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Тематические разделы => Прикладная космонавтика => Тема начата: che wi от 18.09.2017 12:34:06

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 18.09.2017 12:34:06

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 18.09.2017 12:40:46
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75264) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75265)

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 18.09.2017 12:48:23
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75266) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75267)

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 18.09.2017 13:11:30
ЦитироватьABAE‏ @ABAE_AGENCIA (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA) · Sep 15 (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA/status/908502566190841858)

Venezolanos en la sala donde realizan los chequeos y pruebas de los sistemas del cohete lanzador del Satélite Sucre
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75268) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75269) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/75270)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 18.09.2017 13:16:37
chinaspaceflight.com предполагает дату запуска - 9 октября

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 22.09.2017 07:17:49
Antonio Jose de Sucre satellite to be launched next October (http://www.avn.info.ve/contenido/antonio-jose-sucre-satellite-be-launched-next-october)

ЦитироватьCaracas, 20 Sep. AVN.- The Venezuelan Congress of Space Technology, sponsored by the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (or ABAE), shows Venezuelans and foreigners, the extraordinary scientific and technological capacity that exists in the country, as is the case of the third satellite Venezuela will launch into space next October: the Antonio Jose de Sucre satellite.

"The idea is to go to work in the spatial area so that Venezuela can send its satellites into space, to have a launching platform and for this the ABAE trains students from universities like UNEFA," the head of ABAE's Space Education Unit, Tulio Salazar, told the Venezuelan News Agency (AVN).

The director of Space Research and Innovation of the ABAE, Rixio Morales, explained that the idea of this type of congress is to encourage research in Venezuela and demonstrate that there are many brilliant minds that are innovating in the country. A proof of this is the Sucre satellite that will replace Miranda's that is at the end of its lifespan in the space orbit at the service of Venezuelans.

"With the war we have against foreign exchange, the best is what we can do from our country in space, along with our allies, as is the case of China," he said.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 22.09.2017 10:25:15
Хммм... Кажется на фотографии изображено чтото совсем другое нежели чем на проспектике в первом сообщении. Уж не раскрыли ли нам китайцы облик своего спутника детальной разведки текущего поколения? Можно предположить что как и с предыдущим ВРССом китайцы продали резервный спутник предназначавшийся на случай неудачного запуска при развёртывании группировки.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.09.2017 18:11:49
VRSS-2 - Запуск 9 октября около полудня ракетой CZ-2 из Цзюцюаня
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185689.png) ChinaSpaceflight‏ @cnspaceflight (https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight) 1 ч назад (https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight/status/914126737146966016)

【委遥二号/VRSS-2】计划10月9号中午由长征二号丁火箭从酒泉发射https://goo.gl/D8v8Mj  (https://t.co/gnkHDhYKkk)
ЦитироватьВенесуэльский спутник дистанционного зондирования II (VRSS-2): план 9 октября 12:05-12:33 Запуск ракеты Long March II из Цзюцюаня
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 30.09.2017 18:17:25

ЦитироватьA3065/17 - A TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA ESTABLISHED BOUNDED BY: N350647E0984026-N351026E0982114-N353925E0982924-N353430E0985512
BACK TO START. VERTICAL LIMITS: GND-UNL. GND - UNL, 09 OCT 04:05 2017 UNTIL 09 OCT 04:27 2017. CREATED: 30 SEP 04:14 2017

A3066/17 - A TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA ESTABLISHED BOUNDED BY: N323108E0975852-N323556E0973358-N332841E0974811-N332349E0981319
BACK TO START. VERTICAL LIMITS: GND-UNL. GND - UNL, 09 OCT 04:06 2017 UNTIL 09 OCT 04:33 2017. CREATED: 30 SEP 04:16 2017
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 02.10.2017 19:44:19
El 9 de octubre será puesto en órbita el Satélite Sucre (http://www.abae.gob.ve/web/noticias.php?id=285)

ЦитироватьEl presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, a través de su programa "Los Domingos con Maduro", anunció que el próximo 9 de octubre se lanzará desde China el  Satélite Sucre (Vrss-2), como parte de las políticas impulsadas por el Gobierno Bolivariano en materia tecnológica.

"Es el tercer satélite soberano, independiente, y así iremos al cuarto, al quinto, al sexto satélite (...) vamos al desarrollo del más alto nivel tecnológico", precisó el jefe de Estado durante su programa Los domingos con Maduro N°94, desde el estado Yaracuy.

El Mandatario Nacional destacó que los tres satélites venezolanos son gracias a las relaciones que mantiene el país con la República Popular China.

Cabe destacar que el "Sucre", tiene mejoras tecnológicas que harán más útil a las estrategias de planificación del Estado y a las instituciones que harán uso del él para labores de cartografía o estudio de suelos con fines científicos.

Gracias a sus dos cámaras, una de alta resolución pancromática y multiespectral de cerca de 1 y 3 metros de resolución lo que dará una mejora sustancial en detalles y calidad de imagen; y una cámara infrarroja que facilitará la posibilidad de obtener imágenes en el rango infrarrojo corto y largo del espectro electromagnético con resoluciones de 30 y 60 metros, lo que significa que se podrá capturar imágenes nocturnas.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.10.2017 16:58:06
ЦитироватьChina to launch remote sensing satellite for Venezuela next week
by Andrew Jones (https://gbtimes.com/authors/658) Oct 04, 2017 15:47 CHINA (https://gbtimes.com/tag/China) ● ENVIRONMENT (https://gbtimes.com/tag/environment) ● SHANGHAI (https://gbtimes.com/tag/Shanghai)

A Long March 2D clears the tower at Jiuquan, launching the Chuangxin-1-04 satellite in September 2014. CNS

China is set to launch a remote sensing satellite for Venezuela on October 9, marking the third satellite collaboration between the Asian and Latin American countries.
The one tonne Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite-2 (VRSS-2) will be sent into a Sun synchronous orbit by a Long March 2D rocket, launching from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert at around 12:10 local time (04:10 UTC) according to airspace notifications.

