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Тематические разделы => Прикладная космонавтика => Тема начата: Salo от 09.11.2012 10:33:45

Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - Куру - 7.02.13 21:36 UTC
Отправлено: Salo от 09.11.2012 10:33:45

Azerspace/Africasat 1a

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/81837.jpg)Azerspace/Africasat 1a [OSC]

Orbital Sciences Corporation today announced in June 2010 that it has signed a contract with International Relations and Accounting Center of The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies (Ministry) of the Republic of Azerbaijan to design, build and deliver the Azerspace/Africasat-1a commercial communications satellite. The satellite will be based on Orbital's flight-proven Star-2 (http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sat/osc_star-2.htm) platform and will generate approximately five kilowatts of payload power for 36 active transponders. The Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite carries hybrid Ku and C-band payloads to provide services to Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa. Orbital will be responsible for providing the satellite and ground system.
Following its launch and deployment, the spacecraft will be located in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) at 46 degrees East longitude through an arrangement between the Ministry and Measat of Malaysia, which owns the rights to the orbital slot. Upon completion of in-orbit testing, operational control of the satellite will be handed over to the Ministry, which will continue to operate the spacecraft from its control center in Baku. This latest order for one of Orbital's GEO communications satellites is the 31st STAR-class spacecraft to be ordered by customers throughout the world.

Nation:    Azerbaijan
Type / Application:    Communication
Operator:    Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Contractors:    Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC)
Equipment:    36 active transponders (C- and Ku-band)
Configuration:    Star-2 Bus
Propulsion:    IHI BT-4
Power:    2 deployable solar arrays, batteries
Mass:    < 3250 kg
Orbit:    GEO
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 09.11.2012 10:36:48

Amazonas 3

Amazonas 3 [SS/Loral]

Amazonas 3 is a powerful, state-of-the art satellite designed to replace and expand on Amazonas 1 at 61 degrees West. It was ordered in July 2010 and is scheduled to be available for launch in 2012.

The new satellite will be capable of operating up to 33 simultaneous Ku-band transponders and 19 simultaneous C-band transponders over Europe and North and South America. It is based on the Space Systems/Loral 1300 satellite bus, which is a decades-proven, modular platform with the industry's highest power capability and flexibility for a broad range of applications. It will have a launch mass of approximately five tons and will produce nearly 14-kW of power at end of life.

Nation:    Spain
Type / Application:    Communication
Operator:    Hispasat
Contractors:    Space Systems Loral (SSL)
Equipment:    33 Ku-band transponders and 19 C-band transponders
Configuration:    LS-1300
Propulsion:    ?
Power:    2 deployable solar arrays, batteries
Lifetime:    15 years
Mass:    ~ 5000 kg
Orbit:    GEO
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.12.2012 03:16:32
ЦитироватьArianespace readies its first Ariane 5 launch of 2013 with the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1 satellites

December 7, 2012 – Ariane Flight VA212

As Arianespace wraps up a busy year of launch activity, preparations are underway for the company's initial heavy-lift flight in 2013 as an Ariane 5 takes shape for an early February mission with the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1 telecommunications satellites.

Assembly of the vehicle began this week in the Spaceport's Launcher Integration Building, where its cryogenic main stage was positioned over one of two operational mobile launch tables for Ariane 5, followed by mating of the two solid propellant boosters.

The launcher is now ready to be equipped with its cryogenic upper stage and vehicle equipment bay, enabling the Ariane 5's subsequent transfer into the Final Assembly Building for integration of the dual-satellite payload.

This mission is designated Flight VA212, signifying the 212th launch of an Ariane vehicle since the European launcher family entered service in December 1979.

The Azerspace/Africasat-1 payload to be orbited on Ariane 5's 2013 year-opening flight is to provide C- and Ku-band communications services to Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa from an orbital location at 46 deg. East Longitude. It was built by Orbital Sciences Corporation based on Orbital's GEO Star-2 platform. The satellite was contracted by the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies – which is the sole shareholder in the country's national satellite operator, Azercosmos.

Joining Azerspace/Africasat-1 on next February's mission is Amazonas 3, which will be utilized by Spanish satellite communication operator HISPASAT and its Brazilian subsidiary, HISPAMAR Satellites. Built by Space Systems/Loral using an LS 1300 platform, it will be positioned at the 61 deg. West orbital slot, providing relay capacity through 52 simultaneous transponders: 33 in Ku-band and 19 C-band, along with nine Ka-band spot beams.

