Форум Новости Космонавтики

Тематические разделы => Прикладная космонавтика => Тема начата: tnt22 от 31.05.2018 14:21:57

Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.05.2018 14:21:57

VERTICAL LIMITS:GND-UNL. SFC - UNL, 05 JUN 12:59 2018 UNTIL 05 JUN 13:56 2018.
CREATED: 31 MAY 02:36 2018


VERTICAL LIMITS:GND-UNL. SFC - UNL, 05 JUN 13:01 2018 UNTIL 05 JUN 14:02 2018.
 CREATED: 31 MAY 02:38 2018
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.05.2018 14:57:50
Цитировать西昌卫星发射中心将于2018年6月5日20:59-21:56利用长征三号甲遥二十五运载火箭(CZ-3A Y25)择机发射风云二号09星(FY-2H)。
ЦитироватьКосмический центр Сичан осуществит запуск ракетой-носителем Великий поход 3A № 25 (CZ-3A Y25) КА Фэнъюнь № 09 (FY-2H) в 20:59-21:56 5 июня 2018 года.
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.05.2018 15:02:58
Зоны падения отделяемых частей РН (нотамы #1 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16480/message1775102/#message1775102))

Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.06.2018 18:20:30
ЦитироватьChina to launch Fengyun-2H weather satellite on June 5
by Andrew Jones (https://gbtimes.com/authors/658) | Jun 01, 2018 12:34 | CHINA (https://gbtimes.com/tag/China) ▪ CHINA'S SPACE PROGRAM (https://gbtimes.com/tag/china%27s%20space%20program) ▪ XICHANG (https://gbtimes.com/tag/xichang)

The Fengyun-2H weather satellite during the space environment testing phase. CASC

China is gearing up to launch the last of its Fengyun-2 geostationary weather satellites, with a Long March 3A rocket set to loft the spacecraft from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre next week.

Launch is to take place at Xichang around 13:10 UTC (21:10 Beijing time, 09:10 EDT) on June 5, according to airspace closure notices consistent with the launch profile.

The near 1.4 metric-tonne spacecraft last month completed space environment tests before transportation to Xichang in southwest China for launch.
The Fengyun-2H (https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/satellites/view/112) satellite was developed by the Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering (SISE), under the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), itself a subordinate to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the main space programme contractor.

Fengyun-1 and Fengyun-2 series satellites are being replaced by a new and improved generation of satellites, designated Fengyun-3 for polar orbits and Fengyun-4 for those for geostationary orbits.

The mission is expected to be China's 16th of 2018, though the Gaofen-6 multispectral Earth observation satellite, part of the CHEOS  (https://gbtimes.com/tag/cheos)project, could be launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit from Jiuquan via a Long March 2D as early as tomorrow, along with the piggybacking Luojia-1 (http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/luojia-1.htm) 6U CubeSat.

Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 14:41:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1003963238948704256)

*Chinese Launch Alert Klaxon* A Long March 3A is set to launch Fengyun-2H from XSLC at 13:10 UTC.

Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 14:49:19
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Код миссии - 07-88
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 15:09:05
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Открыта верхняя палуба башни №2
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 16:17:05
http://bbs.9ifly.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=14194&pid=600246 (http://bbs.9ifly.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=14194&pid=600246)

По слухам, пуск состоялся
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 16:22:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1003989529735450626)

LAUNCH! Long March 3A launches Fengyun-2H -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/06/long-march-3a-launches-fengyun-2h/ ... (https://t.co/acHM3x2iUH)

- By Rui C. Barbosa (@rmcsbarbosa (https://twitter.com/rmcsbarbosa))
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 16:54:48
http://bbs.9ifly.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=14194&pid=600255 (http://bbs.9ifly.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=14194&pid=600255)

ЦитироватьУспех! Ждём подтверждения
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 16:59:38
http://bbs.9ifly.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=14194&pid=600259 (http://bbs.9ifly.cn/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=14194&pid=600259)
Цитировать5 июня в 21:07 по пекинскому времени Китай успешно запустил метеорологический спутник Фэнъюнь-2H с космодрома Сичан ракетой носителем CZ-3A, запуск успешный.
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 17:28:13

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234473.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234473.jpg)

6月5日21时07分,我国风云二号H星在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号甲运载火箭成功发射 (http://www.spaceflightfans.cn/event/long-march-3a-launch-fengyun-2h-fy-2h-satellite?instance_id=1616)。...

