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Тематические разделы => Прикладная космонавтика => Тема начата: поц от 04.03.2018 09:45:52

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 06:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 04.03.2018 09:45:52
ЦитироватьThe half-ton DSX satellite will fly through Earth's radiation belts with instruments to measure the effects of very low frequency radio waves on space radiation, space weather conditions and the impact of radiation on electronics and spacecraft materials.
Rideshare mission for U.S. military confirmed as second Falcon Heavy launch (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/01/rideshare-mission-for-u-s-military-confirmed-as-second-falcon-heavy-launch/)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 06.03.2018 14:45:57
ЦитироватьAccording to Spaceflight Now (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/03/01/rideshare-mission-for-u-s-military-confirmed-as-second-falcon-heavy-launch/), the STP-2 mission will include a veritable cornucopia of satellites. Those payloads include:
  • Six small weather satellites for the U.S.-Taiwanese Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate-2 (COSMIC-2) program;
  • LightSail 2, a solar-sail propelled cubesat built by the Planetary Society. This mission follows the society's first LightSail mission in 2015 (https://www.space.com/29679-lightsail-solar-sail-reentry-death-fall.html);
  • The Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments satellite (DSX) to study space radiation;
  • NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission (https://www.space.com/32567-nasa-green-propellant-mission-gpim.html) to test non-toxic fuels for spacecraft;
  • The Orbital Test Bed satellite carrying NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock (https://www.space.com/39663-atomic-clock-space-falcon-heavy.html)along with other military and commercial payloads;
  • The Prox-1 satellite (http://prox-1.gatech.edu/index.html) built by students at George Institute of Technology, and other small satellites built by the U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, Michigan Institute of Technology, and the California Polytechnic Institute.
One cubesat riding on the Falcon Heavy was built by students at Merritt Island High School in Florida, Spaceflight Now reported.
SpaceX's Next Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch Will Be an Epic Rideshare: Report (https://www.space.com/39889-spacex-next-falcon-heavy-rocket-launch-in-june.html)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 06.03.2018 14:53:30
Один из попутчиков:
С помощью космического аппарата (КА) GPIM (Green Propellant Infusion Mission), космическое агентство США планирует протестировать новый вид экологически чистого топлива (AF-M315E, гидроксил амония нитрат, 
) который НАСА планирует использовать на перспективных КА.  В случае подтверждения характеристик НАСА рассчитывает существенно повысить безопастность и снизить стоимость заправки космических аппаратов на всех своих космодромах.  Также, за счет нового топлива агентство планирует существенно увеличить маневренность своих аппаратов.
Aerojet Rocketdyne поставила экологически чистые двигательные установки компании Ball Aerospace (BA). В дальнейшем BA должна будет установить данные изделия на космический аппарат (КА) НАСА GPIM. Целевым назначением аппарата является испытание и технологическая демонстрация возможностей спутников работать на экологически чистом топливе. В рамках достижения поставленной цели компания Ball Aerospace должна будет интегрировать на аппарат двигательную подсистему (состоит из 5-и одноньютоновых двигателей). В качестве платформы КА будет выступать платформа BCP-100. Топливом для новых двигателей будет выступать нетоксичный AF-M315E. Поскольку новый вид топлива сгорает при более высоких температурах чем гидразин, то компании Aerojet пришлось использовать при изготовлении ДУ новые сплавы металлов.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 21.03.2018 20:18:27
LightSail 2 интегрировали в подпружиненный контейнер, из которого он и вылетит в космос:(здесь боковушки не закрыты)

 а здесь уже боковушки закрыты и в таком виде этот контейнер (P-POD) будет интегрирован в другой спутник Prox-1:

Как только Prox-1 будет собран вокруг P-POD, интегрированная пара пройдет один заключительный раунд экологических испытаний. Команда LightSail 2 вернется в Альбукерке для одного финального теста "aliveness" -в основном, они включат LightSail 2, чтобы убедиться, что он пережил все и находится в состоянии готовности к полету. А оттуда-во Флориду!

LightSail 2 doubles the fun with double integrations (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/2018/20180320-lightsail-2-double-integrations.html)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 26.03.2018 06:37:26
Новый Космический Корабль LightSail 2 Будет Стимулировать Солнечно-Парусные Межпланетные Миссии (https://www.space.com/40041-lightsail-2-spacecraft-solar-sailing-missions.html)

ЦитироватьНовый солнечно-парусный корабль станет звонком всем (будущим) пассажирам межпланетного корабля.Космический корабль Lightsail 2 планетарного общества будет испытательным стендом для будущих миссий, желающих использовать солнечные паруса, включая предлагаемый НАСА cubesat, Околоземный Астероидный Скаут (Nea Scout).

Lightsail 2 будет запущен не ранее, чем 13 июня из космического центра Кеннеди в пригороде Орландо, штат Флорида, с помощью spacex в новый и мощный Falcon Heavy  (https://www.space.com/39779-falcon-heavy-facts.html)ракеты (https://z5h64q92x9.net/proxy_u/en-ru.ru/https/www.space.com/39779-falcon-heavy-facts.html). Космического корабля конечным пунктом назначения будет средней околоземной орбите около 725 километров (450 миль) — примерно вдвое высоты Международной космической станции (https://z5h64q92x9.net/proxy_u/en-ru.ru/https/www.space.com/16748-international-space-station.html).
Конечная цель миссии-проверить "полет светом", как это называет планетарное Общество-солнечное плавание в космосе. Этот тип движения использует нежный толчок фотонов, потоковое от солнца, чтобы переместить космический корабль вокруг. Самое большое преимущество заключается в том, что космический корабль не должен нести с собой топливо. На маленьком спутнике, подобном cubesat, сказал Брюс Беттс, главный ученый планетарного общества, каждый грамм веса имеет значение.
"Мы ждали запуска, где мы могли бы добраться до более высокой высоты [над землей], где солнечное давление будет доминировать над атмосферным сопротивлением", - сказал Беттс Space.com.

"Мы действительно будем пытаться управлять солнечным плаванием ... каждую половину орбиты [земли] мы будем вытеснять солнечным светом, а для другой половины орбиты мы будем приближаться к солнечному свету", - добавил Беттс, который также является директором по науке и технологиям планетарного общества.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 26.03.2018 21:01:52
Тайвань с помощью США запустит шесть метеоспутников (http://tass.ru/kosmos/5065613)

ЦитироватьГОНКОНГ /СЯНГАН/, 26 марта. /Корр. ТАСС Александр Зюзин/. Шесть метеоспутников тайваньско-американского совместного проекта FORMOSAT-7 запустят на орбиту в этом году. Намеченный на лето запуск осуществит частная компания SpaceX, сообщил в Тайбэе министр науки и технологии Чэнь Лянцзи.
По его словам, введение в строй новой группировки спутников позволит точнее предсказывать погодно-климатические явления, в том числе траекторию движения тайфунов в Тихом океане. Речь идет о замене на орбите старых спутников серии FORMOSAT-3, которые вывели на орбиту в апреле 2006 года.
Проект осуществляется силами тайваньской Национальной лаборатории прикладных исследований и Национального управления океанических и атмосферных исследований США. Изначально предполагалось запустить по два блока - 12 микроспутников, однако по финансовым соображением их число сократили до шести.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: поц от 27.04.2018 19:18:47
КА General Atomics готов к запуску (http://ecoruspace.me)

Компания General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) объявила о полной готовности к запуску КА Orbital Test Bed (OTB). Данный спутник разрабатывался по программе ВВС США STP-2, должен быть запущен при помощи РН Фалькон тяжелая и, по своей сути, будет являться тестовой платформой для проведения отработки новых технологий. В дальнейшем GA-EMS рассчитывает на то, что ее платформа позволит ей стать интегратором полезных нагрузок для тех заказчиков, которые не заинтересованы в создании собственного отдельного спутника или желают сэкономить на запуске. В компании также не исключили возможностей по совместному использованию созданной платформы в интересах гражданских, военных и коммерческих заказчиков.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.05.2018 20:32:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185974.jpg)Jason Davis‏Подлинная учетная запись @jasonrdavis (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis/status/994990046284398592)

One small update to Bloomberg's story on the next Falcon Heavy launch date: it's now NET Oct. 30, according to the STP-2 Air Force folks.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.05.2018 20:37:11
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • May 11, 2018

LightSail 2 launch slips to Fall

The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 spacecraft will spend at least four more months waiting to solar sail, due to a launch date slip for SpaceX's second Falcon Heavy flight.

The launch, which was previously scheduled for June, will now take place no earlier than October 30, 2018, according to the U.S. Air Force.

LightSail 2 is currently at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was integrated into the Prox-1 spacecraft back in March (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/2018/20180320-lightsail-2-double-integrations.html). The two spacecraft will eventually undergo final environmental testing and acceptance before shipping to Cape Canaveral for launch.

Prox-1 and LightSail 2 are among 25 different spacecraft launching on STP-2, an Air Force-sponsored mission that will help certify the Falcon Heavy for Department of Defense missions. The triple-core rocket will use three Block 5 boosters—the new, upgraded variant of the company's Falcon 9 vehicle. The first Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket (http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/bangabandhupresskit5918.pdf) is scheduled to launch Friday, May 11.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 12.05.2018 08:23:11
Нигде не могу найти информацию о суммарной массе ПН в этом запуске..
Поделитесь кто знает, плиз.
Хотя бы предположениями.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2018 22:58:28
Цитировать[SIZE=8]SpaceX Falcon Heavy with Block 5 rockets targets November launch debut[/SIZE]

By Eric Ralph (https://www.teslarati.com/author/eric-ralph/)
Posted on June 10, 2018

According to several of its satellite passengers, SpaceX's second launch of Falcon Heavy – this time with three Falcon 9 Block 5 boosters – is understood to be targeted for no earlier than November 2018 and will mark the first commercial mission for the world's most powerful operational rocket.

Under the blanket label Space Test Program-2 (STP-2), Falcon Heavy's first operational mission will be conducted for the US Air Force and see 25 various spacecraft – some weighing as much as 500 kilograms – launched into an equally varied selection of orbits, requiring a complex series of restarts and burns for the rocket's upgraded Block 5 second stage. STP-2 also includes a huge 5000-kilogram ballast mass as a result of the decision to fly the mission as a demonstration of Falcon Heavy instead of a less powerful but cheaper and simpler single-booster Falcon 9. The total mass of all 25 payloads is likely far beneath the powerful rocket's actual capabilities, as are the performance and propellant reserves required for the upper stage to inject different spacecraft into a number of orbits, hence the inclusion of so much dead mass.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134935.jpg) (https://cdn.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/F9-1046-interstage-detail-Tom-Cross.jpg)
Falcon 9 Block 5 shows off its interstage heat shielding and titanium grid fins. Falcon Heavy's three boosters will likely look nearly identical. (Tom Cross)

Of those 25 distinct payloads, a number even include their own co-passenger satellites and experiments and have orbit requirements ranging from a basic circular low Earth orbit (~700km) to an odd, elliptical orbit with ends at 6000 and 12000km. For Falcon Heavy's second flight, SpaceX will be fielding three highly reusable Block 5 boosters (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-transition-all-falcon-9-block-5-launches/) and a Block 5 upper stage with upgrades that enable the vehicle to operate far longer on orbit and reignite its Merlin Vacuum engine three or more times.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134955.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-falcon-heavy-block-5-november-launch/fh-stp-2-in-fairing-usaf/)
Shown here is a mockup of STP-2's small adapter and passenger payloads with plenty of room to spare inside Falcon Heavy's fairing. (USAF)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134950.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-falcon-heavy-block-5-november-launch/dsx-satellites-and-adapter-2011-usaf/)
One group of STP-2 passengers, known as DSX, has been awaiting launch for more than eight years. (USAF)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134888.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-breathtaking-falcon-heavy-launch-photos/falcon-heavy-takes-flight-tom-cross/)
Falcon Heavy explodes off of Pad 39A in a spectacle of fire, Roadster in tow. (Tom Cross)

Unlikely to seriously tax Falcon Heavy's brute-force payload lifting capabilities (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-breathtaking-falcon-heavy-launch-photos/) even with five metric tons of ballast, STP-2 will still be a lengthy and complicated endeavor for SpaceX's Falcon upper stage – perhaps the most complex the company has yet to attempt. However, above all else, the most difficult aspect of the USAF STP-2 mission is almost certainly the comparatively mundane act of coordinating dozens of wildly different satellites and spacecraft from an equally varied number of different and geographically disparate institutions, companies, and government agencies, all of which must be ready for launch and attached to the same SpaceX payload adapter at roughly the same time to prevent mothballing launch delays.

RELATED: Reliving SpaceX Falcon Heavy: A press photographer's memoir, not so much a blog post (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-falcon-heavy-memoir-tom-cross-launch-photog/)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134884.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/elon-musk-teases-falcon-super-heavy-5-rockets-strapped-together/falcon-heavy-3-tom-cross/)
Falcon Heavy as seen a day before launch, February 5. (Tom Cross)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134893.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/livestream-spacex-falcon-heavy-launch-kennedy-space-center/spacex-falcon-heavy-booster-engines/)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134885.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-used-falcon-heavy-booster-photo-gallery/falcon-heavy-display-merlins-and-octaweb-tom-cross-8/)
All nine Merlin 1Ds displayed with their adorable cozies. (Tom Cross/Teslarati)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134886.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/falcon-heavy-lake-reflection-spacex/)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134887.jpg) (https://www.teslarati.com/falcon-heavy-side-booster-landings-spacex/)
Including Falcon Heavy's two side boosters, SpaceX has successfully completed an array of land-based recoveries in the last four months, but not a single landing on a drone ship. (SpaceX)
SpaceX's first Falcon Heavy completed its spectacularly successful debut earlier this year with a mission that saw CEO Elon Musk's own Tesla Roadster launch into orbit (https://www.teslarati.com/what-happen-elon-musk-tesla-space-journey-mars/) around the sun and culminated in the truly extraordinary near-simultaneous landings of the rocket's two flight-proven side boosters. Those boosters both completed their first launches in 2016, nearly two years prior to their second and final flights, and the reinforced center core was built as a new but now-outdated Block 3, lessening the blow from its failure to land aboard the drone ship Of Course I Still Love You after separating from the upper stage. Like all Block 5 versions of Falcon, the second Falcon Heavy's Block 5 boosters should be expected to support a number of launches before retirement, ranging from several to as many as 100.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 13.06.2018 17:56:40
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
STP-2 also includes a huge 5000-kilogram ballast mass as a result of the decision to fly the mission as a demonstration of Falcon Heavy instead of a less powerful but cheaper and simpler single-booster Falcon 9. The total mass of all 25 payloads is likely far beneath the powerful rocket's actual capabilities
А мясо то где? мясо!!
В смысле масса.
Общая масса ПН по прежнему остаётся загадкой..
Столько букв , а цифр общей массы нет..
Стесняются что-то..
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 13.06.2018 23:57:53
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
STP-2 also includes a huge 5000-kilogram ballast mass
А мясо то где? мясо!!
В смысле масса.
Общая масса ПН по прежнему остаётся загадкой..
Столько букв , а цифр общей массы нет..
Стесняются что-то..
Походу все остальные ПН незначительны по сравнению с 5-тонным балластом.
Общая масса ПН должна быть примерно такой же как ПН Дельты-4Н.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 15.06.2018 04:20:12
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Походу все остальные ПН незначительны по сравнению с 5-тонным балластом.

это то понятно...
Держится в секрете общая масса ПН и неизвестно на какую орбиту будут закидывать этот балласт..
Такого 5 тонного балласта очень не хватало при запуливании пластикового кузова от родстера с куклой.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 15.06.2018 04:32:11
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Общая масса ПН должна быть примерно такой же как ПН Дельты-4Н.
14 тонн на ГПО? поясните , пожалуйста, вашу оценку общей  массы ПН..
Я ставлю на то , что общая масса ПН будет меньше 11 тонн.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Василий Ратников от 15.06.2018 04:44:01
axxenm, совершенно очевидно что с такой 2 ступенью, а может и с 1 ФХ никакие 62 тонны на НОО не выведет

1) эта цифра чисто расчетная, если бы да кабы вот бы вывела, энергетика позволяет.

2) смотреть надо на возвращаемый вариант. который там 30 тонн обещает.

3) и даже эти 30 тонн с такой второй ступенью это теория, не выдержит согнется, ну или там сразу 3 кратный запас был.

лютый ли это фейл ? предположительно нет, не лютый.
ФХ должен быть способен на ГПО тяжелые спутники весом тонн по 8 тонн в полностью возвращаемом варианте.
на что Ф9 не способен, который в расходуемом выводит тонн 6 на ГПО.
а еще ФХ должен уметь выводить прямо на ГСО. Военным вроде как это нужно.

можно сказать вот мол столько труда и результат так себе, где мега свершения
тут ошибка - труда не особо много
стартовый стол переделали из Ф9, никаких монструозных СК от ангары не проглядывается
вторая ступень та же, первые ступени боковые переделаны из бу Ф9, без особых потрат
центральная тоже не особо изменилась.

коллектив настоящих специалистов от отрасли сделал ФХ факультативно в перерывах от работ над совершенствованием Ф9 и отработки многоразового использования.

если вдруг возникнет покупатель на 30 тонн на НОО, и деньгами, то для ФХ сделают новую вторую ступень,
которая будет конструкционно выдерживать не 12 тонн, а 30.

СпХ разумная компания и делает то что хочет рынок.
Рынок не хочет 30 тонн на НОО 200 км.
Заказчик хочет
Of those 25 distinct payloads, a number even include their own co-passenger satellites and experiments and have orbit requirements ranging from a basic circular low Earth orbit (~700km) to an odd, elliptical orbit with ends at 6000 and 12000km.

12000км орбиту ) соответственно нет смысла делать 2 ступень настолько прочную.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 15.06.2018 05:52:14
ЦитироватьВасилий Ратников пишет:
на что Ф9 не способен, который в расходуемом выводит тонн 6 на ГПО.
Гнать вас поганой метлой нужно из  высокодуховных рядов "маскофилов" - для ф9 горделиво заявляют 8,3 тонны на ГПО в правильном одноразовом варианте - зачем клевещите занижая показатели ф9?
Или это вы применяете "военную хитрость" - типа занижу ка показатели для ф9, что бы показать что ФХ не бесполезная вязанка дров.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 15.06.2018 10:56:15
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Общая масса ПН должна быть примерно такой же как ПН Дельты-4Н.
14 тонн на ГПО? поясните , пожалуйста, вашу оценку общей массы ПН..
Пять с половиной тонн на ГСО. 
 Как и Дельта-4Н это ракета для вывода тяжёлых военных спутников непосредственно на ГСО. 
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 15.06.2018 10:59:01
ЦитироватьВасилий Ратников пишет:
Рынок не хочет 30 тонн на НОО 200 км.
Госзаказ хочет 5.5 тонн на ГСО.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 15.06.2018 08:15:46
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Пять с половиной тонн на ГСО.
То есть вы хотите сказать что в этом пуске они попытаются вывести балласт в 5 тонн на ГСО?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Denis Voronin от 15.06.2018 11:53:38
ЦитироватьВасилий Ратников пишет:
Рынок не хочет 30 тонн на НОО 200 км.
Ты забываешь, что патриоты мыслят категориями абсолютных цифр, через которые можно потеребонькать имперское величие. Какой ещё к чёрту рынок?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 15.06.2018 13:55:29
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Госзаказ хочет 5.5 тонн на ГСО.
Уже 6.5 т на ГСО, 8,2 т на ГПО и 17 т на полярную.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 15.06.2018 12:17:46
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Общая масса ПН должна быть примерно такой же как ПН Дельты-4Н.
14 тонн на ГПО? поясните , пожалуйста, вашу оценку общей массы ПН..
Пять с половиной тонн на ГСО.
 Как и Дельта-4Н это ракета для вывода тяжёлых военных спутников непосредственно на ГСО.
То есть вы хотите сказать что в этом пуске они попытаются вывести балласт в 5 тонн на ГСО?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 15.06.2018 21:44:04
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет: 
То есть вы хотите сказать что в этом пуске они попытаются вывести балласт в 5 тонн на ГСО?
Хочу сказать что да. По крайней мере так думаю.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 15.06.2018 21:46:20
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Госзаказ хочет 5.5 тонн на ГСО.
Уже 6.5 т на ГСО, 8,2 т на ГПО и 17 т на полярную.
Аппетиты у госзаказа растут. А что делать? :( Может себе позволить. :(
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 15.06.2018 19:14:59
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
То есть вы хотите сказать что в этом пуске они попытаются вывести балласт в 5 тонн на ГСО?
Хочу сказать что да. По крайней мере так думаю.
Что ж посмотрим..
Я на 90% уверен что не будет вывода 5 тонн на ГСО в этом полете.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 16.06.2018 08:39:05
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьaxxenm пишет:
То есть вы хотите сказать что в этом пуске они попытаются вывести балласт в 5 тонн на ГСО?
Хочу сказать что да. По крайней мере так думаю.
5 т на ГСО ещё и кучей других ПН на другие орбиты потребуют как минимум одноразового центра, что вряд ли. Ну и в статье выше есть

ЦитироватьOf those 25 distinct payloads, a number even include their own co-passenger satellites and experiments and have orbit requirements ranging from a basic circular low Earth orbit (~700km) to an odd, elliptical orbit with ends at 6000 and 12000km. For Falcon Heavy's second flight, SpaceX will be fielding three highly reusable Block 5 boosters (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-transition-all-falcon-9-block-5-launches/) and a Block 5 upper stage with upgrades that enable the vehicle to operate far longer on orbit and reignite its Merlin Vacuum engine three or more times. 
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 16.06.2018 07:59:25
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
5 т на ГСО ещё и кучей других ПН на другие орбиты потребуют как минимум одноразового центра, что вряд ли.
Вы уверены что планируется посадка центрального блока?
Я вот нет..
Из туманной фразы ".. For Falcon Heavy's second flight, SpaceX will be fielding three highly reusable Block 5 boosters (https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-transition-all-falcon-9-block-5-launches/).."
 необязательно следует что все три  блока будут садиться - reusable это возможность , но не обязательство.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 16.06.2018 08:12:51
Запуск официально перенесли на 19 ноября 2018 ...
В переводе с маскианского на человеческий язык - в этом году не запустят..
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 08.09.2018 17:53:23
Цитировать two managers with payloads on the STP-2 mission said Friday that the launch is no longer scheduled before the end of this year.

легкие деньги  :)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: axxenm от 19.09.2018 17:48:45
новые обещалки - март 2019
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.03.2019 00:53:21
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67522.jpg)Thomas Burghardt‏ @TGMetsFan98 (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98) 22 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98/status/1111016211867992064)

2 new FCC apps.
@SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) (NET June) will land sides at LZ-1 and 2, center on ASDS 37 km downrange, closer than F9 SSO-A.
https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/els/reports/STA_Print.cfm?mode=current&application_seq=91026&RequestTimeout=1000 ... (https://t.co/VPQ3D8UcLH)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.04.2019 10:31:59
Как сообщает источник (http://www.spaceflightfans.cn/53953.html) в КНР
По сообщениям тайваньских СМИ:
Спутники Formosat-7 будут отправлены из Тайваньского космического центра на складскую площадку рядом с аэропортом Таоюань 14-го апреля с намерением их доставки 15-го апреля на космодром Мыс Канаверал, штат Флорида, США. Согласно план-графика космического центра, Formosat-7 должны быть отправлены в Соединенные Штаты за шестьдесят девять дней до запуска. Т.о., пуск может быть в конце июня.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.04.2019 14:24:52
Цитировать14 АПР, 11:53
Тайвань в июне запустит с помощью США шесть метеоспутников проекта Formosat-7

Ожидается, что замена старых спутников позволит точнее предсказывать погодно-климатические явления

ГОНКОНГ /СЯНГАН/, 14 апреля. /ТАСС/. Шесть тайваньских метеоспутников совместного с США проекта Formosat-7 в воскресенье были отправлены в американский штат Флорида, куда они прибудут во вторник. В июне они будут запущены с космодрома на мысе Канаверал, сообщило Центральное информационное агентство Тайваня (CNA).

Проект осуществляется силами тайваньской Национальной лаборатории прикладных исследований и Национального управления океанических и атмосферных исследований США. Стороны инвестировали в него по $100 млн. Введение в строй новой группировки спутников позволит точнее предсказывать погодно-климатические явления, в том числе траекторию движения тайфунов в Тихом океане.

Речь идет о замене на орбите старых спутников серии Formosat-3, которые были запущены в апреле 2006 года. Изначально предполагалось запустить по два блока - 12 микроспутников, однако, по финансовым соображениям, их число было сокращено до шести.
В начале текущего года тайваньское правительство утвердило программу третьей фазы реализации собственной космической программы. Она рассчитана на период до 2028 года и имеет бюджет в размере $818 млн. В рамках программы будет разработано 10 спутников дистанционного зондирования Земли. Их начнут запускать с 2021 года по одному в год.

В целом новые космические аппараты будут усовершенствованными версиями спутников типа Formosat-5 и Formosat-7. При этом они будут оснащаться более качественной оптической аппаратурой высокого разрешения.

Тайвань начал реализовывать свою космическую программу с 1991 года. Остров не имеет собственных ракет-носителей и космодромов и осуществляет запуски с помощью США. В августе 2017 года Тайвань при помощи компании SpaceX вывел в космос свой первый спутник дистанционного зондирования Земли Formosat-5 полностью собственной разработки.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.04.2019 02:27:19
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185520.jpg)Dana Hull‏Подлинная учетная запись @danahull (https://twitter.com/danahull) 11 апр. (https://twitter.com/danahull/status/1116475780609888258)

what's the target date for STP-2?

(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/692443836736507904/4I0Bh5oX_bigger.jpg)AF SMC‏ @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) 10:05 PDT (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC/status/1117836328182267907) - 15 апр. 2019 г.

В ответ @danahull (https://twitter.com/danahull) @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX)

The returned side cores from the Arabsat 6A mission will require analysis to determine reusability. Pending the condition of the side cores, the target launch date is NET Jun 19.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.04.2019 03:19:42
Уточнение к #35 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1845849/#message1845849)
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1117893681439051776)

And I've been informed that the Air Force's tweet is unintentionally misleading. It's not "June 19" as stated, it's "June 2019." Latest NET actually comes from Formosat and is NET 22 June 2019. Still. Just about two months away!
#FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.04.2019 03:25:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1117907570642100224)

STP-2's center core will have enough performance to RTLS, but it can't because there aren't that many landing pads. It will land more than 20 miles out to sea on the ASDS and then have to wait out there while it's secured and prepped for tow back to Port Canaveral.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.04.2019 05:05:24
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185714.png)Taoyuan Airport‏Подлинная учетная запись @taoyuanairport (https://twitter.com/taoyuanairport) 20 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/taoyuanairport/status/1117675866606063616)

What a historic moment! Formosat-7 satellite constellation is heading for the United States today. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125615.png)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 17.04.2019 10:41:44


The Department of Defense (DoD) Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission, managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), will deliver 23 satellites to space on the DoD's first ever SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch vehicle. The STP-2 mission will be among the most challenging launches in SpaceX history with four separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits, a final propulsive passivation maneuver and a total mission duration of over six hours. In addition, the U.S. Air Force plans to reuse side boosters from the Arabsat-6A Falcon Heavy launch, recovered after a return to launch site landing, making it the first reused Falcon Heavy ever flown.

The STP-2 multi-manifest (rideshare) launch will demonstrate the capabilities of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch vehicle and provide critical data supporting certification for future National Secuirty Space Launch (NSSL) missions. In addition, SMC will use this mission as a pathfinder for the development of mission assurance policies and procedures related to the reuse of launch vehicle boosters. The STP-2 payloads are assembled from a host of mission partners including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), DoD research laboratories, and university research projects. STP-2 provides a unique space access opportunity for DoD and inter-agency science and technology missions that directly enhance the space capabilities of the U.S. and its allies and partners.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 17.04.2019 13:53:30

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWymne93DFY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWymne93DFY)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:14:50
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1121974223566561281)

Falcon Heavy center core booster completed a static fire test at our rocket development facility in McGregor, Texas ahead of its next mission → http://spacex.com/stp-2  (https://t.co/QjQ85Pfc1O)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:18:33
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29925.jpg)Michael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight) 7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1121974380005818368)

The core number of this booster is B1057-1.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:29:01
К #40 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1846192/#message1846192) - ссылка перестала работать

Анимация пуска по новому адресу:
ЦитироватьSTP-2 Animation
 Доступ по ссылке

SpaceX (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtI0Hodo5o5dUb67FeUjDeA)

Дата загрузки: 18 апр. 2019 г.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission, managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), will deliver 23 satellites to space on the DoD's first ever SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.

The STP-2 mission will be among the most challenging launches in SpaceX history with four separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits, a final propulsive passivation maneuver and a total mission duration of over six hours.

In addition, the U.S. Air Force plans to reuse side boosters from the Arabsat-6A Falcon Heavy launch, recovered after a return to launch site landing, making it the first reused Falcon Heavy ever flown.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLEuCn8RT14https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLEuCn8RT14 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLEuCn8RT14) (2:19)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:36:38

The Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicle Directorate's Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft will conduct basic research on the harsh radiation environment of medium-Earth orbit (MEO). DSX will perform three primary experiments:
  • The Wave Particle Interaction Experiment (WPIx) will resolve critical feasibility issues for very-low frequency (VLF) wave-particle interaction.
  • The Space Weather Experiments (SWx) will measure and map the distributions of energetic protons, electrons and low-energy plasma in the inner magnetosphere to improve environment models for spacecraft design and operations.
  • The Space Environment Effects (SFx) will determine the MEO environmental effects on common electrical components, circuits and materials. This includes NASA's Space Environment Testbeds (SET) experiments. SET will characterize how radiation driven by the Sun impacts hardware over time, paving the way for mitigating the effects of solar activity on spacecraft design and operations.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:38:02

COSMIC-2 is a partnership between NOAA, the U.S. Air Force (USAF), NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), Taiwan's National Space Organization (NSPO), the UK's Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL), the Brazil Institute of Space Research (INPE), and the Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). This six-satellite constellation will provide next-generation Global Navigational Satellite System Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO) data. Radio Occultation data is collected by measuring the changes in a radio signal as it is refracted in the atmosphere, allowing temperature and moisture to be determined.
  • International collaboration between Taiwan (NSPO) and the United States (NOAA)
  • Collects atmospheric data for weather prediction and for ionosphere, climate, and gravity research
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:38:50

The Green Propellant Infusion Mission, or GPIM, is a NASA mission that develops a "green" alternative to conventional spacecraft propulsion systems. With the green propellant, launch vehicle and spacecraft fuel loading will be safer, faster, and much less costly. The "shirt sleeve" operational environment GPIM offers will reduce ground processing time from weeks to days.
  • Demonstrates a new form of safe propulsion
  • Improves propulsive efficiency while reducing handling concerns

Learn more about Ball Aerospace (http://www.ball.com/aerospace/programs/gpim), [COLOR=2E6BBD]Aerojet Rocketdyne[/COLOR] (http://www.rocket.com/innovation/green-propulsion) and [COLOR=2E6BBD]NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission[/COLOR] (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/main/resources_gpim_dsac.html).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:39:45

Oculus-ASR was developed by students at the Michigan Technological University in Houghton, MI through the Air Force Research Laboratory's University Nanosatellite Program to provide calibration opportunities for ground-based observers attempting to determine spacecraft attitude and configuration using unresolved optical imagery.
  • Features spectrally distinct surfaces and shape profiles that can be observed from Earth's surface
  • Records attitude time history for error correction in ground-based observations
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:40:47

General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems' Orbital Test Bed (OTB) is a versatile, modular platform based on a flight-proven "hosting" model to test and qualify technologies. On STP-2, OTB hosts several payloads for technology demonstration, including the Deep Space Atomic Clock designed, built and operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory on behalf of the Space Technology Mission Directorate to revolutionize how spacecraft navigate.
  • Flexible technology demonstration platform
  • Hosts a miniaturized, high-stability atomic clock that will gain or lose less than a second of error in 3 million years

Learn more about [COLOR=2E6BBD]General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (http://www.ga.com/space-systems-and-technologies) [/COLOR]and [COLOR=2E6BBD]NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock[/COLOR] (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/main/resources_gpim_dsac.html).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:41:34

NPSat hosts two experiments built by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to investigate space weather and support space situational awareness (SSA), including ionospheric electron density structures that cause radio scintillations impacting communications and navigation.
  • Monitors electron content and scintillations using radio frequency (RF) transmissions
  • Conducts Coherent Electromagnetic Radio Tomography (CERTO) experiment
  • NRL-built Langmuir probe takes in-situ measurements to improve ionospheric modeling
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:43:09

Prox-1 is a microsat developed by students at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta through the Air Force's University Nanosat Program to demonstrate satellite close proximity operations and rendezvous.
  • Demonstrates small satellite close-encounter operations
  • Prox-1 deploys the LightSail-B cubesat developed by the Planetary Society
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.04.2019 13:46:27

E-TBEx: Measures distortion of radio signals traveling through the ionosphere using beacon tones transmitted from eight orbital locations: the six COSMIC-2 satellites and the twin E-TBEx CubeSats

Launch Environment Observer (LEO) & StangSat: Measures thermal and vibration environments during launch and demonstrates Wi-Fi data transmission between Cubesats (2 separate cubesats)

PSAT: Supports global amateur radio data relay capabilities to assist students and researchers around the world

TEPCE: Demonstrates the feasibility of using electrodynamic propulsion by deploying a 1 km electrically conductive tether, performing orbit-changing maneuvers without consuming any fuel

LightSail-B:The Planetary Society's citizen-funded solar-sailing spacecraft propelled by the Sun
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.04.2019 08:49:44
ЦитироватьCape Canaveral preparing for key military launches
by Sandra Erwin (https://spacenews.com/author/sandra-erwin/) — April 24, 2019

The Air Force 45th Space Wing is gearing up for three high-profile space launches at Cape Canaveral over the coming months. If all goes as planned, ... the Space Test Program-2 missions will fly in June.

... the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center is getting ready to launch STP-2. This will be Falcon Heavy's third launch and, of larger significance to the Air Force, it will be powered by reused side boosters from the rocket's recent Arabsat mission, paving the way for the Air Force's future certification of reused rockets (https://spacenews.com/falcon-heavys-first-commercial-launch-to-pave-the-way-for-reusable-rockets-in-national-security-missions/).

"This is exciting for the Air Force as we look to increase reusability in the future," Brig. Gen. Doug Schiess, commander of the Air Force 45th Space Wing and director of the Eastern Range at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, told SpaceNews. The range has two landing pads for returning boosters that has been used only by SpaceX but could be made available to others as well, he said. No date has been set yet for STP-2 but Schiess estimates it could happen in June.
The Defense Department's Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission will deliver 23 satellites to space on DoD's first Falcon Heavy launch. SpaceX has characterized this as one of its most challenging launches — a six-hour-plus mission with four separate upper-stage engine burns and three separate deployment orbits. The reuse of the side boosters from the Arabsat-6A Falcon Heavy launch in April makes this the first reused Falcon Heavy ever flown. SMC will use STP-2 as a pathfinder for the development of mission assurance policies and procedures on the reuse of launch vehicle boosters. This mission is four years late, as it was originally planned for mid-2015. Delays were caused by Falcon Heavy development setbacks and Falcon 9 failures in 2015 and 2016.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.05.2019 04:40:59
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • May 9, 2019

LightSail 2 Integrated with Prox-1 Carrier Spacecraft

LightSail 2 is officially on the road to launch.

The Planetary Society's solar sailing CubeSat has successfully shipped to the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where it was integrated with Prox-1, the Georgia Tech-designed spacecraft that will carry LightSail 2 to orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. The joining of the two spacecraft marked a key mission milestone, as LightSail 2 passed fr om its Planetary Society-led team's hands for what is expected to be the last time.

"After years of work by our mission team preparing and testing LightSail 2, we are very excited to see it off on its journey," said LightSail Program Manager and Planetary Society Chief Scientist Bruce Betts. "We look forward to next communicating with LS2 in space!"

The integration procedure began on 6 May 2019, when engineers at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California removed LightSail 2 from storage and carefully packaged it for shipment:

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187207.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-in-p-pod-prior-to.html)
Ryan Nugent / Cal Poly SLO / The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 sits inside its P-POD at the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo CubeSat clean room on 6 May 2019 prior to final shipment to the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187206.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-packed-for-final.html)
Ryan Nugent / Cal Poly SLO / The Planetary Society

This image shows LightSail 2 in its protective case prior to final shipment to the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico on 6 May 2019.

Cal Poly CubeSat engineer Ryan Nugent transported LightSail 2 by hand on a flight to Albuquerque, and sent us this picture of the spacecraft waiting at the boarding gate:

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187205.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-at-the-airport.html)
Ryan Nugent / Cal Poly SLO / The Planetary Society

LightSail 2 sits inside a protective case prior to a 6 May 2019 flight to Albuquerque, New Mexico for final integration with the Prox-1 spacecraft at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

Integration with Prox-1 took place the following day, on 7 May 2019. Nugent said the process only took 2 hours and went very smoothly. This was LightSail 2's second integration with Prox-1; the spacecraft was first integrated in March 2018 (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/2018/20180320-lightsail-2-double-integrations.html), but launch delays prompted the team to bring the CubeSat back to Cal Poly so its batteries could be periodically charged (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-early-2019.html).

In April, Alex Diaz, an engineer at Ecliptic Enterprises Corporation, updated the spacecraft's software, topped off the batteries, and performed an "aliveness test"—a series of checks to make sure the spacecraft responded properly to basic commands.
Prox-1 and LightSail 2 will soon ship to Cape Canaveral, Florida, wh ere they will be attached to the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket flying the STP-2 mission for the U.S. Air Force (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2). NASA, which also has payloads on the rocket, reports (https://www.nasa.gov/social/spacex-falcon-heavy-launch/) the launch is currently scheduled for no earlier than 22 June 2019.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.05.2019 00:50:48
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 8 мин.назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1126966130780909568)

Falcon Heavy time soon, again!

SpaceX opens media accreditation for SpaceX's STP-2 mission from KSC 39A

"The launch, a Falcon Heavy mission, is targeted for no earlier than June 22."

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.05.2019 22:57:40
ЦитироватьThe Dream of Solar Sailing | LightSail 2

The Planetary Society (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi0TZmFfgS4oQPcRQ6-KRXg)

Опубликовано: 13 мая 2019 г.

For centuries, people have dreamed of using solar sails to travel the cosmos. In 2019, The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 will help make that dream a reality by attempting the first, controlled solar sail flight in Earth orbit. The spacecraft was made possible thanks to the generous support of space enthusiasts from around the world.

Launching soon aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCMQEUU4LHshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCMQEUU4LHs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCMQEUU4LHs) (2:12)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.05.2019 23:04:04
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • May 13, 2019
LightSail 2 set to launch next month aboard SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket

The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 spacecraft is ready to embark on a challenging mission to demonstrate the power of sunlight for propulsion.

Weighing just 5 kilograms, the loaf-of-bread-sized spacecraft, known as a CubeSat, is scheduled to lift off on 22 June 2019 aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket fr om Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Once in space, LightSail 2 will deploy a boxing ring-sized solar sail and attempt to raise its orbit using the gentle push from solar photons.

It's the culmination of a 10-year project with an origin story linked to the 3 scientist-engineers who founded The Planetary Society in 1980.

"Forty years ago, my professor Carl Sagan shared his dream of using solar sail spacecraft to explore the cosmos. The Planetary Society is realizing the dream," said Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye. "Thousands of people from all over the world came together and supported this mission. We couldn't have done it without them. Carl Sagan, and his colleagues Bruce Murray and Louis Friedman, created our organization to empower people everywhere to advance space science and exploration. We are go for launch!"

For centuries, people have dreamed of using solar sails to travel the cosmos. In 2019, The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 will help make that dream a reality by attempting the first, controlled solar sail flight in Earth orbit. The spacecraft was made possible thanks to the generous support of space enthusiasts from around the world.

If successful, LightSail 2 will become the first spacecraft to raise its orbit around the Earth using sunlight. While light has no mass, it has momentum that can be transferred to other objects. A solar sail harnesses this momentum for propulsion. LightSail 2 will demonstrate the application of solar sailing for CubeSats, small, standardized spacecraft that have made spaceflight more affordable for academics, government organizations, and private institutions.

LightSail 2 will ride to space aboard the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission scheduled for launch on 22 June 2019, which will send 24 spacecraft to 3 different orbits. LightSail 2 itself will be enclosed within Prox-1, a Georgia Tech-designed spacecraft originally built to demonstrate close-encounter operations with other spacecraft. Prox-1 will deploy LightSail 2 7 days after launch.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187200.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-and-prox-1.html)
Josh Spradling / The Planetary Society
Prox-1 deploys the LightSail 2 spacecraft in Earth orbit.

After a few days of health and status checks, LightSail 2's 4 dual-sided solar panels will swing open. Roughly a day later, 4 metallic booms will unfurl 4 triangular Mylar sails from storage. The sails, which have a combined area of 32 square meters, will turn towards the Sun for half of each orbit, giving the spacecraft a tiny push no stronger than the weight of a paperclip. For about a month after sail deployment, this continual thrust should raise LightSail 2's orbit by a measurable amount.

