, director of the commercial spaceflight division at NASA Headquarters. "Commercial crew flight tests, along with the additional Soyuz opportunities, help us transition with greater flexibility to our next-generation commercial systems under the Commercial Crew Program."

The Crew Flight Test mission extension will allow the space station crew to conduct additional research and maintenance, helping ensure the U.S. segment of the orbiting outpost remains fully staffed as NASA transitions fr om exclusively using Russian Soyuz crew capsules to using a mix of SpaceX, Boeing and Russian vehicles for astronaut transportation.

A hotfire test of the Starliner's abort engines, delayed from last year after a fuel leak on the test stand at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico, is planned in the coming months. That will be followed by a pad abort test at White Sands in the summer timeframe, before the Starliner's first space mission, according to Rebecca Regan, a Boeing spokesperson.

The pad abort test will verify the Starliner's four liquid-fueled escape engines can send the capsule and the astronauts on-board away from a failing rocket. The pad abort test was previously scheduled between the Starliner's first orbital mission, designated the Orbital Flight Test, and the capsule's first crewed mission. Earlier in the spacecraft's development, Boeing originally aimed to conduct the pad abort test before both test flights to the space station, but officials shuffled the sequence after last year's hotfire test anomaly.

Artist's illustration of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner crew capsule launching atop an Atlas 5 rocket. Credit: United Launch Alliance/Boeing

With the updated schedule released Tuesday, the Starliner's Orbital Flight Test will be leapfrogged in United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket's manifest at Cape Canaveral by the Air Force's fifth Advanced Extremely High Frequency communications satellite, which has held to a target launch date of June 27 for several months. Boeing said the Starliner's Orbital Flight Test had a narrow launch opportunity in the first week of May to clear the Atlas 5's launch pad at Cape Canaveral before the AEHF 5 mission.

"In order to avoid unnecessary schedule pressure, not interfere with a critical national security payload, and allow appropriate schedule margin to ensure the Boeing, United Launch Alliance and NASA teams are able to perform a successful first launch of Starliner, we made the most responsible decision available to us and will be ready for the next launch pad availability in August, while still allowing for a Crew Flight Test later this year," Boeing said in a statement.

Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson, a former NASA astronaut who commanded the last space shuttle mission in 2011, will be joined by NASA crewmates Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann on the Crew Flight Test mission.
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is one of two commercially-developed crew capsules funded by NASA to ferry astronauts to and from the space station. SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft launched March 2 on a six-day test flight to the space station, demonstrating its capabilities before a second test as soon as July with NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley on-board.

The Crew Dragon capsule returned to Earth under parachutes March 8 for a splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean.

NASA said Wednesday that officials "are expected to reevaluate (the Crew Dragon's) target test dates in the next couple weeks."

A SpaceX spokesperson said Wednesday that the company is "on track for a test of Crew Dragon's in-flight abort capabilities in June and hardware readiness for Crew Dragon's second demonstration mission to the space station in July."

SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft approaches the International Space Station for docking March 3. Credit: NASA
While SpaceX's Crew Dragon launches on top of the company's Falcon 9 rocket and returns to splashdowns at sea, the CST-100 Starliner will take off aboard Atlas 5 rockets built by United Launch Alliance, a 50-50 joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. At the end of each mission, the Starliner will parachute back to Earth for a landing in the Western United States.

SpaceX originally intended to reuse the Crew Dragon for multiple missions to the space station, but officials have dropped that plan, at least for now, after redesigning the capsule for ocean landings. Boeing says each CST-100 crew capsule can fly in space up to 10 times.

After they complete their test flights, the Crew Dragon and CST-100 Starliner spaceships will begin regular crew rotation flights to the space station, wh ere they will stay docked as emergency lifeboats for up to 210 days before returning astronauts to Earth.

Boeing said Tuesday the Starliner program continues to make progress. The company said it recently cleared the last major test milestones ahead of the unpiloted demonstration flight to the space station, and technicians are "entering the final phases of production" on the Orbital Flight Test vehicle.

Nevertheless, Boeing said the delay to August for the Starliner's first space mission allows teams to "take the necessary time to ensure this critical flight will be successful and prove our reusable vehicles will be ready to fly multiple long-duration missions throughout the lifetime of the International Space Station."

The Starliner team recently completed two parachute drop tests, and one of the human-rated Starliner spaceships recently finished a series of environmental tests at Boeing's satellite factory in El Segundo, California, officials said. Engineers also conducted a "range of motion" test on the Starliner's docking adapter, which will connect the capsule to the space station.

Boeing is building the CST-100 Starliner capsules in a repurposed space shuttle hangar at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, wh ere the company also plans to refurbish the spacecraft between missions. The company plans to initially build two full-up Starliner capsules for crew rotation flights to the space station, designated Spacecraft 2 and Spacecraft 3.

Spacecraft 1, the first of the line, will be used on the pad abort test in New Mexico.

The capsule used for environmental testing in El Segundo was Spacecraft 2. The battery of environmental tests subjected the spacecraft to the extremely hot and cold temperatures, vacuum conditions, electromagnetic radiation, and the vibration and acoustic environments it will encounter in flight. With that testing completed, the capsule will be shipped back to the Kennedy Space Center for final outfitting ahead of the Crew Flight Test.

Boeing is assembling Spacecraft 3 for the Orbital Flight Test.

Technicians lower mate the two domes that comprise the main pressure vessel of Boeing's Orbital Flight Test CST-100 Starliner. This is one of the last major assembly milestones on Spacecraft 3 before final outfitting and closeouts as Starliner prepares for its first mission, now scheduled for August. Credit: Boeing

The fuel leak in the Starliner's abort engines last June led to months of delays in the program, while engineers in parallel studied issues with the Boeing capsule's parachutes and pyrotechnic systems. The delays ultimately led Boeing to fall months behind SpaceX in launching their crew capsule's first unpiloted space mission.

"Both Boeing and SpaceX are working through very different issues related to their propulsion systems, and in addition both providers are continuing to refine, se t and understand their parachute designs," said Sandy Magnus, a former NASA astronaut, during a meeting of NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel on March 7. "It's a critical safety design element that is an ongoing challenge for both."

Boeing said the company is nearing the finish line in overcoming the propulsion and parachute challenges.

"With environmental testing complete, we now need only one more parachute qualification test, the service module hot fire test and a pad abort test before we are fully qualified to fly our Crew Flight Test," Boeing said. "None of those tests are necessary ahead of the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test."

NASA said new launch abort engine valves, redesigned after malfunctioning and causing the propellant leak after a hotfire test last year, have been manufactured and are being installed on the Starliner's test abort engines, built by Aerojet Rocketdyne. The next se t of new hardware will soon be installed in the pad abort service module, NASA said.

Boeing said its team wants to fly a crew-ready spacecraft on the unpiloted test.

"It is most important to us to fly a complete vehicle and collect as high-fidelity data as we can from these crucial flight tests before we turn the vehicles around and prepare them for regular long-duration missions," the company said in a statement.
SpaceX tested Crew Dragon's abort system during an on-pad test in 2015, demonstrating the ship's SuperDraco escape thrusters have the power to drive the spacecraft off its rocket sitting on the ground in the event of an accident during the countdown. An in-flight abort test is planned this summer, before the Crew Dragon's first mission with astronauts, to evaluate the capsule's ability to escape a rocket at high altitude.

Unlike the pad escape demonstration, an in-flight abort test was not required by NASA of either company, and Boeing elected to forego it.

The Crew Dragon that flew to the space station last month launched with much of the spaceship's life support system, including air revitalization equipment to regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide inside the spaceship. The crew seats and display monitors also flew, but the displays were not activated and functional, according to Hans Koenigsmann, SpaceX's vice president of build and flight reliability.

The touch-screen crew controls, push buttons and the toilet will be added to the next Crew Dragon vehicle for astronauts.

SpaceX also plans to add heaters to the Crew Dragon's propulsion system to keep propellants from getting too cold, which could cause a shock or vibration that could damage the capsule's Draco control thrusters.

Speaking at the safety panel meeting last month, Magnus said SpaceX and Boeing are pursuing different plans for their test flights.

"It is not possible to do a direct comparison of the two uncrewed flights and the milestones that they're performing," Magnus said. "They're different for different reasons for each provider. Each provider has targeted different objectives, and it's based on their operations concept and their design philosophy."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2019 12:50:15
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew Program: Boeing Test Flight Dates and SpaceX Demo-2 Update

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
April 3, 2019

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130654.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/03/CCP_August_Cover_Art_horizontal.jpg)

NASA and Boeing are nearing the final stages of development and evaluation for crew systems that will return human spaceflight launches from American soil on missions to the International Space Station as part of the agency's Commercial Crew Program. To meet NASA's requirements, the commercial providers must demonstrate that their systems are ready to begin regular flights to the space station.

Boeing now is targeting the company's uncrewed mission, called Orbital Flight Test, in August 2019, although this is a working target date and to be confirmed. The CST-100 Starliner will launch atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The decision to adjust the launch date was guided by limited launch opportunities in April and May, as well as a critical U.S. Air Force national security launch – AEHF-5 – atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 in June.

Following the uncrewed flight, Boeing is planning to fly a test mission with crew on board to the space station in late 2019, with the specific date to be confirmed closer to that timeframe. NASA and Boeing have agreed to extend the duration of that flight test to the International Space Station after completing an in-depth technical assessment of the Starliner systems. Boeing also will fly a Pad Abort Test before those two orbital flights to demonstrate the company's ability to safely carry astronauts away from a launch vehicle emergency, if necessary. Find a full mission and Boeing progress feature here: https://go.nasa.gov/2FM8zcQ.

Following the test flights, NASA will review performance data and resolve any necessary issues to certify the systems for operational missions. NASA and Boeing are actively working to be ready for the operational missions. As with all human spaceflight vehicle development, learning from each test and adjusting as necessary to reduce risk to the crew may override planning dates.

The following planning dates reflect updated schedule inputs for Boeing's test flights as of March 26, 2019.

Test Flight Planning Dates:
Boeing Pad Abort Test: Summer 2019
Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): current target working date August 2019
Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): current target working date late 2019
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2019 12:56:14
ЦитироватьApril 3, 2019

NASA and Boeing Extend Starliner Crew Flight Test Duration to Space Station, Target New Flight Dates

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207615.png) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/acoustics1.png)
Boeing's Starliner prepares for acoustic testing at Boeing's spacecraft test facilities in El Segundo, California. This vehicle, known as Spacecraft 2, will fly Starliner's Crew Flight Test after it returns to Florida from environmental testing.
Credits: Boeing

NASA and Boeing have agreed to extend the duration of the company's first crewed flight test to the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station) after completing an in-depth technical assessment of the CST-100 Starliner systems. NASA found the long-duration flight to be technically feasible and in the best interest of the agency's needs to ensure continued access and better utilization of the orbiting laboratory.

The extended duration test flight offers NASA the opportunity to complete additional microgravity research, maintenance, and other activities while the company's Starliner is docked to station. The mission duration will be determined at a later date.

"NASA's assessment of extending the mission was found to be technically achievable without compromising the safety of the crew," said Phil McAlister, director of the commercial spaceflight division at NASA Headquarters. "Commercial crew flight tests, along with the additional Soyuz opportunities, help us transition with greater flexibility to our next-generation commercial systems under the Commercial Crew Program."

The agency and its industry partner also agreed to adjust the target launch dates for flight tests, which will demonstrate Boeing's readiness ahead of NASA certification to fly crew regularly to the station.

Boeing is now targeting August for its uncrewed Orbital Flight Test, although this date is a working date and to be confirmed. The decision to adjust that launch date was guided by limited launch opportunities in April and May, as well as a critical U.S. Air Force national security launch – AEHF-5 – atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 in June. The company's first flight with astronauts on board, called the Crew Flight Test, is now targeted for late 2019, again to be confirmed closer to that timeframe. Boeing also will fly a Pad Abort Test before those two orbital flights to demonstrate the company's ability to safely carry astronauts away from a launch vehicle emergency, if necessary.
"The uncrewed flight tests provide a wealth of data for us to analyze every phase of flight," said Steve Stich, NASA's Commercial Crew Program deputy manager. "They offer a phenomenal opportunity for us to evaluate the end-to-end performance of the systems, and really set us up for flight tests with crew. Our Boeing and NASA teams are making tremendous progress without compromising safety as we prepare for launch."

While the Starliner spacecraft for the Orbital Flight Test is close to complete, the additional time will allow teams to thoroughly focus on the test and validation activities well ahead of launch.

"We remain diligent, with a safety-first culture," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager, Boeing's Commercial Crew Program. "While we have already made substantial progress this year, this shift gives us the time to continue building a safe, quality spacecraft capable of carrying crews over and over again after a successful uncrewed test, without adding unnecessary schedule pressure."

Boeing continues to advance toward meeting the agency's goal of returning human spaceflight launches from American soil to the International Space Station as a part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Orbital Flight Test Progress

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208063.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/sc3-dome-mate1.jpg)
A look at the Starliner that will soon fly the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test soon after the dome mate activities at the Boeing Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center.
Credits: Boeing

Boeing's Starliner spacecraft for the uncrewed flight test is nearly complete. This spacecraft is designed to be reusable up to 10 times, and will be used for the company's first full operational mission after certification. The Starliner team is working to complete all of the critical testing and integration on the spacecraft to ensure the shortest possible time between the completion of the uncrewed flight and the first launch of crew, and then to operational missions to station.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208668.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/sc3-mate-3.jpg)
Boeing technicians meticulously lower the Starliner upper dome to the lower dome before bolting and sealing the pressure vessel.
Credits: Boeing

On March 11, Boeing mated the upper and lower domes of the same spacecraft inside its Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The two domes underwent outfitting with avionics, cooling systems, wire harnesses, fuel and life support lines, and other critical systems before being mated together. This is one of the last major milestones ahead of final processing and closeouts for flight.

NASA and Boeing teams also completed two parachute tests. In February, a "lawn dart" dropped out of a C-17 aircraft over the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, and the parachutes performed as planned. These reliability tests are part of a special studies program NASA initiated to validate the robust design of Starliner's parachute systems. Then in March at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, Boeing completed the fourth of five parachute qualification tests. Successful completion of all five tests will qualify the entire Starliner landing system for flight with crew.

Another key milestone for the capsule included successful range of motion testing on the docking adapter – known as the NASA Docking System, or NDS – that will connect Starliner to the space station's Harmony module later this year.

Pad Abort Test Progress

Boeing also is working on the Starliner spacecraft slated to fly the Pad Abort Test, which will demonstrate the abort engines can push the spacecraft about a mile up and a mile out from the test site. This test will take place at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico ahead of the Orbital Flight Test.

As a precursor to the abort, the company is preparing to restart its Service Module Hot Fire test campaign at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico this spring. New hardware, including launch abort engine valves, have been redesigned and manufactured and are being installed on the test abort engines. The next set of new hardware will soon be installed in the pad abort service module.

Crew Flight Test Progress

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208062.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/sc2-eqt-1.jpg)
Technicians at the Boeing Space Environment Test Facility in El Segundo, California, position Starliner inside the acoustics test chamber.
Credits: Boeing

Boeing's Crew Flight Test spacecraft recently completed its Environmental Qualification Test campaign at the company's Space Environment Test Facilities in El Segundo, California. The Crew Flight Test vehicle underwent rounds of acoustics vibration, thermal vacuum and electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic contamination testing. These tests are designed to simulate the harsh environments of launch, ascent and orbit and also prove that the electronics systems will operate in space and not interfere with other satellites or the station.

NASA astronauts Nicole Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann/biography) and Mike Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-michael-fincke) and Boeing's Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf) are continuing preparations for the Crew Flight Test at Johnson Space Center in Houston. They are training on Starliner's systems, including nominal and unlikely scenarios, such as water rescue training. They are also well into space station training, and are now focusing on becoming a longer duration crew. Mann and Fincke are training for upcoming spacewalks, and Ferguson is training to support them from inside the station. 

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207786.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/img2_eva_2.6.jpg)
Chris Ferguson, with Boeing, helps Nicole Mann, left, and Mike Fincke, right, both with NASA, train for a spacewalk.
Credits: Boeing

Post-Certification Mission Progress

The crew for NASA's first operational mission on Starliner, Suni Williams (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/sunita-l-williams/biography) and Josh Cassada (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/josh-a-cassada), are continuing similar training. All five Starliner crew members are making regular trips to Starliner production and test facilities to get to know the people and the vehicles that will take them safely to orbit and back.

SpaceX Demo-2 Update

NASA also is working with SpaceX to return human spaceflight launches to American soil. The company completed an uncrewed flight test, known as Demo-1, to the space station in March. SpaceX now is processing the same Crew Dragon spacececraft for an in-flight abort test. The company then will fly a test flight with a crew, known as Demo-2, to the station.
NASA's Commercial Crew Program and SpaceX are expected to reevaluate its target test dates in the next couple weeks.
Last Updated: April 3, 2019
Editor: Linda Herridge
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2019 13:01:24
ЦитироватьНАСА отложило первый беспилотный полет корабля Starliner
Вчера, 17:42

ВАШИНГТОН, 3 апр – РИА Новости. НАСА подтвердило перенос первого испытательного полета корабля Starliner компании Boeing на август, пилотируемая миссия ожидается не раньше конца года.

"Boeing планирует беспилотный испытательный орбитальный полет в августе, но эта дата остается рабочей и еще требует утверждения", - сообщило ведомство в среду.

Ранее планировалось, что первый испытательный полет Starliner в беспилотном режиме пройдет в апреле. Затем источники сообщали о переносе запуска на август, но НАСА не подтверждало эту информацию.

Решение о переносе, как сообщает космическое ведомство США, обусловлено ограниченными возможностями для запуска в апреле и мае, а также намеченным на июнь стартом ракеты Atlas V со спутником для ВВС США. "Первый пилотируемый полет... теперь планируется на конец 2019 года, что также будет подтверждено ближе к конкретной дате", - говорится в сообщении ведомства. В НАСА также напоминают, что до пилотируемого полета компания проведет испытание системы экстренной эвакуации экипажа в случае аварийного старта.

Как говорится в сообщении НАСА, ведомство и компания также приняли решение об увеличении продолжительности первого пилотируемого полета к МКС, однако подробности пока не сообщаются.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2019 13:52:47
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 08:36 PDT (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1113465350111285250) - 3 апр. 2019 г.

Here's why the @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) & @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) release blaming newest #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) delay on @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) is shocking. We break down the schedule & how NASA's release states that Starliner is not ready to fly. In other words, ULA is not to blame.

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/04/curious-move-nasa-blame-ula-latest-starliner-delay/ ... (https://t.co/3uY6iURFoc)

((https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125427.png): @kogavfx (https://twitter.com/kogavfx))

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.04.2019 21:35:01
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1116753926756257792)

Ready for orbit! #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) passed environmental qualification testing. Check out our spacecraft in the acoustic testing chamber. FULL STORY: http://www.boeing.com/features/2019/04/starliner-passes-testing-04-19.page ... (https://t.co/IB8tVIfLeI)

ЦитироватьReady for Orbit! Starliner Passes Environmental Qualification Testing
April 11, 2019 in Space

EMI-EMC: Boeing's CST-100 Starliner undergoes electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC) testing in a specialized test chamber at Boeing's Space Environment Test Facilities in El Segundo, Calif. These tests were the final part of Starliner's environmental qualification test campaign. EMI/EMC testing ensures that Starliner's systems will function properly in the orbital radiation environment without interfering with other electrical systems on the International Space Station. Once back in Boeing's Starliner facilities at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, this same vehicle will be prepared to fly Starliner's first Crew Flight Test later this year. (Boeing photo)

Thermal: Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is ready for thermal vacuum testing at Boeing's Space Environment Test Facility in El Segundo, Calif. During this test series, teams outfitted Starliner with hot plates and radiators, and placed the spacecraft in a vacuum chamber that could also be filled with a cryogenic nitrogen shroud. This chamber simulated the vacuum environment in space as well as the temperature swings Starliner will see as it moves to and fr om direct sunlight and the Earth's shadow. (Boeing photo)

Acoustics: Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is prepared for thermal vacuum testing at Boeing's Space Environment Test Facility in El Segundo, Calif. During this test series, the Starliner was subjected to sound waves that simulated the harsh environments of launch, ascent and orbit. (Boeing photo)

"Test like you fly" is a mantra Boeing's CST-100 Starliner team takes to heart, proven by the success of a recent environmental test campaign at Boeing's Space Environment Test Facility (http://www.boeing.com/company/key-orgs/boeing-technology-services/environmental.page#/space-environmental-testing) in El Segundo, Calif. During testing, the first Starliner that will carry people to space was subjected to similar environmental conditions it will see on launch, ascent and orbit.

"Environmental testing is one of the most challenging campaigns of any spaceflight development program, and we succeeded in under 100 days," said John Mulholland, Vice President and Program Manager, Boeing's Commercial Crew Program. "Thorough ground testing is a critical part of our strategy to ensure the shortest possible time between flight tests and long-duration missions for our NASA customer. "

In Boeing's acoustic chamber, test teams subjected Starliner to intense sound waves that simulated liftoff and ascent. In the large thermal-vacuum chamber, the spacecraft experienced extreme temperature swings, from freezing cold to heat from solar radiation in a vacuum simulating the space environment. Finally, teams tested the spacecraft's systems for potential electromagnetic interferences in a highly specialized, noise-free anechoic chamber.

The complex series of tests was needed to qualify Starliner for repeated missions to and from the International Space Station, with crew safety always the top priority.

In addition to environmental qualification testing, another version of Starliner specifically created for structural testing was put through hundreds of unique conditions, which yielded several billion points of data needed to validate Starliner's structural design. Read more about that testing here (http://www.boeing.com/features/2019/02/starliner-testing-02-19.page).

"We put the spacecraft through a gauntlet of tests to prove it's ready," said Boeing Test & Evaluation's Space Environmental Test Leader Brad Mejia. "Everything we needed to conduct the testing, including a team of experts who are used to testing for space, are right here in southern California."

Having successfully completed environmental qualification testing, the spacecraft was carefully packaged and shipped via semi-truck back to Florida, wh ere it will first leave the planet. There, teams will continue readying the spacecraft for that highly-anticipated first crewed launch into space.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.04.2019 02:04:53
ЦитироватьЧлен экипажа Boeing CFT Кристофер Фергюсон приступил к подготовке в ЦПК

15 апреля 2019 | 

Сегодня в Центре подготовки космонавтов состоялось представление астронавта-испытателя компании «Боинг» Кристофера Фергюсона руководству и сотрудникам Центра. Астронавт в настоящее время готовится  к испытательному космическому полёту на МКС в составе экипажа космического корабля «Старлайнер» ("Starliner") компании Boeing в качестве пилота.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/113812.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/113807.jpg)
Кристофер  Дж . Фергюсон (Christopher  John « Chris»  Ferguson) астронавт-испытатель компании «Боинг» и директор подразделения по экипажам и системам обеспечения полёта Программы коммерческих кораблей CST-100 Starliner компании Boeing.

С 1998 по 2000 годы Фергюсон прошёл подготовку по программе кандидатов в астронавты. На счету астронавта три космических полёта. Фюргюсон пилотировал «Шаттл» во время полёта СТС-115 и являлся командиром экипажей СТС-126 и 135, суммарная продолжительность полета - 40 сут 10 ч 03 мин 47 с.

Как астронавт-испытатель и пилот коммерческого корабля компании «Боинг», Кристофер Фергюсон будет среди тех, кто первыми полетит в космос на борту космического корабля «CST-100 Старлайнер». Астронавт с 2011 года сотрудничал с Дирекцией по вопросам освоения космического пространства человеком и пилотируемых космических полётов[spoiler][/spoiler] НАСА, подразделениями Космического центра имени Джонсона по техническому обеспечению, экипажам и полётным операциям, а также Программой экипажей коммерческих космических кораблей Космического центра имени Кеннеди. Он также сыграл ведущую роль в разработке и тестировании принципов действия системы и ключевых технологий, лежащих в основе запуска корабля и наземных систем.

Продолжительность подготовки Кристофера Фергюсона в ЦПК составит одну неделю, в ходе которой он получит общее представление о конструкции и компоновке РС МКС и назначении систем. Также астронавт-испытатель будет ознакомлен с алгоритмами работы систем и действиями экипажа МКС при возникновении аварийных ситуаций.

Источник: Пресс-служба ЦПК, фото ЦПК

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107508.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4597/2225456168.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107510.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4597/3200199435.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107512.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4597/3795686586.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107511.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4597/3527833351.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107513.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4597/4018299767.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107509.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4597/2392679110.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.04.2019 21:23:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1118578404243247104)

We make steps every day towards returning astronauts to space from US soil! The CFT engine and booster are in final production in Decatur and will be headed to Cape Canaveral soon! Check out our blog for the latest update! http://Bit.ly/AVStarlinerUpdates ... (https://t.co/Zs3uDnIGeG)
@boeingspace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) @commercial_crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.04.2019 21:28:53
ЦитироватьNASA's Commercial Crew, DoD Teams Conduct Crew Rescue Exercise

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/lherridg/)
Posted Apr 17, 2019 at 2:20 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130665.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130665.jpg)
Rescue team members stand on the stabilization collar attached to the Boeing CST-100 Starliner training capsule, known as Boiler Plate 3, during a search and rescue training exercise April 16, 2019. The exercise will be conducted over the next several days at the Army Wharf at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and in the Atlantic Ocean. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

NASA and the Department of Defense Human Space Flight Support (HSFS) Office Rescue Division are conducting a search and rescue training exercise over the next several days at the Army Warf on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the first at-sea exercise with the Boeing CST-100 Starliner training capsule, known as Boiler Plate 3, ahead of the commercial crew flight test with astronauts targeted for later this year.

The HSFS teams have supported all NASA human spaceflight programs and will be on standby for both NASA's Commercial Crew Program and Orion launches and landings. The team is responsible for quickly and safely rescuing astronauts in the unlikely event of an emergency during ascent, free flight or landing. This multi-day exercise consists of ground- and water- based training to prepare the DoD pararescue team for an emergency situation on ascent. The HSFS teams will rehearse locating the Starliner spacecraft, sending out rescue teams to extract DoD team members, acting as astronauts, from the capsule and providing immediate medical treatment. The HSFS team will arrange for pickup, transport and follow-on medical care.

At the conclusion of this exercise, HSFS will complete a full mission profile to validate best practices for configuring and air-dropping U.S. Air Force Pararescue team members from a C-17 aircraft with their associated watercraft, specialized rescue equipment and advanced medical capabilities. HSFS conducted a similar exercise with SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft in early December 2018.

This simulation is another example of how safety is being built into systems, processes and procedures for commercial crew missions. It is standard practice to conduct these exercises, and was regularly done during the Space Shuttle Program (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/behindscenes/modell-lv.html).

During normal return scenarios, Boeing's Starliner will land on land in a safe zone of about 15 square miles in the Western United States. Throughout the commercial crew development phases with NASA, Boeing has performed dozens of qualification tests on its parachute and airbag systems simulating conditions on land and in the water.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.04.2019 12:51:14
ЦитироватьИсточник назвал дату запуска американского Starliner с экипажем к МКС

МОСКВА, 20 апр - РИА Новости. Запуск на Международную космическую станцию американского космического корабля Starliner с первым экипажем планируется в начале ноября, сообщил РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США был разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Dragon-2 (Crew Dragon) - компанией SpaceX и Starliner - компанией Boeing.

По словам собеседника агентства, Starliner, запуск которого планируется на первое ноября, прибудет на МКС через сутки после запуска и останется на ней до весны 2020 года.

На корабле полетит экипаж в составе астронавтов НАСА Майкла Финка и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавта Boeing Кристофера Фергюсона.
Пилотируемый космический корабль Starliner был разработан компанией Boeing по заказу НАСА. Его первый старт к МКС в беспилотном режиме планируется на 17 августа. Ранее НАСА сообщало, что первый запуск Starliner в пилотируемом режиме намечается в конце 2019 года и что длительность его полета на МКС будет увеличена.

В марте состоялся испытательный полет на МКС корабля Dragon-2 в беспилотном режиме. В июле планируется испытательный полет корабля Dragon-2 в пилотируемом режиме, но не исключен его перенос на более поздний срок.

После этого корабли Dragon-2 и Starliner будут сертифицированы НАСА для штатных полетов на станцию с экипажами. Генеральный директор "Роскосмоса" Дмитрий Рогозин заявил, что испытания новых американских пилотируемых кораблей будут идти небыстро, и корабли должны получить необходимую квалификацию для полета экипажей до весны 2020 года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.04.2019 17:41:31
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1120696853778042880)

#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) water rescue training today at Cape Canaveral.
#CommercialCrew (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CommercialCrew?src=hash) #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash) #NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash) @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.04.2019 17:56:29
Уже мокнули   ;)  
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1120699843444465664)

Capsule in the water.
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #CommercialCrew (https://twitter.com/hashtag/CommercialCrew?src=hash) #NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash) @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight)


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185083.jpg)Antonia Jaramillo‏ @AntoniaJ_11 (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11) 16 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11/status/1120700262186921984)

Let the training commence.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.04.2019 18:35:00
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185083.jpg)Antonia Jaramillo‏ @AntoniaJ_11 (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11) 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11/status/1120711897723080705)

And now the Defense Human Space Flight Support (HSFS) Office Rescue Division is in the water. A main focus for today will be turning the capsule upside down and putting it back in an upright position.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.04.2019 19:19:11
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185083.jpg)Antonia Jaramillo‏ @AntoniaJ_11 (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11) 09:13 PDT (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11/status/1120722312033120259) - 23 апр. 2019 г.

The equipment being used for today's training exercise: front porch and stabilization collar. They're main goal is to stabilize the capsule and provide medical attention for the astronauts.


09:20 PDT (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11/status/1120724067235979264) - 23 апр. 2019 г.

They've opened the hatch! Next step: practice taking the "astronauts" out.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.04.2019 22:39:13
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 53 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1120759818036424707)

DoD practices Starliner at sea recovery for first time -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/04/dod-starliner-sea-recovery-first-time/ ... (https://t.co/Ca6IabiGpr)

By Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF)) along with his photos.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.05.2019 18:58:36
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1126859948477034502)

Check out this behind-the-scenes footage of #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)'s latest parachute test. It's part of our path to qualify the entire landing system to fly @NASA_Astronauts (https://twitter.com/NASA_Astronauts).

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/1126859948477034502) (0:35)
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 09:36 PDT (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1126888792437272576) - 10 мая 2019 г.

Boeing tells me this test took place Feb. 28 that they "have successfully completed and met all test objectives for all parachute qualification and reliability tests" to date.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.05.2019 19:09:47
Цитировать15 МАЯ, 18:57
Пилотируемый полет Starliner могут перенести на 2020 год

МОСКВА, 15 мая. /ТАСС/. Первый испытательный пилотируемый полет американского корабля Starliner (CST-100) производства компании Boeing может быть перенесен с 2019 года на 2020 год, считают в российской Ракетно-космической корпорации (РКК) "Энергия".

"Испытательный беспилотный полет корабля Starliner (CST-100) компании Boeing (со стыковкой с Международной космической станцией) перенесен с апреля на август 2019 года. Испытательный полет в пилотируемом режиме также запланирован на 2019 год, хотя высока вероятность переноса на 2020 год", - говорится в материалах корпорации.
После ввода в эксплуатацию американских коммерческих пилотируемых кораблей, а также российского перспективного транспортного корабля предложение на рынке пилотируемых полетов будет расширено, что может вызвать оживление спроса на полеты на низкую околоземную орбиту и усиление конкуренции, отмечают в РКК "Энергия".

Корабль Starliner разрабатывает фирма Boeing. Его первый полет в беспилотном режиме предварительно запланирован на август. Как ранее сообщало NASA, с компанией Boeing была достигнута договоренность о том, что первый испытательный полет с экипажем к Международной космической станции будет осуществлен после "углубленной технической оценки всех систем" корабля и будет более продолжительным, чем планировалось первоначально. Продолжительность полета будет определена позднее.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 15.05.2019 21:05:15
ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 15 мая. /ТАСС/ . .....считают в российской Ракетно-космической корпорации (РКК) "Энергия".
.....говорится в материалах корпорации....
Интересно что за документ от РКК?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.05.2019 04:24:13
ЦитироватьMay 20, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Once the Atlas 5 rocket carrying the AEHF 5 satellite blasts off from Cape Canaveral, the launch campaign for the following Atlas 5 mission will begin in July with the stacking of a new rocket assigned to send Boeing's CST-100 Starliner crew capsule into orbit on an unpiloted test flight to the International Space Station.

The Starliner's test flight is scheduled for liftoff no earlier than Aug. 17, and the demonstration mission will pave the way for crewed launches using the Atlas 5 rocket and Starliner capsule, perhaps as soon as late this year.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.05.2019 18:39:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1131556203656601600)

Exciting day in Decatur! The #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) that will launch @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) astronauts to the @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station) on #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) is leaving the factory today on the way to Cape Canaveral, Fla.! We are honored to support this historic mission. @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/1131556203656601600) (0:39)

53 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1131572098789519362)

The #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) Dual Engine Centaur is beginning the load in process into the Mariner, a 312-foot long ship that will navigate waters heading to Cape Canaveral en route for the @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) Crew Flight Test. @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) @AstroDuke (https://twitter.com/AstroDuke) @AstroIronMike (https://twitter.com/AstroIronMike)


37 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1131576180942016514)

The #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) first stage booster for the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) is loading into the Mariner for the journey to Cape Canaveral, Florida. @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.05.2019 00:47:30
ЦитироватьAtlas V for Crew Mission Rolls Out of Factory

James Cawley (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/jjcawley/)
Posted May 23, 2019 at 4:41 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130666.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/05/CFT-Booster-1.jpg)
From the manufacturing facility in Decatur, Alabama, the Atlas V booster stage and Dual Engine Centaur upper stage were rolled into a giant cargo ship for transport to Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Photo credit: NASA/Emmett Given

Today, the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner on the Crew Flight Test (CFT) mission to the International Space Station for NASA's Commercial Crew Program emerged from the factory, rolling into a giant cargo ship for transport to Cape Canaveral.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130667.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/05/CFT-Booster-4.jpg)
Once at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket will begin integrated operations and processing for the Crew Flight Test mission.
Photo credit: NASA/Emmett Given

The rocket, known as AV-082, will launch Starliner and its crew of NASA astronauts Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann, and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson to the station following the spacecraft's maiden voyage of Starliner, the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (OFT) targeted for August.

From the manufacturing facility in Decatur, Alabama, the Atlas V booster stage and Dual Engine Centaur upper stage were moved down the road for loading into the Mariner vessel docked nearby. The 312-foot-long ship is purpose-built to navigate both shallow waters of rivers and ocean travel to reach ULA's launch sites. It has been making the trek from Decatur to Cape Canaveral since 2001.

Once at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, the Atlas V will begin integrated operations and processing for the CFT launch.
NASA sel ected Boeing and SpaceX to transport crew to the International Space Station from the United States, returning the nation's human spaceflight launch capability. These integrated spacecraft, rockets and associated systems will carry up to four astronauts on NASA missions.

Regular commercial transportation using Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft to and fr om the space station will enable the addition of another crew member, expanded station use, and additional research time aboard the orbiting laboratory. This time will help address the challenges of moving humanity toward the Moon and Mars as we learn how to keep astronauts healthy during long-duration space travel and demonstrate technologies for human and robotic exploration beyond low-Earth orbit, to the Moon and Mars.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.05.2019 00:55:20

May 23, 2019 -- The first Atlas V rocket to launch astronauts into space emerged from the United Launch Alliance factory today, rolling into a giant cargo ship for transport to Cape Canaveral.

The Atlas V booster and Centaur stages leave the Decatur factory today for CFT launch. Photo: United Launch Alliance

ULA built the Atlas V at the sprawling 1.6-million-square-foot manufacturing facility in Decatur, Alabama, taking raw materials and turning them into a rocket to launch the first crew of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft.

After speeches celebrating the milestone by Alabama elected officials and ULA and Boeing dignitaries in attendance, ULA workers moved the Atlas V booster stage and Centaur upper stage down the road for loading into the Mariner vessel docked nearby.

The 312-foot-long ship is purpose-built to navigate both shallow waters of rivers and ocean travel to reach ULA's launch sites. It has been making the trek from Decatur to Cape Canaveral since 2001.

The Atlas first stage for CFT travels down the road the Decatur dock. Photo credit: ULA

This rocket, known as AV-082, will launch Starliner on the Crew Flight Test (CFT) to the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station) part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew). CFT will follow the maiden voyage of Starliner, the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (OFT) targeted for August.

Aboard will be Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, a three-time space shuttle astronaut and commander of space shuttle Atlantis on the final shuttle mission; NASA astronaut Mike Fincke, a veteran of three spaceflights, including two long-duration stays on the International Space Station, and NASA astronaut Nicole Mann, a spaceflight rookie making her first trip into space.

Once at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, the Atlas V will begin integrated operations and processing for the CFT launch.

Boeing's Rick Navarro and ULA's Gary Wentz addressed dignitaries and the news media in front of the CFT booster in the factory before rollout. Photo credit: ULA
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.05.2019 04:10:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1131726543900819457)

#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)'s integrated propulsion system hot fire test was a success. This paves the way for both the capsule's pad abort test and upcoming flights to @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station) later this year.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.05.2019 04:22:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29925.jpg)Michael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1131731380088389633)

Things are going well for @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)'s Starliner at the moment:

- Atlas V + Dual Engine Centaur for OFT at the Cape
- Atlas V + Dual Engine Centaur for CFT shipping to the Cape
- Parachute tests good
- Propulsion tests good
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.05.2019 22:23:23
ЦитироватьBoeing Completes Starliner Hot Fire Test

James Cawley (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/jjcawley/)
Posted May 24, 2019 at 2:01 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130668.png) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/05/Starliner-hot-fire.png)
Boeing teams ran multiple tests on Starliner's in-space maneuvering system and the spacecraft's launch abort system on Thursday at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. Photo credit: Boeing

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner propulsion system was put to the test on Thursday at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico in support of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Teams ran multiple tests on Starliner's in-space maneuvering system and the spacecraft's launch abort system, which are key elements on the path to restore America's capability to fly astronauts to the International Space Station on American rockets and spacecraft from U.S. soil.

The test used a flight-like Starliner service module with a full propulsion system comprising of fuel and helium tanks, reaction control system and orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters, launch abort engines and all necessary fuel lines and avionics.

During the test:
  • 19 thrusters fired to simulate in-space maneuvers.
  • 12 thrusters fired to simulate a high-altitude abort.
  • 22 propulsion elements, including the launch abort engines, fired to simulate a low-altitude abort.
Boeing's Starliner will launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The company will complete a Starliner pad abort test and uncrewed flight test, called Orbital Flight Test, to the station ahead of the first flight test with a crew onboard. As commercial crew providers, Boeing and SpaceX, begin to make regular flights to the space station, NASA will continue to advance its mission to go beyond low-Earth orbit and establish a human presence on the Moon with the ultimate goal of sending astronauts to Mars.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.05.2019 09:34:48
ЦитироватьBoeing's Starliner crew capsule completes major propulsion test
May 25, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/05/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Boeing teams ran multiple tests on Starliner's in-space maneuvering system and the spacecraft's launch abort system on Thursday at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico. Credit: Boeing

Boeing engineers have completed hotfire testing on a flight-like model of the Starliner crew capsule, clearing a major hurdle before a pad abort test and a demonstration flight to the International Space Station later this summer, Boeing announced Friday.

The service module hotfire testing at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico wraps up a key phase of Starliner's development. During an earlier round of service module checkouts last June, valves in the craft's abort engines failed to fully close after a brief burn, resulting in a propellant leak on the test stand at White Sands.

Boeing halted propulsion testing after the accident, and engineers implemented hardware and software fixes to resolve the valve problem, according to remarks last fall by Chris Ferguson, a Boeing test pilot and former NASA astronaut who will fly on the ship's first piloted demonstration mission to the space station.

After making the changes, Boeing restarted the service module hotfire testing.

"With the safety of our astronauts at the forefront of all we do, this successful testing proves this system will work correctly and keep Starliner and the crew safe through all phases of flight," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing's commercial crew program, in a statement. "The milestone paves the way for the upcoming pad abort test and flights to and fr om the International Space Station later this year."

Boeing said in a statement that teams ran multiple tests on the service module, which will fly into space attached to the rear of the componay's CST-100 Starliner crew compartment. The service module contains the spacecraft's thrusters for a launch abort and in-space maneuvers.

At the end of each mission, the Starliner will jettison the service module to burn up during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. The crew module will descend under parachutes for an airbag-cushioned landing at one of several candidate sites in the Western United States.

The service module test rig used in the recent hotfire testing included fuel and helium tanks, reaction control system, orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters, launch abort engines, and all necessary fuel lines and avionics, according to Boeing.

During the testing at White Sands, Boeing says the Starliner's service most test article fired 19 thrusters to simulate in-space maneuvers, 12 thrusters to simulate a high-altitude abort from its launch vehicle, and 22 propulsion elements — including four high-power abort engines — to simulate a launch escape maneuver at low altitude.

Each Starliner service module carries four launch abort engines, built by Aerojet Rocketdyne. The engines would only fire in flight in the event of a launch emergency, igniting with 40,000 pounds of thrust each for a few seconds to propel the capsule away from its rocket.

The four launch abort engines are joined by 48 smaller thrusters on the CST-100 service module, including a set of 1,500-pound-thrust orbital maneuvering and attitude control engines used for pointing during a launch abort and for large orbital maneuvers, and pods of 100-pound reaction control thrusters, all manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne.
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft. Credit: NASA/Boeing

In April, when Boeing announced its most recent schedule for the Starliner's test flights, the company planned a pad abort test at White Sands this summer. The pad abort will prove the capsule's ability to quickly fire off the top of its launcher in the event of an emergency on the launch pad.

As of last month, Boeing planned to conduct the pad abort test before the Starliner's first space mission which is scheduled for August, according to Rebecca Regan, a Boeing spokesperson.

The Starliner's first space mission is called the Orbital Flight Test. The test flight will include a docking with the space station, followed by a landing in the Western United States.

The Orbital Flight Test's liftoff from Cape Canaveral on a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket is scheduled for Aug. 17. Assuming that launch date, liftoff would occur at approximately 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT), a time determined by the space station's orbit.

If that mission goes well, Boeing could be ready to fly the Starliner's Crew Flight Test to the space station as soon as November with Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson and NASA astronauts Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann on-board.

Ferguson, Fincke and Mann will spend several months on the orbiting outpost as part of an expanded space station crew.

On Thursday, ULA shipped the completed Atlas 5 first stage and dual-engine Centaur upper stage assigned to the Starliner's first crewed mission. The rocket stages are riding ULA's Mariner transport ship from ULA's factory in Decatur, Alabama, via river and sea to Port Canaveral, wh ere the hardware is due to arrive in early June.

The bronze first stage of ULA's Atlas 5 rocket departs the company's factory in Decatur, Alabama, on Thursday heading for a nearby dock for loading onto a transport ship. Credit: United Launch Alliance

The Atlas 5 rocket for the Orbital Flight Test arrived at Cape Canaveral last October.

Once the test flights are complete, the Starliner should be ready to begin regular crew rotation flights to the station under contract to NASA, with four astronauts on each mission.

NASA has awarded Boeing a series of contracts and agreements since 2010 — worth a combined $4.8 billion — to fund development of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft.

The space agency has awarded a set of similar contracts to SpaceX worth more than $3.1 billion for that company's Crew Dragon capsule, which completed its first unpiloted demonstration flight to the space station in March.

SpaceX planned to conduct its first piloted space mission, with two NASA astronauts aboard another Crew Dragon capsule, as soon as late September. But that was before the Crew Dragon that returned from the station in March exploded on the ground during an abort engine hotfire test at Cape Canaveral on April 20.

SpaceX and NASA have not announced any results from the investigation into the April 20 Crew Dragon accident.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.05.2019 08:09:15
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 28 мая (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1133487084965117952)

Check out our brand new #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) propulsion test footage. This successful test paves the way for our first uncrewed flight this summer and is an important next step for @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) astronauts to fly later this year.

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/1133487084965117952) (0:34)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.06.2019 14:30:15
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 11:23 PDT (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1134525715167232001) - 31 мая 2019 г.


NASA notes Starliner's excellent progress toward Orbital Flight Test launch -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/05/nasa-starliners-excellent-progress-oft-launch/ ... (https://t.co/Soc6quDVaQ)

- By Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF))

(Includes renders by Nathan Koga for NSF)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.06.2019 16:27:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185114.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 04:10 PDT (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1134779269811441664) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

#AboutDarnTime (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AboutDarnTime?src=hash) I see you again. Delta Mariner is in the channel making her way to Port Canaveral.
#DeltaMariner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeltaMariner?src=hash) #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch)


04:15 PDT (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1134780430392201216) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

The ULA Delta Mariner arrived to Port Canaveral with her special delivery at 7:00 ET. The Cape team will take possession of the Atlas V and Centaur from the Decatur, AL manufacturing team to ready for launch later this year.
#DeltaMariner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeltaMariner?src=hash) #AboutDarnTime (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AboutDarnTime?src=hash) #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)


04:20 PDT (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1134781725073137671) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

The Delta Mariner is a RORO (roll on/roll off) ship design. You can see crew for scale on the upper deck above her cargo door. Welcome back to your home port #DeltaMariner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeltaMariner?src=hash). (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125602.png)


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186035.jpg)Greg Scott  ‏ @lake_sea_mtns (https://twitter.com/lake_sea_mtns) 05:15 PDT (https://twitter.com/lake_sea_mtns/status/1134795530960326656) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

After leaving Decatur AL on May 23 the @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) #DeltaMariner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeltaMariner?src=hash) arrived in Port this morning just before 7am. It is carrying the Atlas V rocket that will help put a man back in space.
@torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno) @ULANavy (https://twitter.com/ULANavy) #nasa (https://twitter.com/hashtag/nasa?src=hash) #space (https://twitter.com/hashtag/space?src=hash) @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) @SpaceXUpdates (https://twitter.com/SpaceXUpdates)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.06.2019 16:33:49
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185015.jpg)Stephen Marr‏ @spacecoast_stve (https://twitter.com/spacecoast_stve) 06:11 PDT (https://twitter.com/spacecoast_stve/status/1134809588606394368) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

#DeltaMariner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeltaMariner?src=hash) is docked in @PortCanaveral (https://twitter.com/PortCanaveral). She's an impressive ship, but its what's inside that's REALLY cool. It's the #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) that will carry the first #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) crew, aiming for a launch by the end of the year. Crewed launches from the Cape are getting closer, y'all!


(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1134152596950794240/xZWp-Ujk_bigger.jpg)ULA Navy Updates‏ @ULANavy (https://twitter.com/ULANavy) 06:49 PDT (https://twitter.com/ULANavy/status/1134819137065234432) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

Unloading of the flight hardware could start later today. ULA/Tory usually tweet some photos...

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185020.jpg)theresacross‏ @THERESA35906612 (https://twitter.com/THERESA35906612) 13:45 PDT (https://twitter.com/THERESA35906612/status/1134924022024671233) - 1 июн. 2019 г.

⁦@PortCanaveral (https://twitter.com/PortCanaveral)⁩ to capture an image of the historic arrival of #DeltaMariner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DeltaMariner?src=hash) cargo that will launch (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png) humans aboard the #BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BoeingSpace?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)
⁦@torybruno (https://twitter.com/torybruno)⁩ ⁦@ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch)⁩ ⁦@ULANavy (https://twitter.com/ULANavy)⁩ #weekendvibes (https://twitter.com/hashtag/weekendvibes?src=hash) #rocketlaunch (https://twitter.com/hashtag/rocketlaunch?src=hash)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.06.2019 12:50:24
ЦитироватьЧлены экипажа «Starliner» приступили к тренировкам в ЦПК

03 июня 2019 | 

Сегодня в ЦПК приступают к подготовке астронавты НАСА Санита Уильямс и Джош Кассада, которые входят в экипаж корабля «Starliner» (Boeing) по программе CTS-1.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/112983.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/112984.jpg)
Астронавт НАСА Санита Уильямс, капитан первого ранга ВМС США в отставке, выполнила два космических полёта. Первый полёт совершила в 2006-2007 годах в качестве бортинженера в составе экипажей МКС-14 и МКС-15. Во время полёта выполнила четыре выхода в открытый космос общей продолжительностью 29 часов 17 минут.

Второй полёт С. Уильямс совершила в составе экипажа МКС-32/33 в качестве бортинженера ТПК «ТМА-05М», бортинженера МКС-32 и командира МКС-33. Во время этой длительной экспедиции выполнила три выхода в открытый космос общей продолжительностью 21 час 23 минуты. Суммарное время, проведённое Санитой Уильямс в двух космических полётах – более 321 суток.

Капитан третьего ранга ВМС США Джош Кассада был отобран кандидатом в астронавты НАСА в 2013 году. По завершении курса подготовки и сертификации в июле 2015 года Д. Кассада занимался обеспечением операций и интеграции Международной космической станции (МКС), выполнял обязанности оператора голосовой связи с экипажами МКС, а также принимал участие в разработке систем «Ориона» и космического корабля коммерческих экипажей. Опыта космических полётов пока не имеет.

В настоящее время Санита Уильямс и Джош Кассада готовятся ко второму пилотируемому полёту на космическом корабле «Starliner» компании «Boeing». Подготовка астронавтов в ЦПК пройдёт в течение пяти недель и будет разбита на три тренировочные сессии. На первой и второй тренировочных сессиях они изучат системы РС МКС и проведут часть подготовки по аварийным процедурам. На третьей тренировочной сессии будут проведены тренировки по действиям экипажа в случае аварий на РС МКС.

Источник: Пресс-служба ЦПК, фото ЦПК

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107596.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/3406135170.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107595.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/3348431710.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107593.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/2326601315.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107599.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/6296832054.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107600.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/6342632886.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107594.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/3303704254.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107598.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/5537256420.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/107597.jpg) (http://gctc.ru/media/foto/big/4632/5252861099.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.06.2019 20:57:30
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 49 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1135593764012138496)

Centaur for first crewed #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) has offloaded from Mariner. The rocket left our factory in Decatur, Alabama, on 5/23 for a journey that spanned rivers, the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean to reach Port Canaveral.
@BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2019 17:41:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29898.jpg)ULA‏Подлинная учетная запись @ulalaunch (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ulalaunch/status/1136279190033063936)

The first #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) booster that will fly a crew has emerged from the Mariner cargo ship at Cape Canaveral today to write a new chapter in human spaceflight history!
@BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2019 19:16:42
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185114.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 47 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1136293477321453568)

A very special Atlas just departed the Delta Mariner and is on the way to be readied for launch later this year.
#AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #AboutDarnTime (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AboutDarnTime?src=hash)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2019 00:00:07
ЦитироватьThe Atlas V to Launch Starliner Crew Missions to Station Arrives at Launch Site

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/lherridg/)
Posted Jun 5, 2019 at 4:17 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130674.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/06/ULA-CFT-Booster-to-ASOC.jpg)
The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster that will be used for Boeing's Crew Flight Test (CFT) is backed into the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center (ASOC) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on June 5, 2019. The ULA Atlas V rocket will launch Starliner and its crew to the International Space Station for NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Inside the ASOC, the booster will await the start of operations for its missions. The CFT will demonstrate Starliner and Atlas V's ability to safely carry crew to and from the orbiting laboratory. Photo credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket that will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on its Crew Flight Test (CFT) to the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station) for NASA's Commercial Crew Program (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew)arrived on Saturday at Cape Canaveral Force Station in Florida.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130672.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/06/ULA-CFT-Booster-Arrival.jpg)
The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster that will be used for Boeing's Crew Flight Test (CFT) is moved out of the Mariner cargo ship at the Army Wharf at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on June 5, 2019. Photo Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

The booster stage and the Dual Engine Centaur upper stage of the Atlas V rocket, designated AV-082, arrived on ULA's Mariner cargo ship from the company's facility in Decatur, Alabama.

The Atlas V rocket now located in the company's Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center at Cape Canaveral will undergo receiving checks and await the start of operations for its mission. The CFT mission will take NASA astronauts Mike Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-michael-fincke) and Nicole Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann/), and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf) to the station to demonstrate Starliner and Atlas V's ability to safely carry crew to and from the orbiting laboratory.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130673.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/06/ULA-CFT-Booster-on-Road.jpg)
The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster that will be used for Boeing's Crew Flight Test (CFT) is transported to the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center (ASOC) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on June 5, 2019. Photo credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

FT will be the second Starliner flight following the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (OFT) that is targeted to launch to the station in August. The rocket for OFT, called AV-080, was brought to the Cape last year.

Both flights are key elements of NASA's Commercial Crew Program that will return the nation's capability to launch astronauts into orbit on American rockets and spacecraft from U.S. soil. Regular commercial transportation using Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft to and from the space station will enable the addition of another crew member, expanded station use, and additional research time aboard the orbiting laboratory. This time will help address the challenges of moving humanity toward the Moon and Mars as we learn how to keep astronauts healthy during long-duration space travel and demonstrate technologies for human and robotic exploration beyond low-Earth orbit, to the Moon and Mars.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2019 20:18:11

June 5, 2019 -- Another rocket shipment from the United Launch Alliance factory has arrived at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and this one is extra special.

The Mariner cargo vessel sails into Port Canaveral carrying the Atlas V booster and Centaur for the CFT launch. Photo: United Launch Alliance

The Mariner cargo ship has delivered the Atlas V booster stage and the Dual Engine Centaur upper stage that will write a new chapter in human spaceflight history by launching the first astronauts to the International Space Station (http://www.nasa.gov/station) aboard Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft for NASA's Commercial Crew Program (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew).

The rocket delivered, designated AV-082, departed the factory in Decatur, Alabama, on May 23 for the journey that spanned rivers, the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean to reach Port Canaveral for berthing at the unloading wharf.

The ship arrived at dawn Saturday, June 1. The cradle carrier holding Centaur rolled off the Mariner on Monday, June 3, followed by another truck pulling the Atlas stage today.

Now at the launch site, the Atlas V will undergo receiving checks and await the start of operations for its mission to send three astronauts to the station on the Crew Test Flight (CFT) of Starliner.

The Centaur exits the Mariner. Photo credit: ULA

As part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, the CFT mission carrying Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson and NASA astronauts Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann will fully demonstrate Starliner and Atlas V's ability to safely carry crew to and from the orbiting laboratory.

Ferguson, a retired Navy captain born in Philadelphia, flew on three space shuttle missions, serving as pilot on space shuttle Atlantis' STS-115 mission in 2006 that installed a solar power truss on the International Space Station, commander of space shuttle Endeavour's STS-126 mission in 2008 that brought up critical equipment to remodel the outpost's interior in preparation for doubling the size of its resident crews and commander of Atlantis' STS-135 mission that brought the shuttle program to completion, marking the most recent human spaceflight launch from U.S. soil in 2011. He has a master's degree in aeronautical engineering, has accumulated 5,700 hours of flight time in more than 30 types of aircraft and logged 40 days in space.

Fincke, a native of Pittsburgh, is a retired Air Force colonel with master's degrees in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford and planetary geology from the University of Houston. In the Air Force, he was a test engineer and amassed over 1,900 flight hours in more than 30 different aircraft. He was the science officer for Expedition 9 in 2004 on the space station, commander of Expedition 18 in 2008-2009 and a spacewalker on STS-134, the next-to-last shuttle flight, in 2011.

Mann, born in Petaluma, California, is a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps. and Naval Aviator with 47 combat missions to her credit in Iraq and Afghanistan for Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. She also earned a master's degree in mechanical engineering with a specialty in fluid mechanics from Stanford. CFT will be her first spaceflight after working closely with Boeing to develop Starliner spacecraft systems.

The three astronauts are currently in training for an extended duration stay at the station, contributing to life and work aboard the orbiting laboratory.

The Atlas first stage for CFT arrives at Cape Canaveral. Photo credit: ULA

CFT will be the second Starliner flight following the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (OFT) targeted to launch to the station in August. The rocket for OFT, tail number AV-080, was brought to the Cape last year.

Both flights are key elements of NASA's Commercial Crew Program that returns the capability of launching astronauts into orbit on American rockets from U.S. soil.

Atlas rockets safely launched four human spaceflights in NASA's Project Mercury between 1962 and 1963, including the historic voyage of John Glenn to become the first American to orbit the Earth. The legacy of Mercury-Atlas is the foundation for the Atlas V rocket to launch astronauts in Starliner.

The CFT first stage enters the Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center. Photo credit: ULA
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.06.2019 18:02:41
https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=509871&lang=RU (https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=509871&lang=RU)
ЦитироватьNASA информирует "Роскосмос" о проблемах с перспективными пилотируемыми кораблями компаний SpaceX и Boeing - Рогозин
08.06.2019 14:30:00

Санкт-Петербург. 8 июня. ИНТЕРФАКС - "Роскосмос" получает информацию о ходе расследования причин взрыва корабля Crew Dragon компании Илона Маска SpaceX, а также информирует о подготовке к первому полету пилотируемого корабля Starliner компании Boeing, сообщил журналистам глава госкорпорации Дмитрий Рогозин.

"Делится, но это не означает что я буду делиться с вами. Сдвижка по времени у них явно идёт по обоим кораблям, но я думаю, что осенью, поздней осенью они постараются запуститься", - сказал Рогозин в кулуарах Петербургского международного экономического форума.

Так он ответил на вопрос, делится ли NASA информацией о ходе расследования причин взрыва при испытаниях корабля Crew Dragon.

"У компании Илона Маска сдвижка, потому что SpaceX нужен новый корабль, отдельно нужно будет провести испытания системы спасения, которая фактически и погубила тот корабль. У Boeing сдвиг идёт тоже месяца на три, по-моему", - сказал глава "Роскосмоса".

Он отметил, что госкорпорация постоянно контактирует с американской стороной для формирования графика полетов на Международную космическую станцию.

Как сообщал "Интерфакс", в начале марте американский беспилотный космический корабль Crew Dragon в тестовом режиме был успешно выведен на орбиту и состыкован с МКС. На борту корабля находился облаченный в скафандр манекен по имени Рипли, названный в честь героини фантастического фильма "Чужие". Датчики в его скафандре отслеживали "состояние" командира корабля на всех этапах полета. Корабль также доставил для экипажа МКС 182 кг продовольствия, научного оборудования и материалов.