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234469.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234469.jpg)
ЦитироватьУспешный запуск спутника Фэнъюнь-2H

5 июня в 21:07 Китай успешно запустил спутник Фэнъюнь-2H ракетой-носителем Long March 3A из Центра запуска спутников в Сичане. ...
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 17:37:00
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 17:41:09
ЦитироватьChina launches meteorological satellite to benefit Belt and Road countries
Source: Xinhua | 2018-06-05 22:22:50 | Editor: Yurou

XICHANG, June 5 (Xinhua) -- China on Tuesday launched the new Fengyun-2H meteorological satellite to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting and provide better meteorological services to countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Fengyun-2H was launched on a Long March-3A rocket at 9:07 p.m., Beijing Time, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

It was the 277th mission of the Long March rocket series.
A geostationary orbit satellite, the Fengyun-2H is the last in the Fengyun-2 series. The Fengyun-4 series will dominate China's new generation geostationary orbit meteorological satellites, said Zhao Jian, deputy director of the Department of System Engineering of China National Space Administration (CNSA).

In response to a request from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), the position of Fengyun-2H will be changed from original 86.5 degrees east longitude to 79 degrees east longitude.

This means the Fengyun series satellites will be able to cover all the territory of China, as well as countries along the Belt and Road, the Indian Ocean and most African countries, according to the CNSA.

The adjustment will enable the Fengyun series satellites to acquire meteorological data over a wider range, improve weather forecasting accuracy and the ability to cope with climate change and mitigate losses caused by natural disasters, Zhao said.

Equipped with a scanning radiometer and space environment monitor, Fengyun-2H will provide real time cloud and water vapor images and space weather information to clients in the Asia-Pacific region, said Wei Caiying, chief commander of the ground application system of Fengyun-2H and deputy director of the National Satellite Meteorological Center.
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 18:16:48
Кадры пуска (http://ugc-vliveochy.tc.qq.com/vhot2.qqvideo.tc.qq.com/APLPVQldkZ4TK-TH8N9lgHWgerZjDReRqiz_wEFbE8Go/n1341346gkc.p712.1.mp4?sdtfrom=v1104&guid=4fc4b3971f9321ac9d6a45b65ed3dc42&vkey=74FAB75A9CB8F93143F83C73D56245A67CD6359415B14FC38CC5398DB2ACD7E4FC716E5B6BD50B6906CB27CBEBEF181027AFCF4DCB0B13DB277209D0D743E8EA76626284F20B401306A8C97322C8AEA8865B03A260D11C2FAE3E8C56CA815C7857CB7B108578EDAD1D15DD83E99408675FBBB3F431A2439A&ocid=1421088172)

