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ЦитироватьInternational Space Station speaks with the International Space Explorers Forum

NASA Video

Опубликовано: 5 мар. 2018 г.


ЦитироватьScott D. Tingle‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Maker 3 ч. назад

.@Astro_Kanai and I installed this new rope on our Advanced Resistive Exercise Device or ARED, (used for weight lifting). This is very important to maintain body conditioning and limit bone density loss in space!


ЦитироватьПомощник астронавтов робот Саймон в июне полетит на МКС
МОСКВА, 6 мар — РИА Новости. Компания Airbus совместно с IBM создали первого интерактивного мобильного помощника для космонавтов МКС, его зовут CIMON (Crew Interactive MObile CompanioN), робот полетит на станцию в марте июне 2018 года.
"Робот весом около пяти килограммов сделан из пластика и металла при помощи технологий 3D-печати. CIMON совершит свой первый полет на МКС уже в марте июне 2018 года и будет испытан немецким космонавтом Александром Герстом во время миссии Horizons Европейского космического агентства с июня по октябрь 2018 года", — сообщил РИА Новости представитель Airbus...


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/05/2018

Posted Mar 5, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) Electric-Field Effects on Laminar Diffusion (E-Field) Flames:
The crew replaced the compensator module in the CIR Hi Bit-depth Multi-Spectral (HiBMS) Imaging package today. This is in preparation for the upcoming ACME E-Field Flames investigation. The ACME investigation is a set of five independent studies of gaseous flames to be conducted in the CIR. ACME's primary goal is to improve fuel efficiency and reduced pollutant production in practical combustion on Earth. For E-Field Flames an electric field with voltages as high as 10,000 volts is established between the burner and a mesh electrode. The motion of the charged ions, which are naturally produced within the flame, are strongly affected by a high-voltage electric field. The resulting ion-driven wind can dramatically influence the stability and sooting behavior of the flame. Conducting the tests in microgravity allows for great simplifications in the analysis, enabling new understanding and the development of less polluting and more efficient combustion technology for use on Earth.
This morning the crew installed the Meteor Small Camera Bracket and Meteor camera in the US Laboratory Window Observational Research Facility (WORF) and then activated the camera. They then photographed the camera, lens settings and the position of the camera relative to the Lab window. The Meteor payload uses a visible spectroscopy instrument to observe meteors in Earth orbit and then analyze the images to provide information on the physical and chemical properties of meteoroid dust. The study of the meteoroid dust on-orbit provides information about the parent comets and asteroids.
Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF):
Today the crew took photographs of Sample Cartridge 2 to allow the ground to determine if it has any damage. This is in preparation for the upcoming ELF sample exchange planned for March 10th. The ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate, melt and solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the electrostatic levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.
Over the weekend the crew took photographs to document plant growth for the VEG-03 investigation. Photos of the plants are taken about every 3 days. The crew also watered the plants over the weekend and today. Veg-03 supports the proof-of concept for the Veggie plant growth chamber and the planting pillows. Future long duration space missions will require a fresh food supply grown in space to supplement crew diets.
Radiation Dosimetry Inside ISS-Neutron (RaDI-N):
After retrieving the RaDI-N hardware from a Russian crewmember, a USOS crewmember deployed eight Space Bubble Detectors on a Node 3 rack front today. This Canadian Space Agency (CSA) investigation measures neutron radiation levels while onboard the ISS. Bubble detectors used as neutron monitors are designed to only detect neutrons and ignore all other radiation.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target (EIISS):
Today the crew captured images of Southern California to the tip of Baja. EIISS captures a series of videos showcasing targets around the world as seen from the ISS. These videos will be integrated into a product for later release.
Lab Window Inspection:
The crew performed an inspection of the Lab window to include still imagery and video, both with the external window shutter open and closed, to note any contamination or damage. This inspection is routine maintenance performed once a year.
Node 3 (N3) Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Cleaning:
Today the crew cleaned the N3 deck IMV starboard fan inlet flow straighteners, inlet silencer and outlet silencer. During the cleaning, the crew attempted to correct the configuration of the bellows-style flex ducts, which were collapsed and may have been contributing to the reduced airflow measured through the fan. The crewmember noted that the duct was deformed, attempted to correct it, and took photos for later engineering review.


