BepiColombo (MPO+MMO) - Ariane 5 ECA (VA245) - Kourou ELA-3 - 20.10.2018 - 04:45:35 ДМВ

Автор Карлсон, 27.02.2007 21:42:10

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"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

ЦитироватьArianespace to launch BepiColombo spacecraft on first European mission to Mercury[/size]

Evry, September 15, 2011

The European Space Agency (ESA) and Arianespace today announced the signature of a contract for the launch of the BepiColombo spacecraft, designed to explore the planet Mercury.

The launch is scheduled for July 2014, using an Ariane 5 ECA launcher from the Guiana Space Center, Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana.

BepiColombo is a joint scientific mission led by ESA in conjunction with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The spacecraft comprises two probes that will be injected into separate orbits around the planet: ESA's Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), and JAXA's Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO).

Each of these two probes will be fitted with a suite of high-precision instruments to carry out an exhaustive study of Mercury.

BepiColombo will be built by Astrium GmbH and weigh about 4,400 kg at launch. The spacecraft will leave the Earth with a hyperbolic excess velocity of 3.36 km/s.

After signing the contract, ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain said, "With BepiColombo, Europe continues to explore our Solar System. After Mars Express, Venus Express and the Huygens probe to Titan, we are now gearing up to explore a planet that is very close to the Sun, key to understanding the formation of our Solar System, and yet still very mysterious. For the European Space Agency, it's also an excellent example of scientific teamwork, since we are sharing this experience with the Japanese space agency. After the successful launch of Herschel and Planck back in 2009 and before the launch of the ATV-3 and Alphasat next year, Ariane 5 again demonstrates its extreme flexibility, which will soon be complemented by Soyuz and Vega."

Jean-Yves Le Gall, Chairman & EO of Arianespace, added: "We are both proud and honored to be given this opportunity to support space science and serve the European Space Agency, teaming up with JAXA on this program. Arianespace deploys a complete range of launch vehicles, Ariane 5, Soyuz and Vega, to guarantee independent access to space for Europe and provide the most appropriate launch solutions for European government satellites."[/size]
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

fon Butterfly

Гггг! Симуляция - такая симуляция!
Аппараты, полуоси орбит которых соотносятся как ~2:1, обращаются практически синхронно!

Я, канешна, панимаю - упрощение, пипл должен схавать, и всё такое. Но, блин, не настолько же всё абстрактно лепить!.
- Ключ на старт!.. Зажигание!.. Что?!.. А мне по фигу, что оно у вас позднее!..


Миссия к Меркурию BepiColombo определилась с ракетой-носителем

Совместный проект европейского и японского космического агентств будет использовать европейскую ракету, а не российскую, как предполагалось.

Несмотря на близость к Земле, Меркурий остаётся одной из наименее изученных планет Солнечной системы. Неудивительно, что над отправкой к нему аппарата работают сразу два космических ведомства — ЕКА и JAXA.

Строго говоря, это будут два отдельных зонда, размещённые на одном транспортном модуле. Европейский Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) займётся сбором информации о поверхности планеты и её строении, а японскому аппарату Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) достанется меркурианская магнитосфера.

Российские учёные тоже участвуют в BepiColombo, разработав для проекта один из приборов. Другим вкладом нашей страны должен был стать носитель «Союз-У», но теперь принято решение, что вместо него 4,4-тонный груз выведет на орбиту Ariane 5. О подписании контракта объявила эксплуатирующая ракету компания Arianespace.

Старт должен состояться в июле 2014 года с космодрома Куру во Французской Гвиане. А через шесть с половиной лет зонды прибудут к Меркурию, попутно совершив четыре гравитационных манёвра для экономии топлива. После этого аппараты покинут транспортный модуль и смогут не менее года проработать в окрестностях ближайшего к Солнцу небесного тела.

Подготовлено по материалам Франс Пресс.