http://ugc-vliveochy.tc.qq.com/vhot2.qqvideo.tc.qq.com/APLPVQldkZ4TK-TH8N9lgHWgerZjDReRqiz_wEFbE8Go/n1341346gkc.p712.1.mp4?sdtfrom=v1104&guid=4fc4b3971f9321ac9d6a45b65ed3dc42&vkey=74FAB75A9CB8F93143F83C73D56245A67CD6359415B14FC38CC5398DB2ACD7E4FC716E5B6BD50B6906CB27CBEBEF181027AFCF4DCB0B13DB277209D0D743E8EA76626284F20B401306A8C97322C8AEA8865B03A260D11C2FAE3E8C56CA815C7857CB7B108578EDAD1D15DD83E99408675FBBB3F431A2439A&ocid=1421088172 (http://ugc-vliveochy.tc.qq.com/vhot2.qqvideo.tc.qq.com/APLPVQldkZ4TK-TH8N9lgHWgerZjDReRqiz_wEFbE8Go/n1341346gkc.p712.1.mp4?sdtfrom=v1104&guid=4fc4b3971f9321ac9d6a45b65ed3dc42&vkey=74FAB75A9CB8F93143F83C73D56245A67CD6359415B14FC38CC5398DB2ACD7E4FC716E5B6BD50B6906CB27CBEBEF181027AFCF4DCB0B13DB277209D0D743E8EA76626284F20B401306A8C97322C8AEA8865B03A260D11C2FAE3E8C56CA815C7857CB7B108578EDAD1D15DD83E99408675FBBB3F431A2439A&ocid=1421088172) (0:52)
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 18:52:20
ЦитироватьChina launches meteorological satellite to benefit Belt and Road countries
Source: Xinhua | 2018-06-05 22:58:08 | Editor: yan

XICHANG, June 5 (Xinhua) -- China on Tuesday launched the new Fengyun-2H meteorological satellite to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting and provide better meteorological services to countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.

The Fengyun-2H was launched on a Long March-3A rocket at 9:07 p.m., Beijing Time, from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

It was the 277th mission of the Long March rocket series.

A geostationary orbit satellite, Fengyun-2H is the last in the Fengyun-2 series. The Fengyun-4 series will dominate China's new generation geostationary orbit meteorological satellites, said Zhao Jian, deputy director of the Department of System Engineering of China National Space Administration (CNSA).

In response to a request from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), the position of Fengyun-2H will be changed from original 86.5 degrees east longitude to 79 degrees east longitude.
This means the Fengyun series satellites will be able to cover all the territory of China, as well as countries along the Belt and Road, the Indian Ocean and most African countries, according to the CNSA.

The adjustment will enable the Fengyun series satellites to acquire meteorological data over a wider range, improve weather forecasting accuracy and the ability to cope with climate change and mitigate losses caused by natural disasters, Zhao said.

Equipped with a scanning radiometer and space environment monitor, Fengyun-2H will provide real time cloud and water vapor images and space weather information to clients in the Asia-Pacific region, said Wei Caiying, chief commander of the ground application system of Fengyun-2H and deputy director of the National Satellite Meteorological Center.

The Belt and Road region, which is mainly high mountains, deserts and oceans, lacks meteorological information. Damage from natural disasters, especially meteorological disasters, in the region is more than double the world average.

After four months of in-orbit tests, Fengyun-2H will provide data to help Belt and Road countries better cope with natural hazards, Zhao said.

"The move shows China's willingness to construct a community with a shared future," said Zhao.

It also addresses a WMO request to strengthen satellite observation of the Indian Ocean to fill a gap in the region, which is China's contribution to the international community as a major power of the developing world, Zhao said.

China will offer data of the Fengyun series free to Belt and Road countries and APSCO member countries, said Zhao.

China has helped establish ground stations to receive the data in some APSCO member countries, including Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, Iran and Mongolia. China plans to upgrade the stations and provide training to technicians in those countries.

If countries along the Belt and Road are struck by disasters like typhoons, rainstorms, sandstorms and forest or prairie fires, they can apply for and quickly get the data, Wei said.

China's meteorological satellites have played an important role in the Belt and Road region. For instance, the Fengyun-2E satellite captured an indication of heavy rainfall in Pakistan in August 2017, and issued a timely warning to avoid casualties.

China already has 17 Fengyun series meteorological satellites in space, with eight in operation, including five in geostationary orbit and three in polar orbit, to observe extreme weather, climate and environment events around the globe.

The WMO has included China's Fengyun series of meteorological satellites as a major part of the global Earth observation system. They provide data to clients in more than 80 countries and regions. Weather forecasts in the eastern hemisphere depend mainly on China's meteorological satellites, according to the CNSA.