Flight VA212 will maintain Arianespace's sustained heavy-lift mission cadence with Ariane 5, which was demonstrated again during 2012. Six Ariane 5 missions have been performed so far this year from the Spaceport, with another planned for December 19. In other activity at the Spaceport in 2012, two medium-lift Soyuz flights were conducted by Arianespace, along with the light-lift Vega's maiden launch.

Adding to the year's activity was a Soyuz mission from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome, carried out by Arianespace's Starsem affiliate.

The Ariane 5 core cryogenic stage for Arianespace Flight VA212 is raised into its vertical position, initiating the build-up process inside the Launcher Integration Building.

Ariane 5's two solid propellant boosters are rolled out from their own integration zone at the Spaceport (photos at right) for transfer to the Launcher Integration Building.

Suspended over its launch table inside the Launcher Integration Building, Ariane 5's core cryogenic stage is readied for the mating of its two solid propellant boosters.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: ZOOR от 08.12.2012 11:03:56
Топик "Азербайджанские спутники связи и ДЗЗ "  http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/forum12/topic8897/
Та много по сабжу
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.12.2012 15:41:32
ЦитироватьОбнародованы фотографии первого спутника Азербайджана Azerspace-1

Азербайджан, Баку, 3 декабря /корр. Trend Г.Велиев/


Проводятся окончательное тестирование первого национального телекоммуникационного спутника Azerspace-1, сказали Trend в понедельник в ОАО "Азеркосмос".

Тестовые работы планируется завершить до пятого декабря, после чего спутник будет приведен в полную готовность к запуску.

Спутник будет доставлен на космодром Куру в январе 2013 года, а его запуск на геостационарную орбиту запланирован на первую декаду февраля 2013 года.

С целью близкого ознакомления с процессом на заводе Orbital Sciences Corporation находятся один сотрудник ОАО и два сотрудника Telesat.

Полезная нагрузка спутника Azerspace-1, построенного на платформе STAR-2, состоит из 36 транспондеров (24 транспондера C-band и 12 Ku-band диапазона). Частотная полоса каждого транспондера - 36 MHz. Вес спутника составит 3300 килограммов, сказали в ОАО.

Срок эксплуатации спутника на орбите составит до 15 лет.

Спутник будет выведен на геостационарную орбиту 46 градусов восточной долготы, арендуемой у малазийской компании Measat Satellite Systems, принадлежащей правительству Малайзии. В зону обслуживания Azerspace войдут страны Восточной Европы, Кавказа, Центральной Азии и Северной Африки.

Телекоммуникационный спутник Азербайджана Azerspace предназначен для предоставления услуг цифрового телерадиовещания, доступа к сети интернет, передачи данных, создания мультисервисных сетей VSAT, а также правительственной связи.

Как сказали Trend ранее в ОАО "Азеркосмос", работы по строительству ракетоносителя Ariane-5, на котором спутник будет выведен на геостационарную орбиту, ведутся согласно графику. Работы по строительству ракетоносителя будут завершены в соответствии с запланированными сроками.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.12.2012 15:45:05
ЦитироватьАзербайджан оплатил стоимость страховки AzerSpace-1

03.12.2012 17:24

БАКУ, 3 дек – 1NEWS.AZ

Запуск первого азербайджанского спутника на орбиту AzerSpace-1 будет осуществлен в феврале 2013 года.

Как передает 1news.az об этом сообщил журналистам министр связи и информационных технологий Азербайджана Али Аббасов.

Министр также отметил, что стоимость спутника оценивается в $230 млн. «Также мы выплатили стоимость страховки AzerSpace-1 в размере $17 млн.»,- подчеркнул А.Аббасов.

Как сообщалось ранее, первый телекоммуникационный спутник Азербайджана произведен и в настоящее время тестируется специалистами компании Orbital Sciences Corporation (США).

AzerSpace-1 будет запущен на геостационарную орбиту посредством ракетоносителя Ariane – 5ECA с космодрома Куру (Французская Гвиана) французской компанией Airanespace.

Временная позиция спутника расположена в 46 градусах восточной долготы, взятой в аренду у малазийского оператора MeaSat. После завершения 7-летнего процесса согласования позиций с 30 странами мира, соседствующими с азербайджанским спутником, он будет перемещен на собственные позиции в 43.2, 58.5 и 96 градусов восточной долготы.