По данным НАСА, пилотируемый полет Crew Dragon к МКС может состояться ориентировочно в ноябре 2019 года. До него еще должен быть проведен тестовый запуск корабля в беспилотном режиме по неполной циклограмме, который предназначен для проверки работы системы его аварийного спасения в случае возникновения аварии с ракетой-носителем после старта. Из-за аварии 20 апреля при стендовых испытаниях двигателей системы спасения, в результате которой корабль взорвался, испытательный запуск, намеченный на июнь, был перенесен. В настоящее время его планируется осуществить до конца июля, если компании SpaceX удастся устранить возникшие неполадки.
Также ранее сообщалось, что первый пилотируемый полет Starliner должен выполнить в ноябре текущего года с мыса Канаверал во Флориде. Корабль должен пристыковаться к Международной космической станции, на его борту будут находиться трое астронавтов: представитель Boeing Крис Фергюсон, а также астронавты NASA Майк Финк и Николь Манн. Этот запуск перенесён с августа из-за неготовности корабля в срок.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 09.06.2019 06:26:18
А у "Старлайнера" какие проблемы?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.06.2019 10:53:03
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185089.png)Murfam Post ‏ @Restrantek (https://twitter.com/Restrantek) 10 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Restrantek/status/1138566733789302784)

Sneak peek of the #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) launch vehicle for #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash) (uncrewed) rolling from the processing building.  :(  and the Space Coast Chapter, Florida Public Relations Association "Executing a Successful Launch: Behind-the-Scenes at ULA"

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 12.06.2019 12:57:05
Задрали ракеты туда-сюда возить. Где сам корабль?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.06.2019 06:46:10
ЦитироватьGo Atlas! Go Starliner! The Atlas V Starliner Emergency Detection System

United Launch Alliance (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrGPRKAg1PgvuSHrRIl3jg)

Опубликовано: 13 июн. 2019 г.

Go Atlas! Go Starliner! Watch the latest episode when we learn about the Emergency Detection System - unique technology developed for the Atlas V Starliner designed to protect the crew and monitor the health of the rocket.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meuDFc6opIQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meuDFc6opIQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meuDFc6opIQ) (4:26)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 16:52:10
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 38 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1141332673354522624)

The JFK Library's "Space Summit" is starting this morning with a keynote shortly from Boeing's Dennis Muilenburg (just back from #PAS19 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PAS19?src=hash), apparently).

26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1141335682222346240)

Muilenburg: announcing today Boeing is moving its space headquarters from Arlington Va. to the Kennedy Space Center.

21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1141336795730317313)

Muilenburg says the CST-100 "aircraft" will have five seats, one reserved for commercial passengers. Calls Boeing's Chris Ferguson, who will be on the vehicle's crewed flight test, the first commercial space pilot.

20 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1141337038005968897)

Ferguson will be the first _orbital_ commercial space pilot. Mike Melvill flew SpaceShipOne on a commercial suborbital spaceflight almost exactly 15 years ago.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 20.06.2019 22:22:39
Таки всплыла информация, что за аномалия произошла у Боинга в прошлом году, что сдвинула сроки на год.
В отчёте GAO https://www.gao.gov/assets/700/699881.pdf

ЦитироватьIn June 2018, Boeing experienced an anomaly while testing its launch abort engines. During a test firing, four of the eight total valves in the four launch abort engines failed to close after a shutdown command was sent
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.06.2019 05:21:18
ЦитироватьВ "Роскосмосе" считают разговоры о безопасности Starliner преждевременными

ЛЕ БУРЖЕ (Франция), 21 июн - РИА Новости. "Роскосмос" считает преждевременным говорить о безопасном использование американских коммерческих космических кораблей для полетов туристов, пока не завершены испытания этой техники, рассказал РИА Новости в рамках международного авиакосмического салона во французском Ле Бурже замгендиректора госкорпорации "Роскосмос" Сергей Савельев.

Ранее сообщалось, что единственный в мире туроператор, занимающийся полетами в космос, компания Space Adventures начала сбор заявок от желающих полететь на МКС на кораблях Starliner американской компании Boeing. До этого туроператор отправлял желающих в космос только на российских кораблях "Союз". Кроме того, услуги по полету на орбиту на кораблях Crew Dragon фирмы SpaceX предложила американская компания Bigelow Aerospace, которая планирует построить отель на орбите.

"Что касается коммерческих полетов на новых американских кораблях, их испытания еще не завершились и говорить об их достаточном уровне безопасности и пригодности для полета космических туристов пока преждевременно", - сказал Савельев.
При этом, несмотря на то, что компания Space Adventures решила предоставлять услуги полетов не только на российских "Союзах", но и на американских кораблях от Boeing, "Роскосмос" не намерен отказываться от сотрудничества с ней.

"Космический туризм - относительно новый и весьма перспективный бизнес. Space Adventures является весьма успешной компанией, привлекающей частных клиентов для космических полетов. Всего было организовано восемь таких полетов на российских кораблях "Союз" к МКС. "Роскосмос" продолжает взаимодействие со Space Adventures - имеется действующий контракт с этой компанией на полет двух туристов", - отметил Савельев.

Ранее сообщалось, что два туриста отправятся в корабле "Союз" в полет до конца 2021 года. В компании Space Adventures сообщили, что уже нашли желающих.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.06.2019 02:20:49
ЦитироватьИсточник сообщил о переносе запусков американских кораблей Starliner к МКС

МОСКВА, 22 июн - РИА Новости. Запуск к Международной космической станции (МКС) американского беспилотного корабля Starliner перенесен с 17 августа на 17 сентября, а пилотируемого - с 1 на 30 ноября, сообщил РИА Новости в субботу источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.
В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX и Starliner - компанией Boeing.
"По новому плану старт первого корабля Starliner без экипажа намечается на 17 сентября", - сказал собеседник агентства.

По его словам, первый Starliner с экипажем полетит 30 ноября. В его экипаж войдут астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.
Корабли Starliner будут запускаться ракетой-носителем Atlas-5 с космодрома на мысе Канаверал, на первой ступени которой используется российский двигатель РД-180 разработки НПО Энергомаш.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 25.06.2019 18:07:37
Boeing Starliner Is Getting Ready for Launch. Meet Our Launch Pad Team Lead.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYUbVcfok8g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYUbVcfok8g)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 22:42:01
Финальный тест парашютной системы

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 02:47:31
ЦитироватьBoeing завершила испытания парашютной системы космической капсулы Starliner

ВАШИНГТОН, 26 июн – РИА Новости. Компания Boeing успешно провела пятые и заключительные испытания парашютной системы космической капсулы Starliner, говорится в распространенном в среду сообщении компании.
Цитировать"Заключительное испытание было самым сложным. Два парашюта были отключены на испытательном аппарате Straliner, который сбросили с воздушного шара на высоте 40 тысяч футов (более 12 километров – ред.). Во время четырехминутного снижения сработали другие парашюты, и капсула приземлилась по плану на ракетном полигоне "Уайт сэндз", - сказано в сообщении.
Первый запуск капсулы ожидается этим летом.

"Ракета доставит Starliner без экипажа на космическую станцию на неделю. После этого астронавт Boeing Крис Фергюсон и астронавты НАСА Майк Финк и Николь Манн могут совершить первый пилотируемый полет на Starliner до конца года", - говорится в документе.
Ранее источник в космической отрасли сообщил РИА Новости, что запуск к Международной космической станции (МКС) американского беспилотного корабля Starliner перенесен с 17 августа на 17 сентября, а пилотируемого - с 1 на 30 ноября.

Корабли Starliner будут запускаться ракетой-носителем Atlas-5 с космодрома на мысе Канаверал, на первой ступени которой используется российский двигатель РД-180 разработки НПО "Энергомаш".
Цитировать26 ИЮН, 02:16
В США успешно испытали систему парашютов космического корабля Starliner

В ходе теста опытный образец аппарата подняли на высоту 12,2 км и сбросили

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 26 июня. /ТАСС/. Корпорация Boeing успешно провела в штате Нью-Мексико пятые и заключительные испытания системы парашютов нового космического корабля CST-100 Starliner. Об этом говорится в сообщении, опубликованном во вторник на сайте Boeing.

Компания подчеркивает, что последние квалификационные испытания системы состоялись в небе над испытательным полигоном "Уайт Сэндс" в штате Нью-Мексико и стали самыми сложными. Опытный образец корабля был поднят на воздушном шаре на высоту 12,2 км и сброшен. Испытания предусматривали ситуацию, при которой два парашюта вышли из строя, а Starliner продолжает спуск на исправных парашютах. Образец корабля приземлился, как и было запланировано, на полигоне Армии США (сухопутные войска).

"Наше внимание сосредоточено главным образом на обеспечении безопасности наших астронавтов, это успешное приземление в сложных условиях подтверждает приверженность нашей команды выполнению данной задачи", - заявил в связи с этим вице-президент корпорации Джон Малхолланд.

Каждый Starliner планируется оснастить дюжиной парашютов и воздушными подушками производства компаний Airborne Systems из Санта-Аны (штат Калифорния) и ILC Dover из штата Делавэр. Эти составные части системы безопасного приземления уже прошли квалификационные испытания, уточнила Boeing.
Корабль Starliner разрабатывает Boeing. Его первый полет в беспилотном режиме предварительно запланирован на август. Как ранее сообщало NASA, с Boeing была достигнута договоренность о том, что первый испытательный полет с экипажем к Международной космической станции будет осуществлен после "углубленной технической оценки всех систем" корабля и будет более продолжительным, чем планировалось первоначально. Продолжительность полета будет определена позднее.

С 2011 года к Международной космической станции из пилотируемых кораблей летают только российские корабли "Союз". Они доставляют российских, американских и других членов экипажа МКС. В США новые космические корабли для пилотируемых полетов разработали компании SpaceX и Boeing. Корабль Crew Dragon компании SpaceX впервые был запущен к МКС 2 марта и пристыковался к станции 3 марта.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 02:34:34
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg)Boeing Space‏Подлинная учетная запись @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 51 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1144375183991562243)

Testing our "high Q".
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) parachutes performed under extreme pressure for the second time this week. Thanks, @AirborneSysNA (https://twitter.com/AirborneSysNA), @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) and @ypg_az (https://twitter.com/ypg_az) for helping us prove the safety and reliability of our reusable system through high-pressure inflation (high Q) testing.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 21:21:14
ЦитироватьStarliner Parachute System Finishes Two Tests in One Week

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Jun 28, 2019 at 1:40 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130669.png) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/06/Camera_4.MP4_.00_33_40_35.Still001.png)

NASA and Boeing completed two different tests of the CST-100 Starliner parachute system this week at two different locations in the desert of the western United States. The tests were part of a series of parachute tests providing valuable data needed to prove the system is safe to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130670.png) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/06/Capsule_Landing-site.png)
A full-scale CST-100 Starliner test article, known as a boiler plate, lands safely June 24 at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Photo credit: Boeing

The first test, conducted June 24 at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, used a full-scale Starliner test article, known as a boiler plate, designed to simulate the actual spacecraft. This test featured a double failure scenario meaning one of the parachute system's two drogue parachutes and one of the three main parachutes were both intentionally disabled to test how the remaining parachutes handled the additional loads during deployment and descent.

The next test occurred June 26 using a dart-shaped test device meant to function as a Starliner weight simulant. The device was released from a C-17 aircraft above the U.S. Army's Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona. This was a "high Q" test, meaning the parachutes were intentionally inflated at higher pressures than they are expected to see during missions.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130671.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/06/JVV_4455.jpg)
Parachutes deploy over the U.S Army's Proving Ground on June 26 in a Boeing CST-100 Starliner parachute system test. Photo credit: U.S. Army

In both instances, the Starliner test articles landed safely, and the joint NASA and Boeing teams currently are reviewing the new data.

Boeing is targeting an uncrewed Orbital Flight Test to the space station this summer, which will test the full end-to-end capabilities of the system from launch to landing. The uncrewed test will be follow by its Crew Flight Test to the space station. Starliner will launch atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

As commercial crew providers Boeing and SpaceX begin to make regular flights to the space station, NASA will continue to advance its mission to go beyond low-Earth orbit and establish a human presence on the Moon with the ultimate goal of sending astronauts to Mars.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 17.07.2019 18:09:19
Ferguson: Starliner Flight Test in September "Looking Good"
 July 15, 2019  Doug Messier  

News 6 interviewed Boeing's Chris Ferguson on Saturday about the status of the company's effort to launch its Starliner commercial crew vehicle to the International Space Station (ISS) this year:

"We have an uncrewed test flight here in September. It's looking very good. We were working late into the night last night doing test work, 24/7 operations," Ferguson said. "We are in the final push and I'm optimistic that you're going to see humans return to space from the Space Coast within the next several months. It's been a long time."
After the uncrewed test flight, Boeing will also need to complete a launch abort test with the spacecraft before it can launch astronauts. During the abort test, ULA will launch the capsule and trigger an abort, which will send the capsule away from the rocket testing the system designed to carry the astronauts to safety.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.07.2019 16:43:05
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/07/31/astronauts-and-ground-teams-put-emergency-escape-procedures-to-the-test/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/07/31/astronauts-and-ground-teams-put-emergency-escape-procedures-to-the-test/)
ЦитироватьAstronauts and Ground Teams Put Emergency Escape Procedures to the Test

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
Posted Jul 31, 2019 at 9:33 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130679.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/07/KSC-20190724-PH_JBS01_0091-sm.jpg)
An emergency medical technician cares for an astronaut with simulated injuries during a joint emergency escape and triage exercise led by NASA, along with Boeing and United Launch Alliance, at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on July 24, 2019. The simulation is part of a series in preparation for upcoming crew flights to the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Photo credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky

NASA led a joint emergency escape and triage simulation with Boeing and United Launch Alliance (ULA) on July 24 at Space Launch Complex 41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) in Florida in preparation for upcoming crew flights to the International Space Station. The exercise ranged fr om astronauts and support teams quickly escaping the launch pad to emergency personnel practicing rescue and life support procedures focused on the safety of the launch site teams.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130678.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/07/KSC-20190724-PH_JBS01_0028-sm.jpg)
Medical and fire-rescue personnel park ambulances and set up a decontamination and triage area for the joint emergency escape and triage simulation.

In the event of an emergency on launch day, astronauts and support teams would need to exit the launch pad as quickly as possible. The exercise was designed to validate the escape procedures from the crew access tower – the nearly 200-foot-tall structure astronauts will ascend to the same level as the spacecraft on top of the rocket – to a pre-staged medical location a safe distance away from the launch pad. The second half of the rehearsal included the rescue teams that would conduct initial triage for the crew and ground team.

NASA astronauts Josh Cassada (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/josh-a-cassada), currently in training for the second flight with crew aboard Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, and Eric Boe (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/eric-a-boe), along with astronaut candidate Jasmin Moghbeli (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/jasmin-moghbeli/biography), served as flight crew for the simulation.

During the exercise, the astronauts and support teams put on portable respirators and made their way to the emergency egress system – a commercial, off-the-shelf zip line modified and constructed as a safety measure for human spaceflight – for escape. The emergency system is on the same level of the crew access tower as the crew access arm, the bridge astronauts walk across to enter the Starliner. The launch teams, secured in seats, descended the tower to the pad perimeter below.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130680.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/07/KSC-20190724-PH_JBS01_0154-sm.jpg)
Wearing portable respirators, astronauts and personnel with simulated injuries exit an armored vehicle during the simulation.

Next, using mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles, known as MRAPs, the crew members drove just under a mile north to a helipad, wh ere flight surgeons and the emergency medical services teams waited with ambulances and a decontamination vehicle. Astronauts evacuating from a pad emergency may come into contact with hazardous substances, such as fuel from the rocket or spacecraft, and must be decontaminated to allow medical personnel to safely treat them. In a true emergency, anyone injured would then be transported via helicopter to area hospitals.

Personnel from Kennedy Space Center emergency medical services, pad rescue teams and environmental health, along with CCAFS fire and rescue and the U.S. Air Force 45th Space Wing worked in tandem with NASA, Boeing and ULA to whisk the astronauts to safety – and, in the process, test necessary procedures and equipment, while providing new team members valuable experience.

The simulation is one of several NASA has conducted with our commercial crew partners, Boeing and SpaceX, in preparation to launch astronauts from American soil. NASA's Commercial Crew Program continues to place astronaut safety at the forefront of preparations for human spaceflight.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.07.2019 20:46:13
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185083.jpg) Antonia Jaramillo‏ Подлинная учетная запись @AntoniaJ_11 (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11) 50 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AntoniaJ_11/status/1156609202607013889)
As for the dates for #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) orbital flight test and pad-abort, teams are currently targeting first week of September for pad-abort test and orbital flight test for end of September or early October. Goal is still to have first crewed flight test by the end of the year

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2019 00:46:19
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/33899.jpg) Christopher Ferguson‏ Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg/status/1156993926680776710)
Met the pilot for the 'un-crewed' test flight. Brave, steely-eyed, ice running through veins....and lots of instrumentation. Body-double will make sure it's safe for real bodies. Now for the name...

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.08.2019 18:02:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg) Julia‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 24 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1159110911984111619)
Our first stop is to visit the CFT: Crewed Flight Test #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) booster. You may remember it being delivered by the Delta Mariner. Launching soon- December 2019. #ULASocial (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ULASocial?src=hash) @CoastScla (https://twitter.com/CoastScla)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.08.2019 19:14:48
https://tass.ru/kosmos/6763255 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/6763255)
Цитировать14 АВГ, 19:04
Полет корабля Starliner без экипажа перенесли на сентябрь

В РКК "Энергия" отметили, что первый пилотируемый полет запланирован на ноябрь 2019 года

МОСКВА, 14 августа. /ТАСС/. Первый полет космического пилотируемого корабля Starliner компании Boeing без экипажа перенесен на сентябрь. Об этом говорится в ежеквартальном отчете Ракетно-космической корпорации (РКК) "Энергия", опубликованном в среду.

"Испытательный беспилотный полет корабля Starliner (CST-100) компании Boeing (со стыковкой с МКС) перенесен с августа 2019 года на сентябрь 2019 года", - говорится в отчете.

В РКК уточнили, что первый пилотируемый полет запланирован на ноябрь 2019 года. При этом, отметили в корпорации, "существует вероятность дальнейшего переноса запусков кораблей обеих компаний [в том числе Crew Dragon компании SpaceX] в связи с необходимостью проведения испытаний САС [система аварийного спасения] на участке максимального скоростного напора и парашютной системы перед началом штатной эксплуатации".
В 2019 году возможны полеты кораблей к МКС в беспилотном режиме, считают в РКК "Энергия".

С 2011 года к Международной космической станции из пилотируемых кораблей летают только российские корабли "Союз". Они доставляют российских, американских и членов экипажа из других стран на МКС. В США новые космические корабли для пилотируемых полетов разработали компании SpaceX и Boeing. Корабль Crew Dragon компании SpaceX впервые был запущен к МКС 2 марта и пристыковался к станции 3 марта.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.08.2019 19:08:44
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 50 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1163469999547277312)
Peter McGrath, Boeing, at AIAA Prop & Energy Forum: Starliner Orbital Flight Test scheduled for October, pad abort test at White Sands "more than likely" to follow a short time after OFT.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.08.2019 20:45:28
https://spacenews.com/commercial-crew-providers-prepare-for-fall-test-flights/ (https://spacenews.com/commercial-crew-providers-prepare-for-fall-test-flights/)
ЦитироватьCommercial crew providers prepare for fall test flights
by Jeff Foust (https://spacenews.com/author/jeff-foust/) — August 20, 2019

Boeing plans to perform an uncrewed orbital flight of its Starliner (left) in October, while SpaceX remains hopeful it can launch astronauts on a crewed flight test before the end of the year. Credit: Boeing/SpaceX

WASHINGTON — Boeing and SpaceX said Aug. 19 that they expect to carry out critical test flights of their commercial crew systems this fall, with SpaceX still hopeful of launching astronauts to the International Space Station this year.

During a panel discussion at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Propulsion and Energy Forum in Indianapolis, Peter McGrath, Boeing's director of global sales and marketing for space exploration, said his company was in the final phases of preparations for an uncrewed flight test of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to the ISS, known as the Orbital Flight Test.

"We're making real good progress on getting the Orbital Flight Test vehicle to the pad and ready to go," he said. "We're heading towards an Orbital Flight Test in October."

That uncrewed flight would be followed shortly thereafter by a pad abort test of the spacecraft's launch escape system, he said. However, the timing for the Crew Flight Test, which will carry NASA astronauts Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann, and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, is up to the agency. "We can say we're ready, but until NASA's ready we won't be flying it," McGrath said.

He said Boeing had completed testing on various other aspects of Starliner, including its parachute system and static fire tests of the launch abort thrusters on the spacecraft's service module. A valve problem with those thrusters last year delayed work on the vehicle, he said, but the problem has been fixed and subsequent tests in recent months verified it was working properly. "The only thing we have left is the Orbital Flight test, pad abort test and crewed flight."
SpaceX flew its uncrewed test flight of its Crew Dragon spacecraft to the ISS last March, a mission it calls Demo-1. However, both an in-flight abort test and the Demo-2 crewed flight test were delayed after the Demo-1 spacecraft, being prepared for the in-flight abort test, was destroyed during preparations for a static-fire test in April at Cape Canaveral.

In July, SpaceX announced that the most likely cause of that accident was a check valve that allowed nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer to leak into a helium pressurization system (https://spacenews.com/faulty-valve-blamed-for-crew-dragon-test-accident/), which then propelled it back into the valve, triggering an explosion. At the time, though, the company said it was still working through other potential causes of the failure.

That investigation is now nearly complete. "We're almost ready to tie a bow around it," said Hans Koenigsmann, vice president of build and flight reliability at SpaceX, on the panel, as the investigation reviews a few final parts of the "fault tree" of potential causes. "Overall, I'm optimistic we can get this done in the next month."

The hardware fixes, such as replacing the faulty valves, are "relatively easy" to perform, he said. He estimated that the in-flight abort test would now take place in October or November. "Right after that, hopefully this year, we'll have the Demo-2 flight," a crewed test flight to the ISS with NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley.

Development of Crew Dragon, along with ongoing launches of SpaceX's Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets, are taking place in parallel with work on the company's Starship next-generational reusable launch vehicle. Koenigsmann said that the company was planning "more progressive hops" of prototype vehicles at its South Texas test site. "Then we're targeting an early orbital launch as soon as possible," he added, noting that those efforts "are challenges to us as engineers and to us as a company from [SpaceX founder] Elon [Musk] directly, basically, and people take this very serious and work very hard to make sure we can fly as soon as possible."

He declined, though, to give a specific schedule for those Starship tests. "I want to be a little bit cautious here and just say I can guarantee you these people work as fast as they can," he said. "We will beat any other time schedule that's out there."

"One thing we want to do is we clearly want to innovate, and it's hard to innovate in this industry," he said. Having Starship in development while flying Falcon and Dragon is one way to do so. "I feel like it makes a very healthy company to keep, on one side, a reliable product line running, and on the other side an innovative branch or an innovative department, basically, that builds a next-generation vehicle."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.08.2019 05:39:34
https://ria.ru/20190821/1557724380.html (https://ria.ru/20190821/1557724380.html)
ЦитироватьИсточник: Boeing отложила испытательные запуски кораблей Starliner к МКС
03:07 21.08.2019

МОСКВА, 21 авг - РИА Новости. Запуск к Международной космической станции (МКС) американского беспилотного корабля Starliner разработки компании Boeing перенесен с 17 сентября на 6 октября, а пилотируемого - с 30 ноября на 30 декабря, сообщил РИА Новости в источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США для доставки астронавтов разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX и Starliner - компанией Boeing.

Ранее полет беспилотного Starliner планировался на 17 сентября, а до этого - на 17 августа. Пилотируемый корабль должен был отправиться 30 ноября, а до этого стоял в планах на 1 ноября.

"В настоящее время испытательный полет корабля Starliner без экипажа должен начаться 6 октября, а испытательный полет с экипажем - 30 декабря", - сказал собеседник агентства.

По его словам, эти даты предварительные и не исключены дальнейшие отсрочки запусков.

Ранее сообщалось, что в экипаж первого пилотируемого Starliner войдут астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.

После успешных испытательного беспилотного и пилотируемого полетов корабль будет сертифицирован НАСА для выполнения штатных полетов с экипажами на МКС.

Корабли Starliner будут запускаться ракетой-носителем Atlas-5 с космодрома на мысе Канаверал, на первой ступени которой используется российский двигатель РД-180 разработки НПО Энергомаш.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.08.2019 23:31:17
Оказывается, Атлас выводит Старлайнер на суборбитальную траектории, и корабль сам скругляет орбиту.. О, как..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.08.2019 20:07:00
https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/26/boeing-spacex-aim-for-more-commercial-crew-test-flights-this-fall/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/26/boeing-spacex-aim-for-more-commercial-crew-test-flights-this-fall/)
ЦитироватьBoeing, SpaceX aim for more commercial crew test flights this fall
August 26, 2019  (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/08/)| Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Technicians at Boeing's satellite production facility in El Segundo, California, position a CST-100 Starliner inside an environmental test chamber for testing earlier this year. This specific Starliner vehicle will fly on Boeing's Crew Flight Test, the first Starliner mission with astronauts on-board. Credit: Boeing

Boeing's Starliner crew capsule could take off in October on its first unpiloted test flight to the International Space Station, a company official said recently, while SpaceX finishes up the investigation into the explosion of its Crew Dragon spacecraft during a ground test earlier this year.

But schedules for the first crew missions with the new Boeing and SpaceX vehicles remain murky.

NASA and Boeing officials have not announced a target launch date for the Starliner's first space mission — designated the Orbital Flight Test, or OFT — but officials said the unpiloted test flight is currently on track for liftoff from Cape Canaveral some time in October.

"We're heading towards an Orbital Flight Test here in October," said Peter McGrath, director of global sales and marketing for Boeing's human space exploration program, said Aug. 19. "More than likely, the pad abort test will happen shortly after that, and then we'll fly the Crew Flight Test vehicle, primarily when NASA's ready."

A Boeing spokesperson said Friday that the October timeframe remains the target for launch of the Starliner's Orbital Flight Test.

The three-flight test sequence will verify the Starliner's design and operations scheme before NASA approves the Boeing-built capsule for regular crew rotation missions to the International Space Station.

"That's the one nice thing about crewed flight is we can say we're ready, but until NASA's ready, we won't be flying it," McGrath said Aug. 19 at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition. "These (target schedules) are all based on when they're safe to fly, not when we're driving to flight."

The Orbital Flight Test, the first in the test flight sequence, will take off aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket from pad 41 at Cape Canaveral. It's the next launch on ULA's manifest, following two successful Atlas 5 and Delta 4 rocket launches earlier this month.

The Starliner spacecraft, flying without astronauts on-board, will dock with the space station after launching from Cape Canaveral.

The capsule is scheduled to stay at the station less than a week, then return to an airbag-cushioned landing under parachutes in the Western United States at one of five potential landing sites in New Mexico, Arizona, California and Utah. Boeing has two landing site locations available at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the company's preferred return site for the Starliner test flights.

The Starliner's Orbital Flight Test has many of the same objectives of SpaceX's first Crew Dragon demonstration flight to the station in March.

NASA awarded contracts in 2014 to Boeing and SpaceX — valued at $4.2 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively — for the development of new U.S.-built commercial crew ships to ferry astronauts to and from the space station, ending U.S. reliance on Russian Soyuz vehicles for the task.

A full-scale CST-100 Starliner test article sits on a dune at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in Mexico following a parachute drop test in June. Credit: Boeing

White Sands will also host the Starliner pad abort test, in which Boeing engineers will demonstrate the spacecraft's ability to escape an emergency on the launch pad. The Starliner has four liquid-fueled launch abort engines clustered on the bottom of the craft to push the capsule off its launcher, giving crews an escape switch before and during liftoff.

Boeing's pad abort test at White Sands is a critical precursor to the Starliner's first piloted mission, which will carry Boeing test pilot and former NASA space shuttle commander Chris Ferguson, and NASA crew members Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann to the space station.

After launching some time late this year or in early 2020, Ferguson, Fincke and Mann will live on the station for up to six months before returning to Earth in their Starliner spacecraft to complete the program's Crew Flight Test, or CFT. Assuming the test flights go well, NASA will certify the Starliner for operational crew rotation flights to the station.
"This is going to be an exciting end of the year with a lot of activity going for us," McGrath said. "We are flying a true operational vehicle up to station for our test flight coming up in October. That vehicle will be refurbished and used on the first crew flight mission (after the Crew Test Flight), so it is a full flight article.

"We test like we fly," McGrath said. "So what you're seeing (on the first test flight) is the real thing of what we will fly crew on."

With the Aug. 8 launch of a U.S. Air Force communications satellite now behind them, ULA teams are ready to stack the Atlas 5 rocket for the Starliner's first test flight in the coming weeks inside the Vertical Integration Facility at pad 41.

Ground crews will first erect the Atlas 5's bronze core stage, powered by a Russian-made RD-180 main engine, then install two Aerojet Rocketdyne-built solid rocket boosters to the vehicle. A Centaur upper stage fitted with two Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10 engines will be hoisted atop the Atlas 5 before the Starliner crew capsule arrives at the launch pad integration building.

The Atlas 5 configuration designed for Boeing's Starliner crew capsule features several changes from earlier Atlas 5 models. The modifications include the dual-engine Centaur stage, an independent avionics package to detect an in-flight emergency and trigger an abort, and a new aerodynamic shape without a payload shroud at the top of the launcher.

According to ULA, the Atlas 5 will release the Starliner spacecraft on a 112-mile-high (181-kilometer) suborbital trajectory, just shy of the velocity needed to enter a stable orbit around Earth. After separating from the rocket, the Starliner's own engines, mounted on the ship's service module, will boost the spacecraft into orbit to begin the trek to the International Space Station.

The suborbital trajectory is unusual for a satellite launch, but it is similar to the technique used by the space shuttle. The shuttle's three main engines, fed by cryogenic propellants from an external fuel tank, accelerated the orbiter into space to a speed just shy of the velocity required to enter orbit.

After jettisoning the expendable external tank, the shuttles fired their in-space maneuvering engines around a half-hour after launch to enter orbit. Otherwise, the shuttles would have cut short their missions and re-entered the atmosphere.

The Starliner will follow a similar launch profile.

"The Atlas 5 is flying a very unique trajectory for us," said Josh Barrett, a Boeing spokesperson. "ULA usually flies the Atlas 5 on a steep trajectory to use the powerful booster engine and any added solids to gain as much altitude as quickly as possible before leveling off and then letting the incredibly efficient Centaur push the rest of the way to the desired orbit.

"With Starliner, the Atlas 5 is flying a much flatter and throttled back trajectory for two main reasons," Barrett said in response to questions from Spaceflight Now. "The first is if we abort on a steep trajectory, we would have the potential to bounce off the atmosphere, so this trajectory allows a safe abort at every point through ascent. The second is it helps keep g-loading on crew members to a minimum on ascent."

Starliner crews will experience forces up to 3.5 Gs on launch, according to Boeing officials.

Barrett said Boeing does not publicly disclose mass numbers for the Starliner spacecraft. SpaceX also did not provide the launch weight for the Crew Dragon spacecraft during its first test flight to the space station in March.

Mass figures — either exact or approximate — for most commercial satellites and human spaceflight vehicles are typically released by their owners or by government agencies.

Boeing test pilot Chris Ferguson (center) tweeted this picture with NASA crewmates Nicole Mann (left) and Mike Fincke. "There's no such thing as a bad day at work when training for a #Starliner spaceflight," Ferguson tweeted Aug. 21. Credit: Boeing via Chris Ferguson
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.09.2019 20:45:29
https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/testing-and-training-on-the-boeing-starliner (https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/testing-and-training-on-the-boeing-starliner)
ЦитироватьSept. 10, 2019

Testing and Training on the Boeing Starliner

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207431.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/jsc2019e050522.jpeg)

NASA astronaut Mike Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-m-fincke/biography), a veteran of two stays aboard the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) and Space Shuttle mission STS-134, works through a check list inside a mockup of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner during a simulation at NASA's Johnson Space Center on Aug. 21, 2019. Fincke, along with NASA astronaut Nicole Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann/biography) and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf), will launch to the Space Station aboard the Starliner during its first crewed flight test.

Starliner will launch as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html), which is working with the American aerospace industry to develop and operate a new generation of spacecraft and launch systems capable of carrying crews to low-Earth orbit and the Space Station. Commercial transportation to and from the station will provide expanded utility, additional research time and broader opportunities of discovery on the orbiting laboratory. The station is critical for NASA to understand and overcome the challenges of long-duration spaceflight necessary for the journey to Mars. By encouraging industry to provide human transportation services to and from low-Earth orbit, NASA can expand its focus on building spacecraft and rockets for deep space missions.

Image Credit: NASA/James Blair

Last Updated: Sept. 10, 2019
Editor: Yvette Smith
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.09.2019 05:24:04
https://ria.ru/20190912/1558593119.html (https://ria.ru/20190912/1558593119.html)
ЦитироватьИсточник: запуск к МКС корабля Starliner отложили еще на три недели
03:25 12.09.2019

МОСКВА, 12 сен - РИА Новости. Отправка на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) первого американского корабля Starliner без экипажа перенесена с 6 на 28 октября, не исключена дальнейшая отсрочка запуска, сообщил РИА Новости в источник в российской ракетно-космической отрасли.

В августе другой источник в отрасли сообщил РИА Новости об отсрочке старта беспилотного Starliner с 17 сентября до 6 октября. До этого запуск намечался на 17 августа.

"Теперь старт корабля Starliner без экипажа планируется на 28 октября", - сказал собеседник агентства, добавив, что эта дата предварительная и не исключена дальнейшая отсрочка запуска.

Ранее сообщалось о переносе старта первого пилотируемого Starliner - с 30 ноября на 30 декабря. В его экипаж войдут астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.

В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США для отправки астронавтов на станцию разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX и Starliner - компанией Boeing.

После успешных испытательного беспилотного и пилотируемого полетов корабль будет сертифицирован НАСА для выполнения штатных полетов с экипажами на МКС.

Корабли Starliner будут запускаться с космодрома на мысе Канаверал ракетой-носителем Atlas-5, на первой ступени которой используется российский двигатель РД-180 разработки НПО Энергомаш.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 12.09.2019 17:40:28
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
 Отправка на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) первого американского корабля Starliner без экипажа перенесена с 6 на 28 октября, не исключена дальнейшая отсрочка запуска
Получается пилотируемый полет Старлайнера окончательно ушел на 2020 год.
А как же обещание Пенса 3 недели назад?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.09.2019 07:41:53
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29890.jpg) NASA Commercial Crew‏ Подлинная учетная запись @Commercial_Crew[/COLOR] (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) 7 ч.7 часов назад (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew/status/1172262233256157186)

.@NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) and @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) rehearsed landing and removing astronauts from the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) capsule in preparation for human spaceflight missions to the @Space_Station (https://twitter.com/Space_Station).

Astronauts Nicole Mann and Mike Fincke, and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson participated in the exercise.(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125391.png)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.09.2019 07:45:13
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/31676.png) NASA HQ PHOTO‏ Подлинная учетная запись @nasahqphoto[/COLOR] (https://twitter.com/nasahqphoto) 12 сент. (https://twitter.com/nasahqphoto/status/1171991143959138305)

NASA astronauts @AstroDuke (https://twitter.com/AstroDuke), @AstroIronMike (https://twitter.com/AstroIronMike) and @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing) astronaut @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) along with teams from @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA), @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) and @WSMissileRange (https://twitter.com/WSMissileRange) perform landing rehearsals in New Mexico. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125427.png)

https://flic.kr/s/aHsmGTbjua  (https://t.co/mIxZ73DTpq)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.09.2019 07:50:36
https://ria.ru/20190913/1558638986.html (https://ria.ru/20190913/1558638986.html)
ЦитироватьНАСА провело учебную эвакуацию экипажа "вернувшегося из космоса" Starliner
07:29 13.09.2019

ВАШИНГТОН, 13 сен – РИА Новости. НАСА провело учебную эвакуацию экипажа из макета капсулы новейшего космического корабля Starliner, сымитировав условия прибытия корабля после воображаемого пилотируемого полета, заявило ведомство в своем Twitter-аккаунте.

Как сообщило НАСА, специалисты ведомства и компании Boeing, которая строит корабль по контракту, "отработали шаги по обнаружению аппарата Starliner и безопасному извлечению экипажа". Испытание прошло еще в среду, однако сообщили о нем позднее.

НАСА также опубликовало снимки прошедших учений, на них виден "приземлившийся" на полигоне макет спусковой капсулы корабля, парашют и спасательная техника.

В августе аналогичную операцию по учебному поиску корабля и извлечению экипажа НАСА провело для принадлежащего компании SpaceX новейшего пилотируемого корабля Crew Dragon. В отличие от Starliner, корабль Crew Dragon совершает посадку на воду.

Компания Boeing наряду со SpaceX создает пилотируемый корабль по контракту с НАСА для возобновления США самостоятельной доставки американских астронавтов на МКС. В отличие от SpaceX, которая в беспилотном режиме запустила корабль Crew Dragon в марте 2019 года, Boeing пока не испытывал свой новый корабль Starliner в реальном полете. Ранее планировалось, что его первый беспилотный рейс состоится в августе текущего года, но сейчас дата его не определена. В США рассчитывают, что первые пилотируемые запуски обоих кораблей достоятся до конца 2019 года, но точных сроков не называется.
Прим. Спусковую капсулу не знаю, спускаемый аппарат - знаю. Чюдны дела твоя, Господи...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.09.2019 23:29:37
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/09/16/nasa-boeing-perform-landing-and-recovery-rehearsals-in-new-mexico/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/09/16/nasa-boeing-perform-landing-and-recovery-rehearsals-in-new-mexico/)
ЦитироватьNASA, Boeing Perform Landing and Recovery Rehearsals in New Mexico

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
Posted Sep 16, 2019 at 3:00 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130684.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/09/NHQ201909110029.jpg)
Teams from NASA, Boeing and the White Sands Missile Range, rehearse landing and crew extraction from Boeing's CST-100 Starliner, which will be used to carry humans to the International Space Station, on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019 at the White Sands Missile Range outside Las Cruces, New Mexico. Photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Boeing, NASA and the U.S. Army conducted exercises, known as mission dress rehearsals, for Boeing's upcoming CST-100 Starliner missions to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html). This series of rehearsals at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico focused on the landing and recovery aspect of Starliner's mission, and was one of three of Boeing's formal dress rehearsals that took place over the last couple of weeks as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html).

Unlike any other American-made orbital crew capsule, Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is designed to land on land, and is expected to touch down at one of five potential landing zones in the western United States, including two at White Sands, New Mexico. During last week's integrated rehearsal, teams practiced recovering Starliner and extricating crews in more than a half dozen different landing scenarios covering both the upcoming uncrewed and crewed test flights. The rehearsals included all of the recovery personnel and equipment necessary to locate, safe and cool the spacecraft prior to opening the hatch.

Astronauts Mike Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-michael-fincke) and Nicole Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann) of NASA and Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf) from Boeing observed a few of the exercises to better understand what will be happening outside Starliner before ground teams can open the hatch and officially welcome them back to Earth. During the final "run-for-record," obstacles were introduced in order to simulate an emergency scenario, in which the team succeeded at locating the Starliner and opening the hatch in less than an hour.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130685.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/09/NHQ201909110034.jpg)
The teams worked through the steps necessary to safe the vehicle and get future crew members out of the Starliner to return home. Photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Earlier rehearsals included simulating a Starliner launch and ascent through docking to the space station, as well as undocking from station through landing the spacecraft on land in the western United States.

These exercises are a necessary step in preparing the teams for all aspects of a mission from launch to landing. This series of rehearsals has taken place ahead of Boeing's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test to the space station, in which the Starliner will launch atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

As commercial crew providers Boeing and SpaceX begin to make regular flights to the space station, NASA will continue to advance its mission to go beyond low-Earth orbit and establish a human presence on the Moon with the ultimate goal of sending astronauts to Mars.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.09.2019 19:21:57
ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: Dress Rehearsals: 09/20/2019

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220577.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/ReelNASA) NASA Johnson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmheCYT4HlbFi943lpH009Q)

Опубликовано: 20 сент. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1P8dDYEvwA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1P8dDYEvwA)https://www.youtube.com/embed/F1P8dDYEvwA (https://www.youtube.com/embed/F1P8dDYEvwA) (3:19)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.10.2019 12:40:49
https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/30/tech/elon-musk-spacex-crew-dragon-nasa-timeline/index.html (https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/30/tech/elon-musk-spacex-crew-dragon-nasa-timeline/index.html)
ЦитироватьElon Musk: Crew Dragon spacecraft for NASA could fly astronauts in 3 to 4 months

 (https://edition.cnn.com/profiles/jackie-wattles)  By Jackie Wattles (https://edition.cnn.com/profiles/jackie-wattles), CNN Business (https://www.cnn.com/business) | Updated 0056 GMT (0856 HKT) October 1, 2019
https://pmd.cdn.turner.com/cnn/big/business/2019/09/29/caption/elon-musk-starship-interview-orig.cnn_2818862_768x432_1300k.mp4 (https://pmd.cdn.turner.com/cnn/big/business/2019/09/29/caption/elon-musk-starship-interview-orig.cnn_2818862_768x432_1300k.mp4) (3:52)

Boca Chica, Texas (CNN Business) - SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule could be ready to fly NASA astronauts in three to four months. It would mark the first time humans have launched to orbit from US soil in almost a decade.

CEO and chief engineer Elon Musk told CNN Business' Rachel Crane that SpaceX is "going as fast as we can" to get the overdue spacecraft, which is designed to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station, ready for flight.

Jim Bridenstine, NASA's administrator, said in an interview on Monday that he is not confident in that timeline. The space agency will likely have to purchase more seats aboard Russian-made spacecraft in 2020, he said, to ensure US astronauts have continued access to the space station because of ongoing dealys with its Commercial Crew program, he said. That program includes Crew Dragon and a Boeing-built capsule, Starliner, which is also years behind schedule.

NASA asked the private sector to develop crew-worthy spacecraft to replace the Space Shuttle program after it retired in 2011. SpaceX was allotted $2.6 billion and Boeing was awarded $4.2 billion in 2014. NASA originally predicted both companies' spacecraft would be up and running by 2017.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule (https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/08/tech/spacex-crew-dragon-return-demo-mission/index.html) flew an uncrewed demonstration mission in March, during which it briefly docked with the ISS. The company was expected to launch astronauts in July, but the craft exploded (https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/02/tech/spacex-crew-dragon-destroyed/index.html) earlier in the year during a ground test of its emergency abort system.

Musk told CNN Business that 95% of SpaceX's resources are dedicated to its Dragon spacecraft and Falcon rockets, and the Crew Dragon vehicle that will conduct SpaceX's first crewed mission will arrive at its Florida launch site in November.

"If there's some way just to make it go faster, I would make it go faster," Musk said of Crew Dragon development.

Last week, Bridenstine chided (http://www.cnn.com/2019/09/28/business/elon-musk-spacex-nasa-bridenstine-crew-dragon/index.html) Musk on Twitter for giving a presentation in Texas about SpaceX's futuristic Mars rocket (http://www.cnn.com/2019/09/29/business/elon-musk-spacex-mars-starship-cost/index.html), Starship, while Crew Dragon is still on the ground.

"I am looking forward to the SpaceX announcement," Bridenstine said on Twitter Friday. "In the meantime, Commercial Crew is years behind schedule. NASA expects to see the same level of enthusiasm focused on the investments of the American taxpayer. It's time to deliver."

During his interview with CNN Business, Musk responded: "Did he say Commercial Crew or SLS?" SLS, or Space Launch System, is a rocket designed for deep-space exploration that Boeing is building for NASA. The project has endured years of delays and billion-dollar cost overruns (https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/26/tech/nasa-commercial-rocket-sls-boeing-spacex/index.html).
Bridenstine told CNN Business that he recognized "a lot of NASA contractors are behind schedule" and he wants to hold all of them accountable for delays.

Bridenstine also noted that NASA spends $85 million per seat to fly US astronauts on Russian spacecraft, and he called SpaceX out on Twitter because he wants to ensure NASA's Commercial Crew partners are "focused on the right things."

Bridenstine referred to Crew Dragon's explosion as a "catastrophic failure," and said one of the reasons he's skeptical of the idea that Crew Dragon will be ready in the near future is because the updated emergency abort system "has not been qualified" and has not been tested.

Musk said over the weekend that a spacecraft with the new abort system would arrive in Florida in October so it can undergo final testing. That will include an in-flight test of its emergency abort system, which will see the Crew Dragon launch atop a rocket then break off from the rocket and conduct an emergency landing to simulate a situation in which a rocket misfires. NASA and SpaceX both have to deem the spacecraft ready before that test will be scheduled.
Boeing (BA (https://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=BA&source=story_quote_link)) has yet to launch its uncrewed demo mission. Company spokesperson Josh Barrett said Boeing is working to reach that milestone and conduct a pad abort test by the end of the year.

Bridentine said Boeing is experiencing "similar challenges" with testing the spacecraft and he expects its first flight is "months away."

The space agency in July said dates for Boeing's first missions were "under review (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/07/30/flight-test-dates-under-review/)." A NASA spokesperson said the schedule will not be officially updated until NASA installs a new associate administrator for human spaceflight. Bill Gerstenmaier held that role for more than a decade before he was demoted (https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/12/politics/nasa-leadership-role-shakeup/index.html) two months ago.

Bridenstine said NASA has candidates in mind and will bring on an associate administrator "the coming weeks or months."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.10.2019 12:48:19
https://ria.ru/20191001/1559309547.html (https://ria.ru/20191001/1559309547.html)
ЦитироватьНовые американские корабли впервые полетят с экипажами на МКС в 2020 году
12:05 01.10.2019

МОСКВА, 1 окт - РИА Новости. Новые корабли Crew Dragon компании SpaceX и Starliner фирмы Boeing впервые полетят с экипажами на Международную космическую станцию в 2020 году, заявил генеральный директор Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин.

Ранее сообщалось, что первые полёты кораблей с экипажами планируются в конце 2019 года.

"Американцы рассчитывают, что они начнут летать сами на своих кораблях. По данным НАСА, с которым мы вели переговоры сейчас на Байконуре, они надеются решить основные свои проблемы - и Boeing, и компания SpaceX - до конца текущего года", - сказал Рогозин журналистам на Первой всероссийской конференции по космическому образованию "Дорога в космос".

"Соответственно в следующем году полетит экипаж. Пожелаем им успехов", - добавил он.

https://tass.ru/kosmos/6948536 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/6948536)
Цитировать1 ОКТ, 11:50 Обновлено 12:25
Новые американские пилотируемые корабли полетят на МКС в 2020 году
Глава Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин пожелал успехов компаниям Boeing и Space X

МОСКВА, 1 октября. /ТАСС/. Созданные в США новые пилотируемые космические корабли могут отправиться с экипажем на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) в 2020 году. Об этом сообщил во вторник журналистам глава Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин.

"По данным NASA, с которым мы вели переговоры на Байконуре, они надеются решить свои проблемы, и Boeing, и компания Space X, до конца текущего года. Соответственно, в следующем году полетит экипаж. Желаем им успеха!" - сказал Рогозин.

По его словам, если американские компании запустят к МКС свои корабли, то для Роскосмоса потребуется меньшее число кораблей для доставки российских экипажей на МКС. "Но в последующие годы это количество кораблей снова вырастет, потому что пойдут туристы, с которыми у нас уже есть контракты, пойдут другие страны. Европейское космическое агентство обсуждает с нами заключение прямого соглашения по доставке своих астронавтов. Поэтому нам нужно там не более двух кораблей в год для решения наших задач, но как только пойдут другие желающие, нам придется нарастить производство", - уточнил глава Роскосмоса.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 01.10.2019 14:32:47
Насчёт Flight Test

Всё ещё на 28 октября?  Перенос не объявляли ещё?
28-ое кажется сомнительным в свете назначение Cygnis на 29-ое.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.10.2019 21:37:09
https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/01/boeing-closing-in-on-starliner-pad-abort-test/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/01/boeing-closing-in-on-starliner-pad-abort-test/)
ЦитироватьBoeing closing in on Starliner pad abort test
October 1, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZg5CCAyiTA (https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZg5CCAyiTA)

Boeing engineers in New Mexico are readying a Starliner spacecraft for a critical pad abort test this fall to demonstrate the capsule's ability to escape an emergency on the launch pad before green-lighting the capsule to carry astronauts.

Boeing has not announced a target date for the pad abort test, but final preparations are underway at White Sands Missile Range. Technicians last month mated the Starliner crew and service modules at the test site, a company spokesperson said.

The next major milestone was expected to be fueling of the service module with hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants, which will feed the craft's abort engines and control thrusters during the test flight, which will last around 95 seconds from takeoff through landing of the crew capsule under parachutes.

No astronauts will fly on the capsule during the pad abort test.

Boeing is preparing three Starliner spacecraft for test flights under a $4.2 billion contract with NASA.

The space agency's commercial crew program selected Boeing and SpaceX to develop human-rated capsules in 2014 to end U.S. reliance on Russian Soyuz ferry ships for astronaut transportation to and from the International Space Station.

Before regular crew rotation flights can begin, Boeing will conduct the pad abort test, an unpiloted demonstration mission to the space station, and a crewed test flight to the station with three astronauts on-board.

The pad abort test is not required before the Starliner's first flight to orbit without a crew.

The pad abort and OFT mission have switched order in Boeing's test flight schedule several times as managers adjusted the Starliner programs schedule in recent months. A Boeing spokesperson said the pad abort is currently planned before the Orbital Flight Test, which is scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral later this year on top of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket.

NASA and Boeing have not upd ated official target launch dates for the pad abort, the Starliner Orbital Flight Test, or the Starliner's Crew Flight Test since April. In July, NASA said target launch dates for the remaining commercial crew test flights were under review.

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, in an interview with CNN Monday, said the Starliner's first space mission is "months" away. SpaceX founder Elon Musk told CNN Saturday that the Crew Dragon spacecraft, which conducted its unpiloted test flight to the station in March, would be ready to carry astronauts in three or four months.

The Starliner pad abort test at the White Sands Missile Range in Mexico will exercise the craft's rocket engines, parachutes and control systems.

A launch abort engine for the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft during a test-firing in 2016. Credit: NASA

On a space mission, Boeing's Starliner will have 64 engines for use during launch aborts, in-orbit maneuvers and re-entry. All of the thrusters are built by Aerojet Rocketdyne.

The four biggest thrusters are the launch abort engines on the base of the Starliner's service module. In the event of an abort, each engine would immediately ignite and power up to produce some 40,000 pounds of thrust to push the spacecraft away from rocket failure on the ground or in fight.

The liquid-fueled abort engines would only fire in flight in the event of a launch emergency.

Another se t of 20 service module orbital maneuvering and attitude control engines, each generating 1,500 pounds of thrust, will be used to control the capsule's orientation during a launch abort, orbital insertion after separation from the Atlas 5 rocket's second stage, and other major trajectory changes in space.

There are 28 reaction control system thrusters on the Starliner service module for smaller orbital maneuvers, and for reboosts of the space station's orbit. Twelve reusable thrusters on the Starliner crew module, each with 100 pounds of thrust, will control the ship's attitude, or orientation, during re-entry.

During the upcoming pad abort test in New Mexico, the four launch abort engines will ignite for five seconds to propel the spacecraft off a test stand at White Sands. The smaller orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters will fire for 10 seconds, then thrusters will pulse to flip the spacecraft around and fly tail first on an arc that will take the vehicle to a maximum altitude of approximately 4,500 feet (1,370 meters).

The thrusters will stop firing 17 seconds after takeoff, and a series of pilot, drogue and main parachutes will begin deploying at T+plus 20 seconds, according to Boeing.

The craft will jettison its service module and pieces of its heat shield, then inflate airbags to cushion the capsule's landing at White Sands around 95 seconds after liftoff.

SpaceX completed the pad abort test for its Crew Dragon spacecraft in 2015, and plans an in-flight abort test later this year at the Kennedy Space Center to verity the capsule's ability to fire off a Falcon 9 rocket after liftoff. Boeing plans to bypass such an in-flight abort demonstration.

NASA gave both companies the option to decide whether or not to conduct an in-flight abort test.

Teams from Boeing, NASA and the White Sands Missile Range rehearsed Starliner landing and crew extraction procedures in September. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Boeing and NASA conducted a landing rehearsal at White Sands last month, during which ground teams practiced recovering a Starliner capsule and extracting its crew.

Starliner missions will land in the Western United States at one of several possible recovery sites. The primary landing site for the Starliner test flights is at White Sands.

Josh Barrett, a Boeing spokesperson, said all of the Starliner's major integrated test campaigns are complete.

Earlier this year, Boeing engineers complete a ground test of the Starliner's service module engines at White Sands. The test-firing campaign was halted in 2018 by a valve failure on the test stand, which resulted in a propellant leak.

The incident delayed the propulsion system testing nearly a year.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Liss от 02.10.2019 00:25:23
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Насчёт Flight Test

Всё ещё на 28 октября?  Перенос не объявляли ещё?
28-ое кажется сомнительным в свете назначение Cygnis на 29-ое.
По последним слухам из https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=43958.80 (https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=43958.80) -- конец ноября или декабрь. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.10.2019 20:18:11
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1181213622263074816)

Chris Ferguson, Boeing test pilot and astronaut, says the Starliner spacecraft's pad abort test is planned in November. The pad abort vehicle will roll to the pad at White Sands in the "very near future," he says. Pad abort will be followed by uncrewed flight test to ISS.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 09.10.2019 20:56:50
Pad Abort teest - начало ноября
Orbital Flight Test - 17 декабря

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.10.2019 04:56:01
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1182079068688265216)

Industry sources say Boeing's pad abort test at White Sands is currently targeted for Nov. 4.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.10.2019 06:29:42
ЦитироватьCST-100 Starliner Pad Abort Test Animation

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220595.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/Boeing) Boeing (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IEkprr46ScglWU79HF5qQ)

21 февр. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZg5CCAyiTA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZg5CCAyiTA)https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZg5CCAyiTA?feature=oembed (https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZg5CCAyiTA?feature=oembed) (1:53)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.10.2019 07:08:32
https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/09/boeing-reveals-target-dates-for-initial-starliner-test-flights/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/09/boeing-reveals-target-dates-for-initial-starliner-test-flights/)
ЦитироватьBoeing reveals target dates for initial Starliner test flights
October 9, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Boeing officials said Wednesday that the company is targeting Dec. 17 for the launch of the first unpiloted orbital test flight of the new Starliner crew capsule from Cape Canaveral on a week-long demonstration mission to the International Space Station, a precursor to a mission with astronauts next year.

Meanwhile, engineers in the New Mexico desert are readying a Starliner test vehicle for a pad abort test scheduled for the morning of Nov. 4, local time, during which the crew capsule will demonstrate its ability to escape an emergency on the launch pad, according to industry sources.

But officials did not say when the Starliner could be ready to launch with astronauts. The Starliner's first crewed test flight will use a different spacecraft than the one set for launch in December.

NASA is counting on its commercial crew contractors — Boeing and SpaceX — to begin ferrying crews to and from the space station. The space agency's final contracted seat to fly a U.S. astronaut to the station on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft launches in March 2020, and returns to Earth next October.

NASA has stretched the duration of astronaut stays on the space station this year to buy time for Boeing and SpaceX to finish building and testing their spacecraft. Space agency officials have also approved plans for Boeing's first crewed test flight, originally slated to last a week or two, to extend as long as six months.

A similar agreement could be cinched with SpaceX soon.

And NASA may have to buy additional Soyuz seats from Russia, despite earlier statements from NASA officials that the unpopular purchases — which cost more than $80 million per seat at last report — were over.

John Mulholland, vice president and general manager of Boeing's commercial crew program, said Wednesday that the company has set Dec. 17 as the target launch date for the Starliner's Orbital Flight Test.

The mission will take off from Cape Canaveral on top of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket, dock with the space station two days later, then return to a parachute-assisted, airbag-cushioned landing at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico Dec. 24, assuming it launches on Dec. 17.

While the schedules could change — as they often do in the launch business — the new target dates mark the first time Boeing or NASA have provided an updated launch schedule for the Starliner program since April. The schedule for SpaceX's commercial crew program has also not been officially updated in six months.

Josh Barrett, a Boeing spokesperson, said Wednesday that preparations for the pad abort at White Sands are going well.

"The crew and service modules are mated (for the pad abort)," Barrett said. "They're fueling this week (and) should be going up on the test stand next week, and then preparing for final checkouts for launch."

Read our earlier story (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/01/boeing-closing-in-on-starliner-pad-abort-test/) for details on the Starliner pad abort.

Technicians working inside Boeing's Starliner factory at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida are installing ordnance on the crew module for the Orbital Flight Test this week, according to Barrett. He said teams will then install the heat shield and connect the crew module to the service module, fuel the spacecraft with hypergolic propellants, then transfer the vehicle to pad 41 for lifting atop its Atlas 5 launcher.

Stacking of the Atlas 5 rocket inside the Vertical Integration Facility at pad 41 should begin in the next few weeks. The Starliner spacecraft is expected to arrive at the launch pad some time in November.

Artist's illustration of a Starliner spacecraft on top of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket. Credit; United Launch Alliance
Crew Dragon
An update on SpaceX's commercial crew program could come Thursday, when NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine will tour SpaceX's headquarters facility in Hawthorne, California.

Bridenstine and Elon Musk, SpaceX's founder and CEO, will speak with reporters following the tour. NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, who are assigned to fly SpaceX's Crew Dragon into orbit on the craft's first piloted test flight, will join Bridenstine and Musk during the media availability Thursday.

SpaceX accomplished a pad abort test in 2015 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2015/05/06/spacex-crew-capsule-completes-dramatic-abort-test/), and the company completed its unpiloted Crew Dragon test flight to the space station in March, but the company has run into difficulties since then with the ship's abort system and parachutes.

Musk tweeted on Tuesday that the next major Crew Dragon test flight — an in-flight abort demonstration — could launch in late November or early December. During that test, a Crew Dragon capsule will ride a Falcon 9 booster into the sky over NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, then fire its SuperDraco escape engines to propel itself away from the rocket, mimicking a failure scenario on a real launch with astronauts on-board.

Before the in-flight abort, the Crew Dragon capsule will test-fire its SuperDraco thrusters on a test stand at Cape Canaveral in the coming weeks, repeating a test series that ended with the explosion of a Crew Dragon test vehicle in April. SpaceX determined that a faulty valve in the spacecraft's propellant pressurization system caused the explosion, which occurred an instant before the capsule was supposed to fire its SuperDraco abort engines for a hold-down test.

Musk said SpaceX's integration and test schedule suggests hardware for the Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft that will carry Behnken and Hurley into orbit could be at the Florida launch site, and ground testing could be completed, in about 10 weeks, or as soon as mid-December.