ЦитироватьBusy Day Aboard Station Ahead of New Crew Launch

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 6, 2018 at 1:34 pm

A waxing gibbous moon was pictured above the Earth's limb as the International Space Station orbited over the southern Indian Ocean just southwest of the African continent.

The orbiting Expedition 55 crew members participated in a variety of biology research and life support maintenance today. Their counterparts on the ground took part in traditional ceremonies today ahead of their liftoff to the International Space Station in two weeks.
NASA astronaut Scott Tingle started his day photographing and watering plants being grown for the Veggie-3 botany study. He later charged a pair of U.S. spacesuit batteries before inspecting emergency equipment including portable fire extinguishers and breathing apparatus.

Norishige Kanai, from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, set up hardware to measure the levels and analyze the exhaled air in the station's environment. Afterward, he positioned an infrared sensor arm to measure Dwarf Wheat leaf temperatures growing inside the Kibo laboratory's Plant Habitat.

Commander Anton Shkaplerov spent Tuesday morning working on Russian environmental and life support systems. The veteran cosmonaut also activated video gear and checked the tension of an exercise treadmill shock absorber.

In the midst of all the orbital maintenance work, Shkaplerov still had time for a pair of science experiments. The commander explored the internal and external radiation the space station encounters along its flight path. He also researched how international crews interact with each other during different phases of a long term space mission.

Back in Kazakhstan, three new Expedition 55-56 crew members are counting down to their March 21 liftoff and two-day trip to the space station. Cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev and NASA astronauts Ricky Arnold and Drew Feustel raised the flags of their respective countries today at their Cosmonaut Hotel crew quarters in Baikonur near their launch site. The trio is in final preparations training for their launch aboard the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft.