The Planetary Society launched a nearly identical spacecraft called LightSail 1 in 2015 that successfully tested the spacecraft's sail deployment system. LightSail 2 will fly to an orbit 720 kilometers high, wh ere the acceleration from sunlight overcomes atmospheric drag. The spacecraft may be visible in the night sky for a year to observers within 42 degrees of the equator, which includes the U.S. as far north as Chicago and New York.

The Society launched a larger sail named Cosmos 1 in 2005 that did not reach orbit after a failure of the spacecraft's Russian-built rocket. Planetary Society co-founder Louis Friedman led a 1970s NASA solar sail study that would have sent a spacecraft to rendezvous with Halley's Comet. Fellow Society co-founder Carl Sagan showed off a model of the spacecraft on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1976.

Results from the LightSail 2 mission are already helping to inform future solar sail projects by other organizations. NASA's NEA Scout spacecraft will launch to the Moon aboard the first Space Launch System flight and use a solar sail to visit a near-Earth asteroid. The Planetary Society shares LightSail project data with NASA through a Space Act Agreement.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187201.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/ls2-earth.html)
Josh Spradling / The Planetary Society

The LightSail project started in 2009. The spacecraft was built by Stellar Exploration, Inc. The lead contractor for integration and testing is Ecliptic Enterprises Corporation, with testing, storage and ground support provided by Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Planetary Society Chief Scientist Bruce Betts serves as the LightSail program manager. The project manager and mission manager is Purdue University's David Spencer.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.05.2019 06:35:34
ЦитироватьMay 6, 2019

Experience a SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch, Learn About New NASA Space Tech

Social media users are invited to register to attend the next SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launch, carrying nearly two dozen satellites to space from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2) (STP-2) mission is currently targeted for no earlier than Saturday, June 22. NASA and other highlights include:
  • Multiple NASA technologies (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/feature/NASA_Tech_One_Step_Closer_to_Launch_on_Next_Falcon_Heavy), including a small satellite (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html) to test the performance of non-toxic spacecraft fuel and an advanced atomic clock (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/clock/index.html) to improve how spacecraft navigate;
  • Six National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather research satellites (https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/cosmic-2-mission);
  • Multiple CubeSat missions, including twin NASA CubeSats that will work in tandem with the NOAA weather research satellites to measure distortion of radio signals traveling through the upper atmosphere;
  • An Air Force Research Laboratory spacecraft equipped with NASA instruments (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/set-mission-overview) to measure how space weather and radiation impact spacecraft electronics.
As the first government contracted Falcon Heavy, the Air Force Space Command's Space and Missile Systems Center (https://www.losangeles.af.mil/) aims to demonstrate the rocket's capability and gain insight into the process of recovering and refurbishing first stage boosters on the Falcon family of rockets.
Last Updated: May 6, 2019
Editor: Thalia Patrinos
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.05.2019 15:51:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg)Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 33 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1129360374703247360)

Launch & Repeat: Two Falcon 9 side boosters from the previous Falcon Heavy flight will be reflown on the upcoming Falcon Heavy, STP-2 missions scheduled for NET June 22nd. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: triage от 26.05.2019 12:36:21
Подготовка к запуску GPIM где-то с 3 минуты
Цитироватьhttps://youtu.be/QbtjlE2Sy8U (https://youtu.be/QbtjlE2Sy8U) https://youtu.be/QbtjlE2Sy8U

A New Partnership to Power The Lunar Gateway on This Week @NASA – May 24, 2019

Опубликовано: 24 мая 2019 г.


Но такой долгострой -
March 31, 2016
NASA Spacecraft to Test 'Green' Propellant Passes Major Pre-flight Milestone
A Ball Aerospace engineer adjusts the thermal insulation on NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission spacecraft bus following integration of the propulsion subsystem in October 2015.
ранее в теме - http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1746005/#message1746005
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.05.2019 06:07:16
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/692443836736507904/4I0Bh5oX_bigger.jpg)AF SMC‏ @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC/status/1133886398556016640)

The second stage for the @af (https://twitter.com/af) smc STP-2 mission is at Cape Canaveral! This will take the 24 satellites on the mission to three different operational orbits with four separate burns.
#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceStartsHere (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceStartsHere?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.06.2019 15:31:08
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/692443836736507904/4I0Bh5oX_bigger.jpg)AF SMC‏ @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) 17:13 PDT (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC/status/1133889180554031104) - 29 мая 2019 г.

NPSat-1 has made its entrance at SpaceX's Payload Processing Facility! If you want to know more about NPSat-1 and the other 23 satellites on the STP-2 mission visit : http://spacex.com/stp-2  (https://t.co/9VMJXfvePD) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) #SpaceStartsHere (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceStartsHere?src=hash)
ЦитироватьSTP-2 Mission (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.06.2019 20:32:05
ЦитироватьJune 3, 2019

Media Briefing Highlights NASA Tech on Next SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207555.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/385838315559ae89f5c10o.jpg)
SpaceX successfully tested its Falcon Heavy rocket Feb. 6, 2018, with a launch at 3:45 p.m. EST from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Credits: SpaceX

NASA is sending four technology missions that will help improve future spacecraft design and performance into space on the next SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launch. Experts will discuss these technologies, and how they complement NASA's Moon to Mars exploration plans, during a media teleconference Monday, June 10 at 1 p.m. EDT.

Audio of the teleconference will be streamed live online at: 

https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/live)
Participants in the briefing will be:
  • Jim Reuter, acting associate administrator of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, will discuss how technology drives exploration to the Moon and beyond.
  • Todd Ely, principal investigator for the Deep Space Atomic Clock (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/clock/index.html) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will discuss how to advance exploration in deep space with a miniaturized, ultra-precise, mercury-ion atomic clock that is orders of magnitude more stable than today's best navigation clocks.
  • Don Cornwell, director of the Advanced Communications and Navigation Division of NASA's Space Communications and Navigation program, will discuss how a more stable, space-based atomic clock could benefit future missions to the Moon and Mars.
  • Christopher McLean, principal investigator for NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html) (GPIM) at Ball Aerospace, will discuss the demonstration of a green alternative to conventional chemical propulsion systems for next-generation launch vehicles and spacecraft.
  • Joe Cassady, executive director for space at Aerojet Rocketdyne, will discuss the five thrusters and propulsion system aboard GPIM.
  • Nicola Fox, director of the Heliophysics Division of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, will discuss Space Environment Testbeds (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/set-mission-overview) and the importance of protecting satellites from space radiation.
  • Richard Doe, payload program manager for the Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment at SRI International, will discuss how a pair of NASA CubeSats will work with six satellites of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) COSMIC-2 (https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/cosmic-2-mission) mission to study disruptions of signals that pass through Earth's upper atmosphere.
NASA's four missions will share a ride on the Falcon Heavy with about 20 satellites from government and research institutions that make up the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2) (STP-2) mission. SpaceX and the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, which manages STP-2, are targeting 11:30 p.m. Saturday, June 22, for launch from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Charged with returning astronauts to the Moon within five years, NASA's Artemis lunar exploration plans (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/sending-american-astronauts-to-moon-in-2024-nasa-accepts-challenge) are based on a two-phase approach: the first is focused on speed – landing astronauts on the Moon by 2024 – while the second will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028. We will use what we learn on the Moon to prepare to send astronauts to Mars. The technology missions on this launch will advance a variety of future exploration missions.

Last Updated: June 3, 2019
Editor: Karen Northon
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2019 01:42:41
ЦитироватьJune 4, 2019

Five Things to Know about NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207680.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/clock20190604-16.jpg)
An animated image of the Deep Space Atomic Clock, a new technology being tested by NASA that will change the way humans navigate the solar system. The precise timekeeper is targeted to launch fr om Florida on June 22, 2019, aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA is sending a new technology to space on June 22 that will change the way we navigate our spacecraft — even how we send astronauts to Mars and beyond. Built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, the Deep Space Atomic Clock is a technology demonstration that will help spacecraft navigate autonomously through deep space. No larger than a toaster oven, the instrument will be tested in Earth orbit for one year, with the goal of being ready for future missions to other worlds.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207681.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/clock20190604b-16.jpg)
Technicians integrate NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock into the Orbital Test Bed Earth-orbiting satellite, which will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, on June 22, 2019.
Credits: General Atomics

Here are five key facts to know about NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock:
It works a lot like GPS

The Deep Space Atomic Clock is a sibling of the atomic clocks you interact with every day on your smart phone. Atomic clocks aboard satellites enable your phone's GPS application to get you fr om point A to point B by calculating where you are on Earth, based on the time it takes the signal to travel fr om the satellite to your phone.

But spacecraft don't have GPS to help them find their way in deep space; instead, navigation teams rely on atomic clocks on Earth to determine location data. The farther we travel from Earth, the longer this communication takes. The Deep Space Atomic Clock is the first atomic clock designed to fly onboard a spacecraft that goes beyond Earth's orbit, dramatically improving the process.  

It will help our spacecraft navigate autonomously

Today, we navigate in deep space by using giant antennas on Earth to send signals to spacecraft, which then send those signals back to Earth. Atomic clocks on Earth measure the time it takes a signal to make this two-way journey. Only then can human navigators on Earth use large antennas to tell the spacecraft wh ere it is and wh ere to go.

If we want humans to explore the solar system, we need a better, faster way for the astronauts aboard a spacecraft to know wh ere they are, ideally without needing to send signals back to Earth. A Deep Space Atomic Clock on a spacecraft would allow it to receive a signal from Earth and determine its location immediately using an onboard navigation system.

It loses only 1 second in 9 million years

Any atomic clock has to be incredibly precise to be used for this kind of navigation: A clock that is off by even a single second could mean the difference between landing on Mars and missing it by miles. In ground tests, the Deep Space Atomic Clock proved to be up to 50 times more stable than the atomic clocks on GPS satellites. If the mission can prove this stability in space, it will be one of the most precise clocks in the universe.

It keeps accurate time using mercury ions

Your wristwatch and atomic clocks keep time in similar ways: by measuring the vibrations of a quartz crystal. An electrical pulse is sent through the quartz so that it vibrates steadily. This continuous vibration acts like the pendulum of a grandfather clock, ticking off how much time has passed. But a wristwatch can easily drift off track by seconds to minutes over a given period.

An atomic clock uses atoms to help maintain high precision in its measurements of the quartz vibrations. The length of a second is measured by the frequency of light released by specific atoms, which is same throughout the universe. But atoms in current clocks can be sensitive to external magnetic fields and temperature changes. The Deep Space Atomic Clock uses mercury ions — fewer than the amount typically found in two cans of tuna fish — that are contained in electromagnetic traps. Using an internal device to control the ions makes them less vulnerable to external forces.

It will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket

The Deep Space Atomic Clock will fly on the Orbital Test Bed satellite, which launches on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket with around two dozen other satellites from government, military and research institutions. The launch is targeted for June 22, 2019, at 8:30 p.m. PDT (11:30 p.m. EDT) from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and will be live-streamed here:

https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive)
The Deep Space Atomic Clock is hosted on a spacecraft provided by General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (http://www.ga.com/ems) of Englewood, Colorado. It is sponsored by the Technology Demonstration Missions program (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/main/index.html) within NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate and the Space Communications and Navigations program (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/index.html) within NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. The project is managed by JPL (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/).

Arielle Samuelson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
arielle.a.samuelson@jpl.nasa.gov (mailto:arielle.a.samuelson@jpl.nasa.gov)
Last Updated: June 4, 2019
Editor: Tony Greicius
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.06.2019 16:23:57
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/692443836736507904/4I0Bh5oX_bigger.jpg)AF SMC‏ @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) 5 июн. (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC/status/1136065718250643456)

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy center core, powering SMC's STP-2 mission, arrived near Launch Complex-39A in Florida over the weekend! This hardware will return to SpaceX's Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship, "Of Course I Still Love You" in the Atlantic. Visit: http://www.spacex.com/stp-2  (https://t.co/pE8W7mo1Xa)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.06.2019 21:36:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg)Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1137038154899349504)

USAF Lt. Col. Ryan Rose: Currently looking at no earlier than June 24 for Falcon Heavy launch with the STP-2 rideshare mission.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.06.2019 03:23:00
Цитировать8 ИЮН, 03:00
СМИ: запуск сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя Falcon Heavy ожидается не ранее 24 июня

Завершается сборка носителя, ведется подготовка к пуску, отмечает портал Space.com

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 8 июня. /ТАСС/. Запуск сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя Falcon Heavy, разработанной корпорацией SpaceX, состоится не ранее 24 июня. Об этом сообщил в пятницу портал Space.com со ссылкой на представителя космического центра ВВС США на авиабазе Киртлэнд (штат Нью-Мексико) Райана Роуза.

"Мы завершаем сборку носителя, проводим подготовку к запуску, - заявила она в ходе состоявшейся в пятницу телеконференции. - На данный момент мы ожидаем, что работы будут завершены не ранее 24 июня".

Запуск ракеты-носителя, получивший обозначение STP-2, планировалось осуществить 22 июня с площадки 39А на космодроме на мысе Канаверал. Ракета должна вывести на орбиту спутники для изучения условий распространения радиосигналов в атмосфере, аппарат для оценки возможностей использования "солнечного паруса" для движения в космосе, а также созданные специалистами NASA атомные часы с погрешностью хода в 1 секунду за 9 млн лет.
Falcon Heavy - двухступенчатая ракета-носитель сверхтяжелого класса, ее отдельные блоки пригодны для многоразового использования. Первоначально она разрабатывалась для запуска пилотируемого корабля Crew Dragon, а также для миссий на Луну и Марс. Однако после первого запуска Falcon Heavy глава корпорации SpaceX Илон Маск объявил, что она будет использоваться только для доставки на орбиту тяжелых спутников.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.06.2019 06:45:56
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184882.jpg)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1137034460053090304)

Air Force: #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) STP-2 will be SMC's first-ever mission that includes four second-stage burns. First mission for USAF that includes previously flown hardware, too.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67649.jpg)Ken Kremer‏ @ken_kremer (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer) 10 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer/status/1137054280387612673)

The @usairforce (https://twitter.com/usairforce) just confirmed 2 day launch delay for @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) to NET Jun 24 from Jun 22 for #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) mission. More time needed to integrate the 24 satellites.Window still opens 1130 PM for 1st night launch of 3core FH. All 3 boosters to be recovered including 2 by land
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.06.2019 00:19:53
Эмблема миссии (AF SMC)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.06.2019 00:24:25
ЦитироватьFirst Falcon Heavy night launch slips to June 24
June 7, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

File photo of a Falcon Heavy rocket rolling out to pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: SpaceX

The first nighttime launch of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket, and the first Falcon Heavy flight for the U.S. military, is set for no earlier than June 24 from pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Air Force officials said Friday.

The four-hour launch window opens at 11:30 p.m. EDT on June 24 (0330 GMT on June 25). The new target launch date is two days later than previously planned.

The Falcon Heavy will launch 24 satellites into three distinct orbits around Earth, using up most of the heavy-lift rocket's lift capacity with a series of four upper stage engine burns, the most ever by a SpaceX launch vehicle.

"We are now looking at no earlier than June 24 while we finish up integrating these satellites and finish our launch operation preparations," said Lt. Col. Ryan Rose, chief of the small launch and targets division at the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center, or SMC.

The 24 satellites come from the U.S. military, NOAA, NASA, and academic institutions, pursuing missions ranging from weather observation to technology demonstration. The mission is designated Space Test Program-2, or STP-2, and is managed by the U.S. Air Force.
The center core for SpaceX's third Falcon Heavy launch arrives at the company's hangar at pad 39A in Florida. Credit: U.S. Air Force

The Falcon Heavy rocket set to fly on the STP-2 mission will use two side boosters recovered after the most recent Falcon Heavy flight April 11, which delivered the commercial Arabsat 6A communications satellite to orbit. The center core booster for the STP-2 mission is fresh from SpaceX's factory in Hawthorne, California.

Each booster is powered by nine Merlin 1D engines, burning a mix of kerosene and liquid oxygen propellants.

The Air Force agreed to use the side boosters from the Arabsat 6A mission to familiarize military officials with SpaceX's process of recovering and refurbishing rocket hardware. It is the first time the Air Force has used previously-flown hardware on a military satellite launch.

"STP-2 is the government's first launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy vehicle, and is one of the most challenging missions the Space and Missile Systems Center has ever launched," said Col. Robert Bongiovi, director of SMC's launch enterprise systems directorate. "We're putting 24 research and development satellites into three separate orbits, with a first-ever four engine start and burn of the second stage."

The Air Force contracted with SpaceX for the STP-2 mission in 2012, targeting a launch in 2015. Delays in the development of the Falcon Heavy pushed the mission's schedule back to 2019.

Military officials originally intended for the STP-2 mission to be a test flight for the Falcon Heavy, and an opportunity to place a batch of experimental — and relatively low-cost and low-priority — payloads into orbit on a new rocket. But now the mission has evolved to become a critical test to move the Air Force closer to allowing more expensive national security satellites to launch on the Falcon Heavy, and potentially with reused booster stages.

SpaceX has launched 21 missions with previously-flown booster stages — all successfully — with payloads for NASA and commercial customers.

"The use of the previously-flown hardware is providing critical insight into reusability and quality assurance that will allow us to provide space access to the warfighter in a more cost-effective and expedient manner, and I really appreciate the efforts of our industry partner SpaceX to make this happen," Bongiovi said Friday in a briefing with reporters.

The first two Falcon Heavy missions lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center in daylight, but the STP-2 mission will launch at night. Like the previous two Falcon Heavy flights, the two side boosters will return to SpaceX's onshore landing site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for nearly simultaneous propulsive landings, according to Walter Lauderdale, STP-2 mission director from the Falcon systems and operations division at SMC.

"The plan is to recover all three cores, two coming back to land and one out on the drone ship," Lauderdale said Friday. "SpaceX is looking for this opportunity to demonstrate this capability (for) continued reuse. We're excited to be part of that journey."

A regulatory filing associated with the STP-2 mission submitted by SpaceX to the Federal Communications Commission in March suggested the company's drone ship, used for offshore rocket landings, will be stationed near Florida's Space Coast for the recovery of the Falcon Heavy's center core.

A mission patch for the STP-2 mission. Credit: U.S. Air Force

The drone ship is typically positioned hundreds of miles offshore from Florida. The regulatory filing, which requested authority to operate radio transmitters during the booster's descent, indicated the vessel will be parked roughly 24 miles (40 kilometers) east-southeast of pad 39A for the center core landing on the STP-2 mission.

Assuming favorable viewing conditions, the nighttime launch of the world's most powerful rocket — producing 5.1 million pounds of thrust at full throttle — followed minutes later by the return of the three Falcon Heavy boosters to Earth could be a dazzling spectacle.

"As long as there are no clouds, having been down there for a couple, the recoveries back on land, they do end up being a spectacular sight coming back to the landing zone," Lauderdale said.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 20:18:46
ЦитироватьSpaceX and DoD Targeting June 24 for Falcon Heavy Launch

Sarah Loff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacex/author/sloff/)
Posted Jun 10, 2019 at 11:41 am

SpaceX and the Department of Defense are targeting no earlier than Monday, June 24 at 11:30 p.m. EDT to launch the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Space Test Program-2 (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2) (STP-2) mission. A Falcon Heavy rocket will lift off from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida with about two dozen satellites aboard, including four NASA missions (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/feature/NASA_Tech_One_Step_Closer_to_Launch_on_Next_Falcon_Heavy). The NASA technology demonstrations and science missions will help improve future spacecraft design and performance.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/132089.jpg) (https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacex/wp-content/uploads/sites/227/2019/06/38583831555_9ae89f5c10_o.jpg)
SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket on the launchpad ahead of its Dec. 2017 demo mission. Credit: SpaceX

Learn more about the exciting NASA space tech launching on the Falcon Heavy later this month:
  • Deep Space Atomic Clock (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/five-things-to-know-about-nasas-deep-space-atomic-clock/) – a navigation payload hosted on General Atomics Orbital Test Bed satellite
  • Green Propellant Infusion Mission (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html) – a small satellite that will demonstrate a non-toxic fuel and propulsion system
  • Space Environment Testbeds (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/set-mission-overview) – instruments hosted on the Air Force Research Lab's Demonstration and Science Experiments spacecraftto study how to protect satellites in space
  • Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/e-tbex-enhanced-tandem-beacon-experiment) – twin CubeSats to study disruptions of signals that pass-through Earth's upper atmosphere
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 20:46:47
ЦитироватьGetting SET - The Mission to Protect Satellites from Radiation

NASA Goddard (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAY-SMFNfynqz1bdoaV8BeQ)

Опубликовано: 10 июн. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EprSQsQ4K98https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EprSQsQ4K98 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EprSQsQ4K98) (2:53)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 20:55:26
ЦитироватьSET Mission Overview

Space Environment Testbeds, or SET, studies how to protect satellites in space. The mission characterizes the harsh space environment near Earth and how it affects spacecraft and their instruments. This information can be used to improve spacecraft design, engineering, and operations in order to protect spacecraft from harmful radiation driven by the Sun.

Energetic particles in space can cause computer upsets onboard spacecraft, and also contribute to hardware degradation over time. SET is equipped with a space weather monitor and three experiments to characterize these effects and define their mechanisms. Ultimately, SET aims to understand these effects in order to reduce future spacecraft anomalies and failures.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208328.png) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/dsx2.png)
SET is one of three experiments onboard the DSX spacecraft. In this animated image, DSX, at right, separates from the launch vehicle.
Credits: SpaceX

SET is part of the Space Environment Effects (SFx) experiment, one of three experiments on board the Demonstration and Science Experiments, or DSX, spacecraft  being launched by the U.S. Air Force. SET will fly through medium Earth orbit, a region of space some 1,200 to 22,000 miles above sea level. There lies the gap between Earth's two doughnut-shaped belts of intense radiation, known as the Van Allen belts. This relatively unexplored region, also called the slot region, is thought to have less radiation than other parts of near-Earth space — although it is variable — and holds promise as a home for navigation and communication satellites.

The main sources of energetic particles with which spacecraft designers are concerned are protons and electrons trapped in the Van Allen belts; galactic cosmic ray protons and heavy ions; and protons and heavy ions energized by solar eruptions, such as solar flares or coronal mass ejections.
The SET mission is part of NASA's Living with a Star program, which explores aspects of the Sun-Earth system that directly affect life and society. The Living with a Star flight program is managed by the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center (http://www.nasa.gov/goddard) in Greenbelt, Maryland.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208090.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/spacex_arabsat6.jpg)
On Thursday, April 11, 2019, a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched the Arabsat-6A satellite from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The STP-2 mission plans to reuse the two side boosters recovered after the April 11 launch.
Credits: SpaceX
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 21:02:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208789.png) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/set-dsx_far.png)

June 10, 2019

NASA's SET Mission to Study Satellite Protection Is Ready for Launch

Ready, SET, go — NASA's Space Environment Testbeds (http://nasa.gov/set), or SET, will launch in June 2019 on its mission to study how to better protect satellites in space. SET will get a ride to space on a U.S. Air Force Research Lab spacecraft aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket fr om NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

SET studies the very nature of space itself — which isn't completely empty, but brimming with radiation — and how it affects spacecraft and electronics in orbit. Energetic particles from the Sun or deep space can spark memory damage or computer upsets on spacecraft, and over time, degrade hardware. SET seeks to better understand these effects in order to improve spacecraft design, engineering, and operations, and avoid future anomalies. Spacecraft protection is a key part of NASA's mission as the agency's Artemis program (https://www.nasa.gov/artemis) seeks to explore the Moon and beyond.  
"Since space radiation is one of the primary hazards space missions encounter, researching ways to improve their abilities to survive in these harsh environments will increase the survivability of near-Earth missions as well as missions to the Moon and Mars," said Reggie Eason, SET project manager at NASA Headquarters in Washington. 

SET aims its sights on a part of near-Earth space called the slot region: the gap between two of Earth's vast radiation belts, also known as the Van Allen belts. The doughnut-shaped Van Allen belts seethe with radiation trapped by Earth's magnetic field. Wh ere SET orbits is thought to be calmer, but known to vary during extreme space weather storms driven by the Sun. How much it changes exactly, and how quickly, remains uncertain.

"There haven't been too many measurements to tell us how bad things get in the slot region," said Michael Xapsos. Xapsos is one of two members on the SET Project Scientist Team alongside astrophysicist Yihua Zheng at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (http://nasa.gov/goddard) in Greenbelt, Maryland. "That's why we're going there. Before we put satellites there, you have to be aware of how variable the environment is," Xapsos said.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EprSQsQ4K98 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EprSQsQ4K98)
SET studies the very nature of space itself — which isn't completely empty, but brimming with radiation — and how it affects spacecraft and electronics in orbit.
Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Genna Duberstein
Download this video in HD formats from NASA Goddard's Scientific Visualization Studio (http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/12589)

The slot region is an attractive one for satellites — especially navigation and communications satellites — because from about 12,000 miles up, it offers not only a relatively friendly radiation environment, but also a wide view of Earth. During intense magnetic storms, however, energetic particles from the outer belt can surge into the slot region.  

SET will survey the slot region, providing some of the first day-to-day weather measurements of this particular neighborhood in near-Earth space. The mission also studies the fine details of how radiation damages instruments and tests different methods to protect them, helping engineers build parts better suited for spaceflight.

"Electronic devices these days are so small, complicated and fast," Xapsos said. The smaller a device is, the more vulnerable it is to radiation damage, and the more challenging it is to predict its performance in space. "SET will allow us to better understand what happens when an ion hits a device, and to improve models for how often these upsets occur." 

There are two kinds of radiation damage that SET studies. The first are known as single event effects — that is, what happens when a high-energy ion accelerated by a solar eruption or from a galactic cosmic ray pierces electronics. These strikes happen at random, one particle at a time, and load a circuit with extra electric charge. The result can be a data flip — in binary code, for example, flipping a 0 to a 1 — that affects stored memory or the programs that run spacecraft. Many spacecraft are equipped to recover from these snags, but at worst, they can cause system crashes and catastrophic damage.

But these dramatic blows aren't the only concern — milder radiation over time degrades circuits too. Charged particles trapped in the radiation belts weather electronics, gradually reducing their performance the longer they're in orbit.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207714.gif) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/dynamicbelts-web_0.gif)
Earth's radiation belts are filled with energetic particles trapped by Earth's magnetic field that can wreak havoc with electronics we send to space.
Credits: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio/Tom Bridgman

SET is equipped with a space weather monitor and three circuit board experiments — each no larger than a postcard — to study both types of damage.

CREDANCE — short for the Cosmic Radiation Environment Dosimetry and Charging Experiment — is SET's space weather monitor, built to survey cosmic rays and particles in the radiation belts. These are the high-energy fragments of atoms that can pierce the walls of spacecraft, damaging electronics.

Two circuit board experiments also study single event effects. COTS-2 — standing for Commercial Off the Shelf — collects information on the frequency of single event effects and how to mitigate them, especially in specialized computer chips. DIME — short for the Dosimetry Intercomparison and Miniaturization Experiment — consists of two separate boards that together demonstrate six different ways to measure space radiation using affordable, commercially available parts. The experiment can help future missions decide the best way to monitor radiation for their spacecraft.

Another circuit board experiment focuses on total radiation dose. ELDRS — short for Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity — is named for the mystery it studies: the ELDRS effect. This is what engineers call the intensified damage that certain types of electronics face when exposed to mild radiation over time — as opposed to the lesser damage experienced if exposed to the same total dose all at once. Information from this experiment will help improve test methods on Earth to make electronics space-ready.

Together, the SET experiments will expand our understanding of the near-Earth space environment and how its radiation impacts instruments. "SET data will directly go into improving our models so we can better evaluate the radiation environment future missions will encounter," said Goddard aerospace engineer Megan Casey. Models are a key component in selecting and testing any electronics destined for spaceflight.

SET is part of the Space Environment Effects (SFx) experiment, one of three experiments on board the Demonstration and Science Experiments, or DSX, spacecraft being launched by the U.S. Air Force.

DSX is launching as part of the Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission, managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC). SET is one of four NASA missions on this STP-2 launch — all of which are dedicated to improving technology in space. DSX separates from the launch vehicle approximately 3.5 hours after launch. 

SET is the latest addition to NASA's fleet of heliophysics observatories. NASA heliophysics missions study a vast interconnected system from the Sun to the space surrounding Earth and other planets, and to the farthest limits of the Sun's constantly flowing stream of solar wind. SET's observations provide key information on the Sun's effects on our spacecraft, enabling further exploration of space.
SET is part of NASA's Living with a Star program, which explores aspects of the Sun-Earth system that directly affect human life and society. The Living with a Star flight program is managed by Goddard.

NASA launch coverage begins approximately 25 minutes before launch. Follow launch coverage on NASA Television at:

Banner image: SET is an experiment aboard the DSX spacecraft. In this animated image, it is a slender rectangular box, positioned on the far right of DSX's surface. Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/CIL

By Lina Tran (mailto:lina.tran@nasa.gov)
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (http://nasa.gov/goddard), Greenbelt, Md.

Last Updated: June 10, 2019
Editor: Lina Tran
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 21:06:42
ЦитироватьE-TBEx: Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208402.png) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ionosphere-signals.png)
Many critical signals for communications and navigation pass through the ionosphere (illustrated here).
Credits: NASA Goddard/Krystofer Kim

NASA's Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment, or E-TBEx, mission explores bubbles in the electrically-charged layers of Earth's upper atmosphere, which can disrupt key communications and GPS signals that we rely on down on the ground. Such bubbles currently appear and evolve unpredictably and are difficult to characterize from the ground. But the more we understand them, the more we can mitigate their disruption of the myriad of radio signals that pass through Earth's upper atmosphere.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208179.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/20180216_205642.jpg)
The E-TBEx CubeSats were designed, integrated and tested at the Michigan Exploration Lab at the University of Michigan.
Credits: University of Michigan/Michigan Exploration Lab

To study these bubbles, two CubeSats emit signals in a handful of frequencies to receiving stations on the ground. From there, scientists can measure disruptions in the signals to determine how they're affected by these upper-atmosphere bubbles.

The two primary CubeSats of the E-TBEx mission also work in concert with the six satellites of NOAA's COSMIC-2 mission (https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/cosmic-2-mission). The COSMIC-2 satellites carry beacons similar to those on the CubeSats, so changing orbital conjunctions among the eight spacecraft give scientists the chance to study these bubbles from multiple angles at once.

E-TBEx's main science goal is to study the formation of bubbles in Earth's electrically-charged upper atmosphere, called the ionosphere.

Because they're above the ultraviolet radiation-blocking ozone layer, the particles of the ionosphere have been cooked into an electrically-charged soup — called plasma — by the Sun's powerful radiation. Plasma behaves differently than the gas we're familiar with here near Earth's surface: It responds to electric and magnetic fields in entirely different ways.

Factors from near Earth's surface, like weather, and changing conditions in space called space weather can influence the winds and the electric and magnetic fields to push around the gases in the ionosphere — making it hard to predict what its state will be at any given time. In particular, structured, less-dense bubbles of plasma form within pockets of denser plasma near Earth's magnetic equator, then shift and dissipate, influenced by a poorly understood mix of these factors. 

That unpredictability can create problems, because the ionosphere is a crucial region for space activity and technology crucial our society. This region is home to the International Space Station and many other low-Earth orbiting satellites, and it's also the channel through which many of our communications and navigations signals — like radio and GPS — pass.

Many of these signals are radio waves: They are types of light, but in a range that our eyes can't see. But when the signals pass through structured bubbles plasma in the ionosphere, they can be muddled. Information is embedded into signals by precisely-controlled changes in their frequency, amplitude or phase: A signal's frequency is the number of wave peaks and valleys that pass by per second — radio waves can have anywhere from 3,000 to 300 billion waves per second; the amplitude is the strength of the signal; the phase refers to the relative position of wave peaks between two or more signals. So, if the bubbles distort any of these characteristics, it can make the signal unintelligible.

E-TBEx studies the evolution and impacts of the ionospheric bubbles on communications signals by sending signals with precise characteristics from the CubeSats in low-Earth orbit to receiving stations on the ground — right through the ionosphere, and, sometimes, through these structured bubbles of plasma.

The CubeSats send beacons at three frequencies — 150 megahertz, 400 megahertz and one gigahertz — all with the same phase. When the reach the ground receiving stations, scientists can tell if the signals' phase, amplitude or frequency was disrupted on its journey through the ionosphere. This information allows the team to deduce the total density of any ionospheric bubble the signals traveled through, while also characterizing its effect on signals at different frequencies.

Ultimately, this research could help inform strategies for making communications and navigation more robust, allowing users — including the military and commercial aircraft operators — to shift to a different frequency, change information-encoding techniques, or delay key communications if an ionospheric bubble is spotted.

The science team also uses observations from other missions about the state of space weather and atmospheric conditions to trace possible causes for the ionospheric bubbles as they form — with a particular focus on large terrestrial storm systems, which could launch waves upwards that create these bubbles.
Instruments and Orbit

In addition to the beacons on the E-TBEx CubeSats and the COSMIC-2 spacecraft, E-TBEx relies on a network of ground receiving stations. These stations use software-defined radio, which allows receivers to tune to multiple frequencies with minimal hardware.

The E-TBEx CubeSats fly in an elliptical orbit inclined at 28 degrees.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 21:10:47
ЦитироватьJune 10, 2019

NASA Prepares to Launch Twin Satellites to Study Signal Disruption Fr om Space

NASA's twin E-TBEx CubeSats — short for Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment — are scheduled to launch in June 2019 aboard the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 launch. The launch includes a total of 24 satellites from government and research institutions. They will launch aboard (https://www.nasa.gov/spacex) a SpaceX Falcon Heavy from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The E-TBEx CubeSats focus on how radio signals that pass through Earth's upper atmosphere can be distorted by structured bubbles in this region, called the ionosphere. Especially problematic over the equator, these distortions can interfere with military and airline communications as well as GPS signals. The more we can learn about how these bubbles evolve, the more we can mitigate those problems — but right now, scientists can't predict when these bubbles will form or how they'll change over time.
"These bubbles are difficult to study from the ground," said Rick Doe, payload program manager for the E-TBEx mission at SRI International in Menlo Park, California. "If you see the bubbles start to form, they then move. We're studying the evolution of these features before they begin to distort the radio waves going through the ionosphere to better understand the underlying physics."

The ionosphere is the part of Earth's upper atmosphere wh ere particles are ionized — meaning they're separated out into a sea of positive and negative particles, called plasma. The plasma of the ionosphere is mixed in with neutral gases, like the air we breathe, so Earth's upper atmosphere — and the bubbles that form there — respond to a complicated mix of factors.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207796.png) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ionosphere.png)
This visualization shows the relative density of certain particles in Earth's ionosphere. The E-TBEx CubeSats will explore how signals from satellites to Earth can be disrupted as they pass through this region.
Credits: NASA

Because its particles have electric charge, the plasma in this region responds to electric and magnetic fields. This makes the ionosphere responsive to space weather: conditions in space, including changing electric and magnetic fields, often influenced by the Sun's activity. Scientists also think that pressure waves launched by large storm systems can propagate up into the upper atmosphere, creating winds that shape how the bubbles move and change. This means the ionosphere — and the bubbles — are shaped by terrestrial weather and space weather alike.

The E-TBEx CubeSats send radio beacon signals at three frequencies — close to those used by communications and GPS satellites — to receiving stations on the ground, at which point scientists can detect minute changes in the signals' phase or amplitude. Those disruptions can then be mapped back to the region of the ionosphere through which they passed, giving scientists information about just how these bubbles form and evolve.

"All signals are created at the same time — with the same phase — so you can tell how they get distorted in passing through the bubbles," said Doe. "Then, by looking at the distortions, you can back out information about the amount of roughness and the density in the bubbles."

The data produced by the twin CubeSats is complemented by similar beacons onboard NOAA's six COSMIC-2 satellites (https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/COSMIC-2). Like the E-TBEx CubeSats, the COSMIC-2 beacons send signals at three frequencies — slightly different than those used by E-TBEx — to receiving stations on the ground. The combination of measurements from all eight satellites will give scientists chances to study some of these bubbles from multiple angles at the same time.

E-TBEx's beacon was built by a team at SRI International, which also designed and fabricated the beacons on COMSIC-2. The E-TBEx CubeSats were developed with Michigan Exploration Lab at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The design, fabrication, integration and testing was carried out mostly by teams of undergraduate and graduate students.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207721.gif) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/etbexdeploymenttest.gif)
E-TBEx's deployment is tested at the Michigan Exploration Lab. Constructing and testing the E-TBEx CubeSats was particularly complex because of the multiple antennas and solar panels that deploy after launch.
Credits: University of Michigan/Michigan Exploration Lab

"Building and testing E-TBEx was pretty complex because of the number of deployable parts," said James Cutler, an aerospace engineering professor at University of Michigan who led the student teams that worked on E-TBEx. "The payload is essentially a flying radio station, so we have five antennas to deploy — four with two segments each — and, also, four solar panels."

What scientists learn from E-TBEx could help develop strategies to avoid signal distortion — for instance, allowing airlines to choose a frequency less susceptible to disruption, or letting the military delay a key operation until a potentially disruptive ionospheric bubble has passed.

STP-2 is managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center. The Department of Defense mission will demonstrate the capabilities of the Falcon Heavy rocket while delivering satellites to multiple orbits around Earth over the course of about six hours. These satellites include three additional NASA projects (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/feature/NASA_Tech_One_Step_Closer_to_Launch_on_Next_Falcon_Heavy/) to improve future spacecraft design and performance.

By Sarah Frazier (mailto:sarah.frazier@nasa.gov?subject=RE%20NASA%20Prepares%20to%20Launch%20Twin%20Satellites%20to%20Study%20Signal%20Disruption%20from%20Space)
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (http://www.nasa.gov/goddard), Greenbelt, Md.
Last Updated: June 10, 2019
Editor: Rob Garner
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 21:57:19
ЦитироватьGreen Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM) Overview

"There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew."
-- Marshall McLuhan, 20th-century Canadian philosopher
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208358.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/gpim_updated.jpg)

Through the Green Propellant Infusion Mission, or GPIM, NASA is developing a "green" alternative to conventional chemical propulsion systems for next-generation launch vehicles and spacecraft. The new green propellant will be an enabling technology for commercial spaceports operating across the United States. With the green propellant, launch vehicle and spacecraft fuel loading will be safer, faster and much less costly. The "shirt sleeve" operational environment GPIM offers will change ground processing time from weeks to days. Building and operating satellites will be simplified.

NASA and Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (http://www.ballaerospace.com/) of Boulder, Colorado, are collaborating on the Green Propellant Infusion Mission, which seeks to improve overall propellant efficiency while reducing the handling concerns associated with the highly toxic fuel, hydrazine. The space technology infusion mission also strives to optimize performance in new hardware, system and power solutions while ensuring the best value for investment and the safest space missions possible.
The Green Propellant Infusion Mission is scheduled to launch in 2019.

The GPIM project will demonstrate the practical capabilities of a Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate fuel/oxidizer blend, known as AF-M315E. This innovative, low-toxicity propellant, developed by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (http://www.wpafb.af.mil/AFRL/) at Edwards Air Force Base, California, is a high-performance, green alternative to hydrazine.

NASA and its partners always strive to maintain the strictest safety standards for storage, transport and use of rocket propellants. While all rocket fuels can be dangerous to handle without the proper safety precautions, AF-M315E has significantly reduced toxicity levels compared to hydrazine, making it easier and safer to store and handle. It also requires fewer handling restrictions and potentially shorter launch processing times, resulting in lowered costs.

AF-M315E also is expected to improve overall vehicle performance. It boasts a higher density than hydrazine, meaning more of it can be stored in containers of the same volume. In addition, it delivers a higher specific impulse, or thrust delivered per given quantity of fuel, and has a lower freezing point, requiring less spacecraft power to maintain its temperature.

The GPIM payload will fly to space aboard a Ball compact small satellite or "smallsat." During the test flight, researchers will conduct orbital maneuvers to demonstrate the performance of the propellant during attitude control maneuvers, changes in orbital inclination and orbit lowering.

Once proven in flight, the project will present AF-M315E -- and compatible tanks, valves and thrusters -- to NASA and the commercial spaceflight industry as a viable, effective solution for future green propellant-based mission applications.

The Ball team includes Aerojet Rocketdyne (http://www.rocket.com/) of Redmond, Washington; the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base, California; the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (http://www.losangeles.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5318) at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico; and three NASA field centers: NASA's Glenn Research Center (http://www.nasa.gov/glenn) in Cleveland Ohio, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (https://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/home/index.html) in Greenbelt, Maryland, and NASA's Kennedy Space Center (http://www.nasa.gov/kennedy), Florida.

GPIM is sponsored by NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/home/index.html) and is managed by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (http://www.ballaerospace.com/)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 22:02:35
ЦитироватьJune 10, 2019

NASA Spacecraft to use 'Green' Fuel for the First Time

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208682.gif) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/space-tech.gif)
The "green" propellant developed by the Air Force Research Lab will be tested in space for the first time with GPIM.
Credits: Aerojet Rocketdyne

A non-toxic, rosé-colored liquid could fuel the future in space and propel missions to the Moon or other worlds. NASA will test the fuel and compatible propulsion system in space for the first time with the Green Propellant Infusion Mission (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html) (GPIM), set to launch this month on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2) rocket.

The mission will demonstrate the exceptional features of a high-performance "green" fuel developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The propellant blends hydroxyl ammonium nitrate with an oxidizer that allows it to burn, creating an alternative to hydrazine, the highly toxic fuel commonly used by spacecraft today.

