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Comex and Airbus join forces around a module of the future lunar station

Nov 21, 2018

COMEX joins AIRBUS in the development of ESPRIT the European Module of the lunar orbital space station GATEWAY

October 24th 2018, COMEX and AIRBUS signed a cooperation agreement to develop ESPRIT, one of the European modules of the GATEWAY, the future lunar space station.
The GATEWAY is the first step of human space exploration after the era of the International Space Station. It will be a basis for missions to the lunar surface by robotic vehicles and astronauts. Its assembly in lunar orbit is scheduled to start in 2023.

The GATEWAY is a planned lunar-orbit space station that will have a power and propulsion system, utilization and crew habitation modules with docking capability, scientific and extra-vehicular activity airlocks, and logistics modules. The development is led by the current International Space Station partnership: NASA, ESA, ROSCOSMOS, JAXA and CSA, for launch to the Moon in the 2020s.
AIRBUS is leading as prime one of the two parallel Phase A/B1 studies for the development of the ESPRIT module (European System Providing Refueling, Infrastructure and Telecommunications), in cooperation with COMEX S.A., Marseille and other European Partners. ESPRIT is a system, planned to be launched with the first Utilization Module (an US supplied pressurized module). It includes propellant (Xenon and Hydrazine) storage and refueling systems for the Power Propulsion Element (the first US element of the Gateway), communication systems with the Moon, interface points for external payloads and a scientific airlock.

COMEX joins AIRBUS in the development of this space module, by bringing in its engineering expertise and testing capabilities. The Marseille based company was a pioneer in the development of subsea systems and professional diving. Since 2012, COMEX has been actively involved in human space flight activity and stratospheric platforms.
Видео https://comex.fr/en/2019/02/27/from-the-abyss-to-the-stars/

fr http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-eco/2018/11/20/97002-20181120FILWWW00137-espace-la-comex-et-airbus-s-associent-autour-d-un-module-de-la-station-lunaire.php
fr https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/un-futur-module-de-la-station-spatiale-lunaire-sera-made-in-france-1570596.html?fbclid=IwAR30fDu_np0Y9qWKBivc2w1JL-tdUsQr8naJBsgCDZnBcxeWIx3NTrvvI68
fr https://www.laprovence.com/article/economie/5258116/la-nasa-met-la-comex-sur-orbite-lunaire.html?fbclid=IwAR1mXa1ZMcxAMehSvT7Dm9hMG9B4J-2FEIJeb4ZY1eK67PV634ddx9N1vXY

ЦитироватьMarseille : la Comex vise la lune https://bit.ly/2GMQJcH  L'entreprise marseillaise @COMEX_officiel testait cette semaine le sas du module Esprit de la future station lunaire internationale

ЦитироватьAlexis Rosenfeld‏ @AlexisRosenfeld 21 февр.

This morning I dived into the first tests of ESPRIT, one of the modules designed by COMEX and AIRBUS for the GATEWAY space station, which will be in low orbit around the moon. What an extraordinary world ! @SonyAlpha @AquaLungDivers @Airbus @CNES #comex #ESA #space #astronaut


ЦитироватьВ NASA сообщили о предварительных договоренностях с Роскосмосом по полету на орбиту Луны
ТАСС, 19 марта. Роскосмос и NASA уже имеют предварительные неформальные договоренности по полету к Луне, сообщила сегодня журналистам официальный представитель NASA по программе исследований человека Дженифер Фогарти на пресс-конференции, посвященной началу эксперимента SIRIUS.
"Были приняты решения неформальные и по полету на орбиту Луны, и по высадке. Учитывая большое количество ресурсов, которые потребуются для реализации проектов, эта работа должна проводиться в международной кооперации", - сказала она.
В конце сентября 2017 года в рамках астронавтического конгресса в Аделаиде (Австралия) было подписано совместное заявление между Роскосмосом и NASA, которое отражает намерение партнеров совместно работать над реализацией инициатив в освоении космоса. Речь идет о планировании работ по созданию посещаемой станции в окололунном пространстве.
Ранее Рогозин в интервью ТАСС заявил, что госкорпорация "Роскосмос" готова участвовать в международном проекте окололунной станции Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway только на равных правах с NASA.


Эрик в твиттере опубликовал ссылку на документ (по второму транспортеру для SLS )

Куча бла, бла, бла.... что в 2019 году и 2020 году по шлюзу будут делать не очень и расписано.

ЦитироватьThis budget also integrates the NASA Docking System (NDS) into the modules of the Lunar Gateway. Implementing the NDS for Lunar Gateway missions as the common docking standard reduces the development cost by only having to develop one docking system that allows NASA, international and commercial partners to easily dock with Lunar Gateway to support lunar landers (including reusable human), the Lunar Gateway itself and science objectives.
PPE works with U.S. industry while also leveraging Exploration Technology investments in Advanced Electric Propulsion Systems (AEPS). PPE will demonstrate an advanced 50 kW class SEP system. PPE has a targeted launch readiness no earlier than December 2022.
больше интересовало  AIRLOCK
A key mission objective for the Lunar Gateway is demonstrating that humans can live and work in a deep-space environment. While the Gateway will be designed to minimize a need for extra vehicular activity (EVA), experience has shown that complex spacecraft and long-term missions may eventually require the utility of EVAs. The airlock element provides the Lunar Gateway with the capability to enable astronaut EVAs as well as the potential to accommodate docking additional elements, observation ports, or a science utilization airlock. 

The Airlock is currently planned as the final flight of the Lunar Gateway assembly. The Airlock will provide EVA capability for the Lunar Gateway crew while allowing other crew members to continue working in other Lunar Gateway modules. Multiple concepts are currently being assessed and feasibility studies have identified several different approaches ranging from small, single chamber airlocks to large, dual chamber airlocks with inflatable crew locks. The current design assumes two chambers – an Equipment Lock enabling EVA preparation, including suit servicing, and a Crew Lock allowing egress and ingress. The Equipment Lock provides an alternate ingress path if needed in a contingency. The Airlock also provides an additional docking port and logistics to the Lunar Gateway
Provider: TBD 
Lead Center: JSC 
Performing Center(s): TBD 
Cost Share Partner(s): Potential International Partner

Program Schedule
Q1 FY2020 Lunar Gateway System Definition Review (SDR) 
Q1-2 FY2021 Lunar Gateway Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 
Late 2022 PPE Launch Readiness Date (LRD)
PPE (planned for Q3 FY 2019)
Logistic Services (planned for late FY 2019/early FY 2020)

Utilization Module - встречается 1 раз и все



МОСКВА, 25 марта. /ТАСС/. Госкорпорация "Роскосмос" планирует защитить российскую программу освоения Луны в правительстве к середине 2019 года, до конца весны она должна быть рассмотрена на Совете Безопасности. Об этом сообщил журналистам глава госкорпорации Дмитрий Рогозин.
"У нас эта программа будет защищена в рамках принятия новой редакции основ государственной политики в области космической деятельности. Думаю, что это будет сделано где-то в середине этого года", - сказал Рогозин. Он добавил, что "до конца весны состоится заседание Совета Безопасности, которое будет посвящено космической деятельности, и там все вопросы будут рассматриваться".
Гендиректор Роскосмоса пояснил, что, если NASA интересует проект создания окололунной посещаемой станции (Deep Space Gateaway), к которому планируют присоединиться Канада, Япония и Европейский Союз, то Роскосмос вместе с Российской академией наук "нацелены на, то чтобы осуществлять, прежде всего, миссии на поверхности Луны". Он уточнил, что расчеты грузоподъемности российской сверхтяжелой ракеты предполагают доставку на лунную орбиту веса не менее 27 т, то есть должны включать модуль для посадки на естественный спутник и последующего взлета. Рогозин добавил, что лунная программа РФ должна завершиться формированием либо национальной, либо международной научной посещаемой базы.