ЦитироватьНа МКС завезли «русское меню» 
Дмитрий Струговец Мария Недюк
Российские космонавты впервые смогут попробовать на орбите фруктовый кисель, зеленые щи и грибы по-старорусски. Эти блюда введены в их рацион питания и с конца 2017 года доставляются на Международную космическую станцию (МКС). Продукты традиционной русской кухни, как считают специалисты, обновят и разнообразят рацион питания, будут способствовать лучшей работе желудочно-кишечного тракта. Сами космонавты полагают, что в первую очередь вкусная еда приносит положительные эмоции.
Меню российских экипажей на МКС с осени прошлого года обновлено, многие из появившихся в нем блюд относятся к традиционной русской кухне. В частности, как рассказали «Известиям» в НИИ пищеконцентратной промышленности и специальной пищевой технологии, впервые в условиях космоса можно будет попробовать кисели. Рацион космонавтов пополнили клюквенный, яблочно-брусничный и яблочно-вишневый напитки густой консистенции.
Разнообразие в ассортимент напитков должен внести и молотый кофе. Раньше он присутствовал на станции только в гранулах. Теперь же космонавты смогут полюбоваться через иллюминатор рассветом за «чашечкой» (а точнее — пакетом из полимерной пленки) натурального кофе с молоком и сахаром. Для его приготовления в пакет необходимо будет лишь залить кипяток.
Помимо этого, в меню космонавтов появились новые первые, вторые блюда и десерты: щи зеленые, суп из шампиньонов, грибы по-старорусски, фруктовые палочки из яблок, абрикосов, слив и вишен. До конца 2018 года рацион должна пополнить пшенная каша с тыквой.
— Грибы в питании космонавтов используются с 2003 года, но теперь они будут присутствовать также в виде супа и «по-старорусски», — рассказала «Известиям» начальник отдела космического питания НИИ пищеконцентратной промышленности Людмила Павлова. — Используются только шампиньоны, выращиваемые в защищенном грунте, в условиях, свободных от тяжелых металлов и радионуклидов. Шампиньоны являются источником многих питательных веществ, необходимых для поддержания здоровья космонавтов.
По словам ученых, благодаря значительному содержанию клетчатки грибные блюда способствуют лучшей работе желудочно-кишечного тракта. Большое количество экстрактивных веществ придает такой пище аромат и приятный вкус, это повышает аппетит и снижает приедаемость рациона космонавтов.
Как рассказал «Известиям» заведующий отделом питания Института медико-биологических проблем РАН Александр Агуреев, ранее грибные блюда в питание космонавтов не включались. Это объяснялось их сезонностью и отсутствием промышленного производства.
– Сырье, которое используется в космическом питании, закупается не на рынке, не в магазине, а непосредственно у производителя. Он должен быть представлен в России и не иметь замечаний к качеству продукции в течение 10 лет, – пояснил Александр Агуреев. — Такие правила. Сейчас шампиньоны выращиваются, а раньше грибы только на рынке покупали, вот их и не использовали для космического питания.
Российский космонавт Сергей Рязанский, вернувшийся в сентябре после второго орбитального полета, рассказал, что непривередлив в еде, однако поддержал обновление ассортимента продуктов.
— Мне кажется, что нововведения в питании космонавтов — это хорошо, — рассказал «Известиям» Сергей Рязанский. — На борту МКС всегда хочется чего-нибудь вкусненького, и новые блюда можно считать фактором психологической поддержки экипажа. Естественно, хорошо, когда в еде есть разнообразие. Во время моего полета замечаний к питанию у меня не было, но в любом случае всегда скучаешь по домашней еде.
Блюда российской кухни пользуются популярностью не только у российских космонавтов, но и у иностранных астронавтов. Например, американец Эндрю Фейстел, который отправится на МКС 21 марта на космическом корабле «Союз МС-08», заказал себе три контейнера с российскими продуктами. В полугодовом полете он сможет побаловать себя судаком по-польски, форелью, лососем в кисло-сладком соусе, курицей с мускатным орехом, мясом в желе, цыплятами с овощами, судаком в сметанном соусе. Помимо этого, астронавт заказал кашу овсяную с различными наполнителями (персиком, малиной, черникой, изюмом и орехами) и йогурты сублимационной сушки с земляникой и злаками.


ЦитироватьКосмонавт А. Шкаплеров поздравляет женщин

  Телестудия Роскосмоса

Опубликовано: 7 мар. 2018 г.

Космонавт Антон Шкаплеров с борта Международной космической станции поздравляет женщин с Международным женским днем.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/06/2018

Posted Mar 6, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Airway Monitoring:
In support of the European Space Agency (ESA) Airway Monitoring investigation, today the crew set up hardware in the US Laboratory for nitric oxide measurements to be taken tomorrow. Airway Monitoring aims to determine the pulmonary nitric oxide turnover in weightlessness and in combined weightless, hypobaric and hypoxic environments as well as determining the lung diffusion capacity for nitric oxide. With dust particles present in the ISS atmosphere, this investigation studies the occurrence and indicators of airway inflammation in crewmembers, using ultra-sensitive gas analyzers to analyze exhaled air. This will help to identify health impacts and support maintenance of crewmember well-being on future human spaceflight missions, where crewmembers will have to be more self-sufficient in identifying and avoiding such conditions.
Plant Habitat:
The crew positioned the Infrared Sensor Arm in the growth chamber of the Plant Habitat to test use of the sensor for measuring leaf temperatures of the growing Dwarf Wheat plants over the next week. The Plant Habitat is a fully automated facility that is being used to support plant bioscience research on the ISS in a large, enclosed, environmentally controlled chamber.
The crew continued with the photo-documentation of plant growth for the Veg-03 investigation. They also watered the plants. Veg-03 supports the proof-of concept for the Veggie plant growth chamber and the planting pillows. Future long duration space missions will require a fresh food supply grown in space to supplement crew diets.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target (EIISS):
Today the crew captured images of Cape Town, South Africa. EIISS captures a series of videos showcasing targets around the world as seen from the ISS. The videos will be integrated into a product for later release.
Microgravity Sciences Glovebox (MSG) Video Upgrade Equipment (VUE) Troubleshooting:
Today, ground controllers unsuccessfully attempted to repower the MSG-VUE. The crew rerouted an Ethernet cable to connect directly with the MSG laptop computer, bypassing the VUE and allowing the Transparent Alloys payload to continue nominal file downlinks. A Failure Investigation Team (FIT) is currently scheduled on Thursday to work the forward plan.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank [E-K] Remove and Replace (R&R):
The crew R&R the E-K tank as part of nominal WHC preventative maintenance. Each tank contains five liters of pre-treat solution, a mix of acid, chromium oxide, and water, used for toilet flushing and required for nominal WHC operation.
Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Inspection:
The crew inspect and confirmed that the Portable Fire Extinguishers (PFEs), Extension Hose Tee Kits (EHTKs), Portable Breathing Apparatuses (PBAs) and Pre-Breathe Masks are all free of damage to ensure functionality. This is routine maintenance performed every 45 days.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Li-Ion Battery Data Logging:
The crew initiated a charging Autocycle of two EMU Long Life Batteries (LLB) with data logging. Over the course of three days, the Autocycle will capture the battery health data required to determine if the expiration date of the LLBs can be extended by 10 months.
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Educational Event:
Scott Tingle, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth alumnus, participated in an educational event with the university. Scott answered a number of questions from Dartmouth students and faculty members.