It's not known how long NASA safety reviews might take to clear the Crew Dragon's first flight with astronauts for launch, and Musk wrote on Twitter that parachute testing remains a major focus area for SpaceX's crew program. He said SpaceX "had to reallocate some resources" to speed up the parachute development effort.

SpaceX has suffered multiple parachute failures, including an accident during a drop test in April over Nevada and a chute failure during the return of a Dragon cargo capsule from the space station in 2018. The Dragon cargo craft that experienced a chute failure was still able to successfully splash down in the Pacific Ocean slowed by its other parachutes.

Musk wrote he visited SpaceX's parachute supplier, Airborne Systems, last weekend. Airborne and SpaceX are focusing on an "advanced" parachute design that "provides (the) highest safety factor for astronauts," Musk tweeted.

SpaceX's Crew Dragon uses two drogue parachutes and four main ring-sail chutes to slow its speed before splashdown at sea. The parachute system worked as designed during a splashdown in March to conclude an unpiloted Crew Dragon test flight to the station.

In an update last month, NASA said that SpaceX has completed 30 drop tests and 18 system-level tests on the Crew Dragon parachutes over the last four years.

"One of the most relevant benefits originating from the rigorous, multi-year parachute testing campaign is a better understanding of how to safely design and operate parachute clusters," NASA said.

Other human-rated space capsules, such as the Starliner capsule and NASA's Orion spacecraft, rely on three main parachutes. The cargo variant of SpaceX's Dragon capsule also uses three main chutes.

But the Crew Dragon spacecraft is significantly heavier than the Dragon capsule currently in service, so SpaceX engineers designed the next-generation craft with four main parachutes similar to the ones flown on cargo missions.

"Specifically, NASA and SpaceX now have greater insight into what is termed 'Asymmetry Factor,' an integral part of how safety in design is measured and weighed. This asymmetry factor is an indicator of uneven load distribution between individual suspension lines attached to the parachute canopy," NASA said.

"As a cluster of parachutes is deployed, the first parachute to open may crowd or bump others as they open up, causing an uneven load distribution on the main parachutes. If the lines or the joints are not designed to account for the unevenness or asymmetry, they might get damaged or even fail.

The April drop test was designed to simulate the Crew Dragon's response to the loss of one of its four main parachutes. But an unexpected parachute failure occurred during the test, which provided engineers with a "unique insight into parachute loading and behavior," NASA said.

"The test results have ultimately provided a better understanding of parachute reliability and caused a closer examination of the current industry standard used to calculate the asymmetry factor."

NASA said SpaceX is using the new data to calculate structural margins and influence parachute design.

SpaceX has completed successful parachute tests since April, including a recent test to simulate the parachutes' performance during a pad abort scenario.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 10.10.2019 08:57:00
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
But officials did not say when the Starliner could be ready to launch with astronauts.
Представители Боинга не сказали когда Старлайнер будет готов к пилотируемому полёту.

Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
The Starliner's first crewed test flight will use a different spacecraft than the one set for launch in December.
Ужас!. Неужели они думали  что кто то всерьёз верил в дежурные заявления про  "многоразовость" Старлая, и считают нужным указывать очевидный факт использования  другого экземпляра корабля?
С такой же необходимостью они могли предостеречь " ..Он не полетит на Луну!".

Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
The mission will take off from Cape Canaveral on top of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket, dock with the space station two days later, then return to a parachute-assisted, airbag-cushioned landing at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico Dec. 24, assuming it launches on Dec. 17.
Через 2 дня после старта планируется стыковка с МКС , а затем парашютная посадка с использованием надувных амортизаторов в Нью-Мексико(White Sands Missile Range) 24 декабря(при условии старта 17 декабря)

Напоминаю, что  запуски СтарЛая планируются с использованием 2х двигательного Центавра - который НИ РАЗУ не летал в составе Атлас-5.
То есть по сути , это новая ракета, которая не набрала статистики , чтобы можно было с уверенностью посылать на ней людей.
К примеру, РН Союз до сих пор не использует рд-0124 на третьей ступени при запуске людей, по этой причине.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.10.2019 00:12:18
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/10/11/boeing-target-flight-dates/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/10/11/boeing-target-flight-dates/)
ЦитироватьBoeing Target Flight Dates

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
Posted Oct 11, 2019 at 4:23 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130691.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130691.jpg)

NASA and Boeing continue to evaluate flight dates to deliver realistic schedules to the public and both have agreed on the following target dates:
  • Boeing Pad Abort Test: Nov. 4, 2019 at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
  • Boeing Orbital Flight Test: Dec. 17, 2019 at Space Launch Complex 41 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida
NASA and its commercial partners remain committed to flying astronauts as quickly as we can without compromising crew safety, and we always will give safety precedence over schedule. As more dates are reviewed, NASA will update its schedule.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.10.2019 02:20:25
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 16 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1184967520127737861)

We're counting down to launch! Our #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) team mated the Orbital Flight Test Crew Module to the Service Module. Getting ready to be stacked on #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash)!

Video (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1184967520127737861) (0:44)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 22.10.2019 22:20:25
Предварительно 11 ноября выкатка первого Старлайнера на старт.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.10.2019 22:22:45
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Предварительно 11 ноября выкатка первого Старлайнера на старт.

Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 24 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1186718018732212224)

Boeing's Chris Ferguson: "on the cusp of a spectacular couple of months" on Starliner, reiterating previous test dates for pad abort and uncrewed orbital flight. Starliner rollover for Atlas 5 integration around Nov. 11. #IAC2019 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAC2019?src=hash)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 30 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1186717409283100673)

Boeing astronaut and Starliner program director Chris Ferguson: "We are really on the cusp of what is going to be a spectacular couple of months here." Pad abort set for Nov. 4 at White Sands, capsule mating to Atlas 5 around Nov. 11, OFT uncrewed launch set for Dec. 17.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.10.2019 07:25:52
https://tass.ru/kosmos/7032843 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/7032843)
Цитировать23 ОКТ, 01:02
Boeing рассчитывает осуществить пилотируемый полет к МКС в первой половине 2020 года
Перед полетом будут проведены испытания системы аварийного спасения корабля

ВАШИНГТОН, 23 октября. /ТАСС/. Корпорация Boeing рассчитывает провести первый испытательный пилотируемый полет к Международной космической станции (МКС) американского корабля Starliner (CST-100) производства компании в первой половине 2020 года. Об этом сообщил во вторник старший вице-президент подразделения космических и военных разработок Boeing Джим Чилтон, выступая на 70-м Международном астронавтическом конгрессе в Вашингтоне.

"Что касается графика пилотируемых полетов, то полет без экипажа и с экипажем - это то, как мы сертифицируем систему, чтобы она могла использоваться", - сказал он. "Я думаю, что это произойдет в первой половине следующего года", - подчеркнул Чилтон.

Он уточнил, что не называет конкретных дат, поскольку создателям корабля предстоит решить непростые технические задачи. "Это инженерная проблема, над решением которой мы усиленно работаем", - отметил вице-президент Boeing. "Мы проведем испытания системы аварийного спасения корабля и предварительные летные испытания, а затем примем решение", - добавил Чилтон.

В свою очередь астронавт Крис Фергюсон, который должен войти в состав экипажа корабля Starliner при полете на МКС, также уточнил детали графика. "Менее чем через две недели у нас запланировано испытание системы аварийного спасения корабля, это демонстрационный тест, показывающий, как космический корабль может быстро отделиться от ракеты на безопасную дистанцию", - сказал он.

"Вскоре после этого, где-то 17 декабря, мы собираемся провести запуск корабля без экипажа, - сообщил Фергюсон. - Он пристыкуется к МКС, останется там в течение примерно недели, а затем вернется обратно".

Ожидания NASA
В понедельник директор Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) Джеймс Брайденстайн, отвечая на пресс-конференции на вопрос корреспондента ТАСС, сообщил, что рассчитывает на возобновление пилотируемых полетов к МКС на космических кораблях американского производства в первой половине 2020 года, однако пока тоже не ставит конкретных сроков из-за необходимости проведения большого количества испытаний.
О пилотируемых полетах
Национальное управление США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства прекратило собственные пилотируемые полеты в 2011 году после завершения программы возвращаемых кораблей Space Shuttle. С тех пор астронавты доставляются на МКС российскими кораблями "Союз". В настоящее время несколько американских компаний разрабатывают для NASA новые космические корабли для пилотируемых полетов.

Корпорация Boeing занимается созданием перспективного космического корабля CST-100 Starliner. На орбиту Starliner выведет американская ракета-носитель Atlas V.

Конкурент Starliner - корабль Crew Dragon - модификация грузового Dragon, который уже перевозит грузы для МКС. Он создан компанией SpaceX предпринимателя Илона Маска и обладает схожими характеристиками. В космос корабль будет выводить ракета Falcon-9 производства SpaceX.

Начало пилотируемых полетов американских космических кораблей неоднократно откладывалось.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.10.2019 23:57:27
https://ria.ru/20191024/1560193603.html (https://ria.ru/20191024/1560193603.html)
ЦитироватьВ НАСА подтвердили планы тестового запуска корабля Starliner к МКС
22:25 24.10.2019

ВАШИНГТОН, 24 окт – РИА Новости. НАСА подтвердило планы осуществить первый тестовый полет пилотируемого космического корабля Starliner компании Boeing на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) 17 декабря.

Ранее в начале октября вице-президент компании Boeing Джон Малхолланд сообщил, что первый запуск Starliner без экипажа намечается на 17 декабря. Он рассказал, что полет корабля на МКС продлится неделю, после чего тот совершит посадку на полигоне Уайт-Сэндз (штат Нью-Мехико).

"Запуск корабля Starliner компании Boeing на принадлежащей компании United Launch Alliance ракете Atlas V запланирован на 17 декабря с космодрома на мысе Канаверал во Флориде", - сообщило американское космическое ведомство в четверг.

Первый тестовый полет новейшего корабля к МКС пройдет в беспилотном режиме.

В НАСА в связи с предстоящим стартом надеются, что испытательный полет "даст ценную информацию о работе ракеты Atlas V, корабля Starliner, наземных и орбитальных систем, стыковке (с МКС) и систем приземления". В агентстве отмечают, что полученные данные будут использованы для дальнейшей сертификации нового космического корабля.
Наряду с Boeing пилотируемый корабль по заказу НАСА строит компания SpaceX. Она провела первый испытательный беспилотный полет аппарата Crew Dragon в марте текущего года.

США потеряли возможность самостоятельно отправлять людей в космос в 2011 году после завершения программы Space Shuttle. НАСА заключило контракты с частными компаниями на создание пилотируемого корабля к 2019 году, но график возобновления полетов многократно пересматривался.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.10.2019 16:11:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 28 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1189160129817649153)

Bob Cabana says to Science Tech #NAC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NAC?src=hash) meeting that there's "still a ways to go with both #Boeing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Boeing?src=hash) and #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) for certification."  Parachute cert is key for both and SpX #Dragon (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Dragon?src=hash) abort engines. Roughly 6-8 months likely for crew flights, he says.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1189160605833465856)

In comments at the beginning of the NASA Advisory Council's technology committee meeting this morning, KSC director Bob Cabana says he expects Boeing and SpaceX to fly crewed test flights of their commercial crew vehicles within the next 6-8 months.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.10.2019 17:23:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 46 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1189536645520986112)

Kathy Lueders, on commercial crew: Boeing still planning pad abort test for Nov. 4 at White Sands.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.10.2019 03:01:23
ЦитироватьCommercial Crew Presentation at NASA NAC Meeting (10/30/2019)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220546.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA) NASASpaceflight (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA)

30 окт. 2019 г.

Kathy Lueders, the Program Manager for NASA's Commercial Crew Program, provides an update at the Oct. 30 NAC meeting on the status of Boeing's Starliner and SpaceX's Crew Dragon. The two spacecraft will carry astronauts to the Space Station.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuk2JhdF6qI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuk2JhdF6qI)https://www.youtube.com/embed/Zuk2JhdF6qI (https://www.youtube.com/embed/Zuk2JhdF6qI) (1:02:41)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.10.2019 19:04:15
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67582.jpg) Jim Bridenstine‏ @JimBridenstine (https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine) 21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine/status/1189930291164569605)

Thank you to @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace). At my request, Monday's @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) Starliner pad abort test will be broadcast live. Transparency for the taxpayer.

Ждём подробностей о трансляции...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.10.2019 20:07:17
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 42 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1189940282332078082)

В ответ @JimBridenstine (https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine) @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA)

We join you in your enthusiasm to share this #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) test with the world live. Targeting a T-0 of 7 a.m. MT with a three-hour test window on Monday, Nov. 4. Tune into @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) TV: http://www.nasa.gov/ntv   (https://t.co/kLpfOBwSVk)
14:00 UTC / 17:00 ДМВ 04.11.2019
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.11.2019 07:21:18
https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/31/boeing-spacex-readying-for-crew-capsule-abort-tests/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/31/boeing-spacex-readying-for-crew-capsule-abort-tests/)
ЦитироватьBoeing, SpaceX readying for crew capsule abort tests
October 31, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/10/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Boeing and SpaceX are readying for launch abort tests in the coming weeks to validate the crew escape systems for the new human-rated Starliner and Crew Dragon spaceships, now scheduled to begin ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station in the first half of next year.

The abort tests are scheduled to begin as soon as next week, when Boeing plans a pad abort test of a test version of its Starliner crew capsule Monday, Nov. 4, in New Mexico. SpaceX is gearing up for a ground test-firing of the Crew Dragon's abort engines at Cape Canaveral as soon as Wednesday, Nov. 6.

"It's a very complicated dance as we're getting ready to go fly," said Kathy Lueders, who manages the commercial crew program at NASA. "We're heading into a period of final, big integrated tests ... along with tons of certification work. We tend to not say it's just paper, because it's not just paper, it's all the key things that are showing that the design is qualified and we have the vehicles at the right risk level for us to be able to fly on them."

NASA tasked Boeing and SpaceX to develop new human-rated spaceships to end U.S. reliance on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station. Once they complete crewed test flights, the Starliner and Crew Dragon spacecraft will begin regular crew rotation missions to the orbiting research laboratory.

The space agency awarded commercial crew contracts to Boeing and SpaceX in 2014 valued at $4.2 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively.

After years of delays attributed to a lack of funding and technical problems, Boeing and SpaceX officials say their spaceships should be ready to carry astronauts into orbit next year. Bob Cabana, director of NASA's Kennedy Space Center, said this week he expects the capsules to be ready for crewed flights in six to eight months.

The three-hour window for Boeing's pad abort test opens at 7 a.m. MST (9 a.m. EST; 1400 GMT). A full-scale test model of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft — with a crew module and service module — will take off from a launch pad at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on fast-paced test of the capsule's emergency escape system.

NASA TV will broadcast the pad abort test live.

"I call this an ejection seat for a spacecraft," said Chris Ferguson, a Boeing test pilot, astronaut and director of Starliner crew and mission systems.

The pad abort test will demonstrate the Starliner can "rapidly separate itself and gain distance from the launch vehicle should something go wrong," Ferguson said Oct. 22 in a panel discussion at the International Astronautical Congress in Washington.

Ferguson will fly on the Starliner's first crewed mission, a test flight that is expected to launch next year.

During a crewed launch, emergency escape engines on the base of the Starliner's service module would propel the spacecraft off the top of its United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket in the event of a failure on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral. The pad abort test set for Monday morning will prove the Starliner's escape system is up to the challenge.

"We'll go from zero speed, zero altitude, and safely demonstrate about a 1-mile-high, about a 1-mile downrange capability to remove the vehicle and safely bring it down in what will be a desert environment for the White Sands test, but what would be just off the coast of Florida if we, in fact, did have a launch pad abort.

"A lot of everything that we've been working on for the last eight years or so (is) all wrapped up in about a 90-second test, so it'll be pretty exciting," Ferguson said.

No astronauts will fly on the capsule during the pad abort test.

Boeing's Starliner pad abort test will last 95 seconds from launch through touchdown of the crew module. Credit: Boeing

On a space mission, Boeing's Starliner will have 64 engines for use during launch aborts, in-orbit maneuvers and re-entry. All of the thrusters are built by Aerojet Rocketdyne.

The four biggest thrusters are the launch abort engines on the base of the Starliner's service module. In the event of an abort, each engine would immediately ignite and power up to produce some 40,000 pounds of thrust to push the spacecraft away from rocket failure on the ground or in fight.

The liquid-fueled abort engines, burning a noxious mixture of hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide, would only fire in flight in the event of a launch emergency.

Another set of 20 service module orbital maneuvering and attitude control engines, each generating 1,500 pounds of thrust, will be used to control the capsule's orientation during a launch abort, orbital insertion after separation from the Atlas 5 rocket's second stage, and other major trajectory changes in space.

There are 28 reaction control system thrusters on the Starliner service module for smaller orbital maneuvers, and for reboosts of the space station's orbit. Twelve reusable thrusters on the Starliner crew module, each with 100 pounds of thrust, will control the ship's attitude, or orientation, during re-entry.

The Starliner capsule slated for next week's pad abort test is mounted on top of the same type of adapter that will connect the real spacecraft to the top of ULA's Atlas 5 rocket. When the craft ignites its four launch abort engines, vent doors on the adapter will open to prevent an over-pressure event.

For the pad abort test, the four launch abort engines, or LAEs, will ignite for 5.1 seconds, producing a combined 160,000 pounds of thrust to propel the spacecraft off a test stand at White Sands. The smaller orbital maneuvering and attitude control, or OMAC, thrusters will fire for 10.1 seconds to initiate a roll maneuver and govern the capsule's orientation.

Then thrusters will pulse to flip the spacecraft around and fly tail first on an arc that will take the vehicle to a maximum altitude of approximately 4,426 feet (1,349 meters) above ground level around 18.6 seconds after takeoff.

The thrusters will stop firing 17 seconds after takeoff, and a series of pilot, drogue and main parachutes will begin deploying at T+plus 20 seconds, according to Boeing.

The craft will jettison its service module at T+plus 34 seconds to fall to the ground. The crew module will then release its base heat shield, then inflate airbags to cushion the capsule's landing at White Sands around 95 seconds after liftoff.

SpaceX completed the pad abort test for its Crew Dragon spacecraft in 2015, and plans an in-flight abort test later this year at the Kennedy Space Center to verity the capsule's ability to fire off a Falcon 9 rocket after liftoff. Boeing plans to bypass such an in-flight abort demonstration.

NASA gave both companies the option to decide whether or not to conduct an in-flight abort test.

Lueders called the Boeing pad abort "a huge test for us."

"Obviously, it's going to be important for us to understand how the separation works for the CM and SM (crew module and service module), checking out the chutes, making sure that the predictions are lined up right for us," Lueders said Wednesday during a presentation to the NASA Advisory Council's human exploration and operations committee.

Boeing is in the final stages of assembling and testing two space-ready Starliner vehicles inside a former space shuttle hangar at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The first of the capsules is scheduled to launch as soon as Dec. 17 aboard an Atlas 5 rocket from pad 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for a week-long unpiloted test flight to the space station. That mission, called the Orbital Test Flight, will not have an active abort system, but Lueders said NASA wants to see how the Starliner performs on the abort test before going ahead with the OFT mission.

"OFT does not have the abort system on it because it's an uncrewed mission, but obviously the way the system separates and everything else will reflect on our OFT progress, so it's critical for us to get this test going and that we understand it prior to us doing rollout of the spacecraft (for OFT)," Lueders said Wednesday.

The Starliner's Crew Flight Test to the space station will follow some time in the first half of 2020, with Ferguson joined by NASA astronauts Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.11.2019 16:58:04
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/01/boeing-starliner-spacecraft-to-demonstrate-critical-launch-pad-abort-capability/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/01/boeing-starliner-spacecraft-to-demonstrate-critical-launch-pad-abort-capability/)
ЦитироватьBoeing Starliner Spacecraft to Demonstrate Critical Launch Pad Abort Capability

Danielle Sempsrot (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/dsempsro/)
Posted Nov 1, 2019 at 9:03 am

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft and its service module sit atop the test stand at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico ahead of the company's Pad Abort Test. The test is scheduled for Nov. 4, 2019, and will demonstrate the spacecraft's ability to quickly escape the launch pad in the event of an emergency on launch day. Photo credit: Boeing

Boeing is preparing to put its CST-100 Starliner's launch abort system to the test on Monday, Nov. 4, at Launch Complex 32 on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The test, scheduled to begin at 7 a.m. MDT (9 a.m. EDT) with a three-hour window, will demonstrate the spacecraft's ability to quickly escape the launch pad in the event of an emergency on launch day. This will be Boeing's first flight test as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html) and will help evaluate the performance of the abort system prior to missions to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) with a crew onboard.

For the demonstration, Starliner and its service module will be resting on the test stand when a zero-zero abort is declared. This means the 16.5-foot vehicle is in the launch position at zero altitude and traveling zero miles an hour. The flight test begins with ignition of Starliner's four launch abort engines (LAE), pushing the spacecraft away from the stand with a combined 160,000 pounds of thrust. About five seconds later, the LAE shut off and the orbital maneuvering and attitude (OMAC) thrusters kick in to maneuver the spacecraft into the proper orientation for parachute deployment. The vehicle is expected to reach an altitude of about 4,500 feet above the ground, and push about 7,000 feet (about 1 mile) north of the test stand.

The ascent cover and forward heat shield protecting the spacecraft's parachutes will jettison roughly 19 seconds into flight in preparation for landing. Then, drogue parachutes will deploy, prior to the main parachutes, slowing the descent of the vehicle.

After the parachutes open, the service module will separate from the crew module, followed by the base heat shield. Finally, airbags will inflate, and Starliner will touch down in the New Mexico desert approximately one-and-a-half minutes after the test began. The spacecraft service module, which has a total of 52 engines including those designed to give small directional changes in orbit, is not planned or expected to survive the test.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZg5CCAyiTA (https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZg5CCAyiTA)

The zero-zero abort scenario is especially challenging because the spacecraft abort system must quickly get away from a potentially dangerous rocket, but also must gain enough altitude and distance for the parachutes to open and landing systems to be activated.

The abort test will provide Boeing and NASA with reams of data to help evaluate and verify the performance of the vehicle's abort systems – a critical capability for NASA's certification of Starliner to fly astronauts to station.

Although Boeing's abort test does not have to be completed prior to the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test to the space station, it is a major milestone ahead of the first flight of the new system with astronauts, called Crew Flight Test.

NASA and its commercial partners, Boeing and SpaceX, are working toward returning the capability to launch American astronauts to the space station and low-Earth orbit on American-built spacecraft from American soil.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.11.2019 22:45:18
Boeing CST-100 Starliner Pad Abort Test - Трансляция НАСА

https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/schedule.html (https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/schedule.html)
ЦитироватьNASA Television Upcoming Events

Watch NASA TV (https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#public)



November 4, Monday
8:50 a.m. – Coverage of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner Pad Abort Test from the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; window extends from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST (All Channels)
13:50 UTC / 16:50 ДМВ
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.11.2019 15:58:00
https://tass.ru/kosmos/7074050 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/7074050)
Цитировать2 НОЯ, 12:28
Boeing и NASA проведут испытания системы спасения экипажа корабля CST-100 Starliner
Во время испытаний будут запущены четыре двигателя системы спасения, а также двигатели системы ориентации

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 2 ноября. /ТАСС/. Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) и корпорация Boeing проведут 4 ноября в штате Нью-Мексико испытания системы спасения экипажа перспективного космического корабля CST-100 Starliner. Об этом сообщила в пятницу пресс-служба NASA.

В ходе испытания будет проведена комплексная проверка всех систем, призванных обеспечить спасение членов экипажа и отвод пилотируемого отсека в сторону от пусковой установки в случае возникновения нештатной ситуации при старте ракеты-носителя. Как пояснили в пресс-службе NASA, во время испытаний будут запущены четыре двигателя системы спасения, а также двигатели системы ориентации. Они обеспечат отвод капсулы от пускового комплекса на 1600 метров. При ее спуске будет задействована парашютная система.
NASA прекратило собственные пилотируемые полеты в 2011 году после завершения программы возвращаемых кораблей Space Shuttle. С тех пор астронавты доставляются на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) российскими кораблями "Союз". В настоящее время корпорация Boeing занимается созданием перспективного космического корабля CST-100 Starliner. На орбиту Starliner будет выводить американская ракета-носитель Atlas V.

Конкурент Starliner - корабль Crew Dragon, модификация грузового Dragon, который уже перевозит грузы для МКС. Он создан компанией Space X предпринимателя Илона Маска и обладает схожими характеристиками. В космос корабль будет выводить ракета Falcon-9 производства Space X.

Начало пилотируемых полетов американских космических кораблей неоднократно переносилось на более поздний срок. Задержка на данный момент составляет уже несколько лет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: кукушка от 03.11.2019 11:22:09
В понедельник, 4 ноября, NASA и Boeing проведут прямую трансляцию с испытания на прерывание стартовых процедур с кораблём Boeing CST-100 Starliner (Pad Abort Test) на стартовом комплексе LC-32 ракетного полигона White Sands в Нью-Мексико :f09f9a80:

Испытание назначено на 17:00 МСК (14:00 UTC / 9:00 EST) с тестовым окном в 3 часа. Начало прямой трансляция NASA запланировано на 16:50 по Москве.

Boeing Pad Abort Test является частью программы NASA CCP в рамках государственно-частного партнерства - для запуска астронавтов на американских ракетах и ​​космических кораблях с американской земли впервые с 2011 года.

Тест предназначен для проверки комплексного функционирования систем корабля, чтобы защитить астронавтов унося их от стартовой площадки в маловероятном случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации до старта.

Что нас ожидает ❓

В начале испытания стартуют четыре двигателя Starort, при поддержке маневровых двигателей, управляющих ориентацией, они поднимут корабль примерно на ~1,6 км над землей. Затем корабль совершит переворот и сработают вытяжные парашюты, после чего выйдут 3 основных парашюта и корабль приземлится ~ в 1,6 км к северу от испытательного стенда. Перед приземлением произойдёт отстрел щита теплозащиты и надуются специальные посадочные подушки безопасности для мягкого приземления.

После теста корабль будет возвращен на стартовый комплекс для оценки и анализа данных полученных в ходе испытания.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 03.11.2019 14:40:23
Цитироватькукушка написал:
Тест предназначен для проверки комплексного функционирования систем корабля, чтобы защитить астронавтов унося их от стартовой площадки в маловероятном случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации до старта.
А что - старт с летящей ракеты, который требуют от SpaceX, Боингу простили? Или проведут когда-нибудь потом?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 03.11.2019 21:29:45
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
Цитироватькукушка (//forum/user/47483/) написал:
Тест предназначен для проверки комплексного функционирования систем корабля, чтобы защитить астронавтов унося их от стартовой площадки в маловероятном случае возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации до старта.
А что - старт с летящей ракеты, который требуют от SpaceX, Боингу простили? Или проведут когда-нибудь потом?

Боинг с самого начала не включал такой тест в свое предложение. Будут обходиться компьютерным моделированием. 

P.S. Да и прикиньте, сколько для них такой тест стоил бы, с отдельной первой ступенью Атласа, еще одним РД-180, подкалиберным адаптером, аэродинамической юбкой, и т.д.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 03.11.2019 13:32:02
ЦитироватьSam Grey написал:
P.S. Да и прикиньте, сколько для них такой тест стоил бы, с отдельной первой ступенью Атласа, еще одним РД-180, подкалиберным адаптером, аэродинамической юбкой, и т.д.

А что-то вроде "Литтл Джо" - слабо?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 03.11.2019 16:36:23
ЦитироватьSam Grey написал:
P.S. Да и прикиньте, сколько для них такой тест стоил бы, с отдельной первой ступенью Атласа, еще одним РД-180, подкалиберным адаптером, аэродинамической юбкой, и т.д.
А это уже их проблемы... Просто нелогичненько как-то... От Маска требуется такой тест, а Боингу на слово верят...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 03.11.2019 17:01:33
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьSam Grey (//forum/user/41030/) написал:
P.S. Да и прикиньте, сколько для них такой тест стоил бы, с отдельной первой ступенью Атласа, еще одним РД-180, подкалиберным адаптером, аэродинамической юбкой, и т.д.
А это уже их проблемы... Просто нелогичненько как-то... От Маска требуется такой тест, а Боингу на слово верят...
емнип от Маска этого никто не требовал и не требует. Они сами это испытание в программу включили.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.11.2019 23:20:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 1 ч.  назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1191064779667853312)

We're at @WSMissileRange (https://twitter.com/WSMissileRange) in New Mexico getting ready for our Pad Abort Test.  Meanwhile, back at the NASA Kennedy Rocket Ranch, the Orbital Flight Test #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) is getting ready for propellant loading ahead of rollout to the #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) launch site.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 07:40:12
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1191185849012178945)

Here's a sneak peek of Monday's Pad Abort Test.  #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)'s four abort engines and several thrusters will fire, pushing the spacecraft approximately 4,500 feet/1.4 km above land and approximately 7,000 feet/2.1 km north of the test stand at Launch Complex 32 on @WSMissileRange (https://twitter.com/WSMissileRange).

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/1191185849012178945)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 07:41:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 40 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1191203370213597186)

Roughly 26 seconds into flight, the three main parachutes on #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) will deploy. This allows the crew module to descend slowly and safely to the ground before touching down about 69 seconds later.

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/1191203370213597186)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 08:14:38
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1191219997105782784)

#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) will be the first American-made orbital crew capsule to land on land. Watch our landing airbags in action during the pad abort test. They'll inflate about half a minute before touchdown, just after the spacecraft's base heat shield falls away.

Video (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/1191219997105782784)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: кукушка от 04.11.2019 10:47:51
трансляция от Альфачей

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLYg6ZBUYsM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLYg6ZBUYsM)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: тавот от 04.11.2019 15:46:48
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
емнип от Маска этого никто не требовал и не требует. Они сами это испытание в программу включили.
Так и есть. Хотели сделать это подешевше, использовав бэушный первый пилотируемый Драгон, а так же трижды бэушный Фалкон. Только вот Драгон нечаянно взорвался во время тестов двигателей, что значительно сдвинуло программу вправо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:47:16
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/04/boeing-pad-abort-test-to-air-live-on-nasa-tv/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/04/boeing-pad-abort-test-to-air-live-on-nasa-tv/)
ЦитироватьBoeing Pad Abort Test to air live on NASA TV

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 4, 2019 at 8:01 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130694.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/11/DSC_0868-004.jpg)

Tune in to NASA TV and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/live) at 8:50 a.m. EST today to follow live coverage of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Pad Abort Test from Launch Complex 32 at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The test is scheduled for 9 a.m. EST with a three-hour test window. Coverage will be adjusted as necessary within the window.

The Pad Abort Test is Boeing's first test flight for NASA's Commercial Crew Program,  (https://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew)a public-private partnership with the American aerospace industry to launch astronauts to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) on American rockets and spacecraft from American soil for the first time since 2011.

The test is designed to verify that each of Starliner's systems will function not only separately, but in concert, to protect astronauts by carrying them safely away from the launch pad in the unlikely event of an emergency prior to liftoff.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:48:01
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 04.11.2019 16:52:04
Пошла трансляция https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NLQ4bO-f58
Холодновато для Нью-Мексико
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:53:19
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:53:34
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:53:49
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:57:02
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 25 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1191346923233579011)

If you look closely at the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) Pad Abort spacecraft, you see the signatures of the employees who have dedicated thousands of hours to making it reality. Well wishes, famous quotes, hopes, dreams, even family members' names - they've all given so much to make it happen.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 16:58:05
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1191352502840627203)

All polls complete.  GO FOR TEST.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 04.11.2019 17:09:50
В 17:15 новое время
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:10:25
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 44 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1191356652282433536)

New abort time: 09:15 EST (14:15 UTC).  It was a propellant pressurization issue that they are now comfortable with (but didn't sound like they fixed).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: тавот от 04.11.2019 17:10:26
15 минут задержка теста.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:11:23
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 04.11.2019 16:15:39
Цитироватьтавот написал:
15 минут задержка тест
Это уже не зачет. Ракета взовалась, в вы подожите, у нас еще не готово! )))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:15:44

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 04.11.2019 17:17:53
А парашютов точно должно быть два, а не три?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 04.11.2019 16:18:52
Вот этот рыжий дым от сброшенной ДУ, это гептильчик?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Евгений К от 04.11.2019 17:19:01
рыжий дым - гептил горит что ли?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 04.11.2019 17:19:06
Ага, один парашют не раскрылся
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OlegIn от 04.11.2019 17:19:10
Какой-то явно ядовитый дым. Хрен подберешься к аппарату без противогазов как минимум
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: snek от 04.11.2019 13:19:14
В анимации парашютов было три, а тут только два увидел. Оранжевое облачко рядом с кораблем тоже радует 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 04.11.2019 18:20:12
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
А парашютов точно должно быть два, а не три?
на демонстрации было вроде три.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: h4lf от 04.11.2019 17:20:17
Где же Not? Что он скажет про оранжевое облако?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 04.11.2019 17:20:27
Оринжевое облака - это от упавшего недалеко агрегатного отсека
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Сергио от 04.11.2019 17:21:26
косяк с парашютами. но тёлка сказал нужно ту гоод чутс, зачёт вобщем.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Евгений Кравченко от 04.11.2019 10:22:39
В трансляции что-то активно про redundancy importance говорили. Похоже, капсула действительно на двух парашютах вместо трех опускалась.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:24:41
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: h4lf от 04.11.2019 17:25:12
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Оринжевое облака - это от упавшего недалеко агрегатного отсека
Да понятно, что не от самого корабля, но всё же.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:25:13
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:25:43
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:26:10
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Евгений К от 04.11.2019 17:28:25
вот! астронавты уже вылезли! с виду не мятые даже!
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:30:11
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:32:49
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:34:42
Трансляция НАСА завершена

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:36:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 11 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1191360503702081541)


All 8 objectives appear to have been demonstrated with one visual issue (1 chute not deploying).


Congratulations to @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 04.11.2019 16:40:30
Вообщем Боинг облажался. Никуда он не полетит в декабре. Имхо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 17:41:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1191363397759225856)

This is also a GREAT accidental test of a 1 chute out SAFE and SUCCESSFUL landing.

Easy to fixate on what didn't happen, but more important to understand that this was a SUCCESSFUL test of the objectives and in some unanticipated ways.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 18:03:14
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/04/pad-abort-test-complete/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/04/pad-abort-test-complete/)
ЦитироватьPad Abort Test Complete

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/aheiney/)
Posted Nov 4, 2019 at 9:21 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130699.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130699.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner's four launch abort engines and several orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters ignite in the company's Pad Abort Test, pushing the spacecraft away from the test stand with a combined 160,000 pounds of thrust, from Launch Complex 32 on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Image credit: NASA TV

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Pad Abort Test is complete. The test began at 9:15 a.m. EST (7:15 a.m. MST) with ignition of the vehicle's launch abort engines and orbital maneuvering and attitude control system, concluding a short time later with touchdown on a cushion of airbags.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130700.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/11/PAT_1.jpg)
Parachutes deploy in in Boeing's Pad Abort Test of its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, slowing the descent of the vehicle. Image credit: NASA TV

The test was designed to verify that each of Starliner's systems will function not only separately, but in concert, to protect astronauts by carrying them safely away from the launch pad in the unlikely event of an emergency prior to liftoff. During the test, Starliner's four launch abort engines and several orbital maneuvering and altitude control thrusters fired to push the spacecraft approximately 1 mile above land and 1 mile north of the test stand.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130697.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/11/PAT_10.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner lands in the New Mexico desert in the company's Pad Abort Test for NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Image credit: NASA TV

Boeing's next mission, called Orbital Flight Test, will launch an uncrewed Starliner spacecraft to the station on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex 41. Launch is targeted for Dec. 17.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 04.11.2019 18:07:33
Не даром SpaceX проводит столько тестов парашютов!
Для беспилотного полета проблема с одним из куполов не препятствие.
У Боинга я так понимаю тоже будет тест с уводом капсулы на Q-max перед пилотируемым полетом?
Вот тогда все проблемы должны быть решены и всё должно пройти на отлично.
Но вонючку лучше дожигать совсем после отделения ПАО, а не травить сусликов и других двуногих...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 18:11:07
ЦитироватьBoeing Starliner Pad Abort Test

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220612.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/SciNewsRo) SciNews (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjU6ZwoTQtKWfz1urL7XcbA)

4 нояб. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acOFK3Bsj58 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acOFK3Bsj58)https://www.youtube.com/embed/acOFK3Bsj58 (https://www.youtube.com/embed/acOFK3Bsj58) (4:06)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 18:14:38
Запись трансляции теста (НАСА)
ЦитироватьPad Abort Test of Boeing's Starliner Spacecraft

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220575.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision)NASA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ)

Трансляция началась 81 минута назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NLQ4bO-f58 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NLQ4bO-f58)https://www.youtube.com/embed/1NLQ4bO-f58 (https://www.youtube.com/embed/1NLQ4bO-f58) (42:59)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 04.11.2019 21:17:48
ЦитироватьAstro Cat написал:
Вообщем Боинг облажался. Никуда он не полетит в декабре. Имхо.

Постом выше было сообщение, что тест успешен.

Полет в декабре беспилотный, поэтому не вижу причин его отменять.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 04.11.2019 18:26:22
ЦитироватьAstro Cat написал:
Вообщем Боинг облажался. Никуда он не полетит в декабре. Имхо.
Вы забываете, что первоначально этот тест вообще планировалось провести после беспилотного полёта. Они почти никак не связаны.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 18:26:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space  @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1191374381609451521)

Although designed with three parachutes, two chutes opening successfully is acceptable for the test parameters and crew safety.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 04.11.2019 21:27:34
ЦитироватьИскандер написал:
Не даром SpaceX проводит столько тестов парашютов!
Для беспилотного полета проблема с одним из куполов не препятствие.
У Боинга я так понимаю тоже будет тест с уводом капсулы на Q-max перед пилотируемым полетом?
Вот тогда все проблемы должны быть решены и всё должно пройти на отлично.
Но вонючку лучше дожигать совсем после отделения ПАО, а не травить сусликов и других двуногих...
Столько тестов парашютов - это требование НАСА, а не хотелки Спэйсов, после того как они поменяли материал и улучшили дизайн своих парашютов. 
http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic14210/message1901687/#message1901687 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic14210/message1901687/#message1901687)

Такие же требования по парашютам и для Боинга.

Боинг по-моему не будет делать Аборт-Тест в полёте вообще?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 04.11.2019 17:29:33
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal написал:
Полет в декабре беспилотный, поэтому не вижу причин его отменять.
На таком хилом напоре оторвался парашют. При нормальной посадке оторвутся все три. Ну не повод же! )))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 18:31:22
https://ria.ru/20191104/1560564379.html (https://ria.ru/20191104/1560564379.html)
ЦитироватьBoeing испытал систему эвакуации новейшего корабля Starliner
18:02 04.11.2019 (обновлено: 18:03 04.11.2019)

ВАШИНГТОН, 4 ноя – РИА Новости. Компания Boeing провела испытание системы эвакуации новейшего космического корабля Starliner, НАСА ведет прямую трансляцию.

Корабль без экипажа стартовал с тестовой площадки на базе Уайт Сэндс в штате Нью-Мексико в 9.15 по времени Восточного побережья США (16.15 мск).

Испытание продолжалось менее двух минут. В ходе теста Starliner поднялся на высоту около 1,3 километров, после чего сработали парашюты, отделилась капсула, где в будущем будет находиться экипаж. Она совершила плавное приземление на воздушной подушке.

"Он плавно приземлился. Это был очень удачный тест", - сообщила комментатор трансляции НАСА. Она добавила также, что еще предстоит провести анализ всех параметров прошедшего теста.

Целью испытания является проверка всех систем корабля, которые в случае неудачного старта позволят ему отделиться от ракеты-носителя, отойти на безопасное расстояние и совершить безопасную посадку на Землю.

Первый полет Starliner на МКС в беспилотном режиме запланирован на 17 декабря.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 04.11.2019 18:31:32
На одном из кадров трансляции чётко видно три стропы основных парашютов. То есть, третий парашют вышел. На NSF пишут, что его оторвало.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Телевизор-60 от 04.11.2019 18:32:18
Три вытяжных

Выходят три основных?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 04.11.2019 19:44:55
ЦитироватьИскандер написал:
Не даром SpaceX проводит столько тестов парашютов!
Для беспилотного полета проблема с одним из куполов не препятствие.
У Боинга я так понимаю тоже будет тест с уводом капсулы на Q-max перед пилотируемым полетом?
Вот тогда все проблемы должны быть решены и всё должно пройти на отлично.
Но вонючку лучше дожигать совсем после отделения ПАО, а не травить сусликов и других двуногих...
Не планируется у Боинг испытания сас в полете.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 04.11.2019 18:51:22
ЦитироватьAstro Cat написал:
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal (//forum/user/17513/) написал:
Полет в декабре беспилотный, поэтому не вижу причин его отменять.
На таком хилом напоре оторвался парашют. При нормальной посадке оторвутся все три. Ну не повод же! )))
При нормальной посадке вытяжные парашюты, наверно, ещё и тормозят капсулу до безопасной скорости.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 04.11.2019 18:56:14
Кроме того, после выключения двигателей было видно большое облако горючего или окислителя вокруг корабля. А ведь у старлайнера уже были проблемы с закрытием клапанов, которые боинг несколько месяцев пытался решить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 19:07:31
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/boeing-s-starliner-completes-pad-abort-test-for-commercial-crew (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/boeing-s-starliner-completes-pad-abort-test-for-commercial-crew)
ЦитироватьNov. 4, 2019
RELEASE 19-088

Boeing's Starliner Completes Pad Abort Test for Commercial Crew

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207585.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/49013402052_f3852e9b3d_o.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner's four launch abort engines and several orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters ignite in the company's Pad Abort Test, pushing the spacecraft away from the test stand with a combined 160,000 pounds of thrust, from Launch Complex 32 on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
Credits: NASA

Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft completed a critical safety milestone on Monday in an end-to-end test of its abort system. The Pad Abort Test took place at Launch Complex 32 at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

The test was designed to verify each of Starliner's systems will function not only separately, but in concert, to protect astronauts by carrying them safely away from the launch pad in the unlikely event of an emergency prior to liftoff. This was Boeing's first flight test with Starliner as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program  to return human spaceflight launches to the International Space Station from American soil.

"Tests like this one are crucial to help us make sure the systems are as safe as possible," said Kathy Lueders, NASA's Commercial Crew Program manager. "We are thrilled with the preliminary results, and now we have the job of really digging into the data and analyzing whether everything worked as we expected."

During the test, Starliner's four launch abort engines, and several orbital maneuvering and attitude control thrusters simultaneously ignited to rapidly push the spacecraft away from the test stand. Five seconds into flight, the abort engines shut off as planned, transferring steering to the control thrusters for the next five seconds.

A pitcharound maneuver rotated the spacecraft into position for landing as it neared its peak altitude of approximately 4,500 feet. Two of three Starliner's main parachutes deployed just under half a minute into the test, and the service module separated from the crew module a few seconds later. Although designed with three parachutes, two opening successfully is acceptable for the test perimeters and crew safety. After one minute, the heat shield was released and airbags inflated, and the Starliner eased to the ground beneath its parachutes.

The demonstration took only about 95 seconds from the moment the simulated abort was initiated until the Starliner crew module touched down on the desert ground.

"Emergency scenario testing is very complex, and today our team validated that the spacecraft will keep our crew safe in the unlikely event of an abort," said John Mulholland, Vice President and Program Manager, Boeing's Commercial Crew Program. "Our teams across the program have made remarkable progress to get us to this point, and we are fully focused on the next challenge—Starliner's uncrewed flight to demonstrate Boeing's capability to safely fly crew to and from the space station."

Boeing's next mission, called Orbital Flight Test, will launch an uncrewed Starliner spacecraft to the station on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Space Launch Complex 41. Launch is targeted for Dec. 17.


Last Updated: Nov. 4, 2019
Editor: Katherine Brown
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 04.11.2019 19:23:29
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
 https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/boeing-s-starliner-completes-pad-abort-test-for-commercial-crew (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/boeing-s-starliner-completes-pad-abort-test-for-commercial-crew)  
ЦитироватьNov. 4, 2019
 RELEASE 19-088

     ...the test perimeters

 Last Updated: Nov. 4, 2019
Editor: Katherine Brown
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 19:35:07
https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-Starliner-successfully-completes-pad-abort-test (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-Starliner-successfully-completes-pad-abort-test)
ЦитироватьBoeing Starliner successfully completes pad abort test
Crew escape system test is critical milestone ahead of first crewed launch

WHITE SANDS, N.M., Nov. 4, 2019 – Boeing [NYSE] today cleared a crucial test on the way to returning the United States to human spaceflight launch capabilities by completing a successful pad abort test of the CST-100 Starliner.

During the two-minute test designed to simulate a launch pad emergency, an uncrewed Starliner spacecraft lifted off under its own power fr om a test stand at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The vehicle was able to demonstrate the proper performance of numerous integrated systems that would be needed to successfully propel the capsule away from its Atlas V launch vehicle at any point during the ascent.

"The test team and spacecraft performed flawlessly," said Starliner Program Manager John Mulholland. "Emergency scenario testing is very complex, and today our team validated that the spacecraft will keep our crew safe in the unlikely event of an abort."

At T-0 in the countdown, Starliner fired its four launch abort engines (LAEs) and several orbital maneuvering and attitude control (OMAC) thrusters. With 190,000 pounds of thrust, the spacecraft quickly pushed up and away from the test stand, showcasing how fast the system can whisk crews away from danger if necessary. The vehicle flew nearly a mile in just under 20 seconds before deploying its forward heat shield and parachutes.

Nearly 34 seconds into the test, the service and crew modules separated. As the crew module descended slowly to a safe landing under the parachutes, the service module continued to free fall as planned.

Just over a minute into the test, the vehicle's base heat shield separated, allowing the Starliner spacecraft's air bags to deploy and inflate in preparation for landing. The crew module touched down 95 seconds after the abort engines fired.

"We've tested all these systems individually, so we know the propulsion system fires at the intended levels, and we know the parachutes can support the vehicle and safely slow it down, but the real test is making sure those systems can perform together. That's when you know these systems are ready to fly people," said Boeing's Pad Abort Test Flight Director Alicia Evans.

Over the next 24 hours, Starliner's crew module will be recovered for evaluation and analysis. Conducting this test over ground helps to preserve the crew module for reuse, and Boeing will use the data from this test to further validate system performance during nominal landing operations. Starliner is designed to be the first American-made orbital crew capsule to land on land, which will help make the crew modules reusable up to 10 times.

Boeing is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation services to low Earth orbit destinations including the International Space Station, wh ere ongoing research improves life on Earth, supports a growing commercial industry, and enables long-duration missions back to the moon and on to Mars.

Starliner's pad abort test is a critical milestone ahead of flying Boeing and NASA astronauts to the orbiting laboratory on Starliner's Crew Flight Test, and for flying operational missions to the station for NASA in the near future.

# # #
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 19:56:53
Вот так надо подавать информацию!

https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-statement-regarding-CST-100-Starliner-pad-abort-test (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-statement-regarding-CST-100-Starliner-pad-abort-test)
ЦитироватьBoeing statement regarding CST-100 Starliner pad abort test

WHITE SANDS, N.M., Nov. 4, 2019 – Boeing issued the following statement regarding the successful CST-100 Starliner pad abort test.

Today's pad abort test was a milestone achievement for our CST-100 Starliner team, for NASA, and for American human spaceflight. We will review the data to determine how all of the systems performed, including the parachute deployment sequence. We did have a deployment anomaly, not a parachute failure. It's too early to determine why all three main parachutes did not deploy, however, having two of three deploy successfully is acceptable for the test parameters and crew safety. At this time we don't expect any impact to our scheduled Dec. 17 Orbital Flight Test. Going forward we will do everything needed to ensure safe orbital flights with crew.

# # #
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 20:03:34
https://tass.ru/kosmos/7078005 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/7078005)
Цитировать4 НОЯ, 19:48
Один из парашютов нового космического корабля США Starliner не раскрылся на испытаниях
Испытания прошли на полигоне Уайт-Сэндз

ВАШИНГТОН, 4 ноября. /ТАСС/. Один из трех парашютов системы спасения экипажа нового космического корабля Starliner не раскрылся в ходе состоявшихся в понедельник испытаний. Об этом сообщила пресс-служба Национального управления США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA).

"Два их трех основных парашютов [корабля] Starliner раскрылись менее чем на 30-й секунде испытания, а сервисный модуль отделился от модуля, содержащего кабину экипажа, через несколько секунд после этого", - говорится в пресс-релизе космического ведомства. "Хотя [система спасения] спроектирована с тремя парашютами, успешное раскрытие двух [из них] является приемлемым с точки зрения параметров испытания и обеспечения безопасности экипажа", - добавляет NASA.

Нынешние испытания прошли на полигоне Сухопутных войск США Уайт-Сэндз (штат Нью-Мексико). В ходе теста была проведена комплексная проверка всех систем, призванных обеспечить спасение членов экипажа и отвода пилотируемого отсека в сторону в случае возникновения нештатной ситуации при старте ракеты-носителя. Во время испытаний были запущены четыре двигателя системы спасения и двигатели системы ориентации. Они обеспечили отвод капсулы от пускового комплекса на высоту примерно 1,4 тыс. м. При спуске капсулы включилась парашютная система.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2019 20:51:19
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1191410398756388864)

In an interview after today's Starliner pad abort test, Boeing test pilot and astronaut Chris Ferguson reiterates to me the company's statement anticipating no impact from today's parachute anomaly on the Dec. 17 launch date for spacecraft's first unpiloted space mission.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: К.А. от 04.11.2019 19:56:57
У слетавшего корабля есть номер? 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 04.11.2019 17:18:03
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
Вот так надо подавать информацию!

 https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-statement-regarding-CST-100-Starliner-pad-abort-test (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-statement-regarding-CST-100-Starliner-pad-abort-test)
ЦитироватьWe did have   a deployment anomaly  ,   not a parachute failure  .

Обезьянничают за Маском.
Ему нужно в суд подать на Боинг  за нарушение авторских прав при использовании слова "аномалия" в таком контексте.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 04.11.2019 17:32:25
ЦитироватьAstro Cat написал:
Вот этот рыжий дым от сброшенной ДУ, это гептильчик?
Нет, это окислитель - Амил. Тетраоксид диазота. N2O4.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 05.11.2019 07:46:42
Цитироватьazvoz написал:
Цитироватьtnt22 (//forum/user/18282/) написал:
Вот так надо подавать информацию!

  https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-statement-regarding-CST-100-Starliner-pad-abort-test (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-04-Boeing-statement-regarding-CST-100-Starliner-pad-abort-test)  
ЦитироватьWe did have   a deployment anomaly  ,   not a parachute failure  .
Обезьянничают за Маском.
Ему нужно в суд подать на Боинг  за нарушение авторских прав при использовании слова "аномалия" в таком контексте.

Ну да, конечно! Не вышедший (или не раскрывшийся) один из трех парашютов - это действительно аномалия. А вот называть аномалией разлетевшийся в пыль КК - это уже к Маску, черту косноязычному :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: кукушка от 04.11.2019 21:56:48
Официальные заявления NASA и Boeing по поводу Starliner Pad Abort Test (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196482.png)

Корабль Boeing CST-100 Starliner завершил критически важный этап подготовки к своему первому полёту на МКС.

Тест был разработан для проверки того, что каждая из систем Starliner будет функционировать не только по отдельности, но и совместно, чтобы защитить астронавтов, безопасно отведя их от стартовой площадки в маловероятном случае чрезвычайной ситуации до старта.

"Подобные тесты имеют решающее значение, чтобы помочь нам убедиться, что используемые системы максимально безопасны. Мы в восторге от предварительных результатов, теперь наша задача проанализировать данные, всё ли работает так, как мы ожидали", - сказала Кэти Людерс, руководитель программы Commercial Crew Program.

...Два из трёх основных парашютов Starliner были развернуты чуть менее чем за полминуты, а сервисный модуль отделился от корабля несколько секунд спустя. Несмотря на то, что система корабля спроектирована для развёртывания трёх парашютов, наличие двух из них допустимо для использования и безопасной посадки корабля.

"Тестирование является очень сложным, и сегодня наша команда подтвердила, что космический корабль будет обеспечивать безопасность нашего экипажа в маловероятном случае аварии до старта", - сказал Джон Малхолланд, вице-президент и руководитель программы Boeing Commercial Crew Program.

"Наши команды в рамках программы достигли значительных успехов, чтобы приблизить нас к тому уровню готовности, где мы сейчас находимся, и мы полностью сосредоточены на следующем вызове - беспилотном полёте корабля Starliner", - сказал он.

"Испытательная команда и тестовый корабль сработали безупречно. Испытание заняло всего около 95 секунд.", - сказал руководитель программы Starliner Джон Малхолланд.

"Мы протестировали все системы по отдельности, поэтому мы знаем, что двигательная установка срабатывает на заданных параметрах, и мы знаем, что парашюты могут спускать корабль и безопасно замедлять его, как и необходимо. Сегодняшний тест - это совместная работа всех этих систем. Именно после этого теста, мы сможем понять, что все системы готовы к полётам экипажей на борту наших кораблей", - сказала Алиса Эванс, директор Boeing Pad Abort Test.

"У нас действительно была аномалия развёртывания парашюта, а не сбой самого парашюта. Слишком рано делать выводы, почему не развернулись все три основных парашюта, однако наличие двух из трёх парашютов приемлемо для безопасности экипажа в будущих полётах. Тест был успешный, нет никаких задержек для полета Boeing Starliner 17 декабря".

Следующая миссия Boeing - Orbital Flight Test, ракета ULA Atlas V со стартового комплекса 41 базы ВВС на мысе Канаверал запустить корабль в первый испытательный полёт на МКС. Запуск запланирован на 17 декабря".
https://vk.com/spacex (https://vk.com/spacex)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/194128.jpg)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 04.11.2019 20:19:21
Мда, картина маслом: спускательная капсула на земле, я рядом большое-большое оранжево-красное облако...

Будут ветер учитывать, что бы одно другое не накрыло?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 04.11.2019 20:24:50
Бюджет весь потрачен, на нормальные камеры денег уже не осталось.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 05.11.2019 02:52:12
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal написал:
ЦитироватьИскандер (//forum/user/17369/) написал:
Не даром SpaceX проводит столько тестов парашютов!
Для беспилотного полета проблема с одним из куполов не препятствие.
У Боинга я так понимаю тоже будет тест с уводом капсулы на Q-max перед пилотируемым полетом?
Вот тогда все проблемы должны быть решены и всё должно пройти на отлично.
Но вонючку лучше дожигать совсем после отделения ПАО, а не травить сусликов и других двуногих...
Столько тестов парашютов - это требование НАСА, а не хотелки Спэйсов, после того как они поменяли материал и улучшили дизайн своих парашютов.
 http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic14210/message1901687/#message1901687 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic14210/message1901687/#message1901687)

Такие же требования по парашютам и для Боинга.

Боинг по-моему не будет делать Аборт-Тест в полёте вообще?
Вы же сами говорите что иксы работали над дизайном и материалом, т.е. в обычной своей манере 'вылизывали' изделие до совершенства. Требованием NASA был четвёртый купол, не более, а количество тестов я очень сомневаюсь что оговорено, только финальные - стартовый и Q-max.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zighem от 05.11.2019 05:51:25
Отсутствие теста аборта в полете, использование модификации РН с двухдвигательным центавром, которая вообще никогда не летала. Оторвавшийся парашют на тестах и живительное красное облачко окутавшее капсулу. 
Это конечно не так феерично как уничтожающая корабль САС, но все же, непонятно как НАСА закрывает на эти аспекты безопасности глаза 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 05.11.2019 06:56:26
Цитироватьzighem написал:
но все же, непонятно как НАСА закрывает на эти аспекты безопасности глаза  
Ну, Боинг же не Маск, для него другие требования к безопасности... И цена кстати чуть не вдвое выше чем для Маска...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: кукушка от 05.11.2019 08:21:57
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 05.11.2019 04:45:11
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest от 05.11.2019 09:18:07
Цитироватьmind22 написал:
Мда, картина маслом: спускательная капсула на земле, я рядом большое-большое оранжево-красное облако...