Spacecraft love hydrazine, but it's toxic to humans. Handling the clear liquid requires strict safety precautions – protective suits, thick rubber gloves and oxygen tanks. GPIM promises fewer handling restrictions that will reduce the time it takes to prepare for launch.

"Spacecraft could be fueled during manufacturing, simplifying processing at the launch facility, resulting in cost savings," explained Christopher McLean, principal investigator for GPIM at Ball Aerospace of Boulder, Colorado. The company leads this NASA technology demonstration mission.

Another perk of the is performance. It's denser than hydrazine and offers nearly 50% better performance – equivalent to getting 50% more miles per gallon on your car. This means spacecraft can travel farther or operate for longer with less propellant onboard.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208105.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/stmd_gpim_0.jpg)
Ball Aerospace engineers perform final checks before the spacecraft shipped to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. GPIM is one of four unique NASA technology missions (https://www.nasa.gov/spacex) aboard the June 2019 SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch of the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Space Test Program-2 (https://www.nasa.gov/spacex) (STP-2).
Credits: Aerojet Rocketdyne

In order to tap into the propellant's benefits, engineers first had to develop new hardware – everything from thrusters and tanks to filters and valves. GPIM uses a set of thrusters that fire in different scenarios to test engine performance and reliability. Planned maneuvers include orbit lowering and spacecraft pointing.

Aerojet Rocketdyne in Redmond, Washington, designed, built and extensively tested the GPIM propulsion system. The hardware consists of a propellant tank and five 1-Newton thrusters to carry the non-toxic fuel.

Fred Wilson, director of business development for Aerojet, has decades of experience in spacecraft propulsion systems. Wilson gave credit to NASA for funding the technology, through flight demonstration. Taking the green propellant from the lab to space insures the capability can be fully adopted by government and industry.

"If it weren't for the initial investment and inherent risk of doing something for the first time, this technology would likely already be in space," said Dayna Ise, executive for NASA's Technology Demonstration Missions program (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/main/index.html) that manages GPIM. "NASA stepped up to fund it because we see the value and potential for this technology to propel spaceflight forward."

Building upon the GPIM work, Wilson says Aerojet is moving forward on a range of other thrust-level propulsion systems to utilize high-performance green propellant.

"We see interest in using green propellant across the space industry," Wilson said. "The trend is towards smaller and smaller satellites, to do more mission in a small package."

The technology appeals to small and cube satellite builders who have small budgets and serious space and weight limitations. From small satellites to large spacecraft, there's a wide range of space missions that can benefit by using green propellant. "GPIM has the potential to inspire new ideas and new missions," McLean said.

GPIM will illustrate the benefits of the green fuel and help improve how satellites are designed and operated. The propellant and propulsion system could be used in place of hydrazine regardless of a spacecraft's purpose or destination.

NASA has been charged to land humans on the Moon in 2024 and establish a sustainable presence by 2028. There is potential for this technology to be used for a variety of lunar missions within the Artemis program (https://www.nasa.gov/specials/moon2mars/), but first it must be demonstrated in space.
GPIM is a technology demonstration mission made possible by NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (http://www.nasa.gov/spacetech) (STMD). It draws upon a government-industry team of specialists from NASA, Ball Aerospace, Aerojet Rocketdyne and AFRL. GPIM is one of over 20 satellites launching as part of the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission, which is managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center.

Last Updated: June 10, 2019
Editor: Loura Hall
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 22:05:11
ЦитироватьDeep Space Atomic Clock (DSAC) Overview

"The most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th-century American poet

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/208156.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/637566main_dsac_art1_lg_full_0.jpg)

Precise radio navigation -- using radio frequencies to determine position -- is vital to the success of a range of deep-space exploration missions. The Deep Space Atomic Clock project, or DSAC, will fly and validate a miniaturized, ultra-precise, mercury-ion atomic clock that is orders of magnitude more stable than today's best navigation clocks.

Ground-based atomic clocks have long been the cornerstone of most deep-space vehicle navigation because they provide root data necessary for precise positioning. The Deep Space Atomic Clock will deliver the same stability and accuracy for spacecraft exploring the solar system. This new capability could forever change the way we conduct deep-space navigation -- by eliminating the need to "turn signals around" for tracking. Much the same way modern Global Positioning Systems, or GPS, use one-way signals to enable terrestrial navigation services, the Deep Space Atomic Clock will provide the same capability in deep-space navigation -- with such extreme accuracy that researchers will be required to carefully account for the effects of relativity, or the relative motion of an observer and observed objected, as impacted by gravity, space and time (clocks in GPS-based satellite, for example, must be corrected to account for this effect, or their navigational fixes begin to drift).

Over the past 20 years, engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/) in Pasadena, California, have been steadily improving and miniaturizing the mercury-ion trap atomic clock, preparing it to operate in the harsh environment of deep space. In the laboratory setting, the Deep Space Atomic Clock's precision has been refined to permit drift of no more than 1 nanosecond in 10 days.

Now the DSAC team is preparing a miniaturized, low-mass atomic clock -- orders of magnitude more accurate and stable than any other atomic clock flown in space, while still being smaller and lighter -- for a test flight in low-Earth orbit. The clock will make use of GPS signals to demonstrate precision orbit determination and confirm its performance, promising new savings on mission operations costs, delivering more science data and enabling further development of deep-space autonomous radio navigation.

The DSAC project currently is building a demonstration unit and payload to be hosted on a spacecraft provided by General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (http://www.ga.com/ems) of Englewood, Colorado. It will launch to Earth orbit in 2019, where the payload will be operated for at least a year to demonstrate its functionality and utility for one-way-based navigation.

The DSAC project is sponsored by NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/home/index.html) and NASA's Space Communications and Navigations network (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/index.html). The project is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 22:11:47
ЦитироватьJune 4, 2019

Five Things to Know about NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207681.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/clock20190604b-16.jpg)
Technicians integrate NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock into the Orbital Test Bed Earth-orbiting satellite, which will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, on June 22, 2019.
Credits: General Atomics

NASA is sending a new technology to space on June 22 that will change the way we navigate our spacecraft — even how we send astronauts to Mars and beyond. Built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, the Deep Space Atomic Clock is a technology demonstration that will help spacecraft navigate autonomously through deep space. No larger than a toaster oven, the instrument will be tested in Earth orbit for one year, with the goal of being ready for future missions to other worlds.

Here are five key facts to know about NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock:
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207680.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/clock20190604-16.jpg)
An animated image of the Deep Space Atomic Clock, a new technology being tested by NASA that will change the way humans navigate the solar system. The precise timekeeper is targeted to launch fr om Florida on June 22, 2019, aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

It works a lot like GPS

The Deep Space Atomic Clock is a sibling of the atomic clocks you interact with every day on your smart phone. Atomic clocks aboard satellites enable your phone's GPS application to get you fr om point A to point B by calculating where you are on Earth, based on the time it takes the signal to travel fr om the satellite to your phone.

But spacecraft don't have GPS to help them find their way in deep space; instead, navigation teams rely on atomic clocks on Earth to determine location data. The farther we travel from Earth, the longer this communication takes. The Deep Space Atomic Clock is the first atomic clock designed to fly onboard a spacecraft that goes beyond Earth's orbit, dramatically improving the process.  

It will help our spacecraft navigate autonomously

Today, we navigate in deep space by using giant antennas on Earth to send signals to spacecraft, which then send those signals back to Earth. Atomic clocks on Earth measure the time it takes a signal to make this two-way journey. Only then can human navigators on Earth use large antennas to tell the spacecraft wh ere it is and wh ere to go.

If we want humans to explore the solar system, we need a better, faster way for the astronauts aboard a spacecraft to know wh ere they are, ideally without needing to send signals back to Earth. A Deep Space Atomic Clock on a spacecraft would allow it to receive a signal from Earth and determine its location immediately using an onboard navigation system.

It loses only 1 second in 9 million years

Any atomic clock has to be incredibly precise to be used for this kind of navigation: A clock that is off by even a single second could mean the difference between landing on Mars and missing it by miles. In ground tests, the Deep Space Atomic Clock proved to be up to 50 times more stable than the atomic clocks on GPS satellites. If the mission can prove this stability in space, it will be one of the most precise clocks in the universe.

It keeps accurate time using mercury ions

Your wristwatch and atomic clocks keep time in similar ways: by measuring the vibrations of a quartz crystal. An electrical pulse is sent through the quartz so that it vibrates steadily. This continuous vibration acts like the pendulum of a grandfather clock, ticking off how much time has passed. But a wristwatch can easily drift off track by seconds to minutes over a given period.

An atomic clock uses atoms to help maintain high precision in its measurements of the quartz vibrations. The length of a second is measured by the frequency of light released by specific atoms, which is same throughout the universe. But atoms in current clocks can be sensitive to external magnetic fields and temperature changes. The Deep Space Atomic Clock uses mercury ions — fewer than the amount typically found in two cans of tuna fish — that are contained in electromagnetic traps. Using an internal device to control the ions makes them less vulnerable to external forces.

It will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket

The Deep Space Atomic Clock will fly on the Orbital Test Bed satellite, which launches on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket with around two dozen other satellites from government, military and research institutions. The launch is targeted for June 22, 2019, at 8:30 p.m. PDT (11:30 p.m. EDT) from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida and will be live-streamed here:

https://www.nasa.gov/live (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive)
The Deep Space Atomic Clock is hosted on a spacecraft provided by General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (http://www.ga.com/ems) of Englewood, Colorado. It is sponsored by the Technology Demonstration Missions program (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/main/index.html) within NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate and the Space Communications and Navigations program (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/index.html) within NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. The project is managed by JPL (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/).

Arielle Samuelson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
arielle.a.samuelson@jpl.nasa.gov (mailto:arielle.a.samuelson@jpl.nasa.gov)

Last Updated: June 4, 2019
Editor: Tony Greicius
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.06.2019 23:36:14
ЦитироватьHow NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock Could Be the Next Space GPS

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCryGec9PdUCLjpJW2mgCuLw)

Опубликовано: 10 июн. 2019 г.

NASA has perfected new navigation technology that would make self-driving spacecraft and GPS beyond the Moon a reality. The Deep Space Atomic Clock is the first atomic clock small and stable enough to fly on a spacecraft beyond Earth's orbit. As NASA works to put humans on Mars and the Moon, the clock's precise timekeeping will be key to these missions' success.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GEeak4Vphshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GEeak4Vphs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GEeak4Vphs) (1:48)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.06.2019 00:50:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 18 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1138196953412583424)

NASA highlights payloads on next Falcon Heavy; LZ-1 cleared for normal operations -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/06/nasa-payloads-next-falcon-heavy-lz-1/ ... (https://t.co/VX1dcwWqSm)

By Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF))

Lead photo by Nathan Barker (@NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd)) for NSF/L2

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.06.2019 06:05:39
ЦитироватьFalcon Heavy отправит на орбиту космический зонд на "чистом топливе"

ВАШИНГТОН, 11 июн – РИА Новости. Уникальные атомные часы, зонд на "чистом топливе" и десятки других новейших наработок НАСА и ВС США отправятся в испытательный полет на сверхмощной ракете Falcon Heavy в конце июня, сообщили их разработчики на брифинге НАСА в понедельник.

Старт новейшей сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя Falcon Heavy планируется на 24 июня. Основным заказчиком старта выступает министерство обороны США, по контракту с ним ракета отправит на орбиту 24 аппарата в рамках объединенной миссии STP-2 (Space Test Program – 2). Для SpaceX это станет первым полетом Falcon Heavy для минобороны США, при этом на борту РН будут находиться разработки не только военных, но и гражданских ведомств США.

Как сообщили в НАСА в понедельник, на борту ракеты-носителя в тестовый полет отправится сразу несколько экспериментальных наработок. Одной из самых интересных из них станут атомные часы (Deep Space Atomic Clock project, DSAC), которые в будущем при миссиях в далекий космос могут использоваться для обеспечения навигации космических аппаратов.
Цитировать"Это первые космические ионные атомные часы, и это также инструмент, который кардинально изменит то, как мы осуществляем навигацию в далеком космосе", - рассказала на брифинге заместитель ведущего научного сотрудника миссии Джилл Сойберт. По словам создателей, одно из главных достоинств аппарата заключается в его точности: "они допускают ошибку в секунду лишь один раз за 9 миллионов лет", примечательно, что новый инструмент в 50 раз точнее, чем используемые сегодня навигационные часы.
В НАСА сообщили, что специалисты будут наблюдать за работой часов в течение предстоящего года и надеются, что в будущем их разработка будет использоваться при полетах на Марс и дальше в космос. Первые данные о работе инструмента, ожидают разработчики, будут получены уже осенью текущего года. Как сообщили в НАСА, создание компактных атомных космических часов обошлось примерно в 80 миллионов долларов.

Помимо атомных часов на борту Falcon Heavy на орбиту отправят аппарат GPIM (Green Propellant Infusion Mission), работающий на нетоксичном топливе. Разработка исследовательской лаборатории ВВС США предлагает альтернативу гидразину, горючему веществу, используемому космическими кораблями сегодня. Ноу-хау заключается в использовании смеси из гидроксила аммонийной селитры и окислителя.

Как пояснил ведущий научный сотрудник проекта Кристофер Маклейн, новое топливо менее токсично для человека, а значит требует меньше затрат и времени при заправке аппарата. Помимо этого, новое топливо более плотное, чем гидразин, и на 50% эффективнее. "Это значит, что при меньшем объеме топлива на борту аппарат может пролететь дальше", - сообщили разработчики, добавив, что и полезная нагрузка космического аппарата в таком случае может быть больше.

В числе других проектов, которые будут испытаны на орбите Земли после запуска Falcon Heavy – кубсаты E-TBEx, которым предстоит изучить влияние ионосферы Земли на проходящие в ней радиосигналы. Исследование, которое ведут студенты и выпускники Мичиганского университета, призвано обеспечить в будущем бесперебойную связь для военных и морских служб США.

Как сообщили в компании SpaceX в преддверии старта, он станет одним из самых сложных в истории РН Falcon: запуск аппаратов будет происходить с трех разных орбит и затянется на шесть часов. Для запуска минобороны планирует использовать уже летавшие ранее боковые ускорители Falcon Heavy.
Первый коммерческий старт и второй с момента ее создания ракеты Falcon Heavy состоялся в апреле 2019 года. Ракета осуществила запуск спутника Arabsat 6A для Саудовской Аравии.

США позиционируют Falcon Heavy как самую мощную из всех существующих в мире ракет, она в три раза мощнее Falcon 9. Каждая из трех блоков первых ступеней Falcon Heavy оснащена девятью двигателями Merlin 1D. Традиционно для своих запусков SpaceX после апрельского старта осуществила посадку двух боковых и центрального разгонных блоков.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 11.06.2019 09:04:17
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Ноу-хау заключается в использовании смеси из гидроксила аммонийной селитры и окислителя.
А эта хрень не хуже для экологии чем сам гидразин?  :oops:
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 11.06.2019 09:06:21
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Помимо этого, новое топливо более плотное, чем гидразин, и на 50% эффективнее.
Это чего? Удельный импульс за 400 секунд?   :o
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: vlad7308 от 11.06.2019 10:53:45
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Ноу-хау заключается в использовании смеси из гидроксила аммонийной селитры и окислителя.
А эта хрень не хуже для экологии чем сам гидразин?  :oops:
Селитра это вообще удобрение :)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: sychbird от 12.06.2019 16:06:07
Борщевик небо закроет. Джунгли Амазонки отдыхают. :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.06.2019 06:41:29
ЦитироватьSatellite Signals from Space: Smart Science for Understanding Weather and Climate

The COMET Program/MetEd (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmS9uNUi7A4I937o_j8ZnBQ)

Опубликовано: 20 нояб. 2018 г.

Targeted to students and teachers in Grades 5-9 but accessible to anyone interested in the topic, this video introduces learners to the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate, called COSMIC. The latest COSMIC mission, known as COSMIC-2, uses a set of six satellites orbiting near Earth to measure how the atmosphere affects signals from global positioning system (GPS) satellites high above the surface. The observations collected offer scientists very accurate information to improve weather forecasts, help monitor a part of Earth's upper atmosphere called the ionosphere, and provide long-term records for understanding Earth's climate.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD6CjTI8NbYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD6CjTI8NbY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD6CjTI8NbY) (5:03)

ЦитироватьFORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Satellite System: Next Gen Weather & Climate Observations

The COMET Program/MetEd (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmS9uNUi7A4I937o_j8ZnBQ)

Опубликовано: 23 мая 2019 г.

The latest-generation Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2) provides high-resolution observations of Earth's atmosphere, including the ionosphere. In this video, scientists and mission planners introduce the instrumentation used and describe the collaborations that made the COSMIC-2 mission possible. These experts describe how COSMIC uses a technique called radio occultation, making use of existing navigation satellite signals passing through the atmosphere to provide detailed measurements of temperature, pressure, and water vapor. They explain how these data contribute to exciting improvements in numerical weather prediction, hurricane forecasts, climate studies, and analysis of space weather affecting communication networks and other systems on Earth.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qabMHoMyl1Ahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qabMHoMyl1A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qabMHoMyl1A) (6:18)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.06.2019 23:46:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184882.jpg)Emre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/EmreKelly/status/1139618957147746305)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) Falcon Heavy STP-2 now firmly on the Eastern Range's launch calendar for Monday, June 24 @ 2330 ET / 0330 UTC +1. Liftoff from 39A, landings at LZ-1 and drone ship.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.06.2019 00:26:09
ЦитироватьJUNE 14, 2019
How an Atomic Clock Will Get Humans to Mars on Time

The Deep Space Atomic Clock, a new technology fr om NASA's JPL, may change the way spacecraft navigate in space. Launching in late June aboard the Orbital Test Bed satellite, on the SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket, descendants of the technology demonstration could be a key component of a self-driving spacecraft and a GPS-like navigation system at other worlds.Credit: General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems 
› Larger view (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/206861.jpg)

NASA navigators are helping build a future where spacecraft could safely and autonomously fly themselves to destinations like the Moon and Mars.

Navigators today tell a spacecraft where to go by calculating its position fr om Earth and sending the location data to space in a two-way relay system that can take anywhere fr om minutes to hours to deliver directions. This method of navigation means that no matter how far a mission travels through the solar system, our spacecraft are still tethered to the ground, waiting for commands fr om our planet.

That limitation poses obvious problems for a future crewed mission to another planet. How can astronauts navigate far fr om Earth if they don't have immediate control over where they're going? And how can they accurately land on another planet when there's a communication delay that affects how quickly they can adjust their trajectory into the atmosphere?

NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock is a toaster-size device that aims to answer those questions. It's the first GPS-like instrument small and stable enough to fly on a spacecraft. The technology demonstration enables the spacecraft to know wh ere it is without needing to rely on that data from Earth. In late June, the clock will launch on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket into Earth's orbit for one year, wh ere it will test whether it can help spacecraft locate themselves in space.

If the Deep Space Atomic Clock's trial year in space goes well, it could pave the way for a future of one-way navigation in which astronauts are guided by a GPS-like system across the surface of the Moon or can safely fly their own missions to Mars and beyond.

"Every spacecraft exploring deep space is steered by navigators here on Earth. Deep Space Atomic Clock will change that by enabling onboard autonomous navigation, or self-driving spacecraft," said Jill Seubert, the deputy principal investigator.

There's No GPS in Deep Space
Atomic clocks in space aren't new. Every GPS device and smartphone determines its location via atomic clocks on satellites orbiting Earth. The satellites send signals from space, and the receiver triangulates your position by measuring how long the signals take to reach your GPS.

Currently, spacecraft flying beyond Earth's orbit don't have a GPS to find their way through space. Atomic clocks on GPS satellites aren't accurate enough to send directions to spacecraft, when being off by even less than a second could mean missing a planet by miles.

Instead, navigators use giant antennas on Earth to send a signal to the spacecraft, which bounces it back to Earth. Extremely precise clocks on the ground measure how long it takes the signal to make this two-way journey. The amount of time tells them how far away the spacecraft is and how fast it's going. Only then can navigators send directions to the spacecraft, telling it wh ere to go.

"It's the same exact concept as an echo," said Seubert. "If I'm standing in front of a mountain and I shout, the longer it takes for the echo to come back to me, the farther away the mountain is."

Two-way navigation means that no matter how deep into space a mission goes, it still has to wait for a signal carrying commands to cross the vast distances between planets. It's a process made famous by Mars landings like Curiosity, when the world waited 14 long minutes with mission control for the rover to send the message that it landed safely. That delay is an average wait time: Depending on wh ere Earth and Mars are in their orbits, it can take anywhere from 4 to 20 minutes for a one-way signal to travel between planets.

It's a slow, laborious way to navigate in deep space, one that ties up the giant antennas of NASA's Deep Space Network (https://deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/) like a busy phone line. During this exchange, a spacecraft flying at tens of thousands of miles per hour could be in an entirely different place by the time it "knows" wh ere it is.
A Better Way to Navigate
An atomic clock small enough to fly on a mission but precise enough to give accurate directions could eliminate the need for this two-way system. Future navigators would send a signal from Earth to a spacecraft. Like its Earthly cousins, the Deep Space Atomic Clock onboard would measure the amount of time it took that signal to reach it. The spacecraft could then calculate its own position and trajectory, essentially giving itself directions.

"Having a clock onboard would enable onboard radio navigation and, when combined with optical navigation, make for a more accurate and safe way for astronauts to be able to navigate themselves," said Deep Space Atomic Clock Principal Investigator Todd Ely.

This one-way navigation has applications for Mars and beyond. DSN antennas would be able to communicate with multiple missions at a time by broadcasting one signal into space. The new technology could improve the accuracy of GPS on Earth. And multiple spacecraft with Deep Space Atomic Clocks could orbit Mars, creating a GPS-like network that would give directions to robots and humans on the surface.

"The Deep Space Atomic Clock will have the ability to aid in navigation, not just locally but in other planets as well. One way to think of it is as if we had GPS at other planets," said Eric Burt, the ion clock development lead.

Burt and fellow JPL clock physicists Robert Tjoelker and John Prestage created a mercury ion clock, which maintains its stability in space in the same way as refrigerator-size atomic clocks on Earth. In lab tests, the Deep Space Atomic Clock proved to be 50 times more accurate than GPS clocks. That's an error of 1 second every 10 million years.

The clock's demonstration in space will determine whether it can remain stable in orbit. If it does, a Deep Space Atomic Clock could fly on a mission as early as the 2030s. The first step toward self-driving spacecraft that could one day carry humans to other worlds.

The Deep Space Atomic Clock is hosted on a spacecraft provided by General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems of Englewood, Colorado. It is sponsored by the Technology Demonstration Missions program (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/main/index.html) within NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate and the Space Communications and Navigations program (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/index.html) within NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. JPL manages the project.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: кукушка от 15.06.2019 21:07:57
Запуск миссии STP-2 на Falcon Heavy состоится 25 июня (https://vk.com/spacex?w=wall-41152133_140040) в 6:30 МСК / 3:30 UTC / 11:30 p.m EDT 24 июня (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196478.png)

Центральный блок и обтекатель Falcon Heavy замечены в ангаре горизонтальной сборки площадки LC-39A в KSC.

А на OCISLY тем временем замечен модернизированный робот для захвата ступени — Roomba. В этом запуске планируется использовать его впервые для удержания центрального блока Falcon Heavy.

В этой массовой миссии в интересах ВВС США планируется запустить 24 малых космических аппарата и кубсата (4 из них для NASA) на 3 разные средние-околоземные орбиты. Это будет заключительная миссия в программе сертификации Falcon Heavy для военных запусков программы NSSL. 

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196543.png) Ракета-носитель: Falcon Heavy Block 5 B1052.2/B1057.1/B1053.2 — новый центральный блок, повторное использование боковых ускорителей (оба с миссии Arabsat 6A).

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196358.png) Посадка: боковые ускорители сядут на землю (LZ-1 и LZ-2), а центральный — на платформу OCISLY в 38 км от места старта, Атлантический океан.

Это будет первое повторное использование боковых ускорителей версии Block 5 для Falcon Heavy. 



Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.06.2019 02:17:22
ЦитироватьLightSail 2 mission highlights

The Planetary Society (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi0TZmFfgS4oQPcRQ6-KRXg)

Опубликовано: 14 июн. 2019 г.

This video shows brief highlights from LightSail 2, a crowdfunded space mission by The Planetary Society launching in June 2019. LightSail 2 aims to become the first spacecraft in Earth orbit propelled solely by sunlight. The goal is to raise LightSail 2's orbit by a measurable amount, showing that solar sailing is a viable means of propulsion for CubeSats—small, standardized spacecraft that are part of a global effort to lower the cost of space exploration.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUEuMQivNOohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUEuMQivNOo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUEuMQivNOo) (0:39)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.06.2019 19:45:57
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1140297869959794689)

SpaceX Falcon Heavy (STP-2) Static Fire at KSC 39A is NET Tuesday.

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/06/nasa-payloads-next-falcon-heavy-lz-1/[/COLOR] ... (https://t.co/VX1dcwWqSm)

[COLOR=#438CCB]https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=48325.0 (https://t.co/bmJjZKHJrs) ... (https://t.co/bmJjZKHJrs)
Не ранее 18.06.2019
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.06.2019 19:06:35
ЦитироватьSpaceX's first flight-proven Falcon Heavy Block 5 rocket ready for static fire test

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134867.jpg) By Eric Ralph (https://www.teslarati.com/author/eric-ralph/)
Posted on June 16, 2019

According to NASASpaceflight.com (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1140297869959794689), SpaceX is just ~48 hours away fr om Falcon Heavy Flight 3's critical static fire test, in which all 27 of the rocket's Merlin 1D engines will be briefly ignited. 

If the routine test goes as planned, SpaceX's third completed Falcon Heavy will be ready to lift off as early as 11:30 pm ET (03:30 UTC), June 24th. Atop the massive rocket will be the US Air Force's Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission, a collection of 24 small satellites from a variety of US government agencies and academic institutions. Practically speaking, STP is often more of an engineered excuse to launch, involving satellites and customers that are willing to accept higher risk than more valuable payloads, making it far easier for the US military to certify new technologies and new commercial launch vehicles.

As previously discussed on Teslarati, STP-2 is an extremely ambitious mission that aims to simultaneously certify or pave the way towards certification of critical capabilities. First and foremost, it will (barring serious anomalies) give the US military the data it needs to certify SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket for all national defense launches, giving ULA's Delta IV Heavy its first real competition in a decade and a half.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/135053.jpg) (https://cdn.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Delta-IV-Heavy-PSP-launch-closeup-Tom-Cross-crop.jpg)
ULA's Delta IV Heavy lifts off in August 2018 during the launch of NASA's Parker Solar Probe. (Tom Cross)

Included under the umbrella of that catch-all certification is a sort of torture-test validation of the long-coast capabilities of SpaceX's Falcon upper stage. To successfully complete STP-2, the upper stage will be subjected to "four separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits, a final propulsive passivation maneuver, and a total mission duration of over six hours." It will likely be SpaceX's most technically-challenging launch ever.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/135090.jpg) (https://cdn.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Falcon-Heavy-Block-5-STP-2-S2-render-SpaceX-1-crop.jpg)
To complete STP-2, Falcon Heavy's upper stage – essentially the same thing that flies on Falcon 9 – will be subjected to its most challenging mission profile yet. (SpaceX)

Finally, the US Air Force has decided that STP-2 presents an excellent opportunity to begin the process of certifying flight-proven SpaceX rockets for military launches. The STP-2-related work is more of a preliminary effort for the USAF to actually figure out how to certify flight-proven commercial rockets, but it will still be the first time the a dedicated US military mission has flown on a flight-proven launch vehicle. Down the road, the processes set in place thanks – in part – to STP-2 and Falcon Heavy may also apply to aspirational rockets like Blue Origin's New Glenn and ULA's "SMART" concept for Vulcan reuse. 

Still, New Glenn is unlikely to be ready for flight-proven military launches until the mid-2020s, while ULA has no plans to even attempt to implement Vulcan's "SMART" reuse until ~2026, meaning that military certification probably wont come until 2028-2030 at the earliest. SpaceX has thus earned roughly half a decade wh ere it will be the only viable US launch provider that can offer certified flight-proven hardware with an established record of reliability. Although the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) had a lone smallsat aboard SpaceX's February 2019 launch of PSN-6 and Spaceflight's GTO-1 mission, STP-2 will be the first time a dedicated Department of Defense mission has flown on flight-proven launch vehicle hardware since 1992 (STS-53).

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/135089.jpg) (https://cdn.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Falcon-Heavy-B1052-B1053-LZ-landing-USAF-James-Rainier-1-edit-c.jpg)
Falcon Heavy side boosters B1052 and B1053 land at Landing Zones 1 and 2 (LZ-1/LZ-2) after their launch debut and Falcon Heavy's first commercial mission. Both will fly again as part of the STP-2 mission. (USAF – James Rainier)

Aside from flight-proven Falcon Heavy side boosters B1052 and B1053, STP-2 is expected to use a new center core, B1057. SpaceX is in the late stages of vehicle integration and should be nearly complete by Monday, June 17th in order to support a June 18th static fire. The specific static fire window is not yet public but Falcon Heavy will likely roll out to Pad 39A no less than 12 hours before.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/143009.jpg) (https://www.flickr.com/photos/181996126@N04/48053492057/)
On June 11th, Joshua Mendoza captured this exceptional view (https://www.flickr.com/photos/181996126@N04/48053492057/) of Falcon Heavy Flight 3 integration inside SpaceX's Pad 39A hangar. Visible are the rocket's payload fairing (right), center core (middle), and upper stage (middle/left).

Teslarati photographers Tom Cross and Pauline Acalin will both be on site with a bevy of remote cameras to capture SpaceX's third Falcon Heavy before, during, and after liftoff. STP-2 will be Falcon Heavy's first attempted nighttime launch. Stay tuned for updates as we get closer to T-0!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.06.2019 15:00:56
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
SpaceX Falcon Heavy (STP-2) Static Fire at KSC 39A is NET Tuesday.
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 04:19 PDT (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1140942079994007554) - 18 июн. 2019 г.

Now NET Wednesday.
Не ранее 19.06.2019
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 18.06.2019 16:25:37
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Это чего? Удельный импульс за 400 секунд
Речь о volumetric impulse, т.е. в пересчете на объем расходованного топлива. Для малых аппаратов - очень даже востребовано.
А УИ у таких двигателей сам по себе на 5% больше, чем у гидразиновых.
Шведские (теперь отчасти нет http://ecaps.space/news2017-07-07.php) HPGP аналогичные по назначению, уже, кстати, летают. На SkySat второго поколения.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.06.2019 17:59:25
Цитировать06/18/2019 17:48 Stephen Clark

SpaceX teams at the Kennedy Space Center are preparing for a hold-down firing of the Falcon Heavy rocket as soon as Wednesday ahead of a launch next Monday night with 24 satellites for the U.S. Air Force, NASA and NOAA.

The static fire test is a routine pre-launch checkout conducted before every SpaceX mission, in which the rocket's engines fire for several seconds while hold-down restraints keep the launcher on the pad.

The test was expected Tuesday, but SpaceX is now targeting the test-firing Wednesday at pad 39A.

Liftoff is scheduled for a four-hour window opening at 11:30 p.m. EDT Monday, June 24 (0330 GMT on June 25).

The Falcon Heavy is set to make its third flight next week, and the first for the U.S. Air Force, which is managing the mission through the military's Space Test Program.

SpaceX's heavy-lifted is made up of three Falcon 9 booster stages bolted together, with 27 Merlin engines producing more than 5 million pounds at liftoff, more than any other launch vehicle currently in service.

The transporter used to carry the Falcon Heavy to the pad and lift it vertical rolled down the ramp at pad 39A Monday morning to SpaceX's hangar. Cranes will hoist the Falcon Heavy onto the transporter for rollout to the launch pad.

Air Force and SpaceX officials convened a flight readiness review Monday and gave the green light to continue launch preparations in Florida.

Meanwhile, SpaceX's drone ship, "Of Course I Still Love You," is sailing toward a position in the Atlantic Ocean more than 600 miles downrange fr om Florida's Space Coast, wh ere the Falcon Heavy's core stage will attempt a landing after next week's launch.

The drone ship will be parked in roughly the same location as the last Falcon Heavy launch in April, which delivered the commercial Arabsat 6A communications satellite to orbit.

A regulatory filing by SpaceX with the Federal Communications Commission earlier this year suggested the drone ship would be positioned closer to shore, within about 24 miles (40 kilometers) of the launch pad.

That is no longer the case.

The Falcon Heavy's two side boosters will return to landing zones at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Next week's launch will mark SpaceX's eighth mission of the year, and the seventh launch of 2019 overall from Cape Canaveral, including SpaceX and ULA missions.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.06.2019 18:02:35
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg)Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1140996040876863488)

SpaceX's drone ship is heading for a landing zone hundreds of miles off the Florida coast, multiple sources say. No center core landing close to shore, as suggested in an FCC filing earlier this year.
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67530.jpg)Spaceflight Now‏ @SpaceflightNow (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1140995543277166593)

A hotfire test ahead of SpaceX's 3rd Falcon Heavy launch is set for no earlier than Wednesday at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, while the company's drone ship heads for a landing zone in the Atlantic Ocean for recovery of the rocket's center core.
https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/18/falcon-heavy-stp-2-launch-preps/ ... (https://t.co/oUuaTaHgpY)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.06.2019 18:56:34
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 17 июн. (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1140613680171769857)

Tug Hollywood has departed Port Canaveral and is towing Of Course I Still Love You.

I'm assuming that the droneship is being taken out for a test/trial at the moment.


17 июн. (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1140645400539475968)

OCISLY is heading quite a way offshore. Digging for information still...


9 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1140875458399092736)

Of Course I Still Love You is heading further and further offshore. We're currently pending official word/paperwork to explain where the droneship is going.


4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1140956437386018816)

Quick reminder: According the most recent filings, the droneship is meant to be stationed just 39km offshore for STP-2 next week. (Map here: http://spacexfleet.com/next  (https://t.co/X3LckYsU2O))

OCISLY is currently 160km offshore and going further...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.06.2019 23:21:05
ЦитироватьSMC Ready for Summer of Launch Liftoff
SMC Public Affairs / Published June 18, 2019

Summer of 2019 heralds "Summer of Launch" for the Space and Missile Systems Center, the nation's launch vehicle procurer of choice. SMC leads the Department of Defense launch community as the organization celebrates its momentous milestones over a 31-day period.

Space Test Program-2, scheduled to launch on June 24, will be the first DOD mission to fly on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy and the first to use previously flown flight hardware. SpaceX is reusing the two side boosters from the Arabsat 6A Falcon Heavy mission flown on April 11, 2019, presenting SMC and SpaceX with a tremendous opportunity to gain insight into the process for refurbishing first-stage boosters on the Falcon family of rockets. This history-making and complex endeavor spotlights SMC's collaboration with commercial spaceflight's new entrants and its commitment to pursuing new, innovative ways of delivering reliable, responsive and leading-edge space capabilities to the Air Force, DOD and ultimately the Warfighter.
The future of launch awaits!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 00:56:33
Цитировать(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/692443836736507904/4I0Bh5oX_bigger.jpg)AF SMC‏ @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) 11 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC/status/1141099481628364808)

The 3700 kg Integrated Payload Stack (IPS) for #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) has been completed! Have a look before it blasts off on the first #DoD (https://twitter.com/hashtag/DoD?src=hash) Falcon Heavy launch! #SMC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SMC?src=hash) #SpaceStartsHere (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceStartsHere?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 01:12:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186100.jpg)Ian Atkinson‏ @IanPineapple (https://twitter.com/IanPineapple) 34 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/IanPineapple/status/1141097712705769472)

@SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) has updated the droneship FCC filings for STP-2. OCISLY will be stationed approximately 1240km (!!) downrange from KSC. This will be *even further* than Arabsat's center core landing (which was only 967km). The purpose of this change is not known. Keep cool, B1057.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 04:11:18
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg)Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1141145678627971074)

USAF official confirms no ballast, approximate total value of the mission (including spacecraft and launch services) roughly $750 million.
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67521.jpg)Stephen Clark‏ @StephenClark1 (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1) 25 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1141144677846003712)

Falcon Heavy's 3rd launch, set for takeoff June 24 from the Kennedy Space Center, will carry 24 spacecraft to three distinct orbits over a mission lasting several hours. 3700 kg total mass for the payload stack uses up most of the Falcon Heavy's performance, no ballast on-board.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 04:44:42
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 47 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1141147982018088965)

The worklights are on at 39A. That means there could be a Heavy rolling out to the pad tonight. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125541.png)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 05:14:43
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1141161976162398209)

Static Fire Window opens at 12:30pm Local Time. Usually runs for six hours.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 06:07:28
Цитировать06/19/2019 05:23 Stephen Clark

The Falcon Heavy is now emerging from the hangar to begin the trip up the ramp to pad 39A in preparation for a static fire test scheduled tomorrow.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 15:44:48
Цитировать06/19/2019 13:09 Spaceflight Now

The Falcon Heavy is being raised vertical at launch pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in readiness for an engine test fire.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190619100908_691346.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190619100908_691346.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 15:47:11
Цитировать06/19/2019 13:36 Spaceflight Now

The Falcon Heavy, with its payload fairing attached, stands tall on launch complex 39A as the Sun rises over Kennedy Space Center.

The powerful rocket is scheduled to launch the U.S. Air Force's Space Test Program-2 mission no earlier than June 24 with a cluster of military and scientific research satellites.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190619103154_781071.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190619103154_781071.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 15:50:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1141310662750146561)

The first @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) Falcon Heavy with flight proven side boosters is vertical at historic LC-39 A. Full stack static fire is expected today ahead of the #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) launch scheduled for NET 6/24.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 19:33:01
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67649.jpg)Ken Kremer‏ @ken_kremer (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer/status/1141360789422530565)

The full #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) with payload fairing attached stands vertical at #pad39A (https://twitter.com/hashtag/pad39A?src=hash) this morning after rollout at 1 AM and raising at 6 AM - ahead of static fire NET this afternoon. @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) launch NET Jun 24. Note: Sooty flight proven side cores recycled from #arabsat6a (https://twitter.com/hashtag/arabsat6a?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 20:36:38
Полигон открыт для предпусковых и пусковых операций

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 20:43:17

Airspace Closure Area (https://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/STP%202%20ACA.pdf)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 20:44:27

Launch Hazard Area (https://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/STP%202%20LHA.pdf)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 21:13:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1141407395970736139)

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Static Fire now moved to 8:30 pm local time. If you're there watching and getting bitten by bugs, seek shelter, this isn't happening for hours yet.
NET 00:30 UTC 20.06.2019
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 21:30:00
ЦитироватьA SpaceX surprise: Falcon Heavy booster landing to smash distance record

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/134867.jpg) By Eric Ralph (https://www.teslarati.com/author/eric-ralph/)
Posted on June 19, 2019

In an unexpected last-second change, SpaceX has moved Falcon Heavy Flight 3's center core landing on drone ship Of Course I Still Love You (OCISLY) from 40 km to more than 1240 km (770 mi) off the coast of Florida.

Drone ship OCISLY is already being towed to the landing site, necessary due to the sheer distance that needs to be covered at a leisurely towing pace. The current record for distance traveled during booster recovery was set at ~970 km by Falcon Heavy center core B1055 in April 2019. If successful, Falcon Heavy center core B1057 will smash that record by almost 30% after sending two dozen spacecraft on their way to orbit. Falcon Heavy Flight 3 is scheduled to lift off in support of the Department of Defense's Space Test Program 2 (STP-2) mission no earlier than 11:30 pm ET (03:30 UTC), June 24th. A routine static fire test at Pad 39A will (hopefully) set the stage for launch on Wednesday, June 19th.


This comes as a significant surprise for several reasons. First and foremost, the difference between a center core landing 40 km or 1300 km from the launch site is immense. For Falcon Heavy, the center core shuts down and separates from the rest of the rocket as much as a minute after the rocket's two side boosters, potentially doubling the booster's relative velocity at separation.

A return to launch site (RTLS) booster recovery requires a ton of latent performance, particularly for a booster traveling as fast as a Falcon Heavy center core. (USAF – James Rainier)

That extra minute of acceleration means that the center core can easily be 50-100+ km downrange at the point of separation. In other words, landing 40 km offshore aboard drone ship OCISLY would be roughly akin to a full boostback burn, meaning that the center core would need to nullify all of its substantial downrange velocity, turn around, and fly ~50-100 km back towards the launch site. Being able to perform such an aggressive maneuver would indicate that Falcon Heavy's boost stage has a huge amount of propellant (delta V) remaining after completing its role in the launch. 

To have STP-2's center core recovery moved from 40 km to 1240 km thus indicates an absolutely massive change in the rocket's mission plan and launch trajectory. For reference, Falcon Heavy Flight 2's Block 5 center core (B1055) set SpaceX's current record for recovery distance (970 km/600 mi) after launching Arabsat 6A – a massive ~6500 kg (14,300 lb) satellite – to a spectacularly high transfer orbit of >90,000 km (56,000 mi).



There are three obvious possibilities that might help explain why the STP-2 mission has abruptly indicated that it will require SpaceX's most energetic booster recovery yet.


This is highly unlikely. The USAF SMC has already released a SpaceX photo showing the late stages of the STP-2 payload stack's encapsulation inside Falcon Heavy's payload fairing. Short of an elaborate faked encapsulation followed by the installation of additional mysterious spacecraft or some extremely dense hardware hidden inside, it's safe to say that the STP-2 payload stack weighs what the USAF says it weighs, which is to say not nearly heavy enough to warrant a record-smashing booster recovery given the known orbital destinations.