В зону охвата национального спутника войдет часть Европы и Азии.

Только 20-25% ресурсов спутника будут использоваться Азербайджаном, а остальные - продаваться. В настоящее время ведутся переговоры и в этом направлении. В частности, Малайзия уже дала заказ на приобретение 40% ресурсов AzerSpace.

В настоящее время продолжается строительство основного и резервного центров управления полетами (ЦУП) в Баку и Нахчыване.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 13.12.2012 03:09:59
Уже 7 февраля.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 13.12.2012 03:16:20
ЦитироватьArianespace's first Ariane 5 for launch in 2013 marks another preparation milestone

December 11, 2012 – Ariane Flight VA212
The initial Ariane 5 for launch by Arianespace in 2013 has completed its basic build-up at the Spaceport, advancing preparations for a February liftoff fr om French Guiana with the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1 telecommunications satellites. This Ariane 5 was equipped with its ESC-A cryogenic upper stage and vehicle equipment bay during activity conducted yesterday inside the Spaceport's Launcher Integration Building, with the components installed as a single unit atop the cryogenic core stage. The launcher is now being readied for transfer to the Final Assembly Building, wh ere the dual-satellite payload will be integrated.
The Azerspace/Africasat-1 payload for Arianespace's year-opening mission will provide C- and Ku-band communications services to Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa from an orbital location at 46 deg. East Longitude. Orbital Sciences Corporation built the Star-2-based relay platform under contract to the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies – which is the sole shareholder in the country's national satellite operator, Azercosmos.
Accompanying this Azerbaijani satellite will be Amazonas 3, produced for Spanish satellite communications operator HISPASAT and its Brazilian subsidiary, HISPAMAR Satellites. Once positioned at the 61 deg. West orbital slot, it is to provide relay capacity through 52 simultaneous transponders: 33 in Ku-band and 19 C-band, along with nine Ka-band spot beams. Amazonas 3 was built by Space Systems/Loral using an LS 1300 platform.
 This mission is designated Flight VA212, signifying the 212th launch of an Ariane vehicle since the European launcher family entered service in December 1979.

Completion of initial build-up for Flight VA212's Ariane 5 is seen in these photos from the Spaceport. Its combined cryogenic upper stage and vehicle equipment bay component is hoisted inside the Launcher Integration Building,

then lowered atop the Ariane 5's core cryogenic stage.

Also visible the vehicle's two solid propellant boosters, which previously were mated with the core stage.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 04.01.2013 10:16:26
ЦитироватьЗавершено тестирование азербайджанского спутника Azerspace-1

20 Декабря 2012 22:05
Завершено тестирование первого национального телекоммуникационного спутника Azerspace-1, сказали Тренд в четверг в ОАО "Азеркосмос".

Время доставки спутника на космодром Куру с завода Orbital science corp. будет определено согласно графику, установленному производителем ракетоносителя, французской Arianespace.

Спутник, как ожидается, будет доставлен на космодром в январе 2013 года, а его запуск на геостационарную орбиту запланирован на первую декаду февраля.

В целях подробного ознакомления с процессом, на заводе Orbital sciences corporation находится один сотрудник ОАО и два сотрудника Telesat.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 15.01.2013 02:22:43
ЦитироватьAmazonas 3 arrives in French Guiana for Arianespace's year-opening Ariane 5 launch

January 14, 2013 – Ariane Flight VA212

The HISPASAT Amazonas 3 satellite for Arianespace's first Ariane 5 mission of 2013 has arrived in French Guiana, marking the start of payload preparations for this year-opening dual-passenger flight from the Spaceport.

Amazonas 3 was delivered by a chartered An-124 cargo jetliner, which touched down at Félix Eboué Airport near Cayenne, the capital city of French Guiana.

Built by Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, California, the satellite is based on the company's LS1300 platform, and will have a liftoff mass of 6.2 metric tons. After deployment by Ariane 5, it is to be located at a 61º West orbital position – enabling the spacecraft to offer coverage across the entire American continent, along with Europe and North Africa.

Amazonas 3 will operate in the Ka-, Ku- and C-bands, with its novel Ka-band payload positioning the HISPASAT Group as Latin America's first operator capable of offering interactive services and multimedia applications via satellite to a large number of users. The relay platform has a designed operating lifetime of more than 15 years.

