Роботы на МКС

Автор triage, 12.09.2017 14:59:29

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Цитироватьopinion написал:
 Финала долго ждать. Как там говорили древние китайские мудрецы? Дорога в тысячу лет начинается с ФЦП на один год?
Западные соседи древних китайцев говорили: либо ишак, либо падишах, либо я... 
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Цитировать https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=517492&lang=RU
Вернувшийся из космоса робот FEDOR вновь отказался включаться
17.09.2019 12:57:45       Москва. 17 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Человекоподобный робот FEDOR после возвращения с Международной космической станции (МКС) на Землю не смог сразу включиться, с причинами разбираются специалисты, сообщили российским космонавтам в ходе сеанса связи МКС и Центра управления полетами (ЦУП).
       "После посадки он не включился. Сейчас специалисты разбираются. Замучили, наверное, экспериментами", - сказали из ЦУПа космонавту Алексею Овчинину в ходе сеанса общения с МКС.
       Овчинин, который вместе с Александром Скворцовым работал на станции с роботом, пошутил: "Он просто устал, наверное".
       Примечательно, что после посадки 7 сентября в Twitter-аккаунте робота появилось сообщение: "Испытание новой системы посадки прошло без замечаний. Программа испытаний выполнена полностью. Спускаемый аппарат взят под охрану".
       После этого он "написал" еще несколько сообщений, в которых цитировал стихотворение Владимира Орлова "Родное", шутил на тему фотографии главы Роскосмоса Дмитрия Рогозина в папахе, сообщал о возвращении в Королев вместе со спускаемым аппаратом и готовности к проверкам по итогам полета, ответил на шутку Ивана Урганта.
       Проблемы с включением робота были во время его нахождения на МКС.

МОСКВА, 17 сен — РИА Новости. Робот "Федор" прокомментировал свою поломку после возвращения с МКС.
Ранее начальник отдела поисково-спасательного обеспечения РКК "Энергия" Сергей Малихов сообщил, что вернувшийся на Землю "Федор" не включился. Он предположил, что у робота разрядились батарейки, либо "Федор" просто "не захотел разговаривать". Космонавт Алексей Овчинин также в шутку предположил, что "Федор" устал.

"Я не устал. Но отдых необходим даже машинам", — пошутил робот в твиттере.

3:44 ПП · 17 сент. 2019 г.
Я не устал. Но отдых необходим даже машинам

Позже в пресс-службе Роскосмоса уточнили, что с роботом все хорошо, он "отдыхает и готовится к дальнейшей работе".
не включился и не включался имеют разный смысл


ЦитироватьЯпония третьей после США и России доставит человекоподобного робота на МКС
03:18 03.10.2019

МОСКВА, 3 окт - РИА Новости. Японское агентство аэрокосмических исследований JAXA планирует отправить антропоморфного робота на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) к 2020 году, сообщается в материалах подмосковного Центра подготовки космонавтов, имеющихся в распоряжении РИА Новости.

"Японское космическое агентство к 2020 году планирует доставить на МКС своего антропоморфного робота, управляемого в копирующем режиме с Земли", - говорится в материалах.

С 2011 по 2018 годы на МКС летал американский человекообразный робот Robonaut-2, выполняя различные задания. Он был возвращен на Землю для ремонта и модернизации. Его возвращение на станцию ожидается не ранее конца 2019 года.

В августе-сентябре 2019 года на МКС побывал российский антропоморфный робот "Федор". Он поработал с отверткой и ключами, состыковал электрические соединители, включал электродрель, протирал руки полотенцем и ответил на вопросы космонавтов.