Он сообщил, что России потребуется выведение на лунную орбиту ряда аппаратов для зондирования естественного спутника, чтобы выбрать наилучшее место для посадки. Также необходимы навигационные спутники, которые будут обеспечивать ретрансляцию сигнала. "В этом вопросе мы действительно работаем с американцами, обмениваемся информацией", - отметил Рогозин. Он сказал, что Роскосмос интересует наличие у станции Deep Space Gateaway стыковочного узла, адаптированного под российские корабли, соответствующие переговоры ведет РКК "Энергия" и NASA.
И США и Япония и ЕС нацелены на пилотируемые высадки на Луну, и пока без базы (но все рисовали ранее лунные базы) т.к. базы это совсем другие деньги.
Переговоры РКК Энергия и НАСА? то есть не агенства между собой, а американское агенство (не Боинг) и предприятие?
Канада уже присоеденилась к проекту.
Россия непонятно что в проекте, но если Рогозин говорит интересует стыковочный узел - участие в виде шлюза для выхода совсем не рассматривается, то есть не участвуем.

"Мы, в основном, ориентированы не на орбиту, то есть не на проект Gateway, а, скорее всего, на формирование либо национальной, но лучше бы было, конечно, международной научной посещаемой базы", - добавил Рогозин.
По данным зарубежных СМИ, Россия не участвовала в последнем собрании участников будущей лунной станции.


Подскажите в какой теме обсуждается указание Трампа за 5 лет прибыть к Луне?
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер



It's not quite like orbiting the moon yourself, but this 360 video brings you inside our concept for a lunar habitat. More on our plans for the moon here: https://lmt.co/2WRDaMJ
Proven Orion technology is the backbone of our concept to put humans on the Moon by 2024.
Видео высадки через Ускоренный Шлюз в 2024 году

SNC и надувнушка от 2 апреля 2019




МОСКВА, 10 апреля. /ТАСС/. ...... Так в Роскосмосе прокомментировали ТАСС заявление главы NASA Джима Брайденстайна о создании коалиции для возвращения астронавтов на Луну.
В российской корпорации отметили, что международное сотрудничество в космосе - важная задача, его примером является взаимодействие по Международной космической станции. "Участие в иных международных проектах в космосе возможно исключительно на равноправной основе и при понимании Роскосмосом пользы от такой кооперации", - заявили в госкорпорации.

Там подчеркнули, что приоритеты РФ по освоению космоса определяются "обеспечением обороноспособности страны, использованием результатов космической деятельности в интересах экономики страны и продвижение научных исследований".

Накануне Дня космонавтики обозреватель «Комсомолки» Александр Милкус пригласил на Радио «КП» главного по космосу в нашей стране
Во-вторых, мы не сможем расширить наше рабочее пространство на МКС. А это крайне важно. Для сравнения. Американская часть МКС – 400 тонн, российская – 40 тонн. В 10 раз меньше.




By Marcia Smith | Posted: April 9, 2019 11:57 pm ET | Last Updated: April 10, 2019 12:24 am ET

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said today that NASA is dividing its human lunar exploration program into two phases.  Phase 1, to be completed by 2024 as directed by the White House, will focus on getting astronauts to the lunar surface fast.  Phase 2, by 2028, will focus on making the program sustainable. The plan itself remains the same as before, but the Administration will request funding to accelerate it by 4 years.

Bridenstine spoke at the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, CO.  He offered few new details on how NASA will fulfill its new mandate to land humans on the Moon in 5 years, but conveyed enthusiasm and confidence that NASA will succeed.

Since March 26 when Vice President Mike Pence, as chairman of the White House National Space Council, tasked NASA with that goal, Bridenstine has spoken to the NASA workforce and testified to two congressional committees, but provided little in the way of an actual plan.  Yesterday he announced that he is hiring Mark Sirangelo to develop a strategy and plan as well as lead a reorganization of the agency.

Today, however, he indicated that the plan is the same as it was prior to March 26, but now will happen in two phases.

In Phase 1, the focus is speed.  "We want to get those boots on the Moon as soon as possible. ... Anything that is a distraction fr om making that happen we're getting rid of."

That means getting the first launch of the Space Launch System (SLS) with an uncrewed Orion capsule, Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1), off the launch pad by the end of 2020.  A test flight of SLS and Orion, EM-1 has slipped repeatedly.  Until last month, it was on the books for June 2020, but prime contractor Boeing told NASA last month that it would slip again into 2021.  Instead of accepting a new delay, however, it appears to have been the catalyst for the current rush to speed up the schedule and look at alternatives to SLS.  Bridenstine since has reaffirmed the agency's commitment to SLS for EM-1 and insists EM-1 will launch by the end of next year, which would be a 6- month slip.  How Boeing will achieve that is unclear.  NASA officials have said the issues delaying the launch are technical and cannot be fixed by adding money. Apparently they are looking at changing some of the testing requirements, but nothing definitive has been announced yet.

Keeping to that schedule will be one key to fulfilling the "speed" of Phase 1, but there are many more.  The Orion spacecraft that will be used on EM-1 will not be outfitted with life support systems to support a crew.  The fully capable Orion, with a crew, will be flown on EM-2.  Bridenstine said only that EM-2 needs to be flown "as soon as possible."

The current architecture also requires development of a small space station in lunar orbit, the Gateway, where Orion will dock; a transfer vehicle to take astronauts fr om the Gateway to a lower lunar orbit; a descent vehicle to land them on the surface; an ascent vehicle to get them off the surface; and spacesuits to wear while they are on the surface. The Gateway just received its first funding in the FY2019 appropriations bill signed into law in January.  The other elements are conceptual.

NASA's plan was to do all that by 2028.  It now must do it by 2024. How much it will cost to accelerate the program is unknown.  The Administration is working on a revised budget request for FY2020 that will include that information.

Bridenstine still has 2028 as a milestone.  Phase 2 is "sustainabilty by 2028." 
That means reusability to reduce costs, a theme Bridenstine often invokes.  It also means commercial and international partners.  Canada is the only country that has already committed to working with NASA on the Gateway, though others have expressed interest.  They, like everyone else, were taken by surprise by the sudden White House decision to accelerate the program.

Congress has not agreed to the White House proposal yet. Congressional reaction so far ranges from skepticism to wait-and-see what the plan is and how much it will cost.  One concern is that NASA will take money from other parts of NASA to fund the Moon 2024 program.  Bridenstine made clear today that he has no plans to "cannibalize" other NASA programs.  NASA has a history of doing that, he said, but "it doesn't work" because it creates partisan discord and bipartisanship is essential to success.

Bridenstine reminded the audience today that Pence told him to get Moon-by-2024 done "by any means necessary" and that "the mission matters more than the means."

Pence also said that if NASA cannot do it, NASA must change, not the goal.

That certainly puts a lot of pressure on the agency, but Bridenstine is not deterred.  "NASA is committed. NASA has the people to achieve it. And when it is accomplished it will be an all-of-the-United-States accomplishment. And I am so grateful for all that we are about to do at this little agency we call NASA."

Last Updated: Apr 10, 2019 12:24 am ET


Bridenstine outlines two-phase approach for accelerated lunar return

COLORADO SPRINGS — NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said the agency's approach to moving up a human lunar landing from 2028 to 2024 will focus first on speed and then on sustainability.