The USAF further confirmed that there is no ballast on the stack, removing the possibility of a lead weight or steel boilerplate meant to artificially push Falcon Heavy to its limits.


Per official mission overviews, it's already clear that STP-2 could be the most challenging launch ever attempted for SpaceX's orbital Falcon upper stage. According to SpaceX itself (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2), "STP-2...will be among the most challenging launches in SpaceX history, with four separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits, a final propulsive passivation maneuver, and a total mission duration of over six hours."

An overview of the STP-2 Falcon Heavy upper stage's exotic and extremely challenging mission profile. (USAF)

While undeniably challenging, it's not clear why it would require such a high-energy center core recovery. With a payload mass of just ~3700 kg, Falcon 9 has launched much larger payloads to (relatively) higher orbits, but this fails to account for the added challenge of long coasts and multiple different orbits. Also of note, the above graph (courtesy of a years-old USAF document) appears to disagree with SpaceX's description of "four... upper-stage burns", instead showing five burns (red spikes). 

More likely than not, OCISLY's ~1200-kilometer move can be explained largely by the reintroduction of what the above graph describes as the Falcon upper stage's "disposal burn", likely referring to a deorbit burn. On top of the delta V already required for the first four burns, it isn't out of the question that an additional coast and deorbit burn from 6000 km (3700 mi) would push the recovery equation in favor of attempting to incinerate center core B1057.
Falcon Heavy's upper stage deploys its payload fairing, revealing the STP-2 payload stack. (SpaceX)


The last plausible explanation for this radical shift is that the US Air Force/Department of Defense (DoD) has decided last-second that they want more margins on top of their already-overflowing safety margins, quite literally pushing B1057 to the edge of its performance envelope to mitigate low-probability failure modes. This has been done to an even more extreme extent with the US Air Force's recent GPS III SV01 launch, in which SpaceX was forced to expend a new Falcon 9 Block 5 booster to provide the extreme safety margins the USAF desired.

According to the USAF, the STP-2 mission – including launch costs – represents as much as $750M, coincidentally similar to the estimated cost of the GPS III SV01 satellite and an expendable Falcon 9 rocket. As such, it's not out of the question that a similar level of paranoia/conservatism is in play for STP-2.

Falcon 9 lifts off with the US Air Force's first ~$500M GPS III spacecraft, December 2018. (SpaceX)

Numbers 2 and 3 are equally plausible explanations for this last-second booster recovery shift. Given the US military's active involvement, it's more likely than not that no explanations will be offered. Regardless, this surprise development is bound to result in a truly spectacular recovery attempt for SpaceX's second Block 5 center core and will likely involve breaking several still-fresh records in the process. 

Falcon Heavy Flight 3 is in the middle of rolling out to SpaceX's Kennedy Space Center Pad 39A launch facilities for a routine pre-launch static fire test, scheduled to occur no earlier than 12:30 pm ET (16:30 UTC), June 19th. If all goes well, SpaceX should be on track for its first STP-2 launch attempt at 11:30 pm ET (03:30 UTC), June 24th.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 22:46:45
Цитировать06/19/2019 22:31 Stephen Clark

The Falcon Heavy static fire test is currently scheduled some time during a window between 6 p.m. and 12 a.m. EDT (2200-0400 GMT).

The rocket has a payload fairing attached, but the shroud mounted on top of the Falcon Heavy for today's hotfire test does not contain the payloads set for launch next week.

The fairing is a "non-flight" component, and was added for the static fire at the request of the Air Force to collect acoustic data. The fairing containing the 24 spacecraft set for launch next week will be installed on the Falcon Heavy once it rolls back to SpaceX's hangar after the test-firing.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 22:48:57
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 58 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1141432403375923201)

39-A is about to get drenched. Hold on out there KSC folks!

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.06.2019 23:02:41
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186252.jpg)Kyle Gravlin‏Подлинная учетная запись @kylegravlin (https://twitter.com/kylegravlin) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/kylegravlin/status/1141434071479963648)

Here's a look at the map. Stay with @WESH (https://twitter.com/WESH) 2 for the latest...

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 00:10:34
NOTMAR (локальный)

lnm07252019.pdf (https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/lnms/lnm07252019.pdf), стр 5

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 01:07:00
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1141466762157969408)

SpaceX Falcon Heavy Static Fire test at 39A is heading towards a T-0 of sometime around midnight local time.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 02:12:19
Цитировать06/20/2019 02:03 Spaceflight Now

Thunderstorms have battered the Kennedy Space Center today as SpaceX prepared for a pre-launch engine test firing for its Falcon Heavy rocket.

The NASA launch site and adjacent Cape Canaveral Air Force Station are currently under a Phase 2 lightning advisory.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190619230333_667683.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190619230333_667683.jpg)
(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190619230333_730596.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190619230333_730596.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 02:58:42
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg)Planetary Society‏Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1141493728495845376)

Our first look at #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) installed on #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)'s Falcon Heavy rocket: http://planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-on-falcon-heavy.html ... (https://t.co/9npFDitKSp)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 03:03:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1141465735245512704)

STP-2 Fairing Recovery Update: The recovery inflatables have been reinstalled on GO Navigator. The Dragon test-article that GO Searcher was carrying has been removed and she may also gain the inflatables shortly. GO Ms Tree is without a net and may not be ready. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125426.png) @Cygnusx112 (https://twitter.com/Cygnusx112)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 05:46:58
Цитировать06/20/2019 05:13 Stephen Clark

With thunderstorms weakening and moving offshore, the first hints of vapors have appeared at pad 39A, suggesting the fueling preparations have begun for a hold-down test-firing of the Falcon Heavy's 27 Merlin engines tonight.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 05:59:51
Цитировать06/20/2019 05:55 Stephen Clark

More venting is visible at pad 39A as fueling operations continue in preparation for the test-firing of the Falcon Heavy rocket. The static fire test is now expected to be minutes away.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190620025543_120398.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190620025543_120398.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:08:25
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1141542388952948736)

Falcon Heavy is alive and feeding - with big venting seen from 39A via @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) - (possibly the big T-20 mins vent) so standby for the Static Fire test. And as always, observation is one thing, SpaceX confirmation of a good test via the Quick Look review is key.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:12:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1141543797681262592)

Lots of venting at 39A right now. It seems we are getting close to a static fire of Falcon Heavy. Don't judge, it was storming and it is hazy AF. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:29:24
Цитировать06/20/2019 06:28 Stephen Clark

The strongback at pad 39A has retracted into position for engine start. The Falcon Heavy's test-firing is expected around 11:30 p.m. EDT (0330 GMT).

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190620032837_262186.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190620032837_262186.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:31:29
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67530.jpg)Spaceflight Now‏ @SpaceflightNow (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow) 20 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1141548974039584771)

A cloud of rocket exhaust just appeared at pad 39A, suggesting the Falcon Heavy launcher has completed a preflight hold-down engine test. We'll await confirmation of a good test from SpaceX. https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/18/falcon-heavy-stp-2-launch-preps/ ... (https://t.co/oUuaTaHgpY)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:32:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29831.jpg)William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews/status/1141548928233607168)

FH/STP-2: Falcon Heavy hot fire complete, at 11:30pm EDT; will now stand by for an update from SpaceX after initial data review
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:44:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1141551622495059968)

STP-2 Static fire complete! We'll have to wait for confirmation of success from SpaceX which usually comes with a set launch date/time.
#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 06:47:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29831.jpg)William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews/status/1141552602242519041)

FH/STP-2: The Falcon Heavy put on a nice show during this evening's static firing...

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 07:56:04
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1141569552330870784)

Static fire of Falcon Heavy complete—targeting June 24 launch of STP-2 from Launch Complex 39A in Florida
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 08:12:59
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67649.jpg)Ken Kremer‏ @ken_kremer (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer) 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer/status/1141572979123544064)

#FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) static fire test completed ca. 1132 PM ET in darkness late this evening Jun 19.Several sec duration #pad39A (https://twitter.com/hashtag/pad39A?src=hash) @NASAKennedy (https://twitter.com/NASAKennedy). 4shot sequence shows vast vapor cloud expanding-preceded by >20 min massive venting. @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) just confirmed good test.#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) launch target Jun 24.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 08:14:56
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1141572833258168322)

How about an animation of the successful STP-2 static fire? I'm getting excited, how about you? #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/D9euG94XoAEGFNe.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/D9euG94XoAEGFNe.mp4)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 18:00:39
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/30273.jpg)Raul‏ @Raul74Cz (https://twitter.com/Raul74Cz) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Raul74Cz/status/1141678595498225667)

Launch Hazard Areas for #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #STP (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP?src=hash)-2 according NOTMAR message, valid for 25 Jun 03:30 UTC - backup launch day 26 Jun. LZ1/LZ2 landing for B1052.2/B1053.2. CenterCore-B1057 droneship landing 1236km downrange. Initially planned landing grayed.
https://goo.gl/HXcS8Q  (https://t.co/GDVgqX2Y0Y)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.06.2019 22:08:34
Не факт, но... а вдруг?
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1141754229926875137)

GO Ms. Tree's net (Mr Steven) was strung this morning in Port Canaveral! There is still hope that she will make an attempt at catching a fairing half during the STP-2 mission.

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1141762843861245954)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125426.png) http://www.visitspacecoast.com  (https://t.co/mkGen4iSSQ)


40 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1141774623387918336)

GO Ms. Tree (Mr Steven) has stopped just offshore. This is indeed a sea trial today. Don't dismay - The ship is very fast and could travel the distance to the landing zone in less than 2 days.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.06.2019 03:09:14
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg)Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1141827111919001600)

Basking in the glow of the late afternoon Florida sun, #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) Falcon Heavy stands following last night's successful Static Fire. Next up, lowering and rollback to HIF and fairing replacement containing the STP-2 payloads.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.06.2019 20:04:00
Цитировать06/21/2019 15:25 Spaceflight Now

The Falcon Heavy was lowered to the horizontal position on its transporter at around 5:30am EDT this morning. The vehicle will next be moved to its assembly building where its non-flight payload fairing will be removed and the STP-2 payload will be installed.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190621121658_618618.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190621121658_618618.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.06.2019 20:33:35
Прогноз погоды L-3 на 24 июня (локальное время)

FH STP-2 L-3 Day Forecast 21 June (https://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/Weather/L-3%20Forecast%2024%20June%20Launch.pdf?ver=2019-06-21-115349-190)
Пусковой день (24.06) - 70 % GO
Резервный день (25.06) - 60 % GO
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.06.2019 21:11:04
Цитировать06/21/2019 20:14 Stephen Clark

The first official weather forecast for Monday night's scheduled launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket predicts a 70 percent chance of acceptable conditions for liftoff from Florida's Space Coast.

The four-hour launch window opens at 11:30 p.m. EDT Monday (0330 GMT Tuesday). The Falcon Heavy will take off from pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center with two dozen spacecraft for the U.S. Air Force, NASA and NOAA.

The primary weather concern identified in the forecast issued this morning is with thick clouds and anvil clouds left over from scattered thunderstorms expected to develop in the area Monday afternoon.

An upper-level ridge over the Southeastern United States will reduce the coverage of showers and thunderstorms over Central Florida this weekend. But that pattern is forecast to chance by Monday.

"This will allow a storm system to dig into the Gulf Coast states Monday, destabilizing the atmosphere and increasing shower and thunderstorm activity across Central Florida," the Air Force's 45th Weather Squadron wrote in today's forecast. "The primary weather concern for a launch attempt overnight Monday into early Tuesday morning is lingering anvil and thick layer clouds from afternoon convection."

The forecast predicts a few clouds at 2,500 feet, scattered clouds at 10,000 feet, and scattered clouds at 25,000 feet during Monday night's launch window. Winds should be from the south-southwest at 15 to 20 mph, and the temperature is forecast to be around 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the Falcon Heavy does not launch Monday night, forecasters expect additional development of thunderstorms Tuesday. There's a 60 percent chance of favorable weather Tuesday night.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.06.2019 22:47:33
Цитировать06/21/2019 22:32 Stephen Clark

The Falcon Heavy rocket has started its rollback to SpaceX's hangar at pad 39A, where workers will remove the "non-flight" payload fairing that was mounted to the launcher for a pre-launch test-firing Wednesday night.

The payload fairing containing the 24 spacecraft set for liftoff on the STP-2 mission will be installed in preparation for the Falcon Heavy's return to the launch pad.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190621193148_943422.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190621193148_943422.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: кукушка от 22.06.2019 12:46:27
GO Ms.Tree (в прошлом Mr. Steven) (https://vk.com/spacex?w=wall-41152133_140801) вышел из порта Канаверал и на скорости более 16 узлов (~30 км/ч) направился в район возвращения створок обтекателя! Причём в описании пункта назначения написано "Время ловить", а это значит, что нас ждёт попытка спасения створки обтекателя миссии STP-2 (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196355.png)

Ранее корабль Go Navigator с оборудованием для извлечения створок обтекателя из воды также отправился в район спуска створок. 

Масса полезной нагрузки: ~3700 кг. Балласта - нет.

Стоимость миссии (полезная нагрузка, запуск): $750 млн

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.06.2019 13:59:10
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg)Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1142215499704651777)

From Playalinda Beach, @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) Falcon Heavy slowly rolls back in to HIF at LC-39A in preparation for STP-2. Launch tracking towards a June 24th 11:30pm launch with a 70% chance of acceptable conditions.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.06.2019 19:02:38
Прогноз погоды L-2 на 24 июня (локальное время)

FH STP-2 L-2 Day Forecast 22 June (https://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/Weather/L-2%20Forecast%2024%20June%20Launch.pdf?ver=2019-06-22-103448-640)
Пусковой день (24.06) - = 70 % GO
Резервный день (25.06) - = 60 % GO
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.06.2019 22:14:34
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 21 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1142505636485189632)

Falcon Heavy preparing for flight in SpaceX's hangar at LC-39A → http://spacex.com/stp-2  (https://t.co/QjQ85Pfc1O)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.06.2019 22:22:21
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 24 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1142157414697000960)

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's CATCH TIME!!! GO Ms. Tree, good luck. Try not to lose any arms this time!


59 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1142512767473242118)

GO Ms. Tree is showing off her impressive pace! The ship has traveled about 700km in the first 24 hours of the voyage.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 22.06.2019 23:00:46
Кстати, про МиссТ[е]ри. Попытался узнать, с чем может быть связано переименование и обнаружил, что компания, у которой СпейсИкс арендовал мистера Стивена, в конце прошлого года заявила о банкротстве. Илон выкупил кораблик или что? Что-нибудь известно?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 20:59:48
Опубликована брошюра миссии

stp-2_press_kit.pdf (http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/stp-2_press_kit.pdf) - 417.9 KB, 2 стр, 2019-06-24 02:28:26 UTC
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:01:17
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:01:37
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:01:40
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:05:33
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:05:45
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96766) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96767)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:06:39
Трансляция пуска

Цитироватьна сайте NASA
nasatv (https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#media)
Начало трансляции в 03:00 UTC

на сайте SpaceX
spacex.com/webcast (http://www.spacex.com/webcast)


на ТыТрубе
youtube.com/watch?v=WxH4CAlhtiQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxH4CAlhtiQ)
Начало трансляции в 03:10 UTC

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:23:40
Групповое фото команды Formosat-7 во Флориде.

(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96781) (https://wx2.sinaimg.cn/large/00686eaKgy1g4bthr5sbqj315e1fqjyp.jpg)

Источник - Министерство науки и технологий Китайской Республики (Тайвань).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:32:16
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:34:03
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96787) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96788)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:36:50
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:36:57
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96790) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96791) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96792) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96793) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96794) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96795) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96796)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:38:09
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96797) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96798) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96799) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96800) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96801) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96802) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96803) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96804)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:39:06
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96805) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96806) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96807) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96808) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96809)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:40:39
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96810) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96811) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/96812)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:40:43
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:52:37
ЦитироватьPrelaunch NASA TV Space Technology Show 12 p.m. EDT

Sarah Loff (https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacex/author/sloff/)
Posted on June 23, 2019

SpaceX and the U.S. Department of Defense will launch the Space Test Program-2 (http://www.spacex.com/stp-2) mission made up of two dozen satellites from government and research institutions. NASA payloads onboard include a small satellite, twin CubeSats and several instruments.

Subject matter experts will discuss the NASA technology demonstrations and science missions during a prelaunch technology TV show from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, starting at noon EDT. Watch the briefing online (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive) or on NASA's livestreaming channels.

Participants include:
  • Todd Ely, principal investigator for the Deep Space Atomic Clock (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/clock/index.html), JPL
  • Jill Seubert, deputy principal investigator for the Deep Space Atomic Clock, JPL
  • Christopher McLean, principal investigator for the Green Propellant Infusion Mission (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html), Ball Aerospace
  • Joe Cassady, executive director of space, Aerojet Rocketdyne
  • Nicola Fox, director of the Heliophysics Division in NASA's Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters (to discuss the Space Environment Testbeds (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/set-mission-overview))
  • Rick Doe, payload program manager for the Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/e-tbex-enhanced-tandem-beacon-experiment), SRI International
The launch window for the Falcon Heavy opens at 11:30 p.m. Monday, June 24, from historic Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy. The launch will also air on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/live).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 21:55:57
Прогноз погоды L-1 на 24 июня (локальное время)

FH STP-2 L-1 Day Forecast 23 June
Пусковой день (24.06) - = 70 % GO
Резервный день (25.06) - = 60 % GO
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 22:01:06
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67530.jpg)Spaceflight Now‏ @SpaceflightNow (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow) 18 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1142955968491397120)

The Falcon Heavy is out of the hangar and about to start the quarter-mile journey up the ramp to launch pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Liftoff remains set for Monday night at 11:30pm EDT (0330 GMT on Tuesday). https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/18/falcon-heavy-stp-2-launch-preps/ ... (https://t.co/oUuaTaHgpY)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 22:01:56
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143170850973077504)

Falcon Heavy and STP-2 are vertical on Launch Complex 39A. Tonight's four-hour launch window opens at 11:30 p.m. EDT, or 3:30 UTC on June 25 → http://spacex.com/webcast  (https://t.co/gtC39uBC7z)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 22:04:48
Прогноз погоды L-0 на 24 июня (локальное время)

FH STP-2 L-0 Day Forecast 24 June (https://www.patrick.af.mil/Portals/14/Weather/L-0%20Forecast%2024%20June%20Launch.pdf?ver=2019-06-24-101133-107)
Пусковой день (24.06) - ↑ 80 % GO
Резервный день (25.06) - ↑ 70 % GO
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.06.2019 22:07:58
Цитировать06/24/2019 21:55 Stephen Clark

An updated weather forecast issued this morning by the U.S. Air Force's 45th Weather Squadron shows slight improvement in the conditions expected during tonight's launch window.

There is now an 80 percent chance of favorable weather. The only slight concerns are with violating the anvil cloud and thick cloud rules over the launch site at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

"The upper-level ridge over the Southeast U.S. persists with dry air aloft over the Florida Peninsula, resulting in very isolated shower and thunderstorm coverage along the sea breeze front during the afternoon, which will track toward the Space Coast due to weak westerly steering flow," forecasters wrote in this morning's outlook. "Any activity that does develop however will quickly dissipate after sunset. The primary weather concerns for launch tonight continues to be lingering anvil and thick layer clouds from the isolated afternoon convection."

During the launch window, meteorologists expect partly cloudy skies, visibility of 7 miles, west-southwest winds of 10 to 15 mph, and a temperature of around 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 01:25:46
ЦитироватьLaunch Day Arrives for Space Test Program-2 Mission

Danielle Sempsrott (https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacex/author/dsempsro/)
Posted Jun 24, 2019 at 11:00 am

STP-2 is the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 mission. It is scheduled to launch fr om Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex 39A in Florida on Monday, June 24, at 11:30 p.m. EDT.

A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket stands at Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex 39A in Florida for tonight's launch of the Department of Defense's (DoD) Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission. Lift off is scheduled for 11:30 p.m. EDT, with a four-hour launch window. The mission, managed by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, will deliver 24 satellites to space, including four NASA payloads.

Meteorologists with the U.S. Air Force 45th Space Wing predict an 80% chance of favorable weather for liftoff. Primary weather concerns are anvil cloud rule and thick cloud layer rule.

Tonight's launch will be among one of the most challenging in SpaceX's history with four separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits and a propulsive passivation maneuver, wh ere the engine continues to run until it empties out the second stage of fuel. SpaceX also plans to recover the rocket's three boosters after launch by landing the two side boosters at the Cape Canaveral landing site and the center core downrange on the drone ship "Of Course I Still Love You."

Join us here on the blog tonight and on NASA Television (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive) for live mission coverage and updates beginning at 11 p.m. Learn more about tonight's STP-2 launch by visiting the mission home page at https://www.spacex.com/stp-2.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 01:43:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185128.jpg)Elon Musk‏Подлинная учетная запись @elonmusk (https://twitter.com/elonmusk) 43 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1143277679443095559)

Falcon Heavy on LC-39A

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 01:50:05
https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=511072&lang=RU (https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=511072&lang=RU)
ЦитироватьСверхтяжелая ракета компании SpaceX стартует на орбиту с 24 спутниками и прахом 152 человек
25.06.2019 0:08:39

Вашингтон. 25 июня. ИНТЕРФАКС - Американская сверхтяжелая ракета Falcon Heavy компании SpaceX, которая разрабатывается для полетов на Луну, во вторник по московскому времени должна вывести на орбиту 24 спутника Пентагона и NASA, сообщило Управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства США (NASA).

Запуск ракеты, который осуществляется в интересах вооруженных сил США, а также включает четыре миссии NASA, планируется осуществить в 06:30 мск со стартовой площадки 39А на космодроме на мысе Канаверал в штате Флорида.

Двухступенчатая ракета с первой ступенью и боковыми блоками многоразового использования должна вывести на орбиту атомные часы, которые помогут осуществлять наведение космических аппаратов на далекие объекты солнечной системы, что, в частности, поможет при планировании полета NASA к Марсу. Кроме того, один из спутников должен вывести на орбиту капсулы с прахом 152 покойных, в том числе ученых и сотрудников NASA.

Третий по счету запуск сверхтяжелой ракеты Falcon Heavy основатель SpaceX Илон Маск назвал "самым сложным" за всю историю компании. Ракете предстоит доставить на орбиту большой груз и группы спутников сразу на три разные орбиты.

Один из спутников, в частности, должен провести полетные испытания двигателя с использованием нитрата гидроксималмина, который на 50% улучшит производительность ракетных двигателей. Испытания будут проводиться по нескольким параметрам, включая смену орбиты и маневры на орбите. Этот вид топлива рассматривается в качестве важного элемента в планах возвращения NASA на Луну в 2024 году.

Также будет протестирован спутник Lightsail 2, который оснащен парусом, позволяющим аппарату перемещаться без использования обычного топлива. Частицы света, которые будут нести его импульс, заставят тонкие материалы двигаться.

В числе других запускаемых на орбиту проектов, которые будут испытаны на орбите Земли - кубосаты E-TBEx. Им предстоит изучить влияние ионосферы Земли на проходящих в ней радиосигналах. Исследование призвано обеспечить бесперебойную связь для ВМС США.
Первый старт ракеты-носителя Falcon Heavy был осуществлен в феврале 2018 года. Второй - в апреле 2019, когда компанией SpaceX было выведено на орбиту аппаратов общей массой 64 тонны полезного груза.

После старта во вторник ускорители ракеты Falcon Heavy, а также ее первая ступень должны будут совершить управляемую посадку. В частности, боковые ускорители должны совершить одновременную посадку на двух площадках на космодроме на мысе Канаверарал, а первая ступень - на плавучей платформе SpaceX у побережья штата Флорида.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 01:59:06
Цитировать24 ИЮН, 12:22
NASA испытает "зеленое" топливо для космических аппаратов. Дело не в заботе о природе

Экспериментальный аппарат GPIM
© Ball Aerospace/NASA (https://www.nasa.gov/)

В ночь на 25 июня ракета Falcon Heavy доставит на орбиту экспериментальный аппарат GPIM, заправленный "зеленым" топливом. Но чем плохо обычное горючее для космических аппаратов?

При виде стартующей ракеты в голове крутятся разные мысли. От земли эта штуковина отрывается как-то натужно — того и гляди покосится и упадет. Раскрасить ее можно и поинтереснее, но спасибо, что на фюзеляже нет рекламы. А мы, люди, все-таки молодцы: приладили бочки к громадным трубам и запускаем внутри них всякую всячину в космос — это ведь надо было изловчиться. Что не приходит на ум, когда площадка космодрома скрывается в клубах дыма, так это горючее: вредное оно или нет, велик ли от него урон, кому из-за этого хуже всего. Но раз ученые, NASA и ракетостроители говорят о "зеленом" топливе, значит, обычное все же чем-то плохо.

Сам этот эпитет, "зеленое", напоминает о биодизеле из кукурузы и электричестве от ветряков и солнечных панелей, которые удовлетворяют наши потребности в энергии, но не разрушают природу так сильно, как уголь, нефть и газ. Тогда и в космической ракете сначала видится что-то вроде движка автомобиля, только громадного, а потому намного более опасного для окружающей среды. Например, в американской ракете Atlas V почти 600 т топлива (в зависимости от конфигурации его может быть больше или меньше (https://www.ulalaunch.com/rockets/atlas-v)), сгорающего буквально на глазах. Этого хватило бы, чтобы на машине обогнуть Землю по экватору где-то 200 раз.

Вот только на свете ездит около 1 млрд автомобилей, а космические запуски бывают не чаще, чем выходные дни: порядка одной сотни в год. Но главное — ракеты в принципе почти не выбрасывают парниковые газы (именно растущие концентрации этих газов в атмосфере и вызванное этим изменение климата служат главным стимулом для развития "чистой" энергетики). Как космические запуски влияют на окружающую среду, вообще толком не понятно, а "зеленое" топливо ищут прежде всего затем, чтобы удешевить и упростить подготовку к полету.

Какое бывает топливо
Первый космический аппарат, советский "Спутник-1", был запущен в октябре 1957-го. За прошедшие 62 года появились новые материалы с удивительными свойствами, производительность вычислительной техники выросла даже не в разы, а на порядки, спутники, зонды, орбитальные обсерватории позволили составить точнейшие карты планеты, разглядеть тела в Солнечной системе и саму Вселенную — и только ракеты, которые поднимают их с поверхности, почти не изменились.

Ракетный двигатель — это по сути цилиндр с топливом. В нем ничего не вращается, как в автомобиле. Вместо этого газы, образующиеся из-за горения, просто вырываются струей наружу, а ракета из-за возникшей тяги летит в противоположном направлении (https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Green_Propellant_for_Space_Propulsion/(print)). Но как "просто" — поток газов должен быть достаточно мощным, чтобы корабль преодолел притяжение планеты. К примеру, Atlas V, где основным двигателем служит российский РД-180, по тяге почти в 60 раз превосходит самолет Boeing 737-300 (https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/BGP/Donna/t_w_ratio_answers.htm). Добились этого благодаря конструкции — и топливу.

Ракетное топливо бывает твердое и жидкое. Твердое замешивают и выпекают в специальной форме, как пирог (http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20180706-the-rocket-scientists-mixing-up-a-giant-firework), а по консистенции оно напоминает ластик. Его можно хранить годами, если не десятилетиями, поэтому заправлять ракету перед стартом не нужно, и подготовка к старту сравнительно легкая. Но есть и недостатки. Во-первых, жидкое топливо той же массы обычно дает бо́льшую тягу. Во-вторых, стоит зажечь твердое топливо — оно сгорит до конца, как петарда.

С жидким горючим процесс регулируется. Оно представляет собой смесь собственно топлива и окислителя, которые накачиваются из отдельных баков и вступают в химическую реакцию с выделением тепла. Перекрой "кран" — пламя погаснет. Часто космические ракеты оснащены двигателями обоих типов: сначала включаются твердотопливные, которые быстро создают нужную тягу, потом в полете их сбрасывают, и в дело вступают более эффективные двигатели с жидким топливом. Также бывают гибридные установки, где в "пирог" вспрыскивают окислитель из изолированной емкости. Они позволяют контролировать химическую реакцию, но сохраняют и некоторые преимущества твердого горючего.
Вредит ли топливо
Одни ракеты заправляют тем, что называется топливом в обиходе: например, очищенным керосином или метаном, а окислителем служит сжиженный кислород. В этих ракетах происходят такие же реакции, как в двигателях внутреннего сгорания автомобилей: выделяется углекислый газ и водяной пар. И то и другое, усиливая парниковый эффект, поднимает среднюю температуру на планете, но десятки запусков в год погоды не делают.

В твердотопливных двигателях зачастую применяется перхлорат аммония и алюминиевая пудра. Из-за этого во время полета в воздух попадает едкая соляная кислота: один запуск европейской ракеты Ariane (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/193595/brief/en) 5 дает до 270 т этого вещества (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/193595/brief/en). В масштабах всей атмосферы это опять-таки незначительное количество, но, как замечено в отчете Еврокомиссии, так можно сказать про все источники загрязнения, поэтому довод слабоват. С другой стороны, замеры, проведенные NASA в 1995 году после запуска ракеты Delta II, показали, что даже на краях стартовой площадки концентрация кислоты не повысилась; не пострадали и окрестные почвы (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/Mars2020_Section4.pdf).

Еще одно опасение обусловлено тем, что ракеты пролетают сквозь всю толщу атмосферы, поэтому в верхних слоях могут скапливаться частицы сажи и окислившегося алюминия. По прикидкам старшего проектного инженера некоммерческой организации Aerospace Corporation Мартина Росса, выбросы достигают 11 (https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/31/17287062/rocket-emissions-black-carbon-alumina-particles-ozone-layer-stratosphere) тыс. (https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/31/17287062/rocket-emissions-black-carbon-alumina-particles-ozone-layer-stratosphere) т в год (https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/31/17287062/rocket-emissions-black-carbon-alumina-particles-ozone-layer-stratosphere). Эти частицы окутывают планету и удерживаются три-пять лет, но к чему это приводит, неясно.

По идее, черная сажа поглощает солнечное тепло и тем самым остужает планету, но из-за возросшей температуры над облаками может разрушиться озоновый слой, защищающий нас от радиации. Оксид алюминия, наоборот, белый, поэтому отражает солнечный свет обратно в космос и, предположительно, тоже понижает температуру атмосферы. А возможно, все наоборот, и из-за оксида алюминия становится жарче, потому что он не дает рассеяться теплу с Земли. К тому же, по словам Росса, на поверхности алюминиевых частиц тоже могут протекать химические реакции с расщеплением озона.

Впрочем, расчеты Всемирной метеорологической организации показывают, что ракетные запуски практически не сказываются на озоновом слое (https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/assessments/ozone/2018/executivesummary.pdf). Но как космические запуски будут влиять на атмосферу в будущем, ученые прогнозировать не берутся: слишком много переменных остаются неизвестными, а выводы в основном делаются по результатам лабораторных экспериментов и компьютерного моделирования.  Как говорят в таких случаях, требуются дополнительные исследования.
Зачем полетит GPIM
Хотя любое ракетное топливо потенциально вредно, но на опытном аппарате GPIM (англ. Green Propellant Infusion Mission) испытают замену одному конкретному виду горючего — широко распространенному гидразину и его производным. Гидразин — сравнительно простое соединение, состоящее из двух атомов азота и четырех атомов водорода. С виду он похож на обыкновенную воду, у них почти одинаковые температуры плавления и кипения, плотность, поверхностное натяжение, но гидразин дымится на воздухе. И если из "водицы" идут сизые пары, это верный знак, что человеку нужно поскорее убираться!

Гидразин очень опасен (https://www.iridium.com/blog/2017/06/20/hydrazine-toxic-for-humans-but-satellites-love-it/). При попадании на кожу и слизистые он вызывает сильное раздражение. Химические ожоги бывают такими сильными, что человек умирает. Впитавшись, это вещество способно повредить внутренние органы и нервную систему, после контакта человек иногда впадает в кому. Также есть подозрения, что гидразин вызывает рак. Вдобавок он легко воспламеняется и взрывается, причем коварно — без видимого пламени. Если этого мало, то в 2021 году Евросоюз может запретить использование этого соединения (https://spacenews.com/hydrazine-ban-could-cost-europes-space-industry-billions/). Вероятно, для аэрокосмической индустрии сделают исключение, но и в этом случае цена на топливо подскачет, а поднимать грузы на орбиту и без того дорого.

Новое "зеленое" топливо — смесь с поэтичным названием AF-M315E на основе нитрата гидроксиламмония (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/g-484591_gpim_factsheet.pdf). Вредит ли она атмосфере, узнать не удастся: зонд GPIM испытают уже в космосе, а поднимет его туда ракета Falcon Heavy с привычными двигателями. На бумаге, у AF-M315E несколько преимуществ перед гидразином: смесь занимает меньше места, создает более сильную тягу, остается пригодной при более низкой температуре. Но, возможно, главное ее достоинство — смесь не такая ядовитая, как гидразин, поэтому подготовка космических аппаратов к старту должна сделаться проще, безопаснее и дешевле. Особенно от этого выиграют маленькие компании (https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/green_fuel): они смогут запускать спутники и зонды, которые раньше были нерентабельными.

Кроме AF-M315E ученые и инженеры испытывают более сотни химических соединений (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376042114000797) для космических аппаратов будущего. Сгорая, эти вещества тоже загрязняют атмосферу, пусть не так сильно, как печь с углем в котельной или металлургический комбинат где-нибудь в стране третьего мира. "Зеленое" — сбивающий с толку эпитет, но это не значит, что аэрокосмическая отрасль пускает пыль в глаза. В ближайшие десятилетия альтернативы ракетам не появятся, и небо так и будут расчерчивать газовые шлейфы. Но если миссия GPIM и другие планируемые испытания пройдут успешно, то все же случится кое-что важное — космос станет ближе.
Марат Кузаев
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 03:10:05
Цитировать06/25/2019 02:48 Stephen Clark

Countdown clocks at the Kennedy Space Center indicate the Falcon Heavy is now counting down to liftoff at 2 a.m. EDT (0600 GMT). We are awaiting confirmation of the new launch time from SpaceX or the U.S. Air Force.

Here's a view of the countdown clock at the KSC press site a few minutes ago.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190624234841_012488.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190624234841_012488.jpg)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:02:28
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/68430.jpg)Ben Cooper‏ @LaunchPhoto (https://twitter.com/LaunchPhoto) 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/LaunchPhoto/status/1143163945462706178)

Falcon Heavy rolled out to launch pad 39A last night in preparation for Monday night's STP-2 mission. If you need information on where to go to watch the launch, check out the guide! http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html ... (https://t.co/KkoxXv8xSe)


5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/LaunchPhoto/status/1143247186853056515)

Another angle of Falcon Heavy rolling to the pad at sunset last night.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:05:30
Задержка пуска +3 ч
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29831.jpg)William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews) 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews/status/1143321974321664007)

FH/STP-2: SpaceX now confirms 2:30am EDT launch for Falcon Heavy, citing "additional ground system checkouts" as reason for 3-hour delay
06:30 UTC (09:30 ДМВ)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:06:03
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 11 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143321392785477633)

Targeting T-0 of 2:30 a.m. EDT for Falcon Heavy launch of STP-2; team completed additional ground system checkouts. Vehicle and payload continue to look good
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:14:28
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/31566.jpg)Brady Kenniston‏ @TheFavoritist (https://twitter.com/TheFavoritist) 7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/TheFavoritist/status/1143226954923040768)

Remote cameras are setup and we are go for launch! Sooty Heavy is absolutely stellar in person (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125565.png)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:15:24
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg)Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1143252353690296320)
#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) with #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) on Launch Complex 39A in preparation for its first night launch. Currently, launch is targeted for 11:30pm EDT tonight. See photos like this and more by signing up for @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) L2 https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/l2/  (https://t.co/f6P9xPvBEp)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:16:20
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69678.jpg)Jack Beyer‏ @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1143263765443596289)

STP-2 / Falcon Heavy Flight 3 - #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) stands ready to go at historic pad 39A in Florida. I placed 5 remote cameras around the vehicle, wish me luck! It's a treat to be here and shoot with the whole @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) team, much more content on L2 http://NASAspaceflight.com/l2  (https://t.co/wTutU2rSC7)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:44:30
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 23 июн. (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1142736758662213634)

Of Course I Still Love You has arrived at the landing zone for the STP-2 mission! A record-breaking 1236 km downrange, that took almost 6 days to reach.


23 июн. (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1142835422659305473)

The fairing recovery unit, comprising GO Ms. Tree and GO Navigator, has just arrived at the center core landing zone where OCISLY is waiting. They will soon head even further downrange to the fairing landing zone. This could be up to 1400 km from the launchpad.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:46:24
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 23 июн. (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1142932871478464512)

GO MS. Tree (Mr. Steven) has arrived at the fairing recovery zone! It's an impressive 1350 km downrange. (Droneship is stationed 1236 km downrange.)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 04:48:33
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1143284571431219202)

Landing Zone Weather Update: Considering their significant offshore position, weather is looking good! Max waves of 1.3m and max wind gusts of 20 km/h at surface level. Predictions via http://ventusky.com  (https://t.co/2Uyyx1FqhO)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: us2-star от 25.06.2019 04:20:46
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doXqaKgSd5E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doXqaKgSd5E)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U567mqqBM0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U567mqqBM0)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 06:45:42
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 07:13:30
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143368455955070976)

The @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) STP-2 mission will deploy sats to 3 different orbits. Orbit 1 is 300 x 860 km x 28.5 deg, for Oculus-ASR, Armadillo, TBEx 1/2, Stnagsat, LEO. I'm not sure if NPSAT-1, PSAT-2, BRICSAT-P, TEPCE 1/2 are also going to Orbit 1 - can anyone confirm? (1/3)

9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143368894188535808)

Orbit 2 is 720 x 720 km x 24.0 deg, for COSMIC-2 FM1 to FM6, GPIM, OTB, Prox-1, Lightsail-2, and FalconSat-7.

Orbit 3 is 6000 x 12000 km x 45.0 deg, for the DSX research satellite.

7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143369204902629376)

The Falcon 9 second staget will perform a passivation burn and end up in an orbit slightly different from DSX.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 07:16:05
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/31566.jpg)Brady Kenniston‏ @TheFavoritist (https://twitter.com/TheFavoritist) 38 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TheFavoritist/status/1143362234564972546)

Falcon Heavy still looking beautiful as it targets 2:30am for STP-2's launch.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:04:05
ЦитироватьPhotos: Falcon Heavy reaches pad 39A for its first night launch
June 24, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket rolled out of its hangar and up the ramp to pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, then was raised vertical at the seaside launch complex early Monday in preparation for a late-night liftoff with two dozen weather observation and technology demonstration satellites.

The rocket stands 229 feet (70 meters) tall and 40 feet (12.2 meters) wide, made up of three Falcon 9 rocket boosters bolted together to produce more than 5 million pounds of the ground-shaking thrust at liftoff.

The Falcon Heavy is set for launch during a four-hour window opening at 11:30 p.m. EDT Monday (0330 GMT Tuesday) on the Space Test Program-2 mission sponsored by the U.S. Air Force. It will be the third flight of the Falcon Heavy — the world's most powerful launcher — the first Falcon Heavy launch at night.
See our Mission Status Center (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/24/falcon-heavy-stp-2-mission-status-center/) for live coverage of the countdown and launch.

Credit: SpaceX

Credit: SpaceX

Credit: SpaceX

Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now

Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now

Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now

Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:04:57
Цитировать06/25/2019 07:52 Stephen Clark

T-minus 1 hour, 38 minutes. A weather briefing to the SpaceX launch team a short while ago showed that all weather criteria at the Kennedy Space Center are currently observed "go" for launch.

There is now a 90 percent chance of acceptable weather for liftoff of the Falcon Heavy at 2:30 a.m. EDT (0630 GMT).

At launch time, forecasters expect only a few clouds, southwest winds of 8 to 12 mph, and a temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:33:13
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:39:17
Цитировать06/25/2019 08:38 Stephen Clark

The SpaceX launch team has given the "go" for propellant loading and launch.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:44:34
Цитировать06/25/2019 08:41 Stephen Clark

RP-1 kerosene should now be loading into the Falcon Heavy rocket.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:52:24
Цитировать06/25/2019 08:50 Stephen Clark

Liquid oxygen should be flowing into the rocket at this time. Venting visible at launch pad 39A suggests propellant loading is proceeding ahead of the Falcon Heavy's third launch at 2:30 a.m. EDT (0630 GMT).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:53:59
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185085.jpg)TomCross‏ @_TomCross_ (https://twitter.com/_TomCross_) 31 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/_TomCross_/status/1143388784282742785)

Falcon Heavy vertical at the pad on this perfectly clear night. It's going to light up the sky soon. @Teslarati (https://twitter.com/Teslarati) view from 525ft, VAB roof.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:58:55
Цитировать06/25/2019 08:52 Stephen Clark

We have posted a launch timeline (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/24/launch-timeline-for-falcon-heavys-first-launch-for-the-u-s-air-force/) with illustrations of the major events during this morning's mission, which will last more than three-and-a-half hours from liftoff through deployment of the last of the 24 spacecraft on-board the rocket.

