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Цитировать Thomas Pesquet‏Подлинная учетная запись @Thom_astro 1 ч. назад

We will use the ultrasound to learn more about our blood vessels in space!...


ЦитироватьОрбиту МКС увеличат на 0,8 км
МОСКВА, 25 апр — РИА Новости. Орбиту международной космической станции (МКС) увеличат примерно на 800 метров 27 апреля, сообщили журналистам во вторник в Центре управления полетами (ЦУП).
"Коррекция орбиты станции запланирована на 27 апреля... средняя высота полета станции увеличится на 0,8 километра и составит 405,1 километра ", — сказал представитель ЦУПа.
Он отметил, что двигатели служебного модуля "Звезда" должны будут включиться в 08.10 мск и проработать около 30 секунд. Коррекцию орбиты станции проведут с целью формирования баллистических условий для посадки спускаемого аппарата корабля "Союз МС-03", который в настоящее время пристыкован к МКС.
По словам представителя ЦУПа, представленные данные являются расчетными и могут поменяться перед выполнением маневра.
Ранее "Роскосмос" уже сообщал о том, что очередная коррекция орбиты станции будет проведена 27 апреля 2017 года.
Последний раз коррекция орбиты станции проводилась 3 апреля 2017 года для формирования баллистических условий для посадки корабля "Союз МС-02" 10 апреля 2017 года и последующей стыковки корабля "Союз МС-04", осуществленной 20 апреля 2017 года. Двигатели служебного модуля "Звезда" включились в 17.20 мск и проработали 35,6 секунды. Средняя высота полета при этом составила 404,9 километра.


Цитировать Orbital ATK‏Подлинная учетная запись @OrbitalATK 3 ч. назад

Last week #Cygnus delivered #GenesInSpace-2 experiment to @Space_Station that aims to understand how spaceflight changes human DNA #DNADay17



ЦитироватьFirst 4K Live Stream from Space and Eye Studies for Crew
Posted on April 26, 2017 at 2:00 pm by Mark Garcia.

NASA astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer talk live to panelists at the National Association of Broadcasters using 4K ultra-high-defintion streaming technology for the first time.
NASA astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer live-streamed a broadcast from space today using 4K ultra-high-definition technology for the first time. The duo called down to the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas to demonstrate the advanced technology and promote space science and filmmaking.

Expedition 51 worked throughout Wednesday on a variety of microgravity research and spaceship unpacking. The five crew members also conducted vision checks while their newest pair continued getting up to speed on International Space Station systems.

French astronaut Pesquet joined Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy for ultrasound scans and eye exams in the morning. The two crewmates are participating in a study to understand and offset the headward fluid shifts in space that are known to affect vision.

Pesquet got together at the end of the day with Whitson and Jack Fischer for more eye checks with guidance from doctors on the ground. Whitson also studied how astronauts adapt to touchscreen interfaces. Fischer spent a few hours swapping sample cartridges in a high-temperature furnace lab facility.

Veteran cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin continued offloading cargo from the new Soyuz MS-04 crew ship. Pesquet also transferred new science and crew supplies from the Cygnus resupply ship. Yurchikhin and Fischer are continuing to adapt to living and working aboard the station having been in space less than week.

This entry was posted in Expedition 51 and tagged cygnus, European Space Agency, International Space Station, NASA, Orbital ATK, Roscosmos, Soyuz on April 26, 2017 by Mark Garcia.


ЦитироватьЭкипаж МКС установил рекорд по времени, затрачиваемому на эксперименты
МОСКВА, 26 апреля. /ТАСС/. Экипаж предыдущей экспедиции на Международную космическую станцию (МКС) потратил 99 часов за неделю на эксперименты, установив рекорд по времени, выделенному на научную работу. Об этом сообщает Европейское космическое агентство (ЕКА).
"Астронавт ЕКА Тома Песке, астронавты НАСА Шейн Кимброу и Пегги Уитсон, космонавты Олег Новицкий, Андрей Борисенко и Сергей Рыжиков совместно потратили 99 часов на научные исследования в течение недели", - говорится в сообщении, где также указывается, что рекорд был установлен в марте.
Продолжительность рабочей недели на МКС составляет около 40 часов на каждого члена экипажа. За это время космонавты проводят научные исследования, техническое обслуживание станции и спортивные тренировки. В среднем выходит по 2,5 часа в сутки на каждую задачу.
"Этот рекорд показывает, что экипаж стал больше использовать станцию по предназначению - как космическую лабораторию", - говорится в сообщении.
Сокращение экипажа
С весны этого года Роскосмос сократил количество членов российского экипажа на МКС с трех до двух человек. Сейчас на станции продолжает работать новая экспедиция, в состав которой входят российские космонавты Федор Юрчихин и Олег Новицкий, американские астронавты Джек Фишер и Пегги Уитсон, европейский астронавт Тома Песке.
Ранее российские космонавты заявляли, что сокращение российского экипажа в два раза снизит время на работу по научной программе, потому что вырастет нагрузка на обслуживание станции. Беспокойство по этому поводу также выразили российские ученые. Перед полетом Юрчихин пообещал работать быстрее, чтобы успешно выполнять научные задачи в усеченном составе на МКС.
Каждая экспедиция проводит на МКС в среднем около 50 экспериментов по российской научной программе. При этом на американском сегменте станции за одну экспедицию выполняется около 200 экспериментов.
В 2015 году руководитель полета российского сегмента МКС Владимир Соловьев сообщил, что в российской долгосрочной научной программе подготовлены к реализации 255 экспериментов, 182 из которых проводились на борту станции или находились в стадии наземной подготовки. Еще 73 эксперимента к тому моменту были завершены. При этом с 2000 по 2015 годы на российском сегменте МКС было реализовано или находилось на этапе реализации 221 эксперимент с иностранным участием.


Цитировать4K UHD Television Downlinked from the Space Station in Ground-Breaking Demonstration

Опубликовано: 26 апр. 2017 г.

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 51 Commander Peggy Whitson and Flight Engineer Jack Fischer of NASA downlinked 4K Ultra-High Definition television from the Destiny Laboratory April 26 in the first-ever live demonstration of the new video capability from space. Speaking to a gathering of the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas, Whitson and Fischer answered questions about the 4K UHD capability as well as questions about life and research in orbit. On April 24, Whitson set a new record for most days in space by a U.S. astronaut --- 534 days --- as she remains in orbit until early September. Fischer arrived on the complex April 20 for a four and a half month mission.



27.04.2017 08:12

В соответствии с программой полета Международной космической станции (МКС) 27 апреля 2017 года проведена плановая коррекция орбиты МКС.

Для выполнения маневра в 08 час. 10 мин. мск были включены двигатели служебного модуля «Звезда» Международной космической станции. Время работы двигателей составило около 30 сек. В результате станция получила приращение скорости на 0,45 м/сек. 

Согласно расчетным данным службы баллистико-навигационного обеспечения Центра управления полётами (ЦУП) параметры орбиты МКС после выполнения манёвра стали следующими:
  •       минимальная высота над поверхностью Земли – 403,23 км,
  •       максимальная высота над поверхностью Земли – 418,9 км,
  •       период обращения – 92,60 мин.,
  •       наклонение орбиты – 51,66 град.


ЦитироватьBehind-the-scenes as President Trump Calls Space
 April 26, 2017 at 2:05 PM ET by The White House

At 1:27 a.m. EDT on Monday, April 24th, Dr. Peggy Whitson broke the record for the most time spent in space of any American astronaut. Dr. Whitson is accustomed to breaking records– she already held the record for the most spacewalks by an American (eight, with over 53 hours of total time) and was the first female astronaut to command the International Space Station – but this one was particularly special.

Dr. Whitson is currently serving as the Commander aboard the International Space Station (the ISS), where she is on her third extended stay as a member of Expedition 51.

NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson is seen during a spacewalk during Expedition 50 aboard the International Space Station.
President Donald J. Trump asked White House staff and NASA to set up a live video call fr om the Oval Office so that he could congratulate her, setting in motion several weeks of preparations.
Last week, while President Trump was visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin, to announce his "Buy American, Hire American" executive order, NASA and White House staff huddled together to discuss the logistical and technological challenges of calling space.

Video teams coordinated the details of connecting the White House with the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, which would play middle man between the space station and the Oval Office. Other staff mapped out the Oval Office layout so that the President could get a better idea of how the event would be staged.

3D mockups of the Oval Office were created to show wh ere video cameras, monitors, and seats would be positioned, and to give the President an idea of what he would see from his position at the Resolute Desk.

Additionally, the Department of Education, led by Secretary Betsy DeVos, worked closely with the White House and NASA to encourage classrooms across the country to tune-in to the historic event. They also made "STEM on Station" educational materials available for voluntary use to further engage students in the classroom. "STEM on Station" is comprised of education activities that follow astronauts as they demonstrate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) concepts such as Newton's Laws of Motion, surface tension, and advancements in technology.

One of the challenges of making a call from Earth to space is a concept known as orbital mechanics. As the ISS orbits the Earth at 17,000 miles per hour, there are relatively small windows of time during which a video connection can be made and sustained.

On Monday, the window was 10:00 a.m. until 10:20 a.m., so timing had to be precise.

The President was joined by Ivanka Trump, who has been a leading advocate for women in STEM fields, and NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins. They entered the Oval Office at 9:57 a.m. and took their places behind the Resolute Desk.

At exactly 10:00 a.m., the Johnson Space Center in Houston began the sequence of events that would begin the call

Flight Director Brian Smith, Capcom Astronaut Jessica Meir along with Astronaut Jeff Williams monitor activities in Mission Control as President Donald Trump, First Daughter Ivanka Trump, and NASA astronaut Kate Rubins make a special Earth-to-space call from the Oval Office to personally congratulate NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson for her record-breaking stay aboard the International Space Station. (Photo Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz)

NASA: "White House, this is Mission Control, Houston.  Please call Station for a voice check."

THE PRESIDENT: "Do you hear me?"

COMMANDER WHITSON: "Yes, sir.  We have you loud and clear."
For the next 19 minutes, the President, Ivanka, and Dr. Rubins discussed a wide range of topics with Commander Whitson and her fellow astronaut, Colonel Jack Fischer.

"I want to say it's very exciting to be here today -- very, very exciting -- and to speak to you live with three brave American astronauts," the President said. "These are our finest.  These are great, great Americans, great people... And this is a very special day in the glorious history of American spaceflight.  Today, Commander Whitson, you have broken the record for the most total time spent in space by an American astronaut -- 534 days and counting.  That's an incredible record to break.  And on behalf of our nation and, frankly, on behalf of the world, I'd like to congratulate you.  That is really something.  And I'd like to know, how does it feel to have broken such a big and important record?"

"Well, it's actually a huge honor to break a record like this, but it's an honor for me basically to be representing all the folks at NASA who make this spaceflight possible and who make me setting this record feasible," Commander Whitson replied.  "And so it's a very exciting time to be at NASA.  We are all very much looking forward, as directed by your new NASA bill -- we're excited about the missions to Mars in the 2030s."

The President recently signed the Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act to encourage female participation in STEM fields, with a particular focus on NASA.

"Encouraging women and girls to pursue STEM careers is a major priority for this administration," Ivanka Trump said during the call on Monday. "And today we are sitting with an amazing example of that -- Dr. Rubins, and you, Dr. Whitson.  So I would love to hear from you, what was the impetus for you to get involved in the sciences?"

Dr. Rubins, who was the first person to sequence DNA in space, credited a conference that she attended when she was 15-years-old with piquing her interest in science. 

Commander Whitson said she was inspired by NASA's famed Apollo program. "That was when it became a dream to become an astronaut," she said. "But I don't really think it became a goal until I graduated from high school, when the first female astronauts were selected. And seeing those role models, and with the encouragement of my parents and various mentors in college and graduate school... that's what made it possible."

Today, Dr. Rubins and Commander Whitson are inspiring a new generation of Americans to look to the stars and, as President Trump said in his recent address to a Joint Session of Congress, realize that "American footsteps on foreign worlds are not too big a dream."

"I hope that every young American watching today finds, in your example, a reason to love space and think about space," President Trump said to close out the call. "Many great things are going to come out, tremendous discoveries in medicine and so many other fields. So thank you very much. I want to say God bless you, God bless America. We are very, very proud of you, and very proud of your bravery."


Цитировать NASA OIG‏ @NASAOIG 17 мин. назад

OIG announces audit examining NASA's management of the International Space Station.


ЦитироватьStation Boosts Orbit, Crew Studies Space Effects on Eyes
Posted on April 27, 2017 at 11:48 am by Mark Garcia.

Expedition 51 crew members share a meal inside the Unity module. From left are Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Jack Fischer and Commander Peggy Whitson.
The International Space Station raised its orbit today to get ready for a June crew departure. The first of two orbital reboosts comes just a week after two new crew members arrived to begin their mission with Expedition 51.

Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Thomas Pesquet will return to Earth June 2 ending the Expedition 51 mission. Expedition 52 will begin and veteran cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin will stay behind with NASA astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer waiting for the next crew arrival on July 28.

The current orbiting crew of five Expedition 51 crew members continued more biomedical research and eye checks today. The crew underwent a series of ultrasound scans and eye tests to learn how living in space affects vision. The astronauts are subjects of ongoing studies to help NASA plan missions farther out in space for longer periods of time.

One symptom of living in space for long periods is the pressure that builds up behind astronauts' eyes due to the upward flow of fluids. Doctors are seeking to counteract this flow after some astronauts have reported vision problems during and after their long-term missions.

This entry was posted in Expedition 51, Uncategorized and tagged European Space Agency, International Space Station, NASA, Roscosmos on April 27, 2017 by Mark Garcia.


Космонавты РОСКОСМОСА Сергей РЫЖИКОВ и Андрей БОРИСЕНКО приняли участие в очередном этапе эксперимента «Контур-2» по отработке технологий телеуправления напланетными роботами с орбитального космического аппарата.    
На площадке Центра подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А. Гагарина космонавты провели две локальные сессии на информационно-управляющем стенде (ИУС), направленные на определение оптимальных характеристик джойстика и роли человеческого фактора при управлении виртуальным объектом.    
Данный этап эксперимента, в котором также принимает участие космонавт Олег НОВИЦКИЙ, включает несколько предполетных сеансов на Земле, 10 сеансов на борту Международной космической станции (на 13, 27 и 41-е сутки полета для каждого космонавта) и 3 сеанса после возвращения из космической командировки.    
По его результатам ученые и специалисты смогут определить, в частности, зависимость быстроты человеческой реакции при преследовании мишени в разных условиях (как земной гравитации, так и микрогравитации), а также исследовать особенности поведения и понять эффективность эксперимента с учетом силомоментной обратной связи.    
Космонавты должны будут оценить комфорт при управлении, время отклика системы на управляющее воздействие и его точность, а также затраченные усилия на воспроизведение действий.
Одна из самых ярких сессий эксперимента «Контур – 2» проводилась в ноябре 2015 года с участием космонавта Олега КОНОНЕНКО. Во время сеанса правой рукой робота, который находится в германском Институте робототехники и мехатроники, управлял с борта МКС российский космонавт Олег КОНОНЕНКО, а левой рукой – представитель Центрального научно-исследовательского института робототехники и технической кибернетики (ЦНИИ РТК) в Санкт-Петербурге. На борту МКС КОНОНЕНКО выполнял отработку групповых действий при управлении антропоморфным роботом «Justin». Космонавт Сергей ВОЛКОВ перенял эстафету и также удачно выполнил на борту Международной космической станции задачи по управлению мобильным роботом.


Цитировать Jack Fischer‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro2fish 3 ч. назад

Disco lights + cabbage + space = salad tomorrow! VEGGIE experiment is finding new ways to stimulate plant growth for us in space & on Earth.


Цитировать4K Timelapse - Earth from Space (March/April 2017)


Опубликовано: 27 апр. 2017 г.

International Space Station Expedition 50/51 Timelapse Compilation, imagery taken March/April 2017.



Цитировать Jack Fischer‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro2fish 6 ч. назад

Tasty little boats of yum! Like bean & cheese tacos-only they float! #onlyinspace


Цитировать Jack Fischer‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro2fish 12 ч. назад

Worked in wicked-cool space balloon last week- BEAM. Could revolutionize future space habitats & would be fun to say you live in a balloon!



ЦитироватьWorking in BEAM

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 26 апр. 2017 г.

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet inspecting the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) and taking photographs for processing on ground. BEAM is a new type of space habitat that is launched in a compressed form and expands once connected to the International Space Station. This uses less payload volume on a rocket, but could provide a larger and comfortable area for astronauts to live and work.
After a two-year test period, BEAM will be jettisoned from the space station, leaving orbit to burn during its descent through Earth's atmosphere—much like many cargo spacecraft do.
This video is sped up 30 times.

During his Proxima mission, Thomas will perform around 50 scientific experiments for ESA and France's space agency CNES as well as take part in many research activities for the other Station partners.

The mission is part of ESA's vision to use Earth-orbiting spacecraft as a place to live and work for the benefit of European society while using the experience to prepare for future voyages of exploration further into the Solar System.

(2:08 )


ЦитироватьSpace Station Crew Discusses Life in Space with the Media


Опубликовано: 1 мая 2017 г.

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 51 Commander Peggy Whitson and Flight Engineer Jack Fischer of NASA discussed life and research on the orbital outpost during a pair of in-flight interviews May 1 with the CNN Digital Network and KUSA-TV in Denver. Whitson recently broke the record for most days in space by a U.S. astronaut, and will be joined by Fischer, who is a Colorado native, for a spacewalk May 12.



Цитировать  Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust  7 ч.7 часов назад  
L-A: skeptical ISS can be operated after 2028. On the near-term horizon is how we manage the transition beyond ISS.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"