ЦитироватьMassachusetts Students Speak with NASA Astronaut on Space Station

  NASA Video
Опубликовано: 7 мар. 2018 г.

Students from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth) speak with NASA astronaut and alumnus Scott Tingle, who is living and working aboard the International Space Station, at 12:30 p.m. EST Tuesday, March 6. The 20 minute, Earth-to-space call aired live on NASA Television and the agency's website.

Students from the university, and area K-12 schools, will made the call to the Expedition 55 flight engineer, posing questions about life aboard the space station, NASA's deep space exploration plans, doing science in space, and how to apply their degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.


ЦитироватьStation Upkeep and Orbital Science as Ground Crew Trains

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 7, 2018 at 1:43 pm

NASA astronaut Scott Tingle checks on red lettuce growing inside the Columbus laboratory module's Veggie facility for the Veg-03 experiment.

The three orbiting Expedition 55 crew members focused on maintenance of the International Space Station while studying Earth and biomedical sciences today. Meanwhile, a new set of station crewmates are in Kazakhstan for final training before beginning their mission in two weeks.

Commander Anton Shkaplerov once again worked throughout Wednesday on life support maintenance in the Russian segment of the orbital lab. Flight Engineer Scott Tingle worked in the U.S. side of the station installing new lights and performing six-month maintenance on the COLBERT treadmill.

Tingle started his day watering plants and photographing the United States during a coast-to-coast orbital pass today. Japanese astronaut Norishige Kanai completed setting up gear to measure nitric oxide that the crew members exhaled into the station's environment and diffused in an astronaut's blood system.
Back on Earth, the next three individuals to live and work on the space station are counting down to a March 21 liftoff from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The new Expedition 55-56 crewmates are at their crew quarters at the Cosmonaut Hotel today reviewing their Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft systems and mission procedures. Soyuz Commander Oleg Artemyev will be flanked by NASA Flight Engineers Ricky Arnold and Drew Feustel inside the Soyuz when they dock March 23 to the station's Poisk module.


Цитироватьzandr пишет:
Помощник астронавтов робот Саймон в июне полетит на МКС
Ну а пока - в Бордо
Цитировать@astro_CIMON‏ @astro_cimon 5 мар.

Good bye. CU in . I´m on my way to #Bordeaux to feel weightlessness for the first time during parabolic flight tests onboard the #A310 #zeroG @dlr_en @AirbusSpace @Space_Station @esaspaceflight #Parabelflug


Кстати, от роботов на станции скоро будет не протолкнуться
Цитироватьネコビデオ ビジュアル ソリューションズ‏ @nvslive 5 мар.