In addition to providing expanded Internet access in the region, other services will be available via Amazonas 3, including television broadcasting, the deployment of corporate fixed and mobile telephone networks, along with tele-education and tele-medicine, broadband and integrated communications solutions for telecommunications operators.

Amazonas 3 will be orbited by Ariane 5 along with the Azerspace/Africasat-1a telecommunications satellite on a mission set for February 7. This is the first of six heavy-lift Ariane 5 launches planned by Arianespace in another busy year of activity at the Spaceport. Also scheduled during 2013 are four medium-lift Soyuz flights and one with the new light-lift Vega from French Guiana. This will be complemented by a Soyuz liftoff at Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome, operated under the responsibility of Arianespace's Euro-Russian Starsem subsidiary.

Amazonas 3 is unloaded from the An-124 cargo jetliner after its arrival at Félix Eboué Airport near French Guiana's capital city of Cayenne.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 15.01.2013 02:28:08
ЦитироватьПервый телекоммуникационный спутник Азербайджана Azerspace-1 будет выведен на орбиту седьмого февраля. Спутник будет доставлен на орбиту ракетоносителем Ariane 5 ECA с космодрома Куру (Гвианский космический центр), который находится на северо-востоке Южной Америки.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 31.01.2013 10:22:59
ЦитироватьPayload preparations continue apace for Arianespace's first two Ariane 5 flights of 2013

January 30, 2013 – Ariane Flights VA212

Preparations with passengers for Ariane 5's upcoming two flights are advancing in parallel at the Spaceport, underscoring the flexibility of this workhorse vehicle and highlighting the sustained pace of Arianespace's launch activity in 2013.

The Azerspace/Africasat-1a and Amazonas 3 telecommunications satellites for Ariane 5's next liftoff – scheduled February 7 on a mission to geostationary transfer orbit – are undergoing processing at the French Guiana launch site; while separate activity is in progress with the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV), which is to be placed in low Earth orbit on the following flight – planned in the spring – for servicing of the International Space Station.

These are the first two of Arianespace's six heavy-lift missions planned with Ariane 5 in 2013, designated Flights VA212 and VA213 to signify the 212th and 213th liftoffs of Ariane family vehicles from French Guiana since the European launcher's service entry in 1979.

Readying Flight VA212's two satellite passengers

In recent preparation activity for Flight VA212, Azerspace/Africasat-1a was fueled in the Spaceport's S5 processing center, while Amazonas 3 underwent a fit-check inside the launch site's separate S1B clean room building to validate its compatibility with the interface adapter for Ariane 5's payload "stack."

The fueled Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite weighs approximately 3,250 kg. and is based on Orbital Sciences Corporation's STAR-2 platform. It was produced by the company under contract to the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for the country's national satellite operator, Azercosmos. Integrated and tested at Orbital's satellite manufacturing facility in Dulles, Virginia, Azerspace/Africasat-1a is outfitted with 36 active C- and Ku-band transponders to provide communications coverage for Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa from an orbital location of 46 deg. East longitude.

Amazonas 3 was built by Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, California for the HISPASAT Group, and will operate from a 61º West longitude orbital slot. Using the SSL 1300 platform, this 6,200-kg. satellite has 33 Ku-band and 19 C-band transponders, along with 9 Ka-band spot beams, enabling telecommunications services that include direct-to-home television (DTH), corporate fixed and mobile telephone networks, and broadband capacity with coverage across the Americas, Europe, and North Africa.

Flight VA212's Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite is "topped off" with its fuel load inside the S5 processing center,

while Amazonas 3 undergoes a fit-check in the separate S1B building.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: DMLL от 01.02.2013 23:25:33
07 февраля 2013 г. 21:36 UTC.

Надумаете ПЗ менять - делайте на Земле, а не на АУТ  :)
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 06.02.2013 10:00:04
ЦитироватьThe first Ariane 5 flight of 2013 is "go" for its February 7 liftoff

February 5, 2013 – Ariane Flight VA212

Arianespace's year-opening Ariane 5 mission has been given the "go" for liftoff on Thursday, February 7 following today's launch readiness review for this dual-passenger, heavy-lift flight from the Spaceport in French Guiana.