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
МОСКВА, 3 окт - РИА Новости. Японское агентство аэрокосмических исследований JAXA планирует отправить антропоморфного робота на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) к 2020 году..,
"к 2020" к МКС летят Лебедь-12, Старлайнер-1 и Прогресс МС-13. И куда ж его загрузят?
А красиво, если будет пилотировать Старлайнер!  :D


Цитировать https://ria.ru/20191003/1559380040.html
Япония третьей после США и России доставит человекоподобного робота на МКС

Вон этот справа-снизу из Японии был вторым человекоподобным на МКС

МИА РИА через свой Спутник на разных языках пустили

Даже утверждая Таким образом, Япония присоединится к России и США, единственным странам, которые до сих пор испытывали своих роботов на МКС.  :evil:

Day 5 in space: Hazza Al Mansouri shows off the robots at the ISS


ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Одним роботом на МКС меньше. :)  

Во время эпопеи с Федором на МКС как-то прошло незамеченным что роботов на МКС стало чуть меньше, готовится вторая версия с запуском в декабре 2019

CIMON is back on Earth after 14 months on the ISS
28 August 2019

Friedrichshafen  – CIMON has returned to Earth: the Crew Interactive Mobile CompanioN (CIMON), the astronaut assistant featuring artificial intelligence, arrived back on its home planet on board a Dragon spacecraft from US company SpaceX. The SpaceX-18 undocked from the International Space Station (ISS) on 27 August 2019  at 16:59 Central European Summer Time (CEST). The capsule then touched down in the Pacific Ocean around 480 kilometres southwest of Los Angeles and was recovered at 22:21h CEST.

"We expect to have the first CIMON back in Germany by the end of October," says Dr Christian Karrasch, CIMON Project Manager at the DLR Space Administration. "The CIMON technology experiment has lived up to all our expectations," Karrasch continues, summarising the past few months. "During its first mission in space – a 90-minute session with German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst on the ISS in November 2018 – CIMON demonstrated its ability to work well in microgravity conditions and to successfully interact with astronauts. We are still incredibly happy with the only artificial intelligence mission to take place on the space station to date, and have been working on a new, enhanced model for several months. The first CIMON has allowed us to lay the foundations for using social assistance systems in space – systems that support astronauts with their tasks and that at some point may even take some work off their hands."
Just like its predecessor, the second CIMON is being built by Airbus in Friedrichshafen and Bremen on behalf of the DLR Space Administration and is being funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie; BMWi). Airbus in Friedrichshafen has assembled and tested the hardware for the new CIMON, while Airbus in Bremen is working to improve the software for flight and attitude control. IBM is implementing new AI features. "All in all there are several upgrades, including better microphones, a more robust computer, improved flight and attitude control, and new software features for conversation – for example in the areas of voice recognition, conversational skills and understanding intentions," explains Till Eisenberg, CIMON Project Manager at Airbus.

Matthias Biniok, Project Manager at IBM, adds: "CIMON represents a unique application scenario in an extreme working environment. And we've seen that by using AI technology – in our case IBM Watson – we can support astronauts in their work. Our primary objective for CIMON's next stage of development is to improve the comprehension of speech in specific contexts and the analysis of emotion in language."

Ethical questions around the future use of CIMON are being examined and evaluated by medical experts at Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich. Privacy rights are affected by the interaction between humans and machines, as CIMON records, processes and interprets images and audio of astronauts. There needs to be high technical standards in data security while recognising that trust in such systems is an important factor for teamwork between humans and machines. Basically, this means deciding what CIMON is permitted to do, know and say. "The new CIMON has an in-built switch that allows the flow of data from all cameras and microphones to be interrupted from the ISS. This means that the astronaut is in control of CIMON at all times, which we thought was particularly important," says LMU scientist Dr Judith Buchheim.
DLR Space Administration, which is responsible for German contributions to the European Space Agency (ESA), is working with ESA to send the new version of CIMON to the ISS in December 2019 so that it can benefit from crew time with astronauts.
The first CIMON arrived on the ISS as a technology experiment on 2 July 2018. On 15 November 2018, the robotic assistant with a smart 'face' received global attention when it was deployed for the first time: it successfully 'worked' together with German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst for 90 minutes. CIMON demonstrated its basic functions, such as its ability to fly in microgravity conditions using autonomous navigation, performing several turns and movements in every direction, and was able to search for Gerst's face, recognise it, make eye contact and speak to him. It then showed the instructions for an experiment on its 'face' – a display in the centre of the sphere – and played music. It also used its cameras to record a video and take a photo of Gerst.