国際宇宙ステーションの船内もロボが増えてきそうですね。 ESAのCIMONが今度、ISSにあがるようです。 JAXAのIntBallに加え、NASAにはRobonaut2もおります(残念ながら故障中ですが) #nvslive

ЦитироватьПохоже, число роботов на МКС также увеличивается. Кажется, что CIMON ESA прилетит на МКС в следующий раз. Помимо JAXA IntBall, также имеется Robonaut 2 NASA (к сожалению, он вышел из строя)
а ещё
ЦитироватьRandy Bresnik‏Подлинная учетная запись @AstroKomrade 4 дек. 2017 г.

Droids programmed by @ZeroRobotics school kids on earth and flown in 0-g, @NASA_SPHERES is great program to demonstrate STEM in action. @AstroAcaba and Sasha shown running a test session. Details for next tournament here: http://zerorobotics.mit.edu/tournaments/28/ 




ЦитироватьPlant and Flame Studies Alongside Plumbing, Life Support Work

Mark Garcia
Posted Mar 8, 2018 at 1:13 pm

Baja California and the northwestern coast of Mexico are pictured with Russian spacecraft solar arrays in the foreground. The International Space Station was orbiting above the Mexican state of Sinaloa at the time this photograph was taken.

Aboard the International Space Station, the Expedition 55 crew continued exploring how plants adapt to gravity and began preparing for a suite of combustion experiments. The trio is also continuing the maintenance of the station's life support systems and its microgravity science operations.
NASA astronaut Scott Tingle put his green thumb to work today supporting a pair of botany experiments. He set up gear for an upcoming run of the Plant Gravity Perception experiment that will monitor how plants perceive light and gravity. Tingle also watered and harvested red lettuce for consumption today for the ongoing Veggie-03 study.

After lunch, Tingle opened up the Combustion Integrated Rack and installed new gear to get ready for the Advanced Combustion Microgravity Experiment (ACME). ACME is a set of five independent studies researching gaseous flames in space that may enable more fuel efficient and less polluting technologies.

Flight Engineer Norishige Kanai of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency worked on networking gear in the Kibo lab module before inspecting smoke detectors in the Columbus lab module. Kanai then collected data on new adjustable lights installed inside Kibo before conducting plumbing work in the station's Waste and Hygiene Compartment. Finally, he and Tingle wrapped up the work day with an Earth photography session of Baja California and China.

Commander Anton Shkaplerov continued his work on Russian life support systems through the day. He ended his work day with a photographic inspection of a pair Russian docking modules.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/07/2018