Assuming the Falcon Heavy takes off at 2:30 a.m. EDT (0630 GMT), the last of the payloads -- the Air Force's experimental DSX payload -- will deploy from the rocket at 6:04 a.m. EDT (1004 GMT).
Credit: SpaceX
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 08:59:39
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:03:25
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:05:42
Цитировать06/25/2019 09:01 Stephen Clark

T-minus 29 minutes and counting. Here are some statistics on today's flight:
  • 3rd launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket
  • 80th launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006
  • 60th Falcon launch from Cape Canaveral
  • 112th launch from pad 39A
  • 18th SpaceX launch from pad 39A
  • 8th SpaceX launch of 2019
  • 2nd Falcon Heavy launch of 2019
  • 7th launch from Cape Canaveral overall in 2019
  • 4th SpaceX launch for the U.S. Air Force
  • 1st Falcon Heavy launch for the U.S. Air Force
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:07:48
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143399676684767232)

An interesting payload is GPIM, the NASA/USAF/Ball Aerospace Green Propellant Infusion Mission, testing hydroxyl ammonium nitrate (NH3OHNO3, or HAN) as a less toxic alternative to hydrazine

3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143399364691447808)

GPS-RO meteorology is quite common now, so it's not clear to me if the long-planned COSMIC-2 is still super relevant.

4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143399017675726848)

Another major space weather payload aboard is the US-Taiwanese COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7 project, with six 278 kg satellites to study the atmosphere using GPS occultation.

7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143398289863315456)

The biggest payload on STP-2 is AFRL's DSX, the 670 kg Demonstration and Science Experiments satellite with space weather experiments. Based on the 2.6-metre-diameter ESPA ring, the satellite will deploy electric-field-measuring wire antennae spanning 54 metres.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:12:42
Цитировать06/25/2019 09:07 Stephen Clark

All weather criteria are currently observed "go" for launch at this time.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:12:57
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:13:13
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:17:10
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:19:14
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:22:46
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143402372149993473)

FalconSat-7 is a cubesat from the US Air Force Academy carrying an experimental telescope using a `photon sieve' membrane.

8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143401448375500800)

Prox-1 is a 70 kg student satellite developed by Georgia Tech. Its original experiments were descoped, and it now serves as a launcher for the Planetary Society's Lightsail-2 cubesat.

9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143401176865693696)

NPSAT1 is an 80 kg satellite from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey. It carries ionospheric experiments and some technology tests. Like COSMIC-2, GPIM, OTB, Prix-1 and Falconsat-7, it will be deployed in a 720 x 720 km x 24 deg orbit following the second burn of stage 2

13 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143400245352681472)

OTB, the Orbital Test Bed, was a originally a demonstration mission for Surrey Satellite's US subsidiary, which has since been sold to General Atomics. The satellite carries a JPL atomic clock experiment and a Celestis Inc. memorial capsule with cremated human remains.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:31:26
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:33:05

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:35:15
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: ХВ. от 25.06.2019 09:35:21
Жива? Летит?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:38:26
Boostback burn (БУ)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 09:42:07
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 09:42:52
Уронили центральный блок.
В этот раз его разогнали аж до 3,4 км/c
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:43:03
Отделение 1-й ст РН
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:46:14
Вкл ДУ 2-й ст РН

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 09:47:18
Сброс ГО

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 25.06.2019 12:51:41
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Уронили центральный блок
Ну почему же уронили? Приводнили!
Мне показалось, что был манёвр увода от платформы в самый последний момент когда оставалось несколько метров перед касанием.
Хм, хотя ступень вроде приближалась в центр, как нужно. Возможно был крен?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 25.06.2019 12:59:51
ЦитироватьХВ. пишет:
Жива? Летит?
Отделился первый пассажир - OCULUS и 2 военных кубсата.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 25.06.2019 11:03:32
ЦитироватьAlex Immortal пишет:
Хм, хотя ступень вроде приближалась в центр, как нужно. Возможно был крен?
Скорее скорость высоковата была...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:06:09
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97036) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97037)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:06:50
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97038) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97039) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97040)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 25.06.2019 13:09:58
Выпустили еще 2 кубсата - военный оптический телескоп и кубсат Техасского университета.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:11:10
Центральный блок
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:11:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143414821661990912)

Deployment of Prometheus confirmed

6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143414093497294848)

Deployment of PSAT/BRICSat confirmed

8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143413536866988032)

Deployment of ARMADILLO confirmed

12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143412561951412224)

Deployment of DOTSI confirmed

14 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143412101706182657)

Deployment of TEPCE confirmed

14 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143412045393494016)

Deployment of Oculus-ASR confirmed!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:12:50
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69678.jpg)Jack Beyer‏ @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) 13 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1143413352133255169)

Two streaks = two landed boosters. (RIP center core (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125400.png)) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:13:47
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143415886667116545)

Deployment of E-TBEx-A confirmed
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:15:25
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 20 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143417106920136704)

Deployment of E-TBEx-B confirmed
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:19:15
ЦитироватьFirst Falcon Heavy Night Launch

SciNews (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjU6ZwoTQtKWfz1urL7XcbA)

Опубликовано: 24 июн. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbH8KoaqfDUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbH8KoaqfDU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbH8KoaqfDU) (5:49)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:20:20
ЦитироватьFalcon Heavy boosters landing, June 2019

SciNews (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjU6ZwoTQtKWfz1urL7XcbA)

Опубликовано: 24 июн. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9J1Hb7jzoAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9J1Hb7jzoA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9J1Hb7jzoA) (1:46)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:26:58
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 18 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143419006767915008)

Deployment of LEO/Stangsat confirmed. Entering coast phase; webcast will return in ~21 minutes for second stage engine restart → http://spacex.com/webcast  (https://t.co/gtC39uBC7z)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:29:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186090.jpg)Steve Simoneau‏ @simoneauPhoto (https://twitter.com/simoneauPhoto) 32 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/simoneauPhoto/status/1143411032561455109)

.@SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) launch from Kennedy Space Center this morning!
@elonmusk (https://twitter.com/elonmusk) @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:30:49
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143418849888481280)

PPOD-8 has deployed Cal Poly's CP9 and Merritt Island High School's Stangsat. Next is the burn to raise orbit to 720 km
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:32:39
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:45:34
Никак спымали?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 10:47:43
Поймали обтекатель в сеточку :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:47:47
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143424576963207168)

Second upper stage burn complete, now in 720 x 720 km x 24.0 deg orbit. Deploys resume in 5 min
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:49:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67594.png)Chris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF/status/1143424745205108737)

Ms. Tree CAUGHT A FAIRING HALF!!!!!!!!!!!!
#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:52:26
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 36 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143426136103358465)

Remaining deploys in this sequence will be in the order NPSAT-1, OTB, GPIM, COSMIC-2. PROX-1 should now have been deployed

1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143425972848517120)

OK, SpaceX answered my question: LightSail deploys from PROX-1 7 days from now

2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143425740492476416)

Next deploy is PROX-1, which will eject Lightsail at some later point. @elakdawalla (https://twitter.com/elakdawalla) do you know when Lightsail ejects from PROX-1?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:56:25
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:57:20
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143426906110353409)

Deployment of NPSat confirmed

4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143426776615378944)

Deployment of Prox-1 confirmed
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 10:59:06
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143427373976547329)

Deployment of OTB confirmed

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143427309690675201)

At T+1:24, General Atomics' OTB, with the JPL Deep Space Atomic Clock, an Hg ion clock, and the Celestis cremain payload, was deployed. Those whose ashes are aboard OTB include astronaut Bill Pogue and SF writer Jayge Carr.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:00:12
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 23 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143428257322172416)

Deployment of GPIM confirmed

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143428038325088258)

T+1:26 GPIM, NASA-MSFC's Green Propellant testbed, has been deployed (just saw it in the corner of the image!)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:06:34
Тайванец в пути
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:08:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143429136985276417)

T+1:31:25 COSMIC2-5 has deployed

5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143428621769543680)

Next up is the NOAA/Taiwan-NSPO COSMIC-2 sextet using GPS-RO. The satellites observe GPS sats as they rise and set on the horizon. The GPS radio signal goes through the Earth's atmosphere and is affected by the atmosphere's temperature and density, so you can measure them!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:10:17
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143429908598861825)

T+1:34 COSMIC 2-6 deploy confirmed
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:14:15
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:14:57
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143431260532031489)

T+1:39:54 COSMIC2-4 deploy, about 3 seconds early!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:20:27
Крайний FormoSat-7
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:24:02
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143432863053778944)

0816 UTC, T+1:46 COSMIC2-3 deployed, which completes this set of deployments. Next are two orbit raising burns at 0837 and 0957 UTC, and deployment of the DSX satellite at about 1004 UTC, then a passivation burn of the second stage at about 1330 UTC
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:24:35
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:25:44
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143433726526812160)

Deployment of the COSMIC-2 constellation confirmed! Second stage in coast phase; webcast will return in ~20 minutes for second stage engine restart → http://spacex.com/webcast  (https://t.co/gtC39uBC7z)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:35:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185074.jpg)John Kraus‏ @johnkrausphotos (https://twitter.com/johnkrausphotos) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/johnkrausphotos/status/1143409786270232576)

Wow, wow, wow!

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket launched the STP-2 mission at 2:30am this morning. The two side cores, flying their second mission, returned to land successfully at Cape Canaveral.

It was incredible. Simply incredible.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:41:04
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29262.jpg)Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust) 59 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1143438589847642112)

Good third burn of the Falcon Heavy second stage. One more burn in about an hour and 20 minutes before final satellite deployment.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 11:42:06
Третье включение....

Как они так легко и просто из второй ступени сделали полноценный разгонный блок, что разработчики, например, "Зенита" так и не смогли осилить?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:43:59
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69536.jpg)Pauline Acalin‏ @w00ki33 (https://twitter.com/w00ki33) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/w00ki33/status/1143421825986306049)

Super unexpected to see the stage separation nebula tonight. That was awesome!
#spacex (https://twitter.com/hashtag/spacex?src=hash) #falconheavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/falconheavy?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:45:01
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143439449230938112)

Second stage engine restart and cutoff nominal. Second stage now in coast phase; webcast will return in ~80 minutes → http://spacex.com/webcast  (https://t.co/gtC39uBC7z)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:46:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185085.jpg)TomCross‏ @_TomCross_ (https://twitter.com/_TomCross_) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/_TomCross_/status/1143422812281065472)

Falcon Heavy Launch | Reentry | Landing Fisheye view from the roof of the VAB. This was a loud and spectacularly bright launch. Love the way you light up the sky SpaceX!
#spacex (https://twitter.com/hashtag/spacex?src=hash) #falconheavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/falconheavy?src=hash) #stp2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/stp2?src=hash) @Teslarati (https://twitter.com/Teslarati)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:49:22
Дорогу осилит идущий...
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1143424741514125312)

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png) THEY (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png) CAUGHT (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png) THE (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png) FAIRING (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png)

1.5 years, 3 sets of arms, 4 nets, countless drop-tests and trials, 2 oceans, 1 rename, 5 failed attempts. SpaceX finally nailed it.

Wow. Just... wow.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:50:32
Цитировать06/25/2019 11:47 Stephen Clark

One more ignition of the Falcon Heavy's upper stage Merlin engine is planned at 5:57 a.m. EDT (0957 GMT) to reach an orbit with a perigee, or low point, of 3,728 miles (6,000 kilometers), an apogee, or high point, of 7,456 miles (12,000 kilometers), and an inclination of 42 degrees to the equator.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 11:58:13
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: mind22 от 25.06.2019 10:14:36
Центральный блок, получается, не сел? Промазал?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: mind22 от 25.06.2019 10:20:14
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Дорогу осилит идущий...
ЦитироватьSpaceXFleet Updates ‏ @SpaceXFleet 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1143424741514125312)
Wow. Just... wow.
Теперь и ускорители можно в сетку ловить :)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 25.06.2019 12:54:30
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Как они так легко и просто из второй ступени сделали полноценный разгонный блок, что разработчики, например, "Зенита" так и не смогли осилить?
Легко. Открытая схема. Удельный импульс больше чем у зенитовского РД-120.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 25.06.2019 13:02:43
Ну что там с СЕКО4?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:41:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29831.jpg)William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews) 35 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews/status/1143458661639032833)

FH/STP-2: Final orbit adjust burn complete; nominal burn reported; DSX satellite deploy expected shortly
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:43:41
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:44:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29708.jpg)SpaceX‏Подлинная учетная запись @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) 33 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1143460303348178944)

Deployment of DSX confirmed!

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:47:03
Трансляция (но не миссия) SpaceX завершена
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:49:54
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29897.png)Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) 33 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1143462533233295360)

SpaceX completes most-challenging flight with Falcon Heavy's STP-2 mission -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/06/spacex-falcon-heavys-stp-2-mission/ ... (https://t.co/AF6UONsiby)

- By Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF (https://twitter.com/ChrisG_NSF))

John "Norminal" Insprucker sign off, also noting Ms. Tree (Mr. Steven) finally caught a fairing.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:50:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/29831.jpg)William Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews) 42 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews/status/1143460253230620672)

FH/STP-2: 24th and final satellite - DSX - deploy complete at 6:04am; all satellites successfully launched
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:53:20
Цитировать06/25/2019 13:05 Stephen Clark

The Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments, or DSX, spacecraft has separated from the Falcon Heavy's second stage.

DSX is the heaviest of the satellites launched by the Falcon Heavy on the STP-2 mission.

(https://24liveblog.tradingfront.cn/event/2281971937684104296/20190625100547_952174.jpg) (https://photo.24liveblog.com/2281971937684104296/20190625100547_952174.jpg)

The DSX satellite will fly in a slot region between the Van Allen radiation belts with instruments to measure the effects of very low frequency radio waves on space radiation, space weather conditions and the impact of radiation on electronics and spacecraft materials.

"The space domain has never been more important to our nation than it is today," said Maj. Gen. William Cooley, commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory. "The DSX satellite experiment will greatly increase our understanding of the environment spacecraft operate in and will give us the knowledge to build even better satellites to protect and defend our space assets. I am immensely proud of the AFRL scientists, engineers, and technicians that conceived and built the DSX satellite."
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 13:54:51
Цитировать06/25/2019 13:08 Stephen Clark

With DSX away from the rocket, the Falcon Heavy's upper stage will be "passivated," or put into a safe configuration, by dumping the rocket's leftover propellant overboard. The passivation, which is due to be completed by the mission's seven-hour mark, will mark the end of the STP-2 launch sequence.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 14:00:22
ЦитироватьJUNE 26, 2019

At 2:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 25, SpaceX launched the STP-2 mission from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Deployments began approximately 12 minutes after liftoff and ended approximately 3 hours and 32 minutes after liftoff.

Falcon Heavy's side boosters for the STP-2 mission previously supported the Arabsat-6A mission in April 2019. Following booster separation, Falcon Heavy's two side boosters landed at SpaceX's Landing Zones 1 and 2 (LZ-1 and LZ-2) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 14:06:02
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1143442957326016512)

My take of the beautiful launch and booster returns of the Falcon Heavy STP-2 mission. What an incredible view from Cherie Down beach. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 14:11:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185070.jpg) Trevor Mahlmann‏ @TrevorMahlmann (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann/status/1143434485092048896)

#FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) sure is a bright one! 9 minute, single exposure of launch and landing I made this morning from @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA)'s Vehicle Assembly Building(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125513.png)


3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann/status/1143436485502427137)

Hell yeah. I tried a long exposure of BECO, booster sep & boostback but cut off the bottom; Nailed the exposure settings, though.

Always learning. Important to share the 'fails' as it makes the successes that much sweeter! #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash)
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125427.png)hi-res/settings: http://bit.ly/stp-2  (https://t.co/E8rYkoLcPp)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 14:22:02
ЦитироватьJune 25, 2019
RELEASE 19-049

NASA Technology Missions Launch on SpaceX Falcon Heavy

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/207577.jpg) (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/48124976652_41523f3a2f_o.jpg)
A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket carrying 24 satellites as part of the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 (STP-2) mission launches from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida Tuesday, June 25, 2019. The satellites include four NASA technology and science payloads that will study non-toxic spacecraft fuel, deep space navigation, "bubbles" in the electrically-charged layers of Earth's upper atmosphere, and radiation protection for satellites.
Credits: NASA/Joel Kowsky

NASA technology demonstrations, which one day could help the agency get astronauts to Mars, and science missions, which will look at the space environment around Earth and how it affects us, have launched into space on a Falcon Heavy rocket.

The NASA missions lifted off at 2:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, as part of the Department of Defense's Space Test Program-2 (https://www.spacex.com/stp-2) (STP-2) launch.

"This launch was a true partnership across government and industry, and it marked an incredible first for the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center," said Jim Reuter, associate administrator for NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate. "The NASA missions aboard the Falcon Heavy also benefited from strong collaborations with industry, academia and other government organizations."

The missions, each with a unique set of objectives, will aid in smarter spacecraft design and benefit the agency's Moon to Mars exploration plans by providing greater insight into the effects of radiation in space and testing an atomic clock that could change how spacecraft navigate.

With launch and deployments complete, the missions will start to power on, communicate with Earth and collect data. They each will operate for about a year, providing enough time to mature the technologies and collect valuable science data. Below is more information about each mission, including notional timelines for key milestones.

Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment
Two NASA CubeSats making up the Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment (https://www.nasa.gov/e-tbex/) (E-TBEx) deployed at 3:08 and 3:13 a.m. Working in tandem with NOAA's COSMIC-2 mission (https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/COSMIC-2) – six satellites that each carry a radio occultation (GPS) receiver developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) – E-TBEx will explore bubbles in the electrically-charged layers of Earth's upper atmosphere, which can disrupt communications and GPS signals that we rely on every day. The CubeSats will send signals in several frequencies down to receiving stations on Earth. Scientists will measure any disruptions in these signals to determine how they're being affected by the upper atmosphere.
  • One to three weeks after launch: E-TBEx operators "check out" the CubeSats to make sure power, navigation/guidance and data systems are working in space as expected.
  • Approximately three weeks after launch: Science beacons that send signals to antennas on Earth power up and begin transmitting to ground stations.
  • About one year after launch: E-TBEx mission ends.
Deep Space Atomic Clock
NASA's Deep Space Atomic Clock (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/clock/index.html) is a toaster oven-sized instrument traveling aboard a commercial satellite that was released into low-Earth orbit at 3:54 a.m. The unique atomic clock will test a new way for spacecraft to navigate in deep space. The technology could make GPS-like navigation possible at the Moon and Mars.
  • Two to four weeks after launch: The ultra-stable oscillator, part of the Deep Space Atomic Clock that keeps precise time, powers on to warm up in space.
  • Four to seven weeks after launch: The full Deep Space Atomic Clock powers on.
  • Three to four months after launch: Preliminary clock performance results expected.
  • One year after full power on: Deep Space Atomic Clock mission ends, final data analysis begins.
Green Propellant Infusion Mission
The Green Propellant Infusion Mission (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/tdm/green/index.html) (GPIM) deployed at 3:57 a.m. and immediately began to power on. GPIM will test a new propulsion system that runs on a high-performance and non-toxic spacecraft fuel. This technology could help propel constellations of small satellites in and beyond low-Earth orbit.
  • Within a day of launch: Mission operators check out the small spacecraft.
  • One to three weeks after launch: Mission operators ensure the propulsion system heaters and thrusters are operating as expected.
  • During the first three months after launch: To demonstrate the performance of the spacecraft's thrusters, GPIM performs three lowering burns that place it in an elliptical orbit; each time GPIM gets closer to Earth at one particular point in its orbit.
  • Throughout the mission: Secondary instruments aboard GPIM measure space weather and test a system that continuously reports the spacecraft's position and velocity.
  • About 12 months after launch: Mission operators command a final thruster burn to deplete the fuel tank, a technical requirement for the end of mission.
  • About 13 months after launch: GPIM mission ends.
Space Environment Testbeds
The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) was the last spacecraft to be released from STP-2 at 6:04 a.m. Onboard is an instrument designed by JPL to measure spacecraft vibrations, and four NASA experiments that make up the Space Environment Testbeds (https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/set-mission-overview) (SET). SET will study how to better protect satellites from space radiation by analyzing the harsh environment of space near Earth and testing various strategies to mitigate the impacts. This information can be used to improve spacecraft design, engineering and operations in order to protect spacecraft from harmful radiation driven by the Sun.
  • Three weeks after launch: SET turns on for check out and testing of all four experiments.
  • Eight weeks after launch: Anticipated start of science data collection.
  • About 12 months after check-out: SET mission ends.
In all, STP-2 delivered about two dozen satellites into three separate orbits around Earth. Kennedy Space Center engineers mentored Florida high school students who developed and built a CubeSat (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/local-florida-high-school-shoots-for-the-stars-with-student-developed-cubesat) that also launched on STP-2.

"It was gratifying to see 24 satellites launch as one," said Nicola Fox, director of the Heliophysics Division in NASA's Science Mission Directorate. "The space weather instruments and science CubeSats will teach us how to better protect our valuable hardware and astronauts in space, insights useful for the upcoming Artemis program (https://www.nasa.gov/specials/moon2mars/#artemis) and more."

GPIM and the Deep Space Atomic Clock are both part of the Technology Demonstration Missions program within NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate. The Space Communications and Navigation program within NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate also provided funding for the atomic clock. SET and E-TBEx were both funded by NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

Last Updated: June 25, 2019
Editor: Karen Northon
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 25.06.2019 14:33:38
Как я понимаю подтверждена способность Флакона выводить полезную нагрузку непосредственно на ГСО. Путь к военным заказам открыт.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 25.06.2019 14:48:41
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Цитировать06/25/2019 13:08 Stephen Clark

With DSX away from the rocket, the Falcon Heavy's upper stage will be "passivated," or put into a safe configuration, by dumping the rocket's leftover propellant overboard. The passivation, which is due to be completed by the mission's seven-hour mark, will mark the end of the STP-2 launch sequence.
Ступень не будут сводить с орбиты? 

Еще странно что прошло только 3,5 часа, хотя перед пуском говорили о 6-7 часах.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 25.06.2019 14:58:07

Цитироватьfour separate upper-stage engine burns, three separate deployment orbits, a final propulsive passivation maneuver and a total mission duration of over six hours
Включат двигатель до окончания топлива?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 25.06.2019 14:59:31
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Как я понимаю подтверждена способность Флакона выводить полезную нагрузку непосредственно на ГСО.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Apollo13 от 25.06.2019 15:05:44
По сравнению с Арабсатом +100 м/с скорости и +23 км высоты в момент окончания работы ЦБ.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 15:24:22
Что же они Арабсат прямо на ГСО не закинули. Было бы прямое подтверждение.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: vadimir от 25.06.2019 17:45:28
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Легко. Открытая схема. Удельный импульс больше чем у зенитовского РД-120.
Это как это, выше импульс? Или у Маска своя физика?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: ХВ. от 25.06.2019 17:55:52
Что известно о массе, заброшенной на орбиты?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 06:04:14
ЦитироватьСтрашный Боковой Ветер пишет:
Цитироватьmind22 пишет:
Центральный блок, получается, не сел? Промазал?
Возможно, СУ специально не вывела ступень на посадку к барже, определив сбой/нехватку топлива
Насчет нехватки вряд ли - на взрыв его хватило ;) Скорее прогорела.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 20:21:35
НОРАД обнаружил 10 объектов запуска0 TBA - TO BE ASSIGNED
1 44339U 19036A   19176.41465870  .00000210  00000-0  00000+0 0  9993
2 44339  23.9949 203.9609 0010257 181.6813 284.9977 14.52444169    09

1 44340U 19036B   19176.41391742  .00000210  00000-0  00000+0 0  9991
2 44340  23.9984 203.9693 0010199 187.3603 275.4473 14.52568816    00

1 44341U 19036C   19176.41588537  .00000211  00000-0  00000+0 0  9993
2 44341  23.9940 203.9594 0011253 189.2138 283.9316 14.52884315    04

1 44342U 19036D   19176.41287164  .00000210  00000-0  00000+0 0  9995
2 44342  24.0031 203.9859 0009977 195.1854 262.1435 14.52663546    05

1 44343U 19036E   19176.41264329  .00000211  00000-0  00000+0 0  9995
2 44343  24.0044 203.9875 0010667 193.4685 262.6910 14.52799123    03

1 44344U 19036F   19176.49704140  .00000017  00000-0  00000+0 0  9998
2 44344  42.1970 203.6686 1956222 359.7591 133.9222  4.55102691    06

1 44345U 19036G   19176.49204708  .00000017  00000-0  00000+0 0  9994
2 44345  42.2032 203.6658 1954357 359.8307 125.6909  4.55103740    05

1 44346U 19036H   19176.47990074  .00000350  00000-0  00000+0 0  9991
2 44346  28.5268 199.6601 0392778 106.9001  13.2321 14.95787012    27

1 44347U 19036J   19176.47974817  .00000352  00000-0  00000+0 0  9991
2 44347  28.5236 199.7025 0391749 107.3910  12.1964 14.96129153    23

1 44348U 19036K   19176.47956735  .00000352  00000-0  00000+0 0  9991
2 44348  28.5449 199.6259 0392489 107.1682  11.6450 14.96305882    23

Объекты A..E (44339..44343 / 2019-036A..E) - 708 x 725 km x 24.0°
Объекты F, G (44344, 44345 / 2019-036F..G) - 5994 x 12012 km x 42.2°
Объекты H..K (44346..44348 / 2019-036H..K) - 305 x 853 km x 28.5°
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 20:38:18
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143518635505475584)

First 8 objects from the STP-2 launch have now been cataloged, 18 more expected. Objects A to E are in a 700 x 724 km x 24.0 deg orbit. Objects F and G are in a 5994 x 12012 km x 42.2 deg orbit and are probably DSX and the second stage. H, in 307 x 853 km, likely OCULUS-ASR

37 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143564359093936133)

Another two payloads cataloged from STP-2, J and K are probably cubesats; 306 x 851 km x 28.5 deg orbit.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 21:42:57
Из десяти обнаруженных объектов идентифицированы два - DSX и ступень
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 21:59:39
Обнаружены ещё 5 объектов - L..Q0 TBA - TO BE ASSIGNED
1 44349U 19036L   19176.61784619  .00000211  00000-0  00000+0 0  9992
2 44349  23.9971 202.7271 0008832 198.2929 253.5763 14.53146541    15

1 44350U 19036M   19176.62161008  .00000212  00000-0  00000+0 0  9997
2 44350  23.9966 202.6955 0014224 195.0261 276.5284 14.53041431    10

1 44351U 19036N   19176.62270036  .00000210  00000-0  00000+0 0  9998
2 44351  24.0014 202.6689 0007904 200.8495 276.3086 14.52907543    14

1 44352U 19036P   19176.55595221  .00000077  00000-0  00000+0 0  9998
2 44352  24.1715 202.9788 1619998 123.0794   3.6813 10.97489019    15

1 44353U 19036Q   19176.55474591  .00005404 -17178-4  00000+0 0  9993
2 44353  23.9082 203.1705 0840945 297.1984 183.5727 16.52519296    13
Прим. Подозрения вызывают наборы на P и Q
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 22:18:11
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 23 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143592776505995264)

5 more STP-2 objects (L to Q). L, M, N are in the 700 km orbit. P is in an unexpected 790 x 3560 km x 24.2 deg orbit which could indicate debris that came off early during the third burn, and Q is in a suborbital -415 x 680 km orbit which I suspect is just a data entry error

11 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143595746064818177)

(Attn @Skitt0608 (https://twitter.com/Skitt0608) @18SPCS (https://twitter.com/18SPCS) maybe problems with the TLE for 44353 and possibly 44352 too?)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 22:26:34
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67530.jpg)Spaceflight Now‏ @SpaceflightNow (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1143598130656686082)

The US Air Force has confirmed all satellites launched this morning by SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket have established contact with ground controllers after arriving in orbit.

(https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/692443836736507904/4I0Bh5oX_bigger.jpg)AF SMC‏ @AF_SMC (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC) 45 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/AF_SMC/status/1143590299228344321)

All satellites are on orbit and have made contact! (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125535.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125385.png)
#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceStartsHere (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceStartsHere?src=hash) #SMC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SMC?src=hash) #SummerofLaunch19 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SummerofLaunch19?src=hash)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 25.06.2019 22:28:52
Цитироватьvadimir пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Легко. Открытая схема. Удельный импульс больше чем у зенитовского РД-120.
Это как это, выше импульс? Или у Маска своя физика?
У Маска самая физическая физика. Как и вообще у США.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 25.06.2019 22:31:57
Чтото я волнуюсь. Запуск что - не на геостационар?  :oops:
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 09:09:09
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Чтото я волнуюсь. Запуск что - не на геостационар?  :oops:
С точки зрения физичной физики Старого - на него!  :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Georgea от 25.06.2019 23:28:52
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Цитировать06/25/2019 13:08 Stephen Clark

With DSX away from the rocket, the Falcon Heavy's upper stage will be "passivated," or put into a safe configuration, by dumping the rocket's leftover propellant overboard. The passivation, which is due to be completed by the mission's seven-hour mark, will mark the end of the STP-2 launch sequence.
Ступень не будут сводить с орбиты?

Еще странно что прошло только 3,5 часа, хотя перед пуском говорили о 6-7 часах.
Вероятно, 6-7 часов - это относилось к пассивации (выделено), т.е. окончательному завершению миссии.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Georgea от 25.06.2019 23:29:29
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Чтото я волнуюсь. Запуск что - не на геостационар?  :oops:
А чего из-за этого волноваться?   :)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 23:32:05
ЦитироватьFalcon Heavy launches on military-led rideshare mission, boat catches fairing
June 25, 2019 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/) | Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket took off at 2:30 a.m. EDT (0630 GMT) fr om pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: SpaceX

SpaceX's third Falcon Heavy rocket took off fr om the Kennedy Space Center in a predawn launch Tuesday, delivering two dozen research and weather observation spacecraft into orbit on a marathon three-and-a-half mission for the U.S. Air Force.

The mission included the successful landing of the Falcon Heavy's two side boosters back at Cape Canaveral, and a SpaceX recovery boat netted part of the rocket's payload fairing for the first time after trying for more than a year.
SpaceX's fairing recovery boat, recently renamed from "Mr. Steven" to "Ms. Tree," is fitted with a giant net to catch the rocket's fairing shell as it descends under a parafoil. The payload fairing protects satellites from aerodynamic friction during the first few minutes of launch, then jettisons in two halves in a clamshell-like fashion to lighten the rocket's load once it has climbed into the rarefied upper atmosphere.

Since early 2018, SpaceX has tried using the fast-moving boat to steer underneath a fairing. But the efforts chalked up a series of near-misses, prompting engineers to evaluate reusing fairings that fell into the sea, which require more refurbishment after exposure to salt water.

But Tuesday's catch shows there is promise for SpaceX's preferred method of recovery.

SpaceX has outfitted its fairings with avionics, thrusters and steerable parachutes to make a soft landing. The company wants to reuse the fairing, eyeing it as the next step in reducing launch costs after proving the landing and reuse of Falcon booster stages.

Elon Musk, SpaceX's founder and CEO, told reporters last year that the fairing costs around $6 million. Musk has identified the payload fairing as the next component that could be recovered and reused, following SpaceX's pioneering achievement in landing and re-flying first stage boosters.

SpaceX eventually aims to catch both halves of the fairing.

A camera on-board SpaceX's fairing recovery vessel shows half of the Falcon Heavy's fairing in the ship's net. Credit: SpaceX

The U.S. military's Space Test Program booked the mission, named STP-2, on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy to exercise the launcher and gauge its suitability to loft high-value national security payloads. The mission also offered a ride to space for a suite of backlogged research satellites.

The intricate series of orbital maneuvers, and the long duration of the launch sequence, prompted SpaceX chief executive to Elon Musk to label it the most difficult launch in the company's history.

"It's been a bit of a marathon, but when you finish a marathon, you really feel good," said John Insprucker, principal integration engineer at SpaceX, after the final satellite payload separated from the rocket. "We've had an outstanding mission tonight. We lifted off from 39A, turned night into day with the Falcon Heavy, over 5 million pounds of thrust."

"The center core went downrange, and we knew it was going to be the toughest mission ever for a center core," Insprucker said on SpaceX's launch webcast. "We did get the visibility of the drone ship camera, but we just missed the drone ship, "Of Course I Still Love You." However, the side cores made up for that with a great return to Landing Zones 1 and 2."

"The second stage went into orbit," Insprucker said. We did four burns of the second stage, all of them were right on target. We did 24 of 24 payload separations, and then the icing on the cake tonight was the ability to get one half of the payload fairing, as we were targeting, into the net above the ocean on our recovery ship known as 'Ms. Tree.'"

The Air Force confirmed in a tweet Tuesday afternoon that all of the payloads launched by the Falcon Heavy were alive and transmitting signals.

"All satellites are on orbit and have made contact!" the Air Force Space and Missile Systems tweeted.

Falcon Heavy launches on action-packed mission

Running three hours late after a ground system hydraulic held up the countdown Monday night, the Falcon Heavy lit its 27 Merlin main engines at rocketed into a moonlit sky at 2:30 a.m. EDT (0630 GMT) Tuesday.

The Falcon Heavy's three boosters drove the rocket off the pad with some 5.1 million pounds of thrust, more than any other launcher currently in service, and steered the vehicle toward the east.

The window-ratting launch was the first nighttime takeoff by a Falcon Heavy, coming after two daytime departures SpaceX's heavy-lifter in February 2018 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2018/02/07/spacex-debuts-worlds-most-powerful-rocket-sends-tesla-toward-the-asteroid-belt/) and on April 11 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/04/11/spacexs-falcon-heavy-successful-in-commercial-debut/).

Around two-and-a-half minutes into the launch, the side boosters shut down and separated from the Falcon Heavy's center core to begin a series of propulsive maneuvers guiding the twin rockets back to Landing Zone 1 and Landing Zone 2 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, around 9 miles (15 kilometers) south of pad 39A.

In this photo, the Falcon Heavy's two side boosters begin their "boost-back" burns to reverse course and return for landings at Cape Canaveral. At bottom, the Falcon Heavy's center core booster continues downrange. Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

Speeding back from the edge of space, the rockets reignited their engines for a re-entry braking burn, and a final maneuver to slow for nearly simultaneous landings at Cape Canaveral.

A pair of double sonic rooms echoed across Florida's Space Coast as the rockets returned.

Tuesday morning's mission was the first time SpaceX has landed two rocket boosters at the same time at night. The side boosters both flew on the previous Falcon Heavy mission with the Arabsat 6A commercial communications satellite in April, when they also landed back at Cape Canaveral.

After release of the side boosters, the Falcon Heavy's brand new center core throttled up its engines to full power. The core stage operated at partial power for the first couple of minutes of the mission to conserve fuel.

Around three-and-a-half minutes after liftoff, the core stage turned off its engines and separate to begin its own controlled descent to SpaceX's offshore drone ship positioned nearly 770 miles (1,240 kilometers) east of Cape Canaveral.

Live video transmitted from the drone ship showed the core stage narrowly missed landing. The recovery vessel was parked farther downrange than for any previous SpaceX mission, and the Falcon Heavy's core stage came down faster than any booster before.

Before Tuesday's launch, Musk gave 50-50 odds of recovering the center core intact.

The core stage from the inaugural Falcon Heavy launch in February 2018 crashed on landing, and the center booster from the second Falcon Heavy mission in April made a successful touchdown, but tipped over before it could be secured for return to port.

Falcon Heavy's upper stage succeeds in intricate orbital ballet

The booster and fairing recoveries were just the start of the Falcon Heavy's mission Tuesday. The rocket's second stage, powered by a single Merlin engine, ignited four times on the lengthy flight.

The first burn heaved the mission's 8,157-pound (3,700-kilogram) payload stack into low Earth orbit, wh ere 13 spacecraft deployed from adapters on the Falcon Heavy's upper stage.

The STP-2 mission's multi-satellite stack before encapsulation inside the Falcon Heavy's payload fairing. Credit: SpaceX

The first orbital target for the STP-2 mission ranged in altitude between about 186 miles (300 kilometers) and 534 miles (860 kilometers). The first orbit had an inclination, or tilt, of 28.5 degrees to the equator.

The first of the payloads to release from the Falcon Heavy will be Oculus-ASR, a microsatellite developed by students at Michigan Technological University in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory. Oculus-ASR will test the ability of ground-based observers to determine the orientation and configuration of a satellite in orbit using unresolved imagery. It will also release a pair of small spherical masses to help calibrate instruments that track orbiting space objects.

Twelve CubeSats also ejected from carrier modules on the upper stage.

The Naval Research Laboratory's Tether Electrodynamics Propulsion CubeSat Experiment, or TEPCE, mission consists of two CubeSats that will be connected by a nearly 3,300-foot (1-kilometer) electrically conducting tether. The experiment will test the tether's ability to provide electrodynamic propulsion in space, which future missions could use in place of conventional rocket fuel.

The FalconSat 7 satellite, a toaster oven-sized CubeSat developed at the U.S. Air Force Academy, next deployed from the rocket. FalconSat 7 will test a deployable optical solar telescope structure in orbit, a device that could be used on future military reconnaissance and surveillance missions.

The Falcon Heavy then released the ARMADILLO CubeSat developed at the University of Texas at Austin. ARMADILLO carries a dust detector to characterize the population of tiny space debris objects in low Earth orbit.

The U.S. Naval Academy's PSAT 2 and BRICSAT 2 CubeSats, each carrying amateur radio payloads, then separated form the rocket. Then the rocket deployed a Prometheus CubeSat for U.S. Special Operations Command.

NASA's two Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment, or E-TBEx, CubeSats were next to separate from the rocket. The CubeSats will transmit radio signals down to receiving stations on Earth for scientists to examine how the transmissions are perturbed by disturbances in the ionosphere, a layer in the upper atmosphere through which GPS navigation and satellite communication signals must traverse to reach users on the ground.

The E-TBEx CubeSats. Credit: University of Michigan/Michigan Exploration Lab

The final satellites to separate in the STP-2 mission's first orbit were the Launch Environment Observer and StangSat CubeSats, which recorded telemetry and environmental data inside their deployer box during launch. The LEO CubeSat was built by students at Cal Poly, and StangSat comes from students at Merritt Island High School in Florida.

With the first batch of satellites away, a second firing by the Falcon Heavy's upper stage engine propelled the rocket into a circular orbit around 447 miles (720 kilometers) above Earth, with an inclination at 24 degrees, closer to the equator.

Georgia Tech's suitcase-sized Prox-1 microsatellite was the first spacecraft to deploy in the STP-2 mission's second orbit. Prox-1, also funded through an Air Force Research Laboratory grant, will test proximity operations and in-orbit inspection techniques after releasing a daughter satellite July 1 named LightSail 2, a crowd-funded CubeSat from the Planetary Society designed to demonstrate the propulsion capability of a solar sail, which harnesses pressure from sunlight for thrust.

A satellite named NPSAT 1 developed at the Naval Postgraduate School next separated from the Falcon Heavy. NPSAT 1 carries two instruments from the Naval Research Laboratory to measure electron cloud densities in Earth's ionosphere, a layer high above Earth that affects long-range radio communications. Engineers will also use the microsatellite to test a radiation-tolerant computer processor, experimental solar cells, and low-cost memory devices, rate sensors and a commercial digital camera.

The next event was the deployment of the Orbital Test Bed spacecraft built by General Atomics. The Orbital Test Bed, or OTB, mission hosts several payloads, including the Deep Space Atomic Clock experiment from NASA, which will test a new type of hyper-accurate atomic clock that could make it easier for deep space probes to navigate.

Another package attached to the OTB satellite carries the cremated remains of 152 people, including the late astronaut Bill Pogue and space journalist and historian Frank Sietzen. The payload, called "Heritage Flight" and arranged by Celestis, will remain in orbit with the OTB spaceraft for around 25 years.

NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission also separated in the 447-mile-high orbit. Built by Ball Aerospace with a propulsion system from Aerojet Rocketdyne, the mission will test a new type of non-toxic "green" propellant that could be used on future satellites to replace hydrazine, a caustic fuel commonly used on spacecraft because it can be stored for years at room temperature.

Read our full story (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/24/nasa-technology-experiments-hitching-a-ride-on-spacexs-falcon-heavy-rocket/) discussing NASA's experiments on the STP-2 launch for details on the Deep Space Atomic Clock and the Green Propellant Infusion Mission.

The Falcon Heavy upper stage then maneuvered into the proper orientation for separation of six identical satellites for the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate-2, or COSMIC-2, mission.

The COSMIC-2 satellites, each about the size of a standard kitchen oven, will form a weather observation network collecting data on temperature, pressure, density and water vapor at various layers in Earth's atmosphere. The COSMIC-2 mission was developed by an international consortium of institutions led by NOAA, the U.S. government's weather agency, and Taiwan's National Space Organization, with instrument contributions from the Air Force.

Artist's concept of a COSMIC-2 satellite. Credit: NOAA

Telemetry data radioed from the Falcon Heavy rocket confirmed all six COSMIC-2 satellites separated as planned, setting the stage for the final phase of the STP-2 mission.

The rocket's Merlin upper stage engine reignited two more times to target a unique orbit between 3,728 miles (6,000 kilometers) and 7,456 miles (12,000 kilometers) in altitude, with an inclination of 42 degrees to the equator.

The fourth burn set a record for a SpaceX mission. No previous Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy launch had fired its upper stage engine more than three times.

At 6:04 a.m. EDT (1004 GMT), more than three-and-a-half hours after liftoff, the Falcon Heavy deployed the mission's final payload — the Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments, or DSX, spacecraft.