In 2018, the CIMON project won the US 'Popular Science Award' in the category 'Best of What's New in 2018' in aerospace. Airbus was also awarded the '2019 German Innovation Prize' (Deutsche Innovationspreis) in the large companies category (#dip19).

•CIMON – the idea

Developed and built in Germany, CIMON is a technology experiment to support astronauts and increase the efficiency of their work. CIMON is able to show and explain information and instructions for scientific experiments and repairs. The voice-controlled access to documents and media is an advantage, as the astronauts can keep both hands free. It can also be used as a mobile camera to save astronaut crew time. In particular, CIMON could be used to perform routine tasks, such as documenting experiments, searching for objects and taking inventory. CIMON can also see, hear, understand and speak. CIMON can orientate itself using its 'eyes' – a stereo camera and a high-resolution camera that it uses for facial recognition – as well as two other cameras fitted to its sides that it uses for photos and video documentation. Ultrasound sensors measure distances to recognise potential collisions. Its 'ears' consist of eight microphones to identify directions, and an additional directional microphone to improve voice recognition. Its 'mouth' is a loudspeaker that it can use to speak or play music. At the heart of the AI for language understanding is the IBM Watson AI technology from the IBM Cloud. CIMON has not been equipped with self-learning capabilities and requires active human instruction. The AI used for autonomous navigation was provided by Airbus and is designed for movement planning and object recognition. Twelve internal rotors allow CIMON to move and rotate freely in all directions. This means it can turn towards the astronaut when addressed, nod and shake its head, and follow the astronaut – either autonomously or on command.

The partners:

The interactive astronaut assistant was developed and built by Airbus in Friedrichshafen and Bremen on behalf of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) Space Administration and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie). Watson AI technology from the IBM Cloud provides voice-controlled artificial intelligence. Scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilian University Hospital in Munich (Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, LMU) helped develop and oversee the human aspects of the assistance system. An approximately 50-strong project team from DLR, Airbus, IBM and LMU have been working on the implementation of CIMON since August 2016. CIMON has been on board the ISS since 2 July 2018. It is no coincidence that its name is reminiscent of 'Professor Simon Wright', the robotic assistant – or the 'flying brain' – from the Japanese science fiction series 'Captain Future'.


Японский робот к концу 2020 года, но о нем уже давно писали
например ЕКА
25 September 2018
Japanese start-up company GITAI provides a humanoid telepresence robot-like "Avatar" for science experiments in space stations and moon-based development. Meet GITAI at ESA's Start-ups Zone powered by ESA space solutions at IAC 2018.....

Стартап GITAI  https://gitai.tech/  с офисами в Японии и США

Август 2019

GITAI conducted an experiment in which GITAI robots took over astronauts' tasks in a mock-up of International Space Station (ISS) in July, 2019.

Аватарность. (Даты для привлечения внимания)
Telexistence Robot Prototype3-1
24 нояб. 2016 г.

GITAI Prototype unit no.5
16 июн. 2017 г.

GITAI : Prototype Unit6 (2018.11)
8 февр. 2019 г.

3月 25, 2019
・About the GITAI robot proof-of-concept experiment at JAXA
From December 25-27, 2018, in JAXA's mock-up of Kibo, the International Space Station's Japanese Experiment Module, GITAI conducted an experiment into using the GITAI robot as a substitute for an astronaut, based on a list of astronaut tasks provided by JAXA. The GITAI robot was found to succeed in completing 72% (13/18) of the tasks.

・About the GITAI-JAXA joint research agreement
Aiming to use robot technology to carry out work in the place of astronauts on Kibo, the Japanese Experiment Module for the International Spae Station (ISS), GITAI and JAXA have entered into a joint research agreement (limited to the current fiscal year) in order to evaluate the applicability of GITAI's technology.
Both companies will continue to collaborate to investigate technologies and conduct proof-of-concept experiments in future.

8月 20, 2019
GITAI plans to utilize the funds obtained from the current round to support the ongoing development of their task substitution robot, and for the planned launch of a demonstration model to the International Space Station (ISS) by the end of 2020.
GITAI tied a joint research contract with JAXA in December 2018, and in March 2019, an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Asia's largest satellite communication provider, Sky Perfect JSAT.

.... SKY Perfect JSAT, which signed the memorandum with GITAI, has 17 communications satellites in stationary orbit, the most in Asia (as of March 2019)....

еще интересно про другие компании от марта 2019
It's also worth noting that GITAI has some new hires, including folks from the famous (and somewhat mysterious) Japanese bipedal robot company SCHAFT. A quick reminder about SCHAFT: The company was founded by members of the JSK Laboratory at the University of Tokyo in order to build a robot to compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials in 2013. SCHAFT won the DRC Trials by a substantial margin, scoring 27 points out of a possible 32, 7 more points than the second place team (IHMC). DARPA wasn't the only one impressed with SCHAFT's performance: Google was too, and it acquired SCHAFT (along with Boston Dynamics and a bunch of other high-profile robotics companies) soon after.

Т.к. собирают деньги, то могут и не полететь....

использование на Луне

на станции


Цитироватьtriage написал:

Стартап GITAI   https://gitai.tech/   с офисами в Японии и США

Август 2019

Когда откручивает винт, движение особенно антропоморфное и аватарное. Жаль оператора в этот момент не показали.
There are four lights


Цитироватьopinion написал:
Когда откручивает винт, движение особенно антропоморфное и аватарное. Жаль оператора в этот момент не показали.
а да, прикольно в конце ролика.  насадки в разных видео разные.
наверное тут что-то нажал ;)


JAXA представила детали студенческого соревнования по программированию робота Astrobee. Финал в сентябре 2020 года.  Студенты некоторых стран.

По легенде внезапно модуль Кибо разгерметизируются внешним воздействием (наверное навеяно разгерметизацией в кино Миссии на Марс 2000 и Дыркой в Союзе 2018, ....). Робот должен сам найти место утечки (кажется визуально) и лазером (по легенде) устранить разгерметизацию (притом лазером может ошибочно и увеличить). Японский Int-ball на подхвате с видеосъемкой (но как будто им не управляют).

Такое применение робота можно придумать и для Лунных Ворот, но вот Кибо снаружи (ну примерно) цилиндр, а внутри объемный прямоугольник. Как загерметизировать если робота от внешней поверхности станции отделяет стандартная стойка с оборудованием?


Цитироватьopinion написал:
Цитироватьtriage написал:

Стартап GITAI    https://gitai.tech/    с офисами в Японии и США

Август 2019
Когда откручивает винт, движение особенно антропоморфное и аватарное. Жаль оператора в этот момент не показали.
Там всё "антропоморфное". И голова и клешни и особенно ноги.:) 
Легко заметить что оператор держит в руках рукоятки. 

Бросается в глаза быстрота, чёткость и уверенность движений. В то же время видно что манипуляторы не способны точно отслеживать движения рук оператора и во время мелких движений ему приходится корректировать положение манипуляторов по видеокамерам.

Неплохо бы было всё это посмотреть нашему дорогому Дмитрию Олеговичу, прежде чем выставлять на всеобщее осмеяние своего Федю, чтобы представлять себе как на самом деле должен выглядеть дистанционно-управляемый робот.  
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Astrobee получит датчик звука с ИИ для выявления проблем в работе оборудования.
Bosch's SoundSee technology is a deep audio analytics capability that uses a custom array of microphones and machine learning to analyze information contained in emitted noises. SoundSee's analytics will investigate whether audio data from equipment could be learned and understood using advanced software, such that it could be used to improve the operations of the ISS.

"Machines, such as motors and pumps, emit noise signatures while they operate," said Dr. Samarjit Das, principal researcher and SoundSee project lead at Bosch Research and Technology Center in Pittsburgh. "Our SoundSee AI (artificial intelligence) algorithm uses machine learning to analyze these subtle acoustic clues and determine whether a machine, or even a single component of a machine, needs to be repaired or replaced." The SoundSee payload will ride on NASA's Astrobee Robot, an autonomous free-flying vehicle capable of navigating throughout the ISS.

On the ISS, researchers will collect data and send it to Earth for Bosch to study. As research progresses, the team expects to upd ate the software or adjust operational routines to improve data-collection results. Jon Macoskey, research engineer intern at Bosch, said, "Our long-term goal is to show that we can detect anomalies in the operation of the station and return that intelligence to crewmembers or ground control."

The so-called "SoundSee" module will be roughly the size of a lunch box, and will make its way to the ISS via Northrop Grumman's  forthcoming CRS-12 resupply mission, which is currently se t for a November 2 launch.

На русском https://regnum.ru/news/2753097.html с ссылкой на techcrunch.com - но летит на Драконе 2 ноября




Nov. 23, 2019

European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano performed initial tests of the second Astrobee robot, named Honey, aboard the International Space Station. Astrobee is a free-flying robot system that includes three robots and a docking station for recharging, and will be used to test how robots can assist crew and perform caretaking duties on spacecraft.

After Parmitano unpacked and inspected Honey, he placed the robot on Astrobee's docking station and Honey woke up on the dock, for the first time in space, next to its robotic teammate Bumble. Honey and Bumble are identical, except for their colors. Bumble is dressed in blue and Honey, appropriately, wears yellow.

Because their systems are identical, Honey can take advantage of the work Bumble has done since its initial hardware checkout in April. Station crew and Astrobee's team at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley used Bumble to map the interior of the space station's Kibo module. The robots need a map to navigate, and the series of mapping exercises were a necessary step before Bumble took its first solo flight in June.  

Honey received Bumble's mapping data though a software update from Astrobee engineers using a data port on the dock. Even though the robots now have the same software, Honey needs more testing before it's ready to fly. The third robot, named Queen, launched to the station in July and will be the last of the three to wake up in space.  

Robots like Astrobee will play a significant part in the agency's mission to return to the Moon under the Artemis program, and other deep space missions, by increasing astronaut productivity and helping maintain spacecraft when astronauts are not aboard.

Credit: NASA
Last Updated: Nov. 25, 2019
Editor: Gianine Figliozzi


CIMON караул сдал в августе
CIMON-2 караул примет и пишут на 3 года


Astronaut assistant CIMON-2 is on its way to the International Space Station
Human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence in space New technology demonstrator with improved 'sense of direction' and 'empathy'

05 December 2019

Cape Canaveral, 5 December 2019 – A new CIMON for the International Space Station (ISS): CIMON-2 (Crew Interactive MObile companioN) lifted off on its journey into space on 5 December 2019. This modified version of the astronaut assistant has been equipped for new tasks and was developed and built in Germany. Like its predecessor, CIMON-2 will be deployed in the Columbus European research module. CIMON is a free-flying, spherical technology demonstrator for human-machine interaction and features artificial intelligence.

"CIMON-1 – our prototype – landed back on Earth on 27 August 2019
after spending 14 months on the ISS, and has now arrived at Airbus in Friedrichshafen," says Dr Christian Karrasch, CIMON Project Manager at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) Space Administration in Bonn. The technology experiment was developed and built by Airbus in Friedrichshafen and Bremen on behalf of the Space Administration and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie). The demonstrator's artificial intelligence is based on IBM's Watson technology, with medical experts from the Ludwig-Maximilian University Hospital in Munich (Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, LMU) responsible for scientific issues. On 15 November 2018, CIMON-1 became the world's first AI to be deployed on the ISS, working with German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst.

"We want to use CIMON-2 to build on the successful demonstration with CIMON," says Christian Karrasch. During its debut the first CIMON impressively demonstrated that an AI-based mobile application can function on the ISS, working together with Alexander Gerst for 90 minutes.

"CIMON-2 is expected to remain on the ISS and support the crew for up to three years," explains Till Eisenberg, CIMON Project Manager at Airbus. "CIMON-2's microphones are more sensitive, and it has a more advanced sense of direction. Its AI capabilities and the stability of its complex software applications have also been significantly improved. "Another key point in CIMON's evolution is its extended service life: "During this mission, we are also considering further steps, such as uploading the AI to a cloud on the ISS."

This would represent a milestone in the development of a completely autonomous assistance system. According to DLR Project Manager Christian Karrasch: "When travelling to the Moon or Mars, the crew would then be able to rely on an AI-based assistance service, even without a permanent data link to Earth. One application back on Earth could be to support people with complex tasks in areas with poor infrastructure, for example."

IBM is responsible for the implementation of CIMON's artificial intelligence. "During its first deployment on the ISS, CIMON proved that it can not only understand content in context, but also the intention behind it," explains Matthias Biniok, IBM project lead for the Watson AI. "CIMON-2 is taking this a step further. Thanks to the IBM Watson Tone Analyzer from IBM Cloud in Frankfurt, Germany, it is now capable of assessing the astronauts' emotions and reacting in a manner that is appropriate to the situation, either at the request of the astronauts or when its emotional analysis is being tested as part of an experiment. This means CIMON-2 can, if required, switch from being a scientific assistant to an empathetic conversation partner."

The CIMON 'family'

The interactive astronaut assistant CIMON was developed and built by Airbus in Friedrichshafen and Bremen on behalf of the German Aerospace Center Space Administration (DLR) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Watson AI technology from IBM Cloud provides voice-controlled artificial intelligence. Scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilian University Hospital in Munich (LMU) helped develop and oversee the human aspects of the assistance system. An approximately 50-strong project team from DLR, Airbus, IBM and LMU have been working on the implementation of CIMON since August 2016. The prototype of the technology experiment was on board the ISS from 2 July 2018 to 27 August 2019, and made its 90-minute debut – a world first – on 15 November 2018 with German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst. It is no coincidence that CIMON's name is reminiscent of 'Professor Simon Wright', the robotic assistant – or the 'flying brain' – from the Japanese science fiction series 'Captain Future'.

CIMON – the idea

Developed and built in Germany, CIMON is a technology experiment to support astronauts and increase the efficiency of their work. CIMON is able to show and explain information and instructions for scientific experiments and repairs. The voice-controlled access to documents and media is an advantage, as the astronauts can keep both hands free. It can also be used as a mobile camera to save astronaut crew time. In particular, CIMON could be used to perform routine tasks, such as documenting experiments, searching for objects and taking inventory. CIMON can also see, hear, understand and speak. CIMON can orientate itself using its 'eyes' – a stereo camera and a high-resolution camera that it uses for facial recognition – as well as two other cameras fitted to its sides that it uses for photos and video documentation. Ultrasound sensors measure distances to recognise potential collisions. Its 'ears' consist of eight microphones to identify directions, and an additional directional microphone to improve voice recognition. Its 'mouth' is a loudspeaker that it can use to speak or play music. At the heart of the AI for language understanding is IBM Watson AI technology from IBM Cloud. CIMON has not been equipped with self-learning capabilities and requires active human instruction. The AI used for autonomous navigation was provided by Airbus and is designed for movement planning and object recognition. Twelve internal rotors allow CIMON to move and rotate freely in all directions. This means it can turn towards the astronaut when addressed, nod and shake its head, and follow the astronaut – either autonomously or on command.
@AirbusSpace @DLR_en @Space_Station @astro_CIMON #CIMON #ISS #SpX19

или чуть другая версия

A new Crew Interactive MObile companioN (CIMON) is on its way the International Space Station (ISS). On 5 December 2019 at 18:29 CET (12:29 local time) the US SpaceX CRS-19 mission lifted off from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral, Florida. On board was CIMON-2, an astronaut assistant developed and built in Germany that has been modified and equipped for new tasks. Like its predecessor, CIMON-2 will be used in the European Columbus research module. CIMON is a spherical, free-flying technology demonstrator equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) and designed for human–machine interaction.

"CIMON-1 – our prototype – landed back on Earth on 27 August 2019 after 14 months on the ISS, and has now arrived at Airbus in Friedrichshafen," says Christian Karrasch, CIMON Project Manager at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) Space Administration in Bonn. The DLR Space Administration commissioned the technology experiment from Airbus in Friedrichshafen and Bremen with funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). CIMON's AI is based on IBM's Watson technology. Medical experts from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich are responsible for scientific matters. CIMON-1 went into operation on 15 November 2018 as the world's first AI system on the ISS, assisting the German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst.

"With CIMON-2, we are looking to build on the successful CIMON demonstration," says Karrasch. At its premiere, CIMON demonstrated that an AI-based mobile application could be very beneficial on the ISS while 'working' with Alexander Gerst for 90 minutes. "It is planned that CIMON-2 will stay on the ISS for up to three years and support the crew," explains Till Eisenberg, CIMON Project Manager at Airbus. "CIMON-2 has more sensitive microphones and a more advanced sense of orientation. The AI capabilities and stability of the complex software applications have also been substantially improved." Another important step in CIMON's evolution is its extended lifespan. "During this operational period we will be thinking of further steps, such as uploading the AI to an ISS cloud." This would be a milestone in the gradual evolution of a fully autonomous assistance system. "On a journey to the Moon or Mars, the crew would be able to rely on an AI-based assistance service, without a permanent data link to Earth," says Karrasch. "One specific application for Earth, for instance, would be helping people to perform complex tasks in areas with poor infrastructure."

IBM is responsible for implementing the artificial intelligence for CIMON. "When it was first deployed on the ISS, CIMON proved that it could understand not only the content within its given context, but also the intention behind it," says Matthias Biniok, IBM Lead Watson Architect for Germany. "CIMON-2 goes one step further. With the help of the IBM Watson Tone Analyzer from the IBM cloud in Frankfurt, it is now able to evaluate the emotions of the astronauts and respond to the situation in an appropriate way if this is desired by the astronauts or if its emotional analysis capabilities are being tested as part of an experiment. This allows CIMON-2 to transition from a scientific assistant into an empathetic companion, as required."

The CIMON 'family'
The development and construction of the interactive astronaut assistant CIMON were commissioned by the DLR Space Administration, with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and carried out by Airbus in Friedrichshafen and Bremen. Voice-enabled artificial intelligence is provided by Watson AI technology from the IBM cloud. The human aspects of the assistance system were jointly developed and supervised by scientists at the medical centre at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich. A team of around 50 people from DLR, Airbus, IBM and LMU have been working on implementing CIMON since August 2016. The prototype for the technology experiment was on board the ISS from 2 July 2018 to 27 August 2019 and had its world premiere on 15 November 2018, when it assisted ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst for 90 minutes. CIMON's name is, in part, a reference to 'Professor Simon Wright', the robotic assistant – or 'flying brain' – in the Japanese science fiction series 'Captain Future'.

CIMON – The idea
Developed and built in Germany, CIMON is a technology experiment to support astronauts and increase the efficiency of their work. CIMON is able to show and explain information, instructions for scientific experiments and repairs. The voice-controlled access to documents and media is an advantage, as the astronauts can keep both hands free. It can also be used as a mobile camera to save astronaut crew time. CIMON can perform routine tasks, in particular, such as the documentation of experiments, the search for objects and for taking inventory. CIMON is also able to see, hear, understand and speak. Its eyes are actually two cameras that it uses for facial recognition, as well as five other cameras for orientation and video documentation. Ultrasound sensors measure distances to recognise potential collisions. Its ears consist of eight microphones to identify directions, and an additional directional microphone to improve voice comprehension. Its mouth is a loudspeaker used to speak or to play music. At the heart of the AI for language understanding is the IBM Watson AI technology from the IBM Cloud. CIMON was not equipped with self-learning capabilities and requires active human instruction. The AI used for autonomous navigation was contributed by Airbus and is designed for movement planning and object recognition. Twelve internal fans allow CIMON to move and rotate freely in all directions. This means it can turn toward the astronaut when addressed. It can also nod or shake its head and follow through space either autonomously or on command.


By John Foley

CIMON, the world's first AI-powered astronaut assistant, returned to the International Space Station—this time with a heightened ability to analyze human emotion.

The objective, according to the researchers who fine-tuned the robot after its first successful mission aboard the spacecraft, is to transform CIMON from a scientific assistant into "an empathetic companion."

As was the original CIMON, which spent 14 months in space, the new and improved CIMON-2 is a joint project by IBM, Airbus and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

CIMON-1 returned to Earth from the International Space Station (ISS) in August. CIMON-2 is heading back to the space station on a SpaceX rocket that launched Dec. 4 from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

CIMON, which stands for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion, was developed to help astronauts with their many tasks and research activities. The voice-controlled floating robot, which operates with a slight smile on its screen face, can display instructions and record images during an experiment. It can read from manuals and give conversational responses.

About the size of a medicine ball, CIMON made its debut on the ISS in November 2018, responding to a command from German ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst by saying, "What can I do for you?" CIMON-1 assisted with a student experiment on crystallization, demonstrated its ability to maneuver within the ISS's Columbus research module, and recorded video and images.

CIMON-2 includes more sensitive microphones, more robust computers, and IBM Watson Tone Analyzer technology, which uses linguistic analysis to detect emotion from the tone of a conversation. As with the original CIMON, CIMON-2 will use a dozen internal rotors to maneuver weightlessly, nod or shake its head when listening, and follow an astronaut autonomously or on command.

Equipped with ultrasonic sensors, CIMON-2 has also been engineered for improved orientation within the tight quarters of the ISS.

Reacting to Emotions

In the same way its predecessor did, CIMON-2 uses cameras, microphones, and a speaker to see, hear and speak. When CIMON-1 was first used at the ISS, "it proved it could understand not only the content within its given context, but also the intention behind it, using IBM Watson," says Matthias Biniok, IBM project manager, Watson AI.

CIMON-2 goes a step further with its ability to evaluate emotions—what Biniok calls emotional intelligence.  In the future, CIMON will also empathically respond to situations as appropriate based on its analysis.

The Watson Tone Analyzer, which is delivered from the IBM Cloud, can assess an astronaut's emotions. For example, if CIMON-2 were to sense that an astronaut is challenged by a task, it could offer assistance or encouragement. This is the same Watson technology used by businesses in customer service centers to automate interactions and in chatbots to detect a customer's tone during the back and forth of an automated dialog.

CIMON-2 incorporates other AI technologies, including IBM Watson Assistant, which gives the airborne unit its conversational capabilities, and Watson Speech to Text services, for speech recognition and text transcription.

CIMON-2 is also a better listener. New microphones make the device more sensitive to comments and voice commands.

Future Scenarios

CIMON-2 has an extended lifespan. "It is planned that CIMON-2 will stay on the ISS for up to three years and support the crew," explains Till Eisenberg, CIMON project manager at Airbus.

Beyond that, the research team is looking ahead to future scenarios. One possibility would be to upload AI into an "ISS cloud" for use in space travel. "On a journey to the Moon or Mars, the crew would be able to rely on an AI-based assistance service, without a permanent data link to Earth," says Christian Karrasch, CIMON project manager with DLR.

The possibilities, as with space travel itself, are endless.


ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
Неплохо бы было всё это посмотреть нашему дорогому Дмитрию Олеговичу, прежде чем выставлять на всеобщее осмеяние своего Федю, чтобы представлять себе как на самом деле должен выглядеть дистанционно-управляемый робот.  
То есть ты утверждаешь что антропоморфно-управлямый робонавт NASA должен быть всеобще осмеян? :D


ЦитироватьNot написал:
 То есть ты утверждаешь что антропоморфно-управлямый робонавт NASA должен быть всеобще осмеян?
 А ты чего - принимал его всерьёз? И о других не знал?  :o 
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Возможно модели в реальном масштабе

отсюда - рекламный ролик JAXA по IAC2019


ЦитироватьСтарый написал:
ЦитироватьNot написал:
 То есть ты утверждаешь что антропоморфно-управлямый робонавт NASA должен быть всеобще осмеян?
 А ты чего - принимал его всерьёз? И о других не знал?  :o  
О тех, что чуть выше, с мордочками? :D


Цитироватьtriage написал:
Возможно модели в реальном масштабе
Похож на Кассандру из Доктора Кто.
There are four lights