VRSS-2 will be placed into a Sun synchronous orbit at an altitude of 650 kilometres, from which it will be able to return panchromatic images at 1 metre per pixel at nadir, and 4m for multispectral imaging.

According to the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities, VRSS-2 will be applied for use in areas including traffic management, disaster warning and prevention, tracking agriculture and land use.

The deal for the satellite development and launch was agreed in 2014 by the Venezuelan government and China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC), which seeks commercial launch contracts for China.

VRSS-2 is based on a CAST2000 satellite bus developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), a subsidiary of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the main contractor for China's space programme.

Venezuela's VRSS-2 satellite, developed by CAST, during tests. Twitter/ABAE

The 41m long, 3.35m diameter, two-stage Long March 2D (http://www.cgwic.com/LaunchServices/LaunchVehicle/LM2D.html) is manufactured by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), another CASC subsidiary.

The mission will be the Long March 2D's first launch since December 2016, when the rocket suffered a partial failure, resulting in two Gaojing-1 (Superview) satellites and a smaller payload enter a lower than intended orbit (https://gbtimes.com/gbtimes.com/chinas-superview-1-satellites-begin-raise-orbits-after-rocket-underperformance). Prior to this, the Long March 2D had a perfect 31-flight launch record.

China has previously developed and launched the large VENESAT-1 telecommunications satellite and VRSS-1 remote sensing satellite for Venezuela.

The satellites were named after Venezuelan revolutionaries Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Miranda respectively, with VRSS-2 to be named after 19th Century independence leader Antonio José de Sucre.

China has also launched a satellite for Bolivia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BApac_Katari_1) and participates in technological cooperation through the China–Brazil Earth Resources Satellite programme (CBERS (http://www.cbers.inpe.br/ingles/)).

An image of Rio de Janeiro taken by the CBERS 4 satellite. cbers.inpe

This and other high technology and military deals between Venezuela and other Latin American countries and China are often seen in the context of Sino-US competition for influence in South America.

The ongoing crisis in Venezuela poses issues for both the US and China (https://thediplomat.com/2017/07/china-and-the-venezuela-crisis/), with the delivery of significant quantities of oil from Venezuela (http://www.as-coa.org/articles/explainer-venezuelas-oil-and-military-ties-china-and-russia) to China, in exchange for credit, now overdue. Likewise, the possibilities of returns on a string of Chinese investments in Venezuela are in question.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 06.10.2017 10:05:08

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2017 10:48:20
Подписана пусковая готовность
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186168.jpg) ABAE‏ @ABAE_AGENCIA (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA) 6 окт. (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA/status/916237280423170048)

Profesionales venezolanos finalizan la última reunión formal desde China antes del lanzamiento #SatéliteSucre (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sat%C3%A9liteSucre?src=hash)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2017 10:49:36
Цитировать (https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/651021244112994304/mFi7-smT_bigger.jpg) CNTQ‏ @CNTQ_Vzla (https://twitter.com/CNTQ_Vzla) 13 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/CNTQ_Vzla/status/916730733405843457)

@CNTQ_Vzla (https://twitter.com/CNTQ_Vzla). Este 9 de octubre nuestro satélite sucre sera el protagonista
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2017 10:50:33
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186159.jpg) Ciudad CCS‏ @CiudadCCS (https://twitter.com/CiudadCCS) 13 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/CiudadCCS/status/916732357662699520)

Satélite Sucre permitirá preservar la integridad territorial del país http://bit.ly/2xWPoLo  (https://t.co/aEtnQJdcKr)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2017 10:53:42
Делегация Венесуэлы прибыла в КНР на запуск КА VRSS-2
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186168.jpg) ABAE‏ @ABAE_AGENCIA (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA) 6 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA/status/916846198434287616)

Delegación venezolana arriba a China por el lanzamiento de nuestro tercer satélite Sucre #SucreCuentaRegresiva (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SucreCuentaRegresiva?src=hash)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2017 21:19:08
Венесуэльская делегация прибыла на космодром Цзюцюань
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186168.jpg) ABAE‏ @ABAE_AGENCIA (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA) 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA/status/917037947764932608)

Delegación venezolana arribó al Centro de Lanzamiento de JiuQuan #SatéliteSucreCuentaRegresiva (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sat%C3%A9liteSucreCuentaRegresiva?src=hash)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2017 22:53:00
ЦитироватьLong March 2D to deliver Venezuelan VRSS-2 Earth-observing satellite into orbit

October 7th, 2017 | by Tomasz Nowakowski

China is preparing for its second orbital mission (http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/organizations/china-national-space-administration/china-returns-flight-secretive-launch-three-satellites/) after a three-month-long period with no launches. This time it will send a Long March 2D rocket into space carrying an Earth-observation satellite for Venezuela. Liftoff is planned for sometime between 12:05 a.m. and 12:33 a.m. EDT (04:05 and 04:33 GMT) Oct. 9, 2017, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gansu Province.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234736.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234736.jpg)
The assembly of the VRSS-2 satellite. Photo Credit: Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities

The mission's sole passenger is the second Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite (VRSS-2 (http://www.abae.gob.ve/web/noticias.php?id=285)), named "Sucre" after a Venezuelan independence leader Antonio Jose de Sucre. The spacecraft weighs about one metric ton and is based on the CAST-2000 satellite bus. This compact platform is designed to host a number of payloads for various applications including navigation, remote sensing, and communications.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/234667.jpg) (http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/CZ-2D_2xGJ-1_launch-20161228-01_1600x1067-z.jpg)
A file photo of a Long March 2D launching on Dec. 28, 2016, with SuperView-1 01/02. Photo Credit: Xinhua

The mission is a result of an agreement signed in October 2014 between Venezuela's Ministry of People's Power for Science, Technology and Intermediate Industries, and the China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC (http://www.cgwic.com/)). Under this contract, CGWIC was obligated to build and launch the satellite. Although the mission was initially scheduled for launch in September 2017, recent setbacks (http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/organizations/china-national-space-administration/long-march-3b-launches-zhongxing-9a-satellite-fate-uncertain/) with Chinese launchers forced the country to delay many orbital flights, including VRSS-2.

VRSS-2 (http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/vrss-2.htm) is fitted with two deployable solar arrays and has a panchromatic camera with a resolution of 3.3 feet (one meter) and a multi-spectral imaging system with a resolution of 13.1 feet (four meters). It also features shortwave infrared (SWIR) and long wave infrared (LWIR) imaging instruments. The satellite will be used to collecting imagery of Earth for different Venezuelan government agencies.

The first satellite in the series, VRSS-1 (named Miranda after Venezuelan revolutionary Sebastian Francisco de Miranda), was also built by CGWIC and was also based on the CAST-2000 platform. That spacecraft was launched into space by a Long March 2D rocket on Sept. 29, 2012, to study the territory of Venezuela and help with planning, agriculture, and disaster recovery.

The Long March 2D launcher that will be employed to deliver VRSS-2 into space is a two-stage rocket developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. It is mainly used to send satellites into low-Earth orbit (LEO). The 135-foot (41.2-meter) tall booster can launch payloads of up to 3.5 metric tons to LEO and has a sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) capability of up to 1.3 metric tons.

Little is known about preparations for the launch and the mission itself as Chinese officials typically keep details under wraps. What is known is the rocket has already been assembled. Additionally, the satellite was attached and encapsulated in a payload fairing.

After liftoff, the Long March 2D rocket will most likely stick to its usual mission profile by heading south over mainland China. The ignition of the vehicle's first stage YF-21C engine to produce 665,884 pounds (2,962 kilonewtons) of thrust will start a 10-minute long flight. It will culminate in placing the VRSS-2 satellite into SSO at an altitude of about 385 by 431 miles (619 by 694 kilometers), inclined 98 degrees.

The initial phase of the flight is expected to last nearly three minutes and will end with the separation of the rocket's first stage. Then the second stage, utilizing a YF-24C cluster engine, will assume control over the rest of the launch. It will continue the mission for about seven minutes, heading toward its designated orbit in order to successfully deploy the spacecraft.

Monday's flight will be the 252nd flight of the Long March rocket series. It will be also the fourth orbital launch from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in 2017 and the 10th mission conducted by China this year.

The next Chinese launch is currently scheduled for Nov. 15 when a Long March 4C rocket will orbit the country's Fengyun 3D meteorology satellite and the Head-1 ship tracking spacecraft for the Dutch company Head Aerospace. However, another mission could be launched sooner as China conducts many of its orbital flights unannounced.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:00:48
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185689.png) ChinaSpaceflight‏ @cnspaceflight (https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight/status/917249260936093697)

ЦитироватьЗапуск - Пекинское время 9 октября 12:13, Китайский центр запуска спутников Цзюцюань. Ракетой-носителем Long March II Ding венесуэльский спутник дистанционного зондирования II (VRSS-2) выведен на запланированную орбиту, запуск миссии увенчался полным успехом.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:02:54
Как это было. Заранее приношу свои извинения за низкое качество скриншотов - источник изначально вещал в невысоком разрешении :(
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:04:59
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:06:10
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:06:43
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:08:49
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:11:19
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:12:51
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:13:20
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:13:45
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:14:00
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:14:20
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:14:40
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:15:01
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:15:54
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:17:17
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/917241809742581761)

LAUNCH! Long March 2D launches with VRSS-2! The President called out the countdown! Coverage: https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=34230.0 ... (https://t.co/ITuOsXVFAa)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:17:49
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:18:03
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:18:19
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:18:37
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:18:50
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:20:28
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Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:21:22
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:21:48
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:22:06
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:22:24
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:22:47
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:23:06
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:23:20
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:23:36
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:23:57
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:24:34
Отделение КА VRSS-2
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:24:59
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:25:55
Панели СБ раскрыты
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:27:02
Объявлено об успешном выведении КА на заданную орбиту
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:27:30
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:27:59
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:28:17
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:28:31
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:28:45
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:31:04
ЦитироватьHistórico: Así fue el lanzamiento del nuevo satélite Sucre VRSS-2 desde Jiuquan-China

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220299.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/MultimedioVTV) Multimedio VTV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ0AFccrJ1YFf3VMwjgEO6Q)

Опубликовано: 8 окт. 2017 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIzEtO6sXJchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIzEtO6sXJc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIzEtO6sXJc) (0:50)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:34:37
ЦитироватьVenezuela lanza el satélite Antonio José de Sucre

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220304.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/telesurtv) teleSUR tv (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbHFKMtqLYkIBRiPHJwxu_w)

Опубликовано: 8 окт. 2017 г.