The DSX satellite will fly in a slot region between the Van Allen radiation belts with instruments to measure the effects of very low frequency radio waves on space radiation, space weather conditions and the impact of radiation on electronics and spacecraft materials.

"The space domain has never been more important to our nation than it is today," said Maj. Gen. William Cooley, commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory. "The DSX satellite experiment will greatly increase our understanding of the environment spacecraft operate in and will give us the knowledge to build even better satellites to protect and defend our space assets. I am immensely proud of the AFRL scientists, engineers, and technicians that conceived and built the DSX satellite."

In addition to the Air Force experiments, DSX hosts NASA hardware to measure how radiation can corrupt spacecraft memory devices and damage electrical circuits.

With DSX off of the rocket, the Falcon Heavy's upper stage was to be "passivated," or put into a safe configuration, by dumping the rocket's leftover propellant overboard. The passivation milestone was expected to mark the end of the full STP-2 launch sequence, which was expected to last between six and seven hours.

Tuesday morning's launch was designed to exercise the Falcon Heavy to its limits, allowing SpaceX and the Air Force to collect data to ensure the rocket is ready to lift the military's most expensive national security payloads into orbit.

"Volume-wise, the payloads take up about a third, maybe a little more than a third, of their payload fairing," said Mike Marlow, the STP-2 mission manager at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, in a conference call with reporters before the launch. "But performance-wise, because we're going to three different orbits, it takes up all of the Falcon Heavy's performance, actually."

The satellites on-board the STP-2 mission, while unique and valuable, are all experimental. The Air Force holds launch vehicles assigned to carry operational reconnaissance, communications and navigation payloads to a higher standard.

The Air Force announced the Falcon Heavy was certified after its inaugural flight last year, making it eligible to win contracts to launch the military's most critical operational satellites. The Air Force signed the contract for the STP-2 mission with SpaceX in December 2012 as a purely experimental mission.

Since last year's certification milestone, the Air Force has awarded SpaceX two launch contracts for missions codenamed AFSPC-44 and AFSPC-52, which are scheduled for launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in late 2020 and early 2021.

The STP-2 mission will now be the third certification flight for the Falcon Heavy as the Air Force prepares to entrust the launcher with more important payloads.

"What we're doing now is what we call the spaceflight worthiness process," said Col. Robert Bongiovi, director of the launch enterprise systems directorate at the Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center.

"This launch, STP-2, is the third certification flight. It's one of many sets of data and reviews that we do with SpaceX and any contractor that we're certifying for (and) doing non-recurring design and validation on ... to get to the point wh ere (we) can certify that that launch vehicle is ready to launch the critical national security payloads that we'll be launching on those two missions," Bongiovi said before the STP-2 mission.

The Air Force will also use the experience gained from the STP-2 mission to help certify reused rocket hardware for national security missions. The Air Force's launches with SpaceX, to date, have all used newly-built Falcon 9 boosters.

"The launch was originally just an opportunity to characterize the launch vehicle for future use by the National Security Space Launch program, but now it is the Air Force's first launch using previously-flown rocket hardware," Bongiovi said.

With Tuesday's Falcon Heavy flight, SpaceX has re-flown a Falcon booster 24 times since March 2017, all successfully.

"The use of the previously-flown hardware is providing critical insight into reusability and quality assurance that will allow us to provide space access to the warfighter in a more cost-effective and expedient manner, and I really appreciate the efforts of our industry partner SpaceX to make this happen," Bongiovi said.

In the AFSPC-52 launch contract announced last year, the Air Force agreed to pay SpaceX $130 million for a Falcon Heavy mission. The Delta 4-Heavy rocket, the biggest vehicle the fleet of SpaceX rival United Launch Alliance, sells for about $300 million per flight.

If SpaceX convinces the Air Force to certify reused rockets for national security missions, the price of a Falcon Heavy mission could further fall.

"The reason that we're excited about this, and about having previously-flown hardware on (STP-2) is that we've been able to fo follow along as we've done recovery and refurbishment of those boosters," Bongiovi said.

The STP-2 mission was originally supposed to launch with all-new boosters, but the Air Force and SpaceX agreed late last year to change plans and fly reused side boosters.

STP-2 was supposed to launch on the second Falcon Heavy mission, but the contract modification pushed the STP-2 launch behind the launch of the Arabsat 6A telecom satellite in SpaceX's queue.

The boosters from the Arabsat 6A mission were among the most "gently-used" in SpaceX's inventory, Air Force officials said. They encountered relatively benign aerodynamic forces and structural loads on their descent back to Florida's Space Coast in April.

The Air Force's launch contract with SpaceX for the STP-2 mission was previously valued at $185 million, according to Lt. Col. Ryan Rose, chief of the small launch and targets division at Kirtland Air Force Base.

The launch is now costing the Air Force around $160 million, and a "big factor" in the cost reduction was the military's agreement to fly the STP-2 mission with reused rocket boosters, Bongiovi said.

With STP-2 in the books, SpaceX is gearing up for a pair of Falcon 9 launches from Florida's Space Coast in July.

One of the flights, set for July 21, will launch a Dragon cargo capsule on a resupply mission to the International Space Station.

SpaceX is preparing different Falcon 9 rocket to launch the Amos 17 communications satellite as soon as late July for Spacecom Ltd. of Israel. A target launch date for that mission has not been announced.

Meanwhile, Air Force launch teams will turn their attention to three missions in July.

The Air Force is supporting an atmospheric abort test of NASA's Orion crew capsule scheduled for July 2 at Cape Canaveral. A test version of the Orion spacecraft will blast off aboard a converted Air Force Peacekeeper missile to demonstrate the capsule's ability to escape from a launch failure.

Air Force communications and navigation satellites are set for launch from Florida's Space Coast on July 12 and July 25 aboard United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 and Delta 4 rockets.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 23:35:38
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1143586174537220097)

The response to last night's fairing catch has been astonishing! With no booster to secure, the entire fleet is already on their way back home.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 09:38:39
ЦитироватьGeorgea пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Чтото я волнуюсь. Запуск что - не на геостационар?  :oops:  
А чего из-за этого волноваться?  :)

Дык лужа.. газ... физичная физика..

ЦитироватьСтарый пишет: Как я понимаю подтверждена способность Флакона выводить полезную нагрузку непосредственно на ГСО. Путь к военным заказам открыт.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.06.2019 23:41:20
ЦитироватьХВ. пишет:

Что известно о массе, заброшенной на орбиты?
ЦитироватьСм #297 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1861494/#message1861494):
the mission's 8,157-pound (3,700-kilogram) payload stack
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 25.06.2019 23:50:55
Если читать российский официоз, то можно подумать, что запуск закончился полным провалам https://ria.ru/search/?query=spacex
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 10:07:35
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Если читать российский официоз, то можно подумать, что запуск закончился полным провалам https://ria.ru/search/?query=spacex
Тут вопросик напрашивается: не дешевле было бы вместо всех этих ритуальных танцев с посадками и отловами взять F9, ободрать с него перья, крылышки и ножки, и запустить те же самые четыре тонны?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 00:19:35
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
Еще странно что прошло только 3,5 часа, хотя перед пуском говорили о 6-7 часах.
ЦитироватьApollo13 пишет:
Включат двигатель до окончания топлива?
ЦитироватьСм #297 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1861494/#message1861494):
With DSX off of the rocket, the Falcon Heavy's upper stage was to be "passivated," or put into a safe configuration, by dumping the rocket's leftover propellant overboard. The passivation milestone was expected to mark the end of the full STP-2 launch sequence, which was expected to last between six and seven hours.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 00:22:01
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg)Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 40 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1143620216708108288)

SpaceX #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) STP-2 mission success. Remote pickup time... Stay tuned for photos taken from Launch Complex 39A

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 26.06.2019 00:23:30
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Если читать российский официоз, то можно подумать, что запуск закончился полным провалам https://ria.ru/search/?query=spacex
Тут вопросик напрашивается: не дешевле было бы вместо всех этих ритуальных танцев с посадками и отловами взять F9, ободрать с него перья, крылышки и ножки, и запустить те же самые четыре тонны?
Ещё проще вообще ничего не запускать и тем не менее получать денежки из бюджета.

Но у Маска так не получилось. Прежде чем дать деньги, военные захотели убедиться, что СпейсИкс действительно может изготовить и запустить ракету в космос. Филологи наверно.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 10:32:25
Цитироватьopinion пишет:

Но у Маска так не получилось. Прежде чем дать деньги, военные захотели убедиться, что СпейсИкс действительно может изготовить и запустить ракету в космос.
Дык в том и вопрос - чем их Ф9 то не устроил? Или это не ракета?  :o
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 26.06.2019 00:35:48
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Если читать российский официоз, то можно подумать, что запуск закончился полным провалам https://ria.ru/search/?query=spacex
Тут вопросик напрашивается: не дешевле было бы вместо всех этих ритуальных танцев с посадками и отловами взять F9, ободрать с него перья, крылышки и ножки, и запустить те же самые четыре тонны?
Кругозор лаборанта, который не знает ни целей эксперимента, ни целевых показателей для отчёта по гранту.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 10:37:41
Цитироватьopinion пишет: Кругозор лаборанта, который не знает ни целей эксперимента, ни целевых показателей для отчёта по гранту.
Ты задом то не верти, грантоед, ты на вопрос ответь, коли ввязался - чем плох Ф9 для данной задачи?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 26.06.2019 00:51:44
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет: Кругозор лаборанта, который не знает ни целей эксперимента, ни целевых показателей для отчёта по гранту.
Ты задом то не верти, грантоед, ты на вопрос ответь, коли ввязался - чем плох Ф9 для данной задачи?
Какой "этой"? Вывод спутника непосредственно на ГСО?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 26.06.2019 00:56:15
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет: Кругозор лаборанта, который не знает ни целей эксперимента, ни целевых показателей для отчёта по гранту.
Ты задом то не верти, грантоед, ты на вопрос ответь, коли ввязался - чем плох Ф9 для данной задачи?
Какой задачи? Отработка посадки центрального блока Фалкон Хэви?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 00:57:55
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185074.jpg)John Kraus‏ @johnkrausphotos (https://twitter.com/johnkrausphotos) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/johnkrausphotos/status/1143638062670503937)

Falcon Heavy. STP-2. 27 Merlins. I'm speechless. What an incredible spectacle.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 11:05:38
Цитироватьopinion пишет:
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет: Кругозор лаборанта, который не знает ни целей эксперимента, ни целевых показателей для отчёта по гранту.
Ты задом то не верти, грантоед, ты на вопрос ответь, коли ввязался - чем плох Ф9 для данной задачи?
Какой задачи? Отработка посадки центрального блока Фалкон Хэви?
Выведения вышеупомянутой ПН на орбиту.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 01:16:19
Запись трансляции SpaceX
ЦитироватьSTP-2 Mission
 Доступ по ссылке

SpaceX (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtI0Hodo5o5dUb67FeUjDeA)

Трансляция началась 16 часов назад
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxH4CAlhtiQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxH4CAlhtiQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxH4CAlhtiQ) (4:01:44)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 26.06.2019 01:18:52
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет:
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет: Кругозор лаборанта, который не знает ни целей эксперимента, ни целевых показателей для отчёта по гранту.
Ты задом то не верти, грантоед, ты на вопрос ответь, коли ввязался - чем плох Ф9 для данной задачи?
Какой задачи? Отработка посадки центрального блока Фалкон Хэви?
Выведения вышеупомянутой ПН на орбиту.
Я тебе уже  сказал, это задача для лаборантов. Сформулирована так, чтобы им было понятно. В рамках знаний, доступных лаборанту, невозможно объяснить, почему нужно именно так.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 11:22:06
Цитироватьopinion пишет: В рамках знаний, доступных лаборанту, невозможно объяснить, почему нужно именно так.
То есть ты не знаешь. Чего влез, филолух?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 26.06.2019 01:28:36
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет: В рамках знаний, доступных лаборанту, невозможно объяснить, почему нужно именно так.
То есть ты не знаешь. Чего влез, филолух?
Я знаю. Если через год или полтора ФХ повезет на ГСО военный спутник, может быть и до тебя дойдёт.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 01:30:16
Еще 5 объектов запуска обнаружены0 TBA - TO BE ASSIGNED
1 44354U 19036R   19176.75196575  .00000366  00000-0  00000+0 0  9992
2 44354  28.5172 197.9578 0393574 109.7647  41.5292 14.97752961    57

1 44355U 19036S   19176.75305024  .00000365  00000-0  00000+0 0  9993
2 44355  28.5105 197.9530 0393264 109.7218  47.1554 14.97572162    58

1 44356U 19036T   19176.75417524  .00000360  00000-0  00000+0 0  9998
2 44356  28.5044 197.9518 0390632 109.8758  52.5439 14.97237555    59

1 44357U 19036U   19176.75110927  .00000357  00000-0  00000+0 0  9992
2 44357  28.5075 197.9721 0390880 109.9704  35.2594 14.96791447    51

1 44358U 19036V   19176.69493385  .00000212  00000-0  00000+0 0  9998
2 44358  23.9983 202.1915 0012331 199.3675 296.6420 14.53156145    15
Объекты R..U (44354..44357 / 2019-036R..U) - 300 x 849 km x 28.5°
Объект V (44358 / 2019-036V) - 707 x 724 km x 24.0°
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 01:31:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/31566.jpg)Brady Kenniston‏ @TheFavoritist (https://twitter.com/TheFavoritist) 20 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TheFavoritist/status/1143642636248657920)

Falcon Heavy's 27 Merlins breathing down on pad LC-39A lifting STP-2 into orbit!

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 01:33:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69678.jpg)Jack Beyer‏ @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) 17 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1143644030821130243)

Falcon Heavy 3 / STP-2 remote camera shots. What a spectacular launch. #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 01:35:56
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/184886.jpg)Nathan Barker‏ @NASA_Nerd (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd) 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_Nerd/status/1143643940509405184)

Thundering off the pad in pillars of flames and billowing smoke. @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) launches with #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash). More photos to come...

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 11:38:59
Цитироватьopinion пишет: через год или полтора ФХ повезет на ГСО военный спутник
Дык для этого он сначала должен подтвердить свои умения выводить на ГСО. В данном же полете было продемонстрировано то, что мог бы выполнить Ф9, но зачем?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 01:39:36
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67649.jpg)Ken Kremer‏ @ken_kremer (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer) 12 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer/status/1143473411324354560)

1st Nighttime Blastoff of triple core @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) mission at 230 AM Jun 25 - delivered 24 science research sats to orbit for @usairforce (https://twitter.com/usairforce) @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) @NOAA (https://twitter.com/NOAA)


7 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/ken_kremer/status/1143543990773530626)

Screaming sonic booms about to erupt and roar across the Cape Canaveral & central FL region as twin #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) side boosters from @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) launch about to touchdown safely at LZ-1 and LZ-2 pads with stunningly beautiful water reflections. more soon

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 02:03:41
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Что же они Арабсат прямо на ГСО не закинули. Было бы прямое подтверждение.
Бензину не хватило.

Возврат боковых блоков к месту старта и посадка центрального на баржу сжирают полезную нагрузку.

 Чтоб тягаться с Хэви Дельтой надо сажать боковухи на баржи а центр делать одноразовым.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Boris Mekler от 26.06.2019 06:02:01
High entry force & heat breached engine bay & center engine TVC failed

Прогар двигательного отсека и отказ УВТ центрального двигателя.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 26.06.2019 07:02:06
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Чтоб тягаться с Хэви Дельтой надо сажать боковухи на баржи а центр делать одноразовым.
Ну, можно попробовать вариант, когда все три блока садятся на баржи... Хотя... А третий посадочный дрон есть ли вообще? Если нет, в самом деле просится вариант с одноразовым центром. Просто центр у них насколько я понимаю дороже стандартного блок-5, вот и давит жаба топить...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Boris Mekler от 26.06.2019 06:18:05
Маск оценивал стоимость запуска ФХ с расходным центром в $95млн, потеря около 10% грузоподъёмности по сравнению с полностью расходным.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 16:26:24
Как и предполагалось - прогорел.

ЦитироватьHigh entry force & heat breached engine bay & center engine TVC failed
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 16:28:36
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
в самом деле просится вариант с одноразовым центром. Просто центр у них насколько я понимаю дороже стандартного блок-5, вот и давит жаба топить...

Одноразовый Ф9 однако подешевле будет.  :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 26.06.2019 05:41:28
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Тут вопросик напрашивается: не дешевле было бы вместо всех этих ритуальных танцев с посадками и отловами взять F9, ободрать с него перья, крылышки и ножки, и запустить те же самые четыре тонны?
Главное то не закинуть 4 тонны подешевле, а продолжить испытывать Хеви, нарабатывая статистику. Уже 3 полета. Можно сказать, что ракета состоялась. Хотя требуются доработки. 

А впереди "вкусные" лунные контракты. Под них то Хеви и испытывают. 
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 17:18:44
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет:

А впереди "вкусные" лунные контракты. Под них то Хеви и испытывают.
Хэви вообще для СпейСекс как пятая нога. Им БигФукинРокет  нужна. Так что совершенно не факт.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 17:20:43
Надо же учитывать, что Хэви в возвращаемом варианте никоим боком к Луне не приставить. Значит одноразовый. А на одноразовом денег не напилишь, следуя логике Маска.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 17:53:27
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет: Главное то не закинуть 4 тонны подешевле, а продолжить испытывать Хеви, нарабатывая статистику. Уже 3 полета. Можно сказать, что ракета состоялась. Хотя требуются доработки.
Вот если бы вы с таким же тактом и пиитетом комментировали полеты Ангары - цены бы вам не было!

А то недогруз, недогруз, все украли, полимеры просрали... 8)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 26.06.2019 09:00:11
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Вот если бы вы с таким же тактом и пиитетом комментировали полеты Ангары - цены бы вам не было!
Какие нахер "полеты"? Их всего два и было - и то один суборбитальный потому что ракета не готова была. И про них уже всё сказано давно. Без пиетета. пусть сделает столько же полетов как Фалкон - будет о чем поговорить. А тебе - о чем попропагандонить...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Штуцер от 26.06.2019 08:10:16
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет:
Главное то не закинуть 4 тонны подешевле, а продолжить испытывать Хеви, нарабатывая статистику. Уже 3 полета.
А где вопли малахольного о максимальной ПН??? О невыполнении ТЗ ?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 26.06.2019 09:25:36
ЦитироватьШтуцер пишет: 
А где вопли малахольного и максимальной ПН??? О невыполнении ТЗ ? 
А вон Not разоряется... И в этой теме и в теме про Ангару...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Штуцер от 26.06.2019 08:32:45
Все блоки FH были первоходками?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 26.06.2019 09:45:52
ЦитироватьШтуцер пишет:
Все блоки FH были первоходками?
Только центральный, боковые с предыдущего хэвика. И похоже имеют шанс слетать и в третий раз...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: ХВ. от 26.06.2019 09:05:52
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет:
Главное то не закинуть 4 тонны подешевле, а продолжить испытывать Хеви, нарабатывая статистику. Уже 3 полета.
Вот именно.
Ангару собираются испытывать вообще без ПН. При испытаниях подтверждают не дешевизну запуска, а способность штатно выйти на заданную орбиту без взрывов и нырков в океан.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 19:22:42
ЦитироватьХВ. пишет: При испытаниях подтверждают не дешевизну запуска, а способность штатно выйти на заданную орбиту без взрывов и нырков в океан.
Это нужно выгравировать на лбу Старого, чтобы по утрам, подходя к зеркалу, читал и много думал.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 19:43:10
Если временно послать на три буквы группу Старого, вопрос вообще говоря интересный.

Учитывая, что центральный блок уже был оборудован дополнительной теплозащитой, тест оной на плазменный поток, достигнутый в данном полете не прошел. Скорее всего прогорело гибкое сочленение двигателя и днища, после чего разрушился подвес двигателя. Задача усиления теплозащиты в этом месте вообще говоря нетривиальная. У Шаттла, например, дополнительно к ТЗП двигателей имеется дополнтельный аэродинамический щиток, прикрывающий сопла. Очевидно, что без решения этого вопроса выйти на рентабельность FH будет нереально.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 26.06.2019 20:07:27
В качестве примера, как это делают в приличных конторах.

До полета

Но даже здесь нет прямого потока плазмы на днище.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Сергей от 26.06.2019 10:10:45
ЦитироватьBoris Mekler пишет:
High entry force & heat breached engine bay & center engine TVC failed

Прогар двигательного отсека и отказ УВТ центрального двигателя.
Ожидаемо, что отказ УВТ центрального двигателя, Маск упростил установление причины отказа показав видео.
1. Посадка на финише идет на ЦД, в платформу почти попали, посадочная скорость почти в норме, наиболее вероятная причина отказ  УВТ ( при прогаре ТЗП ДО первым делом пострадают рулевые машины). А ведь мог 
усилить без труда гибкий экран центрального двигателя и сел бы нормально. Или увеличить тормозной импульс. Видимо опять эксперименты по экономии топлива при посадке на баржу.
2. Конечно Маску надо доказать , что он может надежно выводить тяжелые дорогие военные спутники.FH обеспечивает значительный запас по грузоподъемности, резервирование двигателей, коррекцию циклограммы работы ДУ и пр., и он не будет экономить , применяя F9.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: DYF от 26.06.2019 10:13:50
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:

 Чтоб тягаться с Хэви Дельтой надо сажать боковухи на баржи а центр делать одноразовым.
Арабсат закинули на GTO1500 почти 6500кг (примерно 8500 GTO1800) - это между заявленных максимальных Atlas 541 и Atlas 551

В этом полете плюс 100м/с при разделении. ИМХО, если дожигать блок (`с посадкой боковух на сушу), то будет еще +300м/с. Будет GTO1800 в районе 11т, как Ариан
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Штуцер от 26.06.2019 11:36:38
ЦитироватьСергей пишет:
Посадка на финише идет на ЦД, в платформу почти попали, посадочная скорость почти в норме, наиболее вероятная причина отказУВТ ( при прогаре ТЗП ДО первым делом пострадают рулевые машины).
Не факт, что причиной отказа УВТ является отказ собственно рулевых машин.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 13:24:57
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
ЦитироватьAstro Cat пишет: Главное то не закинуть 4 тонны подешевле, а продолжить испытывать Хеви, нарабатывая статистику. Уже 3 полета. Можно сказать, что ракета состоялась. Хотя требуются доработки.
Вот если бы вы с таким же тактом и пиитетом комментировали полеты Ангары - цены бы вам не было!
Вот если бы Ангара выводила как...  Да хрен с ним, если бы Ангара летала тогда бы мы комментировали. Ох, комментировали...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: кукушка от 26.06.2019 17:33:02
"В центральном блоке Falcon Heavy (https://vk.com/spacex?w=wall-41152133_141900), рухнувшем в океан, находились все средства на развитие компании SpaceX" — примерно такие заголовки читаются сегодня в некоторых СМИ. Рассказываем, что же на самом деле произошло с центральным блоком ракеты и почему (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196492.png)

Обратимся к заявлению Илона Маска:

Elon Musk:
— Произошла быстрая внеплановая разборка (RUD). Это была очень рискованная посадка. 
— Почему в последнюю минуту решили сажать блок не так близко к берегу, а далеко в океане?
Elon Musk:
— Миссии с высокими орбитами полезной нагрузки/высокой дельта-V всегда требуют далёкой посадки блока от берега. Величина зависит (по существу) от горизонтальной скорости, сообщаемой 2-й ступени. Высота почти неважна.
Spotlight videos:
— Если бы вы сохранили больше дельта-V для приземления центрального блока, хватило бы 2-й ступени запаса дельта-V для выполнения миссии STP-2? Тогда бы центральный блок приземлился, я так думаю...
Elon Musk:
— Да, но мы не могли рискнуть 2-й ступенью, не осуществив 4-й запуск двигателя. Эта миссия была более сложной, чем все, что я знаю в истории ракет. Центральный блок - RIP, ты хорошо выполнил свой долг.
Matt Bates:
— Бедные титановые решётчатые рули... (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196532.png)
Elon Musk:
Да, знаю ... (вздох). Они действительно произведение искусства.

— Илон, вы уже знаете, что пошло не так? 
Elon Musk:
— Высокие нагрузки повторного входа —> прогар защиты двигательного отсека —> потеря управления вектором тяги центрального двигателя —> сесть не удалось (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/196355.png)
Everyday Astronaut:
— И компьютер увёл её в сторону?
Elon Musk:
— Скорее всего. Она запрограммирована на это.






Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 18:26:51
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143896214271942656)

20 objects currently cataloged from the STP-2 launch: DSX, Stage 2, and an apparent debris object in high orbit; 10 of expected 11 objects in 700 km orbit; 7 of expected 13 objects in low orbit.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 18:30:52
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67522.jpg)Thomas Burghardt‏ @TGMetsFan98 (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98) 13 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98/status/1143900904720084992)

Updated #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) payload manifest. It turns out that the Prometheus payload was not removed from the mission, and that there was an unannounced DOTSI payload. Counting DSX as 1 satellite instead of 3 still results in a total of 24 satellites.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 26.06.2019 18:20:02
Маска и его инженеров - с очередным успехом! А Старому - вопрос: что там насчёт твоей "гипотенузы" "все ракеты всегда в первом пуске выводят максимальный полезный груз"? :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 20:12:30
Пока объекты A..V
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: mind22 от 26.06.2019 18:50:16
ЦитироватьElon Musk:
...Эта миссия была более сложной, чем все, что я знаю в истории ракет...
А кто-нибудь может пояснить, что это означает?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Georgea от 26.06.2019 21:18:56
Цитироватьmind22 пишет:
ЦитироватьElon Musk:
...Эта миссия была более сложной, чем все, что я знаю в истории ракет...
А кто-нибудь может пояснить, что это означает?
Вероятно, имеется в виду развод по орбитам (плюс, может быть, доп. сложность от посадок).
Но я не знаю, какие бывали другие подобные запуски, так что не могу оценить верность утверждения Маска.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Georgea от 26.06.2019 21:28:46
Никак не могу понять, могла ли такую же работу сделать Фалькон 9 или нет.

С одной стороны, пишут, что обобщенные энергозатраты этой миссии примерно соответствуют орбите ГПО-1800, и тогда такую малую массу Фалькон 9 мог бы вывести даже с возвратом бустера.

С другой стороны - посадка центрального блока в этот раз была рекордно дальней, то есть блок первых ступеней выдал рекордную энергию, что говорит о невозможности замены на Ф9.

Непонято...   :|
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 21:52:29
ЦитироватьGeorgea пишет:
Никак не могу понять, могла ли такую же работу сделать Фалькон 9 или нет.

С одной стороны, пишут, что обобщенные энергозатраты этой миссии примерно соответствуют орбите ГПО-1800, и тогда такую малую массу Фалькон 9 мог бы вывести даже с возвратом бустера.

С другой стороны - посадка центрального блока в этот раз была рекордно дальней, то есть блок первых ступеней выдал рекордную энергию, что говорит о невозможности замены на Ф9.

Непонято...  :|
А на борту случайно не было балласта?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 21:57:51
ЦитироватьSpaceX Falcon Heavy STP-2 Launch and Booster Landing - FULL VIDEO

NASASpaceFlight Videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUu1lih2RifWkKtDOJdsBA)

Опубликовано: 26 июн. 2019 г.

SpaceX's stunning Falcon Heavy launch with STP-2 from the press site with NASASpaceflight.com's Chris Gebhardt and Jamie Groh. From launch through to Booster Landing in one uncut video with live reactions.

With thanks to - and in association with - Das and Kerbal Space Academy (http://kerbalspaceacademy.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fkerbalspaceacademy.com%2F&v=f6GfeT_MIO0&event=video_description&redir_token=8Csn0okw_wpwPZTYhKHrRRq84l58MTU2MTY2MDYyOEAxNTYxNTc0MjI4))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6GfeT_MIO0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6GfeT_MIO0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6GfeT_MIO0) (10:26)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 22:03:40
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Маска и его инженеров - с очередным успехом! А Старому - вопрос: что там насчёт твоей "гипотенузы" "все ракеты всегда в первом пуске выводят максимальный полезный груз"?  :D
Всё в порядке - пуск не первый.  8)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 22:04:30
Однако я в недоумении. Я думал что оно полетит на ГСО.  :oops:
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 22:07:04
Цитироватьmind22 пишет:
ЦитироватьElon Musk:
...Эта миссия была более сложной, чем все, что я знаю в истории ракет...
А кто-нибудь может пояснить, что это означает?
Наверно он намекает что миссия была сложнее чем миссия Аполлона-11. :) 
Если он только про ракеты то неужели пятиимпульсные финты ушами Бриза-М проще?  :oops:
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 26.06.2019 22:14:03
Так в Бризе-М не криогенное же топливо.
На долгохранимом спутники вон десятилетиями работают выдавая тысячи импульсов.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Georgea от 26.06.2019 22:20:10
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
ЦитироватьGeorgea пишет:
Никак не могу понять, могла ли такую же работу сделать Фалькон 9 или нет.

С одной стороны, пишут, что обобщенные энергозатраты этой миссии примерно соответствуют орбите ГПО-1800, и тогда такую малую массу Фалькон 9 мог бы вывести даже с возвратом бустера.

С другой стороны - посадка центрального блока в этот раз была рекордно дальней, то есть блок первых ступеней выдал рекордную энергию, что говорит о невозможности замены на Ф9.

Непонято...  :|  
А на борту случайно не было балласта?
Утверждается, что нет. Общая масса с диспенсером - 3,7 тонны всего.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 08:48:59
Цитироватьmind22 пишет:
ЦитироватьElon Musk:

...Эта миссия была более сложной, чем все, что я знаю в истории ракет...
А кто-нибудь может пояснить, что это означает?
Ключевые слова

Цитироватьчто я знаю в истории ракет
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.06.2019 22:50:31
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1143967403858153474)

STP-2: Objects P and Q, which earlier had implausible orbits, now being tracked in 307 x 849 km and 707 x 724 km orbits consistent with expected STP-2 satellites.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 22:58:46
ЦитироватьЧебурашка пишет:
Так в Бризе-М не криогенное же топливо.
На долгохранимом спутники вон десятилетиями работают выдавая тысячи импульсов.
Неужели он имел в виду сложности работы именно с криогенным топливом? ;) Тогда ему лучше вообще молчать, любой водородный Центавр даст ему сто очков форы. 

Я думаю он имел в виду всётаки многократные переходы с орбиты на орбиту. Тогда до Бриза-М ему лаптем не добросить. 
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 23:02:03
Он всё равно выкрутится. Он скажет: -Бриз как и Фрегат и даже Центавр это специализированные разгонные блоки. Им положено по орбитам туда-сюда мотаться, они специально для этого и сделаны. А у меня - вторая ступень ракеты во даёт!  А вам слабо?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 23:02:46
ЦитироватьGeorgea пишет: 
Утверждается, что нет. Общая масса с диспенсером - 3,7 тонны всего.
Хммм... Странновато... Тут чтото не так.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: drzerg от 26.06.2019 23:16:06
гибкая защита двигателя? вы хоть выбирайтесь иногда из своего загончика. фотографии там всякие смотрите... гибкой защиты уже давно нет как минимум начиная с блока 5. она заменена подвижными щитками.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 09:27:29
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Он всё равно выкрутится. Он скажет:
Скажет что его аккаунт взломал Старый, делов то!  :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 09:33:04
Цитироватьdrzerg пишет:
 гибкой защиты уже давно нет как минимум начиная с блока 5. она заменена подвижными щитками.
Подвижными шаровыми сочленениями, вы хотели сказать?

Все еще хуже, тогда в них и проблема. Вполне возможно что плазма просочилась в сочленение и попалила гидравлику.
У SSME тоже было подвижное сочленение, но поверх него был эластичный уплотнитель.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 23:35:16
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Он всё равно выкрутится. Он скажет:
Скажет что его аккаунт взломал Старый, делов то!  :D
А слабо третьей ступени Союза сделать это? ;)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 09:40:20
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
А слабо третьей ступени Союза сделать это?  ;)
А слабо ухо пяткой почесать? Бриз давно все это умеет, причем значительно круче. Но эээ... Маск этого может и не знать. ;)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 26.06.2019 23:50:41
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
А слабо третьей ступени Союза сделать это?  ;)  
А слабо ухо пяткой почесать? Бриз давно все это умеет, причем значительно круче. Но эээ... Маск этого может и не знать.  ;)
Бризом и дурак сделает. Ты третьей ступенью Союза сделай! Ладно, Протона. Ага! Слабо!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 09:53:03
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет: Бризом и дурак сделает.
Верно, вот только дураку не сделать Бриз  :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Штуцер от 27.06.2019 00:19:12
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Он всё равно выкрутится. Он скажет: -Бриз как и Фрегат и даже Центавр это специализированные разгонные блоки.
Похоже на твою манеру выкручиваться.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 27.06.2019 00:40:26
ЦитироватьШтуцер пишет: 
Похоже на твою манеру выкручиваться.
Да! Мы круты! Кто против нас с Маском? ;)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 27.06.2019 00:42:22
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет: Бризом и дурак сделает.
Верно, вот только дураку не сделать Бриз  :D
Наоборот. Бриз делают дураки.  8)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 10:57:23
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет: Да! Мы круты! Кто против нас с Маском?  ;)
Галантерейщик явно принял на грудь  :)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 00:58:01
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 20 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1143996522968866817)

Here's fleet progress, as of this afternoon. GO Ms. Tree is fast and will return to Port Canaveral with her recovered fairing half tomorrow afternoon/evening EDT. OCISLY & Hollywood are around 4 days away.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 27.06.2019 10:58:24
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Бриз делают дураки.  8)
Завидуй молча, филолух.  ;)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Штуцер от 27.06.2019 01:09:36
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Бриз делают дураки
Приди в Лес, тебе харю начистят.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 27.06.2019 01:29:59
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Однако я в недоумении. Я думал что оно полетит на ГСО.  :oops:
На ГСО в следующий раз. Через год-полтора.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 27.06.2019 01:32:34
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Чтоб тягаться с Хэви Дельтой надо сажать боковухи на баржи а центр делать одноразовым.
Ну, можно попробовать вариант, когда все три блока садятся на баржи... Хотя... А третий посадочный дрон есть ли вообще?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 27.06.2019 03:22:57
Цитироватьopinion пишет:
А, ну значит память еще не подводит... Значит из доступных вариантов - только посадка боковых на баржи и одноразовый центр...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 27.06.2019 09:16:40
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Маска и его инженеров - с очередным успехом! А Старому - вопрос: что там насчёт твоей "гипотенузы" "все ракеты всегда в первом пуске выводят максимальный полезный груз"?
Всё в порядке - пуск не первый.
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex_II от 27.06.2019 14:05:22
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
А где такой спутник взять, чтоб на максимальную грузоподъемность FH хотя бы на ГСО?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 27.06.2019 13:21:30
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Маска и его инженеров - с очередным успехом! А Старому - вопрос: что там насчёт твоей "гипотенузы" "все ракеты всегда в первом пуске выводят максимальный полезный груз"?
Всё в порядке - пуск не первый.
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
Уже 3-й.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 16:45:45
GO Ms. Tree вошел в Порт Канаверал
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 16:48:09
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67522.jpg)Thomas Burghardt‏ @TGMetsFan98 (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98) 25 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98/status/1144234235718438912)

ARRIVAL! Got to Port Canaveral just in time for Ms. Tree to return with the first caught fairing! Better photos incoming


13 мин.13 минут назад (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98/status/1144237304074162179)

A brief pause to allow Tug Elizabeth to pass by, and now Ms. Tree is moving into port.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 16:49:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185070.jpg) Trevor Mahlmann‏ @TrevorMahlmann (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann) 23 мин.23 минуты назад (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann/status/1144235248626098176)

GO Ms. Tree arrives at Port Canaveral in style! #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash) fairing on the deck. My first time seeing 'er. Stunning how ridiculously large those arms are.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 16:51:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1144238966704680961)

GO Ms. Tree is station keeping whiee it appears a tug is adjusting a cargo ship at Cargo Pier 6. Photo credit: friendly boater. #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 17:07:36
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69678.jpg)Jack Beyer‏ @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1144244099530272774)

GO Ms. Tree arrives back at port after the first successful fairing catch! Theres like $3,000,000 sitting under that tarp. (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125557.png) . @NASASpaceflight (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight) #spacex (https://twitter.com/hashtag/spacex?src=hash) #falconheavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/falconheavy?src=hash) #stp2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/stp2?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 17:08:34
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1144245319800184832)

GO Ms. Tree is waiting for the Ocean Globe to continue their move so they can properly dock for fairing offload. #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) has a Periscope and @TGMetsFan98 (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98) is photographing as well. #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 17:25:16
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67522.jpg)Thomas Burghardt‏ @TGMetsFan98 (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98) 11 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98/status/1144246661088198657)

Ms. Tree is approaching the SpaceX dock with what appears to be a single fairing half on board. High chance the other half was fished out by one of the support ships that are traveling with Of Course I Still Love You.


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185070.jpg) Trevor Mahlmann‏ @TrevorMahlmann (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann/status/1144247987058749441)

GO Ms. Tree arriving at @PortCanaveral (https://twitter.com/PortCanaveral) with the first fairing on its deck(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125484.png) Welcome to the era of reusable rocket fairings.
#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash)


3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TrevorMahlmann/status/1144249202194747392)

Here are some more shots from GO Ms. Tree arrival this morning, including a close up of the first caught fairing on its deck.
#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash)


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67522.jpg)Thomas Burghardt‏ @TGMetsFan98 (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/TGMetsFan98/status/1144248870349750272)

Ms. Tree is now docked. Working to get some higher res photos of Ms. Tree + Fairing, as well as SLS ML-1 rollout, as soon as I can!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 17:42:13
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 27.06.2019 16:57:58
Цитироватьopinion пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Маска и его инженеров - с очередным успехом! А Старому - вопрос: что там насчёт твоей "гипотенузы" "все ракеты всегда в первом пуске выводят максимальный полезный груз"?
Всё в порядке - пуск не первый.
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
Уже 3-й.
Тем более!
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Дмитрий В. от 27.06.2019 16:58:52
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
А где такой спутник взять, чтоб на максимальную грузоподъемность FH хотя бы на ГСО?
А вот, где хочет, пущай там и берёт. Но должён продемострировать! 8)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 27.06.2019 18:09:07
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
ЦитироватьAlex_II пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
А где такой спутник взять, чтоб на максимальную грузоподъемность FH хотя бы на ГСО?
А вот, где хочет, пущай там и берёт. Но должён продемострировать!  8)
Фалкон Хэви продемонстрировал, что может выводить нужные заказчикам спутники на нужные им орбиты. А Ангара продемонстрировала, что не может. При этом ФХ совершенно точно вывел не максимальную нагрузку. А насчет Ангары существуют большие сомнения, мягко говоря.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 27.06.2019 18:13:42
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Цитироватьopinion пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
ЦитироватьДмитрий В. пишет:
Маска и его инженеров - с очередным успехом! А Старому - вопрос: что там насчёт твоей "гипотенузы" "все ракеты всегда в первом пуске выводят максимальный полезный груз"?
Всё в порядке - пуск не первый.
Так ведь в том и дело - пуск уже 2-й, а максимальная грузоподъемность так и не продемонстрирована.
Уже 3-й.
Тем более!
А ещё через пять лет будет и ещё поболее. Каждый новый запуск ФХ наглядно доказывает, что А5 ничего никому не должна.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: vlad7308 от 27.06.2019 14:13:50
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Бриз давно все это умеет, причем значительно круче.
а сколько стоит Бриз?
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 27.06.2019 19:03:12
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185110.png)Star Fleet Tours‏ @StarFleetTours (https://twitter.com/StarFleetTours) 18 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/StarFleetTours/status/1144010124304011264)

Side boosters B1052.2 and B1053.2 stand proud at Landing Zone 1 & 2 after a successful mission. #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #FalconHeavy (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FalconHeavy?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Дмитрий З. от 28.06.2019 08:03:15
Цитироватьvlad7308 пишет:
ЦитироватьNot пишет:
Бриз давно все это умеет, причем значительно круче.
а сколько стоит Бриз?
С гос закупок на 2018 год:
"...Изготовление и поставка разгонного блока "Бриз-М" для запуска космических аппаратов «Экспресс-80» и «Экспресс-103» - 586 243 200.00 руб..."
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 01:25:10
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 26 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1144364100966854657)

With GO Ms. Tree safely back home it's time to look further out to sea... GO Quest and GO Navigator are due to arrive at around 7pm EDT tomorrow. Normally, GO Quest would escort OCISLY all the way home but with no booster, there is no need. OCISLY is ~3.5 days from home.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 02:06:46
Ещё три объекта добавлены в каталог НОРАД0 TBA - TO BE ASSIGNED
1 44359U 19036W   19178.41040457  .00027641  00000-0  40622-3 0  9992
2 44359  28.5204 187.1592 0393517 127.4018 343.8064 14.97824047   152

1 44360U 19036X   19178.41003392  .00007307  00000-0  10000-3 0  9995
2 44360  28.5297 187.1081 0395882 127.3273 343.6854 14.98034039   170

1 44361U 19036Y   19178.12360778  .00030181  00000-0  42717-3 0  9994
2 44361  28.5116 188.9901 0395886 124.5720 239.3883 14.98145217   153
Объекты W..Y (44359..44361 / 2019036W..Y) - 297 x 848 km x 28.5°
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 02:18:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185095.png)Maxar Technologies‏ @Maxar (https://twitter.com/Maxar) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Maxar/status/1144331933788364801)

In this #satellite (https://twitter.com/hashtag/satellite?src=hash) image from June 26th, you can see Falcon Heavy's two side boosters at @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX)'s Landing Zones 1 & 2 at Cape Canaveral from the June 25th STP-2 mission. https://www.spacex.com/webcast  (https://t.co/Z0k6rsoKit)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: ExDi от 28.06.2019 21:08:30
ЦитироватьGeorgea пишет:
Никак не могу понять, могла ли такую же работу сделать Фалькон 9 или нет.