Это чтоб быстрее долететь или они уже нашему "Союзу", это... не вполне доверяют?
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан


Это чтобы вообще долететь. А решение о запуске на Ariane 5 было принято еще в середине 2008 года -


Вот как? А мне показалось, что пускать будут "Союзом" из Куру. :?
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан


Да нафиг он вообще нужен, тот Меркурий, особенно после "Мессенджера".
Лучше бы лишний раз в систему Юпитера слетали.
Аффтар, съешь еще этих мягких французских булочек да выпей царской водки!


На Меркурий было бы интересно что-нибудь посадить, чтобы оценить сейсмичность.
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан


ЦитироватьНа Меркурий было бы интересно что-нибудь посадить, чтобы оценить сейсмичность.

А ведь изначально планировался посадочный модуль. Причем сняли его, если мне не изменяет память, как раз для того, чтобы влезть в "Союз".

ЦитироватьThis Call for declaration of Interest in Science Instrumentation (CISI) is open to the European science community for enabling assessment studies of the science instruments of the MarcoPolo-R mission. MarcoPolo-R, has been selected for assessment following the ESA Call for a Medium-size M3 mission opportunity in the Cosmic Vision (CV) 2015-2025 plan. The European science community is invited to propose dedicated studies on science instrumentation that would potentially be provided by the ESA Member States, should the mission be adopted. The Proposal submission deadline is 6 January 2012, at 14:00 CET.
Интересно, что предложат.

Кстати, из отчета ИКИ РАН за 2011 год
ЦитироватьПодраздел  МГНС:  Разработаны,  изготовлены  и  испытан  технологический  образец  прибора МГНС, который поставлен в ЕКА для продолжения испытаний в составе макета  космического аппарата.
Все работы выполнены в соответствии с Техническим заданием на ОКР по теме.
Руководитель проекта:
Д.ф.м.н. Митрофанов И.Г. тел.: (495) 333-3489,

Про МГНС см. тут -
Я зуб даю за то что в первом пуске Ангары с Восточного полетит ГВМ Пингвина. © Старый
Если болит сердце за народные деньги - можно пойти в депутаты. © Neru - Старому


Запуск к Меркурию европейского зонда "Бепи Коломбо" отложен до 2015 г
ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 29 фев - РИА Новости. Запуск к Меркурию европейского космического аппарата "Бепи Коломбо" (BepiColombo), планировавшийся ранее на июль 2014 года, откладывается на год - до 2015 года - из-за задержек с разработкой защиты зонда от высоких температур, сообщает Европейское космическое агентство (ЕКА).

Проект ЕКА по исследованию Меркурия будет реализован совместно с космическим агентством Японии (JAXA). Одной из задач проекта является поиск водяного льда на полюсах планеты. По мнению ученых, есть вероятность того, что в "холодных ловушках" - полярных кратерах Меркурия, в которые никогда не заглядывает Солнце - льда может быть даже больше, чем на сегодняшний день обнаружено на Луне. Для решения этой задачи в Институте космических исследований (ИКИ) РАН был разработан прибор МГНС (Меркурианский нейтронный и гамма-спектрометр), который будет установлен на борту "Бепи Коломбо".

Как сообщает ЕКА, на орбите Меркурия космическому аппарату придется выдерживать высокие температуры (более 450 градусов Цельсия) и сильное воздействие солнечного ветра. Перед инженерами стоит задача адаптировать системы зонда к экстремальным условиям и создать системы защиты. В частности, для "Бепи Коломбо" создаются специальные солнечные батареи, комплекс антенн и компенсационная система температурного контроля.

По последним оценкам производителей этой аппаратуры во главе с компанией Astrium GmbH (Фридрихсхафен, Германия), оборудование не будет готово к запуску аппарата в июле 2014 года, и миссию необходимо перенести на следующее стартовое окно для запуска к Меркурию - август 2015 года.

"Бепи Коломбо" представляет собой носитель и два орбитальных аппарата: планетарный спутник (Mercury Planetary Orbiter - MPO), за создание которого отвечает ЕКА, и спутник для изучения магнитосферы (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter - MMO), который будет построен JAXA.

Меркурий - самая близкая к Солнцу и самая маленькая в Солнечной системе планета - сравнительно мало изучен космическими аппаратами. Практически полную карту планеты удалось составить лишь в 2009 году на основе данных зонда "Маринер-10", изучавшего Меркурий в 1970-х годах, и зонда НАСА "Мессенджер", который в марте прошлого года впервые в истории вышел на орбиту планеты. Меркурий до последнего времени был единственной из видимых невооруженным глазом планет, у которой никогда не было искусственного спутника.



BepiColombo feels the heat

    To download, right click the "Download" button and from the list choose "Save Target as".
    The Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) is tested inside ESA's Large Space Simulator. The octagonal spacecraft is Japan's contribution to BepiColombo, and must survive temperatures of 350°C.


March 03, 2012

European Space Agency (ESA)... Buying Bepi More TIme

BepiColombo, an ESA mission to the planet Mercury in collaboration with...
...the Japanese space agency, JAXA, is now planned for launch in a window opening in August 2015. While ESA had previously been targeting a launch in July 2014, a 2015 option has always been built in to the development plan, as part of the risk mitigation strategy.

Mercury is a planet of extremes, with its very high density, surface temperature, and strong interaction with the solar wind. Understanding its properties and origin will give scientists important insights into the evolution of the Solar System. BepiColombo involves a carrier spacecraft and two separate orbiters, one developed by ESA and the other by JAXA, dedicated to a comprehensive exploration of Mercury and its environment. So close to the Sun, the spacecraft will have to endure hostile conditions, in particular temperatures reaching over 450 degrees Celsius. A number of new and critical technologies have had to be developed in order for the mission to reach Mercury and operate there. These include the solar arrays, the electric propulsion system, the antenna assemblies, and the complex thermal management system.

The industrial contractors (led by Astrium GmbH in Friedrichshafen, Germany) working with ESA on the mission have recently assessed the current status of the development of these items and have concluded that the first launch window of July 2014 can no longer be met. Launch opportunities of typically one-month duration for BepiColombo are dictated by positions of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, allowing the spacecraft to follow its intricate interplanetary trajectory. The next launch opportunity to Mercury occurs in August 2015 and is consistent with the projected completion date of the spacecraft, including margins. All stakeholders, including the Science Programme Committee and the international partners, have been made aware of the issues affecting the launch date.

This illustration shows the Mercury Composite Spacecraft approaching Mercury, where the two orbiters will separate and be deployed in their dedicated orbits.
С уважением, Павел Акулаев


ESA says BepiColombo will stay on budget despite delay
ЦитироватьTechnicial difficulties with BepiColombo, a joint project between Europe and Japan, will push back its launch to Mercury by 13 months until August 2015, but officials do not expect the postponement to trigger another increase in the mission's budget.
Launch was set for July 2014, but development and testing of the mission's electric propulsion thrusters, solar arrays, antennas and thermal control system is taking longer than expected, according to Jan van Casteren, Europe's BepiColombo project manager.

"Much of the equipment is specially developed for this mission and is critical in view of its intended operation at high solar intensity and high temperatures," van Casteran said in an email to Spaceflight Now.

The challenges forced European officials to push back the mission's departure to the next launch opportunity, when the planets in the inner solar system are positioned to permit BepiColombo's circuitous route to Mercury.

The new schedule calls for launch around Aug. 15, 2015. BepiColombo will fly by Earth a year later, followed by two closes passes near Venus and four approaches of Mercury. The flybys will use each planet's gravity to slingshot the spacecraft closer to the sun, eventually allowing BepiColombo to enter orbit around Mercury in January 2022.

BepiColombo's previous arrival date at Mercury was in November 2020.

The mission consists of two orbiters, which will blast off together on an Ariane 5 rocket. A planetary orbiter provided by the European Space Agency and a Mercury magnetospheric probe built in Japan will cruise to the solar system's mysterious innermost planet with a sunshield and a solar electric propulsion module, which will be jettisoned after the craft enters orbit.