Будут ветер учитывать, что бы одно другое не накрыло?
В штатном полете посадка осуществляется без служебного модуля. В случае срабатывания САС - могут посидеть внутри и подождать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest от 05.11.2019 09:18:43
Цитироватькукушка написал:
 https://twitter.com/FEDOR37516789/status/1191475102375972865 (https://twitter.com/FEDOR37516789/status/1191475102375972865)
Что-то это уже совсем клиника.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 10:19:47
ЦитироватьК.А. написал:
У слетавшего корабля есть номер?  
Раньше писали, что для испытания САС должен использоваться №1.
№2 использовали для наземных испытаний, а №3 готовили для полета без экипажа.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 10:42:06
Цитироватьtestest написал:
     Что-то это уже совсем клиника.
Вполне в стиле обычных заявлений ДОРа (батут, проверка летали ли американцы на Луну, дырка в БО Союза и т.д.). Это не клиника - это реальность вокруг такая. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest от 05.11.2019 09:58:56
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
Цитироватьtestest (//forum/user/17082/) написал:
     Что-то это уже совсем клиника.
Вполне в стиле обычных заявлений ДОРа (батут, проверка летали ли американцы на Луну, дырка в БО Союза и т.д.). Это не клиника - это реальность вокруг такая.  
Тогда переведите меня, пожалуйста, в другую палату.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 05.11.2019 11:04:38
Цитироватьtestest написал:
Тогда переведите меня, пожалуйста, в другую палату.
Ну тогда одно из двух - либо за границу либо в параллельную вселенную... 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 05.11.2019 09:17:29
Цитироватьzighem написал:
Отсутствие теста аборта в полете, использование модификации РН с двухдвигательным центавром, которая вообще никогда не летала. Оторвавшийся парашют на тестах и живительное красное облачко окутавшее капсулу.
Это конечно не так феерично как уничтожающая корабль САС, но все же, непонятно как НАСА закрывает на эти аспекты безопасности глаза  

Двухдвигательный Центавр летал много и успешно, и собственно двухдвигательным он и родился ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Leonar от 05.11.2019 10:28:00
Цитироватьtestest написал:
Что-то это уже совсем клиника.
Ой, да ладна. "Инфовойна" она такая...
Про ржавые союзы и блистающие корабли можно, а в обратку ни ни?
Хотя уровень троллинга у ДОРа слабоват конечно...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest от 05.11.2019 10:36:55
ЦитироватьLeonar написал:
Цитироватьtestest (//forum/user/17082/) написал:
Что-то это уже совсем клиника.
Ой, да ладна. "Инфовойна" она такая...
Про ржавые союзы и блистающие корабли можно, а в обратку ни ни?
Хотя уровень троллинга у ДОРа слабоват конечно...
Что, где там с аккаунтов НАСА в соцсетях и представителями НАСА говорилось про ржавые Союзы? Ссылку можете дать?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 11:41:05
Цитироватьtestest написал:
     Тогда переведите меня, пожалуйста, в другую палату.
Нельзя, у нас всюду палата №6.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 11:43:50
ЦитироватьLeonar написал:
     Про ржавые союзы и блистающие корабли можно, а в обратку ни ни? Хотя уровень троллинга у ДОРа слабоват конечно...
Не слышал про ржавые Союзы. Вот про важность САС со ссылкой на её срабатывание на Союзе в октябре прошлого года комментатор НАСА вчера говорил, вполне себе уважительно. И в заявлениях астронавтов и представителей НАСА я только про надежность Союза читал. Дескать, пусть и старая, но надежная машина.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Leonar от 05.11.2019 10:43:53
Цитироватьtestest написал:
Что, где там с аккаунтов НАСА в соцсетях и представителями НАСА
формально "федор" не официальный представитель роскосмоса.
и я говорю, что уровень троллинга слабоват...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest от 05.11.2019 10:47:47
ЦитироватьLeonar написал:
Цитироватьtestest (//forum/user/17082/) написал:
Что, где там с аккаунтов НАСА в соцсетях и представителями НАСА
формально "федор" не официальный представитель роскосмоса.
и я говорю, что уровень троллинга слабоват...
Аккаунты, которые ведутся SMM-щиками НАСА от имени космических аппаратов, точно так же представляют НАСА, как и аккаунты руководителей агентства. То же самое относится к Роскосмосу.
Цитироватьчто уровень троллинга слабоват...
Какой к черту троллинг? Роскосмос - это детский сад или космическое агентство, работающее в партнерстве с НАСА и остальными?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 05.11.2019 13:53:09
ЦитироватьИскандер написал:
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal (//forum/user/17513/) написал:
ЦитироватьИскандер (//forum/user/17369/)  написал:
Не даром SpaceX проводит столько тестов парашютов!
Для беспилотного полета проблема с одним из куполов не препятствие.
У Боинга я так понимаю тоже будет тест с уводом капсулы на Q-max перед пилотируемым полетом?
Вот тогда все проблемы должны быть решены и всё должно пройти на отлично.
Но вонючку лучше дожигать совсем после отделения ПАО, а не травить сусликов и других двуногих...
Столько тестов парашютов - это требование НАСА, а не хотелки Спэйсов, после того как они поменяли материал и улучшили дизайн своих парашютов.
  http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic14210/message1901687/#message1901687 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic14210/message1901687/#message1901687)  

Такие же требования по парашютам и для Боинга.

Боинг по-моему не будет делать Аборт-Тест в полёте вообще?
Вы же сами говорите что иксы работали над дизайном и материалом, т.е. в обычной своей манере 'вылизывали' изделие до совершенства. Требованием NASA был четвёртый купол, не более, а количество тестов я очень сомневаюсь что оговорено, только финальные - стартовый и Q-max.

Нужно отделить мух от котлет!

По парашютам: Спэйсы меняли материал и покрой парашютов (как я понимаю из интервью с главой НАСА), не потому, что им хотелось "вылизывать" дизайн, а потому, что НАСА подняли планку требований + стали учитывать новые риски, о которых до недавнего времени никто даже не знал. Поэтому, старая модель парашютов, которые уже были изготовлены у Спэйсов, вполне подходили по уровню безопасности (по критериям учитываемых рисков) ещё со времён миссий Аполлон до недавнего времени (это опять же из интервью). Но теперь, НАСА подняли требования к тестам - Спейсы внесли изменения, и провели серию новых оговоренных "бросковых" тестов. Возможно, результаты ещё обрабатываются. Если результаты всех бросковых тестов по новой модели парашютов превзойдут предыдущую модель, тогда Спэйсы получат на них сертификацию (скорее всего получат, но нет 100% уверенности), и только тогда будет смысл проводить Тест Прерывания Полёта.
Как обстоят дела с парашютами у Боинга я не изучал, но думаю, требования должны быть похожи. Если Боинг уже провёл свой тест Прерывания Полёта, то видимо, парашюты у них уже были сертифицированы НАСА?

По Тесту Прерывания Полёта: как я понимаю, НАСА хочет видеть один тест с полной интеграцией всех систем. Спэйсы выбрали провести свой тест на Q-max.
Боинг уже выполнил свой тест на старте.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 11:53:27
ЦитироватьLeonar написал:
     формально "федор" не официальный представитель роскосмоса. и я говорю, что уровень троллинга слабоват...
Что, неужто правда сам робот пишет? Тогда ладно, дурной железяке и не такое позволительно.
Но в любом случае - это вообще не троллинг. Троллингом было сравнение веса первого советского и американского спутника (с выносом за скобки всех остальных обстоятельств). А это только злорадное тявканье из подворотни - не более.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 11:56:13
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal написал:
Спэйсы выбрали провести свой тест на Q-max. Боинг уже выполнил свой тест на старте.
Тест на страте СпейсХ еще в 2015 году провели.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 05.11.2019 10:56:46
Цитироватькукушка написал:
 https://twitter.com/FEDOR37516789/status/1191475102375972865 (https://twitter.com/FEDOR37516789/status/1191475102375972865)
Ох, чтото не поддерживают жители твиттера политиеский юмор нашего дорогого Дмитрия Олеговича... :( 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: STS от 05.11.2019 09:57:20
Роскосмос  - космическое агентство?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 05.11.2019 10:57:49
А это правда, чтоли,что Дмитрий Олеговч перепутал количество парашютов на Старлайне?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 11:59:09
ЦитироватьSTS написал:
Роскосмос  - космическое агентство?
Ну не филиал же Камеди Клаба.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 05.11.2019 12:01:52
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal написал:
а потому, что НАСА подняли планку требований + стали учитывать новые риски, о которых до недавнего времени никто даже не знал.
А для Боинга - не подняли? Для них и так сойдет?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 05.11.2019 12:02:42
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
Ну не филиал же Камеди Клаба.
А так сразу не всегда и поймешь по их выступлениям...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 05.11.2019 11:10:31
Интересно, а если по этой же методике посчитать безопасность "Союза" с учётом:

1) Погнутых штеков
2) Не сработавших пиропатронов разделения отсеков
3) Взрыва третьей ступени по причине, которую так и не удалось установить
4) Просверленной хер знает кем и залепленной жевачкой дырке в обшивке
5) Зарплаты на производстве в 300$

Интересно, какие цифры LOM и LOC получится? Можно ли на "Союзах" вообще летать?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Leonar от 05.11.2019 11:16:44
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Можно ли на "Союзах" вообще летать?
Нет конечно!
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 05.11.2019 14:22:00
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal (//forum/user/17513/) написал:
Спэйсы выбрали провести свой тест на Q-max. Боинг уже выполнил свой тест на старте.
Тест на страте СпейсХ еще в 2015 году провели.

Имелось ввиду, что сейчас Спейсам нужно будет проводить этот тест по-новой, но они выбрали тест в полёте.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 05.11.2019 14:23:24
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal (//forum/user/17513/) написал:
а потому, что НАСА подняли планку требований + стали учитывать новые риски, о которых до недавнего времени никто даже не знал.
А для Боинга - не подняли? Для них и так сойдет?
Вот, мне самому интересно - будет время, изучу вопрос испытания парашютов у Боинга - напишу. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: STS от 05.11.2019 10:32:11
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
ЦитироватьSTS (//forum/user/13853/) написал:
Роскосмос  - космическое агентство?
Ну не филиал же Камеди Клаба.
и? ну не доросло наше население до уровня развития при котором создается НАСА а до Камеди Клаба доросло,  достаточно посмотреть - на сайте, интересуются космосом, 300 человек из 150 000 000!!! а Камеди Клабом от 1 000 000, и это не считая телевизора.
Роскосмос коммерческое предприятие крутится как может, хехе. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 05.11.2019 09:58:57
ЦитироватьSTS написал:
не доросло наше население до уровня развития при котором создается НАСА а до Камеди Клаба доросло
А Камеди Клаб -- это же копия прогрессивных западных стэндап-шоу.

И я не припомню, что бы в русском языке были слова:


...ну ладно, слово шоу в русском языке есть :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 05.11.2019 10:02:27
ЦитироватьLeonar написал:
Цитироватьtestest (//forum/user/17082/) написал:
Что, где там с аккаунтов НАСА в соцсетях и представителями НАСА
формально "федор" не официальный представитель роскосмоса.
и я говорю, что уровень троллинга слабоват...
Надо на Федора в суд подать, за оскорбление чувств верующих (или сектантов, кто их разберет).

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 05.11.2019 13:20:38
Цитироватьmind22 написал:
А Камеди Клаб -- это же копия прогрессивных западных стэндап-шоу.
А что в них прогрессивного, простите? Говно как говно... 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 05.11.2019 10:37:39
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
А что в них прогрессивного, простите? 
Ну потому что пришло к нам из прогрессивного США. Вы же считаете США прогрессивной страной?

ЦитироватьГовно как говно...
А это уже звучат тревожные нотки непонимания современного искусства...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 05.11.2019 10:50:07
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
А что в них прогрессивного, простите?
А поросячий визг массовки на каждом этапе запуска у SpaceX вам хоть нравится?

Прикольно ведь так: "Вуиииии!!!".

Только не говорите, что не нравится, это тоже прогрессивная штука.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zighem от 05.11.2019 14:01:51
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. написал:
Двухдвигательный Центавр летал много и успешно, и собственно двухдвигательным он и родился
таки речь шла про конфигурацию ракеты. Да  и сам центавр думается претерпел некоторые изменения с момента своего рождения 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 05.11.2019 13:39:38
Цитироватьzighem написал:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. (//forum/user/14022/) написал:
Двухдвигательный Центавр летал много и успешно, и собственно двухдвигательным он и родился
таки речь шла про конфигурацию ракеты. Да  и сам центавр думается претерпел некоторые изменения с момента своего рождения  

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: тавот от 05.11.2019 14:50:56
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Интересно, а если по этой же методике посчитать безопасность "Союза" с учётом:

1) Погнутых штеков
2) Не сработавших пиропатронов разделения отсеков
3) Взрыва третьей ступени по причине, которую так и не удалось установить
4) Просверленной хер знает кем и залепленной жевачкой дырке в обшивке
5) Зарплаты на производстве в 300$

Интересно, какие цифры LOM и LOC получится? Можно ли на "Союзах" вообще летать?
Нераскрытие панели СБ до самой стыковки с МКС забыли упомянуть. Хотя так ли это важно для корабля и ракеты полувековой давности...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mind22 от 05.11.2019 15:15:51
Цитироватьтавот написал:
Нераскрытие панели СБ до самой стыковки с МКС забыли упомянуть. Хотя так ли это важно для корабля и ракеты полувековой давности...
Общение футбольных фанатов на футбольно-космическую тему.

Сами не могут по полю бегать, зато потроллить фанатов другой команды -- это святое!

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 05.11.2019 17:22:50
Цитироватьтавот написал:
ЦитироватьЧебурашка (//forum/user/14248/) написал:
Интересно, а если по этой же методике посчитать безопасность "Союза" с учётом:

1) Погнутых штеков
2) Не сработавших пиропатронов разделения отсеков
3) Взрыва третьей ступени по причине, которую так и не удалось установить
4) Просверленной хер знает кем и залепленной жевачкой дырке в обшивке
5) Зарплаты на производстве в 300$

Интересно, какие цифры LOM и LOC получится? Можно ли на "Союзах" вообще летать?
Нераскрытие панели СБ до самой стыковки с МКС забыли упомянуть. Хотя так ли это важно для корабля и ракеты полувековой давности...
при возвращении "форточка" приоткрылась (кажется было в последнюю пятилетку - выплыло не сразу и из сообщений из-за рубежа)
да и в этом или в прошлом году что-то Роскосмос говорил при возвращении что это "нормально"
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 20:00:12
Цитироватьtriage написал:
да и в этом или в прошлом году что-то Роскосмос говорил при возвращении что это "нормально"
МС-11. По утверждению американского космического агентства, после выполнения манера для схода корабля с орбиты отказал основной комплект топливных баков с магистралями и клапанами двигательной установки. Переход на резервный коллектор произошел автоматически.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 05.11.2019 19:02:18
Скорее про малоизвестные случаи разгерметизации СА при посадке. Когда выручал скафандр. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 05.11.2019 20:09:59
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Скорее про малоизвестные случаи разгерметизации СА при посадке. Когда выручал скафандр.  
Такие как это:
МС-02. По информации журнала «Новости Космонавтики» (№6, 2017 г., стр. 5.), на высоте 10,8 км при выходе парашюта из контейнера вертлюг, предназначенный для предотвращения скручивания тросов и строп парашюта, по случайному стечению обстоятельств жестко ударил по внутренней стенке контейнера. В результате в стенке образовалась трещина размером 3.5 см, что привело к падению давления в спускаемом аппарате.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 05.11.2019 23:08:59
ЦитироватьNot написал:
Но верещит-то Старый, главный солист хора филолухов-поросят. 
Ты не отвлекайся. Ты лучше скажи что ты думаешь про это: http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum15/topic16935/message1908088/#message1908088 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum15/topic16935/message1908088/#message1908088)
Как про идеологию так и про конструкцию. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 06.11.2019 06:12:17
Цитироватьopinion написал:
На одном из кадров трансляции чётко видно три стропы основных парашютов. То есть, третий парашют вышел. На NSF пишут, что его оторвало.
Стропы сделают прочнее и всего делов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 06.11.2019 07:16:36
ЦитироватьДмитрий Инфан написал:
Стропы сделают прочнее и всего делов.
Так ведь это тоже испытывать по новой нужно... Или для Боинга всю систему похерить решили, пусть с системой сертификации Маск трахается?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 06.11.2019 07:31:51
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьТак ведь это тоже испытывать по новой нужно... Или для Боинга всю систему похерить решили, пусть с системой сертификации Маск трахается?
В НАСА рулят чиновники, и просто так они ничего не похерят. Им проще в очередной раз отложить полеты, чем рисковать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 06.11.2019 08:07:21
ЦитироватьЭксперт рассказал, что могло привести к нераскрытию парашюта на "Starliner"
МОСКВА, 6 ноя - РИА Новости. Система выброса парашюта могла привести к нераскрытию одного из трех куполов парашюта при испытаниях системы аварийного спасения американского космического корабля Starliner, рассказал РИА Новости главный конструктор АО "НИИ Парашютостроения" (входит в холдинг "Технодинамика", который входит в госкорпорацию "Ростех") Владимир Качалов.
В понедельник компания Boeing провела испытания системы аварийного спасения пилотируемого корабля Starliner. Испытание прошло на полигоне Уайт-Сэндз (штат Нью-Мексико). В результате проверки один из трех парашютов не сработал. В НАСА назвали ситуацию "приемлемой" для безопасности экипажа. Испытания никак не сказались на планах предстоящего беспилотного запуска к МКС корабля Starliner, который запланирован на 17 декабря. Новые корабли в США разрабатываются на смену выведенной из эксплуатации транспортной системе Space Shuttle. С 2011 года экипажи на МКС доставляют только российскими кораблями "Союз".
"Что касается инцидента с кораблем Starliner, то на основе имеющейся информации можно лишь предполагать, что один из трех основных парашютов не вводился в действие (возможно, речь идет об отказе мортиры (специального устройства выброса парашюта - ред.) или имитации отказа мортиры), и аппарат снижался на полностью раскрытых двух основных парашютах. На видеоматериалах следов третьего парашюта не обнаруживается", - рассказал он.
По словам эксперта, имитация отказа мартиры могла быть выполнена для искусственного создания экстремальных условий работы парашютной системы по нагрузкам и скоростному напору. "Но заключить, идет ли речь об отказе парашюта и спланировано ли это в рамках программы испытаний или стало следствием нештатной работы мартиры, не представляется возможным без более полной информации о самой программе и целях испытаний", - указал Качалов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Dr.Cox от 06.11.2019 09:19:57
Цитироватьzandr написал:
 https://ria.ru/20191106/1560616305.html (https://ria.ru/20191106/1560616305.html)
ЦитироватьЭксперт рассказал, что могло привести к нераскрытию парашюта на "Starliner"
МОСКВА, 6 ноя - РИА Новости. Система выброса парашюта могла привести к нераскрытию одного из трех куполов парашюта при испытаниях системы аварийного спасения американского космического корабля Starliner, рассказал РИА Новости главный конструктор АО "НИИ Парашютостроения" (входит в холдинг "Технодинамика", который входит в госкорпорацию "Ростех") Владимир Качалов.
     Ранее       В понедельник компания Boeing провела испытания системы аварийного спасения пилотируемого корабля Starliner. Испытание прошло на полигоне Уайт-Сэндз (штат Нью-Мексико). В результате проверки один из трех парашютов не сработал. В НАСА назвали ситуацию "приемлемой" для безопасности экипажа. Испытания никак не сказались на планах предстоящего беспилотного запуска к МКС корабля Starliner, который запланирован на 17 декабря. Новые корабли в США разрабатываются на смену выведенной из эксплуатации транспортной системе Space Shuttle. С 2011 года экипажи на МКС доставляют только российскими кораблями "Союз".
"Что касается инцидента с кораблем Starliner, то на основе имеющейся информации можно лишь предполагать, что один из трех основных парашютов не вводился в действие (возможно, речь идет об отказе мортиры (специального устройства выброса парашюта - ред.) или имитации отказа мортиры), и аппарат снижался на полностью раскрытых двух основных парашютах. На видеоматериалах следов третьего парашюта не обнаруживается", - рассказал он.
По словам эксперта, имитация отказа мартиры могла быть выполнена для искусственного создания экстремальных условий работы парашютной системы по нагрузкам и скоростному напору. "Но заключить, идет ли речь об отказе парашюта и спланировано ли это в рамках программы испытаний или стало следствием нештатной работы мартиры, не представляется возможным без более полной информации о самой программе и целях испытаний", - указал Качалов.
На видео были видны три вытяжных парашюта в облаке рыжего выхлопа из движков, а потом камера очень удачно переключилась на сервисный модуль...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Shin от 06.11.2019 11:52:22
Флуд политический закончили
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 06.11.2019 22:24:17
Цитироватьopinion (//forum/user/27898/) написал:
На одном из кадров трансляции чётко видно три стропы основных парашютов. То есть, третий парашют вышел. На NSF пишут, что его оторвало.

На заборе тоже пишут.

Разница, однако, в сравнении с Маском заключается в спасении экипажа. У Боинга экипаж условно выжил на двух парашютах из трех, у Маска - нет, на трех из четырех, собственно по этой причине им пришлось их переделывать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 06.11.2019 08:41:35
ЦитироватьNot написал:
Цитироватьopinion (//forum/user/27898/)  написал:
На одном из кадров трансляции чётко видно три стропы основных парашютов. То есть, третий парашют вышел. На NSF пишут, что его оторвало.

На заборе тоже пишут.

Разница, однако, в сравнении с Маском заключается в спасении экипажа. У Боинга экипаж условно выжил на двух парашютах из трех, у Маска - нет, на трех из четырех, собственно по этой причине им пришлось их переделывать.
Никто не ставит под сомнение формальную успешность спасения экипажа, а позвольте полюбопытствовать отчего у Маска экипаж умер?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 06.11.2019 14:02:59
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
Им проще в очередной раз отложить полеты, чем рисковать.
Вот и я так всегда считал. НО! Испытание проведенное Боингом как-то сразу признали успешным. К чему бы это?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 06.11.2019 14:04:26
ЦитироватьKBOB написал:
Никто не ставит под сомнение формальную успешность спасения экипажа, а позвольте полюбопытствовать отчего у Маска экипаж умер?
Это у Not-a эротические сны...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Paleopulo от 06.11.2019 15:27:28
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
НО! Испытание проведенное Боингом как-то сразу признали успешным. К чему бы это?
Испытание успешное, командный модуль цель, если бы в нем были астронавты, они тоже остались бы живы. Система работает и с 2 парашютами. Так что все нормально.
А исследование вопроса, почему не вышел третий парашют, будет идти своим чередом. И пока причину не найдут, и не устранят (с кучей бумаг), своих астронавтов НАСА в него не посадит.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 06.11.2019 15:30:44
ЦитироватьPaleopulo написал:
Испытание успешное, командный модуль цель, если бы в нем были астронавты, они тоже остались бы живы. Система работает и с 2 парашютами. Так что все нормально.
В чем тогда разница с испытанием Дракона - когда вышло 3 парашюта из четырех? Которое признали НЕуспешным?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: cross-track от 06.11.2019 14:47:41
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьPaleopulo (//forum/user/13566/) написал:
Испытание успешное, командный модуль цель, если бы в нем были астронавты, они тоже остались бы живы. Система работает и с 2 парашютами. Так что все нормально.
В чем тогда разница с испытанием Дракона - когда вышло 3 парашюта из четырех? Которое признали НЕуспешным?
Вроде были вопросы к развертыванию куполов (они немного перехлестывались). Кстати, у Боинга купола тоже гуляли.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 06.11.2019 18:42:03
По циклограмме замечаний нет. Все события состоялись. Нештатные ситуации с несрабатыванием одного тормозного и одного основного парашютов разберут по косточкам. В этом нет сомнений. Есть открытый вопрос к не закрытию клапанов и, как следствие, утечке окислителя. Это может повлиять на решение о пуске беспилотного корабля. Не было перехода на симметричную подвеску, отсюда посадка "боком". Может быть вопрос по переносимости ударных перегрузок. Манекен все расскажет. Не соврет. Зачёт по циклограмме, незачет по клапанам OMAC.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 06.11.2019 18:55:44
Нихренасе там косяков. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 06.11.2019 19:23:53
На ютубе есть видео испытаний в нормальном качестве. На медленной скорости, даже с учетом "обрезки" кадров, можно самостоятельно все рассмотреть. "Спекуляции" на тему воздействия азотного тетроксида на нейлон, из которого изготовлены купола парашютов - это дело спецов. Разберутся. Двигатели ориентации служебного модуля (OMAC) должны были (в соответствии с опубликованной циклограммой) перестать работать через 10 секунд после начала испытаний. Переворот по тангажу для обеспечения запуска штатной циклограммы разделения (отделение защитной крышки стыковочного агрегата, отделение защитной крышки парашютного отсека, разделение модуля экипажа и служебного модуля) фактически прошел без серьезных замечаний. Дальше - вопросы к двигательной установке служебного модуля. После разрифовки куполов основной парашютной системы, на одном из кадров видны следы повреждения. "Карман" на правом куполе - вопрос к целостности строп. Это навскидку. Если были открыты клапана дыхательной вентиляции в модуле экипажа - "привет" от натекания паров азотного тетроскида...Подождем через неделю-вторую более подробных комментариев от разработчиков корабля.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 06.11.2019 22:27:07
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Нихренасе там косяков.  
А помнишь как Валеричи и прочие либерасты критиковали мои графики когда я в 2016 году строил график пуска не ранее 2018 года потому ч то там было куча непройденных вех, а каждый вид испытаний новой космической техники это неминуемо набор замечаний и плана мероприятий по их устранению. Так оно и вышло и было куча косяков и у тех и у других.
Т. Е. Валеричи с маскофилами критиковали оптимиста lrv который в 2016 году предполагал пилотируемый пуск в середине 2018 года. 
Вот что бывает когда ниухо ни рыльные маскофилы пытаются критиковать людей которые принимали участие в создании сложных космических систем. 
А тут даже я оказался оптимистом и запуски состоятся дай бог в 2020 а скорее 2021 году
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 06.11.2019 22:38:50
ВалериJ ещё что. Я поспорил со всем заводом на три щелбана что в 2019 году хотя бы один корабль полетит. Хорошо что Маск успел провернуться, ато бы мне отбили всю кость. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: testest от 07.11.2019 01:07:10
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьPaleopulo (//forum/user/13566/) написал:
Испытание успешное, командный модуль цель, если бы в нем были астронавты, они тоже остались бы живы. Система работает и с 2 парашютами. Так что все нормально.
В чем тогда разница с испытанием Дракона - когда вышло 3 парашюта из четырех? Которое признали НЕуспешным?
Разница в том, какую цель ставить перед испытанием. У Боинга был случай год назад, когда пиропатроны не сработали, и парашют не вышел из контейнера. Но целью испытания значился сброс. Отделение от вертолета было? Было. Все, отчитываемся об успешных испытаниях.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 21:36:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 39 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1192510573692538882)

Boeing's John Mulholland, in a media call on Monday's CST-100 pad abort test, says the test was "outstanding". Root cause of failed parachute deployment was a "lack of a secure connection" between pilot and main chute.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 21:40:18
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192509939362734080)

Boeing says harshest critics are the crew.  All CFT crew were there. They all said "great" and "successful test."
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #NASA  (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash)

5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192510081075728384)

Spacecraft performance was "outstanding." Trajectory was right on the money.  Abort engine burn was nominal.

4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192510226114719744)

Boeing noting the red cloud seen during test was normal and expected.

3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192510480839036928)

Parachute issue identified conclusively. Lack of secure connection between pilot chute and main chute lanyard.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 22:11:58
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 35 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192510647021518848)

Pilot chute deployed, but lack of good connection meant it failed to pull the main chute out.
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash)

34 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192510881067876353)

Team identified chute issue through close-out photos and verified it via post-test hardware inspection.

33 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192511112929071111)

Boeing says this isn't a parachute failure.  Test under two chutes validate "significant beyond design requirements and robustness of our design."  They say they have 100% parachute test success.

31 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192511442546757633)

Reliability drop tests also performed.  3 complete.  1 of those was a 20% over Q test -- allows module to attain higher speed than it would normally.  Tests chutes at 20% greater strain.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 22:30:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 50 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192511676295331840)

NASA's Kathy Lueders now.  "So much went well Monday. This was a robust test of what the vehicle could do if we ever had an issue on the pad."
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #NASA  (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash)

49 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192511942163869697)

NASA: "Huge benefit to us."  This lesson will be taken forward to OFT and CFT.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 22:35:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 49 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192512563080249346)

Boeing: Chutes complicated.  Seem simply. Confidence in parachutes are largely generated by test.

NASA: Chutes are a work of art.
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #NASA  (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash)

47 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192512964575858688)

NASA: Boeing chute testing "has been very successful." Making sure we're testing the stressing conditions.

46 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192513331241857024)

Boeing: Capability to see the two chutes handling 30% greater load due to Service Module was incredibly important - even though that wasn't the plan.

45 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192513674423996423)

For OFT, Boeing has already verified that that capsule's chutes DO NOT suffer the same issue the chute that didn't deploy on Pad Abort had.  No impact to OFT on 17 Dec. But reviews will continue to Flight Readiness Review.

43 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192513946789515266)

This linkage didn't happen before in the testing campaign.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 22:43:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 47 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192514450160570371)

Kathy: "You always test because you always learn. In Shuttle, we learned to the last day.  We learned from this.  We'll learn from OFT before we head to CFT."
#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hash)

44 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192515066001809408)

Boeing: Linkage is pin in loop between pilot and main chute that is then enclosed in a sheath. Difficult to verify visually that it's secured properly once in sheath. In this case, pin wasn't put fully through loop & wasn't caught before it was put in  sheath.

44 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192515067834699782)

We are adding steps - quality control steps - to make sure this never happens again so we can verify and triple check connections going forward.

42 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192515710662184960)

All test data (including test dummy that was onboard) will be fed into OFT Flight Readiness Review.

40 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192516054498598912)

Guidance/Navigation system was validated. Flight profile was exactly as modeled -- and feeds into confidence in the models for In Flight Abort scenarios (since Boeing isn't doing an In Flight Abort test)

40 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1192516101151842304)

And now that's really it. Presser over.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 22:46:42
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 48 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1192516175886012416)

Presser over. All in all a positive review and no impacts to OFT in December.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29925.jpg) Michael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) 45 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1192517025161207809)

Human error, not a design problem, was to blame for Starliner's parachute incident during the pad abort test. The spacecraft was thrown a curve ball, but it still landed safely despite the additional challenge. Overall, a *very* successful test.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 22:58:14
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space‏ @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192510671151345665)

We're excited to share the preliminary results of #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)'s Nov. 4 Pad Abort Test. Boeing Commercial Crew VP and Program Manager John Mulholland and NASA @Commercial_Crew (https://twitter.com/Commercial_Crew) Program Manager Kathy Lueders are participating in a media telecom. Here's what they are saying:

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192510830631378944)

The November 4th pad abort test of our CST-100 #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) was a success. The propulsion and flight and guidance systems each performed to plan, as did the separation of the service module, heat shield, and base heat shield.


1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192510960323506176)

The parachute system also successfully worked to land the spacecraft safely and without damage.


1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192511148815458305)

Although one of three parachutes in the parachute system did not deploy, the test validated that two parachutes can adequately handle the full weight of the crew and service module during an abort, highlighting robust, redundant safety features built into the Starliner vehicle.


1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192511315526459392)

Through evaluation of closeout photos and parachute inspections, the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) team quickly identified the cause of non-deployment of 1 of the 3 parachutes, which was a lack of a secure connection between pilot and main parachute on the third parachute.

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192511431549358081)

We are taking all appropriate steps to address this issue.

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192514098329792519)

At this time, we continue progressing toward our Dec. 17 target OFT launch date. Following a successful mission, we will proceed with a crewed flight test in 2020.


1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1192514276650606592)

We're committed to providing #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) the same level of excellence and reliability that we have delivered for more than 60 years of space transportation. Nothing less is acceptable.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 23:19:06
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/07/nasa-and-boeing-discuss-preliminary-pad-abort-test-results/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2019/11/07/nasa-and-boeing-discuss-preliminary-pad-abort-test-results/)
ЦитироватьNASA and Boeing discuss preliminary Pad Abort Test results

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Nov 7, 2019 at 1:30 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130698.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2019/11/PAT_1.jpg)

On Thursday, Nov. 7, Boeing Commercial Crew Vice President and Program Manager John Mulholland and NASA Commercial Crew Program Manager Kathy Lueders addressed preliminary results of the Nov. 4 CST-100 Starliner Pad Abort Test during a media teleconference.

Preliminary results indicate that the test, conducted from Launch Complex 32 at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, met NASA's primary test objectives:
  • Validated the launch abort system's capability to perform a safe abort
  • Safely separated CST-100 from a static launch vehicle adapter on the launch pad
  • Validated the launch abort system's capability to propel Starliner safely to a target point to avoid re-contact with any potential debris or other pieces of hardware
  • Demonstrated stability and control characteristics of the launch abort system
  • Safely separated the crew module from the service module during the abort sequence
  • Deployed landing and recovery system to execute a controlled land landing
  • Validated functionality of guidance, navigation & control and command & data handling system for appropriate sequencing of commands to the propulsion controllers
During the test, two of three of Starliner's main parachutes deployed and eased Starliner to the ground. Although designed with three parachutes, two opening successfully is acceptable for the test parameters and crew safety. Boeing has determined that the parachute anomaly occurred because the rigging between one of the three pilot and main parachutes was improperly connected. Boeing has verified this through closeout photos, and understands how this happened on a test vehicle. The company is validating that its processes were followed correctly on its Orbital Flight Test vehicle, which is targeted to launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Dec. 17.

NASA is encouraged by the preliminary results of the Pad Abort Test and remains committed to working in concert with Boeing to ensure crew safety as we move to return astronauts to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) from U.S. soil.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2019 23:33:19
ЦитироватьGo Inside the Starliner Pad Abort Test with the Boeing Team

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220595.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/Boeing) Boeing (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IEkprr46ScglWU79HF5qQ)

7 нояб. 2019 г.

Go behind the scenes during #Starliner (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Starliner)'s first flight that successfully put the Pad Abort system to the test. Watch the entire flight in real time with our photographer at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, as Starliner's launch abort engines ignite, propelling the vehicle roughly a mile up (approx. 1.6 km) and a mile away from the test stand in just about 90 seconds.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9ifJzokFgA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9ifJzokFgA)https://www.youtube.com/embed/L9ifJzokFgA (https://www.youtube.com/embed/L9ifJzokFgA) (1:40)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 08.11.2019 12:45:19
Гениально! При их системе контроля качества откуда у них в корабле взялось "плохо зафиксированное трудно контролируемое соединение"? Сколько ещё таких соединений осталось не выявленными? 
 "Может Боинг внятно объяснить как в его корабле возникают такие соединения и что сделано чтобы впредь они не возникали? 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: LRV_75 от 08.11.2019 14:44:50
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:

 "Может Боинг внятно объяснить как в его корабле возникают такие соединения и что сделано чтобы впредь они не возникали?  
Старый, тебе надо в ПЗ НАСА)) 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: К.А. от 08.11.2019 15:08:05
Виновного отправить по шпалам в Сибить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 08.11.2019 17:48:32
ЦитироватьК.А. написал:
Виновного отправить по шпалам в Сибить.
Через Аляску? Там и шпал-то нету...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Dr.Cox от 08.11.2019 16:57:07
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьК.А. (//forum/user/14207/) написал:
Виновного отправить по шпалам в Сибить.
Через Аляску? Там и шпал-то нету...
А теперь будут!  :D

Пусть сам и укладывает.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 08.11.2019 18:02:32
ЦитироватьDr.Cox написал:
Пусть сам и укладывает.
В СССР пробовали -  людей не хватило на то, чтоб 501 стройку закончить, з/к кончились раньше...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: кукушка от 08.11.2019 22:38:29
Цитировать/Иван/ написал:
 Boeing объяснила отказ парашюта на космическом корабле Starliner (https://ria.ru/20191108/1560700367.html)
еще немного
Новые подробности о Boeing Starliner Pad Abort Test  (https://vk.com/spacex?w=wall-41152133_171769):f09f8e88:

Руководитель программы Commercial Crew Program от NASA Кэти Людерс (Kathy Lueders) и руководитель программы Boeing Starliner Джон Малхолланд (John Mulholland) рассказали, что же на самом деле произошло с одним из парашютов во время теста:

— Малхолланд говорит, что третий парашют не удалось развернуть из-за неисправного соединения с вытяжным парашютом, который разворачивает основной. Соединение - это место крепления петли вытяжного парашюта с основным, которое затем заключено в оболочку. Сложно проверить визуально, правильно ли оно закреплено. В этом случае штифт не был полностью пропущен через петлю и не был состыкован до того, как был заключён под оболочку. При этом проблем с этим соединением не возникало раньше.

— Малхолланд: Это человеческая ошибка, а не проблема дизайна корабля. Мы добавим новые этапы контроля качества - чтобы убедиться, что это никогда не повторится больше, мы будем трижды проверять эти соединения в будущем.

— Было зафиксировано превышение рабочей нагрузки на два парашюта на 30%. И Малхолланд, и Людерс обсуждая сложность парашютов говорят, что они созданы почти как произведения искусства.

— Малхолланд говорит, что у Boeing было 100% успеха "во всех парашютных испытаниях" [ред. - это очень странное заявление, т.к. на предыдущих обзорах по результатам испытаний парашютов данные были другие и NASA много раз официально говорила о проблемах во время некоторых испытаний].

— Людерс отметила, что испытание парашютов Starliner было очень успешным: В понедельник всё прошло хорошо. Это было очень важное испытание для программы Boeing Starliner.

— Мы проведём полный обзор готовности к полёту, как это требуют инструкции.

— Произошедшее не влияет на запуск миссии OFT 17 декабря, на корабле этой миссии всё хорошо с этим соединением.

— Полёт с экипажем состоится в 2020 году [ред. - без указания начала года]

— Людерс: Мы всегда тестируем наши системы, т.к. мы всегда учимся. В Шаттлах мы учились до последнего дня. Мы учимся и на этом испытании. Мы будем учиться у миссии OFT, прежде чем отправить людей на МКС в миссии CFT.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 09.11.2019 00:29:37
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Гениально! При их системе контроля качества откуда у них в корабле взялось "плохо зафиксированное трудно контролируемое соединение"? Сколько ещё таких соединений осталось не выявленными?
 "Может Боинг внятно объяснить как в его корабле возникают такие соединения и что сделано чтобы впредь они не возникали?  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 09.11.2019 05:12:17
Цитироватькукушка написал:
В этом случае штифт не был полностью пропущен через петлю и не был состыкован до того, как был заключён под оболочку.
В переводе на русский язык парашют забыли подсоединить?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 09.11.2019 01:31:52
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Цитироватькукушка (//forum/user/47483/) написал:
В этом случае штифт не был полностью пропущен через петлю и не был состыкован до того, как был заключён под оболочку.
В переводе на русский язык парашют забыли подсоединить?
Вытяжной к основному! А это разве не на парашютной фабрике делается или вытяжной и основной парашют на разных фабриках производят, а соединяют только при сборке корабля?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Евгений Кравченко от 09.11.2019 02:17:15
ЦитироватьKBOB написал:
А это разве не на парашютной фабрике делается или вытяжной и основной парашют на разных фабриках производят, а соединяют только при сборке корабля?
Наверное, это делается уже при укладке парашюта
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ОАЯ от 09.11.2019 10:03:45
Почему же они русский след не ищут? Ну хоть немного.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Евгений Кравченко от 09.11.2019 08:51:38
ЦитироватьОАЯ написал:
Почему же они русский след не ищут? Ну хоть немного.

Потому, что стоит задача решить проблему, а не найти крайнего
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 09.11.2019 17:54:32
ЦитироватьЕвгений Кравченко написал:
ЦитироватьОАЯ (//forum/user/14559/) написал:
Почему же они русский след не ищут? Ну хоть немного.
Потому, что стоит задача решить проблему, а не найти крайнего

Блин! Вот и в остальных бы сферах жизни так. А то - "русские хакеры", "вмешательство в выборы" и прочая ерунда.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 12.11.2019 07:47:15
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. написал:
Блин! Вот и в остальных бы сферах жизни так. А то - "русские хакеры", "вмешательство в выборы" и прочая ерунда.

Это ж большинство американского Конгресса придется отправить укладывать шпалы Трансамериканской железной дороги..:)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.11.2019 22:21:21
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1195056983868682240)

From the report: "final vehicle certification for both contractors [Boeing and SpaceX] will likely be delayed at least until summer 2020"
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185034.png) NASA OIG‏ @NASAOIG (https://twitter.com/NASAOIG) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASAOIG/status/1195055820553293826)

The OIG examined NASA's progress for transporting astronauts to the International Space Station on commercial launch vehicles.
See:  https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-20-005.pdf ... (https://t.co/BDo7ljgV59)  /  https://oig.nasa.gov/videos.html?id=5107 ... (https://t.co/sOPLAHSaMB)

IG-20-005.pdf (https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-20-005.pdf) - 4.2 MB, 53 стр, 2019-11-14 18:22:31 UTC

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.11.2019 18:58:46
ЦитироватьBoeing's Starliner Pad Abort Test - Stabilized

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220546.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA) NASASpaceflight (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA)

16 нояб. 2019 г.

Specially stabilized video of Boeing's successful Pad Abort Test.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jWmua_njbE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jWmua_njbE)https://www.youtube.com/embed/6jWmua_njbE (https://www.youtube.com/embed/6jWmua_njbE) (1:35)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 18.11.2019 03:24:30
Детальный государственный аудит показал, что NASA изо всех сил старалось переплачивать Boeing за услуги по программе Commercial Crew Program (CCP), имеющей фиксированную цену, в то же время, не обращая внимания на второго участника программы – компанию SpaceX.
За последние несколько лет главный инспектор NASA опубликовал ряд всё более обескураживающих отчётов о поведении Boeing в качестве подрядчика. И отчёт от 14 ноября  выглядит наиболее тревожным из существующих на данный момент.

Подробнее можно ознакомиться здесь: https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-20-005.pdf (https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-20-005.pdf)
Более 50 страниц подробного анализа показали, что поведение NASA в лучшем случае можно было охарактеризовать как бездарное, а в худшем – как глубоко коррумпированное.
https://aboutspacejornal.net/2019/11/17/nasa-%d0%be%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%be%d1%80%d0%b1%d0%b8%d0%bb%d0%be-spacex-%d0%b8-%d0%b7%d0%b4%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b2%d1%8b%d0%b9-%d1%81%d0%bc%d1%8b%d1%81%d0%bb-%d0%bf%d0%b5%d1%80%d0%b5%d0%bf%d0%bb%d0%b0%d1%87/ (https://aboutspacejornal.net/2019/11/17/nasa-%d0%be%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%be%d1%80%d0%b1%d0%b8%d0%bb%d0%be-spacex-%d0%b8-%d0%b7%d0%b4%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b2%d1%8b%d0%b9-%d1%81%d0%bc%d1%8b%d1%81%d0%bb-%d0%bf%d0%b5%d1%80%d0%b5%d0%bf%d0%bb%d0%b0%d1%87/)

Ну, собственно то, о чем я тут говорил немного раньше, еще не видя этого доклада - Боинг он свой, родной и нежно любимый...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 18.11.2019 01:50:02
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:

Более 50 страниц подробного анализа показали, что поведение NASA в лучшем случае можно было охарактеризовать как бездарное, а в худшем – как глубоко коррумпированное.
Кого в тюрьму садить то будут или с рук сойдет?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 18.11.2019 06:10:39
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
Детальный государственный аудит показал, что NASA изо всех сил старалось переплачивать Boeing за услуги по программе Commercial Crew Program (CCP)
Теперь понятно, почему сроки переносят  :D 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 18.11.2019 07:27:35
ЦитироватьKBOB написал:
Кого в тюрьму садить то будут или с рук сойдет?
Не знаю, самому интересно...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 18.11.2019 08:02:11
ЦитироватьKBOB написал:
ЦитироватьAlex_II (//forum/user/14242/) написал:

Более 50 страниц подробного анализа показали, что поведение NASA в лучшем случае можно было охарактеризовать как бездарное, а в худшем – как глубоко коррумпированное.
Кого в тюрьму садить то будут или с рук сойдет?
Никому не запрещено вести переговоры так, чтобы получить наибольшую выгоду. С другой стороны, плохо проведённые переговоры - не преступление. Максимум, в НАСА кого-нибудь уволят или выговор объявят.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 18.11.2019 10:16:16
Цитироватьopinion написал:
Никому не запрещено вести переговоры так, чтобы получить наибольшую выгоду. С другой стороны, плохо проведённые переговоры - не преступление.
А когда госконтора создает условия наибольшего благоприятствования только одному из поставщиков услуг? Тоже не?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.11.2019 19:28:19
https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-18-Boeing-Statement-Regarding-OIG-Report-on-NASAs-Commercial-Crew-Program (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-18-Boeing-Statement-Regarding-OIG-Report-on-NASAs-Commercial-Crew-Program)
ЦитироватьBoeing Statement Regarding OIG Report on NASA's Commercial Crew Program

ARLINGTON, Va., Nov. 18, 2019 – In response to the Nov. 14 Office of the Inspector General report titled "NASA's Management of Crew Transportation to the International Space Station," Boeing today issued the following statement:

"We strongly disagree with the report's conclusions about CST-100 Starliner pricing and readiness, and we owe it to the space community and the American public to share the facts the Inspector General [IG] missed," said Jim Chilton, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space and Launch. "Each member of the Boeing team has a personal stake in the safety, quality and integrity of what we offer our customers, and since Day One, the Starliner team has approached this program with a commitment to design, develop and launch a vehicle that we and NASA can be proud of."

Specifically, Boeing offers the following responses to the main assertions:

Boeing's commitment to commercial transportation to ISS

-- Boeing has made significant investments in the Commercial Crew program, and we are fully committed to flying the CST-100 Starliner and keeping the International Space Station crewed and operational. Any implication that we ever wavered in our participation in Commercial Crew is false.

"NASA overpaid Boeing to prepare for multiple crewed missions"

-- Through fair and open negotiations with NASA in a competitive environment, we offered single-mission pricing for post-certification missions (PCMs) 3-6, thus enabling additional flexibility and schedule resiliency to enhance future mission readiness.

-- This single-mission pricing for PCM 3-6 was included in the pricing table in the original contract. That original pricing table remains unchanged.

-- Contrary to the conclusion in the IG report, Boeing contends that the benefits in shorter lead time and flexibility in adjusting launch dates are well worth the higher price in the table.

-- We cut lead time to launch by two-thirds and doubled the launch rate for an overall price increase of only 5%.

-- Boeing assumed more up-front financial risk and is helping NASA with critical decisions key to optimizing future ISS operations.

-- Boeing now holds all the up-front mission costs, which NASA will not have to pay until after each PCM is officially ordered and given the Authority to Proceed (ATP).

$90 million per seat?

-- Boeing rejects the average seat price assessment in the IG report.

-- Boeing will fly the equivalent of a fifth passenger in cargo for NASA, so the per-seat pricing should be considered based on five seats rather than four.

-- For proprietary, competitive reasons Boeing does not disclose specific pricing information, but we are confident our average seat pricing to NASA is below the figure cited.

-- The report also fails to mention Starliner's superior value:

-- Starliner provides a fifth passenger seat or more cargo capacity at the customer's direction.

-- NASA crews have full vehicle control in all phases of spaceflight, including backup manual capability.

-- Starliner flies on the most reliable lifter in the business, an Atlas V modified for human spaceflight safety by people with actual experience in the domain.

-- The spacecraft touches back down to Earth on land, not a splashdown, something Boeing considers much safer.

-- Starliner astronauts train in Houston with Boeing and NASA working side-by-side in the former space shuttle and ISS training facilities.

Boeing vs. the competition

-- Because of our history in spaceflight, we understood how difficult this program would be on a short timeline, and priced our offering accordingly.

-- Boeing presented a development bid based on creating a safe and reliable orbital crewed space vehicle from scratch, while positioning our pricing to be sustainable long-term.

-- By contrast, our competitor offered a crewed vessel based on a cargo vehicle designed for human rating, whose development had been funded for several years by NASA on a predecessor contract. That cargo vehicle had already flown multiple times at the time of the Commercial Crew awards.

-- Boeing started development much later but attempted to achieve the same schedule, which is a more expensive development approach.

-- Starliner development and flight prices incorporate the rigorous design, test and verification approach we proposed – leaving no stone unturned to ensure we deliver a quality vehicle and service to our customer.

-- Change requests are considered case by case, but generally use a commercial pricing approach, which we see as aligned with NASA's policy objectives for the program.

-- NASA remains the single buyer in this market, and therefore enjoys significant buying power, tempered only by their policy objectives.

-- Through accepting our bid, NASA agreed we would be delivering them significant value with a spacecraft that meets the original requirement of landing on land, can expand to five passengers, and allows positive control by NASA's flight crews in all spaceflight phases.

"Technical challenges continue to impact the Commercial Crew program schedule"

-- We have made excellent progress on all outstanding technical challenges since the OIG began collecting information for this report.

-- We have retired nearly all possible risk ahead of our uncrewed and crewed flight tests. We are confident that we have designed and built a safe, quality system that meets NASA's requirements.

-- In 2019, we completed:

        -- Service module hot fire test, validating the performance of our propulsion system in both nominal and          contingency scenarios.

        -- All parachute qualification tests without a single test failure, demonstrating the resiliency of our parachute system even in dual-fault scenarios.

                -- Discussions with NASA about our system led to our mutual agreement to perform even more tests and analysis, which validated our system as designed.

                -- We are confident in the safety of our system, and we have proven through extensive testing that we have a robust design that has consistently performed above requirements, even in dual-fault scenarios.

        -- Pad Abort Test, which was Starliner's first flight test and a near-flawless performance of our integrated propulsion and flight control systems in an abort case.


-- We are working with our customer to achieve crew certification as soon as possible, but safety is our guiding principle and we will not fly our Crew Flight Test (CFT) before we are ready.

-- Orbital Flight Test (OFT) is currently targeted for Dec. 17, and following a successful flight, we are well positioned to fly our first crew in early 2020.

-- Certification depends on the timing and success of both of those flights.

-- We are more than 99% done with Verification Closure Notices (VCNs) for OFT.

-- There are a smaller number of CFT VCNs, and those are mostly reliant on OFT and Pad Abort Test data, the latter of which we are working on submitting right now.

# # #
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 18.11.2019 20:39:14
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
 https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-18-Boeing-Statement-Regarding-OIG-Report-on-NASAs-Commercial-Crew-Program (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2019-11-18-Boeing-Statement-Regarding-OIG-Report-on-NASAs-Commercial-Crew-Program)  
ЦитироватьBoeing Statement Regarding OIG Report on NASA's Commercial Crew Program

 "NASA overpaid Boeing to prepare for multiple crewed missions"

-- Through fair and open negotiations with NASA in a competitive environment, we offered single-mission pricing for post-certification missions (PCMs) 3-6, thus enabling additional flexibility and schedule resiliency to enhance future mission readiness.

-- This single-mission pricing for PCM 3-6 was included in the pricing table in the original contract. That original pricing table remains unchanged.

-- Contrary to the conclusion in the IG report, Boeing contends that the benefits in shorter lead time and flexibility in adjusting launch dates are well worth the higher price in the table.

-- We cut lead time to launch by two-thirds and doubled the launch rate for an overall price increase of only 5%.

-- Boeing assumed more up-front financial risk and is helping NASA with critical decisions key to optimizing future ISS operations.

-- Boeing now holds all the up-front mission costs, which NASA will not have to pay until after each PCM is officially ordered and given the Authority to Proceed (ATP).

А как на самом деле? Приведу несколько длинных цитат из отчета. Жирный шрифт мой.
ЦитироватьIn September 2016, Boeing initially proposed pricing for crewed missions three through six using the single 2016 mission price—a price that was substantially higher than the discounted price for ordering four missionsin 2016 or the prices for single missions ordered in 2017 or later.43Boeing explained that eachof the fourmissionsshould be treated like a separate orderbecause NASAwould not begin payments until the Authorization to Proceed (ATP)was granted (indicating the startof milestone payments),which could be several years later.  However, the NASA Office of Procurement determined the use of the single 2016 mission price was not consistent with the terms of the contract and did not match the contract's fixed-price table,which establishedmission pricing based on when missions were ordered and the number of missions ordered.

As a result of a series of meetings, NASA officials requestedin December 2016 that Boeing usetheexisting fixedprices for missions granted ATPin 2017 and later.  Further, as part of this request,NASA changedBoeing's missionrequirementsand requested the contractor propose pricesfor additional flexibilities to fill ananticipated crew access gap, including shortening its lead times for rocket and spacecraft production.After prolonged negotiations, Boeing proposed substantially reduced lead times for all four missions, the ability for NASA to have a varied launch cadence through 2024 based on Agency needs, and no penalties for some NASA-requested mission delays.  Citing the desire for mission flexibilities primarily driven by the need to fill a crew access gap in case Boeing was the only transportation option available,NASA agreed to payan additional $287.2 million above the fixed prices oran average increase of $71.8million permissionfor crewed missions three through six.

For the higher price than specified in the contract, NASA determined the added cost was reasonable for the additional flexibilities.The potential crew access gapidentifiedwas between Boeing's second crewed mission scheduled for January 2019 and Boeing's third mission in August 2020. This gap was due in part to development delays for certification, Boeing's 32-month production lead times,and contract prohibitionson starting payments for the third mission until completion of the ISS Design Certification Review milestone. At the time, Boeing's ISS Design Certification Review was delayed 13months,which meant its third mission could not be granted ATP until at least December 2017,meaning the mission's earliest possible launch date would be August 2020.
ЦитироватьNASA's crew access analysis also did not include the five Soyuz seats the Agency was planning to purchase from Boeing for flights in 2017through2019. However, HEOMD officials knew in November 2016—one month before the CCP crew access analysis was finalized—that Boeing would be submitting another proposal for Soyuz seats to fill the crew access gapafter the last Soyuz missionreturned in May 2019.45These seats, along with others already purchased from Roscosmos, provided uninterrupted crew access through November 2019and provided the ISS Program redundancies without paying extra for shorter production lead times for four Boeing crewed missions.  Five days after NASA committed to pay$287.2million in price increases for four commercial crew missions, Boeing submitted an official proposal to sell NASA up to five Soyuz seats for $373.5million for missions during the same time period.  In total, Boeing received $660.7million above the fixed prices set in the CCtCap pricing tablesto pay for an accelerated production timetable for four crew missions and fiveSoyuz seats.
ЦитироватьBoth NASA and Boeing said the $287.2 million price increase for crew missions three though six was partially justified based on Boeing providing the capability to fly up to twomissions per yearthrough 2024.  However, based on both the original contract and CCP requirements, we determined Boeing's proposal to fly up to two missions per year did not justify higher pricing because such a mission cadence was already a contract requirement.  
ЦитироватьDespite paying an additional $71.8 million for a shorterlead time for Boeing's third missionto help address the perceived potential gap in crew access, NASA started milestone payments for this mission a year earlier than requiredby the contract because CCP needed more timeto review Boeing's flight readinessdocumentation.  In November 2018—for the third mission only—NASA removed the restriction of not granting ATP until the completion of the ISS Design Certification Reviewto ensure both the Agency and Boeing would have enough time to meet theinitial target launch date. CCP then granted ATP and started milestone paymentsa year earlier than needed even though NASA paid a premium for a shorterproduction lead time.  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2019 01:51:36
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
ЦитироватьKBOB (//forum/user/13897/) написал:
Кого в тюрьму садить то будут или с рук сойдет?
Не знаю, самому интересно...
Переплачивая Боингу за космическую технику правительство США тем самым производит скрытое субсидирование гражданского авиастроения. Это уже настолько общеизвестный факт что не знаю как можно этого не знать.
 Уже и Европа так же поступила с Эрбасом, а некоторые всё никак не могут понять. :( 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: vlad7308 от 19.11.2019 02:29:03
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Переплачивая Боингу за космическую технику правительство США тем самым производит скрытое субсидирование гражданского авиастроения
да, но отношение к таким финтам ушами все равно негативное
В данном случае особенно, ибо нарушает какую-никакую конкуренцию и уговор.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 19.11.2019 08:10:18
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
ЦитироватьAlex_II (//forum/user/14242/) написал:
ЦитироватьKBOB (//forum/user/13897/)  написал:
Кого в тюрьму садить то будут или с рук сойдет?
Не знаю, самому интересно...
Переплачивая Боингу за космическую технику правительство США тем самым производит скрытое субсидирование гражданского авиастроения. Это уже настолько общеизвестный факт что не знаю как можно этого не знать.
 Уже и Европа так же поступила с Эрбасом, а некоторые всё никак не могут понять.  
Ну, они дождутся, что Маск начнёт строить самолёты.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 19.11.2019 04:36:19
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
ЦитироватьAlex_II (//forum/user/14242/) написал:
ЦитироватьKBOB (//forum/user/13897/)  написал:
Кого в тюрьму садить то будут или с рук сойдет?
Не знаю, самому интересно...
Переплачивая Боингу за космическую технику правительство США тем самым производит скрытое субсидирование гражданского авиастроения. Это уже настолько общеизвестный факт что не знаю как можно этого не знать.
 Уже и Европа так же поступила с Эрбасом, а некоторые всё никак не могут понять.  
Скрытое субсидирование Роскосмоса (на целый 3.9 ярда зелени) получается закончилось? https://lenta.ru/news/2019/11/19/biletov_net/ (https://lenta.ru/news/2019/11/19/biletov_net/)

Цитировать4 октября исполнительный директор «Роскосмоса» по пилотируемым программам Сергей Крикалев  заявил, что в 2020 году госкорпорация не сможет запустить третий  космический корабль «Союз МС» к МКС, если это понадобится НАСА. По его  словам, подобное решение «было бы выходом, если бы об этом думали  раньше», поскольку строительство «Союза МС» занимает от 2,5 до 3 лет, а  НАСА не выделило «Роскосмосу» средств на это.
Вице-президент США Майкл Пенс пообещал,  что до марта 2020 года Соединенные Штаты отправят астронавтов на МКС на  собственном пилотируемом космическом корабле, что сделает ненужным  российский «Союз МС».  По состоянию на июль 2019 года НАСА за 70 мест  для астронавтов на российских пилотируемых космических кораблях серии  «Союз» заплатило «Роскосмосу» 3,9 миллиарда долларов.
Ненужным сделает Союз - это прорыв!

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2019 12:31:30
ЦитироватьKBOB написал:
 Скрытое субсидирование Роскосмоса (на целый 3.9 ярда зелени) получается закончилось?  https://lenta.ru/news/2019/11/19/biletov_net/ (https://lenta.ru/news/2019/11/19/biletov_net/) 
Почему скрытое то?   :o  США субсидировали Роскосмос совершенно открыто и именно это и не нравится Конгрессу. Если бы скрыто то конгрессмены может быть бы и стерпели.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 19.11.2019 08:51:31
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
ЦитироватьKBOB (//forum/user/13897/) написал:
 Скрытое субсидирование Роскосмоса (на целый 3.9 ярда зелени) получается закончилось?   https://lenta.ru/news/2019/11/19/biletov_net/ (https://lenta.ru/news/2019/11/19/biletov_net/)  
Почему скрытое то?     США субсидировали Роскосмос совершенно открыто и именно это и не нравится Конгрессу. Если бы скрыто то конгрессмены может быть бы и стерпели.
Потому что субсидирование! Субсидия (от лат. subsidium — помощь, поддержка) Когда и где НАСА открыто заявляло, что помогает и поддерживает Роскосмос?
Речь шла о покупке по рыночной цене которая выросла с 20 до 80 M$ за место почему-то! А тут вдруг SpaceX вышел со своими 55  M$ и Боинг 90 M$. У кого НАСА должна купить место по рыночным условиям, а у кого по не рыночным?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2019 13:53:25
ЦитироватьKBOB написал:
 Потому что субсидирование! Субсидия (от лат. subsidium — помощь, поддержка) Когда и где НАСА открыто заявляло, что помогает и поддерживает Роскосмос?
Речь шла о покупке по рыночной цене которая выросла с 20 до 80 M$ за место почему-то! 
Оплата мест в Союзах проводилась совершенно открыто. То что Роскосмос продаёт их дороже себестоимости тоже всем известно. 
ЦитироватьА тут вдруг SpaceX вышел со своими 55 M$ и Боинг 90 M$. У кого НАСА должна купить место по рыночным условиям, а у кого по не рыночным?
Правительство США понимает что прибыль в 50 мегабаксов Боинг израсходует на продвижение пассажирских самолётов на поляну занятую Эрбасом, а Маск - на марсианские поллюции. Кому оно скорее даст деньги?  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 19.11.2019 14:01:46
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
прибыль в 50 мегабаксов Боинг израсходует на продвижение пассажирских самолётов

Это конечно хорошо.
Но нельзя продвигать самолёты за счёт необъятного бюджета пентагона, а не за счёт и так куцего бюджета насы.
Более реальный вариант. Лишних писят лимоноф можно потратить на новую яхту себе и колье с брильянтами любовнице.
А лимон можно выделить этим самым жарнализдам, которые как известно, хуже проституток, чтобы они написали какая какашка этот самый маск.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2019 14:33:57
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
ЦитироватьСтарый (//forum/user/13420/) написал:
прибыль в 50 мегабаксов Боинг израсходует на продвижение пассажирских самолётов
Но нельзя продвигать самолёты за счёт необъятного бюджета пентагона, а не за счёт и так куцего бюджета насы.
А при чём тут Пентагон? Вобщето CST-100 финансируется за счёт бюджета НАСА который чуть менее чем полностью политический. Предыдущий раз этот вопрос возник когда Боингу за модули МКС заплатили совершенно невероятную сумму превосходящую все мыслимые пределы. Вскоре после этого Эрбас объединили с космическими фирмами. 
ЦитироватьБолее реальный вариант. Лишних писят лимоноф можно потратить на новую яхту себе и колье с брильянтами любовнице.
И кто это может быть применительно к Боингу? И как он так управляет Конгрессом? 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 20.11.2019 14:35:54
NASA's deal to fly astronauts with Boeing is turning out to be much more expensive than SpaceX
OIG explains its estimate
The key to calculating how much it will cost NASA comes down to two factors: How much development funding you include and the number of astronauts used when dividing the total mission cost. Two OIG officials spoke to CNBC on Tuesday about the auditor's report, to explain how it calculated NASA's costs.