С одной стороны, пишут, что обобщенные энергозатраты этой миссии примерно соответствуют орбите ГПО-1800, и тогда такую малую массу Фалькон 9 мог бы вывести даже с возвратом бустера.

С другой стороны - посадка центрального блока в этот раз была рекордно дальней, то есть блок первых ступеней выдал рекордную энергию, что говорит о невозможности замены на Ф9.

Непонято...  :|
м.б. NASA требовали от спейсиксов иметь запас топлива/импульса для резервной схемы вывода - например, при неотделении каких-либо нагрузок на первых двух орбитах
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 21:13:12
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1144629880895791105)

Ms. Tree's fairing half is now untarped
#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet)


43 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1144658371284557824)

The fairing half has now been lifted off go Ms. Tree. We can also now see it was the side with the american flag.
#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet)


23 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1144663235746045956)

The fairing half is now flipped over on the ground behind Ms. Tree
#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 28.06.2019 21:56:07
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69678.jpg)Jack Beyer‏ @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1144679940127952896)

Heres a close crop of the thermal protection on the tip of the fairing. The discoloration looks so cool.


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1144679744681721856)

Some different people, not high vis vests arrived and appear to be inspecting the fairing.
#STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash) #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.06.2019 08:48:19
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 44 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1144833716763680769)

Welcome back GO Navigator and GO Quest. There is definately a blue tarped fairing half (?) on the deck of Navigator. Considering this as practice for Searcher sneaking in under the cover of darkness. These settings while the ship is in motion is for the birds.
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.06.2019 17:35:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1144961433257619461)

GO Navigator and GO Quest back in port in daylight, with the other fairing half #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash) @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.06.2019 21:48:52
Из перечня #348 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1861739/#message1861739) пока идентифицированы два КА - DSX (ранее) и PSat-2 (сегодня)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 29.06.2019 22:30:41
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1145051103710580736)

Meanwhile, the first low orbit object from the STP-2 launch to be identified is ParkinsonSat-2 (PSAT-2) as 44357 2019-036U
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 00:35:37
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1145414397755580418)

The fairing half that was recovered from the water by GO Navigator does not appear to have enjoyed the swim.

This damage breaks a 2 mission streak-of-success in fishing fairing halves from the water without significant damage.
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1145408017166454787)

With the help of the wind I was able to get a shot of GO Navigator's fairing under the tarp and it appears to be damaged #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 05:58:41
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1145451682484146176)

A better shot of the damaged fairing on GO Navigator
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 14:33:04
OCISLY на входе в Порт Канаверал
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1145660893109338112)

Pretty sure that is tug Hollywood and #OCISLY (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OCISLY?src=hash) out there
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 14:43:41
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185035.png)SpaceXFleet Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) 24 сек. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1145658869835882497)

Harbour tugs Eagle and Florida have been dispatched to assist with berthing OCISLY.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 16:04:36
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1145677903738355712)

Nothing on board #OCISLY (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OCISLY?src=hash)
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #spacex (https://twitter.com/hashtag/spacex?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 16:12:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185122.jpg)Julia [SCLA]‏ @julia_bergeron (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron) 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1145680357896970242)

Welcome back OCISLY and Tug Hollywood. It was a rough attempt but it appears OCISLY is mostly fine. The only potential damage I see is to the thruster I assume took the larger impact.
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)


1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1145681562303963137)

This image shows how the azimuth thrusters normally are seen. It appeared the other may have needed some assistance or did not rotate into place.
#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #STP2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/STP2?src=hash)


1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/julia_bergeron/status/1145681577126576128)

Normally the garage would be up so Octagrabber can deploy. I caught a rare glimpse of the clover today. #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 16:25:36
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97364) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97365) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97366)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 17:22:48
(https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97367) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97368) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97369) (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/file/97370)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.07.2019 17:23:26
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67572.png)Kyle Montgomery‏ @fragmen52_ (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_) 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/fragmen52_/status/1145697138011250690)

#OCISLY (https://twitter.com/hashtag/OCISLY?src=hash) has finished docking\#SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Not от 02.07.2019 13:11:49
ЦитироватьWith the help of the wind I was able to get a shot of GO Navigator's fairing under the tarp and it appears to be damaged #SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceXFleet?src=hash) #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hash)
Вот тебе и здрасте! А Маск говорил - ноу проблемс, плааавает!  :D
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.07.2019 23:08:02
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • July 2, 2019

First Contact! LightSail 2 Phones Home to Mission Control

The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 spacecraft sprang loose from its Prox-1 carrier vehicle as planned today, and sent its first signals back to mission control at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California. 

The CubeSat, about the size of a loaf of bread, was scheduled to leave Prox-1 precisely 7 days after both spacecraft successfully flew to orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-has-launched.html). Following deployment from its spring-loaded enclosure known as a P-POD, LightSail 2 deployed its radio antenna and began transmitting health and status data, as well as a morse code beacon indicating its call sign. The mission team received LightSail 2's first signals on 2 July at 01:34 PDT (08:34 UTC), as the spacecraft passed over Cal Poly. 

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187221.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/misc/lightsail-2-morse-code-selfie.html)
Dave Spencer / The Planetary Society
Members of the LightSail 2 mission team can be seen in a reflection above a display showing the spacecraft's morse code beacon after it was first detected on 2 July 2019 at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187222.png) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/misc/lightsail-2-morse-code-beacon-1.html)
The Planetary Society
LightSail 2's morse code beacon as it was received on 2 July 2019. The beacon translates to the spacecraft's call sign, WM9XPA.

"The Georgia Tech Prox-1 spacecraft did its job perfectly, delivering LightSail 2 to the desired orbit for solar sailing," said LightSail 2 project manager Dave Spencer. "Receiving the initial radio signal from LightSail 2 is an important milestone, and the flight team is excited to begin mission operations."

"We're all very happy—after years of preparation, we are flying an operational spacecraft!" added Bruce Betts, LightSail program manager and Planetary Society chief scientist.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187220.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/misc/lightsail-2-first-contact.html)
Bruce Betts / The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 team members watch as the first signals from the spacecraft are received at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California on 2 July 2019.

More data collected during additional ground station passes today will be used to evaluate the health and status of the spacecraft. The next available opportunity for contact is 3 July at roughly 00:30 UTC (2 July at 20:30 EDT), when LightSail 2 flies over Georgia Tech.

The team will spend about a week checking out LightSail 2's systems, exercising the spacecraft's momentum wheel, and taking camera test images before and after deployment of the CubeSat's dual-sided solar panels. Following the successful completion of these tests, the team will deploy the 32-square-meter solar sail, about the size of a boxing ring. A time for the solar sail deployment attempt will be announced later.

The Planetary Society will soon release a dashboard that displays LightSail 2 health telemetry, shows the spacecraft's current position, and offers predictions for when it will pass over your location. LightSail 2 will not be visible to the naked eye until after sail deployment. For radio operators interested in listening to LightSail's signal, please see the See and Track section (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing#see-and-track) of sail.planetary.org (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/).

Once LightSail 2 deploys its solar sail, it will begin turning the sail into and away from the Sun's rays each orbit, giving the spacecraft a gentle push. The goal is to raise the spacecraft's orbit by a measurable amount over the course of a month. After that, the perigee, or low point, of LightSail 2's orbit is expected to drop too far into Earth's atmosphere for the thrust from solar sailing to overcome atmospheric drag. The spacecraft will remain in orbit about a year before entering the atmosphere and burning up.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.07.2019 23:28:18
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1146119825707679745)

The @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) LightSail-2 was ejected from GaTech's PROX-1 satellite at 0749 UTC Jul 2. Still no catalog number matched with PROX-1 and no TLEs so far for LightSail.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.07.2019 23:45:25
Обнаружены ещё два объекта запуска0 TBA - TO BE ASSIGNED
1 44375U 19036Z   19183.14337642  .00013270  00000-0  20713-3 0  9993
2 44375  28.5184 156.3961 0388497 178.0003 280.1033 14.97233711    18

1 44376U 19036AA  19182.27303058  .00401791  00000-0  61410-2 0  9998
2 44376  28.5106 161.9353 0370818 168.6851 318.7954 15.01330433    19
44375 / 2019-036Z : 305 x 846 km x 28.518°
44376 / 2019-036AA: 305 x 820 km x 28.511°
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.07.2019 01:08:15
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 12 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1146175686975074304)

Two more objects cataloged from the STP-2 launch (44375 and 44376) but neither of them is Lightsail, since they are both in the 305 x 830 km orbit
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.07.2019 04:50:00
Опознан 3-й объект запуска

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 03.07.2019 23:58:22
По состоянию на 20:50 UTC 03.07.2019 идентифицированы 5 объектов запуска

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.07.2019 02:25:06
ЦитироватьSpaceX: Incredible video of fairing re-entry / STP-2 Mission Falcon Heavy

Space Videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCakgsb0w7QB0VHdnCc-OVEA)

Опубликовано: 3 июл. 2019 г.

This was the view from the fairing from the recent Falcon Heavy STP-2 mission. As the fairing returns to Earth, friction heats up particles in the atmosphere causing them to appear bright blue in the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ6Vw7LPrAIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ6Vw7LPrAI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ6Vw7LPrAI) ( 0:55)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.07.2019 05:42:13
Идентифицирован шестой объект запуска - 44339 / 2019-036A
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 06.07.2019 20:08:59
В каталог НОРАД внесён ещё один объект запуска

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.07.2019 07:43:23
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • July 7, 2019
Here are the First Pictures of Earth from LightSail 2

The first pictures from The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 mission are on the ground!

Flight controllers successfully deployed the CubeSat's dual-sided solar panels Friday evening, as it flew south of mission control at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California. Pictures taken moments later from the spacecraft's solar panel-mounted cameras show a crescent Earth, as LightSail 2 heads into orbital sunset.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187209.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-sees-earth.html)
The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 captured this picture of Earth's limb on 6 July 2019 at 04:41 UTC from a camera mounted on its dual-sided solar panels. The spacecraft was headed into orbital sunset at the time, and the Sun is visible to the right. The picture is unmodified and shows a number of lens flare artifacts caused by sunlight scattering around the camera optics. The spacecraft's dual fisheye cameras have fields of view of about 180 degrees, causing the arcs in the corners and some distortion.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187210.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-sees-earth-spectraline.html)
The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 captured this picture of Earth's limb on 6 July 2019 at 04:42 UTC from a camera mounted on its dual-sided solar panels. The spacecraft was headed into orbital sunset at the time, and the Sun is just out of frame on the right side. The picture is unmodified and shows a number of lens flare artifacts caused by sunlight scattering around the camera optics. The spacecraft's dual fisheye cameras have fields of view of about 180 degrees, causing the arcs in the corners and some distortion. The objects in the foreground are believed to be pieces of spectraline, a fishing line-like material used to hold the panels closed prior to deployment.

The spacecraft remains healthy since deploying from its Prox-1 carrier vehicle 5 days ago on 2 July (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/first-contact-lightsail-2.html). Team members are continuing to prepare the spacecraft for sail deployment, which is expected to occur no earlier than Monday, 8 July during a series of ground station passes between 15:00 and 22:30 PDT (22:00 July 8 to 05:30 July 9 UTC). A decision on whether to proceed with sail deployment Monday will not be made until after spacecraft operations Sunday night.

In addition to deploying LightSail 2's solar panels and downloading imagery, the team successfully activated the spacecraft's momentum wheel, completing crucial tests to ensure it was ready to swing the spacecraft into and out of the Sun's rays each orbit when solar sailing.

The team also captured imagery from LightSail 2's cameras prior to solar panel deployment that show the inside of the spacecraft, but opted not to downlink high-resolution versions. The U.S. Air Force has not yet issued position data for LightSail 2, meaning ground-based antennas must currently be aimed at Prox-1 and then adjusted based on Doppler shifts in LightSail 2's signal. This lack of precision position information increases the time required for large file transfers with the spacecraft. We expect the Air Force to issue LightSail 2 position data as soon as Monday.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187211.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-interior-pictures.html)
The Planetary Society
These low-resolution images show the inside of LightSail 2 prior to solar panel deployment, as seen by the spacecraft's 2 solar panel-mounted cameras. The images have been enlarged 3 times their original sizes. The top 2 and bottom 2 images are the same view from the same camera, under slightly different lighting conditions.

Most of the tasks required to proceed with solar sail deployment are complete. The most significant step left is testing the spacecraft's attitude control system. When solar sailing, LightSail 2's attitude control system orients the spacecraft based on readings from magnetometers and Sun sensors, combined with ground-uploaded position data.

During orbital testing, LightSail 2's magnetometers provided readings that were inconsistent with each other. The team is reviewing ground test data to better understand the situation and develop corrective actions. They are also working to refine the operation of the spacecraft's electromagnetic torque rods, which are used to change the spacecraft orientation. The torque rods are commanded by LightSail 2's attitude control system algorithm, and mission operators have detected sluggish performance. A solution has been developed that will be tested later today.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 09.07.2019 01:47:27
Обнаружен ещё один объект запуска0 TBA - TO BE ASSIGNED
1 44420U 19036AC  19189.19929602  .00000238  00000-0  66072-5 0  9998
2 44420  24.0039 123.5944 0010951 339.2037 161.8097 14.52524232    18
44420 / 2019-036AC : 710 x 725 km x 24.0°
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.07.2019 18:53:40
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg)Planetary Society‏Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1148686123331280896)

Enjoy this new image of our home in the meantime! #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) captured this on 7 July 2019 at 23:32 UTC. Lens flares are visible in the bottom left and upper right. To the left of Earth, a piece of spectraline that was used to hold the spacecraft's solar panels closed is visible.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.07.2019 18:54:16
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • July 9, 2019
LightSail 2 Team to Conduct More Testing before Sail Deployment

The LightSail 2 mission team has delayed deployment of the spacecraft's solar sail until at least 21 July 2019 to conduct additional attitude control system testing and potentially update the spacecraft's flight software. LightSail 2 remains stable and healthy in orbit, and returned another picture to mission control at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187182.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/earth/earth-from-lightsail-2-lit.html)
The Planetary Society / Processed by Seán Doran
This image of Earth was captured by LightSail 2 on 7 July 2019 at 23:32 UTC. Lens flares are visible in the bottom left and upper right. To the left of Earth, a piece of spectraline that was used to hold the spacecraft's solar panels closed is visible.

Communications with the spacecraft have improved thanks to new tracking information provided by the U.S. Air Force. During ground passes Monday, the mission team worked to refine (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-first-pics.html) the operation of the spacecraft's electromagnetic torque rods, which turn the spacecraft around each of its three axes, and investigated a difference in readings from two magnetometers.

During additional tests, flight controllers saw unexpected results from the spacecraft's attitude control system, which is essential for orienting LightSail 2 during solar sailing. The team will spend the next several days comparing in-flight sensor readings with ground test data, reviewing the spacecraft's attitude control system algorithm, and potentially updating the flight software.

"We want to take some of the time pressure off the team and make sure that they can methodically address the problems that have been uncovered," said LightSail 2 mission manager Dave Spencer. "Accurate attitude control is critical for the success of the mission, and we are going to take the time to get it right and verify proper functionality before deploying the sail."

With its solar sail stowed, LightSail 2 will remain stable in its current orbit. Once the sail is out, increased atmospheric drag will lim it to about 1 month the time the spacecraft can raise its orbit. Therefore it is critical that the attitude control system is working as expected prior to sail deployment.

"The spacecraft is healthy and we have every expectation that we'll be able to resolve this issue," said LightSail program manager and Planetary Society chief scientist Bruce Betts. "Our members and backers have waited a long time to see this project come to fruition, and we want to make sure we maximize our chances for success."

The spacecraft continues to communicate with all four of its ground stations at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Georgia Tech, Purdue University, and Kauai Community College. To see live data from the spacecraft, visit our LightSail 2 mission control page (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/lightsail-mission-control.html).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.07.2019 19:00:37
С 13-ю определились
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.07.2019 21:26:41
К #431 (http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum12/topic16384/message1864487/#message1864487)

Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 9 июл. (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1148409637944922112)

Looks like LightSail-2 may finally have TLEs: new object 44420, 2019-036AC, in a 710 x 725 km x 24.0 deg orbit about 400 km away from PROX-1, seems likely to be LightSail-2.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.07.2019 20:25:54
Опознан 14-й объект запуска

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 14.07.2019 12:21:16
данные - на основе информации Гюнтера (http://nk2018.0bb.ru/click.php?http://qps.ru/vMiYq)
Капсула с прахом находится на OTB-1

Похоже FalconSat-7 и DOTSI – это одно и то же.
PSat 2 и BRICSat 2 отделились от ступени вместе. Первый опознан почти сразу, второй – ещё нет, хотя они рядом и размер одинаков. Может всё ещё летают вместе?
Prometheus 2.6 - по идее, их должна быть пара: 2*1,5U
Странно, что до сих пор не определили GPIM, этот объект не маленький (~ 180 kg), и должен начать маневрировать. (Lifetime: 81days)
Везде пишется про 24 спутника. В это число не входит Oculus-ASR Sphere1, а если Prometheus-ов всё же пара, то StangSat, отделившийся от CP 9 (LEO), вместе с последним можно считать за один. Тогда после разделений всего будет 26 спутников.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 14.07.2019 12:23:44
анализ текущих данных по NORAD. ссылки (http://nk2018.0bb.ru/click.php?https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=44339)
высота орбиты - от центра Земли.
(данные на 14июля2019)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 14.07.2019 12:24:24
на 14июля 2019:
орбита 732 x 714 km 24.0º Prox-1, LightSail-2, NPSat-1, OTB (+Celestis16), FormoSat-7 (6шт).
ждём GPIM, FalconSat-7 [объект D и еще один?]
орбита 847 x 311 km 28.5º Oculus-ASR, Oculus-ASR Sphere1, PSAT-2, Prometheus 2-6.
ждём Armadillo, BRICSat 2, CP9 (LEO), StangSat, TEPCE-1 и 2, E-TBEx A и B. [объекты H,J,K,P,R,S,W,X,Y,Z]
орбита 12000 x 6000 km 42.2º DSX, 2я ступень FH
https://www.n2yo.com/browse/?y=2019&m=06 (http://nk2018.0bb.ru/click.php?https://www.n2yo.com/browse/?y=2019&m=06)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: mind22 от 14.07.2019 14:04:51
ЦитироватьPirat5 написал:
  на 14июня 2019:
Июль на дворе уже.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 14.07.2019 16:55:47
Цитироватьmind22 написал:
Июль на дворе уже.
да, конечно 14июля, поправил
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.07.2019 04:05:57
Идентифицирован 15-й объект запуска (2019-036P)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.07.2019 08:27:28
http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/ls2-sail-deploy-scheduled.html (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/ls2-sail-deploy-scheduled.html)
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • July 19, 2019

LightSail 2 Sail Deployment Scheduled for Tuesday

The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 spacecraft is almost ready to go solar sailing.

Mission officials today cleared the spacecraft for a possible sail deployment attempt on Tuesday, 23 July 2019, during a ground station pass that starts at roughly 11:22 PDT (18:22 UTC). A backup pass is available the following orbit starting at 13:07 PDT (20:07 UTC). These times may change slightly as new orbit predictions become available.

Live sail deployment coverage will be available at planetary.org/live (http://planetary.org/live). A video and audio stream from mission control, located at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California, will be available during ground station passes. Rolling updates will also be posted on the page for context.

On 17 July, flight controllers placed LightSail 2's attitude control system into solar sailing mode for a second time, allowing it to track the Sun and make two 90-degree turns into and away from the solar photons. When the solar sail has been deployed, these turns will raise one side of the spacecraft's orbit.

An initial review of data from the test showed LightSail 2 performed as expected. A more thorough review is scheduled for Saturday, and on Sunday, the spacecraft will be placed in solar sailing mode a third time as a final verification that it is ready for sail deployment.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187212.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/earth/pacific-ocean-mexico-from-lightsail-2.html)
The Planetary Society
This image of Earth, which shows the Pacific Ocean with Baja California and Mexico on the right, was captured by LightSail 2 on 18 July 2019 at 21:45 UTC while the spacecraft was in range of its ground station at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California. Though LightSail 2's altitude is only 720 kilometers, its 185-degree, wide-angle camera lenses allow it to capture horizon-to-horizon Earth imagery.

Even at an altitude of 720 kilometers, the spacecraft's boxing ring-sized solar sail creates atmospheric drag, which limits the time LightSail 2 can raise its orbit to about 1 month. As one side of its orbit raises, the other side will dip lower into the atmosphere until drag overcomes the force from solar sailing. Therefore it is essential that the spacecraft's attitude control system is functioning as expected prior to sail deployment.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.07.2019 20:34:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185974.jpg) Jason Davis‏ Подлинная учетная запись @jasonrdavis (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis/status/1153693010036580352)
The #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) team is on console this morning at the Cal Poly CubeSat lab. Live coverage begins at 11:20 PDT, sail deployment pass begins at 11:40 PDT. Watch: http://planetary.org/live  (https://t.co/cnYDtKBmiQ)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.07.2019 20:48:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185974.jpg) Jason Davis ‏Подлинная учетная запись @jasonrdavis (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis) 18 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis/status/1153718753831477248)
#LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) ground pass 1 complete. All critical pre-sail deployment tasks successful, including TLE upload. Spacecraft is currently go for solar sail deployment during the next pass, which begins at about 11:40 PDT (18:40 PDT).

18:40 UTC (21:40 ДМВ)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.07.2019 21:54:28
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153735113135362048)
Sail deployment is a manual, two-step procedure initiated by the ground systems team. First, the team must "arm" the sail for deployment, and then send the command to deploy the sail. If all goes well, telemetry should show motor counts increasing.

14 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153736261611339776)
In the frame now, from left to right: Barbara Plante, Boreal Space; Alex Diaz, Ecliptic Enterprises Corporation; Stephanie Wong (and daughter), Ecliptic; Justin Foley, NASA JPL; John Bellardo, Cal Poly; Dave Spencer, Purdue; Bruce Betts, TPS; Jennifer Vaughn, TPS

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.07.2019 21:58:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 13 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153736763929550848)
AOS. Cal Poly is receiving signals from #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash).

10 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153737388088160256)
Solar sail successfully armed for deployment.

9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153737847058259968)
Sail deployment command now being sent by John Bellardo of Cal Poly.

7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153738315050340352)
MOTOR ON. Telemetry shows #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash)'s sail deployment motor is active.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.07.2019 22:00:48
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 6 мин.6 минут назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153739697383849984)
DEPLOYMENT COMPLETE! Telemetry shows motor has reached target count!


4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153740337593999360)
All indications are that #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) has deployed its solar sail as planned. We will now confirm deployment was successful by downloading imagery.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2019 00:18:16
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153771166357581824)
#LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) pass 3 is complete. The spacecraft was successfully commanded into solar sailing mode, and the momentum wheel spun up as expected! The team was not able to get image thumbnails down. They will try during today's final pass starting at 15:11 PDT.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2019 03:15:45
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153804624492523527)
The fourth and final #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) ground station pass of the day is complete. The spacecraft spent 1 orbit in solar sailing mode, and all of its major systems were reporting nominally.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2019 03:18:21
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153804625448857601)
A preliminary look at attitude control system data showed the solar sail was angled to within 30 degrees of its expected orientation—a promising early sign the spacecraft is tracking the Sun properly. Only the Cal Poly ground station was in range during this pass.

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153804626283515905)
LightSail 2 did not rise far above the horizon, and communications performance with the spacecraft was lower than previous passes, possibly due to the orientation of the spacecraft during the pass and the presence of the newly deployed solar sail.

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1153804627059433472)
The team was not able to download image thumbnails and will try again tomorrow. Our website is still having problems; thanks so much for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2019 20:43:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society ‏Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 34 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1154075590355349504)
Great news, everyone: We downloaded partial imagery from #LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) this morning, and  confirmed the solar sails are fully deployed! We'll be completing image downlink next, and will issue a full story that includes the pics (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125427.png)(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/125337.png)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2019 21:47:37
Идентифицирован 16-й объект запуска

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.07.2019 23:01:51
http://planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/ls2-deploys-sail.html (http://planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/ls2-deploys-sail.html)
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • July 24, 2019

LightSail 2 Successfully Deploys Solar Sail

The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 spacecraft has successfully deployed the large, aluminized Mylar sail it will use to raise its orbit solely with sunlight.

Flight controllers at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California commanded the spacecraft to deploy its solar sails yesterday at about 11:47 PDT (18:47 UTC). Images captured during the deployment sequence and downloaded today show the 32-square-meter sail, which is about the size of a boxing ring, deploying as the spacecraft flew south of the continental United States.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187183.png) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/earth/lightsail-2-with-sail.html)
The Planetary Society
This image was taken during the LightSail 2 sail deployment sequence on 23 July 2019 at 11:48 PDT (18:48 UTC). Baja California and Mexico are visible in the background. LightSail 2's dual 185-degree fisheye camera lenses can each capture more than half of the sail. This image has been de-distorted and color corrected.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187198.gif) (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/images/lightsail-2-sail-deployment-ver2-t.html)
The Planetary Society
View of the deployment of half of LightSail 2's square sail from Camera 1, which happened on 23 July 2019 at 18:47 UTC. The animation runs at about 100 times actual speed.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187199.gif) (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/images/lightsail-2-sail-deployment-cam2-ver2-t.html)
The Planetary Society
View of the deployment of half of LightSail 2's square sail from Camera 2, which happened on 23 July 2019 at 18:47 UTC. The animation runs at about 100 times actual speed.
ЦитироватьNew feature: Download all raw imagery from LightSail 2 here (https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/data/ls2/all.html)!
Sail deployment marks a major milestone for the LightSail 2 mission, which aims to demonstrate solar sailing as a viable method of propulsion for CubeSats—small, standardized satellites that have lowered the cost of space exploration.

"Yesterday, we successfully set sail on beams of sunlight," said Bill Nye, CEO of The Planetary Society. "Thanks to our team and our tens of thousands of supporters around the world, the dream started by The Planetary Society's founders more than 4 decades ago has taken flight."

Bruce Betts, Planetary Society chief scientist and LightSail program manager, added, "We're ecstatic! The mission team has worked for years to get to this moment when we can start solar sailing."


Following the start of sail deployment on 23 July, telemetry from LightSail 2 showed the spacecraft's small motor was rotating properly, extending four, 4-meter cobalt-alloy booms from their central spindle. The booms unwind like carpenter's tape measures and are attached to 4 triangular sail sections that together form the square solar sail.

Though the motor activity itself was a good indicator of success, confirmation that the sails deployed successfully was only possible via imagery from LightSail 2's dual cameras. The cameras have 185-degree fields of view, and together can image the entire sail from the main LightSail bus, which is about the size of a loaf of bread.

"The successful deployment of the solar sail and the onset of sail control completes our critical post-launch phase," said LightSail 2 project manager David Spencer. "Now we are prepared for the solar sail's mission, to track how the orbit changes and evaluate solar sailing performance."

The deployment milestone comes 4 weeks after LightSail 2 launched (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-has-launched.html) from Kennedy Space Center, Florida aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, and 3 weeks after the Georgia Tech student-built Prox-1 spacecraft deployed (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/first-contact-lightsail-2.html) LightSail 2 into orbit. The mission team spent a week checking out the spacecraft's systems before rescheduling sail deployment to allow extra time for testing and tuning the attitude control system.

Preliminary data shows LightSail 2 is already turning its solar sail broadside to the Sun once per orbit, giving the spacecraft a gentle push no stronger than the weight of a paperclip. Solar photons have no mass, but they have momentum, and as they reflect off the solar sail, some of that momentum is transferred and creates thrust. While this thrust is slight, it is continuous and over time will raise LightSail 2's orbit.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187208.gif) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-orbit-raising.html)
Josh Spradling / The Planetary Society
This animation shows how LightSail 2 raises its orbit by making two 90-degree turns each orbit. As the spacecraft approaches the Sun, it turns the sail edge-on to avoid getting pushed by solar photons. As it moves away from the Sun, it turns perpendicular to incoming sunlight, giving it a push that gradually raises its orbit.

The orbit-raising portion of the mission will last about 1 month. LightSail 2 does not have the capability to circularize its orbit—as one side of the spacecraft's orbit raises due to solar sailing, the other side will dip lower into Earth's atmosphere, until atmospheric drag overcomes the slight force from solar sailing. LightSail 2 is expected to reenter the atmosphere in roughly 1 year.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: CharlesGraix CharlesGraixMF от 30.07.2019 18:41:11
кафе в бибирево в Москве цены (https://restaurant-cafe.ru/)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.07.2019 19:53:49
Идентифицированы ещё два объекта запуска - GPIM (44342) и CP-9 LEO (44360)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.07.2019 23:31:11
https://spacenews.com/air-force-experimental-satellite-billed-as-the-largest-unmanned-structure-in-space/ (https://spacenews.com/air-force-experimental-satellite-billed-as-the-largest-unmanned-structure-in-space/)
ЦитироватьAir Force experimental satellite billed as the 'largest unmanned structure in space'
by Sandra Erwin (https://spacenews.com/author/sandra-erwin/) — July 24, 2019

The Air Force Research Laboratory's Demonstration and Science Experiments, or DSX, spacecraft in the final preparation stages before shipment to Cape Canaveral, Fla. for launch on a Space X Falcon Heavy rocket. Credit: Air Force

The DSX satellite will collect data that will be used to study the radiation environment in space.

WASHINGTON — An Air Force satellite spanning nearly the length of a football field was successfully deployed on July 12, the Air Force Research Laboratory announced on Wednesday.

AFRL's demonstration and science experiments, or DSX, will collect data that will be used to study the radiation environment in space. DSX was the largest of the 24 satellites that a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched on June 25 (https://spacenews.com/falcon-heavy-launches-stp-2-mission/) fr om Cape Canaveral, Florida. The vehicle delivered 24 satellites into four different orbits.

DSX was designed and built at AFRL's Space Vehicles Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico.

Col. Eric Felt, director of the space vehicles directorate, said the satellite is conducting new research to "advance understanding of the Van Allen radiation belts and their effect on spacecraft components." In a news release, Felt said DSX will conduct on-orbit experiments for at least a year.

"The Air Force is interested in operating satellites in the region where DSX is collecting data," said James McCollough, DSX principal investigator. This experiment will help study the environment, he explained. "This is a region where Very Low Frequency radio waves strongly interact with electrons that are hazardous to spacecraft." DSX can actively transmit VLF signals to study their influence on the electron population, he said. "This will allow a more thorough understanding of a key process governing the radiation environment."

Lt. Col. James Caldwell, DSX mission director, said the satellite is currently in "launch and early operations" wh ere an operations team works with scientists and engineers to perform checkouts on various satellite components, deploy the antenna booms and prepare for data collection within the Van Allen radiation belts.

On July 12, the longer pair of the 80-meter antenna booms (about 262 feet) was successfully deployed as the largest unmanned structure ever in space, said Jeffrey Christmas, DSX program manager. He explained that the long antenna allows DSX to transmit the VLF radio waves that will be used in  experiments.

Felt said AFRL plans to share the results of the research with the public, through its website and social media platforms.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.07.2019 23:35:27
http://4pda.ru/2019/07/28/359635/ (http://4pda.ru/2019/07/28/359635/)
ЦитироватьАмериканцы вывели на орбиту крупнейший в мире спутник
28.07.19 | joker.sib (http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showuser=2484702)

Ежегодно с Земли запускаются в космос десятки спутников различных типов. Несмотря на разную начинку, это в большинстве случаев компактные устройства, плотно «упакованные» в ракету-носитель. Но даже в космической отрасли случаются исключения из правил: пресс-служба военно-воздушных сил США объявила о запуске на орбиту самого большого в истории объекта, созданного человеком.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/124800.jpg) (http://s.4pda.to/yegh2hJqqUmO0XGeOvAYhNQynZEz2.jpg)

Ключевым отличием спутника ВВС США под названием DSX от большинства аналогов стали его размеры: при развёртывании на земле площадь его поверхности заняла бы целое футбольное поле. Аппарат с 82-метровыми антеннами предназначен для изучения радиационной обстановки в космосе и её влияния на компоненты космических кораблей. DSX стал самым большим из 24 спутников, выведенных на орбиту с помощью ракеты Falcon Heavy компании SpaceX.
Цитировать«Военно-воздушные силы заинтересованы в использовании спутников в регионе, где DSX собирает данные. Радиоволны очень низкой частоты сильно взаимодействуют с электронами, опасными для космического корабля. Работа DSX поможет более глубоко понять ключевой процесс, регулирующий радиационную среду: длинная антенна позволяет аппарату передавать радиоволны VLF, которые будут использоваться в экспериментах», — отметил главный исследователь проекта Джеймс МакКоллоу.
По словам директора лаборатории ВВС США Эрика Фельта, миссия спутника DSX продлится около года, после чего планируется обнародовать результаты исследования через веб-сайт ведомства и социальные сети.

Источник: spacenews.com (http://4pda.ru/pages/go/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fspacenews.com%2Fair-force-experimental-satellite-billed-as-the-largest-unmanned-structure-in-space%2F&f=http%3A%2F%2F4pda.ru%2F2019%2F07%2F28%2F359635%2F)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.07.2019 23:08:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/186147.jpg) Planetary Society‏ Подлинная учетная запись @exploreplanets (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets) 60 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/exploreplanets/status/1156642188664532992)

We just raised our orbit around Earth using sunlight alone, something that's never been done before.

#LightSail2 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightSail2?src=hash) is now the highest performing solar sail to date and it's 100% crowdfunded by our members and backers!

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.08.2019 00:40:59
http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-successful-flight-by-light.html (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/lightsail-2-successful-flight-by-light.html)
ЦитироватьJason Davis (http://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • July 31, 2019
LightSail 2 Spacecraft Successfully Demonstrates Flight by Light

Years of computer simulations. Countless ground tests. They've all led up to now. The Planetary Society's crowdfunded LightSail 2 spacecraft is successfully raising its orbit solely on the power of sunlight.

Since unfurling the spacecraft's silver solar sail last week (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/ls2-deploys-sail.html), mission managers have been optimizing the way the spacecraft orients itself during solar sailing. After a few tweaks, LightSail 2 began raising its orbit around the Earth. In the past 4 days, the spacecraft has raised its orbital high point, or apogee, by about 2 kilometers. The perigee, or low point of its orbit, has dropped by a similar amount, which is consistent with pre-flight expectations for the effects of atmospheric drag on the spacecraft. The mission team has confirmed the apogee increase can only be attributed to solar sailing, meaning LightSail 2 has successfully completed its primary goal of demonstrating flight by light for CubeSats.

"We're thrilled to announce mission success for LightSail 2," said LightSail program manager and Planetary Society chief scientist Bruce Betts. "Our criteria was to demonstrate controlled solar sailing in a CubeSat by changing the spacecraft's orbit using only the light pressure of the Sun, something that's never been done before. I'm enormously proud of this team. It's been a long road and we did it."

The milestone makes LightSail 2 the first spacecraft to use solar sailing for propulsion in Earth orbit, the first small spacecraft to demonstrate solar sailing, and just the second-ever solar sail spacecraft to successfully fly, following Japan's IKAROS, which launched in 2010. LightSail 2 is also the first crowdfunded spacecraft to successfully demonstrate a new form of propulsion.

"For The Planetary Society, this moment has been decades in the making," said Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye. "Carl Sagan talked about solar sailing when I was in his class in 1977. But the idea goes back at least to 1607, when Johannes Kepler noticed (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/story-of-lightsail-part-1.html)that comet tails must be created by energy fr om the Sun. The LightSail 2 mission is a game-changer for spaceflight and advancing space exploration."

On Monday, LightSail 2 sent home a new full-resolution image captured by its camera during solar sail deployment. The perspective is opposite to last week's full-resolution image (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/earth/lightsail-2-with-sail.html) and shows the sail more fully deployed. LightSail 2's aluminized Mylar sail shines against the blackness of space, with the Sun peeking through near a sail boom.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187214.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/lightsail-2-during-sail.html)
The Planetary Society
This image was taken during the LightSail 2 sail deployment sequence on 23 July 2019 at 11:49 PDT (18:49 UTC). The sail is almost fully deployed here and appears warped near the edges due to the spacecraft's 185-degree fisheye camera lens. The image has been color corrected and some of the distortion has been removed. The Sun is visible at center, and pieces of spectraline, which were used to hold LightSail 2's solar panels closed, can be seen at 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock.

The mission team will continue raising LightSail 2's orbit for roughly a month, until the perigee decreases to the point where atmospheric drag overcomes the thrust fr om solar sailing. During the orbit-raising period, the team will continue optimizing the performance of the solar sail.

"We've been working since sail deployment to refine the way the spacecraft tracks the Sun," said LightSail 2 project manager Dave Spencer. "The team has done a great job getting us to the point wh ere we can declare mission success. Moving ahead, we're going to continue working to tune the sail control performance and see how much we can raise apogee over time."

One such refinement involves LightSail 2's single momentum wheel, which rotates the spacecraft broadside and then edge-on to the Sun each orbit to turn the thrust from solar sailing on and off. Momentum wheels can "saturate," hitting predefined speed limits, after which they are no longer effective at rotating the spacecraft. Most spacecraft use chemical thrusters to desaturate momentum wheels; LightSail 2 relies on electromagnetic torque rods, which orient the spacecraft by pushing against Earth's magnetic field.

LightSail 2's momentum wheel currently reaches its saturation lim it a couple of times per day, and desaturating the wheel temporarily takes the spacecraft out of its proper orientation for solar sailing. The mission team already applied a software update that increased the time between saturation events, and is also working to automate the desaturation process. Both refinements should result in improved solar sailing performance.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187193.png) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/charts/lightsail-2-orbit-apogee-perigee.html)
The Planetary Society
This chart shows LightSail 2's orbit apogee and perigee since launch. From 26 July to 30 July, the spacecraft raised its orbital high point, or apogee, by about 2 kilometers. A PDF version (https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/images/charts-diagrams/2019/20190731_apogee-graph-copy.pdf) of this chart is available.

After LightSail 2's month-long orbit raising phase, the spacecraft will begin to deorbit, eventually reentering the atmosphere in roughly a year. The aluminized Mylar sail, about the size of a boxing ring, may currently be visible for some observers at dusk and dawn. The Planetary Society's mission control dashboard shows (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/lightsail-mission-control.html) upcoming passes based on user location, and includes a link to a page that highlights passes (https://www.n2yo.com/passes/%3Fs%3D44420) when the sail is more likely to be visible.

Roughly 50,000 Planetary Society members and private citizens from more than 100 countries, as well as foundations and corporate partners, donated to the LightSail 2 mission, which cost $7 million from 2009 through March 2019.

"LightSail 2 proves the power of public support," said Planetary Society COO Jennifer Vaughn. "This moment could mark a paradigm shift that opens up space exploration to more players. It amazes me that 50,000 people came together to fly a solar sail. Imagine if that number became 500,000 or 5 million. It's a thrilling concept."

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187213.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/earth/lightsail-2-sail-deployment-thumbs-c1.html)
The Planetary Society
These images show the progression of LightSail 2's solar sail deployment sequence, which began on 23 July 2019 at 18:47 UTC. They are all thumbnail images from Camera 1 with an original resolution of 120 by 90 pixels and have been de-distorted and color-corrected. The first 13 frames were taken at intervals of 10 seconds; the remaining ones at intervals of 30 seconds.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187215.jpg) (http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/earth/lightsail-2-sail-deployment-thumbs-c2.html)
The Planetary Society
These images show the progression of LightSail 2's solar sail deployment sequence, which began on 23 July 2019 at 18:47 UTC. They are all thumbnail images from Camera 2 with an original resolution of 120 by 90 pixels and have been de-distorted and color-corrected. The first 13 frames were taken at intervals of 10 seconds; the remaining ones at intervals of 30 seconds.

The Planetary Society shares LightSail program data with other organizations so that solar sail technology can be applied (https://twitter.com/Dr_ThomasZ/status/1154158037994790913) to future space exploration missions. The Society presented initial LightSail 2 results this week at the 5th International Symposium on Solar Sailing (https://www.isss2019.org/) in Aachen, Germany. Results are also being shared with NASA's NEA Scout mission, which is launching a solar sail-powered CubeSat to visit a near-Earth asteroid as early as next year.

LightSail 2 is one of several Planetary Society science and technology projects (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/) that aim to advance space science and exploration. Earlier this month, NASA chose PlanetVac, a Society-funded technology built by Honeybee Robotics that simplifies the process of collecting samples from other worlds, to fly to the Moon (http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/planetvac-clps-selection.html) as part of the agency's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

The LightSail program began in 2009 under the direction of Planetary Society co-founder Louis Friedman, following the launch of Cosmos 1 (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/story-of-lightsail-part-2.html), the world's first solar sail that did not reach orbit. Friedman and Society co-founders Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray championed the idea of solar sailing more than 4 decades ago with a proposed solar sail mission to Halley's Comet (http://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/story-of-lightsail-part-1.html).
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.08.2019 00:46:24
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell‏ Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1156655150691471362)
I am not seeng the claimed orbit raising in the data.  I see the normal orbit decay, but an increase in eccentricity presumably caused by the sail - so yes apogee is going up, but perigee is going down even faster.