The European and Japanese satellites will separate to study Mercury from different orbits, observing the planet's cratered surface, investigating its origin, probing its interior, examining its tenuous atmosphere, studying its magnetic field, and timing Mercury's orbit around the sun to test Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity.

The BepiColombo mission, which narrowly escaped a cancellation vote in 2008, has an ESA budget of 970 million euros, or nearly $1.3 billion. Other European institutions are developing instruments for BepiColombo's planetary orbiter, a contribution worth more than 200 million euros.

Coupled with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's investment, which approaches $200 million, the mission's total cost is more than $1.7 billion.

ESA's budget included a contingency to cover a launch delay, van Casteran said, meaning BepiColombo should not need additional funds to account for the 13-month slip.

BepiColombo's cost has grown 50 percent since the mission was first approved, mostly because European officials misjudged the mission's stringent test requirements and mass.

The mission's mass grew too large for the spacecraft to be lifted into space by a Russian Soyuz rocket, compelling managers to select a larger, more expensive Ariane 5 launcher to dispatch the 9,000-pound dual-satellite mission.

Structural models of BepiColombo's propulsion module, planetary orbiter, magnetospheric orbiter, and sunshield will be assembled and tested in the Netherlands later this year. Credit: ESA
During its mission, BepiColombo will endure temperatures greater than 660 degrees Fahrenheit. Structural models of BepiColombo's European-built planetary orbiter, Japanese magnetospheric probe and a sunshield were subjected to intense thermal testing and blasts of ultraviolet light to ensure they will survive in orbit around the solar system's scorching innermost world.

According to van Casteran, BepiColombo's solar arrays, antennas and thermal control system are fully exposed to heat and solar radiation at Mercury, which is about 10 times the solar constant at Earth.

A space simulation chamber at ESA's space research and technology center, or ESTEC, in the Netherlands was modified to test the BepiColombo spacecraft in such extreme conditions. Engineers must run UV lamps at full power and focus their light on the spacecraft with mirrors to mimic conditions at Mercury.

A model of BepiColombo's combined configuration, in which it will fly to Mercury, will enter vibration and acoustic testing this spring, and officials hope to complete the environmental testing by July.

BepiColombo would mark the first European and Japanese probes to Mercury, and the mission would be the second to orbit the planet after NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft, which entered Mercury orbit in 2011.



Bepi Colombo mission to Mercury
19 April 2012

Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, remains somewhat of a mystery to us.
In the past, because of its proximity to the Sun, it has been difficult for Earth-based telescopes to observe Mercury against the ferocious solar light. In 2015, to increase our understanding of this mysterious planet, Europe is launching BepiColombo, the first dedicated mission to Mercury. It will reach its destination in 2022.

Its observations of Mercury should also offer new insights into the workings of extra-solar planets in other solar systems. These planets, which like Mercury are formed in very close proximity to their parent star the sun, are a hot topic in planetary science and astronomy at the moment.


#05: BepiColombo Planetary Orbiter and Transfer Module mated for first time

27 Apr 2012 15:08
ЦитироватьThe Structural and Thermal Models of the BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter and Mercury Transfer Module were mated for the first time on 11 April 2012. The mating was performed to accurately position the inter-module hardware on the transfer module.

The harsh thermal environment that the BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) will endure while in orbit around its target planet places special requirements on the mechanical interfaces between the orbiter and the other modules in the composite spacecraft stack that will launch and transfer to Mercury. Use of conventional interfaces would leave the mating surfaces exposed on the exterior of the MPO after separation; if these surfaces were exposed to intense solar radiation, they would transfer heat into the spacecraft structure.

To prevent this, the non-explosive actuators that will separate the spacecraft from its companions in the composite stack are housed within the MPO. After separation, the Inter-Module Hardware (IMH) remains attached to the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) and the Magnetospheric Orbiter Sunshield and Interface Structure (MOSIF), neither of which will enter orbit around Mercury. Deployable shields will cover the holes in the MPO thermal blanket through which the IMH was attached to the internal interfaces.

