План индийских космических пусков

Автор Salo, 03.05.2009 11:09:34

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"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьМосква. 17 февраля. INTERFAX.RU - Индийская ракета-носитель Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) в субботу успешно вывела на орбиту метеорологический спутник INSAT-3DS, сообщил руководитель Индийской организации космических исследований (ISRO) Шри Соманат.
"Я счастлив объявить, что миссия увенчалась успехом", - сказал он.
Старт ракеты был осуществлен в 17:35 по Индийскому времени (15:05 по Москве) со стартовой площадки Космического центра имени Сатиша Дхавана, расположенного на острове Шрихарикота на юго-востоке Индии.
Спутник INSAT-3DS выведен на геопереходную орбиту, впоследствии специалисты проведут ряд маневров по повышению орбиты для его выведения на геостационарную орбиту.
Аппарат будет использоваться различными департаментами министерства землеведения Индии. Его основная задача - проведение метеорологических наблюдений, мониторинг суши и водоемов для прогноза погоды и предупреждения о стихийных бедствиях. Спутник будет дополнять работу двух других индийских метеорологических спутников на геостационарной орбите - INSAT-3D и INSAT-3DR.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Состоявшиеся пуски
№п/п - Дата - КА - РКН - Космодром - Время (ДМВ)

01 - 1 января - XPoSat (X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite), POEM-3 Etal [неотделяемые ПН: ARKA-200, BeliefSa-t0, DEX, FCPS, GITA, LEAP-TD, RSEM, RUDRA 0.3 HPGP, Si-based High Energy cell, WESAT] - PSLV-C58 DL - Шрихарикота FLP - 06:40:00
02 - 17 февраля - InSat-3DS - GSLV-F14 MkII - Шрихарикота SLP - 15:05:19

На зарубежных носителях:
01 -

Планируемые пуски
Дата - КА - РКН/РБ - Космодром - Время (ДМВ)

2-й квартал - THEOS-2A (THEOS-2 smallSat, THEOS-2 LR) , SCOT, CGUSAT, LEAP-1, POEM-3 - PSLV-C59 - Шрихарикота FLP
2-й квартал - ПО, Space Rickshaw, IITMSat - SSLV-D3 - Шрихарикота FLP
не ранее   февраля   2-го квартала - GaganYaan (первый суборбитальный беспилотный полёт) - LVM3-G-X - Шрихарикота SLP
3-й квартал  июнь-июль - GaganYaan (беспилотный орбитальный полёт) - LVM3-G1 - Шрихарикота SLP
4-й квартал  сентябрь - PROBA 3 Coronagraph, PROBA 3 Occulter - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP
3-й квартал - GSAT-22 - LVM3 GSLV-M5 MkIII - Шрихарикота SLP
3-й квартал - первый пуск - Vikram I - Шрихарикота
не ранее 30 марта  II п/годие - NISAR (научная миссия NASA-ISRO) - GSLV-F13 MkII   LVM3 - Шрихарикота SLP
4-й квартал - ПО, PARIKSHIT - SSLV-S1 - Шрихарикота  или Куласекарапаттинам
4-й квартал - TDS-01 - PSLV-N1 - Шрихарикота FLP
4-й квартал - ПО, PARIKSHIT - SSLV-S1 - Шрихарикота  или Куласекарапаттинам
4-й квартал - ПО - Vikram I - Шрихарикота
4-й квартал - первый пуск - Agnibaan - Шрихарикота
декабрь - TRISHNA - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP (или 2025)
ПО - NVS-02 (IRNSS-1K) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - EOS 04 (RISAT-1B) - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - EOS-08 (CARTOSAT-3A) - PSLV CA - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - HRSAT-1A, HRSAT-1B, HRSAT-1C - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - ANVESHA - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - AHySIS-2 - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - DISHA-H - PSLV/SSLV - Шрихарикота  /Куласекарапаттинам (или 2025)
ПО - DISHA-L - PSLV/SSLV - Шрихарикота  /Куласекарапаттинам (или 2025)
ПО - ПО - Phoenix - ПО
ПО - ПО, POEM-4 - PSLV-С60 -Шрихарикота FLP (или 1-й квартал 2025)
ПО - ПО - PSLV-С61 - Шрихарикота FLP (или 1-й квартал 2025)
ПО - ПО - PSLV-С63 - Шрихарикота FLP (или 1-й квартал 2025)
ПО - ПО - GSLV-F15 MKII - Шрихарикота SLP (или 1-й квартал 2025)
ПО - ПО - GSLV-F16 MKII - Шрихарикота SLP (или 1-й квартал 2025)
ПО - ПО - GSLV-F17 MKII - Шрихарикота SLP (или 1-й квартал 2025)

Попутная нагрузка:
не ранее мая - JANUS-2 - PSLV - Шрихарикота
май-июнь - SOWA-1 - PSLV - Шрихарикота

3-й квартал - SPaDEx Chaser, SPaDEx Target - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - Bikini - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - Firefly (x6) [Pixxel] - PSLV/SSLV - Шрихарикота  /Куласекарапаттинам
ПО - 75 студенческих спутников (множественные пуски) - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - Anant - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - Azad-1 - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - Lagari (Турция) - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - LPUSAT - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - NEMO-AM (Канада, Индия) - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - RSAT - PSLV - Шрихарикота
ПО - RVSAT-1 - PSLV - Шрихарикота- Шрихарикота
ПО - спутник Маврикия - PSLV - Шрихарикота

На зарубежных носителях:
2-й квартал - CMS-03 (GSAT-20, GSAT-N2) - Falcon-9 - Канаверал SLC-40

1-й квартал - ПО, Aadyah, DRISHTI, Sanskardhaam, DS P30 - PSLV N2  - Шрихарикота FLP
1-й квартал - ПО, Azista60° - SSLV-S2  - Шрихарикота  или Куласекарапаттинам
1-й квартал - ПО - Vikram I - Шрихарикота
1-й квартал - ПО - Agnibaan - Шрихарикота
конец 2024  не ранее I п-годия - GaganYaan (беспилотный орбитальный полёт) - LVM3-G2 - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее I п-годия - GaganYaan (беспилотный орбитальный полёт) - LVM3-G3 - Шрихарикота SLP
2-й квартал - ПО - Vikram I - Шрихарикота
3-й квартал - ПО - Vikram I - Шрихарикота
4-й квартал - ПО - Vikram I - Шрихарикота
ноябрь - OCEANSAT-3A - PSLV QL - Шрихарикота FLP
ноябрь - RESOURCESAT-3 - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP
конец года - GaganYaan (первый пилотируемый полёт) - LVM3-H1 - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - Mangalyaan-2/MOM-2 (вторая орбитальная марсианская миссия) - GSLV - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - ATMSAT-1 (Atmospheric Satellite-1) - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - ASTROSAT-2 - GSLV - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - GSAT-7R (7B) (IAF ComSat) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - CMS-04 (IDRSS-1) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - EOS-05 (GISAT-2) - GSLV-F14 MkII - Шрихарикота SLP

Попутная нагрузка:
ПО - Firefly (x12) [Pixxel] - PSLV/SSLV - Шрихарикота  /Куласекарапаттинам
ПО - Honeybee (x6) [Pixxel] - PSLV/SSLV - Шрихарикота  /Куласекарапаттинам
ПО - спутники для индийских ВВС (x10?) [Pixxel] - PSLV/SSLV - Шрихарикота  /Куласекарапаттинам

На зарубежных носителях:
ПО -  LUPEX (Lunar Polar Exploration Mission) (Selene-R: посадочный модуль ISRO, ровер JAXA) - H-3 - Танегасима

июнь - RESOURCESAT-3S - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP

ПО - RESOURCESAT-3SA - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP (или не ранее II кв-ла 2023)
ПО - миссия по доставке лунного грунта - ПО - ПО

ПО - Exowords (индийская научная миссия по изучению экзопланет) - ПО - Шрихарикота
ПО - первый автоматический модуль индийской орбитальной станции - ПО - Шрихарикота

ПО - Mangalyaan-3/MOM-3 (третья орбитальная марсианская миссия) - LVM3 (GSLV MkIII) - Шрихарикота SLP

ПО - Shukrayan-1 (индийская научная миссия к Венере) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP

ПО - первый пилотируемый полет к индийской пилотируемой космической станции - ПО - Шрихарикота

ПО - пилотируемый полет на Луну - ПО - Шрихарикота

C неопределённой датой:
Дата - КА - РКН/РБ - Космодром
не ранее 2025 - BlackSky Global 5, BlackSky Global 6, BlackSky Global 9, BlackSky Global 10 (США) - SSLV - ПО
не ранее 2025 - SCATSAT-1A - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP
не ранее 2025 - CARTOSAT-3B - PSLV CA - Шрихарикота FLP
не ранее 2025 - RESOURCESAT-3B - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP
не ранее 2025 - RISAT-2A - PSLV XL - Шрихарикота FLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-7C (IAF ComSat) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-21 - LVM3 (GSLV MkIII) - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-23 - LVM3 (GSLV MkIII) - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-24 - LVM3 (GSLV MkIII) - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-25 - GSLV - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-26 - GSLV - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-27 - GSLV - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - GSAT-32 - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - NVS-03 (IRNSS-1L) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - NVS-04 (IRNSS-1M) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - NVS-05 (IRNSS-1N) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - IRNSS-S1 - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - IRNSS-S2 - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - IRNSS-S3 - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - CMS-?? (IDRSS-2) - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
не ранее 2025 - InSat-4 - GSLV MkII - Шрихарикота SLP
середина 30-х годов - INSIST (INdian Spectroscopic Imaging Space Telescope) - ПО - ПО
ПО - RISAT-3 - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - PRATUSH - GSLV - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - Oneweb - PSLV - Шрихарикота FLP
ПО - Oneweb - LVM3 (GSLV MkIII) - Шрихарикота SLP
ПО - ПО - Vikram II - Шрихарикота
ПО - ПО - Vikram III - Шрихарикота
ПО - In-Orbit Servicer Mission - ПО - ПО
ПО - TSAT-1A - ПО - ПО

Попутная нагрузка:
ПО - десять спутников AIS (Индия, Франция) - PSLV - Шрихарикота

Используемые сокращения:
DISHA - Disturbed and quite-type Ionosphere System at High Altitude
FLP - First Launch Pad
SLP - Second Launch Pad
ДМВ - декретное московское время
КА - космический аппарат
НВМ - неотделяемый весовой макет
ПО - подлежит определению
РКН - ракета космического назначения
РБ - разгонный блок

Орбитальные  пуски - 92 (SLV - 4; ASLV - 4; PSLV - 60; GSLV-MkI - 6; GSLV-MkII - 10; LVM3/GSLV-MkIII - 6; SSLV - 2)
Запущенные/выведенные на орбиту спутники  - 540 / 530

Изменения от 17 февраля
Изменения от 29 февраля
Изменения от 19 марта
Изменения от 2 апреля
Изменения от 19 апреля
Изменения от 24 апреля
Изменения от 12 мая
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьThe success of the GSLV-F14/INSAT-3DS mission is a big boost for ISRO ahead of the launch of the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) satellite, which is scheduled in the coming months. The NISAR will be launched by the GSLV Mark-II launch vehicle.
"With this mission, our confidence in the GSLV is further high and the next mission of the GSLV is the NISAR satellite. The success of this mission gives us a lot of confidence," Dr. Somanath said.

"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьНЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 28 февраля. /ТАСС/. Строительство второго индийского космодрома в штате Тамилнад продлится около двух лет. Об этом заявил глава Индийской организации космических исследований (ISRO) Шридхара Паникер Сомнатх.

"Правительство Тамилнада передало землю в наше (ISRO - прим. ТАСС) управление. Строительство начнется в ближайшее время. Для завершения строительных работ потребуется около двух лет. Мы уже планируем через два года запустить первую малоразмерную ракету-носитель", - заявил Сомнатх журналистам после официальной церемонии...


Цитата: Rocinante от 28.02.2024 19:29:15https://x.com/ISROSpaceflight/status/1762830897555132726
ЦитироватьAccording to a new interview of Dr. Somanath today, there will be not 1, but 2 uncrewed testflights of #Gaganyaan in 2024!!
First is Gaganyaan-G1 in June-July followed by G2 in late 2024, and then a 3rd uncrewed mission G3 & the first crewed mission H1, both in 2025!
Две беспилотные миссии G1 и G2 в 2024, третья G3 и первый пилотируемый пуск H1 в 2025

ЦитироватьService Module will be present in every mission


ЦитироватьPM Modi inaugurates three new facilities to boost Isro's launch capability
The prime minister dedicated the PSLV Integration Facility, the Semi-cryogenic Integrated Engine and Stage Test facility at Mahendragiri, and the Trisonic Wind Tunnel at the VSSC to the nation.

PM Modi at Isro HQ
PM Narendra Modi at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre. (Photo: PIB)

India Today Science Desk
India Today Science DeskNew Delhi,UPDATED: Feb 27, 2024 12:20 IST
In Short
  • Prime minister also inaugurated the PSLV Integration Facility
  • The facility aims to increase the frequency of PSLV launches
  • It is designed to accommodate launches of mini-PSLV

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday inaugurated three new facilities to boost the Indian Space Research Organisation's (Isro) launch capabilities.
The prime minister dedicated the PSLV Integration Facility, the Semi-cryogenic Integrated Engine and Stage Test facility at Mahendragiri, and the Trisonic Wind Tunnel at the VSSC to the nation.
The Prime Minister was at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in Thiruvananthapuram. This was his first visit to Isro's HQ.
Prime Minister Modi reviewed the progress of the Gaganyaan mission at the VSSC and interacted with Vyomitra, a humanoid, that will be the first to launch on the Gaganyaan Mission before astronauts set foot in the crew capsule.
The PSLV integration facility aims to increase the frequency of PSLV launches from 6 to 15 per year. Additionally, it is designed to accommodate launches of mini-PSLV, small satellite launch vehicles, and other small launch vehicles developed by private space companies, as mentioned by the PMO.

Meanwhile, the new Semi-cryogenics Integrated Engine and Stage Test facility at IPRC Mahendragiri will enable the development of semi-cryogenic engines and stages which will increase the payload capability of the present launch vehicles. The facility is equipped with liquid Oxygen and kerosene supply systems to test engines up to 200 tons of thrust.

Published By: Sibu Kumar Tripathi
Published On: Feb 27, 2024
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



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"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьThe joint NASA-ISRO mission to launch the groundbreaking NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite faces a delay, with the launch window pushed to late May 2024...


ЦитироватьWhy is ISRO building a second rocket launchport in Tamil Nadu's Kulasekarapattinam?
ISRO Chairman S Somanath informed last week that it may take up to two years for the completion of the construction at the site. The new facility could permit anywhere between 20 to 30 SSLV launches, annually.
Written by Anjali Marar
Bengaluru | Updated: March 7, 2024 11:29 IST


The SSLV-D2 was the first successful SSLV mission by ISRO. It was launched in February 2023. (Photo: ISRO)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the second rocket launchport of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) at Kulasekarapattinam on February 28. Situated at a geographically advantageous location in coastal Tamil Nadu's Thoothukudi district, the facility costs Rs 986 crore. It will be extensively and exclusively used for commercial, on-demand, and small satellite launches in the future.
Why does India need a new launchport?
With the Union government's recent policy announcing the opening of the space sector to private players, a sharp rise in the number of commercial launches is certain. To ensure that ISRO's first launchport, the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR in Sriharikota, is not overburdened with a high number of launches, the space agency has decided to build another facility.
While SHAR will be only used for launching bigger and heavy-lift-off missions, the Kulasekarapattinam launchport will be used to launch smaller payloads. SHAR will also be available for India's big ticket missions to the Moon, Venus, and much touted human-flight mission, the Gaganyaan.
Private players could develop space-qualified sub-systems, build satellites, and even launch vehicles using the new launchport. It will also facilitate dedicated launch infrastructure for all the on-demand commercial launches.
Why is the new ISRO launchport located in Tamil Nadu?
Geographically, scientifically, and strategically, the Kulasekarapattinam launchport provides a natural advantage to ISRO's future launches pertaining to the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV).
Allowing a direct southward and smaller launch trajectory for the light weight SSLVs carrying less fuel, the Kulasekarapattinam facility will boost ISRO's attempts to enhance payload capacities.
Currently, the trajectory followed by all launches from SHAR are longer as they follow a path which requires the vehicle to skirt eastwards around Sri Lanka before taking the actual southward flight. This consumes additional fuel. However, the same would not be required for future launches from Kulasekarapattinam, which is geographically located several kilometers to the west of Colombo, thereby allowing a straight southward flight and simultaneously saving the already limited fuel available onboard SSLV.
Notably, both the launchports are located on Southern India, near the equator.
According to 'From Fishing Hamlet to Red Planet: India's Space Journey', a book edited by former Isro scientists, "For a launch site close to equator the magnitude of the velocity imparted due to Earth's rotation is about 450 m/s, which can lead to substantial increase in the payload for a given launch vehicle. Geostationary satellites must necessarily be in the equatorial plane. So, for such satellites, closer the launch site is to the equator the better it is".
What is the status of the new launchport?
The Tamil Nadu government has completed the acquisition of over 2,000 acres of land in Kulasekarapattinam. This has now been handed over to ISRO.
S Somanath, chairman, ISRO, informed last week that it may take up to two years for the completion of the construction at the site. The new facility could permit anywhere between 20 to 30 SSLV launches, annually.
What are SSLVs and what are they used for?
SSLV is the new small satellite launch vehicle developed by ISRO to cater for the launch of small satellites. It has a three-stage launch vehicle, having a lift-off weight of about 120 tonnes and is 34 metres in length and 2 metres in diameter. SSLV is designed with a three-stage solid propulsion and a liquid propulsion stage, which is the terminal stage.
The SSLV missions are useful to launch small-sized satellites weighing anywhere between 10 to 500kg into the Low Earth Orbit. Going by their size and weight, these are typically referred to as mini, micro or nano satellites. They are low on cost and intended satellite insertion into orbits takes a shorter flight time.
SSLV are best suited for commercial and on-demand launches. Previously, satellite projects built by college students and private players involved in the space sector have benefitted from SSLV missions.
How has India's SSLV journey been so far?
SSLV is a relatively new development by ISRO, which is expanding its launch capabilities.
The first SSLV mission — SSLV-D1 — carrying two satellites, including EOS-02 and AzaadiSat, in August 2022, was a failure. Despite a text-book launch, perfect lift-off and smooth transitioning into subsequent stages, the insertion of the two satellites after their separation took place into a 356 km circular orbit instead of the intended elliptical orbit.
Six months later, in its second attempt with the SSLV-D2 in February 2023, ISRO tasted success. The rocket inserted three satellites onboard into the intended 450 km circular orbit following a 15 minute flight.
Both these launches were from SHAR.
What are the features of SHAR?
SHAR is situated along the east coast of Andhra Pradesh and is located 80 km off Chennai. It currently provides launch infrastructure to all ISRO missions. It is equipped with a solid propellant processing setup, static testing, and launch vehicle integration facilities, telemetry services — tracking and command network to oversee the launch — and a mission control centre.
SHAR has two launch complexes that are routinely used to launch the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), the Geosynchronous Space Launch Vehicles (GSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk-III, now renamed as LVM3. The maiden launch from the First Launch Pad, built in the early 1990s, was in September 1993. Operational since 2005, the Second Launch Pad saw its maiden launch in May 2005.
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ЦитироватьUtpalG  @UtpalGautam5
#Big Update :
#ISRO has decided to retire GSLV Mk-2 with immediate effect. Looking at the importance of the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (#NISAR) mission, the reliable LVM-3 is now given the job to launch it !