The readiness review – which is held prior to all Arianespace missions – validated the status of Ariane 5, its Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a spacecraft, along with the Spaceport's infrastructure and the system of downrange tracking stations.

Total lift performance for the Ariane 5 will be an estimated 10,350 kg., composed of approximately 9,540 kg. for the two satellite passengers, along with integration hardware for the dual-payload "stack" and its deployment system.

Riding in the payload stack's upper position is Amazonas 3, which was built by Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, California for the HISPASAT Group, and will operate from a 61º West longitude orbital slot. Based on the SSL 1300 platform, this 6,265-kg.-class satellite will provide telecommunications relay services that include direct-to-home television (DTH), corporate fixed and mobile telephone networks, and broadband capacity with coverage across the Americas, Europe, and North Africa. It is equipped with 33 Ku-band and 19 C-band transponders, along with 9 Ka-band spot beams.

Installed in the lower position of Ariane 5's stack is the Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite, weighing approximately 3,275 kg. at liftoff. Using Orbital Sciences Corporation's STAR-2 platform, it carries 36 active C- and Ku-band transponders to provide communications coverage for Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa from an orbital location of 46 deg. East longitude. The satellite was produced by Orbital under contract to the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for the country's national satellite operator, Azercosmos.

Thursday evening's launch is designated Flight VA212, signifying the 212th flight of an Ariane family vehicle. It will be the first of six heavy-lift Ariane 5 missions planned by Arianespace at the Spaceport in 2013 for its launcher family trio, along with four medium-lift Soyuz flights and one with the light-lift Vega from this French Guiana site.

Launch window for Ariane Flight VA212: Between 9:36 p.m.and 10:20 p.m. Universal time (GMT) on February 7, 2013

During final preparations for Arianespace's Flight VA212, the Azerbaijan flag is placed on Ariane 5's payload fairing, representing the mission's Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite passenger. Above it is the logo for the Amazonas 3 payload.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Veganin от 06.02.2013 10:56:20
А почему у первого азербайджанского спутника такое название необычное - "Azerspace/Africasat 1a"? Поискал в гугле и не нашел ответ на свой вопрос. В пдфке от орбитал тоже ничего не говорится.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 06.02.2013 10:59:23
Africasat 1a первоначальное название этого девайса.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 06.02.2013 11:05:15
ЦитироватьСтарт азербайджанского спутника намечен на седьмое февраля
5 Февраля - 17:14 / Категория: Техника

На пусковой площадке космодрома Kourou расположенного в Centre spatial guyanais, заканчивается подготовка к старту французской ракеты-носителя Ariane-5,посредством которой должен быть выведен на орбиту первый азербайджанский телекоммуникационный спутник связи Azerspace/Africasat-1.
Старт азербайджанского спутника намечен на седьмое февраля

На пусковой площадке космодрома Kourou расположенного в Centre spatial guyanais, заканчивается подготовка к старту французской ракеты-носителя Ariane-5,посредством которой должен быть выведен на орбиту первый азербайджанский телекоммуникационный спутник связи Azerspace/Africasat-1.

Космический азербайджанский аппарат был изготовлен американскими специалистами из Orbital Sciences Corporation, и доставлен на площадку космодрома еще в прошлом году. В настоящее время он полностью прошел предстартовую подготовку, и готов к выводу на расчетную орбиту.

Телекоммуникационный спутник Azerspace/Africasat-1 имеет вес более трех тонн, и будет располагаться на орбите в сорок шесть градусов восточной долготы, которая арендована у компании из Малайзии Measat Satellite Systems. Ориентировочный срок работы спутника связи равняется пятнадцати годам, а зона охвата простирается на Центральную Азию, Европу, Кавказ и Северную Африку.

Помимо таких штатных услуг, как интернет и телевизионное вещание, азербайджанский спутник будет обеспечивать правительственную связь. Управлять работой спутника будут азербайджанские специалисты.

Это первый национальный спутник, и для того чтобы проект был рентабельным, восемьдесят процентов его мощности власти республики будут сдавать в аренду.
ЦитироватьАзербайджанская делегация прибыла на место запуска спутника Azerspace-1

05.02.2013 16:36

БАКУ, 5 фев – 1NEWS.AZ

Азербайджанская делегация прибыла во Французскую Гвиану (Южная Америка), откуда будет запущен первый азербайджанский телекоммуникационный спутник Azerspace-1.