In a plenary speech at the 35th Space Symposium here April 9, Bridenstine said the new approach the agency is developing in response to the goal of a human lunar landing in five years announced by Vice President Mike Pence two weeks ago will involve many of the same elements of NASA's original plans, but in a revised order.

"All of those elements that were necessary to getting humans to the surface of the moon in 2028, all those elements still exist. The plan is still the same," he said. That includes, he said, development of the Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft, a lunar Gateway in orbit around the moon, and lunar landers.

What will change, he said, is the schedule for developing some of those elements, which will be split into two phases. "The first phase is speed. We want to get those boots on the moon as soon as possible," he said. "Anything that is a distraction from making that happen we're getting rid of."

That emphasis on speed includes launching Exploration Mission (EM) 1, an uncrewed Orion test flight, on the first flight of the SLS in 2020, to be followed by the first crewed Orion mission, EM-2, "as soon as possible thereafter."

That phase will also include the lunar Gateway, although Bridenstine suggested it would initially incorporate only a fraction of the elements previously proposed for it by NASA and international partners. "The first elements of Gateway are focused exclusively on the surface of the moon," he said, specifically mentioning the Power and Propulsion Element NASA is currently reviewing proposals for, as well as a habitation module.

NASA is also changing its approach for developing lunar lander elements. NASA issued a solicitation in February as part of its Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program, seeking concepts for a transfer vehicle and a descent module. At the time agency officials said they planned to keep studies for the lander's ascent module, which would require human rating, within the agency.

However, on April 8 NASA announced it would soon issue another NextSTEP solicitation for ascent module concepts. That solicitation, which will likely start with study contracts but could soon lead to technology development awards, is designed "to enable rapid development and flight demonstrations of human lunar landers," the agency said its procurement filing.

NASA rushed through that new ascent module solicitation in just seven days, Bridenstine said. "We could have had it out in four days, but I put the brakes on it because I wanted to make sure we were heading in the right direction," he said. All three elements of the lunar landing system, he said, will be developed as public private partnerships.

The Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, wh ere NASA awarded contracts to nine companies developing commercial lunar landers that can carry agency payloads, will also factor into this phase. "We're focusing those capabilities on projects and science that can help us get humans to the surface of the moon, to the most valuable places on the surface of the moon, as soon as possible," he said.

A second phase of the lunar return effort would kick in after achieving that first human landing, he said, and would focus on long-term sustainability of the exploration architecture by 2028. He gave few details about that approach, but noted it would involve building out the Gateway and making sure key elements like the lunar landers are reusable.

"We're building a capability, we're building an architecture that's ultimately sustainable for the long run," he said. "All this was already planned for 2028. We're just going to accelerate pieces of it."

Bridenstine said little about the cost of this new approach, but confirmed earlier statements that the agency will provide an amended budget proposal to Congress in the near future. He hinted that NASA might ask international partners to contribute more or seek additional partners.

"We're going to be going back to Congress with an increased budget request," he said. "If we could maybe ask our international partners to step up a little more, that would be great as well."


Lockheed Martin offers architecture for 2024 human lunar landing

COLORADO SPRINGS — Lockheed Martin says it has developed an approach to achieving the goal of landing humans on the south pole of the moon by 2024, but warns that construction of essential hardware would have to start soon to meet that deadline.

In a briefing at the 35th Space Symposium here April 10, company officials said they can make extensive use of existing hardware to develop components like a scaled-down version of the lunar Gateway and a two-stage lunar lander on an accelerated schedule.

While many details have yet to be worked out, the basic elements of the plan, Lockheed argues, demonstrates that the ability to meet the 2024 deadline established March 26 by Vice President Mike Pence in a National Space Council speech is at least technically feasible, if challenging.

"This isn't the only way to accomplish this," said Rob Chambers, director of human spaceflight strategy and business development at Lockheed Martin. He called the approach the company described an "existence proof" that the overall goal is feasible. "The objective here is to lay out an architecture that moves the needle from 'is this possible' to 'okay, how do we do it best?'"

Lockheed's plan would diverge from NASA's old approach after Exploration Mission (EM) 1, an uncrewed test of the Orion spacecraft launched by the Space Launch System in 2020. The company proposes launching a "Phase 1" Gateway in 2022 consisting of just the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) and a small habitation module with docking ports. NASA expects to issue awards for the PPE in May, while the habitation module could be adapted from ongoing studies that are part of NASA's Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships, or NextSTEP, program.

That would be followed by EM-2, the first crewed Orion flight. While NASA's current architecture would have that mission go on a "free return" trajectory around the moon, in this plan the Orion would fly to and dock with the Gateway to check out its systems.

That would require modifying the Orion spacecraft for that mission to incorporate a docking system. "It looks credible and sensible that we could add the docking to EM-2," Chambers said. "It would allow us to test out operations from the Gateway."

The Lockheed Martin proposal calls for the development of a two-stage lunar lander with ascent and descent stages. The descent stage would be developed from concepts NASA solicited earlier this year through another part of the NextSTEP program. The ascent stage makes use of Orion components, such the pressure vessel, and a "built-to-print" version of the propulsion system for the Orion service module.

The two lander stages would launch separately on commercial launch vehicles to the Gateway by early 2024, wh ere they would be mated. Tim Cichan, space exploration architect at Lockheed Martin, said an alternative approach would be to launch them together on a single SLS.

In 2024, NASA would launch EM-3, an Orion carrying four astronauts to the Gateway. Some of all of them would board the lander — Cichan said the company is still studying how many people the lander can support — and go to the lunar surface. Those astronauts would likely spend several days in the vicinity of the lunar south pole before launching on the ascent module back to the Gateway, and then board Orion for the trip home.
While Lockheed Martin discussed the plan just 15 days after Pence's speech, work on the architecture presented started months ago. "We looked at what's the fastest we could go," Cichan said, which found that it could be done by 2024. However, he warned, "It's going to be a challenge."

To achieve the 2024 deadline, work on lander hardware would have to start next year, Chambers said. "We need to be bending metal next year, which means tooling already has to be in house, and I hope somebody ordered a bunch of aluminum," he said.

He compared its development schedule to the Orion spacecraft for EM-3, which NASA's schedules currently call for being ready for launch in August 2023. Work on the crew module will start this fall to meet that date, he said. The lander ascent stage, derived from Orion, would need to start production by early 2020 to be ready for launch in early 2024, which would give it enough time to be ready for a mission to the lunar surface before the end of 2024.

"By the end of this year there needs to be materials starting to show up and folks on contract to begin building to print what exists today that we can safely leverage," he said.

The company declined to estimate how much this accelerated approach would cost, in part because it depends on a number of factors. However, Chambers said it would require funding above earlier budget projections.

"We've all agreed it's not free," he said. "The current program of record can't be turned into a crewed landing in 2024 without some kind of additional resources for the human exploration activity."

NASA has also declined to estimate how much an accelerated program, be it like Lockheed's concept or an alternative architecture, would cost. Industry sources during the symposium estimated NASA would need perhaps $3–5 billion more per year to achieve a landing by 2024, but for now NASA is not offering any figures as it works on an amendment to its fiscal year 2020 budget proposal.

"We need to be ready by next week to have a consensus administration position on that," NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine told reporters at the Space Symposium April 9. That work will involve coordination with the Office of Management and Budget and the staff of the National Space Council before delivering a proposal to Congress. "Until we get to that point I don't want to put any numbers on the table."



Japan to announce participation in US lunar project by year-end

May 3, 2019 (Mainichi Japan)

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) -- Japan plans to announce by the end of the year it will participate in a U.S. project to build a lunar orbiting space station, science minister Masahiko Shibayama said Thursday.

Shibayama, the minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology, made the remark related to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Gateway project after meeting with the space agency's Administrator Jim Bridenstine in Washington.

"While taking into account developments in the United States and other related parties, we would like to advance coordination with the space policy committee and other related organizations (in Japan) so that we can announce our participation this year," Shibayama said at a press conference.

So far, Canada is the only country to have joined the NASA project involving the lunar Gateway, a space station that will be used as a base for lunar exploration, among other things.

Shibayama said the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is studying what kind of international coordination and technological contributions Japan can provide to the project.

The ministry is also brushing up Japan's "originality and strength" in science and technology as it prepares to join the effort, he said.

Shibayama said Bridenstine did not ask that Japan make specific contributions to the lunar Gateway.

In March, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence pledged to return American astronauts to the Moon by 2024 -- four years earlier than planned under the Gateway project -- raising questions about the future of a lunar space station.


However, NASA has not outlined in detail yet how it will meet the new goal or what is the budget required.

In a joint statement issued after Thursday's meeting, the Japanese ministry and NASA confirmed their interest in "accelerating discussion on lunar exploration, at the Gateway around the Moon and on the lunar surface to be developed along with international and commercial partners, as well as the appropriate mechanisms for such partnerships."

The two sides recognized "their shared long-term vision, based on the strong collaboration over several decades, for creating knowledge and expanding human presence deeper into space through sustainable exploration from low-Earth orbit to the Moon and beyond," the statement said.

Цитировать  https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine/status/1124079337102290951

22:32 - 2 мая 2019 г.

Honored to meet Mr. Masahiko Shibayama, Japan's Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology. We signed a Joint Letter of Intent to work together on the Gateway and lunar surface activities. Japan will be a critical partner as we go forward to the Moon!


NASA Administrator Signs Agreement with Japanese Minister (NHQ201905020003)
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, left, shakes hands with Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Masahiko Shibayama, just after signing an agreement, Thursday, May 2, 2019 at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

В СМИ на японском - https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190503-00000072-kyodonews-soci


ТОКИО, 3 мая. /ТАСС/. Правительство Японии намерено до конца года объявить о своем участии в международном проекте по созданию исследовательской станции на орбите Луны, идею которого выдвинуло Национальное управление США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA). Как сообщило в пятницу агентство Kyodo, об этом заявил министр образования, культуры, спорта, науки и технологий Японии Масахико Сибаяма.

"Принимая во внимание развитие ситуации [с лунной программой] в США и других странах, мы хотели бы усилить координацию с комитетом по политике освоения космоса при кабмине Японии, а также с рядом других организаций с тем, чтобы объявить о своем участии в этом проекте в течение этого года", - сказал он по итогам состоявшейся в Вашингтоне встречи с директором NASA Джимом Брайденстайном.
это Министр образования, культуры, спорта, науки и технологий - выше есть еще лица.

В Европе осенью собрание министров.

Твиттер - Minister IT, Science, technology and innovation , Space strategy, Intellectual property
Цитировать https://twitter.com/hiratakuchan/status/1124059115565854761

Meeting with Prof. Scott Pace, Secretary-General of National Space Policy Council. It was very fruitful to have information exchange between Japan and US on international space investigation such as "Gateway", industrial space promotion, and national security in space.

твитттер министра MEXT https://twitter.com/shiba_masa?lang=en

На данный момент в Пенсо-Трамповой Луне 2024 рассматривается к 2024 году станция с двумя модулями НАСА.
The plan also makes use of a minimal version of a lunar Gateway. Gerstenmaier said NASA was moving ahead with the Power and Propulsion Element, evaluating proposals submitted by industry in November. A selection, he said, should come this summer, with the unit launched by the end of 2022.

The only other element of the Gateway planned prior to a 2024 lunar landing is "some kind of docking/habitation small module," he said. "That is all that is needed to essentially support a lunar landing."
но пока нету вынесения в конгресс и на публику финансирования этой хотелки Трампа.


Трамп в рамках Трамповтык-2024 сократил свое предложение финансирования окололунной на 321 млн $

Цитировать https://spacepolicyonline.com/news/trump-requests-1-6-billion-plus-up-to-nasa-budget-to-return-americans-to-the-moon-by-2024/
While he said none came from inside NASA, the total does reflect a cut of $321 million from the Gateway program.  The Gateway is a small space station in lunar orbit that will be a transfer point for astronauts travelling between the Earth and the lunar surface. NASA is scaling it back to "minimal" capabilities so it can focus on the vehicles needed to get from the Gateway to the surface.  Bridenstine nevertheless went out of his way this evening to stress that it is a critical component of the lunar program and will grow over time, including international contributions.
Напомню ранее было в планах
Цитировать http://novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/forum/messages/forum10/topic15432/message1839033/#message1839033

А запрос на 2020 год больше чем рисовали циферки в прошлом году на 2020. 

Lunar Orbital Platform - Gateway 
2019 - 504.2 
2020 - 662.0 

FY 2019 Budget Request 
Lunar Orbital Platform - Gateway - 504.2 $ Millions 

FY 2020 Budget Request 
Gateway - 821.4 $ Millions

Цифры 321 наверное обусловлены цифрами 821
Типа сейчас та же самая цифра что и в прошлом году (а как же инфляция), но меньше чем рисовали на будущее.

Цитировать https://spacepolicyonline.com/news/moon-2024-gets-a-name-artemis/
One of the two most obvious changes is that the initial version of the Gateway will be minimal, with just the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) on which NASA has been working for several years, a docking port, and a minimal habitat.  Plans for larger habitats and other elements provided by international partners will remain on the 2028 track although Bill Gerstenmaier, the head of NASA's human spaceflight program, said that NASA's focus on landing by 2024 does not preclude the partners from providing their Gateway contribution sooner than 2028 if they wish.

На мой взгляд американцы говоря о сокращении программы состава станции в рамках рывка говорят только о своих модулях, и Европе так и так придется в срок делать ESPRIT если они согласятся участвовать (а решения пока нету). Вопрос конечно на какие деньги международные партнеры будут выводить, но наверное на это деньги найдут.

Да и что там американцам сокращать - сдвигать финансирование и сроки создания своего жилого модуля, и выкручиваться со шлюзом для людей?

Жилой еще должны делать Европейцы с Японцами...


Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
ЦитироватьNASA's full Artemis plan revealed: 37 launches and a lunar outpost
 Still missing? The total cost. And that's probably by design.
 ERIC BERGER - 5/20/2019, 4:53 PM

 Enlarge / NASA's "notional" plan for a human return to the Moon by 2024, and an outpost by 2028.
На картинке по строительству (не снабжению): не SLS PPE (2022), Mini-HAB (2023), c 2024 новая версия SLS - HAB... (2025) Arm (2027)

Т.к. попадалось в русскоязычной про Northrop Grumman

19:00 - 8 мая 2019 г.