2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1156656955508891648)
Here is Lightsail-2 average height vs time. Sail deploy was day 204.


2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1156657083670048768)
Here is eccentricity


2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1156657342991257608)
Apogee and perigee


(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/185974.jpg) Jason Davis‏ Подлинная учетная запись @jasonrdavis (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis) 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jasonrdavis/status/1156659653817716736)

В ответ @b0yle (https://twitter.com/b0yle) @ChrisDMarshall (https://twitter.com/ChrisDMarshall) и еще 3
Yes that's correct. For simplicity the plan was never to circularize the orbit, only to raise apogee by thrusting on one side of the orbit, which also drops perigee.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.08.2019 13:17:35
LightSail 2

https://ria.ru/20190801/1557074530.html (https://ria.ru/20190801/1557074530.html)
ЦитироватьКосмический парусник LightSail успешно поднял орбиту при помощи света

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/132824.jpg) (https://cdn23.img.ria.ru/images/155707/30/1557073089_0:0:3003:2048_1440x900_80_0_1_e70efd38d48b45542f14806eabac26fe.jpg)
© Planetary Society

МОСКВА, 1 авг – РИА Новости. Микроспутник LightSail 2 успешно использовал свои паруса для того, чтобы поднять орбиту на два километра, что продемонстрировало работоспособность этой технологии. Об этом сообщает сайт Планетологического сообщества.
Цитировать"Нас радует то, что миссия LightSail 2 завершилась полным успехом. Мы показали, что можем управлять положением зонда на орбите, используя лишь давление света Солнца. Это никому раньше не удалось продемонстрировать, и я очень горд тем, что наша команда справилась с этой задачей", — заявил Брюс Беттс (Bruce Betts), ведущий научный сотрудник Планетологического сообщества.
Микроспутник Lightsail-2 — уже третий прототип космического "парусника", идеологическим и технический наследник аппаратов Lightsail-1 и "Космос-1". Последний аппарат был первым зондом такого типа, который американские энтузиасты освоения космоса пытались запустить в 2005 году вместе с Российской академией наук и шведской компанией Cosmos Studios.
Запуск предшественника этого зонда, закончился не совсем удачно. Он был успешно выведен на орбиту в мае 2015 года, однако через два дня его компьютер пережил непонятный сбой, лишивший зонд связи с Землей на протяжении последующей недели. После того, как аппарат раскрыл солнечные батареи, он еще раз перестал откликаться на сигналы из ЦУП, что создатели зонда связали с наличием проблем в работе аккумуляторов Lightsail-1.

Позже связь была еще раз восстановлена и аппарат смог развернуть паруса. После этой процедуры он снизил орбиту, вошел в атмосферу и сгорел. Руководство Планетологического сообщества признало этот запуск успешным и начало готовиться к отправке второго зонда на орбиту.

Первый зонд, как отмечают его создатели, не мог использовать свои паруса для набора скорости, так как он находился на слишком небольшой высоте, где этому мешало притяжение Земли, ее атмосфера и масса других факторов.
По этой причине его "наследник" был запущен на высоту в 700 километров от поверхности планеты, где его пятиметровый квадратный парус может выработать достаточно тяги для того, чтобы не только удерживать себя от падения на Землю, но и "сбежать" от ее гравитации.

Помимо новых батарей и компьютера, защищенного от сбоев, LightSail-2 включал в себя два новых прибора. В их число вошли уголковый отражатель, позволявший ученым точно замерять высоту орбиты "солнечного парусника" с Земли, а также набор маховиков и гироскопов, необходимых для того, чтобы зонд мог постоянно "смотреть" на Солнце.

Новая версия аппарата была выведена на орбиту месяц назад на борту ракеты Falcon Heavy, после чего она успешно раскрыла солнечные батареи, получила первые фотографии и приступила к раскрытию парусов. Это произошло неделю назад. После этого пилоты миссии успешно использовали свет Солнца для того, чтобы поднять высоту орбиты LightSail-2 на два километра.
Цитировать"Мы ожидали этого момента несколько десятилетий. Карл Саган говорил о возможности подобных полетов еще в 1977 году, когда я был его учеником, однако сама идея была озвучена еще в начале XVII века Иоганном Кеплером, заметившим, что свет Солнца порождает хвосты комет. Lightsail-2 перевернет мир космических полетов и изучения космоса", — добавил Билл Най (Bill Nye), известный популяризатор науки и исполнительный директор общества.
По текущим планам руководителей миссии, Lightsail-2 будет повышать орбиту на протяжении еще примерно месяца до тех пор, пока ее нижняя точка – перигей – не подойдет опасно близко к Земле. После этого аппарат начнет терять высоту и сгорит в атмосфере примерно через год, проложив дорогу для полетов более серьезных "космических парусников".
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 01.08.2019 13:24:06
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
По текущим планам руководителей миссии, Lightsail-2 будет повышать орбиту на протяжении еще примерно месяца до тех пор, пока ее нижняя точка – перигей – не подойдет опасно близко к Земле.
Чтото я не совсем понял что означает "повышать"...  :oops: 
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 01.08.2019 13:49:42
Предполагаю, что эффект от действия солнечного паруса на замкнутой орбите - период не меняется, растёт эксцентриситет.
т.е. апогей растёт, перигей падает - пока не завалится в атмосферу.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 01.08.2019 16:08:58
ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:
Предполагаю, что эффект от действия солнечного паруса на замкнутой орбите - период не меняется, растёт эксцентриситет.
т.е. апогей растёт, перигей падает - пока не завалится в атмосферу.
Предполагаю что да. Но почему это называют "подъёмом орбиты"?  :oops: 
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 02.08.2019 15:44:35
На текущий момент определены (в т.ч. с перенумерацией) 20 объектов запуска

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.08.2019 03:31:59
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell‏ Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1158896848268144647)
LightSail-2 orbital eccentricity continues to increase following sail deployment

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.08.2019 21:54:22
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell‏ Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1160623857885224971)
Upate on Lightsail-2 orbit evolution. Looks like the eccentricity increase may be slowing

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: cross-track от 12.08.2019 13:58:53
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell‏  Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589    5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1158896848268144647)
 LightSail-2 orbital eccentricity continues to increase following sail deployment  
С 1 июля 2019 период LightSail-2 уменьшился на 0.6 секунды. Соответственно, средняя высота немного возросла.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Liss от 12.08.2019 16:28:09
Цитироватьcross-track написал:
Цитироватьtnt22 (//forum/user/18282/) написал:
ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell‏  Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589     5 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1158896848268144647)  
 LightSail-2 orbital eccentricity continues to increase following sail deployment  
С 1 июля 2019 период LightSail-2 уменьшился на 0.6 секунды. Соответственно, средняя высота немного возросла.
В смысле -- уменьшилась на 0.5 км в период с 23 июля (развертывание паруса) по сей день, будучи до того постоянной.
Как, впрочем, дедушка МакДауэлл написал по горячим следам радостного крика разработчиков.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: cross-track от 12.08.2019 21:31:37
ЦитироватьLiss написал:
Цитироватьcross-track (//forum/user/21497/) написал:
ЦитироватьС 1 июля 2019 период LightSail-2 уменьшился на 0.6 секунды. Соответственно, средняя высота немного возросла.
В смысле -- уменьшилась на 0.5 км в период с 23 июля (развертывание паруса) по сей день, будучи до того постоянной.
Как, впрочем, дедушка МакДауэлл написал по горячим следам радостного крика разработчиков.
Вы меня правильно поправили - в смысле уменьшилась высота, а не возросла. Парус может как поднимать, так и опускать высоту, и опускание высоты тоже может иметь смысл, если разработчики того хотели. Но что-то я в этом сомневаюсь...
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.08.2019 10:05:32
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg)Jonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1162618875147706368)
The LightSail-2 solar sail continues to increase its orbital eccentricity while losing overall orbit height

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.08.2019 09:29:08
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell‏ Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 50 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164772504251977729)

Reviewing the status of the satellites from the Space Test Program STP-2/Falcon Heavy launch in June:

48 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164772964375547905)

The @michigantech (https://twitter.com/michigantech) Oculus-ASR satellite ejected a calibration sphere on about Jul 1. The sphere's orbit has been rapidly decaying but has not been tracked since Aug 7. It may have reentered but no decay notice has been issued.

46 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164773415699378176)

The @USNRL (https://twitter.com/USNRL) TEPCE space tether experiment is one of six objects from the launch that remain unidentified. I presume it to have failed, and probably the 1 km space tether did not deploy.

44 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164773928570478592)

The E-TBEX A and B ionospheric research satellites from @UMich/SRII were reported to be having problems on the day after launch and with no further reports it seems probable that they have both failed.

42 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164774328618979329)

The StangSat satellite from Merritt Island High School also remains unidentified. It was only meant to return data during the launch phase so may have worked, although that points out an issue with satellite registration for short lived payloads in cluster launches

37 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164775728681852932)

The six Taiwan/NOAA COSMIC-2 satellites have been adjusting their orbits by a km or so. However COSMIC 2-1 dropped off tracking on Jul 22. A single element set on Aug 13 shows it 150 km lower and may be spurious; there's nothing since.

35 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164776214315196419)

Now maybe COSMIC2-1 had a problem and its orbit was lowered, but then I'd expect regular TLE data showing it in the lower orbit for the last couple of weeks, or a decay notice. So something funny here on 44349, @18SPCS (https://twitter.com/18SPCS) !

29 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1164777711237128195)

The orbit for 44342 GPIM seems to change in a very similar way to the COSMIC2 sats.  (I wonder if GPIM and COSMIC2-1 could have gotten cross-tagged?)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.08.2019 07:10:23
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell‏ Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 58 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1167635791289434112)

A small calibration sphere ejected from the Oculus-ASR satellite on about Jul 1 reentered on Aug 10, Space-Track reports belatedly. A second sphere known to be aboard Oculus-ASR has not been catlaoged - maybe it hasn't been ejected yet
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.09.2019 20:37:50
Идентифицирован 21-й объект запуска - FALCONSAT-7

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.10.2019 01:09:33
НОРАД идентифицировал 22-й объект запуска - TEPCE (44346 / 2019-036H)
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Alex-DX от 17.01.2020 05:16:18
 классное кино https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1191779329467748353
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.01.2020 11:28:49
https://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/heres-what-we-learned-so-far-ls2.html (https://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/heres-what-we-learned-so-far-ls2.html)
ЦитироватьJason Davis (https://www.planetary.org/about/staff/jason-davis.html) • January 10, 2020

Here's What We've Learned So Far fr om LightSail 2

High above Earth, The Planetary Society's LightSail 2 spacecraft is still sailing on sunbeams. During the 5 months since LightSail 2 deployed its solar sail on 23 July 2019 (https://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/ls2-deploys-sail.html), the spacecraft has continued to demonstrate the first controlled solar-sailing flight in Earth orbit.

The LightSail 2 team is releasing a paper today that describes new results from the mission (https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/pdfs/SciTech_LightSail_ADCS_Final.pdf). Purdue University's Justin Mansell is also presenting the results at the 30th Space Flight Mechanics Meeting in Orlando, Florida (https://www.space-flight.org/docs/2020_winter/2020_winter.html). The paper recaps mission events through late November, discusses the performance of the solar sail and attitude control system, and describes how the spacecraft's orbit has changed.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187218.jpg) (https://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/ls2-middle-east.html)
The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 captured this image of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf on 14 December 2019. The sail appears slightly curved due to the spacecraft's 185-degree fisheye camera lens. The image has been color corrected and some of the distortion has been removed.

Earth's atmosphere is a drag

LightSail 2 flies at a higher altitude than most satellites in low-Earth orbit. While the International Space Station orbits Earth at an altitude of about 400 kilometers, LightSail 2 orbits at about 720 kilometers. Since fewer spacecraft orbit at LightSail 2's altitude, there wasn't enough data on Earth's atmospheric density to reliably predict how much atmospheric drag would slow down the spacecraft. We now know for certain that the atmosphere at 720 kilometers is dense enough to overcome the thrust imparted by solar sailing.

The team uses a simple on-off sail control strategy each orbit, turning the sail edge-on to the Sun's rays when the spacecraft is traveling toward the Sun, and face-on to the Sun when moving away from it. Out of each 100-minute orbit, LightSail 2 spends 67 minutes either in eclipse or moving toward the Sun. Of the remaining 33 "sail-able" minutes each orbit, the spacecraft spends about 5 minutes turning to the desired orientation. Therefore, LightSail 2 enjoys at most 28 minutes of each orbit in an orientation for capturing the momentum of solar photons to change its velocity.

Mansell and his colleagues documented LightSail 2's orbital change during time intervals in which it was actively orienting itself for solar sailing and compared that change to periods in which the orientation was not controlled. When the spacecraft was randomly oriented, its semimajor axis—a measure of the size of the orbit—shrank by an average of 34.5 meters per day. When it was solar sailing, the orbit only shrank by an average of 19.9 meters per day. Yet, the rate is highly variable and the semimajor axis actually increased by as many as 7.5 meters some days when sailing, which means LightSail 2 increased its orbital energy during those periods.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/F6RjDvk-cNE (https://www.youtube.com/embed/F6RjDvk-cNE)
This video shows LightSail 2's orientation with respect to the Sun during a single orbit on 24 September 2019. Gaps between data points have been interpolated. The red line shows the direction of the Sun, and the blue line shows the direction of the local magnetic field. When the sailing command is "feather," LightSail 2 attempts to turn its sail edge-on to the solar photons, meaning the red arrow should be roughly parallel with the sail. (The Sun to -z angle should be roughly 90 degrees.) When the sailing command is "thrust," LightSail 2 tries to turn its sail broadside to the solar photons, meaning the red arrow should roughly make a 90-degree angle with the sail. (The Sun to -z angle should be roughly 0 degrees.) For more, see https://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/heres-what-we-learned-so-far-ls2.html (https://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/heres-what-we-learned-so-far-ls2.html). Video credit: Justin Mansell, Purdue University

The increases in orbital energy from solar sailing are generally not enough to overcome atmospheric drag, so LightSail 2's orbit is gradually decaying.  Pre-launch orbital models predicted that the spacecraft would reenter Earth's atmosphere and burn up about a year after sail deployment. But since there are few prior examples of spacecraft like LightSail 2 having high area-to-mass ratio, the actual timeline will provide new information about orbital decay rates.

Future solar sails will be used in higher Earth orbits, or on interplanetary trajectories. NASA's NEA Scout will ride a Space Launch System rocket out near the Moon and then use solar sailing to visit an asteroid. The LightSail 2 team is sharing data and expertise with the NEA Scout team.

The ups and downs of LightSail 2's orbit

If you've looked at our mission control page over the past few months (https://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/lightsail-mission-control.html), you may have noticed LightSail 2's orbital high and low points above the Earth, known as the apogee and perigee, respectively, have been cycling up and down.

This chart shows LightSail 2's orbit apogee and perigee as reported by space-track.org (https://www.space-track.org/) since 8 July 2019. Sail deployment occurred on 23 July 2019. The entire dataset can be downloaded here (https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/projects/lightsail/perigee-apogee-graph.csv).

Right after sail deployment in July, LightSail 2's apogee increased, while perigee decreased. In September, the trend reversed: apogee decreased, while perigee increased. In late October, the trend reversed again. And then it began reversing again in December.

This cycle has two causes: Earth's nonspherical shape, and its orbital motion around the Sun. Earth's diameter at the equator is about 42 kilometers larger than it is at the poles, making its gravity stronger over the equator. This uneven gravity makes the positions of perigee and apogee precess, or wobble; if you were watching the spacecraft's orbit from high above the north pole, you'd see it wobbling like a hula hoop spinning around your waist. While all this is happening, Earth is also revolving around the Sun, changing the angle between the light pressure from the Sun and the positions of LightSail 2's apogee and perigee.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187219.gif) (https://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/charts/lightsail-2-orbital-wobble.html)
Justin Mansell, Purdue University
Earth's uneven gravity makes LightSail 2's orbit precess, or wobble. The direction of the Sun (red arrow) relative to the orbit also changes over time as the Earth orbits the Sun.

The best orientation for raising LightSail 2's apogee is when perigee occurs on the thrust-on side of the orbit, as shown above in blue. Conversely, when perigee occurs on the thrust-off side of the orbit, as shown above in red, apogee decreases.

Momentum management

One of the mission's major challenges stems from LightSail 2's single momentum wheel, which the spacecraft uses to swing itself parallel and perpendicular to the Sun's rays each orbit. The wheel hits a pre-defined speed lim it about once per day, whereupon LightSail 2 must exit solar-sailing mode and stabilize itself with its electromagnetic torque rods.

Early in the mission, the team was doing this manually, which proved to be inefficient, especially when communications were spotty, or when the spacecraft was suffering from other technical glitches. The process is now automated, which has improved performance. In the new paper, the team conveys an important lesson for other solar sail spacecraft in Earth orbit: managing the momentum imparted by frequent sail orientation changes is a key technical challenge.

Power generation

LightSail 2 only has solar cells on one side of its solar sail. LightSail 1 had a solar panel on the opposite side, but this was removed for LightSail 2's design so engineers could install (https://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/2015/20150817-lightsail-lands-laser-ranging-hardware.html) a cluster of special mirrors used to laser-range the spacecraft from Earth. This process involves zapping LightSail 2 with a laser and measuring the reflection time to more accurately determine the spacecraft's orbit.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187197.jpg) (https://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/images/lightsail-2-with-sail.html)
Jason Davis / The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 flew into space with a mini-DVD containing a Planetary Society member roster, a list of Kickstarter contributors, and names and images from the Society's "Selfies to Space" campaign.

In certain orientations, LightSail 2's solar sail entirely shadows the solar panels, and the spacecraft does not receive adequate power from the Sun, causing brownouts. The team has been able to work around brownouts by carefully managing the spacecraft's power budget and attitude-control mode. Future solar sail spacecraft should take sail shadowing into account for mission planning.

What's next? 

The LightSail 2 team recently added a new control mode to the spacecraft called sun-pointing. This mode is designed to keep the solar sail face-on to the Sun throughout its full orbit. A constantly Sun-facing attitude won't reduce orbital decay like the on/off mode does, but it reduces momentum-wheel saturation and provides a favorable orientation for battery charging. It will also test the spacecraft's pointing accuracy, and could provide a more consistent initial attitude for starting for on-off thrust maneuvers.

The mission team will also continue to take pictures. The technical reason for pictures is to document the sail's condition and shape, but the pictures are also beautiful to look at for the team and public alike. You can see all raw images from the spacecraft here (https://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/data/ls2/all.html), or view processed images in our LightSail 2 multimedia gallery (https://www.planetary.org/explore/projects/lightsail-solar-sailing/lightsail-multimedia.html).

Finally, as the orbit shrinks, the team will study the effect of the sail on the rate of orbital decay, sharing the data with other teams who are studying the use of drag sails to deorbit spacecraft.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187217.jpg) (https://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/madagascar-from-lightsail-2.html)
The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 captured this image on 24 November 2019. The southern tip of Madagascar appears at right. North is approximately at the bottom of the image. A faint smoke plume can be seen casting a shadow. The sail appears slightly curved due to the spacecraft's 185-degree fisheye camera lens. The image has been color corrected and some of the distortion has been removed.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/187216.jpg) (https://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/spacecraft/australia-and-new-guinea-from.html)
The Planetary Society
LightSail 2 captured this image on 25 November 2019. The top end of Australia's Northern Territory is in the center of the image. North is approximately at the bottom of the image. The city of Darwin is beneath the clouds near the tip of the sail's middle boom. The island of New Guinea can be seen to the left. A lens flare also appears in the left part of the image. The sail appears curved due to the spacecraft's 185-degree fisheye camera lens. The image has been color corrected and some of the distortion has been removed.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.01.2020 16:38:47
https://spacenews.com/tethers-unlimited-says-early-results-of-deorbit-hardware-test-promising/ (https://spacenews.com/tethers-unlimited-says-early-results-of-deorbit-hardware-test-promising/)
ЦитироватьTethers Unlimited says early results of deorbit hardware test promising
by Caleb Henry (https://spacenews.com/author/caleb-henry/) — January 23, 2020

WASHINGTON — The first of four small satellites currently flying with Tethers Unlimited's  experimental deorbit module on board began its slow descent last fall and is coming down according to plan, spacecraft hardware company Tethers Unlimited said Jan. 21.

Observations from the U.S. military's Space Surveillance Network show the Prox-1 satellite deorbiting more than 24 times faster than before deploying the tape. Credit: Tethers Unlimited.

Prox-1, a 71-kilogram cubesat that launched into a low Earth orbit in June on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, successfully deployed a 70-meter length of conductive tape in September that is creating enough drag to deorbit the satellite much sooner than simply abandoning the satellite.

"[ I]nstead of remaining in orbit for hundreds or thousands of years, the Prox-1 satellite will fall out of orbit and burn up in the upper atmosphere in under ten years," Tethers Unlimited CEO Rob Hoyt said in a news release.

Hoyt said observations from the U.S. military's Space Surveillance Network showed the Prox-1 satellite deorbiting more than 24 times faster than before deploying the tape.

Prox-1, built by the Georgia Institute of Technology with funding from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's University Nanosatellite Program, is in a 717-kilometer low Earth orbit, Hoyt told SpaceNews by email. Prox-1, which Georgia Tech owns and operates, is one of 24 small satellites that launched on Falcon Heavy last year as part of the U.S. Defense Department's Space Test Program-2 mission.

Hoyt said another satellite from the Falcon Heavy launch, NPSat-1, also has a Terminator Tape module onboard that is set to deploy toward the end of 2020.

Tethers Unlimited also has Terminator Tape on two Aerospace Corp. cubesats currently in orbit, he said, and is waiting for their operator's mission to conclude before releasing the tapes.

Terminator Tape works by interacting with the space environment to create drag, accelerating the time it takes for the satellite to fall out of orbit and reenter the atmosphere.

"For a typical nanosat/microsat, the Nanosat Terminator Tape should meet the 25-year [de-orbit] requirement up to about 850 kilometers," Hoyt said. He estimated Terminator Tape can work for cubesats in orbits as high as 1,100-kilometers.

Hoyt said Terminator Tape can be made longer and wider for larger satellites.

Hoyt said Tethers Unlimited could potentially attach Terminator Tape modules to defunct satellites using the LEO Knight servicer it is developing. That servicer, which is specifically focused on low Earth orbit, is still three to four years from completion, Hoyt said.
LEO Knight should be capable of attaching Terminator Tape to abandoned spacecraft such as Iridium's defunct satellites, Hoyt said, but Tethers Unlimited would need to be paid more than $10,000 per satellite — the price Iridium CEO Matt Desch floated in December as a conversation starter.

Hoyt said the price for deorbiting satellites using LEO Knight and Terminator Tape would need to be "somewhere between one to two orders of magnitude higher" to make the business case close.

Iridium has 30 dead first-generation satellites still in orbit, many of them near the altitude of the Prox-1 satellite.

Hoyt said Terminator Tape and its timer cost the company about $500,000 to develop using a combination of internal funding and U.S. government research grants. The modules weigh less than a kilogram, according to the company.

Tethers Unlimited has another Terminator Tape demonstration mission launching on a Rocket Lab Electron later this year, Hoyt said. That mission, called DragRacer, consists of two identical satellites in identical orbits. Only one of the DragRacer satellites will unfurl Terminator Tape, allowing Tethers Unlimited to measure exactly how much faster the deorbit system causes a spacecraft to reenter.

Boeing subsidiary Millennium Space Systems is building the DragRacer spacecraft. TriSept Corp. arranged the launch. Millennium Space Systems is funding the DragRacer mission, with Tethers Unlimited contributing, Boeing spokeswoman Cheryl Sampson told SpaceNews Jan. 23. Hoyt declined to specify how much funding Tethers Unlimited is providing for the mission.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.02.2020 17:12:24
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/68302.jpg) (https://twitter.com/planet4589) Jonathan McDowell✔@planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 7:56 AM - Feb 5, 2020 (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1224919620647313412)

The TEPCE cubesat reentered on Feb 1.  It was launched last June and was meant to deploy a 1 km tether. A large change in its decay rate on Nov 17 suggests the tether was indeed deployed on that date, leading to its rapid reentry.  (TEPCE in red on the plot)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.04.2020 16:16:55
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell‏ @planet4589 (https://twitter.com/planet4589) 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1249165097701908481)

Altitude of Lightsail-2 versus time  (red: apogee, perigee;  blue; average of the two).; shows that drag is a much bigger effect that any net sail thrust.  #YurisNight (https://twitter.com/hashtag/YurisNight?src=hash)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.08.2020 06:34:58
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1290475106813333504)

Per Space News https://spacenews.com/ball-aerospace-wrapping-up-green-propellant-smallsat-demo-mission/... (https://t.co/pqlrlGOQP7?amp=1) the GPIM satellite, flight-testing the AF-M315E non-toxic alternative to hydrazine, has completed its primary mission and is lowering its perigee to accelerate orbital decay. Here is a plot of its orbit height versus time.


59 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1290476076175462402)

The plot in the previous tweet shows average height, but most of the orbit change is in the perigee, as shown here.

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.08.2020 06:15:28
https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/08/17/nasa-satellite-set-to-conclude-successful-green-propellant-demo-mission/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/08/17/nasa-satellite-set-to-conclude-successful-green-propellant-demo-mission/)

ЦитироватьNASA satellite set to conclude successful green propellant demo mission
August 17, 2020 (https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/08/) Stephen Clark (https://spaceflightnow.com/author/stephen-clark/)

Artist's concept of the Green Propellant Infusion Mission, or GPIM, satellite in orbit. Credit: NASA

A NASA-funded satellite that launched last year on the third flight of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket has begun a sequence of thruster firings to begin falling out of orbit after successfully demonstrating the effectiveness of a non-toxic fuel that could fly on future space missions.

The Green Propellant Infusion Mission, or GPIM, spacecraft is in the final weeks of its in-orbit test campaign aimed at proving the usefulness of the non-toxic fuel that could replace hydrazine — a caustic liquid that requires special handling before launch — for spacecraft propulsion needs.

Ground teams exercised the GPIM spacecraft's five thrusters across a range of operating modes over the past year, testing their ability to control the satellite's attitude, or pointing, and demonstrating their effectiveness at changing the spacecraft's orbital altitude.

"GPIM has accomplished what it was designed to do," said Brian Marotta, the GPIM mission's attitude determination control and control lead at Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., which built the spacecraft for NASA. "We flight qualified a brand new domestic propulsion technology on a very capable and flexible spacecraft platform."

Clare Skelly, a NASA spokesperson, said Monday that the GPIM spacecraft has begun a final set of thruster burns to lower the perigee, or low point, of the satellite's orbit to around 111 miles, or 180 kilometers.

Marotta said earlier this month that those maneuvers would be completed by the end of August. At such an altitude, the refrigerator-sized GPIM spacecraft will naturally succumb to aerodynamic drag, fall back into the atmosphere, and burn up on re-entry within a few weeks, Marotta said in a presentation at the 34th Annual Small Satellite Conference, which was held in a virtual format earlier this month due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The main purpose of the $65 million GPIM mission was to test the performance of a hydroxyl ammonium nitrate fuel and oxidizer blend called AF-M315E, which could take the place of hydrazine used in conventional satellite propulsion systems. Hydrazine is often mixed with nitrogen tetroxide, another hazardous chemical, to feed small maneuvering thrusters on-board satellites in space.

The "green" propellant blend comes with several benefits, officials said before the mission's launch.

Technicians can load the AF-M315E blend onto a spacecraft without needing to wear protective self-contained suits to guard themselves against a toxic leak. The green propellant blend is more dense and viscous than hydrazine, allowing more of the AF-M315E fuel to fit into the same tank volume.

That results in an improvement in the performance of a spacecraft's propulsion system.

"If I compare this to a standard monopropellant hydrazine system, we have 50 percent more total impulse available, mainly due the density of the propellant," said Chris McLean, the GPIM mission's principal investigator from Ball Aerospace. "So for a given tank volume, we're able to squeeze in 50 percent more propellant, which means 50 percent more mileage for the spacecraft."

Milton McKay, a now-retired member of the AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate Propellants Branch handles a sample of AF-M315E, a green alternative to hydrazine, without the need to wear a protective suit. The fuel has a peach color, and has the viscosity of a light motor oil. Credit: U.S. Air Force

The non-toxic AF-M315E fuel is also not prone to freezing in space like hydrazine, which requires heaters to stay warm enough to remain a liquid.

Hydrazine is a hypergolic fuel, meaning it combusts when mixed with other chemicals, like nitrogen tetroxide. The AF-M315E fuel requires hotter temperatures to ignite, making it safer to handle, but subject to more extreme operating conditions once in space.

Air Force engineers invented the AF-M315E fuel blend in 1998 at Edwards Air Force Base in California. One of the reasons it took so long to test the AF-M315E fuel in space was the hot temperature required to ignite the propellant.

"This looks a lot like a standard hydrazine monopropellant technology, except the material demands are extreme," McLean said before GPIM's launch last year. "Over the course of this program, we got the point where we got to an engine that could handle these excessive amounts of enegy successfully, over and over again, and we proved that through extensive ground testing at Aerojet Rocketdyne."

The next step was a demonstration in space.

According to Marotta, the GPIM satellite performed a series of experiments to gather data for engineers to evaluate the performance of the green propulsion system, which was supplied by Aerojet Rocketdyne.

"The primary objective is to flight quality the AF-M315E-based propulsion system through a series fo comprehensive on-orbit demonstrations and tests," he said. "We performed characterization of the thruster efficiency over the life of the system across a range of tank pressures to better understand the thruster performance as the system matures, and as it ages on orbit."

The 348-pound (158-kilogram) GPIM spacecraft was one of 24 satellites launched aboard SpaceX's third Falcon Heavy rocket (https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/06/25/falcon-heavy-launches-on-military-led-rideshare-mission-boat-catches-fairing/) in June 2019. The rideshare mission was managed by the U.S. Air Force, and delivered payloads to orbit for NASA, the military, and universities.

GPIM separated in a circular orbit roughly 447 miles (720 kilometers) above Earth, with an inclination of 24 degrees to the equator.

After extending its solar arrays and passing a preliminary checkout, the spacecraft kicked off a series of demonstrations of its propulsion system. One of the first major maneuvers was to lower the perigee, or low point, of its orbit to about 338 miles (545 kilometers) to comply with guidelines ensuring the spacecraft will re-enter the atmosphere within 25 years.

Marotta said ground controllers commanded GPIM to hold its attitude, or orientation, using the satellite's five control thrusters fueled by the green propellant blend. The spacecraft has four canted control thrusters positioned on its corners, plus a central thruster mounted on the spacecraft's main body.

The thrusters were also used to regain control of the spacecraft after it was put into a tumble, and the propulsion system demonstrated it could control momentum built up by the satellite's reaction wheels. The experiments showed the green propulsion system could be used on satellites orbiting Earth, or on deep space missions, Marotta said.

"We followed an incremental and measured approach to the propulsion system checkout, starting with simple tests and gradually increasing complexity," Marotta said.

GPIM then incrementally lowered the perigee of its orbit again before commencing the final set of thruster burns targeting a perigee of 111 miles.

Marotta said the remaining burns will continue providing valuable data on how the green propulsion system performs as it ages. The final burns are expected to consume the last of the 31.3 pounds (14.2 kilograms) of AF-M315E propellant launched with the GPIM spacecraft.

In remarks Aug. 3, Marotta summed up the GPIM mission as "very successful."

GPIM also hosts secondary experiments for the Air Force Academy and the Naval Research Laboratory to measure plasma densities and temperatures, and characterize neutral and ion particles in the upper atmosphere. The satellite also carries an experimental device from the Air Force Institute of Technology to estimate its position and velocity in space using GPS signals.

The GPIM spacecraft is seen before launch. The green propellant thrusters — housed inside red "remove before flight" coverings — are visible near the top of the image. Credit: Ball Aerospace

Bradford ECAPS, based in Sweden, has also pioneered green propellants for satellites. The ECAPS fuel, named LMP-103S, has flown in orbit on Sweden's Prisma technology demonstration mission, Planet's SkySat Earth-imaging satellites and the U.S. military's STPSat 5 experimental satellite.

The Swedish-developed fuel has many of the same advantages as the AF-M315E propellant. The U.S. fuel is more dense — which offers some technical advantages — and will help U.S. industry enter the green propellant market.

"Having a U.S. supplier of certain technologies is important to some of our customers, and I focus my energy there," McLean said last year.

In spacecraft design, green propulsion still faces tough competition from conventional hydrazine systems, electric thrusters, and newer water-based propellants.

"The green technology offers the big benefit of not being hazardous compared to hydrazine, and I think that could be a very attractive option, especially for smaller satellites that are done by smaller companies that might not have all the capabilities of handling hydrazine and dealing with that," Marotta said Aug. 3. "I think we're getting there. It could take some more time and might require a few more missions to get us over the hump."
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.10.2020 23:26:18
К #482 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2024723)

Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/69064.jpg) Dave 'Indoor Cat' Dickinson @Astroguyz 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Astroguyz/status/1316449644096954370)

It's down. The GPIM satellite (COSPAR ID 2019-036D) reentered today at 14:41 UT+/- 25 minutes: https://aerospace.org/reentries/gpim-id-44342... (https://t.co/qTSpm71oyw?amp=1) #Satwatch (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Satwatch?src=hashtag_click) #space (https://twitter.com/hashtag/space?src=hashtag_click)

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 15.10.2020 10:09:26
Цитировать(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/67516.jpg) Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1316605825033670656)

NASA's Green Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM) reentered on Oct 14.  Launched into a 720 km orbit in Jun 2019, it lowered its orbit using experimental thrusters.  It was decommissioned around Sep 12 in a 184 x 638 km orbit.

2 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1316606255776104448)

Here is the GPIM orbit height versus time

Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 23.01.2021 23:07:13
ЦитироватьNASA испытало работающий на нетоксичном топливе двигатель
NASA провело успешное орбитальное испытание возможностей использования нетоксичного «зеленого» топлива. Отработка соответствующих систем проходила в рамках миссии GPIM, которая была запущена в июне 2019 года при помощи ракеты Falcon 9, сообщает Ecoruspace.
Сейчас спутник уже сведен с орбиты, для чего использовалась серия маневров. Испытанное топливо было разработано исследовательской лабораторией ВВС США и имеет наименование M315E. К его преимуществам относят то, что по производительности оно схоже с гидразином, что делает его пригодным к использованию в рамках стандартных миссий. В целом в NASA отметили, что работа GPIM была полностью успешной и космический аппарат работал так, как от него и ожидалось. В частности, в ходе своей работы космический аппарат выдал импульсы более 10 тыс. раз.
Название: STP-02: DSX + попутчики - Falcon Heavy - Kennedy LC-39A - 25.06.2019, 03:30 UTC
Отправлено: Space books от 07.10.2021 19:02:39

ЦитироватьНАСА: Миссия "Атомные часы глубокого космоса" завершена  (https://overclockers.ru/blog/amv212/show/57097/nasa-missiya-atomnye-chasy-glubokogo-kosmosa-zavershena)
Демонстрация технологии, направленной на улучшение навигации космических аппаратов, проработала намного дольше, чем планировалось, побив рекорд стабильности для атомных часов в космосе.
анонсы и реклама

Уже более двух лет атомные часы НАСА Deep Space Atomic Clock ведут отсчет времени на границе Вселенной. 18 сентября 2021 года миссия была успешно завершена.

Устройство размещено на орбитальном испытательном космическом аппарате General Atomics, запущенном 25 июня 2019 года в рамках программы космических испытаний 2 Министерства обороны. Его цель - проверить потенциал использования бортовых атомных часов для улучшения навигации космических аппаратов в глубоком космосе.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/74496.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/74496.jpg)
Атомные часы глубокого космоса - Deep Space Atomic Clock
В данный момент космические аппараты полагаются на атомные часы на земле. Чтобы измерить орбиту космического аппарата, движущегося вдоль Луны, навигаторы используют эти хронометры для отслеживания точного времени отправки и приема сигналов. Навигатор знает, что радиосигнал распространяется со скоростью света (около 186 000 миль в секунду, или 300 000 км в секунду), поэтому эти показатели времени используются для определения точного расстояния, скорости и направления движения космического аппарата. Это расстояние можно точно рассчитать.
(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/74497.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/74497.jpg)
Три плаката с изображением атомных часов Deep Space Atomic Clock и того, как космические аппараты и астронавты будут использовать будущие версии этой технологии. (NASA / JPL-Caltech)
Однако по мере удаления от Земли космическим аппаратам требуется от нескольких минут до нескольких часов для отправки и приема сигналов, что значительно задерживает эти расчеты. Сочетая бортовые атомные часы с навигационной системой, космический аппарат может мгновенно вычислить, где он находится и куда направляется.
Изготовленные в Лаборатории реактивного движения НАСА в Южной Калифорнии, атомные часы Deep Space Atomic Clock представляют собой сверхточные ртутно-ионные атомарные часы в небольшой коробке размером примерно 10 дюймов (25 сантиметров) с каждой стороны, примерно размером с тостер. Атомные часы для глубокого космоса разработаны таким образом, чтобы выдержать суровые условия запуска и холодную, высокорадиационную среду Вселенной без ущерба для хронометрических характеристик, преодолевая разрыв между практикой первых технологий и важными знаниями.

Узнайте, почему точное времяисчисление в космосе крайне важно и как атомные часы NASA Deep Space Atomic Clock обеспечат автономную навигацию будущих космических аппаратов независимо от Земли. (NASA / JPL-Caltech)

После того как прибор выполнил основную миссию на околоземной орбите в течение года, НАСА продлило его миссию для сбора дополнительных данных благодаря его исключительной стабильности хронометража. Однако, прежде чем демонстрация технологии была остановлена 18 сентября, миссия работала сверхурочно и собрала максимальное количество данных в последний день.
Тодд Эри, главный исследователь JPL и руководитель проекта, сказал: Данные, полученные с помощью новаторских приборов, помогут в разработке Атомных часов глубокого космоса-2. Это технологическая демонстрация космического аппарата НАСА, предназначенного для изучения излучения, радиоизлучения, InSAR, рельефа и спектроскопии (VERITAS), который отправится к Венере после запуска к 2028 году. Первые испытания атомных часов в глубоком космосе и монументальные достижения в увеличении автономности космических аппаратов.
Стабильность - это все
Атомные часы - самые стабильные хронометры на планете, однако даже они не совершенны и могут вызывать небольшую задержку, или "смещение", между часами и реальным временем. Если эти смещения не корректировать, они будут суммироваться, что может привести к большим ошибкам позиционирования. Доли секунды могут означать разницу между безопасным прибытием на Марс и полным пропуском планеты.
Для коррекции этих смещений с Земли на космический аппарат могут быть отправлены соответствующие обновления. Например, спутники Глобальной системы позиционирования (GPS) несут атомные часы и перемещаются из точки А в точку Б. Для поддержания точного времени необходимо часто отправлять обновления с Земли. Однако частое обновление данных с Земли на атомные часы в глубоком космосе было бы непрактично и не достигло бы цели оснащения ими космического аппарата.
Вот почему атомные часы космического аппарата, исследующего дальний космос, должны быть как можно более стабильными с самого начала. Это делает их менее зависимыми от обновлений с Земли.

(https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/74498.jpg) (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/74498.jpg)
На рисунке показана демонстрация технологии атомных часов НАСА для глубокого космоса и космический аппарат General Atomics Orbital TestBed, на котором они установлены. В будущем космические аппараты могут полагаться на такое оборудование для навигации в глубоком космосе. (NASA / JPL-Caltech)

"Атомные часы Deep Space Atomic Clock успешно справились с этой задачей", - сказал Эрик Барт, физик по атомным часам из JPL. Мы установили новый рекорд по долгосрочной стабильности атомных часов в космосе, что более чем на порядок лучше, чем у GPS". Атомные часы.. - это означает возможность большей автономии в миссиях глубокого космоса и потенциальное снижение зависимости от обновлений дважды в день, если спутники GPS будут оснащены нашим оборудованием".
В недавнем исследовании команда Deep Space Atomic Clock сообщила об отклонениях менее 4 наносекунд после более чем 20 дней работы.
Как и его предшественник, Deep Space Atomic Clock-2 - это демонстрационный образец. То есть, VERITAS не полагается на него для достижения своих целей. Однако эта следующая модификация меньше, потребляет меньше энергии и предназначена для поддержки многолетних миссий, таких как VERITAS.
Это выдающееся достижение команды". Демонстрация технологий Она доказала свою надежность на орбите, и мы с нетерпением ждем возможности увидеть усовершенствованную версию на Венере", - заявил отдел демонстрации технологий Научно-технической миссии НАСА (STMD) в штаб-квартире НАСА в Вашингтоне. Директор Труди Кортес сказала. "Это то, чем занимается НАСА. Мы разрабатываем новые технологии и совершенствуем имеющиеся технологии для развития космических полетов людей и роботов. Атомные часы Deep Space - это наш способ исследования. Имеет потенциал, чтобы изменить Глубокий космос".
Джейсон Митчелл, директор по передовым технологиям связи и навигации в отделе космической связи и навигации НАСА (SCaN), разделяет его мнение: "Атомные часы глубокого космоса позволяют выполнять новые важные оперативные функции для миссий НАСА по исследованию космоса людьми и роботами. Они также могут позволить глубже изучить основы теории относительности, как это сделали часы, поддерживающие GPS" .