Как передает 1news.az,об этом сообщил, глава пресс-службы Министерства связи и информационных технологий Мушфиг Амиров.

По его словам, азербайджанскую делегацию возглавляет председатель АО Azеrkosmos Рашад Набиев.

«Если погодные условия будут благоприятными, то спутник будет выведен на орбиту в ночь с 7 на 8 февраля»,- сказал М.Амиров.

Первый телекоммуникационный спутник Азербайджана будет запущен на геостационарную орбиту посредством ракетоносителя Ariane – 5ECA с космодрома Куру (Французская Гвиана) французской компанией Airanespace.

Временная позиция спутника расположена в 46 градусах восточной долготы, взятой в аренду у малазийского оператора MeaSat.

После завершения 7-летнего процесса согласования позиций с 30 странами мира, соседствующими с азербайджанским спутником, он будет перемещен на собственные позиции в 43.2, 58.5 и 96 градусах восточной долготы.

В зону охвата национального спутника войдет часть Европы и Азии.

Только 20-25% ресурсов спутника будут использоваться Азербайджаном, а остальные - продаваться. В настоящее время ведутся переговоры и в этом направлении. В частности, Малайзия уже дала заказ на приобретение 40% ресурсов Azerspace.

Бахрам Рустамбеков, Гюнель Аббасова, И.А.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Новый от 06.02.2013 11:51:56
ЦитироватьVeganin пишет:
А почему у первого азербайджанского спутника такое название необычное - "Azerspace/Africasat 1a"? Поискал в гугле и не нашел ответ на свой вопрос. В пдфке от орбитал тоже ничего не говорится.
Фактически на КА 2 полезных нагрузки - одной частью транспондеров будет управлять Азербайджан, другой - MEASAT, который предоставил орбитальную позицию для проекта. У второй ПН зона покрытия Африка, отсюда и название, под которым MEASAT коммерциализирует данный ресурс.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: ZOOR от 06.02.2013 11:57:01
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
После завершения 7-летнего процесса согласования позиций с 30 странами мира, соседствующими с азербайджанским спутником, он будет перемещен на собственные позиции в 43.2, 58.5 и 96 градусах восточной долготы.

Эт как, растроится, что-ли?
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Veganin от 06.02.2013 19:49:14
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Africasat 1a первоначальное название этого девайса.
ЦитироватьНовый пишет:
Фактически на КА 2 полезных нагрузки - одной частью транспондеров будет управлять Азербайджан, другой - MEASAT
Спасибо за разъяснения!
24 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders to provide services to Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 07.02.2013 01:42:17
ЦитироватьThe Spaceport's launch zone welcomes Arianespace's first Ariane 5 for launch in 2013

February 6, 2013 – Ariane Flight VA212

The Ariane 5 for Arianespace's initial heavy-lift mission of 2013 is ready for liftoff tomorrow evening from French Guiana with a dual-passenger payload of the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a telecommunications satellites.
This vehicle was transferred from the Spaceport's Final Assembly Building to the ELA-3 launch zone earlier today, riding atop one of two operational mobile launch tables for Ariane 5.
Amazonas 3 is installed in the upper position of Ariane 5's payload "stack" and will be deployed first during the 36-minute mission.  Produced by Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, California for the HISPASAT Group, the spacecraft is to operate from a 61º West longitude orbital slot.   The 6,265-kg.-class relay platform is equipped with 33 Ku-band and 19 C-band transponders, along with nine Ka-band spot beams, and has been designed to provide telecommunications relay services that include direct-to-home television (DTH), corporate fixed and mobile telephone networks, and broadband capacity with coverage across the Americas, Europe, and North Africa.
Positioned below Amazonas 3 in Ariane 5's payload stack is the Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite, which weighs approximately 3,275 kg. at liftoff.  It was built by Orbital Sciences Corporation in Dulles, Virginia, under contract to the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for the country's national satellite operator, Azercosmos.  Azerspace/Africasat-1a carries 24 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders to deliver communications coverage for Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa from an orbital location of 46 deg. East longitude.