Este 9 de octubre alrededor de las 12:00 am el tercer satélite venezolano ha sido lanzado desde la República Popular China. El mandatario de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro, quien fue testigo del lanzamiento, afirmó que el suceso significa la independencia tecnológica para su país. teleSUR.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSoFrntuTyshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSoFrntuTys (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSoFrntuTys) (2:46)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:35:30
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg) Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/917247382118596608)

Launch of VRSS-2/Antonio Sucre for Venezuela via Chinese Long March 2D from Jiuquan declared successful.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:37:02
ЦитироватьEl Satélite Antonio José de Sucre es el tercero de Venezuela que pone en órbita

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220299.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/user/MultimedioVTV) Multimedio VTV (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ0AFccrJ1YFf3VMwjgEO6Q)

Опубликовано: 8 окт. 2017 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OV0TK7-bP4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OV0TK7-bP4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OV0TK7-bP4) (3:34)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:38:53
ЦитироватьDespegue completo del Satélite Antonio José de Sucre (Venezuela) desde Jiuquan-China

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/220721.jpg) (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCETKopbJ3g1KlZVAvaw7dUw) Luigino Bracci Roa (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCETKopbJ3g1KlZVAvaw7dUw)

Опубликовано: 8 окт. 2017 г.

El 9 de octubre de 2017 fue lanzado desde Jiuquan, República Popular de China, el satélite venezolano Antonio José de Sucre (VRSS-2), el tercero de dicha nación suramericana. Acto con la participación del vicepresidente Tareck El Aissami y el presidente Nicolás Maduro vía telefónica. Transmisión de VTV. Se usó un cohete Larga Marcha 2D.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0Xp8lJDZIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0Xp8lJDZI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0Xp8lJDZI) (24:03)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:41:55
ЦитироватьChina launches remote sensing satellite for Venezuela
Source: Xinhua | 2017-10-09 13:06:17 | Editor: Liangyu

JIUQUAN, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- China launched Venezuela's remote sensing satellite, VRSS-2, into a preset orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gobi desert at 12:13 on Monday.

The VRSS-2 was the third satellite jointly launched by China and Venezuela, and also the later's second remote sensing satellite. It will be primarily used by Venezuela for land resources inspection, environmental protection, disaster monitoring and management, crop yield estimation and city planning.

The satellite was launched by a Chinese Long March-2D carrier rocket which was designed by Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology.

This was the 252nd flight mission for the Long March rocket family.

In 2008, China launched Venezuela's first satellite -- the Venesat-1, or "Simon Bolivar" -- which carried communications facilities.

In 2012, Venezuela's first remote sensing satellite, the VRSS-1, was launched into space from China.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 09.10.2017 09:42:33
Китайская ракета-носитель успешно вывела на орбиту спутник Венесуэлы (http://russian.news.cn/2017-10/09/c_136667001.htm)

ЦитироватьЦзюцюань /пров. Ганьсу/, 9 октября /Синьхуа/ -- Сегодня в 12:13 китайская ракета-носитель, запущенная с космодрома Цзюцюань провинции Ганьсу /Северо-Западный Китай/, успешно вывела на намеченную орбиту спутник дистанционного зондирования VRSS-2, принадлежащий Венесуэле.

Это третий спутник Венесуэлы, выведенный в космос с помощью китайской ракеты-носителя в рамках аэрокосмического сотрудничества двух стран. Спутник предназначен для обследования земельных ресурсов, охраны окружающей среды, мониторинга стихийных бедствий, оценки урожая сельхозкультур и планирования развития городов Венесуэлы.

Спутник был выведен на орбиту ракетой-носителем "Чанчжэн-2Г", разработанной Шанхайской академией по технологии космических полетов.

С учетом нынешнего запуска китайские ракеты-носители семейства "Чанчжэн" совершили уже 252 полета.

Напомним, что в 2008 году Китай помог Венесуэле в запуске ее первого телекоммуникационного спутника "Venesat-1" или "Simon Bolivar", а в 2012 году - спутника дистанционного зондирования VRSS-1.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:44:40
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186040.jpg) Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/917244920884350976)

S/C Sep for VRSS-2! ARTICLE: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/10/chinese-long-march-2d-launches-vrss-2/ ... (https://t.co/xO1dGN6HpU) - by Rui C. Barbosa COVERAGE: https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=34230.0 ... (https://t.co/ITuOsXVFAa)
Chinese Long March 2D launches VRSS-2 (https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2017/10/chinese-long-march-2d-launches-vrss-2/)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:48:17
ЦитироватьВенесуэльский спутник дистанционного зондирования II (VRSS-2): 9 октября 2017 года 12:13:14.451 Успешно запущен с ракеты CZ-2D из Цзюцюаня
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 09:51:43
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185689.png) ChinaSpaceflight‏ @cnspaceflight (https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight) 28 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight/status/917274148790923264)