OIG begins its estimate with the total NASA has awarded SpaceX and Boeing since 2014, rounding it to $2.5 billion for the former and $4.3 billion for the latter. Then OIG subtracted the development costs – $1.2 billion and $2.2 billion, respectively – and the special studies awards – $49 million and $32 million, respectively – to get the total cost of the six missions that NASA ordered. Under this calculation, the first six Boeing Starliner missions will cost NASA about $345 million each while SpaceX Crew Dragon will cost NASA about $209 million each.

The officials explained that OIG used the total funding awarded since 2014 because NASA separately accounts for the contracts awarded before then. This is especially key in calculating the per seat cost, as Boeing believes the assumed per seat cost should be based on carrying a fifth astronaut's weight in cargo. OIG's report noted that NASA's contract for the six missions required each provider supply a spacecraft that could fly four astronauts and 100 kilograms of cargo.

The Commercial Crew awards came under "firm-fixed" price contracts, meaning that if the companies went over budget then they would cover the costs. SpaceX has indeed done that, as Musk said earlier this year that the company has invested "hundreds of millions of dollars more" of its own money into developing Crew Dragon.

But OIG's report came about because, in Dec. 2016, NASA and Boeing renegotiated the contractor's pricing. The agency agreed to pay Boeing an additional $287.2 million to shorten the production schedule for some of its Starliner spacecraft.

"In our judgment, the additional compensation was unnecessary given that the risk of a gap between Boeing's second and third crewed missions was minimal," NASA Inspector General Paul Martin wrote in the report.
In its effort to solve for expected delays, NASA paid Boeing $95 million to add one more astronaut on the first crewed test flight. That test flight will now include one Boeing astronaut and two NASA astronauts, though the agency said the money went toward more than just buying one seat."The $95 million was to add a third crew member and also to extend the test flight to up to six months," NASA's Finch said.

Both Boeing and NASA have pushed back on the OIG report, with Boeing issuing a statement on its website.
про 95 кажется недавно не расписывали
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 20.11.2019 14:39:26
А почему они в стоимости места (цена/количество полетов=6) доставку астронавтов НАСА в первом тестовом полете не учитывают?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2019 14:38:30
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1197473451570798592)

At a rollout event at the Kennedy Space Center ahead of Starliner's first uncrewed test flight, Boeing's John Mulholland says teams are readying the second Starliner spacecraft for its first crewed mission "in the middle of next year".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2019 17:20:00
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg) Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 11 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1197517008490967043)

Got a quick visit to see Boeing's Starliner being assembled for the Crew Flight Test next year. This is the spacecraft that will carry Chris Ferguson, Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann to the International Space Station.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2019 23:39:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30999.jpg) Boeing Space ‏@BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1197447104978923520)

The spacecraft isn't the only thing we're rolling out today! Check out #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)'s new mission website, meet our astronaut team and join the Starliner crew!

See it here: http://www.boeing.com/starliner  (https://t.co/VqViq5KJiG)

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EJ4vxNKW4AA2bP3.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EJ4vxNKW4AA2bP3.mp4)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 13.12.2019 15:12:58
А подскажите
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
 https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/12/nasa-gives-go-ahead-for-starliner-test-flight-to-space-station/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/12/nasa-gives-go-ahead-for-starliner-test-flight-to-space-station/)
ЦитироватьNASA gives go-ahead for Starliner test flight to space station  
   December 12, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/12/)  |  Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)  
Recovery teams will be on standby at White Sands, the mission's preferred landing site, to safe and retrieve the spaceship. They will transport the capsule back to Florida for refurbishment and reuse on a future crewed Starliner flight.
там разрешили многократное использование капсулы, или имеется в виду часть ее элементов? лучше со ссылкой на оф заявление
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.12.2019 16:58:43
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1207296441078689795)

There are 3 more parachute acceptance tests left for @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) before the system is certified for Post Certification Mission ("regular") crew flights to Station. #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #OFT  (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.12.2019 17:20:39
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1207302055708237824)

Clarification... 3 reliability tests left.

OFT and CFT don't technically count for that, but DO feed into overall parachute system certification.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.12.2019 17:59:48
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1207313474084384770)

The launch whether commit criteria for the #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash) and #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash). #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.12.2019 18:50:36
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1207303111410429953)

There are indeed launch abort weather Launch Commit Criteria that will factor into "Go/No Go" decision.

24 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1207320851324035072)

These Ascent Abort weather commit criteria will NOT be in play for Friday, only for Crew missions.

21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1207321545095438337)

But for the record, here are the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) Ascent Abort weather considerations for the crewed flights of the capsule.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.12.2019 00:23:14
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29925.jpg)Michael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1207377402709643266)

Astrovan II will transport astronauts to the SLC-41 launch pad ahead of Starliner missions.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.12.2019 01:19:49
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 36 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1207415780339539968)

While the Starliner flying the Orbital Flight Test is on the pad, the crew and service modules for the crewed flight test are undergoing final preparations.


34 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1207416123110690816)

The Starliner from last month's pad abort test is also here.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.12.2019 08:06:32
https://www.boeing.com/features/2019/09/patches-revealed-09-19.page (https://www.boeing.com/features/2019/09/patches-revealed-09-19.page)
ЦитироватьPatches Revealed
Starliner mission patch designs released
September 12, 2019 in Space


Mission patches are more than collectibles – they are a long-standing tradition that tell the incredible story of human spaceflight. For decades, astronauts of every historic endeavor have been personally involved in designing these emblems, and the three new CST-100 Starliner flight test patches are no exception.

"The Starliner program represents many firsts for Boeing, so we wanted to make sure a mix of employees who have designed, built and tested the spacecraft could influence their look and feel," said Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson.

Ferguson championed the development of the Orbital Flight Test, Pad Abort Test and Crew Flight Test patches. The design phase was a team sport with Starliner employees, Boeing Creative Services, and NASA astronauts Nicole Mann, Mike Fincke and Eric Boe.

"Their shapes, colors and symbols were chosen to highlight each mission's significance," Ferguson said.

As an example, each of the three patches are five-sided, representing the spacecraft's five phases of development, as well as the five available seats on service missions to the International Space Station. Be on the lookout for them to show up, along with other space merchandise, on the Boeing Store Space Shop (https://www.boeingstore.com/products/boeing-starliner-mission-patch-oft-patch).

Orbital Flight Test patch: Over the past half-century, Boeing has played an integral role in every U.S. human spaceflight program. The olive branch on this patch nods to that history as a reference to the Apollo 11 moon landing patch, and to NASA as the agency welcomes Boeing to the era of commercial human spaceflight services. With shades of blue representing our methodical steps to reach low Earth orbit, this patch was ultimately inspired by the image of Starliner first docking to the Boeing-built International Docking Adaptor attached to the International Space Station.

Pad Abort Test patch: Drawing inspiration fr om the scenic New Mexico desert wh ere the test will take place, the varying colors of orange represent the steps we took to qualify the Starliner's abort system, beginning at the component level and graduating to an integrated test level. The patch depicts the spacecraft's four Launch Abort Engines, which would get the Starliner crew module and its passengers away from a dangerous situation while on the launch pad or through ascent. The sun represents the rise of a new age in human spaceflight that puts safety of crew members at the forefront of all we do.

Crew Flight Test patch: Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, and NASA astronauts Nicole Mann, Mike Fincke and Eric Boe, worked with Starliner employees from across the country to develop a patch that pays homage to the national importance of the Starliner program. The red vector coming off the sides of the spacecraft represents NASA's insignia, known as the "meatball," as a symbol of our collaboration with America's space agency. The dark blue background represents low Earth orbit and the iconic Boeing blue hue. A yellow sunburst following the curvature of the Earth symbolizes the dawn of a new era in human spaceflight with the first orbital flight of a crewed commercial spacecraft. The full depiction of the International Space Station portrays the Starliner's first destination in space.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 20.12.2019 10:24:40
Какие ожидания от первого беспилотного полёта?
аэродинамика юбочки?
посадка? её точность?
какие данные от Розочки будут доступны публике?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Nord777 от 20.12.2019 20:07:07
В Boeing сообщили, что планируют вернуть Starliner на Землю через 48 часов (https://tass.ru/kosmos/7392663)

ТАСС, 20 декабря. Корпорация Boeing планирует вернуть корабль Starliner на Землю в течение 48 часов. Об этом сообщил вице-президент компании Джим Чилтон.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.01.2020 23:11:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg) Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1214638577587544064)

NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Annual Report 2019 statement regarding CFT & the Mission Elapsed Timer anomaly during #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)

"The impact of the anomaly on the launch date for the Crew Flight Test (CFT), if any, will depend upon the results of post-flight analysis"

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.01.2020 19:38:37
https://blogs.nasa.gov/bridenstine/2020/01/07/nasa-update-on-boeings-orbital-flight-test/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/bridenstine/2020/01/07/nasa-update-on-boeings-orbital-flight-test/)
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/01/07/nasa-update-on-boeings-orbital-flight-test/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/01/07/nasa-update-on-boeings-orbital-flight-test/)
ЦитироватьNASA Update on Boeing's Orbital Flight Test

Jim Bridenstine (https://blogs.nasa.gov/bridenstine/author/mrydin/)
Posted Jan 7, 2020 at 3:53 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130726.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2020/01/OFT-landing-3.jpg)
Boeing, NASA, and U.S. Army personnel work around the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft shortly after it landed in White Sands, New Mexico, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

NASA and Boeing are in the process of establishing a joint, independent investigation team to examine the primary issues associated with the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test.

The independent team will inform NASA and Boeing on the root cause of the mission elapsed timer anomaly and any other software issues and provide corrective actions needed before flying crew to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) for the agency's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html). The team will review the primary anomalies experienced during the Dec. 2019 flight test, any potential contributing factors and provide recommendations to ensure a robust design for future missions. Once underway, the investigation is targeted to last about two months before the team delivers its final assessment.

In parallel, NASA is evaluating the data received during the mission to determine if another uncrewed demonstration is required. This decision is not expected for several weeks as teams take the necessary time for this review. NASA's approach will be to determine if NASA and Boeing received enough data to validate the system's overall performance, including launch, on-orbit operations, guidance, navigation and control, docking/undocking to the space station, reentry and landing. Although data from the uncrewed test is important for certification, it may not be the only way that Boeing is able to demonstrate its system's full capabilities.

The uncrewed flight test was proposed by Boeing as a way to meet NASA's mission and safety requirements for certification and as a way to validate that the system can protect astronauts in space before flying crew. The uncrewed mission, including docking to the space station, became a part of the company's contract with NASA. Although docking was planned, it may not have to be accomplished prior to the crew demonstration. Boeing would need NASA's approval to proceed with a flight test with astronauts onboard.

Starliner currently is being transported from the landing location near the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range to the company's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility in Florida. Since landing, teams have safed the spacecraft for transport, downloaded data from the spacecraft's onboard systems for analysis and completed initial inspections of the interior and exterior of Starliner. A more detailed analysis will be conducted after the spacecraft arrives at its processing facility.

Boeing's Orbital Flight test launched on Friday, Dec. 20, on United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The mission successfully landed two days later on Sunday, Dec. 22, completing an abbreviated test that performed several mission objectives before returning to Earth as the first orbital land touchdown of a human-rated capsule in U.S. history.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.01.2020 21:24:34
https://starlinerupdates.com/starliner-arrives-back-in-florida-teams-hard-at-work-in-2020/ (https://starlinerupdates.com/starliner-arrives-back-in-florida-teams-hard-at-work-in-2020/)
ЦитироватьStarliner arrives back in Florida, teams hard at work in 2020

January 14, 2020

Our Orbital Flight Test Starliner being processed by technicians after return from White Sands Missile Range.

On Wednesday, January 8, the Starliner that flew the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test returned safely to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After launching from Cape Canaveral on December 20, 2019, and landing at the White Sands Missile Range on December 22, the Starliner was recovered and prepared for shipment across the country, and then left the desert on January 3.

In general, the plan for post-flight processing of this spacecraft is as follows:
  • Thorough external inspection
  • Hatch opening and visual verification the seal is in good shape and will keep pressure integrity and people safe as the telemetry data indicates
  • Interior inspection and verification the capsule is as clean as the telemetry data would indicate
  • Removal of cover panels and some key components across systems including avionics, propulsion and life support, detailed inspection and verification of those key components after first flight
  • Detailed inspection of chutes, rigging and airbags with emphasis on unexpected chafing and wear-and-tear
  • Assessment of how heat loading during ascent and entry affected docking system and capsule sidewalls, will compare results against pre-flight thermal models
  • Transition to standard post-flight refurbishment and pre-flight testing
In parallel, technicians will continue preparing another Starliner crew and service module for the next flight. That vehicle is currently in the final assembly and processing phases. Starliner engineers and analysts are also working on compiling and understanding all the data collected from the Orbital Flight Test, and together with our NASA customer, the data will be reviewed and decisions will be made based on what is learned. As this process continues, we will provide updates as timely and as accurately as possible, including initial results from external inspections and thermal assessments as early as this week.

In the meantime, an independent Boeing-NASA team has been formed and are reviewing the software anomaly to determine root cause and recommend corrective actions. Additionally, individual teams are evaluating data and conducting comprehensive system-by-system reviews as part of the normal post-flight test process. Boeing teams now have access to and are currently compiling results from the last of the data recorded during flight.

This includes:
  • Compiling the specialized development measurements and comparing them to telemetry data to assess timing and consistency
  • Some demonstration flight instrumentation (DFI) results revealing hull temp and strains, indicating structural integrity and accuracy of design forecasts
  • Correlation of any visual inspection or data observations with the full set available
  • Detailed reviews are underway in partnership with NASA, which we expect to wrap up in a few weeks
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.01.2020 23:57:17
ЦитироватьNASA Commercial Crew: Returning Human Spaceflight to America

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220594.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAKennedy) NASA's Kennedy Space Center (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjJtr2fFcUp6yljzJOzpHUg)

27 янв. 2020 г.

NASA and Commercial Crew Program partners Boeing and SpaceX are preparing to launch astronauts from Florida's Space Coast.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrX0287xk10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrX0287xk10)https://www.youtube.com/embed/WrX0287xk10 (https://www.youtube.com/embed/WrX0287xk10) (1:23)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.01.2020 18:34:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185037.png) (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) Chris G - NSF@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 5:57 PM - Jan 31, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1223259012365541377)

Full statement from @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) about #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) progress and how the $410 million dollar to a potential reflight of #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash) actually covers much more than a single Starliner flight on #AtlasV (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AtlasV?src=hash).

https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1223257800698204166 ... (https://t.co/683xkzveKN)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.02.2020 03:54:09
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/75977.jpg) (https://twitter.com/thesheetztweetz) Michael Sheetz✔@thesheetztweetz (https://twitter.com/thesheetztweetz) 11:01 PM - Feb 3, 2020 (https://twitter.com/thesheetztweetz/status/1224422675034054660)

Boeing officials told the GAO that refurbishing the Starliner capsule from December's uncrewed flight test will take 4 months.

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EP4F1dGW4AE0L3B.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EP4F1dGW4AE0L3B.mp4) (0:09)

11:05 PM - Feb 3, 2020 (https://twitter.com/thesheetztweetz/status/1224423799724158976)

But NASA officials say "a number of problems were found in recent" testing of Starliner's initiators – while Boeing's design was an accepted risk for the uncrewed test, NASA will require additional testing before a crewed flight.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: К.А. от 04.02.2020 08:09:45
Я наконец понял на что похож Starliner, на Грамазеку !
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.02.2020 22:28:09
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/44532.jpg) (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) Jeff Foust@jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 10:08 PM - Feb 6, 2020 (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1225496415096492032)

ASAP member Paul Hill: a second software issue found with Starliner and corrected; could have led to "catastrophic failure" of spacecraft. Still evaluating root cause. Recommend review of Boeing's verification processes.
Для справки: ASAP - NASA Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 06.02.2020 22:32:03
Чую одним  местом - могло произойти самопроизвольное отделение агрегатного отсека  :o

Сцыкотно за SLS - что они там напрограммировали.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 07.02.2020 00:12:46
ЦитироватьThat anomaly was discovered during ground testing while the spacecraft was in orbit, panel member Paul Hill said. "While this anomaly was corrected in flight, if it had gone uncorrected, it would have led to erroneous thruster firings and uncontrolled motion during [service module] separation for deorbit, with the potential for a catastrophic spacecraft failure," he said.

Не угадал...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.02.2020 03:27:57
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185669.jpg) (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace) Eric Berger✔@SciGuySpace (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace) 10:19 PM - Feb 6, 2020 (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1225499202421174274)

In regard to this issue, I actually asked Boeing comms about it three weeks ago after a source tipped me off. The response I received is in my next tweet.

10:19 PM - Feb 6, 2020 (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1225499269991424002)

"Given the shortened 48 hour mission, software uploads were sent near the end of mission. The final upload before landing's main purpose was to ensure a proper disposal burn of the Service Module after separation, and had nothing to do with Crew Module reentry."

12:55 AM - Feb 7, 2020 (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1225538515074789376)

Yeah, I'm going to learn from this one. https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/02/starliner-faced-catastrophic-failure-before-software-bug-found/ ... (https://t.co/ETTrTQReFC)

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.02.2020 04:58:52
https://tass.ru/kosmos/7706419 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/7706419)
Цитировать7 ФЕВ, 04:21
СМИ: в NASA рекомендовали Boeing тщательнее проверять ПО из-за проблем со Starliner
Ранее из-за технических неполадок запланированная стыковка Starliner с МКС была отменена

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 7 февраля. /ТАСС/. Специалисты Национального управления США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) рекомендовали изменить процедуру проверки программного обеспечения (ПО) в компании Boeing из-за выявленных неполадок при запуске ее корабля Starliner в декабре 2019 года. Об этом сообщил в четверг интернет-портал Space News.

Starliner был запущен 20 декабря в беспилотном режиме к Международной космической станции (МКС) с авиабазы на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида) с помощью ракеты-носителя Atlas V. Из-за технических неполадок запланированная стыковка корабля с орбитальным комплексом была отменена. Одной из причин был признан сбой в системе подсчета полетного времени. В итоге корабль был возвращен на Землю.

Как отмечается в публикации Space News, члены комиссии NASA по вопросам безопасности полетов провели совещание, на котором обсудили еще одну выявленную неполадку в работе ПО Starliner. О ней, как отмечает портал, ранее не сообщалось. Один из членов указанной комиссии Пол Хилл уточнил, что "данная неполадка была исправлена во время полета". Как он подчеркнул, "если бы этого не сделали, то по ошибке включился бы двигатель, имело бы место неконтролируемое движение во время отделения" служебного отсека. По словам Хилла, это "могло привести к катастрофической неисправности космического корабля".

Как подчеркнул Хилл, произошедшее вызвало у комиссии озабоченность относительно того, тщательно ли проверяют в Boeing программное обеспечение. Комиссия рекомендует пересмотреть соответствующие процедуры и повысить их эффективность.

Новый американский корабль Starliner, разработанный Boeing, имеет массу 13 тонн. Он рассчитан на экипаж из семи человек и способен в течение 60 часов осуществлять автономный полет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: snek от 07.02.2020 01:42:55
Ветераны индустрии продолжают удивлять. Если это чудо полетит в этом году, то лоббисты боинга докажут, что не зря свой хлеб едят. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.02.2020 18:00:25
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/02/07/nasa-shares-initial-findings-from-boeing-starliner-orbital-flight-test-investigation/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/02/07/nasa-shares-initial-findings-from-boeing-starliner-orbital-flight-test-investigation/)
ЦитироватьNASA Shares Initial Findings fr om Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test Investigation

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Feb 7, 2020 at 9:33 am

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130726.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2020/01/OFT-landing-3.jpg)
Boeing, NASA, and U.S. Army personnel work around the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft shortly after it landed in White Sands, New Mexico, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

Following the anomaly that occurred during the December Boeing Starliner Orbital Fight Test (OFT), NASA and Boeing formed a joint investigation team tasked with examining the primary issues, which occurred during that test. Those issues included three specific concerns revealed during flight:
[/li][li]An error with the Mission Elapsed Timer (MET), which incorrectly polled time from the Atlas V booster nearly 11 hours prior to launch.
[/li][li]A software issue within the Service Module (SM) Disposal Sequence, which incorrectly translated the SM disposal sequence into the SM Integrated Propulsion Controller (IPC).
[/li][li]An Intermittent Space-to-Ground (S/G) forward link issue, which impeded the Flight Control team's ability to command and control the vehicle.
The joint investigation team convened in early January and has now identified the direct causes and preliminary corrective actions for the first two anomalies. The intermittent communications issues still are under investigation. NASA reviewed these results on Friday, Jan. 31 along with multiple suggested corrective actions recommended by the team. While NASA was satisfied that the team had properly identified the technical root cause of the two anomalies, they requested the team to perform a more in-depth analysis as to why the anomalies occurred, including an analysis of whether the issues were indicative of weak internal software processes or failure in applying those processes. The team is in the process of performing this additional analysis, as well as continuing the investigation of the intermittent communications issues. NASA briefed the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel on the status of the investigation this week.

Regarding the first two anomalies, the team found the two critical software defects were not detected ahead of flight despite multiple safeguards.  Ground intervention prevented loss of vehicle in both cases. Breakdowns in the design and code phase inserted the original defects. Additionally, breakdowns in the test and verification phase failed to identify the defects preflight despite their detectability. While both errors could have led to risk of spacecraft loss, the actions of the NASA-Boeing team were able to correct the issues and return the Starliner spacecraft safely to Earth.

There was no simple cause of the two software defects making it into flight. Software defects, particularly in complex spacecraft code, are not unexpected. However, there were numerous instances wh ere the Boeing software quality processes either should have or could have uncovered the defects. Due to these breakdowns found in design, code and test of the software, they will require systemic corrective actions. The team has already identified a robust set of 11 top-priority corrective actions. More will be identified after the team completes its additional work.

The joint team made excellent progress for this stage of the investigation. However, it's still too early for us to definitively share the root causes and full set of corrective actions needed for the Starliner system. We do expect to have those results at the end of February, as was our initial plan. We want to make sure we have a comprehensive understanding of what happened so that we can fully explain the root causes and better assess future work that will be needed. Most critically, we want to assure that these necessary steps are completely understood prior to determining the plan for future flights. Separate from the anomaly investigation, NASA also is still reviewing the data collected during the flight test to help determine that future plan. NASA expects a decision on this review to be complete in the next several weeks.

NASA and Boeing are committed to openly sharing the information related to the mission with the public. Thus, NASA will be holding a media teleconference (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-update-on-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews) at 3:30 p.m. EST Friday, Feb. 7.

In addition to these reviews, NASA is planning to perform an Organizational Safety Assessment of Boeing's work related to the Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html). The comprehensive safety review will include individual employee interviews with a sampling from a cross section of personnel, including senior managers, mid-level management and supervision, and engineers and technicians at multiple sites. The review would be added to the company's Commercial Crew Transportation Capability contract. NASA previously completed a more limited review of the company. The goal of the Organizational Safety Assessment will be to examine the workplace culture with the commercial crew provider ahead of a mission with astronauts.

Boeing's Orbital Flight test launched on Friday, Dec. 20, on United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The mission successfully landed two days later on Sunday, Dec. 22, completing an abbreviated test that performed several mission objectives before returning to Earth as the first orbital land touchdown of a human-rated capsule in U.S. history.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.02.2020 18:04:32
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-update-on-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-update-on-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews)
ЦитироватьFeb. 7, 2020

NASA, Boeing to Provide Update on Starliner Orbital Flight Test Reviews
NASA and Boeing will host a media teleconference at 3:30 p.m. EST Friday, Feb. 7, to discuss the status of the joint independent review team investigation into the primary issues detected during the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-complete-successful-landing-of-starliner-flight-test) in December as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Participants in the briefing will be:

  • NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine
  • Jim Chilton, senior vice president, Boeing Space and Launch
  • Douglas Loverro, associate administrator, NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
  • Kathy Lueders, program manager, NASA's Commercial Crew Program
  • John Mulholland, vice president and program manager, Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Program
Audio of the teleconference will stream live online at:
https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/live)


Last Updated: Feb. 7, 2020
Editor: Karen Northon
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.02.2020 20:59:03
https://starlinerupdates.com/statement-on-independent-review-team-recommendations-for-the-starliner-orbital-flight-test-anomalies/ (https://starlinerupdates.com/statement-on-independent-review-team-recommendations-for-the-starliner-orbital-flight-test-anomalies/)
ЦитироватьStatement on Independent Review Team Recommendations for the Starliner Orbital Flight Test Anomalies
February 6, 2020

We accept and appreciate the recommendations of the jointly led NASA-Boeing Independent Review Team (IRT) as well as suggestions from the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel following Starliner's Orbital Flight Test (OFT). Their insights are invaluable to the Commercial Crew Program and we will work with NASA to comprehensively apply their recommendations.
  • Regarding the Mission Elapsed Timer anomaly, the IRT believes they found root cause and provided a number of recommendations and corrective actions.
  • The IRT also investigated a valve mapping software issue, which was diagnosed and fixed in flight. That error in the software would have resulted in an incorrect thruster separation and disposal burn. What would have resulted from that is unclear.
  • The IRT is also making significant progress on understanding the command dropouts encountered during the mission and is further investigating methods to make the Starliner communications system more robust on future missions.
We are already working on many of the recommended fixes including re-verifying flight software code.

Our next task is to build a plan that incorporates IRT recommendations, NASA's Organizational Safety Assessment (OSA) and any other oversight NASA chooses after considering IRT findings. Once NASA approves that plan, we will be able to better estimate timelines for the completion of all tasks. It remains too soon to speculate about next flight dates.

NASA has issued the following advisory:

https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-update-on-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-update-on-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 07.02.2020 23:32:47
Аудиоконференция по Старлайнеру начинается https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 08.02.2020 00:01:51
ЦитироватьJohn Mulholland of Boeing says Starliner's flight software has about 1 million lines of code. Now they will have to go back through and verify all of that.

ЦитироватьBoeing adds: Starliner has approximately 1 million lines of code. We exercised ~66% of the scripts correctly during the mission but we're going to go back and re-verify.

И займёт это лет пять
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 08.02.2020 10:19:01
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:

И займёт это лет пять
А почему не десять? Зуб даешь? :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 08.02.2020 00:22:53
Сигналы сотовой связи мешали передачи команд на корабль?

ЦитироватьMulholland: the high noise floor for communications was over specific "geographic footprints" and appears to be close to frequencies associated with cell towers.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 08.02.2020 00:27:04
ЦитироватьNot написал:
ЦитироватьЧебурашка (//forum/user/14248/) написал:

И займёт это лет пять
А почему не десять? Зуб даешь?
Not, вспомни свои рассказы, как у вас там относятся к СпэйсИкс и Боингу. Вспомнил? А теперь забудь! Теперь отношение изменится. Бранденстайн: "NASA oversight was insuffisient".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 08.02.2020 10:30:47
Цитироватьopinion написал: Бранденстайн: "NASA oversight was insuffisient".
Да ладно, не плакай, филолух! И всегда вспоминай, что там Алекс II пишет про гуманитариев, чтобы временами возвращаться на грешную землю :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 08.02.2020 10:33:56
Для первого полета все было вполне допустимо. По сравнению же с первым полетом Дракона спейсексов - близко к совершенству :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 08.02.2020 00:39:01
ЦитироватьNot написал:
Для первого полета все было вполне допустимо. По сравнению же с первым полетом Дракона спейсексов - близко к совершенству
К тому миллиону строк кода вам теперь придется дописать два-три миллиона строк тестов и тогда, может быть, будет допустимо, а не вполне допустимо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 08.02.2020 00:45:38
Lost of mission в первом полете допустимо?
Сколько там по требованиям NASA в вероятность LOM должна быть - 1 к 400 вроде

У Dragon 2 в первом полете кстати Full success ;)
Объективная реальность.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Ну-и-ну от 08.02.2020 07:51:31
Миллион строк - программа большой сложности, но не гигантская. 30 кодеров должны держать столько в головах.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 08.02.2020 00:51:50
ЦитироватьNot написал:
ЦитироватьДа ладно, не плакай, филолух!
Тебе всё филологи везде мерещатся, а сычберду начала мерещится саранча. Может это вирус?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 08.02.2020 00:54:21
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Lost of mission в первом полете допустимо?
Сколько там по требованиям NASA в вероятность LOM должна быть - 1 к 400 вроде

У НАСА есть требования к LOC. Это потеря экипажа, а не миссии. И, кажется, условие более слабое, 1 к 270 или что-то вроде этого.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.02.2020 02:58:27
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185037.png) (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) Chris G - NSF@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 11:42 PM - Feb 7, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1225882437672194054)

Kathy Lueders: Mission Event Timer issue was traced to a software requirement issues.  2 parameters were needed; only 1 was actually coded in the flight software.
@NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)

11:42 PM - Feb 7, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1225882648918286336)

Kathy Lueders: "While getting ready for reentry, the way the Service Module software was coded was incorrect."
@NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.02.2020 03:03:59
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185037.png) (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) Chris G - NSF@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 11:52 PM - Feb 7, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1225885062731911169)

John (Boeing): Second issue was an incorrect valve mapping coding that would not have allowed the Service Module to fire its thruster to get away from Starliner after separation.
@NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)

11:53 PM - Feb 7, 2020 (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1225885382677581825)

John (Boeing): The antenna issue "would have presented regardless of other issues."  No real info to present at this point.
@NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) #OFT (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OFT?src=hash)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.02.2020 03:06:24
ЦитироватьBoeing, NASA update the media on Starliner anomalies - Teleconference audio (2/7/2020)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220546.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA) NASASpaceflight (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA)

7 февр. 2020 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5UX2j2UBs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5UX2j2UBs)https://www.youtube.com/embed/xv5UX2j2UBs (https://www.youtube.com/embed/xv5UX2j2UBs) (56:31)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge V Iz от 08.02.2020 08:53:43

ЦитироватьСМИ узнали о фундаментальных проблемах в ПО корабля Starliner от Boeing
«Мы не знаем, сколько ошибок сейчас в программном обеспечении. Возможно, две, а возможно, и много сотен. Дело в том, что эта сфера промышленности очень плохо справляется с [разработкой] ПО»

А чего хотели? Не надо было занимать позицию бюрократа и считать штуки подписей под документами, вынося мозг актуальным работникам, а надо было активно участвовать а идеологии и технологии разработки и испытаний - тогда бы и "знали" ))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 08.02.2020 10:08:49
ЦитироватьSerge V Iz написал:
«Мы не знаем, сколько ошибок сейчас в программном обеспечении. Возможно, две, а возможно, и много сотен.
А ПО СЛС они тоже у индусов заказывали? )))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge V Iz от 08.02.2020 09:11:51
Многолетние наблюдения за популяциями программистов в естественной среде наталкивают на мысль, что индус - это не национальность, а состояние души. К счастью, преходящее )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: sychbird от 08.02.2020 10:28:07
Цитироватьopinion написал:
ЦитироватьNot (//forum/user/13990/) написал:
ЦитироватьДа ладно, не плакай, филолух!
Тебе всё филологи везде мерещатся, а сычберду начала мерещится саранча. Может это вирус?
Мне ничего не мерещиться. Саранча активно трудиться на полях Рогозинского Роскосмоса.
И не дай бог она сожрет все вокруг по своему обыкновению, после чего и сама сдохнет. Уже не будет ни журнала ни  форума.

У саранчи мозгом нет.  Один инстинкт жрать все вокруг.  ;) 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: hlynin от 08.02.2020 11:51:22
Цитироватьsychbird написал:
У саранчи мозгом нет.  Один инстинкт жрать все вокруг.    
она и наесться не может - за отсутствием желудка. Настоящий прямоточный пожиратель
какой ужас
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 09.02.2020 00:13:11
Цитироватьsychbird написал:
Цитироватьopinion (//forum/user/27898/) написал:
 сычберду начала мерещится саранча. Может это вирус?
Мне ничего не мерещиться. Саранча активно трудиться на полях Рогозинского Роскосмоса.
У вас жар. Если вы в Китае, идите в ближайшую больницу. Если не знаете, где больница, просто идите прямо. Пока идёте, что-нибудь на вашем пути построят. Если вы в России, перекреститесь. Говорят, верное средство от галлюцинаций.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: mihalchuk от 09.02.2020 11:55:25
Цитироватьhlynin написал:
Цитироватьsychbird (//forum/user/14319/) написал:
У саранчи мозгом нет.  Один инстинкт жрать все вокруг.    
она и наесться не может - за отсутствием желудка. Настоящий прямоточный пожиратель
какой ужас
Она не ест. Она так пьёт, и не может напиться.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Max Andriyahov от 11.02.2020 09:27:27
Еще одно издевательство над Боингом:

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 11.02.2020 11:42:16
До выборов в США теперь точно не полетит с людьми Старлайнер.
Можно делать ставки.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 11.02.2020 18:09:37
Цитироватьazvoz написал:
До выборов в США теперь точно не полетит с людьми Старлайнер.
Теперь есть время для второй попытки без людей. Пусть поработает грузовиком. Боинг заслужил эту честь. )))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 22.02.2020 09:04:17
ЦитироватьBoeing рассказала о покупке в России детали для корабля Starliner
МОСКВА, 22 фев - РИА Новости. Компания Boeing покупает в России преобразователь питания для своего пилотируемого космического корабля Starliner, сообщило космическое подразделение компании.
В пятницу генеральный директор Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин рассказал, что с удивлением узнал об агрегате для системы посадки корабля Starliner, который делается частной российской компанией в Воронеже по заказу Boeing.
"Starliner использует блок преобразования питания, поставляемый ЗАО "Орбита" в Воронеже... Он позволяет Starliner получать электропитание с МКС, когда он пристыкован к ней", - говорится в Twitter космического подразделения Boeing.
Компания отмечает, что этот преобразователь применяется на МКС уже 20 лет. Для использования в Starliner его масса была уменьшена, а выбрали его благодаря надежности.
В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США для отправки астронавтов на станцию разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX, Starliner - компанией Boeing.
В марте 2019 года корабль Crew Dragon совершил первый испытательный беспилотный полет на МКС.
 В декабре 2019 года первый такой полет выполнил корабль Starliner, но по техническим причинам его стыковка с МКС была отменена.
В январе 2020 года компания Boeing сообщила, что НАСА анализирует необходимость повторного беспилотного полета Starliner и что заложила 410 миллионов долларов на такую возможность.
Первый испытательный полет корабля Crew Dragon с экипажем к МКС намечается в мае.
После испытательных беспилотного и пилотируемого полетов корабли Crew Dragon и Starliner будут сертифицированы НАСА для штатных миссий на МКС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 22.02.2020 20:09:32
ЦитироватьMax Andriyahov написал:
Еще одно издевательство над Боингом:

 https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-first-private-nasa-astronaut-launch-boeing-catastrophe/ (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-first-private-nasa-astronaut-launch-boeing-catastrophe/)

Ох, зря они так ;)

ЦитироватьBoeing narrowly avoids catastrophe in space

Боингу то как раз заложенной избыточности хватило, в отличие от разлетевшейся на миллион маленьких сексуальных дракончиков собственной капсулы Спйсексов. Доиграются, комбинаторы :D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 22.02.2020 09:14:33
Цитироватьzandr написал:
 Boeing покупает в России преобразователь питания
Цитироватьzandr написал:
 Дмитрий Рогозин рассказал, что с удивлением узнал об агрегате для системы посадки корабля Starliner, который делается частной российской компанией в Воронеже по заказу Boeing.

Что делает в "системах посадки" преобразователь питания для подсоединения к сети МКС?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 22.02.2020 11:17:31
А ведь несколько лет назад писали что что-то из России поставляется для американского корабля; вот только для какого?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 22.02.2020 11:41:38
Цитироватьhttps://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1230854955369717761 (https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1230854955369717761)
6:01 PM · 21 февр. 2020 г.
A private company in Voronezh, Russia, produces some units for #Starliner spacecraft, said Dmitry Rogozin today. According to him, those units are ordered by Boeing and intended for use in the landing system of Starliner. https://tass.ru/kosmos/7813231 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/7813231)

Цитироватьhttps://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1230856885542281216 (https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1230856885542281216)
6:08 PM · 21 февр. 2020 г.
"I myself was surprised when I found out," the head of Roscosmos noted.

Цитироватьhttps://twitter.com/joroulette/status/1230860640081915905 (https://twitter.com/joroulette/status/1230860640081915905)
6:23 PM · 21 февр. 2020 г.
the CCtCap for both Boeing and SpaceX permits this, they're subject to INKSNA and have to routinely report about it to NASA
Joey Roulette @joroulette space reporter for @reuters  and others

Цитироватьhttps://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1230967468769890305 (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace/status/1230967468769890305)
1:28 AM · 22 февр. 2020 г
Boeing Space@BoeingSpace
В ответ @joroulette
You're right, Joey. And we comply with those contract requirements.

#Starliner uses a Power Converter Unit provided by Zao Orbita in Voronezh, Russia. It allows us to transfer power from @Space_Station  to Starliner while docked.

Boeing Space@BoeingSpace
В ответ  @BoeingSpace @joroulette и @Space_Station
It's a flight-proven component used for 20 years on @Space_Station. It was reduced in mass and size to fit the needs of #Starliner and chosen for its mission assurance and customer reliability.

ТАСС как обычно не может прямо написать в пятницу в Twitter компании.... В Twitter Boeing ..., только РИА уточнило говорится в Twitter космического подразделения Boeing
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 22.02.2020 13:05:02
ЦитироватьNot написал:

Боингу то как раз заложенной избыточности хватило
Одиночный отказ полностью свел систему управления с ума и она чуть не уничтожила корабль методом полной выработки топлива. А Not пишет об избыточности.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 22.02.2020 13:35:27
Пусть Боинг расскажет что осталось от корабля при первом неудачном испытании двигателей САС летом 2018 года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: KBOB от 22.02.2020 11:03:02
Цитироватьopinion написал:
ЦитироватьNot (//forum/user/13990/) написал:

Боингу то как раз заложенной избыточности хватило
Одиночный отказ полностью свел систему управления с ума и она чуть не уничтожила корабль методом полной выработки топлива. А Not пишет об избыточности.
Просто нужно трехкратное дублировать запас топлива на случай таких отказов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge V Iz от 22.02.2020 13:16:16
И, на всякий случай, баков и двигателей ))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: cross-track от 22.02.2020 17:25:24
ЦитироватьNot написал:
ЦитироватьБоингу то как раз заложенной избыточности хватило, в отличие от разлетевшейся на миллион маленьких сексуальных дракончиков собственной капсулы Спйсексов. Доиграются, комбинаторы
Оказывается, что если бы не было неудачного вывода на орбиту, то корабль протаранил бы МКС из-за косячного ПО. Так что нет худа без добра, и Боинг еще хорошо отделался. Вот такие хваленые профи!..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 22.02.2020 18:51:11
Цитироватьcross-track написал:
 Оказывается, что если бы не было неудачного вывода на орбиту, то корабль протаранил бы МКС из-за косячного ПО.
ну и где об этом заявлялось?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge V Iz от 22.02.2020 17:00:45
Потенциально, уже во время ухода от МКС:

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 22.02.2020 19:04:57
ЦитироватьSerge V Iz написал:
Потенциально, уже во время ухода от МКС:
 https://spacenews.com/nasa-safety-panel-calls-for-reviews-after-second-starliner-software-problem/ (https://spacenews.com/nasa-safety-panel-calls-for-reviews-after-second-starliner-software-problem/)
а там точно сказано в момент отхода от МКС, а не в момент подготовки и возвращения с орбиты?

ЦитироватьThat anomaly was discovered during ground testing while the spacecraft was in orbit, panel member Paul Hill said. "While this anomaly was corrected in flight, if it had gone uncorrected, it would have led to erroneous thruster firings and uncontrolled motion during [service module] separation for deorbit, with the potential for a catastrophic spacecraft failure," he said.
In the statement, Boeing described the new software problem as "a valve mapping software issue, which was diagnosed and fixed in flight." According to the company, "That error in the software would have resulted in an incorrect thruster separation and disposal burn. What would have resulted from that is unclear."
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge V Iz от 22.02.2020 17:11:08
Толком там не объяснили. Перепутанная адресность команд на двигатели может сделать с движением все, что угодно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: cross-track от 22.02.2020 20:26:15
ЦитироватьSerge V Iz написал:
Толком там не объяснили. Перепутанная адресность команд на двигатели может сделать с движением все, что угодно.
Я не знаю, кому Боинг заказывает ПО для своих самолетов и космических кораблей, но сейчас они вынуждены перепроверить миллион строчек программного кода для Старлайнера, из-за выявленных во время последнего полета критических багов. Если НАСА не настоит на повторном беспилотном полете, то тогда будет явная угроза жизни как американских астронавтов на Старлайнере, так и международного экипажа на МКС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 22.02.2020 20:55:57
ЦитироватьSerge V Iz написал:
Толком там не объяснили. Перепутанная адресность команд на двигатели может сделать с движением все, что угодно.
После отделения посадочного модуля от агрегатного, понятное дело, изменяется масса и положение центра тяжести. После этого для создания тех же приращений импульсов и моментов нужно использовать другие двигатели. Нужно было поменять таблицу valve mapping. Забыли.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 22.02.2020 22:10:21
ЦитироватьКомпания Boeing (https://lenta.ru/tags/organizations/boeing/) покупает в России преобразователь питания для своего космического корабля Starliner. Об этом сообщает РИА Новости (http://www.ria.ru/) со ссылкой на космическое подразделение компании.

Отмечается, что блок позволяет кораблю получать электропитание с МКС, когда он пристыкован к ней. Деталь производит ЗАО «Орбита» в Воронеже, и преобразователь применяется на МКС уже 20 лет. В Starliner выбрали его благодаря надежности и уменьшили массу детали.

По словам главы «Роскосмоса» Дмитрия Рогозина, он с удивлением узнал об агрегате для системы посадки, который делает частная российская компания.

И почему я не удивлен?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 25.02.2020 21:12:21
ЦитироватьZOOR написал:
Глава «Роскосмоса» удивился старому контракту Boeing с воронежской фирмой (https://abireg.ru/newsitem/80230/)
Цитировать25.02.2020, 12:23
Как сообщили «Абирегу» в «Орбите», соответствующий контракт был подписан еще в 2014 году в присутствии губернатора Алексея Гордеева. Этому предшествовала победа «Орбиты» в международном конкурсе на разработку и изготовление электротехнического оборудования для американского космического корабля, который заменил завершенную программу Space Shuttle. Тогда директор разработки систем электроэнергии авиационной радиоэлектроники и исследования космоса Boeing Эрик Гиетл пояснил, что «Орбита» оказалась лучшей по четырем критериям: технической составляющей, менеджменту, стоимости выполнения работ и даже истории завода.

На странице в Twitter представители Boeing рассказали, что подобное оборудование используется на МКС уже 20 лет.

 Однако в «Орбите» подчеркнули, что их разработка не имеет аналогов в мире, а преобразователи, которые использует МКС, являются прототипами. Преобразователь для Starliner длиной 50 см, шириной 40 см и высотой 40 см весит 8,5 кг.

Напомним, ГК «Мегион» Бориса Нестерова выкупила площадку бывшего концерна «Энергия» вместе с ЗАО «Орбита» и ЗАО «МЭЛ» в 2012 году. После этого предприятия перевели на площадку завода «Эталон».
ЗАО «Орбита» – предприятие оборонного комплекса, специализируется на разработке и изготовлении специальной электротехники для военной и космической отрасли. В частности, воронежская аппаратура стоит на всех спутниках системы ГЛОНАСС, а также космических кораблях «Союз» и «Прогресс». Также предприятие обеспечивает электропитание модулей МКС, включая американский модуль «Заря» в рамках контракта с NASA. Генеральный директор компании – Олег Романов. Финпоказатели не раскрываются.

Цитировать https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2384793 (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2384793)

Корпорация Boeing выбрала воронежскую «Орбиту» для выпуска электрооборудования
Коммерсантъ (Воронеж) №4 (https://www.kommersant.ru/regions/archive/36/2014-01-16) от 16.01.2014
Воронежское ЗАО «Орбита», учредителем которого является Борис Нестеров, заключило контракт с американской корпорацией Boeing. В его рамках предприятие оборонного комплекса должно разработать и запустить в производство преобразователи энергии, которые необходимы для системы электроснабжения американского космического аппарата, сообщила вчера пресс-служба регионального облправительства.
Контракт сторонами был подписан 15 января в присутствии губернатора Алексея Гордеева. Как уточнили в облправительстве, визит представителей корпорации рассчитан на всю текущую неделю, за это время делегация Boeing должна ознакомиться с научным и производственным потенциалом «Орбиты».

Предприятие победило в международном конкурсе на разработку и изготовление электротехнического оборудования для нового американского космического корабля, который придет на смену завершенной программе «Спейс шаттл». Космическое подразделение корпорации выполняет функции главного подрядчика, ответственного за разработку и эксплуатацию летательных аппаратов «в рамках реализации важнейших космических программ США». Проект, частью которого станет воронежская продукция, предполагает создание инновационной транспортной системы. Она будет использоваться для доставки на орбиту экипажей и грузов. По словам директора разработки систем электроэнергии авиационной радиоэлектроники и исследования космоса корпорации Эрика Гиетла, «Орбита» выиграла конкурс по четырем критериям: техническая составляющая, менеджмент, стоимость выполнения работ и история завода.

Борис Нестеров, основной собственник завода, вчера вечером не смог уточнить ,,Ъ" детали контракта, сославшись на занятость с делегацией. В ходе встречи у губернатора бизнесмен отметил, что техзадание контракта «значительно сложнее, чем то, что делали для Международной космической станции». Однако господин Нестеров уверен, что «Орбита» выполнит все требования американского заказчика

Напомним, в 2012 году группа компаний «Мегион» Бориса Нестерова начала реконструкцию зданий бывшего концерна «Энергия» в центре Воронежа под бизнес-центр общей площадью около 60 тыс. кв. м, объем вложений только в строительно-монтажные работы оценивался в 1,5 млрд руб. При этом ГК выкупила площадку бывшей «Энергии» вместе с работавшими там ООО «МЭЛ» и ЗАО «Орбита», которые в том же году начали переводить на площадку завода «Эталон» (28 тыс. кв. м) на окраине города. Объем вложений в покупку и модернизацию инфраструктуры предприятий на новом месте оценивался еще в 1,1 млрд руб., однако эксперты отмечали стабильную работу заводов на госзаказ.

Кроме того, в сентябре прошлого года сообщалось о контрактах «Орбиты» с NASA по обслуживанию приборов, установленных на американском модуле МКС «Заря» (продленных до 2028 года); об участии совместно с ГКНПЦ им. М.В.Хруничева и РКК «Энергия» им. Королева в создании нового многофункционального лабораторного модуля МКС «Наука».
на ФНК было например - http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum13/topic9750/message1190158/#message1190158
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 26.02.2020 21:11:28
Три раза "Гы" https://twitter.com/ChabeliH/status/1232724789183352833

ЦитироватьMembers of @NASA's safety advisory panel said @BoeingSpace
 didn't perform key test (testing the full mission integrated w/ Atlas V in a System Integration Lab) that could have caught problems w/ Starliner.
"That was somewhat surprising to us on the panel."

Пусть товарищи из Боинга из своих золотых парашютов выкладываю 400 лямов баксов на повторный тест.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.02.2020 01:44:41
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 39 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1232788290497122305)

Boeing will hold a media round-table on Friday, 28 February at 11am EST to discuss the status of the #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash) program.  An additional @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA)-@BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace) media update will be provided in early March as well.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 27.02.2020 06:13:58
ЦитироватьДмитрий Виницкий написал:
И почему я не удивлен?
А я, если честно, удивлён весьма.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.02.2020 19:39:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1233430211716358145)

John says Boeing not ready to talk about when Starliner will be ready to fly again.  Full action items and full "go forward plan" won't be in place until Interim Review Team is done with all investigation and Boeing's internal audit. #Beoing (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Beoing?src=hash) #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash)
John - John Mulholland
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.02.2020 20:07:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 18 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1233433996165632002)

The decision on whether the next Starliner mission will be crewed or uncrewed will be NASA's, not Boeing.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.02.2020 20:08:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1233437055415472128)

Why didn't Boeing verify all the software before flight? Why only now?  John: Team developed what they thought would be adequate. testing. Hindsight proved different. "This team didn't take shortcuts.  Abundance of testing.  But we have gaps to fill." 1/2

6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1233437056430374912)

2/2 "Committed to briefing other programs inside and outside of Boeing.  This approach to verification isn't unique to Boeing.  Others used it to.  As we've discussed with them the issues we've found, they're making their process more robust." -- John Mulholland.

49 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1233439081922777088)

John talking about this again.  not doing the full end to end test was not a cost/money decision.  Team thought it was more efficient to break the flight softing testing in to chunks.   3/2

48 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1233439083483090952)

4/2 -- Was not team short cutting.  Going forward, will continue the chuck testing but will add a full launch to docking and undocking to landing test.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.02.2020 04:24:03
https://starlinerupdates.com/boeing-starliner-program-update-today/ (https://starlinerupdates.com/boeing-starliner-program-update-today/)
ЦитироватьBoeing Starliner Program Update Today
February 28, 2020

Цитироватьhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkMMb7jn8XA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkMMb7jn8XA)https://www.youtube.com/embed/RkMMb7jn8XA (https://www.youtube.com/embed/RkMMb7jn8XA) (1:20:40)
In the spirit of transparency, and as Boeing shares in NASA's goal to launch American astronauts on American rockets from American soil, CST-100 Starliner Program Manager John Mulholland talked with reporters February 28 about what the team learned from the late 2019 Orbital Flight Test. Click above to hear the whole media conference.

Boeing recently completed a thorough post-flight data review and is already incorporating interim recommendations from the jointly led NASA-Boeing Independent Review Team (IRT), which has been examining anomalies that occurred during the test flight. Those included two software errors and an intermittent communications link issue. A final report is expected soon and will be discussed in more detail during a NASA-hosted media teleconference next Friday (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-outcome-of-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.02.2020 04:28:02
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-outcome-of-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-outcome-of-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews)
ЦитироватьFeb. 28, 2020

NASA, Boeing to Provide Outcome of Starliner Orbital Flight Test Reviews

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207589.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/49173041263_f12a59f657_k_1.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft sits on top of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida ahead of its uncrewed Orbital Flight Test in Dec. 2019.
Credits: NASA

NASA and Boeing will host a media teleconference at 11 a.m. EST Friday, March 6, to discuss the outcome of the joint independent review team investigation into the primary issues detected during the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-complete-successful-landing-of-starliner-flight-test) in December as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html).

Participants in the briefing will be:
  • Douglas Loverro, associate administrator of NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
  • Jim Chilton, senior vice president at Boeing Space and Launch
  • Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program
  • John Mulholland, vice president and manager of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Program
Audio of the teleconference will stream live online at:

https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/live)


Last Updated: Feb. 28, 2020
Editor: Sean Potter
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.02.2020 04:41:17
https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/28/boeing-says-thorough-testing-would-have-caught-starliner-software-problems/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/28/boeing-says-thorough-testing-would-have-caught-starliner-software-problems/)
ЦитироватьBoeing says thorough testing would have caught Starliner software problems
February 28, 2020 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/02/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

The crew module for the next test flight of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is pictured inside the company's factory and processing facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: Boeing

The program manager in charge of Boeing's Starliner crew capsule program said Friday that additional checks would have uncovered problems with the spaceship's software that plagued the craft's first unpiloted orbital test flight in December, but he pushed back against suggestions that Boeing engineers took shortcuts during ground testing.

Boeing missed a pair of software errors during the Starliner's Orbital Flight Test. One prevented the spacecraft from docking with the International Space Station, and the other could have resulted in catastrophic damage to the capsule during its return to Earth.

Both errors could have been caught before launch if Boeing had performed more thorough software testing on the ground, according to John Mulholland, vice president and manager of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner program.

Mulholland said Boeing engineers performed testing of Starliner's software in chunks, with each test focused on a specific segment of the mission. Boeing did not perform an end-to-end test of the entire software suite, and in some cases used stand-ins, or emulators, for flight computers.

"We are recommitting ourselves to the discipline needed to test and qualify our products," Mulholland said Friday in a conference call with reporters. "The Boeing team is committed to the success of the Starliner program, and we are putting in the time and the resources to move forward."

The Orbital Flight Test, or OFT, in December was intended to demonstrate the Starliner's performance in space for the first time ahead of the capsule's first flight with astronauts this year. The issues that plagued the OFT mission might force Boeing and NASA to plan a second unpiloted test flight before moving on to a crewed mission.

Officials have not decided whether another automated test flight might be required, or said when the Starliner might fly in space again.

Boeing developed the Starliner spacecraft under contract to NASA, which is seeking to end its sole reliance on Russian Soyuz crew capsules to ferry astronauts to and from the space station. NASA awarded Boeing a $4.2 billion contract and SpaceX received a $2.6 billion deal in 2014 to complete development of the Starliner and Crew Dragon spaceships.

The Crew Dragon completed a successful unpiloted test flight to the space station in March 2019, and then demonstrated the capsule's in-flight launch abort capability in January. Final preparations are underway for the first Crew Dragon flight with astronauts on-board, which could take off as soon as May.

After the OFT mission exposed inadequate testing, Boeing's engineers are examining every line of Starliner software to ensure teams did not miss any other errors that went undetected during the spacecraft's December test flight.

"Hindsight uncovered a couple of the issues, but I really don't want you or anyone to have the impression that this team tried to take shortcuts," Mulholland said. "They didn't. They did an abundance of testing, and in certain areas, obviously, we have gaps to go fill. But this is an incredibly talented and strong team."

One of the software problems was immediately apparent after the Starliner's otherwise successful ascent into space Dec. 20 from Cape Canaveral aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket. A mission elapsed timer on the capsule had a wrong setting, causing the spacecraft to miss a planned engine firing soon after separating from the Atlas 5's Centaur upper stage.

The orbit insertion burn was required to inject the Starliner capsule into a stable orbit and begin its pursuit of the space station. After the automated sequence failed due to the on-board timer setting, ground controllers at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston had to uplink manual commands for the Starliner spacecraft to perform the orbit insertion burn, but the ship burned too much fuel during the process, leaving insufficient propellant to rendezvous and dock with the space station.

Ground teams in Houston also encountered trouble establishing a stable communications link with the Starliner when they attempted to send commands for the orbit insertion burn, further delaying the start of the maneuver. Boeing says ground teams had issues connecting with the spacecraft on more than 30 additional occasions during the Starliner's two-day test flight.

With a docking to the space station no longer possible, mission managers cut short the Starliner test flight and targeted a landing of the capsule at White Sands Space Harbor, New Mexico, on Dec. 22.

After the mission timer problem, Boeing engineers reviewed other segments of the Starliner's software code to search for other problem areas. They uncovered another software error that was missed in pre-flight testing, which could have caused the Starliner's service module to slam into the craft's crew module after the ship's two elements separated just before re-entry into the atmosphere.

Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is seen after landing Dec. 22 at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico following the ship's first unpiloted Orbital Flight Test. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Controllers sent a software patch to the Starliner spacecraft to resolve the potential problem before it performed a deorbit burn to aim for landing in New Mexico.

Mulholland said Friday that more extensive testing before the Starliner test flight would have revealed the software errors.

Engineers traced the mission elapsed time problem to a coding error that caused the Starliner spacecraft retrieve the wrong time from the Atlas 5 rocket's flight control system. The Starliner set its internal clocks based on a time captured from the Atlas 5's computer hours before launch, when it should have retrieved the time from the launch vehicle in the terminal countdown.

Joint software simulations between Boeing and ULA focused only on the launch sequence, when the Starliner spacecraft is attached to the Atlas 5 rocket. The simulations ended at the time of the capsule's deployment from the launcher, but testing would have revealed the timing error if the simulations continued through the time of the orbit insertion burn, which was scheduled to occur around a half-hour after liftoff.

"If we had run that integrated test for a number of minutes longer, it would have uncovered the issue," Mulholland said.

"I think the sensitivity of this mission elapsed time was not recognized by the team and wasn't believed to be an important aspect of the mission, so ideally we would have run that (software test) through at least ... the first orbital insertion burn," Mulholland said. "So from a hindsight standpoint, I think it's very easy to see what we should have done because we uncovered an error.

"If we would have run the integrated test with ULA through the first orbital insertion burn timeframe, we would have seen that we would have missed the orbital insertion burn because the timing was corrupt," he said. "When we got to that point in time, the software believed that the burn had happened many hours before, so it didn't do the burn."

Mulholland said Boeing teams thought it was more logical to break the Starliner mission phases into pieces, and run software testing on each segment of the flight.

"When you do a single run from launch to docking, that's a 25-plus-hour single run in the computer," he said.

"The team, at the time, decided that they would have multiple tests of different chunks of the mission," Mulholland said. "It was not a matter at all of the team consciously shortcutting, or not doing what they believed was appropriate."

Before every future Starliner mission, Boeing will run longer tests in software integration labs encompassing all events from launch through docking with the space station, then from undocking through landing, according to Mulholland.

Mulholland said more thorough testing could have also revealed the mis-configured software needed to safely jettison the Starliner's service module before re-entry. Without a software patch, the service module, or propulsion element, could have rammed back into the crew module after separation, damaging the ship's heat shield, or worse.

