Форум Новости Космонавтики

Тематические разделы => Прикладная космонавтика => Тема начата: tnt22 от 27.03.2018 15:16:05

Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.03.2018 15:16:05
ЦитироватьZHWH, ZPKM

. CREATED: 27 MAR 06:02 2018

Тайюань, с 03:16 по 03:43 UTC 2018-03-31 (ориентировочно 03:20 UTC)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.03.2018 16:04:59
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.03.2018 17:40:00
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg)Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 23 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/978998944725389312)

China set for tenth orbital mission of 2018 on Saturday with launch of Earth observation satellites from Taiyuan (if Thursday's CZ-3B/YZ-1 launch of a Beidou sat duo goes ahead)

https://gbtimes.com/china-set-for-tenth-orbital-mission-of-2018-on-saturday-with-launch-of-earth-observation-satellites-from-taiyuan (https://t.co/36zECy3803)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.03.2018 15:08:50
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67577.jpg)Cosmic Penguin‏ @Cosmic_Penguin (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin/status/979653821663072256)

There's another Chinese launch early tomorrow ~03:20 UTC from Taiyuan. After some confusions Chinese media finally confirmed that the launch is of GF-1-02, 03 & 04 together on an LM-4C. They will be used with the original GF-1 launched 5 years ago as an operational constellation.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 06:45:45
Похоже, пуск состоялся, ниже ссылки на любительское видео:

https://www.weibo.com/5616492130/G9TQqi8d3?from=page_1005055616492130_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime (https://www.weibo.com/5616492130/G9TQqi8d3?from=page_1005055616492130_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime)

https://f.us.sinaimg.cn/000ONMkslx07jjUO8oc8010402001Ntg0k010.mp4?label=mp4_720p&template=720x1280.28&Expires=1522471159&ssig=XwgWd19euz&KID=unistore,video (https://f.us.sinaimg.cn/000ONMkslx07jjUO8oc8010402001Ntg0k010.mp4?label=mp4_720p&template=720x1280.28&Expires=1522471159&ssig=XwgWd19euz&KID=unistore,video)
(video (https://f.us.sinaimg.cn/000ONMkslx07jjUO8oc8010402001Ntg0k010.mp4?label=mp4_720p&template=720x1280.28&Expires=1522471159&ssig=XwgWd19euz&KID=unistore,video) 0:08 )
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 07:27:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67577.jpg)Cosmic Penguin‏ @Cosmic_Penguin (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin) 3 мин.3 минуты назад (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin/status/979936872494383104)

Launch success was confirmed with T-0 at 03:22 UTC
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 07:29:20
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67577.jpg)Cosmic Penguin‏ @Cosmic_Penguin (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Cosmic_Penguin/status/979936874386014208)

The 3 satellites are stacked on top of each other for this launch, so this Long March 4C rocket have a fairly long nose.  ;)  (photos via CASC)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 07:56:01