长征二号丁火箭/CZ-2D/LM-2D https://goo.gl/MU7YPC  (https://t.co/u9X5Idt7mq)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 11:08:55
Любительское видео с космодрома (0:32, кликни фото)
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186209.jpg) Jorge Arreaza M‏Подлинная учетная запись @jaarreaza (https://twitter.com/jaarreaza) 50 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jaarreaza/status/917287483183915009)

Avanzando en materia aeroespacial. Gracias al Comandante Chávez, al Pdte @NicolasMaduro (https://twitter.com/NicolasMaduro) , a China, a la @ABAE_AGENCIA (https://twitter.com/ABAE_AGENCIA) #SucreVuelaAlto (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SucreVuelaAlto?src=hash)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/155927.jpg) (https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/917287483183915009)
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 11:31:34
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg) Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/917285784050380801)

Some more images of China's Long March 2D launch of VRSS-2/Antonio Sucre for Venezuela at 04:13 UTC/00:13 ET today https://goo.gl/sWu26D  (https://t.co/gKYesnZJIV)
ЦитироватьChina launches VRSS-2 remote sensing satellite for Venezuela
by Andrew Jones (https://gbtimes.com/authors/658) | Oct 09, 2017 08:52 | CHINA (https://gbtimes.com/tag/China) ● SHANGHAI (https://gbtimes.com/tag/Shanghai) ● WENCHANG (https://gbtimes.com/tag/Wenchang)

A Chinese Long March 2D rocket launched the VRSS-2 satellite for Venezuela early on Monday, underlining cooperation between the countries and marking a return to flight for the launch vehicle.

The 942 kg remote sensing satellite was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre atop the 41m long, two-stage Long March 2D at 12:13 local time (04:13 UTC).
A Long March 2D rocket carrying the Yaogan-30 remote sensing satellite blasts off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on May 15, 2016. Chinese Academy of Sciences

It was announced within the hour that the satellite had been successfully ins erted into prese t Sun synchronous orbit at an altitude of 645 kilometres.

The satellite, also taking the name of the 19th Century independence leader Antonio José de Sucre, will return panchromatic images at 1 metre per pixel at nadir, and 4m for multispectral imaging.

The Long March 2D carrying VRSS-2 lifts off from Jiuquan. Youtube

According to the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities, VRSS-2 will be applied for use in areas including traffic management, disaster warning and prevention, tracking agriculture and land use.

The mission was the Long March 2D's first launch since December 2016, when the rocket suffered a partial failure, resulting in two Gaojing-1 (Superview) satellites and a smaller payload enter a lower than intended orbit (https://gbtimes.com/gbtimes.com/chinas-superview-1-satellites-begin-raise-orbits-after-rocket-underperformance).

Solar panels deployed on the VRSS-2 (Antonio Sucre) satellite. Youtube/framegrab

Prior to this, the 3.35m diameter, 240 metric tonne Long March 2D (http://www.cgwic.com/LaunchServices/LaunchVehicle/LM2D.html), manufactured by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), had a perfect 31-flight launch record.

This was the tenth orbital launch of the year China as it continues to bounce back from two problematic launches in June  (https://gbtimes.com/gbtimes.com/china/china-confirms-partial-failure-zhongxing-9a-launch-measures-being-taken)and July (https://gbtimes.com/gbtimes.com/chinas-long-march-5-fails-shortly-after-launch-threatening-space-ambitions), notably including the loss of the second Long March 5 (https://gbtimes.com/why-chinas-long-march-5-crucial-its-space-ambitions) heavy-lift rocket and its experimental Shijian-18 (https://gbtimes.com/china-assembling-long-march-5-rocket-launch-heaviest-satellite-shijian-18) payload.


China had aimed for around 30 launches (https://gbtimes.com/china-attempt-close-30-space-launches-2017) this year before suffering launch vehicle issues, but may still produce a busy finish to 2017 (https://gbtimes.com/heres-what-china-has-planned-its-space-program-2017).

VRSS-2 is based on a CAST2000 satellite bus developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), a subsidiary of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the main contractor for China's space programme.

The launch from Jiuquan was unusual in that a live stream was available - a service usually reserved for crewed or major related missions.

Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 12:01:44
ЦитироватьChina Successfully Launches Remote Sensing Satellite for Venezuela
October 9, 2017 (http://spaceflight101.com/china-successfully-launches-remote-sensing-satellite-for-venezuela/)

A Chinese Long March 2D rocket lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 4:13 UTC on Monday, carrying into orbit the Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite 2, "Antonio José de Sucre." Returning to flight after a lengthy stand-down of nearly ten months, China's Long March 2D performed flawlessly and deployed the one-metric ton satellite into the target orbit 14 minutes after launch with official announcements of launch success coming shortly thereafter.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154096.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/131055y5welaebzmfuq11l.jpg)
Photo: Weibo via 9ifly.cn

Monday's launch marked the Return to Flight for the Long March 2D rocket after a partial failure on December 28, 2016 (http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-2d-gaojing-partial-launch-failure/) that left a pair of SuperView Earth-Imaging Satellites in a lower-than-planned-orbit due to an apparent underperformance of the vehicle's first stage.