A propulsion controller is responsible for coordinating thruster burns on the service module to ensure it does not recontact the crew module after separation, which occurs after the Starliner's deorbit burn and before re-entry.

The service module is designed to burn up in the atmosphere, while the reusable crew module descends back to Earth protected by a heat shield.

The propulsion controller on the Starliner service module is based on a design used by another program, and its software was improperly configured for the service module's disposal burn after separating from the crew module, Mulholland said. The propulsion controller had a wrong "jet map," which contains information about the service module's thrusters and valves.

The Starliner uses two different jet maps: One when the entire spacecraft is connected — when the crew module computers command thruster firings — and another for the disposal burn after the service module is jettisoned.

"The only thing that was picked up was the one jet map for the integrated spacecraft, and we missed the jet map that was required for the service after separation," Mulholland said.

He said software testing for the propulsion controller used an emulator, or a simulated component, rather than the actual controller intended to fly on the Starliner spacecraft. When Boeing ran the software simulation, the real propulsion controller was being used for test-firings of the service module thrusters in New Mexico.

"While that propulsion controller was outside supporting that other test was when they ran the qualification test of that section of the software, and because we had an incorrect emulator (and) it didn't have the correct jet mapping, that issue was not uncovered during the qualification test," Mulholland said. "Because that hardware was returned to the lab, we were able to, during the mission, re-run that sequence, identify the jet mapping issue and upload the software fix before we did the re-entry burn."

One of many improvements Boeing says it is implementing is a requirement to ensure the proper hardware, avionics boxes and other components are included in future software tests.

"So if it is important to have a specific piece of avionics in the lab, we'll be required to have that in there before we actually run the qualification test," Mulholland said.

Another problem encountered during the Starliner test flight involved the ship's communications link with NASA's network of Tracking and Data Relay Satellites.

The spacecraft had trouble locking onto the TDRS network 37 times during the two-day test flight in December, according to Mulholland. Boeing engineers have identified the cause of one of the communications interruptions, which was caused by an explainable "false lock" condition, Mulholland said.

The other 36 instances of an unexpected communications outage all occurred over northern Europe and Russia, including on the Starliner's first pass over the region minutes after launching from Florida. That's when ground teams had trouble sending a command for the spacecraft to perform an orbit insertion burn after the mission elapsed timing error.

An independent review team chartered to investigate the problems that cropped up on the Starliner test flight is nearing the end of its inquiry. The results of the investigation will be announced next Friday, March 6.

But Mulholland said engineers are still looking into the communications issues, and a final verdict on the cause of the radio link interruptions is not expected next week.

Despite the problems in flight, the Starliner spacecraft safely returned to Earth and post-landing inspections show it can be flown again, Boeing says.

The ship's heat shield and parachutes performed well, as did the Starliner's life support systems, Mulholland said. Boeing was also able to test the functionality of the capsule's docking system, but teams were unable to fully check the performance of the Starliner's rendezvous and navigation sensors because the spacecraft did not dock with the space station.

Boeing technicians at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida are readying a second Starliner vehicle for the next test flight, whether it is a redo of the unpiloted OFT mission, or the first test flight with astronauts on-board.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: саша от 29.02.2020 06:50:22
э, взяли готовые программы дожига топлива и связь у военных?
А деньги как с нуля написанные.
Тогда у кого взята программа стыковки?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.02.2020 06:59:25
https://ria.ru/20200229/1565358556.html (https://ria.ru/20200229/1565358556.html)
ЦитироватьBoeing признал халатность при испытаниях систем Starliner
06:21 29.02.2020

МОСКВА, 29 фев - РИА Новости. Компания Boeing признала, что процедуры тестирования систем корабля Starliner перед первым испытательным полетом в декабре 2019 года были проведены некорректно, сообщает издание Washington Post со ссылкой на заявление руководителя программы Boeing Starliner Джона Малхолланда.

Новейший корабль Starliner, созданный компанией Boeing для пилотируемых миссий на МКС, Луну и в далекий космос, совершил свой первый испытательный полет без экипажа 20 декабря прошлого года. Starliner стартовал с космодрома на мысе Канаверал на ракете-носителе Atlas V. Запуск прошел штатно, через 15 минут после старта корабль отделился от несущей его ступени и начал самостоятельный полет. Однако в расчетное время включения двигателей корабля не произошло. В результате Starliner, истратив много топлива, оказался на нерасчетной орбите и не смог лететь к МКС. НАСА и Boeing приняли решение возвратить корабль на Землю 22 декабря.

По словам Малхолланда, компания сократила ключевое тестирование программного обеспечения корабля. Кроме того, не удалось должным образом провести проверку на соответствие критически важной системы ключевого оборудования. По его словам, вместо этого для проведения тестирования была использована компьютерная система с дефектами.

Однако Малхолланд отметил, что Boeing будет модернизировать методы проверки своих систем перед вводом в эксплуатацию. Также будет проведен полный анализ кода программного обеспечения.
Цитировать"Я действительно не хочу, чтобы создалось впечатление, что эта команда пыталась пойти кратчайшим путем. Они этого не делали. Они проделали множество проверок. И, очевидно, в определенных областях у нас есть некоторые пробелы, которые нужно заполнить", - приводит издание слова Малхолланда.
Представитель компании также подчеркнул, что проблемы в испытаниях систем не связаны с финансовыми затратами. "Цена никогда не была ключевым фактором в каком бы то ни было решении о том, как нам нужно испытывать наши системы", - указал он.

В январе Boeing сообщил, что НАСА анализирует необходимость повторного беспилотного полета Starliner из-за проблем, возникших в первом полете, и заложила 410 миллионов долларов на такую возможность. ...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 29.02.2020 07:50:02
Тестов мало не бывает. Всегда сколько бы их не было (не только у Боинга) при проблемах опять скажут что неправильно тестировали.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 29.02.2020 09:15:56
Если проверять конечное состояние, а не только правильную работу во время теста, то можно и кусками тестировать.
Малхоланд упускает главное. Тестирование должно охватывать весь возможный диапазон значений входных параметров, а не тот, который считается допустимым. Они думают, что если один раз прогонят тест от начала до конца, это будет гарантировать отсутствие ошибок?

Про "jet map" тоже какие-то сказки рассказывает. Дескать, раньше использовали эмулятор, а во время полёта привезли настоящий контроллер, протестировали... Зачем бы вдруг они стали это делать? Наверняка всё гораздо проще. Часть двигателей сгорела. Начали вносить изменения в файлы конфигурации, чтобы это учесть, тут-то и заметили ошибку.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Serge V Iz от 29.02.2020 14:30:09
ЦитироватьТестирование должно охватывать весь возможный диапазон значений входных параметров, а не тот, который считается допустимым.
В этом месте есть принципиально неустранимая проблема, под названием "человеческий фактор". Чтобы "считается" совпало с "возможный" кто-то должен основательно поработать головой. В чрезмерно сложных системах это часто не удается сделать качественно. )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 29.02.2020 17:06:15
ЦитироватьДмитрий Инфан написал:
ЦитироватьДмитрий Виницкий (//forum/user/13683/) написал:
И почему я не удивлен?
А я, если честно, удивлён весьма.
Что Рогозин не знал?  ;) 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 29.02.2020 20:43:44
ЦитироватьThe other 36 instances of an unexpected communications outage all  occurred over northern Europe and Russia, including on the Starliner's  first pass over the region minutes after launching from Florida. That's  when ground teams had trouble sending a command for the spacecraft to  perform an orbit insertion burn after the mission elapsed timing error.
Когда что-то ломается на российских КА, заинтересованные лица валят всё на коварных американцев и страшную Диего-Гарсия. В боинге решили воспользоваться этим ноу-хау. И ведь правда, это очень удобно, когда на первом витке твоя недоделанная хрень пролетает над территорией вероятного противника.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.03.2020 00:14:21
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-outcome-of-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-to-provide-outcome-of-starliner-orbital-flight-test-reviews)
ЦитироватьFeb. 28, 2020

NASA, Boeing to Provide Outcome of Starliner Orbital Flight Test Reviews

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207589.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/49173041263_f12a59f657_k_1.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft sits on top of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida ahead of its uncrewed Orbital Flight Test in Dec. 2019.
Credits: NASA

NASA and Boeing will host a media teleconference at 11 a.m. EST Friday, March 6, to discuss the outcome of the joint independent review team investigation into the primary issues detected during the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-complete-successful-landing-of-starliner-flight-test) in December as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html).

Participants in the briefing will be:

  • Douglas Loverro, associate administrator of NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate

  • Jim Chilton, senior vice president at Boeing Space and Launch

  • Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program

  • John Mulholland, vice president and manager of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Program

Audio of the teleconference will stream live online at:

https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/live)


Last Updated: Feb. 28, 2020
Editor: Sean Potter
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 02.03.2020 05:27:44
ЦитироватьДмитрий Виницкий написал:
Что Рогозин не знал?    
А он говорит всё, что знает?  ;) 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 06.03.2020 23:03:10
А почему никто не обсуждает?

ЦитироватьChris G - NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF)

#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hashtag_click) what's new:  
- 61 action items
- 49 software test gaps
- NO decision on Orbital Flight Test reflight
- Starliner not flying for months
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 06.03.2020 20:50:51
предлагают проверки способности стыковки без фактической стыковки - есть риск , что Starliner не сможет отстыковаться, "застряв" на станции.

ЦитироватьChris G - NSF@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 4 ч (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1235970317224488960)

Doug (@NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA)) now saying that @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)
 can now come back after not meeting contract agreement to dock and propose other ways to verify docking ability without actually docking -- then talks about risk of Starliner not being able to undock, "getting stuck" on Station.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.03.2020 01:23:21
https://ria.ru/20200307/1568274991.html (https://ria.ru/20200307/1568274991.html)
ЦитироватьСпециалисты указали на 60 требующих исправления проблем у Starliner
00:24 07.03.2020

ВАШИНГТОН, 7 мар – РИА Новости. Специалисты выявили более 60 требующих решения проблем с новейшим кораблем Starliner по итогам прошедшего в декабре его первого тестового полета, сроки будущих испытаний создаваемого компанией Boeing аппарата пока не определены, сообщил в пятницу на брифинге заместитель главы НАСА, отвечающий за пилотируемую программу ведомства, Дуглас Ловерро.

Как сообщил в ходе брифинга представитель ведомства, проведенный анализ показал необходимость проведения "60 коррекционных действий".

"В ходе этой миссии мы могли дважды потерять корабль", - сказал Ловерро. Он напомнил, что проблемой, которая не позволила новому кораблю прибыть на МКС, стал сбой таймера в работе миссии. Между тем, по его словам, незадолго до возвращения на Землю в программном обеспечении корабля был зафиксирован второй сбой, который мог привести к неверному включению двигателей капсулы корабля и привести к катастрофе. В связи с этим он сообщил, что решением НАСА прошедший тест считается "потенциально опасным", что не многим лучше полной потери миссии.

НАСА и Boeing пока не сообщают, какие именно действия будут предприняты для коррекции работы корабля, но отмечают, что они будут как "организационные, так и технические". По словам представителя НАСА, решение о сроках будущих испытаний, как и о том, будет ли компания проводить второй испытательный полет в беспилотном режиме, пока не принято.

"Потребуем ли мы еще одного тестового орбитального полета? Честно говоря, сейчас я не знаю... Выявленные проблемы и предложенные Boeing необходимые для их исправления действия будут представлены НАСА в качестве плана, после чего будет принято решение о дальнейших шагах", - сказал он. НАСА рассчитывает, что план будет представлен агентству до конца месяца, а решение выявленных проблем может занять еще несколько месяцев.

Первое летное испытание новейшего космического корабля компании Boeing CST-100 Starliner прошло в декабре. По плану корабль должен был отправиться на Международную космическую станцию (МКС), однако не достиг цели и не смог выйти на необходимую орбиту. Аппарат был выведен на стабильную орбиту и успешно вернулся на Землю.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 07.03.2020 02:11:39
Мне кстати не понятна ситуация с парашютами. Их делает для Ориона, Дракона, Старлайнера и даже для Безоза одна фирма (Airborne) и руководит этим один шеф-инженер.

При этом спейсов гоняют по тестам, причем выяснилось, что у НАСА была неточная старая модель расчетов, а спейсы сделали инструментирование строп и измерили реальные нагрузки.  И они все улучшают и тестируют. И надо еще два теста перед  DM-2

А у Боинга все perfect, piece of art. Про Орион тоже как-то тихо.

В чем подвох?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.03.2020 06:07:41
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/03/06/nasa-update-on-orbital-flight-test-independent-review-team/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/03/06/nasa-update-on-orbital-flight-test-independent-review-team/)
ЦитироватьNASA Update on Orbital Flight Test Independent Review Team

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Mar 6, 2020 at 9:22 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130727.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2020/03/KSC-20200115-PH-FWM01_0022_large.jpg)
The Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft at the company's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility in Florida, undergoing inspection after its Orbital Flight Test. (Photo Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux)

The joint NASA and Boeing Independent Review Team formed following the anomalies during the company's uncrewed Orbital Test Flight as a part of the agency's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html) has completed its initial investigation. The team was tasked with reviewing three primary anomalies experienced during the mission: two software coding errors and unanticipated loss of space-to-ground communication capability. During the investigation, the team identified several technical and organizational issues related to Boeing's work. Separate fr om the independent team, NASA reviewed its role in the flight test and identified several areas where the agency can improve its level of participation and involvement into company's processes.

While the review team, NASA and Boeing have made significant progress during the last month, more work will be required to inform the agency's decision of whether Boeing will need to perform another uncrewed test flight of the Starliner system. NASA will determine if a repeat of the flight will be needed after Boeing has presented its detailed resolution and rework plan and NASA has independently assessed the thoroughness of that plan.

NASA also will perform an evaluation of the workplace culture of Boeing ahead of crewed test flights through an Organizational Safety Assessment (OSA). The goal of the OSA is to provide a comprehensive safety assessment through individual employee interviews with a sampling fr om a cross-section of personnel, including senior managers, mid-level management and supervision, and engineers and technicians at various sites.

Further, NASA will designate the anomalies experienced during the mission as a high visibility close call (https://nodis3.gsfc.nasa.gov/displayDir.cfm?Internal_ID=N_PR_8621_001C_&page_name=Chapter2). As there were no injuries during the flight, this close call designation is where the potential for a significant mishap could have occurred and should be investigated to understand the risk exposure and the root cause(s) that placed equipment or individuals at risk. Since 2004, the year NASA updated this procedural requirement, NASA has designated about 24 high visibility close calls. For example, in July 2013, astronaut Luca Parmitano discovered a leak in his spacesuit that could have resulted in asphyxiation; as a result, that incident also was given the same designation.

Description of the three primary anomalies:
  • Mission Elapsed Timer (MET): Following spacecraft separation with the Atlas V launch vehicle, Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is programmed to execute a few maneuvers tied to the mission timer. Because of an error in the coding, the Starliner synced its clock with the rocket before the terminal count had begun, which is when the rocket sets the correct time for a designated T-0. This led to the spacecraft thinking it was at a different point in the mission following separation, and it did not conduct the correct maneuvers.
  • Service Module Disposal Burn: Following the MET anomaly, Boeing and NASA reviewed other phases of flight where software coding could impact mission success. This review resulted in the team discovering and correcting a software issue during Starliner's crew and service module separation sequence. The correction ensured a successful separation and disposal of the service module.
  • Space-to-Ground Communication (S/G): An Intermittent S/G forward link issue impeded the flight control team's ability to command and control Starliner during the mission and could impede reliable voice communication with crew during a flight with astronauts.
What the Review Team Found and Recommends

The review team's analysis identified 61 corrective and preventative actions to address the two software anomalies; those actions are organized into four categories to help manage and execute the scope of the work. Below are the four categories and examples of the resulting actions that Boeing has already begun working on:
[/li][li]Perform code modifications: Boeing will review and correct the coding for the mission elapsed timer and service module disposal burn.
[/li][li]Improve focused systems engineering: Boeing will strengthen its review process including better peer and control board reviews, and improve its software process training.
[/li][li]Improve software testing: Boeing will increase the fidelity in the testing of its software during all phases of flight. This includes improved end-to-end testing with the simulations, or emulators, similar enough to the actual flight system to adequately uncover issues.
[/li][li]Ensure product integrity: Boeing will check its software coding as hardware design changes are implemented into its system design.
Boeing already has accepted the full action list as defined by the review team and is in the process of refining its implementation schedule and incorporating this work into its plans with multiple actions already underway. As work continues, NASA and Boeing have asked the joint review team to track their progress and execution of each action.

The review team also is continuing its investigation of the intermittent space-to-ground forward link issue that impeded the flight control team's ability to command and control the spacecraft. The team has identified the technical root cause as radiofrequency interference with the communications system. While the team has recommended specific hardware improvements already in work by the company, the full assessment and resulting recommendations will continue through March.

In addition to the technical issues described above, the review team identified organizational issues that contributed to the anomalies. In response, Boeing plans to institutionalize improvements in its engineering board authority, operational testing practices for both hardware and software, and the standardization problem review and approval processes.

NASA's Internal Review and Forward Work

Concurrent with the independent review team, NASA performed an in-depth assessment of its role and identified multiple actions the agency will take to complement the actions planned by the Boeing Starliner team.

NASA has developed a comprehensive plan to ensure the agency has full coverage of critical Boeing software improvements. This plan also includes reassessing all hazard report verifications of software controls, re-opening hazard reports as necessary, reviewing software verification plans, and reviewing the adequacy of the test environments and audits of scripts used in testing. NASA also will co-locate personnel with the Boeing software team, increase support to the Boeing Software Change Control Board and the problem resolution process. NASA also plans to perform additional flight software audits.

In addition, NASA will improve its software independent verification and validation performance and overall NASA insight into this area. NASA also plans to address areas wh ere additional NASA "safety nets" may be beneficial for all providers.

NASA also will take several actions to improve the overall system integration of Starliner, including revisiting all hazard causes related to system interfaces to ensure hazards are fully defined, well-controlled, and properly verified; and reviewing existing Interface Control Documents to ensure NASA understands wh ere the definitive data sources are for subsystem interfaces.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 16.03.2020 19:21:16
А ведь если эта фигня с карантином будет продолжаться довольно долго, и новые самолёты перестанут покупаться, то "Боинг" может и лапы надуть.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 16.03.2020 19:25:10
Не двинет. Спасут как GM в 2008
Too big to fail.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Просто Василий от 17.03.2020 07:04:06
Цитироватьaaa1 написал:
А ведь если эта фигня с карантином будет продолжаться довольно долго, и новые самолёты перестанут покупаться, то "Боинг" может и лапы надуть.
Пол Америки работает на Боинг, этому гиганту не дадут сдохнуть. Отдадут истребитель 6 поколения им)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: vlad7308 от 17.03.2020 06:16:17
А нот с Беллом еще удивляются, почему у Боинга акции падают :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: hlynin от 17.03.2020 10:28:42
Пора писать статьи "Как короновирус остановил космонавтику" или "Космонавтика в карантине"
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Schwalbe от 17.03.2020 10:30:50
Цитироватьhlynin написал:
Пора писать статьи "Как короновирус остановил космонавтику" или "Космонавтика в карантине"
"Вам бы настоящий атомный взрыв - вы бы на него все списали!" Х/ф "Атака".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: snek от 17.03.2020 08:28:14
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Не двинет. Спасут как GM в 2008
Too big to fail.
Ну там главное самолеты спасти. А ЮЛУ и старлайнер можно закрыть - для боинга это уже больше хобби.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 17.03.2020 14:36:05
Цитироватьsnek написал:
А ЮЛУ и старлайнер можно закрыть - для боинга это уже больше хобби.
Довольно доходное хобби, чего там...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 17.03.2020 13:49:43
Цитироватьsnek написал:
Ну там главное самолеты спасти. А ЮЛУ и старлайнер можно закрыть - для боинга это уже больше хобби.
может вы еще и МКС предложите закрыть, а то у НАСА Боинг подрядчик.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: snek от 17.03.2020 10:51:49
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
Довольно доходное хобби, чего там...
Ну пока слуги американского народа готовы давать бюджет на распил - да. Но в свете надвигающегося звездица (я про финансовый кризис, вызванный паникой) с гос средствами уже очень скоро может стать туго.
Цитироватьtriage написал:
может вы еще и МКС предложите закрыть, а то у НАСА Боинг подрядчик.
Я бы только за  :D . Но решать-то не мне.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.03.2020 06:41:17
https://ria.ru/20200321/1568933960.html (https://ria.ru/20200321/1568933960.html)
ЦитироватьИсточник сообщил, когда корабль Starliner полетит с экипажем на МКС
03:11 21.03.2020

МОСКВА, 21 мар - РИА Новости. Запуск первого пилотируемого корабля Starliner с экипажем на Международную космическую станцию намечается в конце августа, сообщил РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.

В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США для отправки астронавтов на станцию разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX, Starliner - компанией Boeing.

В декабре 2019 года был запущен первый корабль Starliner без экипажа, но по техническим причинам его стыковка с МКС была отменена. В январе 2020 года компания Boeing сообщила, что НАСА анализирует необходимость повторного беспилотного полета Starliner и что заложила 410 миллионов долларов на такую возможность.
Цитировать"Старт первого корабля Starliner с экипажем планируется на 31 августа", - сказал собеседник агентства, не уточнив при этом будет ли проведён повторный беспилотный полёт.
В экипаж Starliner вошли астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.
В начале марта заместитель руководителя НАСА по пилотируемым программам Дуглас Ловерро сообщил, что по результатам первого беспилотного полёта Starliner специалисты выявили более 60 требующих решения проблем. Он отметил, что корабль могли дважды потерять.

В марте 2019 года корабль Crew Dragon совершил первый испытательный беспилотный полет на МКС. Его первый испытательный полет с экипажем на станцию намечается в мае.

После испытательных беспилотного и пилотируемого полетов корабли Crew Dragon и Starliner будут сертифицированы НАСА для штатных миссий на МКС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 21.03.2020 06:51:33
Цитироватьsnek написал:
ЦитироватьAlex_II (//forum/user/14242/) написал:
Довольно доходное хобби, чего там...
Ну пока слуги американского народа готовы давать бюджет на распил - да. Но в свете надвигающегося звездица (я про финансовый кризис, вызванный паникой) с гос средствами уже очень скоро может стать туго.
Цитироватьtriage (//forum/user/41036/) написал:
может вы еще и МКС предложите закрыть, а то у НАСА Боинг подрядчик.
Я бы только за   . Но решать-то не мне.
Чё вы за пиндосов волнуетесь. Они выйдут из кризиса первыми и сделают всех.
Лучшее думайте о своём, скрепном.
Я как гляжу на крестные ходы по мерям и весям от кароновируса, так ужас берёть.
С такой профилактикой до 15% вымереть может. Пенсионеры все... 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 21.03.2020 17:05:04
ЦитироватьИскандер написал:
Лучшее думайте о своём, скрепном.
Как там незалэжные заробитчане, все вернулись? Чихают, кашляют?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 21.03.2020 08:41:13
Цитировать"Старт первого корабля Starliner с экипажем планируется на 31 августа", - сказал собеседник агентства, не уточнив при этом...

Ага! А Дрэгон - 31 мая! Это и я могу назвать даты: 1 июня и 1 сентября. Посмотрим, кто окажется ближе к истине ;)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 21.03.2020 08:50:05
Цитироватьzandr написал:
Цитировать"Старт первого корабля Starliner с экипажем планируется на 31 августа", - сказал собеседник агентства, не уточнив при этом...
...какого года. :) 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 21.03.2020 09:53:51
ЦитироватьNot написал:
Как там незалэжные заробитчане, все вернулись? Чихают, кашляют?
Солнышко, а ты-то к карантину приготовился? Туалетной бумаги закупил? А то помрешь еще - как же мы без тебя-то?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 21.03.2020 09:55:16
ЦитироватьИскандер написал:
Я как гляжу на крестные ходы по мерям и весям от кароновируса, так ужас берёть.
Ну, тут уже Дарвин против Бога, кто кого... Что-то чую я , что Дарвин в данном случае может победить...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 21.03.2020 08:58:01
ЦитироватьИскандер написал:
Я как гляжу на крестные ходы по мерям и весям от кароновируса, так ужас берёть.
Рановато чтото они. Надо когда эпидемия уже пойдёт на убыль. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 21.03.2020 10:01:24
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Рановато чтото они. Надо когда эпидемия уже пойдёт на убыль.  
Страшнее оптимиста зверя нет...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: VSATman от 21.03.2020 10:44:49
РИА НОВОСТИ отправил СтарЛайнер в полет в августе 2020..
//МОСКВА, 21 мар - РИА Новости. Запуск первого пилотируемого корабля Starliner (https://ria.ru/product_Starliner/) с экипажем на Международную космическую станцию (http://ria.ru/product_Mezhdunarodnaja_kosmicheskaja_stancija_2/) намечается в конце августа, сообщил РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.
В экипаж Starliner вошли астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.

Источник не указан, но на 90+% это кто то из Роскосмоса, но можно ли ему верить??  на форуме NSF новость опять таки только со ссылкой на РИА НОвости..
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: sychbird от 21.03.2020 20:27:48
ЦитироватьVSATman написал:
РИА НОВОСТИ отправил СтарЛайнер в полет в августе 2020..
//МОСКВА, 21 мар - РИА Новости. Запуск первого пилотируемого корабля  Starliner (https://ria.ru/product_Starliner/)  с экипажем на  Международную космическую станцию (http://ria.ru/product_Mezhdunarodnaja_kosmicheskaja_stancija_2/)  намечается в конце августа, сообщил РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космической отрасли.
В экипаж Starliner вошли астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.

Источник не указан, но на 90+% это кто то из Роскосмоса, но можно ли ему верить??  на форуме NSF новость опять таки только со ссылкой на РИА НОвости..
Ну НАСА должно заранее согласовывать с Роскосмосом операции с МКС, так что в ГОГУ такая информация должна быть. Другое, что эти проектировки не исключают сползание вправо
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Хунвэйбин от 21.03.2020 22:28:59
Замечания, полученные в декабрьском полете, за столь короткий срок, (позволяющий в августе с.г., пойти не пилотируемый пуск), не устранить.
В Boeing"е, вроде,грамотные специалисты работают.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 21.03.2020 21:36:30
ЦитироватьХунвэйбин написал:
Замечания, полученные в декабрьском полете, за столь короткий срок, (позволяющий в августе с.г., пойти не пилотируемый пуск), не устранить.
"И так сойдет!"(с) )))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 21.03.2020 23:10:06
ЦитироватьХунвэйбин написал:
Замечания, полученные в декабрьском полете, за столь короткий срок, (позволяющий в августе с.г., пойти не пилотируемый пуск), не устранить.
В Boeing"е, вроде,грамотные специалисты работают.
Согласен на 100%. При таких неочевидных "положительных" результатах, что по испытаниям ДУ САС, что при недолете до МКС, кропеть и кропеть. Осталось в современных условиях провести ещё одни ЛКИ с одной единственной расчетной НШС - нет связи с НКУ - когда некому будет перезаписывать уставки с Земли - вот тогда можно рисковать людьми.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 22.03.2020 06:53:18
ЦитироватьХунвэйбин написал:
Замечания, полученные в декабрьском полете, за столь короткий срок, (позволяющий в августе с.г., пойти не пилотируемый пуск), не устранить.
Полетит на ручном управлении.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 22.03.2020 07:12:54
ЦитироватьДмитрий Инфан написал:
ЦитироватьХунвэйбин (//forum/user/18365/) написал:
Замечания, полученные в декабрьском полете, за столь короткий срок, (позволяющий в августе с.г., пойти не пилотируемый пуск), не устранить.
Полетит на ручном управлении.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 22.03.2020 07:16:04
Не полетит. Зачёт для пилотируемого варианта возможен только при безупречном полете беспилотного корабля.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: hlynin от 22.03.2020 08:19:26
ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Рановато чтото они. Надо когда эпидемия уже пойдёт на убыль.  
надо быстрее. И изучить поведение вируса в невесомости
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Хунвэйбин от 22.03.2020 10:45:42
ЦитироватьДмитрий Инфан написал:
Полетит на ручном управлении.
Видите ли, я уловил в каком- то из первых сообщений о замечаниях в полете корабля, что-то вроде: "Проблемы с одним из коллекторов ДУ"- если это сообщение соответствует действительности- такое лечится долго. Много времени должно уйти на подтверждение правильности лечения. 
А "ручное управление"- надеюсь, у корабля предусмотрен вариант выдачи тормозного импульса, аналогичный реализованному в полете Восхода-2. П.И. Беляев и А.А. Леонов сесть сумели. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 23.03.2020 15:25:30
ЦитироватьХунвэйбин написал:
ЦитироватьДмитрий Инфан (//forum/user/16359/) написал:
Полетит на ручном управлении.
Видите ли, я уловил в каком- то из первых сообщений о замечаниях в полете корабля, что-то вроде: "Проблемы с одним из коллекторов ДУ"- если это сообщение соответствует действительности- такое лечится долго.
Там была проблема с нерасчетно долгой работой двигателей ориентации, из-за чего собственно и произошел перегрев коллектора, что необязательно означает лечение оного.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 00:59:19
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185862.jpg) Sierra Nevada Corporation‏ @SierraNevCorp (https://twitter.com/SierraNevCorp) 6 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SierraNevCorp/status/1247192217862668289)

SNC has developed a lifeline for astronauts aboard @BoeingSpace (https://twitter.com/BoeingSpace)'s CST-100 Starliner. The AES Fan Package provides fresh air using fans during launch, reentry & other critical moments. In emergencies, it can provide astronauts w/fresh oxygen.

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1247192095468793858/pu/vid/1280x720/NhsYg3bX6Sfz_3XQ.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1247192095468793858/pu/vid/1280x720/NhsYg3bX6Sfz_3XQ.mp4) (1:03)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 01:03:59
https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2020-04-06-Boeing-Statement-on-Starliners-Next-Flight (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2020-04-06-Boeing-Statement-on-Starliners-Next-Flight)
ЦитироватьBoeing Statement on Starliner's Next Flight

ARLINGTON, Va., April 6, 2020— The Boeing Company is honored to be a provider for the Commercial Crew mission.  We are committed to the safety of the men and women who design, build and ultimately will fly on the Starliner just as we have on every crewed mission to space.  We have chosen to refly our Orbital Flight Test to demonstrate the quality of the Starliner system. Flying another uncrewed flight will allow us to complete all flight test objectives and evaluate the performance of the second Starliner vehicle at no cost to the taxpayer.  We will then proceed to the tremendous responsibility and privilege of flying astronauts to the International Space Station.

# # #
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 01:07:37
К #1263 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic12270/message1972701/#message1972701)

Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1247282307397976065)

Literally no surprise here. Boeing release a statement *after* the Washington Post reported this and that the launch date is near the end of this year. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/04/06/boeing-starliner-test-repeat/ ... (https://t.co/mA2uOcpOPE)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 01:54:18
https://ria.ru/20200407/1569664985.html (https://ria.ru/20200407/1569664985.html)
ЦитироватьКорабль Starliner совершит повторный испытательный полет без экипажа
01:21 07.04.2020

МОСКВА, 7 апр - РИА Новости. Космический корабль Starliner совершит повторный испытательный полет без экипажа к Международной космической станции после проблем в первом полете в декабре 2019 года, сообщила компания Boeing.
Цитировать"Мы выбрали повторение орбитального испытательного полета, чтобы продемонстрировать качество систем корабля Starliner. Еще один полет без экипажа позволит нам завершить выполнение всех задач испытательного полета и оценить эффективность работы второго корабля Starliner бесплатно для налогоплательщиков", - говорится в сообщении на сайте компании.
В декабре 2019 года был запущен первый корабль Starliner без экипажа, но по техническим причинам его стыковка с МКС была отменена. В январе 2020 года компания Boeing сообщила, что НАСА анализирует необходимость повторного беспилотного полета Starliner и что заложила 410 миллионов долларов на такую возможность.

В начале марта заместитель руководителя НАСА по пилотируемым программам Дуглас Ловерро сообщил, что по результатам первого беспилотного полета Starliner специалисты выявили более 60 требующих решения проблем. Он отметил, что корабль могли дважды потерять.
В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США для отправки астронавтов на станцию разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX, Starliner - компанией Boeing.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 07.04.2020 05:23:49
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
Корабль Starliner совершит повторный испытательный полет без экипажа
Быстро они проблемы решили.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 07:24:22
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/04/06/boeing-to-fly-second-uncrewed-orbital-flight-test-for-nasa/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/04/06/boeing-to-fly-second-uncrewed-orbital-flight-test-for-nasa/)
ЦитироватьBoeing to Fly Second Uncrewed Orbital Flight Test for NASA

Marie Lewis (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/mglewis3/)
Posted Apr 6, 2020 at 7:19 pm

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/130733.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/wp-content/uploads/sites/230/2020/04/OFT-launch.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner lifted off Dec. 20, 2019 atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The spacecraft successfully landed two days later, completing an abbreviated uncrewed test for NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Boeing has decided to fly a second uncrewed flight test as a part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html). Although no new launch date has been set, NASA has accepted the proposal to fly the mission again and will work side-by-side with Boeing to resume flight tests to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html) on the company's CST-100 Starliner system.

The agency's Commercial Crew Program is a unique approach to human spaceflight in which NASA provides a set of mission and safety requirements and private companies, like Boeing and SpaceX, propose their own unique strategies to prove the systems meet the intent of the requirements. Consistent with that approach, Boeing had the responsibility to bring NASA its proposal on how to proceed with the flights.

An uncrewed flight test originally was proposed by Boeing to demonstrate the Starliner system could perform as designed to fly to the space station prior to having a crew onboard. With that proposal, the uncrewed flight became a part of the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability contract in 2014 between NASA and Boeing.

Although many of the objectives of Boeing's first uncrewed flight test in December 2019 were accomplished, Boeing decided the best approach to meeting the agency's requirements would be to fly the mission again, including docking with the space station. Data from the next and previous flight test will be used as part of NASA's process of certifying Boeing's crew transportation system for carrying astronauts to and from the space station.

If Boeing would have proposed a crewed mission as the next flight, NASA would have completed a detailed review and analysis of the proposal to determine the feasibility of the plan. However, as this was not the recommendation made by Boeing, NASA will not speculate on what the agency would have required.

The second uncrewed flight does not relieve Boeing from completing all the actions determined from the joint NASA/Boeing independent review team, which was commissioned following the flawed initial flight.  NASA still intends to conduct the needed oversight to make sure those corrective actions are taken.

NASA and Boeing are in the early stages of the decision to fly a second uncrewed orbital mission to the station, and a timeline for flying crew has not been determined.

Although completing a second uncrewed flight test was not in the timeline for returning U.S. human spaceflight on Starliner, NASA fully supports our Boeing partner's commitment to flying astronauts as safely as possible.

This is exactly why NASA decided to select two partners in the commercial crew effort. Having dissimilar redundancy is key in NASA's approach to maintaining a crew and cargo aboard the space station and to keeping our commitments to international partners. It also allows our private industry partners to focus on crew safety rather than schedule. The safety of our commercial crew team always will remain as our top priority.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 07:39:55
https://tass.ru/kosmos/8176867 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/8176867)
Цитировать7 АПР, 03:32
В Boeing рассчитывают провести новый беспилотный полет корабля Starliner этой осенью
Детали еще не подтверждены

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 7 апреля. /Корр. ТАСС Иван Пильщиков/. Американская корпорация Boeing предполагает, что новый испытательный полет ее корабля Starliner без экипажа будет проведен осенью 2020 года. Об этом сообщила в понедельник корреспонденту ТАСС официальный представитель компании Ребекка Риган.

"Boeing взаимодействует с Национальным управлением США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA), чтобы определить приемлемые сроки второго испытательного орбитального полета, - сказала она. - Хотя детали еще не подтверждены, мы ожидаем, что полет состоится осенью 2020 года".

"Мы решили вновь провести испытательный орбитальный полет, чтобы продемонстрировать качество систем Starliner, - говорится в заявлении, опубликованном ранее в понедельник. - Еще один полет в беспилотном режиме позволит нам выполнить все задачи летных испытаний и оценить работу второго корабля Starliner без каких-либо затрат для налогоплательщиков". В компании пояснили, что лишь после этого компания намерена "доставить астронавтов на МКС".
Starliner был запущен 20 декабря 2019 года в беспилотном режиме к Международной космической станции (МКС) с авиабазы на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида) с помощью ракеты-носителя Atlas V. Из-за технических неполадок запланированная стыковка корабля с орбитальным комплексом была отменена. Одной из причин был признан сбой в системе подсчета полетного времени. В итоге корабль был возвращен на Землю.

Новый американский корабль Starliner, разработанный Boeing, имеет массу 13 тонн. Он рассчитан на экипаж из семи человек и способен в течение 60 часов осуществлять автономный полет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 07:57:22
https://spacenews.com/boeing-to-fly-second-starliner-uncrewed-test-flight/ (https://spacenews.com/boeing-to-fly-second-starliner-uncrewed-test-flight/)
ЦитироватьBoeing to fly second Starliner uncrewed test flight
by Jeff Foust — April 6, 2020

Boeing announced April 6 that it will refly its uncrewed Orbital Flight Test of its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft later this year to confirm the company corrected problems found on the first flight. Credit: Boeing

WASHINGTON — Boeing announced April 6 that it has decided to fly a second uncrewed test flight of its CST-100 Starliner commercial crew vehicle later this year to confirm it has corrected problems encountered in a test flight last December.

In a brief statement, Boeing said it would perform a second Orbital Flight Test (OFT) of the spacecraft at its own expense. Boeing made the announcement shortly after the Washington Post reported that the company planned to repeat the flight (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/04/06/boeing-starliner-test-repeat/).

"We have chosen to refly our Orbital Flight Test to demonstrate the quality of the Starliner system," the company said in a one-paragraph statement. "Flying another uncrewed flight will allow us to complete all flight test objectives and evaluate the performance of the second Starliner vehicle at no cost to the taxpayer."

A second OFT mission looked increasingly likely in the months after the original OFT. That mission was shortened to two days and without a planned docking at the International Space Station because of a timer problem on the spacecraft that caused it to think it was at a different phase of its flight immediately after separation from the Atlas 5 upper stage that launched it.

An investigation also revealed a problem with software controls for the spacecraft's service module (https://spacenews.com/nasa-safety-panel-calls-for-reviews-after-second-starliner-software-problem/) that could have caused the module to bump back into the crew module after they separated shortly before reentry. The software was fixed just a few hours before reentry.

Boeing, anticipating the need to refly the mission, took a $410 million charge against earnings in January (https://spacenews.com/boeing-takes-410-million-charge-to-cover-potential-additional-commercial-crew-test-flight/). "NASA's approval is required to proceed with a flight test with astronauts on board. Given this obligation, we are provisioned for another uncrewed mission," Greg Smith, Boeing's chief financial officer, said in a Jan. 29 earnings call.

While an independent review of the OFT mission found 61 corrective actions for Boeing (https://spacenews.com/no-decision-yet-on-need-for-second-starliner-uncrewed-test-flight/), NASA officials said in early March they had not yet decided if Boeing needed to perform a second uncrewed test flight.

"At the end of the day, what we have got to decide is, based upon the work that Boeing will do, do we have enough confidence to say we are ready to fly with a crew, or do we believe that we need another uncrewed test flight?" Doug Loverro, NASA associate administrator for human exploration and operations, said in a March 6 call with reporters. "We are still a ways away from that, and I can't even tell you what the schedule is for making that decision" about reflying OFT.

Ultimately, that decision came from Boeing, and not from NASA. In a separate statement, NASA said it not made its own conclusion about whether a second OFT was required.

"If Boeing would have proposed a crewed mission as the next flight, NASA would have completed a detailed review and analysis of the proposal to determine the feasibility of the plan," the agency said. "However, as this was not the recommendation made by Boeing, NASA will not speculate on what the agency would have required."

NASA added that Boeing still has to address the 61 corrective actions from the independent review. "NASA still intends to conduct the needed oversight to make sure those corrective actions are taken," the agency said.

"Hats off to Boeing for recommending a repeat of their Orbital Flight Test for the Commercial Crew program," Loverro tweeted (https://twitter.com/DouglasLoverro/status/1247320612059656192) after the Boeing announcement. "Corporate responsibility takes many forms, and this is one of them."

NASA and Boeing are still working on an "agreeable schedule" for the second OFT mission, Boeing spokesman Jerry Drelling told SpaceNews, but said that the company expects to fly it in the fall of 2020. That would mean it would come after SpaceX's Demo-2 crewed test flight of its Crew Dragon spacecraft, currently scheduled for no earlier than the latter half of May. If that mission flies on schedule and is a success, NASA will likely launch the first operational Crew Dragon mission, Crew-1, in late summer.

Drelling also said that Boeing will use the Starliner spacecraft called "Spacecraft 2" for the second OFT mission. That spacecraft was originally slated to fly the Crew Flight Test. The Starliner used for the OFT, "Spacecraft 3," was to be refurbished for the first operational mission for NASA.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Not от 07.04.2020 19:55:55
ЦитироватьARLINGTON, Va., April 6, 2020— The Boeing Company is honored to be a provider for the Commercial Crew mission.  We are committed to the safety of the men and women who design, build and ultimately will fly on the Starliner just as we have on every crewed mission to space.  We have chosen to refly our Orbital Flight Test to demonstrate the quality of the Starliner system. Flying another uncrewed flight will allow us to complete all flight test objectives and evaluate the performance of the second Starliner vehicle at no cost to the taxpayer.  We will then proceed to the tremendous responsibility and privilege of flying astronauts to the International Space Station.


Rebecca Regan
Defense, Space & Security Communications
Mobile: (321) 607-2297

Вот здесь - фамилия, адрес и явка. :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.04.2020 16:50:30
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/33899.jpg) Christopher Ferguson @Astro_Ferg (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Astro_Ferg/status/1247494519165157378)

While there's a little personal disappointment in waiting to fly #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hash), I'm professionally proud of @Boeing (https://twitter.com/Boeing) for making the hard decision to fly another uncrewed flight in the name of astronaut safety.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: К.А. от 08.04.2020 16:39:07
Я так понял полетит тот же корабль с серийным номером SC №3. А двигательный отсек будет соответственно новый. У него есть самостоятельный номер?         
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 08.04.2020 19:12:26
ЦитироватьК.А. написал:
Я так понял полетит тот же корабль
Написано, что они бесплатно для налогоплательщиков испытают второй корабль. Значит не тот же самый.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.04.2020 20:24:38
ЦитироватьК.А. написал:
Я так понял полетит тот же корабль с серийным номером SC №3

Как говорит Boeing, в миссии OFT-2 полелит "Spacecraft 2" (см #1269 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic12270/message1972759/#message1972759)). Ранее летавший в OFT-1 "Spacecraft 3" после ремонтно-восстановительных процедур планируется использовать в первом полёте с экипажем.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 15.04.2020 01:36:09
Boeing Admits Starliner Refly Necessary 
https://news360.com/article/525672090 (https://news360.com/article/525672090)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 15.04.2020 11:01:21
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
Ранее летавший в OFT-1 "Spacecraft 3" после ремонтно-восстановительных процедур планируется использовать в первом полёте с экипажем.
Храбрые они люди...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 15.04.2020 12:39:21
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
Цитироватьtnt22 (//forum/user/18282/) написал:
Ранее летавший в OFT-1 "Spacecraft 3" после ремонтно-восстановительных процедур планируется использовать в первом полёте с экипажем.
Храбрые они люди...
Они же только спускаемый аппарат повторно используют, а он никаких нерасчетных нагрузок не испытывал.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 15.04.2020 13:51:46
это вам не версия Маска, у Боинга одноразовый сервисный модуль
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 15.04.2020 15:00:42
Цитироватьtriage написал:
это вам не версия Маска, у Боинга одноразовый сервисный модуль
А электроника с глючным софтом у них тоже в сервисном модуле? Или все же в спускаемом аппарате?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 15.04.2020 18:59:13
ЦитироватьAlex_II написал:
Цитироватьtriage (//forum/user/41036/) написал:
это вам не версия Маска, у Боинга одноразовый сервисный модуль
А электроника с глючным софтом у них тоже в сервисном модуле? Или все же в спускаемом аппарате?
Софт заменят в любом случае.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.05.2020 06:37:25
Как бы в продолжение #1267 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=1972753)

https://ria.ru/20200522/1571813921.html (https://ria.ru/20200522/1571813921.html)

Цитата: undefinedНАСА планирует повторный беспилотный полет Starliner к МКС осенью
05:18 22.05.2020

МОСКВА, 22 мая - РИА Новости. Запуск второго корабля Starliner без экипажа к Международной космической станции планируется осенью, следует из материалов НАСА, имеющихся в распоряжении РИА Новости.

В декабре 2019 года был запущен первый корабль Starliner без экипажа, но по техническим причинам его стыковка с МКС была отменена. В апреле разработчик корабля компания Boeing объявила, что Starliner совершит повторный беспилотный полёт.

Согласно материалам НАСА, короткий беспилотный полёт Starliner на МКС ожидается осенью.

В начале марта заместитель руководителя НАСА по пилотируемым программам Дуглас Ловерро сообщил, что по результатам первого беспилотного полета Starliner специалисты выявили более 60 требующих решения проблем. Он отметил, что корабль могли дважды потерять.
В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС доставляют только российские корабли "Союз". В США для отправки астронавтов на станцию разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX, Starliner - компанией Boeing.

В марте 2019 года Crew Dragon совершил беспилотный полёт на МКС. На 27 апреля намечается его запуск с экипажем в составе астронавтов НАСА Дугласа Херли и Роберта Бенкена.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 22.05.2020 07:46:40
Цитата: tnt22 от 22.05.2020 06:37:25Как бы в продолжение #1267 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=1972753)

РИА прочитал-таки новость ТАСС от 7 апреля ;D
ЦитироватьНЬЮ-ЙОРК, 7 апреля. /Корр. ТАСС Иван Пильщиков/. Американская корпорация Boeing предполагает, что новый испытательный полет ее корабля Starliner без экипажа будет проведен осенью 2020 года. Об этом сообщила в понедельник корреспонденту ТАСС официальный представитель компании Ребекка Риган...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: anik от 22.05.2020 19:35:39
Boeing предполагает, а NASA располагает.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.05.2020 04:13:00
https://ria.ru/20200531/1572235725.html (https://ria.ru/20200531/1572235725.html)

Цитата: undefinedИсточник сообщил, когда Starliner полетит к МКС
03:04 31.05.2020

МОСКВА, 31 мая - РИА Новости. Американский корабль Starliner отправится в повторный полет без экипажа на Международную космическую станцию в середине ноября 2020 года, его первый полет с экипажем намечается в апреле 2021 года, сообщил РИА Новости источник в ракетно-космический отрасли.

В декабре 2019 года был запущен первый корабль Starliner без экипажа, но по техническим причинам его стыковка с МКС была отменена. В апреле разработчик корабля - компания Boeing - объявила, что Starliner совершит повторный беспилотный полет. В мае из материалов НАСА стало известно, что он планируется осенью.

"Второй полет корабля Starliner без экипажа к МКС ожидается в середине ноября 2020 года, а первый полет с экипажем - в апреле 2021 года", - сказал собеседник агентства.

В экипаж Starliner вошли астронавты НАСА Майкл Финк и Николь Аунапу Манн, а также астронавт Boeing Кристофер Фергюсон.
В начале марта заместитель руководителя НАСА по пилотируемым программам Дуглас Ловерро сообщил, что по результатам первого беспилотного полета Starliner специалисты выявили более 60 требующих решения проблем. Он отметил, что корабль могли дважды потерять.

В 2011 году была выведена из эксплуатации американская многоразовая пилотируемая транспортная система Space Shuttle. После этого экипажи на МКС стали доставлять только российские корабли "Союз". В США для отправки астронавтов на станцию разработаны новые пилотируемые корабли: Crew Dragon - компанией SpaceX, Starliner - компанией Boeing.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.06.2020 23:40:28
https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/06/29/starliner-parachutes-perform-under-pressure/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/06/29/starliner-parachutes-perform-under-pressure/)

Цитата: undefinedStarliner Parachutes Perform Under Pressure

Danielle Sempsrott (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/author/dsempsro/)
Posted Jun 29, 2020 at 3:02 pm

Two drogue parachutes successfully deploy from a Boeing Starliner test article during a landing system reliability test conducted on June 21 above White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico. Photo credit: Boeing

Boeing put Starliner's parachutes to the test again on June 21 as part of a supplemental reliability campaign designed to further validate the system's capabilities under an adverse set of environmental factors.

An inflated high altitude balloon hovers over the desert at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico on June 21 ahead of Boeing Starliner's recent parachute reliability drop test. Photo credit: Boeing

Boeing is developing the Starliner spacecraft to take astronauts to and from the International Space Station in partnership with NASA's Commercial Crew Program (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew).

This latest balloon drop, conducted high above White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico, demonstrates Starliner's parachutes continue to perform well even under dynamic abort conditions and a simulated failure. Boeing and NASA jointly developed the conditions for this test as part of a comprehensive test campaign to demonstrate Starliner parachute performance across the range of deployment conditions.

Teams wanted to be sure that if an abort were to occur early into launch, certain parachutes in Starliner's landing sequence would inflate correctly despite needing to deploy in significantly different flight conditions than those seen with normal landings.

"Parachutes like clean air flow," said Jim Harder, Boeing's flight conductor. "They inflate predictably under a wide range of conditions, but in certain ascent aborts, you are deploying these parachutes into more unsteady air where proper inflation becomes less predictable. We wanted to test the inflation characteristics at low dynamic pressure so we can be completely confident in the system we developed."

This critical test phase began six seconds into the drop when small parachutes designed to lift away Starliner's Forward Heat Shield deployed successfully. Ten seconds later, the vehicle's two drogue parachutes followed suit, inflating perfectly despite the low dynamic pressure. But the Starliner boilerplate wasn't out of the woods yet.

Test teams added a fault scenario to the test objectives by preventing one of Starliner's three main parachutes from deploying altogether. At 98 seconds into flight, just two pilot chutes were fired resulting in only two of the three main parachutes deploying. Despite the higher loading, Starliner's parachutes performed effectively, bringing the test article down to Earth safely and slowly about two-and-a-half minutes later.

A Boeing Starliner test article descends over White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico on June 21 during a landing system reliability test designed to simulate dynamic abort conditions and a main parachute failure. Photo credit: Boeing

The data extracted from this test will be utilized to improve the reliability of the Starliner parachute system ahead of crewed flights and be shared with NASA for their own vehicle use.

"Our parachute system is very similar to the design NASA uses to bring humans safely back from the Moon. Turns out, we can use some of their test data to model our mission scenarios, and they can use a lot of our data to model theirs," said Starliner test manager Dan Niedermaier. "It really is all about the data. The more you have, the more accurate your models will be. This shared approach helps to keep both systems incredibly safe."

During the summer, Boeing and NASA will continue to test Starliner's parachute strength, building out even more reliability on a system that's already shown to be consistently robust.

"Our parachutes have passed every test." Niedermaier said. "We continue to push our system because we know what's at stake. This demanding test program ensures Starliner can bring our astronauts home safe."

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is a public-private partnership combining NASA's experience with new technology and designs pioneered by private industry to make space travel safer and available for all. This test is one of many steps that advances NASA's goals of returning human spaceflight launches to U.S. soil on commercially-built and operated American rockets and spacecraft, preparing for a human presence on the Moon, and ultimately sending astronauts to Mars.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.06.2020 00:00:18
ЦитироватьBoeing Starliner Parachutes Perform Under Pressure

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220316.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/Boeing) Boeing (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IEkprr46ScglWU79HF5qQ)

29 июн. 2020 г.

We put #Starliner (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Starliner) parachutes to the test at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico to prove the spacecraft's landing system performs well under dynamic abort conditions and a simulated main parachute failure. This test is part of a supplemental campaign designed by Boeing and NASA to build even more reliability into Starliner's already robust system.


Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.07.2020 00:21:48
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-provides-update-on-commercial-crew-program-close-call-review-of-boeing-s-orbital (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-provides-update-on-commercial-crew-program-close-call-review-of-boeing-s-orbital)

Цитата: undefinedJuly 6, 2020

NASA Provides Update on Commercial Crew Program, Close Call Review of Boeing's Orbital Flight Test

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207591.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/49351604192_f238aeaf3b_k.jpg)
The Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft lands in White Sands, New Mexico, Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019.
Credits: NASA

NASA will host a media teleconference at 2:30 p.m. EDT Tuesday, July 7, to discuss the outcome of its High Visibility Close Call review of the December 2019 uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-complete-successful-landing-of-starliner-flight-test/) of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft.

Participants in the briefing will be:

  • Kathy Lueders, associate administrator of NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate 
  • Steve Stich, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program

Audio of the teleconference will stream live online at: 

https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/live)

Boeing was able to complete a number of test objectives (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-boeing-complete-successful-landing-of-starliner-flight-test) during the December flight, but was unable to reach its planned orbit and dock to the International Space Station. An investigation team was established in March to develop recommendations that could be used to prevent similar scenarios from occurring in the future.

In March, NASA and Boeing completed a joint independent review of the anomalies (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/03/06/nasa-update-on-orbital-flight-test-independent-review-team/) experienced during the flight test. A summary of recommendations and the action plan already implemented will be available online at:

http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew (http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew)

Boeing's Orbital Flight Test was an uncrewed test of the company's Starliner crew spacecraft as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program. Learn more about commercial crew at:

https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html)


Last Updated: July 6, 2020
Editor: Sean Potter
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.07.2020 05:34:30
Аудиоконференция, начало с 26:35

Цитата: undefinedNASA Live: NASA Review of December 2019 Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test (July 7, 2020)
 Доступ по ссылке

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220379.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAgovVideo) NASA Video (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aP7p621ATY_yAa8jMqUVA)

Трансляция началась 7 часов назад


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsB1ZWrGero (1:28:30)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.07.2020 05:45:38
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-and-boeing-complete-orbital-flight-test-reviews (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-and-boeing-complete-orbital-flight-test-reviews)

Цитата: undefinedJuly 7, 2020

NASA and Boeing Complete Orbital Flight Test Reviews

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30927.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/317188-33_cst_flip_fr01_.jpg)
An artist's illustration of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft in orbit.
Credits: Boeing

NASA and Boeing have completed major reviews of the company's uncrewed Orbital Flight Test in December 2019 and are continuing with preparations to refly the test, designated Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2), to the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

"NASA and Boeing have completed a tremendous amount of work reviewing the issues experienced during the uncrewed flight test of Starliner," said Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator at NASA. "Ultimately, everything we've found will help us improve as we move forward in the development and testing of Starliner, and in our future work with commercial industry as a whole."

The joint NASA-Boeing Independent Review team completed the final assessment into the intermittent space-to-ground communication issue detected during the first uncrewed Orbital Flight Test of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft. The review team previously completed its investigation (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/2020/03/06/nasa-update-on-orbital-flight-test-independent-review-team/) into the two other primary anomalies experienced during the test.

With the completion of the investigation's third and final focus area, the review team identified a total of 80 recommendations that Boeing, in collaboration with NASA, is addressing, with action plans for each already well under way. Although the full list of recommendations is company sensitive and proprietary, the categories of the corrective and preventative actions are as follows:

  • Testing and Simulation: 21 recommendations including the need for greater hardware and software integration testing; performance of an end-to-end "run for record" test prior to each flight using the maximum amount of flight hardware available; reviewing subsystem behaviors and limitations; and addressing any identified simulation or emulation gaps.
  • Requirements: 10 recommendations including an assessment of all software requirements with multiple logic conditions to ensure test coverage.
  • Process and Operational Improvements: 35 recommendations including modifications to change board documentation; bolstering required participants in peer reviews and test data reviews; and increasing the involvement of subject matter experts in safety critical areas.
  • Software: 7 recommendations including updating the software code and associated artifacts to correct the Mission Elapsed Timer Epoch and Service Module disposal anomalies; and making the antenna selection algorithm more robust.
  • Knowledge Capture and Hardware Modification: 7 recommendations such as organizational changes to the safety reporting structure; amending the Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) approach; and the addition of an external Radio Frequency (RF) filter to reject out-of-band interference.

As a result of this work and Boeing's separate analysis, the company proactively announced in April it would fly a second orbital test at no cost to the government to prove the Starliner system meets NASA's requirements, including docking to the space station.

Boeing and NASA have asked the independent review team to remain engaged as a valuable and important partner in the Starliner's path to crewed flight. Additionally, lessons learned from the Starliner's first uncrewed flight test are being shared across the human spaceflight community to strengthen the industry as a whole.

"As vital as it is to understand the technical causes that resulted in the flight test not fulfilling all of its planned objectives, it's equally as important to understand how those causes connect to organizational factors that could be contributors," said Jurczyk. "That's why NASA also decided to perform a high visibility close call review that looked at our combined teams."

NASA has now also completed the high visibility close call investigation to specifically review the organizational factors within NASA and Boeing that could have contributed to the flight test anomalies. The close call investigation team, established in March, was tasked with developing recommendations that could be used to prevent similar close calls from occurring in the future.

The close call team built off the technical findings of the joint independent review team related to the software coding errors made during the development of the spacecraft. The team also received additional briefings, held subject matter expert discussions and conducted interviews across the organizations.

Based on the findings, the team developed the following recommendations for the NASA Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate to incorporate into future programs:

  • Require that the systems engineering management plan delivered by each contractor contain specific requirements related to the contractor's management approach.
  • Ensure that NASA reviews and approves the contractor's hazard verification test plans prior to test execution.
  • Ensure NASA independent validation and verification (IV&V) teams provide insight to contractor IV&V agents.
  • Implement an approach that ensures alternate standards are reviewed and approved prior to beginning development work.
  • Develop a best practices document for use by future programs that implement the shared accountability model used in NASA's Commercial Crew Program.
  • Evaluate Boeing's actions developed by the joint independent review team for applicability post-certification.

With the development of these recommendations, the high visibility close call investigation has concluded.

"I can't stress enough how committed the Boeing team has been throughout this process," said Phil McAlister, director of commercial spaceflight development at NASA. "Boeing has worked collaboratively with NASA to perform these detailed assessments. To be clear, we have a lot more work ahead, but these significant steps help us move forward on the path toward resuming our flight tests."

Boeing and NASA have not yet established a launch date for OFT-2.

Last Updated: July 7, 2020
Editor: Danielle Sempsrott
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.07.2020 05:52:16
https://tass.ru/kosmos/8909147 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/8909147)

Цитата: undefined8 ИЮЛ, 01:13
NASA и Boeing подготовили 80 рекомендаций после анализа первого полета корабля Starliner

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 8 июля. /ТАСС/. Группа экспертов Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) и корпорации Boeing завершила изучение всех аспектов испытательного полета корабля Starliner без экипажа, который не смог пристыковаться в декабре к Международной космической станции из-за технической проблемы, и подготовила 80 рекомендаций. Об этом сообщило во вторник NASA на своем сайте (https://www.nasa.gov/).