In preparation for a return to the Moon by 2024 and on to Mars, NASA is evaluating prototypes of deep space habitats developed by several American companies. Join us live tomorrow at 1 pm CT with @NorthropGrumman to learn more about their proposed habitat! http://facebook.com/NASAJSC 

Цитировать  https://twitter.com/NASA_Johnson/status/1126517214541230085
16:00 - 9 мая 2019 г.
Astronauts are testing @NorthropGrumman's deep space habitat prototype, one of several in development by American companies in preparation for a lunar return by 2024. Join us at 1 pm CT as we go live with Northrop Grumman to learn more about their habitat! http://facebook.com/NASAJSC 

Цитировать https://twitter.com/Astro_Raja/status/1126678526005075968
02:41 - 10 мая 2019 г.
Haven't posted in awhile. That's because we've been busy testing out designs ⁦@NASA_Johnson⁩ for the Lunar Gateway that ⁦@NASA_Orion⁩ will fly to. https://www.facebook.com/147277145962732/posts/324457321578046?sfns=mo ...
Designed to test the ergonomics, feature layout and functional compatibility with basic "day-in-the-life" astronaut tasks for potential long-term use as a part of the future Lunar Gateway in cislunar space, the habitat mockup necessarily incorporated all core elements that would eventually be needed by a four-person Orion crew: sleep stations, a galley, crew exercise equipment and of course accommodations for science, a robotics workstations and life support systems.

In particular, the modules evaluated included a 14-foot (4-meter) wide habitat, a 10-foot (3-meter) wide habitat and an airlock/tunnel mockup.
Designed and fabricated by Northrop Grumman over the past 18 months, the multi-module habitat mockup was produced as a part of NASA's Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships-2 (NextSTEP-2) program, an initiative that invited multiple commercial partners to envision and produce test articles for consideration and evaluation of design approaches and features for possible adoption and use in future programs; other firms participating in the program include Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Sierra Nevada Corporation and Bigelow Aerospace.

Testing of the five submissions began in late March, with evaluations expected to take several months to complete.

Цитировать https://twitter.com/NASA_Johnson/status/1126946485252308993
20:25 - 10 мая 2019 г.
Special delivery! As we prepare to return to the Moon by 2024, American companies are developing deep space habitat prototypes. Today's arrival? @SierraNevCorp's inflatable hab concept, ready for astronaut testing!


На трамповскую Луну-2024 как будто не обращают внимание, но бюджет НАСА увеличен
Цитировать https://spacepolicyonline.com/news/fy2020-nasa-funding-bill-moves-forward-to-full-committee-markup-next-week/

By Marcia Smith | Posted: May 17, 2019 6:44 pm ET | Last Updated: May 18, 2019 6:07 pm ET

NASA's FY2020 funding bill was approved at subcommittee level today.  It will be considered by the full House Appropriations Committee next week.  The bill boosts NASA's funding to $22.32 billion from its current level of $21.50 billion, but ignores the Trump Administration's Artemis Moon 2024 initiative.  Most of the increase is for science programs.

Little was said about NASA during the brief Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) subcommittee markup this morning.  The CJS bill covers the Departments of Commerce and Justice as well as NASA and the National Science Foundation.  The most controversial issues are in non-NASA portions of the bill, such as 2020 Census that will be conducted by the Commerce Department.

The draft bill provides $73.985 billion for all the activities under its jurisdiction.  The NASA portion is $22.32 billion, an increase of $815 million over NASA's current funding level.  The committee released a draft of the bill, which shows the top-level figures for NASA's appropriations accounts.
или https://spacepolicyonline.com/news/draft-house-approps-bill-gives-nasa-more-money-but-ignores-artemis/

Трамп еще и "свинью подложил" - дал администратору НАСА самостоятельно переносить между программами деньги


By Marcia Smith | Posted: May 16, 2019 9:58 am ET | Last Updated: May 16, 2019 7:07 pm ET
The budget amendment not only requests $1.6 billion more for FY2020, but authority for the NASA Administrator to move money at his discretion this year, in future years, and from funds appropriated in prior years. It promises to be one of several sticking points in getting Congress to agree to accelerating a return to the Moon.

The language in the supplemental budget request would allow the NASA Administrator to transfer funds to support "establishment of a United States strategic presence on the Moon."
Ради картинки EM-3 Artemis 3 (новое название https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/17/18627839/nasa-administrator-jim-bridenstine-artemis-moon-program-budget-amendment )
Цитировать https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine/status/1130566794962513921

20:11 - 20 мая 2019 г. 

Want to supply the lunar Gateway? @NASA will work w/ US industry to deliver cargo (food/water/experiments/etc), critical supplies for orbital outpost to support astronauts on the surface for #Moon2024! Interested businesses can learn more: https://go.nasa.gov/2JSPBEX 

И обновление запроса по снабжению станции
 Modified: May 20, 2019 3:51 pmTrack Changes

As part of the Artemis lunar exploration program, NASA anticipates releasing in mid-June, a draft Request for Proposals for Gateway logistic deliveries, followed by an Industry Day on June 26, 2019 at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA is targeting the first logistics delivery by 2024 to the established Gateway in lunar orbit. This commercial delivery will support activities for the agency's accelerated return to the surface of the Moon within five years. Companies will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with NASA to discuss the solicitation and requirements June 26 and 27, 2019. Interested parties should continue to monitor FedBizOpps for more information and schedule updates.


Working with U.S. industry and international partners, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is leading the development of the first permanent cislunar outpost, known as the Gateway. The outpost will provide a platform to conduct long-term deep space operations, capability demonstrations to enable future exploration, and meaningful science on and around the Moon. The Gateway's core functions will include power and propulsion, communications, periodic crew habitation, robotics, an airlock, and logistics resupply capabilities. The logistics resupply capabilities are being procured by Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and will be the means by which services are provided for transporting cargo, equipment and consumables to and from the Gateway. Accordingly, KSC is hereby seeking information from interested parties to determine industry capabilities and to assist the Government in refining the acquisition strategy and requirements for providing Gateway Logistics Services via a Logistics Module. It is anticipated that the acquisition will draw on commercial space cargo servicing capabilities and launch vehicle services currently available in the market and under development. This SSN is only open to responses from U.S. companies. This upcoming procurement from NASA is for U.S. domestic provided logistics module services only. NASA is anticipating future international Gateway partners to contribute logistic services as well, with details to be worked out at a later date.

The Logistics Module must deliver pressurized and/or unpressurized cargo to the Lunar Gateway located in a Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO) beginning no earlier than 2024 (dependent on development and/or launch of other Gateway modules). It is expected that the initial requirement will be for three missions, with a single mission expected to deliver up to 5 metric tons of pressurized cargo and 2.6 metric tons of unpressurized cargo. The first Logistics Module may be required to transport a Robotic Arm as unpressurized cargo. The Logistics Module must include guidance and navigation, power generation, and propulsion to enable autonomous docking to a port on the Utilization Module or Habitat Modules via an International Docking System Standard (IDSS) compliant docking port. Once docked, the module will be used by crew primarily for stowage volume, trash stowage, and trash disposal. In addition, the module will depart the Gateway and perform self-disposal without assistance after a period of no more than three years of cislunar space operations. It is anticipated that the first two logistics missions will launch the Logistics Module using commercial launch vehicles, but after Gateway assembly, the Space Launch System (SLS) may be available for co-manifested logistics delivery.

И немного скринов из ролика
We Are Going

Опубликовано: 14 мая 2019 г.

внезапно стилистическое изображение Air шлюза - около слова GATEWAY 

и ранее в ролике

 @ SpcPlcyOnline
14:18 - 21 мая 2019 г.

Sirangelo is presenting the new 2024 plan and how it differs from 2028 plan.




на одной PPE, а на другой внезапно SEP ....


Прямая трансляции заявление директора НАСА 


Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
ЦитироватьMay 23, 2019
 RELEASE 19-042

 NASA Awards Artemis Contract for Lunar Gateway Power, Propulsion

 The power and propulsion element provides a communications relay capability for NASA's Gateway, enabling it to serve as a mobile command and service module for human and robotic expeditions to the lunar surface.
 Credits: NASA

In one of the first steps of the agency's Artemis lunar exploration plans, NASA announced on Thursday the selection of Maxar Technologies, formerly SSL, in Westminster, Colorado, to develop and demonstrate power, propulsion and communications capabilities for NASA's lunar Gateway .

"The power and propulsion element is the foundation of Gateway and a fine example of how partnerships with U.S. companies can help expedite NASA's return to the Moon with the first woman and next man by 2024," said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. "It will be the key component upon which we will build our lunar Gateway outpost, the cornerstone of NASA's sustainable and reusable Artemis exploration architecture on and around the Moon."

The power and propulsion element is a high-power, 50-kilowatt solar electric propulsion spacecraft – three times more powerful than current capabilities. As a mobile command and service module, the Gateway provides a communications relay for human and robotic expeditions to the lunar surface, starting at the Moon's South Pole.

 The power and propulsion element of NASA's Gateway is a high-power, 50-kilowatt solar electric propulsion spacecraft – three times more powerful than current capabilities.
 Credits: NASA

This firm-fixed price award includes an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity portion and carries a maximum total value of $375 million. The contract begins with a 12-month base period of performance and is followed by a 26-month option, a 14-month option and two 12-month options.

Spacecraft design will be completed during the base period, after which the exercise of options will provide for the development, launch, and in-space flight demonstration. The flight demonstration will last as long as one year, during which the spacecraft will be fully owned and operated by Maxar. Following a successful demonstration, NASA will have the option to acquire the spacecraft for use as the first element of the Gateway. NASA is targeting launch of the power and propulsion element on a commercial rocket in late 2022.

"We're excited to demonstrate our newest technology on the power and propulsion element. Solar electric propulsion is extremely efficient, making it perfect for the Gateway," said Mike Barrett, power and propulsion element project manager at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. "This system requires much less propellant than traditional chemical systems, which will allow the Gateway to move more mass around the Moon, like a human landing system and large modules for living and working in orbit."

Charged with returning to the Moon within five years, NASA's lunar exploration plans are based on a two-phase approach: the first is focused on speed – landing on the Moon by 2024 – while the second will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028. We then will use what we learn on the Moon to prepare to send astronauts to Mars.

For more information about NASA's Moon to Mars exploration plans, visit:

 Last Updated: May 23, 2019
Editor: Karen Northon


Версия ТАСС как всегда оригинальна

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 23 мая. /ТАСС/. Национальное управление США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) выбрало компании, которые будут участвовать в разработке и создании окололунной станции Gateway, необходимой для обеспечения стратегического присутствия США в космосе. Об этом заявил в четверг директор NASA Джим Брайденстайн, выступая во Флоридском институте технологии.

"Gateway - это небольшая станция с командным модулем многоразового использования, которая будет находиться на окололунной орбите на протяжении 15 лет", - отметил он, подчеркнув, что эта станция "необходима для обеспечения стратегического присутствия - использования роботов, посадочных ступеней и, конечно, астронавтов". По его словам, цель состоит в том, чтобы вернуть американских астронавтов на поверхность Луны к 2024 году.

"Мы отправляемся на Луну в сотрудничестве с частными компаниями и с нашими международными партерами", - заявил директор NASA,
напомнив при этом, что "у США с Россией с 1975 года существуют рабочие отношения в области космических исследований". "За прошедшие годы в этих отношениях возникали перерывы, однако в целом это исключительно важный канал для поддержания связей", - отметил он.
только модуля, иначе выбрали уже давным давно

РИА только Рогозин в МГУ

Стоило покритиковать, так чуточку исправили
Цитировать https://tass.ru/kosmos/6465182
 По его словам, компания Maxar Technologies, занимающаяся изготовлением спутников, в рамках программы исследований Луны Artemis создаст энергетический модуль и двигательную систему для Gateway, что позволит осуществлять маневры и таким образом обеспечить доступ к различным районам Луны. Двигатель будет использовать электроэнергию, полученную от солнечных батарей. Директор NASA уточнил, что энергетический модуль и двигательный отсек могут быть запущены в конце 2022 года и станут первыми элементами станции Gateway.
"Мы отправляемся на Луну в сотрудничестве с частными компаниями и с нашими международными партерами", - заявил директор NASA, напомнив при этом, что "у США с Россией с 1975 года существуют рабочие отношения в области космических исследований". "За прошедшие годы в этих отношениях возникали перерывы, однако у нас была стыковка кораблей Apollo и "Союз", была программа Space Shuttle, осуществляется программа эксплуатации Международной космической станции, и все это - исключительно важный канал для поддержания связей, - заявил он. - Вне зависимости от геополитической ситуации мы способны продолжать совместно действия в космосе, и это исключительно важный аспект как для всех, связанных с космосом, - как в нашей стране, так и в России".

В новость были внесены изменения (22:52 мск)  -  добавлена информация по тексту .
Уговорили не прятать под кат Россию - раз Роскосмос все отлынивает, хоть так напоминание что зовут  ;)  

Хотя одно и тоже печатает ТАСС - кажется кто-то специально вставляет, т.к. явно одну Россию и так часто упоминать он не будет.

Но лучше ТАСС и не читать:
Двигатель будет использовать электроэнергию, полученную от солнечных батарей.   - вот только он не только благодаря энергии от солнца будет летать, там и горючее будет.
или эта станция "необходима для обеспечения стратегического присутствия - использования роботов, посадочных ступеней и, конечно, астронавтов"

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 23 мая. /ТАСС/. Создание энергетического модуля и электродинамического двигателя для окололунной станции Gateway станет первым шагом в реализации американской программы исследований Луны, получившей название Artemis ("Артемида" ). Об этом сообщил в четверг на пресс-конференции в Вашингтоне заместитель главы Национального управления США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) Уильям Герстенмайер. Трансляция его выступления шла на сайте NASA.

"Мы фактически приступили к реализации директивы по космической политике, изданной президентом Дональдом Трампом, - отметил он. - Мы сделали первый шаг в реализации программы Artemis по исследованиям Луны. Создание энергетического модуля и электродинамического двигателя, питающегося от солнечных батарей, позволит нам начать строительство окололунной станции Gateway, которая со временем даст возможность доступа к любой точке на поверхности Луны".

Как отмечалось на пресс-конференции, масса первого модуля составит около 5 тыс. кг, а мощность электродинамического двигателя, питающегося от солнечных батарей - около 50 кВт. За счет этой двигательной установки Gateway, срок эксплуатации которого определен в 15 лет, сможет осуществлять коррекцию орбиты. На первом модуле, как ожидается, будет установлен также дистанционный манипулятор и стыковочный узел. Размеры модуля для Gateway позволяют использовать для его доставки на орбиту - предположительно в конце 2022 года - различные типы ракет-носитетелей.

Ранее NASA объявило о том, что новая программа высадки астронавтов на Луну будет называться "Артемида".
манипулятор кажись маленький.
А Gateway опять переименуют?


19:58 - 23 мая 2019 г.
NASA Gateway manager confirms Gateway is mandatory for 2024 lunar landing. If Gateway elements are delayed, no 2024 lunar landing. #Gateway #NASA
Цитировать https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1131637782655320064
19:07 - 23 мая 2019 г.
No formal decision has been made on the commercial rocket which will launch the PPE element of the Gateway. #NASA #Moon2024
Видео с речью администратора
18:01 - 23 мая 2019 г.
The Gateway's latest design (the design has been changed more times than I've had hot dinners, but this makes sense per the latest requirements).
tnt22 пишет:

NASA Administrator Speaks at Florida Institute of Technology Event

NASA Video
Опубликовано: 23 мая 2019 г.

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine delivered remarks and spoke to media Thursday, May 23, at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne.


Powering our Return to the Moon   Доступ по ссылке   60 просмотров


Дата загрузки: 23 мая 2019 г.

NASA announces the first partnership of its kind with MAXAR Technologies to power the future lunar orbiting station. For more information visit NASA.gov/moontomars
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NASA selects Maxar to build first Gateway element
by Jeff Foust — May 23, 2019
The contract is a firm fixed-price contract with a total value of $375 million. The contract includes a 12-month base period and a series of options that covers the development, launch and in-space testing of the PPE. The element will be owned by Maxar throughout the contract, at the end of which NASA will have the option to purchase it for use on the Gateway. The $375 million contract value assumes all options, including purchase of the spacecraft, are exercised.

The award is a boon for Maxar, which once relied almost entirely on commercial satellite business, principally large geostationary communications satellites. The company has shifted to more government business, and different types of missions, as the commercial GEO market entered an extended drought. Maxar said the PPE will be based on the 1300-series satellite bus it also offers for commercial customers.

"Our power and propulsion element partnership enables NASA to leverage Maxar's commercial capabilities to cost-effectively expedite plans for sustainable exploration of the moon, while also providing significant benefits to American industry," said Dan Jablonsky, chief executive of Maxar, in a statement.

Maxar is partnering with Blue Origin and Draper on the PPE. In a call with reporters after the announcement, Maxar vice president Mike Gold said that Blue Origin will be working with "human-rated systems" for the spacecraft, while Draper will be responsible for navigation and trajectories for the spacecraft. "And I think you can expect more partners to join the team in the not too distant future."

While Blue Origin is part of the team, Gold said that Maxar hasn't sel ected a launch service provider for the PPE. The spacecraft will weigh 5,000 kilograms at launch, requiring the use of a large launch vehicle. "We look forward at looking at various options," he said.

Path to the PPE
 The award was the outcome of NASA and industry studies dating back two years, when NASA was considering what was then called the Deep Space Gateway in lunar orbit to support planning for future Mars missions. The PPE has remained a part of the Gateway as both its design and mission changed.

NASA awarded study contracts in November 2017 to Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Orbital ATK (now Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems), Sierra Nevada Space Systems and Space Systems Loral (now Maxar.) Some of those companies had been working on earlier concepts for the now-defunct Asteroid Redirect Mission, which would have used a robotic spacecraft also powered by solar electric propulsion to bring a small boulder from a near Earth asteroid back to cislunar space.

Last September, NASA issued a broad agency announcement (BAA) requesting proposals for the development and testing of the PPE. Under the BAA, NASA is not procuring the module itself, but rather supporting the construction and launch of the module, followed by a year of in-space testing. At the end of that year of tests, NASA has the option to then acquire the PPE for use in the Gateway.

Proposals were due to NASA in November, and the agency had planned to make awards in March. The five-week government shutdown delayed the award, and also delayed the expected launch date of the PPE fr om September to December 2022.


NASA gave companies flexibility to leverage existing commercial satellite designs for the PPE. "We realized that the Power and Propulsion Element was very similar to a communications satellite bus, so we purposely removed almost all of our typical requirements that we place for a human element, a power and propulsion bus, so we could take advantage of what the communications industry already has in place," Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for human exploration and operations, said in February.
Michele Gates, NASA's PPE director, said the agency selected Maxar's proposed spacecraft because it "offered significant experience leveraged through heritage design and proven development approach" as well as "significant augmented performance" in areas like power generation and fuel storage. Those factors, as well as Maxar's management approach to risk reduction, "were really outstanding components of this capability."

NASA officials had previously suggested that it might procure more than one PPE, but elected to award a contract only to Maxar. Gates said that that Maxar proposal offered "abundant value to NASA" at the given price. Making only one award, she said, "was in the agency's best interest."


Bridenstine: Canada already is on board for 24 yr period of time.  Canadarm3 on Gateway and someday will need their arm on the surface.  That's a separate negotiation. Talking to Europe, Japan, Russia.

Bridenstine:  by 2024 all we'll have is PPE and a utilization module.  That's Gateway Phase 1.
Yes, intl partners will be involved in this from the beginning.


WESTMINSTER, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Maxar Technologies (NYSE:MAXR) (TSX:MAXR), a global technology innovator powering the new space economy, today announced it has been selected by NASA to build and perform a spaceflight demonstration of the lunar Gateway's power and propulsion element spacecraft. Blue Origin and Draper will join the Maxar-led team in designing, building and operating the spacecraft through the demonstration period. The power and propulsion element is a key component to NASA's overall plans to land American astronauts on the surface of the Moon by 2024, and will be the first segment of the Gateway tested in space.

Maxar previously conducted a four-month study to develop affordable and innovative electric-propulsion-enabled concepts for the power and propulsion element spacecraft. Building on the successful completion of the study, Maxar has been selected to proceed with development. The power and propulsion element will provide power, maneuvering, attitude control, communications systems and initial docking capabilities. Maxar is currently targeting launch of the element on a commercial rocket by late 2022.
"Maxar Space Solutions is proud to play a critical role in enabling American astronauts to build a sustainable presence on the Moon. Our power and propulsion element partnership enables NASA to leverage Maxar's commercial capabilities to cost-effectively expedite plans for sustainable exploration of the Moon, while also providing significant benefits to American industry," said Dan Jablonsky, Maxar CEO. "As a valuable part of Maxar, our Space Solutions group serves the global commercial and U.S. government satellite market."
This firm-fixed price award includes an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity portion and carries a maximum total value of $375 million. Following a successful demonstration period of up to one-year, NASA could acquire the spacecraft for use as the first element of the Gateway.
"The Gateway will give us a strategic presence on and around the Moon. It will drive our activity with commercial and international partners and help us explore the entire lunar surface and its resources," said William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator, Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "We will ultimately translate that experience toward human missions to Mars."
Maxar's power and propulsion element design is based on our powerful 1300-class platform, which provides flexibility for a broad range of applications and technological advances. There are 91 spacecraft based on the 1300 currently on orbit for commercial operators – more than any other model of communications satellite. Maxar's 1300-class spacecraft platform is also the basis for NASA's Psyche mission, which will explore an all-metal asteroid beyond Mars in 2026, and NASA's Restore-L spacecraft, which will refuel the Landsat-7 satellite in 2022.

High-power solar electric propulsion will be used to efficiently maneuver the power and propulsion element into its orbit and subsequently move the Gateway between lunar orbits over its lifetime to maximize NASA's science and exploration operations. Maxar's extensive experience with solar electric propulsion includes 36 spacecraft on-orbit today and more than 100,000 hours of firing time.

A key element of Maxar's power and propulsion element design is the Roll Out Solar Array (ROSA). ROSA is a groundbreaking, compact, modular and scalable solar array system that rolls up for launch instead of folding like an accordion. ROSA is a highly mass-efficient, qualified technology that can be scaled up to 200kW and above for high-power operations. ROSA was successfully tested on the International Space Station in 2017 and is available for use on all of Maxar's spacecraft platforms.
И просто часть пресс релизов или из них
Цитировать http://investor.maxar.com/investor-news/press-release-details/2018/Maxars-SSL-Selected-by-NASA-to-Develop-Critical-Technologies-for-On-Orbit-Servicing-and-Space-Exploration/default.aspx

Maxar's SSL Selected by NASA to Develop Critical Technologies for On-Orbit Servicing and Space Exploration
October 01, 2018
As a trusted partner to NASA, SSL will enhance its leading solar electric propulsion capability, advance reliable in-orbit fuel transfer

PALO ALTO, CA, Oct. 1, 2018 /CNW/ - SSL, a Maxar Technologies company (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.) (NYSE: MAXR) (TSX: MAXR), and a leading provider of innovative satellites and spacecraft systems, announced today it was selected by NASA for two separate public-private partnerships to develop two vital "Tipping Point" spacecraft technologies. NASA's Tipping Point awards are designed to foster the development of commercial space capabilities and benefit future NASA missions. A technology is considered by NASA to be at a tipping point if an investment in a demonstration is likely to result in a high likelihood of infusion into a commercial space application, and significant improvement in the ability to successfully bring the technology to market.