Posted Mar 7, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Airway Monitoring:
In support of the European Space Agency (ESA) Airway Monitoring investigation, today the crew completed calibration of the hardware in the US Laboratory and then completed two different measurement protocols; the low Nitric Oxide (NO) protocol which determines how much NO is exhaled with respiration, and the high NO protocol, which determines how much NO is diffused into the blood. The ISS provides a unique environment, allowing these measurements to be taken in weightless, hypobaric and hypoxic conditions. With dust particles present in the ISS atmosphere, this investigation studies indicators of airway inflammation in crewmembers, using ultra-sensitive gas analyzers to analyze NO in exhaled air. This will help to identify potential health impacts and support maintenance of crewmember health during future human spaceflight missions, where crewmembers will have to be more self-sufficient in identifying and avoiding conditions that may result in airway inflammation.
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Educational Imagery Recording:
Today the crew recorded a video to explain the importance of Earth observation from space and how the International Space Station is a global observation and diagnosis station. This video will be one of a series of videos referred to as STEMonstrations, education videos conducted by crewmembers aboard the space station that will be used for educational products, NASA TV, and social media applications.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target (EIISS):
Today the crew captured images of the continental USA from coast to coast. EIISS captures a series of videos showcasing targets around the world as seen from the ISS. These videos will be integrated into a product for later release.
Treadmill 2 (T2) Six-Month Maintenance:
Today the crew completed the 6-month T2 inspection. During this task, the crew inspects the treadbelt slats and screws, cleans the treadmill drive shaft, greases forward and rear axles, vacuums inside the rack and around the treadmill, and inspects the bungee shackle key mount witness marks. This is nominal periodic corrective maintenance. An unmanned activation and checkout was completed. Engineering reviewed the data from this checkout and T2 is a Go for operations.
Acoustic Monitor Recoding of T2 Audio:
Today the crew also performed Acoustic Monitor recording of the unmanned activation and checkout protocol that is performed prior to and immediately following the T2 six-month maintenance. Two Acoustic Monitors were used to record audio of the T2 at each tread speed.
Airlock Bacteria Filter Remove and Replace (R&R):
As part of routine ISS maintenance, the crew removed and replaced three expended Airlock Bacteria Filters located in the Aft Deck Standoff and clean the IMV Air Return screens of the Airlock Duct Selector Panel.
Solid State Lighting Assembly (SSLA) Installation:
Today, the crew installed two SSLAs into the US Airlock. The SSLAs were designed to replace General Luminaire Assemblies (GLAs) to improve visual acuity and to provide a crew health countermeasure for circadian rhythms, sleep, alertness and performance. To accomplish these goals, SSLAs are designed to operate in 3 modes with 3 distinct spectrum. The different spectrum provide control of the blue portion of the light which impacts melatonin production in humans which impacts sleep.
Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) 1 Autostop:
This morning MELFI 1 went into autostop. A power cycle was unsuccessful in recovering the unit. The crew transferred the contents of MELFI 1 to other cold stowage assets to allow the team time to review the signature and develop a forward plan. After transfers were completed, an additional power cycle of the unit was successful in recovering the Electronics Unit (EU). Dewar 3 is showing an invalid configuration and the Brayton motor remains powered off. Teams are investigating.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 3/08/2018

Posted Mar 8, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Plant Gravity Perception (PGP):
Today the crew replaced four of the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS) Experiment Containers (ECs) for the next Plant Gravity Perception experiment run. Two of the ECs powered up and remained powered. For this investigation, normal and mutated forms of thale cress, a model research plant, are germinated to support the study of the plants' gravity and light perception. Results provide insight into the plants' adaptation to a microgravity environment and supports efforts to grow plants for food on future space missions.
The crew watered the Veg-03 lettuce plants and harvested sel ect leaves for consumption. The plants were then left to grow and sprout new leaves. Veg-03 supports the proof-of concept for the Veggie plant growth chamber and the planting pillows. Future long duration space missions will require a fresh food supply grown in space to supplement crew diets.
Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) Electric-Field Effects on Laminar Diffusion (E-Field) Flames:
In preparation for the upcoming ACME E-Field Flames investigation the crew installed the ACME Mesh and replace a ACME controller today. The ACME investigation is a set of five independent studies of gaseous flames to be conducted in the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR). ACME's primary goal is to improve fuel efficiency and reduce pollutant production in practical combustion on Earth. For E-Field Flames an electric field with voltages as high as 10,000 volts is established between the burner and a mesh electrode. The motion of the charged ions, which are naturally produced within the flame, are strongly affected by a high-voltage electric field. The resulting ion-driven wind can dramatically influence the stability and sooting behavior of the flame. Conducting the tests in microgravity allows for great simplifications in the analysis, enabling new understanding and the development of less polluting and more efficient combustion technology for use on Earth.
Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA) Network Control Unit (NCU):
As part of troubleshooting for an issue that occurred on October 31, 2017 with the MMA that supports operations of the Ryutai rack in the JEM, the crew replaced the MMC NCU.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target (EIISS):
The crew captured images today of the area from Southern California to the Baja Peninsula and China at night. EIISS captures a series of videos showcasing targets around the world as seen from the ISS. These videos will be integrated into a product for later release.
Lighting Effects:
The crew obtained light meter readings in Node 2 and the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). The Lighting Effects investigation studies the impact of the change fr om fluorescent light bulbs to solid-state light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with adjustable intensity and color and aims to determine if the new lights can improve crew circadian rhythms, sleep, and cognitive performance.
Columbus Smoke Detector Inspection and Cleaning:
The crew cleaned the Columbus Cabin Smoke Detector using a Connector Cleaner Tool Kit and N2 Cartridge to supply bursts of N2 to remove particles. This maintenance is required to keep the Smoke Detectors working properly and preventing inadvertent alarms.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle Remove and Replace (R&R):
Today the crew removed and replaced the WHC Urine Receptacle and Ins ert Filter. After replacement, a functionality test of the WHC was performed and the WHC was declared operational.
Max Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (CEVIS) Test:
Max CEVIS is a new medical test which replaces a long standing Periodic Fitness Evaluation (PFE) and has been part of an ongoing research study (SPRINT). An interim Max CEVIS test w/out gas analysis was initiated with 47S with the goal of including gas analysis starting with 50S crewmembers. Each USOS crewmember will perform this test 3 times per increment (Flight Days 14, 75 and Return -14 days). The Max CEVIS test is the best method to evaluate the crewmembers aerobic fitness.
Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Latching End Effector (LEE) snare cable survey:
Last night, the Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the Mobile Servicing System (MSS) and maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) as required to grapple and unstow the SPDM. They then maneuvered the SSRMS as required to position the SPDM to perform a video and imagery survey of the SPDM LEE snare cables using the P1 Lower Outboard (LOOB) External High Definition Camera (EHDC). Once the survey had been completed, the Robotics Ground Controllers maneuvered the SSRMS with the SPDM in to position for the start of the P14B-G Remote Power Controller Module (RPCM) replacement operations on GMT 73 (14 March). MSS performance was nominal during last night's operations.