"NASA и Boeing провели огромную работу, оценив все вопросы, связанные с непилотируемым полетом корабля, - заявил помощник директора NASA Стив Джарсек. - Все, что мы выяснили, поможет нам более успешно осуществлять разработку и испытания Starliner.

В частности, 21 рекомендация касается процесса испытаний узлов корабля, 10 рекомендаций имеют отношение к проверке компьютерных программ, в 35 рекомендациях речь идет об изменениях бортовой документации, семь рекомендаций касаются системы определения полетного времени и еще семь - организационных изменений.
Starliner, разработанный корпорацией Boeing, имеет массу 13 тонн, он рассчитан на экипаж из семи человек и способен в течение 60 часов осуществлять автономный полет. Впервые он был запущен 20 декабря 2019 года в беспилотном режиме к МКС с авиабазы на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида) с помощью ракеты-носителя Atlas V. Стыковка с орбитальным комплексом была запланирована на 22 декабря, однако из-за технических неполадок была отменена. Одной из причин был признан сбой в системе подсчета полетного времени, в итоге корабль был возвращен на Землю.
Как ожидается, новый испытательный полет корабля может состояться осенью нынешнего года.

https://ria.ru/20200708/1574033120.html (https://ria.ru/20200708/1574033120.html)

Цитата: undefinedВ НАСА указали Boeing на 81 проблему после неудачного запуска Starliner
01:17 08.07.2020

ВАШИНГТОН, 8 июл – РИА Новости. Специалисты НАСА выявили более 80 проблем, требующих доработки в создаваемом компанией Boeing пилотируемом корабле Starliner, дата его повторного испытательного полета до сих пор не определена, сообщили представители НАСА во вторник.

Цитата: undefined"Мы провели глубокий анализ... и сформулировали более 80 рекомендаций, над которыми специалисты внимательно работают", - сказала на брифинге руководитель пилотируемой программы НАСА Кэти Лойдерс.

В декабре 2019 года корабль Starliner совершил первый испытательный полет без экипажа. По техническим причинам его стыковка с МКС была отменена. Спустя несколько месяцев после неудачного испытания заместитель руководителя НАСА по пилотируемым программам Дуглас Ловерро сообщил, что по результатам первого беспилотного полета Starliner специалисты выявили более 60 требующих решения проблем. Он отметил, что корабль могли дважды потерять.

Позднее в апреле разработчик корабля, компания Boeing, объявила, что Starliner совершит повторный беспилотный полет. Сообщалось, что он может состояться в ноябре. Представители НАСА на брифинге во вторник заявили, что полет состоится ближе к концу текущего года, не подтвердив конкретных сроков.

Специалисты не берутся сказать и о расчетном сроке первого пилотируемого полета нового корабля, признавая, что он не состоится раньше, чем в 2021 году.

"Мы тесно сотрудничаем с Boeing над тем, чтобы корабль был допущен (к полетам - ред.)", - сказал руководитель программы коммерческих полетов НАСА Стив Стич.

Он исключил возможность того, что НАСА может пересмотреть контракт с Boeing в пользу компании Sierra Nevada, создающей корабль Dream Chaser. "Мы не ведем серьезных переговоров о том, чтобы Dream Chaser стал заменой", – сказал Стич.

Представителей НАСА попросили объяснить, почему компании Boeing не удалось достичь того, что смогла сделать SpaceX, космический корабль которой Crew Dragon ранее в мае доставил на МКС двух астронавтов НАСА. "Возможно, мы не потратили должного времени", - признал Стич, отметив, что, поскольку SpaceX предложила более инновационный подход, специалисты НАСА уделяли ему больше внимания, нежели разработке Boeing, которая строит Starliner по "традиционной технологии".
Для возобновления собственных пилотируемых полетов НАСА в 2014 году заключило контракты с частными американскими компаниями SpaceX и Boeing, которые создают корабли Crew Dragon и Starliner. Стоимость контракта Boeing, включающая создание корабля и по меньшей мере один пилотируемый запуск, составила 4,2 миллиарда долларов, SpaceX - 2,6 миллиарда долларов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.08.2020 21:02:55
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg) Jeff Foust @jeff_foust 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1297933817240522755)

Lueders: expecting Boeing to fly its second uncrewed CST-100 Starliner test flight by the end of the year or early January. Crewed flight test hopefully in early summer 2021. #AIAAPropEnergy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIAAPropEnergy?src=hashtag_click)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32
Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11
Цитата: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Правильно делают - ждут что будет с Крюшей.
Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.
Союз всё равно летать будет , а троим на этом рынке слишком тесно.
Тут правда непонятны финансовые обязательства Боинга перед правительством и что для Боинга выгоднее -закрыть программу или имитировать деятельность.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 25.08.2020 08:45:08
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11
Цитата: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Правильно делают - ждут что будет с Крюшей.
Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.
Союз всё равно летать будет , а троим на этом рынке слишком тесно.
Тут правда непонятны финансовые обязательства Боинга перед правительством и что для Боинга выгоднее -закрыть программу или имитировать деятельность.

Стив Стич: «Сейчас я не могу представить сценарий, при котором SpaceX останется единственным игроком в этой программе. Я уверен, что [вторая миссия] OFT-2 пройдёт без подобных ошибок».
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 08:58:49
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.

Деньги уже потрачены. Конкуренция вполне по канонам рыночных отношений. Смысла закрывать нет. Имхо.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.08.2020 09:11:00
А слабо Насе подать в суд на Боинг за срыв контракта, как это в РФ принято делать  ;D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:16:29
Цитата: Дмитрий В. от 25.08.2020 08:45:08
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11
Цитата: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Правильно делают - ждут что будет с Крюшей.
Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.
Союз всё равно летать будет , а троим на этом рынке слишком тесно.
Тут правда непонятны финансовые обязательства Боинга перед правительством и что для Боинга выгоднее -закрыть программу или имитировать деятельность.

Стив Стич: «Сейчас я не могу представить сценарий, при котором SpaceX останется единственным игроком в этой программе. Я уверен, что [вторая миссия] OFT-2 пройдёт без подобных ошибок».
это было сказано до посадки Крюши с астронавтами.
Теперь не исключено что может представить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:24:27
Цитата: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 08:58:49
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.

Деньги уже потрачены. Конкуренция вполне по канонам рыночных отношений. Смысла закрывать нет. Имхо.
Никаких рыночных канонов там нет.
С Союзом по рыночным канонам конкурировать для доставки людей на орбиту не может ни Крюша, ни тем более Старлай.

Если будет уверенность что фигляр Маск может регулярно демонстрировать   возможность независимой от Союзов доставки, никакой необходимости платить дикие деньги ещё и Боингу не будет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Boris Mekler от 25.08.2020 09:49:36
Цитата: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 08:58:49Деньги уже потрачены
На XS-1 деньги тоже уже потрачены... были.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 25.08.2020 09:55:29
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:24:27
Цитата: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 08:58:49
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.

Деньги уже потрачены. Конкуренция вполне по канонам рыночных отношений. Смысла закрывать нет. Имхо.
Никаких рыночных канонов там нет.
С Союзом по рыночным канонам конкурировать для доставки людей на орбиту не может ни Крюша, ни тем более Старлай.

Если будет уверенность что фигляр Маск может регулярно демонстрировать  возможность независимой от Союзов доставки, никакой необходимости платить дикие деньги ещё и Боингу не будет.
А какая разница, кому платить дикие деньги? Главное чтоб не русским.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 10:29:20
Цитата: Bell от 25.08.2020 09:55:29
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:24:27
Цитата: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 08:58:49Конкуренция вполне по канонам рыночных отношений. Смысла закрывать нет. Имхо.
Никаких рыночных канонов там нет.
С Союзом по рыночным канонам конкурировать для доставки людей на орбиту не может ни Крюша, ни тем более Старлай.

Если будет уверенность что фигляр Маск может регулярно демонстрировать  возможность независимой от Союзов доставки, никакой необходимости платить дикие деньги ещё и Боингу не будет.
А какая разница, кому платить дикие деньги? Главное чтоб не русским.
Так русским то не "дикие".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 11:36:56
Единственный активный способ для Боинга стать регулярным перевозчиком - устранить отечественного конкурента - Крюшу (С Союзом это не пройдет).
Указать на всем очевидный факт - то что у Крюши вонючка(в огромных !!! количествах) находится в самой капсуле с людьми, и соответственно  в самый   механически и термально напряженный  момент - при посадке.
И убедить что такая компоновка гораздо опаснее , чем у Старлая. Тем более, что  это правда.

Но может оказаться что для Боинг финансово  более выгодно имитировать деятельность,чем осуществлять регулярные пилотируемые полеты и нести за них ответственность(любые косяки могут серьезно ударить по другим видам деятельности).
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 11:45:29
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:24:27Никаких рыночных канонов там нет.
С Союзом по рыночным канонам конкурировать для доставки людей на орбиту не может ни Крюша, ни тем более Старлай.

Конечно. 80+ млн $ за место с начальных 20 млн это же не обнаглели.))) И это при том, что создание Союза оплатил СССР и он же отработал всю остнастку.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 11:49:10
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 11:36:56Указать на всем очевидный факт - то что у Крюши вонючка(в огромных !!! количествах) находится в самой капсуле с людьми,

Ага. Они прям в гептиле плавают? ))) У боинга тот же гептил там же - под капсулой. Просле приземления чудно экологично дымил рыжим дымом. Поменьше, но если рванет то никто тоже не выживет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 12:08:59
Цитата: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 11:45:29
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:24:27Никаких рыночных канонов там нет.
С Союзом по рыночным канонам конкурировать для доставки людей на орбиту не может ни Крюша, ни тем более Старлай.

Конечно. 80+ млн $ за место с начальных 20 млн это же не обнаглели.))) И это при том, что создание Союза оплатил СССР и он же отработал всю остнастку.
А что вам не нравится? Я  считаю  что мало даже.
Нужно было до 140 поднимать. А после первого успешного полета Крюши  опустить до 70. А потом снова поднять.
Это если по рыночным канонам. Но к сожалению их нет.
Попробуйте Эпплу втереть что продавать за 1000 имеющее себестоимость 300 это наглость.
Пусть типа берут пример с китайцев имеющих 10-20 процентов наценку?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 25.08.2020 12:33:36
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:16:29
Цитата: Дмитрий В. от 25.08.2020 08:45:08
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11
Цитата: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Правильно делают - ждут что будет с Крюшей.
Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.
Союз всё равно летать будет , а троим на этом рынке слишком тесно.
Тут правда непонятны финансовые обязательства Боинга перед правительством и что для Боинга выгоднее -закрыть программу или имитировать деятельность.

Стив Стич: «Сейчас я не могу представить сценарий, при котором SpaceX останется единственным игроком в этой программе. Я уверен, что [вторая миссия] OFT-2 пройдёт без подобных ошибок».
это было сказано до посадки Крюши с астронавтами.
Теперь не исключено что может представить.
Никто в здравом уме в США не будет закрывать второй проект - не для того оставляли двоих, чтобы выбирать лучшего. У НАСА нет задачи экономить бюджет, у него задача - обеспечивать пилотируемые полёты в космос на американских кораблях.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 12:35:55
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 12:08:59Я  считаю  что мало даже. Нужно было до 140 поднимать...
...Попробуйте Эпплу втереть что продавать за 1000 имеющее себестоимость 300 это наглость.
Это даже не упоминая комплект колесиков к мак про за 1000 баксов.

Какая там себестоимость? баксов 20 наберется?
прикол : яндекс про наборе "комплект колесиков.." первой строчкой рекомендует продолжение "колесики для mac pro".
Видимо народ массово пытается убедиться , что 1000 баксов это не вражеские гнусные инсинуации .

Хотя колесики это относительно весьма высокотехнологичный продукт.
Гораздо круче по наценке " Комплект ножек для Mac Pro" от Apple за 500 баксов.

Так что  критиковать величину наценки за места в Союзах это признак ретроградства.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 25.08.2020 13:55:39
Цитата: Дмитрий В. от 25.08.2020 12:33:36
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:16:29
Цитата: Дмитрий В. от 25.08.2020 08:45:08
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11
Цитата: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Правильно делают - ждут что будет с Крюшей.
Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.
Союз всё равно летать будет , а троим на этом рынке слишком тесно.
Тут правда непонятны финансовые обязательства Боинга перед правительством и что для Боинга выгоднее -закрыть программу или имитировать деятельность.

Стив Стич: «Сейчас я не могу представить сценарий, при котором SpaceX останется единственным игроком в этой программе. Я уверен, что [вторая миссия] OFT-2 пройдёт без подобных ошибок».
это было сказано до посадки Крюши с астронавтами.
Теперь не исключено что может представить.
Никто в здравом уме в США не будет закрывать второй проект - не для того оставляли двоих, чтобы выбирать лучшего. У НАСА нет задачи экономить бюджет, у него задача - обеспечивать пилотируемые полёты в космос на американских кораблях.
Ну строго говоря для этого достаточно частного Дрыгуна и государственного Ориона. Третий какбэ не нужен. Там же еще Дримчазер в очнреди стоит и тоже бабла хочет. Кого-то все равно придется пристрелить...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 25.08.2020 13:57:23
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 10:29:20
Цитата: Bell от 25.08.2020 09:55:29
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 09:24:27
Цитата: Astro Cat от 25.08.2020 08:58:49Конкуренция вполне по канонам рыночных отношений. Смысла закрывать нет. Имхо.
Никаких рыночных канонов там нет.
С Союзом по рыночным канонам конкурировать для доставки людей на орбиту не может ни Крюша, ни тем более Старлай.

Если будет уверенность что фигляр Маск может регулярно демонстрировать  возможность независимой от Союзов доставки, никакой необходимости платить дикие деньги ещё и Боингу не будет.
А какая разница, кому платить дикие деньги? Главное чтоб не русским.
Так русским то не "дикие".
Проблема не в цене, а в том что русские. Это же принципиальный вопрос, который будет профинансирован в любом объеме, только бы его "окончательно решить".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10
Цитата: Bell от 25.08.2020 13:57:23Проблема не в цене, а в том что русские. Это же принципиальный вопрос, который будет профинансирован в любом объеме, только бы его "окончательно решить".
русские - дико ненадёжные партнёры. Вспомним Рогозина с его «батутами» и постоянными измывательствами что, дескать, великая страна не может сама своих астронавтов возить.
 Ок, теперь может. Если NASA не в лом ежегодно финансировать разработку SLS на сумму, превышающую ВЕСЬ бюджет Роскосмоса, то уж как-нибудь два пилотируемые миссии в год к МКС они оплатят, тем более что выгода, действительно, двойная: у SpaceX дополнительный доход, а у русских минус $400 миллионов в год, как раз одновременно с секвестром ФКП на 150 миллиардов рублей. 
Ну и что тут плохого?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 25.08.2020 15:13:23
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 08:14:11
Цитата: Astro Cat от 24.08.2020 22:04:32Нормально так. Деньги хапнули. Тестовый полет провалили и никуда не торопятся! В 2021... может быть.. ;D
Правильно делают - ждут что будет с Крюшей.
Если с ним всё будет четко по плану и без происшествий, то могут и закрыть программу Старлая.
Союз всё равно летать будет , а троим на этом рынке слишком тесно.
Тут правда непонятны финансовые обязательства Боинга перед правительством и что для Боинга выгоднее -закрыть программу или имитировать деятельность.
В соответствии с требованиями "директивных документов" (не помню сходу точных названий) пилотируемых кораблей, причём разрабатываемых разными фирмами и запускаемых на разных ракетах должно быть не менее двух. Поэтому выход из программы Боингу не грозит. По грузовикам уже, после аварий Сигнуса и Дракона - не менее трёх типов кораблей. Заменить Боинг за невыполнение обязательств тоже нельзя - там поэтапная оплата и НАСА приняло и оплатило каждый этап. Да и провал программы нанесёт Боингу огромный репутационный ущерб, особенно после беды с самолётами. НАСА на Боинг очень зло, уже и лоббисты не помогают, и его выкинули из программы лунного лендера.
"Бегущий за мечтой" сейчас принят третьим в программу по доставке грузов на МКС, кроме того создание его пилотируемой версии финансирует ЕКА и ООН. У пилотируемого "бегущего за мечтой" не будет американского национального статуса, скорее всего это будут корабли ООН.
Орион слишком дорогой и тяжёлый для НОО, у него европейский служебный модуль. Да и не может НАСА засунуть свой Орион в коммерческую доставку экипажа.
Поэтому выход Боинга из программы сейчас очень маловероятен. НАСА будет с ними нянчиться, вероятно увеличит срок эксплуатации МКС и увеличит количество рейсов Дракона, и получится, что на один рейс Старланера Дракон только по заказу НАСА будет делать, скажем, два рейса.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 15:16:23
Цитата: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10Вспомним Рогозина с его «батутами» и постоянными измывательствами что, дескать, великая страна не может сама своих астронавтов возить.
Несчетное число раз эта шаблонная докапушка опровергалась.

Все проекты пилотируемых капсул о которых идет речь начали проектироваться и получили финансирование ЗАДОЛГО до мема про батут.
И  подколки  про "невозможность летать самим" появились не от Рогозина, и едва ли не большее их число принадлежало самим американцам.

Пишу это, само собой , не для защиты филолуха, а справедливости для.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 15:20:22
Цитата: Bell от 25.08.2020 13:57:23
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 10:29:20
Цитата: Bell от 25.08.2020 09:55:29А какая разница, кому платить дикие деньги? Главное чтоб не русским.
Так русским то не "дикие".
Проблема не в цене, а в том что русские. Это же принципиальный вопрос, который будет профинансирован в любом объеме, только бы его "окончательно решить".
Я и сам пишу о том ,что главное - "лишь бы не русским" , а не экономическая целесообразность .
Лишь докопался до слова "дикие".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 15:47:51
Цитата: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10русские - дико ненадёжные партнёры.
Это же они в 2003-м прервали на 2,5 года доставку экипажей?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 16:30:57
Цитата: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 15:47:51
Цитата: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10русские - дико ненадёжные партнёры.
Это же они в 2003-м прервали на 2,5 года доставку экипажей?
Я не про это. С ними можно иметь дело в короткосроке, типа - договориться на «Протон» под ЭкзоМарс, или места на Союз, или купить 3 кольца-адаптера для стыковочного узла. Это все тактические штуки.
А вот если там станцию совместно строить - то они все время будут клянчить деньги, угрожая и шантажируя тем, что иначе ничего не будет.
Или вот, представьте, если б приборно-агрегатный отсек для Ориона поручили делать Роскосмосу, а не ESA. Уверен, что сейчас ни одного ПАО не было бы, и Роскосмос угрожал бы сорвать всю программу, если ему не дадут ещё миллиардик-другой.
По этой же самой причине Роскосмосу никто и никогда не доверит ничего критически важного ни для Gateway, ни для Artemis, ни для чего-либо другого, где у него будет возможность шантажировать остальных после.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 25.08.2020 16:51:07
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 15:16:23Все проекты пилотируемых капсул о которых идет речь начали проектироваться и получили финансирование ЗАДОЛГО до мема про батут.
Насчёт "получили финансирование" можно поспорить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 25.08.2020 17:20:29
Цитата: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10русские - дико ненадёжные партнёры. Вспомним Рогозина с его «батутами»
Что за бред?

Российская сторона исправно исполняет все обязательства по заключенным договорам на доставку и снабжение экипажей. А кто там перерезал провода к пироболтам, криво стыковал боковушки и сверлил стенки - это еще надо разобраться. А-то что-то уж больно многим это выгодно...

Цитата: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10Ок, теперь может. Если NASA не в лом ежегодно финансировать разработку SLS на сумму, превышающую ВЕСЬ бюджет Роскосмоса
Дешевая подтасовка "для красного словца".

1. 176 млрд. рублей это ГРАЖДАНСКАЯ часть бюджета госкорпорации "Роскосмос".
2. ППС рубля намного выше, чем официальный курс к доллару. Реально разница где-то в 2-3 раза.
3. Значительную долю финансирования SLS составляет поддержание штанов Боинга, в лучших традициях "свободной демократической рыночной экономики"

Цитата: Sam Grey от 25.08.2020 14:42:10а у русских минус $400 миллионов в год
Из какого пальца эта цифра высосана? Никогда Роскосмос не получал 400 млн в год. Ни раньше, когда цены были ниже, ни вчера, когда летать стали меньше.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Veganin от 25.08.2020 17:43:25
Цитата: Sam  Grey от 25.08.2020 16:30:57А вот если там МЕС совместно строить - то они все время будут клянчить деньги, угрожая и шантажируя тем, что иначе ничего не будет.
Или вот, представьте, если б приборно-агрегатный отсек для Ориона поручили делать Роскосмосу, а не ESA. Уверен, что сейчас и ни одного ПАО не было бы, и Роскосмос угрожал бы сорвать всю программу, если ему не дадут ещё миллиардик-другой.
По этой же самой причине Роскосмосу никто и никогда не доверит ничего критически важного ни для Gateway, ни Artemis, ни для чего-либо другого, где у него будет возможность шантажировать остальных после.
Вообще-то в России исторически именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу. Экзомарс и Луны тому пример.
А в шантаже и санкциях весьма преуспели как раз Штаты :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 17:59:21
Цитата: Veganin от 25.08.2020 17:43:25Вообще-то в России исторически именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу.
Это очевидный факт, который умалчивают , или даже переворачивают с ног наголову, только люди ,возомнившие себя хитр....ми манипуляторами.

Уточнение :
не Россия, а компрадорская рф.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 25.08.2020 18:41:43
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 17:59:21
Цитата: Veganin от 25.08.2020 17:43:25Вообще-то в России исторически именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу.
Это очевидный факт, который умалчивают , или даже переворачивают с ног наголову, только люди ,возомнившие себя хитр....ми манипуляторами.

Уточнение :
не Россия, а компрадорская рф.
Ну-ну. Поинтересуйтесь, например, таким проектом, как Радиоастрон, или как многострадальные Фобос-грунт, Луна-Глоб, и т.д.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 19:01:05
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 25.08.2020 18:41:43
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 17:59:21
Цитата: Veganin от 25.08.2020 17:43:25Вообще-то в России исторически именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу.
Это очевидный факт, который умалчивают , или даже переворачивают с ног наголову, только люди ,возомнившие себя хитр....ми манипуляторами.

Уточнение :
не Россия, а компрадорская рф.
Ну-ну. Поинтересуйтесь, например, таким проектом, как Радиоастрон, или как многострадальные Фобос-грунт, Луна-Глоб, и т.д.

И что же в истории этих проектов противоречит вышеизложенным тезисам?
Все только подтверждается..

К примеру :
6 апреля 2012 года «Роскосмос» и Европейское космическое агентство (ESA) договорились о совместной реализации проекта ExoMars.
Запуск аппарата ракетой-носителем «Протон-М (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD-%D0%9C)» 14 марта 2016 года.
Участие РФ :
Ракета-носитель: «Протон-М (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD-%D0%9C)»
Два научных прибора для орбитального аппарата TGO (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/TGO)
Все сделано быстро и чётко.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.08.2020 19:31:52
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-astronaut-jeanette-epps-joins-first-operational-boeing-crew-mission-to-space (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-astronaut-jeanette-epps-joins-first-operational-boeing-crew-mission-to-space)

ЦитироватьAug. 25, 2020
RELEASE 20-082

NASA Astronaut Jeanette Epps Joins First Operational Boeing Crew Mission to Space Station

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/32342.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/jsc2009e258436.jpg)
NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps
Credits: NASA

NASA has assigned astronaut Jeanette Epps to NASA's Boeing Starliner-1 mission, the first operational crewed flight of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on a mission to the International Space Station (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html).

Epps will join NASA astronauts Sunita Williams (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/sunita-l-williams) and Josh Cassada (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/josh-a-cassada) for a six-month expedition planned for a launch in 2021 to the orbiting space laboratory. The flight will follow NASA certification after a successful uncrewed Orbital Flight Test-2 and Crew Flight Test with astronauts.

The spaceflight will be the first for Epps, who earned a bachelor's degree in physics in 1992 from LeMoyne College in her hometown of Syracuse, New York. She completed a master's degree in science in 1994 and a doctorate in aerospace engineering in 2000, both from the University of Maryland, College Park.

While earning her doctorate, Epps was a NASA Graduate Student Researchers Project fellow, authoring several journal and conference articles on her research. After completing graduate school, she worked in a research laboratory for more than two years, co-authoring several patents, before the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruited her. She spent seven years as a CIA technical intelligence officer before her selection as a member of the 2009 astronaut class. 

NASA assigned Williams and Cassada to the Starliner-1 mission in August 2018 (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-assigns-crews-to-first-test-flights-missions-on-commercial-spacecraft). The spaceflight will be the first for Cassada and third for Williams, who spent long-duration stays aboard the space station on Expeditions 14/15 and 32/33.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program (https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html) is working with the American aerospace industry as companies develop and operate a new generation of spacecraft and launch systems capable of carrying crews to low-Earth orbit and to the space station. Commercial transportation to and from the station will provide expanded utility, additional research time and broader opportunities for discovery on the orbital outpost.

For nearly 20 years, the station has served as a critical testbed for NASA to understand and overcome the challenges of long-duration spaceflight. As commercial companies focus on providing human transportation services to and from low-Earth orbit, NASA will concentrate its focus on building spacecraft and rockets for deep-space missions.


Last Updated: Aug. 25, 2020
Editor: Sean Potter
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.08.2020 19:49:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/32343.jpg) The Boeing Company @Boeing 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Boeing/status/1298282856544972800)

The #Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hashtag_click) team is adding a new NASA astronaut. @Astro_Jeanette (https://twitter.com/Astro_Jeanette) will join astronauts Josh Cassada and Suni Williams on the the Starliner-1 crew.
https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EgRtYJHXYAMlHZa.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EgRtYJHXYAMlHZa.mp4) (0:05)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.08.2020 19:52:32
https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?item=130726 (https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?item=130726)

ЦитироватьBoeing Statement on Starliner-1 Crew Assignment
NASA assigns Dr. Jeanette Epps to Boeing's first operational Starliner mission

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., August 25, 2020 — Boeing Astronaut Chris Ferguson shared the following statement today regarding NASA's Starliner-1 crew assignment:

"The Boeing team is honored that NASA assigned astronaut Dr. Jeanette Epps to the crew of Starliner-1, Boeing's first operational mission to the International Space Station. Jeanette will be a part of an important and history-making flight, and we're excited to welcome her to the Starliner team. Jeanette's crewmates, Suni Williams and Josh Cassada, are regulars at our Florida facilities and are training in Houston. We're looking forward to getting to know her just as well as we progress toward this flight."

# # #
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 20:02:33
Надо срочно фээсбэшника в экипаж назначать.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 25.08.2020 20:32:26
Цитата: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 20:02:33Надо срочно фээсбэшника в экипаж назначать.
поясните вашу мысль, пожалуйста..
А то у меня никаких версий не появилось - в чём прикол?.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: zandr от 25.08.2020 21:22:46
https://tass.ru/kosmos/9288475 (https://tass.ru/kosmos/9288475)
ЦитироватьПервый пилотируемый полет корабля Starliner намечен на лето 2021 года
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 25 августа. /ТАСС/. Первый пилотируемый полет корабля Starliner компании Boeing может состояться летом будущего года, а второй - зимой. Об этом сообщил во вторник в беседе с корреспондентом ТАСС представитель компании Джош Баррет.
"Мы успешно продвигаемся к осуществлению второго непилотируемого полета, который может состояться в конце нынешнего года или в январе, в зависимости от выполнения отдельных этапов в том, что касается разработки компьютерных программ и испытаний оборудования. - сообщил он. - После второго испытательного полета Boeing и NASA осуществят первый пилотируемый полет корабля Starliner летом 2021 года, а первый полет после получения кораблем летного сертификата предварительно запланирован на зиму".
По его словам, в первом пилотируемом полете корабля на борту будут находиться астронавты Крис Фергюсон, Николь Манн и Майкл Финк, а второй полет совершит экипаж в составе Суни Уильямс, Джоша Кассады и Дженет Эппс.
Джош Баррет не исключил возможности того, что, помимо Дженет Эппс, которая во вторник по решению NASA включена в состав экипажа для второго полета, к нему может присоединиться еще один человек. "Не исключено, что это будет иностранец", - добавил он. "NASA предлагает кандидатуры, а мы включаем их в составы экипажей", - указал Баррет в ответ на вопрос, может ли быть включен в состав экипажа Starliner российский космонавт. "Насколько мне известно, NASA и Роскосмос продолжают вести переговоры относительно того, как планируется осуществлять в будущем доставку экипажей на МКС", - добавил он.
Корабль Starliner, разработанный корпорацией Boeing, имеет массу 13 тонн, он рассчитан на экипаж из семи человек и способен в течение 60 часов осуществлять автономный полет. Впервые он был запущен 20 декабря 2019 года в беспилотном режиме к МКС с авиабазы на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида) с помощью ракеты-носителя Atlas V. Стыковка с орбитальным комплексом была запланирована на 22 декабря, однако из-за технических неполадок была отменена. Одной из причин был признан сбой в системе подсчета полетного времени, в итоге корабль был возвращен на Землю.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 22:12:18
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 20:32:26
Цитата: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 20:02:33Надо срочно фээсбэшника в экипаж назначать.
поясните вашу мысль, пожалуйста..
А то у меня никаких версий не появилось - в чём прикол?
Выше написано, что Жанетта семь лет проработала в ЦРУ до поступления в отряд космонавтов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 25.08.2020 23:36:15
Цитата: aaa1 от 25.08.2020 20:02:33Надо срочно фээсбэшника в экипаж назначать.

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 25.08.2020 23:41:29
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 19:01:05
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 25.08.2020 18:41:43
Цитата: azvoz от 25.08.2020 17:59:21
Цитата: Veganin от 25.08.2020 17:43:25Вообще-то в России исторически именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу.
Это очевидный факт, который умалчивают , или даже переворачивают с ног наголову, только люди ,возомнившие себя хитр....ми манипуляторами.

Уточнение :
не Россия, а компрадорская рф.
Ну-ну. Поинтересуйтесь, например, таким проектом, как Радиоастрон, или как многострадальные Фобос-грунт, Луна-Глоб, и т.д.
И что же в истории этих проектов противоречит вышеизложенным тезисам?
Все только подтверждается..

К примеру :
6 апреля 2012 года «Роскосмос» и Европейское космическое агентство (ESA) договорились о совместной реализации проекта ExoMars.
Запуск аппарата ракетой-носителем «Протон-М (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD-%D0%9C)» 14 марта 2016 года.
Участие РФ :
Ракета-носитель: «Протон-М (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD-%D0%9C)»
Два научных прибора для орбитального аппарата TGO (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/TGO)
Все сделано быстро и чётко.
Это, конечно, "быстро и чётко" но даже в русской Вике по запросу "Радиоастрон" вы найдёте вот что:
Цитата: ВикиИстория
Проект был начат в 1979—1980 годы, при одобрении Леонида Ильича Брежнева, он пережил период застоя и экономический спад 1990-х годов.
Во второй половине 2000-х годов проект был значительно переработан примерно в течение 5 лет[4]
То есть история Радиоастрона началась на тридцать лет раньше, о которых в Вики нет ни слова.
Напомню, что Радиоастрон - это космический радиоинтерферометр. А где его второй конец?

За тридцать лет американцы, которые тоже были партнёрами, со своей стороны, выделили финансирование, собрали свой наземный комплект оборудования, построили и смонтировали, оборудование отработало свои сроки, морально устарело, было списано и уничтожено. И только потом был запущен Радиоастрон, и мы громко возмущались, что у проекта нет наземного сегмента...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14
Zhilinsky Valerij (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?action=profile;u=59726)

Все что вы написали, нещадно греша оверковтингом,  нисколько не опровергает тезис :

" в РФ именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу." ,

который  подтверждает , что
выдавливание русских из  космоса(или в другой интерпретации "не зависеть от русских в космосе)
и в частности с рынка пилотируемой доставки ,
связано не с мифической "ненадежностью" русских как партнеров,
или дороговизной оказываемой ими услуг,
а с банальной геополитической конкуренцией (причем не  столько с бедной замученной РФ, а с другими игроками)
и пониманием важности космических  достижений для ПРЕСТИЖА.

Соответсвенно американцы, убедившись , что один из их КК сможет надежно доставлять людей на орбиту( с высокой вероятностью это будет Крю Дрэгон) откажутся от аналогичного второго КК (Старлайнер).
Если никаких происшествий Крюшей не будет в течении 2 последующих пилотируемых полетов, то  программа Старлая   будет свернута.  Скорость закрытия будет зависеть от финансовых договоренностей Боинга с правительством. 
Для разнообразия у них есть чем поиграться - Орион и с некоторой вероятностью Дрим Чэйзер
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 12:53:24
Цитата: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14проекты стараются выполнить
старатся и выполнить это разные слова ))

но чиновники мерилом работы считают усталость.

для египта и анголы тоже старались спутники сделать, а для казахстана байтреком машут уже много лет.
МЛМ международный проект там даже буква М есть в МКС.
и ?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 26.08.2020 13:45:07
Цитата: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14" в РФ именно международные проекты стараются выполнить в первую очередь в любой сфере в первую очередь, выделяя деньги и контролируя выполнение работ, а национальные проекты финансируя по остаточному принципу." ,

который  подтверждает , что
выдавливание русских из  космоса(или в другой интерпретации "не зависеть от русских в космосе)
и в частности с рынка пилотируемой доставки ,
связано не с мифической "ненадежностью" русских как партнеров,
или дороговизной оказываемой ими услуг,
а с банальной геополитической конкуренцией 
Политика - это как раз одна из причин ненадёжности Роскосмоса как партнера. 
Когда вице-премьер пишет, дословно: «Проанализировав санкции против нашего космопрома, предлагаю США доставлять своих астронавтов на МКС с помощью батута». 

Месяц спустя он же объявляет:
 «Мы будем исходить из того, что без гарантий, что наши двигатели используются только для запуска невоенных космических аппаратов, мы не можем их поставлять в США». 

Про цены на запуски астронавтов на Союзах надо напоминать?
Интересно ещё, что никому здесь и в голову не придёт мысль о том, что НАСА тоже могла бы поднять расценки на электроэнергию для РС МКС, до, скажем, пары миллионов за киловатт. А чего такого-то? Рыночек же, монополия. «Мы были бы последними дураками, если бы не воспользовались удачной конъюнктурой», верно?
То же самое про связь можно было бы - взвинтить для русских цены до $1000 за килобайт и смотреть что будет. Попутно можете попытаться вообразить Чарли Болдена или Джима Брайденстайна откровенно хамящим партнерам по проекту, издевающимся что у них чего-то там нет, и делающим многозначительные намеки на астронавтов, которые, якобы, просверлили дырку в бытовом отсеке Союза. Ну и т.д. 

Да я бы на месте всех остальных после завершения МКС обходил бы Роскосмос как прокаженного, стараясь у него даже галеты с водой не брать, во избежание ещё какой-то подставы, не говоря уже о «достойной Российской Космонавтики роли в проекте окололунной станции».
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:04:46
Ути-пути, какие мы обидчивые! По сравнению с санкциями против Северного потока это такая фигня, что и говорить не о чём.
Американцы это и сами понимают и молчат в тряпочку. Россия вполне могла прекратить или ограничить полёты астронавтов на МКС ещё несколько лет назад или обставить доставку политическими требованиями. Однако же.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 26.08.2020 14:10:05
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:04:46Ути-пути, какие мы обидчивые! По сравнению с санкциями против Северного потока это такая фигня, что и говорить не о чём.
Американцы это и сами понимают и молчат в тряпочку. Россия вполне могла прекратить или ограничить полёты астронавтов на МКС ещё несколько лет назад или обставить доставку политическими требованиями. Однако же.
1. Американцы были партнёрами Газпрома в проекте «Северный поток»? 

2. Прекратив полеты с астронавтами к МКС, Россия лишилась бы станции вместе со всеми остальными участниками. И если у НАСА есть ещё куча всего кроме пилотируемой космонавтики, то лавочку Роскосмоса при таком раскладе можно было бы закрывать сразу же.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:22:27
Цитата: Sam Grey от 26.08.2020 14:10:051. Американцы были партнёрами Газпрома в проекте «Северный поток»? 

2. Прекратив полеты с астронавтами к МКС, Россия лишилась бы станции
Вам Ратников плюсик поставил, значит, вы написали какой-то бред.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:24:27
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:04:46Россия вполне могла прекратить
не могла ))

эти махания руками после драки - да я да как да вот !

смешная тема. если бы Россия это сделала то сразу же можно было закрывать полностью производственные мощности по КК Союзу, ТК Прогресс и уполовинивать по РН Союз.

а НАСА просто бы меньше кучевряжилась и запустила бы космонавтов на драконе на пару лет раньше.
просто у них не горело, все знали что рогозин шалабол и его слова пустышка. бла бла бла.
и только после того как стало понятно что ЦСТ-100 облажался и надо еще год на доделку, дракоше дали зеленый свет.
чисто внутренние разборки.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:25:25
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:22:27Вам Ратников плюсик поставил, значит, вы написали какой-то бред.
Р - рекурсия ))

PS что может знать лысый о творчестве Бетховена.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:29:36
Цитата: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:24:27смешная тема. если бы Россия это сделала то сразу же можно было закрывать полностью производственные мощности по КК Союзу, ТК Прогресс и уполовинивать по РН Союз.
По сравнению с потерями от санкций это копейки. Даже если бы их делали и запускали пустыми в никуда.

Цитата: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:24:27НАСА просто бы меньше кучевряжилась и запустила бы космонавтов на драконе на пару лет раньше.
На тот свет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:31:22
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:29:36На тот свет.
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:22:27Вам Ратников плюсик поставил, значит, вы написали какой-то бред.
(развожу руками) как я могу воспринимать ваши слова всерьез ? если видный специалист сказал "раз Ратников поставил плюс значит это какой то бред"

вы бред пишете сори (((
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:33:27
Цитата: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:31:22"раз Ратников поставил плюс значит это какой то бред"
вы бред пишете сори (((
Это вы по ошибке, или рука дрогнула. )
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 26.08.2020 14:36:43
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:33:27Это вы по ошибке, или рука дрогнула. )
извините но вы опять бред пишите (((

против слов специалиста не попрешь (((
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 26.08.2020 16:31:28
Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:29:36По сравнению с потерями от санкций это копейки.
А санкции имеют какое-то отношение к космонавтике? Кстати - а накой нам труба, прокачка газа по которой при текущих ценах не окупит свое строительство примерно никогда? Это кстати не только "Северного Потока 2" касается, но и Силы Сибири например...

Цитата: aaa1 от 26.08.2020 14:29:36На тот свет.
Вероятность убиться на Драконе не превышает таковую на Союзе...Так это чё - мы космонавтов на тот свет запускаем?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Shin от 26.08.2020 16:36:30
Политику прекратить
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 27.08.2020 09:33:48
Цитата: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14Соответсвенно американцы, убедившись , что один из их КК сможет надежно доставлять людей на орбиту( с высокой вероятностью это будет Крю Дрэгон) откажутся от аналогичного второго КК (Старлайнер).
Если никаких происшествий Крюшей не будет в течении 2 последующих пилотируемых полетов, то  программа Старлая   будет свернута.  Скорость закрытия будет зависеть от финансовых договоренностей Боинга с правительством. 
Для разнообразия у них есть чем поиграться - Орион и с некоторой вероятностью Дрим Чэйзер
Нет. Проблем. Поживем-увидим, чей прогноз будет точнее.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 27.08.2020 16:12:00
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 27.08.2020 09:33:48
Цитата: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14Соответсвенно американцы, убедившись , что один из их КК сможет надежно доставлять людей на орбиту( с высокой вероятностью это будет Крю Дрэгон) откажутся от аналогичного второго КК (Старлайнер).
Если никаких происшествий Крюшей не будет в течении 2 последующих пилотируемых полетов, то  программа Старлая  будет свернута.  Скорость закрытия будет зависеть от финансовых договоренностей Боинга с правительством. 
Для разнообразия у них есть чем поиграться - Орион и с некоторой вероятностью Дрим Чэйзер
Нет. Проблем. Поживем-увидим, чей прогноз будет точнее.
К сожалению, из-за жуткого , черепашьего темпа развития американской пилотируемой программы,
нужно лет 5 чтобы убедиться в том что старлай не имитирует жизнь, а мертв.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 27.08.2020 16:21:51
Цитата: azvoz от 27.08.2020 16:12:00
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 27.08.2020 09:33:48Нет. Проблем. Поживем-увидим, чей прогноз будет точнее.
К сожалению, из-за жуткого , черепашьего темпа развития американской пилотируемой программы,
нужно лет 5 чтобы убедиться в том что старлай не имитирует жизнь, а мертв.
Я уверен, что скоро будут летать и Старлайнер, и Старшип. Никуда не денутся.
Если Боинг откажется от выполнения контракта, то может потерять контракты в будущем, поэтому он не откажется. А НАСА в любом случае нужны два пилотируемых корабля от разных американских фирм, да ещё и запускаемые разными ракетами.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 27.08.2020 16:28:54
Цитата: azvoz от 27.08.2020 16:12:00К сожалению, из-за жуткого , черепашьего темпа развития американской пилотируемой программы,
нужно лет 5 чтобы убедиться в том что старлай не имитирует жизнь, а мертв.
Всё относительно. Если сравнивать с нашими или китайскими темпами -  достаточно быстрые у них темпы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 27.08.2020 18:58:00
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 27.08.2020 16:21:51Я уверен, что скоро будут летать и Старлайнер, и Старшип. Никуда не денутся.

 Скоро это когда? 2030 год?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 27.08.2020 20:25:10
"ВалериЙ уверен" - это уже как торговая марка, всемирно известный брэнд. Нувыпоняли...

Со Старшипом-то и так было ясно, а вот Старлайнер почему-то жалко...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ronatu от 27.08.2020 21:28:30
SpaceX - October 2020
Boeing - May 2021
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 27.08.2020 22:10:26
Это что? Следующий запуск?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Искандер от 28.08.2020 03:49:23
Цитата: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14Соответсвенно американцы, убедившись , что один из их КК сможет надежно доставлять людей на орбиту( с высокой вероятностью это будет Крю Дрэгон) откажутся от аналогичного второго КК (Старлайнер).
Если никаких происшествий Крюшей не будет в течении 2 последующих пилотируемых полетов, то  программа Старлая  будет свернута.  Скорость закрытия будет зависеть от финансовых договоренностей Боинга с правительством. 
Для разнообразия у них есть чем поиграться - Орион и с некоторой вероятностью Дрим Чэйзер
С какого это вдруг?
Вы логику действий пиндосов отслеживание? Минимум два разных ПТК, на разных носителях. Поэтому не откажутся, если Боинг полностью не завалит проект, а этого не будет.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Андрей43 от 28.08.2020 11:21:39
Цитата: Bell от 25.08.2020 17:20:29А кто там перерезал провода к пироболтам, криво стыковал боковушки и сверлил стенки - это еще надо разобраться. А-то что-то уж больно многим это выгодно...
Если это не будем делать мы сами, то это будут делать солдаты НАТО! ;D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.08.2020 21:34:34
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/boeing-s-starliner-makes-progress-ahead-of-flight-test-with-astronauts (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/boeing-s-starliner-makes-progress-ahead-of-flight-test-with-astronauts)

ЦитироватьAug. 28, 2020

Boeing's Starliner Makes Progress Ahead of Flight Test with Astronauts

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/32469.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/bb_1.jpg)
The CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to be flown on Boeing's Orbital Flight Test (OFT) is viewed Nov. 2, 2019, while undergoing launch preparations inside the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Credits: Boeing

NASA and Boeing continue to make progress toward the company's second uncrewed flight test of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft prior to flying astronauts to the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/32470.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/bb_2.jpg)
NASA astronauts Nicole Mann, left, Mike Fincke, and Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson, right, pose for a photograph on Sept. 11, 2019, as they, along with teams from NASA, Boeing and the White Sands Missile Range, rehearse landing and crew extraction from Boeing's CST-100 Starliner.
Credits: Boeing

The Commercial Crew Program currently is targeting no earlier than December 2020 for launch of the uncrewed Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) pending hardware readiness, flight software qualification, and launch vehicle and space station manifest priorities.

Over the summer, Boeing's Starliner team focused on readying the next spacecraft for its upcoming flight tests as well as making improvements identified during various review processes throughout the beginning of the year. NASA also announced an additional crew assignment for its first operational mission, NASA's Boeing Starliner-1, with astronauts to the space station. Here's more on the recent progress:

Starliner Progress

Teams from Boeing are well into final assembly of the crew and service modules that will fly OFT-2 to the space station inside of the company's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF) at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. OFT-2 will fly a new, reusable Starliner crew module providing additional on-orbit experience for the operational teams prior to flying missions with astronauts. For Boeing's Commercial Crew missions, the Starliner spacecraft will launch atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.

With the majority of assembly complete, recent progress is focused on the NASA docking system re-entry cover, which was added to the design for additional protection of the system. The team also has completed the installation of the Starliner propellant heater, thermal protection system tiles and the air bags that will be used when the spacecraft touches down for landing. As final production activities continue to progress, the crew module recently entered acceptance testing, which will prove out the systems on the spacecraft before it's mated with its service module.

In Houston, the software team is nearing the final stages of modifying and re-verifying the flight code after the first uncrewed flight test. As part of that effort, the team recently began a major milestone called Formal Qualification Testing, which is a comprehensive test of flight software and an important step in preparing for an end-to-end mission rehearsal test.

Boeing also remains focused on incorporating the recommendations from the joint NASA-Boeing Independent Review Team (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-and-boeing-complete-orbital-flight-test-reviews) with almost 75% of the 80 proposed actions implemented. The independent team was formed to review anomalies experienced during OFT, which led to Starliner not reaching its planned orbit or docking to station as planned, and to provide recommendations to ensure a robust design for future missions. In addition to opting to re-fly its uncrewed flight test, Boeing elected to comprehensively implement all of the recommendations provided by the review team.

Following a successful OFT-2, Boeing will focus full attention on preparations for its final flight test with astronauts and is already completing work on the Crew Flight Test spacecraft in parallel. Teams continue refurbishing the crew module flown on Starliner's first uncrewed flight test for reuse with astronauts. After removing and conducting checkouts on various systems and flight hardware, Boeing is preparing to reassemble the vehicle for flight. Soon, outfitting of the crew module's interior will begin along with packing parachutes and airbags ahead of installation. The vehicle's NASA Docking System has been modified to accommodate the new cover, and outfitting of subsystem components continues on the spacecraft's brand new service module.

Crew Updates and Target Flight Schedules

In advance of the OFT-2 mission, flight control teams from NASA and Boeing completed an integrated launch-to-docking simulation in August with additional mission simulations on the horizon as the teams fine-tune flight rules and procedures.

After a successful OFT-2, Boeing and NASA will fly Starliner's first crewed mission, the Crew Flight Test, currently targeted for no earlier than June 2021, with the first post-certification mission, called Starliner-1, tentatively scheduled for no earlier than late December 2021.

The CFT crew members are Boeing astronaut Chris Ferguson (https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/space/crew_space_transportation-100_vehicle/docs/Ferguson-StarlinerTestPilot-Bio.pdf) and NASA astronauts Mike Fincke (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/edward-m-fincke/biography) and Nicole Mann (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/nicole-a-mann/biography).

In addition to training for living and working on station, astronauts continue to work closely with Starliner test teams. Several crew members plan to participate in ongoing acceptance testing of the OFT-2 crew module inside the C3PF.

Recently, the CFT crew helped test software updates with real flight hardware in Boeing's Avionics and Software Integration Lab in Houston. They practiced performing manual separation events for several low likelihood contingencies, demonstrating the software improvements had no adverse effect on controls needed to stay safe in any situation. The crew also participated in procedural dry runs for future life support tests with the Starliner spacecraft in Florida. Later this year, the CFT crew will be suited inside the spacecraft with the vehicle providing all of their life support.

NASA astronauts Sunita Williams (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/sunita-l-williams/biography), Josh Cassada (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/josh-a-cassada/biography) and Jeanette Epps (https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/jeanette-j-epps/biography) are crew members of the Starliner-1 mission. Cassada and Williams were both selected for the mission in August 2018, and NASA announced Epps' assignment (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-astronaut-jeanette-epps-joins-first-operational-boeing-crew-mission-to-space) Aug. 25.

Astronauts for both CFT and Starliner-1 missions regularly participate in rehearsals of launch and mission operations in both normal and emergency scenarios. They also are continuing with on-going mission-specific training for life in orbit including the work they'll perform after joining their respective Expedition crews awaiting them on station.

The goal of NASA's Commercial Crew Program is safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation to and from the International Space Station. This could allow for additional research time and increase the opportunity for discovery aboard humanity's testbed for exploration, including helping us prepare for human exploration of the Moon and Mars.

More details about the mission and NASA's Commercial Crew Program can be found in the press kit online (https://www.nasa.gov/specials/ccp-press-kit/main.html) and by following the commercial crew blog (https://blogs.nasa.gov/commercialcrew/), @commercial_crew (https://twitter.com/commercial_crew) and commercial crew on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/NASACommercialCrew).

Last Updated: Aug. 28, 2020
Editor: James Cawley
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.08.2020 23:07:55
https://starlinerupdates.com/boeing-continues-production-improvements-toward-second-uncrewed-flight-test-this-year/ (https://starlinerupdates.com/boeing-continues-production-improvements-toward-second-uncrewed-flight-test-this-year/)

ЦитироватьBoeing Continues Production, Improvements Toward Second Uncrewed Flight Test This Year
August 28, 2020

Over the summer, Boeing's CST-100 Starliner team has focused on readying the next vehicle for its upcoming test flight and incorporating recommendations that were identified during various reviews completed earlier in the year. While hardware production continues at the company's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF) at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, progress is being made on software coding and testing mostly in Houston.

On the production side, teams are well into final assembly of the crew and service modules that will fly the next mission. This will be the first flight of the reusable crew module, and the Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) will give operational teams on-orbit experience with both crew modules in the Starliner fleet before astronauts take flight. Of note, recent progress includes NASA docking system cover checkouts, propellant heater installation, landing airbag installation and thermal protection system tile installation. As final production activities continue, the crew module entered an acceptance test, which will prove out the systems on the spacecraft.

The software team is also nearing the final stages of modifying and re-verifying the flight code after the first flight test. The team recently began a major milestone called Formal Qualification Testing. This is the last and most comprehensive test of the flight software and, upon successful completion, the software will be ready for flight.

Nearly 75 percent of the recommendations from the recently completed joint NASA-Boeing Independent Review Team have been implemented. Boeing elected to implement all recommendations even though only the highest of the three priority classifications were deemed mandatory before the next flight.

Boeing and NASA are currently targeting December for the launch of OFT-2, pending hardware readiness, flight software qualification, and launch vehicle and space station manifest priorities. After a successful OFT-2, Boeing and NASA will fly Starliner's first crewed mission, the Crew Flight Test, in June of 2021, with the first post-certification mission, Starliner-1, tentatively scheduled for December 2021.

Starliner's OFT-2 crew module in the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility (C3PF) at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, August 2020
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Crasher от 28.08.2020 23:57:51
Цитата: Bell от 27.08.2020 22:10:26Это что? Следующий запуск?
Ага, но с поправкой - "пилотируемые" .
Только для Боинга это уже не май , а "не раньше июня 2021" ... при условии успешного беспилотного.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Андрей43 от 30.08.2020 16:03:48
Цитата: Crasher от 28.08.2020 23:57:51
Цитата: Bell от 27.08.2020 22:10:26Это что? Следующий запуск?
Ага, но с поправкой - "пилотируемые" .
Только для Боинга это уже не май , а "не раньше июня 2021" ... при условии успешного беспилотного.
Боинг серьезная контора. Просто некоторые менеджеры там на волне стабильной успешности фирмы заигрались в оптимизацию. После двух эпических жидких неудач беспилотный старт будет не просто успешен, а идеален. У них позади Вашингтон и ни шагу назад.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 30.08.2020 19:35:02
Цитата: Андрей43 от 30.08.2020 16:03:48Боинг серьезная контора. Просто некоторые менеджеры там на волне стабильной успешности фирмы заигрались в оптимизацию. После двух эпических жидких неудач беспилотный старт будет не просто успешен, а идеален. У них позади Вашингтон и ни шагу назад.
"... на волне стабильной успешности фирмы"   ::)

вообще же, делать прогнозы довольно неблагодарное занятие, это вам любой метеоролог скажет, не говоря уже об энтузиастах освоения космоса. 
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 30.08.2020 21:21:07
Цитата: Андрей43 от 30.08.2020 16:03:48Боинг серьезная контора. Просто некоторые менеджеры там на волне стабильной успешности фирмы заигрались в оптимизацию. После двух эпических жидких неудач беспилотный старт будет не просто успешен, а идеален. У них позади Вашингтон и ни шагу назад.
Боинг достиг успеха как выдающаяся инженерная компания. Однако пришедшая команда "эффективных менеджеров" (такие водятся не только в России) поставила задачу сделать из "инженерной компании" в "привлекательную и экономически выгодную" (для акционеров и инвесторов) компанию. Понадеявшись на свои возможности в лоббизме, они занялись оптимизацией. На самом деле, увлёкшись оптимизацией "эффективные менеджеры" роняют успешные компании весьма часто - спросите у Apple, где увольняли Джобса.
А вот вернуть былой уровень значительно сложнее. При этом, соглашусь, полёт Старлайнера", вероятно, будет успешным, в частности потому, что теперь уже "инженеры НАСА", репутация которых тоже была подмочена провалом Боинга, и которые набрались дополнительного опыта на полётах Дракона, глаз не спустят со Старлайнера. Но Старлайнером занимается совсем небольшая часть "космического Боинга", намного больше занято производством спутников по военным проектам, строительством Senate Lynch System, а ещё намного больше занимается сотрудников Боинга производством и разработкой самолётов. И, если "эффективные менеджеры" выдавили значительную часть талантливых инженеров, то у Боинга будут серьёзные проблемы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Андрей43 от 31.08.2020 19:18:18
Имхо. Не будет у Боинга проблем больших, нежели в данный момент. Трудно допустить, что после всех событий не сделаны соответствующие выводы акционерами компании. Вероятно, сейчас будут (или уже) вброшены немалые деньги на переманивание квалифицированных спецов (в т.ч. своих бывших) из других компаний на контракт, взамен аутсорса.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 31.08.2020 19:55:57
Будут-будут. Кризис авиаперевозок вместе с провалом 737МАХ будут давить на Боинг еще долго.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 31.08.2020 20:02:04
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 19:55:57Будут-будут. Кризис авиаперевозок вместе с провалом 737МАХ будут давить на Боинг еще долго.
У них долгов что-то больше 32 миллиардов... Продажи самолетов то нету...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Андрей43 от 31.08.2020 20:11:57
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 19:55:57Будут-будут. Кризис авиаперевозок вместе с провалом 737МАХ будут давить на Боинг еще долго.
Согласен. Расхлебывать им это ещё ой как долго. Но выкарабкаются. У них нет других вариантов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:30:15
Цитата: Андрей43 от 31.08.2020 20:11:57Согласен. Расхлебывать им это ещё ой как долго. Но выкарабкаются. У них нет других вариантов.
Всегда есть варианты. Например поступить как очень многие аэро-космические компании - войти в состав какой-то другой, более удачливой.

Будет типа BLM - Боинг-Локхид-Мартин :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 21:48:24
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:30:15
Цитата: Андрей43 от 31.08.2020 20:11:57Согласен. Расхлебывать им это ещё ой как долго. Но выкарабкаются. У них нет других вариантов.
Всегда есть варианты. Например поступить как очень многие аэро-космические компании - войти в состав какой-то другой, более удачливой.

Будет типа BLM - Боинг-Локхид-Мартин :)
Или Маск начнёт делать электросамолеты.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31
Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 31.08.2020 23:45:17
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Магистральные электросамолёты? Это фантастика. Ненаучная.
Электросамолёты - это, скорее, конкуренты Cessna.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Bell от 01.09.2020 00:10:03
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Позиции керосина там незыблемы, как нигде. Энегоемкость очень большая, да и электродвигателей необходимой мощности нет даже на горизонте.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 05:21:04
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 31.08.2020 23:45:17
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Магистральные электросамолёты? Это фантастика. Ненаучная.
Электросамолёты - это, скорее, конкуренты Cessna.