Riding atop its mobile launch table, Ariane 5 nears completion of its rollout today with the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellites.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 07.02.2013 01:49:36
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: DMLL от 07.02.2013 07:38:40
Теперь ждем аутентичного запуска от Арианспейс с Амазонками.
Метро в Москве в час ночи уже будет закрыто, увы.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 00:58:29
ЦитироватьFinal countdown is underway for today's dual-passenger Arianespace Ariane 5 mission

February 7, 2013 – Ariane Flight VA212

Arianespace's Ariane 5 launch with the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a telecommunications satellites is on track for an evening liftoff, as fueling of the heavy-lift vehicle has now been authorized following a mid-day review of weather conditions at the Spaceport in French Guiana.

This will be the year-opening launch for Ariane 5, and is to deliver a total payload lift performance to geostationary transfer orbit of approximately 10,350 kg., which includes an estimated 9,540 kg. for the two spacecraft passengers.

Riding in the upper position of Ariane 5's payload "stack" is Amazonas 3 – the seventh Spanish satellite to be launched by Arianespace. Built by Space Systems/Loral for the HISPASAT Group, Amazonas 3 will provide telecommunications relay services over the Americas, Europe, and North Africa, delivering direct-to-home television (DTH), corporate fixed and mobile telephone networks and broadband capacity.

Azerspace/Africasat-1a is located in the lower portion of Ariane 5's payload stack, and it carries 24 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders to deliver communications coverage for Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa. Produced by Orbital Sciences Corporation under contract to the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for satellite operator Azercosmos, it will be the initial satellite orbited by Arianespace for this nation situated in the Caucasus region.

Today's launch – designated Flight VA212 to signify the 212th flight of an Ariane family vehicle – is the first of six heavy-lift Ariane 5 missions planned by Arianespace at the Spaceport during 2013. Also scheduled from French Guiana are four medium-lift Soyuz flights and one with the light-lift Vega – providing an active year for Arianespace's launcher trio.

The Ariane 5 with its Azerspace/Africasat-1a and Amazonas 3 satellite passengers is shown in the Spaceport's ELA-3 launch zone. Visible in the foreground is a pipe for the water deluge system that provides acoustic damping during the launcher's engine ignition and at liftoff.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 01:15:26
До старта трансляции 6 минут. Трансляция тут:
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 01:33:42
Две минуты до пуска.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 01:36:09
Улетела! :)
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 01:38:37
Есть отделение СТУ!
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 01:45:10
Есть отделение ЦБ!
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 02:04:54
Первый (Amazonas-3) пошёл!
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 02:11:22
Второй (Azerspace-1) пошёл!
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Salo от 08.02.2013 02:58:54
ЦитироватьAriane 5 delivers a record payload and completes back-to-back successes for Arianespace's launcher family

February 7, 2013 – Ariane Flight VA212

Ariane 5 provided another record payload lift performance during its year-opening dual-passenger flight this evening from the Spaceport in French Guiana, which came one day after a Soyuz success from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan that lofted six Globalstar second-generation constellation satellites.

Today's launch orbited the Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a telecommunications satellites, delivering a total calculated mass into geostationary transfer orbit of 10,317 kg. – which included 9,503 kg. for the two spacecraft, along with the dispenser system and integration hardware in Ariane 5's dual payload "stack."

"This performance demonstrates once again the pertinence of our improvement policy, which enables us to augment the capacity of our launcher, all while maintaining its reliability," said Arianespace Chairman & CEO Jean-Yves Le Gall in post-launch comments at the Spaceport.

The back-to-back missions also underscored the flexibility of Arianespace's launcher family – composed of the heavy-lift Ariane 5 utilized today at French Guiana, the medium-lift Soyuz employed in yesterday's flight from Kazakhstan (on a mission performed by the Starsem affiliate), and the new light-lift Vega – which currently is being readied for its no. 2 Spaceport launch.

Le Gall noted that the smooth countdown to Ariane 5's liftoff at 6:36 p.m. local time in French Guiana highlights the competence and maturity of Arianespace's launch teams, which are trained to oversee operations with the company's launcher family trio.

Ariane 5 deployed its Amazonas 3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a passengers on a mission lasting just under 37 minutes.

Riding in the upper position of Ariane 5's payload "stack," Amazonas 3 was released first during the flight. This satellite for the HISPASAT Group was produced by Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, California, and is to operate from a 61 deg. West longitude orbital slot.

Equipped with 33 Ku-band and 19 C-band transponders, along with nine Ka-band spot beams, Amazonas 3 will provide telecommunications relay services that include direct-to-home television (DTH), corporate fixed and mobile telephone networks, and broadband capacity with coverage across the Americas, Europe, and North Africa.