http://vliveachy.tc.qq.com/vhot2.qqvideo.tc.qq.com/A5Eo9FNDLZe62ZwdiaVT_gzDaH1peG9tLD5oDdB_6mrM/p1336nzlpsa.p712.1.mp4?sdtfrom=v1001&type=mp4&vkey=F16EC95D9460A3E8644C8809493E4CF9996CF65355B5A5E5695D2E0D6D4E2C8230F0EDA0D8E66D9447F61101932A66A17B45188ACA9D41633A705B4235AE86484CDAF8510CAFA6C4695DAB61B9F7990611A14B5C6C8E4816AE86BCF2417AEDFF04EB6CAE7E9F7FA93F3036906F532FFD96FEF12C4D618333&level=0&platform=70202&br=60&fmt=hd&sp=0&guid=7DB1ED7A9654332CA64F0E948D05337CC85EE1B3&ocid=1186207148&ocid=833033644 (http://vliveachy.tc.qq.com/vhot2.qqvideo.tc.qq.com/A5Eo9FNDLZe62ZwdiaVT_gzDaH1peG9tLD5oDdB_6mrM/p1336nzlpsa.p712.1.mp4?sdtfrom=v1001&type=mp4&vkey=F16EC95D9460A3E8644C8809493E4CF9996CF65355B5A5E5695D2E0D6D4E2C8230F0EDA0D8E66D9447F61101932A66A17B45188ACA9D41633A705B4235AE86484CDAF8510CAFA6C4695DAB61B9F7990611A14B5C6C8E4816AE86BCF2417AEDFF04EB6CAE7E9F7FA93F3036906F532FFD96FEF12C4D618333&level=0&platform=70202&br=60&fmt=hd&sp=0&guid=7DB1ED7A9654332CA64F0E948D05337CC85EE1B3&ocid=1186207148&ocid=833033644)
(video (http://vliveachy.tc.qq.com/vhot2.qqvideo.tc.qq.com/A5Eo9FNDLZe62ZwdiaVT_gzDaH1peG9tLD5oDdB_6mrM/p1336nzlpsa.p712.1.mp4?sdtfrom=v1001&type=mp4&vkey=F16EC95D9460A3E8644C8809493E4CF9996CF65355B5A5E5695D2E0D6D4E2C8230F0EDA0D8E66D9447F61101932A66A17B45188ACA9D41633A705B4235AE86484CDAF8510CAFA6C4695DAB61B9F7990611A14B5C6C8E4816AE86BCF2417AEDFF04EB6CAE7E9F7FA93F3036906F532FFD96FEF12C4D618333&level=0&platform=70202&br=60&fmt=hd&sp=0&guid=7DB1ED7A9654332CA64F0E948D05337CC85EE1B3&ocid=1186207148&ocid=833033644) 0:38 )
ЦитироватьКНР успешно запускает первое гражданское созвездие КА с высоким оптическим разрешением, и потребности в дистанционном зондировании в крупных отраслях больше не зависят от зарубежных стран
2018-03-31 Китайская аэрокосмическая научная и технологическая группа

В 11:22 31 марта из Космического спутникового центра Тайюань ракетой-носителем Long March 4C запущены космические аппараты Gaofen № 1-02, 1-03 и 1-04. Все три спутника точно выведены на заданную орбиту,  миссия запуска завершилась полным успехом.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 31.03.2018 08:46:29
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187306.jpg) .
Космические полёты Китая - ChinaSpaceFlight (https://vk.com/chinaspaceflight)  
31.03.2016 - 03:22 UTC (11:22 BJT) —Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC), TY LC-9 — CZ-4C/Chang Zheng-4C — Gaofen 1-02, 1-03, 1-04.
Пуск ракеты-носителя CZ-4C/Chang Zheng-4C из космодрома Тайюань (TSLC - Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center) успешно осуществлён! Ждём официального подтверждения СМИ Китая.
Launch success has been confirmed with T-0 at 03:22 UTC.(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196593.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196593.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196593.png)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 08:50:41
ЦитироватьChina moves to 10 for 10 in 2018 with launch of three Gaofen Earth observation satellites
by Andrew Jones (https://gbtimes.com/authors/658) | Mar 31, 2018 08:13 | CHINA (https://gbtimes.com/tag/China) ● BEIJING (https://gbtimes.com/tag/beijing) ● ENVIRONMENT (https://gbtimes.com/tag/environment)

The CBERS-4 satellite blasting off atop a Long March 4B rocket on December 7, 2014 from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre. CNS

The successful launch of three small satellites on Saturday from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre marked China's tenth orbital mission of 2018 and added to a civilian Earth observation system.

Launch of a Long March 4C rocket took place at 03:22 UTC (11:22 Beijing time) on Saturday, carrying the Gaofen-1 02, 03 and 04 satellites into a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of around 645 kilometres.

The satellites carry with them 2-meter resolution CCD cameras, 8m resolution multi-spectrum imagers, and 16m multi-spectrum imagers.

Together with the Gaofen-1 satellite launched in 2013, form a constellation to provide a 2 days revisit coverage and 11 days global coverage.
These and other Gaofen (meaning 'high resolution') satellites are part of the China High-resolution Earth Observation System (CHEOS (http://www.cheos.org.cn/)) program, consisting of multi-spectrum imaging and synthetic aperture radar satellites.

One of the Gaofen 1 02, 03 and 04 Earth observation satellites before launch. CAST

CHEOS is intended to provide high temporal, spatial and spectral resolution Earth observation for resource and environmental management, disaster prevention and relief, and meteorology, climate, hydrology and global change monitoring.

It will also assist China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaboration, and could include airplanes and stratospheric balloons.

The satellites were developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), subordinate to the main space programme contractor, CASC.

Specifications of the Gaofen-1 02, 03 and 04 triplets. CASC

The last launch of a CHEOS satellite, Gaofen-10 (https://gbtimes.com/did-china-just-suffer-first-space-launch-failure-2016), ended in failure when an upper stage issue with another Long March 4C resulted in the satellite not reaching the velocities required to enter orbit.

China's intense 2018 launch schedule

The launch follows China's ninth launch of the year on Thursday, which sent a pair of Beidou satellites (https://gbtimes.com/china-sends-latest-pair-of-beidou-satellites-into-medium-earth-orbit-with-ninth-launch-of-2018) to medium Earth orbit from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre.

Overall, China is aiming to launch around 40 times in 2018 (https://gbtimes.com/china-to-attempt-more-than-40-space-launches-in-2018-including-long-march-5-and-lunar-far-side-missions) - nearly double the national record of 22 set in 2016.

Major missions will be the return-to-flight of the Long March 5 (https://gbtimes.com/chinas-long-march-5-rocket-to-return-to-flight-in-second-half-of-2018) heavy-lift rocket from Wenchang, and the two-launch Chang'e-4 (https://gbtimes.com/channel/features/123) lunar mission to the far side of the Moon.

Gaofen-5 (http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/gf-5.htm), another CHEOS constellation satellite, is expected to launch from Taiyuan in April.

Stacking of the Long March 4C rocket to launch the Gaofen-1 02, 03 and 04 triplets in March 2018 at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre. CASC

Gaofen imagery

China already has Gaofen 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9 satellites operating in low Earth orbit, as well as Gaofen 4 placed in geostationary orbit.

The Pearl River Delta captured by the Chinese Gaofen-4 geostationary satellite. SASTIND

The Northeastern city of Harbin, in Heilongjiang Province, imaged by Gaofen-2. SASTIND

Vegetation and dried rivers of a mountain range in Gansu province. CHEOS
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: Безумный Шляпник от 31.03.2018 10:16:22
Головной обтекатель на три Гаофеня такой же как в запусках троек CNOSS-ов типа Яогань-9?
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: Безумный Шляпник от 31.03.2018 10:21:06
Сдается мне, должно появиться 6 (или 5) крупных объектов: три спутника, два sylda-образных адаптера и ступень (ступень могут и утопить). Если ступень утопят - будет 5 объектов, не утопят - шесть.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 31.03.2018 11:08:25
ЦитироватьСМИ: Китай вывел на орбиту три оптических спутника
ШАНХАЙ, 31 марта. /ТАСС/. Китай успешно запустил и вывел на заданную орбиту три оптических спутника. Как сообщает Центральное телевидение Китая (http://www.cctv.com/index.shtml), запуск состоялся в субботу в 11:22 по местному времени (06:22 мск) с космодрома Тайюань (северная провинция Шаньси).
Три запущенных аппарата, получившие номера 02, 03 и 04, созданы на базе введенного в эксплуатацию в апреле 2013 года спутника дистанционного зондирования Земли с высоким разрешением Gaofen-1, однако отличаются улучшенными техническими характеристиками. Установленные на каждом из них две мультиспектральные камеры позволяют производить цветную съемку с разрешением в 2 м. Спутники предназначены для сбора данных о природных ресурсах, экологическом состоянии окружающей среды и предотвращения стихийных бедствий. Аппараты будут использоваться для нужд транспортных служб, сельского и лесного хозяйств, а также океанографических исследований.
В телевизионном репортаже подчеркивается, что это первая группировка спутников, запущенных Китаем исключительно для гражданских нужд. Агентство "Синьхуа (http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/home.htm)" со ссылкой на Китайскую корпорацию космической науки и техники (CASC), которая разработала эти аппараты, сообщило, что спутники были выведены в космос при помощи ракеты-носителя "Чанчжэн-4С" (Long March 4C). С запуском этих спутников общее число произведенных и выведенных на орбиту CASC космических аппаратов за последние 50 лет достигло 230 единиц.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 31.03.2018 11:19:36
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg)Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 4 ч.4 часа назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/979950944908693504)

China moves to 10 for 10 in 2018 with launch of three Gaofen Earth observation satellites
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125262.png) 10 - 10 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125285.png)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 31.03.2018 11:24:10
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30998.jpg)CGWIC‏ @CGWIC (https://twitter.com/CGWIC) сейчас1 минуту назад (https://twitter.com/CGWIC/status/980022627703181312)

LM–4C launcher put three Chinese GF–1 remote sensing satellites into orbit on March 31.

Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 14:48:34
Tкп = 11:22:08.332 BJT --> 03:22:08.332 UTC
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 14:55:15
Видеоновости канала CCTV13

Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 15:32:12
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/81769) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/81768) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/81766) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/81767) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/81770) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/81765)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 15:39:07
Репортаж с космодрома (CCTV)

http://video.chinanews.com/flv/2018/0331/0002.mp4 (http://video.chinanews.com/flv/2018/0331/0002.mp4) (0:56)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 31.03.2018 17:12:53
ЦитироватьБезумный Шляпник пишет:
Сдается мне, должно появиться 6 (или 5) крупных объектов: три спутника, два sylda-образных адаптера и ступень (ступень могут и утопить). Если ступень утопят - будет 5 объектов, не утопят - шесть.
Цитировать2018-031A/43259 in 493 x 645 km x 98.077°
2018-031B/43260 in 637 x 641 km x 98.033°
2018-031C/43261 in 639 x 643 km x 98.025°
2018-031D/43262 in 635 x 642 km x 98.033°
2018-031E/43263  no data
2018-031F/43264 no data
2018-031G/43265 in 639 x 647 km x 98.024°
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 17:44:51
ЦитироватьБезумный Шляпник пишет:
Сдается мне, должно появиться 6 (или 5) крупных объектов: три спутника, два sylda-образных адаптера и ступень (ступень могут и утопить). Если ступень утопят - будет 5 объектов, не утопят - шесть.
НОРАД опубликовал:
1 43259U 18031A   18090.31843550 -.00000075  00000-0  00000+0 0  9995
2 43259  98.0767 166.2437 0109418  32.8905 327.9246 14.99266322    31

1 43260U 18031B   18090.26327648 -.00000052  00000-0  00000+0 0  9991
2 43260  98.0327 166.1283 0002805 266.1251 148.5506 14.76937321    14

1 43261U 18031C   18090.32078945 -.00000051  00000-0  00000+0 0  9991
2 43261  98.0252 166.1791 0003147 279.8307  80.2389 14.76381148    21

1 43262U 18031D   18090.32079923 -.00000052  00000-0  00000+0 0  9990
2 43262  98.0331 166.1852 0004742 219.8116 140.4780 14.77094952    21

1 43265U 18031G   18090.26029103 -.00000051  00000-0  00000+0 0  9990
2 43265  98.0243 166.1170 0005863 286.7710 111.7701 14.75634352    12
5 объектов, два номера зарезервированы
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 18:44:42
Синьхуа (англ. ред.)
ЦитироватьChina launches high resolution earth observation satellites
Source: Xinhua | 2018-03-31 23:38:14 | Editor: yan

TAIYUAN, March 31 (Xinhua) -- China on Saturday launched three Gaofen-1 imaging satellites as part of the country's high-definition earth observation project.

The satellites was launched off on the back of a Long March 4C rocket at 11:22 a.m. Beijing time from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province. It was the 270th flight mission by a Long March carrier rocket.

As high resolution imaging satellites that are accurate to two meters in distance, they will be used for fields including disaster warning, ecological protection, infrastructure construction, transportation and emergency response.

The satellites, designed by China Spacesat, have a lifespan of six years.

They will work together with another previously launched Gaofen-1 satellite.

Since the inception of the Gaofen project in 2013, China has had an increasingly clearer view of the planet.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 20:04:10
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186239.jpg) Space View‏ @bjspaceview (https://twitter.com/bjspaceview) 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/bjspaceview/status/979962073953087488)

Congratulations! 3 more Gaofen-1 satellites were successfully launched 2 hrs.ago. There are 4 GF-1 satellites now. Please be reminded that Space View is the authorized imagery providers of all GF satellites for global users. http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1AgJAMpP_Bzp3nFQmx2MVA ... (https://t.co/wON1LEleWB)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 20:50:58
ЦитироватьTenth Chinese Launch of 2018 Lifts Three Gaofen-1 Earth-Imaging Satellites
 March 31, 2018 (http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-4c-launches-three-gaofen-1-satellites/) 

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154280.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Gaofen-01-Group-01-Launch.jpg)
Photo: Xinhua
China carried out its tenth successful space launch of the year on Saturday, employing a Long March 4C rocket with extra-extended payload fairing to transport a stack of three Gaofen-1 Earth-observation satellites into Sun Synchronous Orbit. Liftoff from the country's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center occurred at 3:22 UTC and Chinese officials were quick to announce the successful orbital delivery of the three newest additions to the Gaofen fleet, named Gaofen-1-02, 03 and 04.

Gaofen, which translates to 'high resolution,' is the designation of China's primary civilian Earth observation project flying under the CHEOS Program – China High-Resolution Earth Observation System. Announced around 2006, CHEOS relies on various platforms including airplanes, stratospheric balloons and differently instrumented satellites to collect relevant Earth observation parameters for a wide array of applications from environmental monitoring, agricultural planning to disaster relief and national security.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154263.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/6462899_orig.jpg)
Gaofen-1 – Image: CAST

Satellites flying under CHEOS are equipped with a variety of sensors from high resolution, multispectral optical imagers to radar payloads, infrared imagers and microwave payloads as well as specialized sensors. Satellites belonging to CHEOS are operated in different orbits including Low Earth Orbit and Geostationary Orbit to create a range of data products at different qualities and revisit times.

The program's first launch occurred in 2013 when Gaofen-1, a high-resolution optical imaging satellite, rode into orbit atop a Long March 2D rocket. Outfitted with a pair of High Resolution Cameras and four Wide-Field Imagers, the satellite was reportedly capable of covering a ground swath of 69 Kilometers at a ground resolution of two meters for black-and-white and eight meters for multispectral imagery using the high-resolution payload while the wide-field instrument captured 16-meter resolution imagery across an 830km swath.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/153986.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/CXY54L2UAAAABig.jpg-orig.jpg)
Gaofen-4 – Image: CAST via Xinhua

Gaofen-2 launched in 2014 and hosts a single High-Resolution Optical Imaging payload reaching a ground resolution of 80 centimeters for panchromatic images and 3.2 meters for multispectral products. Flying under the auspices of the State Oceanic Administration, Gaofen-3 launched in 2016 as the constellation's first radar satellite – collecting high-quality imagery with a resolution better than one meters using a multi-polarized C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar for all-day, all-weather imaging.

Taking up residence in Geostationary Orbit in 2015, Gaofen-4 is tasked with the acquisition of near-real-time, high cadence imagery with a staring camera covering the entire Chinese mainland at 50-meter resolution. Gaofen-5 is yet to launch and will host six instruments primarily focused on atmospheric sensing to measure greenhouse gas emissions, trace gases and various other atmospheric properties extracted from a number of multi-spectral payloads.

Per the original Gaofen announcement, the 6th satellite in the series was to be a replacement for Gaofen-1 at the end of its lifetime and Gaofen-7 was to host a hyperspectral stereo-imager.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154281.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Gaofen-1-Series-CAST.jpg)
Gaofen-1 Series Satellite – Image: CAST

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154282.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Gaofen-1-Series-Processing.jpg)
Photo: CAST / DFH Satellite

However, plans apparently changed as Gaofen-6 and 7 are still waiting for launch, though satellites 8, 9 and 10 lifted off in 2015 and 2016 with the last falling victim to a rare Long March 4C launch failure. These additions to the Gaofen fleet, all of them optical satellites, had a strong flavor of either being surplus military reconnaissance satellites donated over to the civilian side or flying under a dual-purpose program between the two sectors. This assumption was made based on the secrecy surrounding their launches and the satellites' appearance closely resembling members of the Yaogan reconnaissance fleet.
The Gaofen-1 trio launched on Saturday also appears to be taking a page from Yaogan's playbook, at least by copying the naming convention recently introduced for the Yaogan-30 constellation. (http://spaceflight101.com/yaogan-30-04-launch/)Named Gaofen-1-02, -03 and -04, the satellites deployed on Saturday are reportedly similar to the original Gaofen-1 launched in 2013 with the expectation that the 16-meter Wide-Field array is omitted from the new members, likely in an effort to cut mass to enable a three-satellite launch on a single rocket.

Each of the new Gaofen-1 members has a launch mass of 805 Kilograms and hosts two high-resolution cameras capable of collecting panchromatic cameras with a resolution exceeding two meters and multi-spectral imagery at a resolution better than eight meters, covering a swath of at least 66 Kilometers.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154284.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GF-1-Fairing-CASC.jpg)
Photo: CASC

According to satellite builder CAST, the Gaofen-1 series satellites were built by its commercial subsidiary China Spacesat Co. Ltd., taking the CAST Small Satellite Bus as a basis. The three satellites are to be evenly spaced by 120 degrees in their orbital plane, operating from a 645-Kilometer Sun Synchronous Orbit with a local time of descending node at 10:30. This three-satellite constellation will offer an orbit repeat cycle of 15 days and a revisit time of two days. During the overlap with the still-operational Gaofen-1-01 satellite, the combined 3+1 constellation will offer one-day revisit coverage with the original satellite in an 11:00 LTDN orbit.
To deliver the three new Gaofen members, Long March 4C launched with its longest available fairing that last flew in 2014 on the Yaogan-25 triplet launch. It was the 270th launch of the Long March rocket family, according to Chinese state media, and the 22nd for the Long March 4C variant.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154283.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GF-1-CZ4C-CASC.jpg)
Photo: CASC

Long March 4C is derived from the CZ-4B Launcher, but features a re-startable upper stage and can accommodate a larger Payload Fairing. It is operated from the Jiuquan and Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centers.

CZ-4C has a liftoff mass of 250,000 Kilograms and is 45.8 meters in length with a diameter of 3.35 meters. It features several improvements over the CZ-4B such as new telemetry, tracking, control, and self-destruction systems that are smaller in size.

The first stage of the vehicle is powered by a YF-21B Rocket Engine which consists of a cluster of four YF-20B Engines each providing 814 Kilonewtons of Vacuum Thrust

At liftoff, the YF-21B provides a thrust of 2,962 Kilonewtons generating a total Thrust-to-Weight ratio of 1.21. The Engine Assembly has a weight of 2,850 Kilograms, is 3.3 meters in length and 3.5 meters in diameter. The engine nozzles are gimbaled for vehicle control. All three Stages of the vehicle use Nitrogen Tetroxide as oxidizer and Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine as fuel. The first stage has a liftoff mass of 193,300 Kilograms including 183,300 Kilograms of propellants. It is 24.7 meters in length.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154279.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Gaofen-01-Group-01-Launch1.jpg)
Photo: Xinhua

The second stage of the vehicle is powered by a YF-22B Main Engine providing 738 Kilonewtons of thrust and a four-chamber vernier yet designated YF-23F providing 46 Kilonewtons of thrust. The main engines is fixed while the four vernier nozzles can be gimbaled for attitude control during powered flight. The stage is 10.4 meters long and holds 35,370 Kilograms of storable propellants. Both, the first and second stage, are based on components that are flown on other CZ Rockets. The third stage however, is a specially designed rocket stage for the Long March 4C and its purposes.

The stage is 4.9 meters long and has a reduced diameter of 2.9 meters. Liftoff mass is 14,560 Kilograms including 12,800 Kilograms of propellants. It uses a 98-Kilonewton YF-40 Rocket Engine. YF-40 has a dry weight of approximately 166 Kilograms and a diameter of 0.65 meters. It provides re-ignition capability to the vehicle in order to target a variety of orbits and provide precise injection capabilities.

Long March 4C is capable of delivering payloads of up to 4,200 Kilograms to Low Earth Orbit. Sun Synchronous Orbit capability is 2,800 Kilograms and Payloads of up to 1,500 Kilograms can be delivered to Geostationary Transfer Orbit by the Long March 4C.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.03.2018 21:13:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187278.jpg) (https://vk.com/cgtnrussian) CGTN на русском (https://vk.com/cgtnrussian)
сегодня в 9:47 (https://vk.com/wall-134170537_19605)

Сегодня в 11 часов 22 минуты с космодрома Тайюань успешно произошел пуск трех спутников на одном ракетоносителе. В 11 часов 56 минут объекты были доставлены на орбиту. Эта был первый в истории Китая успешный запуск и ввод в эксплуатацию одновременно трех спутников гражданского назначения. Космической группировке, которая также называется "гаофэнь ихао", были присвоены номера 02, 03 и 04. Космическим объектам достались все передовые технические характеристики "гаофэнь ихао" и одинаковые функции.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.04.2018 14:18:42
ЦитироватьChina launches high resolution earth observation satellites

CGTN (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgrNz-aDmcr2uuto8_DL2jg)

Опубликовано: 31 мар. 2018 г.