The two satellites managed to reach their operational orbit on their own but the trouble did not stop for the Chinese as two more issues arose in 2017, one with the Long March 3B workhorse that failed to reach the target orbit  (http://spaceflight101.com/chinas-long-march-3b-zhongxing-9a-failure/)when lifting Zhongxing-9A and the other with the new Long March 5  (http://spaceflight101.com/long-march-5-shijian-18/chinese-long-march-5-fails-on-second-mission/)that fell short of orbit in July on its second test flight due to an engine failure on its cryogenic core stage.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154095.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/131046trlglap4brhhurgj.jpg)
Photo: Weibo via 9ifly.cn

As a result of these partial failures and the high-profile failure of Long March 5, China had to slow down its launch pace considerably, though the typical end-of-year push is likely still to come.

Liftoff from Pad 603 at Jiuquan's Complex 43 occurred at precisely 4:13:14.451 UTC and was broadcast live on Venezuelan Television with live updates provided by the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro himself. Video of the mission showed the Long March 2D going through staging two and a half minutes into the flight with the second stage taking over for a main engine burn of just shy of three minutes followed by continued firing of the vernier engine for another seven minutes to accomplish the circular orbit injection. VRSS-2 sailed off 14 minutes after launch and deployed its power-generating solar arrays just one minute later, confirming the success of the launch.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154108.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/VRSS2cast.jpg)
Photo: CAST

VRSS-2 is the second Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite operated as the country's second high-resolution Earth-imaging craft. The mission is a follow-on to the VRSS-1 satellite, ready to take over at that satellite's scheduled end of life in 2017. Like its predecessor, VRSS-2 was contracted to the China Great Wall Industry Corporation for manufacture and launch of the satellite that will be named after Venezuelan independence leader Antonio José de Sucre.

The VRSS program has the primary goal of providing reliable access to Earth remote sensing data for the Venezuelan government for use in a number of areas including environmental monitoring, resource management, urban planning, monitoring of illegal drug and mining activities, other national defence applications and prevention/relief in case of natural disasters. In charge of operating the VRSS satellites is the Space Agency of Venezuela (ABAE), a division of the Ministry of People's Power for Science, Technology and Intermediate Industries. The program also included extensive technology and knowledge transfer from China with over 50 professionals being trained in the conduct of a space mission at Chinese spacecraft builder CAST.

The formal contract signing for VRSS-2 was announced in July 2014 with CGWIC in charge of coordinating the production, testing and launch of the satellite under Chinese supervision, a similar scheme had been chosen for the successful VRSS-1 mission. The 880-Kilogram VRSS-1 satellite was launched into orbit on September 29, 2012 atop a Long March 2D rocket for a planned mission life of five years.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154110.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154110.jpg)
Photo: CGWIC

Based on the CAST-2000 satellite platform, VRSS-1 hosted a pair of instruments – the 135-Kilogram PMC (PAN and Multispectral Camera) capable of collecting black-and-white imagery at 2.5-meter resolution and four-channel multi-spectral imagery at a ground resolution of 10 meters across a swath of 57 Kilometers; and the two-camera WMC (Wide-swath Multispectral Camera) for wide-swath imaging across a 370-Kilometer ground area in four spectral channels at a maximum ground resolution of 16 meters.

The VRSS-2 satellite hosts a much-improved payload, creating a heavier spacecraft with a launch mass of 942 Kilograms, also utilizing the CAST-2000 minisatellite platform. Per the VRSS-2 contract, China Great Wall Industry Corporation will perform an in-orbit delivery, managing all production, testing and launch operations while the craft is still on the ground and working with subcontractors to put the satellite through in-orbit testing before turning it over to Venezuela.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154109.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/vrss2cgwic1.jpg)
Image: CGWIC

The CAST-2000 small satellite platform is designed to accommodate a variety of high-performance payloads, providing flexibility to host different payloads including remote sensing, communications and navigation payloads. The platform itself has a launch mass of 200 to 400 Kilograms and can host payloads up to 600 Kilograms, typically measuring 1.5 by 1.7 by 1.9 meters in size when packaged for launch. Two deployable solar arrays deliver 900 Watts of electrical power and a three-axis stabilization system offers precise pointing needed for accurate imaging of targets with off-nadir maneuvering possible to 35 degrees to either side to broaden the craft's field of regard.

In its deployed state, VRSS-2 measures 2.1 by 7.9 by 1.75 meters in dimensions.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154107.jpg) (http://spaceflight101.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/VRSS2cast2.jpg)
Photo: CAST

The CAST-2000 satellite employs advanced composite structures, the solar panels measure 1.1 by 0.85 meters in size each and communications are provided in S-Band for command and telemetry up/downlink and a dual X-Band system is used for transmission of imagery at data rates approaching 450 Mbit/s.

The improved VRSS-2 satellite hosts an advanced version of the PMC Panchromatic and Multispectral Camera system, achieving a ground resolution of one meter for B/W panchromatic images and four meters for multi-band color images. Additionally, VRSS-2 hosts a short-wave infrared imager operating at a ground resolution of 30 meters and a long-wave infrared imaging system collects imagery at a ground resolution of 60 meters.

VRSS-2 operates from a sun-synchronous orbit with a mean altitude of 645 Kilometers.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154097.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/154097.jpg)
Photo: Xinhua (File)

In action on Monday was the Long March 2D rocket, conducting its 33rd mission since its debut in 1992 when it joined the Long March family. In total, Monday's flight marked the 252nd flight of the Long March family, according to the Xinhua news agency.

A member of the Long March family, the 2D vehicle was designed as a two-stage version of the Long March 4 launch vehicle, optimized for Low Earth and Sun Synchronous Orbit missions. Up until last December's partial failure, Long March 2D had kept a perfect success record.