Azerspace/Africasat-1a was then separated from Ariane 5, starting the career for the first-ever national Azerbaijan satellite launched by Arianespace. It was produced by Orbital Sciences Corporation in Dulles, Virginia, under contract to the Republic of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for the country's national satellite operator, Azercosmos. The platform has 24 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders to deliver communications coverage over Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe and Africa from an orbital location of 46 deg. East longitude.

ЦитироватьArianespace orbits Amazonas-3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellites; First Ariane 5 ECA mission in 2013 a success

Kourou, February 7, 2013

On Thursday, February 7, 2013, Arianespace successfully carried out the 54th Ariane 5 launch in a row, orbiting two telecommunications satellites: Amazonas-3 for Spanish operator Hispasat, and Azerspace/Africasat-1a for the Azerbaijani operator Azercosmos 0JSC and the Azerbaijan Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies.

First Ariane 5 launch of 2013 and a new record

Today's successful mission, the 54th in a row for the European launcher, once again proves the reliability and availability of the Ariane 5 launch system. It also confirms that Arianespace continues to set the standard for independent access to space for all operators, including national and international space agencies, private industry and governments.

The 68th launch of Ariane 5 set a new record for weight injected into geostationary transfer orbit: the launcher on this mission carried a total payload of 10,317 kg, including 9,503 kg for the two satellites, Amazonas-3 and Azerspace/Africasat-1a.

This was the first Ariane 5 launch in 2013. Its success once again illustrated the operational capability of this launcher, the only one now on the market capable of simultaneously launching two payloads.

Launching satellites for a long-standing customer and a new operator

Arianespace provides the launch services most clearly matches the requirements of all operators.

Amazonas-3 is the seventh Spanish satellite launched by Arianespace. The company first launched the Hispasat 1A and 1B satellites in 1992 and 1993, respectively, followed in 2005 and 2006 by the XTAR-Eur and Spainsat satellites for Hispasat and its subsidiary Hisdesat. Amazonas-2 was launched in 2009, followed by Hispasat 1E in 2010.

The Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite is the first national satellite to be launched by Arianespace for the Azerbaijan Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies.

Arianespace has already launched the first satellites for 31 operators to date.

Amazonas-3 – Azerspace/Africasat-1a mission at a glance

The mission was carried out by an Ariane 5 ECA launcher from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Liftoff was on Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 6:36 pm local time in Kourou (4:36 pm in Washington, D.C., 21:36 UT, 10:36 pm in Paris, and 1:36 am on Friday, February 8 in Baku).

Amazonas-3 was built by Space Systems/Loral using the SSL 1300 platform and weighed 6,265 kg at launch. It has 33 Ku-band transponders, 19 C-band transponders, and 9 Ka-band spot beams. This high-power satellite provides a wide range of telecommunications and broadband connectivity services in Europe, the Americas and North Africa. It offers a design life of 15 years. Amazonas-3 is the 43rd satellite built by Space Systems/Loral to be launched by Arianespace.

The Azerspace/Africasat-1a satellite was built by Orbital Sciences Corporation using a Star-2 platform. Weighing 3,000 kg at launch, the satellite is equipped with 24 C-band transponders and 12 Ku-band transponders. It will provide a wide range of telecommunications services for Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Azerspace/Africasat-1a is the 24th satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation to be launched by Arianespace.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: azeast от 08.02.2013 06:58:34
Ну что сказать? Молодцы!
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Space Alien от 08.02.2013 03:28:11
Мои поздравления!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn8wSAhk7Sw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn8wSAhk7Sw)
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Space Alien от 08.02.2013 10:38:38
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: DMLL от 09.02.2013 15:08:11
Объекты на орбите i=6 град, 260 х 35800 км.
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: DMLL от 11.02.2013 11:32:35
Великую азербайджанскую империю с космическим первенцем :) Потихоньку поднимает перигей. Непосредственные соседи по посольству в Москве тоже могут присоединиться к поздравлениям :)
Название: Amazonas 3, Azerspace-1 - - Ariane 5 ECA (VA212) - 6.02.13 - Куру
Отправлено: Shin от 20.03.2013 14:49:20
Песня! Про первый азербайджанский спутник:
