Low Density Supersonic Deccelerator

Автор Sonic, 21.05.2014 22:58:48

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NASA's supersonic flying saucer highlighted

ЦитироватьNASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator project was the focus of a November 5 "What's New in Aerospace?" discussion at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, featuring Principal Investigator Ian Clark from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

LDSD is testing cross-cutting technologies to safely land heavier payloads on Mars and other planets with atmospheres. The successful flight in late June of its rocket-powered, saucer-shaped test vehicle into near-space in Kauai, Hawaii was the first of three planned for the LDSD project.

che wi

ЦитироватьNASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project will be flying a rocket-powered, saucer-shaped test vehicle into near-space fr om the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii, in June.

The public is invited to tune in to an hour-long live, interactive video broadcast from the gallery above a clean room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, wh ere this near-space experimental test vehicle is being prepared for shipment to Hawaii. During the broadcast, the 15-foot-wide, 7,000-pound vehicle is expected to be undergoing a "spin-table" test. The event will be streamed live on ustream.tv/NASAJPL2 on March 31, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. PDT.


пишут http://geektimes.ru/post/248188/

31 марта НАСА произведёт тест модуля Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator(сверхзвуковой замедлитель низкой плотности, LDSD). За событием можно следить на каналах космического агентства с 21:30 до 22:30 по московскому времени на странице http://www.ustream.tv/NASAJPL2

экспериментальный образец готовится к отправке на Гавайи для последующего запуска в космос в июне этого года.

che wi



ага, наземный тест производят 31 марта при подготовке к отправке на Гавайские острова для запуска в июне.

NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project will be flying a rocket-powered, saucer-shaped test vehicle into near-space from the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii, in June
During the broadcast, the 15-foot-wide, 7,000-pound vehicle is expected to be undergoing a "spin-table" test



Провели уже тест?

Floppy Disk

MARCH 31, 2015

Media Spun Up on NASA Cutting-edge Mars Landing Technology

NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project will be flying a rocket-powered, saucer-shaped test vehicle into near-space fr om the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii, in June.

Media were on hand at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, on March 31 to witness one of the final tests that a LDSD test vehicle will undergo before shipping out to Hawaii. During the "spin table test," the 15-foot-wide, 7,000-pound test vehicle was spun up to 30 rpm to check its balance.
In mid-April, the vehicle will be flown to Kauai. During the June experimental flight test, a balloon will carry the test vehicle from the naval facility to an altitude of about 120,000 feet (36 kilometers). There, over the Pacific, it will be dropped and its booster rocket will kick in and carry it to 180,000 feet (55 kilometers), accelerating to Mach 4. Once in the very rarified air high above the Pacific, the saucer will begin a series of automated tests of two breakthrough technologies.
The supersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator (SIAD-R) -- essentially an inflatable doughnut that increases the vehicle's size and, as a result, its drag -- will be deployed at about Mach 3.8. It will quickly slow the vehicle to Mach 2.5 wh ere the parachute -- the largest supersonic parachute ever flown -- will deploy. About 45 minutes later, the saucer is expected to make a controlled landing onto the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii.
The upper layers of Earth's stratosphere are the most similar environment available to match the properties of the thin atmosphere of Mars. The LDSD mission developed this test method to ensure the best prospects for effective testing of the new and improved landing technologies here on Earth.
Those interested in watching the test can find an archived copy of today's LDSD Ustream event at:http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/60585512.

The LDSD crosscutting demonstration mission will test breakthrough technologies that will enable large payloads to be safely landed on the surface of Mars, or other planetary bodies with atmospheres, including Earth. The technologies will not only enable landing of larger payloads on Mars, but also allow access to much more of the planet's surface by enabling landings at higher-altitude sites.

More information about the LDSD space technology demonstration mission is online at:

The LDSD mission is part of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, which is innovating, developing, testing and flying hardware for use in future missions. NASA's technology investments provide cutting-edge solutions for our nation's future. For more information about the directorate, visit:


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Инженеры НАСА успешно раскрутили марсианскую "летающую тарелку" LDSD

ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 1 апр – РИА Новости. Инженеры успешно "раскрутили" марсианский посадочный модуль LDSD, напоминающий по форме классическую "летающую тарелку" из научной фантастики, до скоростей в 30 оборотов в минуту и убедились, что проблем с балансом у него нет, сообщает пресс-служба Лаборатории реактивного движения НАСА.

В ночь со вторника на четверг инженеры и ученые НАСА проводили публичную проверку балансировки LDSD, свидетелем которой мог стать любой желающий, посетивший стены Лаборатории реактивного движения (JPL) в это время.

Во время стендовых испытаний специалисты JPL раскрутили "летающую тарелку" массой в три тонны до 30 оборотов в минуту для проверки ее стабильности и балансировки. Успешное завершение этой фазы открыло дорогу для максимально экстремальной процедуры проверки, доступной на Земле – запуск в ближний космос и посадку.

В ближайшие дни прототип LDSD будет перевезен на Тихоокеанскую ракетную базу на гавайском острове Кауаи, где в июне этого года будет проходить первый "космический" запуск LDSD, если этому не помешает погода.

Первые упоминания о проекте LDSD появились на сайте НАСА в июне 2012 года, за два месяца до посадки марсохода Curiosity в кратере Гейл. Тогда никто не называл этот посадочный модуль "летающей тарелкой" — инженеры и конструкторы из Лаборатории реактивного движения НАСА (JPL) в Пасадене, занимавшейся этим проектом, еще не успели собрать аппарат целиком и занимались разработкой отдельных его компонентов.

В конце июня 2014 года состоялись первые испытания "летающей тарелки", в ходе которых инженеры НАСА проверили работоспособность ее двигателей и парашютов, запустив LDSD в верхние слои атмосферы на гигантском воздушном шаре.

che wi

NASA Sets New Launch Window for Supersonic Vehicle Test

ЦитироватьThe second flight test of NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) now will launch no earlier than 1:30 p.m. EDT (7:30 a.m. HST) Tuesday, June 2, from the U.S. Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) on Kauai, Hawaii. NASA Television coverage will begin at 1 p.m. EDT (7 a.m. HST).

To accommodate prevailing weather conditions, mission managers moved the launch window one hour earlier to increase the probability of LDSD launching on time.

NASA's LDSD project is designed to investigate and test breakthrough technologies for landing future robotic and human Mars missions and safely returning large payloads to Earth. The test, performed over the Pacific Ocean, will simulate the supersonic entry and descent speeds at which the spacecraft would be traveling through the Martian atmosphere.

che wi

ЦитироватьMission managers postponed tomorrow's scheduled launch of a high-altitude balloon carrying NASA's Low Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) test vehicle because of unfavorable ocean conditions.

The wave height is not conducive for safe recovery operations. The next launch attempt is Wednesday, June 3, no earlier than 7:30 a.m. HST (1:30 p.m. EDT).

che wi

и еще перенос на день

ЦитироватьNASA JPL ‏@NASAJPL  · 2h ago

#LDSD launch now no earlier than June 4. High ocean waves present issues for craft recovery.

che wi

опять нелётная погода

ЦитироватьToday's launch (June 4) of the Low Density Supersonic Decelerator aboard a high-altitude balloon has been cancelled due to weather. A line of rain showers developed overnight moving towards the launch site, which result in unstable wind conditions near the surface that would prevent the launch of the balloon. NASA will evaluate the next available launch opportunity, Friday, June 5.

che wi

все еще чересчур ветренно, "приходите завтра"

ЦитироватьMission managers have postponed Friday's, June 5, Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator launch due to unstable wind conditions near the surface that would prevent the launch of the balloon. NASA will evaluate the next available launch opportunity, Saturday, June 6.

che wi


Когда  уже тарелка достигнет 37 км и включится ракетный двигатель..?

Чтобы отправить все это хозяйство на 55 км?


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