Since Fengyun-2A was sent into orbit on June 10, 1997, the Fengyun-2 series satellites have monitored more than 470 typhoons emerging in the western Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea.

They helped improve the accuracy of typhoon forecasting. In 2015, the deviation of China's prediction of typhoon tracks within 24 hours was less than 70 kilometers, among the world's best, according to the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), producer of the Fengyun series.

The new generation Fengyun-4A geostationary meteorological satellite launched at the end of 2016 can improve observation efficiency by 20 times compared with the Fengyun-2 series, said SAST.
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 19:03:25
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234470.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234470.jpg)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234471.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234471.jpg)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234472.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234472.jpg)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234468.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234468.jpg)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234467.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234467.jpg)
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 19:53:18

ЦитироватьВ Китае запущен метеорологический спутник для улучшения обслуживания стран вдоль "Пояса и пути"
2018-06-06 00:25:12丨Russian.News.Cn

Сичан, 5 июня /Синьхуа/ -- В Китае сегодня был запущен новый метеорологический спутник "Фэнъюнь-2H", предназначенный для повышения точности прогнозирования погоды и улучшения метеорологического обслуживания участвующих в инициативе "Пояса и пути" стран.

Спутник "Фэнъюнь-2Н" был запущен с использованием ракеты-носителя "Чанчжэн-3А" в 21:07 по пекинскому времени с космодрома Сичан в провинции Сычуань /Юго-Западный Китай/.

Данный запуск стал 277-й миссией ракет серии "Чанчжэн". --0--
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 19:59:10
ЦитироватьLong March 3A rocket launches Fengyun-2H meteorological satellite
by Andrew Jones (http://spacenews.com/author/andrew-jones/) — June 5, 2018

A Long March 3A lifts off June 6 from Xichang Satellite Launch Centre with Fengyun-2H weather satellite. Credit: CASC

HELSINKI, Finland – China on Tuesday launched the Fengyun-2H weather satellite, successfully inserting the near 1.4-metric-ton spacecraft into a geostationary-transfer orbit.

The Long March 3A launch vehicle lifted off from Launch Complex 3 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China at 09:07 a.m. Eastern, in accordance with airspace closure notices published days in advance.

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) announced success of the launch just under an hour after liftoff.

Fengyun-2H is the eighth and final of the Fengyun-2 series of spin-stabilized weather satellites for geostationary orbit, development of which began in the 1980s under CASC.

The satellite is equipped with a Stretched Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (S-VISSR) for multi-purpose weather satellite imagery, a Space Environment Monitor (SEM), a Solar X-ray Monitor (SXM) and Data Collection Service (DCS).
Fengyun-2H weather satellite undergoing testing. Credit: CASC

Fengyun-2H is designed with a lifetime of at least four years and will be positioned at 79 degrees East, after on-orbit testing at 86.5 degrees East. It will be operated by the National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA).

A second generation of much larger, more capable three-axis stabilized geostationary meteorological satellites, named the Fengyun-4 series, are currently under development. The first of these, Fengyun-4A, was launched in December 2016.

Tuesday's launch was the 17th Chinese launch of 2018 overall, following the Gaofen-6 remote-sensing satellite mission which lifted off from Jiuquan on Saturday. It was the first mission from Xichang since the launch of the Chang'e-4 lunar communications relay satellite into trans-lunar injection on May 20.

CASC is planning a potential 36 launches in 2018, and emerging non-government launch providers could take China's number of orbital launches to over 40 for the year.

Xichang, which is mainly used for launches to geostationary transfer orbit, could see as many as 17 launches this year, mostly of Beidou navigation and positioning satellites, which China is linking to its Belt and Road Initiative.

A new pair of Beidou satellites are likely to be next on the pad at Xichang, with a Long March 3B and Yuanzheng-1 upper stage to loft them into medium earth orbits in late June.