Многие ждут дня батарей от Маска где он поделится прорывами в разработке аккомуляторов от Тесла. Различные утечки и расследования задают большие ожидания.
Цитата: Bell от 01.09.2020 00:10:03
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Позиции керосина там незыблемы, как нигде. Энегоемкость очень большая, да и электродвигателей необходимой мощности нет даже на горизонте.
Ну с электродвигателями то проблем нет, проблемы там исключительно в аккомуляторах

PS:Ах да как я забыл, Маск уже лезет на рынок Боинга через Старшип по дальним перелётам. Электросамолеты могут закрыть ближний радиус и тянуться верх. А улучшения Старшипа тянутся вниз. Сжимая Боинг.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 07:05:24
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 05:21:04
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 31.08.2020 23:45:17
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Магистральные электросамолёты? Это фантастика. Ненаучная.
Электросамолёты - это, скорее, конкуренты Cessna.
Многие ждут дня батарей от Маска где он поделится прорывами в разработке аккомуляторов от Тесла. Различные утечки и расследования задают большие ожидания.
Нет, энергоёмкость керосина, жидкого газа или сжиженного водорода вне конкуренции.
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 05:21:04
Цитата: Bell от 01.09.2020 00:10:03
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Позиции керосина там незыблемы, как нигде. Энегоемкость очень большая, да и электродвигателей необходимой мощности нет даже на горизонте.
Ну с электродвигателями то проблем нет, проблемы там исключительно в аккомуляторах

PS:Ах да как я забыл, Маск уже лезет на рынок Боинга через Старшип по дальним перелётам. Электросамолеты могут закрыть ближний радиус и тянуться верх. А улучшения Старшипа тянутся вниз. Сжимая Боинг.
Пока тоже вряд ли. Старшип, взлетающий на Фалькон Супер Хэви - это очень громкий монстр, требующий огромной зоны отчуждения. Он может заинтересовать военных, может получить пару десятков магистралей, а дальше упрётся в экологические ограничения. Это не критично - для перевозки сотни пассажиров грузоподъёмность в сто тонн избыточна, и можно сделать меньшую версию системы для межконтинентальных перевозок. Она "будет шуметь" намного меньше, и в межконтинентальных перевозках на Земле у неё намного больше перспектив. Кстати, сейчас это, скорее, рынок Аэрбаса.
А вот нынешние прототипы явно нацелены на космос и межпланетные полёты, и формируют новый рынок.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 07:59:33
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 07:05:24
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 05:21:04
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 31.08.2020 23:45:17
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Магистральные электросамолёты? Это фантастика. Ненаучная.
Электросамолёты - это, скорее, конкуренты Cessna.
Многие ждут дня батарей от Маска где он поделится прорывами в разработке аккомуляторов от Тесла. Различные утечки и расследования задают большие ожидания.
Нет, энергоёмкость керосина, жидкого газа или сжиженного водорода вне конкуренции.
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 05:21:04
Цитата: Bell от 01.09.2020 00:10:03
Цитата: BlackMokona от 31.08.2020 22:26:25
Цитата: Bell от 31.08.2020 21:50:31Причем тут Маск? Разговор про будущее Боинга.
Так в СМИ идут разговоры что Маск может вломится и на этот рынок Боинга. И тогда будущие Боинга будет очень печальным
Позиции керосина там незыблемы, как нигде. Энегоемкость очень большая, да и электродвигателей необходимой мощности нет даже на горизонте.
Ну с электродвигателями то проблем нет, проблемы там исключительно в аккомуляторах

PS:Ах да как я забыл, Маск уже лезет на рынок Боинга через Старшип по дальним перелётам. Электросамолеты могут закрыть ближний радиус и тянуться верх. А улучшения Старшипа тянутся вниз. Сжимая Боинг.
Пока тоже вряд ли. Старшип, взлетающий на Фалькон Супер Хэви - это очень громкий монстр, требующий огромной зоны отчуждения. Он может заинтересовать военных, может получить пару десятков магистралей, а дальше упрётся в экологические ограничения. Это не критично - для перевозки сотни пассажиров грузоподъёмность в сто тонн избыточна, и можно сделать меньшую версию системы для межконтинентальных перевозок. Она "будет шуметь" намного меньше, и в межконтинентальных перевозках на Земле у неё намного больше перспектив. Кстати, сейчас это, скорее, рынок Аэрбаса.
А вот нынешние прототипы явно нацелены на космос и межпланетные полёты, и формируют новый рынок.

Энергоемкость бензина тоже в неконкуренции к литий ионным батарейкам. Однако Тесла активно растёт и выжирает бизнес у автопроизводителей. Прям сейчас ударными темпами строит два новых автозавода.
Экономическая эффективность не только энергоемкостью измеряется.

А по Старшипу, в спец.версии он сможет и без суперхэви улететь. Суб.орбиталка позволяет ставить только атмосферные рапторы и обойтись меньшей ПН.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 08:17:05
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 07:59:33Энергоемкость бензина тоже в неконкуренции к литий ионным батарейкам. Однако Тесла активно растёт и выжирает бизнес у автопроизводителей. Прям сейчас ударными темпами строит два новых автозавода.
Экономическая эффективность не только энергоемкостью измеряется.
Ну, это у автопроизводителей, машины которых очень часто больше стоят, чем едут. Тесла как раз в этой нише, и это нормально - такие машины востребованы рынком.
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 07:59:33А по Старшипу, в спец.версии он сможет и без суперхэви улететь. Суб.орбиталка позволяет ставить только атмосферные рапторы и обойтись меньшей ПН.
Вот на этом давайте и осогласимся - для регулярных, точка-точка, полётов на Земле нужна специальная версия Старшипа. Которую вполне можно будет сделать, имея за плечами опыт создания базовой версии, предназначенной для полётов на орбиту.
Больше того. Баллистический перелёт к антиподам потребует больше энергии, чем выход на орбиту и сход с неё. Поэтому либо у одноступенчатой системы будет ограничение по дальности полёта, либо у Маска появится одноступенчатая орбитальная система ограниченной грузоподъёмности...
Скорее всего, он сам сейчас правильного ответа не знает, но держит в уме такую возможность.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 09:44:08
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 08:17:05
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 07:59:33Энергоемкость бензина тоже в неконкуренции к литий ионным батарейкам. Однако Тесла активно растёт и выжирает бизнес у автопроизводителей. Прям сейчас ударными темпами строит два новых автозавода.
Экономическая эффективность не только энергоемкостью измеряется.
Ну, это у автопроизводителей, машины которых очень часто больше стоят, чем едут. Тесла как раз в этой нише, и это нормально - такие машины востребованы рынком.
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 07:59:33А по Старшипу, в спец.версии он сможет и без суперхэви улететь. Суб.орбиталка позволяет ставить только атмосферные рапторы и обойтись меньшей ПН.
Вот на этом давайте и осогласимся - для регулярных, точка-точка, полётов на Земле нужна специальная версия Старшипа. Которую вполне можно будет сделать, имея за плечами опыт создания базовой версии, предназначенной для полётов на орбиту.
Больше того. Баллистический перелёт к антиподам потребует больше энергии, чем выход на орбиту и сход с неё. Поэтому либо у одноступенчатой системы будет ограничение по дальности полёта, либо у Маска появится одноступенчатая орбитальная система ограниченной грузоподъёмности...
Скорее всего, он сам сейчас правильного ответа не знает, но держит в уме такую возможность.

Тесла себя отлично показала как такси и в качестве полицейской машины.
Причем с экономической точки зрения, а не только за статус и динамику.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Nitro от 01.09.2020 10:09:47
В случае с электромобилями Маск заменяет на батарейки не бензобак, а бензобак+двигатель+трансмиссию, что на порядок тяжелее. И несмотря на меньшую ( тоже на порядок) плотность энергии, электромобиль оказывается конкурентноспособным.

У самолета другая раскладка, электромоторы можно поставить в самолетах, где масса топлива небольшая. Точно не длинномагистральные.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 10:50:34
Цитата: Nitro от 01.09.2020 10:09:47В случае с электромобилями Маск заменяет на батарейки не бензобак, а бензобак+двигатель+трансмиссию, что на порядок тяжелее. И несмотря на меньшую ( тоже на порядок) плотность энергии, электромобиль оказывается конкурентноспособным.

У самолета другая раскладка, электромоторы можно поставить в самолетах, где масса топлива небольшая. Точно не длинномагистральные.
Ну так длинномагестральные можно будет крыть Старшипом.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 11:18:27
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 10:50:34
Цитата: Nitro от 01.09.2020 10:09:47В случае с электромобилями Маск заменяет на батарейки не бензобак, а бензобак+двигатель+трансмиссию, что на порядок тяжелее. И несмотря на меньшую ( тоже на порядок) плотность энергии, электромобиль оказывается конкурентноспособным.

У самолета другая раскладка, электромоторы можно поставить в самолетах, где масса топлива небольшая. Точно не длинномагистральные.
Ну так длинномагестральные можно будет крыть Старшипом.
Любая монополия рано или поздно приводит к загниванию. Можно какое-то время, пока создаётся рынок, мириться с практической монополией Старшипа (который будет впереди остальных на два поколения) в межпланетных перелётах, но НАСА абсолютно право, когда поддерживает и его конкурента.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 12:04:45
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 11:18:27
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 10:50:34
Цитата: Nitro от 01.09.2020 10:09:47В случае с электромобилями Маск заменяет на батарейки не бензобак, а бензобак+двигатель+трансмиссию, что на порядок тяжелее. И несмотря на меньшую ( тоже на порядок) плотность энергии, электромобиль оказывается конкурентноспособным.

У самолета другая раскладка, электромоторы можно поставить в самолетах, где масса топлива небольшая. Точно не длинномагистральные.
Ну так длинномагестральные можно будет крыть Старшипом.
Любая монополия рано или поздно приводит к загниванию. Можно какое-то время, пока создаётся рынок, мириться с практической монополией Старшипа (который будет впереди остальных на два поколения) в межпланетных перелётах, но НАСА абсолютно право, когда поддерживает и его конкурента.

Кто то делает конкурента Старшипу?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 13:33:36
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 12:04:45
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 11:18:27Любая монополия рано или поздно приводит к загниванию. Можно какое-то время, пока создаётся рынок, мириться с практической монополией Старшипа (который будет впереди остальных на два поколения) в межпланетных перелётах, но НАСА абсолютно право, когда поддерживает и его конкурента.
Кто то делает конкурента Старшипу?
Ну, вообще Китай своей целью объявил колонию на Марсе. Не флаговтык, не обитаемую базу, а колонию.
Но я имел в иду орбитальные и лунные коммерческие системы доставки грузов и астронавтов.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Георгий от 01.09.2020 14:02:45
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 13:33:36колонию на Марсе. Не флаговтык, не обитаемую базу, а колонию.
раньше Маска?

В принципе у них уже есть неплохие колонисты из тибетцев, хорошо переносящие пониженное давление атмосферы. Да и проверенные повышенной радиацией в Тибете.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Виницкий от 01.09.2020 14:14:01
Цитата: Георгий от 01.09.2020 14:02:45В принципе у них уже есть неплохие колонисты из тибетцев, хорошо переносящие пониженное давление атмосферы. Да и проверенные повышенной радиацией в Тибете.
Осталось подготовить из тибетцев астронавтов. Лет 30 хватит, если в 18 лет начать  :P
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 14:30:54
Цитата: Георгий от 01.09.2020 14:02:45
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 13:33:36колонию на Марсе. Не флаговтык, не обитаемую базу, а колонию.
раньше Маска?

В принципе у них уже есть неплохие колонисты из тибетцев, хорошо переносящие пониженное давление атмосферы. Да и проверенные повышенной радиацией в Тибете.
Нет, конечно. "По следам", когда Заяц сел на невидимой стороне. Это, конечно, можно списать на пиар, но, с другой стороны, Китай хочет показать, что не отстаёт от Штатов, и к человеческой жизни у них отношение очень простое, так что, по моему, могут.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 16:16:36
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 13:33:36
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 12:04:45
Цитата: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 11:18:27Любая монополия рано или поздно приводит к загниванию. Можно какое-то время, пока создаётся рынок, мириться с практической монополией Старшипа (который будет впереди остальных на два поколения) в межпланетных перелётах, но НАСА абсолютно право, когда поддерживает и его конкурента.
Кто то делает конкурента Старшипу?
Ну, вообще Китай своей целью объявил колонию на Марсе. Не флаговтык, не обитаемую базу, а колонию.
Но я имел в иду орбитальные и лунные коммерческие системы доставки грузов и астронавтов.

Хоть что то из них хотя бы на порядкок цены близко к Старшипу?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Zhilinsky Valerij от 01.09.2020 22:11:05
Цитата: BlackMokona от 01.09.2020 16:16:36Хоть что то из них хотя бы на порядкок цены близко к Старшипу?
Как я понимаю, Китай надеется передрать Старшип.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 02.09.2020 05:50:59
Цитата: Дмитрий Виницкий от 01.09.2020 14:14:01Лет 30 хватит, если в 18 лет начать 
Чёго-то больно много.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.11.2020 00:11:44
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png) Chris G - NSF @ChrisG_NSF 15 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1326266872669622280)

#Starliner (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Starliner?src=hashtag_click) OFT-2 now "First Quarter" 2021.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Shin от 19.11.2020 11:43:36
https://twitter.com/newsfromorbit/status/1329247149700354054 (https://twitter.com/newsfromorbit/status/1329247149700354054)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2020 11:52:08
Цитата: Shin от 19.11.2020 11:43:36https://twitter.com/newsfromorbit/status/1329247149700354054 (https://twitter.com/newsfromorbit/status/1329247149700354054)
ЦитироватьBoeing has cancelled the Starliner program
Ой, чево это?  :o
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: OldChukchi от 19.11.2020 11:54:03
Ждем официоз. Если правда, то это эпическое фиаско.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 19.11.2020 11:58:44
Не авторитетный источник,канал создан в ноябре 2020, потверждений в инете не увидел.
Но ждать недолго до завтра
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Shin от 19.11.2020 11:59:49
Может это гон? Фейкомёты какие-то...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: BlackMokona от 19.11.2020 12:01:02
Цитата: Shin от 19.11.2020 11:59:49Может это гон? Фейкомёты какие-то...
Очень похоже на фейк. Да и смысл Боингу отменять, контракт то для него не имеет фиксированной стоймости как для SpaceX, он может и дальше НАСА доить
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Shin от 19.11.2020 12:07:57
Вообще остальные посты как у нас "Панорама")))
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 19.11.2020 12:30:00
А Боинг, даже если захочет, сможет сам отменить программу?
Или придётся вернуть 4 миллиарда?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2020 12:38:33
Цитата: Чебурашка от 19.11.2020 12:30:00А Боинг, даже если захочет, сможет сам отменить программу?
Или придётся вернуть 4 миллиарда?
В принципе это ж его, Боинга, частный (личный) корапь. Хочет - делает, не хочет - не делает. Только что не сможет продавать насе услуги, ну так та походит по рынку и найдёт дешевле - Дракошу.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 19.11.2020 13:05:14
Цитата: Старый от 19.11.2020 12:38:33В принципе это ж его, Боинга, частный (личный) корапь. Хочет - делает, не хочет - не делает. Только что не сможет продавать насе услуги, ну так та походит по рынку и найдёт дешевле - Дракошу.
Так ведь она может и че-нибудь дешевле SLS найти...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Старый от 19.11.2020 13:46:39
Цитата: Alex_II от 19.11.2020 13:05:14Так ведь она может и че-нибудь дешевле SLS найти...
Тут уже находит сенат а не НАСА...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 19.11.2020 13:58:09
Цитата: Чебурашка от 19.11.2020 12:30:00А Боинг, даже если захочет, сможет сам отменить программу?
Или придётся вернуть 4 миллиарда?
Если вы заключите контракт на поставку на сумму 100 рублей и авансом получите 10, то возвращать должны сколько? Неужели хотите вернуть 100 рублей?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Димитър от 19.11.2020 14:49:45
Цитата: triage от 19.11.2020 13:58:09
Цитата: Чебурашка от 19.11.2020 12:30:00А Боинг, даже если захочет, сможет сам отменить программу?
Или придётся вернуть 4 миллиарда?
Если вы заключите контракт на поставку на сумму 100 рублей и авансом получите 10, то возвращать должны сколько? Неужели хотите вернуть 100 рублей?
А сколько успел потратить Боинг?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 19.11.2020 15:18:20
Цитата: Димитър от 19.11.2020 14:49:45
Цитата: triage от 19.11.2020 13:58:09Если вы заключите контракт на поставку на сумму 100 рублей и авансом получите 10, то возвращать должны сколько? Неужели хотите вернуть 100 рублей?
А сколько успел потратить Боинг?
а сколько успел потратить включая свои собственные это проблема Боинга.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 19.11.2020 15:32:54
Цитата: azvoz от 26.08.2020 12:43:14американцы, убедившись , что один из их КК сможет надежно доставлять людей на орбиту( с высокой вероятностью это будет Крю Дрэгон) откажутся от аналогичного второго КК (Старлайнер).
Если никаких происшествий Крюшей не будет в течении 2 последующих пилотируемых полетов, то  программа Старлая   будет свернута.  Скорость закрытия будет зависеть от финансовых договоренностей Боинга с правительством. 
именно свернута , именно после второго полета крюши
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 19.11.2020 15:41:23
Да ну... что-то не верится...

У амеров же концепция дублирования всех национально важных вещей. Доступ в космос - одна из таких штук. Разве что, они считают, что Орион может быть вариантом страховки.

Но вообще закрытие Старлайнера - плохой сигнал для будущего МКС.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 19.11.2020 15:48:12
ЦитироватьЦитата: DYF (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2073057) 19.11.2020, 19:41:23
Да ну... что-то не верится...

У амеров же концепция дублирования всех национально важных вещей. Доступ в космос - одна из таких штук. Разве что, они считают, что Орион может быть вариантом страховки. 

Но вообще закрытие Старлайнера - плохой сигнал для будущего МКС.

уже отвечено, про варианты после отмены старлая:
Цитата: undefinedЦитата: azvoz (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2027926) 26.08.2020, 16:43:14
Для разнообразия у них есть чем поиграться - Орион и с некоторой вероятностью Дрим Чэйзер
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 19.11.2020 15:50:20
Дрим Чэйзер вообще не вариант
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 19.11.2020 15:51:36
Цитата: DYF от 19.11.2020 15:50:20Дрим Чэйзер вообще не вариант
поэтому и написано "поиграться"
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 19.11.2020 15:54:23
Так.  Гвинн Шотвелл на прессухе НАСА сказала, что строят флот из 5-ти! пилотируемых драконов. Зачем столько?
И только 3 грузовых.

Разве что действительно НАСА заранее попросило начать работу для замены Старлайнера...

Но все равно очень странно...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 19.11.2020 15:59:05
Цитата: DYF от 19.11.2020 15:54:23флот из 5-ти! пилотируемых драконов. Зачем столько?
сами возить будут видимо мимо НАСА
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 19.11.2020 16:00:18
Цитата: Василий Ратников от 19.11.2020 15:59:05сами возить будут видимо мимо НАСА
куда возить, если только два стыковочных узла и 4 спальных места на МКС (5 с раскладушкой)?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 19.11.2020 16:00:56
Если твит не был фэйком , то в течении 8-12 часов будет официальное подтверждение от Боинга о сворачивании Старлая.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 19.11.2020 16:16:59
Цитата: azvoz от 19.11.2020 16:00:56Если твит не был фэйком , то в течении 8-12 часов будет официальное подтверждение от Боинга о сворачивании Старлая.
Скорее всего был - там все посты уровня ресурса panorama.pub...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Reader от 19.11.2020 16:23:00
Цитата: OldChukchi от 19.11.2020 11:54:03Ждем официоз. Если правда, то это эпическое фиаско.
Жаль, коли так. Мне эта машина, точно приземляющаяся, на мешки, не купаясь в море - очень понравилась.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Фёдоров от 19.11.2020 16:38:30
Цитата: DYF от 19.11.2020 15:54:23Зачем столько?
У Маска основа всей работы - удешевление. Можно массу вещей придумать, те же бигелоу, краткосрочные визиты (например, самого себя), можно собрать и держать готовой к быстрому запуску спасательную ракету. Ещё были разговоры о собственных малых станциях в интересах МО США. Его дело предложить.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 19.11.2020 21:07:31
Цитата: DYF от 19.11.2020 16:00:18
Цитата: Василий Ратников от 19.11.2020 15:59:05сами возить будут видимо мимо НАСА
куда возить, если только два стыковочных узла и 4 спальных места на МКС (5 с раскладушкой)?

Axiom Space будет пристраивать свою часть коммерческой станции к МКС со спальными местами...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: DYF от 19.11.2020 22:05:42
Цитата: Alex Immortal от 19.11.2020 21:07:31Axiom Space будет пристраивать свою часть коммерческой станции к МКС со спальными местами...
Там сейчас сильное недофинансирование проекта со стороны NASA  :(
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Crasher от 20.11.2020 01:11:03
Ребят, ну серьезно, можете не ждать оф.заявления, потому что его не будет. Новость на явно желтушном, юморном аккаунте зацените остальные фейковые новости там.

Там и Гловер падение Веги лично видел, и стремная сеть фастфуда заключила договор на поставку блинчиков на завтрак на МКС....
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 20.11.2020 10:55:26
Цитата: Crasher от 20.11.2020 01:11:03Ребят, ну серьезно, можете не ждать оф.заявления, потому что его не будет. Новость на явно желтушном, юморном аккаунте зацените остальные фейковые новости там.

Там и Гловер падение Веги лично видел, и стремная сеть фастфуда заключила договор на поставку блинчиков на завтрак на МКС....
Зато как пророки оживились :)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.12.2020 00:43:01
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-boeing-complete-series-of-starliner-parachute-tests-ahead-of-future-flights-with (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-boeing-complete-series-of-starliner-parachute-tests-ahead-of-future-flights-with)

ЦитироватьDec. 7, 2020

NASA, Boeing Complete Series of Starliner Parachute Tests Ahead of Future Flights with Astronauts

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207709.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/drogue_parachute_medium_res_1042.jpg)
A reused drogue parachute deploys from Boeing's CST-100 Starliner test article during the final balloon drop parachute test above White Sands, New Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2020. The test is part of a reliability campaign that will help strengthen the spacecraft's landing system ahead of crewed flights to and from the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.
Credits: Boeing

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208538.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/main_parachutes_medium_res_comp.jpg)
Boeing's CST-100 Starliner's three main parachutes slow the test article to a safe and soft landing during the final balloon drop parachute test Sept. 19, 2020, at White Sands, New Mexico.
Credits: Boeing

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208388.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/img_1717_mate_prep_landscape_medium_res_comp.jpg)
A Boeing CST-100 Starliner test article prepares to mate with a high altitude balloon ahead of its final parachute reliability drop test at White Sands, New Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2020.
Credits: Boeing

NASA and Boeing have completed Starliner's last parachute balloon drop test ending a reliability campaign that will help strengthen the spacecraft's landing system ahead of crewed flights to and from the International Space Station.

The campaign, developed by both Boeing and NASA, used six balloon drop tests of a Starliner test article to gather supplemental performance data on the spacecraft's parachutes and landing system. Each drop test focused on a different set of adverse conditions and used pre-flown parachutes to evaluate reusability margins for future missions.
Starliner is the first American-made orbital crew capsule to land on land. The spacecraft uses a series of parachutes and airbags that deploy at specific altitudes allowing Starliner to touch down gently in the desert of the western United States. NASA also will use the data gathered from the parachute testing to model Starliner parachute performance in different mission scenarios.

During nominal landings, Starliner uses two small parachutes to carry off the spacecraft's forward heat shield and expose critical hardware needed for the rest of the landing system sequence. Starliner then deploys two drogue parachutes to slow and stabilize the capsule before three small pilot parachutes pull out the spacecraft's three mains. The three main parachutes continue slowing Starliner's descent for a safe and soft touchdown supported by the vehicle's landing airbags.    

"Our philosophy has always been testing the system hardware together to see how all the elements interact," said Starliner landing system lead at Boeing Mike McCarley. "Our vehicle can't fit in an airplane, so the only way we can lift a test article high enough to simulate an entire landing system sequence is with very a large balloon."

For the final test, a high-altitude balloon provided by Near Space Corporation lifted the Starliner test article 35,000 feet above the New Mexico desert. Equipped with reused parachutes, Starliner's landing system successfully executed an unlikely re-entry scenario simulating two separate faults.

Test teams first prevented one of the vehicle's forward heat shield parachutes from deploying, but as intended, the heat shield separated successfully without impacting the rest of the landing sequence events.

The test team then prevented one of Starliner's drogue parachutes from deploying requiring the Starliner test article to ride roughly 10,000 feet under a single drogue parachute that had already been flown twice. Starliner's three main parachutes performed within the needed limits based on the scenario, despite the higher loads and having been flown four previous times. These additional data points will be used to further validate parachute performance models.

"Parachute systems are inherently complex," McCarley said. "These are chaotic events by nature. You could do the same test over and over again and see slightly different results. That's why consistency in data collection is so important."

Boeing will further improve its main parachute margins by reinforcing and increasing the strength of certain suspension lines within each canopy. These lines are held taut during early stages of deployment and perform a reefing function that allows Starliner's mains to inflate in stages to manage loading on the spacecraft and the parachutes.

"By increasing the strength of their material and attachment points, we are improving system reliability with only minor adjustments," said Dan Niedermaier, Starliner's flight test manager. "As our landing system continues to execute successfully, Boeing is committed to developing the safest orbital crew capsule possible and this supplemental testing is helping us achieve that goal."

Boeing and NASA will continue collecting data on Starliner's parachutes through the spacecraft's second Orbital Flight Test ahead of crewed flights beginning in 2021, but the test phase utilizing high-altitude balloons is now complete.

"This last balloon drop is bittersweet for many of us," Niedermaier said. "It marks the end of a valuable test series that took hundreds of people working very hard to execute. We couldn't be more pleased with the results and grateful to our NASA customer for partnering with us on this campaign."

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with the American aerospace industry as companies develop and operate a new generation of spacecraft and launch systems capable of carrying crews to low-Earth orbit and to the space station. Commercial transportation to and from the station will provide expanded utility, additional research time and broader opportunities for discovery on the orbital outpost.

Last Updated: Dec. 7, 2020
Editor: Anna Heiney
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.12.2020 06:42:32
К #1417 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2086690)

ЦитироватьBoeing Starliner Team Puts Parachutes to the Test in New Mexico

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220812.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/Boeing) Boeing (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IEkprr46ScglWU79HF5qQ)

7 дек. 2020 г.

#Starliner (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23Starliner) parachutes were put to the test one final time using a high altitude balloon at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico in September. A Starliner test article equipped with reused parachutes was lifted 35,000 feet to initiate and simulate an unlikely "two-fault" scenario the spacecraft could experience upon reentry. Despite the higher loads and stresses from reuse, Starliner's parachutes performed as expected ending a reliability campaign designed to build out even more landing system robustness ahead of crewed flights


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4AJagQVlBY (5:01)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.12.2020 06:52:34
http://www.boeing.com/features/2020/12/starliner-completes-final-balloon-drop.page (http://www.boeing.com/features/2020/12/starliner-completes-final-balloon-drop.page)

ЦитироватьNASA, Boeing Complete Series of Starliner Parachute Tests Ahead of Future Flights with Astronauts
Boeing's Starliner spacecraft completes final balloon drop parachute test
December 07, 2020 in Space

NASA and Boeing have completed Starliner's last parachute balloon drop test ending a reliability campaign that will help strengthen the spacecraft's landing system ahead of crewed flights to and from the International Space Station.

The campaign, developed by both Boeing and NASA, used six balloon drop tests of a Starliner test article to gather supplemental performance data on the spacecraft's parachutes and landing system. Each drop test focused on a different set of adverse conditions and used pre-flown parachutes to evaluate reusability margins for future missions.

Starliner is the first American-made orbital crew capsule to land on land. The spacecraft uses a series of parachutes and airbags that deploy at specific altitudes allowing Starliner to touch down gently in the desert of the western United States. NASA also will use the data gathered from the parachute testing to model Starliner parachute performance in different mission scenarios.

During nominal landings, Starliner uses two small parachutes to carry off the spacecraft's forward heat shield and expose critical hardware needed for the rest of the landing system sequence. Starliner then deploys two drogue parachutes to slow and stabilize the capsule before three small pilot parachutes pull out the spacecraft's three mains. The three main parachutes continue slowing Starliner's descent for a safe and soft touchdown supported by the vehicle's landing airbags.

"Our philosophy has always been testing the system hardware together to see how all the elements interact," said Starliner landing system lead at Boeing Mike McCarley. "Our vehicle can't fit in an airplane, so the only way we can lift a test article high enough to simulate an entire landing system sequence is with very a large balloon."

For the final test, a high-altitude balloon provided by Near Space Corporation lifted the Starliner test article 35,000 feet above the New Mexico desert. Equipped with reused parachutes, Starliner's landing system successfully executed an unlikely re-entry scenario simulating two separate faults.

A Starliner test article prepares to mate with a high altitude balloon ahead of its final parachute reliability drop test at White Sands, NM on Sept. 19.

Test teams first prevented one of the vehicle's forward heat shield parachutes from deploying, but as intended, the heat shield separated successfully without impacting the rest of the landing sequence events.

The test team then prevented one of Starliner's drogue parachutes from deploying requiring the Starliner test article to ride roughly 10,000 feet under a single drogue parachute that had already been flown twice. Starliner's three main parachutes performed within the needed limits based on the scenario, despite the higher loads and having been flown four previous times. These additional data points will be used to further validate parachute performance models.

"Parachute systems are inherently complex," McCarley said. "These are chaotic events by nature. You could do the same test over and over again and see slightly different results. That's why consistency in data collection is so important."

Boeing will further improve its main parachute margins by reinforcing and increasing the strength of certain suspension lines within each canopy. These lines are held taut during early stages of deployment and perform a reefing function that allows Starliner's mains to inflate in stages to manage loading on the spacecraft and the parachutes.

"By increasing the strength of their material and attachment points, we are improving system reliability with only minor adjustments," said Dan Niedermaier, Starliner's flight test manager. "As our landing system continues to execute successfully, Boeing is committed to developing the safest orbital crew capsule possible and this supplemental testing is helping us achieve that goal."

Starliner's three main parachutes slow the test article to a safe and soft landing during the program's final balloon drop parachute test Sept. 19 at White Sands, NM.[/color]

Boeing and NASA will continue collecting data on Starliner's parachutes through the spacecraft's second Orbital Flight Test ahead of crewed flights beginning in 2021, but the test phase utilizing high-altitude balloons is now complete.

"This last balloon drop is bittersweet for many of us," Niedermaier said. "It marks the end of a valuable test series that took hundreds of people working very hard to execute. We couldn't be more pleased with the results and grateful to our NASA customer for partnering with us on this campaign."

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with the American aerospace industry as companies develop and operate a new generation of spacecraft and launch systems capable of carrying crews to low-Earth orbit and to the space station. Commercial transportation to and from the station will provide expanded utility, additional research time and broader opportunities for discovery on the orbital outpost.

Recovery teams gather at the landing site of the Starliner test article used in the spacecraft's final parachute reliability test at White Sands Space Harbor, NM on Sept. 19.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 10.12.2020 03:17:20
ЦитироватьWe are targeting March 29, 2021 for our #Starliner's Orbital Flight Test-2.
Что-то долго они баги в коде исправляли...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 01.04.2021 11:43:45
Ходят слухи, что OFT-2 уплыл аж на июль 2021 года  :o
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Димитър от 01.04.2021 12:01:52

NET Late July - Atlas 5 • CST-100 Starliner Orbital Flight Test 2
Launch time: TBD
Launch site:
 SLC-41, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket, designated AV-082, will launch Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft on second unpiloted test flight to the International Space Station. This mission was added after Boeing's decision to refly the Starliner's Orbital Flight Test before proceeding with the Crew Flight Test. The rocket will fly in a vehicle configuration with two solid rocket boosters and a dual-engine Centaur upper stage. Delayed from 3rd Quarter. Delayed from Jan. 4. Moved forward from March 29, April 2 and May. [March 31]
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Просто Василий от 01.04.2021 13:20:09
Цитата: Чебурашка от 01.04.2021 11:43:45Ходят слухи, что OFT-2 уплыл аж на июль 2021 года  :o
Уже не удивительно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 01.04.2021 18:42:46
Если у Боинга дела и дальше так пойдут на этапе демонстрационных полетов, то корабельное направление под "оптимизацию" может попасть. Фартануло на испытаниях базового блока SLS, это плюс. Про серийное изготовление движков для ББ SLS не слышно, это минус. Про успехи в криогенном EUS, без которого проблематично реализовать посадку на Луну достаточного по численности экипажа, тоже не слыхать. "Картина маслом?"
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 01.04.2021 21:35:07
Насчёт очередного переноса, хотелось бы заслушать мнение начальника транспортного цеха Not-a.
Но он свалил.  ;D
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Patron от 02.04.2021 09:51:33
Рискну предположить, что OFT-2 на новой капсуле не ранее сентября 2021 года, CFT-1 на старой (от OFT-1) капсуле не ранее января 2022 года. ИМХО, конечно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Logan1982 от 02.04.2021 10:28:46
Цитата: Чебурашка от 01.04.2021 21:35:07Насчёт очередного переноса, хотелось бы заслушать мнение начальника транспортного цеха Not-a.
Но он свалил.  ;D
А в цеху его нет разве?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: keeper от 02.04.2021 11:33:30
Блин мне как то уже boing жалко. Что у них так все с CST-100 не ладиться. Одно время казалось что они полетят даже раньше dragon crew...  А по факту уже что год отставания ? :o
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Водитель от 02.04.2021 11:35:33
2-2,5 года
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 15.04.2021 11:46:14
Ходят слухи, что пилотируемый полёт Starliner CFT уплыл аж на февраль 2022 года.
А всё из-за занятости стыковочных узлов на МКС.

ЦитироватьOrbital flight test-2, July/August 2021
• Crew flight test, February 2022
• Post-certification mission: Later 2022
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: keeper от 15.04.2021 12:06:26
Цитата: Чебурашка от 15.04.2021 11:46:14Ходят слухи, что пилотируемый полёт Starliner CFT уплыл аж на февраль 2022 года.
не пора ли закончить эти мучения

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: ОАЯ от 14.08.2021 20:36:42
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: keeper от 06.10.2021 19:02:06

Решили, все такие проявить милосердие и закончить эти мучения :)?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Alex_II от 06.10.2021 20:27:14
Цитата: keeper от 06.10.2021 19:02:06Решили, все такие проявить милосердие и закончить эти мучения (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/Smileys/fugue/smiley.png)?
В смысле пристрелить Старлайнер что ли? Сомнительно...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: renegade2000 от 06.10.2021 20:29:59
Ну вы не понимаете. У вяликаго боенга просто нет опыта. Аэрокосмическому подразделению уже 70 лет, а опыта в создании транспортной системы по доставке и возврату с орбиты нет. А у компании которой только 20 лет этот опыт вдруг из ниоткуда появился. Парадокс. И вообще клятым выскочкам маскам помогало НАСА, пентагон, госдеп. Короче всем миром помогали, чтобы только опозорить боенги, лохкиды и роскосмосы.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 06.10.2021 21:11:17
Если Старлайнер пристрелить, то Боингу придётся вернуть все платеже по программе, полученные от НАСЫ.

А тем временем русо-, боинго- и безософоб Эрик Бергер клевещет, что Старлайнер полетит не ранее середины 2022

ЦитироватьHere's the reality: Until the sticky valve root cause is found, there will be no credible date for and OFT-2 launch. It probably will be awhile. They have to disassemble the valves. I've heard dates ranging from early 2022, to May to Fall of 2022 for possible launches of OFT-2.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: keeper от 06.10.2021 21:48:02
Цитата: Alex_II от 06.10.2021 20:27:14
Цитата: keeper от 06.10.2021 19:02:06Решили, все такие проявить милосердие и закончить эти мучения (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/Smileys/fugue/smiley.png)?
В смысле пристрелить Старлайнер что ли? Сомнительно...
Нет конечно. 
Просто уже жалко их, что-то у них совсем не клеится.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 06.10.2021 21:59:23
Цитата: keeper от 06.10.2021 21:48:02
Цитата: Alex_II от 06.10.2021 20:27:14
Цитата: keeper от 06.10.2021 19:02:06Решили, все такие проявить милосердие и закончить эти мучения (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/Smileys/fugue/smiley.png)?
В смысле пристрелить Старлайнер что ли? Сомнительно...
Нет конечно.
Просто уже жалко их, что-то у них совсем не клеится.
Да черт с ними. Сумма контракта фиксированная, все дополнительные расходы - за счёт Боинга.
К МКС так и будет пока летать Crew Dragon, и, похоже, НАСА к этому тоже уже привыкает. Особых коммерческих перспектив у Старлайнера нет, полетает лет 5, и спишут в утиль проект.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Oleg от 07.10.2021 15:42:27
Цитата: Sam Grey от 06.10.2021 21:59:23Особых коммерческих перспектив у Старлайнера нет, полетает лет 5, и спишут в утиль проект.
Ага. 2 года уже отлетал. Осенью 2022 уже почти 3 будет. А там совсем чуть-чуть...  уже меньше половины останется.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 04.12.2021 09:51:12
Помниться не один баян порвали на радостях что одна бабка сказала что у соседа корова сдохла, а они все работают и работают
Linda Herridge
Posted onDecember 3, 2021
NASA anticipates a potential need to use any additional flights as early as 2023 to maintain mission readiness. Securing additional flights now also allows NASA to continue working with Boeing on the development of the company's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, which also will fly NASA and international partner astronauts to and from the space station after completing its certification effort.

"NASA commends Boeing for its ongoing investigation of the oxidizer isolation valve issue that was discovered ahead of the planned uncrewed Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) mission to the International Space Station in August, prioritizing safety over schedule while working to solve this challenge," said Phil McAlister, director, commercial spaceflight at NASA. "NASA and Boeing will provide additional updates on the status of Starliner's next mission as we work through the investigation and verification efforts to determine root cause and effective vehicle remediation."

NASA continues to have a need for two unique crew capabilities to ensure dissimilar redundancy, maintain safe space station operations, and allow each company to work through any unforeseen issues that could arise as private industry builds operational experience with these new systems. NASA's plan is still to alternate missions between SpaceX and Boeing, once both are operational.

The current sole source modification does not preclude NASA from seeking additional contract modifications in the future for additional transportation services as needed.

NASA also is working to extend the life of the space station beyond 2024 to allow for a seamless transition to commercially operated, low-Earth orbit destinations and
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 14.12.2021 00:47:17
Бергер пишет,
что окончательно решено использовать для OFT-2 новый агрегатный отсек и запуск предварительно в мае 2022 года.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 01:33:59
Ого, уже май вместо января. Дальше опять вправо на пару месяцев и здравствуй 23-ий. Гениальные инженеры насы не помогают эффективным инженерам боенга. Уже сейчас можно смело утверждать, что никакой пилотируемой миссии в 22-ом, так уже и 23-ий подвисает. Можно только аплодировать  гениальным инженерам насы. Лоббизм и кумовство никогда не доводят до добра.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 14.12.2021 06:11:35

Following extensive testing and analysis of oxidizer isolation valves on Boeing's CST-100 Starliner service module propulsion system, Boeing has decided to move up service modules currently in production for its upcoming uncrewed and crewed flight tests to the International Space Station as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

The service module originally planned for its Crew Flight Test (CFT) will now be used for the Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) mission, and the service module planned for the Starliner-1 flight will be used for CFT.

"NASA has been working side-by-side with Boeing on the service module valve investigation, including leveraging the agency's materials and propellants expertise to better characterize the potential causes of the issue," said Steve Stich, manager, NASA's Commercial Crew Program. "Because of the combined work, we have a much better understanding of the contributors that led to the valve issues, and ways to prevent it from happening in the future. Boeing remains diligent and driven by the data during its decision making, which is key to ensuring the Starliner system is ready when we fly our test missions in 2022."

Ongoing investigation efforts continue to validate the most probable cause to be related to oxidizer and moisture interactions. NASA and Boeing will continue the analysis and testing of the initial service module on which the issue was identified leading up to launch of the uncrewed OFT-2 mission in August 2021.

"Our objective was to get back to flight safely and as soon as possible. With this objective in mind, we set out on parallel paths: remediating valves to preserve the option of utilizing the existing service module (SM2), while also working to accelerate the build of the next service module (SM4)," said John Vollmer, vice president and program manager, Boeing's Commercial Crew Program. "Based on the results to date we've decided to fly SM4 next and continue longer term tests with SM2 hardware, on the vehicle and in offline facilities."

Teams conducted extensive analysis on the valves in Boeing's Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and outside laboratories. That analysis included testing samples of the corrosion, using specialized micro CT scans and borescopes to see inside the valves, exposing parts of valves to various conditions, and removing and disassembling several valves.

"I am incredibly proud of the entire NASA and Boeing team for their creativity and technical excellence while working this investigation," Stich said.

Testing is continuing at NASA's White Sands Test Facility to expose the valves to conditions similar to those that the spacecraft experienced inside the factory and at the Atlas V launch pad and Vertical Integration Facility prior to the last launch attempt.

Testing has already taken place on the former CFT, now OFT-2, service module to ensure the health of the hardware. The team will also apply preventative remediation efforts to this service module to prevent similar issues from occurring. The team is now working through next steps for removing and replacing the service module.

"The members of the combined team are consummate professionals, who continue to safely and systematically troubleshoot and safe the wet propellant system," said Vollmer. "I'm very proud of their resolve."

NASA, Boeing, United Launch Alliance and the Eastern Range continue to assess potential launch windows for OFT-2. As part of the standard process for requesting a launch slot on ULA's manifest in the first half of 2022, Boeing has agreed to an open window in May, pending spacecraft readiness and space station availability. Potential launch windows for CFT are under review.

More details about the mission and NASA's commercial crew program can be found by following the commercial crew blog, @commercial_crew and commercial crew on Facebook.

Author Linda Herridge Posted on December 13

Цитата: undefinedhttps://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=562259&lang=RU
14.12.2021 2:24:26
      Вашингтон. 14 декабря. ИНТЕРФАКС - Стартовое окно второго испытательного непилотируемого полёта космического корабля CST-100 Starliner (OFT-2), разработанного компанией Boeing, к Международной космической станции (МКС) откроется в мае 2022 года, сообщила компания на своём сайте во вторник.
      "NASA, Boeing, United Launch Alliance (ULA) и Eastern Range продолжают оценивать возможное окно для старта миссии OFT-2. В рамках стандартной процедуры по бронированию слота в графике запусков ULA в первой половине 2022 года Boeing согласился на открытие стартового окна в мае, ожидая решения о готовности космического корабля и возможности полёта к космической станции", - говорится в сообщении Boeing.
      Отмечается, что возможная дата открытия стартового окна для пилотируемого тестового полёта Starliner к МКС (CFT) в данный момент находится на рассмотрении.
      Также в Boeing добавили, что компания планирует изменить очередность использования служебных модулей, которые в данный момент находятся на стадии сборки для непилотируемых и пилотируемых полётов к МКС в рамках программы NASA по транспортировке экипажей к станции.
      В результате перестановок в тестовой миссии без экипажа будет задействован служебный модуль, изначально планировавшийся для тестовой пилотируемой миссии к МКС. А в рамках CFT будет использован служебный модуль, назначенный для первой полноценной миссии Starliner с экипажем к станции (Starliner-1).
      Главной причиной замены модулей стали продолжающиеся проверки модуля, на клапанах которого летом этого года была обнаружена коррозия.
      Ранее запуск второй испытательной миссии OFT-2 к МКС планировалось осуществить 3 августа, но из-за технических проблем за три часа до старта он был отменен. Были выявлены проблемы в работе 13 клапанов двигателей малой тяги служебного модуля корабля Starliner.
      Boeing продолжает расследовать, что привело к закупорке 13 клапанов. Главной версией является то, что тетраоксид азота (nitrogen tetroxide - NTO) - окислитель ракетного топлива, вытекший из клапана, войдя в контакт с влагой, образовал окись азота, из-за которой возникла коррозия клапана.
      По информации компании, специалисты провели обширный анализ клапанов на заводе производителе корабля и в центре космических полётов имени Маршалла NASA. В ходе анализа были исследованы образцы образовавшейся коррозии, клапаны были подвергнуты испытаниям в условиях, схожим с условиями на заводе-производителе корабля, на стартовом столе ракеты Atlas-5 и в цехе вертикальной сборки незадолго до попытки запуска в августе.
      Отмечается, что специалисты применят технологии для предотвращения подобных аномалий и на служебных модулях кораблей Starliner, разрабатываемых для других миссий.
      В ходе второй непилотируемой миссии корабль Starliner должен состыковаться с МКС, в составе которой он пробудет от 5 до 10 дней, после чего вернётся обратно на Землю
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: keeper от 14.12.2021 16:47:15
Да это уже какой-то бред.. 
Как будто про маленький стартап  читаешь, не про Boing  :-\
Где инженеры НАСА когда они так нужны, в SpaceX что ли все прохлаждаются?  
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54
Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу? 
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: triage от 14.12.2021 19:52:29
Цитата: keeper от 14.12.2021 16:47:15Как будто про маленький стартап  читаешь, не про Boing 

Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто

Просто бизнес построен по разному в рамках принятия решений и прочего.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 19:55:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу?
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Единственная? Я что-то пропустил.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:03:01
Цитата: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 19:55:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу?
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Единственная? Я что-то пропустил.
Единственная кошерная, очевидно.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14
Цитата: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 19:55:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу?
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Единственная? Я что-то пропустил.
А кто ещё может возвращать груз? Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Mic от 14.12.2021 20:05:27
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14
Цитата: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 19:55:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу?
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Единственная? Я что-то пропустил.
А кто ещё может возвращать груз? Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
В Союзах немножко возвращают, справедливости ради
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:11:16
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
Доставка грузов - транспорт?
Отправка мусора для утилизации - транспорт?
Ну и при желании можно беспилотный Союз отправить, чтобы под завязку возвращаемым грузом заполнить. Надобность в этом есть?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Arzach от 14.12.2021 20:24:38
Цитата: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:11:16
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
Доставка грузов - транспорт?
Отправка мусора для утилизации - транспорт?
Ну и при желании можно беспилотный Союз отправить, чтобы под завязку возвращаемым грузом заполнить. Надобность в этом есть?
У кого-то есть. Например, безразрывная холодовая цепь при подъеме и спуске биомедицинских образцов для исследований, возврат оборудования для изучения износа и поломок, обеспечение циклов регулярного профилактического обслуживания бортового оборудования, включая модули СЖО скафандров ВКД и т.п. А у кого-то - ни желания, ни надобности.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 20:29:38
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14
Цитата: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 19:55:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу?
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Единственная? Я что-то пропустил.
А кто ещё может возвращать груз? Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
Вам знакомо нечто под названием ПТК?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:44:28
Цитата: Arzach от 14.12.2021 20:24:38обеспечение циклов регулярного профилактического обслуживания бортового оборудования, включая модули СЖО скафандров ВКД и т.п. А у кого-то - ни желания, ни надобности.
Бортовое оборудование обычно уникальное, быстрообновляемое. Дешевле поднять наверх новую версию, чем таскаться со старой туда-сюда.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Dr.Cox от 14.12.2021 22:59:26
Цитата: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:44:28
Цитата: Arzach от 14.12.2021 20:24:38обеспечение циклов регулярного профилактического обслуживания бортового оборудования, включая модули СЖО скафандров ВКД и т.п. А у кого-то - ни желания, ни надобности.
Бортовое оборудование обычно уникальное, быстрообновляемое. Дешевле поднять наверх новую версию, чем таскаться со старой туда-сюда.
Старая песня о главном: "Нам это не нужно, поэтому мы этого делать не будем".
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 23:50:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40
Цитата: Рома78 от 14.12.2021 18:27:54Они просто перестраховщики. Маск полетел бы и с неисправным клапаньём. Ему же все простят случись что...
Видимо у Маска была Колумбия и Челенжер? Главный подрядчик кто был по Шаттлу?
И пока Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
У вас на стройке несчастные случаи были?
- Нет!
Будут... (с)
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: A. Gamov от 15.12.2021 01:15:12
Цитата: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:11:16
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
Доставка грузов - транспорт?
Отправка мусора для утилизации - транспорт?
Ну и при желании можно беспилотный Союз отправить, чтобы под завязку возвращаемым грузом заполнить. Надобность в этом есть?
1. «... Теперь Россия испытывает трудности с возвратом грузов с орбиты. Ведь проект МКС — не только про то, чтобы летать в космос и проводить там эксперименты, но и про то, чтобы возвращать их результаты на Землю. На «Союзе» же много не вернешь, а «Прогресс» при возвращении сгорает в атмосфере. России сегодня крайне нужны беспилотные грузовые многоразовые корабли»

Из интервью (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4364751?fbclid=IwAR1R0gfm8_rhkmDMnjELGBWmHwWlO9WjcZ6fj3eg5xfaEzdC5Dd6IapgIyQ) с летчиком-космонавтом, Героем России Федором Юрчихиным.

2. «Ракетно-космическая корпорация "Энергия" планирует создать новый возвращаемый грузовой космический корабль на базе перспективного космического пилотируемого корабля "Орел". Об этом сообщил генеральный конструктор РКК, дважды Герой Советского Союза Владимир Соловьев в интервью ТАСС.

По словам генконструктора, этот корабль придет на смену существующим грузовым кораблям "Прогресс", которые сейчас решают задачи доставки грузов на Международную космическую станцию (МКС), дозаправки и коррекции орбиты.
"На базе "Орла" хотим сделать грузовозвращаемый корабль, - сообщил Соловьев. - У "Прогресса" серьезный недостаток - мы не можем возвратить на нем полезную нагрузку с орбиты. Минус в том, что он сгорает".

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: nonconvex от 15.12.2021 02:36:39
Цитата: Dr.Cox от 14.12.2021 22:59:26
Цитата: nonconvex от 14.12.2021 20:44:28
Цитата: Arzach от 14.12.2021 20:24:38обеспечение циклов регулярного профилактического обслуживания бортового оборудования, включая модули СЖО скафандров ВКД и т.п. А у кого-то - ни желания, ни надобности.
Бортовое оборудование обычно уникальное, быстрообновляемое. Дешевле поднять наверх новую версию, чем таскаться со старой туда-сюда.
Старая песня о главном: "Нам это не нужно, поэтому мы этого делать не будем".
У вас кроме старых песен что-то есть?
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Asteroid от 15.12.2021 03:24:29
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 20:03:14
Цитата: Blackhavvk от 14.12.2021 19:55:02
Цитата: renegade2000 от 14.12.2021 19:46:40И пока у Маска есть сверхнадежная рн и единственная в мире транспортная система до МКС и обратно.
Единственная? Я что-то пропустил.
А кто ещё может возвращать груз? Написано же транспортная, а не пилотируемая.
Это называется подгонка под результат ;)
Союз - тоже транспортный корабль и "внезапно" может быть и грузовым. Робот Фёдор, не к ночи будь помянут, явно пилотом корабля не был. Да и до того были вполне себе беспилотные Союзы. Так что может Союз быть и вполне себе грузовиком, а вот это вот всё:

Цитата: A. Gamov от 15.12.2021 01:15:121. «... Теперь Россия испытывает трудности с возвратом грузов с орбиты. Ведь проект МКС -- не только про то, чтобы летать в космос и проводить там эксперименты, но и про то, чтобы возвращать их результаты на Землю. На «Союзе» же много не вернешь, а «Прогресс» при возвращении сгорает в атмосфере. России сегодня крайне нужны беспилотные грузовые многоразовые корабли»

Из интервью (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4364751?fbclid=IwAR1R0gfm8_rhkmDMnjELGBWmHwWlO9WjcZ6fj3eg5xfaEzdC5Dd6IapgIyQ) с летчиком-космонавтом, Героем России Федором Юрчихиным.

2. «Ракетно-космическая корпорация "Энергия" планирует создать новый возвращаемый грузовой космический корабль на базе перспективного космического пилотируемого корабля "Орел". Об этом сообщил генеральный конструктор РКК, дважды Герой Советского Союза Владимир Соловьев в интервью ТАСС.

По словам генконструктора, этот корабль придет на смену существующим грузовым кораблям "Прогресс", которые сейчас решают задачи доставки грузов на Международную космическую станцию (МКС), дозаправки и коррекции орбиты.
"На базе "Орла" хотим сделать грузовозвращаемый корабль, - сообщил Соловьев. - У "Прогресса" серьезный недостаток - мы не можем возвратить на нем полезную нагрузку с орбиты. Минус в том, что он сгорает".

https://mashnews.ru/rkk-energiya-sozdast-vozvrashhaemyij-gruzovoj-korabl-na-baze-orla.html (https://mashnews.ru/rkk-energiya-sozdast-vozvrashhaemyij-gruzovoj-korabl-na-baze-orla.html)
переводится на русский: "дайте денег (на ПТК НП)". Справедливости ради, чтобы использовать Союзы как грузовики (Союз-ГВК), надо расширить производство Союзов - это тоже деньги, хотя и меньшие, чем на Орёл.

Цитата: Dr.Cox от 14.12.2021 22:59:26Старая песня о главном: "Нам это не нужно, поэтому мы этого делать не будем".
К сожалению да, не нужно. Потому что по большому счёту нечего  :(
А так вполне реально вернуть килограмм 350, было б только столько результатов на возврат.

Только вот причём здесь CST-100? :-\
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 15.12.2021 04:52:08
Цитата: Asteroid от 15.12.2021 03:24:29Робот Фёдор, не к ночи будь помянут, явно пилотом корабля не был
Но ещё будет!
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Frontm от 15.12.2021 07:58:22
Цитата: Дмитрий Инфан от 15.12.2021 04:52:08Но ещё будет!

Название: CST-100
Отправлено: sas от 15.12.2021 10:43:08
Цитата: Asteroid от 15.12.2021 03:24:29надо расширить производство Союзов - это тоже деньги, хотя и меньшие, чем на Орёл.
А что, летавшие СА союзов под ГВК никак? Я в том смысле, что летавший боинг тожеж можно в биндюги...
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Дмитрий Инфан от 16.12.2021 05:00:51
Цитата: sas от 15.12.2021 10:43:08А что, летавшие СА союзов под ГВК никак?
В неё много не положишь.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: nonconvex от 16.12.2021 06:12:34
Цитата: Дмитрий Инфан от 16.12.2021 05:00:51
Цитата: sas от 15.12.2021 10:43:08А что, летавшие СА союзов под ГВК никак?
В неё много не положишь.
Союз ГВК спускает 500кг
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Tagir2000 от 16.12.2021 07:36:21
Цитата: nonconvex от 16.12.2021 06:12:34
Цитата: Дмитрий Инфан от 16.12.2021 05:00:51
Цитата: sas от 15.12.2021 10:43:08А что, летавшие СА союзов под ГВК никак?
В неё много не положишь.
Союз ГВК спускает 500кг
По Союз-ГВК уже года 3 нет новостей
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Space books от 16.12.2021 19:24:23

ЦитироватьПовторный тестовый запуск корабля Starliner к МКС запланирован на май 2022 года
Boeing запланировал очередную попытку отправки своего корабля Starliner к МКС в тестовый полет на май 2022 года. Последние четыре месяца инженеры Boeing работали над изучением данных и проверкой клапанов на корабле, пытаясь выяснить, почему некоторые клапаны заклинило – это выяснилось во время предполетной подготовки, когда планировался старт 3 августа 2021 года. В этой работе помогали инженеры NASA, которые на своих базах проверяли клапаны служебного модуля Starliner.

После проведенной работы с учетом необходимого ремонта и замены компонентов корабля, а также с учетом транспортной нагрузки МКС было принято решение выполнить второй испытательный беспилотный полет в мае 2022 года. Напомним, что первый состоялся в декабре 2019-го и прошел со сбоями в программном обеспечении, которые затем Boeing продолжительное время исправлял.

После возникновения проблем с клапанами инженеры сняли девять из 13 заклинивших элементов, которые контролируют поток окислителя в топливной системе. Причиной сбоя стало взаимодействие влаги с окислителем, из-за чего возникла коррозия, и клапаны заклинило.
К полету в мае 2022 года Boeing полностью заменит служебный модуль корабля. Будет использоваться модуль, который готовился к первому испытательному полету Starliner с экипажем. Соответственно, для этого полета уже используют модуль, изготовленный для первой рабочей миссии на МКС.

При этом инженеры продолжают работу над изучением условий, при которых возможно возникновение коррозии, заклинившей клапаны, а также над конструктивными нюансами этих элементов, чтобы избежать таких проблем в будущем.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Tagir2000 от 12.01.2022 10:01:03
И NASA и Boeing знали о проблеме заклинивания клапанов на Старлайнере
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: renegade2000 от 12.01.2022 14:31:50
Получается, одним можно творить все что угодно и ничего им за это не будет. Других же смешают с дерьмом за любой косяк.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Водитель от 12.01.2022 14:36:15
Знали, но допустили на старт.

Не тот корабль ненадежным назвали.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Верный Союзник с Окинавы от 12.01.2022 16:13:35
Цитата: Asteroid от 15.12.2021 03:24:29переводится на русский: "дайте денег (на ПТК НП)". Справедливости ради, чтобы использовать Союзы как грузовики (Союз-ГВК), надо расширить производство Союзов - это тоже деньги, хотя и меньшие, чем на Орёл.

Справедливости ради, тоннами они грузы не возвращали.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: opinion от 13.01.2022 19:50:23
Цитата: Tagir2000 от 12.01.2022 10:01:03И NASA и Boeing знали о проблеме заклинивания клапанов на Старлайнере
Думаю, часто перед запуском есть проблемы, о которых знают, но, тем не менее, допускают ракету на старт. Тут важно определить, следовало ли НАСА своим процедурам по оценке рисков и насколько эти процедуры адекватны. А простая констатация "знали, но допустили" почти бесполезна.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: Arzach от 14.01.2022 00:01:04
Цитата: Tagir2000 от 12.01.2022 10:01:03И NASA и Boeing знали о проблеме заклинивания клапанов на Старлайнере
Что-то я не наблюдаю оснований в для такого вывода в указанных цитатах. Там указано, что Boeing и NASA расходились в оценке уровня риска, связанного с отказом клапанов, но это вовсе не означает, что они знали о конкретном отказе заранее (до FRR). Это лишь означает, что вероятная проблема с отказом клапанов была включена в оценку рисков OFT-2 наряду со множеством других рисков. На что автору и указывают в комментариях ниже.

К сожалению, большинство комментаторов читают лишь вывод, не вникая в суть вопроса.
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 30.10.2022 14:58:32
Boeing потратил на Starliner почти $900 млн, и хочет ещё
SpaceX October 30, 2022
ЦитироватьКомпания Boeing раскрыла информацию о том, что во втором квартале года она потратила на корабль CST-100 Starliner ещё $93 млн своих средств, в результате чего перерасход денег компании на корабль составит $688 млн, а их общие затраты по программе Starliner переваливают за $883 млн (и это не считая контрактных $5,1 млрд от NASA).

Компания заявила, что дополнительные деньги частично нужны на подготовку Starliner к его первому полёту с астронавтами в миссии Crew Flight Test (CFT), которая теперь планируется не ранее февраля 2023 года, а начало плановых миссий на осень 2023 года. Интересно, что в заявлении Комиссии по ценным бумагам США (SEC) компания Boeing предупредила о том, что это последнее обвинение финансового плана может быть далеко не последним для программы Starliner: "Сохраняется риск того, что мы можем иметь дополнительные расходы в будущих кварталах".

При этом, NASA заявляет, что специалисты агентства выявили ряд аномалий во время прошедшего демо-полёта миссии OFT-2 на МКС, которые необходимо устранить до миссии CFT, кроме того, вероятны новые задержки даже после прохождения сертификации для пилотируемых миссий. Теперь Boeing заявляет, что три послесертификационных миссии предполагается завершить к 2026 году (ранее планировалось, что они будут выполнены к 2024 году).

Напомним, что глава Роскосмоса Юрий Борисов ранее заявил, что Россия будет готова начать переговоры о полётах космонавтов на Starliner, когда он совершит не менее трёх полетов.

NASA же заявляют, что, как только Starliner будет сертифицирован для плановых полётов, он будет чередовать миссии с Crew Dragon на МКС. Таким образом, каждая компания будет выполнять одну миссию в интересах NASA в год. По плану, Starliner должен выполнить шесть миссий после сертификации, однако сколько из них сделает в итоге именно он, пожалуй, не скажут сейчас ни в Boeing, ни в NASA.
Boeing's Starliner charges approach $900 million by Jeff Foust for SpaceNews
Название: CST-100
Отправлено: azvoz от 02.06.2023 06:54:08
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Понятно, что в районе аполловских 0.37, а официальные цифры есть?