CZ-2D is a two-stage rocket standing 41.1 meters tall, 3.35 meters in diameter and weighing around 232 metric tons at liftoff, capable of placing 3,500 Kilograms into Low Earth Orbit and 1,300kg into Sun Synchronous Orbit. Both Stages of the Long March 2D use Nitrogen Tetroxide and Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine as propellants.

For the first 157 seconds of Flight, the vehicle is powered by its first stage, equipped with a YF-21C engine module that provides a thrust of 2,962 Kilonewtons and comprises four clustered YF-20C engines. The stage is 27.9 meters long, 3.35 meters in diameter and filled with 183 metric tons of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide Propellants for a total weight of the first stage at launch of 192,700kg.

After first stage burnout and jettison, the second stage starts controlling the flight. The upper Stage is 10.9 meters in length and has the standard CZ-2D diameter, holding around 52 metric tons of UDMH and NTO propellants at launch. The second stage is powered by a YF-24C main engine providing 742 Kilonewtons of thrust and a 47.1-Kilonewton four-chamber vernier engine for attitude control and circular orbit insertion capability. Long March 2D can be outfitted with two different payload fairings to accommodate payloads of different sizes with fairing diameters of 2.9 and 3.35 meters.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 13:52:28
Цитировать (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30998.jpg) CGWIC‏ @CGWIC (https://twitter.com/CGWIC) 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/CGWIC/status/917288716019863553)

LM-2D Successfully Launches VRSS-2 Satellite
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 09.10.2017 14:57:17
ЦитироватьThe VRSS-2, with a designed mission life of five years, is an optical remote sensing satellite, equipped with a panchromatic/multispectral, high resolution camera and a short/long wave infrared camera, according to the satellite's developers at the China Academy of Space Technology.

The infrared camera, about the same size as an A3 printer, enables the VRSS-2 to capture images day and night at the required temperature of minus 215 degrees centigrade.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: vogel от 09.10.2017 17:46:50
ЦитироватьCristóbal Alvarado M‏ @chris77ve (https://twitter.com/chris77ve)

Lanzamiento exitoso de VRSS-2 (Satélite #Sucre (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sucre?src=hash)). #SucreVuelaAlto (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SucreVuelaAlto?src=hash) #SucreEnOrbita (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SucreEnOrbita?src=hash). Foto: C. Alvarado/ABAE. @eduardomaro (https://twitter.com/eduardomaro) @anajuliabanlei (https://twitter.com/anajuliabanlei) @


Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 21:48:54
ЦитироватьChina successfully launches Earth-imaging satellite for Venezuela
October 9, 2017 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/10/) Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

A Chinese Long March 2D rocket launched Venezuela's second Earth-observing surveillance satellite Monday, adding a new space-based reconnaissance asset the country's government says it will use to aid security forces, emergency responders, farmers, and health professionals.

The two-stage, 134-foot-tall (41-meter) Long March 2D booster took off at 0413 GMT (12:13 a.m. EDT) Monday from the remote Jiuquan space base in the Gobi Desert in northwest China, according to China Great Wall Industry Corp., the government-owned company chartered to sell Chinese rockets and satellites on the global market.
A Long March 2D rocket lifted off Monday with the VRSS 2 satellite for Venezuela. Credit: CGWIC

The second Venezuela Remote Sensing Satellite, or VRSS 2, was released from the Long March 2D's second stage around 13 minutes after liftoff, prompting cheers and applause by dignitaries and government officials during a live broadcast of the launch on Venezuelan state television.

Ground controllers confirmed the Long March 2D placed the VRSS 2 satellite into the correct orbit, and officials declared the launch a success.

U.S. military tracking data indicated the satellite was circling Earth at an altitude of around 400 miles (645 kilometers), in an sun-synchronous-type orbit inclined 98 degrees to the equator.

The VRSS 2 spacecraft weighs about one metric ton, or 2,200 pounds, and is designed for a five-year lifetime, according to China Great Wall Industry Corp. The satellite was manufactured by DFH Satellite Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.

More than 100 Venezuelan engineers participated in the design and assembly of the satellite in China, officials said.

The VRSS 2 satellite. Credit: Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities

Under heavy criticism for a deepening humanitarian, financial and political crisis, the Venezuelan government touted Monday's launch as "an exercise in the sovereignty, independence and dignity of the Venezuelan people."

Venezuela and China have partnered on three satellite projects to date. The Venesat 1 communications satellite launched in 2008, and the VRSS 1 remote sensing craft was placed into orbit in 2012, both by Chinese rockets.

"Without China's cooperation, none of our space programs would have been possible," said Hugbel Roa, Venezuela's minister for university education, science and technology. "Today we can say that our people are moving forward to become a power in the field."

The Venezuelan government has not disclosed the cost of the VRSS 2 satellite, but the VRSS 1 mission launched five years ago cost approximately $145 million.

Officials named the VRSS 2 satellite Antonio José de Sucre, after a Venezuelan independence leader. Venezuala's two earlier satellites built and launched in China, the Venesat 1 communications craft and the VRSS 1 imaging platform, were named for Venezuelan revolutionaries Simón Bolívar and Francisco de Miranda.

VRSS 2 carries a high-resolution camera with a maximum resolution of around 3 feet, or 1 meter , an improvement over the capability of the VRSS 1 satellite. The new spacecraft also hosts an infrared camera that can take broad, medium-resolution pictures of Earth at night, resolving features bigger than a basketball court.