June could also see the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China host the launch of a pair of remote sensing satellite for Pakistan.
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 21:43:13
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67577.jpg)Cosmic Penguin‏ @Cosmic_Penguin (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin) 33 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin/status/1004062574101581825)

The launch of the FY-2H weather satellite today at 13:07 UTC closes out the 2+ decades long FY-2 Chinese weather satellite program. It might also be the very last new spin stabilized "spinners" to launch, the icon of satellites in the 70s/80s. (photo by Liu Kun/Xinhua)

Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 21:52:46
НОРАД обнаружил два объекта запуска
1 43491U 18050A   18156.74357043 -.00000177  00000-0  00000+0 0  9994
2 43491  24.5607  80.7921 7300780 180.8610 148.7086  2.27214771    00

1 43492U 18050B   18156.74469984 -.00000178  00000-0  00000+0 0  9994
2 43492  24.5586  80.7497 7301727 181.5048 147.2266  2.23617165    15
43491 / 2018-050A : 219 x 35906 km x 24.561°
43492 / 2018-050B : 287 x 36361 km x 24.559°
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.06.2018 22:17:23
Ещё видео (https://cs519631.vkuservideo.net/5/u50938680/videos/9cbe988af6.480.mp4) пуска

https://cs519631.vkuservideo.net/5/u50938680/videos/9cbe988af6.480.mp4 (https://cs519631.vkuservideo.net/5/u50938680/videos/9cbe988af6.480.mp4) (1:49)
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2018 02:25:20
Tкп = 21:07:03.898 BJT (13:07:03.898 UTC)

Код миссии: 07-88
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2018 02:30:03
ЦитироватьFengyun-2H launched by Long March-3A rocket

SciNews (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjU6ZwoTQtKWfz1urL7XcbA)

Опубликовано: 5 июн. 2018 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCbqQMnvDr8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCbqQMnvDr8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCbqQMnvDr8) (0:51)
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2018 10:42:01
ЦитироватьChina launches meteorological satellite for Belt and Road countries

New China TV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHBDXQDmqnaqIEPdEapEFVQ)

Опубликовано: 6 июн. 2018 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x75vnJo8FIchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x75vnJo8FIc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x75vnJo8FIc) (1:09)
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2018 10:43:27
ЦитироватьChina launches meteorological satellite to benefit Belt and Road countries

CGTN (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgrNz-aDmcr2uuto8_DL2jg)

Опубликовано: 5 июн. 2018 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqIsVJB5Ue4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqIsVJB5Ue4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqIsVJB5Ue4) (0:59)
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2018 19:01:42
ЦитироватьChinese weather satellite successfully boosted into orbit
June 5, 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/06/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

A Long March 3A rocket launched the Fengyun 2H weather satellite Tuesday. Credit: CALT

The last in an older generation of spin-stabilized Chinese weather satellites launched Tuesday toward a perch more than 22,000 miles over the equator, the start of a mission of at least four years monitoring tropical cyclones and other weather systems across Africa and Asia.

The Fengyun 2H weather observatory lifted off at 1307 GMT (9:07 a.m. EDT) Tuesday fr om the Xichang space center in southwestern China's Sichuan province, according to the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, or CALT, the country's primary developer and manufacturer of satellite launchers.
A 172-foot-tall (52.5-meter) Long March 3A rocket carried the weather monitoring payload into orbit, and its hydrogen-fueled upper stage released the 3,042-pound (1,380-kilogram) Fengyun 2H spacecraft in orbit.

U.S. military tracking data indicated the Long March 3A booster placed the weather satellite in an elliptical transfer orbit ranging in altitude between 144 miles (233 kilometers) and 22,305 miles (35,897 kilometers), with an inclination of 24.6 degrees to the equator.

Chinese officials declared Tuesday's launch a success, marking the country's 17th space launch of the year.

As a secondary objective on Tuesday's flight, the Long March 3A's upper stage conducted an experiment to study the behavior of cryogenic liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants in space, gathering data for Chinese engineers designing cryogenic rocket stages that could fly longer-duration missions lasting several hours, according to CALT.