The company will collaborate with NASA on developments to accelerate innovation for the new space economy and for future exploration missions. The two technologies aim to expand the capabilities and resiliency of spacecraft through in-orbit refueling for electric propulsion and enabling space transportation with highly efficient, high-power solar electric propulsion. These innovations demonstrate SSL's ongoing commitment to, and expanding role in, the development of next-generation space infrastructure.

In-Space Xenon Transfer for Satellite, Servicing and Exploration Vehicle Replenishment and Life Extension will unlock new possibilities for on-orbit servicing and refueling by demonstrating that fuel transfer can be performed reliably in space.

High Efficiency 6kW Dual Mode Electric Propulsion Engine for Broad Mission Applications technology will leverage SSL's long history of innovation in electric propulsion to develop a highly flexible, dual-mode power processing unit capable of providing variable voltage, increasing overall mission efficiency and providing greater power, flexibility, and velocity for future missions.
 ROSA - http://www.satmagazine.com/story.php?number=783947907
Цитировать http://sslmda.com/html/pressreleases/2017-11-15-SSL-selected-to-conduct-power-and-propulsion-study-for-NASAs-deep-space-gateway-concept.php

SSL Selected to Conduct Power and Propulsion Study for NASA's Deep Space Gateway Concept
Continuing a legacy of bringing benefits of commercial capabilities to its missions, SSL proven systems considered for lunar orbiting spaceport

PALO ALTO, Calif. – November 15, 2017
Цитировать https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-s-lunar-outpost-will-extend-human-presence-in-deep-space

May 2, 2018

NASA's Lunar Outpost will Extend Human Presence in Deep Space
Цитировать http://investor.maxar.com/investor-news/press-release-details/2019/Maxar-Selected-by-NASA-to-Study-Future-Space-Communications-Architecture-and-Services/default.aspx

Maxar Selected by NASA to Study Future Space Communications Architecture and Services
May 16, 2019
WESTMINSTER, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Maxar Technologies (NYSE:MAXR) (TSX:MAXR), a U.S.-based global technology innovator powering the new space economy, today announced that it has been selected by NASA to study future systems that could revolutionize NASA's space-based communications architecture through innovative technologies and commercial partnerships. The future architecture would be used for scientific and human exploration missions in Earth orbit, at the Moon, and throughout the solar system beginning in the mid-2020s.

Maxar's Mike Gold:  haven't decided on a launch vehicle.  Have lots of good choices.
Blue Origin will support human rated activities.
Draper will do navigation, orbital trajectories.
Team effort.

Maxar's Mike Gold:  we expect robust cislunar economic market with lots of tugs, so we view this as just the first PPE order.

Bridenstine:  we're buying a service to get astronauts to lunar surface and back, we're not owning the hardware.
Also will have CLPS robotic landers — buying that as a service, small PL to surface of the Moon as early as next year.

Bridenstine: SLS/Orion is only system that gives us chance of getting there in 2024.

Bridenstine: we're procuring it commercially.  We'll take possession after it's on orbit.  Big change.

Через много часов и только после виртуальной высадки на Луну, РИА решила написать наверное это стоит в стоп листе, печатать после корректировок определенными лицами, но там бред
Фактически эта инициатива теперь будет разделена на две части из-за того, что высшее руководство США недавно решило ускорить темпы ее реализации и вернуть астронавтов на Луну не в 2028 году, как планировалось изначально, а в 2024 году. Еще одной причиной подобного решения могло стать то, что разработка сверхтяжелой ракеты SLS сильно отстает от графика — она может быть не готова ни через три года, ни через пять лет.
Все это заставило НАСА перенести запуск фактически всех модулей LOP-G на более поздние сроки и ускорить разработку главного элемента станции — силового и двигательного модуля PPE. По сути, он будет представлять собой крупный космический корабль, оснащенный ионным двигателем, чья мощность составит рекордные 50 киловатт, где смогут короткое время жить два астронавта.
Россия упоминается
ЦитироватьПоследующие переговоры между Москвой и Вашингтоном зашли в тупик, так как российскую сторону не устроила ее роль в этом проекте. Часть этих проблем была урегулирована в ходе первой встречи Дмитрия Рогозина и Брайденстайна в октябре прошлого года, однако США так и не отказались от намерения создавать LOP-G как "американский", а не "международный проект".
Отношения в очередной раз обострились в начале зимы после того, как глава НАСА сначала пригласил Дмитрия Рогозина посетить США, а потом был вынужден отказаться от этой идеи под давлением конгрессменов. Это в очередной раз поставило под вопрос российское участие в проекте.


Цитировать https://ria.ru/20190528/1554963472.html

МОСКВА,28 мая – РИА Новости. .... рассказал генеральный директор "Роскосмоса", специальный представитель президента России по вопросам международного сотрудничества в области космоса Дмитрий Рогозин.
— Будем ли мы сотрудничать с НАСА в освоении Луны, учитывая, что они вместо окололунной станции планируют сосредоточиться на национальной программе высадки на Луну?

— Будем ли мы при этом сотрудничать с НАСА? Считаю это абсолютно естественным и необходимым. Вопрос в конкретных формах и проектах.
Если сейчас для США ключевой рубежной целью становится пилотируемая миссия на поверхность в 2024 году, то возникает много вопросов относительно параметров программы Gateway — по срокам, архитектуре и так далее. В лучшем случае она отодвигается на второй план, в худшем — начинает выглядеть как ненужный элемент, влекущий дополнительные расходы и снижение надежности из-за множества операций вдали от Земли. Поэтому сейчас мяч на стороне американцев. Когда они определятся с компоновкой программы Gateway, будет почва для обсуждения. Откровенно говоря, пока все выглядит так, что с каждым новым президентом меняются приоритеты в космосе. Это затрудняет сотрудничество не меньше, чем политическая напряженность.
Станция это реальность и даже в планах высадки в 2024 году. Шлюз который может сделать Россия для станции с самого начала стоял после 2025 года. Своих полетов у России до 2025 года к станции не было запланировано.

Когда они определятся то тех кто не участвовал в определении - их не будет. И при таком отношении этого желанного равенства Ранее глава "Роскосмоса" заявлял, что Россия готова участвовать в создании окололунной станции Gateway только на равных с США. не будет

Ох Умора. НАСА опубликовало ролик в тот же день публикации
Опубликовано: 28 мая 2019 г.

We are building a coalition of nations that can help us get to the Moon quickly and sustainably. Together.

We have a bold vision to go back to the Moon by 2024. As we work towards this goal, we welcome a growing list of international and commercial partners.
It is the partnerships over the last 60 years that have ensured the steady progress. With Mars on the horizon, together we can explore more of our solar system and share in the advances and the knowledge that will come. 

We go, together.
Мы идем вместе
В ролике представители агентств: Канадское, Японское, Германское, ЕКА, Французское
И все рисуют шлюз в российском представлении.