ЦитироватьAnton Shkaplerov‏ @Anton_Astrey 5 ч. назад

Пролетая над Евразией, сложно не остановить свой взгляд и не нажать на кнопку фотоаппарата, когда видишь Главный #КавказскийХребет. Кавказские горы расположены в Республики Абхазии, Азербайджане, Армении, Грузии, России и Южной Осетии и простираются более чем на 1100 км!


ЦитироватьScott D. Tingle‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Maker 7 ч. назад

.@Astro_Kanai and I got to eat some of the lettuce we've been growing. It was good!


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: A Unique Experience: 03/09/2018

  NASA Johnson

Опубликовано: 9 мар. 2018 г.


В соответствии с 

  IMPULSIVE TIG (GMT)   M50 DVx(FPS)      LVLH DVx(FPS)      DVmag(FPS)
   IMPULSIVE TIG (MET)   M50 DVy(FPS)       LVLH DVy(FPS)      Invar Sph HA
   DT                    M50        DVz(FPS)          LVLH DVz(FPS)       Invar Sph HP
   069/22:27:30.000                        0.0                        0.0                    0.0    
   N/A                                             0.0                        0.0                 221.1  
   000/00:00:00.000                        0.0                        0.0                 214.5  
   072/21:25:54.220                       -0.5                        0.7                    0.7    
   N/A                                             0.4                       -0.1                 220.9  
   000/00:01:48.441                        0.2                        0.0                 215.0  
   073/06:47:30.000                        0.0                        0.0                     0.0    
   N/A                                             0.0                        0.0                  220.9  
   000/00:00:00.000                        0.0                        0.0                  215.0

будет осуществлена коррекция орбиты МКС, планируемые дата и время проведения коррекции - 072/21:25:54.220 UTC => 2018-03-13 21:25:54.220 UTC или 2018-03-14 00:25:54.220 ДМВ


14 марта 2018

Программа МКС
В соответствии с программой полёта Международной космической станции 14 марта 2018 года запланирована коррекция орбиты МКС. Для выполнения манёвра в 00:25 мск на 108 секунд будут включены двигатели транспортного грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-08», пристыкованного к Международной космической станции. Цель проведения коррекции - формирование баллистических условий для операций программы МКС, запланированных в июне: посадки транспортного пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-07», запланированной на 3 июня 2018 года, а также выведения на орбиту транспортного пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-09», запланированного на 6 июня 2018 года.