It was the first time a Chinese rocket conducted such an in-orbit experiment with cryogenic fuel, CALT officials said in a press release.

Fengyun 2H's on-board engine will maneuver the satellite into a circular geostationary orbit in the coming weeks, achieving a perch where it will remain around 22,000 miles over the equator, circling Earth at the same speed of the planet's rotation.

After a four-month post-launch checkout, Fengyun 2H will enter service at 79 degrees east longitude. Its operational meteorological mission is expected to last at least four years.

The China Meteorological Administration and other Chinese space authorities agreed to a request from the World Meteorological Organization and the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization to shift Fengyun 2H's planned operating position westward from 86.5 degrees east to 79 degrees east, the Chinese weather agency said in a statement.

The location change will place Fengyun 2H over the Indian Ocean, giving the new satellite's imager better coverage of Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, key focus regions for China's "Belt and Road" foreign investment and infrastructure development initiative, intended to address the country's long-term diplomatic, economic and military objectives.

The new geostationary position will also improve weather monitoring over the Indian Ocean, wh ere there is a gap in weather satellite coverage, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

The Fengyun 2H satellite during pre-launch testing. Credit: CASC

Fengyun 2H is the eighth and final satellite to launch in the Fengyun 2 series since 1997. An explosion explosion killed a worker and destroyed the first Fengyun 2 satellite in a fueling hall at the Xichang launch base in 1994.

Three of the Fengyun 2 satellites — Fengyun 2E, 2F and 2G — remain active in operational or standby roles.

China's first new-generation geostationary weather satellite, named Fengyun 4A, launched in December 2016 and entered operational service earlier this year at 105 degrees east longitude after more than a year-long test and validation campaign.

Fengyun 2E is located at 86.5 degrees east, Fengyun 2F is positioned at 112.5 degrees east, and Fengyun 2G, previously parked at 105 degrees east, was commanded to drift to 99.5 degrees east once Fengyun 4A began regular weather observations.

The latest satellite — Fengyun 2H or FY-2H — will become the westernmost member of China's geostationary weather satellite fleet, which have missions similar to NOAA's GOES weather observatories.

Chinese meteorologists exchange weather data acquired by the Fengyun satellites with NOAA and Eumetsat, its European counterpart. Fengyun 2H will provide Chinese forecasters data on weather systems approaching China from the west, and emergency authorities in Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia will be able to request dedicated weather observations from the new satellite, which is capable of taking images of localized weather systems like typhoons as rapidly as every six minutes, Chinese officials said.

China helped establish ground stations in Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, Iran and Mongolia to receive weather satellite data, Xinhua reported.

"FY-2H can provide custom-made services for countries along 'Belt and Road' territories, and data support for weather prediction and disaster prevention and mitigation," CMA said in a statement. "Countries along 'Belt and Road' territories are deficient in meteorological data and subject to grave natural disasters."

The barrel-shaped satellite is spin-stabilized — rotating at 100 rpm — and carries a scanning radiometer to image Earth's weather in visible and infrared wavelengths, allowing day and night imagery of storms. Its imaging instrument will take pictures of an entire hemisphere of Earth every half-hour in most scenarios, with the capability to collect scans more often in specific regions.

A space environment monitor aboard Fengyun 2H will detect solar X-rays and high-energy particles to support space weather forecasting.

China has a fleet of polar-orbiting weather satellites working in concert with the geostationary Fengyun constellation.

The upgraded Fengyun 4-series satellites are larger and designed to function longer than the Fengyun 2 satellites. The Fengyun 4 satellites carry imagers to capture more detailed views of clouds and storms, a lightning detector, and an infrared sounder to measure temperatures, moisture, ozone and atmospheric instability at different altitudes in the atmosphere.