The satellite's orbit will allow it to image the same part of the planet once every four days, officials said.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.10.2017 22:14:31
Объект запуска каталогизирован НОРАД - VRSS-2, 42954 / 2017-060A
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: che wi от 13.10.2017 11:15:07
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Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 13.10.2017 11:41:21
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0Xp8lJDZI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0Xp8lJDZI)

На мультике хорошо показано как происходит выведение на ССО в одно включение. Как под конец ступень наклоняется носом вниз направляя вектор тяги вниз и скругляя орбиту.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: ZOOR от 14.10.2017 22:48:00
Похоже, мы проиграли космический рынок "развивающихся стран" Китаю на всех континентах (гуглопереводы)
ЦитироватьПакистан откроет первый спутник наблюдения Земли в 2018 году (https://spacewatchme.com/2017/10/pakistan-launch-first-earth-observation-satellite-2018/)

Национальное космическое агентство Пакистана, Комиссия по исследованию космических и верхних атмосферных исследований (SUPARCO), объявило 4 октября 2017 года, что оно ожидает первого пакистанского спутника наблюдения Земли двойного назначения, Пакистанского спутника дистанционного зондирования 1 (PRSS-1) и экспериментального спутник, будет запущен в марте 2018 года.

Запуск PRSS-1 имеет потенциальное влияние на ближневосточную геополитику, учитывая экономическую зависимость Пакистана от арабских государств Персидского залива, в частности Саудовской Аравии, и близких, но в последнее время проблемных отношений безопасности между Эр-Риядом и Исламабадом.

Объявление было сделано в Исламабаде Кайсером Анисом Хуррамом, председателем SUPARCO, в начале пакистанских празднований Всемирной недели космоса. Хуррам сказал: «Наш первый оптический спутник дистанционного зондирования будет запущен в 2018 году ... Пакистанский спутник дистанционного зондирования (PRSS-1) сделает Пакистан самодостаточным в мультиспектральном изображении. Спутник дистанционного зондирования будет иметь множество преимуществ и практических применений, включая сельское хозяйство, управление стихийными бедствиями, городское планирование, лесное хозяйство, управление водными ресурсами, прогноз погоды и другие области ».

Ряд пакистанских официальных лиц также заявили, что PRSS-1 и его возможные преемники будут также использоваться для целей национальной безопасности, таких как сбор разведывательных данных, безопасность границ и общий надзор.

PRSS-1 был построен китайским спутниковым производителем Китайской академии космических технологий (CAST), а China Great Wall Industries Corporation запустит спутник в марте 2018 года. Спутник PRSS-1 похож на тот, который был построен для Венесуэлы CAST, Антонио Хосе де Сукре, который был запущен 8 октября 2017 года с космодрома Цзюцюань в Китае.
ЦитироватьКаир утверждает создание египетского космического агентства и получает дальнейшее финансирование Китая для своей космической программы (https://spacewatchme.com/2017/09/cairo-approves-establishment-egyptian-space-agency-receives-chinese-funding-space-programme/)

По утверждению министра юстиции Египта Халеда Абдель Гаффара, Совет министров Египта утвердил 27 сентября 2017 года создание национального космического агентства.

Постановление Совета министров теперь перейдет к египетскому парламенту для окончательного соглашения и будет принято в закон.

Министр Абдель Гаффар также сказал, что Египет намерен создать в 2019 году центр по производству спутников, а затем запустить в 2020 году первый в стране собственный собственный спутник.

Этот спутник теперь дублируется Misr Sat 2, ранее известный как EgyptSat-2, и будет спроектирован и изготовлен в Space City, расположенном в Нью-Каире. «Космический город» - это земельный участок площадью в сто акров, на котором строится спутниковое производство и другие космические объекты. Misr Sat-2 будет частично финансироваться Китаем на сумму 45 млн. Долларов США после подписания меморандума о взаимопонимании между президентом Египта Абдель Фаттах Эль-Сиси и президентом Китая Си Цзиньпин в кулуарах саммита БРИКС, состоявшегося в Сямыне, Китай , ранее в сентябре 2017 года.

Обязательство США в размере 45 млн. Долл. США из Китая является дополнением к 23 млн. Долл. США, предоставленным Пекином в марте 2017 года, в рамках общего пакета помощи на сумму свыше 65 млн. Долл. США для космической программы Египта.

Однако не все эти деньги предназначены для разработки и производства Misr Sat-2, поскольку часть китайского финансирования будет использоваться для создания спутниковых производственных мощностей в Space City.

Финансирование космического пространства в Китае является частью более крупного пакета помощи Египту, который считается стоимостью 7 млрд. Долл. США, который используется для развития инфраструктуры в Египте и Суэцкого канала, а также для модернизации существующей инфраструктуры.
Название: VRSS-2 “Antonio José de Sucre” – CZ-2D – Цзюцюань (JSLC) – 09.10.2017 04:13 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.03.2018 17:08:14
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29906.jpg)Andrew Jones‏ @AJ_FI (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/977135378485465089)

China hands over remote sensing satellite VRSS-2 (aka Antonio José de Sucre) to Venezuela following joint on-orbit testing. Launch date was October 9, 2017. http://cn.cgwic.com/news/2018/0323.html ... (https://t.co/rfG18cqiWu)
Примечание. По ссылке - пресс-релиз на китайском языке. Английского варианта пока нет.