Complex mechanical interface

The mechanical interface between the MPO and the MTM is further complicated by the fact that the cup-and-cone separation interfaces inside the MPO will be inaccessible once the spacecraft is fully integrated. The small separation between the two spacecraft once they are mated also makes the interface more difficult to work on. The IMH addresses these problems by providing an additional cup-and-cone interface in the gap between the two spacecraft. Cup-and-cone interfaces, which consist of a conical cone that fits into a matching cup and a clamp band that 'pre-loads', or pushes together, the two halves of the interface, allow the transfer of mechanical loads in all planes while permitting easy and controlled mating and separation when the clamp band is removed. During final stack integration, the completed MPO will be lowered onto the MTM and the interfaces will be secured with the clamp bands. At this stage, the 'upper' (-Z) face of the MTM will be populated with equipment, so a specially designed tool will be used to tighten the clamp band fasteners.

The reason for the temporary mating of the spacecraft on 11 April was to allow the precise positioning of the IMH cup hardware on the MTM -Z panel. The IMH is fixed to the MTM using bolts, but these are only designed to bear longitudinal stresses - that is, those due to forces acting perpendicular to the plane of the interface. Stresses due to lateral forces - those acting in the plane of the interface - will be borne by 'shear pins', since the friction between the IMH and the panels to which it is attached will be insufficient; the shear pins also increase the stiffness of the overall interface. In order for the shear pins to fulfil their function of preventing slippage at the IMH/panel interface, and also to ensure that they can be removed and replaced during ground operations, very tight tolerances are specified for the size and location of the holes that they fit into. This tight tolerance for the holes in the MTM -Z panel requires that the MPO with its IMH hardware attached be used as the 'template' for determining their position.

Marking-out with a 1600 kilogram 'template'

Until recently, the MPO has been mated to its ground handling trolley through ground brackets designed specifically for that purpose. In preparation for mating with the MTM, it was fitted with the Structural Model (StM) IMH that will connect the two spacecraft. To begin the 'templating' process, the clamp bands securing the IMH cones on the MPO to the IMH cups temporarily mounted on the ground handling trolley were released and the spacecraft was lifted off of its trolley by an overhead crane. The IMH cups were then removed from the trolley and replaced with their Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) equivalents. The MPO was then returned to its trolley while the IMH cups were transferred to the MTM. Spacers are employed to prevent the StM IMH cones from making contact with the MGSE.

On the MTM, the StM IMH was bolted into position, but with the bolts left loose so that the IMH was still free to move laterally within the tolerance of the fixing holes. The MPO was then lifted by crane from its trolley to the MTM, where it was slowly lowered, so that the IMH cones mated with the cups on the MTM. Once the alignment of the two spacecraft had been carefully checked, the bolts securing the IMH cups to the MTM were tightened using a special tool to reach into the narrow gap between the spacecraft.

With the IMH cups precisely positioned on the MTM, the MPO was removed to allow the marking-out, drilling and reaming of the holes for the shear pins.

Now that the IMH has been fitted to the MTM, integration of additional hardware onto the transfer module will continue over the coming weeks.


Программа Русский космос 18

Самая маленькая планета в Солнечной системе сравнительно мало изучена космическими аппаратами. Первую полную карту поверхности Меркурия удалось составить лишь в 2009 году.
В 2015 году к ближайшей к Солнцу планете стартует экспедиция Европейского космического агентства "БепиКоломбо", одной из задач которой станет поиск водяного льда на полюсах Меркурия.
Для решения этой задачи в Институте космических исследований (ИКИ) РАН был разработан прибор МГНС (Меркурианский нейтронный и гамма-спектрометр), который будет установлен на борту "БепиКоломбо".
О том, чем еще привлекает учёных Меркурий, в эфире "Русского космоса" рассказал Максим Литвак, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории космической гамма-спектроскопии Института космических исследований РАН.