Galileo-FOC FM10(Danielè),Galileo-FOC FM11(Alizée)- Союз-СТ-Б/Фрегат-МТ(VS15)- Kуру ELS - 24.05.2016

Автор Salo, 25.02.2016 21:59:57

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2-е вкл Фрегата подтверждено

ЦитироватьArianespace ‏@Arianespace 3 мин.3 минуты назад
The #Soyuz Fregat upper stage is now in its second burn to orbit #Galileo satellites on #Arianespace Flight #VS15




Поздравления всем причастным, сопричастным, деепричастным и сопереживающим непричастным!!!


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьРоман пишет:
какие то они невеселые сидят ..
ЦитироватьАртём Жаров пишет:
Есть конформэйшен, поздравляю  :)  !

Во, а теперь веселые

Space Alien


24 мая 2016 года в соответствии с программой полета в 15:36 мск два европейских космических аппарата Galileo FOC M5 («Галилео») успешно отделились от российского разгонного блока «Фрегат-МТ». Космические аппараты находятся на целевой орбите и приняты на управление заказчиком.
Пуск российской ракеты-носителя «Союз СТ-Б» с разгонным блоком «Фрегат-МТ» состоялся 24 мая 2016 года в 11:48 мск из Гвианского космического центра (ГКЦ, Французская Гвиана).
Космические аппараты Galileo FOC М5 изготовлены компанией EADS Astrium (Франция) по заказу Европейского космического агентства. Они пополнят орбитальную группировку европейской навигационной системы Galileo.
Европейская глобальная система спутниковой навигации Galileo – аналог российской ГЛОНАСС и американской GPS; ее проект разработан Европейским космическим агентством (ЕКА) при поддержке ЕС.


ЦитироватьАртём Жаров пишет:
находятся на целевой орбите
Да ладно, им порядка 200 км вниз ло целевой орбиты еще недели и недели ползти.


Глава Arianespace - "Прекрасная работа наших русских партнеров..."

ЦитироватьStéphane Israël ‏@arianespaceceo 2 мин.2 минуты назад
Such excellent teamwork with our #Russian partners for this launch, starting w/ State Space Corporation Roscomos.


Оба КА сориентированы и раскрыли солнечные панели

ЦитироватьPeter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes 2 мин.2 минуты назад
ESA Navigation chief Verhoef: Both Galileo sats' solar panels deployed & are in sun-pointing mode. Everything seems in order.


1 99999U 16030B   16145.52546516  .00000000  00000-0  00000+0 0    19
2 99999 057.3951 322.3745 0008217 255.3896 344.0215 01.67476678    11

1 99999U 16030C   16145.52546516  .00000000  00000-0  00000+0 0    19
2 99999 057.3951 322.3745 0002287 338.2881 261.1229 01.67684210    14
Конечно, они A и B  :)
Мы рысаки! (взято из подписи...)


Пресс-релиз ESA
ЦитироватьAnd yet it moves: 14 Galileo satellites now in orbit
24 May 2016
 Named for the astronomer who pinpointed Earth's true position in the Solar System, the Galileo satellite navigation system that will help Europe find its way in the 21st century now has 14 satellites in orbit after today's double launch.
 Galileos 13 and 14 lifted off together at 08:48 GMT (10:48 CEST, 05:48 local time) atop a Soyuz rocket from French Guiana.
 This seventh Galileo launch went by the book: the first three Soyuz stages placed the satellites safely into low orbit, after which their Fregat upper stage hauled them the rest of the way into their target medium-altitude orbit.
 The twin Galileos were deployed into orbit close to 23 522 km altitude, at 3 hours and 48 minutes after liftoff. The coming days will see a careful sequence of orbital fine-tuning to bring them to their final working orbit, followed by a testing phase so that they can join the working constellation later this year.

Galileo satellites atop Soyuz
 "Today's textbook launch has added two more satellites to what has become Europe's largest satellite constellation," commented Jan Woerner, Director General of ESA.
 "It was made possible by the fact that European industry's manufacturing and testing of Galileo satellites has achieved a steady tempo."
 "Today's launch brings Europe's Galileo constellation halfway to completion, in terms of numbers," remarked Paul Verhoef, ESA's Director of the Galileo Programme and Navigation-related Activities. 
 "It is also significant as Galileo's last flight by Soyuz this year before the first launch using a customised Ariane 5 to carry four rather than two satellites each time – which is set to occur this autumn. 
Galileos on dispenser
 "Meanwhile, hard work is proceeding behind the scenes to ensure the worldwide Galileo system, including its far-flung ground stations, is reliable, secure and robust for the start of operational services to users."
 About Galileo
 Galileo is Europe's civil global satellite navigation system. It will allow users worldwide to know their exact position in time and space with great precision and reliability. Once complete, the system will consist of 24 operational satellites and the ground infrastructure for the provision of positioning, navigation and timing services.
 The Galileo programme is funded and owned by the EU. The European Commission has the overall responsibility for the programme, managing and overseeing the implementation of all programme activities. 
Galileo satellite
 Galileo's deployment, the design and development of the new generation of systems and the technical development of infrastructure are entrusted to ESA. The definition, development and in-orbit validation phases were carried out by ESA, and co-funded by ESA and the European Commission.
 The European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency (GSA) is ensuring the uptake and security of Galileo. Galileo operations and provision of services will be entrusted to the GSA from 2017.


Пресс-релиз Arianespace

ЦитироватьArianespace orbits two more Galileo satellites                         
    Arianespace has successfully launched the 13th and 14th satellites in the Galileo constellation for the European Commission's DG GROWTH (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), under a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA).                        
The company's second Soyuz launch of the year took place on May 24 at 5:48 am (local time) from the Guiana Space Center (CSG) in Kourou, French Guiana.
With this seventh Soyuz launch from CSG at the service of Galileo, the company has now orbited 14 satellites for the global navigation system. Before the end of 2016, Arianespace will launch four more Galileo satellites, using an Ariane 5 ES launch vehicle, enabling the system to offer its initial services.
Today's Soyuz success – the fourth launch overall in 2016 for Arianespace – marks the 250th launch from the Guiana Space Center with its family of launchers. This total, composed of 229 Ariane flights, 15 with Soyuz and six liftoffs of Vega, confirms Arianespace's operational performance over time for the benefit of all its clients.
Galileo, an emblematic European program
The European Commission's DG GROWTH oversees Galileo program definition and procurement, assigning this responsibility to the navigation directorate of the European Space Agency (ESA).
Europe initiated the Galileo program to develop a new global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Under civilian control, it will offer a guaranteed, high-precision positioning service, thereby freeing Europe from its current dependence on the American GPS system. The Galileo constellation will comprise 30 satellites, of which 14 already have been orbited by Arianespace (four IOV and 10 FOC).
Galileo is the first joint infrastructure produced and financed by the European Union, which will be the system owner. It features innovative technologies developed in Europe to benefit all citizens. The initial services offered by Galileo will be up and running by the end of this year, with full operational capacity expected in late 2020.
Galileo program milestones:
  • 2005 & 2008: GIOVE-A and GIOVE-B experimental satellites launched from Baikonur by Soyuz (via Arianespace's Starsem affiliate).
  • Oct. 2011: first Galileo IOV (In Orbit Validation) satellites, 1 and 2, launched on the initial Soyuz mission, VS01).
  • Oct. 2012: Soyuz VS03 launch of Galileo IOV 3 and 4.
  • Aug. 2014: first two Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites, 5 and 6, launched by Soyuz. Despite injection into non-compliant orbit, ESA's staff were able to verify operability, then reposition the satellites so they could contribute to the constellation.
  • March 2015: Galileo FOC satellites 7 and 8 orbited on VS11.
  • Sept. 2015: Galileo FOC satellites 9 and 10 launched on VS12.

Flight VS15: demonstrating the flexibility of Arianespace's launcher family needed by European governments
Given the confirmed availability of satellites, the European Commission decided early in February 2016 to sustain the Galileo deployment rate reached in 2015 by adding this Soyuz launch (VS15) to the planned Ariane 5 ES launch in November, thus boosting six more satellites into orbit in 2016.
 Launch operations are being handled by Arianespace at the Guiana Space Center, under its contract with ESA. The launch comes just 29 days after the previous Soyuz mission (VS14), setting a new record for Soyuz operations in French Guiana. The previous record was 43 days between the VS08 and VS09 flights.
This responsiveness clearly shows that Arianespace's launcher family perfectly matches Europe's needs, as well as demonstrating the relevance of local investments such as FCube (the building dedicated to propellant loading for the upper stage of Soyuz), and the operational expertise of the European and Russian staff at the launch base.

Guaranteeing independent access to space for europe
Today's launch is the second of the year for Europe. The European Commission has 13 more satellites scheduled for launch by Arianespace, making it the company's biggest government customer. In the framework of contracts implemented by ESA, the upcoming launches will be:

  • Deployment of the Copernicus program's space segment, with Sentinel-3B being orbited in 2017 by the Vega lightweight launcher;

  • Continued deployment of the Galileo constellation, with three Ariane 5 ES heavy launchers being used to orbit 12 more satellites. The first of these missions is planned for November 2016; two others will follow in 2017 and 2018.
After today's mission – the 53rd for ESA – Arianespace will orbit three more spacecraft for ESA in 2017-2018: EDRS-C; BEPI-COLOMBO; and the iconic James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), within the scope of a partnership with NASA and the Canadian Space Agency.

Arianespace celebrates the 250th launch from the Guiana Space Center
250 launches of the Arianespace family have been operated from the Guiana Space Center, orbiting 456 satellites for 120 government and commercial customers. These 250 launches were divided among the three launchers in the Arianespace family: Ariane, Soyuz and Vega:
  • 229 with the Ariane heavy launcher: 11 by Ariane 1, 6 by Ariane 2, 11 by Ariane 3, 116 by Ariane 4 and 85 by Ariane 5.
  • 15 with the Soyuz medium launcher, introduced at CSG in 2011.
  • 6 with the Vega light launcher, first launched from CSG in 2012.
Shortly after the announcement of the orbital injection of the two Galileo satellites today, Stéphane Israël, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace, said: "As the benchmark launch services partner, Arianespace upholds its commitment to guaranteed independent access to space for Europe. This morning's launch, the seventh for Galileo from the Guiana Space Center and the second of the year for the European Commission and ESA, marks a further step towards European independence in satellite navigation. I would like to thank the European Union, especially the European Commission's DG GROWTH, as well as the European Space Agency – our direct customer for this launch, for continuing to entrust us with their satellites. I would also like to thank the State Space Corporation Roscosmos for its commitment to our partnership based on the Soyuz launcher, which once again proved its availability and versatility with today's launch. And of course my thanks go to CNES/CSG and to everybody at the space center, who continue to work alongside us to ensure our ongoing success. And kudos to everybody at Arianespace for this fourth success of the year, which also marks the 250th launch performed from the Guiana Space Center with our family of launchers."

The Galileo 13 and 14 satellites were built by prime contractor OHB System in Bremen, Germany, with the payloads supplied by UK-based Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL), which is 99% owned by Airbus Defence and Space.

The two satellites weighed 714.7 and 714.9 kg at launch, and will be positioned in a circular medium Earth orbit (MEO), in Plane A, at an altitude of 23,522 km, with an inclination of 57.394 degrees.
 Their design life exceeds 12 years.


Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Поздравления всем причастным, сопричастным, деепричастным и сопереживающим непричастным!!!
+1  :)



24.05.2016 16:06
   24 мая 2016 года в соответствии с программой полета в 15:36 мск два европейских космических аппарата Galileo FOC M5 («Галилео») успешно отделились от российского разгонного блока «Фрегат-МТ». Космические аппараты находятся на целевой орбите и приняты на управление заказчиком.
   Пуск российской ракеты-носителя «Союз СТ-Б» с разгонным блоком «Фрегат-МТ» состоялся 24 мая 2016 года в 11:48 мск из Гвианского космического центра (ГКЦ, Французская Гвиана).
   Космические аппараты Galileo FOC М5 изготовлены компанией EADS Astrium (Франция) по заказу Европейского космического агентства. Они пополнят орбитальную группировку европейской навигационной системы Galileo.
   Европейская глобальная система спутниковой навигации Galileo – аналог российской ГЛОНАСС и американской GPS; ее проект разработан Европейским космическим агентством (ЕКА) при поддержке ЕС.


Фрегат будут сразу пассивировать, или уведут на орбиту захоронения ?
Three, two, one, ignition, and liftoff !

Охотник утки, пьющий водки !

Это ещё не сверхтяж, но уже и не супертяж.© Д.О.Р.


вот теперь хорошо! поздравления всем сопереживающим!!