China's next geostationary weather satellite, Fengyun 4B, is scheduled for launch in early 2019, according to an April presentation by representatives of China's National Satellite Meteorological Center at an international meteorology workshop.
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2018 19:20:45
НОРАД определился с объектами запуска
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.06.2018 22:37:19
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg)Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 25 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/1005165143616032768)

The first stage of the Long March 3A launched from Xichang on Tuesday 'landed' (thankfully harmlessly) near Fuquan in Guizhou province. Rocket successfully carried Fengyun-2H satellite to GTO. https://goo.gl/Hvhkqw  (https://t.co/9KOycPEXo6)

Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.06.2018 01:21:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1007385391132012546)

China'a Fengyun 2H weather sat now tracked in 35775 x 35796 km x 2.3 deg orbit in GEO over 93.9E; apogee motor ejected to 35482 x 36212 km x 2.4 deg, drifting in GEO
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2018 21:26:13
Сабж на ГСО
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.08.2018 09:26:28
ЦитироватьМетеорологический спутник "Фэнъюнь-2H" выведен на орбиту в 79 градусов восточной долготы
2018-08-03 02:29:55丨Russian.News.Cn

Пекин, 2 августа /Синьхуа/ -- Заместитель руководителя Национального центра метеорологических спутников при Метеорологическом управлении КНР Вэй Цайин на состоявшейся сегодня пресс-конференции сообщила об успешном выведении спутника "Фэнъюнь-2H" на орбиту в 79 градусов восточной долготы. Уже получены полные изображения поверхности Земли в зоне, мониторинг которой осуществляет аппарат. Четкость изображений высокая, качество отличное. Спутник работает в нормальном, стабильном режиме.

Спутник "Фэнъюнь-2Н" был запущен в 21:07 5 июня с космодрома Сичан в провинции Сычуань /Юго-Западный Китай/. Он предназначен для повышения точности прогнозирования погоды и улучшения метеорологического обслуживания стран, участвующих в инициативе "Пояса и пути".
Название: Fengyun-2H (FY-2H) — CZ-3A — Сичан (XSLC), LC3 — 05.06.2018 12:59 - 13:56 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 05.12.2018 00:18:22
ЦитироватьДва китайских метеоспутника переданы заказчику
 Пекин, 3 декабря /Синьхуа/ -- Китайская корпорация аэрокосмической науки и техники /CASC/ официально передала государственной метеослужбе два метеорологических спутника - "Фэнъюнь-2H" и "Фэнъюнь-3D".
Эти аппараты позволят предоставлять метеорологические данные Китаю, а также странам вдоль "Пояса и пути", сообщили на состоявшейся в конце ноября церемонии передачи.
"Фэнъюнь-2H", запуск которого состоялся 5 июня 2018 года, представляет собой последний отечественный геостационарный метеоспутник первого поколения.
По словам главного синоптика Национального центра спутниковой метеорологии Хань Сючжэнь, "Фэнъюнь-2H" находится на орбите в 79 градусов восточной долготы. Вместе с другим спутником этой серии, находящимся на орбите в 86,5 градуса восточной долготы, они позволяют повысить точность прогнозирования стихийных бедствий в стране и минимизировать ущерб от них.
"Фэнъюнь-3D" -
четвертый китайский полярный орбитальный метеоспутник второго поколения - был запущен 15 ноября 2017 года. По итогам шестимесячного орбитального тестирования, аппарат способен удовлетворять потребность в исследовании атмосферы, парниковых газов и космической среды.
"Фэнъюнь-3D" оборудован зондом с высочайшим в стране спектральным разрешением. В состав наземного сегмента спутниковой системы входят шесть станций, четыре из которых расположены в Китае, остальные - на обоих полюсах Земли, рассказала Хань Сючжэнь.
Китай успешно запустил в общей сложности 17 спутников семейства "Фэнъюнь", восемь из которых в настоящее время работают на орбите.
По словам эксперта, Китай - один из важных участников Глобальной системы систем наблюдения Земли и Международной Хартии по космосу и крупным катастрофам. При помощи своих метеоспутников он вносит вклад в борьбу со стихийными бедствиями и содействует социально-экономическому развитию в 93 странах и районах мира.