China launched a Long March 4C carrier rocket with three Gaofen-1 satellites from the Taiyuan Satellites Launch Center on Saturday. The three satellites were launched as part of the country's high-definition earth observation project.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOaxHW1g6Z4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOaxHW1g6Z4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOaxHW1g6Z4) (0:24)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.04.2018 17:20:07
ЦитироватьChina Puts 1st Commercial Satellite Constellation into Use

CCTV+ (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv5DbNpxH8X2eQxJBqEjKQ)

Опубликовано: 31 мар. 2018 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCBeYFnizuMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCBeYFnizuM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCBeYFnizuM) (2:06)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.04.2018 00:06:42
На текущий момент НОРАД сопровождает 8 объектов запуска
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.04.2018 21:58:43
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg)Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/981241335440183296)

Commemorative postcards for China's recent launches of Beidou-3 M9 & M10 satellites from Xichang via Long March 3B/YZ-1 (Long March #269), and Long March 4C of 3 x Gaofen-1 EO sats from Taiyuan (LM #270)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2018 18:19:45
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg)Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/981440466813145088)

First images from the Gaofen-1 02, 03 & 04 Earth observation satellites launched on March 31 from Taiyuan.

7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/981440640373395456)

First video footage from the Gaofen-1 02, 03 & 04 Earth observation satellites launched on March 31 from Taiyuan.
https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DZ7HBdKW4AQWGuC.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DZ7HBdKW4AQWGuC.mp4)
(video (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/DZ7HBdKW4AQWGuC.mp4) 0:07)
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.04.2018 18:30:40
ЦитироватьChina receives data from three Gaofen-1 satellites
Source: Xinhua | 2018-04-04 16:06:03 | Editor: Zhou Xin

BEIJING, April 4 (Xinhua) -- China Wednesday received the first package of data from the three high-resolution Gaofen-1 satellites launched on March 31, according to the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The package of data with a total size of 166.31 gigabytes was received by the remote sensing satellite ground station in Miyun on the outskirts of Beijing.

Ground stations in south China's Sanya and northwest China's Kashgar all received real time image data from the satellites.

The three satellites form a constellation and will be used in fields such as land and resources surveys, disaster monitoring, emergency response, environmental protection and agriculture.

The satellites, developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, have a designed life of six years.

Ground stations in Miyun, Kashgar, Sanya, Kunming, as well as one in the Arctic, are responsible for receiving the data.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: Liss от 07.04.2018 13:28:16
Ой, как забавно :-)
То, что B и D сманеврировали 3 апреля, ожидалось. Надо же разводиться на 120° вдоль орбиты.
А вот вчерашние элементы несколько удивили. Такое впечатление, что одновременно дернулись C, G и потерянный американцами J. Пять маневрирующих спутников из трех запущенных -- это перебор :-)

Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.04.2018 10:05:04
НОРАД идентифицировал 9 объектов запуска
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: Безумный Шляпник от 08.04.2018 17:28:59
Пять достаточно больших операционных фрагментов. Интересно.
Название: Gaofen-1 №02, 03, 04 - CZ-4C - Тайюань (TSLC) - 31.03.2018, 03:22 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.05.2018 16:21:52
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186239.jpg)Space View‏ @bjspaceview (https://twitter.com/bjspaceview) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/bjspaceview/status/993441346588299264)

China's FAST, the largest radio telephone in the world was captured by GF-1. There are 4 GF-1 satellites, collecting 2m PAN and 8m MS, and 16m MS data. Each GF-1 is equiped 6 cameras. Please be kindly reminded Space View is the government-authorized distributor to global users.


2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/bjspaceview/status/993443508886294529)

Sorry, yes it's telescope.