Цитата: anikИндия Центр Дхавана – 92, 540, 530
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьХАРАРЕ, 21 апреля. /ТАСС/. Маврикий объявил о решении запустить с помощью Индии свой второй спутник Земли. Об этом сообщил министр технологий, связи и инноваций островного государства Дарсананд Балгобин.

"Индия окажет содействие Маврикию в запуске второго космического спутника, - цитирует его газета Еxpress. - Разработка, сборка и запуск спутника произойдут в Индии". Аппарат будет использоваться для сбора данных для нужд сельского хозяйства и наблюдения за океанской поверхностью. При этом министр не назвал точных сроков, но дал понять, что речь идет о ближайших месяцах...



ЦитироватьThe Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is set to undertake a second test flight of the uncrewed Gaganyaan mission on Wednesday, marking another significant stride in the country's scientific achievement.
Isro chairman S Somanath, during an event organised by the Astronautical Society of India (ASI), in Ahmedabad on April 17, had outlined the upcoming schedule, indicating that after an airdrop test on April 24, two more uncrewed missions are slated for the following year, leading up to the manned mission by the end of the year.
The Gaganyaan initiative will present India's capability in human spaceflight by sending a three-person crew on a three-day journey into a 400-kilometre orbit, followed by a safe return to Earth. The endeavour will put India in the league of nations actively involved in human space exploration, alongside the United States, Russia, and China.
Preliminary unmanned trials for Gaganyaan are scheduled to commence later this year, with Isro aiming to complete seven trial launches by March next year.

What is the Gaganyaan mission

Gaganyaan is a human spaceflight programme to send humans into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and safely return them to Earth.
The programme envisions undertaking the demonstration of human spaceflight to LEO in the short term and laying the foundation for a sustained Indian human space exploration plan. Gaganyaan's objective is to demonstrate indigenous capability to undertake human space flight missions to LEO.
The Gaganyaan programme includes two unmanned missions and one manned mission. The manned mission will carry three Indian astronauts to an orbit of 400 km for a three-day mission and bring them back safely to Earth, landing in Indian waters.
The Gaganyaan mission will develop critical technologies, including human-rated launch vehicles for carrying the crew safely into space, a life support system to provide an Earth-like environment, and crew emergency escape provisions, according to Isro on its website.
The programme includes various precursor missions, such as Integrated Air Drop Test (IADT), Pad Abort Test (PAT), and Test Vehicle (TV) flights, to demonstrate technology preparedness levels before carrying out the actual Human Space Flight mission.
The Human Rated LVM3 (HLVM3) is identified as the launch vehicle for the Gaganyaan mission, with all systems re-configured to meet human rating requirements. The Orbital Module (OM) comprises the Crew Module (CM) and Service Module (SM), with the CM serving as the habitable space with an earth-like environment in space for the crew and designed for re-entry to ensure safety during descent till touchdown. The SM provides necessary support to the CM while in orbit.
 India's manned space mission is managed by Isro, which is collaborating with partner vendors to develop a fully indigenous technology stack for Gaganyaan's space infrastructure, distinguishing it from the US approach, which often involves contracting private firms for such endeavours.

India's landing on the moon

In addition to its aspirations in human spaceflight, India has made significant strides in lunar exploration, with the Chandrayaan missions yielding crucial findings regarding the presence of water on the lunar surface.
Chandrayaan-3, launched on August 23 last year, marked India's successful entry into the elite group of nations capable of landing rovers on the moon. Through initiatives like Gaganyaan, India aims to further enhance its standing in applied research projects in space exploration, contributing to the global space ecosystem, as claimed by Isro.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитата: gongora от 10.04.2024 03:26:58Is this Antaris payload on an Indian launcher?
ЦитироватьJANUS-2 was initially scheduled to launch in March 2024 but subsequently has been delayed further to May 2024.
(this is from an FCC ground station permit)
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"